#we both are libras (our birthdays are in october)
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cazkite · 7 months ago
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Oliver swift human design :D I like the idea of his flannel being unbuttoned. Also I gave him braces because I CAN !!! He has a lisp :D
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harringrovemicroficandart · 5 months ago
October prompt!
Once upon a time I started a poll in thsi blog to decide when Steve's birthday is, but then I forgot it and we never decided a date.
I remember the first time I searched for Steve's birthday I read he could be a Libra (although I don't know anything about astrology XD).
I always liked the idea his birthday could be at beginning or end of summer, so he could throw a pool party that is the main event of the summer, but I missed the occasion and I don't want to wait another year.
So the October prompt is
Birthday (again)
focusing on Steve's birthday, but don't feel shy if you want to write about Billy's or both or whatever you want!
Word count: less than 1000 Remember to tag the blog and the hasthag #hmaOctober
In October there are a lot of challenges and prompt lists, it's spooky season, fall and a lot of other things... feel free to combine our challenge with any other you want and that admits it!
Remember that we are an art challenge too!!
Please use this AO3 collection that I'll edit every month with the new informations!
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theineffablesociety · 4 months ago
Hey hey hey! If you joined us for THE INEFFABLE SOCIETY MEETUP on October 19 in Langhorne PA, I'd love your feedback to help it "grow better" in the future.
Please use the above google form.
It was a great time, but I always know there's spots I don't have eyes on. This requires you enter your NAME as I will be cross-referencing the check-in sheet to make sure I'm only taking feedback from people who were in attendance. Thanks!
If you weren't able to join us this time, I hope we see you at the next one!
I'll plan a Langhorne PA Meetup again for October 2025 most likely, but won't start that until spring (probably). There are currently moves and chatter about organizing an Ineffable Society Meetup in the D.C. area next! I support this happening, and will be posting about it as I have info. ("I" is North. I will not be the D.C. organizer, though, as a transparency. If timing works out, I'll hopefully be able to attend and help out though!)
Happy Birthday, Earth! You most fabulous Libra.
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lostuntothisworld · 4 months ago
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Birthday: September 13, 2001 Chinese zodiac: snake Sun sign: Virgo Decan: third/Taurus (Venus) Moon sign: Cancer Rising sign: Taurus
Birthday Masterlist Link
Explination under the cut.
Next up, we have our catboy Adrien. I know a lot of people headcanon him as being born some time in October, usually in the Libra season, but this boy is 100% a Virgo. Let me explain.
Virgo is the steadfast maiden of the zodiac. They are modest, detail-oriented, and analytical. On the flip side, they worry, are over critical, harsh, and neurotic.
And while I know that it’s hard to imagine Chat Noir as modest, but please hear me out:
He was born in Paris, so I calculated his moon sign, his emotional core, as Cancer, which are known for being dramatic. Cancers also crave emotional intamacy, and Adrien is so so so starved of love, he silently begs for it every chance he can. Someone hug this boy….
As for the Taurus Decan and Taurus rising, well Taurus are known for their love of… stuff. And while Adrien’s sensible Virgo tempers this for the most part, the boy does loves luxury. He canonically takes rose petal baths, and sets up romantic candlelit dates under in the moonlight.
Let me copypasta astrology.com’s summary of a Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon/Taurus Rising:
Those born under the Virgo Sun sign are known for their analytical, practical, and detail-oriented approach to life. They have high standards for themselves and often strive for perfection in their work and personal life. Virgos are also known for their reserved nature, preferring to observe and analyze situations rather than take impulsive action. The Moon in Cancer speaks to a sensitive and nurturing emotional nature. Those born under this sign have a deep connection to their family and friends and can be easily hurt by rejection or criticism. Cancer Moons are known for their empathy and ability to tap into their intuition to understand both their own emotions and the emotions of others. Taurus Rising people have a calm, grounded, and stable demeanor. They are often seen as reliable and trustworthy individuals who prefer to take things at a slower pace and appreciate the finer things in life. With a Taurus Rising, there is also a strong attachment to their possessions and a desire for financial security. Those with a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising have a unique combination of traits that can be both helpful and challenging. The analytical and detail-oriented nature of the Virgo Sun is balanced by the emotional sensitivity of the Cancer Moon. This combination of traits can create a compassionate and caring individual who is also highly practical and organized. However, the desire for stability and security that comes with a Taurus Rising may clash with the emotional needs of the Cancer Moon. Additionally, the reserved nature of the Virgo Sun and Taurus Rising may make it difficult for those with this combination to open up emotionally to others. Overall, those with a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising will benefit from finding a balance between their emotional sensitivity and practical nature. By honoring both their logical and intuitive sides, they can harness the power of their unique astrological combination to achieve their goals and thrive in their personal and professional lives. ….With a Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Taurus Rising, you have a unique combination of traits that can create a compassionate and analytical individual who values stability and security. Finding a balance between your practical and emotional needs will allow you to thrive in all areas of your life.
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jancy-central · 1 year ago
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🎉🎂 Hello, everyone, and welcome to another Spotlight Saturday! 🎂 🎉
This week is our first ‘canon Jancy’ Spotlight and because today is Natalia’s birthday, we thought we’d discuss Nancy and Jonathan’s birthdays. (Please reblog - or comment on - this discussion to weigh in!)
It has never been said in the show or by the Duffers when Nancy and Jonathan’s birthdays are… so WHEN ARE THEY?
My headcanons are based on Natalia and Charlie’s assessment. They have said Nancy is a Libra and therefore, born in October. Though Libra is September 23-October 22 so it could be anywhere between these dates. Libra is represented by the scales of justice so makes sense why Natalia (and Charlie) headcanon this.
As for Jonathan, they both agree that he is a Cancer… so that means they think his birthday would be between June 21-July 22. Below is why they might think this:
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Something else interesting to note: In season 1, Nancy wears an amethyst ring, which is February’s birthstone. I personally headcanon that the ring was her mother’s or grandmother’s… but could it be hers?
✍🏼 Reminder: ‘We Love Jancy‘ Fanart Event is February 11-14 and prompts are now up at @we-love-jancy ✍🏼
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If anyone would like to help out with the Fanart Event or the upcoming Spring Fanfic Event, please shoot us a DM or ask.
