#wedding siger
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Day 28 - Flowers
30 days photography challenge
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Wedding reception Bouquet of flower! Waktu resepsi ditanya sama teteh WOnya mau milih bunga warna apa? Kubilang putih aja biar netral. Awkaaay here it is~ bouquet bunga pas resepsi, lupa fotonya dimana deh yg cuma bunganya doang gpp dong yaa sama yg megangnya jg. Iya itu aku seperti barbie wkwkwk foto2 sehabis touch up ganti kostum dari baju kebaya akad dan lepas siger, btw siger ngga seberat itu jg ternyata kukira setelah dilepas bakal berat dan nyeri hulu. Mungkin lebih berat suntiang yak aydonow. Ganti kostum setelah akad udah sama suami (baru sejam jadi suami wkwk) masuk ke ruang rias jg udah sah cenah sekamar jg bae keliatan aurat jg bae hahaha. Sambil diisi perutnya karena lapar bgt baru ada nafsu makan pas udah lega abis akad, kayanya pas menuju akad itu serba teu pararuguh. Emg pas mau menghadapi resepsi kita lebih chill sih, di pelaminan jg aku sama suami mah banyak ngobrol, ngomongin tamu undangan eh ini dtg eh itu dtg eh td aku liat ini, eh yg td siapa aku ngga kenal gitu weeh wkwkwk.
5th wed anniv bouquet of flowers
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/098e8301c70c0aef9852e739103e9a1e/e483871ea801ce0c-bf/s540x810/3dbd25a51a442691984683a5d916fcc1bbf82f71.jpg)
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Suamiku bukan orang yang romantis, eh romantisnya lebih ke act of service blio tuh. Untuk yg ngasih bunga, ngasih coklat yg katanya standar romantisme seorang laki ke perempuan teh itu nah suamiku mah ngga begitu dan sebetulnya ngga masalah jg karena aku mengagumi keindahan bunga tp ngga gimana gt jg yg jadi tuntutan kudu ngasih gt. Suatu saat pas anniv ke 5thn terjadi kerandoman pada diriku yg ojol2 pgn buket bunga. Aku blg lah sama suamiku, "hadiah anniv aku mau bunga yah". Blio mengiyakan lah ya masa kaga~ wkwk. Ngga ada surprise2nya, ke florist dianterin suami, nyuruh pilih bunga sendiri, megang buket sendiri sampe rumah ya di pajang sendiri hahaha ngga ada manis2nya perasaan hidihhhh.. Memang smua itu mah hanya simbolis semata, lebih intimate nya kita udah berdoa berdua semalam untuk kelancaran dan kemudahan rumah tangga kita itu yang penting sih yaa kemudian dihujani hugs and kisses.
Memang dari semenjak pacaran belom pernah dikasih bunga setangkai pun. Dikasihnya jajan dan pas nikah dikasih nafkah lahir batin huahahaha. Tapi kalo ojol2 dikasih bunga gosah sampe rikues gt siapa yg ngga happy dan mesem2 yakaaan kek di pelem2 getoo wkwkwk
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to a new chapter
hallo gais. udah lama ga ngetik disini. setelah sebelumnya ngilang karena kerjaan dan kesibukan yang lainnya. mau coba posting dan meninggalkan jejak digital biar bisa dibaca dan berasa kembali ke masa lampau.
to a new chapter. ini adalah momen dimana aku dan babang mulai mempersiapkan semua hal yang diperlukan buat pernikahan. i am getting married!!! idealnya, ahm, pengennya sih nikah dengan konsep outdoor. tapi setelah ditimpa oleh beberapa kenyataan, lebih baik indoor. itupun dengan menjajaki venue outdoor dan venue indoor buat membandingkan plus minusnya. seru. diakhiri dengan hujan pas mau pulang. pas lagi persiapan ini, babang dah ga malu-malu kalo mau jemput. gemes.
sebenernya, yang bikin bingung adalah tanggal. bapak sama ibu menganggap semua hari itu baik. sementara ayah dan ibu ga mengomentari apapun. alhasil aku dan babang yang bingung. juli atau september ya. soalnya gamau nikah di november atau desember. akhir taun di dunia perkantoran mah bukannya happy, tapi berasa masuk hell's kitchen. mau di oktober dengan tanggal yang bagus, tapi babang bilang mau ada wisudaan, which is dia mau ngejar urusan tesisnya. akhirnya, yasudahlah di september. lucunya, setelah memutuskan september buat jadi tanggal nikah, ibu baru bilang kalo di september juga ibu sama bapak nikah. woaah. lucu.
to a new chapter. setelah urusan tanggal beres. nentuinlah wedding organizer alias wo. mengingat kita berdua yang jauh dari tasik, perlu orang buat handle ini dan itu. pas udah nentuin wo yang mau dipake, akhirnya menghubungi salah satu kenalan, ngobrol dan konsultasi kalo pake gedung ini gimana, gedung itu gimana. apakah di tanggal yang kita mau itu kosong atau ngga. alhamdulillah di tanggal itu gedung yang dipengen kosong, langsung booking via wo. dan dimulailah dibikin RAB. di RAB awal, ada beberapa hal yang kurang suka, drop. ada yang pengen upgrade, akhirnya upgrade. sempet rebutan MUA juga. tapi alhamdulillah dapat MUA yang dipengen. fase ini tuh bener-bener fase yang penuh kesabaran dan cekcok duniawi yang sesungguhnya. pusing nentuin warna gaun, model siger, kapan fitting baju, cari seserahan, cari mahar, sampe cincin kawin.
btw, urusan cincin kawin ini agak memakan waktu karena sempet ganti-ganti konsep juga. tadinya mau costum, sampe akhirnya beli jadi aja di toko mas sekalian sama beli buat mahar. nentuin model juga lama. sampe doi yang beneran bawa kipas angin portabel yang kecil gitu. kepanasan gais 🤣 abis muterin spot sana dan sini akhirnya milih cincin kawin dulu. ada yang lucu banget, tapi kalo dijadiin cincin kawin kurang oke. ada yang oke buat jadi cincin kawin, tapi gaada ukurannya. sampe bilang sama pegawainya, "teh beneran gaada yang ukuran segini?" dengan muka memelas. aku sih enjoy aja tapi greget dan kasian si babang. udah mulai pegel. setelah drama nanyain ke babang beberapa kali, "beneran yang ini bagus?", akhirnya dipilihlah model yang itu. apakah jalan-jalan di toko mas ini berakhir? oh tentu saja belum. masih harus ke section lain buat cari mahar. long story short. dapatlah yang diperlukan. seneng. tapi ga seneng karena buat doi belum ada cincinnya. cari lagi ke toko yang lainnya. cari ukuran. cari model. pas dapat, langsung bungkus. aman gaisssss.
besoknya, beli seserahan yang lain. beli make up, baju, sepatu dan lainnya. kayaknya motor si babang sampe penuh itu bawa segala macam barang. dikit-dikit dibawa ke tasik. oiya, drama lain sebelum beli seserahan adalah, pas ngurus suvenir sama cetak undangan. karena lagi ada pelatihan di pusdiklat, banyak miskomunikasi. contohnya, pas harus transfer uang buat bayar suvenir, malah transfernya dengan ngisi pulsa. ya Allah 500rebu melayang. belum lagi desain undangan. diubah total. niatnya mau desain sendiri, bolak-balik, gausah ribet-ribet. ternyata harga cetaknya melebihi budgeting. bukannya apa-apa, tapi kita sama-sama tau kalo undangan itu cuma diliat kapan, jam berapa, dan nama mempelai. lalu, sudah. setelah kepala dingin, cek out suvenir aman, desain undangan ganti total dan udah masuk percetakan juga. tinggal nunggu dikirim.
