#so thats the rule the wider community goes by
rat-rosemary · 1 year
Ngl I've never heard nsfw in dsmp other than those in poppy. So I'm kinda curious, mind I ask?
It's still a bit of a taboo to ship the characters in dsmp in the year of 2023, so I can't imagine it flying off without some repercussions or 'calling out.' Or is it just me-
Okay okay okay so there's a reason you never seen the nsfw dsmp community (other then the fact that they're on twt)
We censor EVERYTHING. Every word that could make it so it shows up when you search for it. So cc's names are always censored, there is no tag you can scroll through, even some words like smp, sfw, minecraft we censor.
Everyone is aware that there are a lot of kids in the fandom and that the cc's scroll through their fanart tags, so we're all very careful to keep ourselves separated from the main fandom
(You have no clue how much it scared me when I got into karmaland, they don't censor shit. They have a tag. They tag the main fanart tag. I'm pretty sure a Cc has seen nsfw fanart live. And that is the norm for fandom but I got so used to the hiding)
To answer your question, there is calling out. It's really really annoying and the person being 'called out' normally goes on private for a bit until it ends (and you can find shipping on sfw spaces! Its easier to find fanfiction but if you're interested you can start in the #dsmpshipping tag)
If you want to interact with the nsfw community there are a few rules:
First of all, you need to make a nsfw account. Don't use the account you use to interact with cc's and sfw content to interact with nsfw content. Second, block cc's or at least don't follow them. Third... don't be a kid? I guess? Some people are uncomfortable with people under certain ages liking/retweeting their stuff, so please respect that
So here's who the space works:
There's boundarytwt, they only make content of people who have clearly stated they are okay with it (that does not mean that other people are breaking boundaries! I'll get to that in a moment). Currently those people are Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Foolish, Punz and Corpse
Then there's the wider nsfw community which makes content of all the cc's, but still respecting boundaries. That means for example, Sapnap said a while ago that he didn't want people to make stuff (both normal shipping and nsfw) with Bad, so no one draws them. So we're still respecting the boundaries :]
(Side note, most people don't make nsfw content of Techno anymore, and it is frowned upon to do so by the wider community)
(The minors as in, when we first met them they were kids)
Then there's poppytwt. And yes they are also on Tumblr. We all hate them and do not want them interacting with any of our content. Cool.
If you try to follow an artist from main nsfw and you're poppy they will block you and tell other people to block you as well
Quick edit because i forgot: Nsfw authors will sometimes also follow and retweet stuff from sfw artist and authors. Yes they get to be the exception. If the feed of your nsfw account is filled with sfw drawings, it might be a author you follow
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faesystem · 9 months
literally can't fucking stand anti-endos. no i also don't find anything in common with plurals who don't have cdds, but actually i don't really care what someone thinks their origin is if they have did/osdd
YES it is misinformation that it can form without trauma. YES misinformation is harmful! dyou wanna know who it harms? THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY HAVE CDDS WITHOUT TRAUMA
but the thing is, its just so fucking cruel to act like someone's existence and how they talk about it is an attack on the CDD community. i actually think that its far more fucking harmful for you to drive out CDD systems for self iding as endo than for them to self id as endo
'but if theyre endo they dont have a cdd' WRONG. you are focused on the WRONG THING. most people who are endogenic cdd systems ive seen are fully fucking diagnosed
endo cdd systems do exist because they fucking do. because there's cdd systems out there who call themselves endogenic. and thats their business!
the facts that these people are worthy of respect and community with fellow cdd systems and that you cant have a cdd without trauma coexist.
i think it'd be a lot better for everyone if instead, say, having a 'traumagenics only' (as in, cdd systems who id as traumageic, bc traumagenic doesnt actually mean cdd) discord server, youd have a discord server that is for pwCDDs and it is openly stated that the opinion of the server is that cdds are inherently traumagenic. rules that saying otherwise is misinformation and discussion of that is not allowed there.
it wouldnt actually change much of anything other than itd fucking help the people who are harmed by the misinfo that cdds can happen without trauma. bc guess what? all youre doing is driving them into the spaces with the misinformation. YOU are making the problem worse
if an endo cdd system sees that and goes 'i dont think i have trauma, but i do have a cdd and want community with others with the same disorder' then THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED IT.
you're just creating the worst most hostile community where either people need to be fortunate enough to be educated on the topic already OR they are exiled from all cdd specific spaces ever
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laulo821 · 8 months
to clarify my opinion on "proper" english, idfc how people write in their personal lives/to friends or family/etc, but in professional/published works- or anything that is meant to be understood by a wider audience i think the clarity provided by adhering to certain grammatical rules and structure is veeerrry important eheheh. for the sake of ease of communication!
i try to be pretty careful about my word choice and order allll the time for that reason, even if i drop a lot of proper spelling/capitalization/punctuation for casual dialogue.
