#we're a very hidden but respectful community
rat-rosemary · 1 year
Ngl I've never heard nsfw in dsmp other than those in poppy. So I'm kinda curious, mind I ask?
It's still a bit of a taboo to ship the characters in dsmp in the year of 2023, so I can't imagine it flying off without some repercussions or 'calling out.' Or is it just me-
Okay okay okay so there's a reason you never seen the nsfw dsmp community (other then the fact that they're on twt)
We censor EVERYTHING. Every word that could make it so it shows up when you search for it. So cc's names are always censored, there is no tag you can scroll through, even some words like smp, sfw, minecraft we censor.
Everyone is aware that there are a lot of kids in the fandom and that the cc's scroll through their fanart tags, so we're all very careful to keep ourselves separated from the main fandom
(You have no clue how much it scared me when I got into karmaland, they don't censor shit. They have a tag. They tag the main fanart tag. I'm pretty sure a Cc has seen nsfw fanart live. And that is the norm for fandom but I got so used to the hiding)
To answer your question, there is calling out. It's really really annoying and the person being 'called out' normally goes on private for a bit until it ends (and you can find shipping on sfw spaces! Its easier to find fanfiction but if you're interested you can start in the #dsmpshipping tag)
If you want to interact with the nsfw community there are a few rules:
First of all, you need to make a nsfw account. Don't use the account you use to interact with cc's and sfw content to interact with nsfw content. Second, block cc's or at least don't follow them. Third... don't be a kid? I guess? Some people are uncomfortable with people under certain ages liking/retweeting their stuff, so please respect that
So here's who the space works:
There's boundarytwt, they only make content of people who have clearly stated they are okay with it (that does not mean that other people are breaking boundaries! I'll get to that in a moment). Currently those people are Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Foolish, Punz and Corpse
Then there's the wider nsfw community which makes content of all the cc's, but still respecting boundaries. That means for example, Sapnap said a while ago that he didn't want people to make stuff (both normal shipping and nsfw) with Bad, so no one draws them. So we're still respecting the boundaries :]
(Side note, most people don't make nsfw content of Techno anymore, and it is frowned upon to do so by the wider community)
(The minors as in, when we first met them they were kids)
Then there's poppytwt. And yes they are also on Tumblr. We all hate them and do not want them interacting with any of our content. Cool.
If you try to follow an artist from main nsfw and you're poppy they will block you and tell other people to block you as well
Quick edit because i forgot: Nsfw authors will sometimes also follow and retweet stuff from sfw artist and authors. Yes they get to be the exception. If the feed of your nsfw account is filled with sfw drawings, it might be a author you follow
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soaringwide · 5 months
Pick a Card - What is you Persona?
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Today we're going to look at your persona, or as the definition goes:
"an individual's social facade or front that, especially in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, reflects the role in life the individual is playing"
So this reading won't be about who you are from your point of view, but the role you play socially and lean into, and that others perceive you as. It's especially important for people in the public eye, but I think everyone can gain from being more aware of the mask they wear in society, whether you want to craft a mask of your choosing or desire to be more authentic.
If we're being technical, everyone has different persona depending on the social context (work vs friends, etc), but we'll look at one of them/the main one only.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not apply to you 100%. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
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Cards: The Gem, The Thread, The Prayer, The Moon, 3 of Wands, the Empress, King of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, Justice, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, 2 of Wands
Let's start with a description of your persona, as in, the role you take on in society.
You role in society seems to be of someone who prioritize actions that assist and improve others, embodying the role of a helper. You are a path-maker and actively encourage people to follow along, and they do, because they sense that there is something you see or know that they don't. They see you as someone who has accumulated a lot of wisdom in their field of interest, that makes them some type of refined diamond that shines among common rocks. You are respected and admired for your abilities and people go to you for your specialized advice. They see you as a trailblazer, someone who is not afraid to take the lead and who people come to for their advice and knowledge.
The first impression people get from you is that you appear rather withdrawn and mysterious, secretive even. You don't seem to share a lot about yourself and they don't really get what's going on inside of your head. You might even come off as moody to some because they don't see the inner emotional tides that affect your behavior. This makes total sense after the last paragraph that highlighted that your role is someone who takes action, what you are on the inside you keep somewhat hidden and probably show that to only a few selected people. I'm getting internet persona for some, for others it has to do with work.
For the perceived qualities, people can see that you're someone who is a visionary, someone who has a higher perspective on things. They see you as driven, ambitious and a force to be reckoned with. You are able to communicate your energetic curiosity to others, which makes you a great team leader. Someone who's able to plan ahead and make the right decisions at the right time.
As for your flaws, they see you as someone who has a hard time enjoying the simple pleasures of life, because you're so dedicated to your cause. All work and no play, so to speak. You are very action-oriented and the drawback of that is that you seem rather unreachable, someone who is affected by nothing and that people have a hard time connecting with on a deeper level. They have a hard time getting to know you on a friend or romantic level because you are so focused on your own path that you don't let people in easily.
What others think drive you in life is your desire to be a positive influence on people around you and your dedication to whatever career or cause you are involved with. To lead with compassion and fairness with your greater understanding of things. They also see you as driven by the desire to better your craft and work for your community tirelessly and almost egolessly. So I think despite your withdrawn nature, you still come off as empathetic, it's just very neutral and it doesn't seem to affect you personally.
Above all, as someone who values integrity, you seem to fear unfairness and facing unjust repercussions. There is a fear of being attacked for the wrong reason or by the wrong people and not being able to defend yourself or the people you protect. I'm getting that in our world, things are not always just, in social settings, or even and especially on the political and executive level of things, which makes you very wary of that and you do your best to shield yourself or others from that. There is also a fear of losing control over the situation, again for reasons that would be unjust and outside of your control.
Now getting back to you, your persona has developed within you with the goal of being a link to your community, to bring you together and create a fairer and happier society for you and the people you care about. To bring forward the ideas and values you hold dear to your heart. It allows you to be someone people can rely on to have a positive impact on them. A solid foundation people can go back to when they need to. I'm also getting the word armor, as in, your persona protects yourself.
And it seems its quite aligned with your relationship with your persona, which I intended as a way to see its level of healthiness in your psyche's landscape. I think you're quite happy with the way you work in society. You persona does allow you to grab greater opportunities and makes things happen for you and your community. It's also a way to protect yourself by giving you some type of distance between your core-self and the way you are among others. It brings you a sense of control and security (which I was getting in the previous section), which is the goal of the persona.
I would say, however, that it might feel a bit lonely at time, so make sure you do share who you are on the inside with your chosen people and don't stay trapped in your persona at all times. I really think you're a great person who does amazing things, but don't forget that you also need deep connection and authentic exchanges to remain balanced and happy. You just need to find the right context to allow yourself to do that.
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Cards: The Vow, The Lover, The High Priestess, 5 of Swords, 6 of Wands, 4 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Death, the Magician, the Chariot, Judgement, 7 of Swords, the Fool
First let's look at the description of your persona, as in, the role you take in society and how you appear.
You're someone who appears to others as having a rich inner world that they can't quite understand, as if they could sense the ties that bind you to the realm of the mind and the spirit. On the outside, they can tell that you seek living things deeply and experiencing reality with all senses, but that it's not superficial but rather a way for you to reach the meaning of life, in the way of the poet. But there's also some type of almost ascetic vibe to you, as if you indulged in excess in a serious manner. I don't think you appear very grounded or emotional, as if you explored your social settings in an almost disembodied, experimental way; gathering information for a purpose people cannot comprehend because you just don't talk about it and keep it to yourself. They can tell you have secrets and they might not dare asking. You also appear fully committed to your individuality and unapologetic about who you are. It's like you are not grounded in reality/society but rather grounded in your inner world. I will develop more further but I just wanted to give a heads up that this persona is quite complex and layered.
The first impression you make on people is of someone who is proud of the battle they fought and openly talks about their past struggles. They can sense that you are strong and confident even if you haven't exchanged any words yet. They can sense you are a very resilient person who will not let anyone belittle them. You might come off a bit strong though for those who do not resonate with your vibe. However I do think you are aware of that but just don't care.
For your perceived qualities, you appear rather calm and composed, as if nothing and no one could break your peace. They see you as easy going and not someone who will create needless drama with others. You keep to yourself and if there's mayhem around you, you just don't engage. There is again this idea that you're very connected to your inner self and have a lot of personal integrity and always try to align your words and actions.
For your perceived flaws, people can sense you still have some baggage you are dragging with you. You may have had your heart or mind broken a few times and it's making you lacking trust in social interactions and it's blocking you from forming deep connection. You have a vibe of someone who's always a foot in the door, as if you were just passing by. It's like, they can sense your authenticity and you do share who you are on some level, but you're also metaphorically facing away from others, not letting anyone close to your heart. There are no cups in this reading at all, so, again, you don't really show any emotions publicly and would rather show the way you think and your philosophy of the world rather than being emotionally vulnerable. You are very guarded in that sense.
As to what you show as driving you in life, you display the fact that you are here to keep changing and evolving, mastering your self completely and not letting any setbacks get in your way of doing so. You take the saying that one must change themselves in order to change the world at heart and make it a core principle. I keep getting this feeling that you're always pushing and pushing forward without rest, all consumed that you are by your what you desire to transmute.
So it makes sense that your fear would show up as the fear of losing control. Sometimes, it's like the mask of your persona slips for a second and that people see you are terrified of losing agency over your own world. You are afraid of getting lost or trapped in a situation that you do not like and it can make you quite rebellious in sudden outburst, when that mask slips. You don't like when people put into question your way of living and are very protective of your life choices and your personality. You may snap back at people who try to break your balance by attacking your personality, or at least that's what you perceive it as.
Your persona developed as a way to help you communicate the deep and intense person that you are on the outside. I also get the idea of showcasing some aspects of your personality in a way that is intentional and powerful. I think you may have been rather shy and withdrawn in the past, or even as a child, and this persona allows a safe way for you to exist in society with as much authenticity as possible. You have a very soft heat on the inside and you want to protect it.
Finally, for what's your relationship with your persona, which one could also read as how healthy it is, I'm getting that you are fully aware of the mask you wear or the trick you play on people so to speak. Not that you are lying, but you're forging a very specific image and I think you're stealing yourself a bit here because you are not communicating the full depth of your feelings to anyone unless you are 100% sure of their intentions, and it's shooting yourself in the foot because some people will just not connect to you at all because they feel that they can't since you won't allow them in.
However, I do get that your persona is prone to evolving and shifting easily, so I don't think you are stuck in that, at all. I think your persona will naturally evolve as you transmute things within yourself and feel safer expressing other facets of yourself. You do have a deep poetic heart and it would be a shame to hide it behind a wall of spikes at all times.
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Cards: the Tear, the Prayer, 3 of Cups rx, 2 of Pentacles, the Tower, Knight of Pentacles, the High Priestess, Page of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, the Devil, 10 of Swords, King of Cups, the Hanged Man, 8 of Wands, 4 of Cups, Page of Wands rx
Right off the bat I get the sense that you are quite young or at least not fully developed yet and that your persona is not fully formed and is some type of unintentional byproduct of what happens on the inside of yourself. You are probably struggling with mental health issues which may also be why you are appearing in such state, because you got pulled back a bit.
But let's start by describing your persona, of the role you take on and how you appear to others.
You appear as rather closed-off, quite disconnected from the people around you. You may be shy, reserved or even socially anxious. People get the sense that you are quite vulnerable and easily overwhelmed and not at ease at all in social settings. A bit of an antisocial personality as well that make you withdraw and dislike connecting with others, perhaps because you just don't have the spoons although it's hard for other people to understand.
