#weight loss articles
hungerpunch · 1 year
umm i'm. what the fuck. from 2015.
Hard on the brakes into Turn 13, that tricky right-hander on Melbourne’s challenging Albert Park street circuit, Valtteri Bottas hits a bump and suddenly feels as though he’s been stabbed in the back. In an instant, he’s suffered a hairline tear in one of the discs in his spine and is forced to sit out the rest of the Australian Grand Prix weekend. ...Post-Australia he flew straight to the equatorial venue to acclimatise to the extreme conditions, accompanied by his new trainer, Antti Vierula (formerly of McLaren), and a back specialist flown out to oversee his recovery. First by training in water and then moving to a gym cross-trainer, he was able to jog the weekend before the Malaysian race and was declared fit to compete. After careful analysis,the injury was deemed to have been caused by a number of factors, as prior to Melbourne there had been no issues with his seat (which was the same as last year’s). A new pedal position, combined with the bumpy nature of the Albert Park street track, allied to the fact that in a bid to lose weight Valtteri had lost the bulk of the core muscles in his lower back, all contributed to the tear in his disc as he applied heavy brake pressure into the right-hander.
so. good to know being able to jog makes you fit to drive an f1 car. in a grand prix. nevermind completely brushing over a contributing factor to his spinal injury being that he lost the bulk of his core muscles in his lower back to lose weight. for this sport. i.
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newvegasdyke · 2 months
The bizarre assumption that weight loss through diet changes means you’re “ON a diet” specifically a restrictive and unsustainable diet. Just because that’s all you’ve ever tried doesn’t mean it’s what everyone does!!
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
thinking abt the time my aunt got a profile written on her in a print newspaper abt her outreach work to educate + support ppl living with terminal diagnoses and the article opened with the journalist commenting on the 'cruel irony' of late-stage cancer making her look 'supermodel-thin.' couple of months before she died btw.
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blujayonthewing · 6 months
'well of course fad diets don't work' -- guy on keto
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torchickentacos · 4 months
can fucking harvard maybe not try to sell me weight loss diets?
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#tw weight loss#ok to rb but no contrarians. not in the mood#harvard🤝the kardashians for SOME FUCKING REASON?#tw weight talk in the tags but in a way that's critical of weight loss' pervasiveness as a put-forth cure-all.#but yo i just need an article on how to not gag while taking my meds and it shows me this pop up#I HAAATE how weight loss has become synonymous with health#to the point of ads automatically assuming you need it#like. no. that's not automatically something that'll make you healthier.#less is not better#even if less WAS better for someone that's so individualized#like. for me less is worse with my medical issues and a sign something's wrong.#weight loss for me is a worrying symptom and not something to strive for. i wish it would stop being painted as a universal net positive.#it means i'm not absorbing nutrients properly/too sick to eat/it's taking a lot more energy for my body to function than most people/etc#like no. it's actively fucking worrying for a LOT OF PEOPLE#like. don't @ me playing devil's advocate on this. i know weight loss is something healthy for some people.#but don't for a second even try to pretend that it isn't a core part of our society in ways that negatively impact millions.#that's my problem with this moreso than the pop up itself. this pop up is a symptom of that#i'm not in the mood for a debate on this topic to be honest. this is not an invitation#AND I'M STILL NOT FINDING GOOD TIPS ON HOW NOT TO GAG WHEN TAKING MY MEDS but that's another long ramble#but like tldr i'm FULLY capable of taking my meds. i've had to take like 8 in a single sitting before#but i've had one recently that made me feel really sick#so now i've pavloved myself into preemptively gagging at the mere thought of taking pills#and i can't undo it. which sucks as an emetophobe#ughhhhhh. just one of those nights. i'll manage.#pms is not helping kjdfhkdjg
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According to the article it's creating a shortage of the medicine for people who actually need it for diabetes. This is fucked up! And also mentioned is these people don't include the fact they have trainers and personal chefs while touting ozempic for weight loss.
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emmeroberts · 1 year
#I found this weeks readings to be very thought provoking especially around the ideas of security#surveillance#and privacy. While I enjoyed all the readings#the one that particularly grabbed my attention and made me think hardest about the future of technology was the Google Glass article. Befor#I had never heard of this product and was shocked to learn the many flaws and potential flaws the devices creates. While reading that artic#what matters is who is pointing it and why”. And I think his argument that cameras don’t can be used for entertainment#capture of certain moments in time#as a hobby etc#but also have very invasive capabilities and can be turned into an issue of privacy very quickly is so true. So when I read the google glas#I tried to consider the “why” behind the constantly recording glasses#and I believe that any why or reason someone could make up isn’t strong enough to justify unsolicited and potentially saved recording of ot#but of everyone other than the user.” When he brought up the possibilities of Google Glass becoming connected with other google software an#I immediately thought of “cancel culture.” Cancel culture has been so prominent recently and while people must be responsible for their act#there are many people trying to cancel others for exaggerated#foolish things. While I was reading I considered the possible inflation of cancel culture and potential plotted destruction of others futur#promoting weight loss diet#These truly non offensive things were enlarged to try and bring down these celebrities and I figure without proper consent and privacy meas
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blooper-boy · 2 years
Dear Science Side of Tumblr,
Why are the weight loss medications that seem to be approved (and in the pipeline for approval) using injection as the delivery method? I would assume it has to do with the molecules getting to their intended destination faster/more directly, but wonder about if there are any efforts to create a medication in pill form, which is what more people are used to taking.