As always, please send us anything cool Jancy you see or want us to discuss. Also, feel free to send us any prompts you want to see as a fanfic, fanart, etc.
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paradiserottttt · 1 year ago
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*     ◟    :    〔   manny jacinto  ,      cis-man    +   he/him    〕      BENITO “BENNY” AVELLINO ,      some say you’re a  THIRTY-THREE YEAR OLD         lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both   ENTHRALLING  and  FRAUDULENT ,  one can’t help but think of  FROM EDEN by   HOZIER  when you walk by.    are you still a  PRIEST / REPLICANT at    ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH ,     even with your reputation as the THE TEMPTATION  ?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and   A SILVER TONGUE AND SERPENTINE SMILE ,  AN ARSENAL OF SECRETS GIVEN THROUGH CONFESSIONALS  ,  ACTING IN THE NAME OF A GOD YOU NO LONGER BELIEVE IN ,  although we can’t help but think of SUGURU GETO (JUJUTSU KAISEN) , BERLIN (MONEY HEIST) , TOMMY CARCETTI (THE WIRE)  whenever we see you down these rainy streets.  
FULL NAME . benito avellino NICKNAMES . benny BIRTHDAY . october 12th AGE . thirty-three GENDER . cis-man PRONOUNS . he/him ORIENTATION . pansexual panromantic FAMILY . ? OCCUPATION . priest @ st. anthony of padua church MARKINGS/TATTOOS . none PIERCINGS . none HEIGHT . 5’11
— PERSONALITY . POSITIVE TRAITS . x NEGATIVE TRAITS . x LANGUAGES . english, spanish, russian, french, latin EDUCATION . high school and seminary school MBTI . entj (the commander) ENNEAGRAM . type 8 (the challenger) MORAL ALIGNMENT . true neutral DEADLY SIN . pride  HEAVENLY VIRTUE . charity ZODIAC . libra sun, taurus rising
tw: a whole lot of blasphemy
TLDR; sexy replicant made to take down father thomas. he's sexier younger and cooler than he'll ever be (or this is what the church wants you to believe at least). no one knows he's a replicant though! imagine the scandal that would cause at the church!! whew
ppl to do bad corrupt shit with, a priest shouldn't be doing (sexdrugsrocknroll)
a longshot bc this group is nothing but heathens but mayhaps someone who genuinely believes in father benito ya know
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pyxy-styx · 1 year ago
1-100 you did this to yourslef
You're right, I did to this to myslef.
1. What's your middle name? Gonna change it to Parker eventually. Right now, it's the maiden name of a dead grandparent I never met and have no attachment to.
2. How old are you? 59 (18)
3. What is your birthday? October
4. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
5. What's your favorite color? Purple
6. What's your lucky number? Don't have one, if had to pick, probably 10
7. Do you have any pets. Three cats, a dog, and a bearded dragon.
8. Where are you from? Jupiter, I came to earth to rob people and ended up stuck here
9. How tall are you? At least 5' 5"
10. What shoe size are you? Good question
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Four I think?
12. What was your last dream about? Another good question. I have no idea, I only remember the really bizarre ones
13. What talents do you have? I'm fairly decent at piano when I'm actually able to play
14. Are you psychic in any way? We're gonna go with no
15. Favorite song? Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
16. Favorite movie? Legally Blonde today
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Oh what a shame, someone played the Uno skip card and I can't answer this question
18. Do you want children? Yes and no
19. Do you want a church wedding? Only if I get to kiss a girl in front of my grandma and my dad officiates
20. Are you religious? Kind of??
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Unfortunately for my parents, yes. I am currently the not-so-proud owner of the Most Hospital Trips in Two Months award in my house
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Got the cops called on us a few times because our downstairs neighbors, who knowingly moved into a place with kids btw, were pissed that we acted like kids and ran around a bunch
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Loads, we used to go to conventions a lot. There's pictures and autographs somewhere
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? None right now but usually black
26. Have you ever been famous? Nope
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? In theory yes, but unfortunately people suck, so no
28. What type of music do you like? We rotate between multiple genres, pop and goth are the top two
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I'm not gonna go count
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach but I can't do that without dying right now and it sucks
32. How big is your house? Please don't make me do math
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal or whatever leftovers sound good
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes, I suck at it
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes, I suck at it
36. Favorite clean word? Dystopia, it sounds pretty
37. Favorite swear word? Damn
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without asleep? Two days
39. Do you have any scars? Yes and literally none of them have a cool story. They're all from me being clumsy
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope
41. Are you a good liar? Depends on who I'm talking to
42. Are you a good judge of character? Ehhhh
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can do a few, they're not the best though
44. Do you have a strong accent? You can tell I'm from America
45. What is your favorite accent? Probably Scottish
46. What is your personality type? Idk
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably the Technoblade merch
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
49. Are you an innie or an outie? What on earth does this mean
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? Only when they're touching me, they're okay otherwise
52. Favorite food? Pasta
53. Favorite foreign food? Thai coconut soup
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both
55. Most used phrase? Probably "what the fuck"
56. Most used word? Funky
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Like five minutes, thirty if I'm doing makeup or hair
58. Do you have much of an ego? Oh yeah
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both
60. Do you talk to yourself? Yep
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yepyep
62. Are you a good singer? I like to think so but probably not
63. Biggest fear? Drowning
64. Are you a gossip? Nope
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? Does My Girl Count??