drama yang lebih parah untuk menuju new chapter dalam kehidupan ini adalah, baju orang tua. si babang ingin orang tua make beskap dan kebaya, sementara ibu aku inginnya pake jas dan gaun. ini ada cekcok hampir seminggu belum ketemu titik tengah. belum lagi kemeja cpp, menurut babang, itu tuh kurang oke. biasa aja. tapi ganti ke warna lain juga malah ga lebih bagus. pas nyeletuk warna silver, malah ditanya si aku mau ganti gaun jadi warna apa. lah kan ga nyambung.. yang lebih kocak adalah, sekitar h-3 hari mungkin, entah h-7 hari, rok kebaya ga cukup. alias ngegendutin. doi mah stres jadi kurus, aku stres nambah berat. kita berdua panik dan harus nyari motif kain. kenapa berdua? karena final fitting cuma calon mempelai aja. dari motif batik yang (apa ya namanya, lupa) ganti ke motif merak nginding. greget? jelas.
ga berasa, sampe akhirnya ada di h-2. ada pengajian. dan si babang baru otw tasik di jumat sore. sabtu pagi, h-1, sempet ke rumah buat nyari dasi karena sepupu pinjem dasi, bawa uang buat saweran juga, sama permen buat saweran. ga karu-karuan sih. dibilang seneng ya seneng banget. tapi deg-degan juga. sempet final meeting sama wo di masing-masing rumah mempelai. tentu saja aku memanfaatkan bridesmaid buat direpotin di hari h wqwqwq sori ya di, tin, lay. kalian terbaik. sejujurnya di h-1 ini kayak berasa kaki tuh napak ga napak. kayak mimpi. besok gimana ya, besok sesuai ga ya sigernya. besok gimana ya kateringnya, enak apa ngga. besok ontime ga ya, takutnya molor waktunya dari yang sudah disepakati sama wo. karena gedung di h-1 ada yang pake, jadi mesti nunggu buat loading dekor. jadi tuh sore-sore baru loading dekor. pas magrib, udah mulai disusun. malam jam 8 entah jam 9 sekalian anterin sobat-sobat ke hotel, liat lagi. dekor hampir beres tapi masih pabalatak. terus si babang ke gedung jam 12 malam. udah rapi katanya. tapi ada warna taplak meja yang ga sesuai sama paduan warna yang kita minta ke dekor. tapi alhamdulillahnya, pas subuh, sebelum ke gedung buat make up, wo ngabarin kalo taplak meja udah diganti.
jreng jreng. hari h. gimana ya rasanya. rasanya tuh nano-nano. ga ketemu sama si babang semenjak nganterin dasi dan perintilan buat saweran. dia ganteng ga ya pake setelan akad. dia datang ontime ga ya. sambil ngawang semua itu, berangkatlah ke gedung buat make up. seneng sih pas lagi di make up. kayak, "wow akhirnya aku mencapai tahapan ini". ibu dan dinar juga di make up di tempat sebelah. bapak datang sekitar jam 6an buat ganti jas. di jam 6 juga mbak-mbak yang masang buat henna datang. dikasih tau modelnya pengen gimana dan dia modif sedikit dan cantik banget. ga sempet liat ibu dan dinar yang udah di make up, karena rentetan make up pengantin itu puanjaaaaangggg banget. terus sekitar setengah 7 udah kedengeran bunyi sound sama suara sundaan gitu. syahdu. sekitar jam 7 mungkin ya, ganti baju buat akad, siger dan melati di pasang. ya Allah aku jadi juga penganten sunda.
ada teteh wo yang dampingi nanyain udah makan apa belom, dia bawain cemilan juga karena ibu minta satu stand meja kosong buat diisi sama jajanan pasar sebelum akad dimulai. ga lama abis itu, finishing. pake lipstick fuchia kebanggaanku. foto-foto sama bridesmaid, lalu nunggu. buat masuk gedung. jujurly, ngerasa cantik, anggun, dan gagah banget make siger sunda tuh. ga lama si teteh wo ngabarin, dia agak eksaitid sampe bilang, "teh, teteh udah jadi istrinya si aa. abis ini siap-siap masuk gedung ya".
woah. aku sudah berganti status.
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Ini bukan sederhana rumah makan padang ataupun rumah makan sunda. Sederhana di sini adalah konsep yang ingin aku using ketika menikah kelak. Semoga.
Sebuah pesta yang hangat bukan meriah dan hura-hura.
Pakaian, untuk pakaian yang nanti aku kenakan cukup dua saja, ah kalau bisa satu, satu juga gak apa-apa, tidak mau sewa, bikin aja atau beli jadi, yang tidak gerah dan lagi tidak meriah. Gak perlu ada melati di kepala ataupun siger sunda.
Seserahan, sebenernya jika part ini ditiadakan aku tidak berkeberatan, sebab rasanya hampir semua hal yang biasa diberikan ketika seserahan sudah aku miliki, dan cukup, tapi kalau keukeuh harus adapun cukup yang dirasa pentingnya saja dan tidak banyak.
Mahar, untuk hal ini aku gak mau ada Al Quran dan seperangkat alat solat, kalau mau emas, yaudah emas aja, atau logam mulia. Catatan gak perlu ngasih Al Quran, aku sudah punya, takut kalau gak kepakai dihisabnya berat.
Hiburan, gak perlu sewa grup nashid, apalagi dangdutan, cukup putarkan lagu-lagu dari platform musik, atau nanti pakai flasdisk.
Makanan, masak aja mungkin ya, gak usah sewa catering, dan nanti ketika sajian perasmanan di kasih tulisan adab makan, terutama ambil secukupnya dan habiskan, jangan sampai banyak yang terbuang. Konsepnya eco wedding, makan pakai piring guna ulang bukan kertas nasi.
Disediakan penyimpanan alat makan bekas pakai dan tempat sampah yang sudah dipilah.
Gak usah ada bridesmaids, apalagi dengan seragam yang dibuat khusus, sayang, sesuai pengalaman bajunya cuma kepakai sekali aja, kalau mau agak sama, pakai kode warna senada.
Nanti kalau ada kepikiran hal lain, ditambah lagi.
