#we can all be prone to thinking that when someone barks at us they are making a statement about who we are as people
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5targh0st Ā· 13 hours ago
78. donā€™t kick his ass (written)
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Looking at the ceiling, still feeling something between numbed and overwhelmed, Yeonjun convinces himself that he did what he had to do. Itā€™s just a little break until he manages to get Yuna to stop harassing him. Once sheā€™s out of the picture, all those feelings will go away. Once sheā€™s gone again, he can go back to the life heā€™s worked so hard for, right? He knows heā€™s hurting the person he loves most in the world, but itā€™s all for a good reason. Surely, you will understand. He will explain and youā€™ll understand. Just not right now. Not when his old wounds are wide open and you can see his pitiful soul covered in blood. He just needs a few days, maybe weeks, and everything will be okay again.
He really wants to believe that, because itā€™s been just a couple of days and heā€™s already dying to talk to you and go back to how things were; how theyā€™re supposed to be.
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ā€œCan you please calm down?ā€ Dahyun sighs yet again.
Joshuaā€™s been angry and anxious ever since he saw those posts. Just what the fuck is Yeonjun doing.
ā€œI canā€™t!ā€ Heā€™s beyond exasperated right now. ā€œShe literally said nothingā€™s going on and yet has gone radio silence ever since. I need to know sheā€™s okay, and she wonā€™t talk to anyone. And I canā€™t go to Seoul ā€˜cause weā€™re closing an important deal and those fuckers insist on seeing me.ā€
ā€œHansol says heā€™s going,ā€ she tries to reassure him.
ā€œThatā€™s way worse!ā€ He complains.
As if sensing they were talking about him, Halson walks into the living room. He looks like heā€™s ready to kill someone.
ā€œIā€™ll call you as soon as I get there.ā€ He announces while he makes sure he has his passport with him.
ā€œJust donā€™t kick his ass right away,ā€ Dahyun pleads.
ā€œIā€™m not making any promises,ā€ Hansol rolls his eyes.
ā€œSheā€™s gonna hate us if you do,ā€ Josh reminds him. ā€œJust make sure to get both sides of the story.ā€
ā€œWeā€™re literally meddling in her private life, sheā€™s gonna hate us regardless.ā€ Sarcasm drips from his voice. ā€œSo I have to at least land a good punch on that fucker.ā€
Joshua canā€™t help but sigh again. Contrary to popular belief, Hansol is way more prone to be a lot more overprotective than he is, and that already says a lot. Of, course, Joshua knows heā€™s intense and kind of abrasive, but heā€™s never one to resort to violence. Josh admits heā€™s the bark, and Hansol is the bite. Thatā€™s why they make such a good team. And thatā€™s why he didnā€™t want him to go alone.
ā€œI really hope you guys donā€™t regret this,ā€ Dahyun says hugging his waist.
ā€œI think we will.ā€
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During the flight, Hansol tries to think about something else. He really, really tries to write a song and even read the book he always carries around which title heā€™s already forgotten. He canā€™t. His mind goes back to his little sister and, by extension, to Josh.
He still remembers the day they met, they were both five and trying not to die of boredom at one of the fancy dinners their parents used to host all the time. Joshuaā€™s chubby cheeks and proud grin are still clear in his mind, ā€œIā€™m gonna be a big brother soon,ā€ he remembers Joshua bragging. That summer, they met every day and Joshua would say heā€™d be his big brother too. He was bossy, even more than now, but he was fun. Joshua would try to teach him stuff and care for him, he really enjoyed flexing those few months between their birthdays. Hansol has to admit that he was a little jealous of Joshuaā€™s unborn sister, he liked the attention and felt that the little girl would steal Joshua from him.
And then he saw her. So tiny and fragile, she stole his heart. ā€œCan I be a big brother too?ā€ He remembers asking Joshua. And itā€™s been like that ever since. He was there as much as he could and tried to help here and there. He thought little Yn would interfere with his time with Joshua, but it was Joshua whoā€™d always tried to cut short his time with the little girl. He loved attending her tea parties and letting her and Karina paint his nails. Heā€™s loved her ever since he first saw her, heā€™d give up his life for his sister. Blood doesnā€™t matter, thatā€™s his sister. And heā€™s gonna make sure Yeonjun understands.
Thatā€™s what made him lose his mind in the first place. He was the first to welcome Yeonjun to their little family and even encouraged him to finally ask Yn out. He was really grateful for his presence in his sisterā€™s life. He never expected that he would do something like this, especially completely out of nowhere.
ā€œWhat the hell is going on?ā€ He mutters looking out the window. Thereā€™s nothing to see, though, not besides some dark clouds in the distance.
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Three days. Itā€™s been three days since Yeonjun said he needed some space. You still canā€™t make sense out of his words. You tried texting him, calling him. You havenā€™t shown up to his place, though, you donā€™t think you could handle such a direct rejection if he refuses to see you even then. Where did it all go wrong? Everything was going great, better than great even. Everything was perfect.