66. Do you like long or short hair? Short hair
67. Can you name all 50 states in America? Nope
68. Favorite school subject? English
69. Extrovert or introvert? Yes
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
71. What makes you nervous? Everything
72. Are you scared of the dark? Yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I try to sometimes
74. Are you ticklish? Unfortunately
75. Have you ever started a rumor? If I have I wasn't aware of it
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Kinda
77. Have you ever drank underage? Cooking wine and shitty beer are disgusting
78. Have you ever done drugs? Yeppers
79. Who was your first real crush? I have no clue
80. How many piercings do you have? None
81. Can you roll your Rs? In my accent? No. In other accents? Yes
82. How fast can you type? Fast enough it's illegible if I'm not careful
83. How fast can you run? I have no idea
84. What color is your hair? Brown
85. What color are your eyes? Gray
86. What are you allergic to? The medicine they give you for strep throat. I'm not figuring out how to spell that shit
87. Do you keep a journal? Nope, I had to stop because my older sister kept reading my old one
88. What do your parents do? Mother dearest works at Walmart and Dad stays at home
89. Do you like your age? It's alright ig
90. What makes you angry? That is unfortunately a very long list
91. Do you like your own name? It's quite nice
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so, what are they? I have not, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it
93. Do you want a boy or girl child? I quite honestly don't care. A kid is a kid and I'm gonna love them regardless
94. What are your strengths? I'm pretty smart, I guess?? I've been told that I'm pretty good at rationalizing things
95. What are your weaknesses? I am unfortunately a very anxious person. No matter how much logic I use, I can't get over some shit
96. How did you get your name? I was named after a comic book character, my parents just gender bended the name
97. Were your ancestors royalty? I fucking hope not
98. Do you have any scars? I'd just like to point out that this is on here twice and your answer is back at 39
99. Color of your bedspread? Dark blue right now
100. Color of your room? White walls, pink carpet
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fancycolours · 2 years ago
What are some of the things you have in common with Robert? 🌹
We're both from New York! 🗽
Both of our birthdays are in October! 🎂🎃
We're both Libras! ♎
(These are my favorite things we have in common! ☺)
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possibly-a-secunit · 2 years ago
Introduction post I guess?
Hi, you can call us Rune, or by whoever is tagged in posts. He/they/it unless an alter specifies otherwise.
We are a 24 year old DID "system," but we do not like that word, we prefer collective or nexus. The body is White/SEAsian, and physically disabled.
We are diagnosed, and working through our parts in therapy. So far we know of 11 alters/parts, 4 of which are sort of common fronters and the other three have presented themselves once each in therapy and not shown up since. The other four seem to be dormant, unfortunately, but we still consider them part of our nexus.
Only three of us will be posting on here, and we do not sign off on our posts unless it's something that really needs the clarification (i.e. answering questions about specific parts, clarifications for alter-specific vents, etc.). If you really want to speak to someone specific, you can ask for them and we will leave a note for them, but our switches tend to be very unpredictable, so they will get back to you whenever they find the note.
Name: Ransom
Preferred name: Ransom
Nickname: Ranny (Only if we are close.)
Pronouns: They/It/He
Age: Late 20's....ish.
Birthday: December 31st.
Sun sign: Capricorn.
Moon sign: Taurus.
Rising sign: Pisces.
Romantic attraction: Aromantic. (Pan/Asexual, though not sex-repulsed, only interested in receiving.)
Single/taken: Taken, as the body has a partner.
Mono/poly: Polyamorous.
Open/closed: Open.
Hair style: Long, waist length. Long layered "bangs."
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Black.
Skin tone: Pale.
Aesthetic: I don't know, bookstores? The moon?
Height: 6'2".
Piercings: No. 
Tattoos: One.
Likes: Being alone, reading, and peace and quiet.
Dislikes: Most people irl.
Flirt: If we are close.
Dm: Ask.
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Name: Audun/Dune
Preferred name: Audun (Awh-Dunn)
Nickname: None yet! :)
Pronouns: They/Them or any gender neutral pronouns!
Age: Slider, 18-20
Birthday: October 4th
Sun sign: Libra
Moon sign: Pisces
Rising sign: Leo
Romantic attraction: Panromantic (Also pansexual!)
Single/taken: Taken but ⬇️↙️
Mono/poly: Polyamorous
Hair style: Just past chin length, curly but like choppy idk I'll find and add pictures eventually
Hair color: "Cappucino" brown
Eye color: Brown/gold
Skin tone: Light-Moderate brown
Aesthetic: Forestcore
Height: 5'6
Piercings: Nope
Tattoos: Also no
Extra: I also have freckles!
Likes: The woods, cats, handcrafting things
Dislikes: Large crowds, grocery stores, and plastic
Flirt: Go ahead 😝
Dm: Sure!
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Name: Rune
Preferred name: Rune
Nickname: I don't have one :)
Pronouns: They/Fae (transmasc genderfaun)
Age: Early 20's
Birthday: Jan 13
Sun sign: Capricorn
Moon sign: Aries
Rising sign: Capricorn
Romantic attraction: Aromantic.
Single/taken: Taken 🥰
Mono/poly: Poly
Open/closed: Open
Hair style:
Hair color: Dark with red and purple highlights
Eye color: Blue
Skin tone: Pale
Aesthetic: Temples and mountains
Height: 5'7
Piercings: Vertical labret, stretched ears
Tattoos: A few
Likes: Nature, being alone, reading, art, the act of worship in almost any context
Dislikes: People that pass judgement on others without first passing judgement upon themselves
Flirt: I guess?
Dm: Ask please
Note: I, as a part of this collective, am very similar to Ransom. Our speech patterns are similar, and when we front it is difficult to tell who is who, both externally AND internally. We actually just learned recently that Ransom and I are not the same part.
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 months ago
Synastry Compatibility in my Kpop drs
This is purely based off my birth chart over there which is not the same year as here! I may or may not add in examples for how this is accurate to my drs.
(My) Michiru's Birthday: April 27, 1998
Taurus Sun, Moon,Mars and Rising (How very Kpop of me to have a stellium lol) Mercury Aries, Venus Pisces in 12th.
Stray Kids S.o's Bang Chan
First real boyfriend. Met in training school, Sana from Twice set us up, dated for three years until we broke up because of our careers. Got back together, in the recent dr Changbin made, two years later and are now engaged.
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October 3, 1997
Chan is a Libra Sun, Moon and Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Sagittarius Mars and Gemini Rising. With Pisces in the 11th house.
