#wel observes
xxwelxx · 4 months
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I tried making my own similarity board for the cosmic opera set coz I noticed stuff (it’s mostly just the antennae)
I’ll try making it more legible under the cut
I’ve seen a few people mention this already, the devil n angel parallels btwn tsukasa n rui, I see it and agree amen
But what I haven’t noticed is the mention of tsukasa’s antennae having the same shape as rui’s cat drones. The feathery looking angle wing antennae can also resemble the wings of a pegasus.
There are stars present on them as well, rui on both, n tsukasa on his right one.
Moving on from them for now, emu’s antennae seem to include everyone. The colors and designs chosen are reminiscent of both tsukasa and rui’s old stage outfits. Her right one looking like rui’s old pink coat with the yellowy goop on it, n her left one having a similar blue color with yellow line accents to tsukasa’s entire old look. The new one kind of matches too, but the blue is darker and the yellow isn’t as stringy throughout.
When it comes to matching with nene, they have the same patterns on their antennae. Right is goopy, left has lines. Emu has 1 goop and 2 lines, while nene has 2 goops and 1 line. Both line designs are done in yellow.
On nene’s shoulder also appears to be an emu alien (the antennae match). Its body has all of WxS signature colors.
Even though tsukasa and rui have stars, they’re still in different colors. Tsukasa’s are white and rui’s are yellow. This also mirrors how emu’s goop is yellow when nene’s are white.
You may have noticed this already, if we flatten down their antennae, nene and rui would have 2 ridges and emu n tsukasa only have one. Oddball 1 2 reference maybe I dunno.
Nene and tsukasa both have a black base color. Nene on her left one, tsukasa on both. Rui and emu both have blue gradients. Emu on her left n rui on both. (Technically the blue on emu is a base color, but it doesn’t show on the card and in the 3d outfit it’s a gradient. There’s a gradient from tsukasa’s hair color to the antennae too so depending on how I classify emu’s situation it would contradict the language I used previously. But maybe, just maybe, no one actually cares that much and we can all move on from this) Tsukasa n rui have these on 2 ears while emu and nene have them on 1.
I think that’s everything! If I notice anything more I’ll mention it later :3
I think it’s very sad we didn’t get a nene in alien form. I know she’s just a two star, but couldn’t they have put her somewhere on emu’s card really far away or something :(( 2 stars are so heartbreaking, esp when their designs are so gorgeous.
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writersdrug · 13 days
My brain is open to your bartender Ghost thoughts
Give me them all 🙏
Lordy this au isn't even an hour old and I have so many thoughts
He doesn't really know what to expect when you come in the morning after the interview. At eight am sharp, he watches as you trudge inside, wearing ripped tights, shorts, knock off combat boots, and a baggy shirt that's messily tucked into your waistline. It looks like you had put on eye liner last night and gone to bed, black lines smudged in a perfect "bedhead" look.
"Really?" He asks, arms folded and muscles buddging. "Come t' the interview in a skirt 'n dress shirt, n' show up t' the first shift lookin' like a wannabe biker chick?"
You scoff, pulling your hair up into a bun. "Didn't realize I'd be walking into the asscrack of "The Devil Wears Prada"..."
He huffs and shakes his head. You hve tough skin - good.
He had Soap come in early that day - poor man usually worked between 4 pm 'til whenever Ghost decided to close. He's still rubbing his eyes and yawning when a pen and spiral notepad are shoved into your hands, Simon pushing you towards towards the cook's table with a hand on your back.
"Hey, welcome to the 141." You say, no attempt at politeness in your tone. Ghost huffs fondly, appreciating how you cut through the bullshit. "Any appetizers today?"
"None o' that keech," Soap says, squeezing his eyes shut and pinching his brow. "Canna have a rusty nail 'n th' smash grunded, wel doon 'n with the bun scud - cannae stand th' aoli. Chips oan the side."
You stare at him, eyes wide in disbelief, before turning to Ghost. "Do they all sound like that?"
He grunts. "If they're drunk."
"Are you drunk?" You ask Soap.
"Feck if I know, tryin' tae figure it oot myself." He groans.
Ghost helps you decipher the words Soap had vomited out. You successfully punch it into the POS, only needing a few pointers from the giant over your shoulder. For the rest of the morning amd afternoon, he taeaches you which button on the soda gun was which, the difference between tonic water and club soda, how to run the industrial sanitizer - with a "ye best make sure that shite is rinsed 'fore ye stick em in there" from Soap - where the new kegs go when Gaz brings them in, where to find napkins and condiments in the walkin, how to cut fruit for the bar, and lastly, how to split your tips.
"But why do I have to pay you?" You ask Ghost, sitting at a table with your calculator app on your phone and a basket of fries between the two of you. "You make loads of tips just pouring liquor."
He chuckles, watching you pop a fry into your mouth. "'N you get a cut of sales from the kitchen, since you're part of it."
You perk up at that. "I do?"
"Seven percent." He confirms. "A decent payout on weekends."
"And Soap doesn't get tips."
"Johnny boy gets paid by th' hour."
"I don't?"
"If ya do well enough, ya won't have to." He says, resting his meaty forearms on the table. "You'll be walkin' out with hundreds."
You chew your lip nervously; Simon's eyes linger on the movement, shifting his weight - the polyester seat creaks beneath him as he observes you fretting silently, the silence only broken by the sound of Soap prepping in the kitchen. "Don' worry too much 'bout it. You're young - jus' keep a smile on 'n you'll be fine. Soap 'n I got your back tonight, but I'm not pickin' up your slack after the week passes."
The fry you're steering towards your mouth falls to the table as Simon stands up. "Tonight?!" You exclaim, shimmying out of the booth.
"Yep. Sixteen hundred."
You glance at your phone. "That's in an hour!" There are kegs stacked by the front door, unpolished and enrolled silverware on the bar top, and half of the chairs are still stacked on the countertops.
"Best get to work then, hmm?" Ghost says, grabbing a container of lemons and moving behind the bar.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
what are your thoughts on the castle Wels is building this season? I don't know if anyone has already asked but it has Helsknight vibes to me :)
"It's very..." Helsknight looked around and searched for something nice to say.
[He'd been encouraged to do that lately: say nice things about Wels. It was supposed to "help things". He didn't particularly want to "help things", but he couldn't very well tell people it didn't work if he didn't try it first. It deserved at least a token effort.]
"... Red."
"You're too kind," Welsknight deadpanned, clearly unimpressed.
"I like red."
"Red is a very you color."
They stood in bristly silence for a few moments, Helsknight looking up at the castle, and Welsknight looking at him. There was a lot of pointed staring going on. Welsknight pointedly watching Helsknight for any signs of unpleasantness. Helsknight pointedly watching the castle so he couldn't take offense and punch Wels in his stupid face. If their stares got any pointier, they might manage to stab each other just by proximity.
"Did you make it red because it was a me color, or because you like the color red?"
"I made it red because I like mangrove."
"That's the hardest tree to harvest in the game."
"So you're not making life easy for yourself."
More silence. Helsknight could feel Wels picking his comments apart for a hidden insult. There wasn't one. He was sticking to strict observations. It was safer that way.
[Think of something nice.]
"The dungeon is cool."
"You would like the dungeon."
Helsknight felt his ears start to heat up, and he wasn't sure if it was anger or embarrassment or exasperation. "And just what is that supposed to mean?"
"It just matches your aesthetic is all," Welsknight said innocently, too innocently. It was a very 'Look! See! You're the unreasonable one not me!' sort of statement. Helsknight sucked on his teeth, and slowly counted to ten.
"Dungeons don't have an aesthetic, besides unpleasant." Helsknight said with what he thought was an admirable amount of patience.
"It matches your aesthetic," Welsknight reasserted, his voice all sugary sweet innocence.
They glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes. The clenched identical fists. They both looked up at the castle.
"That's fine," Helsknight said, baring his teeth in a smile that definitely wasn't also a snarl. "The rest of the castle matches you."
"Oh?" Welsknight said jovially. "You think so?"
"Mm-hm. Grand. Showy." He flicked Welsknight a slow, sidelong glance. "Pointless."
The two knights glared at each other. They moved nearly identical hands down to rest on nearly identical sword hilts.
"Showy?" Welsknight asked, smiling in a way that showed all of his perfect white teeth, and just a little too much of the white of his eyes. "Pointless?"
Unconcerned, his face and the back of his neck burning with barely contained anger, Helsknight smiled back. "Unpleasant."
The two knights, in near perfect unison, glared at each other. The two knights, in near perfect unison, clenched white-knuckled fists around their sword hilts. The two knights, in near perfect unison, lunged at each other. The two knights, all unison abandoned, wrestled each other to the ground.
Across the river, on Hypno's roof, xB clicked a button on the side of his watch.
"Time!" xB he chuckled. "Six minutes and thirty-four seconds. Pay up."
"No!!" Hypno wailed, burying his face in his hands, "I thought for sure they would last eight minutes!"
"I told you man, they're like cats and dogs," xB patted Hypno on the back consolingly. "I'll take my winnings in diamond blocks please."
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jmliebert · 16 days
bg3 on a beach (modern headcanons)
some little beach-day headcanons ˙ᵕ˙
𓇼 Astarion 𓇼
the one who brought sunscreen with SPF 50
and basically an entire beach bag of skincare essentials— lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitizer, hair comb (gold-plated), facial mist, perfumes….
….a chic umbrella that screams "I don't do tan lines" (you didn’t know umbrellas might be chic? wel, you’ve obviously never met astarion, you poor soul)
struts around in Dior or Armani swim trunks that probably cost more than everyone else’s entire beach wardrobe (taste, darling)
throws subtle shade at anyone who dares to get sand near his setup
𓇼 Gale 𓇼
sitting next to Astarion under the chick umbrella, reading a brick-tome that looks way too heavy for a beach day
loose, unbuttoned shirt flapping in the breeze, looking like he's ready to casually narrate the next chapter of his life
dips into the water only to cool off, then returns to his book (wears a wide brimmed hat while swimming because sunburns are for novices)
brings some fruits, maybe homemade snacks i(f he’s feeling particulary extra)
puts on sunglasses, claiming it’s for “eye protection,” but really so he can unashamedly observe everyone else (astarion observes everyone at the beach as well, but making no effort to hide it though)
𓇼 Halsin 𓇼
totally would have preferred to go to a nudist beach, but hey, what won’t he do for his party?
sunbathes directly under the scorching rays, basking in nature's warm embrace
gives off major retired surfer vibes—minus the board, plus a lot of wisdom about underwater ecosystems
spends most of the day diving, befriending the fish, and enthusiastically recounting his underwater adventures to Shadowheart
as the sun sets, he meditates, he’s body looking positively glorious as the golden light hits just right
𓇼 Wyll 𓇼
rolls in with a cooler full of chilled beer, instantly becoming everyone’s favorite person
the one who’s super into every beach sport there is
performs cartwheels and somersaults, showing off a little (endd up with a head full of sand)
borrows Halsin’s goggles and disappears for an hour or two, only to resurface with a story about an underwater adventure
comforts a crying child who lost their bucket, instantly becoming a hero of the beach
𓇼 Karlach 𓇼
alexa, play starships by nicki minaj
fearless of the sun—probably doesn’t even know what sunscreen is
the most grateful for Wyll's beer, probably cracking open a can before she even sets up her towel (if it's a bottle, she’ll open it with her teeth)
hypes everyone up for a beach volleyball match, whether they want to play or not
dominates the game with killer serves, yelling “BOOM!” every time she scores
𓇼 Shadowheart 𓇼
aka Wednesday Addams on vacation, complete with a black swimsuit and a hat so big it casts shade on half the beach
floats around on an floatie, giving off strong “don’t bother me” vibes
quietly builds a sandcastle that turns out to be an architectural masterpiece (It’s somehow both gothic and impressive)
doesn’t know how to swim but hasn’t admitted it to anyone. Instead, she’s perfected the art of looking mysterious while staying close to the shore
smiles at dogs playing in the distance
𓇼 Lae’zel 𓇼
laughs in the face of sunburn
side-eyes Astarion and Gale applying sunscreen, muttering something about “weakness” under her breath
joins Shadowheart for a few minutes of sandcastle building, then pretends she wasn’t enjoying it
hyper-competitive during beach volleyball, diving for every ball like it’s a life-or-death situation
inevitably gets sunburned, grudgingly wears Gale’s hat, and glares at anyone who dares to mention it
𓇼 Jaheira 𓇼
doesn't have time for this shit
you can find more of my works about bg3 ♡here♡
the summer is ending, I feel it in my bones, so I just had to write this one hihi
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fuctacles · 1 year
Henderson's older brother is kinda fine :/ [Part II]
me: I'll write a blurb and nothing else popular demand: *slides into my DMs* [Part I] [Part III]
They finished Eddie's assignment that first day but Dustin invited him over again the next week. He told him to bring whatever homework he has, and they can brainstorm it together.
This time Eddie braced himself as he approached the door, expecting to run into the older brother again. But to his surprise, Dustin was the one to open the door. 
"They left you unsupervised?" He raised his eyebrows as he stepped past his friend.
Dustin rolled his eyes so hard it looked painful.
"Very funny. Steve had the morning shift today, but he should be back for dinner."
"Ah, the things we could get up to until then," Eddie's eyes sparkled with mischief but Dustin slapped him in the stomach with the strength of a dwarf.
"Yeah, like helping you graduate."
"Oof," Eddie winced, twisting away from his deceitfully powerful hands. "You're no fun, Henderson. Where is your adventurous spirit?"
"At the DnD table, duh."
So Eddie put on his mom-charming pants (they worked the best when no actual moms were involved, just like all his other pants) and did not go looting around his friend's house. Instead, he spread his latest assignments on Dustin's bed, claiming it as his territory for the time being. Dustin worked on his own stuff at his desk, like a civilized human being. Barf.
An hour of relative silence had passed before Dustin set down whatever he was doing and turned in his chair.
"I think you're like Lucas."
It took Eddie a moment to even process the words. He looked up to find his younger friend propped up on his elbow and staring at him.
"I think you might be like Lucas," he repeated with his customary eye roll.
Eddie thought about the sporty jock-wannabe Sinclair, scrunching his nose.
Dustin seemed pleased to be asked that as he sat up eagerly to proceed with his reasoning. Which were for sure very scientific and not pulled out of his ass. Eddie braced himself for an impromptu lecture.
"His grades dropped when he got his own room. But he aced all his tests when it was being painted, and he had to bunk with Erica for a few days. So, we made an experiment and whenever he would study or do homework with someone else in the room, it got better results than when he worked alone," he paused, eyeing his friend. "Are you following?"
Eddie clicked his tongue.
"What I'm following is you used your friend as a test subject."
The boy threw his hands in the air in the way that always made Eddie grin. The kid was so delightfully dramatic.
"For his benefit. And now for yours!"
Eddie huffed in thought, simultaneously hopeful to find a solution for his skittery brain and irritated it might have been that easy this whole time. 
"So I just need a study buddy?" he asked, scrunching his nose.
"Yep," Dustin grinned at him. "I know your uncle isn't home most of the time, but you're welcome here whenever you need to work on something."
Eddie mulled that thought in his head, weighing pros and cons and asking his gut how it felt about it. His gut likes the food in Henderson's house though, so it might be a bit biased.
"You know what, Henderson? I just might take you up on that."
As if on cue, the front door opened and closed, the sound of keys dropping in the bowl following.
"Up here!" Dustin hollered and if Eddie was a lesser man, with shittier taste in music, it might have damaged his earbuds. But they were honed in by the sweet tones of metal, therefore a screeching teenager was not enough to break them at this point.