Were you too pushy? Too clingy? Just too much? Or maybe he got scared? This was his first relationship after a really long time, after all. Maybe everything got way too serious way too fast. He did say he wanted to take things slow, see where it goes. But you thought you were on the same page, you thought you both had the same goals and desires. What if he was just trying to please you? What if you were just a means to an end? What if he was just trying to prove that he could be in a relationship?
But he said he loved you? Loved? When did you start to think about him in past tense? Isnā€™t he your present and future? Fuck. Everything is a little too overwhelming.
ā€œI need to get out,ā€ you say before grabbing your keys and going out.
You walk around for a few hours but turns out that thatā€™s not enough to ease your mind. Your thoughts are still driving you crazy. Your heart still aching. And Yeonjunā€™s still missing. When did you get so used to him being around? You miss his jokes, his laugh. His yapping, his random stories. Every single part of him became a part of you. How is it possible to love someone that much in such a short time? His little quirks are engraved in your mind. And you miss him.
And then you see the best way to forget about everything. Even if just for a little while. You just want to forget. Life would be easier if you could just disappear until everything is right again.
ā€œJust one drink,ā€ you say before making your way into the bar.
Very bad idea.
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please tell me you get the modern family reference šŸ˜­
joshua trying to be reasonable is my favorite thing ever
han is a real one
if you don't hate my writing and storytelling, you can help me choose my next story here lol
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creekfiend Ā· 2 months ago
And so what about when the dog is absolutely certain, and very proud of themselves, that they only bark or snap at people who deserve it? The kind who, if they find themselves feeling like snapping at you, conclude that it's because *you* are a Bad Person, because they *know,* and would *never* snap at someone Good?
I mean... yes. most people are this way and that is why it is important to reflect and examine your behavior when interacting with people and modify it when you find that it does not match your values
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mixingandmelting Ā· 10 days ago
hey so how do you think the bat boys would deal with a sweet yet fiesty crush? Your jealousy post got me thinking. How the boys deal with jealousy over a crush, but what they do with a crush who isnā€™t prone to jealousy? the boys ask if crush ever gets jealous over a crush and s/o is like ā€œno. I donā€™t own him. I have no right to feel jealous over him since weā€™re friends. And if we date, Iā€™ll just trust him. Heā€™s not my property. If he does cheat on me, Iā€™ll hunt him down and kick his ass cuz I imagine weā€™d agree about committing at some pointā€?
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You donā€™t get jealous. Huh.Ā 
He slouches on the sofa, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out. No heā€™s not sulking, heā€™s just stumped. Your words make sense and give him another reason for him to like you. But what does that make him? Here he is, getting bothered by everyone close to him trying to show off how much closer they are to you while looking at him. Especially Wally, yes bros before hoes but he really needs to stop putting his arm around your shoulders whenever the three of you hang out. Not to mention the smug smirk the red head sends him knowing he wonā€™t be able to do anything about it. ā€œOh, Iā€™m just being friendlyā€ his ass.Ā 
He suddenly feels something tugging at his pants. Looking down, a tiny smile forms on his face as lifts Haley up to his eyes.Ā 
ā€œHaley, would you get jealous over your crush?ā€Ā 
He heaves a heavy sigh when she tilts her head questionably. Figures.Ā 
Plopping her on his face, Haley barks energetically most likely from him blowing raspberries into her tummy in attempts to vent out his frustration. He has it so bad for youā€¦ Why does life enjoy making things harder for him including his desire to simply ask you?Ā 
Welp. Thatā€™s a problem. Donā€™t get him wrong, itā€™s great and a relief for him since it means you're a green-flag, pro-healthy relationship type of a person. Problem is that he likes you. And heā€™s trying to gauge if you like him back so he can know if he has a chance with you. Jealousy is one of the biggest indicators of figuring out if a person likes another person seen in books, TV shows, movies, real-life (heā€™s totally not talking from first-hand experience).Ā 
But you donā€™t get jealous. Heā€™s not a jerk to plan to purposely instigate you into jealousy but considering itā€™s one of the more obvious signs, he was hoping he can use it as a form of proof that the feeling was mutual. So much for that plan though.Ā 
Feet propped up on his desk, he slumps deeper into his chair and takes grumpy chomps out of his chili dog. Seriously, what does a guy gotta do to figure out if heā€™s able to ask someone out around here?Ā 
Apparently everything that annoys him when the chili slides off the hot dog and onto his white t-shirt.Ā 
Mentally he flips a finger into the air as he makes his way to the sink. To whomever is sending back luck towards him, he sincerely expresses fuck them.Ā 
Heā€™s not bothered by it. Itā€™s a perfect response that shows the positivity in being in a relationship with you. So, heā€™s not bothered by what you said whatsoever.Ā Ā 
Thatā€™s what he tells himself, approaching his third hour of searching up if itā€™s normal to not feel jealous when crushing on someone on top of all the other signs of having a crush. Aggressive mouse clicking and tapping of the keyboard filling the room as his eyes drill holes into the screen.
