#weight lifted off of you
billowingangel · 2 months
I got a feeling today is going to be a
productive and wonderful day! I'm manifesting that for myself and my mutuals.
I'm hoping you can complete the tasks you have to do and that once completed the weight on your shoulders is lifted.
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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clawz-loopz · 1 year
reject weak midoriya. embrace the fact he lifted and cleaned a whole beach that had HEAVY METAL OBJECTS AND APPLIANCES + all might. embrace the fact he could pick up bakugou easily. embrace he is in fact a beefcake hidden by a scrawny frame. the anime does not do him fucking justice and at this point? FUCK THE ANIME. EMBRACE THE MANGA.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Old Men(tor) Big Naturals
(for @3luecactuz)
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hey-sparcs · 1 year
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our boy has that man reborn glow
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
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look guys i actually did some spirit designs
[ID: the Hargreeves' spirits in the Paranatural au - or at least, the five of them that are kids in this au.
Luther's is an ape that looks like his body from the comics. Diego's is a creature that looks a bit like a small porcupine. Allison's is a large snake with its mouth duct taped shut. Klaus' is a blue raccoon with three eyes and a pink tail, and Viktor's is based off of the White Violin from the comics, except its head transforms into reaching arms. End ID.]
sorry, the ID got REALLY long this time. that's a summary for anyone scrolling, theres a more detailed one under the cut!
[ID: Luther's spirit is labelled First Simian In Space: THE MARTIAN APE. He looks like the ape that supplied Luther's body in the comics, drawn in the paranatural style; blue, with one eye. He is wearing an astronaut helmet and sitting in a coin operated rocket ship that is much too small for it. He has transformed the world around him into a scifi martian landscape; cardboard standups with doors and lockers scribbled on them are the only indication of the real world. Luther is sprawled on the ground staring in shock, while the Martian Ape says "Y'know, you should totally just kill your dad".
Diego's spirit is a very small creature that looks a bit like a porcupine.
Panel 1: Diego holds his spirit in his hands and says, "So, what's your name?". His spirit responds "I am called..."
Panel 2: A caption appears; Projectile Extraordinaire: KRAKEN. The image is in full color, focusing on Kraken, which glowers cutely and shows off her spines.
Panel 3: The same shot as panel one, except Diego now looks very skeptical. He says "..." and then "Why." Kraken responds "It sounded cool."
Allison's spirit is a giant green snake coiled around a tree branch, with a pattern down his back that looks like open mouths.
The first two images are centered on Allison, who is scowling in both. Someone unseen says "It can force people to do things, honey!" and "It's too dangerous to leave you alone with it." and finally, "So we fixed it."
The final image is of the spirit. He is captioned Muzzled Mind Controller: THE RUMOR. His mouth has been duct taped shut. He does not look pleased.
Klaus' spirit is a blue raccoon with dark purple legs and a fluffy striped pink tail. It also has three eyes.
Panel 1: The large colored closeup of Klaus' spirit. It is captioned Mystical Conartist: THE SEANCE.
Panel 2: Klaus asks it "With a name like that, what's your power?" The Seance, its nose just high enough to fit into frame, replies, "Oh, I can sense ghosts"
Panel 3: Klaus looks supremely unimpressed. In the background, a ghost says "Hi" to Allison and Luther, and they say "Oh, hey" back.
Panel 4: Klaus asks, "Seriously?"
Panel 5: The Seance, viewed from above, says "Hey, I can sense them even when they're not visible! Like behind walls and stuff!"
Panel 6: The Seance adds "Also I can float." It is demonstrating, floating about eye level with Klaus and emitting a cloud of cyan spectral energy as it does so. Klaus looks more pleased with this and says "Okay, that one's pretty good."
Viktor's spirit is a Wight, a spirit so warped by rage and pain that it has permanently been changed, its spectral energy has become white, and has gained massive, devastating power. It looks a lot like the design of the White Violin in the comics, but it manifests too many or too few arms from where its head should be.
There are three images of it. In the first, it is kneeling. It has manifested six arms in varying degrees of completeness, and all of them look sad.
In the second, the matter of its head has split into many small pieces that almost look like parts of mouths, save for two clawing hands. It screams, in the Wight spirit language from Paranatural, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME.
