#we’re adopting one or two more because we just want more cats
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oysters-aint-for-me · 5 months ago
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prince gizmo is learning to love
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bitchesofostwick · 2 months ago
codex: notes from the inquisition
i'm rewriting that letter (THAT one; minor veilguard spoilers for those who haven't gotten there) not because i didn't like it (i loved it) but because i can and because i wanted ellinor to be able to respond. tag list: @elfroot-and-laurels @captastra @mournholdmushroom @vvakarians @galaxywhale @creaking-skull
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My love,
It seems one of the pups got to my half-written work before I could, or before Tara could, for that matter. She’s a good mum and usually keeps a close eye on all of them, but if it takes a village to raise a child, I’d dare to say it takes two villages to raise a litter of mabari.
I’ve wrapped up all I could at Skyhold. Our quarters here felt strange enough to return to after all of these years. They feel stranger still without you here beside me. But I leave the fortress behind in good hands, and although I’m surprised at how many Inquisition veterans so quickly answered our calls for aid, I am eternally grateful. I make for Minrathous tomorrow morning, though I loathe to imagine how I’ll fare at sea again for the first time since returning to Ferelden from Kirkwall. I know what you’d say—take the longer route through Orlais. But first, we both know that’s counterintuitive to the urgency at hand, and second, I’d rather let Dorian win a score of chess games against me before I spend a minute longer in Orlais than I have to, for anything.
Speaking of Dorian, he told me in his most recent correspondence that you’d already tried to adopt about ten cats from the streets of Minrathous. Darling, we both know Cat isn’t fond of competition, we’ve got a full house as it is with the new pups. How do we plan to feed these cats? To house them? To transport them back to Ferelden? Please consider…reconsidering.
I digress. Ellinor, I know you are more than capable—of anything, of everything and more that I could never dream of doing myself. You are the strongest person I know. Still, it goes without saying that I worry for you. I fear for your safety—it’s kept me awake, tossing and turning, every night since you left my side. All these years, and I’ve never been able to stop worrying. If I could be there now, be your sword and your shield and your advisor all over again, I’d do it in a heartbeat. In a single breath. All this is to say please stay safe and be careful, and I will be there as soon as my feet can carry me.
All of my love, yours, eternally, Cullen
You’re right about the urgency we’re dealing with. I don’t even have to say this, because you’ve seen it firsthand as well as I have. But in better times, I certainly would suggest you take the longer route to get here. I know you despise Orlais. Believe me when I say you’re going to despise Tevinter as well. In fact, when I told our friends you were on your way, Harding took on an especially sympathetic expression, and Dorian merely cackled in my face. There’s magic abound here, love. And I know you’ve gotten more used to it, and I know you cope better now than you used to, but I still need you to know. It’s not like the south. It’s unchecked and it’s everywhere, and I just want you to be prepared.
Maevaris is looking forward to meeting you—Dorian’s all but sung your praises to her��and so is Rook, though she reminds me at times of Hawke and I imagine your personalities may clash a bit, were the situation at hand not so dire. Morrigan is here as well. I can just about see your eyes rolling as you read this. So get it out of the way now, before you arrive.
As soon as your feet can carry you? Poor Lady. She’s quite spry for a mare her age, and it’d wound her to know you discredit her efforts this way. I promise not to tell her you said that.
I’m sorry—it’s not fair for me to joke. I know you mean every word that you say. In truth, it hurts my heart to see you worry this way, especially after all the pains we’ve gone through to build a quiet life for ourselves after the Inquisition. I wish it were not so. I wish this wasn’t happening. I wish we were at home again, picnicking in the fields with no bigger concern than what fruits we want from the market the next day, or which friends we want to visit with next. I hate that I have to be here. I hate that I’m without you. Worst of all, I hate that you have to travel to Tevinter of all places just to be with me again. If it were in my power, I’d have made sure you never set foot in the city of Minrathous, because I know you’re going to hate it here.
Dorian saw me write that. He said you need to grow a thicker skin.
Anyway. I’m being careful. I promise. I will see you soon, my love.
Yours, Ellinor
P.S. I did not adopt ten cats. Dorian made me put one back because apparently it belonged to the fruit merchant, and I was “stealing.”
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allykakamatsu · 2 months ago
Twisted Hearts 1 Chapter 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, Cat, King
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Story Summary: When an unknown incident lands the students of NRC in a strange new world, they have to travel across worlds to find each other as well as trying to vanquish the darkness. Sounds.... easier than most of what they've been through this school year at least, but nothing is ever that simple, and a pair or adopted siblings will once again find themselves at odds.
Chapter Summary: The quartet makes their first stop on their saving the world field trip, leading to some reunions, as well as some unexpected turns in perspective, particularly from a certain red haired Housewarden.
(Chapter underneath read more)
POV, Silver:
“HEY! WAKE UP!!” !!!
“Huh?!?! Oh, are we almost there?” I ask as I wake up. I don’t remember falling asleep but I’m not surprised, and at least Sora, Goofy and Donald being here means that I didn’t get hit with a sleeping curse for what would be the fourth time now.
“Hyuck, yup,” Goofy confirms as Sora gets back to his seat after waking me up, “surprised you slept through the whole flight though, it was pretty bumpy.”
“Not to mention you were sitting next to mister screamer.” Donald adds sounding annoyed.
“Hey! We were firing lasers at Heartless in space, you try staying calm during your first time doing that!” Sora fires back with a pout.
“I’m just used to loud noises I guess, my best friend is pretty loud after all.” I admit with a small smile. By the Seven I hope I find Sebek soon, along with Father and Malleus.
“You two will get along great then…” Donald groans and I can’t help but smile as Sora and Goofy laugh.
“Anyway, hold on everyone, I’m gonna pull us in to land!” Goofy tells us as I feel the Gumi Ship lurch down onto a red checkered patterned planet, or world as everyone’s been calling it, and after a minute we’re well… parked for lack of a better word.
“Alright, let’s get going!,” Sora says excitedly as we all get off the ship, “what did you guys say this world was called again?”
“Wonderland” Donald answers- wait, what?
“Wonderland?,” I ask to make sure I didn’t mishear things, “as in, the Queen of Hearts Wonderland?”
“Yeah, why do you ask?” Goofy confirms as we keep making our way through the corridor while I’m trying to process this.
“She… she’s one of the Seven historical figures who are worshiped in my world.” I answer making everyone stare at me like I have two heads again.
“WHAT?!?!” Donald and Goofy shout, and after recovering from his shock Sora just grins.
“That’s nuts,” he admits, “but hey, now you have one heck of a story to tell your friends when you get back!”
“Heh, I suppose that’s one word for it” I admit wondering if we’ll run into the Queen or any other members of the Seven…. And I’m suddenly not sure if I want to because the last thing I want is to make a fool out of myself in front of any of them, especially Maleficent-
“WHY WON’T THEY DIE?!?!” !! Wait… is that…?
“What the-?! Hey!” Donald asks as I summon my Keyblade and run into what I can only assume is a kitchen where I see a bunch of heartless on the floor, and just like I thought, I also see Ace and Deuce though they’re both shrunk down to a height barely above my ankles.
“Stand back you two!” I tell the two freshmen as I quickly kill the Heartless with my Keyblade. Thankfully they’re pretty weak and go down quickly, but I know thanks to Sebek and Riddle that Deuce and Ace aren’t pushovers so if they were struggling to kill these things then Keyblades must be really special huh?
“!! Silver-Senpai!” Deuce shouts in relief as I pick up him and Ace and put the pair on the table so I can at least look at them in the eye. 
“How the hell did you deal with them so easily?” Ace grumbles, getting him a shove from his dorm-mate.
“This, they’re made specifically to kill Heartless,” I explain as I show the pair my Keyblade, “the fact I’m my usual height probably helps too.”
“HEY!! It’s not our fault we need to be this tall to go into Wonderland!” Ace shouts to defend himself-
“AGH!! GIANTS!!!!” Deuce screams as he points next to me-? Oh the others caught up.
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“Oh, don’t worry, these guys are with me,” I assure the freaked out pair as I do introductions, ��Ace, Deuce, these are Sora, Donald and Goofy. Guys, these are Ace and Deuce, they’re freshmen at my school.”
“Hi!” Sora says cheerfully and Goofy also waves and smiles, but Donald just huffs and turns away.
“Ehe, nice to meet you… sorry for the screaming…” Deuce apologises awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about it, I guess we all must look a bit scary given the height thing.” Sora assures him with his usual smile.
“Now that’s settled,” I say changing topics and turn back to the Heartslaybul first years, “what are you two doing here? Did you just get here?”
“Nope, we’ve been in Wonderland for a while,” Ace explains before pouting, “but Trey-Senpai made us both wait out here while the trial was happening because it’s ‘too dangerous’.”
“Trial? What trial?” Goofy asks and I’m wondering how Trey got caught up in something like that.
“Those…. Silver-Senpai you called them Heartless right?,” Deuce asks and I nod to confirm before he explains, “Alright, well a good few of them attacked the Queen. She was fine in the end, but she’s blaming the whole thing on Riddle-Senpai and Alice, so right now everyone is preparing for a trial to stop them from getting beheaded!” !!
“Alright, how do we get into Wonderland, I want to help.” I tell the pair firmly because I am not letting Riddle get beheaded over something he didn’t do!
“WHAT?!,” Donald shouts getting pissed, “we can’t go meddling in other worlds! We have to protect the world order!”
“And just let two innocent people get killed?! No way!,” Sora refutes backing me up, “I’m with Silver, how do we get in?!”
“Don’t tell him!” Donald shouts at the tiny freshmen.
“Oh, I’m gonna tell him!” Ace fires back with a, to quote what I heard Idia say one time, shit eating grin-
“Um, guys.” Goofy chimes in, ending the argument as he shows us a photo of a very tall person in a black cloak summoning Heartless?! 
“This… this is hard evidence!,” Deuce gasps in shock, “we have to get this to Trey-Senpai and the others, this is our way to prove Riddle-Senpai and Alice are innocent!”
“Guess we’re going in then after all,” I say making Sora smirk and Donald groan, “how do we get in?”
“You guys have gotta drink this,” Ace explains while pointing at a bottle labelled ‘drink me’, “but can you get me and Deuce down here first, it’s a pretty far jump from our height.”
“Sure thing!,” Sora agrees as he puts the pair back on the floor before picking up the bottle, “bottoms up!” With that he drinks it and hands me the bottle, and right as he does he shrinks down to the same size as Ace and Deuce.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this…” Donald grumbles as he takes the bottle from me and chugs before passing it to Goofy before he shrinks, and then Goofy does the same but passes it back to me.
“Here goes” I say as I take a gulp, no one was screaming while they shrunk so this should be fine-!
“Was not… expecting that…” I groan as I recover and I see I’ve been shrunk down like everyone else. Nothing hurts thankfully but that made my stomach lurch and I do not like it.
“Are you alright Silver?” Sora asks as he and Deuce help me back to my feet.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” I assure him because I do feel better now, “now, let’s get in.”
“Finally…. I was getting tired of being benched.” Ace sighs  in relief as he opens the door and we all head in, and for Wonderland it does seem to be pretty tame, there’s a lot of oversized flowers and leaves but it’s nothing too strange… that or everything I’ve experienced lately has desensitised me to weirdness….  Now that I think about it it’s probably the latter, nothing is as weird as buff Epel.
“I’ve never seen plants like these beFORE!!” Sora comments as he sniffs one of the flowers before being pulled out of the way from said flower slapping him by Deuce?
“Sorry Gertrude!,” Deuce apologises to the flower before turning to the rest of us, “the flowers don’t like being sniffed so, don’t do that please.”
“Right, my bad!” Sora agrees as he apologises to the flower and we all keep moving.
“The flowers talk now…?” Donald half asks half grumbles.
“Makes sense to me.” Goofy replies as cheerful as ever.
“We are in Wonderland after all, we should expect things to be different.” I add as we keep following Ace and Deuce until we make it to a small clearing in the back where a familiar pair of senpai are looking over a lot of papers.
“Ugh, none of this is making any sense-!,” Trey groans before seeing us and going into about twenty stages of panic, “Ace, Deuce?! I told you to wait outside until this was over-! Silver?! It’s good to see you but how did you get here?! And I mean this in the nicest way possible, but who in the name of the Queen of Hearts are you three?!”
“I’m Sora, and that’s Donald and Goofy, nice to meet you!” Sora introduces, almost oblivious to the tension and while all this is happening I can just about see Cater who looks torn between laughing and screaming.
“I came with those three to find f-Lilia, Malleus and Sebek, and this was our first stop,” I continue as I answer the questions in reverse order before handing Trey the photo, “and in Ace and Deuce’s defence, we found this and we had to get it to you. It might be able to prove Riddle’s innocent.”
“Hmm… yeah that is way too tall to be Riddle or Alice alright,” Cater comments as he and Trey look at the photo before giving us a relieved smile, “this might just do the trick. You guys are #Life-Savers for real.”
“I know right?” Ace quips with a smirk which gets a facepalm from Deuce in response.
“I’m still annoyed that you two didn’t just ask Silver and his new friends to drop this off,” Trey tells the first years before sighing, “but this is important so I’ll let it slide this time, but Seven forbid this happens again you’d better listen to me.”
“Got it Trey-Senpai.” Deuce agrees and Ace also nods in agreement, though I see him put his hands in his pocket when he does it so knowing him, there’s a non zero chance he crossed his fingers.
“So, when’s the trial-?” Sora shouts but gets cut off by a lot of incomprehensible yelling from the distance.