"Oh, hi Eddie!" Steve was standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath and hair not as magnificent as Eddie got used to seeing, a poster boy from a hairspray commercial no more. Ah, what capitalism does to people.
"Your hair looks sad," he observed with a slight tilt of his head.
"Uh," the guy raised his hand to his hair, pulling at the flat fringe self-consciously. "Well, sorry I didn't have the energy to doll myself back up after 8 hours of customer service."
Eddie snorted.
“Doll yourself up? Who says that?”
“I do,” Steve huffed, crossing his arms but the reddening apples of his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. Good. What grown-ass man refers to himself as a doll? Even one looking like an animated Ken. But that would be dark magic, which Eddie of course doesn't condone.
“I think Robin started it,” Dustin offered, unhelpfully. “She was trying to bully him, but it backfired because he actually likes it.” He made a disgusted face.
“A doll, Steve? That’s kinda gay,” Eddie shook his head feigning disappointment. Instead of morphing into irritation though, Steve’s face hardened, and suddenly he remembered his nerdy friend’s brother was actually a jock. Former, reformed, doesn't matter. Abs were abs.
“Yeah? And what’s wrong with that?” he asked, eyes set on Eddie, unblinking.
He took a quick glance around the room. The window was open, but it was the first floor and Gareth would kill him if he broke as much as a finger again. So he dusted off the little matchbox of courage that was left somewhere inside him, and offered:
“Uh, nothing? Gays are cool. Dolls are cute. All is good.” He stretched his lips in the best attempt at a smile he could muster right now.
Steve still has not blinked, which was starting to stress Eddie out. Were his eyes always this piercing? He was staring for too long, could match their exact shade to one of the trees surrounding the trailer park by now, but was too afraid to look away. If he showed weakness, he might get chewed alive, spat out and stomped on, for a good measure.
“Good,” Steve said finally, and Eddie could breathe again. “We don’t badmouth gays in this household.”
“We don’t,” Dustin nodded feverishly, eager to get his brother out of the room. This indeed seemed to appease him, as he finally unclenched his jaw, uncrossed his arms and rapped his knuckles against the door frame.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower and start on the dinner. You stayin’?” he asked, eyes back on Eddie, who was paralyzed enough, that Dustin had to swoop in and answer for him.
“Yep, he’s staying.”
“‘Kay,” Steve slapped the door frame, suddenly smiling again, and closed the door. If not for the slow breeze from the open window, Eddie would be already dead in the vacuum-sealed room, because he surely took away all the oxygen on his way out.
He scooted on the bed to face Dustin, who was about to open a book and start reading like whatever had just happened hadn’t just happened.
“Soo, is Steve…?”
Dustin looked at him. Eddie looked at him back.
“Is Steve what?” Dustin prodded, in that annoyed tone of his.
Eddie was a wordsmith, he could write and lead campaigns, produce not-half-bad lyrics and lie his way out of trouble. Usually. He got this.
He opened his mouth. Frowned. He did not get this.
“Gay?” he asked quietly.
“Pshhh, no,” Dustin waved his hand. “He’s a ladies' man.”
“Right, yeah,” Eddie nodded like the bobbing head figurine on his uncle’s dashboard. “Then why…”
Dustin shrugged, the unhelpful bastard.
“I think his father is a homophobe? And Steve was kind of a jerk a few years back, he’s trying to be better now. Overcompensating a bit, if you ask me but eh,” he shrugged again. The helpfulest kid in Hawkins. Baby Henderson opened his book, closing the topic, so Eddie fell back on the bed, taking a well-needed break from his study break.
Normally, when the topic of gays was brought up, it was unpleasant and long-winded, full of exchanged opinions, usually hateful ones. Here, the Hendersons were treating it like small talk, not the can of worms that just opened in Eddie’s stomach. Okay, gross. They would crawl around, who knows in which direction? And the can itself? So many sharp edges, so unsanitary.
Needless to say, it wasn’t something Eddie would forget about quickly like they seemed to expect him to.
Alas, he was Dustin’s study-guest, so the kid gave him five minutes to ponder on the worms crawling inside him, before slapping the side of his head with a book to get him back on track. He wouldn’t even let him out on a leak pass until he showed he was done with the chapter he started.
Finally free for a second, Eddie left the bathroom but instead of returning to Dustin’s room, he was lured downstairs by the atrocious sounds of ABBA. Was ABBA gay? He was going to overthink everything now, wasn’t he? Honestly, the whole pop genre felt gay. Metal, that was manly as fuck. Very heterosexual.
For a second he stood in the kitchen’s door frame watching the older Henderson sway his hips around in a yellow apron. It would be almost endearing if the music didn’t make his brain try to collapse on itself. 
He quickly approached the radio and slammed the pause button to save the poor man from further eardrum damage.
“What is this?” he asked when Steve turned to face him.
“Uh. The radio?” he frowned, the poor guy having no idea what he was saying. The top 40 made him delirious.
“What was the radio playing?” Eddie asked in his most condescending tone, eyebrows raised.
“.... ABBA?”
Eddie scoffed.
“I’ll bring you some real music, hang on a second.” And he was gone, on a quest to educate the masses. “Masses” being one Steve Henderson, but as an older brother and Dustin’s role model he had a duty to uphold and Eddie was generous enough to help him out.
He ran out to his car and rummaged through his cassettes, wondering which one was most appropriate for a cooking background. Not a thing he would practice himself, but metalheads eat too, sometimes, so it couldn't be such a farfetched concept. Right?
Eventually, he dumped an armful of tapes on the counter, grinning at Steve wildly.
“One of them has to work for…” he waved a hand in the general direction of chopped-up vegetables. “Whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I will not believe you haven't cooked before.”
Eddie only shrugged at that and popped the first tape of choice into the player. Steve frowned at the tunes but wisely didn't object.
“Since you’re making yourself comfortable in my kitchen, why don’t you help me out a bit?”
“Ah, I’d love to, but there’s this solo I just have to-” he broke into an elaborate air guitar, imitating the riffs from memory while banging his head. He couldn’t see Steve’s face, but he was undoubtedly impressed. Eddie looked metal as fuck. He was super cool, super manly.
“I thought you were just taking a dump but then, guess what? I hear Iron Maiden from the kitchen!”
What wasn’t cool, was being scolded by a fourteen-year-old.
“Got lured by the sweet tunes, huh, big guy?”
“Dustin please, take him away from me.”
Dustin looked between the older boys, one maniacally jumping around, the other wielding a knife and a carrot. He considered his chances and favorable outcomes.
“If we switch to Metallica I’ll help with cooking,” he offered, to which Steve shrugged and Eddie gleefully switched the tapes.
He jumped around, watching the two Hendersons work together and to his absolute terror, he felt a teeny tiny desire to join in. Thankfully, his pride was still hidden beneath a half-dead tree.
He circled them like a curious cat, getting closer and closer, until his face almost squished against Steve’s arm, still dutifully chopping.
“What are we making?”
“We,” Steve accentuated, jostling the intruder's head. “Are making baked vegetables. You are jumping around like a lunatic.”
Eddie gasped.
“I am providing entertainment!”
“Can you provide the baking pan?” Dustin asked dryly. “It’s in the oven.”
“Only if it means I get to taste the fruits of my hard work.”
“You don’t have to help us to get dinner.” Steve bumped his shoulder with a roll of his eyes. “But, helpers get an extra cookie.”
“Well, why didn’t you say so?”
Eddie was truly a genius. He got to help out his fake little brother and his older brother without outwardly asking to be included! And to think he failed senior year twice.
“Go do your nerdy things, I’ll call you when it’s done,” Steve wiped his hands on a towel, food in the oven and the timer set. Dustin was more than happy to leave, and was first to run up the stairs. Eddie was about to follow but a light tug on his shirt stopped him. He turned around, confused, only to be met with Steve pressing a finger to his lips, which, more confusion.
Not easing his grasp, he pulled him back into the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards, where he grabbed a jar and popped it open, releasing a mouthwatering aroma.
“One,” he ordered, and without having to be told twice, Eddie reached in to find a chocolate chip cookie.
“You trying to poison me?” he asked, even if his tongue was one slip away from tasting the treat.
“I would never put poison in my baking,” Steve made a face like the mere suggestion offended him. Eddie raised his eyebrows. 
“You made this?”
“Fucking- Eat it before Dustin comes looking for you. I’m trying to be nice.” Steve gritted his teeth, putting the jar back away.
Eddie felt a little bad for pushing him, but only a little. He finally put the cookie in his mouth and took a bite.
Holy shit.
“This is so fucking good!” he mumbled, crumbs flying everywhere, which earned him a disgusted expression.
“Good thing I haven’t swept yet,” Steve murmured, looking at the floor with disdain. “Now scram. Don’t show up until dinner.”
“Yes, sir!” Eddie saluted, crumbs dripping, and ran away, before Steve’s deadly kitchen rag could reach his butt.
User tags: @i-have-three-feelings @mblogs @awkwardgravity1 @imacowboy3 [Steddie masterpost] [Ao3] [ko-fi]
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pairings: Xavier thorpe x Fem!reader summary: hating each other doesn't really work out when there's different feelings hiding beneath it. warning: swearing, them being assholes to each other. note: reader is Wednesday's cousin. again. pretty long. I told myself this would be the last part but I got carried away. sooooo part 4 tomorrow so comment if you would like to be tagged in that
part 1 part 2 part 4
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Xavier's POV
"Y/n!" I knocked on her window "can we talk"
the lights were off but there was noise coming from inside
"you can't ignore me forever" I sighed.
the window was slightly open so I took my chance and pushed it open more. climbing into her room.
I looked around and walked to her desk. looking at the statue of a frog playing an instrument. It was an odd concept but it seemed like something she would like, I picked it up and examined it closer until I heard footsteps coming to the door, I quickly put the frog down and made my way out the window again.
"you snuck into my room" you said walking up to Xavier
"what?" he questioned, Looking at you confused
"you broke into my room last night" you stated
"no I didn't" he denied quickly
"there's no point in lying, Xavier. there's proof. you're an amateur in that department"
"what proof do you have then?" he asked, getting annoyed
you pulled out a little zip-lock bag with a single hair in it
"is that a strand of hair?" Xavier spoke surprised and shocked
"a strand of your hair, yes" you nodded
"that could be anyone's hair" he defended himself
"It could've been, that's why Wednesday got it tested" you insited
"what the hell do you mean you got it tested?" he replied
"i think you know what it means" you huffed
"you're insane"
"I got to my room last night only for my room to smell like you, I find my frog in the wrong place and a single hair my floor. not to mention my window was an inch more open than when I left it. and when I looked out of it, I find that you're not at you painting on the wall, but your supplies are" you investigated "care to explain why?"
"again, you're insane" he scoffed
"no, I'm just observant" you spoke dully
"right, ok" he rolled his eye
"why were you in my room?" you demanded an answer
"I wanted to talk to you" he shrugged
"what is so important to tell me that you had to break into my room?" you huffed, crossing you arms
"wel- how do you know what I smell like?" he trailed off
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"you said you got to your room and noticed it smelt like me. how do you know what I smell like?" he smirked
"because it smelt shit just like you"
"are you sure about that?" he chuckled
"I'm certain" you said before you turned away.
as you walked off, you and Xavier both took a deep breath and gulped.
During Outreach day, you snuck away from your group to go to the cafe
"what do you want?" Xavier asked
"A coffee, that's what everyone comes in here for" you told him simply
"what type of coffee?" he sighed
"one without your spit in it" you shrugged
"why would I spit in your coffee?" he shook his head in disappointment
"I don't know, the look on your face said it"
"what coffee would you like?" he questioned
"maybe a frappe" you said, looking at the menu at the top
"maybe? it's a yes or a no" he huffed, getting impatient
you smiled sarcastically "first of all, you're not getting a tip anymore. and yes, I'll have a coffee frappe"
you gave him the money and walked to your table. looking out the window to the street
you pulled out your phone and scrolled through pages, seeing Enid's page was updated with the latest 'gossip'
it was a photo of two people taken from a distance, you couldn't recognise the people in the photo so you read the description
'these two seem to talk a bit too much for them to be just enemies' it read
it was only posted a minute ago, with only one like and a single comment
as you looked at the comments under it you saw a comment from Xavier
'Enid take this down right now'
it was until then that you noticed it was you and Xavier in the photo
"here's your Coffee frappe without spit" Xavier put down the drink
"thanks" you mumbled
you messaged Enid, telling her to take the post down as soon as possible, not even a second later she gave in and said she would take it down. you thanked her and put your phone away, taking a sip of your drink.
"what the hell are you doing?" Xaviers voice called out from the rain. you looked up at him to see him with an umbrella
"why are you here?" you glared at him
"Wednesday told me you planned on going around here." he explained
"that doesn't answer my question" you blinked blankly
"just get under the umbrella" he moved closer to you, trying to get you under the purple umbrella with him
"I don't need protection from the rain" you stated
"I don't want you to get sick" he pleaded
"since when do you care if I get sick or not?" you investigated
"fine" he grumbled
"what's wrong with you?" you rebuked
"stop. you've been acting weird lately and I don't like it" you spat
"what do you want from me?" he quizzed
"to act like you did before, like you hate and not care about me" you declared
"I do hate you" he nodded his head
"that's not what logic says" you pointed out
"what logic?" he retorted
"you have a drawing of me in your notebook, you're always around me now and you kissed me the other day" you announced "any logical person would say that you have feelings for me, but I refuse to be under your trap"
"trap? what trap!?" he said loudly
"the one where you think you can trap me into thinking I don't hate you" you explained
"you're insane! you know that? I'm basically serving my feelings to you on a silver platter here and you say I'm trapping you?" he yelled at you
"yes, that is what I said" you nodded
"what is wrong with you?!" he screamed as the rain got heavier
you stayed silent, you didn't want to answer him anymore so you just stared at him blankly.
"I could ask the same question" you mumbled, walking past him
It was quiet in the quad as you stared at the boy from afar.
he was oblivious to you behind him as he painted the wall
"I hate you" you must of scared him for a second time and made him mess up for the second time
"oh yeah? care to share why that is?" he huffed, mad at you
"you are an asshole"
"yeah? you're not the nicest person either" he rolled his eyes
"I have done nothing to you!" you yelled at him
"is that really what you believe in your twisted little mind?" he growled. putting his paintbrush down and backing you up into a pillar
"It's not a belief, It's a fact" you corrected
"you know what else is a fact?" he took a short pause, not caring for your answer "you're being a bitch"
"I've always liked dogs" you glared at him
"you can't be serious? I tell you I like you and you just walk away like I don't matter. Like my feelings don't matter!" he yelled "and the sad part is that you don't even care, you think you're treating me fairly!"
"I hate you, how else am I supposed to treat someone I hate?" you questioned
"yeah, right, why do you hate me again? because you're afraid of showing your emotions? afraid of the true feelings you have for me?" he laughed dryly
"you scared me" you stated
"I scared you" he chuckled, licking his lips while looking down at his feet, he shook his head amused as his dimples became more defined
"that's pathetic. I scared you one time and you hate my guts and torture me for years? I apologised for doing it a million times!" he yelled hysterically
"why are you so mad?"
"I was trying to impress you! I have always tried impressing you but you don't get it. you just flip out. I was excited to show you what I could do. I didn't draw or animate for months after that. you hurt my feelings and you didn't even care!" he shouted
"why should I care?" you grilled
"do you seriously have no emotions or feelings whatsoever? it is so pathetic how little empathy you have for others." he scoffed
"feelings are a waste of time and emotions show weakness" you explained dully
"you are" he took a deep breath "a horrible person"
"I'm trying to not hurt your feelings" you said
"you already did! did you seriously think you can treat me like shit and not hurt my feelings!?" he screamed, running his hands down his face in frustration.