All the articles say that itā€™s fine and usually points towards a good sign. Heā€™s thinking the people who wrote them have never been in a relationship before and donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.Ā 
Groaning, he leans back and spins himself in circles. Itā€™s not them. Or you. Itā€™s him. Heā€™s the problem. Heā€™s grasping straws, hoping his feelings arenā€™t one-sided. That heā€™s not being odd or -wait. Hold on. Is he being a red-flag???
His eyes shot wide open, he rolls himself back to his desk and fills the room again with clicking and tapping. Only for his phone to ring.Ā 
ā€œHey, Tim! Do you want to-ā€
ā€œDo you think Iā€™m toxic?ā€Ā 
By the end of the phone call, heā€™s offended. He was asking a genuine question; what did needing sleep have to do with this?
He flips to one side. Then to the other. No matter what he does, counting sheep, listening to black out noise, he canā€™t fall asleep.Ā 
One part of him falls for you even harder. Your response was so cool and mature. Like, thatā€™s how heā€™s going to be treated when the two of you go out. Loyal, couple goalā€™s commitment from you to him and him to you. There wonā€™t be any drama. No you did, he did, whoā€™s that. A strong, wholesome relationship. Thinking about this part makes him want to start planning how heā€™d ask you out. Where, what time, flowers or food.Ā 
But then thereā€™s the fact that you may have someone you like. Who it is, he wouldnā€™t be able to know since you wonā€™t express it. What he does know is that he might not have a chance with you. Even if he were to ask you out, youā€™d reject him. As he thinks about this,Ā  he isnā€™t sure which is worse at the moment: him getting rejected or him not being able to confess from the start.Ā 
Grabbing his phone next to him, he considers texting his Batsibs until he remembers: none of them were normal. Slowly he puts his phone back down. Maybe heā€™ll ask his friends at school. At least heā€™ll get a somewhat decent advice from them.Ā 
He thinks youā€™re lying. Itā€™s part of human nature to feel jealous, especially for romantic reasons. But you donā€™t feel jealous? Bullcrap.Ā 
He angrily scribbles his answers onto the paper, maintaining neat hand-writing as it would be unbecoming for it to look like chicken-scratch (full on shade to Jon everyone in his family other than Alfrend and his father by the way). Thereā€™s simply no way you would answer as such unless you truly have feelings for someone. And that fact he doesnā€™t even know who it might be from how tight lipped youā€™re being-!
Snap goes his pencil. He bites his lip, frustrated and agitated all over again. He wonā€™t admit to anyone else other than to himself but he has a crush on you. But if you like someone, he doesnā€™t want to continue harboring them. He has no intentions of getting in your way of happiness or causing pain to you and himself. So why canā€™t you at least drop a hint or something?Ā 
He goes back to working on his homework with the broken pencil until the lead breaks this time. Heā€™s quiet for a second. Then slamming his pencil down, he heads to the Batcave to get ready early. Nothing gets better as he endures teasing during the whole mission. Heā€™s not being broody and itā€™s not because of a crush!
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mysoginichumiliatord Ā· 4 months ago
A bitch
All day at work, you have been that middle-aged working independent woman that a lot of people look up to. You have responsibilities there: a lot to organize, to keep track of. You are even managing people. Yes, you are or pretend to be someone. You are always trying to wear different clothes every day, making sure people around you think you are fitting right in. Women are prone to be judgmental on that kind of clothing details, if only they knew the truth about you...So, you are making sure that you are seen as a respectable middle-aged woman.
But this evening, after work you are kneeling naked in front of me, the only clothes left are your short white socks. That's your real place. You are wearing a collar, a large black leather collar that you bought for the pet store. Next, you display your holes for inspection, like the pathetic little bitch you really are. You make sure that your mouth is wide open, tongue out, and you spread your cunt labia and your ass cheeks to offer of good view for my eyes. You feel ashamed but you can't help it. You know it is not right; you know that it is not how a woman should be treated, but it is your nature, your true self, you crave the humiliation, it is the how you should be treated.
Time for a little pain, time to clamp your nipples. Two clamps bond together with a chain. There is a nice ring in the middle of that chain. It is painful, the clamps are biting in your cold unprepared nipples. The left clamp won't stay on today, there is a grim of pain on your face each time it it falls off. I like that. And each time the clamp bites back in your more and more tender nipple, another grim of pain. Yes, bitch, you are meant to suffer.
It is now time to leash you, like a bitch, like a dog, like an animal, but with a twist. The ring from the clamp's chain is also attached to the collar's ring with the snap hook from the lead. It pulls up your saggy tits making them a little bit more perky, so you look a bit better for me, and it is also putting some tension on the nipples. It gives a continuous little pain, reminding you of who you are. And each time you pull you head back up to look straight at me the increases, similar to a little electrical discharge.
Show me what a good bitch you are now. Do a little bitch walk on your four, crawl like a dog around the room, the lead handle between your teeth. While crawling around the room you pathetically try to bark a couple of times. You look so ridiculous. And you come back in front of me.
Something is missing to make you look like more like a dog, a little bitch. Indeed, a tail is missing. You cannot grow one, what are we going to use for a tail?
We are going to use the naughty girlā€™s favorite masturbation tool, your hairbrush.