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SIGER (Ward & Hartwin Dhoore) UK Tour Dates 2023
November 2023
Tue 21st Nov 2023 Cafe#9 9 Nether Edge Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S7 1RU Tickets £15.00 Door time: 7:00pm, Start time: 7:45pm
Wed 22 Nov. 2023 Watson Institute (also known as the Watson Hall or Village Hall) Castle Carrock, Brampton CA8 9LS Tel: 01228 670054 Ticket £12.00 Doors 7:30pm
Thurs 23rd Nov 2023 The Print Room 8 New Rd, Wigtown, Newton Stewart, Scotland DG8 9JE Tel: 07870313674 Tickets £12.00 Doors 7:30pm
Fri 24th Nov 2023 The Blue Lamp (Upstairs Venue) 121 Gallowgate, Aberdeen, Scotland AB25 1BU Tel: 01224 647472 Tickets 12.00 -- Doors 7:30pm
Sat 25th Nov 2023 Bread & Butter Café 5 Rodger St.Cellardyke, Anstruther KY10 3DU Tickets £12.00 Doors 7:30pm
Sun 26th Nov 2023 House Concert in Edinburgh, Scotland Tickets/Address & Details can be obtained by email direct to: [email protected] Doors 7:30 for 8:00pm
Thurs 30th Nov 2023 Prema Arts Centre Bethesda Chapel, South Street, Uley, Nr Dursley Gloucestershire GL11 5SS Tel: 01453 860703 Tickets £14.00 Doors 7:30pm
December 2023
Fri 1st Dec 2023 Saint Andrews Church, Clinton Rd, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 2LLh Tel: 01209 216958 Tickets £12 – Doors 7:30pm
Sat 2nd Dec 2023 Royal Manor Theatre 138A Fortuneswell, Portland, Dorset DT5 1LT Tel: 03336 663366 Tickets £12.00 -- Doors 7:30pm
Sun 3rd Dec 2023 Cerne Abbas Village Hall Kettle Bridge Lane, Cerne Abbas, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 7GY Doors 7:30pm
Mon 4th Dec 2023 The Green Note 106 Parkway, London NW1 7AN
Tel: 020 7485 9899 Tickets £12.00 -- Doors 8:30pm
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(via Pengantin dg Gaun Pernikahan Muslimah Sunda Siger Hijab Wedding Klaten) Pengantin dg Gaun Pernikahan Muslimah Sunda Siger Hijab Wedding Klaten
#GaunPengantin #GaunPengantinMuslimah #GaunPengantinSunda #GaunPengantinSundaSiger #GaunPengantinSigerSunda #GaunPengantinHijab #GaunPengantinKlaten #GaunPernikahan #GaunPernikahanMuslimah #GaunPernikahanSunda #GaunPernikahanSundaSiger #GaunPernikahanSigerSunda #GaunPernikahanHijab #GaunPernikahanKlaten #GaunWedding
#pengantin#gaun#pernikahan#muslimah#sunda#siger#hijab#wedding#klaten#pengantin muslimah#pengantin sunda#pengantin sunda siger#pengantin siger sunda#pengantin siger#pengantin hijab#pengantin klaten#pernikahan muslimah#pernikahan sunda#pernikahan sunda siger#pernikahan siger sunda#pernikahan siger#pernikahan hijab#pernikahan klaten#wedding muslimah#wedding sunda#wedding sunda siger#wedding siger sunda#wedding siger#wedding hijab#wedding klaten
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Our family. 😘👨👩👧👦👨👩👦👦 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #throwback #family #familypotrait #wedding #weddingday #adatsunda #pernikahansunda #sundanese #sundanesebride #siger #weddinginspiration #weddingphotography #weddingceremony (at Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia)
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions, fettuccine_alfreylo Classic Cafe Edition 02/14/21
The First Taste (Taste and Touch series) by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated M, One-Shot) Sherlolly & Fandom, PWP, Barts is the New Sexy AO3 2013
Insomnia, Easily Cured by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP AO3 2014
Keep Her Satisfied by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP, Sub/Dom!lock AO3 2013
Let's Get It On (You're Having My Baby) by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated M, One-Shot) Post HLV, PWP, Babymaking AO3 2015
One Step Ahead by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated K, One-Shot) Post HLV, Hurt/Comfort AO3 2013
The Second Touch (Taste and Touch series) by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated M, One-Shot) Post HLV, PWP, Sub/Domlock, Bolthole AO3 2016
Siger and Violet by fettuccine_alfreylo (Rated K, One-Shot) Wed!lock, Outside Looking In AO3 2014
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Mycroft has a twin...
Anyone ever seen Stephen Fisher from New Tricks? He has to have been based on Mycroft. His episodes of New Tricks are dated 2012, Sherlock is 2010. They are like 2 peas. I'm now wondering about a cross over.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/67887f362b47674b568eee3504eb379c/d6932423a5da25b1-49/s540x810/3f70c16e0fde8d06e56b3e0c2fc105a0ccadca79.jpg)
Perhaps it's twins... Sherlock has twin brothers, Alexander Mycroft Maurice and Stephen Siger George. They hate each other, and in their youth, Sherlock often took delight in playing them off one against each other. However, when Mycroft finally marries, Sherlock is bored of his brothers’ behaviour. They're not quite identical, and Mycroft is relieved. No more so that when his new husband finally meets his third sibling. When Mycroft refered to ‘the other one’ he wasn’t talking about Eurus.
Interestingly, Tim McInnery played Sir Eustace Carmichael in The Abominable Bride. Anyway, this just happened...
“Mycroft,” the solemn man acknowledged with barely a raised eyebrow, as though he were deeply surprised to find confirmation of something he suspected and was doing a monumental job of hiding it.
“I was not aware that you would be...here.” Spoken as though there were no better words to describe their current location.
“My own brother’s wedding? Why on earth not?”
“Because you have never deigned to stir yourself from the Diogenes for anything less than a National Emergency, that is why not,” Mycroft retorted pointedly.
Greg was looking between the two men with barely disguised shock. If he was being honest, he was probably doing a terrible job of hiding it. He couldn’t stop looking at the newcomer, wondering. He looked so like Mycroft but not like... He gave up and fixed Mycroft with a look.
“Introduce us?” the new man suggested.
Mycroft seemed to collect himself, although, if Greg was any judge he was seething. “Pardon my manners, Stephen. This is Gregory Lestrade...”
“Detective Chief Inspector, no less,” the anonymous man said, an oily and somewhat insincere smile in place. He proffered a hand, and Greg reached to shake, noting a slightly limp hold, most likely calculated to misdirect.
“Gregory, I would...not ‘like to’ exactly...but I will tolerate presenting my brother to you, on this occasion. This is Stephen, my twin.”
“Your twin? You...have a twin?”
“Alas, yes,” Mycroft admitted.
“Alas, true,” Stephen said, simultaneously. The two men shared a glance, then turned their attention back to Greg. Their twin gazes were unsettling.
“When were you going to tell me you had a twin, Mycroft?” Greg said, his voice dangerously low.
“Probably never,” both men spoke in unison again. Greg glared, flummoxed and somewhat upset. Even on their wedding day, Mycroft had to go and prove that he still didn’t trust his partner.
“Oh dear, brother mine, I think there is trouble in paradise already,” Stephen observed, mildly.
“You, whoever you are, this has nothing whatever to do with you,” Greg growled. “Really, I should have expected this, shouldn’t I? You and your idiot brother, with a crazy sister who tries to murder the both of you, and now...him! What else have you got? A mad husband locked in an attic? Oh, no, perhaps that position is reserved for me, because frankly, you’re driving me nuts!”
“Gregory...you cannot possibly understand...”
“Oh, I think he understands too well, brother dear,” came the sarcastic reply.
“Too bloody right, I do. This is our wedding day, Mycroft. How could you not tell me about your twin brother?”
“Easily, believe me. Has it done any good finding out about him? No. It has not. You might have continued in blissful ignorance of his existence, had he had the common decency to stay in his retreat, to hibernate like the snake he is,” Mycroft growled.
“Snakes do not actually hibernate, Mycroft. They go into a state known as brumation where they become less active and their metabolism slows down tremendously...”
“Oh, shut up!” Mycroft snapped. “Always trying to prove yourself the clever one. Why couldn’t you just stay away? You always spoil things...”
“Spoil things? Like you didn’t queer my pitch with the Brazilian Ambassador...”
“Are you still bringing that up? That was thirty years ago. He was never going to be attrac...”
“Thanks to you, I never found out!”
“Stephen, you utter Prick, just...go home!”
