#welcome to the state house alaska
bythenarrative · 4 months
can you please do calaska headcanons?
omg. i've never rlly thought abt them until now, but heres my hcs!! :)
CalLaska HCs !
Alaska is one of the only states that is taller than California, so whenever Alaska hugs him from behind, he gets so so flustered.
Alaska will cling to California during the winter, because California is a natural heater! :))
California absolutely adores when Alaska grows his beard out. He thinks Alaska looks so handsome with it.
They call each other bear-themed petnames! Alaska calls California 'Cub' or 'Grizzly' and California calls Alaska 'Kodiak' !! The bear states <3
Alaska adores California's glasses, and loves when he changes the style of them to fit the current trends, even if he liked the previous frames!
On a similar note, California dyes his hair often, so Alaska will help out! He'll help pick colors, and bleach California's hair, and actually dye it for him!
Alaska's hair is white, and GOD California loves it! Alaska mentioned dying his hair and California protested so insanely hard
Alaska has a bunch of tattoos! Most of them are native, and hold meanings and culture. But some are less cultural, and stuff! He had his state flower, and California's state flower on his back <3
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Alaska would probably do completely random things whenever he’s on a call (since he's shown to be on phone the most or whatever), sometimes it may cause issues, other times he's kicking his legs, kicking Texas's legs, twirling his hair, teehee
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Bonus silly silly Wisconsin doodle sketch I did heheha
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angelic-purpose · 2 years
i offer you a few Hawai'i x Alaska headcanon
Hawai'i knows everything about the Iditarod because of Alaska and will FIGHT you on even a slightly wrong fact for no other reason than if it's important to Alaska it's important to her.
He will fight you on how to say her name since it being said or even spelled wrong makes her mad. </3
Also she calls him "Laskie" since I think its cute
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #18
May 10-17 2024
The Justice Department endorses lifting many restrictions on marijuana. Since the 1970s marijuana has been classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restrictive classification for drugs that are highly addictive, dangerous and have no medical use, like heroin. Schedule I drugs are nearly impossible to get approval for research studies greatly hampering attempts to understand marijuana and any medical benefits it may have. The DoJ recommends moving it to Schedule III, drugs with low risk of abuse like anabolic steroids, and testosterone. This will allow for greater research, likely allow medical marijuana, and make marijuana a much less serious offense. President Biden welcomed DoJ's decision, a result a review of policy he ordered. Biden in his message talked about how he's pardoned everyone convicted of marijuana possession federally. The President repeated a phrase he's said many times "No-one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana,"
The Department of Interior announced no new coal mining in America's largest coal producing region. The moratorium on new coal leases has been hailed as the single biggest step so fair toward ending coal in the US. The Powder River Basin area of Wyoming and Montana produces 40% of the nations coal, the whole state of West Virginia is just 14%. The new rule is estimated to reduce emissions by the equivalent of 293 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, the same as taking 63 million gas powered cars off the road.
Vice-President Harris announced that the Biden-Harris Administration had broken records by investing $16 billion in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Harris, a graduate of Howard University, is the first President or Vice-President to have gone to a HBCU. The Administration's investment of $900 million so far in 2024 brought the total investment of the Biden-Harris administration in HBCUs to $16 billion more than double the record $7 billion. HBCUs produce 40% of black engineers, 50% of black teachers, 70% of black doctors and dentists, and 80% of black judges. HBCUs also have a much better record of helping social mobility and moving people out of generational poverty than other colleges and universities.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $30 billion dollars in renewal funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The program supports 2.3 million families that are in need of housing with vouchers that help pay rent. This funding represents a $2 billion dollar increase over last year.
The Department of Agriculture announced $671.4 million in investments in rural infrastructure. The money will go to project to improve rural electric grids, as well as drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure. The money will go to 47 projects across 23 states.
HUD announced a record breaking $1.1 billion dollar investment in Tribal housing and community development. HUD plans just over 1 billion dollars for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. This is a 40% increase in funding over 2023 and marks the largest ever funding investment in Indian housing. HUD also is investing $75 million in community development, supporting building and rehabbing community buildings in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The Department of Transportation announced $2 billion in investments in America's busiest passenger rail route, the Northeast Corridor between Washington DC and Boston. This is part of a 15 year, $176 billion plan to rebuild the corridor’s infrastructure and prepare for increased ridership and more trains. So far investments have seen a 25% increase, 7 million riders, over figures last year. a fully funded plan would almost double Amtrak service between New York City and Washington, D.C., and increase service between New York City and Boston by 50%. It would also allow a 60% increase in commuter trains.