Chiron (Both in ♏)
Chiron in 6th
Chiron Square Midheaven
Chiron Conjunct Saturn
Chiron Semi Square Mercury
Sun's in 6th and 12th
Sun Opposite Moon
Sun Square Uranus
Sun Square Jupiter
Sun Conjunct Sun
Sun Sextile Ascendant
Node Sextile Sun
Sun Quintile Mercury
Moon in 6th and 12th
Moon Opposite Venus
Midheaven Square Moon
Moon Trine Neptune
Mercury in 5th and 11th
Mercury Conjunct Saturn
Mercury Opposite Sun
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Mercury Sextile Midheaven
Venus in 6th and 11th
Venus Trine Venus
Midheaven Sextile Venus
Venus Sextile Neptune
Venus Quintile Moon
Mars in 6th and 12th
Mars Square Jupiter
Mars Square Midheaven
Mars Square Uranus
Node Square Mars
Mars Conjunct Sun
Jupiter (Chan's in ♒ Mine ♓)
Jupiter in 9th and 11th
Jupiter Trine Venus
Jupiter Semi Square Uranus
Saturn (Both in ♈)
Saturn in 11th and 12th
Saturn Conjunct Saturn
Saturn Opposite Moon
Saturn Square Neptune
Saturn Conjunct Venus
Saturn quintile Jupiter
Uranus (Both in♒)
Uranus in 8th and 10th
Uranus Conjunct Jupiter
Uranus Conjunct Uranus
Uranus Conjunct Midheaven
Uranus Trine Sun
Uranus Trine Ascendant
Neptune (His in ♑ Mine ♒)
Neptune in 8th and 9th
Midheaven Conjunct Neptune
Neptune Conjunct Uranus
Neptune Conjunct Neptune
Neptune Conjunct Jupiter
Neptune Square Moon
Neptune Trine Mercury
Ascendant Trine Neptune
Neptune Trine Ascendant
Neptune Sextile Mars
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Pluto ( Both in ♐)
Pluto in 7th and 8th
Pluto Conjunct Pluto
Pluto Conjunct Mars
Pluto Opposite Ascendant
Node Square Pluto
Pluto Sextile Uranus
Pluto Sextile Sun
Lilith ( His ♍ Mine ♎)
Lilith in 4th and 5th
Lilith Opposite Saturn
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simplykenni · 1 year ago
I finally get a chance to dive into this one. Let's goooo
“What, so you can listen to people breathing five blocks away, anticipate a bullet’s exact trajectory and now you can predict the future?”
LMAO Frank is done with Matt’s shit and they're just now getting down to the nitty gritty.
Matt getting flustered over Franks teasing. And I can just imagine Frank’s voice being deadpanned the entire time. Both of them, actually 😂 they're quite the pair.
“Ain’t that your birthday? October 21?” Frank smirks.”
How do youuu know that, Frank? 🤨🎤 Also, Libra king.
“I’m seein’ this Darling a lot. At least twice a day.”
Aww, Elektra is a lover girl 😍🥰 I wonder if the calls are outgoing or incoming lol
Ooh, what's the reader’s relation to Matt and Frank?! Does she work with them? With the way Matt is acting, you'd have thought he dated both the reader and Elektra. Or he dated Elektra and wants the reader. It adds another layer of it's either of the last two 😂
“We need to keep listening. For all we know, our friend here could be a contact.”
Famous last words, Matthew
“...A girl you’re into and a girl you used to be into.”
AH, so they're both for Matt? Nice. Throuple, when?
“Hmm,” Matt says, nodding, “so explain why your heart beats faster around her.”
Oh! So…a different throuple? A coupe, if you will. Actually, no, probably more like a quadtrouple 😵‍💫. Anyway—not Matt trying to deflect. Stand up for what you want 😂
“Elektra hums, but the inflection in her voice indicates the kind of coyness that tells Matt she’s in complete control, physically present or not.”
Idk why but I feel like she knows they're listening lol. And in turn, both women might be aware of the show they're putting on.
Matt focusing his attention on the reader solely 👀. My head would've been like this if I knew I had both men going wild
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Ah, they did know! Lmao. They're both trying to act like they won't be back for show two 😂
This was fun ✨
kiss and don't tell
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pairing: elektra natchios x f!reader + matt murdock and frank castle
summary: when frank and matt tap elektra's phone to figure out what she's up to, the last person they'd expect her to call is you
warnings: phone sex, matt and frank arguing like husbands, f!masturbation, elektra making everyone in her vicinity whimper, m!masturbation, exhibitionism
a/n: credits to my lovely @chvoswxtch for inspiration with elektra's phone background and @mikeymurdock for confirming darling matthew's birthday! this is my first time writing for elektra so be kind pls & HAPPY FUCKIN PRIDE !!!
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“Thought you said she was always on that thing,” Frank grumbles, tapping on a flat-screen monitor displaying the layout of a phone lockscreen. He stares intently at the red supernova background, scrunitising on the halo of stars ringed around the edges of the phone. 
“She is,” Matt murmurs, furrowing his brows until they almost disappear beneath his glasses.
Frank sighs, leaning back in his chair, interlacing his hands behind his head. “It’s been four hours, Red. Why don’t ‘ya get some shut-eye, and I’ll stay up.” It wasn’t a question.
“Can’t be,” Matt breathes, mussing his hair. “It’s happening”–he pauses, fingers flitting over his watch–”tonight.” 
Disconcertion settles over Frank’s face as he wonders if this really is the way he’s spending his Friday night. His mouth quirks to the side. “First I’m gonna ask you how you know that, and second I wanna know exactly what we’re doing.”
“I know her, Frank. I just… know.”
“The fuck kinda answer’s that?” Frank glares, incredulous. “What, so you can listen to people breathing five blocks away, anticipate a bullet’s exact trajectory and now you can predict the future?”
Matt loosens his tie, looking more offended at the implication of being a fortune teller than at any other of Frank’s digs tonight. ”Of course not! S’just that… all of a sudden, she’s back in my life again. I wanna know what she’s doing, why she’s here, and what she has planned. You don’t know her like I do, Frank. Elektra isn’t good news.”
Frank yawns. “So? Ask her.”
“It’s not that simple.”
A muscle feathers in Matt’s jaw, the tension more palpable than ever, especially with the time ticking idly by. He adjusts the earbuds connected to the laptop in front of him, straining for a single sound, or any hint of activity, but he picks up on nothing. 
They’ve got all her communications tapped, thanks to Micro and his–as Foggy so aptly put it–technological wizardry, but this inactivity is well beyond her arrhythmic patterns. Matt glides his fingertips over her activity logs; every record of data painstakingly collated by Micro throughout the last two weeks. If there’s one thing about Elektra, it’s that Matt could count on her being out on a Friday night. 
Matt’s aware of Frank’s narrowing eyes, in similar concentration on the monitor ahead. “You think she’s really gonna leave us hangin’?”
“No, no, it’s just– she’s smart, okay? She’s smart, but I don’t think she knows. She’d make it obvious otherwise.”