Read the rest on AO3
#another holmes brother#sherlock has twin brothers#sherlock prompts#mycroft holmes#stephen fischer#new tricks#tim mcinnery
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read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3xy4wJI
by AbsRuthSJML
The small Kingdom of Teratova, just to the South of France, is ruled by a royal family, who have reigned over the lands for five hundred years. However, what you may not know is how a marriage partner, for the crowned Prince, is chosen. The tradition is that 7 citizens, all from the kingdom, stay in the palace for two weeks. In the first week, they all have one day each with the Prince. In the second week, the Prince narrows down the potential bride to just two girls, and they then spend three days each with the Prince, before the Prince decides whom he shall wed (which happens on the last day).
This is the story of John Watson, a 26-year-old from the small province of Catacova, was one of the seven, and how Prince William (who preferred his middle name, Sherlock), the man whom many in the kingdom admired, came to have to choose a partner from the group his parents, and older brother, has chosen.
Words: 4204, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Mummy (Sherlock), Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan, Irene Adler, Henry Knight, Mary Morstan, James Sholto (Sherlock), Bill Murray (Sherlock)
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Additional Tags: Modern Royalty, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Crown Prince Sherlock, Citizen John, Queen Violet Emma Holmes, King Siger Matthew Holmes, John Watson is a dressmaker, Fluff, Smut, Switch Sherlock, Switch John, Competition for marriage, Old Ways, tradition, Irene Adler is a bitch (sorry), Mary Morstan is also a bitch (sorry)
August 08, 2021 at 06:44AM
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Best young adult Sherlock fics? LOL. Thank you so very much.
Reply: I have these two lists for academic settings in that age range:
High School and University (Sherlock and John as students)
Schools and Universities (Sherlock and John as students, instructors, or investigating a case in an academic setting)
And these two rec lists of fics where they meet either as children, teens, or young adults:
Meeting Before Canon
Additional meeting before canon
Finally, I can add these AU’s which are not on any of the above lists and have Sherlock in his late teens and 20′s:
A Broken Engagement by ButterscotchCandybatch (18K, Explicit, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes, the younger son of the Baronet Siger Holmes, is forced to break off his engagement to the commoner, young Navy Lieutenant John Watson. He retreats into cold isolation and a laudanum addiction and it appears he may never have another offer of marriage. When the rich and dashing Captain Watson returns eight years later, he is now courting a family friend, Mary Morstan. Can Sherlock win back his John? Regency period AU.
Almost Home by Berty (13K, E, Johnlock) "He pulls out the ID card – the one that Sherlock had somehow seen when he was buying drinks at that awful club. He’s had other ID cards since then but he's hung on to this one for some reason. He looks at the image of his face, young and pale and idealistic, and he knows that just a month later that man would have found and lost the love of his life within a week, and even knowing that, John wouldn’t change a single thing."
Breck Verse (orphaned) (22K, Explicit, Johnlock) Dr. Watson, world-renowned cardiac surgeon, accepts an invitation to be keynote speaker at a medical conference in Breckenridge, Colorado, a ski resort town in the Rocky Mountains. He meets a sexy young bartender at the opening dinner then spends the week making his baby happy.
Elementary, Actually by blueink3 (26K, E, Johnlock) Just back from the war, 26-year-old John Watson is looking for a job. Luckily, his old buddy Mike Stamford has one in mind: “Mike, you did not tell me this was a porno.”
Just Like That series by cwb (201K, E, Johnlock) John and Sherlock are best friends, until John goes and changes. (American unilock AU)
Strong at the Broken Places by blueink3 (10K, M, Viclock, Johnlock) They dated for ten months during Sherlock's first year of uni and John's last before the latter went off to fight someone else's war. When they meet again two-and-a-half years later, John's gained a scar in his shoulder and a limp he can't seem to shake. Sherlock's gained a new boyfriend and bruises he can't seem to explain away.
The Printer is Jammed by startrekto221b (40K, G, Johnlock) John is a disgruntled customer who just wants his money back for a shoddy printer Harry ordered for him off of a catalogue. Sherlock is a bored customer service rep working the summer he has off from Oxford. They are both about to get more than they bargained for.
The Wedding Garments by cwb (105K, E, Johnlock) This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
Wrapped Around Your Finger by MojoFlower (27K, Explicit, Johnlock) Summary: Virgin!Sherlock, 18 and just out of school, is in Morocco in the early 1900’s to learn about the ways of the world. Dr. John Watson, lately of the British Army and invalided out at age of 36, picks him up in the market place. Lessons (you know what kind) are taught and absorbed. Inspired by the song Wrapped Around Your Finger by The Police. I’d say PWP, except there’s a soupçon of plot, given that it’s a story worked around the lyrics of the song.
You’ve Begun to Feel Like Home by yalublyutebya (24K, M, Viclock, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes is everything Father John Watson should probably disapprove of. He's an atheist, a rationalist, an addict, and gay. But none of those things is enough to stop him from being the most fascinating person John's ever met.
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Story Title: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures Fandom: BBC Sherlock Link: AO3 Summary: It all begins with an invitation to Mycroft’s wedding to his PA and seven days at a resort in Jamaica, with the assumption that Molly pretends to be his girlfriend that his mother might be under the impression that he’s going to propose to sooner rather than later. It ends up being so much more than that… Warnings: Allusions to sexual harassment and general debauchery-type behavior Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes, Anthea, Mummy Holmes, Siger Holmes, OMCs, OFCs Pairings: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes/Anthea, Siger Holmes/Mummy Holmes, OMC/OFC When I Started: May 30th, 2016 How I Lost My Shit: I never really lost it? This is one of my most popular fics so I was always being asked to update it every time I asked which WIP I should update. How I Finished My Shit: I’d had an idea in my head ever since I started of a few things I wanted to have happen, but I ended up scrapping all of it for something which, I think, worked out so much better and thankfully required less writing. And then I got this art from @strangelock221b and I was floored and it was perfect (ask her how much work she put into getting the pink post-it on the invitation, she’s so proud of herself)
#WIPBigBang#WIP Big Bang#BBC Sherlock#Sherlolly#Sherlock Holmes#Molly Hooper#Mycroft Holmes#Anthea#Siger Holmes#completed shit#2020#submission
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(Banner by @strangelock221b)
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures - It all begins with an invitation to Mycroft’s wedding to his PA and seven days at a resort in Jamaica, with the assumption that Molly pretends to be his girlfriend that his mother might be under the impression that he’s going to propose to sooner rather than later. It ends up being so much more than that…
The dinner had gotten to be a bit much, and eventually, once he was sure his presence wouldn’t be missed, Sherlock slipped away towards the sandy beach to get some peace and quiet. He took a bottle of the local beer brew and sipped on it slowly, trying to sort his thoughts into an appropriate place in his Mind Palace to get some peace in his head. It seemed to be a futile task, but he was at least trying.
“You love her.”
Sherlock scowled at the unfamiliar voice saying something that would sound just like what his brother would say. Robert was drinking a low alcohol beer out of a glass bottle, looking out at the ocean. Sherlock shrugged in response, sipping his own beer quietly. “It’s not as though we’re faking our relationship anymore.”
“Yeah, but with your brother being here it makes it all more complicated, doesn’t it?”
“It does,” Sherlock admitted. He turned to the man who would soon be family. “Is there anyone for you?”
“No,” Robert said, shaking his head. “In my line of work, I don’t go through women quite the way the fictional Bond does, but it’s not like I can give a woman what she truly wants.”
