#Daily Luigi
lilsilly1 · 2 days
Special Daily Luigi!
This is Luigi.
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but have you ever wondered what would be hidden in this tiny pocket?...
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Oh! seems like it's full of tini papers!
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What would be written in those...?
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Oh! how sweet!
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Seems like he has another word for us...
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yourdailymariogif · 1 month
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Your (third) daily Mario gif.
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captainmolasses · 9 months
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Drawing this made me realize two of my faves are green and electric.
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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randomwithinfandom · 2 years
This going to be terrible for my first post. But here we go.
Okay so when the first trailer came out, I was like analyzing Luigi's bit. The scene where he runs into a castle from dry bones. I was sitting there like, "that's not a haunted mansion, that has to be Bowser's castle". AND I WAS RIGHT, but let me show you my new analysis.
So I've deduced by Luigis mustache that:
1) the cage scene is before they meet face to face.
2) that face caress is after Bowser pulls out a hair of Luigis mustache.
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I know people were worried that the cage scene was after the face to face.
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daily-green-character · 8 months
~ Day 2! ~
Today’s daily green character is:
Luigi Mario from the Mario Franchise!! 👻💚
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lovers-lake · 4 months
Day 14's high f/o is Prince Peasley
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legobiwan · 4 months
Mario and Luigi for the drabble, “When I’m with you, I’m home.”
I realized I'm answering this one out of order. Whoops! Anyway, have some pre-Mushroom Kingdom conversations and lore-building as your author reminisces about the New York of the '90s.
He wonders, sometimes, what their lives would have looked like if they had never left Brooklyn.
Barring a miracle - pretty bleak, in all honesty. Maybe being here, in the Mushroom Kingdom, was the miracle. He remembers the frenzied few days leading up to their disappearance. The previous few months had been a mess of unpaid bills and awful business decisions governed solely by spite and fear. They were probably a few months of missed rent payments away from eviction. They were definitely two days away from getting their kneecaps bashed in by some loan shark’s goons. 
He and Mario had gone for a walk, all the way down to Coney Island, 75th to Stillwell to Bowery, to the decrepit-looking Wonder Wheel and a depressingly empty Nathan’s Hot Dogs. It looked like the last of the hotels, some once-bright vestige of his mother’s era, had finally been condemned, tall wire fencing curling up towards the grey winter sky, a perfunctory guard which did nothing to keep out the local graffiti artists and homeless population. 
Luigi jammed his hands into his jean pockets, shivering. He couldn’t tell if he was freezing or terrified.
“What are we gonna do, Mario? We can’t stay here. If he doesn’t get us, the landlord will. You see how they’re starting to develop all that stuff around 86th Street. It’s going to travel north and we’re already behind two months in rent. We can’t stay in Bensonhurst.” Luigi sighed, little frozen puffs of air floating from his mouth. “I don’t even know if we can stay in Brooklyn at this rate.”
It was a miracle they weren’t out on the streets already. For once, their landlord’s habit of sitting around with a bottle of Thunderbird watching Honeymooners reruns and screaming at “that bum El Duque” to throw more strikes fell to their advantage. Sure, there was no such thing as maintenance in the dilapidated six-floor walk-up. But they were plumbers, tradesmen - a leaky faucet or misbehaving shower wasn’t going to be an issue.
Unfortunately, they weren’t also exterminators. 
Mario took a large bite of his hotdog, mustard splattering on the gum-stained sidewalk. It looked like something they’d hang in one of those trendy galleries that kept popping up in lower Manhattan, down around Houston Street. 
“We’re gonna be fine, Lou,” Mario said between bites, bits of bun falling from his mouth.
“We’re gonna end up homeless.” Or missing our kneecaps. Or worse.
Mario crammed the last of his dinner in his mouth, finishing off the hot dog with a few loud chews. He gave a contented sigh, licking at his greasy fingers before wiping his hands on his pants. “No, we’re not gonna be homeless. I’ve told you a million times, Lou, we could be in a cardboard box under the Van Wyck. When we’re together - “ Mario slung an arm around Luigi’s shoulder, pulling him in tight. “When I’m with you - I’m home. We’re unbeatable. And that means we’ll make it through this.”
Luigi eyed his brother’s yellow-tinged fingers and stained shirt cuff, hoping the impromptu moment of fraternal affection would pass. He could deal with Mario’s sunny optimism, usually. But living in a studio apartment one step up from a garbage dump had apparently encouraged his brother’s disposition towards a more slovenly existence. They might be home when they were together, but it wouldn’t hurt if Mario took a damn vacuum to himself once in a while. 
“Mario, I think this time - ”
“Oh, I get it.” The warm arm around his shoulder disappeared, his brother’s voice hardening. Luigi snapped his head to the side, his heart rocketing into his throat. What did I say this time?  
“It’s the location, isn’t it?” His brother gave him a searching, serious look. He looks just like Dad. He even seemed as if he were towering over Luigi, just like Dad used to, despite Mario being the shortest of the three of them. “You’d prefer a box under the BQE.”
Luigi gaped. “I - what?”
“Nah, nah, okay,” Mario waved his hands. “Let’s talk location. You wanna be by the Belt? Or maybe - “ A sly smile grew under his brother’s burgeoning mustache. “You want to move to Queens.”