“I dunno Red,” Frank shrugs, “Baitin’ your ex like this? That’s ballsy. Even for you.”
Matt’s head whips to the side at the mention of that word, ears pricking at the sudden dilation of Frank’s pupils, and the acceleration of his heartbeat. He’s readying himself for a fight. “I’m not giving you the satisfaction of a response, Frank.”
Frank tsks. “Ah, but ‘ya just did.”
It’s the unmistakable noise of Elektra’s phone being unlocked.
Matt straightens up in his chair, pushing his earbuds further in. “Frank!” he hisses. “Screen!” 
“Ain’t that your birthday? October 21?” Frank smirks.
Reddening, Matt pushes the grating thought aside. He’d discuss her passcode later, when time wasn’t of the essence. “Keep an eye on that screen–”
“She’s calling someone,” Frank interjects. He squints at the display. “Who’s… ‘Darling’?”
“Darling?” Matt stumbles over his words as the dial tone rings a little too loudly in his ears. “I-I don’t know.” 
There’s a hint of amusement in Frank’s voice. “She ever call you that?” 
But Matt’s response comes out quick. Too quick. “No!”
Frank’s mouth curves into a smile. “S’what I thought.”
Matt goes to retort, but the purpose of this mission embeds itself in his mind. “We have full access to her calls, her internet history, all her devices…If she’s planning anything, it’s gonna be tonight.”
“Can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I trust ‘ya,” Frank nods. “We got her.”
“Alright. I’m taking these out.” Unceremoniously, Matt yanks the earbuds out of his ears, wincing as the dial tone plays over the loudspeakers wired to the entire setup. 
Frank cocks his ear towards the speaker in the corner, glancing at the call logs laid out on his lap. He counts softly to himself. “I’m seein’ this Darling a lot. At least twice a day.”
Before they can deliberate further, Elektra’s ambient voice fills the tiny space. “Hello, Darling.” She pauses, hinting a smile. “Ready for me?”
Frank arches an eyebrow. “The fuck?”
“What took you so long?”
Matt stands up so abruptly that his chair falls to the ground, dizzy with the clang of metal on concrete. “That’s–”
Out of all the people they’d unassumingly characterised as the mysterious Darling, they would never, not in a million years, expect to hear you. 
“Did you look at the package I had delivered to you?” Elektra purrs, honeyed in a way that prickles the hairs on the back of Matt’s neck. “I would’ve sent it myself, but duty calls.”
“Shit, Red,” Frank chuckles. “You’re in deep shit.”
“It’s beautiful,” you say, “and it fits perfectly. You know me so well, Ellie.”
“Ellie?!” Matt mouths. “What?”
“I knew it’d fit, Darling. Now be a good girl and spread those legs for me.”
In complete disregard of Matt choking on his own spit, Frank’s eyes fly open. “This part of your mission?”
“N-no. Definitely not. But–” Matt hesitates, swallowing dryly. “We need to keep listening. For all we know, our friend here could be a contact.”
“Fuckin’ perv.”
Feeling his temper rise, Matt takes a deep breath, willing his urge to fight dissipate. “S’there a way to turn the volume down?”
“Beats me,” Frank replies, nonchalant. “But small world, huh? Our friend–”Frank emphasises–“and your ex. A girl you’re into and a girl you used to be into.”
“I’m not into her.”
Frank snorts. “Yeah, you are.”
“Hmm,” Matt says, nodding, “so explain why your heart beats faster around her.”
There’s more than a hint of annoyance in Frank’s reply. “What?”
“I know you heard me correctly, Castle. You can’t hide shit from me.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Frank growls, kicking his chair away, sending the call logs scattering to the floor. 
“I’m so wet for you,” you gasp, unknowingly diffusing yet another fight, your breathy moans barely audible over the speakers. 
Frank stiffens, his fists unfurling from his sides. “Wait, wait, wait. Did I just–”
The tips of Matt’s ears go pink. 
“Mm,” Elektra muses. “I can still taste you, you know.”
“And how do I taste, Ellie?”
Elektra laughs, the sound crystalline. “Delicious.”
All of a sudden, it feels as if the labyrinthine, constricting nature of Micro’s lab seals off from the outside world, trapping both men and their paramours inside. 
“Please,” you whimper, every stuttered breath punctuating the words that come to mind. 
“Use your words, Darling. Please what?”
“Tell me how to touch myself.”
Frank shifts uncomfortably in his chair, wringing his hands as his eyes search for a distraction. “Feels like we’ve crossed a line, Red.”
“Since when have you ever cared about crossing lines?” Matt asks, scowling. “It’s pertinent. To…the mission.”
“Cut the shit. We’re not in Catholic school. You can just admit you’re horny.”
“Jesus, Frank! I’m not…”
“Of course,” Elektra hums, but the inflection in her voice indicates the kind of coyness that tells Matt she’s in complete control, physically present or not. 
Strained nostalgia sends him into overdrive, even more so as he contemplates just how she knows you. 
You, of all people, he knows, would be better off without someone like Elektra. 
Yet here you are. 
“Use one finger, Darling,” she continues, “and touch your clit for me. Up and down, just the way you like it.”
“Fuck,” you murmur, squirming as Elektra conducts your pleasure. “I want more.”
“Greedy, aren’t you? You’re lucky I feel generous tonight. Do you think you could handle two fingers?”
Matt exhales softly, licking his lips as he falters back to his seat. “Maybe you’re right.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Anything you ask for, Ellie. I can handle it.”
“Good girl. Let me hear how wet you are.”
Tipping his chin towards the ceiling, Matt reaches forward, fumbling for the cable connecting the speakers to their set up. “We’ll try again tomorr–”
“No,” Frank murmurs, holding his hand out reflexively.  He hesitates swatting Matt’s hand away from the wire, but he still follows through, however unconvincing the gesture seems to be. It’s true; his stance was different just moments ago, but he thinks about it carefully now. Maybe Matt’s right, and the outcome of the call will be more useful than not, but maybe, buried deep down amongst the feelings he harbours for you…
Saying nothing further, Frank turns his attention back to you, still conflicted about whether or not he should listen in.
Positioning the phone between your legs, you lean down to rub your clit, alternating between featherlight strokes and deep-pressure circles. As you begin to splinter with the thought of your impending orgasm, you dip two fingers into your pussy, hoping the mic picks up on the slickness pooling between your legs. 