The first impression you make on people is that you are quite unbalanced in the way you behave and react. I get the sense of a past traumatic event that affects your personality greatly and that you're trying to balance by trying to be composed and grounded but it's like you keep shifting between those two opposite sides of the scale. You might appear erratic and unpredictable or the complete opposite depending on the day. But on the good days people can tell you are trying to move forward steadily and carefully.
For your perceived qualities, people can tell that you have gained some type of inner knowledge on life and its pain and that you are committed to rebuilding yourself with hope and dedicated, even if it's in its state of infancy. They can tell you hold some wisdom about human nature and you might be quite intuitive. It's like you're holding this treasure close to your heart and you sometimes show it to others very briefly.
For your perceived flaws, the idea of being disconnected from others show up again, this time to show you are not invested in your community and are very centered on yourself. Can't blame you as I think you have your reasons, but that's definitely something people see. I really think you're just very focused on rebuilding yourself and you don't have the energy to invest in others.
As to what people think drives you in life, it seems you are dead set on overcoming your deep anxiety and just get better and get out of the hole you are in currently. You have your own demons to fight and you are determined to slay them, so to speak. Again, I think you are definitely struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse, perhaps you're even hospitalized (or have been), or are in a time of recovery and that's what's being shown out: this desire to get better and to break the chains that hold you mentally and emotionally.
So it's interesting that for your perceived fear, getting worse and losing mastery of your emotions come forward. You are afraid of losing your stability and not being able to ask or reach out for help. There is a deep rooted fear of further isolation and losing grasp of anything good in life.
Why you developed this persona is because, well, it seems you just didn't have a choice and it happened as a way to survive in some way. You felt stuck as a result of your past struggles and it got pushed outside of you for others to see, so that you could communicate your inner issues and perhaps communicate your need for support in an indirect way. It all came with a sense of urgency like you suddenly had to shift the way you appeared to others in an emergency reaction of sorts.
As I said in the very beginning, you persona appears as an underdeveloped defense mechanism and I don't think it's in a healthy state at all. It's definitely not intentional and right now you're just living in it because that's all you can do. I think you have a very passionate and adventurous core to you that got somewhat pushed back but that will totally emerge again once the crisis is over. Keep hanging on, try to communicate with others more directly and have faith that things will get better because they will!
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jesncin · 10 months
The Potential of Asian Lois Lane. Pt 1: Girl Taking Over and American Alien, a comparative analysis
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Lois Lane has had many iterations over the years. But specifically in the last decade, Lois has been reimagined as an Asian American woman in both the comics and recently in the animated show My Adventures with Superman.
I believe making Lois Asian is a very inspired choice for the Superman mythos! I would like to take a moment to analyze these versions of Lois from an Asian perspective, seeing what works, what doesn't, and what I'd like to see more of. We'll start with the comics first, as MAWS is going to need its own post.
Usual disclaimers: I'm just one Asian perspective, I do not and never will claim to cover every Asian person's opinion on a thing ever. We're not a monolith, we come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. I'm simply a fan who enjoys media analysis and believes it's valuable to have my perspective in this topic. Secondly, this discussion covers the comic run American Alien, which is written by Max Landis. He's an ultra creep and while I think the comic is worth a read for what it is, I leave it up to you whether you'd like to buy the comic. You can always arg-arg-ahoy otherwise.
I'd like to start with Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story written by Sarah Kuhn with art by Arielle Jovellanos. This is a self contained YA graphic novel about a young Japanese American Lois dealing with the ups and downs of breaking into journalism as a career in National City. When her dream internship at Catco gets a corporate take over, Lois seizes an opportunity to write an exposé on a shady art director. But when her story is turned down, Lois does some out of the box things to get the story of marginalized performers shared with the world.
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Girl Taking Over is a fantastic story and I happily recommend it to anyone looking for how an Asian American Lois could be reimagined (with fabulous art by Arielle! The fashion especially is on-point). This story isn't just a diverse coat of paint on a Lois Lane story, being Asian informs Lois' experiences and choices. Both she and her frenemy roommate Miki, are ambitious Asian women yet have hidden insecurities where they still made themselves small to their respective white male bosses. They played into model minority in different ways, and it's only by working together that they're able to foster a community for their stories to be told.
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Lois and Miki don't just "have a diverse friend group", that friend group is actively being taken advantage of and suppressed by white gatekeepers. By extension, Lois' friends from work find solidarity in each other. Lois looks up to Cat Grant, a Filipina-American journalist, because seeing Cat succeed made Lois feel like her dream as a journalist is possible. I love how Lois' mom (a character so rarely expanded on in DC canon) acts as a voice of comfort for Lois in the story. All these characters feel holistic and whole, going through their own unique struggles.
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It's clear from interviews with both the writer and artist that they care for the history of Lois, and saw an opportunity to reimagine her in a way that aligns with her character but also revitalizes her for new readers of color who aren't used to seeing themselves reflected in media. It's taking Lois' ambition and fearlessness and channeling them into the need to be a model minority, and the insecurities that can come from the desire to succeed constantly. It's taking a character historically frustrated by sexism and disrespected by her male peers- including Clark Kent (who got better treatment than her as a man), and expanding her to be a Lois that has to deal with both sexism and racism in the workplace. It's humanizing Lois' excellence into something painfully specific and relatable for many Asian women.
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The only thing I feel I want from this version of Lois is... honestly more of her! I want to see what Japanese Lois does when she moves to Metropolis and works at the Daily Planet. I want to see how her experiences in National City informs her adulthood. Girl Taking Over sets up an incredible groundwork for stories to be told in the Superman mythos. How would Lois react to Superman, a fellow immigrant? Would Superman see himself in Lois? Since she's someone who, in the American context, is perceived as the perpetual foreigner? What would their relationship be like? Out of all the Asian Lois' in media we have so far, this Asian Lois' story has the most rich potential in my opinion.
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Up next, we have American Alien written by Max Landis. This 7 issue series swaps artists for each issue, as a means of reflecting different milestones in Clark's life. I will be focusing on issues #4, 5, and 7 since those have the most prominent Lois appearances. With that, I'd like to celebrate the artists for those issues: Jae Lee (issue 4), Francis Manapul (issue 5), and Jock (issue 7). All these artists did a fantastic job, their art styles are energetic and fun to look at. Lee and Manapul are both Asian artists (Korean and Filipino respectively) and I love how they draw Lois- who looks undeniably Asian in their art styles.
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American Alien is a modern take on the Superman tale. It expands Clark's story to be connected to Batman, Green Lanterns, Green Arrow, and more. We see Clark grow from his days in Smallville to a city boy in Metropolis, coming into his own as Superman. It's a bold and pretty divisive take with some standout story moments. From what I know, this is likely the first time Lois has been reimagined as Asian- and continues to influence Superman media like MAWS (the producer specifically calls out this comic as inspiration).
In issue #4, Clark moves in to his Metropolis apartment and talks on the phone to his mom about "some bigshot guy named Louis Lane". The reader, likely familiar with the Superman mythos, knows Clark is coming in with biases and a preconceived notion of who he considers a promising student reporter. Once we meet Lois Lane however, the comic turns the reader's expectations on their head:
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Lois Lane is an Asian American woman (it's not specified what her exact ethnicity is)! This is a fun moment where the comic metatextually challenged the reader's own biases, showing it's not just Clark who had a different idea of who Lois Lane could be.
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Lois' introductory panel is my personal favorite part of her characterization in American Alien. Lois proudly stands as a wall of text behind her recounts how she was considered as a winner for the Daily Planet's Charlton Memorial Laureate Program. When asked why she deserves a place on the program, Lois snaps back that the very question itself is loaded. She's listed her credentials and looks professional- so she's either already been rejected and is just being made to "at least had my say" or she's been accepted and is "meant to garnish my success with eloquent affirmation" to which Lois refuses to do either.
This is a great defiant introduction to Lois, showcasing how jaded she is with the way the world perceives her- but is very confident in her self worth as a journalist. By the end of the issue she reaches out to Clark to combine their exclusive interviews into one story to make a big impression on the news. Her words inspire Clark to seize an opportunity to make a big change in the world as Superman.
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Afterwards, the comic plays the classic Superman and Lois dynamic straight. Lois is initially suspicious of Superman, but eventually comes around and is inspired to hope through him. There's a great back and forth between the two where Lois' words initially inspire Clark to be Superman, then Clark assures Lois that Superman is probably just a good guy, and when Clark loses hope from a bad day of heroism, Lois gives him hope again. In the end, Lois realizes her love for Clark Kent over Superman and they share a passionate ending kiss.
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Overall American Alien nails the Clark and Lois dynamic and understands their relationship. I consider this Asian Lois "just okay". I like that we get to see an adult jaded Asian Lois meet Clark Kent and Superman, and see them get together. Similarly to Girl Taking Over, I'd like to see how this Lois and Clark would play out. My only issue with American Alien's Lois is a sense of missed opportunities.
The writing overall leaves room for plausible deniability over Lois' Asian identity. The artists (particularly Lee and Manapul) are doing the heavy lifting delivering Asian Lois. If she was drawn as a white woman, none of the writing would need adjustment. Sure her introductory panel implies that people judge her based on her appearance- but that could be just sexism instead of the intersectional experience of Asian Lois going through racism and sexism. Clark did assume she was a man after all- it's never specified if he assumed she was a white man. The only thing you'd lose is the metatextual shock value of Lois Being Asian This Time. That's really what this Lois boils down to, initial shock value with no specific writing to follow through. Her marginalization and identity is written broadly enough that it could be attributed to general sexism and womanhood. It's not specific to being an Asian American woman.
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However, because of its broadness, there's room for Lois' Asian identity to be built on in the world of American Alien. The story centers Clark's experiences, but I can easily imagine a continuation of the story expanding on Lois'. The basic groundwork is there. I think it's telling that in a comic called American Alien, we get a more diverse Superman cast system. Jimmy Olsen is Black, Lois Lane is Asian- when Clark moves to the city it feels expansive compared to Smallville. It's a world that feels ready to tackle themes of racism if it was ever to continue (and probably in the hands of a writer with that kind of life experience!). In the end, there's room for this Asian Lois to be something special. Clark isn't the only American Alien in American Alien, if you catch my drift.
You can see how Girl Taking Over has a huge piece of what American Alien is missing. The characters aren't just diverse for shock value, they're not an aesthetic change over historically white characters. They have a story to tell that is inseparable from their identities. Whereas in American Alien, the art is doing the heavy lifting with the reimagined diverse characters- Girl Taking Over has both the writing and art carry the representation. Lois can't be changed into being white in Girl Taking Over.
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Both of these stories have potential- but if I had the choice to pick which story should continue, it would easily be Girl Taking Over. This graphic novel works for what it is: it makes sense that this is a younger and idealistic Lois that hasn't met Clark or Superman yet. It's a YA book and Lois can absolutely carry a story on her own. What I want as an Asian fan, is for the potential of Asian Lois Lane to be seen through to the point it's considered the definitive version. As of right now, Girl Taking Over is a fun twist on the Lois Lane story. Not something that is seen as inseparable from the Superman mythos. However! If those themes of marginalization and immigrant identity are tapped into for both Superman and Lois Lane? I feel that has the potential to radically strengthen the overall themes of Superman. It's certainly been touched on before.
(TW/CW: racial slur mention in below image)
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Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Yang with art by Gurihiru is a retelling of the Clan of the Fiery Cross arc in the classic radio show The Adventures of Superman where Superman faces off with the Klan who had been terrorizing a Chinese American family. The graphic novel adapts the story to center the Chinese American characters, and makes it a point to show that Superman relates to them. If that dynamic was applied to Asian Lois, that feels like a definitive love story waiting to happen.
