#we were both hurt and betrayed in the same ways. but we also learned from it in the same ways. and now it’s something we share
I am the happiest person on earth right now because I just went out with a friend to grab a late lunch and it was just supposed to be a quick casual catch up thing that turned into a 4 hour conversation in the car about things that happened to us almost a decade ago 🥲
#roadie rambles#no one’s obligated to read this but y’all…you better sit down if you’re interested bc I’m feeling SO chatty tonight#for context: this is my childhood friend I grew up with then we went to different high schools and colleges#but over the years we’ve kept in touch and we see each other maybe 2-3 times a year#we have really similar personalities#okay ​so basically. 👏 today we learned that we had the /exact same/ traumatic experience in high school /almost around the same time/#and not only that!!! the people who caused it were the same people who were in our childhood 4 person friend group!! (we split 2-2 in hs)#now before you get worried: I’m not about to traumadump and we’re both in better wiser healthier places now#but imagine that!!!#the same exact experiences down to a T. and neither of us shared it until now#we weren’t ready to at the time and we’re not exactly the most open with our feelings#plus. different schools different lives not seeing each other every day yada yada#but with the clarity of hindsight and both of us being adults now we were ready!!! 👏👏#we had a convo in the car that naturally led into us letting it all out#and shit man. it’s not the trauma olympics here but. I thought the aftermath of what I went through was bad#venting it out was awesome for both of us and we had a lot of good laughs over it#but my friend…she went through some awful stuff#really hard stuff.#it broke my heart honestly bc she’s an amazing person and she didn’t deserve any of it#I made sure she knew that. she made sure /I/ knew that.#we were both hurt and betrayed in the same ways. but we also learned from it in the same ways. and now it’s something we share#we both wished that we could’ve had this convo years earlier#but I know that it wouldn’t have happened in the same way bc we weren’t at our current levels of maturity back then#I believe we were meant to have this convo /today/ and now we’re both better for it#that’s on growing up and having someone to heal with babey!!!! 🥹💖💖💖#if you made it this far thank you!! I appreciate it#I’m just…gonna lay here with my full heart and think about this forever now
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missholloween · 25 days
The only characters that sing (and in a way, twist) the Great Astronomical Discoveries motif during TGMH apart from the Stratfords are Benjamin and John. And let me tell you, I love what they do with it.
Benjamin's take comes first, during Benjamin's Appartment/The Radiance. After days of listening to the Stratfords talk about their hoax, of seeing how they meticulously crafted their stories and the world clamor them, Benjamin has finally given up and is ready to betray the Stratfords. So, he invites Margaret to his appartment to reveal their hoax. Benjamin uses the same language he's learned from the Stratfords, and so, the great astronomical discoveries motif starts playing.
For the first time in the album, it's not a victorious melody: it doesn't sound grandious anymore, it doesn't have any build up, it's just Benjamin and a piano. Curt Mega's performance is really sober, as he's trying to cover up his own emotions. He only fails to do so in "to advance their own career", where he bitterly laughs, losing the beat for a second. Although a bass and another string section join for the climax they quickly go away, as Margaret also joins the sad melody. Even if Great Astronomical Discoveries brought the Stratfords fame and renown, it has also deceived and hurt many. It is satisfying to hear two of its victims sing it then.
That's also why, in John's Choice, it's Herschel's time to speak, we are expecting something similar to happen. The music stops, all the characters await, and Herschel starts to talk... And the melody is More Than This. It's subtle, and one may not notice it on their first listening or if they're not that familiar with the soundtrack. But then there's a crescendo, and John starts singing Great Astronomical Discoveries.
The passion, the energy, the love that comes from John's voice (in another amazing performance by Curt) blows away both the audience and the characters that were there. He has the same accompaniment as Rose and Samuel did, but there's a key difference: there's no harmonies. And it doesn't matter, because really, what a chilling performance. There's also something very poetic about John taking the Stratford's position and being in control of his story after all the hoax.
TL;DR I love the Great Astronomical Discoveries and everything Matt does with it in part 3 of TGMH. Curt totally kills it every time he sings it in any way <3
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yandere-avatar · 3 months
Yandere! Team Korra Headcanons
Wishing my friend a happy birthday! <3 [Even though he's kind of a loser]
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You met Korra first, since she was the Avatar. You were smitten with her, but thought she was out of your league, so you didn't pursue
The next person you met was Bolin and he was sweet and quick to sweep you off your feet
You slowly become part of Team Avatar. You fit in well and Bolin makes it easier for you to fit in
When learning you are not a bender, Asami is quick to teach you how to defend yourself. Besides, you're dating boys who are brothers
You become very close and anyone can see it. In fact, Bolin becomes a little jealous and you both get into a fight
"Well, maybe we should break up!"
"Fine!" And then you leave, letting your words really sink into Bolin's mind. He knows he fucked up
You do eventually make up again, but you don't want to date him again
Mako didn't like you for a while, for hurting his brother's feelings, but once he spends some one on one time with you, a thought in the back of his mind appears. You were out of Bolin's league and maybe it was for the best you both broke up... Besides, he could probably treat you better anyway
He tries to get you to like him, even though he knows it's wrong
Bolin's not happy about it, but seeing you happy makes him all giddy and happy, so he let's go of his resentment. Though, he's still protective over you, so if his brother breaks your heart, he'll beat him up
Asami finds out you're dating Mako, even though you tried to hide it, because they used to date, but she seems okay with it-
Well, that's not true. You suspect she's jealous- But not because you're dating him, but because he's dating you?
She'll bring up bad things he did when she was dating him
"I just want you to have the best, because that's what you deserve and while he is my friend even after everything, I still think you deserve better"
Girl was out to ruin your relationship from the beginning
Though, Mako being Mako, he does end up fucking up the relationship on accident
He tried to apologize, but you couldn't forgive him
You found comfort in Asami, just like she wanted
You avoid dating her for a while, in fear of being a 'Homie hopper'
When you and Mako get back on better terms, you talk about it with him
He seemed okay with it, though he'd rather you be single, but he knows Asami, so you'll still be close to him, even if you date Asami
Korra was always sweet to you, but never anything that made you think she felt something special about you
You two are friends, but don't date, not until later, when she starts doubting her abilities
You're there for her and she gains an emotional attachment to you
She realizes she's in love with you, but you're dating Asami
Asami has been so good to her, just like you, so she couldn't betray Asami like that
Bolin and Korra are much more laid back and more willing to let you do as you please
You can get away with a lot more with them. Especially Bolin
Asami and Mako are stricter and restrict what you can and can't do
Mako is the strictest and you can't get anything past him
Asami wants you to like her and when realizing you get along better with Korra and Bolin, she tries to be more laid back
Though, when Korra gets hurt, you try and stay with her
She tells you no- The world needs protector, especially since she can't do it. She also doesn't want you seeing her like this. She feels weak and helpless
Korra is the only one who hides her feelings for you
The only way you find out is because she accidentally lets it slip to Asami
Asami is surprisingly open to the idea of a throuple
She knows that she can't always protect you, but Korra can. You'd always be safe if you were with Korra
They try and make you seem weaker than you are, because they all want to protect you
They know that something is wrong with them and with each other, but they find peace in that they all feel the same way for you. They love you, so who cares if other people don't understand- They do.
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thatfrailsoul · 3 months
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P.s. See the full painting at the end!♡
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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This wait, this hope, this constant search for more in this situation and the grip of pain that your heart holds on you... It is doing much worse, it is hurting you much deeper, than they ever did. Than they or anyone ever could.
All because of the profound love for them, for you, for your hearts together. For your connection and your story. For what you were and what you could've been. All because of that love that simply doesn't want to accept this ending, doesn't want to ruin the memory of that fairytale with the reality of it all.
Convinced that if you do accept it, surrender to this cruel and not at all magical end... It will invalidate everything that you felt. Transforming that deep and sweetly overwhelming love... In just delusion, another mistake, another wound on your tired heart. Another lie. Another fantasy and its destruction.
Another you that is too naive, too romantic, just too good. Who stayed allowing yet another person to betray and hurt you. A person that, no matter what happened and all this pain, you still remember so tenderly. Incapable of seeing them as someone that could've done for you so little, or perhaps, that done to you so much.
But it doesn't need to be black or white, only one thing or another. It doesn't need to be a perfect story from the start to end to be worth it. Because there isn't a perfect one. The ups and downs, the realizations, mistakes and learning, lies and truths, are exactly what make a story worth to be lived and listened to. Worth to be remembered and carried in our hearts.
You don't need to be only a hopeful or a cautious person. They don't need to be a dreamy lover or a villain in disguise. Your story, your moments, don't need to be only sweet and tender or false and cruel... They can be both. They can be sour and sweet at the same time. They can be heart wrenching but still right.
The same way you can cherish the connection you've shared and love them, while still accepting this ending. Letting it go and recognising that it's moment to stop.
Because not everything that is beautiful, good, and so deep, needs to exist forever. And perhaps it's what it gives more worth, and allows us to cherish it. Truly. In the memories of what we lost, but that we still had a chance to love.
P.s. For personal guidance, reviews from my clients, and more... take a look at my linktree.♡
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What you are holding onto.. is very different from what you tell yourself in your mind. It's different from them, from your story, from the moments that you've created and shared before ending it all... No matter how sweet, tender, warm it all were...
What you are holding onto is something that never happened, but that could've been real if only you had more time together. If only one of you tried more, if only one of you listened more, hoped more, waited more...
You are holding onto what could've been. Unable to let go of the person that felt so vivid, that made you feel so deeply, because they were the last one that your heart had the courage to connect with. And deep down you fear that it was not only the last person, but also the last chance, the last forces and faith that you've had in finding the right one.
But it's okay to let go of them. It is safe for you to let this connection end, for your heart too. It is safe, right, for you to surrender and let this love fade. Because you will never be so lonely as you will be while waiting for them to change their mind. You will never be as hurt as when your gaze meets only their fading foot prints, while they keep walking away without turning back. It will never be worse, than what you feel now as you put yourself in a cage, convincing you on your own that this is all that there is and will be for your heart.