nonetheless, i think when people act intentionally obtuse just to shame people for speaking casually/colloquially/with slang/whatever thats stupid and evil etc. hate when people do that. i might not understand a lot of it, but it has the right to exist yk! it is just as worthy of respect ^_^
anyways i think this topic is very interesting as well its something i enjoy talking about :33
once again i dare ask, where does the professional/private begins and stops? thats a big debate we had in termonology class (terminology , the science of terms aka specialised & professional words). some terminologists argue that terms are only employed in the field by top-notch experts to top-notch experts and nothing else qualifies as a term. other terminologists argue that funk that: "spoonful" is a term because it belongs to the professional sector of cooking, disregarding how common/unspecialised it may be (they dont actually disregard it but yknow). also some guy who goes fishing as a hobby every week and starts talking about the components of his rod to his friends: not an expert (meaning doesn't work as a fisherman)! but using specialised words! should they count as terms or common words? should that be considered professional discussion cuz the terms or private discussion cuz he's talking to a friend? anyways it's just to say that the gap between professional and private discussions may not be so clear
on a same note, what is a wider audience? we're on the internet literally everyone could read that post, making it, by its nature, designed for a wide audience. should every tumblr post thus should have proper english? likewise, works that were only notes and scribbles, like Les Pensées by Pascal that were published post-mortem... it was not meant for a wider audience in that state and is not always using proper French. due to this, are thus Les Pensées not a piece of literature anymore? (kinda teasing w this paragraph hehe but you see the issue i'm poking)
like you said the most important task of a language is not to be proper. it is to be spoken but also to be effective. to enable communication. we could also go all in and dare say, funk the rules as long as a message or piece or literature is understandable, it is proper english!! arguably, every broken rule of proper english creates a new variation of english that could be its own proper variation english (like UK english, US english, NZ english, etc, coexist together as proper englishes)
also youre soso true about the shaming stuff. dawg that pisses me OFF. that's why fuck the Académie Française i wish i could dismember that bullshit of an institution. they are the ones "making the rules" of French but NONE OF THOSE FUCKERS ARE LINGUISTS AND ALSO ARE ALL 109 YEARS OLD HOW CAN THEY im cool im cool [insert the hades calming down gif]. anyways. language belongs to the people so whatever they do with it it's fine as long as they have fun and are themselves <3
on a final note i'm heavily arguing against you here but i think you're overall right nonetheless :p rigor may not always be needed in a language but languages need a strong basis and grammatical rules to exist and actually make the communication efficient!! i perfectly see your points and they are very legit
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nurketene · 3 years
Freedom is never free!
When is something a personal freedom and when is it not?
Is it our right to deny a vaccine (any vaccine) which its effectiveness has been proven by the scientific community?
"It is up to me to choose if something goes under my skin or not" said someone a while ago when we were arguing about the vaccination. I have thought about it for a while. Here is the thing. In most cases that person would be right.
It would be up to each individual to deny or accept treatment based on their opinions, ethics, beliefs and convictions. If a person has cancer that person has a choice to accept or deny chemotherapy based on their own opinion. That choice only affects the patient.
It is up to the person to choose to get a tattoo. Physically It wouldn't effect any one else but that person.
We have a lot of personal freedom when it comes how we want to live our lives. However when our choices start to effect the wider public that is the place our personal freedoms end.
By not getting vaccinated we are causing harm to the public health, economy, and social life and prolonging the pandemic and overburdening the health care system to a point where hospitals can no longer admit patients.
Should we have a choice to deny vaccines? For me it is an easy question to answer. It is not a personal choice as long as it causes harm to the public.
Of course I do understand it is an ethical slippery slope. Should the government even have the right and the power to mandate its citizens to get vaccinated?
So far the vaccination programme (not only for covid but for all of the vaccinations out there) is voluntary. Meaning no one has been really forced to get vaccines. Mostly advised, encouraged and even begged. However we have never had this kind of vaccine scepticism in our society before that I can remember.
Freedom is never free!
I believe that the government should not have the power to force you to be vaccinated. That would open a can of worms that we do not want to deal with. On the other hand public safety overrules personal freedom.
Thats why we have all the rules when getting into a plane and that is why we have all the rules about smoking in indoor spaces. That is why military service is mandatory for abled men in most of the world. Public safety is more important than personal freedom.
I also believe that people should have the right to choose if they don't want to be vaccinated. But that freedom should comes with a cost. If a person chooses not to be vaccinated they should also bare the cost of not being part of the society. They should not be able to go to restaurants, or movie theatres, They should not be able to go to grocery stores or get in to a flight. They should not be able to stay in a hotel or work at an in-person locations. They should be paying full amount of their health care costs as well, the public should not bare that burden if they choose to be unvaccinated. If you are an immigrant your residence permit should be revoked. By the way I am saying this as an immigrant my self.
People should have freedom of choice, regardless how selfish it is or how misguided it might be, but that choice should have a cost. The cost of being an outcast.
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Seungcheol Full Natal Chart Reading
for the few member’s we have vague birth times for i’ll be doing FULL natal chart readings. PLEASE keep in mind that the birth times given were rather vague, and so i took some liberty on my end to decide on exact times in order to pinpoint likely risings and so forth. not only that, but with a full chart there is a lot more we can delve into but the concepts discussed also get more vast and more abstract. There is a lot more interpretation being done in these readings as opposed to my past readings which are more observation based. so please take everything i say in these readings with a grain of salt! 
so cheol answered in a fan sign slot for @/scoups_bf on twitter and said that he was born around 9am 
and the reason i’m not taking 9 o’clock literally and inputting 9:00 am EXACTY when looking up his chart is cuz ALL of the members we have birth times for have just given us approximations
and i don’t think cheol is much different. 
and honestly, i wouldn’t make such a hoopla about it if 9 o’clock wasn’t putting him just at the cusp between being a virgo rising and a libra rising. 
and so i’ve personally taken the liberty and decided to read his chart as though he was born any time after 9:25 am which would make him a libra rising. 
for more specific reasoning, check out an ask i answered addressing my thoughts on the matter.
with that being said, there is still A LOT we can take away just knowing that he was born generally around 9am 
and so even though we can dispute whether or not he is a virgo or a libra rising as much as we want
a majority of this reading is actually going to rely more so on the placements of his planets within the houses. 
and regardless of if he was born at 9am on the dot, or 9:59am — his planets and their respective houses do not change much. 
the only planets that are affected are his moon and jupiter which i do not focus on a whole bunch in this reading! 
you can trust that this reading is still going to apply to him and his chart REGARDLESS of his rising 
(tho, again, i’m reading his chart as though he’s a libra rising). 
so first off, we can take a look at his chart shape. 
all of his planets are distributed within a pretty confined space in his chart, leaving around 4 houses empty (7th-10th houses) 
you then have the rest of the planets taking up around two thirds of the chart and are forming an orderly line. 
this is called a locomotive shape (ehehe thank you anon for helping me figure out his chart shape). 
and what’s really cool is that once you start getting into chart shapes, the nature of the distribution of the planets within someone’s chart can actually give the native influences that manifest in ways that are very similar to signs unlike the ones in their chart. 
for example, a locomotive is a very ambitious and relentless placement that can have a very aries-like feel. 
