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day-azevir · 1 month ago
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Working on the outline for frostwalker and honestly, this is probably one of the funniest things that happens in the story
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an-established-butt-dent · 3 months ago
Solas x Lavellan
Dragon age the Veilguard
Tel banal, ara'ma
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It won’t be terrible if you’re with me.
Available as print here.
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dragon-spaghetti · 10 months ago
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Late night talks 💖
(Please click for better quality!!)
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pinkblanc · 3 months ago
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Dazed & Confused Magazine April 1998
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valentinejaes · 4 months ago
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Minho — Dazed Korea, November 2024
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riinasawayama · 3 months ago
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Goblets, grapes and bad mothers: Caroline Polachek’s cerebral dreamworld, ph. terrence o'connor, in dazed digital
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anemonet · 6 months ago
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rain world if it was hot
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foreverisafeeling · 1 month ago
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“lucy dacus on death, desire, and blowing up your life” / please stay - lucy dacus
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comfortingcatharsis · 2 months ago
When a character is dazed and confused and not quite tracking or processing what's going on around them and can only respond to their companions' reassurances or explanations with a slow, puzzled echo, repeating a single word or phrase that was just said to them but inflected as a question.
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daze-stole-ur-milk · 8 months ago
I just realized the fact that if it was nearly any companion that wasn’t Jack who had been turned immortal and stranded on Satellite 5. The Doctor abandoning them would have been a lot more horrifying.
Most of the Doctor’s companions doesn’t have the knowledge and skill that Jack does. Jack could survive on his own on another planet and time. But what about Martha? Or Donna? Or Amy? Or even Rose? They wouldn’t even be able to talk to people without the TARDIS translating for them. And who knows how long they’d be stuck on satellite 5.
Considering what happened they could be stuck there for a long time.
Jack’s situation is was horrific. But fuck he handled it remarkably well.
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day-azevir · 11 days ago
My friends, I present to you the ENTIRE Slabtek Hockey au outline; Frostwalker
> Etho moves down south and far away from his hometown. The combination of the D-1 admission and the severity of his injury made him very recognizable and highly pitied among the people he interacted with. And after about a year, he just got sick of it
> While working at his new job (local arboretum), Etho overhears his coworkers, Bdubs and Gem, talking about hockey practice later that evening. Part of him wants to check it out - he still loves the sport - but the fear of injury that comes with being back on the ice changes his mind
> After doing some digging out of curiosity, Etho finds out that the hockey that's played in town is somewhere between C and D league beer hockey. Even if he doesn't play, it can't hurt to watch, right? Especially since Etho doesn't feel like paying for sports streaming to watch from the safety of his apartment
> Xisuma notices but doesnt recognize Etho from around town, so they tell him when the team does practice in case he wants to show up. Etho says he's been thinking about playing but is worried about potential injuries (avoids talking about his, kinda beating around the bush of hockey horror stories as an excuse. Luckily for him, Xisuma is a bit oblivious). X offers to let him watch the practices so Etho can gauge whether or not he wants join later, to which Etho accepts
> Tango takes notice of Etho now coming into their practices. He saw him once or twice on competition days, but never paid him much mind until now. After chatting a bit with his team, Tango decides to try and talk to him and figure out what Ethos deal is. Upon getting a closer look, OhHesKindaCute.jpeg and invites Etho to join them next practice. Etho gives the same excuse he gave X and Tango lightly flirts before realizing and flees with extra flee in hopes Etho won’t realize
> This goes on for a while, with Etho just watching and Tango trying on and off to get him on the ice. He's persistent, but not aggressive about it - offers to buy Etho starting equipment, telling him about classes to learn how to skate, emphasizing that their team is low contact so there's less chance of injury, etc. Also around this point, at work Gem and Bdubs notice Etho always bringing in the same sandwich for lunch (this will be important for later)
> Etho is not fond of the attention, but Tango's insistence does end up working. Etho ends up telling X what happened and how he wants back on the ice but is scared of other players. The two end up making a deal that allows Etho to come in during the mornings on his days off and work on empty ice before anyone else arrives
> One evening, while walking to the rink (Etho doesn’t have an american license), Tango spots him while riding on his motorcycle and drives him the rest of the way there. Skizz calls while they are talking and Tango says he and Etho just arrived at the rink. When Skizz asks who, Tango says ‘the cute one that watches us practice’. Etho notices, Tango doesn’t. When Tango says he has to go get Skizz, Etho says ‘you think i'm cute?’ causing Tango to once again flee with extra flee
> Tango ends up with a few days off work after a water pipe busted at Papa K’s and takes up the opportunity to teach the kids class while Joe’s out sick so he’s not out of a paycheck. (Keralis does give him and the others pto for this, that's just what he tells Xisuma to let him agree to it). When he gets there a bit early to prepare, Tango sees Etho practicing on the ice and realizes that he is, in fact, actually very good on the ice and has a lot more experience than he was letting on. 