It is scary, it is tiring, to start all over again. Without knowing if you will have at all a chance to create something new, if you will have the strength to let someone new into your life. But in this worry there will be also excitement. In that uncomfortable fear and uncertain steps, there will also be so many beginnings, new experiences, new feelings. That you will let in as soon as you will realize that only because it was so strong, so overwhelming, so important... It is not the only option and way to find love. To experience love. Not the only person to be loved by, not the only way to be treated and cherished. Not the only right chance and way for your heart to tremble so sweetly, making you feel alive again.
P.s. For personal guidance, reviews from my clients, and more... take a look at my linktree.♡
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Will it be worth it or not... Will depend only on you. But not in how it will end, what else can be done or what you can come up with to make them have a change of heart... The worth of it all will depend only and truly on what you will learn, what you will choose to understand and remember from this, keeping it from now forward in your heart as you walk through this life.
It will depend on how you will choose to see yourself, the narrative that you will tell about what happened and how you lived and felt it. It will depend on if you will once again conclude that you were not worthy or good enough, that you needed or need to do more, to give more, to convince more...
Overlooking this time too, how much you already gave of yourself, the work you've done, the readiness and courage of your heart that kept fighting and hoping. And that even now, overwhelmed with this love that doesn't seem to vanish, still looks for a reason that can excuse them, their decisions and how they treated your soul.
Because at the end of it all... You are not waiting for them to come back because of them, of their love, of their heart... But you are waiting for your own self and what them returning would mean, would demonstrate, about your worth to your own heart and mind.
But you don't need them, or anyone else to be worthy. You don't need to be chosen by them to demonstrate it and make it true. You can do it only by yourself. By what you think about your own self. The worth that you give to your own self and the parts of you that you are ready to change and sacrifice for others again and again.
Let them go. It's all ended now. There is nothing more that you can or should do. Because you already did so much. And the fact that it is still not right, not enough for them, is not your responsibity. It doesn't say a thing about you but says a lot about them, and perhaps their wounded, confused and tired hearts and minds.
They know their worth, they know what is best for them, they choose it even if it hurts others prioritizing themselves. And so you too can. Your worth, your deserviness, your love, is not categorised and determined by others and how much they choose you above someone else, including themselves.
It is only determined by how much you understand that someone is not right for you, for one reason or another, letting them go. Instead of trying to change it and make them stay, to hold together the story you chose to tell yourself now about you and your connection with them. It is not determined by how much you hold onto them or someone on you... But only on how much you hold onto yourself.
P.s. For personal guidance, reviews from my clients, and more... take a look at my linktree.♡
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"In the Boudoir", Delphin Enjolras, 1857–1945
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Do it!! We love your ideas chief, that’s why we’re here!
Also ghoul reader is hot as fuck
[Light body horror. Angst]
Well- two important factors about ghoul reader are both their body and mind deteriorate over time, but can be rebuilt to full structure by eating human meat/brain healthy meals.
This led me to think of a "healer" ghoul reader who can sorta transfer/reconstruct the healthy cells to others and heal people that way. Lose a kidney? Ghoul Reader can create a new one and negate most side effects by eating some ground beef left in the freezer. A personal sacrifice of their flesh for another being.
Given the nature of their healing properties, Ghoul Reader is extremely caring and always puts others before themself. They make friends with the wrong person- someone who hardly cares about their well-being and uses Reader for their personal gain. They had been scarred horribly by mistakes they'd already made and without them even asking Reader starts to slowly heal them. Their body needs more work than reader's can take, but they just write the ghoul off as lazy and trying to keep them around. Reader's body mass continues to shrink no matter how much they eat. It hurts them to put so much strain on their body... it hurts so much... but they still try. They still keep that "friend" in their heart and notebooks so they'll never forget them when their memory blanks. They care about their friend. They love them. They want them to be okay and love themself for who they are-
But they never knew how truly rotten that person was - inside and out.
"Finally... All those horrid scars were a damper on my social life. I'm even more beautiful than I was then. That being said, I can't be seen around something like you. It was fun."
That isn't what friends are supposed to say.. After all they did for them... Gone without even saying goodbye. That was the ghouls first time being betrayed to such caliber- and it crushed them. They wouldn't feel this pain if they were just another mindless creature, but they were proud of the person they'd become. The "normal" human being who walked around same as everyone else. They were just like them... only rotting... maybe that person wasn't so wrong to leave them behind...
Ghoul Reader shuts off from the outside world after that. They stick to their routine as it's all they've ever known, but they've lost that rosy view of the world. Is it worth making friends anymore? What's the point of trying if they'll just be abandoned again? They were more human than the people around them. Unlike them - they felt pain. They wanted to forget it all - so they did. Most of it at least.
While out one night reader notices a musky scent in the air. So faint only their nose would catch it. They follow the trail to a body lying behind some dumpsters - stab wounds having torn deep holes through their vital organs. Their pulse was weak - fading. Despite all the pain they've been dealt, Ghoul couldn't let someone die for another's mistake. They fixed up the near corpse and waited for them to wake up so they couldn't get home safety.
"Ugh....I'm still alive....lame...who the fuck are you?.."
Ghoul Reader explains everything that lead up to the encounter and their healing capabilities.
"Eh....with how my nights gone - I'll believe anything at this point. Thanks for the help, bud."
It was nothing. Ghoul Reader gets up to leave.
"Aye! Where ya going? You save people's lives on the regular and expect nothing back? Lemme treat you to dinner. Know a good spot close by and I still have the wallet I was gutted over. Let's get going already!"
Reader learns more about their new acquaintance. A petty thief trying to get on the right track in life. They spun some wild story about seeing a guy dropping his wallet and them trying to return it with the guy flying off the rails and accusing them of stealing it. The details were spotty, but Reader nodded along to every word. They needed a place to stay for the night as their home was too far to trek back too at that hour. They give Reader the rest of the cash in the wallet in exchange for their couch and they become the first real friend Reader makes.
Everything Reader gave they always tried to give back double. The near death experience gave them a new outlook on life. It was something to be cherished and not thrown away so easily as they had in the past. They wanted to share that new view with their only friend. Reader was a better companion than people they'd know their entire life. A little bitey when they got hungry, but everyone gets a little cranky when they're starving.
The friend gets a call over. Reader had skipped breakfast and wasn't sticking to their usual diet. They sat alone, unable to move and succumbing to the painful cramps of hunger. They begged their friend to bring them meat from the store, but their friend wanted to end their suffering as quickly as they could. They pulled out their trusty switchblade, embedding its teeth in their pinky finger. Ghoul Reader tries to stop them.
"Y/n, you saved my life. It's as much yours as it is mine. I'd give anything to properly replay you, but I'll never be able to and I don't mind living with that debt on my shoulders if it means we're together. This is the least I can do for you- so shut up and eat my damn finger."
A week after Reader tries them their finger back there's a knock on the door. Their friend refused treatment seeing it as a marker of their loyality to reader. They make sure reader is well fed at all times. A face reader has seen before stands behind the door. Some model they've seen on billboards and flyers. What could someone like that with them?
"Y/n. I know you probably don't want to see me after what I've done, but I need your help. I got into an accident after a few drinks last week. Nothing serious before you ask, but I've got these bruises and I have an important party to attend this Saturday. I'll allow you to be my plus one if that fixes things."
"I'll be out with a friend Saturday, but thank you. I can still fix you, but if you don't mind me asking - how do you know my name?"
Reader leads them to their couch and heals their spotty face all while the stranger is left bewildered. They're acting like nothing happened. Why are they acting like nothing happened? Who was this new friend and who the hell was that standing by their bedroom door?
"Are you seriously going to play this game?"
"What do you mean?"
"Pretending like you don't know who I am. That's harsh even with everything that's happened."
Ghoul Reader backs away from them.
"I've seen you in pictures, but that's it. I don't know who you are."
"It was cute at first, but I'm not playing whatever game you're trying to start. You know who I am."
Ghoul Reader racks their brain for answers, but there's no result. They begin to hyperventilate. "I don't....I don't know who you are....Stop it, please!"
"Not til you say my name. I'll own up to my part when do that simple thing."
They grip at their face, talons catching on their softened skin. "I don't know who you are...Don't make me remember..... Get out.... GET OUT!"
As the stranger leaves and heads towards their car a notebook flies out reader's window - aiming for their skull had they not stepped out of the way in time. Inside are pages of filled with scratched out ink held on a weakened spine. It was a miracle they held together. The pages stick togethered, water damgaged by crusted specks of blood and smaller dots of a clearer fluid. The words written were near illegible, but there's a few key points they could make out. A birthday, the begining and ending characters to a person's name, a repeated phrase pieced together over the various pages. Don't forget. Never forget.
They'd been erased completely from reader's conscious mind. This notebook had been kept to prevent that very thing from happening. All those precious memories thrown away. The stranger was happy with the life they'd been robbed of - but no one had ever been their for them like Reader had. A new stain falls to the page.
Flipping to the final page, a note slides off the back cover.
"Come here again - and I'll erase you permanently."
It wasn't reader's hand writing. The person in the window holds up a new journal - comforting a sobbing ghoul on their shoulder.
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satureja13 · 8 months
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And while Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho stay at home, Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad went to the Temple to help Arturo. All of them silently agree it's best to keep Kiyoshi away from Jack until he healed. It's a long way to go for Jack. Even though he says he's fine. We all know he isn't. It would even be better if they parted ways. But Other Jeb's message makes this impossible. No one wants to take the risk of some of them getting hurt - let alone be killed.
Vlad joined Team Kiyoshi. Jack is Vlad's best friend and this wasn't an easy decision to make for Vlad - but he and Kiyoshi grew very close at Belgraves Institute. They shared a room and ran their penalty laps at the sports ground. They slept next to Jack's pod when he was in his coma. And in the end Kiyoshi had to betray Vlad to the Council to maintain Kiyoshi's camouflage.