HUD announced plans to streamline its HOME program. Currently the largest federal program to help build affordable housing, the streamlining of the rules will speed up building and help meet the Biden Administration's goal of 2 million new affordable housing units. HUD announced last week $1.3 billion dollars for the HOME program, which built 13,000 new units of housing in 2023 and helped 13,000 families with rental assistance
The Department of Interior announced $520 million in new water projects to help protect against drought in the western states. The funding will support 57 water related projects across 18 western states. The projects focus on climate resilience and drought prevention, as well as improving aging water delivery systems, and improving hydropower generation.
The Departments of Agriculture and HHS have stepped up efforts to wipe out the H5N1 virus prevent its spread to humans while protecting farmers livelihoods. The virus is currently effecting dairy cattle in the Texas panhandle region. The USDA and HSS are releasing wide ranging funds to help support farms equipping workers with Personal Protective Equipment, covering Veterinary costs, as well as compensating farmers for lost revenue. HHS and the CDC announced $101 million in testing an monitoring. This early detection and action is key to preventing another Covid style pandemic.
The Senate confirmed Sanket Bulsara to a life time federal judgeship in New York and Eric Schulte and Camela Theeler to lifetime federal judgeships in South Dakota. This brings the total number of judges appointed by President Biden to 197. For the first time in history the majority of a President's judicial nominees have not been white men.
Bonus: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that transgender health insurance exclusions were illegal. The ruling came from a case first filed in 2019 where an employer refused to cover an employee's gender affirming surgery. The court in its ruling sited new guidance from the Biden Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that declared that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects trans people in the work place. These kinds of guidelines are often sited in court and carry great weight.
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cellythefloshie · 1 year
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;; Drops of Jupiter 500 Follower Celebration
Summary: Jake struggles through your absence as you are out on a journey of self-discovery. Word Count: 1.3k+
Was it everything you wanted to find, and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?
Home had been many places for Jake Oettinger. It had been Lakeville, Minnesota, the city where he had been born. It had been Boston, where he had spent his college hockey career. Now, it was Dallas, in a house - no, mansion - bigger than he had ever imagined. Yet, it didn’t feel like home, and it hadn’t been for a long time. Not since the day you had left. 
It had been before the preseason when you had made the decision that you needed to take a break. And it had taken him all of those 7 games to even think about coming to terms with not going home to you after a game or a road trip. He struggled through every loss alone and craved nothing more than to celebrate the few victories with you. Yet, his house was empty. Jake only had the mere memories of you - not even the scent of your skin on the pillow remained. 
While he missed you and longed for you to come home, Jake did the only thing he could do. He threw himself into the game he loved. Each game was a welcomed distraction, especially when it came to long road trips that took him from one city to the next. But coming home was never easy. 
Especially as his schedule cleared for the All-Star break. He had no games to play and had no real travel plans. It left him to sit alone in a house that felt empty without you there, and Jake couldn’t help but reminisce. 
Legs stretched out on the chaise of his sectional, he leaned his head back and held his phone out lazily in front of his face. Even in dark mode, the light was harsh on his eyes as his thumb dragged over the screen. He scrolled through your Twitter first, but you hadn’t posted there since the day you left. So he went to Instagram, and to your story highlights at the top of your page that were marked with the emoji of an airplane. You had been travelling from one country to the next, posting your voyage along the way as you searched for whatever it was you left intending to find. Whatever it was, Jake didn’t know. But he still sat back and watched as you shared the food you ate and the sighs you saw as if he were just seeing it for the first time. And then he scrolled down to the depths of your page, where the pictures of the two of you remained. 
His heart swelled in his chest. Those pictures told him you still loved him, and he feared the day that he may one day look at your page and find them gone. 
Leaning his head back, Jake let his sweaty hand flex around his phone as he contemplated messaging you. He would say something quick. Something sweet. Maybe even leave a comment on one of your most recent posts just to let you know he was thinking about you. But as his fingers hovered over the keyboard, he decided against it. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like he was pressuring you to come home - to push you away. 
A sigh trembled through his body as he lowered his phone until it rested face down on the arm of the couch. Resting his hand on it, Jake felt the warmth of it against his skin as he choked on his shaking breath. His eyes shut slowly, blocking out the living room around him. He needed to get out of this house and away from every reminder of you. 