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The classic two person love triangle with Clark and Lois is that Lois loves Superman and is indifferent to Clark Kent. She thinks Superman is this ideal macho man and Clark is a cowardly fumbling guy at work who rivals her. What happens when you take that dynamic and made it so Lois identified with Superman- the more othering identity? How complicated would that make Clark Kent feel? How would he navigate that when his marginalization isn't always visible? That's a whole new depth to the love triangle we're not used to seeing. I feel so far, none of these versions of Lois have touched upon this potential dynamic. The perpetual foreigner, Lois Lane and the ultimate alien foreigner that is Superman. The jaded city girl meets the alien farm boy who gives her hope. They inspire each other to be more of themselves in a world not ready to accept either of them.
Up next, we'll be discussing My Adventures with Superman's Korean Lois Lane in pt 2. It's well. You can probably guess how I feel about it from what I wrote here but welp. We'll talk about it.
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i did not break my own heart last night thinking about the missing 1941 scene and have it sat in my brain all of today spinning around like a fucking microwave in order to not make you lot suffer with me. and i somehow feel i may be right about this so buckle up and lets break it down.
so yes, following on from this post, i think that there is going to be a third 1941 scene. twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. it's been literally set up like that by even bringing back 1941 into s2 in the first place. but we're missing a crucial detail because it does not - at all, really - explain how they went from evading danger from hell and having a cosy candlelit bottle of red to celebrate, to the bastard 1967 scene. we all know this, this is nothing new.
the symbolism of nightingales is probably going to cast a shadow on this. these two excellent analyses look at the meaning of nightingales in the context of R&J, and the relation that the song has to this point in time, respectively. in summary; it's a song that should be around in 1941 courtesy of vera lynn and others, and the nightingale itself carries the meaning of love being hidden and forbidden by way of it singing under the cover of darkness, before being replaced with reality and soberness - represented by the lark. the Dinner of '41 scene is set in the bookshop at night; this would parallel - that they are safe and concealed, and truths can be shared, but the writing is on the wall that stepping outside would be to shatter the illusion, so to speak. it might be that the song itself gets miracled up onto the record player, or a wireless lying about - whatever. note: i don't think they'll dance though, not given crowley in ep5, "you don't dance"... but then again, if there ISNT a kiss in s3-1941, an aborted dance seems like the next best option... the cowardly one, but i'll take it
this would also track with aziraphale having his epiphany after the church in s1-1941; specifically, in my eyes, that he doesn't necessarily just realise he loves crowley, but that crowley by way of saving his books loves him too. this is only supported by the whole of the s2-1941 scene of trusting in each other as the only way to pull off the trick, the subterfuge. this is then, again, also important in the context of what i think happens in s3-1941.
i do think aziraphale is going to bring the books up again, and what crowley did, because it needs to be addressed. the Nazis/furfur confrontation has scared him, regardless of whether he saved them both, more than he realised. its put things into startling perspective. i think he's going to bring up the books, and actually question crowley a little more as to why he did it. the repeated use of, and subsequent weird reaction crowley has to, the use of the term "friend" in s2-1941 would indicate that this is going to be a focal point in s3-1941. are they just friends? is crowley disappointed that aziraphale is still referring to him as that, after what he did? 'saving' aziraphale in the church, and then saving his books? or is aziraphale just saying 'friends' so hesitantly in both instances because he's not completely sure where crowley stands?
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we as the audience know the answer to this, but they obviously do not. if one of the crucial themes of s3 is going to be resolving miscommunication, it makes sense for this scene to be the first, and last, time they communicate properly... at least, until they sort out the issues that culminated in the Final Fifteen.
so let's say they start getting into a very roundabout way of discussing what they mean to each other. there will need to be the sobering, ice-water-over-the-head realisation however, as s2-1941 demonstrated, that they cannot belong to each other, because they manifestly belong to heaven and hell respectively. crowley is still being spied on, and it firmly places aziraphale in their line of sight too. it's going to bring up the holy water discussion; why crowley asked for it - to protect himself, whether by taking out demons or taking out himself, as long as it means he - and most importantly, aziraphale - does not get hurt.
they actively confess that they want to be together, in a way that is more than they are now. aziraphale wants to, but says that they can't, because it's too dangerous. crowley suggests that no one ever has to know, they can hide it (there, in the bookshop, whilst the nightingale is singing), and even if they are found out, they can run. "hell won't just be angry; they'll destroy you..." // "no one ever has to know".
aziraphale doesn't want to have to hide it, doesn't want a halfway measure- is still thinking in black and white. crowley however thinks that something is better than nothing - thinking in the grey. but ultimately, as long as they are still shackled, they cannot do what they want, and it puts the other in danger. "surely the great thing about being a demon is that you can do whatever you want" // "you sound jealous, angel...". instead, aziraphale promises that the day that they are no longer tied to heaven or hell, they can be together; crowley scoffs, thinking that that will never happen, so they will never happen, "you're so clever! how can someone as clever as you be so stupid?!"
the reason they can't right now is because they could be caught. they would have to skulk around, be ashamed, feel guilty - and aziraphale is tired of feeling like that. because only having crowley in secret would hurt more. not being able hold his hand, or dance with him, or kiss him, unless it was in the bookshop. if hell were to find out, crowley would be killed, true, but if heaven were to find out, aziraphale could be cast out. and if crowley survived hell long enough to see aziraphale fall - he'd never forgive himself, and in a way, i don't think he'd ever forgive aziraphale either.
it's tearing them to pieces, but they have to stop whatever is happening between them in its tracks. it's acknowledged, but it's not named. this gives them plausible deniability; if they called it 'love', it would be undeniable. so, aziraphale asks for crowley to go; asks him to leave before they do something they can't come back from. crowley doesn't listen - crowds him, gets in close, and aziraphale is powerless to stop it. doesn't want to stop it. he's selfish by nature, a selfless kind of selfishness, but he wants this with all his being. and then - "this is too fast, crowley, please don't..." // "im sorry, angel. please... please, forgive me". aziraphale never gets to answer, to grant him that, because boom - the actual first kiss.
so. now that i've had to make you read that, i'm going in for the kill. let's look at everything that follows - and look at how the above might recontextualise it.
1967: the offer of the picnic, the Ritz? ie. the literal lyrics of berkeley square? aziraphale has caved in the interest of giving crowley a weapon to use if all else fails, to protect him, but that's as far as he's willing to progress. everything else is still too painful; he's on the brink of tears, promising that one day they'll be able to do what they want, to be open about how they feel, but not yet. they can't. crowley tries to push, "ill give you a lift, anywhere you want to go..." (him offering again to run away? a second chance to leg it?), and aziraphale reminding him that they can't, he can't... don't make him go too fast again, it's not fair. it also sets up perfectly that aziraphale and crowley don't speak for the next 40 or so years (as far as we're aware) until armageddon is threatened.
bandstand: mostly this is still centred around the apocalypse contextually, but i think with the above hypothetical scene in mind (the offer to hide, to run away, to be together), aziraphale is sent back to remembering their mutual confession that they've nonverbally agreed not to bring up, because it's not safe, and it's too painful. they've skirted around it, and returned instead to a tentative kind of friendship at the beginning of s1, but they're still not safe to address why seeing each other again, being so close to each other and not being able to touch is so painful. anyway - aziraphale refuses their side, but the above scene would re-view this as 'our side can't exist yet, you know this! you know why it can't!', and crowley leaves, again after pushing a bit more than aziraphale can stand.
alpha centauri: basically a facsimile of the above; same steps, same dance. but this time, crowley harks back to aziraphale's foolish (?) hope that they will be together, without having to run away, when the day comes that they don't have to answer to heaven or hell. and aziraphale smacks him right back, echoing crowley asking for aziraphale's forgiveness in kissing him, "i forgive you." crowley knows exactly what aziraphale is getting at, there - he's answering crowley's whispered plea to forgive him for pushing, for trying to force him, for acting in desperation. but he's also not answering that - he's skirting around that very thing, forgiving him like a knife would, slicing back at crowley for not only insulting aziraphale on something that is likely a genuine insecurity of his, but also putting him back in his place, for their safeties, because them being together just cannot happen. not yet.
and "please forgive me" in 1941 might seem out of character, but idk if it is; crowley knows that doing what he's about to do will hurt aziraphale, aziraphale has (hypothetically) told him as much, but he needs to do it - and seeks not benevolence or forgiveness as crowley-the-demon, but actually seems aziraphale's forgiveness, as crowley-the-person. the echo would certainly match the tone given here, in multiple ways:
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the ritz: i mean, what is there to say? yes, their song is literally playing on the piano, and heralds the shift in their being out from heaven and hell, the day has finally come where they can - again, going by this entirely hypothetical scene that ive concocted - actually be together as they want to. and the nightingale literally singing outside, but as @shoemakerobstetrician beautifully pointed out, god remarks that it's covered up by traffic. so actually, if we again refer back to R&J interpretation of the nightingale, the love is still hidden, still somewhat under wraps, but can only just about be heard over the noise of the streets outside. the prohibition of them being together, of loving each other, is dwindling. and one day, it'll stop singing altogether. that day is coming, it will come, and then they can do what they please. so whilst the ritz scene may well be a mark of them starting the next chapter, it's slow to take hold, there's still hesitancy - which absolutely makes sense when we see that they are still very tentative with each other come the beginning of s2.
s2 general: aziraphale realises their freedom first; he gets excited by the dance, and being able to show his love to crowley, completely and without barriers, in the form of the ball - what he has read to be the best way to do so. he touches crowley more. he shares his bookshop with him, gifts it to crowley as being his as well as aziraphale's, this safe space that is so wholly theirs that crowley has the power to grant entry. the same with the bentley - aziraphale sees it as theirs, and crowley silently agrees, granting aziraphale the same power. crowley is comfortable in the bookshop to remove his glasses, has a place for them. the bookshop becomes tidier, more minimalist, to make crowley more comfortable in it (it is more cluttered in s1, im certain of it). it might just be the grading between s1 and s2, and lack of clutter, but the yellow is more prominent - his literal favourite colour. everything just screams that aziraphale is ready to make good on his promise from s3-1941.
crowley... for once, is the one not quite catching up. not realising the little dates here and there are literally poses them as a couple (although yes, the coffee shop one is to prep crowley for the goob jumpscare), that aziraphale has granted him the power to grant entry. aziraphale literally asking, practically begging, crowley to help him hide goob. the mf colour of the walls. the colour of the bentley. it's not until nina outright asks him if they are together that he realises how careless they've been - but wait, is it careless if they have nothing to be careful of? well, arguably crowley does, hell are still hanging around him like a bad smell... but this is what he wanted! this is what he was pushing aziraphale for! so, does he risk it? he's not sure, but he's certainly realising that aziraphale is ready, if nothing else. and by the time the ladies stage their little intervention, crowley finally realises that the confession he started in 1941 now can be fully aired, can come out into the open.
the Feral Domestic: *fingers at temples* i know i have been fairly vocal about my interpretation of this scene, and frankly - until we get this hypothetical s3-1941 scene, i stand by it - but let's say this speculation about the scene is true, and re-examine the key points in the Final Fifteen that would completely turn on their heads in terms of meaning:
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literally, harking back full circle to what aziraphale promised in 1967 as what they would do when they could fully acknowledge their love, and what they did as soon as - on paper - they were free at the end of s1. this is however before he's spoken to by nina and maggie, so maybe this is what crowley was planning in terms of confessing fully to aziraphale, but after their meddling he realised that yes, they need to actually talk about it again. he doesn't understand why they're telling him what they are - because he's existed so long in gestures and gifts and not talking, literally dismissed it now as a viable option, that it doesn't even occur to him to try talking again.
which is why he does something brave, and tries to tell aziraphale instead (say it out loud, make it undeniable, put a name to it, "i love you", something that i think was crowley's actual intention before aziraphale interrupts him) when he comes back to the shop... he's so nervous, because it's vulnerable, and because the last time he did, they ended up hiding for 50-ish years.
next up:
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now, im reluctant to think that aziraphale lied in the Feral Domestic, because i do think the key thing at work is his paramount need to do the Right Thing (ie. make a difference in heaven). whilst metatron obviously manipulates him, im not entirely convinced that aziraphale wholly sees through it. i don't think he knew that metatron was up to something, i think the shaking off of this naivety is going to be part of his s3 character development. but this sentence - again, especially in context of the hypothetical s3-1941 scene - must on some level frighten him. especially if you take this meta into account, aziraphale must realise at least that they were never safe, even when they were denying what they were and how they felt, it didn't make a bit of difference. now, metatron could have just been talking about the arrangement, not referring to any romantic elements of any kind, but the threat of it? no wonder he pushes for crowley to join him in heaven; he could keep crowley safe there. they could be together, and heaven - in his eyes - would be able to say a word against it.