“And that is?”
“Time with her, my attention, priority in my life...” He had some more of his beer as he walked closer to Sherlock. “Which is why if you love Molly, you’ll give her all of that.”
“What makes you think she wants it?” Sherlock asked, more curious than accusatory.
“Because she loves you too. Talk to her for just a little bit about you and you can tell. She’s truly, madly, deeply in love with you. Wouldn’t be surprised, with the lies Mikey said you were feeding your mum if your relationship moves at the speed of light.”
Sherlock scoffed but it came out as a sort of strangled chuckle. Oh well; the idea that he and Molly could end up...he didn’t know, married by the time they left the island...it was ludicrous. Pure fantasy. Sherlock was going to say more when there was a sound of heavy footsteps behind them. Not Mycroft’s soft steps, but not Sherrinford purposeful steps. Both men turned and saw Sherlock’s father coming over to them.
“The festivities are in full swing,” Siger said. “Your presence is being missed.”
“Just needed some peace and quiet,” Robert said with a grin, tipping his beer bottle towards Siger. “I’ll head back now.”
“Sherlock?” his father asked.
Sherlock shook his head. “As long as Molly’s having fun, I can take a few more moments to sit.”
“She is, and she’s close to Mikey and Andrea,” Siger said. “Could I join you for a bit?”
“I suppose.” Sherlock had some more of his beer then, waiting for Robert to go back to the others and his father to sit next to him. His relationship with his father was, perhaps, better than his relationship with his mother, but it was still strained because of his past actions, though it was mending. It was just slow-going.
“She’s a good woman for you,” his father said as he settled in the sand next to him. “But your relationship is much newer than you told your mum, isn’t it?”
Sherlock had the rest of his beer and set the bottle in the sand. “I always wondered if either of you had seen it, seen through the stories I was telling.”
“Well, I knew you were in love with her, but I hadn’t entirely been sure it was a real relationship,” Siger admitted.
“You’re the second person today to tell me I love Molly,” he replied. “We only officially began dating today.”
“Well, then I’ll rein your mother in on the engagement ring issue,” Siger said, patting his son on the shoulder. “But I’m glad you both are here. Your eldest brother...we hadn’t intended for him to come with us, but your mother was so pleased he was back, and seemed to be making amends--”
“What do you mean?” Sherlock asked.
“He said he’s paying back the funds he took from us.”
Sherlock shook his head. He had known there was some shadiness in his brother’s past, but stealing from his parents? “Has he given you a cent yet?”
“Not yet,” Siger said. “I know, I know. We should probably doubt his word, but...”
“How much did he take?” Sherlock asked.
“Ten thousand pounds.” Sherlock’s jaw dropped. “Your mother, she wanted to invest it, and he made bad investments, with what he did invest.”
“I never knew.” Sherlock shook his head. “How can you trust him, though?”
“Motherly hope. The money really isn’t the important thing; we’ve made it back over the years, with Mycroft’s help.” That tidbit surprised Sherlock, but he waited for his father to continue. “Your mum wants to believe he’s changed. But he’s not the same as you are; you’ve made true changes. I don’t think he’ll pay us back a dime. I don’t think he’s changed. But I hope he will, for your mum’s sake.”
“Why didn’t you tell me more about him when I asked?” Sherlock asked.
“We were ashamed, I suppose. We trusted him, and he used us, even though we were family. We just...wanted to pretend it had never happened, so not talking about it meant not talking about him, not even with you. Mycroft never forgot, however, and that’s something I feel bad about, that right now, his wedding is not the joyous occasion it could be.”
“We need to get him to leave,” Sherlock said.
“I know, but convincing your mother...”
“Is akin to asking for a miracle,” Sherlock said, acknowledging the way his mother was. “She never mentioned him, but I suppose that’s how our family is. We keep secrets.”
“And we’re about to be married into a family who keeps secrets for a living,” Siger said, patting his son’s shoulder. “But I’ll try and convince your mum to talk to Sherrinford about leaving and trying to reconnect at a more appropriate time.”
“I think Mycroft would appreciate it,” Sherlock said as light footsteps sounded behind them. He looked up and saw Molly approaching them, a curious smile on her face. He gave her a smile back, trying to reassure her, and he watched her relax. “I think my date would like me to be around the party again.”
“Oh, I was hoping I could join you,” Molly said. “It’s a bit...much...back there.”
Sherlock nodded and his father gave him a wink before standing up to go back to the party. Molly took his spot and Sherlock put an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned her head against him. “Was it my brother?”
“A bit, yeah. He keeps leering at me,” Molly said. Sherlock tightened his hold on her. “Do you want to go back to the room? I think you’ve disappeared long enough so that a permanent leave might be expected by now.”
“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” Sherlock said, pressing a kiss into her hair. He had done his fair share of schmoozing at the dinner, meeting the extended members of Andrea’s family and dealing with his own family. Molly was right; if they retired for the night he doubted anyone would mind. He got up and helped her up from her spot, and he took her hand in his as they headed back to their room. With any luck, the combined might of Robert and his aunt and his own nuclear family would get Sherrinford to leave before much more time had passed, and they could celebrate in peace.
#sherlock#sherlolly#mythea#fanfiction#fanfic#sherlock holmes#siger holmes#ocs#molly hooper#multipart: desperate times call for desperate measures
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(Failed) Wedding Preparation
Berhubung resepsi dibatalkan tapi sudah mengalami bagaimana persiapan untuk resepsi pernikahan, mau cerita sedikit tentang persiapan resepsi yang (harusnya) digelar tanggal 16 Agustus 2020 jam 19.00 - 21.00. Semoga bisa kasih gambaran utk pasangan yang akan mempersiapkan pernikahan di tahun-tahun setelah covid usai.
1. Venue
Domisili akutu di Tangerang Selatan, dan citacita memang pengen ngadain wedding reception yg outdoor gitu, ya alaala garden party lah haahaa akhirnya caricari tempat sekitaran Tangsel dan Tangerang yang provide outdoor wedding. Beberapa tempat sempat masuk list kayak Hidden Paradise Pondok Cabe dan Felfest UI. Cuma masalahnya adalah utk Hidden Paradise setelah cari-cari tau price nya cukup murah sekitar 10 jutaan saja, tapi kapasitas tamu hanya sampai 300 tamu. Oke ini ga memungkinkan karena rencana akan sekitar 400-500 undangan dr keluarga, karena ini pernikahan pertama di keluarga kami (tau lah ya keluarga maunya kekmana). Jadilah pilihan pertama ini kami coret. Kemudian untuk Felfest UI, agak jauh ya harus ke Depok, maka dari itu kami coret juga dari daftar.
Dan akhirnya pilihan kami jatuh ke Alam Sutera Sport Center. Venue ini selain dekat dengan rumah, pricenya masuk budget kami, dan mereka provide both indoor and outdoor. Kapasitasnya pun bisa s/d 1200 person. Oke deal.
Untuk harga karena kami booked di tahun 2019, jadi kami masih dpt rate 12jt, untuk acara di Agustus 2020 (Rate 2020 - 15jt). Dan untuk pembayaran lunas kami dapat berbagai bonus, diantaranya tiket menginap di Mercure Serpong utk 1 malam, kupon sport center selama 1 tahun, voucher makan di Flavour Bliss sebesar 300rb, serta merchandise (tumbler, handuk, dan tas). Untuk peraturannya dari mereka memang cukup ketat, seperti dekor dan catering rekanan (jika tidak, ada charge lagi) pemakaian venue (3 jam) serta ketentuan reschedule.