You know where the handle is going to slide in. Your cunt is so wet and drippy from the humiliation and the pain, how pathetic is that? You donā€™t even need lube, and your asshole swallow the handle in not time. I can see satisfaction in your eyes, you like to have your asshole filled with something, anything really. Pathetic little bitch. Do your colleagues know how much you like it in the ass?
You look stupid and ridiculous with that fake ugly tail popping out of your ass. You do another little bitch walk, wagging your tail like the little bitch you are trying to get some attention and maybe some praise for being a good doggy, just happy to get some petting from me. Each time you lift up your head to bark, your nipples hurt, making you feel even more pathetic.
You are such a pathetic little bitch, degrading herself for a glimpse of praise and attention.
Tomorrow, when you will walk in the office, with your nipples still sore and tender. What will you be? Outside, the respectable middle-aged independent woman, with a different outfit than the day before. But that just an image you are projecting, because you know that even in this good-looking outfit, you are still that naked pathetic little bitch thinking on how to degrade yourself more, hoping to maybe get some praise and attention from me.
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disillusioneddanny Ā· 2 years ago
The Story of Us - Chapter 1.
Bruce Wayne stared over the prone body of his closest friend, his hands clasped behind his back. ā€œWhat happened?ā€ he asked, looking between Clark Kent, Jon Kent, and Conner Kent as they all lay upon the hospital beds not moving, barely breathing.
The doctor looked over at him and sighed. ā€œWe donā€™t know. There was a fight with Lex Luthor and something happened, he infected Clark with something and it must have been contagious because it spread to both Superboys,ā€ she said softly, standing up from where she had been crouched before the heroes.Ā 
ā€œDo we have any idea what it is that infected them? Or how to fix it?ā€ Batman asked gruffly, still staring at one of his closest friends.Ā 
The doctor shook her head sadly. ā€œNo, we do not.ā€
Bruce nodded his head and left the hospital room. He soon found himself in the conference room surrounded by the Justice League Dark and the main members of the League.Ā 
He looked at the large screen behind him and let out a breath. ā€œYesterday at eleven forty-five in the morning Superman engaged in combat with Lex Luthor where he sprayed a strange red substance at Superman. From there, he found himself without his powers, his wife reports that he had developed a cough as well as a fever. From there he spread it to both Jon and Conner who developed the same symptoms. Lois called us this morning to inform me that none of the supers were waking up. We donā€™t know what is causing this illness and we arenā€™t sure how to fix it.ā€
Bruce looked at the main team of the Justice League first. ā€œI want you all to start looking for Lex Luthor, turn over every rock, every stone until you can find him. Bring him here as soon as you do so that we can find out what he knows. Justice League Dark, I want you all to start looking for a cure as soon as possible. Do whatever it takes to find something that can fix them.ā€
ā€œBats,ā€ Constantine said from his seat, blowing out a lungful of smoke. ā€œI may know someone who can fix the supers.ā€
Bruce raised an eyebrow. ā€œAnd who would that be?ā€
ā€œIā€™ve heard whispered about a healer, but weā€™ll have to trade for his services. I donā€™t know what exactly he is, rumors say heā€™s a demon from another realm,ā€ Constantine winced at that. ā€œNot an evil demon, mind you, but a demon nonetheless.ā€
ā€œWhat would he want for a trade?ā€ Bruce asked, crossing his arms.Ā 
ā€œWeā€™ll have to summon him first,ā€ Constantine said and Zatanna gave him a nervous look.Ā 
ā€œYou sure? If youā€™re talking about who I think you are, heā€™s the most powerful healer. But he was prominent in the War for the Infinite Realms. He isnā€™t someone to mess with,ā€ Zatanna said softly.Ā 
The Infinite Realms had Bruceā€™s ears pricking slightly. He hadnā€™t heard those words in twenty years, not since Danny had left to fight in the war. Not since they had fallen out of communication with one another. It hadnā€™t been something either of them had planned to happen.Ā 
Danny had gotten pulled into the war, Bruce had gotten dragged into the role of being Batman. Bruce knew he was half at fault, he had never reached out. He had become too consumed, first with being Batman and then he had adopted Dick, and then Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke, and Damian had all come along and they had become his entire life.Ā 
And Bruce assumed that whatever Danny was out there in the Infinite Realms doing, he was busy too. Maybe heā€™d have to see if that old summoning line still worked, even after twenty years of nothing between them. He shook himself out of it.Ā 
ā€œBeings of the Infinite Realms usually will tell you what they want when you summon them,ā€ Bruce said. ā€œGo ahead and summon this healer. We can see if they are willing to make a deal with us.ā€
ā€œYou know about the Infinite Realms?ā€ Constantine barked out. Diana looked between the two with a frown.Ā 
ā€œWhat is the Infinite Realms?ā€ She asked curiously, her brows furrowed.Ā 
ā€œThe Infinite Realms is the center of all dimensions, itā€™s what keeps the multiverse connected,ā€ Bruce told her. ā€œItā€™s also the land of the dead, itā€™s where realms like the Fields of Asphodel, Heaven, Hell, Paradise, all reside. The main beings who reside there are known as ecto-entities, more commonly known as ghosts. The United States of America used to have acts in place called the Anti Ecto Acts that declared them non-sentient monsters who needed to be destroyed. One of the first things I did as Bruce Wayne when I had taken my mantel was overturn those acts as they violated meta-protection laws. I know of some of the beings there but the only healer I know of is a yeti named Frostbite.ā€