Jake couldn’t take staying there for an entire week alone. Not when he had no plans while his teammates headed to the All-Star game or on vacation with their wives and girlfriends. He would have no distractions without them. He would need to take a vacation himself. Go home to Alaska or fly up to Massachusetts to visit the state that had been his home for so long when he played at the college level. But he didn’t need to decide that now. He could just pick the next available fight when he was ready to go. First, he would need to pack. 
Pushing up from the couch, Jake’s head hung low and his shoulders slouched as he took his first initial stride towards the bedroom. But something stopped him before he could take another. It was the bright light of headlights dancing across the wall that had caught his attention. The light refracted off the mirrors that hung on his walls and lit up his dark and empty home. It drew his gaze to the large windows, his sweet brown eyes falling on a taxi as it came to a halt at the end of his drive. 
A large hand grasped at the cream-coloured curtain that framed his window, drawing it back to look at the houses to the left and to the right. Their porch lights were dark. They hadn’t been expecting anyone, but neither was he. 
Jake shrugged on his hooded sweatshirt on the way to the door. He pulled the hood up over his head and his hands buried into the front pocket to keep him from the chill that was a Texas kind of cold. The cold concrete of his sidewalk greeted his bare feet, but it didn’t send him retreating inside. Any other time, maybe it would have, but no amount of cold could have stopped him after his eyes fell on the all too familiar figure of your body leaning over the passenger side door as you spoke to the driver. 
Your name left his lips in a breath lost in the wind only for him to say it louder, stronger, the last syllable spoken almost as if it were a question. He couldn’t believe it, and he didn’t until you were running up the sidewalk to him. 
Jake met you halfway, his arms wrapping around you so effortlessly. Even while holding you in his embrace, Jake didn’t quite believe it. He could feel your warmth and breathed in that smell that was uniquely you as he buried his face in your hair. It should have been enough to assure him it wasn’t just a dream, but he nearly trembled at the thought that it might be. That he had fallen asleep back on the sofa and would soon awaken to the harsh reality that was you being gone. 
Tears stung at his eyes as he held you, so firmly, so desperately, scared that you would fade away into nothingness. But you clung to him, your hands clutching his sweatshirt as your cheek pressed against the strength of his chest. Your body anchored him to the truth, to the reassurance. You had come home. 
“Did you find what you were looking for?” His voice broke as he drew back just enough to look down at you - he didn’t dare consider letting you go. 
“It’s been here the whole time,” you answered, the glimmer of tears in your eyes like diamonds as they spilled down your cheeks. 
Jake didn’t know exactly what you were feeling. If it was regret or sorrow or relief, but he saw your tears and he knew he needed to make you feel better. There was no reason for tears, no matter the reason, because all that mattered to Jake was that you came back to him. And he needed to assure you that the time you took for yourself was okay. So he didn’t let you speak when your lips parted to mutter whatever it was you wanted to say. Instead, he lifted you up by the waist and guided your legs around his hips with the careful stroke of one hand over your thigh. And with you wrapped around him, he leaned in and kissed you so deeply he could feel you shudder against him. Yet, it would only begin to make up for the number of kisses he could have given you while you were away. 
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forever-eternal · 9 months
Idk of any of you have taken in the type of parents Adam and Robin are from what I’ve written, but lemme explain because I Am Having A Moment.
Adam and Robin are the parents that have the same general rules as anyone-- keep up hygiene, clean up after yourself, etc. But those are the lax rules. Those are the rules that their kids can get away with breaking quite often-- even if they don’t break them, because their parents disappointment is an emotionally painful experience.
It’s the rules they put in place purely for their kids safety that their children try to follow like they’re the Rules of Existence Itself.
The Kids were allowed to go wherever they wanted for however long they wanted, so long as they kept their parents informed of it. They could destroy or build whatever they wanted, climb all over the house, bring home wild animals-- so long as Adam and Robin were informed of it.
Each State has a few rules set for themselves, because of their personalities and the Actual State itself.
California, Brooke, can’t wear warm clothes during fire season. He needs to tell someone if he has a dizzy spell because of earthquakes.
Florida, Ian, needs to have a plan in place in case of evacuation or if he just needs to duck it out in his Florida home-- because if the Waffle Houses are closed he is not staying in the area.
Alaska, Ivan, needs to actually wear Proper Warm Clothes when it’s cold. He may not be affected by it, but it’s better safe than sorry. He always needs to be with someone when they go out, because he gets lost easily.
Arizona, Eric, needs to keep a water bottle on him at all times, because the high temperature may not affect him as much but he dehydrates faster than humans because of it.