In the third, the largest, its knees buckle as it stands and manifests one reaching hand. It is captioned Violent White: THE WHITE VIOLIN. End ID]
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munchboxart · 2 months
This is more of a personal topic, but I wanna talk about the pressures of art and the "need"/chase for social media "interactions" (likes, comments, etc.). I'm not sure how how common of an issue this is, but I've seen oomf worry about this and I just wanna talk about my experience with it.
So undoubtedly there was a shift in the way I upload (I mean look at me now, I'm yapping instead of drawing). As in how I used to be more active and invested more time in them, but nowadays I rarely share art. For the past 7+ years I've been online, I've mainly drawn to get an online presence over my own personal interest or growth (in skill, but when those do align, it's usually more of just a bonus). And recently, I've given up on that (recently as in, this year compared to the amount of years I poured energy into building a presence), and I've never been happier!
I keep mentioning how happy it makes me and I really can't stress that enough. I've been able to play more games that I want and spend more time in consuming media rather than worrying about the next art piece of the week. And the difference between consistently drawing vs sometimes drawing in terms of improvement has not changed much I think. Hell, I think I've been able to improve much faster in a shorter time frame since I've been looking at more media now compared to drawing thing of the week.
I'm grateful that I was a little luckier and have been able to build up a small audience, and for said audience that's stuck with me so far, and I am still a little "social media"-brained, but I don't think the crushing weight of your own expectations to upload on a consistent schedule is worth over actually enjoying your life. Or if you want to think about it this way, do you want or think you can live like that for the next 5 years, or next 10 years, or more?
And I wanna note, for the past 7+ years of uploading art, I've always been critical of my own art. Trying to one-up yourself and have yourself be your own competition is good! But not to the point where you hate every piece that you make or that you think you did something wrong because a piece or multiple pieces are flopping.
Oh my god I didn't even think about how I sometimes shift art styles to see which one is more popular, it made me so depressed good god. It's a tale as old as time and I never realized how important it was until I stopped caring about it all, but literally just draw what makes you happy, even if that means you don't want to draw for a while if nothing comes up in your brain.
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joanna-lannister · 21 days
they renewed my allowance for disabled people for 3 years 😭😭
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evilbubu · 6 months
nobody cares but i just want to say thank you to twenty one pilots song; next semester for giving me the strength to drop out of University after it absolutely crushed me mentally, emotionally and physically. So, thank you. I'll try again, next semester.
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
Noragami final chapter spoilers!!!!
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months
you guys won't believe this but y'all what a miracle..... God's grace always seems to come in floods when you least expect it. The boy problem is now resolved and at rest (well. somewhat.)
I somehow got around to talking to him yesterday about the disastrous conversation (the one where he went on at length about my age) and, God bless him, it was all ignorance rather than malice. He listened for a while, his face becoming more and more drawn and appalled as I explained how X thing came off, and at one point he just put his head on the table and was very, very upset because he hadn't thought about it from my perspective and hadn't realised the effects of his words. It was a surprisingly comfortable conversation (it is always easy to talk to him), and it was a relief to hear from his lips that he hadn't meant any of it in a hurtful way - he hadn't thought about how his words might sound at all.
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xcziel · 10 days
literally the only thing really stopping me from planning a flight is that if i go, i'll want to be there a while and i can't fit enough into only one suitcase
from experience, traveling with two suitcases is a pain, but also i need more space than one suitcase it is a dilemma
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mrs-theirin · 10 months
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Back in 2021, a fic was released titled the road, the hidden truth, & you. Gaining quick popularity, it garnered almost 3,000 hits and 144 kudos on ao3, even appearing on a ScreenRant article. Now, watch as your favorite Hawke/Varric modern AU fic gets a whole new twist, with updated worldbuilding, deeper character analysis, and a few extra chapters to fill in the blanks of the story that came before. the road, the hidden truth, & you (revisited) - coming to an ao3 near you January 22nd, 2024
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
The jealousy in 7x04 is crazy bc buck was acting like eddie and tommy were dating but also generally he knows that eddie is dating marisol so like hes probably not there. But tommy met chris quickly and chris liked him quickly. Tommy immediately connected with eddie on some interests buck and eddie dont share and they clicked immediately. Tommy cared for eddie when he was hurt. Like it all aspects buck thought he was being replaced which like 1. Lmao he that he was never threatened that why with ana and marisol and 2. The pointed ness in the buck tommy scene for tommy to be like “no one could take your place in their lives” like its insane
wait oh my god…….. yeah… not to believe anything tim says but the fact that he was like. buck’s looking at tommy and seeing an older cooler version of HIMSELF or whatever… when on paper tommy’s just like eddie… well.