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Vlad knows that Ji Ho and Saiwa take good care of Jack and that Kiyoshi is having a hard time now since he became a diety, had been banned from Kojin's Temple and lost Jack. And no one, except for Jeb, knows how to deal with him after they learned that Kiyoshi was Jack's Alpha and fated mate and kind of co-responsible for Jack's misery. And that Kiyoshi had been sent by his father to the Lab to torture captured Jack and Saiwa. And rescued them in the end. It hadn't been easy for Kiyoshi either with all his duties for the temple, the resistance and the council. He didn't hurt Jack on purpose. They just didn't know better and couldn't act better. He can't be mad at Kiyoshi. Maybe it was because they were too young and unexperienced or it just wasn't meant to be - yet. Fate doesn't make mistakes and Vlad is determined to help both of them.
Kiyoshi cared for the saplings of his Tree. And when he touched the little one Jack had lit with some kind of magic, it hit him like a bolt - again. This is a sign. Kiyoshi is sure. As a werewolf, Jack isn't capable of doing such magic. This has to mean something. Jack is his fated mate. Kiyoshi will give Jack all the time he needs to heal - but he will never give up on him. He tried it - for decades while he'd been in the tree - futile.
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Mood is gloomy and everyone was working in silence lost in their own thoughts. Vlad thought he could try Jack's puppy strategy to light up the mood a bit. So he started to tell some funny stories of the times they hadn't been all together. Vlad: "... and when Jeb and Ji Ho had already left to do their school project at Mount Komorebi, Jack insisted to put me on my gloves! I had been blind then, but I still was capable to put on my gloves. And then I made fun of him because he wore a fur jacket! A werewolf in a fur jacket! And then Kiyoshi said: 'I like fur'. Somehow I knew that something was going on between you two." Jeb was cutting the planks, had the pencil between his teeth and chuckled. He repeated 'I like fur' because he thought it was so cute and funny of Kiyoshi. But since he had the pencil between his teeth, it was gibberish.
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Arturo froze: "What did you just say?"
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Jeb, gibberish: "I like fur?"
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Arturo: "Gods - it sounds like the last words from the Master! 'I like bird'!"
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Jeb: "I think everything sounds the same when you have a pencil in your mouth while speaking ^^'" Arturo: "True hahaha." Little Goat: 'Hello?!'' omg...
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After their work at the Temple, they sat down to eat. Arturo: "Vlad, why don't you take a plate and give it a try?" Vlad: "Ah, I'm sorry but I'm a vampire and can't digest food. I get sick if I do and live off of plasma packs and fruit."
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Arturo: "I aware of that - but I also feel your strong craving for food. Other vampires just ignore it." Vlad: "Oh I'd been able to ignore it all my live - until... I drank Ji Ho's blood... and when I came back from hell after I died, I started to smell the incredible odors and had a hard time not giving in and try some ever since."
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Arturo: "A lot of things changed after you drank mermaid's blood, hm? Why not you digesting food? Give it a try." Vlad: "Uhm - ok..." It smelled so amazing, Vlad thought it was worth getting sick.
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And this is how Vlad tried his first food!
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And it seems he likes it!
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Oh my Arturo was right - Vlad yould have eaten food since he bit Ji Ho September 2022! And even though he knew he'd changed a lot and craved for it, he never tried - because he was afraid and convinced it would make him sick. This sounds trivial but made him think a lot. What else could he have experienced since then and never tried? And how much has Ji Ho changed him? But before he could follow his thoughts any further, it hit him! Hot hot HOT!!! Arturo: "Maybe Burmesan Samosa Soup wasn't a good choice for your first meal ^^'"
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But it was. Vlad will never forget this - his first meal. And it will remind him to be bolder and try new things and not hide behind his fears! (Hear, Hear!)
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After lunch Arturo went for a walk with them. He has an idea wow they can make up with the others.
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And after a hard day's work, they gathered at the fire. Arturo was pondering all afternoon about 'I like bird' and 'I like fur'... (Try it yourself, it really sounds the same!) Arturo: "Kiyoshi - who did you think about before you became one with the tree?" Kiyoshi: "Jack. I've never been able to forget him. Even when I felt nothing else anymore, I still felt him."
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Arturo: "I have a weird inkling: maybe your last words weren't 'I like Bird' but 'I like Fur'? Because Jack is a werewolf? Or you thought of that experience with the fur jacket?" Jeb: "When Kiyoshi thought of Jack and not of Saiwa before he left and Saiwa isn't his fated mate but Jack... Gods - I urged Sai into this fake relationship with Kiyoshi to bring him back because we thought Kiyoshi's last thoughts were about Sai... Saiwa will kill us all." (Omg... ö.Ö') And there's no way not to tell him because they all agreed to be honest to each other...
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'I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I wanna feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love, then you softly leave And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love? I really mean to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down when they all should let us be We belong to you and me
I believe in you You know the door to my very soul You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour You're my savior when I fall And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside that I really do And it's me you need to show'
How deep is your love? - The Bee Gees
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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jackwolfes · 1 year
Wesper with 20 for the kisses ask game?
kisses on a scar (where it doesn't hurt)
CN: past physical abuse, implied sex
In the past two weeks Jesper has learnt many little things living in a Geldstraat mansion. He has learnt that he really rather likes having a private chef, and that he likes the way this chef in particular makes him waffles. He's also learnt that there is a right way to fold your napkin for dinner, a wrong way to dismiss a staff member when they bring up coffee, and that an expensive blanket really does make all the difference. 
Jesper has also learnt that Wylan Van Eck is a fantastic person to live with and love. 
Even though grief has worn them both down around the edges Jesper sees infinite light in his merchling's blue eyes. He hears unfettered joy in his laughter — because Wylan has laughed a lot lately — and savours every soft, lingering kiss. 
He has also learnt that he rather enjoys the other kinds of kisses Wylan gives him. 
Three days after that dreadful day a healer came round, sitting Wylan down and running gifted hands over each battered bruise. Jesper sat with him at his request, not holding his hand but wanting to. He watched each mark vanish, hearing the faint hitch in Wylan's breath as fractured bones knitted back together. Then the healer left them be and Wylan showed Jesper what sort of down payment he wanted to offer. 
Now, Jesper gazes lazily across Wylan's bedroom, still feeling utterly satisfied from the night before. A smile lingers at the corner of his lips as the memories dance across his mind. Wylan is still tucked beneath his arm, breathing easily. The past few weeks have certainly been a learning experience, but Jesper's most recent educational endeavor has been discovering what way Wylan likes to be touched best if they're aiming to make him come. 
Saints, had it been a good night. 
"We can't stay in bed all morning," Wylan murmurs. 
For the past fifteen minutes he's been drawing patterns on Jesper's bare chest with his fingertip. Naked beneath the blankets, the two of them are pressed together against each other. It thrills Jesper, feeling Wylan's bare thighs against his own. The very same thighs he was perched between last night. 
"Mm," Jesper finally replies, trying to force himself to pay attention before he gets distracted and finds his body betraying what he's thinking about. "You sure? I can be plenty convincing, merchling." 
Wylan laughs. He smacks his palm against Jesper's chest lightly, then pulls away. Jesper frowns at him and means nothing by it but joy. He watches Wylan stand, stooping low to snatch up the drawers he allowed Jesper to peel off him last night and tug them back on. He forgoes a shirt, though, meandering across the room to head towards his vanity. 
From the bed, Jesper stares at Wylan's naked back. He is struck suddenly by the fact that he has never actually paid attention to Wylan's body without a shirt on. Until last night they've been sleeping in separate beds. 
There is a scar. 
Wylan has started messing around with some of the lotions on his vanity, head ducked down. It leaves Jesper with a clear view of the scar down the length of his shoulder blade. It is thin and corded, tracking unignorable variation over his pale skin. Jesper hadn't really looked at his back last night when the two of them were naked together, and he hasn't seen much of Wylan naked otherwise. But in this peaceful moment he has a perfect view of Wylan's uncovered skin, and cannot look away from the mark. 
Jesper crawls out of bed, making his way over to Wylan almost cautious. No one can ever describe Jesper as careful, but Wylan is something he wants to take care with. 
"I don't need you distracting me over here," Wylan calls over his shoulder, having spotted Jesper starting to move in the mirror. He catches Jesper's eye in a reflection. There's still a smile in his words, but suddenly all Jesper can imagine is the ache of a boy beaten and bloodied. "Jes?"
He blinks, not having realised just how distracted that train of thought made him or how close he ended up getting. When he looks at Wylan in the mirror again he sees his pale brow furrowed. 
Before Jesper really thinks about it he's lifted his hand and brought his fingertips up to the scar on the back of Wylan's shoulder. Wylan's breath catches, a gunshot in the silence. Jesper freezes. 
With effort, he sees Wylan swallow. He shifts, weight adjusting, but he doesn't edge away from Jesper entirely. His hand stays on Wylan's skin, glancing over the scar. For an eternal second, the two of them are silent. 
Jesper breaks it first. 
"On Vellgeluk," he starts. In the mirror, he sees Wylan shut his eyes. The after-image of regret is obvious on his shut eyelids and it makes Jesper feel awful. It feels like infinite years since that afternoon on Vellgeluk but they both remember the things that were said. The secrets spilled against their holders will. 
Wylan stretches a hand up, brushing his fingers over the back of his shoulder. He can't quite reach it, but brushes against the edge of Jesper's finger. 
"He didn't do it himself," he offers. There is no need to acknowledge who he is. "There was a doctor that told him—" Wylan inhales deeply like the words are fighting him. Jesper wants desperately to tell him he doesn't need to carry on, but he can't bring himself to. Regardless, Wylan presses on. "The doctor said beatings would help. Beltings. He didn't seem to care about folding over the metal. Pain clears the mind, apparently." 
Jesper curses. Wylan's fingers twitch one more time, making Jesper too aware once more about the fact he's still touching something he shouldn't. He goes to jerk away but Wylan moves faster, grabbing for Jesper's hand and keeping it still. He has to stretch his arm backwards over his shoulder to do so but it does what he intends it to. 