> Tango thinks ‘well, team warmup is as good as any :D’ and joins Etho on the ice for drills. This catches Etho off guard (half because he didn’t see Tango come in), but he reluctantly agrees to share the ice. For interrupting his solo practice session, Tango offers to buy Etho lunch. They chat in the process, dancing around the subject of Ethos hockey skills and instead talk about their plans for the day, catching up on the week, and what drills they want to practice. This goes on until a bit before class starts
> Joe told Tango that the kids were working on moving away from the wall and trying to glide. Because of that, Tango gives a small speech about falling, getting up, and trying again, about how the kids shouldn’t be scared to ask for help, and how everyone on the ice is a team that supports each other. Meanwhile Etho, who’s in the bowl waiting for the class to be done so they can get lunch, OhMoment.jpeg. 
> During class, a kid falls and scrapes their hands. Etho, who's done bandages for that before, decides to help patch the kid up so Tango can keep an eye on the others in case someone else gets hurt. When he gets done, the kid hesitates to get back on the ice because they’re scared of falling again. Etho reminds them of what Tango said and tells the kid if they really like skating, they shouldn't let one fall determine their future (hypocrite Etho moment). The kid agrees, but asks Etho for help getting back on the ice and getting their footing again. Etho obliges, and upon passing the kid off to Tango has a second, more intense, OhMoment.jpeg about the person in front of him
> During lunch, Tango tries to bring up Ethos skills and learn his history with hockey, to which Etho masterfully deflects by ‘not paying attention’ and bringing up his fuck-ass sandwich that he eats everyday. This actually works because Tango is so flabbergasted about the sandwich that he completely forgets to ask again, and instead they talk about foods they like and how Tango is actually a cook during his day job (and how Etho should totally come to Papa K’s at some point not for any reason in particular and definitely not because Tango wants to see him more often, that would be absurd)
> Etho continues his solo hockey practice, but realizes that he actually had a lot of fun when he and Tango were drilling together. He had been enjoying the empty ice but now it feels kind of lonely with just him. Etho tries to not think about it
> A few times at work, Bdubs and Gem invited Etho to join them for lunch, but he had always declined because he would bring his own. However this time, he accidentally slept through his alarm and was almost late to work, so he didn't have time to pack it. When he tells them that, the two happily bring him along to their favorite lunch spot, Papa K’s
> When the order gets to the back, Tango recognizes Gem and Bdubs usual orders, but gets curious when there's a third order that isn't usually there and finds out its Etho. Remembering the conversation they had about Etho missing his daily sandwich, Tango makes that for him instead (behind Skizz and Keralis’ back because he is absolutely not supposed to do special orders). It’s a different meat, and a little too much pepper, but Etho does nearly cry happy tears at the prospect of it
> Tango, now seeing that Etho is starting to get comfortable back on the ice again, devises a plan to try and get him comfortable around the others on the team. He knows that Etho is good with Gem and Bdubs, so Tango invites him to join Impulse, Skizz, and himself for board game night over at their place. Etho accepts, then quietly ponders as to why - does he really want to spend hours with two strangers? He guesses so long as Tango is there it should be fine. He then ponders as to why Tango's presence makes any difference at all. Etho tries to not think about it
>TIES game night is going pretty well. Etho finds out that Imp and Skizz are married, which does bring up the subject of relationships. Tango complains about how hard it is to find a partner in town, considering its size and especially his type (men). When they ask Etho about his relationships, he reveals he’d never actually been in one before, and so he hadn’t really thought about it. Etho says he guesses gender doesn't matter so long as they’re a good partner. (Demiromantic Etho real and true). Tango gets his hopes up, but tries not to. Impulse and Skizz notice and share a knowing glance. Etho is too lost in his own epiphany to realize any of this