“If I had to take a guess, now,” Cater answers as the Heartslaybul students turn panicked, “we gotta head over there like, right now”
“Let’s get going then fellas, hyuck!” Goofy says as we all follow the juniors to what looks like the centre of a hedge maze where the Queen of Hearts herself is standing behind the judges stand….. alright, time to hopefully not make a fool out of myself-
“Silver?!,” Riddle shouts as he sees me, “Silver what are you doing here-?!”
“SILENCE!!,” the Queen screams before I can respond, “the suspects aren’t allowed to speak!” Okay that seems unreasonable- why is Riddle freezing up?
“Your majesty that hasn’t been in the rules before-“ Trey tries to interject but gets cut off by the Queen hammering in a gavel.
“It is now!!,” She shouts in anger, “now, present your evidence, or it’s off with all of your heads!”
“Oh my, what an unpleasant lady.” Alice scoffs quietly as Cater very awkwardly puts the picture along with four other pieces of evidence he and Trey found into boxes by the Queen’s stand.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of this,” I tell her which makes Alice smile before I turn to Riddle, “are you alright?”
“… No,” he whispers after a moment likely to not anger the Queen, “being blamed for an attack unjustly is one thing but, her Majesty has been bending the rules and inventing new ones on the spot just to condemn myself and Liddell-san without giving us a chance to defend ourselves. Myself and the others have been in Wonderland for a while, and seeing her Majesty up close has not been what I was hoping for, but this? This goes against everything I and her tenants stand for. I just… I don’t know what to make of all of this….”
“You look up to her this much and she’s blaming you for this mess?,” Alice asks with an appalled expression as I try to figure out what to say, “that is horrible! You should tell her off!”
“Tell off the Queen, are you insane?!,” Riddle hisses back before calming down, “I appreciate your concern Liddell-san, but I’m trying to avoid making this situation worse…. Though right now I have no idea what to do admittedly…..”
“….. I’m not sure if this will help,” I say after I finally come up with something, “but if there’s one thing I’ve learned recently, is that you can still admire someone while calling them out when they do something wrong. If you think her Majesty is making a mistake, bring it up.” 
This makes Alice nod in agreement, but before Riddle can respond the Queen bangs down her gavel.
“SILENCE!!,” she screams, “all non-defendants step away from the defendants podium or it’s off with your head!!” 
“We go this.” I assure Riddle before I step away and he gives me a somewhat nervous nod in response.
“Alright,” Sora says, “I watched a law show once, and while I slept through most of it, I’m pretty sure we have to call witnesses or present evidence now?” 
“Correct,” the Queen confirms… right before clapping her hands and the evidence boxes get shuffled?, “pick which piece of evidence to present, that will decide the defendants fates.”
“WHAT?!?!” Donald screams what we’re all thinking because, what?
“T That’s not in the rules, I think-!” Deuce adds nervously but gets cut off by the Queen banging on her gavel.
“My word is the law!!,” the Queen shouts and I see Riddle tense up at that, “now, choose!!”
“Well, I didn’t want to do this,” Trey states as he adjusts his glasses, “but looks like we’ll need plan B after all.”
“Plan B?” Goofy asks-
“AGH!!! Get it off, GET IT OFF!!” The Queen screams as something invisible with a purple tail lands on her head and starts running around the booth?!
“The Cheshire Cat?” Alice asks as everyone besides Trey is either stunned in shock or is panicking.
“No, but not far off,” Riddle admits going pale, “Trey what in the Queen’s name did you set up?”
“A backup.” Trey answers with a smug expression as he quickly checks the evidence boxes which makes Cater barely hold back a laugh.
“One of us should’ve recorded this.” Ace jokes as Trey finishes checking the boxes right as the ‘cat’ disappears.
“UGH!! I swear when I find that cat it will be off with his head!!,” the Queen groans before turning back to us, “now, choose or it’s off with all of your heads!!”
“Of course your majesty.” Trey replies as he goes for the box in the middle, presenting the photo like he didn’t just cause.… whatever that was.
“Hmm….,” the Queen hums as she takes the photo and examines it with a comically large magnifying glass, “interesting…. SUSPECTS!! Line up underneath my podium!!”
“Y Yes your majesty!” Riddle agrees as he rushes into position, with a less eager Alice being not too far behind, and once they’re both lined up the Queen looks back and forward between the pair and the photo.
“Were any stilts found at the crime scene?,” the Queen asks and we all shake our heads to say no, “well, that is grounds enough for the boy to go… the girl though, I’ve heard stories of her changing her size on a whim, how can I be sure she didn’t just do that again?!”
“I can’t just do it whenever I want!,” Alice interjects, “I can only do it when I’ve eaten part of a mushroom, and I’ve run o-!!” 
“WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE DEFENDANTS TALKING?!?!” The Queen screams and now I’m scrambling to come up with something because this is bad. How did the Queen end up becoming one of the Seven exactly?
“….. Your majesty, you said I am ‘off the hook’ now, so that means I’m no longer a defendant and can speak, as per your rules,” Riddle states after a moment and while the Queen is still annoyed she bites her tongue and lets him speak, “and while I can testify to Liddell-san being a bit of a brat, she’s also a child who has no clue about anything in Wonderland. More importantly, I can also testify to her needing specific food and beverages to change size, and she hasn’t had any on her since long before the incident, so if those are the grounds you’re using to accuse her then… then….”
“Then what?” The Queen asks with a growl, and with that a nervous Riddle turns to look at me and I give him the most encouraging nod I can, and everyone else does the same, well besides from Donald who’s groaning and Ace who’s giving a pair of thumbs up instead.
“Then….,” Riddle continues as he takes a deep breath, “then I’m afraid your conclusion about her is wrong your majesty!!!”
“You go Rids!!” Cater cheers as the Queen and the card soldiers are left stunned and start murmuring among themselves, trying to decide what to do.
“I cannot believe I just did that….” Riddle mumbles in disbelief.
“Well it was awesome, you sure showed her!” Sora replies with a smile.
“Agreed, and I very much appreciate you standing up for me, even if I could’ve done without the brat line.” Alice adds with a slightly cheeky smile.
“Um, guys,” Goofy tells us sounding worried, “I think we should get out of here.”
“Huh, why-?” Trey asks as we all turn to where Goofy is pointing…. And see that the Queen’s face is turning a shade of red that would be comical if this wasn’t very bad news.
“RULE TWENTY NINE!!! ALL WHO DEFY ME ARE GUILTY!!! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!!!!!” The Queen screams so loudly that I’m surprised she didn’t loose her voice as the card soldiers turn their spears on us.
“Zooterkins,” I swear as I draw my Keyblade and everyone else gets into a fighting stance, “someone stay back and protect Alice, we’ll-!”
“You…,” Riddle groans as he cuts me off, “you’re condemning us for defending ourselves, even going against your own rules to do it. You are not the Queen of Hearts I’ve read about, you’re no better than what I used to be. So, how about to teach you a lesson, I give you a taste of your own medicine, then maybe you’ll learn to become the Queen your subjects look up to your majesty!”
“GET THEM!!” The Queen screams as the card soldiers start to charge, but Riddle just draws his magic pen without flinching.
“Riddle?!” Sora asks in confusion but the Housewarden doesn’t even flinch and instead goes to cast.
“I’ll hand down my sentence,” Riddle chants with a determined expression, “The verdict comes afterwards. Are you ready? Off With Your Head!!!” 
With that the spell collars the Queen and makes her fall over in shock, which makes the Card soldiers freeze up in confusion, but before they can do anything Riddle summons…. What I can best describe as an oversized claymore on a short stick which he uses to knock a lot of them back.
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“Holy cow!!” Sora says in amazement as the rest of us are frozen in either shock or joy, Trey being the latter but he recovers first and he quickly casts a flora spell to stun the few soldiers Riddle didn’t hit.
“That was amazing, but we should probably run!” Trey points out, making Riddle snap out of his adrenaline filled trace to nod as we all make a break for the door.
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wildemaven · 1 year ago
bloom : two | joel miller
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-> pairing: joel miller x florist f!reader
-> wc: 4024
-> content warning: lots if fluff and mutual pining, ellie being ellie (terrifying at times), talks of divorce and failed relationships, mention of food, reader is a single mom (adoption) and has zero physical descriptions
-> a/n: excited to share this! everyone is meeting and things are happening. big thank you to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for being a gem and listening to me stress over this and reading through this and correcting all my mistakes— she’s truly the best!
one / series masterlist / playlist
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Sarah keeps asking questions. 
She always has, ever since the day she could form coherent sentences. Always wanting to know more, seeking out more information to feel informed and ready for her next move. 
So it comes as no surprise that she’s asked him the same question about five different times in the span of 24 hours.
“So, where are we going again?” Sarah’s question floats through the cab in between munching on the tart green grapes she brought along to snack on. 
“That flower shop. That one you always comment on when we drive by— Wilder Floral. I got your flowers from them.” Joel glances over to where Sarah is sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Hmm. Oh yes, the place you haven’t been able to stop raving about for the last week. Remind me why we are getting flowers?” Popping another grape into her mouth. 
“For Nana. Why you askin’ so many questions? I already told ya all of this.”
“Just tryin’ to get a better understanding as to why we’re goin’ to buy Nana flowers. Her birthday isn’t for another 6 months, and there’s no occasion that would require flowers that I know of.”
“Why you goin’ so hard in your ole man? Can’t I buy my mom flowers, just because.”
“Never said you couldn’t. Just askin’ that’s all.” Her exposed hands in front of her show no ill intent was intended. 
“Alright, ‘nough interrogating me. We’re here— hey, let’s keep all this talk about me not shuttin’ up about this place here in the truck, ‘kay?” Joel says as he pulls his truck up alongside the curb in front of the floral shop. 
“Sure, Dad.” She says before hopping out onto the sidewalk and closing the door behind her. 
The bell rings as he pushes the door open, allowing Sarah to walk in, following right behind her. The shop hasn’t changed much in a week's time. There’s new arrangements in the case, some similar to ones he looked over last week, some different. There’s buckets of flowers of all shapes and shades lining the ground near the workbench— trimmings scattered across the top must mean they’re being prepped for use in new arrangements. 
Joel continues to scan the space, in hopes to land on a familiar face who has overwhelmed his every thought for the better part of the last week. 
“Look what the cat dragged back in.” A voice pulls his attention to the side of the entrance, a spot he hadn’t looked over yet. 
“Ellie. It’s good to see you too.” Joel gruffs, shoving his hands in his pockets, wanting to feel less exposed to her cynicism. 
“Couldn’t stay away long, could ya?” Ellie snarks, leaning into the broom handle she has in her grip. 
“Um, guess not. This is Sarah, my daughter I was tellin’ ya bout last week.” Joel gestures to where Sarah is standing next to him. 
“Hey, aren’t you the girl that plays guitar at school?” Sarah asks, thinking she knew she had recognized Ellie from somewhere, then placed her as the girl who sits on the brick wall at lunch with her acoustic guitar, singing an array of classic ballads. 
“Uh, yeah. I didn’t think anyone ever really paid attention though.” Ellie seems to have shrunk down a little, a twinge of self consciousness washing over her. 
“I thought you looked familiar! Dad, this is the girl I was telling you about the other week, the girl who was singing The Sun Always Shines on T.V.” Sarah reminds Joel. “My dad has been singing that song to me since I was a baby.”
“No shit?” Ellie looks at Joel briefly, studying him, as if trying to imagine how he’d look and sound. 
“Yeah, you’re really good. I always stop and listen when you play.” 
Joel watches how Ellie absorbs the information, the slight grin that she tries to hide as she looks at the pile of dust and flower clippings she had been sweeping before they had walked in.
“Thanks.” Ellie huffs out, the compliment unexpected since no one at school ever seems to notice her playing, she doesn’t mind, but she’s grateful there’s at least one person enjoying when she does. 
“Small world. Anyway, we were in the neighborhood and wanted to get some flowers and thought we’d stop in to get some for her Nana.” Joel breaks the silence, pulling Sarah in front of him, his hands on her shoulders to keep a barrier between him and Ellie’s sharp words. Sarah gives her a meek smile and wave. 
“Makes sense, seeing as how we’re a flower shop.” A burst of air snaps from the gum Ellie is gnawing at, her sarcasm fully intact and back in action, her brows shooting up at the obvious reasoning for Joel and Sarah’s visit for flowers. 
“Is your mom around by chance?” He asks, peeking in the direction of the doorway that leads to the back room.
His hold on Sarah’s shoulders tightens slightly when she tries to wiggle herself away from his grip, hoping she could free herself from the awkwardness that’s started to simmer. 
“Well, seeing as how she owns the place, what do you think old man?” And she’s back, Ellie’s brutal response has Joel speechless. Sarah ducks her head to hide her snickering at her dad being called an ‘old man.’
“Ellie!” Your voice booms through the shop, catching the tailend of what Ellie had said to Joel. 
Joel turns to see you frozen in place. You look mortified by Ellie’s bluntness, your grip tight around the buckle of florals you have in your arms. 
“What?” Ellie rolls her eyes as she looks over to you. 
“Knock it off! Don’t be rude— especially to the customers.” You say as you make your way to your workbench, your calculated steps indicating the contents of the bucket are heavier than they look. 
“But it’s not just any customer, it’s Mister I’m sliding into third base Joel.” Ellie snarks, looking at Joel with the biggest shit-eating grin he’s ever seen. “Besides, I’m just kidding! Geez— no need to get your undies twisted.”
Sarah pretends to take in the store, avoiding the back and forth taking place around her, biting back the laughter that’s been building in her chest. 
Joel takes this as his cue to leave Sarah with Ellie, deciding she’s far less likely to be hit with a barrage of sarcastic remarks based on how well Ellie took her compliment about her singing and guitar playing. 
“Here let me help you with that.” Joel says as he jogs over towards you, his arms reaching out for the bucket ready to take on the load himself. 