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the fear sets in; crowley was too late in telling him, acknowledging that they could be together, realising what aziraphale was saying to him without words, and now heaven has come for him. plonked them right back where they were in s2-1941, but perversely mirrored; instead of hell coming for crowley with violence, heaven came for aziraphale with kindness. crowley doesn't have a magic trick he can just do on the fly, perform it perfectly when the need for it is greatest, and has to cling to the hope that aziraphale still sees them as the barrier to them, the reason they can't be together. and in true miscommunication fashion, i think aziraphale does see it, but what metatron said lingers, and in addition to being inside the institution, changing it from the inside out, in order to make a difference... he knows that whilst it's exactly the opposite of what they wanted, he needs to make them safe. better to be inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.
but aziraphale doesn't tell crowley what metatron said, because instead he either deliberately tries to deny the implications of it (cognitive dissonance king behaviour), or he doesn't want to panic crowley and is trying to convey to crowley that he can't speak his concerns, not when the metatron could still be watching, and instead just needs crowley to trust him, take his hand, and join him in heaven where they can be safe. doesn't tell crowley that heaven hasn't captured him in shackles again, but he's willingly held out his wrists because it's the safest thing for him, and them, to do.
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so it's one thing to look at what crowley's saying, but aziraphale's reaction? before, i just found it to be out of confusion, him not really understanding what crowley was saying, but tbh i never paid much attention to it (david stole this bit of the scene - not to put down my beloved michael here, but he did). and i know others have remarked here that aziraphale is flitting his eyes to the window and looks scared and stressed, but i don't completely think that its because he's scared that metatron is watching (although, now, i will accept with the rug thing and hypothetical s3-1941 in context it is definitely playing a part), but also because he's just starting to recognise that this is a repeat of the s3-1941 scene, "this sounds familiar, we've been here before... oh, we've definitely been here before... oh shit. i still can't do this, not unless he comes with me. we still can't be together, not in the way crowley wants. the way he's trying again, now, to ask for."
but the issue is: crowley wants to run away together. again. and i totally get why, but once again, going back to 1941: it's exactly the solution that will not work. they cannot run from this. heaven, and hell, will find them. they will come for them. it wasn't an option in 1941, it wasn't an option in 2019, and it isn't an option in 2023. aziraphale begins shaking his head - crowley is confessing, but a) aziraphale doesn't run from things, it isnt in his character, and b) it's just putting them back where they started - something that they have to hide. it defeats the purpose.
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and this? yeah, im sure on neither side it was meant the way im about to interpret it, more of an unspoken thing, idk... but if the bookshop is indeed their place of safety, and is where they (as far as crowley sees it) can speak and keep their love, it makes sense that crowley is telling aziraphale he needs to stay. the bookshop can be interpreted so many ways - it represents their relationship, or that crowley means him, himself - but what if we looked at it like crowley is trying now to covet it, because it's protecting them? what if he's saying, "well, if you won't run away with me, we can't be free to have our relationship as we wanted it, not unless we stay here... heaven has come for you, has come for us, and whilst they're here we can't move. so what other option is left remain in this bookshop? to never leave it, and what we have inside it, because there's no other option in which we can be together if you won't run with me."
and what if aziraphale is saying, "no, i have an option, and that's to be together in heaven! they won't be able to do anything, not when im in the position the metatron has offered me, that can be our new bookshop... nothing lasts forever - this bookshop won't last forever, it's compromised, and we can't continue to secret away what we feel inside it, it's time to move forward."
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welcome to the line that breaks my heart the most in this whole goddamn scene - and tbh i think is fairly self-explanatory in the hypothetical s3-1941 context. that aziraphale is trying, once again, to tell crowley that he is offering himself, letting them be an 'us', as crowley says shortly after - that before he couldnt do it, and these arent the best of circumstances, but they can finally do it and not have to hide in the bookshop. but crowley reminds him, "hey, i was in your shoes, remember. i wanted us to be together then, and you told me you couldn't, didn't want a halfway measure - well, now i don't either. and this will be a halfway measure, because i don't think us being together in heaven is going to go the way you hope it will. i understand a whole lot better than you do." in any case, it would explain why aziraphale choses this moment to look so devastated. this is what he promised crowley, but now crowley - to his mind, in the things left Unsaid - doesn't want it... him.
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and then... back to the nightingales. they're not singing at all, not even under the rumble of traffic, like they were at the Ritz. they're completely absent - day has broken, the things unspoken have now been said, and there's no denying them anymore. from crowley's point of view, there was nothing to stop them this time, but if aziraphale won't run with him, then they have to go separate ways, because there is no other way. aziraphale knows there's the possibility that the only place they could actually be safe is heaven itself, that the bookshop was never as safe as they hoped it had been, but that crowley might actually come to see that. but the fact that crowley is resigned to just... returning to 'reality', to a world that's still turning where they aren't together? despite everything they've just said? "we could've been... us." well, that hurts.
and then... the kiss. now. im still of the mind that the kiss was an Issue. i definitely think it was meant out of love and desperation, and out of possibly being a goodbye. this would echo the hypothetical s3-1941 kiss... but it was hurtful. it was abrupt, and harsh, and not at all romantic (imo). it was possessive, and almost cruel. i do think still it was a last ditch attempt, a temptation, to get aziraphale to change his mind, before crowley leaves the shop and returns to the 'real world'. but it hurts aziraphale in many different ways - but with 1941 put in there, too? crowley is just testing his resolve, trying to push him, come around to giving in. crowley asked him to forgive him the last time he kissed aziraphale, and this time - this time, aziraphale is giving him what he asked for.
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ctrl-altgr · 1 year
When does Omori take place?
[Content Warning: Spoilers for Omori, character death, weapons.]
This is a very long post, grab some popcorn.
[EDIT: Thanks for the addition by @basil-daisy, given the in-game dates and mention of a weekend in the photo album, it's more likely that headspace and the real world take place in 1996 and 2000 respectively, this actually adds on to the console idea. Though, I think the Dial-Up thing was probably more of a joke from Omocat, since it doesn't fit with the time-frame as well]
One of the main questions we dont get answers for in omori is when the game takes place, neither from the real world or sunny's headspace. However, it can be narrowed down to a decent margin of error.
Month Mentions?
We learn from Kel that Hero is coming home from college during the "Three days remaining" chapter of the game. This can be assumed to be the very beginning of the summer vacation. This would be arround May or June for colleges in the USA, which is likely where the game is set judging by the USA-style housing. This means the game takes place at least a month before Sunny's birthday, either in May or June, but what year is it?
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[ID: A quote from Kel to Sunny, "Actually... Since we're here, I should probably get a gift for HERO. He's in college right now, but he should be coming back sometime tomorrow." He and Sunny are stood by the entrance of a hobby shop, Hobbeez. Kel is grinning.]
Headspace Hints?
Headspace is by far the largest part of the game in terms of playtime, so there should be one or two clues hidden in there right? Well, inferring from the environments and one specific line of text, we can narrow it down to the decade.
In the Foe Facts journal, it is stated that the Dial-Up and Mixtape enemies are "Ancient," and "A relic of the past," giving us a large timeframe.
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[ID: A description of the Dial-Up enemy. To the left, there is a drawing of what it looks like. It appears to be an old CRT monitor showing a character similar to the old AOL logo, the monitor stands on a computer placed on its side, both of which are placed next to a telephone modem representing the Dial-Up. The description of the enemy to the right says, "An ancient form of accessing communication networks. Makes a horrible ear-piercing noise when used. - OMORI," Hero adds on to this by stating "Ah, this sound reminds me of the good old days..."]
This description of Dial-Up suggests Hero, being the oldest of the group, was old enough to fondly remember Dial-Up internet, but Sunny, in the form of Omori, does not. Hero is stated to be 15 by Sprout Mole Mike in headspace, and Omori is approximately 12, as Mari dies two months after Sunny's 12th birthday. Meaning Sunny and Hero are apart in age by 3 years.
In a recent patch of the game, and in all of the console versions of the game, one specific line of text gives the exact decade the headspace takes place in, which could be inferred either way.
If you talk to Mr. Jawsum post-Humphrey fight, he hands over the Last Resort to Hero, which adds a portrait of him to the hallway following up to an elevator that leads to a waiting room. The desciption of this portrait tells us the year that Headspace takes place in, 199X, where the last digit of the year is hidden from us.
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[ID: A hallway in the Last Resort. Portraits line the wall, each of the previous and current owners of the Last Resort. All previous owners, shown to the left, are sharks (the last anthropomorphised). The most recent owner, to the right, Hero, whom the portrait description says began managing the establishment starting year "199X," where supposedly the final digit of the year is obfuscated.]
However, there is a slight contradiction in the years here. Broadband had a surgance and overtook Dial-Up as the main internet provider post-2000, and so Sunny may be misremembering things, unless Hero's family had access to broadband internet in the 90s. Which is unlikely. (There is also not much information that I could find on the popularity of different internet providers between 1990 and 2000)
So then, it is likely that headspace takes place between this shift, towards the end of the 90s.
Town Tips?
From the real world, we don't get many clues to the placement of the story time-wise. So, what can we infer?
Well, a large amount of the households in Faraway do not have computers, and if they do, they are usually in the parents' room, as a work computer. And, all of the computers and televisions use CRT rather than LED/LCD, with most people having CRT monitors up to 2007.
Using the merch produced by Omocat, we can also see that the hooligans as a group have been around since 20XX, with the final two digits of the year hidden. However, we know that Sunny has not been outside for 4 years, meaning we can narrow it down to 2004 or prior.
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[ID: Official Omori merch. A black bomber jacket showing depictions of nail-bats, flowers, pinwheels, a statue of a gate, and two road signs, one showing a bicycle, the other showing three scooters. The text across the bomber jacket reads "Faraway Town - The future belongs to the dreamers - Since 20XX - Ride or die - Hooligans"]
Hobbeez also has a few gaming consoles in stock, with the newest one in there having cartridge games. It appears to resemble a SNES, however it is unlikely that is what is, since they discontinued production in 1999 in North America.
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[ID: A zoomed in screenshot of the "Brand new console system" found in hobbeez. Sunny, seen to the right, is looking at the console.]