> At some point during game night, Tango’s prosthetic starts to bother him as he’d worn it all day and worked in it as well. Tango opts to just take it off for the time being, and Impulse berates him for not taking care of his residual limb (there is some obvious chafing. Tango blames it on the constant washing from the kitchen and the cold of the ice). This is the first time Etho is made aware of Tango’s hand (or lack thereof) as he always wore gloves and used his left hand for most motions. In retrospect, it made sense, like how sparingly Tango used his right hand when the two got lunch together, but it just didn’t occur to Etho that there was an actual reason as to why
> Etho asks Tango about how he lost his hand, and Tango explains how he had gotten into a motorcycle accident on the highway. The driver slammed into the back of the bike and sent both it and Tango across the pavement, where the bike practically landed on him. As the motor was still running, his hand got caught in some of the moving parts and was mangled. Impulse ends up finishing the story, as Tango couldn’t remember some of the final details and Impulse was his emergency contact. When Etho asks why Tango still drives a motorcycle after the accident, Tango laughs. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Well, I mean, you lost your hand. Aren’t you worried it might happen again? Or something worse?” 
“If I worried about everything that hurt me, I’d never get anything done! Besides, I like riding motorcycles; the feeling of the wind, the hum of the motor, all of it. It makes me feel free. I’m not gonna let one little accident keep me from that.”
> Tango tells Gem and Bdubs of his master plan, and so they also start working on Etho to the other players (and even some of the skaters). He notably talks to Joel, False, Cleo, Beef, Doc, and Scar. Xisuma also enlists Ethos help in seeing what the players need to work on as they can only focus on so many people at a time, and two sets of eyes can catch more than one. This leads to Etho chatting with some of the other players when giving tips (after being approved by X first, of course)
> More and more of the players greet Etho whenever they see him around the ice, and Etho does start to feel more welcomed in the rink (not that he wasn’t previously, but it helps when people get to know you a bit). However, this does allow more people to see how he and Tango act around each other, which leads to Gem, Impulse, Skizz, and Joel to pressure Tango into asking Etho out. Of course, Tango can’t just ask him out, that's absurd! No, no. Tango instead asks Etho if he would like to join him for dinner at a restaurant they've never eaten at before. It’s just weird eating by oneself in public, and Tango would pay for the meal and everything, and it’s totally fine if not but he just thought he’d offer just and case :] . Etho very casually accepts and they two arrange a time to meet. Once they get to their respective homes, both end up like this for the next half hour -> o///////o
> The night of the totally-definitely-not-a-date comes around. Tango shows up to Etho’s apartment dressed slightly nicer than usual, but hidden beneath his jacket (biker safety first). Etho is also lightly dressed up and, while not visible, did put on an eye patch and worked to hide his scar (more so than usual). Both have a minor ‘oh wow’ moment before complimenting each other and heading out
> The two start chatting and Etho makes a joke about how oblivious he can be at times (ex. Tango's hand), so Tango suggests they play 20 questions to get to know each other, Etho going first. They talk about their families, where they're from, pets they've had, etc. Eventually, Etho asks if Tango had broken any bones before (yes), which led to him asking Etho what his worst injury was. Etho asks if skipping is an option, but does end up saying that whatever it was is the reason he keeps himself covered up, even in the heat (referencing when Tango saw him walking down the road in full coat and mask). Aside from that, Etho choses to not go into more detail and Tango decides to let it be. They decide to venture back into more lighthearted questions - funniest story, weirdest talent, etc - to help bring the mood back up before finishing dinner. Upon seeing the bill, Tango makes a joke about taking Etho to a Wendy’s next time instead. Despite knowing it's just a joke, Etho finds himself excited at the idea of spending time with just Tango. He then tries really hard to not think about it
> Unfortunately for Etho, he just can not stop thinking about it. When Etho first moved down here, he really hadn’t known anybody outside of work. And while Gem and Bdubs were great - they really were! Friendly and kind and all around good people - there was just something different about Tango. He was smart and fearless and funny and so passionate about everything. Etho had learned quite a bit about him over lunch and dinner, as well as the times they’d talked at the rink, but he still wanted more. He wanted to learn what Tango thought about life, how he navigates the days and years, what he loves, and what he hates. But what Etho really wanted to learn was what Tango thought about him. Did Tango like him? Love him? Was he just being nice or was there something there? Does he enjoy their time together? What are they? Are they even anything or is Etho just extrapolating something that isn't there? He didn’t dare admit to losing sleep over it