“Oh my God,” Luigi groaned, slapping his forehead with his palm, pulling his hand down over his eyes. I’d move to Jersey if it got us out of this mess. “Mario, be serious.”
“I am serious! Your secret’s safe with me, bro. Even if you would betray Brooklyn like that." Luigi felt two steady hands take him by the biceps. “Besides, we’re gonna be okay.”
“Vinny Razzanti’s uncle said we had forty-eight hours,” Luigi groaned between his fingers.
Mario barked out a laugh. “Vinny Razzanti’s uncle couldn’t tell a pizza from a clock if we arranged the pepperonis the right way. The guy’s a dumbass.”
“Yeah, but he’s - “
“No, I ain’t hearing it.” Mario gently guided Luigi’s hands from his face, keeping his fingers wrapped around either wrist as he brought Luigi’s arms to his sides. “Look at me, Lou.”
Luigi swallowed down the wet desperation clawing its way up his throat, opening his eyes to his brother’s concerned, but steely gaze.
“If he comes, he comes. I’ve got a baseball bat next to the mattress and you can - “ Mario waved one of his arms in a broad gesture. “I dunno. Make some kind of exploding gadget or something. You used to want to show off your stuff to Cooper Union, right? Well, think of this as practice, you know, for the application.”
Luigi gave a small shake of his head. I don’t think home pyrotechnics meant to fend off low-level mafia muscle are going to impress the admissions committee. Not that they were going to waste their time with a twenty-one-year-old plumber’s application, anyway. That dream was long gone, buried in Cypress Hills along with their parents. 
“Here’s what we’re gonna do,” Mario’s voice broke through his dreary ruminations as he guided Luigi towards Bowery Street. “We’re gonna walk home, maybe pick up a cannoli on the way. Then we’re gonna check the answering machine. If we’re lucky - and I’m feeling pretty lucky right now - there will be a call from some lady in Borough Park.” His brother’s eyes gleamed. “No, even better, some widower in Carroll Gardens. One of those nice brownstones. She’s going to ask for our help. Clogged drains, backed up shower, toilet’s kablooey.” Mario made a slobbering sound meant to resemble a backed up toilet. Luigi thought he sounded like a dog on downers. “The whole shebang. We’ll say, of course, we can fix this, but we’ll have to charge the emergency rate. You know, business and all that. Three hours later - maybe four - boom! Vinny Razzanti’s uncle is out of the picture and we’ll be on our way to the good life.”
“You make it sound so simple, bro.” Luigi couldn’t quite contain the bite of sarcasm that accompanied that statement. 
As always, his brother took his waspishness in stride. Long strides, in fact, as they hurried past the metal skeletons that made up the Coney Island Train Yard, the whirr of traffic from the Belt Parkway rushing and thumping above them. Luigi felt like at any moment some old, rusted buckle would give way, sending a line of cabs and buses crashing into their heads.
He felt like that most of the time these days, to be honest. 
“It is simple, Luigi. You just gotta think positive. You never know what’s around the corner.” Mario tugged at his sleeve. “Now, come on. If we walk fast enough, we can get to Villbate’s before they close.”
“Alright, alright, you win, Mario. Something’s around the corner and for once, maybe it won’t be a guy with a baseball bat.” No. It won’t be a bat. It’ll be something worse. Like a flamethrower. Luigi was too tired to argue with his brother’s indomitable optimism. “Maybe we’ll get to your widower in Carroll Gardens and find the answers in her bathroom.”
Mario slapped his brother on the back. “That’s the spirit, Lou! Could be a whole new world waiting for us. Now let’s go - there’s a pistachio cannoli with my name on it and I am not missing out.”
“Hey, the pistachio cannolis are mine!”
“Not if you don’t run fast enough!” Mario gave his brother a playful push, taking off down Stillwell Avenue. Luigi watched his brother leap over a pile of trash bags, skittering between two cabs, one of which blared its horn in anger.
“Where you go, I guess I follow,” Luigi muttered to himself, adjusting his cap before taking off in his brother’s direction. And who knew? Maybe something was waiting for them around that corner.
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lumivall · 4 months
Thank you so much for the reblog! Here's your daily Mario gif:
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Look at them moves! They know what they want in life!
Thanks for the gif! This made me looking forward to the day!
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Day 251
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lilsilly1 · 2 days
Daily Luigi!
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Emotional support (He helps me get through tha day of school)
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Sorry for the small delay of the dailee weegie, I forgor to program it and as long as it's posted once a day it's still daily weegee sooo (next daily weege I'll share a fun fact about the little fellah [plush])
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yourdailymariogif · 3 months
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Your daily Mario gif.
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captainmolasses · 19 hours
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The single Hot Cackletta piece that I put the most effort into! It honestly got wildly out of hand. I originally just meant to make a simple 4 frame loop, but then I kept adding frames and refining parts of it.
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dailyyellowcharacters · 5 months
Daily Yellow Character 94;
Luigi from The Mario anime
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itsamenickname · 2 years
I have an interesting Bowuigi idea:
Do you guys know/remember that one episode of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! where Bowser is a vampire and he wants Peach to become his vampire bride?
Well, what if we do that same idea, but the twist is that Bowser wants Luigi to become his vampire bride?
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daily-green-character · 7 months
~ Day 48! ~
Today’s greeeen character is:
Gooigi from Luigi’s Mansion 3! 👻💚
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