2. Catering dan Dekorasi
Untuk catering dari dulu sebenernya cuma mau pake Alfabet Catering, krn beberapa kali test food dan emang si lidah jatuh cinta bangett sama rasanya Alfabet tu. Favoritku sup iga, dendeng balado, empal gentong dan pancakenya. Sebenernya belum pernah rasain yang gaenak si di Catering ini. Range harganya pun masih masuk budget, sekitar 150rb/pax untuk prasmanan, dan untuk gubugan bervariasi dari 25rb-50rb-an kalau gasalah. Worth it banget si kalo untuk rasa.
Eh tapii sayangnya adalah mereka ga rekanan sama ASC. Huhu sediiih. Kenapa ga tetep ambil aja? karena charge catering non rekanan tu up tp 20% dr harga total makanan. Misal ambil 600 pax prasmanan (600 x 150.000 = 90.000.000, chargenya 90.000.000 x 20% = 18.000.000), chargenya utk prasmanannya sendiri aja udah 18jt huhu monanges kan segitu buat charge doang belum charge dekor dan gubugan. Okelah akhirnya say goodbye sama Alfabet. Bye Alfabet, nikahan adek/anakku aja nanti yaa. haha
Karena gabisa pake Alfabet, akhirnya kita datang lah ke Wedding Expo-nya ASC, disitu yang ikut rekanan semua. Dari semuanya ada 2 yang menarik minat ni. yang pertama Freesia dan yang kedua Izza. Bahas satu-satu ya.
a. Freesia
Untuk Freesia ini akutu naksir bgtt sama dekornya. Jadi dekornya tu kek yang kupengenin bgtt gitu. Kebetulan pas expo pas mereka lagi ada acara wedding juga jadi kita bisa liat langsung dekornya. Asli cantik bgtt. Lampu2, nuansanya rustik gtu, dan yang bikin seneng adalah pengerjaannya rapi. Nah, tapi yang agak kurang adalah makanannya. huhu
Makanannya agak kurang sreg di lidahku, trs pas ajak orgtua utk testfood juga mereka kurang masuk si sm makanannya. Agak disayangkan krn sebenernya penyajian mereka tu super cantik, pakai gelas2 berkaki yg cantik, trs ada gradasi warnanya di makanan. Utk apperance makanan ok, tp utk rasa bukan selera si. Oke akhirnya Freesia coret.
b. Izza Catering
Untuk Izza Catering ini kebalikan dari Freesia, makanannya masuk di lidahku dan keluarga, tapi penyajiannya agak kurang menurutku. Tapi kalo kata tante, yg namanya org dateng kondangan tu mentingin lidah teh, bukan mata, wkwkwk bener juga. Oke akhirnya kami diskusi lah sama pihak Izza.
Dari pihak Izza kami kontakan sama mb Ade, mba Ade ni baik banget si dan sabar bangett krn aku super bawel dan banyak maunya haha.
Oiya pas diskusi akhirnya kami ambil promo yang 600pax all in (150jt). Kami ambil ini karena promonya menarik sekali. Jadi di paket ini kami dapat bonus 3 jenis gubugan (di luar 3/4 gubugan yg udah di dapet) yaitu sushi tei, chatime dan d’crepes. Yap!! jajanan kesukaan semua, makanya langsung sikaat wkwkwk. Selain itu setelah nego-nego kami dapet diskon lagi 8jt (yeeaaay!!) dan dapet bonus kopi hajatan 100pcs, baju akad sepasang, dan makanan+snack akad 50 porsi. Lumayan bgttt kan bonusnya menggiurkan haha.
Paket 600 pax ini all in, sudah termasuk dekor (ini juga dapet bonus 2 blower/1 blower+1 tenda), entertainment, MC, pakaian akad dan resepsi -nasional (sudah termasuk penerima tamu, orangtua, dan among tamu), Dokumentasi, WO (6 personil), pokoknya udah semua deh. Untuk aku dan aji yang anti ribet ribet club ini tawaran yang oke banget yakaaan. Tinggal urus souvenir sama undangan aja berarti kan (sama nabung wkwkwk). Oke lah kami deal dengan paket itu.
Untuk pilihan menu prasmanannya kami pilih nasi goreng oriental (ini enak krn gapake kecap haha), soup bakso ikan (seger banget asli), daging teriyaki (empuk syekaliii), kakap fillet mayonaise, sama ayam ricarica kemangi (ini enak si persis kek bikinan mama hahaha). Sayurnya kami pilih karedok dan menu tambahannya kami pilih salad. Untuk cemilannya mereka sedia puding, bitterballen, molen (keju dan coklat dan ini enaaaaak), red velvet (ini juga enak sih), sama apalagi ya kulupa haha. Minumnya kami pilih jus jambu dan es lemon tea. Untuk gubugan kami pilih sate padang, tekwan, dimsum, dan soto serta kami tambahan zuppa soup. So far makanan mereka ga berubah si rasanya tiap test food, cuma untuk pudding penyajiannya kurang menarik (hanya di cup plastik), tapi kami coba nego untuk ditempatkan di gelas-gelas kecil mereka menyanggupi.
Untuk dekorasi pun Izza yang provide, kami request untuk rustic theme.
Selama kontakan sama Izza kami di provide oleh mba Ade. Mba Ade ini enak si orangnya komunikatif dan tiap kami kasih saran atau ada request apa sebisa mungkin ditampung dan akan dikabari mengenai bisa/tidaknya. Fast respon juga hihi.
3. Make Up dan Busana
Setelah itu kami pilih make up dan busana pengantin. Awalnya kutertarik utk ke ziabrides, karena polesannya mayan soft, dan ada kebaya yang kutaksir haha. Tapi setelah mampir ternyata pilihan kebaya paketnya hanya sedikit, pun untuk gaunnya. Kebanyakan pilihan untuk yang berhijab. Untuk kebaya yang kutaksir ternyata kena tambahan 2,5 juta, dan untuk gaun bridal kena tambahan lagi sekitar 5-7 juta, untuk siger ada penambahan pula sekitar 2,5 juta. Oke tambahan untuk ini aja bisa sampai 15 juta sendiri, nggak si, big nope, agak sayang huhu. Okelah zia coret. Kami pun beralih ke tiarasari.
Awalnya cukup underestimate sama sanggar ini krn instagramnya kurang menarik huhu (maafin aku mba), tapi setelah liat make up an mereka dan datang langsung utk liat busana, hmm cukup tertarik. Gaun bridalnya pun lebih banyak pilihan, beskap dan jas priaya juga lebih bagus (utk jas mereka buat di ex-penjahit wong hang tailor btw, makanya potongannya oke dan past di badan). Oke akhirnya pilih lah tiarasari. Utk siger dikenakan biaya tambahan 1,5 juta saja, dan kalau mau tes make up biayanya hanya 800rb, utk gaun (nahini pas bgtt) kebetulan naksir gaun bridal gtu 1, dan ternyata memang baru 1 kali pakai, okelah mau yang itu, dan happynya lagi adalah tidak ada biaya tambahan sisss hahaha senang sekali hatikuu. Selain itu Mba Neneng (ownernya) juga superrr ramah dan komunikatif sekali. Huhu seneng deh kalo temu orang ramah haha. Dan lokasinya juga masih di Tangsel jadi gaada biaya transportasi tambahan utk tim make upnya. Akhirnya deal kami pakai Tiarasari.