"It doesn't hurt anymore. It hasn't hurt in years." His voice is the softest whisper that betrays his vulnerability. Jesper won't say weakness, because Wylan is not weak. He is basalt glass. No acid inside his soul burns him. 
But this kind of vulnerability is entirely different to the vulnerability they showed each other last night. This vulnerability is infinitely scarier. 
Jesper exhales. It makes his breath ghost over the bare expanse of Wylan's shoulder. It ruffles curly red hair and makes the young man shiver. Before he can overthink it Jesper ducks his head and replaces the touch of his fingers with his lips. Wylan gasps, adjusting the hand that had been touching Jesper's finger to brush against the side of his head. Jesper inhales the scent of sweat and lemon soap, leaving his lips on the mark like he can wipe it away.
"Your father is a monster," he finally whispers, lips moving against Wylan's bare skin. Jesper glances up to catch Wylan's eye in the mirror again and sees him smile. 
"Yeah," he says, "but the monsters I'm friends with are far scarier." 
The thought makes Jesper laugh. He wraps his arms around Wylan's waist, hugging him back against his chest and relishing the warmth of him. One more time, Jesper kisses the back of Wylan's neck. 
"Damn straight," he says. "Now, how about we ask your chef to make more of those waffles?" 
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many-but-one · 3 months
I really admired you and looked up to you. Parts of our system were influenced by your journey to do the same. Our gatekeeper watched many of your videos and found them to be helpful. However, due to your association with a certain person, and after what I've been hearing about them influencing other systems to think they have a ramcoa history when they don't, I don't trust myself anymore. I don't know if I'm a real survivor anymore, maybe I was just led to believe I had that history due to the amount of information I was taking in from various sources. I wish I could still trust you, but I don't know if I can anymore. I also don't think it's a good idea to go into such graphic detail about your trauma. It caused me to do the same and feel that it was okay to do so. And I kept triggering other alters due to that. I kept pushing and pushing through it. And I did make progress with certain alters, but I think it really put me in an unhealthy state of mind too. I don't think I was ready to be dealing with that. Now we have a fight-reponse alter who will stop at nothing to ensure we deprogram and become free, even if at the expense of other alters and our overall wellbeing. He only cares that we keep fighting, that we tell our therapist information about our system and get her to believe us and help us, even though it's a lot for some alters. He's become a very dominant member of the system now, and has even tried to hurt persecutors before they can hurt us.
Hi anon,
I am assuming you are talking about the Legion system. Yes, I was friends with them for some time. About a year or so. However, I’m no longer friends with them and do not associate with them. I’m not sure why you think my association with them has anything to do with them trying to make people believe they have ramcoa when they don’t. I wasn’t involved in their interpersonal business with others. I apologize if this makes you feel like you can’t trust yourself or is making you go into denial, but I fail to see how this is somehow my fault.
Blaming me for sharing information about ramcoa and my trauma and saying you think it led you to believe you had something you may or may not have is not my fault. I educate about ramcoa in efforts to help others who have it. I make it very clear on both my tumblr and my tiktok that I don’t do armchair diagnoses. So you came to this conclusion yourself, and you coming to that conclusion by watching my content or reading my content has nothing to do with me. I’m not trying to influence anyone to do things that are unsafe in therapy (like deprogramming too fast), and just because you saw me talking about my trauma history made you do the same does not mean I forced you to do so. Placing all of this blame on me, an internet stranger who is well within their right to talk about these subjects, is incredibly unreasonable.
I understand you may feel betrayed by the situation that happened with Legion, but imagine how I feel? They were my best friend and I lost them to TERF ideology, even though I tried to warn them not to go down that path. And I have learned a lot of things from other people that I never knew about them, because I don’t really interact with much people online, so I was never aware of their actions outside of the ones they did with me. Learning that I was friends with someone who did some shitty stuff that I never knew about has been devastating.
However, blaming me or even Legion for how your system has chosen to heal is absurd. Because I tell people deprogramming is possible and share info on ramcoa and how to deprogram, suddenly it’s my fault that an internet stranger’s system is going about things in a way that is causing them distress? And trying to tell me not to share my trauma because it made you decide to share your trauma too? No, I didn’t make you do anything.
Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do on my healing journey. Educating the best I can and sharing The Horrors (which are always properly TW’d for the record, so you are allowed to scroll away if it’s not something you want to see) has helped our system heal, grow, and find community. I won’t apologize for doing so, but I am willing to apologize that you feel that it made you take actions that weren’t the best for your system’s healing process. However, placing all of the blame on me for this is immature and ridiculous. You are responsible for what information you take in and what you do with it. In the past, I have made it clear that my information is not a diagnostic tool and I’m not a therapist. What you do with the information I share is completely out of my control because I don’t know you and I am not your therapist.
That’s all I can really say here. I am a bit appalled that you’ve not only come to the conclusion that all of your problems in therapy/system healing are somehow my fault, but you’ve also decided to try and tell me directly that this is so. Your actions you take in healing aren’t something that I can control.
If I can offer some advice here—slow down. Help your protector alter who is trying to speed run this understand that speedrunning the healing process will only cause more problems. Help parts understand that trying to go gung ho into the healing journey before everyone is ready to go that direction will only cause more problems. And lastly, if you think consuming my content has been detrimental to your healing process, block me. Because I’m not going to be silent about ramcoa or what I went through. I will never be silent again.
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onyxino · 8 months
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Break Me Down
Lieutenant!Muken!Aizen x Captain!Reader
WC: 3.8k
CW: Creampie, riding, soft sex, Oral (M&F receiving), Virginity loss (M). Slight Dom and Sub dynamic. Touched Starved Aizen. lil OOC/soft Aizen. If there is anything else lemme know &lt;3
I'm always of two minds on Aizen's sexual experience, on one hand he gives off the aura of 'THIS GUY FUCKS' but on the other hand I really don't think he would have the time or desire due to being more concentrated on his plans. So today I decided to play with the idea of Aizen having little to no sexual experience. Hope you enjoy! Prolly grammar and spelling mistakes but idc I'm human and yall just read for the fucking so .
this is just a conjuring of my delulu mind
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You couldn’t believe it when they exonerated him.
You couldn’t believe it when Kisuke found a way to remove the Hougyoku from his chest without killing him.
You couldn’t believe it when they simply just placed him in your squad. With the head captain's only statement on the matter being “Captain (Name) can handle him if he gets out of control.”
Then you really really couldn’t believe it when you appointed him to be your lieutenant.
He had really proven himself to you, he seemed remorseful for his actions. He no longer wished for the fall of the soul society he wanted quite the opposite actually, he seemed to have been changing right before your very eyes.
At first even though you treated him with the same respect as you did your other subordinates but you limited your contact with him to just bare minimum, the stigma around him was just too strong.
Then one day you caught him sitting on his own underneath a shady tree and decided to join him, he looked so lonely and in a weird way you felt sadness for him.
The way his face twisted up in shock at your presence sealed in all of your assumptions. He wasn’t used to someone just willingly being in his company, he wasn’t used to human interaction at all.
As time passed you joined him under that tree any chance you could. You took your time and actually had meaningful conversations with him. You learned that you two enjoyed a lot of the same things. That’s when you decided that he would make a splendid lieutenant for you.
Aizen declined the offer at first stating that he hadn't had a real chance to earn your trust yet but you insisted and he relented.
That led you to now both of you sitting in your personal quarters on the floor looking and digging through old files looking for a specific report that would aid squad 12 in some research they were conducting.
You sighed and pinched your bridge. It was near midnight at this point and your eyes were starting to betray you, lids becoming heavier each time you blinked.
Aizen also felt the fatigue setting in, since returning to his shinigami state he realized how easily it was to become exhausted.
“Welp Lieutenant of mine, I really don't know if we have a shot at finding this report for them!” You said a yawn forming as you stretched your arms into the air.
“Agreed, my head is starting to hurt.” Aizen replied, running a hand over his partially covered face. It's true the headaches that have been coming and going since returning to his shinigami state had been killer. One of the many, many side effects his body had been enduring over the course of the last year or so.
“Oh damn, another headache again, Sosuke?” You ask worry etching its way to your face.
“Yes, unfortunately. Urahara said that they will lessen in time though.” You nod your head at his reply before slowly standing up.
“Would you like some tea then? I have chamomile, which works wonderfully for headaches.” You offer walking over to your kitchenette 
“Yes captain, please.” Sosuke had taken this moment to let his composure falter while your back was turned. Slouching forward he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.
Having put the electric kettle on to heat making note that the timer would go off in 10 minutes and the kettle would shut off. Swearing to yourself that you wouldn’t forget about it this time you turn and you catch your eyepatched subordinate in this state. 
You felt your heart lurch a little for him “Do you want me to try something that my mom always did for me when I got bad headaches?” you asked, retaking your seat in front of him.
He opened his eye a little and nodded, “I’m willing to try just about anything at this point.” 
You nodded back at him and scooted a little bit closer just within arms length, you took note of how he flinched slightly at your movement “It involves me touching your head, if that's okay?”
All he did was a nod and you slowly reached your arms forward, slotting your digits into the brunette’s hair. He shuddered slightly at the contact, you massage his scalp digging your nails in ever so slightly.
Sosuke seemed to be enjoying it and it seemed to be alleviating some of the discomfort. You frowned slightly at the strap of the eyepatch getting in the way, your nimble fingers went for its buckle at the back of his head.
“Wait!” Sosuke almost yelped as his hands wrapped around your wrists stopping you in your tracks.
Your eyes widened at the sudden action, “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” panic ran through you. You have never been able to get this close to him, the thought of crossing a boundary and having him regress on you made you feel ill.
“N-No, it’s just some parts of me are still- My eye it’s still discolored.” He explained quietly, still having your wrists in his hold.
“Sosuke.” The way his name slipped off your tongue in such a sweet fashion had him slightly shivering “It’s okay, I just wanna be able to message your head better, can I please take it off? I won’t judge you, I’m your captain, this is a safe space.”
He exhaled a breath he didn't realize he had been holding “Very well.”
You smiled at him and he swore the heart he insisted he never had stopped.