“Oh! You don’t have to do that—“ You start to tell him, but he’s already grabbing the bucket from you, placing it alongside the other ones you already carried out prior to their arrival. “Thank you!”
“Don’t mention it.” The way you’re looking at him has his heart rate ticking up a few beats, feeling fidgety as he tightens his hands into a fist then releases, trying to release the nervous energy that is flowing through him. “How’s the finger doin’? No other  injuries I hope.”
“No other injuries and the finger healed up nicely. Thanks to a wonderful stranger coming to my rescue.” You hold up the finger in question. No bandage. No sign of where the rose thorn had embedded itself into your skin. “It was probably the kiss— you know, that made it better and all.”
Joel reaches out, his hand wrapping gently around your wrist, needing to inspect the injury site for himself. He places your hand in his, his thumb tracking up your exposed palm and the length of your finger, smoothing over the area he had the privilege to be up close and personal with a week ago. He likes the way your skin feels under his touch, silk like and warm, even with how much you work with them. He has to rein in his fiery thoughts, wanting to know how every inch of you would feel. 
“Always does the trick.” His voice teeters on a nice balance of gentle and rough. 
Joel looks up from where he’s still holding you. Your eyes already fixed on him, beaming and bright, giving your smile a run for its money. He’s not quite sure what convinces him to do it for a second time, but finds he doesn’t really care either when he places a kiss on the pulse point of your wrist. He  lets his lips linger for a moment, catching the brief gasp you let out and the way he can feel your pulse quicken as the milliseconds tick on.
“I-I didn’t think I’d see you so soon. A very welcomed surprise to my busy week.” Your voice soothes something within him, seeping into his heart and filling the cracks he struggled to keep from breaking entirely. 
“Sarah and I were in the area and thought we’d stop in again— as promised. Need to get some flowers for Nana— my mom, her grandma.” 
“Well, I appreciate you stopping in. What’s the occasion?” You ask as Joel gently releases your hand, you pull your clippers from your well worn canvas apron, placing them next to your other tools. 
“Uhh, no real reason. Just ‘cause.” But what he really wants to say is ‘Just ‘cause I needed to see you again, and this seemed like the best way to do it.’
He’s not sure what it is, but he felt it the last time he was here too. This blooming effervescent attraction to you. Infatuated by your mere presence in such a short time. He usually runs in the opposite direction when feelings and commitment start to unveil themselves, but something about you has him running straight for the things that scare him the most— wanting to know if you feel it too.
When Joel thinks back on his dating history, post divorce, he can’t remember a time where he actively went out of his way to see someone. It could have been because there hasn’t really been anyone serious since he and Sarah’s mom divorced. There've been a lot of blind dates set up by friends and his brother Tommy, none of them making it to a second date or really establishing themselves as relationships. He’s met a few women that he thought had potential for a future with, one he had even considered proposing to after a year of dating, but it ended when she decided marriage and a kid wasn’t something she saw in her life at that moment. Joel put dating on the back burner, focused on getting his construction company off the ground and Sarah being his main priority as far as he was concerned. 
Then Joel walked into your shop last week, and everything he thought he would never have or deserve was gone. And now he finds himself searching for any reason to walk through that front door of your little flower shop, just so he can see the way your face lights up. 
“That’s so sweet of you! I’m sure she’ll love Just Cause flowers— everyone always does. I have these new arrangements I just put together if you want to give her one of these??” Pointing to the several arrangements in glass vases that you had been working on all morning. “These protea are my favorite to work with. Their petals are kind of velvety and they’re perfect long after the rest of the arrangement has expired, she can dry them and have them forever. They are kind of cool flowers too, they’re adapted to survive wildfires because their stem contains buds that will produce new growth after fires. And they’re one of the oldest living flowers on the planet, so that makes them double cool.” 
Joel studies you as you continue to share random floral facts with him, adjusting and readjusting the arrangement in front of you. Each flower placed with intention, pausing from time to time to take a slight step back, your head tilting to the side as you look over everything as a whole, then back to arranging and rearranging. 
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to ramble like that.” You say as you look to where Joel is leaning one hip into your workbench, as he hangs on every word you're saying. 
“No, don't be sorry. I like it.”
There’s an ease that flows nicely between you. Joel wants to pick your brain, find out what makes you happy, the things that make you sad— all the things in between. He wants to talk to you for hours on end, or not talk at all and just listen— to anything and everything you have to say. 
“Like what?” 
“Listenin’ to you talk. I like it— a lot actually. And the little facts too. Shows how much you love what you do to learn special details like that. You could be tellin’ me about how mushrooms could start a zombie apocalypse, and I’d find it interesting— terrifying, but interesting.” Joel hopes you can hear that he genuinely means it.  
“Well, I won’t tell you how that possibility is more likely to happen than you think based on the research that’s been done over the years.” You both laugh at how ridiculous sounding a mushroom zombie apocalypse would be. 
“They seem to be getting along nicely.” Your chin pointing over to where Ellie and Sarah are giggling to themselves at the front part of the shop. 
“Sarah’s a pretty easy goin’ kid. Gets along with pretty much everyone she meets, even Ellie it seems.” Joel looks over his shoulder at the girls. 
You both share bits about each of them. Their differences, similarities and all the fun little quirks they’ve both had since they were babies. 
Joel asks about Ellie’s singing, and you tell him how she taught herself by checking out books at the library to help her master the chords and beginner songs. Joel tells you how he used to play growing up and that he doesn’t play as much as he would like to now, but sometimes Sarah can twist his arm enough to dust off his guitar and strum out a few songs at the end of barbecues or random summer evenings. 
He tells you about Sarah’s latest soccer game, how she’s an all-star player and usually helps carry the team to victory throughout the season. You tell him how Ellie had been on the track team briefly, she was a sprinter, but was kicked off the team for punching a runner from another school because she had elbowed Ellie during the 400m race, causing her to trip and lose. 
An hour passed before you both don’t realize you’ve been caught up talking about your kids. 
“She’s like head over heels in love with your dad. She literally jumps when the front door dings, hoping it’s him again. It’s gross.” Ellie tells Sarah, looking over to where you and Joel are, completely wrapped up in a moment together. 
“Hmm. We stopped in to get my Nana flowers.“ Sarah repeats what Joel had told Ellie earlier. 
“Your dad mentioned that when you came in.” 
“Yeah, well she’s been on vacation for a month and won’t be back for another month. So I don’t think we are here just getting my Nana flowers.” Sarah takes a glance over now to see you and Joel laughing. “I think it’s safe to say my dad is just as head over heels for your mom, too.” 
“Well, we’ll get outta your hair. Promised Sarah we’d stop on our way home at The Picnic, get some lunch and ice cream.” Hating that he can’t stay, knowing that he can’t hog all your time— but maybe one day.
“Oh I’ve always wanted to go there. I’ve heard so many great things about all their food trucks. Ellie and I will have to check it out sometime. She’s on a Chef Boyardee kick right now, as one would be when they’re a preteen. Would be nice to mix it up for her though.”
If it wasn’t too forward with it only being his second time meeting you, Joel would ask if you and Ellie wanted to join them. He would even chance the gutsiness and ask you out, spend the evening getting to know you better until both your stomachs and hearts were full. Ellie’s words hit him, “she needs to be wined and dined before you even think about kissing her.”
“Nothin’ wrong with some canned ravioli— lived on that shit in college. But yeah, you both would enjoy it. Definitely take her.” He decides gutsiness isn’t winning today, or it’s his fear of being on the receiving end of Ellie’s wrath that has him wanting to do it the right way, just not today. 
“I hope Nana loves these. And feels special getting just ‘cause flowers.” You hand Joel the ceramic container filled with different shades of pinks and greens in varying heights, shapes and textures. 
“I’m sure she’ll love ‘em no doubt. How much do I owe you?” He gives the flowers a look over, not in an analyzing manner, but admiring the way you manage to take these flowers and effortlessly pair them all together and create something special. 
“You’re in luck! I’m running a special today!.” 
“A special?” Joel is frozen in confusion. 
“Yes! Free to customers that go by the name of Joel.” You say sweetly, he catches the way you bite at your bottom lip after you say his name. 
“‘N what are you gonna do when another Joel walks in wantin’ some of your pretty flowers?” 
“Well, there’s limits of course. And it’s only valid for one Joel.” You wink at him, prompting his stomach to flip and knot up. He needs to ask you out!
“No, I can’t let you do that again. Let me pay this time, please.” He insists, setting the arrangement down on the counter he pulls his wallet from his back pocket, flipping through the large bills stashed inside. “How much?” 
“Joel— my shop, my rules. There’s no arguing— just take the flowers.” 
“Hi! I’m Sarah. Thank you so much for the flowers, my dad and I haven’t been able to stop talking about them. I have been bugging my dad to bring me here, it’s so pretty.” Sarah tells you as she stands next to Joel, arms crossed over the counter. 
“You are so welcome. So glad you’re enjoying them.” Even with this brief interaction, you decided Sarah is one of the sweetest teenagers you’ve ever met— Ellie wouldn’t even take offense if you told her such, she would most likely shrug and agree. 
“Hey, Dad. Are you almost ready to go? I’m starting to get hungry.” Sarah asks, turning to look up at him. 
“Right— sorry, babygirl. We got caught up talkin’ and now I’m tryin’ to convince her to let me pay, but she’s insistin’ we just take the flowers.” 
“Sounds like you shouldn’t argue with her. Just say thank you and take the flowers.” Sarah grabs the arrangement and snags Joel’s keys that are dangling from the front pocket of his jeans then starts to head for the door. “I’ll meet you in the truck dad. It was nice meeting you!”
You wave goodbye to her and watch as she stops on her way out to tell Ellie bye, telling her she’ll see her around at school, the bell dings and the door slowly closes as she walks out. She settles herself into Joel’s truck, its engine roaring to life soon after, signaling Joel to say his farewells and head finally head out. 
“I guess I’ll see you around then.” Joel slowly walks backwards, prolonging his departure from you. 
“I’ll see you around Joel. Hopefully sooner than later.” You wave to him then you’re straight back into work mode, moving buckets of flowers to be cleaned and prepped for your next round of arrangements. 
Joel’s hand settles on the door, but releases it and turns back to where Ellie is finishing up her sweeping through the shop, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before he interrupts her. 
“If you take a picture it’ll last longer. Although, might be a little weird with you bein’ an old man and all.” Ellie is quick on her feet. Joel hopes that’s the last of her intimidation tactics. 
“Hey, umm— don’t say anything to your mom ‘bout this, but sometime this week why don’t you take her out to eat somewhere. Give her a break from cookin’ and what not.” He holds a double folded $100 bill between his middle and pointer finger, encouraging Ellie to take it from him. 
“This feels like some sort of thing my mom should've warned me about. We’re not a charity case, we don’t need your money.” She continues sweeping, grabbing leaves and a few days worth of dust bunnies that have collected under display tables. 
“It’s not— I don’t think you’re a charity case. I just— I wanted to— umm.” Joel releases a deep sigh. He’s flustered, stumbling over his words trying to figure out what he is wanting to say. 
“You wanted to ask my mom out, but you’re too much of a chickenshit. So you’re conning me into taking her out instead. Thinking that maybe I’ll soften up to you a bit.” 
“Yeah, pretty much all of that.” Joel huffs out a laugh, shaking his head at how easily she was able to read him. 
“I’ll tell ya what— I’ll take her somewhere, but I keep half.” Ellie bargains with him, making sure she still has the upper hand.
“Kids gotta make a livin’ somehow.”
Joel thinks it over, actually contemplates the pros and cons of being worked over by Ellie. Each positive gained him an in with Ellie, not really a guarantee, but he’s hopeful that maybe she would consider downgrading her verbal assaults a notch or two. The only negative Joel  can come up with is… Ellie keeps the money and he has to come at this from a different angle, one he’s not really sure about yet. 
“Okay, okay. You keep half, but take her somewhere nice-nice.” He holds the bill again out to her, she snatches it quickly and shoves it in her back pocket. 
“Yeah, yeah old man. Under one condition. Next time you come in here acting like you’re buying flowers just so you can see her— you ask her out yourself. None of this middle man BS.” 
“You gotta deal, kid.” He holds his hand out to her, and they shake on it. A truce cementing the fact that he agrees to not being a chickenshit— something he’s not sure he’s ever been called before. “Maybe go easy on the old man part a bit.”
“See ya around ol— Joel.”
“See ya later, Ellie.” 
The driver door slams shut as Joel settles into the seat. The cold air already flowing through the cab, Sarah singing along to The Clash with the flowers secure in her lap. Joel fastens his seatbelt and shifts the truck into drive, his thumb drumming along to the beat as he drives away. 
“So, you got a crush on the cute flower lady?” Sarah asks, her infectious smile extending from ear to ear. 
“What? I— what makes you think that?” He looks over to her, his brows slightly raised at her suggesting he likes you— he does, he just didn’t realize it would be two teenagers picking up on it. . 
“For starters, Nana’s been on vacation for a month, and she won’t be back for a while. But also the way you look at her, it’s so obvious.” She plays with the petals of the flowers, waiting for Joel’s response. 
“Anyone ever told ya you’re a smart kid?” He shakes his head and laughs. 
“Yeah, you do all the time Dad. So, are you gonna ask her out?” 
“I’m afraid if I don’t, Ellie’s gonna have a hit-man out for me.” He’s joking, but also not. “Yeah, I’m gonna ask her out.”