and so although seungcheol’s only aries influence is his libra mars in the 1st (aries’ house), he’s going to actually have a very aries-like nature in how he goes about his goals and ambitions where he’s very unapologetic and attention-grabbing. 
there is a lot of energy, passion, and strength-of-will about him because of this chart shape.
but what’s also interesting about this chart shape, is the added emphasis it places on the leading planet of the locomotive. 
the leading planet is the front of the locomotive as if the planets are traveling in a clockwise direction just like (you guessed it) a train!!! 🚂🤯
for cheol, that means that venus in the 11th house is the leading planet.
this can make his libra influence a lot more prominent than initially expected, as well as the impact of the 11th house a lot grander. 
and so there are three things that a locomotive shape can indicate. 
one of them being a “goal” or a direction in life as indicated by the leading planet and the house it lands in. 
seungcheol has the planet of harmony, romance, art, and comfort in the 11th house which is the house that rules friendship, community, greater call-to-action, and humanitarianism. 
this truly adds a huge emphasis on people for cheol. 
you can trust that his goals center around rallying people, working towards a greater cause, and building community
and he’s going to go about this in a very venus-like fashion. 
so having that environment where he’s creating, playing, and communicating with others is very important to him. 
having that excitement in creation and collaboration is something that drives him and how he hopes to encourage others
and with this 11th house association, this hints towards a desire to reach wider audiences, make bold statements, and enact positive, maybe even revolutionary change. 
another thing a locomotive shape can indicate is the struggles one may have, as well as “necessary evils” they need to take into account in order to achieve said goals 
and that’s indicated by the final planet in the locomotive. 
that’d make it cheol’s saturn in the 6th house. 
and so you’re taking the planet of discipline, restriction, and ambition and putting it in the house associated with work, health, and lifestyle. 
this placement is both very positive and potentially difficult in a few different ways.
you’re taking saturn’s sense of discipline and applying it to work
and this is what makes seungcheol not just such a hard worker but also re-emphasizes the responsibility he already feels thanks to his capricorn moon. 
within the context of his locomotive, on the other hand, it can potentially be a very difficult placement. 
his sense of purpose and responsibility runs the risk of being all consuming. 
especially when considering that the 6th house deals with lifestyle and the day-to-day. 
it’s a mundane area of our lives, but it’s routine and constant which can make this weight of responsibility rather omnipresent and relentless. 
and with the association of health, this placement can often times mean that his focus in work can potentially be at the expense of his health. 
he may struggle to find a balance between meeting expectations and taking care of himself as he’s prone to getting so absorbed in work he forgets to do personal check-ins.
not to mention, wherever saturn lands will bring a very hypercritical mindset where he may struggle to ever feel satisfied with himself and his work. 
what’s also of note with having saturn at the end of his locomotive, is the fact that venus is at the very front of it. 
the planet of art and play is being weighed down by the planet of responsibility and structure. 
his desire to do as his heart pleases is at odds with his sense of obligation. 
this further adds to this mindset he may already have with his cap moon where he struggles to give himself some slack, even though the trajectory of his life is very much aimed at being that free and creatively-minded person.
and this adds to this sense of “necessary evil” that i mentioned before. 
in order to play, he must work. 
but also, it can create a mindset that in order to deserve the company he keeps, he must be successful. 
then the final thing to take into account with a locomotive is the empty houses. 
the empty houses emphasize the “missing” truth that he is attempting to address in terms of the rest of his locomotive. 
i always find this part of interpreting a locomotive the hardest as it’s pretty vague and can manifest in so many different ways.
it can serve as a form of motivation may that be through fears or past experiences. 
or maybe a sense of fascination or desire to discover/uncover what remains ambiguous in his life
but we can break it down in a few different ways.  
these planets reference adulthood in terms of life stages, and so it’s more than likely that whatever this is referencing to in his life hasn’t happened yet or he’s simply working towards it. 
they also hint towards added value put towards partnership, marriage, travel, philosophy, career, and public image. 
there is also the quadrants to take into account, and it’s primarily his 3rd quadrant that remains empty. 
the 3rd quadrant deals with his sense of social harmony and identity. 
it deals with the way he approaches lifelong commitments, the people he spends time with, the people he attracts, and the places he travels. 
it’s a social section of the chart, but one thats associated with great commitment and contract. 
and there are a bunch of different ways of interpreting the empty section of his chart
but considering how socially inclined his chart is from his libra rising, his leo placements, to his entire 11th house — i think the interpretation that makes the most sense is in addressing the social aspect of the 3rd quadrant
and i do not want to brush aside his empty 10th house even though it is technically not a part of the 3rd quadrant. 
this house is especially important to consider when taking into account the fact that the 10th house is capricorn/saturn’s house, along with the knowledge of the prominence of saturn in his locomotive. 
the empty 10th house can indicate he has a strong desire to make a name for himself
and with the 10th house also being in cancer, it can mean he wants to establish himself as someone people can rely on and someone who can take care of others. 
someone who can be a source of safety and comfort
and then you have the 3rd quadrant which deals with marriage and interpersonal style/commitment
and so that can mean that what’s driving his locomotive is his desire for stability and lifelong partnership. 
these influences can also point towards a potential fear of being lonely, and of not having someone he can share his life with
maybe a fear of missing out on those experiences, or of not having this area of his life to settle into. 
it’s kind of like his chart is nesting, and so obviously he wants to share that nest  
but moving on
we can now take everything i’ve just mapped out and deduce and observe a few things about him. 
i think that career is certainly a huge pillar for him and something he does not take lightly 
but in the big picture of his chart, his career is simply a supporting figure. 
having saturn in the 6th house at the end of his locomotive gives this false impression that career and work are INCREDIBLY important to him. 
and this is because of that nervousness that exists inside of him where saturn insists on constantly questioning, reassessing, and attending to his work. 
it can even feel as though there is something there that needs to be proven, or earned for him
and that is further emphasized because that speaks directly to his leo and capricorn placements that place such a huge emphasis on success and ambition.
these placements want and need something to work towards, and they both crave accolade and status. 