"it's not my fault I can't interpret you're emotions, it's nothing personal." you shrugged
"No, it never is with you, is it?! and you can't even apologise, you just come out with an excuse! I'm done with your bullshit. I should've been done a long time ago" he sighed angrily, hitting the pillar he had you against
"why haven't you sooner?"
"Because I love you!" he disclosed loudly "it's kind of hard to just forget those types of feelings for a person and leave"
"you should've told me" you swallowed a lump in your throat
"why do you think I came to your room that night, and even if I did you would've turn me down. every. single. time" he smiled sadly
you didn't know what to say. you couldn't form words. you didn't love emotions, but you couldn't stop them, it was a human right to have feelings.
"I'll see you around, Y/L/N"
he walked away from you one last time.
@apollo3475 @jiyaisdope @ihrtsabrinaclaudio @kpop-core @xavi-thpe @sammarvel123 @1201pm @ur-mom-is-h0t @barryswifey @ilovethesmiths111 @honey-with-tea @l-3rk @meankim @your-left-sock @thorpin @gx0sty @yayaistime @ygyofoyyxo @users09 @meme-queen-1999 @czeniess @gutterrataesthetic @parkersmyth @absurd-raven @lnnlove @aureliapappa @idccc @sstilinski @beautifuldisasters-things @gengen64 @issy1554 @mxltifxnd0m @spooky-bitch420 @dyhlanobrien @pauphs @soobin-my-beloved @herejustforjj @lovurryy @diorheaven @karagrace @pepswag10 @pockeymcmockey @mogli-bear @finnwantsmefr @ttayl0rswift @error404-energynotfound @renn-pumkin-head @lieutenant-roos @satan1cwh0r3 @sanzusmile @harrys3rdnipp @theprettytragic @aunicornmademedoit @dahliamae @mxgvmiii
I hope I got everybody! I'm sorry if i got everyone! there was so many of you I had to get through.
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rafesapologist · 1 year
the set up — rafe cameron; part four
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀): cussing, mentions of violence, kind of fluff, lil bit of angst but not much.
author's note: so so sorry for this taking a few days to upload! i've been out of town all weekend and was getting ready for the eras tour concert i went to! i tried to write while i was at the hotel but it just wasn't happening (alcohol might've taken a part in that but anyways), regardless we're back and i'm excited to write for u guys again :)
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It was Friday night and your heart was racing. Although you weren't entirely sure why you felt so queasy, you boiled it down to the fact that you were going to be spending the night surrounded by a bunch of Kooks. You realized ahead of time that you were going to feel completely out of place amongst the upper class clique, a group of people totally different than you. Truth was, you were a Pogue through and through. You resided on the south side of the island, also known as The Cut. A majority of the time you were with your friends at the chateau, hanging on the hammock with JJ, taking bikes to see the ocean, and maybe even at the boneyard, but in no ways was any aspect of your life as opulent as a Kooks', or even close to it.
Your first impression even matched your identity, a dead giveaway that you were undeniably a Pogue. In any other circumstance you would have embraced what position you were born into, but if you wanted to win over Rafe Cameron's heart, and trust, you were going to have to put in some substantial amount of effort to get to that point. Therefore, when the opportunity to go on a 'date' with Rafe was finally proposed, you went straight to Sarah to lend you the most full Kook outfit she had in her closet.
Despite hating the identity you were trying to hide behind, you had to admit that Sarah's sense of fashion was impeccable. Lucky for you, she dressed you in a sage green square neck gingham mini dress, with a small slit up the thigh that you knew would be observed by Rafe's wondering eyes. You needed this to work at all costs, even if it meant that you were losing part of your dignity by dressing up like a braggart.
"Are you excited?" Sarah asked through the speaker of your phone, her question clearly rhetorical and rather needling.
"I just want to get this over with." You admitted with a whine.
"Well, JJ and Pope are going to be there so it won't be so bad." Your cheerful blond friend encouraged you with a hopeful smile, which had the right intention but seemed to fail at getting you through the circumstances at stake.
"Yeah, that makes it even worse." You grumbled, fumbling with the hooks on your sandals hurriedly.
"C'mon, I know it's Rafe we're talking about but he seems to have some sort of interest in you, so you should be fine." Sarah inspirited your optimism against the obvious signs of uneasiness you had been exhibiting for an hour over the phone.
You sighed, figuring that Sarah truly did have a point. Rafe seemed to have grown some kind of absorption with you since you had started working at the golf course, which essentially was a part of the plan, but you never expected him to grow so fond of you so quickly. Who knew all it took was a short skirt and batting your eyelashes to get Rafe Cameron to fawn over you. Go figure.
"Yeah well- Shit." You were interrupted abruptly by the sound of knocking at your front door. The noise alone was enough to make your stomach turn, as if it wasn't already before. Your body temperature rose once it had settled in your mind that it was more than likely Rafe at the front door, probably waiting impatiently in that damn polo he always wears. In that moment you wanted nothing more than to sneak out your bedroom window and run far away, but that wasn't an option and this date was crucial in order to convince Rafe you were something special.
"What? Is he there?" Sarah asked with confusion at the sound of urgency in your voice.
"Yeah he's at the front door, I think. I gotta go, text you later." You waved off your friend in a hurry before ending the call. You began to scurry around your room in search for your most sweetly-scented perfume, hoping to advance your level of allurement with an aroma that would likely inveigle the nescient boy. You planned on getting him right in the palms of your hands, so you decided on a fragrance of vanilla with hints of gourmand notes.
You felt satisfied with your appearance once you got a glimpse of yourself in your bedroom mirror before you exited the room, thinking to yourself that Rafe was definitely going to have his eyes on you all night, and the thought alone had a fire lighting up in your stomach.
You opened the front door and was immediately met with the sight of the dirty blond Kook, a visual you were slowly starting to become oddly familiar with. Your first reaction was to take in the view as you surveyed his clean-cut appearance, but as your eyes trailed his tall stature, you realized he had been doing just the same back to you. The only difference was that his stare was much more intense with a hint of longing beneath it, and it made you feel small under his gaze as he inspected every inch of your body - especially the exposed portions of it.
"You look beautiful." Rafe acknowledged your graceful presence, silently admiring the way your dress adorned your figure remarkably.
You smiled in return, "You don't look bad yourself, Cameron."
Your comment earned a small smile from the boy, noticing that his cheeks began to blush at the same time.
"Just for you, princess." He teased in response, a remark that sent heat coursing through your entire body. Rafe was notably always making suggestive comments and phrases towards you at any chance he could get, but for some reason, the way his nickname for you rolled off his tongue made you feel like you could melt right then and there.
You followed closely behind him on the way to his car that had been parked in your driveway after quickly saying your goodbye's to your parents, only to be put into a state of shock when you had realized Rafe had opened the passenger door for you to get in. Your heart seemed to flutter once again at his gesture, an act of chivalry that you had never experienced before.
"Thank you." You expressed your gratitude for his actions with a feeble voice as you hopped into the sumptuous-looking car.
"No need to thank me, angel." Rafe expressed much to the liking of the butterflies floating in your stomach.
You watched as the broad blond entered the driver's side door and started the car engine, finding yourself fixated on the prominent veins in his arms and hands as he did so. You had thought to yourself that in that moment, despite all the chaos that surrounded Rafe Cameron, maybe he wasn't as awful to be around as you initially anticipated. Sure he was a bit tempermental at times, but never towards you. Matter of fact, you were quite sure that Rafe wouldn't raise a hand at you, one being because he was gentle with you in every interaction you two had, and two because he wouldn't dare take away his time to fawn over you. He didn't want to be the one to rip that smile off your face that captivated him so much.
You enjoyed the scenic view of the coastal town and all of its serenity, watching out the window as you peered up at the clear night sky above you as the moon lit up all that surrounded you. Perhaps you became a little too entranced in the view, a state of ambedo, since all of the sudden you were brought back into reality by the feeling of a warm hand gently placing itself on the top of your exposed thigh. Your eyes shot down to where the warmth was coming from, your eyes then trailing up from the hand on your leg all the way to Rafe's side profile. It seemed as though Rafe could sense your stare as he instinctively glanced over at you for a brief second, catching your gaze.
"Is this okay?" Rafe asked tenderly, motioning to his hand placement. The innocent gesture creating a moment of kairosclerosis for you, and even a little appreciation towards him. You swore to yourself that if you had told the other Pogues what had just happened within the previous ten minutes, none of them would have believed you. But it was all real, and you were there, experiencing the extent of Rafe's affinity that no one could imagine he had.
"Yeah it's okay." You flashed a small, yet accepting smile at him. Rafe seemed to take note of your assurance as you noticed the tension in his body language relaxed, his fingers sliding further into your inner thigh yet remaining in a place that wasn't too high up for you. It was clear Rafe had an awareness of your boundaries and didn't want to cross them, which you were thankful for.
"So, how does a girl like you end up with people like John B and JJ Maybank? I mean, I know you're a 'Pogue' and all, but those guys are total losers." Rafe inquired, causing you to frown subtly.
"They're still my friends," you defended, "and they've been there for me more than my actual family has." You admitted, your voice falling more quietly as you confessed.
"What do you mean by that?" Rafe questioned as he looked over at you with furrowed brows, contemplating the severity of the situation you were talking about.
"My parents don't care what I'm doing or where I'm at. I basically live at John B's house and the hardly notice when I'm gone," you scoffed to yourself quietly, "I'm in no better position than JJ or John B. Half the time it's like they're the only family I have."
Rafe frowned as you spoke, becoming evident that he was taking in your every word by the way his jaw clenched as you told him about your family situation. You had also noticed that his thumb began to rub against your skin in a soothing manner that sent cold chills throughout your body.
"I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have a kind of fucked up home life." Rafe joked dryly as he eyes stayed glued to the road ahead, his expression turning somber.
"How?" You asked, confused as to how someone as wealthy and affluent as Rafe Cameron could even began to understand the detriments of living in a bad home.
"My dad is a control freak who plays favorites. He always chooses Sarah, everything is always Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. She could run him dry and he'd still treat her like a fucking angel. Me, however, he could care less about unless he wants something done." Rafe groused while his grip on the steering wheel became tighter. You realized the subject of his father struck a nerve somewhere in Rafe, which was a cause for concern. If Ward had been that careless with his son, what was he willing to make him do for him?
You wanted to calm down the ill-tempered boy before you were going to arrive at your destination, mostly because you knew that if he showed up in such a state and spotted one of your friends, you would be screwed.
"Well it's any consolation, at least you have me to understand having a fucked up family." You quipped in the effort to try and make the atmosphere in the car light-hearted again. It seemed to have worked out though, because Rafe started to laugh back at you.
"That's right, at least I'm not a Pogue either." Rafe jested in return.
Your jaw dropped flippantly, pretending as if you were offended by his comment. "Oh, fuck off." You shoved his shoulder lightly.
"Just sayin'." He shrugged, still unapologetically chuckling at his own joke. What an ass. You thought.
The two of you had finally arrived to the park in which the movie was set to play at. You realized upon arrival that practically everyone on the island was there, causing your heart to sink. If there was anything you hated, it was large crowds of people. Your breathing began to fasten as you observed the large quantities of individuals entering the place and taking their seats on the grass in front of the large projector screen. You fiddled with your hands and began picking at your fingernails in order to distract yourself from the anxiety that was brewing within you.
"You okay?" The sound of Rafe's baritoned voice breaking you out of your disassociation.
"Yeah," you replied mousily, "just hate big crowds."
"Well, you'll be with me and if anyone says anything to you I'll handle it myself." Rafe affirmed, lending you a hand to hold as you stepped out of the vehicle.
"Is your first instinct always violence?" You asked.
"Only if someone is messing with you." He smirked, taking your hand gently as he guided you over to the area in which his group of friends were sat.
You watched from behind Rafe as he greeted each one of his fellow Kook friends with handshakes and by dapping them up. The longer you stood and waited for him to introduce you to the rest of them, you could feel the awkwardness killing you internally. The thought of having to meet new people made you went to throw up already, let alone a group of stuck up Kooks who were seemingly intoxicated.
"This is y/n," Rafe finally turned around to acknowledge you, throwing his arms over your shoulders as he held you by his side proudly, "she's one of Sarah's friends."
"Didn't know you were banging your sister's friends now." One of the boys retorted, causing the entire group to snicker in return.
"Yeah yeah, fuck off, Ryan. You were fucking Kelce's sister for like a month." Rafe riposted at the snarky brunette Kook who quickly became quiet and practically mute following the comment.
"You did what?" Kelce asked furiously, glaring over at the other Kook who had his head hung low in order to avoid eye contact, and likely a bigger confrontation.
"Anyways, she's hanging with us tonight so don't be a bunch of dicks." Rafe asserted amongst the group, causing their full attention to advert to him. You were left in shock as you noticed they all obeyed to his demand without further question. You took it as a sign that Rafe was likely the ring-leader type of friend amongst his group of company. You had to admit though, the sight of all those Kooks taking orders from Rafe was humorous.
Eventually, you were able to take a seat next to Rafe on the set of lawn chairs that were scattered across the park. Quite honestly, you weren't paying attention to the movie that had just begun what-so-ever, too caught up in the way you were surrounded by a group of men that you barely knew at all. You tried your best to remain calm and collected in the given situation, trying to keep your attention on the screen in front of you, but your brain simply wouldn't retain any of what was happening on it. Rafe wasn't much help either, as he was too engaged in a conversation with Topper and Kelce to notice your boredom.
Until you heard the sound of someone behind you trying to gain your attention.
"Psst, y/n! Psst, over here!" You heard a familiar voice call out to you in an obnoxiously loud whisper. You quickly turned your head around as your eyes wandered the premise, seeing no sign of where the noise was coming from.
"Y/n, over here!" The voice half- whispeed, half-shouted again. This time guiding you to where exactly the sound was and who it was coming from. JJ.
"What the hell, JJ?" You mouthed in bewilderment, motioning your head over to Rafe who was merely 5 inches apart from you.
"Check your phone!" JJ mouthed back as he pointed down to the phone in his hands. You did as told and seen you had unread messages from your blond friend in your notifications.
*JAY-J <3: had to make sure you were safe from all those damn kooks*
You rolled your eyes at JJ's message, letting out a half-hearted laugh as you looked down at your phone. You had completely forgot who was sitting right next to you until you were caught off-guard by the sound of Rafe's voice interrupting you.
"Everything okay?" Rafe whispered to you as he looked at you with concern, mistaking the noise you made as a sigh instead of a laugh.
"Oh yeah, just breathing." You lied in an attempt to brush Rafe off, but you failed miserably at getting his attention off of you.
"Do you want something to drink? I can go get you anything if you want." He offered, which set off a light bulb in your head and a perfect escape plan to come into mind.
"Actually, I'll go get it," you smiled," I need to stretch my legs anyways, been sitting all day."
"Okay, I'll save your seat for when you get back." Rafe smiled as he watched you stand up from your seat. Part of you felt guilty for lying to the boy, but you needed to see your friend desperately and if you were surrounded by Kooks for any longer, you might have lost your mind.
*Y/N: meet me at the concession stand. i bought some time to get away from rafe for like 10 mins* You texted JJ in a hurry while you hastened over to the concession line. You stood off to the side of the building with your arms cross, standing up on your tip-toes occassionally to try and spot your friends among the sizeable crowd full on Pogues, Kooks, and Tourons.
You were taken by surprise once you felt a pair of hands grab you by the waist from behind, spinning you around to come face-to-face with sight of a blond boy who was a relief to see in that moment.