(There are more personal rules, ones I haven’t figured out yet, ideas welcome :>)
Breaking important rules, such as their Personal Rules, or the widespread Important Rules (ie, no physical fights during meetings) usually comes with a natural consequence. An injury of somekind that the rule was in place to prevent.
That’s why their kids listen so easily (and why most of ya’ll’s Floridas would be astonished at how Ian or Gabriel behave when they recieve The Look), because when their parents have a rule in place, or say that this thing needs to be done by them-- and no one else--, they know it’s for the best.
Adam and Robin’s parents/uncles, the OG’s, enforced these rules in the time between the Civil War and when Adam took over Meetings again. They added a few of their own as times changed and technology improved, but it was generally ‘don’t do dumb shit’.
So-- yeah. Adam and Robin are good parents who let their kids be kids, and let them learn from natural consequences most of the time (being grounded, in time-out, etc, have also come into play depending on the time period).
Their kids listen because they trust their parents to always have whats best for them in mind when rules or expectations are set. The OG’s listen because they trust their kid/niece/nephew to have their backs, even when the Government Organization itself doesn’t.
Adam and Robin prioritize their family having fun in a safe manner, above all else. Even as a semi-immortal personification, life’s too short to worry about perfection (they expect themselves to be perfect but we don’t talk about that in front of the family 🤫)
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Dog food is tested on humans.
Penis enlargement surgeries are free in Cuba.
2.7 million Americans work for either Walmart or Amazon.
Scientists have discovered a species of algae that tastes like bacon.
1.5 million trolleys are stolen from British supermarkets every year.
If your parents are happily married, your risk of divorce decreases by 14%.
Jack Nicholson once got detention at school every single day for a year.
Walt Disney used to pack his testicles in ice to improve his sperm count.
In 2010, a doctor in Blackpool spent £1,200 trying to win a cuddly toy at a hoopla stall.
The first pornographic film came out in 1895, just a few months after the first regular movie.
Nelson was about 5’ 4". His statue on top of the column in London is about 18ft. That's Horatio of about 3:1
During the 2012 Russian election (when Putin was elected for a third term), one region registered a voting turnout of 146%.
If your name begins with a letter that is towards the end of the alphabet, you are likely to struggle more when getting your first job.
Every year, a village in Montenegro hosts a ‘lying down’ championship. This year's champion spent about 60 hours lying down.
2022 saw the highest number of people ever diagnosed with gamophobia, which is the fear of commitment, relationships and marriage.
Elon Musk and Bill Gates have joined forces to make a penis enhancer. Early reports say they plan to name the product Elongates.
Research at MIT has shown that only half of perceived friendships are mutual. Only half the people you consider friends think of you as a friend and vice versa.
In 2008, a Japanese man found a homeless woman living in the top compartment of his closet after setting up a security camera because his food kept disappearing.
In ancient Greek mythology and folklore, the act of women exposing their genitals was believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits or demons. A practice known as ‘anasyrma’ or ‘ana-suromai’.
In 2019, an accountant in London who’d endured years of being bullied at work decided to ‘go out with a bang’ and stole £170k from his employer. He spent it ALL in one weekend on prostitutes and cocaine.
In the town of Whittier, Alaska, almost everyone lives in one building. 90% of the town's residents live in one 14-storey building that also houses a post office, shop, police station, health clinic and a bed & breakfast.
In 2010, UK retailer GameStation claimed to own 7,500 souls after putting a clause in their online terms that stated, "By placing an order via this website ... you agree to grant us a non-transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul."
In Indiana, a 25-year-old delivery driver, Nick Bostic, risked his own life to save five children trapped in a house fire, running into the burning building and safely escorting four children outside and then leaping from a window with the fifth. He made a full recovery.
In 2010, a Harvard student decided to give up on life and shot himself in the head leaving behind a suicide note, explaining in thorough detail why “life was meaningless”. The suicide note he left behind was 1905 pages long.