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strstab · 2 years ago
𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝟐 𝐛𝐞 - 𝐣.𝐦
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summary ; a cat follows you and jj home from the store so you and the pogues adopt it
pairing ; jjmaybank x fem!reader
notes ; fluff + certified cat lover jj
a/n ; as a cat lover & owner, i am a strong believer in the “you don’t choose the cat, the cat chooses you” saying. so here’s my take on that 🎀
ALSO SOOOOO SO SO SORRY FOR BEING LIKE DEAD LOL. school is drowning me right now and i was sick last week 🥲. from now on i’m going to try and be more consistent, hopefully i’ll get a schedule for this but yeah. also this is a fixed up draft, so the first half of it is super old.
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you walked out of the store with a box of pizza in your hands, your boyfriend following behind you, shoving his wallet into his pocket.
“do i seriously have to walk home holding this shit like a waitress? y’know i quit that job a while ago,” you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend who insisted on not getting a bag because they were charging for it.
“i mean, you don’t have to hold it like that..”
“how else am i gonna to hold it? on my head?” you sassed, looking both ways before crossing the street.
“no, just use the two hands the gods gave you” he grabbed the box from you. he felt like there was someone behind you guys, but from the corners of his eyes there was nothing in sight.
once you got onto the side walk he turned his head and saw nothing. well, besides the white colored cat that leaped onto the cement.
you guys continued to walk in a comfortable silence back to the chateau, where your friends were waiting for the large box of half cheese half meat lovers pizza. jj still suffered from the paranoia.
you pulled out your phone and started texting kie, telling her you’d be there in a bit. you turned your head at a loud, familiar groan and gave a confused look. ‘the fuck..’
“baby i feel like there’s something following us, but there’s literally nothing!” he whined. your eyes glanced behind him and saw nothing.
“it’s fine, j. i mean, we’re almost home anyways,” you shrugged his paranoia off and continued walking.
jj frowned and gave one last look behind him. that cat was still there. was it following him? maybe it was the food that he held in his hand that attracted it.
he attempted to shoo the cat away but it kept walking towards him so he sped walked to catch up to you. “i think the cats following us,” he muttered.
“cat? what cat?” you looked around and spotted the white furred cat he was talking about. you let out an ‘awh’ and crouched down to the cats level.
“hi baby,” you held your hand out so the cat would come and sniff it.
“baby? i thought i was your baby!” jj frowned at the thought of a cat of all things replacing him. he watched as the cat approached you and rubbed its nose on your finger.
it started to rub its full body against your leg as you made kissy noises at it. he heard soft purring coming from the cat below him and lifted a brow. god he just wanted to go home and eat this pizza.
“hi precious, where are your owners?” you asked as if the cat would answer in full sentences. you scratched below it’s chin and saw no collar.
“it’s probably a stray” jj said. most likely. no collar and it looked famished. all skinny and it continued to meow whenever jj spoke. it definitely knew that there was food inside the box, or, it didn’t like him
you hummed in response and guilt flooded you. you couldn’t just leave the cat, it looked famished. “can we keep it?”
jj shrugged and bent down next to you “how hard could taking care of a cat be?” the cat moved towards jj and nudged the box of pizza that was in his hold.
he opened the box and placed a slice of meat covered pizza in front of the cat. ‘meat can’t be bad for it… right?’ he thought. the cat nibbled on the warm pizza and you watched it in complete awe.
“so can we keep it?” you turned to your boyfriend with jutted lips and pitiful eyes. how could he say no?
the only thing that stopped him from saying yes was the fact that maybe the cat already had an owner. a bad one? maybe, but still an owner nonetheless. the cat hadn’t been fed in what seemed like days, and it’s white fur faded into a dirt like brown at the bottom. maybe it had an owner and maybe it needed saving from them. like him.
he stared at the cat as it finished the crust of the pizza. who would it hurt? “if it follows us the rest of the way, why not,”
you smiled big and hugged him. you always wanted a pet to keep you company. he stood up and hugged you back, struggling to keep the pizza from falling. when you pulled back, the cat was admiring you guys. jj looked down at his phone and notified you that the pogues were complaining at how slow you guys were being.
you motioned for the cat to follow you and it did. past the empty streets and softly swaying trees, it’s paws tapped the concrete of the sidewalk back to the chateau. every 2 minutes you’d turn your head to make sure it was still following.
jj suggested you pick it up, but if it didn’t want to come home you wouldn’t force it to.
you stopped before crossing the street and the cat rubbed itself between your legs. you looked down and it’s big blue blue eyes stared at you. they looked kind of like the eyes who belonged to the blonde who stood left of you.
funny thing; when it came to sidewalks, jj always stood closest to the road. he claimed that it was ‘safer’, how? no idea. but as long as it made him feel better, you wouldn’t resist it.
walking up to the front door of the chateau, the cat still stood behind you guys. you unlocked the door and heard cheering come from the kitchen.
“about damn time!” yelled cleo, standing up and making her way to jj to grab the box. you grinned and walked further into the house, jj (and the cat) following behind you.
john b stood and grabbed paper plates as pope caught a glance at something behind you.
“why is there a cat behind you guys?”
“oh! it followed us, it’s a stray. can we keep it?” you totally forgot about the cat for a minute, hunger filling your thoughts.
pope shrugged and gave a look to kiara. she just stood and smiled at the cat, not wanting to make a move incase it scratched her.
john b said something incoherent, pizza in his mouth.
“is that a yes?” jj asked with high hopes and john b gave a thumbs up. he smiled and slipped his arm around your waist.
the cat walked around the kitchen of the chateau, taking in its surroundings and watching the pogues cure their hunger. you took a slice of pizza into your mouth and chewed on it.
jj left you to take a seat on the couch with his pizza and the cat jumped next to him, placing itself on his lap.
“babe did we ever check the.. y’know..” he asked, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of its genitals.
you shook your head as kiara came behind you. “it won’t bite, right?” she carefully picked up the cat and checked it’s lower area.
“it’s a girl,” she put it back onto jj’s lap and he began to stroke her fur. kie did the same, already in love with the cat.
moments later, quiet conversation filled the living room the pogues were in. smell of pizza and beer roamed the air and your new pet was snuggled into popes side. your head laid in cleo’s lap, legs atop of kie’s thighs as your attention was brought to jj.
“can i have sock?” he asked with his arms out.
“yeah, the cat, duh.”
pope stared at him like he was crazy. “sock? what kind of name is sock?” he asked in disbelief. you didn’t even come together as a group to decide.
“i mean, she’s dirty on the bottom… like a sock.” jj defended.
“sock it is,” john b shrugged. you rolled your eyes, not in the mood to argue. jj picked up ‘sock’ and kissed her nose like she had him in a trance. so beyond this point in time, you’d have to take care of a live being. but how hard could it be?
everyone was pleased with the presence of your new cat. maybe it wasn’t wearing crocs while smoking a joint, but it seemed like it was meant to be.
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hi guys… long time no see 😞
so yeah, sorry this seems like it was made with no effort but i needed something out. i’ll make it up to y’all i promise, i have baking with jj and shopping with the girls coming up so i look forward to being able to post that for you guys.
also a master list was recommended so after like 2 more posts i’ll create it so it’s easier to navigate through my page 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
but like always, requests are always open and uhmmhnhmh thanks 😋
— enjoy whatever time of day it is !! 🎀
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AITA for not trying to get my foster cats adopted?
So for some background, I (21 m) have worked at a cat rescue for a while. We’re pretty small and thus Always in need of fosters. I was hesitant to foster for a few practical reasons even though I’ve really missed living with cats, but then we found my two fosters. They were kittens, and really antisocial-so much so that my boss even thought they were feral at first. From the jump I had hope for them, and slowly worked with them at work until they (begrudgingly) let us handle them. Over a month went by and we still hadn’t found a foster for them, so finally i volunteered to take them home and set everything up for them.
Since then, they’ve made a LOT of progress-playing with me, letting me pet them, cuddling in bed with me at night, etc. they’re even getting better with other people, and definitely have a better chance of being able to meet potential adopters and adjust to new people and a new home. Problem is, I’ve gotten pretty attached. Especially because i was going through a REALLY difficult time just after i started fostering them, and taking care of them and helping them grow was one of the only things that kept me going. I’m also worried that after bonding with me they’ll be scared and re-traumatized being suddenly moved into a new home with new people. They feel like children to me.
If I could adopt them right now, I would-but there are 2 material problems. First is that I’m still living at home, and my mom agreed to let me foster but is Vehemently against the idea of me having my own cat. I’m planning to move out this year so this is temporary, but it will be at least 6-8 months until I’m settled in my own place (which I already know I’ll be able to have cats in). Second is that my current job is my only job, and it doesn’t pay enough or give me enough hours that I can cover vet costs on my own. Food and litter and other expenses are fine, but my job covers the vet care as long as I’m fostering and wouldn’t once I adopt. Again, temporary as I’m looking for a second job anyway, but I’m not sure when I’ll actually Have one and don’t want to adopt until I’m certain I can provide for them. It isn’t completely accurate to say I’m not trying at All to get them adopted-I put some great pictures of them on our website and wrote their bios myself, and I post about them on my socials all the time (which fosters are encouraged to do), but I know I could be doing more to promote them. I also selfishly am glad that they have as many issues as they do (being really nervous with new people + they have a Big problem with scent marking in new environments) because I know that when adopters do come to meet them I can bring up these issues and they’ll be less likely to go through with it-I’m not trying to actively dissuade anyone, but I am reluctant to let them go and hoping they’ll stay with me until I can adopt them, which is definitely incentivizing me to do less than I could. I take good care of them but I’m still a little worried that I’m the AH here if my reluctance is playing a part in preventing them from going home with someone who will have more money and more physical space for them right Now and who is already settled and ready to adopt a pet.
What are these acronyms?
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meteor752 · 1 year ago
Episode 6 and 7 thoughts
This will now be a regular thing
Also im writing this as I go
Episode 6
So Izzy thought Ed was Roach. Huh. Does he and Roach talk regularly? <- Coming from a Rizzy shipper
“Do weeeee?” Fang I love you
Oh my god, Frenchie and Jim coming to Ed and Stede like they’re kids asking if their cousins can sleep over
The crew going shoppiiiiiiiiing!!!
Frenchie’s lil dancey dance added many years to my life
Ed being nice and giving kids mon- oh never mind, oh that’s a knife okay. Ed never have kids please
“Don’t pirate kids” well listen okay I don’t have HBO Max it’s the only way I can watch this show
Wee John you’re so beautiful and amazing and we don’t deserve you
Jim’s lil mustache, like yeah me too <- Non-Binary person
Stede looks so happy about seeing Wee John!! He’s so proud of his son!
Izzy is gorgeous. I’m actually so happy to see him explore more sides of himself, and to find things he can indulge in. This whole season has really just been Izzy’s big therapy arc
His hair makes him look a bit like Cinderella’s evil stepmother though
Oh he can sing too! Izzy!!! <- A person who did not like Izzy in season one
Wee John X Izzy? Roach X Fang?
Ed protecting Stede….just, immediately putting him behind himself…I just…
I rewatched that clip five times
“Because I only hang out with cool pirates” Stede’s face!!! He’s just like Oh Snapppp
Despite it all, Stede and Ed are still the cutest couple that has ever graced the TV screen. Like hell yeah, make fun of people together!
Ed keeps being protective…..okay I need a moment…
Roach you’re a lunatic and I love you
“Whatever this is it’s just gonna turn me on” Izzy you’re a shining star
Also I just now noticed that Black Pete and Lucius aren’t there. I’m guessing they eloped somewhere and are currently taking care of their adopted cat
Nope okay, literally the second I unpaused there they are. That’s the worst timing
Hell yeah my dudes, I hope you broke whatever bed you used
“I’m just doing it for the lolz” Yeah that’s sounds like something someone from the 1700s would say
I know this is a pirate ship but why do they just have so many knives and swords laying about
Who is this fanged torture queen, and how do I acquire her number?
Stede remains best employer, while Aziraphale is the best landlord. Can these two people just run the world please and thank you
Hell Cat Maggie is my soulmate
I feel like there needs to be a pirate workers union
The crew of the revenge is the best found family of all time
Stede Bonnet can rival Steven Universe in reforming villains, like he’s just such a genuinely nice dude
“Alright gang! Let’s talk profit sharing”
Oh protective Stede, alright let’s go mate defend your mans
Okay but why is Stede kinda 👀 in this scene
Oh Stede, love…
That French? Izzy speaks french?
I want to see that man get dicked down
I guess the revenge now has a pet goat
Episode 7
Okay Ed is a soft boy again, aight
The anime toast in mouth thing. He’s officially been baby girl for a long while, but we’re really solidifying it
Isn’t there an anime where a mob boss becomes a house wife? Yeah that’s Ed
Oh we’re telling him about the mermaid fantasy, okay
Izzy what the fuck, you’re amazing
“He’s jealous” my darling
The polycule is going strong, and I love the absolute lack of jealousy. This is the best representation I have ever had
Oh they’re going on a date! That’s so sweet actually
It’s really sweet that they’re talking about their time apart
Stede’s famous now? Good for him!
I need to stop falling in love with every pirate lady In this show. That being said, I hope we see more of the fangirl lady
I’m reinforcing my claim that Stede and Ed are cuter than anything that has ever been on screen
The Söt Och Saftig, my love. Also this far in and this is the first time the character “The Swede” actually says something in Swedish
Scammer Frenchie is back in business, love that
Jim and Archie trying to get their boyfriend set up is very sweet actually
The character development of Izzy going from wanting Ed to remain “Blackbeard” to him saying if being a softie makes him happy then he should do that, like I get it now, I know why you all love this man
Can’t believe Stede is an official Slut now
Open communication? Like genuine conversation about their relationship, and the pace they’re taking it? Ed being honest that he’s not ready for the steps they’re taking in their relationship?