Slowly, you stretch yourself out, picturing her there, watching you. Savouring you. “God, Ellie, it feels so–”
“Mm,” Elektra moans, pausing to praise you as she ruffles around her nightstand. “Can you guess what I’m doing?”
You slide a pillow under your hips, groaning as you rock against your fingers. “I’m picturing you and your legs spread, your red silk robe draped over the side of the bed, and you’re– fuck! Fuck, Ellie–”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
Crying out, you arch your back into your own touch, riding your hand until your body recovers just enough to go again. “I know you’re… you’re grabbing your favourite dildo, so you can fuck yourself while you fuck me.”
“Hm, has anyone told you how clever you are?” 
“You’re picturing it, aren’t you?” Matt asks, his face indiscernible. “The two of ‘em, together.”
Frank nods, pressing his lips together. “Yeah.”
“I guess we finally agree about something,” Matt says, chuckling.
“Yeah? And what’s that, exactly?”
“Do I really need to spell it out for you, Castle?”
Elektra huffs into the receiver, a faint buzzing emitting from her end of the call. “Put the phone down, Darling.”
She continues, humoured and unfazed. “I can still hear you, don’t worry. I want you to use one finger on your clit, and hm… Three fingers in your pussy.” She poses her next words as a question. “Although, I know from the way you moaned my name that you added a third without asking?”
“Mm, Ellie–”
“I’ll let you off, just once.”
With every noise he picks up, Matt feels himself growing flustered. With all his tells laying out in the open–the flush in his cheeks, to his staggered breathing–he’s a dead giveaway. He pulls his tie over his head, unable to form a single coherent thought, the pretense of the mission long gone. Clearing his throat, Matt sits upright, draping his arm across his lap in an effort to conceal his growing erection. He opens his mouth to say something, anything, but one of Elektra’s moans punctuates his focus, catching him off guard. 
Warmth singes Matt’s spine as he notices Frank’s gaze sliding to his lap.
“Shit, Red,” Frank murmurs, shaking his head, “I’m just… gonna leave you be. Okay? Call out when you’re… done.” He stands up promptly, stalking to the bedrolls in the other room.
“Wait–” Matt calls out, wanting to communicate that being left alone to act on his impulses is the last thing he needs…
But Frank makes a good point. Especially when he’s off to do the same thing.
“You know I can hear you jerking off, right?!” Matt yells. 
Frank’s retort bounces off the walls. “Mind your own damn business, Red!” 
“Whatever,” Matt mutters. Grateful for the privacy, he takes a moment to unbuckle his belt, tuning out the clinking of the metal in favour of the conversation overhead.
“Will you do me a favour, Ellie?” you gasp, pumping your fingers in and out of you with increasing speed.
“That depends on what you want.”
Desperation limns your voice, but you’re past the point of caring. “I want to hear you fuck yourself. Let me hear you cum.”
There’s a shuffle of fabric on the other end of the phone as Elektra makes a small noise of approval. 
Matt doesn’t need to be told that she’s moved in favour of a better position. 
Cowgirl was always her favourite.
He groans, still fully clothed, bucking into his hand as he concentrates on Elektra’s rhythmic breathing and hisses of pleasure. He palms himself, knowing she’s riding her dildo the same way she’d ride him, knowing just from the way she sounds that she’s getting close.
But she’s not the object of his attention tonight.
Not when you’re right there, unbelievably tangible yet barely within his grasp.
He wants you, affirming the thought as he pushes his underwear down; just enough to wrap his fist around his cock. He doesn’t have time to take it slow, so this will have to do.
In the other room, the noises you make echo in Frank’s mind, playing and replaying until he’s forced to hold onto the concrete wall to maintain any semblance of sanity. He squeezes his eyes shut as he fucks his hand, picturing you all stretched out, taking him until he has no more left to give.  
As if they both hadn’t just spilled into their hands, unable to shake the relief that gave way into yearning, they remember that there is still the matter of the mission at hand.
“I… I think they’re finishing up,” Matt rasps, rolling his chair up to the laptop on the main desk. 
Frank replies with a curt nod, taking his place on Matt’s left. 
“Better?” Elektra exhales, satisfaction now evident in her tone. 
“Same time tomorrow, Darling?” she asks, cheerful. 
“Why don’t I come over to yours, Ellie? We can leave the curtains open again, give New York a little show.”
Elektra clicks her tongue. “Ah, like the one we put on tonight?” 
Frank shoots a sideways glance at Matt. 
She continues, more resolute than before. “I think an in-person show might be better. Don’t you think so, boys?” 
“No goddamn way,” he mouths.
Elektra pouts. “You both came awfully fast, didn’t you?”
Frank was right; they’d listened far too long. To something far too personal. 
Matt swears, searching for a way to end the call. 
“You really think I wouldn’t find out? Amateurs.”
Frank sighs as the dial tone rings in their ears, clapping Matt on the back. “Well, I think our cover’s blown.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“Nice knowin’ you, Red. Nice knowin’ you.”
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tags {x} for everyone who interacted with the original post/people who might like this 💗 @v4leoftears @devils-dares @chvoswxtch @itwasthereaminuteago @castlesnchurches @reborn-rekall @qu1etwolf @marvelswh0re @munsonownsmyass @murdock-and-the-sea @fxlsealarm @hailey-murdock
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engagedtobefree · 2 years ago
Chris, Part 2
I had to reschedule my appointment from April 28th, so I chose May 8th as the new date since I took off that week and the date just kinda jumped out at me. I get to my dental office and check in, and I’m seated maybe a minute before the door opens and Chris calls my name. I can’t see him from where I’m seated, but as I stand up and walk forward, I see his face. His whole face. Every other time I’ve been here, Chris has always had his mask on, so I know he took it off specifically for me. It’s a nice surprise. I already knew what he looked like, but seeing his face in person is completely different. He is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.
He takes me back into the room and as I hang my bag up, he’s talking. I look over at him and he ends with his mouth pulled up to the left in a crooked smile. Outwardly, I don’t react, but internally I am melting. He is extra talkative today and immediately starts joking with me. I can’t think straight. My ADHD brain is short-circuiting from all of the excitement and the speed at which this is all happening. Also, in certain settings, like doctors offices (or dental, in this case), I tend to be more reserved.