What is more likely for this to be is something similar to a N64, which released after the SNES but also sold its games as cartridges. The first nintendo console to start using compact discs was the GameCube, as such, this gives a narrow window for the placement of the game. So, when did each of these consoles start and stop production?
The N64 was discontinued in April 2002 worldwide, with the GameCube being released in North America November 2001. This gives us an approximate window for when the real world of Omori takes place, as it is unlikely that a small hobby shop like Hobbeez would be selling many of the brand new consoles day one of the GC's release.
Well, with headspace being Sunny's memories, it is unlikely for complete consistancy with the timeframe of the story, but headspace most likely takes place in the years surrounding 1998, four years prior to the real world timeline.
Faraway however most likely takes place May 2002. Though Kel takes notice to the price of the console, which would be much lower than its release price, it would still be a lot of money for a 16 year old. It is also unclear if the description "brand new console system," refers to the specific console in Hobbeez, or the system as a whole.
Wow, we're done. What do you think? If you have any other ideas of to what year this could take place, feel free to mention it to me!! :D
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Diasomnia spoilers (7-3 / 7-19) but it's a mess
because the update dropped at midnight for me and and I haven't sleep much since Friday hahaha 🌻
I translated 7-1 and 7-2 fully so I'm skipping that for now
Lilia spent the previous night playing games with his online friend, he overslept and was running towards the apprenticeship orientation meeting because he was late
He scolds Silver for not waking him up, but Silver says that he did try. 3 times. But Lilia is too hard to wake up in the mornings.
Malleus and Lilia have to go to the orientation, Malleus tells Yuu that they can visit him to ask more about Maleficent. The NPCs wonder why he even bothered to attend NRC since he doesn't need it, they're afraid of him.
The Third years are all assembled to discuss their options/chosen apprenticeships
Trey: something related to agriculture
Cater: entertainment field
Vil: he's interested in alchemy, but will prioritize his acting career
Rook: something related to archeology. He wants to work at the Isle of Lamentation since he found it beautiful and wanted to discover more hidden beauties
Leona: he's already talked about it with Crowley, he wants to work with his country's mining industry (he pretends that is only because they won't expect much of the second prince, nobody believes him)
Idia: he's going to his practice/apprenticeship on his own because Ortho is an official student now. He'll be working with Olympus, but it's more like a punishment his parents gave him after the whole Chapter 6 mess (😭)
Malleus: he's also interested on the same field as Rook
Lilia: a dropout (seriously)
(first glimpse of trouble 👀) Lilia is not going to any practice because he's leaving NRC altogether. He's been losing his magic (to be continued)
Yuu finally gets to have the communal braincell and shows Mickey's picture to the rest of the first years
speedrun of this scene because I can't do it justice in this format (I love my sons, they deserve better)
The only one with a helpful idea is Ortho (shocker), he thinks the mirror at Ramshackle might be made of a special stone (?) that's normally used to capture radio frequencies. They find an example of this in a textbook: Belle's handheld mirror fron Beauty and the Beast
Ortho concludes that Mickey is not in Twisted Wonderland. He says that they might be able to find a way home for Yuu if they study the mirror further (uh oh)
We're ignoring the implications of that
Ortho asks if Yuu knows anyone from the fae folk that might be of help. Sebek is screaming again before the thought of asking Malleus is fully formed
Back to Lilia. He break the news to Sebek and Silver. He's leaving NRC and wants to move to the land of the red Long (🐉) instead of returning to the Valley of Thorns
He asks them to help him pack. Malleus says that they must respect Lilia's choice.
The three of them go away. Malleus is upset. (oh no)
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another speedrun. Lilia's room.
Sebek and Silver are helping him pack, and they go through all the weird stuff Lilia has. Silver finds a box with a ring in it. He thinks is kind of familiar (hint: looks like Aurora's crown) and suddenly feels very sleepy
Lilia confesses that the ring actually does belong to Silver. He had it on him when he was found as a baby. He wanted to give it to him once he became an adult
(the math is mathing fellas)
we also ignore the implications of that (for now) because Sebek found a really cool and legendary weapon. Silver isn't impressed because Lilia uses it to chop wood (😭)
Back to Ramshackle. The first years are staying with Yuu to perform a seance to see if they can contact Mickey
ADeuce convinced Riddle to let them stay by telling him it was a group study session (like I used to do with my mom)
Grim: he can't punish me if I don't study, I'm not from Heartslabyul
Deuce: he made personalized study plans for everyone here (note: not actual lines, just the vibes). The exam season is near
Grim finally starts to ask what Yuu leaving would mean for him. Would he even be allowed to take exams? Would he be alone at Ramshackle? (😭😭😭)
Ace: let's ignore the implications of that
They go to sleep, but it starts snowing and Yuu goes outside
It's Malleus, it's snowing because he's upset
*sad childhood flashbacks feat. Long Haired Lilia silhouette*
Yeah Malleus is definitely going to overblot due to abandonment issues
Yuu breaks the news of the possibility of going back to their world
Malleus *definitely having a mental breakdown internally* :) do you want me to help with the mirror?
Yuu leaves after saying goodbye
Malleus thinks about the Chapter 6 conversation with Lilia
Malleus:...someone to invite me...there is no one left...
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tuesday again 2/20/2024
i don't usually use these writeups as a memory aid, but this week it's good bc most of last week was a blur of applying to jobs and playing breath of the wild
i have several playlists that are several hours long with a couple different flavors of the really specific kind of instrumental music i need to do mass quantities of data entry. these are now all poisoned by horrible memories of my last two jobs so i'm slowly building new ones. a great candidate is OASIS, off the REDLINE soundtrack. REDLINE (2009, dir. Koike) is an extremely horny anime movie about driving really fast, being true to yourself in spite of corporate overlords, sports betting, and fucking.
i think this was a scene with background club or cafe music? electronica instrumental with a little bit of a groove and a very particular mid-aughts sound. you know when powder coating is extremely matte but also extremely sparkly? spotify.
Samantha Cole (previously Vice, co-founder of 404 Media) has a beat that's focused on sex tech, sex work, deplatforming of sex work, and kink community beefs that manages to be both detached and very, very kind. i trust her to write about any kink community in a respectful and fair way, and even when she visibly doesn't understand the appeal of a kink she writes about them in a respectful and fair way. a great example of this is the furry adult baby diaper community being deplatformed by patreon.
but her most recent investigation, "can this shitty vibrator actually give you malware?" is fascinating. any job that can legitimately claim vibrators as a buisness expense and perform a teardown is fascinating to me.
what a tremendous and endlessly fascinating world we live in.
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there are many movies on tubi that i have like. name recognition of but have never actually seen, so i'm starting to work my way through things that aren't noir or obscure westerns. like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000, dir. Lee).
the practial effects in this movie are insane. the wirework is insane. wirework insane. this is the dreamiest and most beautiful chase/fight scene i've ever seen and they're zipping around a bamboo forest.
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we're going to have to live with this imperfect screenshot ok this laptop is Extremely old. the interior sets often look like theater sets (complimentary). just a stunningly beautiful movie with the sickest action scenes you’ve ever seen. plot a little choppy but forgivable imo. i know this is regarded as one of the finest movies of all time, not just one of the finest martial arts movies of all times, so saying anything feels a little like giving it a dollar store plastic trophy. i liked it and i had fun. watching a critically acclaimed non-american good movie is good for the brain steeped in lackluster american westerns, i think.
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much like in real life, in breath of the wild i am refusing to do much towards the main quest and am mostly puttering around looking for shit to upgrade my outfits.
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unlocked rudania, did not go inside.
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what's with this little. sword graveyard??? on the northeastern edge of the caldera??? the only thing on that island is an octorok?? did it kill like eight guys???
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finished richard scarey's tarreytown :) including that horrible rich guy who wanted me to kill some guardians for ??? reasons. i am pretty confident about killing hinox (is the plural of hinox, hinox?), wizzrobes, and most lizalfos if i can get the drop on em but i am Not confident about killing actively moving guardians without guardian arrows, which is an expensive way of doing business. due to reliably one-shotting the wizzrobes with revali's bow, i am running into the interesting problem of always having a glut of magical weapons. which leads me to go fuck around the extreme hot and cold areas those magic weapons are good for. and less fucking around the normie areas i actually want to fuck around.
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got the good sword at thirteen hearts, i stopped short at twelve hearts gone and the deku tree called me a pussy. i unfontunately did not screenshot that. hey did you know there's a korok on the deku tree's head whose life's purpose seems to be riddles?
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and now for quite a lot of horse talk.
dodged like four lynels taking Ganon's horse up the northern edge of the map to get a pic of the leviathan.
caught the white horse, we are such pretty pretty princesses together. i think it's very funny that the gerudo fanciest weapons and hylian royal regalia look so similar. purple and gold eternal.
did you know if you feed your horse an endura carrot you get extra spurs???
i was looking for a 5 star speed horse but after catching and releasing four different solid black horses this is the best one (4 str, 4 speed, 5 stamina) i found. maybe I’ll shoot for a bright chestnut with lots of chrome for my speedy horse, the equine equivalent of a red convertible.
very funky conincidence on the grasslands behind the lord of the mountain's spring. not identical, bc the lead horse doesn't have facial markings, but what are the odds of that huh. i wish grays in this game didn't look so chalky and washed out, i love a gray horse in real life.
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i think it's some bullshit that you have to fight your way into this spring, get told "go get a dragon scale", deal with all that, fight your way BACK into the spring, and then be presented with a Major Test of Strength shrine. c'mon just give it to me!!!
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game continues to be very bad at spitting out riders next to horses or donkeys EXCEPT!!! for this doctor. i didn't know hyrule had traveling doctors! i quite honestly didn't think they had the techonology, given that the state of medicine in hyrule is very mortar and pestle based!
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the game gave me a tooltip like "make friends with dogs! they'll lead you to treasure!" and i was like What but it does actually work, you just have to target them in the camera first and then feed them several hunks of meat. bonkers game. how many other goddamn mechanics are there that i've missed???
next steps: shrine hunting. i have like 50 out of 120 which is wild to me. i played this game two years ago, got to about a hundred shrines, and managed to forget where they all fucking are. yes my shrine sensor is always on. there's probably at least twenty in central hyrule, which is not a place i touched much on my list playthrough, also the last two memories i need are in there. i have filled out a good chunk of the compendium (completely filled the materials pages) but idk if i will be a completionist about it. there are so so so so so many weapons variants. i am cheating a bit and looking up the animals i missed (mostly a lot of bugs and fish) but one of the entries is for patricia, the royal sand seal. i would not have ever thought to take a picture of the named sand seal, i'm sorry game but that's a bit obtuse.
not much progress on the cross stitch or job fronts, but since i finally have a balcony, i planted peas and beans from @shiny-good-rock and basil from @morrak than have been languishing in a box for several years, the basil had an okay germination rate so my fingers are crossed re: peas and beans.
i am a bit annoyed about marigolds. maybe it's a bit too early for them here, or maybe they're not as popular as they were in the northeast? i tried like five different big box stores and indie nurseries, only one indie nursery had any and they were very pest-ridden. i would like marigolds, as friends for my tomatoes.
it is currently 11:40 PM CST as i type this so tomorrow i'll add something with a garden layout and what varieties i planted.
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blackaleycatt · 8 months
Wild Hearts: Creature Chemistry
Dabio finally has enough and leaves Donita and the villain lifestyle behind him. Based off the episode "Mystery of the North Pole Penguins?"
Written by me and my friends at 3 am. Not meant to be taken too seriously lol.