it is easy for him to focus on work, to focus on achievements, and to use said achievements as a point of reference for his own self-worth
it may even feel like a part of his identity. 
and all of these influences are so loud and imposing that they kind of tune out his more softer venus that’s seeking this much less tangible goal through art, expression, and companionship.
his chart gives me a sense that his work is certainly there and it’s an important factor to consider, but it’s not the focal point.
his direction is clearly pointing towards community, relationships, and social influence.
at the end of the day, what’s of value to him is his own ability to bring people together and serve a greater purpose towards the people he cares about. 
and with venus at the helm of this, he’s going to achieve this through his ability to communicate and care for others and will do so in a very sincere, charming, and authentic manner. 
whats interesting too is that you have venus which is a rather gently expressed planet, but at the front of a locomotive and in the 11th house which is a pretty bold and broadly applied house — this kind of creates a very interesting duality in how he goes about his ambitions. 
he wants to bring about change, do things his own way, maybe even attempt to entirely change the game. 
but it’ll be within the extent his art and his ability to make personal connections can go. 
he doesn’t have an enterprising, the “ends justify the means” attitude. 
instead, he wants to accomplish what he can with the most integrity and meaning possible
but after considering all of this, everything he’s said about his own personal goals to be able to stay with svt together forever take on a more significant meaning. 
i think when he was younger, he may have put a stronger emphasis on proving himself and leading his group towards success.
but overtime, i think his goals have molded into being something that’s much more along the lines of seeing his career as a means of ensuring he can remain with his members as long as possible. 
not only that, but a tool that allows him to provide and support them.
the added bonus that comes with his career as it is now, is that he’s able to stay near the people he cares about while also connecting with people on a greater scale and encouraging good will. 
this is one of the reasons he’s so sincere in how he communicates with fans, and i think it comes from a very earnest place because he genuinely wants to connect and soothe others. 
if he can be someone they can rely on, he’s more than happy to take on that responsibility. 
but beyond his work as an idol — with these empty houses dealing with marriage, partnership, and even parenthood through his cancer midheaven which is an EXTREMELY parental influence.
it wouldn’t be a surprise to me that, as he gets older, he realizes his main goal is to settle down, start a family, and to be a father. 
again, this is another interpretation where his energies through saturn and the 6th house have told him he wants to make a name for himself, he wants to be successful, and he wants to be the best of the best. 
but at the end of the day, that’s not really where his chart is planning on landing him. 
rather, it’s in being able to establish a home and share his life with someone. 
achieving that sense of belonging through friends and family is the moment his chart is pointing towards being when he can finally put his feet up and be like “this is what i was doing this for” 
especially with that libra rising that’s reaching out for that companionship and commitment. 
and not to mention a moon in the 4th house that really emphasizes the importance of home and roots. 
this is actually the first time i’ve even attempted to do a full chart reading for these guys, and i’m definitely still processing everything i’m noticing.
i definitely think it’s interesting to consider these placements knowing what we know about him 
although that knowledge is not personally, not intimately, and only what we’re given permission to see out of respect for him and his privacy. 
but we can obviously pin point at least a few ways these placements have manifested so far for him. 
such as his career (obviously lol)
his own experience with his health (known vaguely by us, and referenced as a new personal goal of his to maintain)
and his own statement in valuing the members over the company. 
i think this is where i reiterate again that everything i say in my readings and with astrology MUST be taken with a grain of salt. 
at the end of the day, the details we actually have with regard to the members are merely breadcrumbs compared to how vast and detailed charts can go. 
and so everything i’ve said is up for interpretation
and with readings like these i always encourage the person i’m doing a reading for to exercise their right to agree or disagree with anything i say.
and so i offer that to you guys as well 
i’m really just reading what’s in his chart, putting things out there, and hopefully creating a cohesive story/interpretation that can be applied to him and reflected upon — hopefully giving either perspective, validation, or ease (lol hypothetically if he were to ever see this reading). 
but if i had to wrap things up, when i do readings of this type, i do tend to leave with maybe words of encouragement or feedback that i feel may be helpful.
and so if i were doing this reading personally for cheol, i’d really reiterate to him that his energy is always going to be directed and validated by his community and loved ones.  
career is great and it’s definitely important as it gives his chart direction and allows him to put that antsy “i need to do SOMETHING” energy somewhere. 
but at the end of the day, he’s going to find more traction and purpose by focusing his attention towards his relationships as his success is only as good as the company he keeps.
i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had really rough moments where his saturn, cap, leo & 6th house placements have all lead him down this very tiring work path with the promise of feeling some kind of “aha” moment at some point. 
when in reality, his chart is seeking out something of a much different nature. 
his vision shouldn’t be on the end goal, but rather his sense of togetherness.
making his focus “be with svt forever” was the right move in spirit, and will result in much more long term happiness. 
his hard work is important and will pay off, but it wont be through awards and it wont be through titles. 
it’ll be in feeling like he’s provided, and being able to look at the people around him and know they’ve been taken care of and that he’s made a difference to them. 
and also in knowing that he plays an important role to them.
at the end of the day, his chart is meant to play just as much as he’s driven to work. 
but ultimately, his sense of play is what is leading him. 
i’d implore on him to never make a career decision that compromises his ability to feel free, and to be creatively and socially enriched
and i do think this is something he knows. 
with all the complications and confusion in his chart i’ve outlined thanks to his locomotive, we can’t forget the “aries” nature of this chart shape.
with all of that conflict comes clarity. 
once he understands and focuses on his ultimate goal and what gives him that satisfaction and purpose — he’s going to barrel towards it with no hesitation, remorse, or caution. 
he knows what he wants, he know who he ultimately answers to, and it’s equally “how do i get there” as it is “how do i cut off all distractions” 
which is certainly the right mindset for him, at least in terms of his chart and the “path” it’s leading him towards as well as overcoming his charts own struggle in finding said clarity. 
it’s definitely “i know what i want and fuck all the rest” with him, and i’d encourage that thinking in terms of maintaining and protecting what is important to him. 