For most of my appointment, Chris mostly asks me questions and then pulls out of my mouth to let me answer. He is really going through one question after the other and in a different setting, I would love to flesh out my answers more, converse with him, and ask him questions back. It’s a bit difficult here though. He does remember a lot of our conversation from when I was here in October. I’ve thought about that appointment 100 times over, and I guess it must have been on repeat at least a little bit in Chris’s mind too. 
Chris tells me it’s his birthday, which I guess would explain why my intuition told me to pick this day to reschedule. I ask him how old he is and at first he doesn’t tell me, then he says he’s 36. So he’s 4 1/2 years older than me. I ask him why he came in on his birthday (without thinking, because obviously I would’ve been sad if someone else cleaned my teeth today), and he says he had to come in to see me. I’m not sure if he was originally going to take off, or if he was always going to come in anyway and is just using the opportunity to flirt with me. In fact, he is flirting hardcore. I was not expecting this. He keeps complimenting my teeth (even when the doctor comes in later to check, he tells him I have beautiful teeth) and at one point he leans forward talking to me and places his hand on my upper arm. I don’t always like to be touched, but my body welcomes his hand on my arm, and I feel warmed by it. 
At one point, Chris asks me where and I live and adds, “Is it just you and your cat, a partner...?” “No, I’m single.” I beam up at him. He leans forward and his brown eyes peer down into my blue ones. Then I see his eyes get squinty like mine; he’s smiling. We lock eyes for a brief moment, and I feel flooded with a warmth and a light. This is my favorite moment from the day. He starts working on my mouth again and says he just had to check and make sure. Then out of nowhere he says, “How? I’m sorry, but how is that even possible? You have nice teeth, a nice smile, [stunning] eyes.” (Can’t remember his exact words). I want to tell him I’m picky but stop myself because I don’t want him to think I’m not interested. This man is pampering me today and I don’t know how to respond. I think I am just awestruck. Has any man ever been so sweet to me? Not that I can recall.
Normally, I am very flirty when I want to be, and right now I want to be, but I just can’t find the words to say. I keep thinking about his eyes. He has those youthful, bright, sparkling eyes, a gift from Venus, similar in that sense to mine. (Taurus and Libra are both ruled and blessed by Venus). At the same time, there is a depth to them that I would love to explore. I’ve never been so fascinated by someone’s eyes before. 
My appointment goes way too fast. If I could, I’d sit here the rest of the day just talking with Chris. He schedules my next appointment and I start to get nervous. I don’t want to leave without his number. I’m still sitting in the chair and I turn around, watching him write in my folder. My mind is racing. Is he going to give me his number or am I going to have to ask? I feel like maybe I messed this up, not showing enough interest when I am very much interested in him. I am trying to think of a way to ask, but I might just have to go for it, plain and simple. I wish I could think straight. I turn back to look at Chris again and he’s writing something on a small slip of paper. He hands it to me and says, “I have to take my chances here.” I take the piece of paper and stare at it in disbelief. Written on the paper is his name and phone number. This is really happening. Chris walks me back towards the waiting room, and I stop at the checkout desk when I don’t need to. He realizes I’m not behind him and comes back for me. Whoops lol. At least I made him laugh. I walk past him and as we smile, locking eyes, he says it was good seeing me again and I respond telling him it was good talking with him again. 
I take a few moments to compose myself in my car, then snap some pics and videos to Amanda and Stacy, both of whom are on standby waiting for my update. They both respond immediately, with Stacy even calling me, asking for even more details. When I get home I eventually tell her I have to go. It’s been like 40 minutes since I left and I don’t want to leave Chris hanging for too long, especially since it’s his birthday, though I know he might not even be able to check his phone anyway. He responds within the hour and says he wasn’t sure if I would actually text him or not. I tell him I was glad he gave me his number. I have to really make up for my lack of flirting with him going forward. We text for a bit, and he send me his band’s YouTube page. I’ve already been on there loads of times, but only really watching videos of them talking and stuff like that. I refrained from listening to their music for the most part because I felt like maybe that would’ve been too much, especially since I had to dig really deep to even find Chris online, and to me it felt like even that was maybe too much since he clearly doesn’t want to easily be found. But now I have permission to listen :) He texts me the next day saying happy birthday to Weasley (my cat’s birthday is the day after his lol). We don’t text Wednesday and then I reached out to him yesterday. I’m trying to rein in my excitement and to just pace things, not moving too fast. I would like to talk to him on the phone though, but I think I am going to wait to see if he initiates that. I’m not entirely sure what his plan is, so I’m going to engage but not take the lead.
From an outsider perspective, I probably look like I’m getting way too excited way too soon, but I know, I just know that this is going somewhere good. There is no other way for me to convey that. When you know, you just know.
Oh, and another thing: I had an important revelation after my appointment with Chris on Monday. Back in 2017, I made a pact with myself that I wasn’t going to be with anyone unless I really, truly wanted to be with them. For the past 5 1/2 years, I thought that was enough. Since last year though, I actually really started to evaluate exactly what and who I want, but also what I’m getting in return and how I’m being treated. It dawned on me Monday evening that all this time, my pact has been incomplete, I was missing the second half to it: the other person also has to really, truly want to be with me. It sounds so simple, so obvious, so logical, but I always spend so much time focusing on what I’m giving and how I’m treating others that I often let my own needs fall to the wayside. A one-sided relationship will never be a healthy one, and I’m no longer settling for that. It feels so nice feeling that second piece fall into place. It’s like I’ve been living in the wilderness all this time and I’ve finally made my way back home.
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lilflowerpot · 3 years ago
Different anon, but I would very much like your opinion on keith's zodiac signs please. I am also very interested in astronomy and found your initial post absolutely delightful! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
@wolfstar-is-goals: Consider yourself prompted lol. I’m so curious your thoughts on Keith’s zodiac sign. I’ve been getting super into them lately and I love seeing it applied once characters I know well. 💜🔮✨
@kaoruismygod: a Keith zodiac post would not be boring at all! i’m here to prompt you to make one~
 @corrupted-mind: I love this response (mainly because I’m a Virgo sun), and you could never bore me with an extra long post! I wouldn’t mind reading on your views on Keith zodiac, sun moon and ascending, also.