On April 28th, 2023, the ground really moved for one woman during the second movement of the LA Philharmonic’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony, when she experienced a “loud and full body orgasm.” Several concertgoers described the woman’s climactic moment from the balcony at the packed Walt Disney Concert Hall. “Everyone kind of turned to see what was happening,” Molly Grant, who was sitting near the overjoyed woman, told the Los Angeles Times on Sunday. “I saw the girl after it had happened, and I assume that she … had an orgasm because she was heavily breathing,” she said. “It was quite beautiful,” Grant added. An audio clip purporting to capture the woman’s moment of ecstasy has gone viral. British composer Magnus Fiennes, brother of actor Ralph Fiennes, also was in attendance. “A woman in the audience had loud and full body orgasm during the 5th’s second movement. Band politely carried on,” he said on Twitter. However, some social media users expressed their doubts about the incident, with one who was present suggesting that the woman had a medical emergency. Fiennes insisted, “It absolutely happened. Was in close proximity and had no less than eight other friends attending. All reached a similar conclusion.” Classical pianist Sharon Su added in a tweet that she “checked with someone who works at the LA Phil and they confirmed” that the incident was real and that the orchestra did not stop playing during Tchaikovsky’s 5th. The LA Times reported that its sources and the audio clip corroborated the accounts that the orchestra did not miss a beat during the explosive moment. Music agent Lukas Burton told the LA Times that the woman’s loud moan was “wonderfully timed” to a “romantic swell” during the performance. “One can’t know exactly what happened, but it seemed very clear from the sound that it was an expression of pure physical joy,” Burton told the paper.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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theonlymadmanonmars · 2 years
Welcome To The State House as A list of weird things my friends have said
California: I hope my iPad doesn’t die
Florida: my headphones died and the chargers at my dads
California: ha! At least my iPad is still alive!
Florida: at least my soul is still alive.
California: … ( fake tears) Damn you didn’t have to go there.
Colorado: I am as high as I can be right now. I am at the level of high where you aren’t melded into the couch, you ARE the couch.
Flordia: XD
Georgia: I think you might be doing something a little harder than weed at that point.
California: so I had this dream, there was a dolphin and I was eating sushi-
Florida: your eating dolphin sushi?!
California: nooo! Be quiet. I was in Japan-
Louisiana: oh my god Japan?
Texas: *something something* controversial.
California: are we talking about controversial tings?!
Texas: I’m going to punch you, controversial enough for you?
Florida: *wheeze*
(Texas and California walking down hallway)
Texas: good bye! (Walks down hall way)
California: bye
Texas: *turns corner*
California: …Love you!
Texas: (from all the way down the hallway) What the fuck?!
*insert photo of Nebraska in Alaska*
Alaska: Nebraska and Alaska are not the same, and they don’t belong on each other. That’s like putting butter, on a squid.
Florida: Oh did I draw that?! That’s cool.
Florida: *laying dramatically across pool table*
Gov: that thing your putting your entire body weight on costs over $4,500. Get off.
Florida: Nooooooooooooo!
Gov: get off the pool table.
Florida: No.
Gov: Louisiana, help me.
Louisiana: * physically drags Florida off the pool table*
Texas: Gov! They took away my balls!
Florida: XD
California: We did.
Gov: WHAT?!
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I posted 1,371 times in 2022
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#welcome to the table - 599 posts
#tumblr shtuff - 257 posts
#funny - 207 posts
#lol - 198 posts
#welcome to the statehouse - 135 posts
#wttt - 128 posts
#wttsh - 124 posts
#personal - 67 posts
#current events - 66 posts
#reblogs - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#florida will be saying some crazy stuff and all im seeing is ⏬️⏬️⏫️⏫️⏬️⏫️⏬️⏫️➡️⏫️⏬️⬅️⏫️⏬️
My Top Posts in 2022:
So wttt fandom, what do we think about Texas's hat situation?
65 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Random headcanons for every state
Alabama: has a secret collection of Cardi B, Lizzo, and Cupcakke albums. They will likely never see the light of day but Alabama likes them so eh.
Alaska: has a giant dog who he named Tiny because he thought it was funny. Cannot cook.
Arizona: collects license plates, sometimes straight off the vehicle it belonged to. Also collects pieces of petrified wood
Arkansas: the only personality trait of this man is wingman and that means that he will stand in the crowd and do nothing when you get beat up. Likes guns, dogs, and women. Very boring. 3/10
California: Super photogenic but cannot ever sleep, super lonely (duh) and is a vtuber
Colorado: makes fun of Utah for not being able to handle spice, is lactose intolerant and also allergic to gluten
Connecticut: got kicked out of his house once due to noise complaints and just started living on a yacht about 30 feet offshore in protest.
Delaware: has never been in a plane and is a sentimental old man who definitely has an old record collection
Florida: we already know too much about him, he's an open book.
Georgia: Once Florida thought it would be funny if he replaced his coffee with an energy drink to see what would happen, by brewing his coffee with straight red Bull. I'll let you guess how that ended.
Hawai'i: has never ever ever ever been to DC, but regularly wins the cruise lotteries and burns them out of spite.