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Chapter Eleven
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
A/N: This chapter is a little different, it’s in Yoongi’s point of view. I was going to make it Chapter 10.5 since it kind of occurs alongside Chapter 10 chronologically, but I didn’t want anyone thinking it wasn’t necessary to the plot, because it definitely is. Let me know what you think!
"Can't you just let me go with you, hyung? I'll be good!"
This kid. Yoongi shakes his head firmly, hurriedly grinding some herbs together for a last-minute clarity charm. "You mess up enough here as it is. I can't leave something like this up to you. Besides, Y/n specifically asked for me to go, didn't she?"
The shaman tries to ignore the way Taehyung fixes his puppy dog eyes on his elder. "But what will I do when you're gone? I'll be all bored and alone."
Tipping the ground herbs into a small vial, Yoongi's voice is flat as he makes sure the vaguely green dust makes its way into the vessel. "Then go back to the palace and keep Y/n company. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Alright, I need to leave. Be sure to leave the portal door open, but lock the front door with the hex charm; do you remember it?"
Taehyung seems affronted at the suggestion. "Of course I can do a hex charm, Yoongi. I'm not incompetent, you know..."
Yoongi straightens up and stares at the boy who's pouting in the kitchen. Feeling a sliver of guilt, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Listen," Yoongi says, voice gruff but apologetic, "I'm just making sure. I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Forget about it," Taehyung mutters under his breath, studiously ignoring his elder as he grabs an apple for the road and shrugs on a coat. "I'm going, like you wanted."
Yoongi winces when the heavy wooden door slams behind his assistant, and he stands in silence, listening to the the light scrape of Taehyung’s fingernail against the door, paired with the muttering of an ancient Chinese spell. Most of the magic Yoongi used nowadays were more modern Korean methods, but for the more basic enchantments, it was common to use the original spells.
Finally, all was quiet again. Yoongi cleared his throat to try and break the melancholic gloom he had slipped into, and double-checked the minimal belongings on his person before he left. He was not going to be in the modern world long, would not even have to leave the confines of the house itself, but Yoongi never went anywhere without a small leather pouch of basic ingredients tucked into his belt, the glass vial of a clarity charm dangling on a cord around his neck, and a small blade in his boot. All things proceeding as planned, he wouldn’t need them.
The first thing Min Yoongi noticed about the future was how clean and bright everything was. Gone were his heavy curtains, dark walls and sooty hearth. He emerged out into a hallway (something only palaces were large enough to have in his time, but he was familiar with them nonetheless) with a strange spongy fabric floor and impossibly straight, flat walls that appeared painted uniformly. He couldn’t imagine the finesse it would take a painter to manage to evenly coat this expansive surface without leaving streaks. Perhaps magic was more commonplace in this day.
Yoongi had been here once before, to lure Y/n back to his time, but he had transformed into a cat, then, and it was the middle of the night, rather than the break of day. Unsure which direction to go, he followed the hallway left, until he made it to the very end. “She said the communication device was in her sleeping quarters. Here, she wrote down some instructions for its use.” Yoongi felt for the note again in his pocket, comforted by the crisp edge of the thick paper. He had read that note to the point of rote-memory, but was glad it was there anyway. All Yoongi had to do was locate a bedroom, and then the ‘phone’ would be on a wooden stand beside it. He was actually feeling some excitement unfurl within him to find this device; from Y/n’s description, it sounded like a very complexly enchanted item.
As Yoongi made his way from room to room methodically, ignoring everything that wasn’t a bed (even though he was desperately curious to try out the bath – something he recognised from his time, but seemed far more refined) he thought over his previous encounter with Taehyung.
Was there really such a need for Taehyung to take everything to heart all the time? That boy was too sensitive for his own good. It would get him hurt one day.
When Taehyung and Yoongi met, almost three years ago, the shaman wasn’t looking for anyone. In fact, he had sworn off ever taking an assistant again after… what had happened with the last one, but Taehyung was insistent. His parents didn’t want him working on their farm anymore, he had said, and the King’s Guard wouldn’t take him in. He would have nowhere else to go. Perhaps Yoongi should’ve seen that as a sign that the boy wasn’t a particularly capable worker, but instead he had opened his arms and welcomed him in. He never had been able to say no to a pretty face. Yoongi thought maybe that was his biggest flaw yet.
Behind the fourth or fifth door, past the small door in the wall from whence he came, Yoongi found a bed, wider and more lushly decorated than the modest shelf-and-blanket combination he had. Letting out a gasp of relief at the chance to distract himself from the memories of his assistants, he rushed forward into the room, scanning it for a wooden stand.
Directly to the right of the bed is a short, squarish cabinet. On top is a small metal box with glowing red numbers, a very glossy and crisp book, and a small black device. Yoongi consults with the slip of paper, and tentatively touches the tip of his finger to a protruding button. Gasping with wonder as the surface lights up, Yoongi realizes there are words on the screen, all gathered in small boxes. He takes the time to read some of them, having to re-press that button as the screen keeps going dark after a few moments.
   Jimin, 8:21pm: r you still busy at the house? can u please just text me back baby, if ur busy thats okay, im just a little worried out u, thats all… it’s getting late…
   Jimin, 10:49am: okay, im heading off to work, flick me a text when u get this xxx
   Jimin, yesterday 5:11pm:  we dont have to if you don’t want to
   Jimin, yesterday 4:28pm: date night tonight? xxx i feel like i havent seen you in ages baby xxx
There are more, but they disappear out the bottom. Yoongi frowns. He thinks he remembers this Jimin; if memory serves, it was the sleeping male curling up to Y/n when he briefly visited her dreamscape. Yoongi had been so caught up in making sure she fulfilled her end of the deal that he had almost forgotten she had a life outside of their time. Those messages were a sobering reminder of how much Yoongi was asking from her. How much she was giving up. He didn’t like that feeling.
Clearing his throat noisily in the early evening silence, he picks up the device delicately and places it on the bed, flattening out the note beside it. Y/n’s instructions make sense as he follows along, although it takes him a while to work out what she means by ‘text bubble icon’.