You slowly remove the eyepatch from his head and let it fall to the ground, you then return to lightly massaging his scalp.
You were right, he thought, this does feel a whole lot better.
Keeping his eyes closed he leaned into your touch more and let himself get lost in the feeling of your hands combing through his hair.
Then he whimpered,
You paused and his eyes shot open in disbelief. 
It was a small one but it was unmistakable, Sosuke Aizen just whimpered and you were the one who pulled it from him.
“Wow, you really are touch starved aren’t you?” You ask a sympathetic look gracing your features, you dug your nails in just slightly harder. Testing the waters.
This had him inhaling a sharp breath “N-Never been touched like this.”
“I can tell, do you want me to keep going?” You ask cocking your head to the side.
“Yes, keep going but I need you closer.” Before even registering what he had said you felt a soft but strong grip on your hips pulling you into his lap. He lifted you like you were made of nothing.
You found yourself straddling his lap, chests smooshed together and faces dangerously close, It was your turn to take in a sharp breath. A hot feeling coursing its way throughout your body.
You can’t remember who did it first but in a fraction of a second your lips were connected, Aizen’s hands running up and down your sides. He was already a whimpering whiny mess in your arms, just from kissing you. He felt like he was going to explode when you took the opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth.
It was sloppy, but it was passionate. He craved more, he never experienced wanting like this. Wanting another person. His hands further their exploration sliding their way up to your chest squeezing breasts roughly, you moaned into his mouth and it only fueled the fire, sending blood straight to his hardening cock.
You both parted from the intense makeout session with a string of saliva connecting your mouths. Heavy breathing just staring into each others eyes, taking this time to admire his slightly fucked out features.
Man, if this has him fucked out just imagine what sex would do to him you thought. 
Thinking of having him in such a state had heat pooling in your core, without thinking you slowly grind your hips into his. 
He yelped at the friction “(name)” he pleaded, and you did it again.
“D-do you wanna keep going?” You sheepishly ask burying your face into his neck placing soft kisses along the sensitive flesh leading up to his jaw line.
“I’ve never-”
He didn’t even have to finish his sentence, you understood completely. You pulled away from his neck and gave him a soft smile. “I can lead. I want you, Sosuke.” your hands rubbed up and down his shoulders in a comforting motion.
He sucked in a jagged breath “Please.”
“Please what, Sosuke? Use your words.” 
“Please, fuck me.” He panted, gripping your hips and pulling your clothed cores closer to each other in a desperate attempt to gain friction.
You placed a soft kiss to his lips before standing from him, he looked confused and almost sad at the loss of contact you couldn’t help but giggle at him. Sticking your hand out, he grabbed it and you led him over to the futon before gently pushing him down on it.
His breathing picked up once again as you kneeled over him. “Relax, at any time you wanna stop, just tell me and we will.”
He nodded in understanding at this and licked his lips as he watched you go for the knot tied in front of your shinigami uniform. Suddenly a surge of urgency ran through his body as he shot up and stopped your hands from continuing their action.
Your eyes shot up to him, worry spread throughout your body, had he changed his mind all of a sudden? Was something wrong?
“I want to undress you.” This statement sent a rush of liquid into your already damp panties.
You pulled your hands away from the semi untied knot of your uniform and allowed his hands to take their place. He was slow and gentle with it as you pulled the knot loose and went to work on your top. The way his face gained a new shade of red as he exposed your bare chest to himself had you breathing heavily.
He wasted no time exploring the new territory, the way your breasts fit perfectly into his hands had him in awe. He was a fast learner too, as to be expected he picked up quickly on what made those little noises he’d come to like so much fall from your mouth.
He noticed how sensitive your nipples were and little flicks and taps turned into rough pinches and pulls. “F-fuck, Sosuke. That’s so good.” You mewled as his lips attached to your right nipple and his hand continued to assault the left one.
Slotting your hands into his hair you slowly pulled him away from your chest, “I need you here though.” guiding his hands down to your bottoms, he picked up on exactly what you needed and he was quick to remove the rest of your clothing.
The sight before him was like no other, you laid out legs spread open for him. He may have been a virgin but he knew exactly where women liked to be touched. It took him no time to locate your bundle of nerves rubbing slow and soft circles against it.
“Can I taste you?” The request sent shivers down your spine.
“Only if I get to return the favor.” You said cheekily as you combed your fingers through his dark brown hair.
He swiftly lowered himself between your legs and applied a rough suck to your clit, the action caused a guttural moan to leave your lips. The hand in his hair tugging lightly was now gripping it aggressively pulling his face into your heat. Your other arm laid itself across your eyes unable to contain your embarrassment at your noises and sounds.
This did not go unnoticed by Aizen who detached his mouth from your heat and leaned up to remove your arm from your eyes “Don’t, I want you to look at me, if you look away or close your eyes I will stop.”  
You took in a sharp breath at this, this was the first showing of his dominance you have seen through this entire ordeal. You said you would lead but it was short lived once Aizen got the hang of this particular task. He needed your eye contact, he needed you to see him making you feel this good. You needed to know it was him and only him who could do this to you.
You maintained eye contact as he lapped and sucked at your clit, you gasped lightly as the intrusion of a long slender finger into your walls “Sosuke!” You cried as his finger curled up and he began to softly move it in and out of you.
“More a-and faster, please.” You pleaded, these pleas did not fall on deaf ears.
Aizen then added another finger and increased his speed, drinking up your arousal while listening to the sweet noises that tumbled from your shaky lips. It was a new form of heaven for him.
“S-sosuke- I’m really, really close.” You mewl pulling his face into your cunt, he increased his speed just a little bit more and sucked just a little bit harder on your clit but it was enough to send you falling over the edge. The sound of his name broken and falling from your lips had him grind into the futon below it was a high he knew he’d soon be addicted to.
Your breaths soon steadied as Aizen lifted himself over top of you taking in your form, your eyes met his and you gave him the sweetest smile he thought he’d ever seen, it filled his chest with warmth. “Thank you, that was so good, but now it's your turn.”
The warmth in his chest rose to his cheeks as you flipped your bodies in an instant demonstrating your strength just as he had earlier. Now you were sat on top of him grinding your naked core against his clothed one, the repeated action provided some friction but not enough and it was frustrating to him but not as frustrating as the moment you ceased all movement and removed yourself from his body.
His mouth hung open and he looked at you in disbelief “Don’t look at me like that, lieutenant. I have to undress you too don’t I?”
The realization hit him and had him slightly embarrassed, the pink dusting his cheeks turning a darker shade. Your hands went to the knot in the front of his uniform and with a simple tug it came undone, you decided to tease him with this and keep your movements slow. Aizen felt as if he was burning from the inside out.
He sat up slightly so that you could pull the top portion of his shinigami uniform off. You gasped slightly at the sight before you, he was absolutely gorgeous, like the gods chiseled his body by hand. 
Too Aizen, though your gasp was one of disgust, adorned on his chest was not only the scars from the seals piercing him but also the scar left from the Hougyoku’s removal procedure. He turned his head away from your gaze fearing the worst from your silence.
“Sosuke, your body is gorgeous.” You said in awe as the tips of your fingers grazed the scars upon his chest, he shuddered at the contact.
He returned his gaze to you eyes widened slightly at the compliment. You? Find him? Gorgeous? He was pulled from his thoughts by you applying just a little bit more pressure to the center of his chest with the tips of your fingers causing him to wince slightly. This did not go unnoticed by you “Did it hurt?”
He gazed at you trying to understand the context of your question. Did what hurt? The seals piercing my chest for what felt like ions? Or the surgery that I was mostly awake for that had me feeling as if my soul was being sucked from my body? He pondered.
“Yes, it hurt. All of it hurt.” He muttered quietly.
A somber look etched its way to your features “I’m sorry, love.” leaning down you pressed your cool lips touched the scar in the center of his chest and it felt like fire had begun to run its way through his veins once more.
Lastly you began working on his bottoms, once ridding him of the garment he was fully bare in front of you. Hungry cock springing free, your eyes widened at the impressive length of his manhood. Your mouth began to salivate at the thought of trying to take all of him down your throat.
Softly wrapping your fingers around the shaft you gave him a few strokes as you settled in between his legs. A strangled groan escaped Aizen’s lips, he thought he would cum from just the contact alone. You giggled at his reaction, the noises he made had your clit throbbing and your hole clenching around nothing.
Licking from the base to the tip you wrap your lips around his head and slid him into your mouth as far as you could take him. Your hands stroked what you couldn’t reach and you began to bob your head up and down hollowing your cheeks.
The pleasure was almost unbearable for Aizen, his hands found purchase in your hair swooping it back into a makeshift ponytail. He was finding it very hard to control himself, he eagerly wanted to thrust into your mouth and face fuck you until you were gagging, the thought of that had him on the brink of orgasm.
He was getting close, way too close. “Captain (Name), if you keep going like that I’m not gonna last.” the words left his mouth broken moans in between each word and you could have sworn you heard his voice crack.
You lifted your mouth from him with a obscene ‘pop’, “Fuck.” the curse fell out of his mouth as a hiss. 
Wiping your mouth on your arm you settled on top of him, running your folds against his shaft, fingers digging into his shoulders every time his tip bumped into your clit. Aizen’s grip was ironclad on your hips helping you drag them back and forth on his member.
“I need to be inside you.” He pleaded his nails leaving crescent shaped marks into your skin that will no doubt be bruised come morning.
Listening to his pleas, you lifted yourself up and aligned him with your entrance, sinking yourself down just enough to have his tip buried in you. A throaty gasp left Aizen’s lips, silently praising and cursing you in the same thought. 
“You’re gonna drag this out aren’t you, little minx.” He accused, head thrown back in pleasure.
You couldn’t hide the smirk playing on your lips, you had to tease him just a little “You can take it.”
In one swift motion you let yourself completely sink down on to his cock. You knocked your head back, eyes rolling ever so slightly at the delicious stretch of his girth. You couldn’t help but clamp down around him as you adjusted to his size.
“You’re so tight.” He hissed, eyes glued shut focused on not coming to an end just from being sheathed inside you.