Idaho: everything he eats has potatoes in it, everything. He once bought some fake beef because it was supposedly made out of potatoes. He has since stopped his only potato diet and now eats chicken every once in a while.
Illinois: has an obsession with Legos, and has definitely built a model of every house he's ever lived in.
Indiana: owns a fridge just entirely full of ranch. And soy milk. No one opens it.
See the full post
97 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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has this been done before? i get the vibes from the two of them.
103 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
The States go stargazing
Florida: And that one's Uma Thurman, right?
California, being held down: that's Ursa maJOR-
121 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Anyone remember when we said that 2020 would be a whole chapter in the history books?
We gotta have a whole ass book for 2022.
159 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 1,089 times in 2022
That's 608 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 1,088 of my posts in 2022
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#tumblr - 28 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#if going off the virginia brothers between his husband and his little brother fbi and cia are within his most frequently contacted list on h
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love how we all agree that West Virginia has little brother energy and that South Carolina has big brother energy but does anyone else think that South Dakota has “We’re twins, it doesn’t matter” energy and North Dakota has “ME!” energy if they are ever asked who is the older twin?
62 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Random states and their day jobs
I know the states having “day jobs” is tenuous canon at best and most likely being a state pays something (taxes from their people?) or if they had day jobs it would probably be civil servants (although isn’t being a personification of a state, already civil servitude to the nth degree?) but I digress 
Alabama- high school football coach/health teacher combo with history class coverage when needed
California - human resources assistant at a Silicon Valley company 
Colorado- rock climbing instructor 
Florida - Cashapp scammer 
Maryland- real estate agent 
Massachusetts- adjunct professor at MIT Sloan School of Management 
Mississippi - cotton and chicken farmer 
Nevada- Las Vegas croupier 
Texas- cattle rancher 
Utah- DILF 
Washington- Starbucks manager 
Virginia-  Conservationist at a history museum 
69 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
I know when Florida talks about robbing the Federal Reserve he means the Eccles building but it’s 100x funnier if you imagine he’s talking about robbing the Federal Reserve as in the personification for the Federal Reserve. Florida is just out in these streets stealing Federal Reserve’s Teslas and  Arhaus dining chairs 
72 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
strongly held Alaska headcanon
Alaska’s three dogs that we have heard be mention in canon, are Alaskan Malamutes. They’re the state dog of Alaska and have many uses in mushing, carrying objects, and hauling freight. When they reach adulthood they are big and powerful dogs. 
Yet, Alaska’s dogs are puppies. Fido, Balto, and Togo are permanently stuck in the puppy phase due to personification reasons. You have 7 foot tall bearded and built like brickhouse Alaska walking around the wilderness and then followed by him are what can only be described as living marshmallows. 
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(image credit: dogtime.com) 
73 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
where i think the states fight congregate/have meetings while living in the statehouse
the south: the back porch with sweet tea in front of them and in rocking chairs. the tv is out of sight and on mute so they can fight without the fuel of a college football match
the midwest: in the kitchen so they can be close to the talking ranch unaware of the fact that as they fight each other for the ranch, there is more ranch in the fridge until Wisconsin decides to grab another beer and sees two other bottles there. this commences an even bigger argument
the northeast: the sidewalk in front of the house with all of their car doors still open because they all want the same parking spot. everyone has a cigarette in their hand and their beanies/baseball caps are on the ground
the west: in a circle in the living room so they can look at each other and be able to properly vote in a fair commun(ist)al way. Colorado thought it was a smoke circle and tried to explain puff puff pass and Utah thought it was family game night and brought battleship, catan, AND heads up.
alaska & hawai’i: eating pancakes at a brunch spot while having a light debate on pop culture and all phone numbers of the lower 48 temporarily blocked
district & puerto rico:  Gov purposely gave them the wrong directions so after driving to three abandoned kmarts they decided to hit up a mcdonalds drive thru
maryland & gov: Maryland is watching in the foyer as Gov signs over the rent check to make sure that Gov pays the correct amount
103 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
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bythenarrative · 5 months
wisconsin x alaska if you would
omg yes!! i'm a wisconsinite, so he's my absolute baby! i adore him so so much!! :3 this will probably be wisconsin centric... love that guy...
WiscLaska HCs!
Seeing as they're both colder states, they're constantly bundled up. Alaska's got his signature trapper hat, whereas Wisconsin has a stocking cap!
Adding onto that, they're usually found cuddling. Typically with Wisconsin laying on top of Alaska like a puppy.