4. Dokumentasi
Untuk dokumentasi gak ribet si, kami langsung pilih yang sama tim Izza. Kalo gasalah kami akhirnya pilih Long Pictures krn kami suka tone foto-fotonya (sendu-sendu gitu).
5. Souvenir
Kalo souvenir kami pesan 2, 1 di kakak iparnya Aji yaitu masker dan 1 lagi di Tunggal Souvenir, lokasinya di daerah Cakung, yaitu botol kaca + tile (@9rb).
6. Undangan
Bikin sendiri ehehe
Beruntungnya adalah kami pilih all in package yang udah provide semua, jadi ga ribet caritau satu-satu, kesana kemari tanpa ada bayangan.
Oiya dan Izza ini pembayarannya cukup mudah menurutku. Dp di tempat pameran (10jt), kemudaian 1 bulan setelah Dp masuk 10% dari total harga paket, kemudian H-1Bulan 50% harus sudah masuk dan pelunasan di H-2minggu. Mnurut kami skema pembayaran ini cukup fair.
Ya begitulah persiapan resepsi kami yang berujung gajadi. hahaha.
Semoga gaada lagi yang gagal resepsi kayak kami ya hihi
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The Announcement
Hello my dear @mychakk. It’s me. Your Secret Sherlolly Santa. And this is the first one of the gifts i’ve prepared for you. I enjoyed being your Santa these last few weeks, and i enjoyed making gifts for you. I wish you again Merry Christmas and i hope you like your gifts.
Summary: Sherlock and Molly are in a very secret relationship that none of their closest friends and family knows nothing about. Or do they?
When Molly and Sherlock started their relationship, they both agreed that it would be best to keep it a secret from their friends and family for a few months, just in the case that it wouldn’t work. They didn’t want to put their closest loved ones to have to pick a side, should things end badly. Plus -if Molly wanted to be completely honest to at least herself- keeping her romantic evolvement with Sherlock a secret was kinda turning her on. And of course it was all Sherlock’s fault.
Because since their relationship started the git would made sure that his appeareances in the morgue or in the lab would drive her to distraction. Always dressed in the best suits, always with those tight shirts that she was surprised the buttons wouldn’t just fell off, always with his curls ruffled and absolutely perfect. He was very lucky that she had gotten over her first hard crush over him and that she was a proffesional, because if she wasn’t she would have jump on him multiple times, completely ignoring the fact that either Lestrade or John or both were there.
She couldn’t complain though. He always made it up to her for all the frustration he caused her after he solved his cases. When they were finally together after days or in some cases weeks of not having seen each other, they falled in each others arms and enjoyed each other’s company and body, without another care in the world except being together. They were completely carefree. So carefree that as it turned out it apparently also made them careless.
Because now there she was, in her bathroom, with a positive pregnacy test in her hands, not knowing what to do. Sherlock would arrive any minute now and she had no idea how he would feel with the news. Would he think that it was too soon? Of course he would, she certainly thought it was. That wasn’t to say that she never wanted to have any children, especially with Sherlock but they hadn’t talked about it, she had no idea if he liked kids. Of course he adored Rosie, but that didn’t mean that he wanted children of his own.
She broke out of her thoughts when she heard the door of her house open, and Sherlock’s voice calling her name. There was no reason to delay the inevitable. She informed hin that she would soon be with him and stood in front of the mirror. She washed her face when she realised that tears had found their way down her cheeks, took a deep breath and got out in her living room, the pregnacy test still in her hand.
Sherlock’s face lighted up with a beautiful smile when he saw her, but it quickly faded away when he realised that she had cried.
‘’Molly? What happened, why are you crying?’’ he asked. ‘’Is something happening with your mother, are you ill?’’
‘’No Sherlock, i’m fine. My mom is fine too, i just…’’
‘’You just what?’’ he asked again and then noticed her trying to hide her hand. ‘’What are you holding there?’’
‘’Sherlock i…’’ she hesitated for a moment and then she showed him what was in her hand. Sherlock took it and looked at it for a few seconds. When he lifted his head she saw a hesitant smile forming in his face.
‘’You’re pregnant?’’ he asked, his voice almost breaking.
‘’I’m pregnant.’’ she confirmed feeling her eyes welling up again.
‘’You’re pregnant.’’ he said again with a beaming smile.
‘’Yes i’m pregnant.’’ she laughed.
Sherlock started laughing too and took her in a warm, tight embrace.
‘’You’re pregnant.’’ he repeated once again, like he was trying to realise it. ‘’Oh my God, you’re pregnant.’’
Molly felt his tears running on her shoulder and moved away so she could look at him in the eyes again.
‘’Why are you crying now?’’ she asked.
‘’Oh these are happy tears Molly. Don’t worry.’’
‘’Yes i realise that, but i wasn’t expecting this reaction to be honest. I thought that you would panic or that you wouldn’t want the baby.’’
‘’Oh i am panicking, believe me i do. But i also do want it, have no doubt about that. What made you think that i wouldn’t?’’
‘’I just thought that you would think that it was too soon, and besides Rosie i don’t really know how you feel about kids.’’
‘’Molly… i love kids. Most of them are highly intelligent before parents and society start to try to brainwash them with fake propriety and rules and limiting their imagination. True i never expected that i would ever get to be a father, but i had decided that if that ever happened to me, i wouldn’t be that kind of parent.’’ he confenced.
‘’Oh Sherlock, that’s so sweet. I didn’t know you thought about it this way. I don’t disagree to be honest. Parents do tend to put a lot of pressure on their childrens shoulders. But anyway, since we established that you want this baby…’’ Sherlock nodded enthusiastically ‘’and i want this baby, then there is only one thing left to do.’’
‘’Marry?’’ he said with a bright smile, making Molly laugh.
‘’No silly.’’ she answered and kissed him when he pouted. ‘’We have to tell everyone about us and the baby. Because even if we’ll continue keeping it a secret for a little longer, eventually my growing belly is going to be seen and they’ll start the questions. And i for one, i’m not willing to make up some lie with an imaginary lover.’’ Sherlock huffed.
‘’Well yes i agree that we should. It was bound to happen eventually. It’s actually quite fortunate that we have that bi-weekly dinner at John and Mary’s tonight. We are gonna tell them after the dessert.’’
‘’Are you worried that John won’t let you have a dessert if we tell them before that?’’ she laughed at him.
‘’No darling. I know he won’t let me have a dessert if we tell them before. He will most likely punch me too, or try it anyway. I may as well get something out of it.’’
‘’Well i can’t disagree with that. In fact i think it’s time to start getting ready for the dinner.’’ said Molly and after a last kiss she stepped away from Sherlock’s arms and went to her bedroom.
‘’But what about our wedding?’’ she heard him say just as she was closing the door and she giggled, deciding not to take him seriously.
Two hours later they were entering the Watson’s house, all their friends already there, including Mycroft with his Andrea and his and Sherlock’s parents. After the last Christmas he had spend with his parents and the Magnusen fiasco, John was feeling obligated to include the unfortunate people that had to raise both Sherlock and Mycroft -Eurus not included- to as many family gatherings as possible since he quite liked the pair.
As always the guests were in their usual mood. Mycroft and Sherlock were pretending that they find the gathering tedious and weren’t really interested in it, Greg was attempting to flirt both Andrea and Molly earning death glares from the Holmes brothers, Violet and Siger kept talking about their neighbors and their grandchildren while looking not so subtly to their sons, Mrs. Hudson was sharing anecdotes of her life as an exotic dancer and wife of a drug lord making everyone except Sherlock and Mary uncomfortable, John was trying -unsuccesfully- to change the subject from Mrs. Hudson’s stories and Mary with Rosie were the perfect hostesses once again.