Zatanna shook her head. ā€œThis guy is much stronger than Frostbite,ā€ she said and looked up at Bruce. ā€œThey call him the Great One. We can summon him, give me some time to find the correct sigils but we can summon the Great One and see what heā€™s willing to trade to fix the Supers.ā€
Bruce nodded once. ā€œThank you,ā€ he said softly. ā€œLet me know when youā€™re ready. I will be in the medical bay until then.ā€
With that, Bruce stalked off to stand vigil over his friend until the others could find a way to contact this Great One and see what he could do.Ā 
Tim looked up from his seat beside Conner and frowned. ā€œHow did Lex even make this stuff? Do we even know what it is?ā€ He asked, brushing hair out of Connerā€™s face.Ā 
ā€œThere has to be a way he even found a weakness such as this. What could he have done? How could he have even found something that could hurt them so badly?ā€ Damian said from beside his best friend. ā€œNot only that but how will this affect Conner and Jonathon? They are not full-blooded Kryptonians, not like Clark. We can see that by how their symptoms were not as severe, yet they are also comatose,ā€ Damian murmured.Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t know,ā€ Bruce said with a sigh, taking a seat beside his son in between Jon and Clarkā€™s beds. ā€œI donā€™t know but we are hoping to get some answers. The Justice League Dark are summoning a healer that is known to be one of the best. I am hoping that they will have some answers,ā€ he said.Ā 
ā€œI canā€™t lose another friend, Bruce,ā€ Tim said quietly, his head bowed as he rested his forearms on his thighs and stared at Conner. ā€œHeā€™s my best friend.ā€
Bruce just nodded his head and looked at his own best friend, knowing exactly how his son was feeling.Ā 
It was three hours later that Zatanna came in with a small smile. ā€œThe summoning is ready,ā€ she said. ā€œFrom Johnā€™s research, he might not even demand a trade for his services. He seems to be more benevolent than we thought he was.ā€
Bruce nodded and looked at his sons. ā€œLet me know if there are any changes,ā€ he said quietly.Ā 
The boys nodded and Bruce quickly followed the magician down the hall to the large room where the summoning was taking place.Ā 
A large sigil had been drawn on the ground with chalk, different symbols in a large circle. Bruce watched as Zatanna sat before it crossed-legged and Constantine lit the surrounding candles.Ā 
ā€œGreat One, we are here to ask for your assistance,ā€ she said before slipping into a language that Bruce had not heard in a very long time. It had sent him down a path of nostalgia as he heard the ghost speak. It was unlike any language he had ever heard, Danny had spent hours trying to teach him the language when they were teenagers. Danny had said he was so-so at speaking it but he had learned enough of the language to at least understand when others were speaking it.Ā 
Bruce listened as the magician asked for The Great One to grace them with their presence and watched as a swirling green ectoplasm vortex appeared in the summoning circle and a loud pop sounded in the room.Ā 
Once the ectoplasm cleared away Bruce blinked a few times at the figure in front of him.Ā 
check out the master list here for all chapters <3
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erik-even-wordier Ā· 6 days ago
A word on the "move fast and break things" concept
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A word on the "move fast and break things" concept. It comes from tech, as you probably know, and was very much the Amazon ethos. And I'm actually a fan of it, when it's deployed correctly. But it's now being used to justify malicious people doing reckless things in the stupidest ways possible, and that makes me mad.
So if someone in your life is under the delusion that Pres. Musk and his band of bros are just being "entrepreneurial" or "operating at internet speed" or whatever and the outcome will be glittering success, here's what "move fast and break things" is SUPPOSED to mean:
* Design and code products and features in an iterative way so that you can respond to customer/market needs quickly, vs taking forever to build something that might not even be relevant anymore once you're done. Launch something, get feedback, tweak or add to it, get more feedback, etc. This can be tricky to get right--we've probably all seen the definition of "minimum viable product" stretched to within an inch of its life at times--but I think it's a net good for companies and consumers alike.
* Understand when you have ENOUGH information to move forward responsibly, even if you might LIKE to have a little more. Analysis paralysis is real. (I can personally attest to this as one prone to it.) Certainty is seductive. But endless dithering over edge cases and what-ifs means no forward momentum. This also applies to over-reliance on consensus. You need your key stakeholders on board with your plan, but waiting for universal approval is a route to getting nothing done. When people ask how I succeeded for twelve years at Amazon, a company the average (and saner) employee leaves within eighteen months, my answer is that I learned how to navigate and even thrive in ambiguity, so that I could make decisions in fast-changing circumstances and take measured risks.
* Distinguish between one-way and two-way doors. Two-way doors are decisions that can readily be reversed if it turns out that when you moved fast, you broke something important. One-way doors are permanent, and a sign to slow way down. When I took those "measured risks," I mean I was also aware of when making a mistake would mean real damage to customers or the business--and thus potentially also to my own reputation--and proceeded much more cautiously.