Wisconsin wears shorts in the middle of winter (like 15°F) and constantly gets sick from it, and Alaska always scolds him, and cooks him soup when he's sick.
Wisconsin and Alaska both have autism. Alaska is more of the quiet, semi-verbal around most people, whereas Wisconsin is a yapper.
Wisconsin loves telling Alaska about trees and nature, seeing as Wisconsin has some of the best natural resources programs!
Alaska is...extremely tall, he absolutely towers over Wisconsin, and all of the other states. When you look at it, their height difference is hilarious, like the "He asked for no pickles" meme.
Wisconsin knows how to play the electric guitar! It was invented where I live, so it's a little personal to me! But he's that awful campfire guitar guy, he'll whip it out and start jamming!
Whereas Wisconsin can play guitar, Alaska can sing really well. He'll spend nights softly singing Wisconsin to sleep when tornados or other disasters hit his state.
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thedhananjayaparkhe · 6 months
Did you know… … that today is Welcome, Hawaii Day? On this day in 1959, US President Eisenhower signed the Hawaii statehood bill, making it the 50th state. Ike, as Eisenhower was known, entered the White House in 1953 in charge of 48 states; two more had been added by the time he left office in 1961: Alaska and Hawaii.~~~ Today’s Inspirational Quote: “Together we must learn how to compose…
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cpblaylock-blog · 1 year
It’s Been a Minute
It’s been a minute since I have gone exploring on my own for a few days. I have had some sense of adventure since my aunt took me on a trip to Washington D. C. when I was 8 years old. We laugh about it now because I was your typical inattentive hyperactive tomboy who was sure the objective of going to the Museum of Natural History was to get through it as fast as possible. What? It wasn’t a race?
My current trip takes me to Boston for a quick paid appearance to play 18 holes for the Legend’s of the LPGA Tour and then on to New Hampshire and Maine for the weekend. As I approached the age of 50, one of my goals was to visit all 50 states by age 50. Well, I turned 50 in March and after this trip, I am left with North Dakota, South Dakota and Alaska. I don’t think I will get them in before I turn 51 but Lord willing, I will get to the last 3. I took my first trip on a plane at age 15 to San Diego, California to play in the Optimist Junior Worlds at Torrey Pines GC. 35 years later, and I still love the anticipation of exploring new places, meeting people, and trying regional culinary dishes I can’t get at home.
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I spent the rest of the weekend exploring New Hampshire and Maine , wrapping it up in Boston. In Maine, I followed the coast making stops in Ogunquit, Kennebunkport and Cape Neddick. Lobster rolls, fried clams, light houses and sunshine followed me all the way to Walker’s Point aka the George H. W. Bush compound. As the clock creeped into the afternoon the compass turned south and the Boston welcomed me with traffic and tunnels. Beantown is loaded with historical sites and I managed to catch just a few this time. Paul Revere’s House, Faneuil Hall and the Old North Church to name a few. On Hanover street I dipped into Carmelita’s for an amazing early dinner with a nice glass of red wine before catching the Red Sox v Orioles game to wrap up my trip.
Guess I better figure out how to get to Alaska in the next 6 months…..
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bythenarrative · 5 months
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Lisa Murkowski Threatens to Leave Republican Party and Join Democrats, Several Republican Senators Including Thune, Romney, Cornyn and Young Agree
For those of us who have been trying to awaken people to the true nature of Republicans in the senate, aka “the Decepticons”, the latest self-admissions are very welcome.
According to interviews conducted by The Hill, several Republican senators are now saying they just cannot be members of the Republican Party if they are forced to represent the interests of the base voter.  These very specifically named Republicans have always been members of the UniParty in DC; however, now they are saying “populism” amid the commonsense, America First voting base is not going to be acceptable.
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The senators are openly warning that if putting American interests first is going to be demanded by the voters, these Republicans will just become Democrats.   There is no reason for Americans to distrust the institutions the Republican senators support, and there will be no compromise or discussion.
What is making these Republican senators angrier is that who they consider to be intellectual and professional people are also demanding a more populist approach toward a government that represents the people.  This is just not going to be allowed according to Lisa Murkowski, John Thune, John Cornyn and the other names outlined.
WASHINGTON DC – […] “We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I’m having more ‘rational Republicans’ coming up to me and saying, ‘I just don’t know how long I can stay in this party,’” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). “Now our party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist, populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us seriously anymore.
“You have people who felt some allegiance to the party that are now really questioning, ‘Why am I [in the party?]” she added. “I think it’s going to get even more interesting as we move closer to the elections and we start going through some of these primary debates.