Once he reaches that screen, and clicks on the name ‘Jimin’, those same messages appear, but in a different format. “I’ve already seen these,” he tells the device. The device does not respond. “I seek to create one of my own.” He sighs. The magic on this glass apparently cannot react to voice, only touch. He reaches out and clicks on the small white box that says ‘iMessage’ in grey. “Yes, I do want to message,” he mumbles distractedly. A large array of small letters appears below. Y/n wrote down to tap each square to write the letter. It seems an awfully impersonal way of writing, and it takes Yoongi quite a long time to tap out what Y/n has asked him to write, as well as pressing a small blue arrow to the right, which pushes the message upwards, resting directly below those from the Jimin.
   omg im so sorry i missed these jiminie ㅠ ㅠ i hope ur not too worried.
   im ok, just not been feeling great so ive been sleeping a lot! im not sure yet if its contagious so pls dont come out, i know uve got that show coming up and i dont want u to get sick ok!
   love you lots baby!
Yoongi sighs once he finishes, resting back on the bed, but soon three bouncing dots appear in a box. He watches them dance, fascinated, wondering what this could mean, until they change into words. Y/n did tell him that Jimin would be likely to reply and had simply written on the bottom of the note, ‘no apostrophes, or capital letters, call him baby or jiminie, and make sure he doesn’t come out to the house!’
   Jimin: omg thank god ur safe i was worried!!! i can bring u round some fresh soup and we can have a night in xxx ive already had my flu jab so i wont get sick i promise lol xx
Yoongi swears, trying to speed up his reply, double-checking Y/n’s rules as he goes.
   thank you, baby, thats very kind of you. but please dont come out, im just going to go to sleep and hope that this sickness passes in time. i will notify you once
But before he can finish crudely dictating a message, a series of three hard raps echoes through the house. Yoongi stands up ramrod stiff. Surely the Jimin boy hadn’t arrived so soon? Although, Yoongi supposes transport must be more efficient in this time. He bites his lip nervously. Surely, it would be best to go ask him to leave. It was Y/n’s intention that Jimin did not come to the house, since she herself was absent, and Yoongi could not have the boy roaming around and discovering the portal’s entrance.
“Y/n?” a deep voice calls out, muffled through the walls. Yoongi swears under his breath and pockets the small device and the note, getting off the bed to go find the front door. “Are you there?” Hurrying faster, the shaman eventually locates a door with a clouded glass panel revealing a tall shadow. He fumbles with the doorknob, having to twist a key (thank God that technology hasn’t changed) to unlock it, and throws it open with a nervous huff. The man blinks once, furrowing his eyebrows. “Uh…hi?”
“Yes, hello,” Yoongi blurts out hastily, eyes roaming over the tall man. Although he saw Jimin in very dim lighting, it’s easy to tell that this is not the same man. “Who are you?”
The man is wearing rough-looking blue pants with a belt, and a tunic that’s cut at his hips instead of his legs. He holds a hand out to Yoongi. Yoongi stares at it until the man coughs and lowers it. “My name’s Namjoon. I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m just here to speak to Y/n.”
“What-” Yoongi’s words catch in his throat when he lifts his gaze from the man’s odd attire to his face. It can’t be. A bolt of deeply-repressed hurt cuts through him. He recognizes those dimples, that smile, even the name is the same as his. It was a face he never thought he’d see again. But, no. It isn’t him. The more Yoongi looks at him closely, the man going a little red in the cheeks under the sudden scrutiny, Yoongi can see the finer details aren’t right. His Namjoon had a narrow nose, more delicate face. His Namjoon wasn’t as tall and was skinnier too. This man in front of him bore shocking resemblance, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t his Namjoon. Sensing he had been silent too long, Yoongi blinks away the tears that threaten to well. “What for?”
“Oh, uh, it’s kind of private business, dude. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Y/n’s sick,” Yoongi says instead, “so I’m afraid you can’t come in. I’m more than happy to pass on a message.”
The man who looks so much like his former assistant furrows his brows. “I’m sorry, who are you? I’d like to speak with her. I’ve been doing some more research for her, you see, really cool stuff on-”
“I’m her doctor,” Yoongi says instead, “I’m concerned she may be contagious, so I’ve advised her not to have guests. If you have the research with you, perhaps I can bring it inside. I’m sure she’d appreciate you coming.”
The guy laughs awkwardly, then digs into a bag at his side for a stack of pieces of paper bound in some floppy, slippery pink material. “I didn’t have time to pick up a ringbinder, so the photocopies are loose, but I managed to dig up quite a bit of the history on the Jeon reign, as well as all the following generations. It’s interesting! Hopefully she’ll get some use out of it.” The man hands the research over, craning his neck to try and glance down the hallway. “Can you tell her hi for me? And that I’m sorry for stopping by without texting ahead.”
Yoongi nods, half in a daze. He doesn’t know this strange feeling in his chest; does he want this Namjoon-not-Namjoon man to leave and never think about him again, or does he wish he would stay so that Yoongi can see just how much similarity there was? The thought comes too late, as the man turns and skips down the gravel path, getting into his car and pulling away without a second look back.
The shaman shuts the door, returning the key to its previous position, and sinks down on the floor. First Taehyung acting up, reminding him of his last assistant, and now this. The fates were being cruel today.
Forgetting about the small device still in his herbs pouch, Yoongi quickly returns to the hallway and crawls through the doorway and back into his own time, trying to ignore the hot tears that gather under his chin.
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suenala · 5 years
BTS-story ; well, here i am.
episode 2 ; 'oh cute!'
prev. < tsilretsam
[genre] ; fluff
[fandom] ; 방탄소년단
[⚠] ; cuss cuss cuss
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This was a regular day for me, I was caught up practicing a new choreo and i just started 'creating' it; Id say i’m making SOME progress at least.
Mostly everyone was communicating with each other and some others (including I) were practicing. We had earbuds in and it wasn't weird to practice in front of each other, messing up choreo was nothing to get caught up about because everyone knows dancing is hard work.