Chapter 1: Enough
Fandom: Wild Kratts
Pairing: Dabio x Jimmy
Other Stuff: Implied ableism (not much), Dabio redemption arc, Dabio is a brony.
AO3 link
“We're gonna come over and hang out with you. We can play tennis together, and then have lunch, and then go to the movies and we'll have lots and lots of fun together.“
Dabio was still thinking about the phone call he and Donita had with the Wild Kratts earlier. He would never tell Donita but he really wanted the Wild Kratts to come over and hang out with them. He and Donita rarely hung out so he knew that Donita would never want to hang out with the Wild Kratts.
Donita would always call the Wild Kratts weird.
He'd never seen Donita hang out with anyone besides the other villains, and she didn't even really like being around them that much. She spent all day designing clothes for her fashion lines, shopping, going to the spa, and other stuff by herself.
He didn't know if she ever even had friends before.
Regardless of what Donita thought of them, Dabio kind of liked the Wild Kratts team even if they were on opposite sides. Despite everything, every time he and the Kratts came in contact they would still treat him and Donita with respect, though sometimes they liked to mess around with them.
He sometimes imagined what it would be like to be their friend or even be part of the team.
Even if he was disappointed that the Wild Kratts couldn't come over, he knew that their presence would put Donita in a bad mood, and he DID NOT want Donita to be in a bad mood for what he was planning on asking her later.
Nobody knew this but Dabio loved the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with all of his heart. He had been a fan since he was very young. He kept My Little Pony figurines in his room but had them hidden extremely well fearing that Donita would throw them out if she saw them. He also had a My Little Pony blanket that Donita had seen but surprisingly had allowed him to keep on his bed. The first time she saw it she just rolled her eyes and scoffed.
Dabio would go on My Little Pony forums to talk to fellow bronies because he didn’t know anyone in real life who was a My Little Pony fan. Well, technically the only people he knew were Donita and the other villains.
While he was scrolling on a forum one day he saw that a pegasisters convention was being held in the place where he and Donita were currently. For this particular convention though any bronies or male attendees would have to be accompanied by a woman as a precaution to prevent any weirdos from showing up. There were, unfortunately, a lot of weird men in certain parts of the My Little Pony community.
If he wanted to attend the convention he had no choice but to have Donita take him.
Donita was currently taking a nap as she claimed talking to the Wild Kratts had drained all of her energy, while Dabio was stressing about how he was going to ask Donita if he could go to the convention.
He had everything planned out already. He had bought the tickets with his own money, had a costume planned, and found a hotel near the convention where he could spend the night if he needed to.
The hardest part was getting Donita’s approval…
[A few hours later]
Donita had woken up and was working as usual. Dabio decided that he needed to ask her now or never.
“Uh…uh D-Donita? I have question” Dabio stumbled over his words as he nervously approached Donita at her work desk. She had her head down, most likely working on some new designs. He knew that Donita hated it when he asked her for literally anything but this was just too important for him not to take a chance.
He must have been standing behind her twiddling his fingers for too long because he hadn't noticed Donita turn around in her chair. “DABIO!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!” Donita yelled as she struck him on the side of his chiseled face. If his head wasn't so thick he might have felt it.
“Um well you know my favorite show is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic right?”
“You mean that children's show with the stupid horses?” Donita said with clear disinterest as she turned back around at her desk. Donita had heard Dabio obsessing over the show many times before and she was growing sick of hearing about it. He shouldn't be getting that excited about colorful horses at his big age.
Dabio felt very offended at Donita’s description of the best show to ever exist and could tell by her response that she was already agitated with his existence. “They are not stupid horses, they are ponies.” Dabio loudly corrected her but flinched in fear that she would strike him again. Luckily she just rolled her eyes.
“Ponies. Horses. Who cares it's still just a stupid kids show that you are far too old to still be watching” Donita basically shrieked.
Dabio wanted to defend himself and his beloved ponies but he knew fighting with her would lower the chances of him getting permission to go to the convention.
“I- I know you think it's just a stupid horse show but it means a lot to me. I was wondering if you would let me go to the convention here. Pretty please Donita?” Dabio had his fingers crossed behind his back. Donita just stared at Dabio. Her eyes went wide.
Dabio spoke again. “We can even go together. I saved up enough for two tickets.” Dabio said as he pulled out two small slips of paper from the pockets of his way-too-tight jeans.
Donita tapped her pen against the table in a rhythmic fashion before finally answering.
“No Dabio.” She held up a paper with graphite smudges, “Besides you're going to be too busy collecting animals and modeling for my spring collection to go anyways! Now leave me alone. I have a lot of work to do.”
“Okey dokey Don-”
Dabio paused
Why was he going to take this treatment again? The Wild Kratts never spoke to him like this. Hell, the other villains didn't even speak to him this way, but Donita did. Even after capturing hundreds of animals for her to turn into fashion statements. Even after being her personal bodyguard, driver, chef, you name it. Even after all he had done for her, she still treated him like gum on the bottom of her little kitten heels. All he wanted to do was attend a gathering where he would meet fellow My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lovers like himself. Maybe he could even make some real friends. But Donita never cared about him or what he wanted. She only cared about herself and what she wanted to do.
He knew that it was because of his disability.
Dabio felt so discouraged and embarrassed he wanted to just run to his room and cry, but he knew Donita would make fun of him for doing that too.
Dabio stared at the back of Donita’s head for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.
“Actually Donita. I have something else to say.”
Donita groaned as she turned around in her chair once more “What is it Dabio? It better not be about those damn horses again!”
“I think sometimes you are a meanie. I don’t like the way you treat me.”
Donita looked at Dabio in disbelief “You don't like the way that I treat you? Well, darling, you don’t have to like anything that I do. You just have to do it. Do you think I honestly care about what YOU want to do!”
“No Donita. How you treat me is not right. You act just like Gilda the Griffin. Always bossing around every pony no matter how much they do for you.”
Donita didn’t know who the hell Gilda the Griffin was but she was growing more and more irritated with Dabio’s disobedience.
“If you don’t like how I treat you go ahead and leave. See how long you make it in the real world without me to hold your hand like a toddler. You’re more of an overgrown man-child than Zach.”
With that Dabio was done.
“Fine. I will!”
Donita didn’t even care. She just turned right around in her seat again and got back to work. What she didn't know was that Dabio was completely serious about leaving.
Dabio went to his room to pack a bag. He packed his most valuable possessions:
His rare MLP figurines
His Fluttershy blanket
His tuxedo print t-shirt
His champagne toast bath and body works body mist
His Tamagotchi
A life supply of pizza Lunchables (in case he needed a snack during his journey)
As Dabio was looking for more stuff to pack he stumbled across a photo of him and Donita that he had in a bedazzled pink frame. Well, to be honest, it was a photo Dabio took of himself and then photoshopped Donita into, but the photo still had sentimental value for him so against his better judgment he packed it with him.
Time: 4:30 am  Location: Donita’s Private Jet  Day: Friday
Dabio heard Donita go to bed about 5 hours ago. He sat on his twin-sized bed tapping his foot anxiously on the floor. He still was contemplating running away but he was terrified. He hadn't been by himself in years and didn’t know if he was capable of surviving on his own
He checked his phone. He knew the private jet was parked about 30 minutes from the city. He was hoping that when he got into the city he could find a hotel. Somewhere Donita wouldn't find him.
Eventually, Dabio decided that he needed to do this now or risk Donita finding him awake at this hour. He got off of the bed, suitcase in hand, and headed for the door as quietly as he could.
Dabio was actually quite graceful for his size and was able to sneak out the door (which was still slightly busted from Chris ripping it off in the Sloth Bear episode) and down the stairs while making minimal noise. It's probably the first time Dabio has been able to walk freely without hauling around Donita like a sled dog!
As soon as Dabio was outside the made a run for it just in case Donita had heard anything.
And with that Dabio made his trek towards the city. The song “work” by Iggy Azalea was blasting in his off brand Temu AirPods
This song was very special to Dabio because the lyrics captured his current predicament and the artist is an immigrant such as Dabio is.
Walk a mile in these Louboutins  But they don't wear these shits where I'm from  I'm not hating, I'm just telling you  I'm tryna let you know what the fuck that I've been through  Two feet in the red dirt, school skirt  Sugar cane, back lanes  Three jobs, took years to save  But I got a ticket on that plane  People got a lot to say  But don't know shit about where I was made  Or how many floors that I had to scrub  Just to make it past where I am from  No money, no family  Sixteen in the middle of Miami
Thank you for reading this mess. Critique is welcome.
Updates coming soon!
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9800sblog · 1 year
weekly tarot reading for each zodiac sign
june 26 - july 1
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week. • moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection. • sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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so this is the start of cancer season, you're not very comfortable in this energy, you may feel defensive and offended oftenly, depressed, misunderstood and powerless. creativity is a great outlet!
picture to burn - taylor swift
key words: introspection, considering, eyes closed, microphone, offers, choices, unfair, sleep, cold.
you're very comfortable this week, this may be a time when being possessive over your material goods pays off well to enjoy a nice future. not emotionally fulfilling, maybe lonely.
barbie tingz - nicki minaj
key words: loose clothes, hair down, investing, planning, fruits of your labor, selfishness, stubborn, stars.
financially great time, maybe you'll get your salary this week, you're very fulfilled materially. however, you're in a minute of insecurity, you have everything, so pay attention only to the good!
talking body - tove lo
key words: imbalance, sunlight, late night conversations, rain, flowers, award, thin, exchange, family business.
your intuition is at an all time high and it is saying you may have neglected your mental and emotional well-being for material stability. with your intelligence, as long as you're attentive to those areas, you'll be ok! rest well, you're on the right track!
want u back - cher lloyd
key words: patience, self respect, inner confidence, perceived competition, tired, suspicious, attentive, support.
you refuse to conform, your friends, family, job, society, spiritual beliefs might be saying one thing to you but it's not your truth and you won't settle. you're powerful when standing your ground, everyone respects you.
primadonna - marina
key words: royalty, metal, inner thoughts, imagination, the unseen, waiting, boss, confidence.
your work hasn't been paying off and you're looking for different ways to increase wealth. teamwork is the key, rely on those you trust the most to help you grow! it'll work out, the cards say opportunities may fall from the sky!
misery business - paramore
key words: shiny things, mediocre, frustration, house, family, community, a helping hand, relaxing.
you're coming out of a dark patch, you're not used to something this good happening but balance is sure to follow you. it is not a new idea or someone else's thoughts, this is where your soul feels at home ^^ "we're halfway there!"
love on top - beyoncé
key words: inner peace, music, beauty, power, healing, stronger, hardworking, self centered, consequences.
a time of celebration and learning, you have a lot going for you physically and, internally, you're full of introspection and a thirst for knowledge - it may cause you some anxiety if you think your outer world doesn't match with you, find ways to be who you are when you're alone while with others, talk to your walls.
i write sins not tragedies - panic! at the disco
key words: house, money, options, rethinking, family talk, dark room, cats, holding hands, secret, hidden.
you may have great conversations this week, which will help get you out of a very difficult moment. you may have felt betrayed, but someone will make you think the world is not as bad as you think and you may seriously consider quitting an unfavorable job.
i kissed a girl - katy perry
key words: intoxicated, rose-colored glasses, support, healing, surprise, bored, typical, annoyed.
waiting for something that will make you really happy is making you sad, focus on the lovely people around you and try to start a new project for distraction, fulfillment is sure to follow soon.
heartbreak girl - 5 seconds of summer
key words: happy family, pets, money, self induced heartbreak, decision, savings, prepared, working out, closing doors.
good news may come this week and people will try to shut your excitement down, you'll feel betrayed but you know they are right, it is not the time to move yet, hold that thought and contemplate your next moves. it's a coming of age scene.
dilemma - nelly (ft. kelly rowland)
key words: rite of passage, hit the breaks, nap, newspaper, boat, pretty clothes, closing a faucet.
you're bringing a good idea you had a long time ago into reality, this is something you're passionate about and it's taking you out of pain. so much fulfillment, try not to be too egotistical or do too many things at once and this will be a great week!!!
rude - magic!
key words: potions, tea, headband, excitement, delicacy, forever, much water, working out, fire party, rainbow.