What is this argument
I live for Lucius and Black Pete’s nicknames for each other
“I’ve only known you for a few hours Bonnet, but I’d fucking die for ya” Same random dude. Same
Zheng and Olu are really cute actually
Oh my god the polycule will end my fucking life
“That was really mean” YOU TELL HER STEAK KNIFE
Protective Jim my beloved
Oh my god
Roach and Fang friendship?
Roach is the queen of self care
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infjinthecity · 5 months ago
An Introvert And Her Cat
I imported my cat from Australia to China. When I took the job, I told my employers that if I couldn’t get Jonas safely into the country, then I wouldn’t take the job. We go together, Jonas and I. If you look at the header for my blog, you'll see an animated version of the little guy there too. I put him in the header because this is just as much his journey as it is mine.
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He is a purebred Siamese and he'll be 7 in January, but before you judge me for buying a cat rather than adopting, I didn’t buy him. I agreed to look after him for a relative for a while and he moved into my house at just eight months old. Obviously, since he's still with me, he never left. He’s a special little guy. He’s tiny and pretty janky. He had all his teeth, except two, removed at the age of three because he was born with bad teeth and developed periodontal disease after about a year and a half of his life. He was the runt of his litter, but he really is very small, even for the runt. And, he’s got a really problematic relationship with food. Even when he moved in with me at just eight months old, he was the fussiest animal I’d ever met. Now that he has no teeth, he’s shocking when it comes to food. And whenever he experiences ANYTHING in life, he stops eating. I call these ‘hunger strikes’. If he’s stressed, he doesn’t eat. Depressed? Good luck. If we move house, he freaks out and won't touch anything. A vet in the United States told me that all of his health issues, his food problems, and his size are probably the result of inbreeding. So, Jonas is a lesson to all: do not get your cats from a breeding house. They were obviously not careful enough with his bloodlines and now my baby has all these problems, and he's the one that suffers, you know?
I had to leave him with my mother when I first came to China. I didn’t have a place to live when I got here so I couldn’t bring him with me when I initially got here. Then, there was all kinds of drama trying to work out when I would be able to go home and pick him up, and in the end, he had to stay with my mum for two months. Apparently, that was too long, and my mum said he got really depressed, like he thought I’d abandoned him. He tried to attach himself to Mum instead, but she kept him at arm’s length because she knew it would be even more traumatic to lose her as well when he finally got here.
He arrived exactly one week ago today and it’s been an up and down week. He was so excited to see me when we got him home but he was still very wary of his surroundings. He didn’t eat anything that first night but by the next day my mum, who brought him to China and was still in the country, managed to get him to eat some KFC. He ate a little bit, but not too much. We tried to move him back to his usual food after that over the course of the week with varying degrees of success. My mum left to go home two days ago and he’s gone back into a cycle of discontent. I did manage to get him to eat a whole piece of KFC last night, but this is definitely not a long term solution.
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To everyone reaching out to me on socials with advice on how to prompt him to eat, I’m trying all the things you’re suggesting. I’m hoping he settles down in a couple of days and just goes back to being my baby Jonas. He’s been through so much change, and he’s a very very sensitive little soul so it’s probably just going to take him some time. Jonas not eating is not a new thing, but KFC has always done the trick in the past and it’s just not working it’s magic this time around.
But now that he’s here, he cannot go back to Australia. My country has an import ban on live animals from China. Don’t ask me why. The United States has all the same pet diseases that China does, and I was allowed to import him from the United States into Australia (with a mandatory quarantine), but from China is just a hard no. So we’re either here in China now for the longer term (until he dies), or if we decide we really want to go back to Australia, we’ll move to another country for a year, which will satisfy the Australian Government, and they’ll let him in then. But this is the third country Jonas has lived in and clearly he doesn’t like moving, so I’m hoping that I can pitch up here for the longer term so I don’t have to uproot him again. But, the world is in quite a state right now and you never know what is going to happen in the future, so I’m in the business of saying never say never right now.
Moving a pet around the world is horrendously expensive and when I tell people how much money I’ve spent on Jonas’ travels, they nearly fall over. But he’s my Jonas, you know? I made a promise to him that I would take care of him forever and give him the best life I could, and that means we go together – always. So, if I can’t take Jonas somewhere with me, I just don’t go – end of story.
My house has felt very much like a hotel in the last two months because he hasn't been here, and it’s been so nice to go home and snuggle with him every day this week. I am sure you’ll see Jonas on this blog a lot. I can’t seem to shut up about how much I love him!
Till next time, peace!
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quibble-auk · 4 days ago
Hey hey real quick weird question, if you don't mind.
So Dropmix is a lion
Cometeater is a panther
What animal would you compare the twins to??
Just wondering for a doodle
Oooooooo…. I see Dropmix as more of a tiger simply because they are freakishly territorial. But I also can sometimes think about him as a lion. I just jump between the two. You do whatever you want. Sorry.
Okay wait… if we’re just using big cats because I feel like that’s the safest option (idk why but everything else doesn’t seem to fit right for them…. Like they aren’t arrant enough? Something about big cats just feel arrogant to me) and the other two are.
You’ve gotta hear me out on this one, they’re like cheetahs.
But not just cause I see them as little speedy guys (idk I just feel like they would love racing, especially with their alt modes because they didn’t have one in the pits) but like…
Male cheetahs form little bands with their brothers. They’re called Coalitions and you have to be a brother to be included. They usually only have 2-3 members in this and it improves their success rate in hunting and protecting their territory.
They are only semi friendly towards females in heat, otherwise everyone else’s can get away. So it’s not like they are social beyond that. But they are extremely reliant on eachother in hunting and stuff. They work as a close knit unit and live in unison. They’ve got great teamwork skills…
Do you see where I’m going with this?
Because like… we got the twins who need each other (demonstrated by Sunstreaker’s breakdown) and then their third adopted brother. Usually cheetahs don’t adopt others into the group but like. Whatever.
They also have the ability to purr, though they can’t roar or anything. And their claws are unable to retract to help them with running…. These aren’t really important, just thinking thoughts lol.
Anyway they are cheetahs because we haven’t let them get attached to anyone beyond their brothers and “I guess Comet likes you so we’ll tolerate you”
I may be wrong. Or maybe it doesn’t match as much as I feel like it does. I’d love to hear your thoughts
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lumiambrose · 7 months ago
Blue lock matchup for @143---ily
I ship you with...
Yo Hiyori
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not gonna lie this match up was tough. reading through your info reminded me of myself so much and that literally made everything 10 times harder.
so val and hiyori… (he’s so underrated ugh)
hiyori’s such a sweet guy honestly (we’re ignoring the fact he’s a self-proclaimed ultra sadist ok). deep down he’s such a sweet romantic and while he might struggle, he’ll try his best to show you.
at the beginning there was definitely a barrier between you two. don’t get me wrong, you get along great. but mans needs some time before he will properly open up to you. 
he’s not the best at expressing love, it’ll take him a while to get used to your presence and an even greater time to trust you. but once you show him you truly care about him and him as a person, he’s completely in love with you.
hiyori reminds me of a cat. he’s a soft and calm presence to be around. not too clingy. but not distant either. just right.
he’s a very attentive lover and within a couple weeks of dating he developed a sixth sense for you. 
while i don’t think he’s too hot on physical touch, he’ll always cave for you if you initiate something although i believe his love languages are quality time and acts of service (maybe a bit of gift giving too).
that manga series or figure you’ve been eyeing? he’ll buy it for you. learns about the vnl and your favorite teams/players so he can fangirl with you when you watch volleyball matches together. and he always has a playlist of silly cat videos that the two of you watch together on a lazy morning, intertwined with each other in bed.
he will always make sure you have a pretty bouquet of flowers at home. (whenever he’s away he’ll take one flower with him just in case so he can order more)
now i know i said he doesn’t like physical touch, but he makes an exception when you’re sitting on his lap while he’s gaming. he adores your presence and you get to cuddle him so it’s basically a win-win.
but i must say, he loves it just as much when you’re playing video games with him.
you two initially bonded over gaming. you met at an arcade and he joined you for a game that required two players. it was mainly casual talk here and there which eventually lead to talking about your favorite games. from there, it was locked in for you two.
he knows he was whipped for you when he just sat there listening to you going on and on about your favorite games and how you just set a new highscore/personal best with such a warm smile.
yapper x listener dynamic between you two is so strong and i fucking love it.
(he can and does talk just as much, but after a while he simply learnt that your voice is his favorite sound)
he started playing rhythm games because of you. he was infatuated by your reaction speed to the teeny tiny notes dancing across the screen and decided to try it out for himself.
much to my dismay, he’s a natural talent, learning to keep up with your skills in no time.
and when you two play shooters together, you’re basically unstoppable. hiyori is definitely cracked at shooters but if you don’t want to support or lay back, he’ll be the best support player in the damn world.
just like in football, hiyori will set you up for some game changing plays.
ultimately, your opponents are fucked.
he absolutely shares your love for cats and cats love him. his calm presence is basically a magnet for them, so expect to take at least 1 to 2 breaks whenever you two go out together to pet the random little cat that came up to him.
your phones are filled with photos of those stray/random cats.
ultimately what lead you two to adopt cats of your own. you’ll probably have 2 to 3 which gives you plenty of company for when hiyori is busy or away. when he isn’t, he’s a very good cat dad. 
will also let them sit on his lap while gaming. (will push them off for you though)
and finally, his favorite place to kiss you is on the back of your neck. its convenient for when he’s spooning you and he sees it as an intimate action that he call pull off without too much struggle.
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years ago
Did you say elriel one shot, LB? I may be too late in giving a prompt, but what if Feyre set up Azriel and Elain on a date because she loves to meddle in modern au? Feel free to ignore this. I just wrote the first thing that came to mind. 😊
Thank you for the prompt Mel!!! I know that you're asleep right now, but I hope this feels like a nice surprise when you wake up! <3
As a contribution to @elainweekofficial and LB officially dipping her toes into the Elriel waters, here's a short fun little one-shot!
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Summary: House sitting Feyre's cat doesn't go exactly how Elain is planning
CW: None! Besides Prick the cat returning to cause mayhem
Words: 2.5k
Read on AO3
Elain’s heels clicked against the uneven cobblestone outside of Feyre and Rhysand’s townhouse. She regretted wearing them—had forgotten how easily they caught on the pavement outside her sister’s home, threatening to trip her while she was focused on the impressive feat of juggling her sister’s keys, two armfuls of groceries, and the phone she had pressed between her shoulder and ear.
“Gray,” she said, trying hard to maintain her patience, though an unintentional sharpness still edged her voice. She was having a difficult time getting the necessary key into her occupied hands. “I already told you I’m not coming over.”
“Because, for starters, I’m busy sitting Feyre’s cat,” Elain explained patiently. Again. “And more importantly—” She swore as fumbled the keys, watching them clatter to the pavement. Her irritation surged, getting the better of her in the form of a harsh sigh and a hissed, “Because we’re broken up, Graysen!”
The phone line became quiet, not that Elain paid much attention as she tediously squatted down, balancing precariously on each heel, trying not to drop the incredibly heavy groceries as she hooked the keyring between a finger and slowly rose back to her full height.
Graysen, who was oblivious to what she’d just accomplished, finally said, “This is why I want you to come over so we can talk about it, El.”
She huffed through her nose. Graysen’s version of talk about it usually consisted of taking off her clothes and occupying her mouth so that she didn’t have a chance to tell him what a bastard he was for sleeping with his secretary. She had no interest in talking about it.
Elain let herself focus on pushing the key through the lock, turning until she felt the mechanism click. Graysen could wait.
Not that he was terribly good at it.
The front door pushed open to a carpeted entryway. Despite Graysen’s growing impatience, she felt her heart lift at the sight of the familiar wood paneled walls, lovingly framed with Feyre’s portraits of her husband and their friends. She loved coming here and being reminded of the love that existed in Feyre’s life—even if Elain was having trouble finding it in her own.
“I should get going, Graysen,” she said. Her arms were aching from the sustained weight of the groceries. Desperate to set them down, she headed into the kitchen, scanning the hallways as she went in search of the kitten Feyre had recently adopted.
“It’s just a cat, Elain. They can take care of themselves.”
She spied the cat in question lounging in a sunspot atop the marble counter. His sleepy face raised up at her approach, blinking bleary eyes towards her as she set the groceries—finally—on the counter.
“Prick,” she cooed, holding a hand out in greeting to the small black cat.
��Excuse me?”
Elain rolled her eyes. “Not you, Gray. That’s what Feyre named her cat.”
“She named it Prick?”
With no patience for the judgment in his tone, Elain scooped up the cat in one arm, cradling to her chest as she snapped, “Maybe she named him after you.”
She headed towards the living room, intending to set the cat down, hang up with Graysen, and watch reruns of old sitcoms until the heavy knot in her chest loosened. Except, as Elain stepped back into the hallway, all of four things happened.
Elain screamed.
The naked man standing in the hallway shouted in surprise and dropped his towel.
Prick startled and raked his sharp claws across Elain’s arm as he scrambled to escape her hold.
And Elain’s phone clambered to the ground, taking her awareness of Graysen and any of his complaints along with it.
For a moment, she and the naked man could only stare at each other through wide eyes. It was a consolation that the naked man seemed equally as surprised to see her, unless this was all some odd, elaborate, and terribly ineffective murder tactic.
“Hi,” she squeaked. “I’m, uh, Elain Archeron.”
She knew it would be polite to turn away, since he obviously hadn’t intended to flash her with his naked body. And truthfully, that was what Elain tried to do. But she made the mistake of looking from his beautiful face to the body beneath it. It was an understatement to say he cut an imposing figure. All rich golden brown skin stretched over taut, carefully honed muscle that was still wet and glimmering from his shower. When her eyes fell to his sculpted chest and the corded abdomen beneath it, she told herself she should stop, but still her traitorous eyes slanted downwards, to the defined vee of his hips and wisps of dark coarse hair that led…
Elain swallowed, her tongue suddenly thick, her mouth suddenly dry.