"JJ!" You squealed once you realized it was none other than your best friend with Pope accompanied beside him. JJ smiled in reaction to your excitement, taking you in once again and spinning you around in the air swiftly. You felt giddy as you felt JJ's hands hold your hips steadily, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck once he had placed you back on the ground.
"Alright guys, enough with the rom-com fest here. Rafe could find us at any moment." Pope interrupted your and JJ's moment of jubilation with his typical panic. You rolled your eyes at his pessimism, although he did have a point. If Rafe were to have spotted your Pogue friends, he might just kill them both.
"Good point." You agreed, taking a step back from JJ's embrace and looking at the two boys standing in front of you as they awaited your response, "I just needed to get away from all those Kooks for a minute. If I had to listen to them talk about Midsummers any longer I was going to drive my head through a wall." You griped.
"Wait, Midsummers?" Pope repeated back at you as though the topic sparked an idea in his mind.
"Yeah, that thing where a bunch of Kooks get together and play dress up." You stated, still in a state of confusion as to what was brewing in Pope's brain, considering he's always coming up with something.
"You should go with Rafe."
"What?" You and JJ both shouted in unison at Pope's absurd request.
"I mean, you wanna gain Rafe's trust right? It would be the perfect opportunity to do so. Meet his family, live like a Kook with him for a night. Plus, you won't even be alone. JJ and I are gonna be working there that night, and Kie and Sarah are still considered as Kooks so you know they're going, too. I don't think it's a bad idea." Pope explained.
"Pope, there's no way in hell she's going to-"
"I'll do it." You cut off JJ just before he could reject Pope's suggestion, causing both of the boys to look at you in disbelief.
"Y/n, what? Do you realize what you'd be getting yourself into?" JJ apprised much against his friend's idea. You knew it was just JJ being his normal stubborn self, but you didn't have time to pay any mind to it. You knew that Pope's idea was the best bet in order for you to work your way into Rafe's life with ease, and so you knew what you'd have to do.
"JJ, I know you're worried and all, but this is our only chance at getting one step closer into whatever fucked up plan Rafe and his dad are conspiring against us. It's either I do this, or we're done for." You pleaded up at the distressed blond who looked down at you with an earnest look in his eyes.
"JJ, she'll be fine. We're all going to be there so you know she won't be alone." Pope added.
JJ sighed in defeat, the realization that you weren't going to back down washing over him. He grazed his hands through his shaggy blond hair as he placed a hand on his hip, "If any of this goes wrong, I'll kill him." He warned.
"Everything is going to be fine, Jay." You reassured, stepping forward to place a quick kiss onto the apple of his cheek. His body seemed to relax some at the gesture, his hands falling to your hips again as he peered down at you.
"I'm serious, y/n. I've already got enough reason to punch that asshole right in his face, let alone if he does something to you."
"He won't. You need to trust me on that, yeah? I can assure you it'll all be fine." You convinced once again, looking over at Pope in hopes he would help the situation, but instead he looked back at the two of you with judgement.
"You guys are strange." Pope added, scoffing at your guys' obvious shared displays of affection. It wasn't abnormal for you and JJ to be so hands-on, especially in a time where JJ was in a state of worry. None of the other Pogues seemed to understand the relationship you and JJ had going on, but they chose not to question to because more than likely, you two barely even knew what was going on.
"Well, who do we have here?"
taglist (if i missed any of u i apologize, pls let me know if u need or want to be added!!): @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm (if i forgot to add you, please let me know!)
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luna-naoffcial · 2 months
Criminal Love
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Reader
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21 years old
"Hang on, let me get this straight. You two have been together for 3 years and you haven't fucked?" Elizabeth asked in disbelief staring between you and Paul. Your home has now become a hangout since no one liked you being alone. Paul has hinted about moving in with you to make it some what less lonely but it didn't feel right. The front door opened, it was Alastor using your spare key you gave him so he could check up on you and come here to clean his mess from his night outings. "Alastor! Just in time. Can you explain to me why these two bozo here have been together for 3 years and they haven't had sex!" Elizabeth announced.
Paul expressed his annoyance through an eye roll, while you remained silent and blinked several times in surprise. "Elizabeth, I have just returned from work and do not have the bandwidth to engage in personal matters at this time," Alastor stated in a slightly irritated tone.
"Alright old man, just because you haven't got a girlfriend to pleasure you... want help with that?" She then smirked as Alastor looked taken back from that offer. "Lizzy." You snapped glaring at your best friend horny mood. "It seems like
Elizabeth here wants some action." Paul chuckled. "Hey just because you guys wanna follow everyone and wait for marriage don't mean I am, if a guy doesn't want me because I'm not a pure flower. Screw them." She huffed.
"Elizabeth, there's nothing wrong waiting for the right person or after marriage." Alastor sighed slipping off his coat and hat. "Paul did not," Elizabeth confessed openly. "Elizabeth," he said in a low voice.
"What? Aren't relationships supposed to be based on honesty? It's better to reveal all secrets before you propose, Paul," Elizabeth reasoned. Alastor rolled his eyes at the
woman, looking fed up. The frequency with which Elizabeth has caused everyone to roll their eyes in the span of five minutes leads me to believe that she derives pleasure from the reaction of irritating us. "Some matters are best left unsaid," Paul remarked snidely, causing you to narrow your eyes in curiosity. "What about you Alastor? Have you slept with someone?" Elizabeth asked now curious. "That is none of your business." "Probably that blonde chick down at the bar." Paul snorted. You frowned, feeling slightly irritated by the comment. However, you noticed Alastor's glare and quickly changed the subject with a nervous chuckle. "Alright, let's move on to something else!" "Fine." Elizabeth said with a bit of annoyance. "Oh, I know. First kiss!" She gleamed. "Alastor, have you kissed someone?" She asked. "Not answering." "Why is it because it was (Y/N)?" Elizabeth joked only she wasn't wrong. Alastor's eyes widened momentarily before narrowing. Paul observed
this reaction as he glanced at you, noticing your lack of eye contact with anyone. "No sweat if it was, Lizzy was my first kiss." Paul said, decided to add more gasoline to the fire. "Huh, that is a funny one." Lizzy snickered.
"Urgh, can we stop talking about all this. It's making things awkward." You sighed. "Sorry, Doll." Paul wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he pecked your lips. Naturally, he could not resist casting a subtle smirk in Alastor's direction, causing the radio host to clench his teeth in annoyance, fully aware of the underlying intention behind the gesture to piss him off. And it was working. "Hey Doll, I was thinking when these two decide to leave. We could... maybe have some alone time?" Paul said, intended it to be loud enough for Alastor to hear.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Or you could fuck in front of me I got nothing to do." Elizabeth shrugged."Go get some dick Lizzy." Paul growled. "Urgh. I'll go find someone." She groaned, getting up as she left through the main door. Paul and Alastor were engaged in a staring contest. "You are more than welcome to observe if you so desire," Paul stated in a confident yet cocky tone. "He is welcome to stay, Paul." "Nonsense, dear. I understand that Paul would like some... private time with you. I will leave you to it."Alastor walked out not bothering with his coat or hat. "Now, where were we?" Paul grinned as he leaned in, only you leaned farther back holding a frown on your face. "Was that really necessary Paul?"
Paul sat up and rolled his eyes. "(Y/N), we have been in each other's company for quite some time now. As such, I would expect a certain level of comfort and familiarity between us in having sex." "I'm just not ready, Paul." "You're not ready, or I'm not him?" That question threw you off for a second, confused what he meant.
"I've noticed that he's been visiting quite frequently since your mother's passing, and I can't help but wonder if there's something more to your relationship. After all, you've given him a key to your home, which is a significant level of trust, while your boyfriend seems to be left in the dark." You remained composed, not fully considering the potential impact of this situation on him or his feelings toward Alastor's presence. I wonder if he felt intimidated by him. "I'm gonna go. It seems it's clear you don't want me around."
He sighed in defeat getting up. Before he opened the door he took one last look. "I'll come back tomorrow for an answer. I need to know where I am in this (Y/N)." He then left leaving you to your own thoughts. You decided to take a solitary walk towards the woods when you suddenly noticed Alastor sitting there as well. You were surprised to see him after Paul practically asked him to leave your home. You decided to join him as Alastor glanced at you with a slightly surprised expression. "That was quick." He joked, attempting to conceal his simmering frustration.
"That's because it never happened. "You sighed as Alastor gazed at you with a frown. "Why? Do you not love him?" He then inquired, hurting his own feelings in the process. You stayed silent, not offering a response as you respectfully lowered your gaze to the ground. "Are you alright?" Alastor asked now growing concern. The brunette noticed your quiet demeanour after Paul left. Paul had been expressing a desire for a more intimate relationship, but you did not feel even remotely attracted or aroused by him. And with Alastor practically living with you, it strained the relationship.
You found yourself contemplating the reason behind this as your gaze met those honey brown orbs. It was as if the answer lay within those eyes. Alastor possessed an intimate understanding of you, while Paul did not. Alastor was your first kiss, whereas Paul was your second.
Alastor provided love and support during the difficult time of your mother's passing, while Paul chose to leave you alone, believing it was for your own good. You willingly entrusted
Alastor with a key to your home while you hesitated to do the same for Paul. When Alastor was present, you experienced profound and intense emotions within your heart, yearning for something greater and more fulfilling. With Paul, it felt platonic. And now it finally hit. You wanted....
"God damnit, Elizabeth." You muttered under your breath hated that the horny bimbo was right. Alastor was perplexed as he regarded you with a furrowed brow. Were you prepared to openly confess your emotions to your closest friend? What you share is extraordinary. He is exceptional. Would it be considered unusual?
But you needed to know. "Al..." You started off with. "There's something I need to tell you. And I just hope it doesn't affect what we have when I do." You could tell Alastor went into deep thoughts for a moment, trying to figure it out himself. "My little belle, have you been keeping a secret from me? After what I told you?"
He gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his chest. This caused you to playfully punch him in the arm as he chuckled. You shook your head, smiling, understanding that his intentions were to help alleviate your nervousness. Indeed, it was working. "But in all seriousness, my dear, what occupies your thoughts?" You took a moment to think
of the words. "I must admit that my feelings for Paul have not developed as I had anticipated. I find myself unable to reciprocate his affections, and I sense a barrier preventing me from connecting with him on an intimate level. The reason for my discomfort during intimate moments with Paul is that I can not bring myself to engage in such acts with someone I see solely as a friend. I lack even the slightest spark of affection or love for him."
You paused for a moment. "I am familiar with the sensation of my heart racing from a mere touch or glance, the warmth of affection, and the unwavering trust. I have experienced these emotions before, yet I foolishly disregarded them. However, I refuse to continue ignoring these feelings and wasting another year of my life. It is important that this person becomes aware of my feelings." With regards to Alastor, his heart was racing from nerves at this moment. He wondered who she was referring to. However, before he could allow his emotions to become overwhelmed by overthinking the situation, you made the announcement.
"Alastor, it is you."
Alastor's eyes widened in astonishment. "I am uncertain of the appropriate terminology to use, but despite all that has transpired, it seems logical to me that since our teenage years, you have held a special place in my heart. After all, you were my first kiss. I believe that solidified our connection a long time ago." You chuckled nervously. The silence grew uncomfortably loud as you averted your gaze. His finger gently lifted your chin, prompting you to look back at him. "I am delighted to find that our feelings are mutual, my little belle," Alastor remarked, noticing the genuine, loving smile and the sparkle in his honey coloured eyes.
A soft gasp escaped your lips, taken aback by the immediate response. You had anticipated that your confession would startle Alastor, giving him time to contemplate his feelings.
After all, Alastor had never shown any romantic interest in any woman before, nor had he ever expressed a desire to be in a relationship. "Wait a moment," you interjected.
"(Y/N), I have been bottling these emotions up since we were thirteen years old. I had planned to confess my feelings on the night of your prom, but..." Oh, Al... "The kiss verified everything. Why did you believe I offered it? Have I ever offered a kiss to any other lady before?" He inquired in an amusing manner. Fair point He gently removed his hand from your chin. He paused for a moment, contemplating whether to confirm his lingering feelings.
Without delay, he caressed your cheeks and drew you into a kiss. Initially surprised, you soon relaxed and let out a contented sigh as your eyes closed. For a fleeting moment, the
world around you vanished, leaving you both immersed in your shared happiness. "Well, it's about time!" This caused both of you to recoil, resulting in a shriek from you as Alastor rose abruptly in a state of alarm, his hand instinctively moving to the handle of his
knife concealed within his vest. It was just Alastor's mother. "Mother!" Alastor sighed, seeing his shoulders relax as your face felt hot. Alastor's mother had a big grin on her face with her arms crossed.
There was a pause for a moment, no one saying anything. "So... when am I going to have some grandchildren?!" Alastor's mother then openly said. "MOTHER!" "Oh my goodness!" You whispered, covering your face. But you couldn't help but notice the rosy cheeks on Alastor when peeking, causing you to chuckle.
"What? You practically live across the street with (Y/N), then you do with your mother. Who knows what you've been up to?" She chuckled, delighting in the embarrassment her son was experiencing from "Oh, I'm so pleased my dear her. son has finally found a partner." She cooed, gently squeezing his cheek.
"And you wonder why it took me so long." Alastor groaned. Alastor's mother smiled at that. She then walked over to you, taking your hands. "I have always considered you as my own daughter since the day you befriended my son. I am honoured to have you officially join our family, even though you were already a part of it in my eyes." Alastor appeared to be nervously glancing between us. We had only shared a kiss, but you did not want to disrupt this significant moment. You had noticed her recent fatigue, which she attempted to conceal with makeup. You wondered if Alastor ever
noticed his mom's health getting worse. "I guess I was just blind to it. He's always been the one for me. He's like my other half. We've always been super close, you know?" you admitted, not looking away from those gorgeous honey coloured eyes.
Alastor gazed at you with an affectionate smile mother released your hands, allowing him to gently draw you closer to him. "Your mother would be delighted for you, and she would likely express she a similar sentiment," stated, chuckling softly at her previous remark. It brought a smile to your face, knowing that this would have elicited a similar reaction from your mother. After all, Alastor was the one for you.
Tags : @n0tmentallystable
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could you do a oneshot with rise donnie and gn reader where around other people they’re always fighting and never get along but in secret they’re dating and get along perfectly? love your writing <3
Yes. Just. Yes- Also tysm! I am literally so happy people enjoy my writing.
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Summary: You and Donnie decided to keep your relashonship a secret, so around his brothers you act like you can't stand each other.
Warnings: very minor swearing
Requested: Yep!
GN Reader!
"Here we go." Leo groaned as the bickering from the kitchen grew closer.
"-least I'm smart enough to understand basic math."
"Ok, number one, it wasn't 'BaSiC MaTh', it was advanced calculus, and number two, at least I'm able to comprehend the concept of multi-universal travel."
Donnie laughed bitterly, "Scoff! (Name), we have discussed this. The idea of multi-universal travel is such an impossible concept-"
"Ok, you two. That's enough, don't make me get the Getting Along shirt." Raph scowled at the two of you.
You crossed your arms, and glared at Donnie, with him scowling at you in turn. You had to admit, the two of you were incredible actors. Of course you didn't actually hate each other, this was simply theatrics to throw his family off the scent of your relashonship.
The two of you had agreed to keep your dating statis on the down-low, knowing that his brothers could be a bit... essentric.
In actuality, the two of you were quite sweet to each other when you were alone, having no need to keep up the act.
Raph sighed, "You two need to learn to get along. Maybe some time in the Lab would do you guy's some good." He then muttered, "And then we wouldn't have to listen to you argue."