Here's what it's NOT supposed to mean:
* Recklessness with foundational systems. For one thing, remember that it's a TECH maxim, meant to apply mostly to digital environments where code is easily deployed and rolled back. One of the teams I led at Amazon experimented with different kinds of email subject lines. If one of them had disastrous open rates, we could just pull it (or the algorithm would pull it for us). Yeah, it meant that tens of thousands of customers had received a mail from us that they didn't find useful. That's not great, because once you've trained a customer to ignore or even unsubscribe to your emails, it's really hard to get their attention back. But that was the price of learning. And it didn't HARM customers, or break their trust. And even in a tech environment, we would never EVER have played it fast and loose with, say, the system for storing customer data or managing employee benefits. The stakes are way too high, just as they might be with, say, safeguarding the nuclear stockpiles of the United States of America.
* Failure to plan. Even when you know you might break things, you try to anticipate those things in advance and have a mitigation plan. At Amazon we even tried to anticipate "dogs not barking," our phrase for unintended consequences that happen below the radar and so go unnoticed for too long. Did DOGE take the time to either ensure it wasn't firing HUNDREDS of mission-critical people or to have a fast rollback plan? Apparently not. (The nuclear scientists' email accounts were wiped as soon as they were fired, forcing HR to hunt people down one by one via personal accounts.) I also wouldn't consider these firings a two-way door. Even if your people come back to work, the experience of being fired (illegally, let's not forget) by a ketamine-addled billionaire who is ALSO operating illegally--and who the White House claims is neither the DOGE director nor a DOGE employee--won't fade anytime soon. The chaos and breach of trust are irreparable.
* Lack of coordination. Even in a rambunctious tech environment, teams did not take it well when some other team's code changes broke their stuff without plenty of advance warning. That's amateur hour, not to mention assholery. Before you fire the one locksmith for all of Yellowstone, maybe you give his boss a heads up and time to arrange coverage.
To be clear, I don't think Elon Musk and his band of young bros are TRYING to "move fast and break things" in the right way. Their goal is to destroy the federal government, not improve it, so they don't think they need to take any care. (Which is the Achilles heel of the whole Trump administration; instead of taking the time to ruin things in a legally defensible way, they proceed with all the finesse of thugs using Adderall as chaw and get smacked down in court, again and again.)
But they ARE banking on the public being dumb enough to believe that this is just how the wealthy, successful, super-ultra-modern tech class got that way. It's not true. So don't fall for it.
PS: also, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT A BUSINESS AND SHOULD NOT BE RUN LIKE ONE. Would I like our government to be more agile and efficient? Absolutely. I think we all would. But a large bureaucracy will NEVER run like a corporation, and thatā€™s not just inevitable, but desirable in some ways. Institutions are MEANT to be stable and predictable.
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tameblog Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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ramestoryworld Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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alexha2210 Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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angusstory Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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tumibaba Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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romaleen Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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monaleen101 Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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river-in-the-woods Ā· 1 year ago
Your previous response was fascinating and gave me a new perspective I didn't consider when it comes to the energy of the spirits! In a similar vein, what are your thoughts on when we perceive fellow people? I form impressions based on eye contact and other characteristics. Maybe it's my clairsentience (?) that gives me ideas or feelings but it comes in like a scale of 1 to 10. Tens are bad news I can't bear to look at for too long. There's also people I didn't find immediately off but felt a quiet reservation upon encountering. I think I happened to pick up on a flaw of theirs that had the potential to inconvenience me and It does--leaving any good faith I had of them in tatters. The signs are sometimes clear as flashing sirens I can't ignore but then they're quiet, almost like whispers. These small voices still warn but I wish they would speak louderšŸ˜“
How interesting for you to bring this up šŸ™‚
I have a degree of clair-sentience or -cognisance which has been present from a young age. It gives me an instinctual knowledge of whether a person is trustworthy, whether they might deceive or harm me.
Sometimes I can tell at a glance. Other times the instinct gradually makes itself known as the person speaks and interacts with me. It can feel like instant alarm and suspicion, but more often I feel the subtle reservation and discomfort you mentioned. They donā€™t have to do or say anything particular, I simply observe and my instincts stir.
One of my favourite examples of this happened when I brought up my 'people senses' in a conversation with a couple of housemates at university. They were talking about former friends who had mistreated or betrayed them. Out of interest, they showed me a few group photographs of themselves and their friends.
Their question: "In this photograph, who are the people I'm no longer friends with?" In other words, who were the 'friends' that had mistreated them.
I looked at each of the faces on the photographs, and asked myself if I would trust that person. I pointed out the ones I would not trust. I was right about every single one.
I suspect that 'voice' rings louder the more harmful and unreliable someone is. But people are complicated.
There are those who have good intentions and fail to follow through. There are those who are deeply, sincerely kind, but have so little control over their lives and their emotional impulses, that they end up hurting you anyway. There are those whose perceptions are riddled with ignorance in some places, clarity in others. There are people trying to be kind and virtuous, but are lacking in skill or experience. And there are people who are just innately incompatible with you for one reason or another.