“Hi Elain,” he said, not nearly as flustered as she imagined someone would be in his situation. He had most definitely noticed her unsubtle ogling, and he hadn’t bothered yet to reach for the towel. Her cheeks flushed, but she was in no hurry to complain about it. “I’m Azriel.”
“Azriel,” she breathed, wracking her mind for why that sounded familiar. The sight of him had turned everything else to static, she couldn’t even remember why she’d been coming this direction in the first place. “Are you, uh. Are you one of Rhysand’s friends?”
“I’m his brother.”
Elain did remember him. From Rhysand’s wedding party. She had thought he was a security guard until she’d seen him standing next to Rhys at the altar. He had given a speech, though by that point in the night she had been too drunk, and too naively smitten with Graysen, to remember much else about him.
“Do you often walk around your brother’s house naked?”
He raised a dark brow, something dangerous about the look he offered her. “That depends,” he said. “Are you often here to watch?”
The way his eyes flickered, just briefly, to the appendage hanging between his legs was just as condemning as if he’d gestured with his hands. Saying, I saw you looking. There was no denying that she had been. Even still, she hadn’t turned away from him, and could still see it growing in her peripheral vision.
There was nothing casual in the way she needed to clear her throat before speaking. “I’m here to watch the cat.”
Although god knows where he ran off to.
Azrie’s lip twitched. “What a coincidence. I’m here to watch the cat as well.”
Typical. Utterly typical of Feyre to hear of Elain’s breakup and decide to meddle, no sooner than a week after it had happened. All good intentions with scarcely any tact. Her sigh was exasperated, taking with it the earlier affection she’d felt for her younger sister and her husband, with his stupidly attractive—and if she had to guess, single—brother. Who was watching her though dark hazel eyes, lips quirked in just enough of a smile that Elain knew that he knew he was hot.
“Well,” she said. The strain in her voice convinced her to finally avert her eyes, not willing to boost his ego any further. “The cat doesn’t need both of us to watch it, and you look like you’ve made yourself at home, so maybe I should just—“
“You’re bleeding,” he interrupted.
Elain frowned, glancing down to her arm. She had felt the sting from the cat’s scratches but she hadn’t realized they’d broken skin. A hand clasped her wrist, turning her forearm upwards. Azriel leaned forward and she could feel the fresh heat of his shower still drifting off his skin. Gods, she could smell the soap he had used, the scent of cedarwood suddenly cloying in the small space between them.
He gave a low whistle. “Guess the cat earns its name. Come on, you’re going to want to wash this.”
“I’m a big girl,” Elain said, snatching her hand away, uncertain why she was deciding to be so haughty with him. Besides that he refused to put his towel back on. She rubbed her wrists in an effort to banish the residual heat of his touch, grumbling, “I think I can manage to put a bandaid on my own cuts.”
“Do you know where they are?”
No, but she took it by the smirk working its way onto his mouth that he did. Rather than answer, Elain turned back into the kitchen, prepared to find them herself. A moment later, she heard footsteps following after her.
“Not there,” he said as she opened a cabinet. Elain slammed it shut, then opened another. “Not there, either.”
She whirled, nearly slamming face first into his naked chest. He was, at least, wearing the towel again, however precariously it was tied at his hip. She had to tip her chin upwards to scowl at him. “Do you even care about helping? Or are you just here to be a pest in my ear?”
Rather than respond, Azriel reached over her head to flip open a cabinet, wordlessly retrieving a small first aid kit.
“Go on,” he said, nodding to the kitchen sink. “Show me what a big girl you are.”
“Ass,” she muttered.
“Come again?”
“I said Az.” She turned on the tap, giving the water a moment to heat. “That’s your nickname right?”
“I don’t think that’s what you called me.”
Elain ventured a glance towards his face, trying to gauge if she’d offended him. He wasn’t smiling, but there was a certain lightness, almost laughter, dancing in the honeyed flecks of his irises.
Their eyes met. Held. Her breath felt shorter than it had been a moment ago. “You must be hearing things.”
“Must be,” he agreed.
His voice rumbled in the back of his throat, deep and rich and dark, like the spoken equivalent of ground coffee. It caused her pulse to quicken just the same, and she might as well have down an entire cup, for how much more alert she felt. Aware of her every breath, of his.
Eventually, Elain decided that thrusting her bleeding arm under the running water would be preferable to participating any moment longer in their silent staring contest, where the rising tension had become the world’s most smothering consolation prize. She bit her lip, trying not to hiss at the sting with Azriel watching her so intently, a number of taunts likely prepared for the moment she let her discomfort show.
Elain still winced when she added a small bit of soap, and found herself funneling each stinging pass of her fingers towards her growing frustration with Azriel. She couldn’t help feeling that if he wasn’t standing over her shoulder, making such a big deal out of this moment, then it wouldn’t hurt as much because she wouldn’t be so focused on not feeling pain. Besides, it was his fault for scaring her while she was holding a cat in the first place.
“What’s this?” Azriel’s attention snared on the bags of groceries she’d set on the counter. He walked over, sparing her from his attention as he nosily peeked into both of the paper bags.
“None of your business.”
“It is if it’s leaking onto the counter,” he responded coolly.
A scarred hand lifted the top of the bag to reveal the puddle of melted ice cream that had leaked through the paper. Elain turned off the tap with an aggrieved sigh. She’d forgotten she’d bought things that needed to go in the freezer.
“They were groceries,” she snapped, fumbling for the box of bandaids. It felt childish to even be using them. “I thought I was spending the weekend here.”
“Nothing’s stopping you.”
“The naked man standing in this kitchen says otherwise,” Elain sniped. “It’s fine,” She added, more to herself than him. She peeled back the protective plastic on the bandage before rubbing it over the cut with more concentration than was necessary. “I can stay with a friend.”
“You don’t have anywhere to stay?”
“No!” Elain knew he didn’t deserve the way she spat the word, or how she slammed the box of bandaids back to the counter. But she worried if she didn’t shout, then she might cry. “Because I just moved out of my ex’s house and my sister told me I could stay here while she and Rhys are away.”
“That’s fine,” Az said, holding up his hands. His voice was soothing, rather than angry, and Elain immediately felt guilty for lashing out at him. “I didn’t know you would be here, either. Clearly Prick is in good hands, so I can go.”
He turned away without giving her a chance to argue, or thank him. Elain swallowed back her guilt. Really, Feyre should have been the one on the receiving end of her rage, and it was unfair to take it out on Azriel, who had been equally a victim of her scheming. Even if he had taken his sweet time putting that towel back on.
Once she heard the soft click of a door being shut, Elain went back into the hallway to retrieve her phone. It thankfully hadn’t suffered any damage in the fall, though she did have a number of confused, vaguely hostile, messages from Graysen demanding to know what happened and who she was with.
She ignored them when she saw that a message from Feyre had also come in.
Hey!! Ellie I’m so sorry, there was a slight miscommunication between me and Rhys. I knew he wouldn’t mind if you stayed at the house while we were away so I didn’t bother telling him. Buuuuut turns out he’d done the same thing not telling ME that HIS brother is staying at the house. Azriel’s apartment is getting fumigated so Rhys promised him he could stay. You don’t mind sharing, do you?? Gosh, you’re probably already there. I would have warned you if I’d known!
Fumigated. Elain slumped defeatedly back into the kitchen, mulling this new information over while she tried to salvage the groceries that hadn’t been ruined by the ice cream mess.
Azriel returned soon after, dressed in black jeans and a navy tee that brought out the cooler colors in his eyes. He offered Elain a polite smile. “Nice meeting you again.”
And he wasn’t even going to tell her.
“Wait,” she said, reaching for his arm. He stopped, eyes falling immediately to where she touched him. The contact suddenly felt scalding, but Elain resisted the urge to let go. “I just got a text from Feyre. She told me that your house is being fumigated. I’m—I’m sorry, for losing my temper earlier. I’m happy for us both to stay, if you don’t mind either.”
The look Azriel offered her made Elain want to dash out that door. She knew there would be no surviving a weekend with him. There was hardly surviving an hour.
“I don’t mind,” he said, that devilish half smirk returning to his lips. “Could be a fun weekend, afterall.”
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nev-valkyriesdottir · 11 months ago
*over letter sent on heavy paper with a wax seal because it’s a good excuse to show off fantasy-land skills*
Dear Mumma,
I went to go see Nonna Gigi for you, Zia Vera gave me a lift over. She’s super sweet, I see why you love her so much. We made pasta for dinner and then watched Snow White together. She adopted a cat last week named Meg, because she doesn’t have the heart to call her Peggy. It’s a dark brown tabby with a heart of gold, and didn’t even try to go after Inej and Jesper, and she let me hold her while she made us tea.
Jonny and Amma are doing well, though they miss you. Jonny has clung to me nonstop since I got home, and Zia Peggy had been over nearly every day to visit, and sometimes Athena comes to help me watch Jonny.
Our date went really well, by the way. We went out to this French cafe by Central Park and then for a walk where all the cherry blossoms were blooming, she braided them all through my hair. Some people stared and it made her nervous, though, so we left. I didn’t mind at all, though, and we went back to her room and put on pajamas and I helped re-dye her hair and then we snuggled, it felt so nice. I know you’re really protective of me, but you don’t need to worry about her, really. She feels safe in the way you and Amma and Zia Vera do — like nothing can hurt me when I’m with her. I glow around her almost every time we’re in the same room, it’s amazing. My eyes, too, and you know how rarely they glow. She gave me the rings you gave her and I just about cried — I can’t describe how much it meant and felt. I don’t know if we’ll ever get married, or even how long we’ll last. But I feel like we’re going to last a long time. And I can imagine a future. One that’s together.
My garden is thriving, and I’ve started making a window box for you and Amma’s room, with all the plants I know you like — let me know if you have any requests. Oh, and Amma spent all afternoon making pasta a bit ago. Mumma, she spent all day hand-making it because she wanted to. I don’t think she could’ve known this before hand, but she just happened to make the dish my Mamma made for us when we got sick or just in the winter when it was cold. It’s my comfort food, and it tasted just like it. Well, different. For one, Amma likes spices more than Mamma did, and I’m okay with that. It’s like a continuation of an old tradition. Anyways, I must go, Jonny wants to help me harvest the tomatoes I sped up for a good fresh sauce. I love you very very much and can’t wait to see you.
Much love, your daughter,
P.S. just reply by text, I love letters because I grew up with them but text is completely fine<3
Dear Iyla,
If you must know I do fancy hand written letters too which is why I decided to answer you with one. I sadly don't have any wax to cell the letter with me but if I did I would have used it.
I'm overjoyed to say the least. I'm very glad you got stop spend some times with Grandma Gigi. And I'm also very glad to hear that she got the cat! She has been hesitating between two cats lately, and by the description you gave me, she's chose the one I wanted! But please make sure she rests too. I'm very glad you had fun during your time together though.
I'm very glad to read that everyone is doing fine. But please if anything is going wrong tell me the truth okay? Not that I doubt you, I believe your words, but I just wanted to make sure. On my side everything is good. I don't really appreciate everyone at the school, I mostly don't like the straight boys that asked me on dates already multiples times but what can I do about that. Speaking of date, it does seems like I did worry for nothing. But I'll let you know that I had to make the line clear just so they know. And I'm very glad you liked the rings! Those were my parents and they really mean a lot to me. By the way, I'll show them your letter when I comeback saying that you see a future together, it's adorable.
Glad to hear that our house is still good. The garden is probably the most beautiful place in house so. And I've been wanting a window box for a while now! So thank my dear favorite daughter. Now this part got me quite surprised. But I'm really glad your Amma could make you comfort food, especially as it's pasta. You'll have to keep some for the moment I come back. And I'm also really glad to see that your unexpected leave of the house only made your bound with your brother stronger. Though it would be great not to do it again because I can't support the crying all night, please never leave him like that again. Anyways, I'm so sad I can't be with you all right now. I misses you guys so much, and I miss holding you or singing lullabies for Jonny or cuddling with your Amma in bed. My bed feels so lonely it's unbearable. I have to go see what is in the package Aunt Peggy sent me before starting class but remember; I love you mire than the multiverse itself.
With love, from your favorite mother, Me, Nevaeh (Romanoff)-Danvers ;)
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scorchedpawswcrp · 3 months ago
hihi! ^^ i wanted to ask if there will be adopt to join characters in this server? and also what sorts of leadership positions there will be? thank you 💖!! super excited!
There will be indeed!
Actually, the 2 adopts we’re confirmed to have right now are both in leadership positions, so the second question is very fitting! :D
Of course, we’ll expand a lot more on both group’s leadership style when we make a proper post about them, but for now we’ll share the basic!
The Metal Scrappers are led by 3 leaders - They’re called “Headmasters”. Because of the way their group is divided in a few jobs (namely Healers, Crafters and Explorers), each job has the cat who overlooks the work and make sure things are going well! They’re not super strict with hierarchy, but of course the Headmasters are the ones to make big decisions together. The Scrappers don’t really a have a second in command (or “deputy”) position, with the next Headmaster being voted on by the group. Usually, the Headmaster is free to pick someone to train if they wish, though the choice is ultimately left to the majority.
The Wayfinders have one leader - Their title is referred to as the “Northern Star”. They’re usually just called the Leader usually, the terms being used interchangeably. The Northern Star is responsible for all major decisions and guiding the group in their travels, hence their title. Each leader has two cats to aid them in the work they do, serving as second in command (or “deputies”) under them. These cats are called the Navigators, helping the leader choose the best routes to travel as well as looking after the group when the leader can’t. The Navigators are chosen by the Northern Star, and the individual to become leader is usually one of the two.