For me though...if im practicing then thats pretty much it, i get too immersed in it that i basically block out all distractions. Er, thats why we have the rule to keep one bud out but everyone knows how focused i am so i never obey it.
A few hours passed and I still was practicing non-stop, I can hear myself panting and breathing heavily so I decided it was best if I take a short break (as one does). I took my headphones off and slouched my back against the mirror and grabbed my water bottle and started chugging down the water until i basically choked-as if someone wanted to take my sweaty bottle..I sat a bit trying to grasp my breath but as i was about to get up, my manager walks in.
Manager: "Geez guys, there's so many of you.. Anyway, you call read the announcement on Twitter-right?" -her head looks around the room smiling-
Everyone: "Yes!!" -they all start doing that weird 'eewhoo' scream that people do at football games-
Yn: -i slightly click my neck- "Hm? What's she talking about...?" -i mumble under my breath. I look at her, my eyes wider than before, trying to get a grip of what's going on.- "There IS a lot of people here today..."
Manager: "As you know they are VERY POPULAR, i want everyone on their very best behavior-you hear me?!"
Everyone: "Yes!!"
After the manager waves goodbye everyone goes back to talking....but more...energized. I had no idea whats going on so i just click my tongue and put my buds in; i continue practicing more and more and as per usual, i zone in. Some time passes and not realizing or caring, apparently everyone had stopped what they were doing- which by the way, I WAS IN FRONT OF A WALL MADE OF MIRROR SO HO- but that's not the point UNTIL I felt someone tap my shoulder, i looked at them and they gestured at me to take my earbuds out and then told me to turn around, I slowly do as told with a confused expression and turn around Obviously not bothering to look at the mirror.
Yn: "Dude, what do you wa-" -doe eyes my ass, my eyes were basically popping out my head and dangling on the floor!-
I stand there.
My mouth hanging open on the floor along with my fucking eyeballs, they minus well be a cat toy for how- DUMBFOUNDED I WAS.
I don't processes what's going on until this guy freaking pats my head.
Tae: "Oh cute!"
My eyebrows ruffle as soon as i heard that and immediately i bow along with profusely apologizing. I can literally feel their staring! Literally into my soul.
Yn: "Oh my gosh! Im so sorry!!!!"
While my head is lowered to them, i keep on mumbling im sorry until i can feel some weight on my left shoulder-along with some sharp ass pain.
Yn: "OW-" -this is when my dumbass falls on the floor without realizing it. I look up and see my manager staring at me so
I look at her with the most confused look that my face can come up with and my hand over my shoulder.
Manager: "Oh yn! Why are you on the floor? How'd you get there?"
It turns out while half my body was lowered, she put her arm on my back but...elbow went first.
Manager: "Well, i guess you've met yn already!" -she looks at them but whispers to me, trying to shove me up by her foot instead of with her arm (which were behind her back gesturing me to get up)- "yn.yn..g-get up!!"
Yn: "God- tsh, i am!" -i look at her pouting as i dust my self off-
Namjoon: "Ah, your name is yn?"
Before Namjoon can continue, my manager cuts him off and puts her arm around my shoulder.
Manager: "Okay! Well, let's not get distracted here! I wanted to introduce our special guests today but I'll let them do it themselves!"
Everyone: -Cheers!-
Namjoon: "Uh...okay..well, we're BTS!" -They all do their introduction and bow as my manager hands me...water? I look at her confused but she just nudges it towards me more so i take it and slowly and hesitantly drinking it-
Manager: "OKAY!!! Now, i would like to say that since we have some of the best dancers in the country and including some other tale-"
Everyone: "EEWHOO-"
Manager: "SHHHH! Most of you may know why these seven handsome members are here today BUT I'll refresh for those who don't. They are here to find an 8th member and basically, you'll all perform your dances that you have prepared and they'll judge. Also have you perform other talents as well but if you make it through the next round! That was a brief summary but if you need to know more than check our Instagram or ask a friend! Since its almost break time, I'll let you go but come back here after, break goes as usual-AND BEHAVE OR ILL KICK YOUR A- goodbye now." -she walks out the studio waving and bowing at everyone. She's older than most of us since she's in her 40's but dang! That woman looks younger than me!!-
a/n: i was thinking, if anyone wanted to do a gc on kakao to help with each other FF's for bts chats then lmk i kinda want to make one because I feel like it'll give us as fans somewhere to bond more and something to talk about later (msg me ♥) but its a new idea so idk if people will be up for it.