"Fine." Donnie scoffed, then he looked at you, "But don't move anything. If you try to reorginize my toolbox again I swear to the pizza supreme-"
"Relax, smartass, I won't move your stuff."
The two of you began to walk to the Lab, Donnie continuing to glare at you, "That's what you said last time, then you put my blowtorch on shelf #7 instead of shelf #3."
You rolled your eyes, "A small mistake that has only occured once."
The Lab doors closed behind you, and you kissed Donnie on the cheek, "And I apologize."
Donnie cleared his throat, his face darker with his blush, "Well, I suppose you can be forgiven."
You nodded with a small smile, then flipped over a chalkboard to reveal the blueprints and plans for another A.I., a small project you two had been working on based on S.H.E.L.D.O.N's new found loneliness.
"So I was thinking that maybe, our current issue lies in the motherboards programming." you started, "Perhaps, with the proper examination, we could trace the bugs back to a faulty motherboard."
Donnie hummed, looking over the motherboard that lay among the other parts scattered on the table, "Good, observation my dear. I'll give it a quick check just to make sure."
You nodded, turning back to the chalkboard to double check the equations on the blueprints. The only noise in the room was the buzz of Donnie's goggles behind you, and you frowned.
The two of you worked best with music in the backround, this much silence was distracting in a way.
"Would you mind some music, Love?"
You and Donnie blinked at each other, then began giggling. You had moments like that often, where your minds just seemed to meld together.
Before either of you could say a thing, however, the loud voice of Leo cut through the air, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!"
You and Donnie whipped your heads around, your gazes meeting the incredulous ones of his three brothers.
Leo looked horrified at the concept of you and Donnie getting along. And "Love" ???
Raph and Mikey looked at the two of you, confusion evident on their features.
"But- I thought you two hated... each other..?" Mikey said, confused.
You looked at Donnie, the two of you having a silent conversation. He sighed and looked at his brothers, "Well, the jig is, as they say, up. We're dating. surprise!" you giggled as he made the jazz hands gesture, and Leo's mouth opened wider.
"Woah, woah- wait. wait wait WAIT. You two, are dating? when did that happen?"
Donnie looked at you, signaling it was your turn, "Uhm- like, last year? sometime in August."
You chuckled, and Donnie sighed, "Alright, we have work to do, so, out out. Shoo!"
Donnie pushed his protesting brothers out the door, promising to answer questions later, then all but slammed the door in their face.
He turned to you, his cheeks once again darker with his blush.
"Well, at least we don't have to pretend to hate each other anymore."
Donnie laughed, shaking his head as he sat back down, "You realize they won't leave us alone for like, the next 10 years, correct?"
You nodded and pulled your swivel chair to sit next to him, "I am well aware that's a possible outcome of the situation."
With a sigh, Donnie layed his head on your shoulder, and you smiled. Yes, perhaps the jig was indeed up, but at least now, you could burn that stupid script.
There you go Anon! srry the ending kinda sucks, but I really enjoyed writing this one!
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xxwelxx · 2 months
If something doesn’t make sense, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m sure it’ll be all over the place.
I’ll do claims then evidence (or rather headcanons + inspo)
I’ve decided to release these in parts because there’s a lot of information and I can’t neatly put them together coz I stink. So this is mostly about WD 1 and 2 with a sprinkle of 3.
1. WD 1 and 2 are part of the same kingdom, 3 is a different one.
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As you can see, there is a common symbol. The sun is present in the first 2 sets.
Rui is obviously the kingdom’s sorcerer, The emblem on his belt is the same one as almost every WD 1 card. He is the only person in WD 2 to feature a sun, but Toya is the only person in WD 2 to feature a rose.
These 2 connections are enough to connect WD 1 and 2. Everything else from there you can notice similarities in uniforms. WD 3 has absolutely no connections besides Mafuyu.
I want to say everyone besides Rui in WD2 is part of the ‘Dragon Force’. Saki doesn’t have a dragon emblem from what we can see, but her uniform looks similar to the rest of the set. She also has dragon scaly looking hair ties,, thats so cool,,. I suspect her emblem is on her waist belt or something. Kaito, I need to get into more later. His connections to the first kingdom are a lot more loose than everyone else’s.
2. WD 2 is a group that go against the kingdom.
First we need to establish the sense of betrayal, and we can, all thanks to Rui. The name of his outfit is “The Mad Sorcerer” which could imply one of 2 things: He’s always been a mad sorcerer, or something recently tipped him off the edge.
For the sake of connecting everything in a more dramatic story, I’ll say it’s the latter.
Along with every other card in WD 2, Rui sticks out like a sore thumb. Why is he lumped in with everyone like that?
Simple, they needed a magic caster.
Whaatt? Am I gonna get into how I think the magic in this world works? Bit by bit ya, for now let’s just say you can cast spells on/enchant jewelry. (It makes the soldiers look very fashionable waoww!!)
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Magic can look like a bunch of colors for different reasons. But focusing on RED, you can see it everywhere in WD2. That’s really important, because the only other place “red magic jewelry” is seen is on Tsukasa, Mafuyu, and Kanade.
Rui’s magic is clearly red. It makes sense his enchanted items would also be red. Miku, Saki and Kaito each have one super tiny earring/pin. Toya has an enchanted sword (and by the looks of it, more than one type of magic was used on it, goodness gracious that sword is so extra) a pin connecting to the rose, and a super tiny earring.
For reasons I will make clear later, Toya is of a higher status, therefore the kingdom has issued him a protection charm of sorts that is a more prominent part of his uniform (as opposed to an earring that can be added whenever.) If we were to assume that Tsukasa is also of a high status, the enchanted red rose would also make sense. It is an integral element of his uniform, meaning we can guess it was asked of the royal sorcerer when tsks’ uniform was being made.
The reason I’m able to distinguish Toya and Tsukasa as high ranking is because of the red cloth things that stand out.
For Tsukasa it’s a sash, for Toya, a one shouldered cape.
The fact that Rui also has a red sash type thing just solidifies to me that he’s the royal sorcerer. The way the red magicy looking things we’ve established as enchanted feel so intentional on the uniform. It was made with him in mind, I doubt he modified it himself.
Mafuyu and Kanade will be brought up again later.
As for the main point I was trying to make, there is a clear connection between everyone in this set, meaning someone within WD2 recruited Rui to aid in whatever plot they were devising.
Suspects include: Saki, Miku, Kaito, Toya and Rui himself.
Let’s inspect the cards closer.
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Toya’s card has a dragon, and a castle and black ashy particles that I will assume has something to do with the dragon (technically it’s a wyvern, also I named them Rose for funsies coz Idk their actual name.)
Rui seems to be in a castle’s courtyard with bricks just about to come loose from the power of the magic.
Miku seems to be overseeing a celebration from the window of an abandoned building. (Or one that was recently fought in, though the tattered curtain tells me it’s faced more weather damage than being roughed up)
Saki is a 2* 😞
And Kaito.
The ash, its back.
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It looks like an old abandoned library that’s fallen victim to the sands of time. BUT LOOK CLOSER
That candelabrum on the left looks melted. There is ash. Everything looks like it was burnt to a crisp or just severely roughed up.
That smile.. his earring has a lot more attention drawn to it than any other character in ANY set.
The GUN????!?? Like okay. I know they weren’t gonna be historically accurate, they were mixing a lot of historical things up, not to mention a whole dragon and a sorcerer. But a GUN is just very unthinkable. That came out of nowhere.
Tbh WD2 is full of surprises
The first one was like YAY kingdom fantasy au they’re all soldiers
The second they stepped it up and said DRAGON SORCERER AND GUN
The third one they were like YAYY TRANS PEOPLE AND LESBIANS
anyways back to what I was saying..
I think you can tell by now I think it’s Kaito. There is nothing else besides gloves, a jacket, a belt and a badge that connect him to this kingdom. All of these are accessories that can be acquired easily and don’t seem to be part of any solid official looking uniform.
Bringing back WD1 for a second, every single one of those cards seem to be in different battalions, indicated by the patterns seen throughout.
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Hearts, Stars, Shields, Thorns, and Crest of the kingdom.
Btw roses means part of the army. (Saki’s rose is either hidden or the pattern on her cape)
According to the names of the outfits and my abysmal excuse of research, Mizuki would ride a horse, Akito would lead a cause, and tsukasa is chivalrous..
So based on that knowledge:
The lack of stars on Mizuki (and len) tells me they are not in a position of power. And the hearts tell me they are part of a heart division (or whatever an appropriate army term would be). Perhaps it’s a small group, but Mizuki themself does not lead.
Meaning Shiho, Akito, and Tsukasa do.
Akito Leads a Battalion or division or brigade or whatever man 😭😭
And Shiho trains the newbies (thats so awesome) I can tell because Len is a squire and these 2 are the only ones with thorn details.
So if Tsukasa is a lieutenant that oversees most of these divisions, the fact that he doesn’t have thorns anywhere on his person means he doesn’t train the newbies. I guess he’s too busy being chivalrous. He also doesn’t have the dragon force emblem. That’s a special case n Toya’s already fully in charge of that.
You would not believe how long this took me to decode. I think I also for Shiho and Len, the Kingdom’s crest is SOMEWHERE on their person, ik it kinda shows on Len, but Shiho is a mystery. (Rui and Saki also adorn the kingdom’s crest on their person) also also, saki has a star on her uniform. I suspect this is because the dragon force is a small group. So while she is pretty important, she’s still not super high up.
Tangent over, back to Kaito.
All that being said. When you take a closer look at Kaito, sure he has the fashion, but the kingdom’s crest is NOWHERE to be seen. This is not an official uniform.
Miku on the other hand, seems to have a normal dragon force uniform. Black, white, red, badge. But not a rose in sight.
These two are imposters from another dimension DUN DUN DUN.
(Idk man, I’m just trying to make it interesting while giving my own au something to work off of)
So if I’m trying to imply that the vocaloids are imposters, where does that leave Len? Mwehehe secret for the story.
There’s a lot of room for betrayal here. I also appreciate how the betrayal set is all the people closest to Tsukasa. You got his 2 main vocaloids, his siblings and his director. Haha, good luck man o7
3. Card rarity.
the rarer the card, the higher their position (the faces of the events being highest of all). I did most of the talking for this in the previous point
This further pushes the vocaloids as other worldly entities agenda coz SAKI HAS A STAR, BUT THE DRAGON FORCE VOCALOIDS HAVE NO INDICATION OF LEADERSHIP AT ALL.
I probably should have mentioned that before but oh well,,,
Anyways that’s it for part 1, part two is likely going to be much shorter than this, but still impactful. Do what you will with this information :] ask me questions please it might lead me to new revelations.
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hoonfication · 1 year
━━━ 「 truth unfold 」
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— ♪ currently playing afterglow
In the soft, fading light of evening, you stood alone on Afterglow Avenue. The street was named for its breathtaking sunsets, and tonight was no exception. The sky painted shades of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon
You stood patiently just outside a quaint café, with "Frozen in Time," a bustling restaurant, on one side and the charming "Daylight" flower shop on the other. As you observed the surroundings, you spotted Xiao outside the flower shop, clutching a fresh bouquet of pristine white tulips. It took him a few moments to notice you, but when he did, he made his way over.
"Name," he murmured, his face flushed, extending the tulips to you. "I wasn't sure if you still liked tulips," he added, a small smile forming on your lips as you accepted the gesture.
"Let’s take a walk?" he asked, and you nodded. The two of you walked in silence for a while until he suddenly broke it, asking, "Do you remember that restaurant over there?" You replied, "Frozen in Time?" He nodded in response.
"We went there for our 2nd year anniversary," he blurted out, and the flood of memories returned. It was the place where you and Xiao used to celebrate your anniversaries, but that tradition abruptly ended after that night, when he started acting cold and distant.
"Oh..." you whispered, your voice tinged with nostalgia. "Well, I only came here because I want to know the truth," you gently reminded him.
He sighed, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, his words heavy with emotion. "I really don't know where to start..."
You leaned in, pressing for answers. "The week before you left, what happened?" you asked, seeking clarity on the events that had led to your separation.
"The week before..." he repeated, struggling to recall the details. "Ah, the week of my mom's death," he finally voiced, and you listened intently.
"[Name], I don't know if you're going to believe me," he mumbled, his words laced with uncertainty.
But then, he dropped a bombshell. "My mom isn't dead," he suddenly declared.
"Excuse me?" Your jaw dropped, and you had to stop walking to process this shocking revelation. "Xiao, I know you miss your mom, but—" You began, but he cut you off abruptly.
"No, [Name], she's alive," he blurted out. You stared at him, wide-eyed, wondering if he had lost his sanity.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise you I'll tell you nothing but the truth," Xiao assured you as you both continued walking. He took a deep breath and continued his shocking revelation.
"She ran away, the day before she was marked dead," he said with a heavy heart. "She was unhappy in her marriage with my father, and she tried to divorce him, but my father refused to sign the papers. In the end, she ran away with her ex-girlfriend," he explained, and you gasped at the unfolding story.
"But what made my father even more unhappy was when he found out my mom had still been in touch with me and my sister," he paused, looking at you to gauge your reaction before he continued. "My mom promised she was going to get me and my sister, so my father came up with a solution—he brought me and my sister to the States."
The shock and confusion filled the air as you tried to process this complex and unexpected turn of events.
You were still in a state of shock, processing the incredible revelations that Xiao was sharing with you. He maintained an unbothered look on his face as he continued to unravel the family's intricate history.
"I only came back three years later because my father wanted me to inherit his company," he confessed, shedding light on the reason for his return. "Ganyu is more suited for being the CEO, in my opinion. She's currently studying at Celestia University, and she's doing much better than me."
As he spoke, you couldn't help but wonder about the fate of Xiao's mother. He didn't leave you hanging for long. "You might've wondered what happened to my mom. Well, from what I've heard, she's currently in Sweden, and her ex-girlfriend, the person she ran away with, is now my stepmom," he revealed
Your emotions swirled as you tried to digest this information. "But Hu Tao's your stepsister," you gasped, connecting the dots.
Xiao confirmed with a calm demeanor, "Yes, Hu Tao's mom was my mom's ex-girlfriend—the person my mom ran away with, who's now my dad's current wife." The family dynamics were indeed complicated, and you were left with more questions than answers.
"Oh my God..." You struggled to wrap your head around the revelations. "How did that even happen?" you asked, your mind still reeling from the complexity of their family history.
"I don't know," Xiao admitted with a mumble. He turned his gaze to you, a look of regret in his eyes.
"[Name]," he continued, his voice filled with sincerity, “I'm the one who burned us down. But it's not what I meant,” he confessed.
“I'm sorry that I hurt you.” His words carried the weight of remorse, and you could sense the genuine regret in his apology.
Xiao's plea was heartfelt as he gazed at you, his eyes reflecting a deep desire for reconciliation.
“[Name], tell me that you're still mine,” he implored, his voice filled with longing. “Tell me that we'll be just fine, even when I lose my mind.”
“Tell me that it's not my fault, tell me that I'm all you want, even when I break your heart.” His words conveyed his earnest hope for a second chance, and it was evident that he deeply cared about mending what had been broken between you.
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— ✶ prev | m.list | next
NOTES | I’m not feeling my very best rn but here’s an update 🫶 there’s so much to take in tbh, like the Taylor Swift references, xiao’s “dead” mom, the plot twist
# IN WHICH — xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong. seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
# TAGLIST — @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts
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fischlslays · 2 years
KNY with a sick s/o [Hashira edition]
Pairings: Hashira (minus Gyomei because idk) x Gn!reader
Warning: mention of sickness and throwing up
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Music to play..! (Lmao, I know no one is gonna listen, but it feels so satisfying for some reason)
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¡..Author note..!