So far, the two adopts will be one of the Headmasters (the Crafter Headmaster more specifically), as well as the Wayfinder’s Nothern Star!
We’re happy to elaborate further if needed!
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mizkit · 10 days ago
new blog post: Call of Cthulhu: Teddy, Irritating Moral Compass
new blog post on https://mizkit.com/call-of-cthulhu-teddy-irritating-moral-compass/
Call of Cthulhu: Teddy, Irritating Moral Compass
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This week’s CoC session began with us still in Derby, where we spent a while trying to figure out how to break into the walk-in safe on the factory floor (a factory which, if you will recall, two of our party broke into “because we hoped there might be monsters,” only to be told straight-up by the GM that there were no monsters here, lads, you’re just criminals. :laughs:), a conversation that eventually went:
GM: You do have dynamite.
Dylan, sharpshooter: That’s right, I do!
Teddy, horrified: We cannot blow up a factory floor full of innocents! Those people are our friends (by which he means, they met once, last night at the pub)! We are meant to defeat a great evil, not become one!
So after some debate we went down to London to see about a ship. Evelyn (NYC socialite) attempted to flirt information out of the ship’s captain while at a pub.
Evelyn, alluringly: Is this seat taken?
Captain Lars, managing a heavy Norwegian accent in one word: No.
Evelyn, sitting: Can I buy you a drink, sailor?
Lars: Yes.
Evelyn, buying him a drink: So are you from around here?
Lars: ::looks at her like she’s nuts::
Evelyn, flirting to the chase: I’d love to know all about your travels and where your ship has been and what kind of cargo you carry.
Lars: This makes me very uncomfortable. I’m leaving.
That worked a treat and after some negotations in which we (and by ‘we’ we mean Evelyn and Lord Summerset, because Dylan was feeding Teddy a steady supply of whiskey to keep him out of the conversation) learned that Lars wanted nothing more to do with the business he was involved in and for the right price, which Evelyn anted up, he’d sell her all the cargo and scarper off with the ship & crew to Singapore to make a new life for themselves.
By the time these negotiations were over, Teddy was Quite Drunk. Summerset took him for one of his own favorite treats to get some food in his stomach: jellied eels.
…so yeah, after Teddy was done throwing up, we got trucks and rented a warehouse–
Well, first we cased the docks to see the ship we were steali, uh, liberatin, uh, BUYING stuff from, and we were in danger of being seen.
GM: does anybody try to stealth or anything?
Eleanor, OOC: I have a point of disguise…
Me: I have LOADS of disguise!
Eleanor, OOC, in despair: Teddy isn’t SMART enough to use disguise! He’d be like, ::adopts Teddy voice, and you can HEAR her adopting a heroic stance:: “Hello! I know you do not recognize me, for I am in disguise, but fear not! It is I, Teddy “Theodore” Logan!”
Me, dying: I cannot dispute this.
–and THEN we made off with the goods from the ship, but NOT without first assaulting and kidnapping a young man watching the goings-on.
Lars: Give him to me, he’s a witness, Imma kill him.
Summerset, spending a point of reassurance: Not so hasty, my good friend! If you let me have him, first I’ll torture him for information and THEN kill him!
Lars: Okay. ::scarpers:: Teddy, discovering we’ve assaulted and kidnapped a young man: Oh no! What do we intend to do with him?
The entire party, who should all have been spending a point of reassurance except Teddy is so very easy to reassure: oh don’t worry dear we’re going to have a nice little chat with him and then bring him to a nice farm upstate where he’ll live happily the rest of his life with all the other dogs and cats
Teddy: Oh! Okay!
Before we got around to, um, having a nice little chat with the young man, we emptied the crates we’d liberated from the ship, which included some nice discoveries like an ancient murder knife, masses of mysterious technologically advanced weaponry that nicely matched the schematics we’d gotten from the factory in Derby–
Teddy: I think that perhaps we should consider returning to Derby and doing something about that factory!
Everybody else: NOT NOW, TEDDY
–and a pair of magic shoes which were made from…human feet. Stretched, bulbous, tanned human feet.
Most of us passed our stability checks. o.o
Summerset: Teddy! Let’s go get supplies for our long evening at the warehouse!
Teddy: But what about the young man we have tied up?
Summerset: That’s why we need supplies!
Teddy: Oh! Of course!
They exit to get supplies.
Dylan, brandishing a knife at the young man we’ve kidnapped: Tell me everything!
Young man: No!
Evelyn: ::slaps the shit out of the kid::
Dylan: ::HORROR::
Young man: ::eventually tells them everything::
Dylan: I know Summerset promised Lars, but I don’t think we should kill this kid.
GM: You get the information, but it takes three to four hours. How are you going to keep Teddy from coming back??
Me: that’s what I was wondering!
Summerset’s player: no i have a PLAN
Summerset: Teddy, it’s late, all the shops are closed, let’s go to my town house to get supplies.
Me: oh that’ll work, he’ll forget all about having to bring things back to the rest of the party
Teddy, enthusiastically: that sounds very nice! I would very much like to see your house!
Summerset, dryly, both IC and OOC: That’s what I thought.
So Summerset and Teddy had a lovely evening eating nice food in the nice warm house and being waited upon by the manservant, while Dylan and Evelyn tormented a kid in a warehouse and then realized what they’d done and took severe stablity loses.
We return to find very shaken companions.
Teddy: whatever has happened? You look so shaken! Here! We have brought lovely food and drink! What’s wrong?
Evelyn: ::necks a bottle of expensive wine::
Dylan: evelyn beat a kid up and we tortured him for information
Teddy, horrified: WHAT?
Summerset: What Dylan means, Teddy, is that they had a little talk that got a little unpleasant and it’s upset Dylan. Why don’t you go talk with him for a little while? I’m sure that will help.
Teddy, hugely relieved: Oh. Okay.
Teddy, spending 2 points of psychiatry and putting his hand on Dylan’s shoulder: Dylan, my friend, tell me what it is that troubles your soul. I am here to listen.
Summerset’s player: I love Teddy so much.
Evelyn’s player: We ALL love Teddy.
GM: We do. It’ll be such a shame when I have to kill him.
Evelyn: NOOOOO you can’t kill the one good guy on our team!
GM: the good ones are the most fun to kill
Me: as an author, I have to agree with that
Dylan got some stability back (look! something Teddy’s actually good at! listening to what troubles peoples’ souls! :D) and Summerset helped Evelyn get some of HER stability back, AND as it turned out stopping that shipment of magic feet and mysterious plans was a significant step against the doomsday clock, so we ALL got a couple more points of stability back, and were Very Proud Of Ourselves!
It really is going to be such a shame when poor Teddy dies. :)
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only4dagossip · 3 months ago
History is a selective thing. Usually the stories we’re familiar with are the ones we want to believe, or maybe the sad reality is we haven’t been taught any other alternative from the “mainstream” schools of thought.Case in point is the history of music, and specifically, for this analysis, classic and modern rock. As a white person born and raised in Canada, I’ve grown up believing that Janis Joplin wrote all of her biggest hits, as did the Beatles, Elvis Presley and any other big artist from the ’60s and ’70s.
That’s not to say I’m naive to the songwriting process — I know that most songs have multiple collaborators — but what isn’t clear in pop culture history is how many songs were written by Black people and only made “famous” by white artists.In the majority of cases, it turns out most Black songwriters of those eras barely made a dime off of their creative work, while the white musicians found radio airtime, fame, money, and notoriety for generations using the exact same song.
Many Black creators died penniless and nameless, without any credit for the music they brought to the world.Have you ever heard of Big Mama Thornton? Otis Blackwell? Luther Dixon? Richard M. Jones? Lorraine Ellison? Chances are, unless you’re steeped in Black history or Black music knowledge, you haven’t. Thornton wrote Ball n’ Chain, one of Joplin’s hits, and originally recorded Presley’s Hound Dog in 1952, among her many contributions to the genre. She gained some recognition for her Hound Dog performance, but saw very little, if any, profit from it.
The song’s origins as a female empowerment tune disappeared after Presley’s version was released. Blackwell wrote Presley hits All Shook Up, Don’t Be Cruel and Return to Sender, as well as the future Jerry Lee Lewis hit Great Balls of Fire. Dixon composed 16 Candles (which was reinvigorated when the movie of the same name was released in 1984, covered by white trio The Stray Cats on the soundtrack), along with other tunes like Boys and Baby It’s You, both later recorded by the Beatles. Jones and Ellison wrote two other Joplin classics, Trouble in Mind and Try (Just a Little Bit Harder), respectively. (Not to pick on Joplin specifically, but the majority of her tunes were written by Black people, with a few exceptions like the self-penned Down on Me, Move Over and Mercedes Benz.) And this is just a taste. Ideally, the songs would be presented as written with credit for their origins completely transparent, but unfortunately in a lot of cases, the songs were adjusted to be more “palatable” for a white audience.
And worse still, it usually worked — countless songs written by Black folks reached No. 1, purchased and listened to by white folks. It was absolutely a different time, there’s no arguing that. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for a Black musician to be selected by a record company to come in and write some songs, then be given some paltry payment as the agents turned around and gave the song to a white musician.
This was how things worked, for far too long. In modern speak, it’s referred to as “cultural appropriation,” the unacknowledged adoption of customs, practices and ideas of one group of people by members of another and typically more dominant group of people. “Over the years, you see in the 1920s and 1930s, Black music was very underground, very benign, marginalized,” said Lisa Tomlinson, a cultural critic, formerly of York University and now a lecturer/professor at the University of the West Indies. “It was seen as sleazy. In a lot of cases, when this music becomes mainstream, it becomes disassociated from Black experience and Black context. We talk about cultural appropriation… we reduce it to just borrowing, or sampling, another reductionist term. ‘Borrowing’ or ‘sampling’ sound like nice words, because they sound like an equal exchange.
“Big Mama Thornton did not have lawyers. She didn’t have a distribution network that can say to record stores, ‘You’ve gotta pull Elvis’ song, or else we’re not going to service the rest of our catalogue to you.’ She’s left with breadcrumbs,” said Eric Alper, music expert, correspondent and PR manager. While some Black outliers found immense success — B.B. King, Hendrix, Aretha Franklin among them — it was a hard, uphill battle for most, and ultimately, as Alper attests, at that time it’s how music was done.
“It’s really impossible to go back and say, ‘Wow, this person really, truly ripped it off, because you can’t place the context of what happened in 1940 into. “[The Black musicians would] end up broke and poor, especially in the case of the jazz and swing eras,” she said. “There’s a narrative around Black singers like Billie Holiday, it usually revolves around their drug addiction and how it prevented them from going further in their careers and that’s why they died broke. That wasn’t true a lot of the time: sometimes they weren’t paid for songs they’d written that were sung over by white artists. Their narratives were sanitized, which helped disguise the fact she was exploited.” One of Holiday’s biggest hits, Strange Fruit, famously uses the haunting metaphor for lynched and hanged Black people.
The opening verse clearly illustrates the symbolism: Southern trees bear strange fruit/Blood on the leaves and blood at the root/Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze/Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees In what can only be described as a complete disconnect from the meaning of the lyrics — and an outright dismissal of the gravity of the song — in 2005, the song was remixed (by Black electronic artist Tricky) on a club album, The Verve Remixed.
A song that should be untouchable was redone so people could dance along to it at a club. American jazz trombonist, composer and educator Ron Westray, who’s lived the often-harsh reality himself as a Black musician from the south, confirms the insidiousness of the music industry, and says this “whitewashing” is still happening today. “It’s the transfer of the value of the artistry to other individuals,” said Westray. “This is the music industry. It’s not because we’re Black, it’s because the system is white. It’s a question of what knowledge is passed down.
“Listening to rock radio, no matter where I am in the world, the only Black artist I ever really hear is Jimi Hendrix, maybe Lenny Kravitz,” said Taylor. “When you get into modern rock, there are even fewer Black people represented unless Bob Marley gets played at 4/20, which is frankly a little insulting,” he said, referring to April 20th “pot day” celebrations. “It’s just really weird to embrace a stereotype like that and think it’s OK.” Indeed, it’s hard to name mainstream Black rock musicians — try for yourself. Aside from Lenny Kravitz, Darius Rucker of Hootie & the Blowfish, William DuVall of Alice in Chains, Tracy Chapman and Ben Harper, it’s a very white, very male landscape.
There are barely any Black women on rock music stages, and if they are, they’re often relegated behind the scenes. “It was amazing that these classic rock artists were so inspired by this music, but it’s a shame that people don’t know who they are, and it’s a shame that those artists didn’t get what was, in large part, rightfully theirs,” said Taylor. “What they deserved on a monetary level… since we can’t do that now, then perhaps it’s a good and wonderful thing to give credit where credit is due, from a recognition standpoint.” This is not to say that you should stop listening to the classic rock you know and love.
It’s to push forward an understanding of where it came from, its origins, its roots. To truly appreciate something, we need to grasp where it all began. So next time you pop on some tunes, why not look up the original songwriter and develop a whole new appreciation for the birth of the genre? It’s a part of music history many rock fans choose to ignore. So let’s stop ignoring.
damn this was so good to read and so educational thank you💗
i remember a video from the 60s i think where a black singer performed live for the first time and you could see the disappointment and disgust in the audience faces (all white) when he came out to perform and was black
they had it very hard to be successful
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years ago
Unreality Mortimer cries over a goddamn milkshake
One shot for @silent-bull you fuckin f o o l/j/affectionate/p
This thing is fucking 3008 words I am sobbing
Please consider reblogging if you like!!!
