The horrors I felt when I got told as a child that I'll have to suffer for the rest of my life, the feeling of doom rang so loud I feared it had took away my ears alongside my flesh.
Now many years have gone by but the feeling remains as I sink further into the abyss created by my own body.
Life can sucks sometimes, for real.
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The fact that Theo was able to take Gabe pain away as he dies and the parallel between the two of them is actually so amazing and I just can't be normal about it.
Like we can all agree that they are both dickheads, they've both did a lot of bad, wicked things.
They both tried and almost succed at killing Scott and his pack (Theo way more than Gabe but still we cannot forget that Gabe literally fired through Scott's house until it looks like swiss cheese)
They're both kids, so young and still so twisted by life and their own choices,
They both just human surviving into a world where one is afraid of supernatural and put his whole soul to fight it but still got betrayed by his own side leading him to not fit anywhere in the end and the other is just not able to fit anywhere by his own very way of being which he chose to become in order to obtain better (that's why i consider Theo more human than anything, he represents perfectly the way humans achived perfection and power by lies and treason), living by scratched and blurry rules and thus never actually fitting anywhere (it doesn't mean he cares or that it affects him poorly, it is just a fact)
And Theo sees that in Gabe, he sees the resemblance.
But he also sees how the way Gabe died was useless and so cruel for just a kid,
And that is their biggest common point, Theo was a kid whom got offered fairytales in real life, he got the possibility to become special, the possibility to obtain what he always wanted, he wasn't evil at birth it happens afterward as he met the wrong person and belived them. And so did Gabe, he was forced into a common feard thanks to the anuk-ite but more than that he belived in Monroe when she praised him and promised him lies of securities (what he desired the most), he listend to her and that how he found himself in the hospital in the end.
They both are kids that have been cheated on by adultes. And where Theo has been able to change, Gabe got his redemption stolen by the one who make him need to have one.
However I'm absolutly not saying they didn't know what they were doing, they did, especially Theo. But it doesn't change that none of them were fully aware of what they got themselves, at least in the beggining and Gabe was really blind to the consequences of his actions.
And that is how Theo was able to care for Gabe, not because he change so much is was able to give a shit and blah blah blah, no it's because he actually knows how bad it hurts to came back on earth after feeling invincible, he knows how it feels to be alone while there is other person around, he knows betrayal from both sides, he knows what it feels like to die alone, he knows the feeling to be kill by the hands you once trusted and deceived, he knows that no matter what Gabe did in the end he is still a kid who was afraid, a kid who just wanted more for himself.
Yes the scene also show how much Theo changed (saison 5 Theo wouldn't have gave any shite) yes he learned to not care but acknowledge others, to see a bit more than just himself, he learned what being accepted, even just a little feels like, he learned to actually appreciates compagny, he learned that life is not just fulfilling objectif but also enjoying being there, being alive.
This scene with Gabe resume all thoses changes.
He is still Theo and still does not really bother for others than himself (as we see in the scene with Mason earlier in the saison) but he now makes effort (he tried to take Mason's pain).
And in the end he took the pain of the one who feels like him, the first step to finaly healing from himself, he took the pain of the one who feels like him when he was painfully dying because Theo sees himself in Gabe and decided to help, he sees him dying like a dog, whimpering, surrounded by ennemies in the hospital (the same hospital Theo died again and again in) and help, he did to Gabe what no one ever did to him and i find that amazing.
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