You rolled your hips just a little and the moan that fell from his lips was obscene. You slowly bounced yourself on his cock it was like torture for the man below you, he was getting very impatient. He bucked his hips rough up into you cause your rhythm to falter “Faster, please- I”
You silenced his pleas by giving him exactly what he wanted. You picked up the pace and he met you halfway as he thrusted up into you, cock kissing your cervix with each thrust. 
He couldn’t contain the whimpers and pants rolling off his tongue. He looks so fucked out and on the edge. A particularly hard thrust from Aizen brought you out of your thoughts back into reality.
His hands slid from your waist to your thighs, groping them and gripping them hard, those will also undoubtedly become bruises come sunrise.
 “F-fuck, Sosuke. You’re doing so good, fucking me so good.” you whine tossing your head back and raking your nails down his chest leaving little red lines behind.
All he could muster in response was obscene moans and whiny breaths. You take a moment to drink in his image, he is beyond fucked out. His hair everywhere, his mouth a gape and there is a little bit of drool that slid from the corner of his mouth to the pillow below
You make note of this to tease him about later.  
You bite your lip hard at the sight, feeling that knot in your lower abdomen tighten up. You were getting close, really close and he was too. You walls clench around him when he brings his thumb to you clit rubbing slow circles.
“Tell me- Tell me where-” you already knew what he was getting at and you took no time with your answer.
“Inside please- need to feel it.” The thought of him cumming in you made your head spin and sent you flying off the edge. Walls squeezing against him repeatedly and the way his name fell off your tongue was pure sin.
His name sounding so debauched coming from your lips sent him over the edge with you, a rush of warmth spread through your core. You slowly rocked your hips against his working him through his orgasm, and milking his cock dry.
Taking note of each breathy whine that left his lips when your hips rocked forward.
Unable to hold yourself up any longer you laid atop his chest trying to regain your breath. His hands rub gently up and down your sides. You tilt your head upwards hoping to lock eyes with him but you are met with his eyes shut, a peaceful look etched into his features,
You admired him for a minute and a smile slowly curled on your lips as you drank him in.
“What are you smiling at?” He quipped, opening an eye to stare down at you, you would be lying if you said you didn’t jump a little bit slightly embarrassed. Just how long had he known you’d been staring?
“Oh nothing, nothing at all.” You say lifting yourself up and off him.
The sudden movement and disconnection of your conjoined bodies made a small barely audible whimper leave his lips. This did not go unnoticed by you, again you make a mental note of this to tease him about later.
“Stay here tonight, we can talk more in the morning.” You suggested as you snuggled yourself into his side.
He only nodded at the statement silently agreeing with you. He watched as your features slowly relaxed and your breathing mellowed out as sleep took you into its grasp. A sense of peace washed over him as his eyes wandered over your sleeping form.
What in the hell are you doing to me, woman.
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braveheartstoryteller · 4 months
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It all begins and ends, with Neku Sakuraba. Or at least that is my theory.
"Who needs friends! They just laugh and talk like idiots, and pretend to agree with you... So you end up caring about them... exposing yourself... getting HURT... Screw it! We're better off without them! You want people getting in your way? Dragging you down? I don't. And I never said we were friends. You did!""
Neku's story arc in the original game is one full of hurt, as KH often calls it. As the above dialog shows (said to Shiki) Neku has been hurt in the past, and resists any form of connection to someone else. However, upon finding himself in the Reaper's Game, Neku is forced to connect and open up to Shiki. All because if he doesn't he won't "win" the Reaper's Game. Neku's whole story arc, is learning how to connect with and rely on others again, after closing himself off. Awhile back I talked about some of the connections between the scene where Sora wakes up in a version of Scramble Crossing, and how it mirror's Neku's in TWEWY (link here). This makes me ask a question. Is Sora being set up for the same arc? In the very beginning of DDD Sora encounters Neku. You get bits and pieces of Neku's original story, in KH. Such as Neku's clear resistance to Sora's desire to be friends with him.
"Now we're friends? It's not that easy." "Not saying it is, but... you could make it easier."
Heh, the simple mind of a kid. Seriously, Sora looks at Neku and wants to help, for him it really is that simple. Earlier in the same conversation Neku calls Sora out on this:
"What? Time out. Do you trust every total stranger you meet?"
In fact, this trust is actually betrayed by Neku, by leading Sora to Young Xehanort. Sora, of course, brushes it off later, by saying that at the last minute Neku changed his mind and defended him. Sora never once thinks of Neku any less than a friend. But Sora's story doesn't end there. It is only the beginning. The beginning of Traverse Town seems there to serve as a reminder of Sora's simple child-like heart, to further highlight how he changes over the course of the story, especially the end. I've talked about how that in meeting Roxas, Sora's childhood ends (link). And I've talked about Sora's arc in KH3 in various places. (I could lay it out some time, and I might one day.) But in the end where does everything lead? To Scramble Crossing. On the surface, it seems like just a veneer. Sora just ends up in the same place (of a sort) is all. But if you look closer at Sora's arc, it seems to paint a different picture. This is where my theory comes in. The ending of KH3 seems to be both right and wrong to me all at once. It has given me loads of grief for that reason. There is plenty of dialog and framing to support both sides strongly, so which one is right? Or if it is that clear on both sides, are both true? I think it is the latter. Sora saves Kairi, a very special thing. But seemingly, Sora also choses a darker path in the process. And the fact that he wakes up in Scramble Crossing, seems to point to that. If we look at the story in KH3, it all seems to be put together to apply pressure on Sora, and to make him, well, flee. Now that the others (especially Kairi) is safe, he can now run away from the hurt in his heart and go off and have new adventures. This is my theory. That the whole story is designed to set Sora up on a path like Neku's. I do think that if this is the case, we need more framing to make it stronger. Sora has to continue to further cut himself off from others, to further align himself with Neku's choices. Still, even if Sora doesn't quite go there, I think one fact remains; Sora's heart is hurting. And because of that, Sora is overwhelmed, and needs space to figure it out. Sometimes we got to do that. It is like what Esmeralda says in DDD to Riku:
"We all do that sometimes. There are just some things we need to keep separate from the world at large, at least until we have time to figure them out."
Perhaps that is why Riku lets Sora go. If anyone would know how sometimes you need to walk a lonely path, it would be him.
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ikamigami · 2 months
I think the most frustrating thing for me about both Moon and Nexus, or Moons in general if we are speaking multiverse-wide, is that the whole "Moons will always hurt people" isn't inevitable like he and most others think, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, one that Moon, Nexus, and presumably other Moons in the multiverse keep letting themselves feed and fall into, when it could be changed, because if you track their behavior, much of it has roots in the same core flaws that if Moon(and Nexus) made some real effort to fix, and maintain, to genuinely improve themselves, they'd destroy that "Moons will always hurt people" prophecy for good
There is a concept from God of War Ragnarök that I think applies here(SPOILERS AHEAD)
The game asserts that Fate and Destiny are not the result of some divine plan or curse, but rather it is the inevitable outcome of where one's character and behavior will take them, how the react to each scenario is predictable as they always react that way based on their experiences and flaws, that fate is where you will go if you keep acting as you are, that if you do not change, your fate is immutable and inevitable, because you CHOSE to act and react that way, and to break the fate that your current self will lead you to, you must change who you are and how you act
Both versions of Moon seem to be fated to always hurt Sun even when trying to help, but what both fail to realize is that that is not because they are doomed to be this way, that they can't help it, but because they keep repeating the same patterns of behavior that get Sun hurt in the first place, and after hurting Sun they do not change, they don't learn from their mistakes, they do the same thing again as if it will produce a different result, they might try to be nicer, but without changing the core of the problem, the fundamental, selfish and destructive flaws in their character that lead to them hurt people, small changes are only going to stall the "inevitable" conclusion because you cannot apply duct tape over a crack in a dam, it doesn't matter if they have good intentions if they let those flaws manifest in the execution and the result is more pain for everyone
And we are already starting to see what changing those core flaws could look like, look at how much good Nexus had done Sun initially by just being a decent person, by not constantly threatening or insulting Sun(after Earth told him to stop making the bipolar/schizophrenic jokes while Sun was grieving because that was already insensitive if you weren't adding the soul-crushing grief and guilt Sun was suffering through on top of it) and being a safe person, how he listened to Sun when Sun admitted to having hallucinations and didn't insult or diminish him(like Moon used to) and then tried to talk him through it, and outside Sun, look at how close Nexus and Earth were, how vulnerable and supportive they were of one another, how Nexus made Solar feel welcome and gave Solar a home after his own became dangerous to him and offered no judgement despite Solar being an Eclipse(this is ignoring the fact that he destroyed most of the good he had done when he chose to betray and disown them all), and look at how now Moon is trying to not keep secrets, keeping Sun in the loop and asking for his opinions, actually respecting Sun's choices, and most of all, when he comforted Sun about July 16th, there was no selfishness, making it about himself for ONCE, no trying to deny that July 16th was partially his fault, there was simply comfort, validation, concern, and consideration, and look at the good it did for Sun! Sun is actually starting to HEAL from July 16th after that wound kept getting torn open and was left to fester for two years
I am still angry it took Moon(not Nexus, original Moon) this long to actually comfort Sun like this, properly, I think this is the first time there was nothing backhanded from him whatsoever, and also why did it take this long for Sun to be comforted and allowed to process July 16th in a safe environment? Why hadn't that happened immediately after that horrifying day, when Sun was receiving widespread public blame for something that wasn't his fault(and Moon knew that) along with the unimaginable grief and horror of seeing who were basically like his own surrogate children brutally murdered on the Daycare floor in the blink of an eye? Why did Moon have to make it exponentially worse by gaslighting Sun into thinking it was his fault(along with Eclipse doing the same thing)? But better late than never I suppose
My ultimate conclusion is this, and this is a famous saying and I know it is cheesy, but: If nothing changes, nothing changes, if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got, if Moon wants to not "be the monster", he must stop pitying himself and break the cycle, only he can, and as we've seen, he CAN actually do it, Nexus did before he decided to destroy it all, and Moon is trying now, he can do better, neither are doomed, it's just a matter of doing good and STAYING that way(of course that doesn't mean they can't have negative moments, but Nexus went far beyond what was right)
Moon and Nexus don't have to be a super-genius, they don't have to be the hero, the savior, they don't have to be this great thing, they never had to be, they just have to communicate, be decent to their brother, that's all Sun ever needed, all he ever wanted from them, just to have a brother who won't hurt him, how hard is that really? Now let's see if Nexus will choose to be better, or follow this dark path he decided to walk to its inevitable, terrible conclusion
Thank you dear anon cause this is exactly what I was thinking but I'm not good at wording things in simple and understandable way..