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i-sveikata · 5 months
Hello author Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying the relationship dynamic between Vegas and Pete in your story. I somehow feel that in spite of how the whole relationship began, they both are on equal footing now. They both really respect the other truly. You also mentioned this whole idea in your story too when Pete confronted Kinn about his relationship with Porsche. I am really looking forward to how they are going to navigate their relationship, now that it will truly be out in the open. while Vegas has never hidden or shied away from his feelings since the beginning (kind of like when he was confronted by his father in the safehouse), it will become real for Pete once he comes out to his grandmother. Sure, he has admitted his feelings to other people especially ones in the Main family, but I am really looking forward to how he will deal with everything once his Yaai is involved While we're waiting for the new chapter, there is something I have been meaning to ask about your story. Since you have been so actively interacting with readers of your work and getting feedback, are there any parts which you have altered from the original direction you planning to go to.
Just wanted to add that I am in awe of the way you have just dealt with these characters. Yours is one of the first few fanfics that I came across ever, and it has made me appreciate fanfic writers in a way I never knew I could.
hello anon!!! thank you so much!! yes they are much closer to equal footing than they ever have been before and they are finally beginning to understand one another a hell of a lot better!
ah anon im sorry but dont get too far ahead of yourself there!! you are forgetting how deeply in denial of his own feelings pete has been so as annoying as it might be his grandmother knowing about them isn't going to be the final push he needs to fully face what they are to each other (though that is coming soon!!). Pete is still very much in the denial phase. but yes part of the russian deal will be them standing out in the open with their relationship and navigating everything that comes with that and im looking forward to playing around with the new dynamic bringing pete out into the spotlight for once!!
oh that's a great question!!!! tbh i wouldnt say that ive drastically changed the trajectory of things based off reader feedback because that would imply i had a step by step plan in the first place (lol nope) whereas it was more like vibes and the emotional journey along with a general basic outline ive been following all along. but yes i definitely have been influenced by people's takes or observations on vegas and pete's dynamic in the comments or even just based off characters readers ended up enjoying (for example i hadnt actually planned for dr kunakorn to be a recurring kind of character but everyone seemed delighted with him and then it just worked out having a medical professional around that pete actually trusted and one theyd need cause they keep getting half killed all the time lol) so it's probably been minor things like that. nothing has really been set in stone from the get go (besides me refusing to kill Chan and sort of vaguely following the events of the show) which is more of my preferred style tbh since im writing free of rigid plans so that leaves a lot of room for ideas to shift the story along as they come in tbh.
ahhh thank you so much that's really kind of you to say!! oh wow im so honoured to be one of the first fanfics under your belt! so glad to hear that!!! we really are just a community of writing nerds over here its amazing!
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introjectchaos · 1 year
INTROJECT CHAOS!!! is a server created by Bad on June 07, 2023. The creation of INTROJECT CHAOS!!! was following a previous server's shutdown, with the same goal of providing a safe space for introjects from problematic sources. Of course, systems without introjects from problematic sources can join—but the number one priority is that introjects must be respected equally.
Bad has previous experience with creating many servers for introjects from individual problematic sources (such as Dream SMP or South Park); this is the first time he created a server for introjects of problematic sources. He has used his past experiences being an admin of the previous safe-space server, and being discriminated against for his sources as an introject, to shape this server. Bad is also typing in third-person right now and looks like an idiot in front of his stupid little keyboard with his tiny gay hands.
Some things you can expect in our server:
Cool staff - Staff, 2023
Sensible rules. We're all adults and we can regulate how we conduct ourselves in a public environment without having to constantly read the rules. We are also anti-endogenic and anti-proship.
A very easy-to-navigate server, courtesy of BIG DADDY. There are sixteen viewable channels for talking in various subjects; plenty less than most public syscord spaces (no hate to them).
A rule against fonts and typing quirks that replace letters with symbols. This is part of our attempt to make the server screenreader friendly.
NSFW, substances (locked to 18+ headmates only), and vent channels, each with their own ruleset to preserve the sanity of everyone. They're also hidden behind roles.
A category for introjects—including source search, faceclaims, memories and more! Introjects with non-problematic sources allowed.
A channel for friend search (because making friends as an adult is hard.)
Template channels to make your PluralKit shine (such as displayname, pronouns, description, et cetera)
Places to share your art, music, and infodump!
A... counting channel?
An edgy aesthetic, and cannibalism as an act of affection.
And some other things that sound important I guess:
We have ticketing system, which is a mandatory part of our verification. You have to verify within 72 hours (3 days) before we kick you.
We also have "contact staff" tickets, allowing members to talk about their concerns or ask questions directly to staff without it being public.
As part of our safety promise to you, we will delete personally-identifying information (such as system/alter intros and source lists) when you leave the server. We do these checks regularly, so you don't need to notify us when you leave.
We try our best to listen to the community that we have. Occasionally, we make surveys that our members fill out to determine what content they would like from the server, and then we gauge their response to it in future surveys.
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visardistofelphame · 2 months
1, 2, 5, 7, 17, 18, 20 👀👀👀
What kind of practitioner do you identify as?
Do you have any daily practices? What are they?
What types of magic are you not willing to do?
How do you feel about "problematic" workings (baneful workings, love workings, health workings, doing workings on others without consent, etc)?
Do you venerate or work with any deities?
Do you venerate or work with any entities or spirits?
What's your unpopular opinion regarding magic, spirituality or religion?
Oh heck! Guess I'll dive right on into it X'D
I feel like witch and occultist would be the best identifiers for myself. I could technically call myself Wiccan, but I never really felt connected to it. I did use it when I started in my late teens, but as I got more knowledgeable I didn't feel much from it anymore.
For daily practices, I don't really have much. I have various things I do sorta throughout the month. That said, I do morning and night prayers that are somatic based, so more focused on the movement and intent vs any specific words. There are words associated with it, but I found that I much more like the motion and feeling accompanied by silence.
I try to avoid techniques and practices that focus around mythology and pantheons that I don't very much associated with. Not out of any specific reason outside of a lack of any personal interest. I'm not a big fan of what are basically hazing rites, mostly because they're tedious and dangerous for little reason outside of shock value.
This sort of blends into the next question. I have my own moral specifications that I'm picky about when it comes to these sorts of workings. I feel like there is a time and place for most things, though some had their time back in the past. Particuarly a lot of "love magic" was in a time when people were stuck with their respective marriage situation, so they literally needed to resort to magic to have much of any say. I think its all about having a nuance understanding of what is reasonable and respectable.
Yeah! I have a few gods, some I can name and others that are oathbound. I'd describe myself as a medium soft polytheist, so some I do believe to be aspects/masks of a greater current. Lucifer, Diana, Venus, Fortuna to name a few. Though I want to point out that I'm not really focused around hellenistic reconstructionalism. I'd say that most of my conceptualizing of them is focused in the meideval period and onwards, and very much focused on their continual mystery traditions that survived for various lengths of time.
And definitely a yes for this, though I'd say I'm much more private about it than I was in the past. Spirits of the dead, the hidden folk, elementals, spirits of nature, goetia, etc etc. That said, it has been unfortunately difficult to really bond with the local dwelling spirits. Its hard when houses are infected by greed that doesn't allow people to flurish within them.
For unpopular opinions? Uhhh this was actually really difficult. I feel like mine are rather luke warm, given what my peers also believe :') I legit spent a good 10 minutes trying to figure one out. I guess one is that I think people should read more books and read the books those ones reference to form their own opinions vs just getting caught up in the echo chamber (whether its social media or irl communities). We're all guilty of it, and its a lesson that I've learned myself.
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lilac-gold · 1 year
Why Rococo and the Unbread Twins should absolutely be best friends
Point 1: They've all been locked away somewhere for years
Rococo has been trapped in the walls of Sweetheart's castle for all of his young adulthood, and Doughie & Biscuit have been stuck in Breaven for centuries. They're all touch-starved and lonely, the Unbread Twins having only each other while Rococo has nobody. He deserves bread deities to help him out and they deserve a funny elf who can make them feel better and draw them pictures. They've all hidden away from the outside world for years and are still recovering from their time spent isolated, so can help each other through the healing process and bond over experiences
Point 2: They're all terrible at social interactions
Rococo is overdramatic, has quickly fluctuating moods and a fragile state of mental stability, and has no clue on how to communicate with people anymore. The Unbread Twins are formal, speaking in a manner considered odd by everyone else and communicating as one entity, and they have no clue on how to communicate with people anymore. Together, these three's horrible social skills would balance out so they can just blurt out the most random stuff and have the longest stretches of silence without anything getting weird or awkward. They help each other out of talking to people when it's unnecessary and they're uncomfortable, work on improving, and don't care that the others are horrible at social cues & having normal conversations
Point 3: Rococo is rich
Wait a second here, and hear me out. After Doughie and Biscuit leave Breaven and go out into Headspace, they end up at the Last Resort. There, they get addicted to gambling and lose all of their clams- "we're not very good at this, are we Biscuit?- so they're left with no money. Since Pluto is a travel agency and the taxi driver a taxi, it would make sense that they charge for their services, but the Unbread Twins don't have anything to pay with, so they're kind of stuck and really regretting their choice to leave Breaven. Meanwhile, Rococo's been gathering 106,000 clams solely from Omori and co's commissions. He's rich, and now he's perfected his artistic ability so he's only going to earn more. If they become friends, he can help them out with money :)
Point 4: They can travel together!
Since the three of them have been trapped in one place for so long, they'd love exploring Headspace together. They can feel familiarity and a little bitterness at seeing Orange Oasis again, marvel at how pretty Otherworld is (Rococo totally drags them along to the junkyard to get inspiration for his art), avoid SWH's castle like the plague until the two of them help Rococo confront her and they explain why locking someone in the walls for years is a really terrible thing to do (she doesn't really care about them but she's hardly going to anger the literal gods she grew up learning about & respecting). They look around Deeper Well and meet Snaley and fawn over him bc he deserves it. They pay a visit to Vast Forest and enjoy its tranquility, especially in the little sky island windmill area. Kite Kid's chill with them. All of them get reacquainted with the world they've missed while finding new changes along the way! They'd make such good travel buddies <3 (Rococo pays for everything afjdbhdk <33)
Point 5: The Unbread Twins can bake
Look, I love Rococo, but he's definitely an atrocious cook. The guy's been living off of old, stale toast on the dungeon floors for years, and 1) that's probably the souls of the skeletons Sweetheart executed which is super messed-up, & 2) old toast is really gross. No butter or anything ick. Just soggy, stale lumps of burnt-ish bread. Then the Unbread Twins make him actually good bread and Rococo adores it. He's not had real food in years and they've been perfecting their baked goods since the beginning of the universe. They give him food that is actually edible and tasty and teach him how to use a holy oven/kitchen and forgive him when he burns the bread and sets the oven on fire and has a minor breakdown about it <3
Point 6: Rococo can potentially understand Biscuit
Since he grew up in Orange Oasis, where the Unbread Twins were essentially worshipped, he probably knows quite a bit about their history. It seems that Biscuit's way of speaking is a language in of itself, and one that could be derived from a more ancient period in OO. Growing up there, Rococo and Sweetheart could have learnt it, so Rococo has the potential to be able to understand what Biscuit is saying :)
Point 7: They're all chaotic messes
The Unbread Twins look at a group of children and are immediately convinced that they're living bread that's come back to haunt the two of them. Rococo looks at the same group of children and immediately begs them to listen to his tragic backstory. Doughie and Biscuit leave their prison for the first time in centuries and immediately get a gambling addiction. Rococo gets a hobby and immediately starts progressing at the speed of light until he can make hyper-realistic paintings out of a random paintbrush he found in the walls. Doughie and Biscuit immediately lose everything they own as a result of the gambling addiction. Rococo gets rich and immediately upgrades his wall room instead of actually moving out. They're all idiots and disasters and they would get along so well. Who has the braincell today? Probably Bowen, but who knows?