prev. < tsilretsam > next
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
interesting I was wondering what you thought of this; my moms is a huge advocate for women getting their education and not entirely depending on a man. however she is worried with the rise of female doctors, because where I'm from even though it's sort of sexist but pople send their daughter into medical fields (doctors, pharmacist, dentist or nurse) because it is known that job has the most job security and people don't trust men to have their daughter financially depended on ->
-> so if women do actually go into medical school or pharmacy or dentistry, they still graduate fairly young 23/25 and get married (hopefully to another doctor they met in college), majority of them never specialize even (or even work) and the ones who do specialize in family medicine because it’s short and easy. so you see even though people want a job thats good for their daughter, they don’t want them to go the whole mile in order to take care of the kids.That’s an interesting discussion, so I’d like to thank you for bringing it up. It’s a hard question, with no easy or definite answer. On a wider level, medicine is a vocational degree. And whilst there are no rules or laws in place about who should study medicine, we could argue that people have an ethical duty to at least consider if they want to do it. Because if too many people who don’t want to actually be doctors take up all the places, you’ll end up with no actual doctors, and lots of people disappearing off with their state-funded education. Now, in reality, people have all sorts of different reasons for studying medicine then not staying in it. Some were kind of forced into it by their parents, or pressured into it by their school, and it took them a while to realise that clinical medicine is just not for them. Sometimes even people who went into it with their eyes open, genuinely feeling they want to do medicine can realise halfway through that it’s just not for them. And a small number do the degree because they can, and they know it’s a good qualification, and they hope to go into banking afterwards or earn their Mrs degree or something else entirely. Now, I personally believe it’s ethically better if you only start studying medicine if you actually have some interest in it. You may not guarantee that you will stay in medicine, but there’s absolutely no point in going in knowing it’s not what you want to do. Because medicine is stressful, and hard, and you’ll get so much more out of university if you pick something you really want to do. And if you want to go into banking or consulting etc, you can do just as well going to a prestigious university and studying a subject you actually like, as if you did medicine. The reason why things are complicated, is because in my experience, many people who genuinely passionately wanted to do medicine also drop out. And from the outside, you’d never be able to tell. And going back to the people who are pressured by their parents; I don’t think it’s fair to be harsh on them, either, given how big an impact your parent’s views and approval can have on your life when you are 17. I can completely understand why some of my peers  went that way. I’m happy to report that when hese people get a bit older, they have more independence and a chance to work out what works for them. And when they find themselves a stable, decent job in the field they actually love it’s much easier for their parents to accept they don’t want to be doctors. Because I think that a lot of the traditional parents are coming from a place of love when they advise their children about their future. Most want their children to have more stable lives, and less hardships than they did. Most parents hope their children will find stable, well paying work which will allow them financial security and independence (and protect them against hardship), and medicine being a job with that reputation, (and a decent amount of social cachet) is desirable to many people for that reason. Unfortunately, medicine is also stressful, involves moving around, way too many exams, being sued, and generally has lots of bad points that the public don’t really consider enough, because they focus on the ‘good side’.I can see why your mum is concerned; although there are more women (which is good), there’s also a culture surrounding female education that means that it’s important, but only until you can get married and have kids, after which you’re expected to focus only on this. And your mum (and others) worry that there may be lots of women in med school, but if most of them end up leaving medicine, then what’s the point? And what do you do if you end up with fewer doctors because they all leave? And I can see that concern, and I think it mirrors some of the concerns people have here (though here the concern is usually about women doctors working part-time, or all genders leaving).You cleverly mention what the parents want for the girls who study medicine. But the exciting thing is, those girls will have opinions of their own about what they want to do. And with each generation, they will get bolder, more determined, and have more opportunities and choice, because of the efforts of those that went before them. I remember one of my female lecturers talking about her mother, who was a female consultant in a time when that was more unusual, and some of the difficulties she faced. She shared this in an ancient lecture theatre, which now contains more women than men; something its founders would likely never have imagined! Progress happens, it just works differently in different places.Even of those girls whose parents advise leaving medicine, some of them will still stay in medicine. And if they are supported, that number will be higher. Some need more support; from their partner, from their community, and from their family. It’s tough, because what that situation needs is much slower and harder to achieve: a cultural shift that goes beyond valuing women’s education because it grants them the opportunity to get a husband, but recognising that it grants her even more: independence, satisfaction in her life, the chance to make a difference. And when that follows, society can work on the next step, which is understanding that women and men, everyone needs a manageable work-life balance. And that by allowing workers to be more flexible we will lose less of them to child-rearing or illness etc. Now, I think most countries still have far to go on this front; even those countries that are good at giving lip-service to women working in respected or traditionally male fields, often don’t take enough steps to make sure women coming back after maternity leave, looking after kids, or looking after a sick relative are supported enough. And many sysyems don’t do enough to support people who need to go part time, whether for their health, or family reasons. On the other hand, I can see why people want to spend time with their kids; that’s something that happens here, too. And it’s not just women, either. Our male peers also want to be more involved in their childrens’ lives. Our generation is more likely to take advantage of shared parental leave so that dads can spend time with their babies, too. Some of my male colleagues have also complained that they feel they spend more time with other people’s kids than their own. I’ve seen plenty of my male peers stress over work-life balance and seeing enough of their children. Medicine is time consuming,  and many of us wonder if we are getting the balance right. So I can see why the parents you describe would want their kids to take the easy route; nobody wants to see their kid go through more difficulty than they have to. Even though it’s rather presumptive of parents to decide what’s best for their grown-up children, it can still be hard for parents to realise where the boundaries are, particularly if you’re in a culture where the older generation is meant to be consulted as an authority. My culture is similar, and my relatives give their opinions so freely, I imagine it would horrify my English friends! Nevertheless, the younger generation have to choose what is best for them, as much as they can.Even here in the UK, we are getting more doctors working part time (both male and female, but often female), in order to spend more time with their kids. It was always expected (according to my middle aged medical family friends) that if doctors got married, one of them would go part time or go into GP so that the other could focus on their career whilst the first partner was more stable in their children’s lives. And you’ll find it easy to guess which gender that role usually fell to! Women. Because even until recently (and arguably even now), it’s still seen as wrong for a woman to be quite as committed to her career as a man is expected to be. And if the family unit have to sacrifice career progression for the sake of family, it’s still expected for the woman to be the one doing it. Part of it is direct pressure from family, friends and work, but much of it is cultural; if we’re surrounded by these ideas then as we grow up, we teach boys that their career is paramount, whilst we teach girls that family should be the only thing that matters. But things are changing; many of my male colleagues spend almost as much time as my female colleagues talking about their plans for family, and how they plan to balance things. And many of my female colleagues have set themselves high career goals regardless of where they stand on having kids. But, even if we get to the point where men and women are equally likely to stay home with the kids or go part time, we will still have to adapt our workforce around the fact that people will want a better work-life balance; we can’t just pretend we are still in the ‘good old days’ when women stayed home, and men worked silly shifts at work, and could afford to because their wives basically did everything else for them. People rarely live like this now; both men and women (and everyone in between) have a lot more on their plate than they used to. And you know what? The ‘good old days’ were never that good; many of our peers are the kids of medics who worked under unforgiving rotas. Ask a doctor’s kid from those days how much they saw their dads or mums, and many will tell you hat they hope to do parenting very differently. If I had to summarise it, It’d be this: I don’t think girls should be pressured into going to med school for a Mrs degree, (or that boys should be pressured into being doctors, either), but the factors surrounding why parents value educaiton but value their daughters looking after the children far more, are complex and rooted in culture. Cultures can and do change, but it takes time, and it takes people trying new things for others to see that it’s not so bad after all.
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