These are the people who inspire that sense of reservation. "They're not bad people, but maybe I should keep a distance..."
Also, there are people who are intimidating, irritating, even offensive - but not truly harmful. All bark and no bite. Sometimes they are kind underneath, other times they are simply not worth the trouble!
My 'people sense' is most noticeable with those that bite, but don't bark. People who seem ordinary, and have not revealed themselves as potential harm or trouble. Yet for some unknown reason I feel I cannot, must not, trust them.
I can't always use it to tell whether someone is lying to me - it depends - but by proxy I can tell if they would lie to me. Or, if they are prone to being deceived themselves and would likely spread false information.
Logic and experience feeds into this. If you can read body language, or simply observe a person's interests and ambitions. Who, where and how they spend their time. That information will mingle with your clair senses.
Remember that it's never "either or". Everyone has strengths and flaws, and so can be trusted with some things, but not others. And that will depend on how your life and your needs intersect with theirs.
The main obstacle that interferes with my instincts is that I have a soft and forgiving heart. If there is any evidence of a person's goodness, then I want to give them a chance, to watch and wait and understand them better. This is a virtuous thing, but it must be balanced out with decisiveness and self-esteem.
My mother also has a degree of claircognisance. She can spot a troublesome person with a single glance. She has a way of predicting the future too, in a rather mundane way. However, she is different to me, in that she focuses on the negative qualities of others. Thus she's prone to isolating herself and assumes more pessimistic outcomes.
This sort of subtle skill requires empathy, observation, and the dissolving of personal biases. This is what allows one to perceive the disposition of others and what their tendencies are.
As I've grown older, I get less of the 'alarmed' response and more 'general caution'. People have fewer means to hurt me because I've grown more resilient and resourceful, and so whether they can harm me is a question of whether I let them. But for the same reason, I trust more easily. I meet people who I just know I am safe with, because I sense their kindness and intelligence.
It can be easy for biases to overrule this subtle sense. And since it doesn't come with any visions or extraordinary sensations, it can be easily dismissed as well. At times it's also bothersome because I know if I can trust someone, but not why or how. Nonetheless, it is an underrated source of protection and good fortune.
Thank you for your question šŸ’š
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starrypawz Ā· 8 months ago
If it isn't too sore of a subject, I would love to see / hear more about Barney, he is such a handsome guy ā¤
If so, what is something you are working on / thinking about working on right now that you enjoy?
So I unintentionally left this ask sitting here for a long time.
But this is Barney, some of you may remember him.
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We adopted him at four months old from an independent animal rescue, he apparently was a pedigree but they wouldn't let us have his papers, story goes he was an unwanted wedding present from a husband to his second wife.
He actually shared my birthday (June 15th) and he made it to around... 14/15 years old I think we adopted him in like 2004/2005. He passed in early 2020 not long before the first lockdowns kicked in which was... weirdly well timed in it's own way.
As it turns out if you adopt a 4 month old puppy you are going to get thrown right into the 'second developmental period' aka 'oh no my dog is being a little shit all of a sudden send help', he was a bitey puppy and still was prone to being bitey throughout his life (mostly on objects thanfully) he managed to bite through several dog leads during this time. He turned out ok even though in hindsight I don't think anyone in my family really knew what we were doing because we'd never owned a dog before and there's stuff I would do differently if I ever own a dog again.
We also got thrown in the deep end and had to take him to the very within the first few days of taking him home as it turns out the rescue sent us home with the wrong food and westies have... sensitive stomachs. Didn't stop him from trying to eat everything however.
There's still chew marks on our living room door frame from him and probably a few of our chairs. He loved soccer/footballs but hated wheeled suitcases. He'd chase squirrels, stalk pigeons and sometimes try and chase rabbits, actually liked cats (at one point he actually had a friend in a local cat) but was terrified of sheep (once there was some local art stuff going on in town, someone put sheep in the church yard, he was not a fan, he would ever since that daytry and run in the other direction if he heard them bleat). He thought he was a lot bigger than he was and had several staffies he was the boss of and at least a couple of rottweilers, he did not like bulldogs very much (I think the wheezing freaked him out) and had beef with border terriers for a long time due to a particularly mean one down park, he had an eternal rival in a basset hound who lived over the road who didn't like him very much, one of his best friends was a mini schnauzer named Odo. He loved carrots, apples and cheese. He loved to swim but was not the biggest fan of a bath and was suspicious of the fountain in our high street.
For a little dog he had a VERY loud bark. He was a very good guard dog really but not the best thing when you live in semi-detached housing with thin walls.
He couldn't be trusted with tennis balls as he would rip them apart and then try and eat them, he loved those pig squeaky toys but would destroy them. Never give a westie anything with stuffing in it.
One year for Christmas I received a giant teddybear and Barney's reaction was to go 'Oh this would make a good dog bed' . Once we had to keep him clean for an entire week after a groomer visit as he was booked in for some professional dog photos at a local petstore, and yes once those were done he did get himself very muddy. He'd look white until snow showed up. His first response to snow was to think 'Can I eat this?' Once my parents were walking him in some woodlands and nearly lost him because he decided to chase after a herd of deer. He jumped in a lake once and sunk and when he came up he was green.