Half an hour after dinner and dessert were consumed, guests and hosts had moved to the sitting room, a glass of red wine in each their hands. Sherlock and Molly looked at each other and nodded at the same time, agreeing that it was finally the time to share the news about their relationship and baby. Sherlock turned to look at his friends and parents and cleared his throat to get their attention. They all ignored him so he tried again. Once again, not a single reaction. He could raise his voice just a little, or to start hitting his wine glass lightly with a fork or a spoon, but Sherlock being Sherlock, he decided to take much more drastic measures.
‘’MRS HUDSON!’’ he practically screamed, making everyone in the room jump and look between him and the woman in question with terror in their faces.
‘’Sherlock what the hell?’’ asked Mary.
‘’Good i have your attention. I have an announcement to make.’’ he said putting his most irritating smirk on his face.
‘’And you couldn’t just clear your throat my boy? We aren’t all as young as you are anymore.’’ complained his father.
‘’I did that but no one heard me. It’s an important announcement and i had to make you all listen somehow. But anyway… i apologise for scaring you all. But as i said i have some very important news to share.’’
‘’Fine then, tell us.’’ said Violet.
‘’Well um…’’ he started feeling nervous. ‘’for the past three months… i am involved in a romantic relationship. With… Molly.’’ he finished not quite looking anyone in the eyes, waiting for the shouting to start.
But everything was so… quiet. Sherlock raised his eyes and saw everyone -besides Molly- looking at him like he just said that they would be a lot of snow at Christmas. He frowned and looked at Molly with questions in his eyes. She seemed just as confused as he felt. He then turned his eyes to Mary where she was looking him with a seemingly blank face, but he saw her eyes glimming with amusement. Luckily she decided to take pity on him.
‘’That is brand new information.’’ she said and took a zip from her wine trying to hide her smile.
‘’Wait what?’’ asked Molly. ‘’You knew?’’
‘’I’m a trained and very intelligent ex assasin with a terrifying skill set, of course i knew. You guys couldn’t be more obvious.’’
‘’Obvious?’’ asked Sherlock feeling offended. He always took big pride in his sneakiness.
‘’Well obvious for Mary and Mycroft.’’ answered John. ‘’I found out from Mary. When she told me i laughed and said that she’s imagining things. Then Mycroft told me too. I laughed again and told him i don’t fall for those kind of jokes. The next day i came to Baker Street and heard you two having sex in the bathroom. I left as fast as i could, send a chocolate cake to Mycroft, bought flowers for my wife and promised to myself to never doubt her again.’’
‘’A wise choice my darling.’’ said Mary teasingly.
‘’Ok…’’ answered Molly still shocked. ‘’What about the rest of you?’’ she asked.
‘’John told me.’’ said Greg.
‘’I live in Baker Street.’’ chimed in Mrs. Hudson.
‘’A mother always knows.’’ offered Violet.
‘’I saw you sneaking a couple of kisses three dinners ago.’’ said Siger.
‘’I had to review security footage from an elevator on St. Bart’s with you two going at it like wild rabbits.’’ said Mycroft, shuddering at the memory.
‘’I saw the security footage first.’’ finished Andrea cheekily, wringling her eyebrows to Sherlock suggestively.
‘’Do you still have that footage?’’ asked Mary with fascination.
‘’I’ll send you a copy.’’
‘’Alright that’s enough.’’ Sherlock jumped into the conversation. ‘’So my relationship with Molly aren’t news to you, good. But we have more news to share.’’
‘’What news?’’ asked John.
‘’Molly and i… are going to be parents soon.’’
The collective gasp that was heard from everyone’s mouths was genuine and happy. One by one they all hugged the happy couple, offering congratulations and cooing already over Molly’s still flat tammy. Another round of wine was shared along with laughter and plans about the future.
A few minutes later Sherlock and Molly were standing in a corner, his right arm around her shoulders, both looking at their most favorite people when Andrea went close to them.
‘’I have to give you my congratulations again. I’m so excited for both of you. You deserve to be happy after everything you went through.’’ she said.
‘’Thank you so much Andrea.’’ said Molly and hugged her. ‘’I wish you all the best as well.’’ she finished. ‘’Please excuse me now, i have to go to the bathroom.’’ she said and walked away.
Andrea looked Sherlock with a smile that he recogniced as mischievious. He squinted his eyes at her.
‘’What?’’ he asked.
‘’I have a question to make Sherlock.’’
‘’What question?’’
‘’Do you also want me to send you that security footage?’’
Sherlock started blinking for a few seconds.
‘’Yes, please.’’
Eight months later, the Baker Street gang -as Mary had started calling the group- had gathered once again as per usual, but in a different setting this time. They had all gone to the hospital, to celebrate the arrival of a new member. They were all in the room, smiling and laughing at Sherlock and Molly’s baby boy, waiting for Sherlock to tell them his name.
‘’This is Victor Mycroft Hamish Hooper-Holmes.’’ he said, his eyes moving from his beautiful son to his brother with a smile.
If anyone besides Sherlock and Molly saw Mycroft tearing up… well, no one said anything.
#sherlolly secret santa 2018#sherlolly secret santa#sherlock holmes#molly hooper#sherlolly#sherlock x molly#mychakk#sherlolly fanfiction#my fics#ship: sherlolly#otp: you can see me#my otp's
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(via Sungkeman Pengantin Wedding Pernikahan Klaten dg Gaun Muslimah Sunda Siger Hijab) 😍 Sungkeman Pengantin Wedding Pernikahan Klaten dg Gaun Muslimah Sunda Siger Hijab
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Polyamory Fic Rec !! [part two]
Because love is infinite! 💙❤️🖤
⬡ The Old Fashioned Way (To Make a Modern Family), by billiethepoet [rated E]
(Sherlock Holmes/Mary Morstan/John Watson) “Yeah, we’d consider adoption but…” There’s a gleam in John’s eye and Sherlock has the sinking sensation that this conversation has been leading to something specific. “Mary’d like the baby to be yours.”
⬡ Tea for Three, by MissDavis [rated E]
(Violet Holmes/Martha Hudson/Siger Holmes) Mrs. Hudson had been with many men over the years—older, younger, single, divorced, married and seeing her on the side either secretly or openly—but this was the first time she had ever been with a man while his wife lay right beside them.
⬡ Jack-in-the-Box, by esteefee [rated E]
(Sherlock Holmes/Mary Morstan/John Watson) After Holmes returns there are recriminations. And then changes, subtle and insidious. There may even be a plot afoot. If only Holmes were more of a detective.
⬡ Something Unusual, Something Strange, by viklikesfic (v_angelique) [rated E]
(Sherlock Holmes/Greg Lestrade/John Watson) "Because really, how can you explain a polyamorous relationship consisting of an asexual domme, a gay sub, and a vanilla bisexual?"
⬡ An Unexpected Discovery, by scarletmanuka [rated E]
(Mycroft Holmes/Sherlock Holmes/Greg Lestrade) Whilst leaving his cousin's wedding, Greg sees Sherlock and Mycroft in a compromising position. He decides to confront them but finds himself propositioned.
#fic recs#johnlockary#johnlockstrade#mystradelock#john watson#sherlock holmes#mary morstan#violet holmes#mummy holmes#martha hudson#mrs hudson#father holmes#siger holmes#greg lestrade#mycroft holmes
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