Rain poured down from the dark and cloudy sky above at a fast and seemingly endless rate. It could be heard faintly as it pounded against the roof of the lonely white car, as it continued on it’s way.
Mortimer’s head was leaned up against the car door  as he stared outside the window, watching the rain fall through the glass that was already being pelted with droplets of water. Nothing particularly interesting was outside, but  he enjoyed listening to the comforting sounds of the rain outside, watching the rain itself made him feel…calm. Relaxed. 
He didn’t have to worry about keeping his eyes on the road either. He wasn’t the one driving today..
His father was. 
Well. His new father anyways. Adoptive father was a better way to put it since, unfortunately by default, Owen would always be his “biological” parent…
It sure as hell did not mean he would ever think of him as a father. 
He never acted like a true parent anyways… In fact..Whisper, his father now, had been more caring towards himself and the other puppets in the span of a few months than Owen had been in the full seven years they were trapped with him. Right up until Owen…
“We’re almost there” The taller cat man spoke, breaking the silence, and pulling Mortimer away from his thoughts. 
Until he had….
Until Mortimer…
He couldn’t take it anymore..
“Ah, that’s good. How much longer?”
“Just a few more minutes. I will let you know when we arrive”
Mortimer nodded, returning his attention to the window. 
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the window. Listening to the sound of the rain outside..
This whole thing felt a little…strange to him. Maybe it was because he had never really done anything like this. Owen never would have wanted to do anything like this with him..
He wasn’t complaining now though. This was much nicer. With Whisper around, he had much less to worry about. He felt safe around him..
The two arrived at their destination about ten minutes later. The rain had not stopped, but it had at least lightened up. 
They got out of the car and closed the doors behind them. Whisper opened up an umbrella he had brought along while Mortimer simply pulled his sweater hood over his head and ears. It felt a little out of sorts for him to be wearing a casual hoodie instead of his usual fancy jacket that he always wore, however it wouldn’t protect him from the cold rain. And he didn’t want it to get wet anyways. It was a necessary, and quite comfortable alternative.
From the looks of it, Whisper had taken him to an out of place diner. The outside of the building looked a bit small, and had an older timed theme to it. When they entered it, it wasn’t big, but it wasn’t too crowded either. It had a cozy feeling too it. But it also looked quite lonely, as they were the only ones here. Aside from the employees. 
But that worked out for him perfectly. He didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of eating or even hanging out in a crowded area, especially since people could potentially recognize him…
Just his father and himself being here was much better. 
The two sat themselves in a booth closer to the back of the diner. Whisper ordered the food before seating himself across from Mortimer. The two were now simply waiting for their food to be brought out. 
“This place is…nice” Mortimer said softly, as he looked around from where he was sitting. 
“It is. It’s very quiet too. Nice and peaceful” Whisper commented, as he opened up a book and began to read. It was a book about plants, which wasn’t surprising in the least. He must have brought it along to read during the waiting process. 
“I noticed that. It is very nice..but why exactly is it so quiet?”  
Whisper simply shrugged his shoulders. “I suppose it's because this place just became less popular overtime”  “Really? …I wonder why..Did something bad happen?”
“Not to my knowledge. These sorts of things just happen. As time goes on, people begin to discover new things to do, more places to go..and older places like this get left behind. People still come here from time to time, but I suppose most prefer the modern day dinery.” 
“I see…its a shame a place like this has been left behind.” 
“It is very unfortunate…I worry this place may be closing up soon. But right now there is not much we can do except enjoy it while we can. I know you’ve never been to anywhere like this, I figured it would be a nice experience.” 
Mortimer leaned himself back into the booth and looked outside the window, watching the rain outside. He wondered how the ones running this place managed to keep it so nice and clean..It appeared old, but it was still in good condition…
Unlike the warehouse, which was getting closer and closer to falling apart. 
He doubted it would be too long before everything came crashing down on him
Once again, everything would fall..and he couldn’t stop it… 
They would have to be prepared to leave at any time..they all knew this..
None of them liked to think of what would happen after this point..Whisper already promised he would help them..but even so…
He shouldn’t be worrying about this right now
He was supposed to be enjoying the day out with his father. Not panicking about something that hasn’t happened yet. 
They knew what to do, they would be fine when that day had to come..right? 
“Mortimer, get ready. They’re bringing our food here now”
Mortimers ears twitched as he quickly looked back at Whisper. “Ah, yes i’m sorry” 
“Don’t be sorry. I’m just letting you know”
“Thank you..”
Mortimer looked over as a waitress with a mask over her face came over with two trays. 
Mortimer had allowed Whisper to order for him since he had little experience with public diners or restaurants…or food, for that matter.
The waitress set down the trays in front of them. Whisper had ordered himself a sandwich and a cup of hot coffee. Mortimer was given a small pizza, all for himself..and some sort of thick liquid in a tall, fancy cup… 
He carefully picked up the mystery drink, bringing it to his face and sniffing at it. It was cold, and it smelled..nice actually. Rather sweet. It smelled like cream and chocolate. 
“Father…whats this?” 
“Hm? Thats a milkshake. It’s ice cream blended into a drink .I noticed you seemed to favor sweet things, so I thought you would enjoy it.”
“Ah..I see..I’ve never had something like..this before.”
“Hmm. Do you still want it then? If you don’t want it I can always get you something else to drink”
“Nonono! Its fine” Mortimer exclaimed, shaking his head. “I just didn’t recognize it is all! I will drink it..”
Whisper nodded, setting his book down and eating his own food.
Mortimer held the ice cold drink in his hands, inspecting it again as if it was some sort of ancient artifact before he placed the provided straw into the cup. Sighing softly, he gently bit down on the top of the draw, taking a sip of the cold, creamy liquid…
Immediately, his eyes lit up, growing wide, as he drank more and more from the cup. 
This was…
The smooth, creamy texture..the rich taste of chocolate ice cream…the lovely additions of the whipped cream and candies…it was so…
He closed his eyes and leaned more into the booth cushions… this drink made him feel cold..but it was just..amazing… 
So..this is what he had been missing out on…
“Mortimer..are you alright?”
Mortimer set his half-drunk milkshake down and looked up at Whisper. “Ah..yes, yes i’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Mortimer..you’re crying”
He paused, slowly raising his hand up to his face…hot tears were falling from his eyes…Whisper was right..he WAS crying..but why? There was no way this thing was so good it could make him cry like this, right?
Then again
“Oh..fuck, yes I suppose I am” Mortimer chuckled softly, wiping the tears away from his face with his hoodie sleeve. “I’m sorry about that” 
“is it..that good?” 
“Yes..well, yeah. That and…well.. My father would never allow me to do anything like this…it’s just…Nice, to finally enjoy at least..something, you know?”
Whisper stared at him, silently, before nodding and returning to his food. “I understand how you feel... Enjoy your meal, Mortimer”
Mortimer nodded. He would most definitely enjoy it.
Even with that one moment where he had been unknowingly crying, their time at the diner was going very well. Mortimer and Whisper spent their time talking about whatever they felt like speaking about as they ate their food. Mortimer found himself talking much more than he normally did on a daily basis….opening up more, little by little as they talked.. 
Normally he disliked himself speaking, but this was..nice. Very nice…
He felt safe here with Whisper. Safe to speak, safe to eat around him..it was like he could genuinely tell him anything..It was such an overwhelmingly comforting feeling.. One he never felt around Owen once.
He was..happy. 
About an hour later they were ready to get going. Whisper paid for their order while Mortimer took care of cleaning up the mess they left, throwing out the garbage on the table. He was aware that it was technically the workers' jobs to deal with it, however he felt it would make their jobs easier if they had less to clean up. “Is this everything?”
“For the most part, yes.” Whisper looked over the table to make sure they hadn’t missed anything, before picking up Mortimer’s half drank milkshake. “Mortimer, do you want the rest of this?” 
“Ah yes, of course I do. I was saving it so I could take it with me on the ride back” he hummed, carefully taking the cup from Whisper. 
“It’s three dollars Mortimer. I don’t mind”
“Hmmm, I understand. But it’s probably melted down by now. I could buy you another full one if you would like.”
“Oh no, it’s alright. I don’t want to make you spend more than you already have-”
Mortimer just shook his head. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine with what I have here” he said, as he began making his way to the front counter to grab a disposable cup for the remainder of his half melted drink. 
Whisper shrugged lightly. “If you say so. But if you change your mind i can get you one before we go”
“I feel…bad though. Especially since I still have some left right here. I’ll decline. But perhaps another ti-”
Mortimer was suddenly cut off by a scream. 
His own scream
He felt something slam down on the end of his tail. He panicked, and struggled to pull his tail free from whatever was putting pressure on it, but when he did he was knocked off balance. He slipped and let out a loud yell as he harshly fell to the ground. His entire left side taking the hit caused by the impact.
Mortimer trembled as he sat himself up until he was kneeling on the floor. Holding his arm and wincing at his own touch. “Jeez…”
“Mortimer! Are you alright??” Whisper’s voice, which was usually monotone, was louder than it normally was as he rushed on over to his adopted son. He got down on the floor beside Mortimer and checked his arm. 
Mortimer flinched. “Yeah, i’m fine, just..everything is sore, and I think I dropped..”
He paused as that tiny realization set in
The drink in his hand was no longer there. It was gone….He definitely dropped it during the fall… which, would mean it was..
He looked around, almost frantically, and sure enough there it was. The decorative cup rolling slightly around on the floor, and the sticky, melted remains of the milkshake splattered all over the marble floor and leaking from the cup. Right in front of him. 
He didn’t realize it right away, but he was crying again. But it wasn’t from shock or joy as it had been earlier. 
He was crying because…
He didn’t know why he was crying this time. 
Was it a late reaction to the pain? To the throbbing he felt in his entire arm and side? It wasn’t broken but the pain was more than capable of bringing someone to tears.
Or was it because of the drink that was now all over the floor? Both leaving him with nothing left of his new favored beverage for the ride home…And the fact that he had caused a mess. Even if it wasn’t intentional, he still ruined things. He ruined the floor and he probably nearly broke the cup. The floor was going to be sticky and gross now due to his mistake…
Maybe…Maybe it was both the pain and the incident. 
It was making him feel…overwhelmed.
He WAS overwhelmed. His body was shaking and there were all sorts of panicked thoughts racing in his mind.. 
“Mortimer…are you sure you’re alright?”
Mortimer stared down at his trembling hands and shook his head.
“No…I don’t think I am”
Mortimer yawned and rubbed his eyes as he walked out of the front doors of the diner. He had stayed behind to clean up the mess he had made, while Whisper explained the situation to the staff before he went out to go wait inside the car. 
Mortimer felt it was the least he could do. 
He didn’t mean for it to happen, it had been an accident. A short series of unfortunate events. No one could have predicted that at that very moment he would end up tripping on his own tail. The employees weren’t even mad about it, they understood and were happy he cleaned it up for them. 
But he still felt…guilty. Ashamed, even.Especially for crying over a spilt drink. Although it could have definitely been from being overwhelmed, and falling on the floor….And the fact that he lost his newfound favorite drink to a dumb mistake…
It had been the best thing he ever tasted….aside from iced tea. 
He sighed as he made his way back to where Whisper’s car was parked. He could see him reading the book he brought along through the car windows. He opened the door on the opposite side and climbed into the passenger seat. “I’m here”
Whisper looked up and set his book down beside him. “Ah, there you are. Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I cleaned up the mess for them so they wouldn’t have to..”
Whisper placed a gentle hand on the top of Mortimers head, patting gently. “That was kind of you Mortimer. Good job.”
Mortimer nodded and glanced down at the floor. “It would be rude not to help though, after all I caused the mess. They shouldn’t have to deal with it.”
“Do you still feel bad about what happened?”
Mortimer looked away from him.“....yes, I do”
Whisper just kept patting him on the head, trying to comfort him. “Don’t beat yourself up about this, Mortimer. Please. It was an accident. Things do happen. You didn’t do it to be malicious, and you even helped fix things afterwards.”
“I know, I know. I just..I can’t stop myself from feeling like I fucked up. I know it wasn’t….fully my fault, but it feels like it was”
“Mortimer..I understand how you feel, but I promise, you did not fuck anything up. Its alright now.” 
Whisper then placed something into Mortimers hands. It was..cold. 
He looked back at his hands. He was now holding a styrofoam carry out cup with a straw already inserted into the hole on the top of the lid. And it was absolutely cold to the touch.
“I replaced your drink for you while you were cleaning up inside of the diner. It’s the same flavor and has everything included, just like the one I ordered you earlier.”
Mortimer stared down at the cup in his hands and smiled softly. “Thank you, Father” “It’s not a problem. Like I said, I don’t mind at all.” “I know, but…still. I appreciate all of this…I really do”
“I’m happy to be here for you. All of you. It’s an honor, and I hope things can remain like this”
“So do I..”
Whisper hummed as he started up the car. “We can come back here again another time. But for now, we should get home. It’s been a long day, and with the way those clouds ahead of us look, I think that heavy rain will return shortly here. It’s best to get home before it starts.”
“Right, of course. Let’s get back home”
Whisper nodded and began driving. Pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road that lead them to this nice place. 
Whisper had been right about the rain coming back. It wasn’t pouring down as much as it had been before, but it was certainly starting up fast. It wouldn’t be long before it became heavier and louder. 
But it didn’t bother either of them. They left just in time, and would be getting home shortly, ensuring their safety. They would be able to relax soon enough.
Mortimer stared outside of the window, watching the raindrops slide down the glass as he drank the fresh, cold milkshake Whisper had gotten for him… 
Despite the incident that happened earlier, that left him feeling awful and ashamed of himself for making a mistake that he saw as foolish, and despite the remaining soreness in his left arm and shoulder from falling onto the ground earlier…
Today was good. 
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