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
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theleadersglobe · 2 months
Wegovy, the New Weight Loss Drug is Now Set to Launch in Canada
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The makers of Ozempic have said that their weight loss drug Wegovy will be newly launched in Canada for their patients on Monday. 
Novo Nordisk’s weekly injection has been given a thumbs up for weight loss which will significantly help the patients who are fighting obesity. 
Wegovy can also be prescribed to patients who are extremely overweight and are suffering from medical conditions which include high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and even obstructive sleep apnea. 
Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam from Obesity Canada has claimed that obesity is a medical condition which cannot be ignored as it can be fatal and Wegovy is said to be an effective option for weight loss.
Read More:(https://theleadersglobe.com/life-interest/health/wegovy-the-new-weight-loss-drug-is-now-set-to-launch-in-canada/)
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theoreticaldoctor · 9 months
Losing Weight By Walking
A short blog on how I lost 10kgs through brisk walking every day - #blogging #dailyblog #writing #walking #weightloss
How often do you walk or run? Click here for more articles & daily dose. Run? Rarely. I dislike running. I dislike the swear and added anxiety it gives me. I dislike not being able to breathe properly that comes with running. But walking? Brisk-walking? Well, that’s something I do everyday. Before I started my internship as a junior doctor (or in Malaysia, housemanship), I used to aim to…
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fatliberation · 1 year
I saw a comment on your blog that says 'the way you eat does not cause diabetes'...are you able to expand on that or provide a source I could read? I've been told by doctors that my pre-diabetes was due to weight gain because I get more hungry on my anti psychotics and I'd like to fact check what they've told me! Thank you so much!
Pre-diabetes was rejected as a diagnosis by the World Health Organization (although it is used by the US and UK) - the correct term for the condition is impaired glucose tolerance. Approximately 2% of people with "pre-diabetes" go on to develop diabetes per year. You heard that right - TWO PERCENT. Most diabetics actually skip the pre-diabetic phase.
There are currently no treatments for pre-diabetes besides intentional weight loss. (Hmm, that's convenient, right?) There has yet to be evidence that losing weight prevents progression from pre-diabetes to T2DM beyond a year. Interestingly, drug companies are trying to persuade the medical world to start treating patients earlier and earlier. They are using the term “pre-diabetes” to sell their drugs (including Wegovy, a weight-loss drug). Surgeons are using it to sell weight loss surgery. Everyone’s a winner, right? Not patients. Especially fat patients.
Check out these articles:
Prediabetes: The epidemic that never was, and shouldn’t be
The war on ‘prediabetes' could be a boon for pharma—but is it good medicine?
Also - I love what Dr. Asher Larmie @fatdoctorUK has to say about T2DM and insulin resistance, so here's one of their threads I pulled from Twitter:
1️⃣ You can't prevent insulin resistance. It's coded in your DNA. It may be impacted by your environment. Studies have shown it has nothing to do with your BMI.
2️⃣ The term "pre-diabetes" is a PR stunt. The correct term is impaired glucose tolerance (or impaired fasting glucose) which is sometimes referred to as intermittent hyperglycemia. It does not predict T2DM. It is best ignored and tested for every 3-5yrs.
3️⃣ there is no evidence that losing weight prevents diabetes. That's because you can't reverse insulin resistance. You can possibly postpone it by 2yrs? Furthermore there is evidence that those who are fat at the time of diagnosis fair much better than those who are thin.
4️⃣ Weight loss does not reverse diabetes in the VAST majority of people. Those that do reverse it are usually thinner with recent onset T2DM and a low A1c. Only a tiny minority can sustain that over 2yrs. Weight loss does not improve A1c levels beyond 2 yrs either.
5️⃣ Weight loss in T2DM does not improve macrovascular or microvascular health outcomes beyond 2 years. In fact, weight loss in diabetics is associated with increased mortality and morbidity (although it is not clear why). Weight cycling is known to impacts A1c levels.
6️⃣ Weight GAIN does NOT increase the risk of cardiovascular OR all causes mortality in diabetics. In fact, one might even go so far as to say that it's better to be fat and diabetic than to be thin and diabetic.
Dr. Larmie cites 18 peer reviewed journal articles (most from the last decade) that are included in their webinar on the subject, linked below.
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encyclopedia4y · 10 months
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Letitia Dean Keto Gummies UK Reviews
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Letitia Dean Keto Gummies might not be suitable for people with certain mental health conditions or high blood pressure. Those who take keto supplements occasionally run the risk of developing bad breath.
It is a weight loss supplement designed to help people who are having problems losing weight or who don't have enough time to follow a diet, attend the gym, or participate in other physical activities for preserving their bodies. Because they enable working people to lead contented, stress-free lifestyles, are highly well-liked by this demographic.
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dsharma-world · 1 year
Vegan foods for weight loss
you’re looking for vegan foods that can support weight loss, here are five options: Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens are low in calories and high in fiber. Legumes: Foods like lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans are excellent sources of plant-based protein and fiber. They are filling, nutrient-dense, and can help stabilize blood sugar…
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