He was a grumpy old man from the start really, but he was also a very good boy.
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iamownerofme Ā· 2 months ago
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If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! Do you have a temperamental orchid? If so, your environment may be the culprit! You may not notice it, but your home has a number of different microclimates in it. As you move from room to room, the light, temperature, and humidity can change drastically. Not only that, but these variables can also jump up and down all day long. Creating the right conditions is the first step to having beautiful houseplants, including orchids. My favourite trick for keeping orchids happy is this DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s funny: orchids are probably one of the most difficult houseplants to take care of, and yet they are probably one of the most popular houseplants to have. You would think the two wouldnā€™t go together, but they are always available at grocery stores and garden centers. They are a beautiful bloom that just about everyone is attracted to, so they often get picked up. However, once an orchid is done blooming for someone, that usually marks the end of the houseplant. People are prone to overwatering orchids, and even those who keep them alive canā€™t get an orchid to bloom again. So, how do we keep them alive and beautiful? Letā€™s get into it. Humidity trays can work for any tropical plant that likes humidity. The Trick to Orchid Care Watering orchids is a skill. Since they are prone to overwatering, the trick is to know when and how much to water your orchid. In nature, they do not grow in soil but by hanging on to the bark of trees. This makes their root system a little different than the average plant. Instead, they absorb water in the humid air. Now think of tropical plants that originated in the jungle or rainforest, where moisture hangs in the air. Those plants just love a humid space in your home. Kitchens and bathrooms can be a good space, as the steam from washing and cooking will fill the air they breathe. In most other rooms, especially in colder months when they are heated, the air is dry. You are still going to want to water your orchid (approximately once a week), but a humidity tray will help provide moisture to your orchid without having it sit in water and potentially get root rot. Orchids like continued airflow, but if the air is dry, it will, in turn, dry out the plant. Misting orchids and tropical houseplants can certainly help, but it needs to be done much more regularly than I can remember to do it. Orchid trays are the perfect balancing act between providing moisture and not overwatering. It works by collecting water in a base while keeping the plant and roots suspended above it. As the water evaporates, the orchid benefits from the humidity. This DIY orchid humidity tray takes seconds to put together and even less time to maintain. Plus, it looks pretty, which is always a bonus in my books. Humidity trays are great for those who donā€™t remember to mist daily. How to Make a Humidity Tray This DIY orchid humidity tray will help the stunning blooms last longer and keep your plants much happier. And it can be used for a whole host of humidity-loving plants as well. Materials Make it! This is not a difficult project to assemble, but the key is finding the right materials. Hopefully, you have your orchid in an orchid pot. If not, transplant it into a pot with large holes that promote air circulation. As much as orchids like humidity, they do like to keep their roots dry. Many orchids have a plastic orchid pot inside of a decorative ceramic pot. Be sure that the decorative pot has drainage holes to prevent the roots from sitting in any standing water. Choose a drip tray to go below the orchid pot that is at least an inch larger than the base of the plant. A deep tray that is larger than the base will allow for more water and, therefore, more humidity. If you are setting the pot on a wood table or other surface susceptible to water damage, I recommend gluing a round cork trivet to the underside of the tray. Make sure your stones are clean and sanitized. Fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or glass stones. The material you choose is up to you, but larger stones (a half inch to an inch in size) will make the tray easier to clean and store more water. Larger stones are easier to keep clean. Finally, monitor the water levels and top up as they evaporate. Wash the tray and stones every month to keep them clean. Give this humidity tray a try and see if you notice a change in your orchids. In addition to watering and humidity, there is a lot more that goes into a successful orchid, such as using the right potting medium, lighting conditions, and fertilizer. You may be interested in my orchid care guide to learn more about this beautiful houseplant! FAQ About Humidity Trays Do you water from the top with a humidity tray? When watering, I still water from the top and let the tray below hold the runoff water. How does the orchid absorb the humidity? The plant will absorb the extra humidity through its leaves in a process called foliar acceptance. If you want, you can place the tray somewhere else by the plant, as it doesnā€™t need to be directly underneath. I just find this the most convenient place to put the humidity tray. Can orchids get too much humidity? Itā€™s always possible that too much of a good thing can be bad. That being said, this tray wonā€™t provide ā€˜too muchā€™ humidity and is always a safe bet to use. More Houseplant Tips to Know How to Make a Humidity Tray If you are caring for an orchid, you already know that these pretty plants can be a little temperamental. Keep it happy with this simple DIY orchid humidity tray. Itā€™s simple to make and really works! If you plan on keeping this humidity tray on a wooden surface, start by hot-gluing a cork trivet to the bottom of the drip tray. Then, fill the tray with decorative stones, pebbles, or even glass stones. Opt for larger stones to keep the tray easier to clean and use. Add water to the tray, and set your orchid on top. Keep an eye on the water levels, and refill as needed. Make sure to clean the tray and stones at least monthly. Source link
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