Point 8: They all believe that have a set purpose in life and need to overcome that idea
Rococo has apparently 'known' since he was a baby that the only reason he exists is to repopulate his species. Doughie and Biscuit have been doomed since the start of time to spend forever locked away baking bread. However, Rococo's courting of Sweetheart ends horribly and there's no other elf to make babies of the species with anyway. And the Unbread Twins are absolutely miserable baking bread every second of their lives. Rococo finds a new purpose in art, but then he masters it insanely quickly, so is left with nothing to do. Doughie and Biscuit decide to leave Breaven after their confrontation with Omori, but have no purpose anymore (or money lol). Together, they can find new goals and figure out that hey, maybe they don't need a predetermined function to base their entire existences off of
There's so much more to explore with this dynamic, from Rococo and Spaceboy having a We're Both Sweetheart's Exes Omg moment while Doughie and Biscuit hover protectively in the background to Rococo giving these emotionally 16 gods a parental figure. Well. He's more of the chaotic weirdo uncle, but still. There's no way that the twins have developed mentally or emotionally at all when they've spent their lives trapped making bread with 0 guidance or learning and they're literally immortal so most likely age a lot slower. They're also all predominantly sad emotion-wise, the Unbread Twins' emotional state going from sad -> depressed -> miserable in their fight while Rococo cries over the idea of being left alone again and at memories of his past. They deserve to find happiness together :")
Let them be friends and go on adventures together <33 They have such a fun dynamic to explore <333
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
We're halfway through disability pride month and I want to bring something up that many of us don't know or don't think about.
We know that the medical system, at least here in the US, is not very disability-friendly. Have you ever wondered where that starts? Why so many docs do this bullshit?
Medical education is incredibly hostile towards their own students with disabilities.
It's such a problem that the American Medical Association has written ethical discussions about this only two years ago. Schools may say they are inclusive/want to foster diversity via disability status, but in practice, most only do the bare minimum required legally. They also cultivate a culture that does not respect disabilities- including not just physical disabilities such as mobility limitations and limb differences but psychological and learning disabilities and chronic health conditions.
We, as medical students, are told indirectly through policies + para- and non-verbal communication that disabilities are burdensome and do not belong in medicine. Our accommodations are given in accordance to law, not out of desire to create an inclusive environment. Psychological disabilities are still heavily stigmatized to the point that when potential students apply, they are nearly universally advised against disclosure. Once accepted, accommodations for reasonable time off for adequate rest, access to private spaces for medical telehealth appointments, time off for required in-person appointments, and even during learning, accommodations like extra time on tests or taking exams in private areas to reduce distraction are seen as "unfair advantaged." Being able to act "abled" as much as possible may not be an outwardly spoken goal, but the subtext in conversation is that if there is something we as disabled students can do to make everybody else more comfortable around us and seem "less" disabled, we should do that.
Physical disabilities that are common enough that most people reasonably accommodate for them- such as being deaf or HOH or blind- are not viewed favorably even when assistive technology gets them up to technical standards. A deaf/HOH physician can use specialized stethoscopes to visualize sound patterns, or they may use an amplifier that can bluetooth to hearing aids or cochlear implants, but they are still experience push-back for not being able to use "regular" stethoscopes.
When disabilities cannot be accommodated, the language and tone used sends the message that the person with the disability is wrong or unfit. Programs do not take often accountability for having inaccessible facilities or policies.
The "hidden curriculum" in medical education is that people with disabilities are burdens. Difficult to accommodate. And that we should make ourselves and our needs as small as possible. For those of us with disabilities- we learn internalized ableism even if we didn't come in with much.
Why would doctors, trained in an ableist environment, trained to view disabilities as burdens and accommodations as unfair, treat YOU, their disabled patient, with dignity and respect?
Disability inclusion is needed at every single step to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Do you think Terry Silver's serious about religion? Any religion? Like, do you think he's genuine about practicing? No nonsense, pretense, posturing or anything like that typical to his character. We're shown that he's Jewish and attends Shabbat, yes, but you do think he's dedicated to observing?
I think he is.
And that it's one of those things that are extremely private and that he keeps close to his heart (alongside everything else that actually matters to him) --- it's not that his religion is hidden and that it isn't on the records. Oh, it very much is. It's not that it is a secret. Oh, it isn't. I envision that it is a well known piece of information about him, in fact, and that if anything, Terry's a respected of member of his community (often hosting charities, fundraisers and holding speeches that pertain to it) it is just that it isn't out in plain sight and that it is easy to overlook, because Terry wants it to be easy to overlook. Notwithstanding that his otherwise overwhelming personality helps along in him being religious being overlooked too, or at least, left lingering somewhere in the background. His allies and friends that are meant to know know by virtue of being in his corner and his foes might just be flaggerbasted with incredulity that Terry Silver --- the Terry Silver --- is actually dedicated to a faith. Any faith. Without any tomfoolery, tricks and shanenigans involved, no. Another ace up his sleeve. Him being full of surprises and always able to catch people off guard once they're convinced they know everything there is to know about him only to find out he's been neatly attending Synagogues all his life.
Can't imagine that their subverted expectations wouldn't (gleefully) amuse him.
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This probably won’t shock anyone, especially on Tumblr, but I wanna share anyway because it’s freeing.
¡We’re polyamorous! We suspected it a while ago, but now officially coming out about it because we now have 2 girlfriends and a new crush.
~~ Happy rambles about our lovers / how we found out: ~~
We met our first girlfriend, M (she/fae/they), in September of 2023. She was the first lover who actually met our needs and paid close enough attention to learn our nonverbal communication and subtle tone clues (“eh” can mean yes or no, but it's yes if it's higher pitched & quick, & it's no if it's lower, drawn out, and wobbles in the middle (eh-eh)). Fae started to identify which laugh was flustered vs happy / amused vs anxious / uncomfortable. They started to catch on when we weren't okay and ask what was wrong before we had noticed a shift (so we usually said “nothing”, but as an unsure question)...and usually 2 to 5 minutes later we'd be like “oh.” and update that we're anxious, we're slipping into flashbacks, depression had upticked. She was also the first lover who ever looked at us adoringly, with what we later learned is called ‘heart eyes’ (we got used to boredom or annoyance). They like most of our music, which we hadn't realized was important to us. She cared about our pleasure, and they would ask about our needs and if we needed anything to change. Overall, fae raised our standards for a romantic relationship, & also for a sexual one.
M then built a (mostly unintentionally) fem polycule, with other nonbinary &/or woman-ish identifying people. S (she/they) came first, but they're pretty extroverted and we're very introverted so that wasn't super compatible (M is an extrovert by a small margin). Then F (she/they/fae) came into the picture, but they didn't respect our boundaries or establish any communication for consent so we didn't get along & we didn't feel safe around fae. And then B came into the picture.
B (she/they) has purple hair and lots of tattoos. We're queer overall, but dyed hair and tattoos make people of any gender attractive. She called us cute a couple times, but held back until we began to shyly flirt back in a show of interest and consent. They called us adorable, and we chatted a lot about gender and society and drug misuse (to the point is harms the user) and deep conversations. M let on to us that B was a shy gay mess, & unlikely to make the first move.
We decided we liked B and wanted to date her too, and were willing to make the first move. We hadn’t actually practiced polyam before, but decided to attempt to be bolder and do something about the crush that was starting.
So we went into the V-Day section at a Winco and picked out some more casual items— some plushies that were also pillows. A sun pillow for M (because she says we’re a light in their life), and a baby chicken for B (because she hadn’t been flirted with in a supportive and cute way before, & we thought the idea of “picking up chicks” would be cute n silly based on what we knew they liked). We also grabbed a chocolate flower that had a rainbow wrapper because it would be gay and fun.
On that Monday (not V Day) we swung up while she was with M and S, at S’s apartment (which M purposely arranged because she thought it was adorable & sweet that we like B). We brought M her pillow, which she immediately snuggled and smiled (had been having a rough day, so very good sign). We then said “I have more” and went back to the car to bring in B’s gifts. We handed her the flower first, then pulled the pillow out of the bag we’d hidden it in. They got excited, snuggled the chick into their face, and she exclaimed excitedly “¡you got me a plushie!” She then ate the chocolate, but kept the plastic stem for nostalgia.
We then got tucked into the corner of the (L shaped) couch, because M scooted over to encourage it. We chatted for a bit, then S went for a walk to get fresh air, leaving us alone with B and M. M was snuggled into our left side.
Tentatively, I said “you can cuddle if you want” to B. She immediately scooted over to snuggle happily.
For a few minutes, we stayed like that as B scrolled their phone nervously and smiled at her screen blushing.
But then M wrapped both arms around our left leg, snuggled in, & fell asleep. B set her phone down, took her hair out of its ponytail, and settled down. They grabbed our right arm to wrap it around themself, then fell asleep holding our hand.
I stayed there, frozen and excited, for a minute or two, then breathed gender euphoria and victory. B clearly liked us back, and seeing them both asleep was adorable as heck.
S got back, which woke both B and M up, and said they were exhausted and were going to bed but that she’d put on white noise so we’d have a bit longer. S went down the hall to the bedroom.
M got up to get food for everyone, realizing it was around 8p and we hadn't eaten since lunch. M brought mac n cheese over and sat down to our right on B’s other side. B (still tucked against us) looked to M and said “your boyfriend is cute”, and barely missing a single beat I took the opportunity— “could be your boyfriend too 👉👈”. B startled upright, and we got a very excited and enthusiastic yes, which meant we were officially dating 2 people and successfully practicing polyamory.
We finally got our first date last Tuesday, after a failed attempt the week before (they felt ill and we were trying to finish the onboarding process and schedule our work orientation), which went amazing. We talked for about 6 hours in happy ADHD rambles (them unmedicated, me medicated).
About 2 weeks ago, we met A (he/him). At first we were like, “cool friend, 10/10, and has trans masc boyfriend so safe and friendly”. But we started to catch feelings. We decided to nudge him about it, letting him know (synesthesia) that our girlfriends had gold sparkles around their name, and “apparently my brain now adds sparkles around then name of people I get crushes on”, and then nudged that 3 people had sparkles. He quickly caught on, and with that consent he began openly flirting. We’re not dating yet, but we might have a boyfriend soon. We weren’t expecting (as an introvert who rarely goes to social events) to successfully build a polycule, especially this fast, but...here we are I guess, & I’m excited and hopeful for the future ☺💖.
Happy discovery story aside, ¡this is how I’m officially coming out as polyamorous! 💜 We added another LGBT+/queer flavour to our list, unintentionally 🏳️‍⚧️🏳‍🌈.
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