> Things continue as they were for a bit; Etho basically being Xisuams assistant and helping the players on the ice, as well as finally meeting the rest of the hermit ensemble
> During one practice match, Tango trips and False isn’t able to slow down in time, causing her to run over his prosthetic fingers. This doesn't cause any damage except for a scratch across the top, but the situation does leave Tango a bit shaken up. Etho immediately rushes over to the box to check on him, and while Tango insists he’s fine, Etho can tell he’s not by how Tango stutters and curls in on himself. Etho assures Tango it’s okay to be frazzled by it because what just happened was scary, and he understands that. Tango mutters something about limb loss and phantom pains, to which Etho says he knows. He knows better than most. Tango takes a quick glance over Etho before landing on the bit of scar sticking out from under his hair - something he hadn’t seen before because they’d never been this close. He chooses not to say anything, but does take note. After calming down for a while, Tango gets back on the ice to finish practice
> On the next competition day, Hypno and Keralis place a bet on which half of the team will win the match; If Keralis wins, Hypno has to buy the whole team rounds based on how many goals they scored, and vice versa if Hypno wins. Keralis ends up losing as Hypnos team ends up with four goals total - he’s bothered more by his team losing than the amount of money he's about to spend and makes sure they know it (/lh). Xisuma, without their knowledge, is chosen to be one of the designated drivers
> Two things are noticed once the gang reaches the bar: 1) Tango is a lightweight, and 2) Etho is a giggly drunk. Everyones having a good time, with Etho and Tango sitting next to each other up at the bar. They drink and chat and are maybe a bit oblivious to the hermits' comments about two lovebirds (surely they're talking about Imp and Skizz? Or maybe even xB and Hypno? It doesn't really matter).
> At one point, Tango gets up to go to the bathroom, and some rando comes up and takes his seat. Of course, this makes Etho uncomfortable because he does not know this guy and quiets down - rando reads this as a girl playing hard-to-get and starts flirting, which does not help the situation at all. When Tango gets back and sees what's happening, he immediately puts himself between Etho and the guy and ignores the guy's protests. Etho responds to Tango and the guy, realising Etho is not in fact a woman and just an effeminate guy, gets pissed off and starts trying to get in his face. Tango immediately whips around and retorts, getting the other hermits' attention. Now surrounded by three people who can clearly beat him in a fight (Doc, Cleo, and Beef), the guy backs off and Tango takes his seat back. Tango and Etho cling to each other for the rest of their time there
> When the designated drivers start rounding everyone up for the night, Xisuma realises that only two people know where Etho lives; Etho himself and Tango. Unfortunately for them, Etho was too drunk to remember his address and Tango was too drunk to give any coherent directions (“take a left after the skadoodle then keep goin till the blurg then a right at the skittle-bop” “...Tango what the fuck are you even saying to me?”). After double and triple checking with Etho, they decide to leave him with Tango at his house as the two are latched on to each other like sloths and Tango could bring Etho back to his apartment in the morning
> Upon entering the house, the two are immediately bombarded with affection from Tango's dog, Torchy, which Tango melts into and Etho has a heart attack over. After taking some time to assure Etho that his dog is not dangerous, and is just excited to see people, the two sit down and start eating (Xisuma bought them food on their way home). Of course a copious amount of alcohol + sudden adrenaline spike + greasy food = Etho hunched over the toilet spitting his guts out while Tango holds his hair out of the way. Once his stomach settles, the two migrate to the couch and place a trash can nearby. While Tango works Ethos braids into a bun (in case he gets sick again while Tango’s asleep), the following conversations occurs:
“I’m sorry”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I think I'm in love with you”
“That's okay… I think I'm in love with you, too”