[…] “There are an astonishing number of people in my state who believe the election was stolen,” said one Republican senator who requested anonymity to talk about the growing popularity of conservative conspiracy theories at home.
[…] Republican senators say they are alarmed at how many Republicans, including those with higher levels of education and income, buy the unsubstantiated claims that the last presidential election was stolen.
A second Republican senator who spoke with The Hill said the growing strength of radical populism “makes it a lot more difficult to govern, it makes it difficult to talk to constituents.”
“There are people who surprise me — I’m surprised they have those views. It’s amazing to me the number of people, the kind of people who think the election was stolen,” the lawmaker said. “I don’t want to use this word but it’s not just a ‘red-neck’ thing. It’s people in business, the president of a bank, a doctor.”
[…] Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) pushed back on calls to defund the Justice Department, telling reporters: “Are we going to get rid of the Justice Department? No. I think defunding is a really bad idea.”
Thune later explained to The Hill: “There are seasons, swings back and forth in politics and we’re in one now where the dominant political thinking is more populist with respect to national security, foreign policy, some domestic issues.”
But he said “that stuff comes and goes and it’s built around personalities,” alluding to the broadly held view that Trump’s election to the presidency in 2016 and his lasting influence over the party has put his brand of populism at the forefront.
[…] Senate Republicans tried to wave off their House colleagues from advancing articles of impeachment authored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) against President Biden and rolled their eyes at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) attempt to expunge Trump’s impeachment record.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) warned, “I fear that snap impeachments will become the norm, and they mustn’t.”
Asked about efforts to erase Trump’s impeachment record, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) quoted the popular show “Succession”: “Logan Roy made a good point. These are not serious people.”
In 1854, the Republican Party emerged to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories after the passing of the Kansas–Nebraska Act. The early Republican Party consisted of northern Protestants, factory workers, professionals, businessmen, prosperous farmers, and after the Civil War, former black slaves. The party had very little support from white Southerners at the time, who predominantly backed the Democratic Party in the Solid South, and from Catholics, who made up a major Democratic voting block. While both parties adopted pro-business policies in the 19th century, the early GOP was distinguished by its support for the national banking system, the gold standard, railroads, and high tariffs. The party opposed the expansion of slavery before 1861 and led the fight to destroy the Confederate States of America (1861–1865). While the Republican Party had almost no presence in the Southern United States at its inception, it was very successful in the Northern United States, where by 1858 it had enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities in nearly every Northern state.
***Hard to imagine few in the GOP that have would have the balls to do ANY OF THIS today. Bunch of wimps.
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emptyshrines · 1 year
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About Me
name: Lulzy // age: not a minor // pronouns: she/her // main: @forthelulzy // from: Alaska, United States // quick facts: aroace, autistic, aspiritual, full-time service industry cog // likes: dogs, video games, tumblring, making minor characters into major characters, obsessing over tiny details, charts and maps and bullet lists
Welcome! I'm not new to Tumblr (joined in 2016 if my main's archive is to be believed) but I am new to the writeblr community. My main body of work and One True Love is fanfiction.
This Blog
This blog's purpose is for information about my original fiction WIP, Empty Shrines (previously talked about on my main as An Offering of Ashes). I will also try to start reblogging general writeblr posts over here rather than on my main. I have no experience running sideblogs (or multitasking, for that matter), but I hope this will be an opportunity to learn.
I love talking about my writing; however I do have a full-time job and am autistic af so this blog may take a while to set up and/or have long periods of downtime.
The Project
Empty Shrines is currently planned as a duology consisting of An Offering of Ashes and its direct sequel, The Altar Aflame.
Ten years ago, Kou was saved from a short, sharp life as a brothel slave and apprenticed to one of the most powerful mages in the magocracy, Isril Abedesin. Kou is unprepared for the politics of a common orphan suddenly rising to work under the Empress' favorite cousin, but he manages to keep his head down and study hard. Until the day Isril and his heir explode. With the evidence of Kou's magical power — pieces of his Master and his son — splattered all over the hedges, no one expects him to meekly turn himself in. Born in to the cutthroat world of the nobility, Sorroth Abedesin is not surprised when the news arrives that his father and elder brother are dead. What he finds at home is another matter entirely. The Empress herself has taken an interest in the case and gotten him a present: his boyhood crush, turned a murderer. Sorroth, already saddled with keeping the vultures from tearing what remains of his House apart, now has to deal with conflicting feelings for the dangerous but pitiable Kou.
If you would like to be added to the wip taglist, please ask!
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