Lmao, sorry guys, its been a while since I wrote anything, I had no motivation and zero ideas, I've been getting dms suggesting ideas, and I wanna say thank you, and here I am, writing some headcanons. <3 This is a special writing for someone, and I figured out this may help someone. Jamie, if you are reading this, I hope you get better<3
▪︎Drink water
"If you don't drink water you didn't drink water."
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Tomioka Giyuu
When he first saw that you felt sick, he asked you to stay in bed until he figures out exactly what happened
He panicked at first, what if you were dying or something?? (Poor baby)
He would bring you some water at first
When you felt nauseous, he ran straight to bring a bucket and just sat next to you waiting for you to throw up
He'd cook for you something to eat to make you feel better
When you still didn't get better, he called for Shinobu
When she came, she told you to stay in bed for several days, and do nothing at all (Princess treatment at its finest)
Giyuu did as Shinobu said and he kept you company for the next week
He didn't feel disgusting, he just stayed by your side as you always do
"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything, you rest, I don't want you to get more sick. Just stay in bed sweetheart and everything is going to be alright."
Shinazugawa Sanemi
This mf thought you were up to some sort of prank at first
But when he noticed you are not as energetic as usual, he became seriously worried
He'd force you to lay down (gently of course)
He'll just stare at you while he asks you what are you feeling and you will stare back before answering
He'll directly ask for Shinobu (he doesn't want to risk it)
Shinobu will have to reassure him like ten times that you are going to be alright (lmao he's so worried fr)
He'll forbid you for doing anything, just stay in your room and stare at the ceiling (interesting, right?)
He'll bring you everything you want to eat, he is wiling to cook some Ohagi if you asked him to
He'll definitely stay by your side
When you want o throw up, he'll just pat your back as you do your thing, he's not sure what to do, so he's just there
"Stay in bed and don't move, you got it? Do you need anything to eat or drink? Idiot, I'll cook some Ohagi, do you want some?"
Kocho Shinobu
Shinobu is sorta a doctor her self, so she'll notice directly when you feel sick
She'll observe you to make sure what are you suffering from
Shinobu would be relieved when she finds out its nothing serious, but she'd still ask you to lay down
She'll make sure that you take all your medicines
If you didn't like how the medicine tastes like, she'll offer to feed you herself, or she'll add some honey
She'll encourage you while you throw up, telling you that you are doing great until now, and that it is necessary for you to do so
She'll hug before tucking you to bed
"Now, now, it doesn't taste that bad does it? Here, I'll add some honey, hopefully it will taste better like this. Go to sleep darling, it's getting late, and sleep is necessary for you to get better."
Tokito Muichiro
He probably won't notice directly
He figured out you were sick when he asked you to go on a walk with him
He'll ask you if you are ok, but when he sees that you are coughing, he'll pay Shinobu a visit
Muichiro will stay with you at the Butterfly Estate while you are getting well
He'll tell you about all the clouds he saw and these stuff
When you feel like throwing up, he'll give you the bucket and just say that you can do it
He's not sure what to do in that case, so he'll call Shinobu
He'll probably tell you about his missions and stuff
"Oh, are you sick? I see.. Then you better stay with Shinobu, I want you to get well, not worse. I saw a cloud that reminded me of you, I wish you were there to see it with me.."
Kanroji Mitsuri
She noticed that you are sick from the tone of your voice, since you were always cheerful
She'll ask you to stay in bed while she call for Shinobu
Shinobu will assure her that you are going to get well soon, and that you caught some cold
She'll be relieved, but she'd still take care of you
Mitsuri would feed you and tell you stories
When you need to throw up, she'll hold your hand while you do so, and she'll pat your back gently
She'll probably kiss you on your cheek before tucking you to bed
She knows she might catch your cold as well, but there is no way in hell She'll cancel a kiss for that
"Honey, you don't seem alright! Here, stay in bed while I call for Shinobu, I won't be late, I promise! Hehe!~ You seem to get better, alright, you need some sleep, Muah, goodnight <3"
Iguro Obanai
Obanai would notice directly, but he won't point it out, since be doesn't really know what to do
When start to feel more dizzy and nauseous, he felt bad (lmao) and he finally pointed it out
He'll walk you to the Butterfly Estate and then stay behind the door
He'll pretend to leave but he won't, he's too worried to do so
Unlike the others, Shinobu will do most of the work
Obanai surely wants to stay by your side, but he doesn't know what to do, but he doesn't want you to feel that he doesn't love you
Shinobu would finally convince him that visiting you will be enough
So he started to visit you thrice a day and tell you that you will hopefully get will soon
Even though you feel happy by his gesture, he doesn't think that it's enough
He'll bring you flowers on every single visit
When you want to throw up, he'll just call for Shinobu, and she'll take care of you, he felt bad a again
But you let him know that you appreciate him being by your side
"You look sick, let's go to Shinobu. Are you feeling alright? Here are some flowers to, uh, cheer you up? Get well soon."
Rengoku Kyojuro
He'll notice immediately, and he'll place his hand on your shoulder while asking you if you are ok
"Hey, are you ok?"
He'll probably hold you hand while walking you to the Butterfly Estate, reassuring you that you are going to be alright
He'll wait for Shinobu while sitting beside you
When Shinobu came, he just told her that you are not feeling well
She checked on you and said its nothing serious
Rengoku was extremely relieved
He asked you if you could stay with Shinobu to get well soon, and you agreed
He brings you food every day and he sits on the chair beside your bed as he eats with you
His brother will visit too, so basically the whole gang will be there-
He'll tell you that he believes that you can get better
When you feel like throwing up, he'll hand you the bucket and turn around, he'll call Shinobu too
If the medicine tastes bad, he'll encourage you
"C'mon, I'm sure Shinobu will help you! GET WELL SOON! I believe in you. Hey, I'm sure the medicine doesn't taste THAT bad, right?"
Tengen Uzui
"What's wrong y/n? You don't look very flamboyant today."
I'm sure he'll say that the moment he sees you
When you tell him you don't feel very well, he'll ask you if his wives could take care of you, I mean why not?
Hina, Makio and Suma will sure be happy to take care of you as well
They'll feed you, make sure you take all your medicines
You didn't need Shinobu that much, but she visited anyway to make sure
Uzui would check on you every day to make sure that you are still doing well
Hina would tell you stories as Makio and Suma help you take your medicines, and Uzui will be telling you how flamboyant you look (😭)
When you feel like throwing up, he'll help you outside to do so, saying that you need to be flamboyant, so you have to do so
"Ah, I'm sure my wives will be more than happy to serve you! C'mon, don't be shy, they don't mind Though! You'll get better soon, I promise."
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¡..Final Note..!
Lmao, poor Shinobu😭 Here is why I didn't write for Gyomei: I don't really like him that much. And I am too lazy to do so. Gyomei is hard to write (my opinion). And I'm not sure he has that amount of fans😭
Anyway, I hope you liked it, I made it on rush, so, if I missed any points, I'll be more than happy with your feedback! <3
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Tags: @notafan77 @sulli1361 @sanemiangel @sanemis-eyelashes @sanemisfleshlight @mitsuributmexican @mitsuribubbles @obanai-lover @obanaixiguro @obanaigurou @tengensbunny @tengen-4th-wife @tengenspersonalwhore @uzuiswifey @muichiroslover @mistymuichirou @mistymuichiro @ask-thekny @urbestgirlever
Tell me if you wanna be tagged, and inform me if you don't wanna be tagged
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silverskye13 · 6 months
That ficlet of “How long can Helsknight and Wels go without wanting to maul each other to death” gives me the idea of like. Yknow that trope where two characters you assume have never met each other turn out in fact to be buddies who like play pool together or something. That’s Helsknight and XB. Wels gets shunted to Hels and finds XB just chillin in a bar with Hels and goes “WHAT THE FUCK BRO”
"Hels Kitchen, huh?" xB asked, looking up at the sign and raising a spined eyebrow. "This new?"
Helsknight shrugged, leading the way inside. "New enough."
xB sauntered behind him, taking in his surroundings with an easygoing smile. Hels was a little hot for his tastes, but he knew from experience he would get used to the heat after a few minutes. He watched Helsknight toss the bartender (who seemed to be just a very large, contained ghast) a handful of diamonds to cover their tab, and the two made their way to the pool table in the back of the little bar. xB swiped up a couple beers, snapped the cap off one with his teeth (those sharp guardian teeth were good for something after all) and set it down on the side of the table while Helsknight prepped the game.
"It's been a hot minute," xB observed, carefully checking over pool cues for one that wasn't bent. "Been busy busting heads in the Colosseum?"
Helsknight shrugged. "Nah. Mostly just caught up with life stuff. You know how it is."
xB, who had forgotten their meet up last month because he was busy digging a hole to bedrock, knew exactly how it was. "So you haven't been practicing pool while I've been gone?"
"I'll still beat you," Helsknight grinned challengingly. "Guests break."
xB snapped the cap off the second beer, took a drink, made a face that Helsknight laughed at, and then got to work aiming his shot. It was a good break, though the eight ball danced by one of the side pockets, a little too close for comfort. He got one of the striped balls in, and claimed the stripes for the rest of the game. He took his second shot, missed, and stepped aside for Helsknight.
Pool was such a weird game for them to settle on as their friendly competition. Helsknight was a pro at PvP, all things swords and axes and shields. But xB wasn't, and even if it was, swords was Helsknight's job, more or less, and xB could appreciate wanting to do something that wasn't your job, no matter how much you enjoyed it. It was for the same reason he was grateful Helsknight hadn't suggested they go build train cars when they hung out, or terraform movie scenes. He enjoyed it, but this was his off time. The first couple times they met up, they tried playing TCG, but Helsknight was a little too competitive, and xB got tired of debating rules minutiae (and being forced to stomp home and ask Beef a thousand questions). Then they played just normal cards, which lead to the discovery they both appreciated good beer, which lead to barhopping, because hels had bars. Hermitcraft didn't. And eventually, barhopping lead to playing pool, and pool was just the kind of low-stakes game they could both enjoy. Plus both Helsknight and xB were just prickly enough that most folks looking for a fight passed them over, and any who didn't, xB and Helsknight could solidly knock around. xB wasn't a PvPer, but he was big and thorny, and his sharp teeth were good for more than just popping bottle caps.
"You're up," Helsknight told him, leaning against the wall and chalking his pool cue.
"Does that really help?" xB asked, lining up his next shot. He cracked the cue ball into a bunch, breaking them apart. None of them sunk.
"No idea," Helsknight shrugged, putting the chalk back on the side of the pool table. "If it does, it's not in any way I can see."
"So why put it on?"
"That's all this game is good for. Knocking things around and getting chalk on your hands."
"It's also good for avoiding things," xB smirked. "Left the cue by the eight ball for you."
"Just keeping your life interesting."
Helsknight danced around the table, trying to find a good angle and making increasingly frustrated faces. xB smirked and took another sip of his beer, and then grimaced, because he forgot how bad it was. He needed to make sure he remembered this brand so they never got it again. Helsknight had just about lined up his shot when the lights in the already dimly lit bar space flickered ominously. xB raised a questioning eyebrow in the knight's direction.
"What was--"
"XB!" Welsknight came stumbling out of nowhere, all tin-can-armor-clatter. Stumbled into the pool table, shaking the eight ball into the side pocket.
"Hah! I win," xB grinned.
"You did not," Helsknight snapped, slamming his cue in the pool table. "That wasn't fair and you know it!"
"He's your other half dude. It counts."
Helsknight's eyes narrowed, and xB held up placating hands. (He forgot how much Hels and Wels hated each other sometimes. Really it was like watching brothers argue.)
"What in hels is going on?!" Welsknight demanded, re-injecting himself into the conversation. "xB, Hypno said you--"
"See, I told him not to tell you where I was," xB huffed, crossing his arms. "That was just rude of him."
"What are you even doing here?!"
"Playing pool," xB smiled, at about the same time Helsknight spat, "None of your damn business!"
The two knights glared at each other.
xB quietly wondered if he should interrupt their spat or egg them on.
The large ghast behind the bar counter hissed, grabbing all of their attention. It wafted a tentacle over to tap a sign, that said: Anyone caught fighting must buy a round for the bar, or be thrown out. xB looked back at Helsknight, watching him count first the other patrons in the bar, then the diamonds still left in his coin purse, do some mental math, and decide rather magnanimously that decking Welsknight wasn't worth it.
xB offered Welsknight a pool cue, "Care to join us?"
Welsknight eyed the pool cue like it was a snake, before begrudgingly taking it. xB went to get a new stick for himself while Helsknight begrudgingly reset the game.
It really was a good game when you wanted to avoid things.
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yujajacha · 2 years
welcome home
pairing: rei suwa x reader
synopsis: rei doesn't like working, preferring to laze around all day. however, coming back home to you always cheers him up. one day, he comes home to you in a maid dress.
wc: 4.5k
cw: nsfw/mdni, fem!reader, sub!reader, maid dress, fingering, blowjobs, penetration, master, rough sex, etc
notes: my first full fic.. enjoy and happy valentines! btw i will edit tags and formatting later :3 also this deviates from canon —> no miri or kazuki.. sorry o_O + posted on ao3 here ! thanks for reading!!
your doorbell rings. you drop what you’re doing and excitedly rush to the door, wishfully hoping it to be your boyfriend, rei, returning home early. it isn’t him, which is what you actually expected. he’s been gone on a mission for most of the day, and it was planned that he should be back much later. you aren’t that disappointed though, as your interest is shifted to the delivery. it ended up being a package you ordered recently. it was actually an order that you ended up forgetting about, despite the contents not being forgettable. you have other stuff to do before opening it, so you decide to put it aside for later, placing it in your room and opting to finish your endless list of daily tasks.
awhile has passed since the delivery that shooked your routine and luckily many things around the house we’re getting done. rei’s pile of used cigarettes were thrown out properly, his endless pile of new games put away, his messes (empty chip bags and more) on the couch were cleaned up, the laundry was washed and folded, packages were packed away and more. rei should be back soon, at least you’re expecting him to come back in not too long. you’re aware he won’t be back just yet, but this gives you enough time to prepare your surprise.
in the meantime, you finally decide to open your package. everything was neatly packed. while opening it, you’re starting to get embarrassed. it’s a maid outfit and it’s making you feel really shy. the material is great and all the frills are cute. the order comes with cute accessories, and the dress itself is really your style, it’s just a bit revealing as well. there’s no way you’re gonna let yourself get cold feet, especially knowing how much rei would enjoy it, but the idea of wearing all of this is making your headlight.
you sheepishly try on the headpiece. you decided that they’re pretty cute. with a bit of hesitation, you start putting on the rest of the costume. you put on the dress, then add the apron, the arm accessories and the matching thigh highs. it fits pretty nicely and is rather flattering on you, and you shyly admire yourself in the mirror. after sheepishly putting everything on, you patiently wait for his arrival as you assume he should be finally home.
there’s finally a faint rustling of keys that can be heard in the distance. your body shifts towards the noise. “i’m home,” rei announces, locking the door and removing his shoes while making his way through the front door.
upon hearing this sound, you make your way towards the front and come greet him with a shy “welcome.” you can’t meet his eyes out of embarrassment and just end up looking away. you can feel his gaze piercing through you.
whenever he comes back home after a mission, rei’s always pleased with seeing your face cheerfully come greet him. just thinking about you makes him feel better anyways. however, this time not only is he greeted by you, which is already such a treat, but also you’re wearing those clothes. it takes him a second to take everything in. the kind of clothes that make his pants feel unbelievably tight. he can’t lie to himself, he is so pleasantly surprised by all this. he thinks it’s really cute of you to want to surprise him by acting like his maid, it wipes the scrowl off his face immediately. he just stares at you, taking all the details of your outfit in and observing the cute expressions on your face as well as how your body looks so good. the clothes just flatter you so well.