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desire-mona · 5 months
i think i might want to try reality shifting, it seems so cool
any beginners tips to share? mayhaps? 👀
wait this is my main teehee
it IS so cool!! again sorry for those on here that want all my shifting stuff for the side blog but :3
my beginner tip is to, above all else, do your research!!! and not on tiktok!!! tumblr is honestly the best place i recommend for finding good info, but it's certainly not perfect. something something consume media critically, something something. more under cut!
@sincerehimbo posts some p good informational content, and also recommended some good blogs to follow in his masterlist. and!!! i highly recommend reya singh's youtube channel as a good kicking off point, esp her "what is shifting video"
as for my personal advice, i'd definitely suggest getting down and actualising both your belief in shifting as a concept, and your ability to do so. is it required? nope, you can shift under any circumstance, but i definitely believe it makes the whole process far easier.
questions for you! what drew you in to shifting? where would u wanna go? why do u wanna go there? is there anything that made you previously apprehensive abt shifting/ is there something that's still potentially scaring/ concerning you now? dm me or reblog or reply or whatever!
so happy this is smthn ur getting into btw!! and good luck if u decide it's something ur actually gonna try!!
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dollybites · 6 months
dropping more lore because maybe it helps someone and you can learn from my mistakes
for over a year i was friends with this girl from my uni. she’s pretty extroverted and has a lot of friends and welcomed me into her friend group pretty fast. she has always been pretty dominant in every conversation and always took the initiative, she liked planning things and going out. very quickly i became her best friend. and she would do nice things for me like picking me up because she has a car despite me not asking for it
whenever she needed to chat about meaningless stuff or rant about something i was there and i always listened
after a while whenever she offered to drive me somewhere she would end up being almost annoyed about it as if it was a chore, she knew i was a very anxious person and she kind of treated me like a helpless child
whenever i asked if she wanted to hang out at my place she would always cancel last minute and reschedule at her place
i put up with it because she did nice things for me so she’s obviously my friend
she often told me about nice things that she did for others too and she would say she’s an amazing friend and a one of a kind girlfriend, she just loves helping
and if someone crossed her or she just didn’t like someone she painted them as these villains, cursing them out all the time, she was even capable of ruining someone’s life if she hated them enough
i opened up to her, i told her that i have really bad anxiety which stems from my mom abusing me both physically and emotionally
at the beginning of the year she started having some health issues and she was anxious about it so she just kept talking about it, she would tell anyone who would listen her entire history of medical issues even during breaks in between classes. i was going through some health issues as well but she wasn’t very interested in that because the world is just so unfair to her
she also got close with this other girl from my group who i just couldn’t stand, she’s extremely lazy and uses me every chance she gets, never studies, never puts any effort into anything and just uses people to do work for her
my friend decided that all three of us are going to hang out at her place and initially i agreed but eventually i told her that the other girl was making me uncomfortable and i don’t want to do that
and honestly that just opened the gates
she got so angry that she had to cancel the meeting, honestly she cared more about that than her friend making me uncomfortable
she wrote a whole page long essay telling me exactly what is wrong with me, pointing out all of my flaws, making fun of my anxiety and telling me my problems aren’t real and i shouldn’t be surprised that people treat me like a child, how dare i complain about something like this, i’m never assertive and it’s my fault and now i’m being ungrateful because she’s such an amazing friend, she did so much for me, she deserves my trust and respect now
i never replied
if you take one thing away from this stupid rant please look at the signs because narcissists love anxious people, they will help you and take care of you just to hold it over you, to create this image of themselves and be admired and the second you go against them they will ruin you
please stay safe out there and don’t let people walk all over you
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