But you did it and I need to thank you for this again cause now I can share it with my followers and other people in this fandom ^^
I don't have anything to add to this because you said everything 👏
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consumed-by-fandom · 8 months
So people seemed quite interested in my thoughts on this sooo here ya go! :p
Spoilers for Gotham (2014) obvs
For context the song fits with Oswald’s Season 3 Arc, where he becomes mayor of Gotham and is taken down and killed by Edward after Oswald kills Ed’s ‘weird ass totally-a-clone-of-his-dead-ex’ girlfriend, Isabella. Oswald survives because of course he does, and plots his revenge against Ed for the rest of the season. AND HE FUCKING GETS IT BECAUSE HES OSWALD FUCKING COBBLEPOT
Anyway lets get into the lyrics shall we?
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First off, Riddler is known for his games and puzzles, and in particular his whole revenge plan might have been seen as a game to both of them, with Ed seeing it as a strategic game to destroy Oswald, and Oswald seeing it as a childish game played unfairly to Ed’s own agenda. The tilted stage also ties to Riddler’s showmanship and love of being in the spotlight, as well as how, to Oswald’s perspective, he’s putting himself up on a pedestal while criticising Oswald despite everything Oswald has done for him (I think Oswald definitely saw Isabella’s murder as an act of kindness or love, the latter might be canon too?) Oswald being forced to play the fool is pretty self-explanatory, he was thrown through the rings of Ed’s deception and tests none the wiser to Ed being the culprit.
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I think even Oswald would have to admit that Ed outplayed him, using everything he knew about Oswald, all his weaknesses and vulnerabilities, to completely ruin his life and prove a point (even if that point got disproven because he accidentally proved Oswald WAS capable of real love lmao) And how Oswald, as paranoid and wary as he is, still did not believe for a second that Ed would betray him. (This is unrelated but Oswald’s trust issues is so sad to see because as the show goes on he gets increasingly more distrustful of others and by season 5 it doesn’t take much for him to go “YOUVE BETRAYED ME I FUCKING KNEW IT” poor lad). Anyway Ed is a pro at shit eating grins, and has no qualms lying to others, something I think hurts Oswald even more because he always believed that they’d be honest with one another (even though he went behind Ed’s back… hes a bit of a hypocrite guys) But Ed is also one to gloat and mock, perhaps even more than Oswald, and he definitely rubs it in Oswald’s face when he reveals that it was his plan all along, that he was behind everything. Stretching a bit with the gun here but I like to think that Oswald believed they were always on the same page, that Oswald would always call the shots so to speak, that he was the one in control. Ironically it was the shot that Oswald took that pushed Ed to take a shot of his own (i am NOT sorry for the wordplay >:] )
Speaking of wordplay. “Isn’t cool” Ahahah. Get it. Cuz. Cuz ed gets… anyway.
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What does Oswald Cobblepot do best when wronged? Plan an elaborate revenge scheme of course! He learns from his mistakes, learns more about who Edward is as a person, and also learns not to let love weaken him :,). His revenge against him does what Ed initially did to him - use his flaws and characteristics to his advantage. And Oswald PLAYS HIM LIKE A FIDDLE by practically leading him to his doom, right until the reveal by the pier. Him escaping death is also surprisingly common for him, surviving from the pier not once, but TWICE by this point in the show. Not to mention all the other murder attempts on his life. The list of names would relate to Oswald’s growing enemies, his revenge hitlist so to speak, with Ed being at the very top for obvious reasons.
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I think Oswald would definitely blame other people for his behaviour. Like “you made me this way, you provoked me, you forced my hand.” No dude you just love murder and vengeance get over urself. I MEAN he probably knows he’s ‘just like that’ but he’d still blame people anyway lmao.
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When Ed got shipped to Arkham for girlfriend strangling and cop killing Oswald eventually got him out so he could be by his side as he campaigned for mayor of gotham, and he was pretty dedicated to being there for Ed as Ed was for him, even including him in paintings and promoting him to chief of staff. He loved him so much, and would do anything for him (even if it meant doing what he thought was for his benefit. Like killing girlfriends.) So naturally Ed ruining his life and then going off and making a name for himself as the Riddler would absolutely piss Oswald off, because to Oswald he had been so generous and a good friend/potential life partner, and this was the thanks he gets? I could also see Riddler’s rise to prominence as something Oswald would be jealous of, because thats his crime spotlight he’s stealing dammit!
Also. Also Ed stole the keys to his heart ahahahAGUGHUGHUHGAHGHH
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Gotham is full of drama all day everyday 24/7, I have to imagine even Oswald gets sick of it after a while lol. Anyway he’s very good at losing himself to his own plans and thoughts driven by his emotions, pushing the rest of the world aside so he can solely focus on his revenge. He never forgets a grudge, he always gets what’s “deserved” to him (and he’s actually really good at getting revenge too, using Ed’s eventual sentence as an example). Ironically that also fits with how Oswald got his punishment for Isabella’s death, but now he’s paid the price, its Ed’s turn (and anyone else who Oswald had a vendetta against at the time. Which was probably a lot of people idk Oswald makes a lot of enemies in the show)
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Again, Oswald has MAJOR trust issues and this paranoid only grows as the show goes on and more people betray or leave him. He’s also pretty sly himself, and if his plans include completely screwing you over for whatever reason, you better bet he’s going to do it.
As for the latter lyric…
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Do i even need to explain this one?
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There isn’t much I can link for this it just seems like something Oswald would say lmao
Aaaaaand thats all! I didn’t go over repeating choruses for obvious reasons, but that’s my own brainrot explanation for why this song fits him soooo well. Now if you’ll excuse me i’m going to daydream about the animation that would go to this that I’ll probably never do.
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ylojgtr · 4 months
i've been mulling over tales of the empire and overall i think im very happy with the series. when morgan elsbeth first showed up i thought she was just another one-note imperial warlord, but through ahsoka and now especially tales i have become much more of a fan. how she deals with her clan's genocide was tragic in ahsoka but is just heart wrenching here
barriss was one of my favourite characters in tcw and even though i still think the terrorist arc could have been built up to better and less...uh, racist, i still find it to be an essential and interesting part of ahsoka's story. my only major disappointment with tales of the empire was how vader was handled. im not one to get upset at frivolous or over-the-top uses of vader, i loved him in rogue one and force unleashed etc., since he's objectively cool as fuck and people are entitled to their interpretations. but barriss betrayed ahsoka. and i don't believe for an instant that anakin, even when vader has taken over, would let anyone get away with hurting his padawan.
i decided a long time ago (since we've been waiting so fucking long to see barriss again) that in my hc, barriss *was* recruited to be an inquisitor during the chaos of order 66, as so many people speculated, but that vader immediately tried to kill her upon meeting her the first time. because i love her i decided she did escape, having to recon with her desire for the jedi to fall having come true in the worst possible way.
i imagined barriss further developing a connection to the dark side but using it to combat the empire. there are already so many jedi and thinking of ezra and luke's brief dark side uses i thought it would be sick to see that in full force against sheev & co. i think it would also fit perfectly into her development, if done right, going from highly rule-oriented healer to violent idealistic refugee to finding some kind of peace as a freedom fighter operating somewhere in between. i imagined her learning from the empire and reflections on her bombing that terror is not usually a very good way to spread a message, but still believing that violence can be used for good. sort of like a saw gerrera type but with less of the extreme ends justify the means mentality. hell she could even join saw gerrera's cell that would be sick.
(and of course she'd have to meet up with ahsoka again and YES they still have feelings for each other imagine the romantic tension, the memories of betrayal, the possible reconciliation but impossible circumstances both externally (war) and internally (opposing worldviews)...the potential encounters where they repeatedly end up with the same target but believing there to be two best ways of dealing with it but the TENSION...FUCK i need this)
anyway i like the idea of force users who are ""good"" (like in barriss's case, having strong conviction for justice) but don't strictly use the light side of the force or don't adhere to the jedi code. of course, since this is filoni we're talking about, everyone he previously claimed to "not be a jedi" just ends up being a jedi again 😐
not that i even mind this, i like the end of tales of the empire and am still excited to see what becomes of barriss (assuming she survives, which based on everyone else we've seen stabbed like that recently she probably will) (<not a slight against how lightsabers are being used, i honestly don't care that much it's fantasy). my one big complaint is that we didn't get to see what vader does with barriss.