“how was work?” you stutter out, trying to make conversation while ignoring your obvious choice of attire. you want to wait until he brings it up, which you know he will do so promptly.
rei puts his hands around your waist, and proceeds to bring your body closer to his. you look up towards him, bringing your face into his and give him a welcome back kiss, something you always make sure to do. he always enjoys your kisses the best. this time it’s honestly more like a peck. you can tell he likes it anyways, and gladly accepts the peck. the way you’re acting shy, as if you’re not the one who decided to put this all on your own, gets him really going. he puts his face into your neck and rubs it like the cat he is. he then gives it a kiss. “it was ok,” he eventually speaks out a reply, “i’m more interested in what you’re wearing. what’s all this?”
“nothing,” you reply, face red, looking away from his intense gaze.
“really?” he teases. “there’s no way this is nothing,” he bluntly states as he brings up his hand to brush the tip of the lace of the headpiece that are adored on the top of your head. he’s really intrigued by your current appearance, but with good measure. “you prepared all this just for me?”
you avoid the intense look he gives you while you bring your arms around his body, hugging him back.
“maybe,” you finally answer back after a small delay, still feeling very flustered.
thinking of you as wearing these kinds of clothes makes him really excited. “does this finally make you my maid now?” he says with a flight excited tone in his voice. his hands are currently toying with the bell on the collar.
you don’t answer back, even if you would find the words to answer back you physically couldn’t. he already has his lips back on yours before you could even come up with an answer. he kisses you until you’re out of breath. he only pulls away once you slightly push on his chest for air.
you then nod to him, looking up dazedly into his eyes as you don’t have it in you to answer as of right now.
“hm?” he taunts, “you already can’t speak? i haven’t even touched you properly yet.”
“well.. y’know..” you know what he wants to hear but you can’t bring yourself to say it.
he holds your face roughly with one of his hands and tilts your face to make sure you’re looking at him in his eyes. “come on say it, you’re gonna be a good maid for me, aren’t you?” he playfully exclaims.
“yeah, this does make me your maid, rei,” you answer back.
he shakes his head. “if you’re my maid, doesn’t that make me your master?”
“ah. yeah..” you hide your face in his chest.
“then you’d have to address me properly, no?”
“i’m.. your maid, m-master” you muster up.
“didn’t you also forget to greet me properly when i came in?” he snickers and abruptly lets go of your body, taking a step back, putting a bit of physical distance between both of you.
you stare at him with a confused look, but then it hits you. “ah, yeah.. welcome back, master,” you say embarrassingly. you bring your hands to your skirt, ruffling the bottom and lifting your skirt up, revealing to him the lewd matching panties you got specifically for this outfit. you can’t help but feel shy when facing him in those clothes, saying those words. you’re sure he’s gonna appreciate that act of boldness.
in response to that lewd act of yours, rei swallows out of arousal. he takes a step forward and meets your face. he leans into your body, slightly towering over you. “i can’t believe such a lewd maid is greeting me like this,” he sneers. he brings himself even closer to you, to the point where you feel the warmth from his body.
you let out a whimper when he brings two fingers to your clothed pussy and rubs it roughly. you almost let go of your skirt before he gives your skirt a slight pull with his other hand, “make sure to keep still and don’t let go. you don’t want me to punish you already, right?” you murmur an agreement to his words.
“these panties are so wet,” he says, pressing into the evident dampness even more, “it doesn’t surprise me from such a perverted maid,” rubbing more intensely at your cunt through your panties. you moan back at him. he moves his hand to cup your pussy, which makes you shudder. he hooks his fingers to your panties and swiftly moves them to the side. he doesn’t even bother completely taking them off, he’ll do it later. right now, he’s honestly out of patience.
he enters his finger into your dripping wet cunt which makes you gasp. it’s so tight and wet, he really wants to dig in. he makes sure that his finger is fully inserted before he brashly removes it. he then promptly sucks your juices off his finger. he thoroughly sucks it while making sure you look straight into his eyes. you give him a dazed look, to which he purposely removes his finger with a loud pop sound, “tastes so good,” he announces and the flavor makes him automatically lick his lips, itching for more.
now with two fingers, he enters into you once more. he rubs inside, looking for the spot that makes you see stars. he draws his fingers in and out of you, until he finds that spot. once he hits it, your legs quiver. with his other hand, he lightly rubs at your clit in a circular motion.
you almost let go of your skirt out of shock because of all the pleasure to which rei definitely did not miss. he purposely rubs onto your clit harder and starts pumping his fingers in and out of you quicker. “hold on properly until you cum,” he deadpanly warns. you can’t help but moan out and clench onto your skirt.
you’re standing there in front of him, coating his fingers with your juices. he enjoys the sounds that come out of your squelching pussy so so much. he wouldn’t have it any other way. it is really a treat to come back home and already have you like that for him.
he’s gradually sped up more and more, and you start feeling your orgasm take over. your pussy spasms around his fingers and he doesn’t slow down. you feel it come throughout your whole body. your legs shake intensely and you finally let go of your skirt.
he intensely watches you while you cum, “you’re such a good girl, cumming like that for me.” he pets your head, proud of you for behaving.
he then brings your face right up to his. he rests his hand on your cheek, before bringing his fingers to your lips and caressing it. your eyes meets his and he gives you another lazy lustful stare. you shiver knowing what’s going to come next. you close your eyes while he leans into your lips. the kiss is sloppy, with his tongue eagerly entering your mouth full of need and want. a string of spit connects both of your mouths when he ends the kiss. it makes you feel so vulgar for just a kiss.
“this isn’t enough to satisfy me, you know,” rei chuckles, bringing his hand down to your neck, where the collar resides. he plays with the lace that’s on it. rei reminds himself how cute it looks on you.
he completely lets go of your face before picking you up bridal style. you cling onto his body. “let’s go somewhere more comfortable,” he declares while landing a kiss on your face and moves away from the entrance. he carries you with ease given the strength he possesses.
he doesn’t go too far and decides on settling you on the couch. he wants to indulge you quickly, and your shared bedroom is too far, he doesn’t have enough patience for that today. the couch is good. the position he places you has you sitting with your legs dangling off the edges. he makes sure to place you comfortably. he lets his body fall on the couch, right besides where you’re sitting. you slightly jump when his body weight makes the couch dip. he brings your body over his and makes you sit above his crotch, facing his chest. you can already feel how hard he is. it excites you how he’s really raring to go.
rei toys with the maid skirt again, while grinding his hips into your crotch. his hands start caressing your thighs, playing with the socks. he gives your legs a firm squeeze. eventually, his hands go up your body, from your hips to grasping at your waist and he stops at your boobs. he cups your chest over the soft fabric of the maid outfit. he holds each of them firmly and rubs your nipples with his thumbs. he can feel how erect they’ve become through the clothes. you then bring down your face and start kissing him again. once the kiss end, he starts regaining focus, “you just came,” and he draws out a breath, “i deserve a reward, don’t forget, i’m the master.”
your mind already feels clouded after your first orgasm and the kissing didn’t help, so you just reply with a tiny whine. you get a slap on your cunt for not properly answering. your body jumps at that. “be a good girl and reply properly, what did i say about actually answering?” he grinches.
“yeah, yeah, yeah,” you whine back while nodding, finding it hard to properly form your sentences.
“hm? yeah to what?” he grunts out.
“you deserve a reward, master,” finally comes out of you. it sounds more like a whine than proper words. you’re surprised you’re even able to still form coherent thoughts.
he quickly grabs your hips one last time and grinds himself on you. you can feel how hard he is. he then gives your ear a quick kiss before letting himself lay back and relax on the couch.
you then absentmindedly lift yourself off rei and drop to your knees, between both of his legs. your hands are placed on both of his thighs, slightly gripping the fabric of his pants. you bring your head right above his crotch and rub your face on it. he signals you to start unzipping his pants, so you comply. he then lifts his own hips to help you remove them with ease. he’s now in black boxers and it is so obvious to see how hard his dick is. you decide to give it a few licks through the cloth, letting him feel the wetness seeping through from your mouth. when you retreat, he roughly palms his dick before letting his cock jump free. he quickly discards everything on the floor.
your face is still inches away from his dick, and is still very close. however, before you can actually grab his dick, he uses it to tease you. he loves how obedient and willing you are to serve him, however he loves toying with you even more. he drags the tip along your lips and pulls back with a “uh uh” when you bring your face to try to lick it.
rei squishes his tip to your lips and coats them with his precum. he's making sure to drag it, so that your lips move. he then decides to move his arousal on the rest of your face. your face always looks so attractive to him, but it’s just something else when his dick right in front of it. no words can describe how much he likes it.
eventually, he stops purposely teasing you and lets you grab his dick. you hold onto the base and start from there, giving his cock, small, kitty licks. one of your hands holds his balls, while the other starts gently squeezing his tip. your tongue moves up and finds itself at the tip. you then give it one big suck. this makes rei’s hands find themself into your hair. he gives your hair a good tug. he then decides to move the stray strands of hair and place them behind your ear.
you remove your mouth from his tip and continue licking the rest of his dick. your hands massage and stroke him. “this is a special massage you know?” you tell him between licks. he then thrusts into your mouth which makes you gag. “what do you mean by special?” he asks, already being fully aware of the answer, but wanting to hear it directly.
“well, you know..” you stutter out, still licking.
“know what?” he answers back.
“it’s a special maid service, okay!”
he silently chuckles at your flustered reply, firmly holding your head the whole time. you then meet his eyes. the look you give him when you look up into his eyes with his dick stuffed into your mouth could make him cum on sight, but he has better plans. he would really want to fuck your mouth, so badly, but he’ll do that another time. “i’d rather cum inside your pussy,” he warns you. you remove your hands and let go of his dick, letting your mouth make a “pop” sound.
he brings his hands under your arms and lifts you up. with a small delay, you shuffle, trying to sit up and he helps you by lifting you up. he’s so strong that he doesn’t have any difficulties manhandling you to his will. it always shocks you how he does it with so much ease. nevertheless, it never fails to turn you on. you’re now facing him again, with your legs around his hips. you put your hands on his shoulder and lift your hips so he can remove your panties. he puts them aside and starts spreading your pussy lips, admiring how glistening it is.
rei then takes his dick and taps at the front of your pussy. he then rubs his tip all along its length, making sure to cover his dick with the wetness that’s leaking from you. he rubs the tip in a circular motion all around you. he pushes the tip of his cock into your pulsing heat. it’s so wet he can easily slide in. he lets out a grunt before snapping his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his whole length inside. your cunt sucks him in. you moan at the sudden feeling of being so full. you can feel him stretching you out.
“don’t hold back any of your sounds,” he grunts out, watching you bite your lips. hearing every little moan, whimper, whine you do makes him crazy. any word that comes out of your mouth in that voice of yours makes him speechless. even if you wanted to stay quiet, you wouldn’t be able to, not with the way his dick is reaching so deeply into you.
“i won’t,” you need a second to gather your thoughts, “i won’t hold back any sounds.” he feels fulfilled by your reply and rewards you with a kiss.
you feel so warm that he can’t help but grab your hips even harder, to the point of bruising them. even if he wanted to be gentle, he wouldn’t be able. you’re so wet. your pussy drools around him, coating his cock with your juices. he starts setting a harsh pace, which you brace yourself by holding onto his upper body with a tighter grip. “it feels really, really good master,” you tell him. he can’t help but buck his hips in pleasure, letting you know he heard you. your gummy walls squeeze him so well.
your hands eventually find themselves under his shirt, craving his warmth even more. however, you can’t help but scratch his back and claw at it when nearing your high. “you’re just like a cat, scratching my back,” he says, amused and turned on, “those are my favorite kind of marks.”
he then grips your hips and starts setting a brutal rhythm. he feels your body trying to scramble away from the pleasure, “c’mon, take my cock like a good girl, you’re supposed to be a well behaved maid.” you hold onto him more, trying not to let go. with the way he’s fucking you, you feel your body shake at his thrusts.
“you’re gonna cum soon, aren’t you?” he tells you. there’s no way he wouldn’t be able to tell, with the way your body is tightening up around him with your walls spamming, how you’re slurring every word, just looking at your face is enough to realize.
you nod to him and desperately moan out a yes. he brushes your hair out of your face, “then what should a cumdump like you say?” he asks, landing a kiss on your forehead. that gentle action is so different from the rough way his hips are moving and the filthy words that come out of his mouth.
you know immediately what he wants. he always likes making you beg and you’re sure that with the maid outfit he wants to hear it even more. “please let me cum, please master,” you mutter out.
he twitches at that pleading scream of yours. “wow, you have good manners now,” he says in between thrusts, “you really wanna cum that bad?”
“please!” you whine out, bringing your hips back to meet his, trying to chase your orgasm. he could listen to your voice begging and pleading to him for days on end. no matter how many times he hears them, they never bore him. “i want your cum, please master,” finally comes out of your mouth.
“fuck, you’re so naughty,” he makes sure to bring your face into his, while his other hand comes to flick at your clit, “come for me, you naughty maid.” your orgasm takes over your whole body, as well as his. he cums so much, and it fills you up. you can’t help but clench, wanting to milk him. you feel so good and full. he loves pumping you full.
you both reach your high, however he isn’t finished yet. he thinks to himself how he needs more. he’d be a fool to end it right now. he hikes your skirt up and stares at the place where you’re both connected, before removing you from his cock. he makes sure to watch it attentively, not missing any detail. his cum spills out and he swears that it just fires him even more. he wants to stuff it back into you so badly.
he stares at it, letting his cum spill down your pussy. he brings his finger and scoops up the leaking cum, fingering it back inside of you. you jitter at the intrusion of his finger, your breathing still ragged. your worned out sex face meets his now eager eyes. for someone who’s so lazy, he just doesn’t want to stop yet, “if you give me those eyes, you know i won’t leave you alone.”
he then flips you, head now facing down and back to him. you’re laying on the couch, on both of your knees. and you eventually find yourself head down. he brings both of your hands behind your back and firmly holds them there with one of his hands. you slightly shuffle in response. rei then spanks your ass, “stop trying to tempt me even more,” and with this, his cock enters your cunt once again. he’s fucking you from behind, not trying to go slow and gentle at all. he is not envisioning a break anytime soon.
once he lets go of both of your hands, you place them to your sides, supporting you. it’s not long until he places his own hands on top of your arms, gripping onto you again. he cages you with his body.
“i wanna keep you like this forever, not being able to do anything at all,” he shamelessly tells you. you’re practically drool all over the couch at his words.
“rei” you moan out, gripping the couch out of pleasure. he really wants to fuck you stupid.
“you should just always be my maid,” he says, treating you like a fleshlight. you wouldn’t be opposed to his suggestion. being treated like that everyday would make you lose your mind, in the best way possible. “you’d like that wouldn’t you? being fucked senseless everyday by me.”
you frantically nod. “yeah, i would, would want that so much,” you reply, desperately.
“i know you would, you wouldn’t have to think at all, just like right now.” you tighten up even more.
“you’re mine right?” he says after a particularly hard trust, you’re words are working him up. it was so hard you can even hear his balls slapping on your ass. you arch your back, whining out a yes. “who does this cunt belong to?”
“you, master,” you scream out, “my whole body belongs to you.”