> In the morning, Etho wakes up to a pounding headache, a sore eye, a dog pinning his legs, and Tango still passed out on his shoulder. Considering how much everything hurts, he opts to just lay there until Tango eventually wakes up and starts moving. After getting up and letting Torchy out, Tango notices Etho is a bit strained and offers him some pain killers, to which Etho gladly accepts. As the two start to eat brunch, Tango realizes that it seems to be Etho’s eye that’s bothering him more than the hangover. The secrets out, the scar is visible, and Tango decides it might as well happen now - he asks Etho what happened to his eye
> Etho explains how about a year before he moved into this town, he had actually been chosen for Division 1 in the NCAA. He and his team had been working through the championship, and even made it to the Regional finals before everything happened. Etho goes on to say that when it comes to those games, it's not a question of if, but when a fight breaks out on the ice. During the final, one of his teammates got cross-checked, and so Etho tore the guy off and ended up in a fight. In the end, his helmet got knocked off and the guy took the opportunity to strike Etho in the face. With his skate. His skate that had been recently sharpened. It didn't get any easier after, either. On top of not being able to see and being suddenly so far removed from everything he had known, everyone started treating him so differently. It’s hard to return to normal and act like everythings fine when people treat you like a wounded animal. So he moved away. Where nobody knew him and maybe people would finally start to look at him like a person again
> The two sit in silence for a bit; Tango processing what Etho said and Etho desperately trying to gauge his reaction. Tango apologizes for taking so long to answer before agreeing; noting how for a while after his hand was amputated it felt like there was some invisible wall between himself and the world, how no matter what he tried nothing felt the same, and how, even now, it still feels like the wall comes and goes at random. But it does go away, for some time at least. And the longer that it's been, the less and less it feels like there's a disconnect between himself and others. It gets easier - not in the sense that it goes back to what it was, but in the sense that you grow around it. Then one day you notice that it doesn't really bother you anymore. Everyone has their moments - sometimes Tango wakes up grieving something he hasn't had in years - but it does get easier
> Etho admits that he wants to play hockey again, he really does, but he's just so scared of what could happen. He wishes he could be brave like Tango; to grow and change and do what he loves despite everything, but he feels stuck. Like maybe the invisible wall Tango was talking about is just a little too thick for him to get through. Tango reaches over and takes his hand, “Then let me help you.”
> At the next practice, Xisuma digs around for an extra jersey while Hypno places an order for a new one with the number 16. Ethos hands shake a bit as he straps on his elbow pads, but it's a mix between nerves and excitement, and Tango is quick to reassure him with a small kiss and words of encouragement. The others are already on the rink waiting for them, and when X blows the whistle to announce the start of practice, Etho gets on the ice with his team
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thestarsatemysoul · 3 months ago
just to be on brand im late.... again.... but in my defense
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happy birthday wooyoung!!
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atticwifesam · 4 months ago
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you can feel his omega pheromones through the phone. 💕
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starlotties · 7 months ago
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squirmypuppyboy · 10 months ago
pillow humping in a pull-up while begging for release. that’s it that’s the post
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daze-stole-ur-milk · 7 months ago
Do you ever think that River’s message to the Doctor at the library was her last desperate attempt to live? That she knew she shouldn’t have sent it but she hoped maybe the Doctor figured out how to save her anyways?
That if she knew Fourteen existed she must’ve been so relieved to see Ten. That she might’ve been hoping that the future version of the Doctor from long after Darrillium might’ve managed to figure it out after all.
That she could survive.
Only to have her hopes crushed when she realized that not only was Ten not Fourteen. He had also never met her.
After 25 years of losing hope in her continued survival she gains it for just a moment. Only to be horrified at the fact that it was worse than she could’ve ever imagined.
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