when the trailer came out i actually thought my dreams were coming true! they show vader walking past her and i was so excited to see his reaction...and then he just sits there. he looks great, but...idk i hope we get to see more of that later on. im just happy to finally see barriss again
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questforgalas · 1 year
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E3 "Replacements"
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Omega as youngest smallest sibling and getting the floor to sleep on
The shove backwards to have a sibling meeting about a sibling
Wrecker's second youngest energy
"Yeah add it to the list" as Echo casually noms on his ration bar
Tech COMPLETELY ignoring Echo as he rattles off about the ship's state LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO HIM
"Repairs would go faster if I had some help" combined with pointed head tilt and glare. A+ passive sibling sass Echo
"I thought you said they were defective?" Echo loves to call out Tech
"Getting thrown out of hyperdrive. I'd say that's pretty critical Tech." "It's not affecting life support. We are fine." "Are you kidding me?" Siblings 101: maintain sass levels at all times even when crashing towards a planet
Hunter's glare at Tech
Hunter's glance at Echo for support
Wrecker and Hunter both making sure Omega's strapped in
"We're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna....be fine! We're gonna be fine"
Allow me to go feral over over analyze this scene because it's one of the best examples of siblings confused and betrayed but still sad
Tech's sigh and frown deepening, eyes never leaving the kit
Hunter's deeeeep sigh and the way his shoulders sag
Hunter's glance away and eyebrow furrow when he says "Crosshair"
Echo's careful observation of Tech and Hunter
Echo's sad glance down when Hunter finishes explaining
Omega's big sad eyes 😭😭
Literally none of them take their eyes off of his kit
"I'll say it. I kinda miss 'im" and Tech immediately glances back down at the kit
Hunter's eyes softening and the brief nod he gives
"He shot you, remember?" "Ha! I sure do! That hurt!" Wrecker may be confused and hurt by Crosshair but he is still so proud and impressed by his sibling I cannot with him
The hope in Wrecker's voice and the hopeful glances they all share talking about the inhibitor chip
Hunter going full big brother mode focusing on the task at hand
Love the rollercoaster of going from soft, confused siblings to Tarkin experimenting on my fave. I want to throw a rock at his head
"Careful, those capacitors hold a massive charge" at the literal experimented genius. Echo is the sibling who needs to explain everything
"I'm a little busy at the moment"
Echo and Hunter both have the same tone and drawl when they say "Tech" in an exasperated way and that's hilarious
"That would've been good to know beforehand, Tech" Echo is so done with and also loves Tech so much
"I'm part of this squad too now, right?" followed by Echo's shoulder shrug at Hunter like "I don't fucking know what else do we do with her?" was literally my siblings every time they had to babysit me
Hunter's "what's the worst that could happen?" shrug at Tech
Now for the scene that whenever someone says "Hunter doesn't care about Crosshair he never shows any emotion towards him" I will shove their face in the screen and make them watch until their little brains comprehend it
Little Omega copying everything Hunter does down to the same knee bend and finger sifting of the dirt
Omega asking a question every 10 seconds while Hunter is trying to complete a mission
"Can I learn to track like you?" BABES 😭
Hunter's glance back at "Crosshair" and the deep sigh he follows it with
His eyes widening and then turning down with sadness and some anger
Hunter's shoulder sagging sigh at "He can't help it"
"I'm angry at myself. We don't leave our own behind" someone sedate me
Hunter's determined nod after Omega says they'll find a way to get Crosshair back
Cut to the toothpick committing war crimes. IT'S FINE it's fine, he's just going through some things *anxiously sweats in Crosshair fan*
"I tracked the dragon, like you did" Omega is so precious dear god
"Is that my blaster?!" A+ older brother slightly concerned and slightly proud
Crosshair standing to glance around their barracks (keep in mind, last time we saw him enter them, he just shoved his way in, not giving anything a second glance, and in this shot we follow his gaze go across Tech and Hunter's bunks that still have their markings on them)
Obviously all of these are solo and not actually interaction with the Batch, but Crosshair's slow walk to his bunk to be followed by a deep sigh and obvious look of contemplation/thinking on his face is 10000% him thinking about his brothers you cannot tell me anything differently because you are wrong they set it up for exactly that and the lone shot of him on his bunk, shoulders slumped and clearly defeated wrecks me
"Yeah took you long enough" Wrecker your brothers literally just fixed an entire ship
Hunter's fond and proud look at Wrecker as he unveils the room to Omega 😭😭
Just, like, Hunter that whole scene
Echo's tap on Wrecker's shoulder and his and Tech's approving glances at him
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The fact that Theo was able to take Gabe pain away as he dies and the parallel between the two of them is actually so amazing and I just can't be normal about it.
Like we can all agree that they are both dickheads, they've both did a lot of bad, wicked things.
They both tried and almost succed at killing Scott and his pack (Theo way more than Gabe but still we cannot forget that Gabe literally fired through Scott's house until it looks like swiss cheese)
They're both kids, so young and still so twisted by life and their own choices,
They both just human surviving into a world where one is afraid of supernatural and put his whole soul to fight it but still got betrayed by his own side leading him to not fit anywhere in the end and the other is just not able to fit anywhere by his own very way of being which he chose to become in order to obtain better (that's why i consider Theo more human than anything, he represents perfectly the way humans achived perfection and power by lies and treason), living by scratched and blurry rules and thus never actually fitting anywhere (it doesn't mean he cares or that it affects him poorly, it is just a fact)
And Theo sees that in Gabe, he sees the resemblance.
But he also sees how the way Gabe died was useless and so cruel for just a kid,
And that is their biggest common point, Theo was a kid whom got offered fairytales in real life, he got the possibility to become special, the possibility to obtain what he always wanted, he wasn't evil at birth it happens afterward as he met the wrong person and belived them. And so did Gabe, he was forced into a common feard thanks to the anuk-ite but more than that he belived in Monroe when she praised him and promised him lies of securities (what he desired the most), he listend to her and that how he found himself in the hospital in the end.
They both are kids that have been cheated on by adultes. And where Theo has been able to change, Gabe got his redemption stolen by the one who make him need to have one.
However I'm absolutly not saying they didn't know what they were doing, they did, especially Theo. But it doesn't change that none of them were fully aware of what they got themselves, at least in the beggining and Gabe was really blind to the consequences of his actions.
And that is how Theo was able to care for Gabe, not because he change so much is was able to give a shit and blah blah blah, no it's because he actually knows how bad it hurts to came back on earth after feeling invincible, he knows how it feels to be alone while there is other person around, he knows betrayal from both sides, he knows what it feels like to die alone, he knows the feeling to be kill by the hands you once trusted and deceived, he knows that no matter what Gabe did in the end he is still a kid who was afraid, a kid who just wanted more for himself.
Yes the scene also show how much Theo changed (saison 5 Theo wouldn't have gave any shite) yes he learned to not care but acknowledge others, to see a bit more than just himself, he learned what being accepted, even just a little feels like, he learned to actually appreciates compagny, he learned that life is not just fulfilling objectif but also enjoying being there, being alive.
This scene with Gabe resume all thoses changes.
He is still Theo and still does not really bother for others than himself (as we see in the scene with Mason earlier in the saison) but he now makes effort (he tried to take Mason's pain).
And in the end he took the pain of the one who feels like him, the first step to finaly healing from himself, he took the pain of the one who feels like him when he was painfully dying because Theo sees himself in Gabe and decided to help, he sees him dying like a dog, whimpering, surrounded by ennemies in the hospital (the same hospital Theo died again and again in) and help, he did to Gabe what no one ever did to him and i find that amazing.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 3 months
Hi!! I stayed up late for this and let me tell you this was worth it. I couldn’t have devoured it fast enough.
The Dance made it seem like the Targaryen siblings are well beyond their years but it is times like these that truly show how deep down, Aemond is still a sad and lost little boy.
I feel like Aemond saw the “problem”of Alys as similar to a tangile issue. Like accidentally purchasing an item twice, like a rubber band that can go back to its original shape even after being stretched plenty of times.
I say problem because that’s what she was to him, a nuisance. I can’t quite explain it but I can compare it to the scene in Jurassic World where Claire walked through the hologram dinosaurs because she did not see the dinosaurs as living, breathing beings. To her, dinosaurs were numbers, concepts, profits. I think that’s what Aemond saw Alys and to a certain extent, his son too when he told wifey Alys was gone and so was his bastard. In his mind, the “problem” is now gone so why can’t they go back to normal? But what Aemond doesn’t realize is that even though Alys and his son may be physically gone, the memory of it, just knowing the reality that the affair happened is still too raw for wifey. It doesn’t change the fact that he betrayed wifey.
As much as I don’t like her, Alys losing her child is tragic. Though, I can’t help but think that it’s also Alys’ way of either indirectly atoning to wifey for the affair or rubbing it in Aemond’s face to prove a point that he can’t have it both ways. He can’t play happy family with wifey while his bastard is left neglected. I also think she did it to show her magic isn’t infinite. We already know her visions of the future are limited, so her losing her child makes sense. I think of it as that law of equivalent exchange in alchemy. You can’t just conjure something out of nothing, it has to come from something. In this case, he can’t just expect wifey to delivery their child safely without an exchange and it just so happened that the nearest and closest equivalent is Alys’ son.
Her asking Aemond what he would give to save his true heirs, made me think if she’s about to sacrifice her child out of spite. But ohhh the audacity, to blame it on Alys. He needs to take accountability
Aemond needs to learn his actions have consequences, ironic isn’t it, considering it is what he had been crying for since the night he lost his eye. Now, he repeated that same mistake of not wanting to face the consequences as he wanted both his sons, wifey, and Alys by his side at no cost. He wanted them both, now he doesn’t have anything. And honestly, as much as I wanted them to end up together, I think this is for the best. It’s not about what he wants, it’s how wifey has finally found peace. 💚
Oh my gosh thank you so much for enjoying my story and for this amazing commentary!!
One of the things I think the fandom as a whole doesn't acknowledge enough is that the kids in the show are kids. The oldest of them, Aegon, is only 22 during the dance. To me, that's still a baby. Knowing that makes their actions make more sense, imo.
I like your explanation of how Aemond sees Alys, he really doesn't see her as a full person, at least not anymore. Her baby was another things, but now he's gone too, so does it really matter? (It does, but Aemond is an immature dumb-dumb, so...)
Alys losing the baby is tragic. I actually really like her in this fic. Is she perfect? Absolutely not, but I understand her. She did what she did not to hurt anyone or to be malicious, but because she wanted to survive, at any cost. But now, her child isn't her "magic ticket," so to speak, to get her that safe, comfortable life. She knows that the baby would have always been in danger, or suffering. So, she made the conscious decision to sacrifice the baby, because she knew she could no longer give him the life he deserved. And she does mourn for the baby, as this was the first pregnancy she actually allowed herself to become emotionally attached to.
Yes, dear, stupid Aemond is going to suffer the rest of his life as a result of what he did. But wifey isn't. At least, not as much as she would have. She won't have the fairytale life she thought she was going to have, but she will have a good life. 💚
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