“yeah? everything?”
“yeah.. it’s all yours, all of it,” you mutter out.
“good, with the way you’re taking my cock, fuck, i never wanna leave this pussy,” he slams his hips into yours. you honestly don’t want it to end either.
this time his thrusts are even more rushed, he’s losing control and wants nothing more but to chase his pleasure, using you. you love it as well. god, you want nothing more than to be used by him. “i love using your body like this,” he mounts?
when he finally cums, he’s making sure you’re aware of his body on top of yours, and he sinks his teeth into your neck, in an animalistic manner. you take him so well, and the fact you’re now stuffed with his cum really excites him. you don’t have any more strength and let your body fully relax. he then removes himself, and also lets his body slump besides yours, being careful enough to not squish you too much, but just a little bit. he cups your face with his hands and lovingly stares into your eyes.
“let’s go take a shower,” you giggle at him.
he then rubs his face into your own and grunts, “sure, but let’s just stay like this a bit longer,” he sighs, satisfied. you also want to bask in the afterglow, so you hum an agreement.
“oh but.. since you’re my maid, that means you’ll wash me up in the shower, no?” he smirks.
“ahh, really? i thought you wanted to rest more,” you sigh. your legs are still twitching.
“a maid shouldn't talk back to her master,” he giggles while kissing you on the cheek, “maybe i should discipline you.”
you shuffle in his lap, “i behaved more than enough,” you say jokingly sighing, but still making sure to return his kiss playfully.
“i love you,” he reminds you. before you even get time to reply, rei stands up, which ends up distracting you. he brings his arms around you, lifting you up in the process. you giggle playfully at him, letting him carry you to the shower.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 6 months
Windwolf x Adopted Reader: Special Guest
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Idk... ignoring all the other things I wrote on them, Nightwolf and Fujin would be great fathers. They can adopt me idc
Context: Nightwolf is already your guardian. He introduces you to Fujin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Headcanon Note
Fujin is pansexual. Nightwolf is demi-sexual.
This one is canon: Fujin likes sponge cake. Important fact, I promise.
Also canon but a lot of people imagine otherwise, Nightwolf is taller than Fujin. (6'4 to 5'10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normally, anyone would find the sun peeking through their light curtains pretty warming when they are in bed. Especially at this time of brunch.
But not you. You laid incorrectly in bed away from the sunlight with a blanket thrown over your head, mind possessed by the tablet device that was gifted to you by your caretaker.
When you first received it, you were rather surprised to hear it did belong to him as he may or may not have been a hacker when he was younger. He definitely didn't seem like the type.
What sucks is he refuses to teach you anything in that genre, so now whenever you play some game and a bot you call a teammate throws, they get away with it.
You didn't care too much anymore since your gaming drive died down a little. You were mostly on your tablet for a while to scroll through the media and read cheesy things that you know you'd be damned if Nightwolf discovers it.
"Y/n?" You hear him knock at your door gently.
"Yeah?" Your attention was provoked from the screen, and you stopped kicking your feet in the air to see what your savior wants.
Opening the door, he peeks in to observe you for a bit. You can see the man has gone somewhere earlier this morning, hence by his usual red war paint around his eyes. Guess you just didn't hear him go out since technology keeps wasting your senses, with a bit of sleep deprivation, but you weren't doing much to fix that.
"Good morning." Nightwolf says, seeing you shielding yourself from the day with your covers. "Sleep well?"
Glancing up at him, you just shrug.
"You didn't sleep yet, did you?" He sighs.
"Right. Anyways, there's someone I want you to meet." Nightwolf tells you.
Your face already sulked. New people? Disgusting. "Can you tell them I just said hi?"
Nightwolf sighs and opens the door more, leaning against the frame. "No, Y/n. I know you aren't one to be around people, let alone meet, but it's someone special to me."
His explanation somewhat connected with you, but you didn't fold quite yet.
"Please? Just this once. I don't ask you for much, but it would mean a lot if you did."
Gods, it's true. You'd feel like more of a shitty person if you reject his request like you do most of the time.
Sighing, you turned off your tablet and set it aside. Removing the blanket from your messy hair, you sat up. "Fine. Just give me a moment."
The strong warrior smiles at your acceptance and thanks you before closing the door and giving you the time you need to fix yourself up.
When you stepped out your safe space, you refer to as your room, Nightwolf waited for you, offering his hand. Without thinking much, you took it despite feeling too old to hold hands with someone as a parent. But, not admittedly, you just feel safe with Nightwolf.
"Be aware, they are much more outgoing than you, and I did tell them you're rather shy. I still hope you could get along, though. I think you'd like them." Nightwolf shares.
You only were thinking on who it is. Maybe someone from his tribe? A girl, maybe? You didn't care for a mother figure as long as she didn't coddle too much.
Your father figure brings you to the living room, and let's go of your hand. You stand a bit awkward as you examine who the guest is.
It was a man. What catches you off guard is his glowing eyes. It's not the most abnormal thing you've seen. You'd ask Nightwolf to summon his animals so you could play with them. But you weren't really expecting someone that barely has visible pupils.
He also has a tattoo in his shoulder that glows up as well, which was pretty cool to see. But his eyes... you really should stop being into creepypasta.
"Fujin. This is Y/n. I... saved her from the Black Dragon." (mm lore) Nightwolf presents you, placing comforting hands on your shoulders. "And, Y/n, this is Lord Fujin. He's a close friend of mine."
A lord, huh? That explains the eyes.
Fujin walks to you two, with a very friendly smile. "Why, hello, Y/n! Nightwolf has spoken of you a lot! I'm very pleased to finally meet you." He extends a hand.
There wasn't much you had to say, but you hesitantly took his hand, shaking it. "Thanks... Nice to meet you, too... Lord Fujin- oh!"
You get pulled into a sudden embrace, but you didn't respond negatively to it. You glanced back at Grey Cloud, and he was rather unexpected of it, too. However, you knew the god didn't mean harm. He's just happy to meet someone close to his dear Nightwolf.
"You can just call me Fujin, little one. We are both close ones of Nightwolf, are we not?" He pulls away and pats your back, looking down at you with such a comforting aura.
"Right." You look away, getting flustered.
Nightwolf finally steps in and leads Fujin to the kitchen. "Care for any tea?" You could hear him ask as they both go to another room. You take the chance to scramble back to your room and process what just happened.
---Hour Time Skip brought to you by... idk Geras wearing weave or smth---
An hour gone by, and you could hear chatting at the front door. You open your door to take a peek. It appears Fujin was about to leave.
Contrary to what you thought earlier about meeting new people, the white-haired man was quite interesting to you.
Turning around and spotting you, Nightwolf gestures silently for you to come and say bye to the special guest. You listen and approach them, still looking at Fujin.
"It was nice meeting you again, Y/n," Fujin bows to you. "Maybe next time I come by, we can spend time together! I can bring you a gift too- do you like clouds? Or sponge cake?"
Wow, he's very energetic for you. You look at Nightwolf for some type of guidance.
"It's up to you." The shaman says. "You can trust him."
"I'm okay with whatever you give me... or if you want to hang out a little, I guess." You shrug.
"Great!" Fujin then looks at Grey. "I'll see you soon when I break from my duties again."
Thoughts began brewing your mind as you noticed the change of tone in Fujin's voice, and the very sincere look he gives  Nightwolf. Especially the hand placement on the shoulder, your caretaker's hand placing over that one.
Fujin left, and you stood with Nightwolf trying to process things. "'Close friend', huh?" You say with sarcasm, raising your eyebrow at the tall man.
Nightwolf sighs, yet nods. "Indeed. 'Close friend.'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Pyramid Asks
And because I'm just a bit too in love with Cranberry 🐕‍���🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺
Hell yeah! Let's gooo!
12 for 👑:
Chim tries very hard not to eavesdrop. He stares out at the glittering infinity pool and the nighttime view of the hills, marveling at where he finds himself. But when Evan raises his voice, it’s hard not to hear. 
“Wel, they can go fuck themselves, Maddie! You should do what you want! I think you’ve earned that much!”
Chim swallows uncomfortably. He wonders what the hell that’s about. 
He doesn’t have to wonder for long. Maddie walks back over moments later, heels clicking against the tiles, brother trailing behind her. 
“Are you okay to hang out for a minute?” She asks him.
15 for 🔮:
“I know what the firefighters told me. I know what the coroner said.” She replies. “But that’s what happened to your dad. What happened to you that night, Bobby?”
Buck feels cold.
Bobby shakes his head. “It was an accident. I didn’t use the oven correctly.”
“Not that, baby.” 
Bobby doesn’t speak. 
“Listen, you remember how it was before your brother and I left. I know how your dad could be when he was drunk.”
Oh. Oh shit.
18 for ⚡:
He ends the call, and within seconds, Buck and Eddie are grabbing onto each other giddily. Eddie feels flushed with a sort of excitement that’s rare for him. But has been more and more common in the past year and a bit. 
Buck kisses him.
“We got the house!” He exclaims when their lips part. 
“We got the house!” Eddie repeats before kissing him back. 
He pulls away really quickly and lets go of Buck.
“Shit, we’re at work.” Eddie mumbles. 
“Didn’t see anything,” Bobby calls out, walking towards his office. “Congratulations on the house!”
“Thank you!” Eddie calls back. 
Buck laughs. “Okay, that was our one free pass.”
“He’s in a generous mood with all the wedding planning,” Eddie observes.
21 for 🚨:
“Fair point,” he eventually decides. “We’re fine.”
“Chim!” Hen complains. 
“What?” Chim raises his hands in mock surrender. “I can’t actually be mad about it!”
“Well, I can,” Hen glowers, crossing her arms.
“Hen, I’m sorry,” Eddie insists. “I promise we were going to tell you soon.”
“It’s my fault,” Buck says again. “I didn’t want anything else holding back my graduation. I’m sorry.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have told Internal Affairs,” Hen says. “Neither would Chim.”
“True. Those guys are a pain.” Chim agrees. 
Buck and Eddie exchange a look. 
“But what about Bobby?” Buck asks.
24 for 🧟:
“That can’t have been easy.”
“It hasn’t been,” Eddie admits. “That’s why I’ve got to find him somewhere safe.” 
“Home wasn’t?” She asks.
“El Paso? No.” Eddie explains. “My sisters wanted to head northeast, but I couldn’t give up hope on his mom.”
Texas. Alright. That’s a trip. Not as much of a trip as Pennsylvania, but not a small feat in this climate. 
“Was she traveling during the outbreak?” Maddie asks. 
Eddie’s face tightens a little. Maddie feels a spike of nerves. 
“Not exactly. We’re, uh, we were separated.”
Maddie feels a chill down her spine. Her shoulders stiffen. 
“She… Did she leave?” 
He nods, not noticing the change in Maddie’s demeanor.
27 for 🔼:
Buck doesn’t know what to say to him. This is so beyond his level of life experience. He’s never had anything real enough to break this badly. At least nothing that was real to both parties. 
Buck takes a swig of his beer, and looks like he’s thinking about an intelligent response. 
“The worst part is,” Eddie continues. “I don’t know if I believe that it’s not all a lie.”
Buck frowns. “I thought you saw the ultrasound? How could she be lying about that?”
“Not about the baby,” Eddie clarifies. “About the abortion.”
“I’m not following,” Buck admits. 
“Before she asked for the divorce,” Eddie explains. “She said she needed to learn how to be someone’s mother again, before she could be someone’s wife. Someone. Not Christopher.” 
Buck’s shoulders drop. “Eddie…” 
“What if the plan was always to leave again? To not tell me about my own damn kid? Start fresh without us?”
“Come on,” Buck says. “That’s not… Eddie, no.”
“She left us once, Buck,” Eddie says. “She has so much guilt about how things went with Chris.”
30 for 💐:
“Sweetie, I know this isn’t simple to process,” Hen empathizes. “I’m glad you called us. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Chat with Karen and I?” 
Well, that would probably be helpful, but…
“I can’t,” May groans. “I have class from six to eight.”
With April! 
“Ew,” Buck wrinkles his nose. “That’s allowed?” 
“Okay, well we will figure something out,” Hen insists. 
“It’s an emergency, though. It wasn’t an emergency, and now it is!”
“What about it is an emergency?” Hen asks. 
“Because I thought we hated each other and we don’t, but now she thinks I hate her, and I really don’t!” 
“Oh, I see,” Buck replies.
“I don’t think I see?” Hen raises an eyebrow.
“You Bucked it up.” Buck says sagely.
“Excuse you?” Hen asks.
“I did what?” May narrows her eyes.
“That’s what Chim called it when I made an ass of myself over a crush I didn’t understand,” Buck explains. “Though I was jealous because he kept hanging out with T- uh, Eddie. Are you jealous? Does April have a partner?”
33 for 🩸:
“I won’t.” Kim grimaces. “No desire.”
“My son can never see you. Never know it was you.”
Her expression flickers with something curious, before returning to its previous displeasure. 
“He won’t unless someone else tells him.”
Someone else? Who the fuck else?
“And…” Eddie sighs. “And if you’ve infected anyone else, I’d keep tabs on them.”
“I haven’t,” Kim says, frowning like she has no idea why he’d suggest it. “I don’t think.”
Eddie nods. “I’ll be leaving then.”
He walks towards her, intent on making his way back out the way he came. He’s not afraid of her anymore. Except, she covers the door and stops him. 
“Don’t you come around here again either,” she says. “You or anyone. I mean it.” 
Anyone? What the fuck does that mean? 
There’s a look in her eye, though. A severity. Eddie knows it’s serious. Knows what they are. Two predators, standing in the dark, ruined from whatever sunny days lie behind them. 
“You can count on it,” Eddie scoffs.
57 for 🦮:
“Yes, pissy.” 
Buck laughs. “Shit. I miss you.”
Eddie pauses. 
“I miss you. Badly.”
Another pause. 
“We were supposed to have a way better summer than this.” 
Buck’s chest deflates. Their date. Yeah, he’s been mourning that lately, too. This thing isn’t ending and Chris isn’t going to summer camp, so… So, Buck doesn’t know. 
“It’ll happen,” Buck whispers. “Right?”
“Right,” Eddie promises. “I… Buck, I wish I’d been able to… Sooner…” 
“We’d still be apart right now,” Buck reminds him. “Maybe it would be even harder.”
Like Maddie and Chim. Though Maddie’s being pregnant certainly complicates things further. But he knows his sister has been struggling a lot without her partner. Buck thinks if he and Eddie had made it there, separating would have been insurmountably more difficult. 
“Yeah, that’s true.” 
Eddie sounds so sad. Buck is desperate to reintroduce some levity into this conversation.
“At least you can still flirt with people on calls to keep yourself entertained,” Buck teases. 
Eddie balks at this idea. “I have never flirted on calls!” 
“Well, not with me around, but now that I’m gone…”
“I don’t flirt on calls!” 
“I know you don’t,” Buck replies. “I’m just…”
“Trying to drive me nuts?”
“Trying to make you laugh.”
Another pause from Eddie.
“Well, how do I know you’re not flirting with all of Emergency Operations?” 
“You don’t,” Buck smirks. 
“Oh, yeah. Let me see… There’s Esther, who thinks all dogs are slaves, and that I’m abusing Cranberry. So, it’s going pretty well there. There’s Deputy Chief Carr, who just celebrated his twenty-fifth wedding anniversary…”
“Okay, okay. Point taken.” 
“There’s no one else worth flirting with, Eddie.” 
“Same here.” 
Buck smiles softly. He feels an awkward sort of squirming in his stomach. 
“There hasn’t been… There hasn’t been anyone. Since Ali. You know…”
“Really? Nothing?”
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