Hogwarts/Ilvermorny | Good/Evil & Law/Chaos | Lotor’s Zodiac
Ask and you shall receive!
So, as I did with Lotor—though I would recommend reading his post first, if you haven't already—let me first lay out the basics of (western) astrology for anyone unfamiliar:
Aries/Leo/Sagittarius (fire signs) are passionate and exuberant
Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn (earth signs) are practical and grounded
Gemini/Libra/Aquarius (air signs) are intellectual and curious
Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio (water signs) are intuitive and emotional
And, once again, in addition to these elements we have modality, which serves to provide each sign with a unique characterisation:
Cardinal Signs (aries/cancer/libra/capricorn) are active and dynamic with great initiative
Fixed Signs (leo/scorpio/aquarious/taurus) are inflexible and resilient with an indomitable will
Mutable Signs (sagittarius/pisces/gemini/virgo) are adaptable and resourceful with great flexibility
Figuring out Keith’s zodiac is immediately easier than Lotor’s, because we were explicitly given his birthday—the 23rd of October—so we know for a fact that his Sun Sign (core identity) is the fixed water sign of Scorpio, and I like this very much for Keith because I would agree that he is an intuitive person in possession of a particularly indomitable will.
This leaves only Keith’s Moon Sign (inner self) and his Rising Sign (outer self), neither of which we can predict from his birthday alone,,, essentially meaning that I can do what I want. Although Scorpio’s modality is Fixed, modality itself is not something that necessarily carries across the board—it did for Lotor, but that’s because I feel that Lotor’s character is indisputably Mutable, whereas Keith has both Cardinal & Fixed traits—and I am of the opinion that both Keith’s Moon & Rising modalities are instead Cardinal. In terms of elements, I personally read Keith’s inner emotional self as earth-aligned because when it comes down to it Keith is both able and willing to make the hard calls (such as when he—rightly—says that they shouldn’t attempt to save Allura in s01ep11, when doing so risks voltron falling into Zarkon’s hands), while the first impression he gives off is distinctly fire-aligned.
Meaning the final results of our astrological cocktail are:
Sun (core/spiritual self) fixed water: Scorpio
One of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, they are often mistaken for a fire sign because of their incredible passion and power. Extremely clairvoyant and intuitive, they are constantly plotting several steps ahead in order to orchestrate an eventual checkmate, though this doesn't mean that their intentions are necessarily nefarious; they simply know what they want and aren't afraid to work hard and play the long game to get it. Though enigmatic in nature and deeply appealing because of it, their inherent sensuality is driven by a craving for the emotional closeness and physical intimacy that sex can provide. Their ruling planet is Pluto, the planet that governs both destruction and transformation; on a good day, they are ambitious and enticing, but on a bad day they are fueled by a relentless desire for control, and must remember that if governed by their egos, they are at risk of poisoning themselves. This sign is at its best when that intrinsic intensity is applied to deep, soulful connections with friends and lovers, as when they do so, they demonstrate unparalleled empathy, depth, and commitment.
Moon (inner/emotional self) cardinal earth: Capricorn
Powerful with fearless ambition and limitless resilience, they possess an unrivaled ability to keep pushing forward, even in the face of challenging adversity and painful strife. Though they may seem a bit conservative and restrained at first, their closest companions know them as a rebellious and untamed spirit. Skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms, they are relentless in their determination to overcome anything that stands in the way of their goals, and absolutely don't want to be bogged-down by annoying details or superfluous information. Because of this unwavering focus, however, they can sometimes be perceived as cold, unemotional, or even cutthroat—but this is only because they have big-picture perspective. Known to be extremely hardworking visionaries, leaders, and trailblazers, they are dynamic individuals who express a unique balance of confidence and humility, with their grounded and practical spirit. Although especially selective about who they let into their lives, they are incredibly gracious friends who pride themselves on loyalty and honesty, though the latter of these is of the bluntest variety: as this sign values transparency, their their honest opinion comes with a cutting edge, but they will always go out of their way to find practical solutions and ensure that the needs of their friends are met without exception. Romantically speaking, they seek an anchor as loyal, committed, and steadfast as they are, who can match their ambition, determination, and compassionate spirit.
Rising (outer/perceived self) cardinal fire: Aries
Bold and ambitious, they dive headfirst into even the most challenging situations. Like their fellow fire signs, they are a passionate, motivated, and confident leader with relentless determination. Uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances, as they much prefer things quick and dirty (a temperament also reflected in their sexual proclivities). Due to their distinctive impulsivity, they often think after they leap, which can result in lessons learnt the hard way. They represent the singular spirit, adhering to an “every person for themselves” philosophy, and while this self-determination can be inspiring, they need to watch out for selfish tendencies. This sign is ruled by Mars—the dynamic red planet named for the Roman god of war—and is accordingly, courageous and perpetually armed for battle. Known for an explosive temper, it’s definitely best to avoid their wrath until the steam has dissipated, but when these brazen rams are not flying off the handle, they’re positive, and playful creatures who enjoy living life to the fullest.
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snarkywrites · 4 years ago
April Horoscopes: Manifestation
Aries Season is here adding drama, love, and courageous energy into our lives. After seasons with mostly Earth and Air planets, we are back to Cardinal. This is the start of the Astrological New Year and it has arrived with an influx of passion. Venus and the Sun are already in Aries this month and Mercury will enter on the 3rd. One transit to look forward to is the New Moon in Aries on the 11th. Set your intentions and dream big because this Moon will not be afflicted by Saturn. Instead, it is embraced by both Saturn and Jupiter. We will be welcoming the powerful Taurean energy on the 14th when Venus will be in domicile. Sun and Mercury will follow on the 19th, adding to a huge stellium that will conflict with Saturn. Nevertheless, this energy is still lovely and romantic. Mars will shift into a water sign after a long time and the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will add more of that dreamy water energy. A reminder with this Full Moon and the Pluto Retrograde on the 27th, that there is still internal work to be done but we can still feel and embrace the magic and inspiration it will bring.
 Aries – Your birthday season is here bringing you a period of contemplation and a little chaos. Mercury enters your sign on the 3rd changing the way we communicate from dreamy to daring and brash. This planet in your sign builds our momentum fuels us with passion and even more drive since it will be joining the Sun and Venus. When the New Moon enters your sign on the 11th, we will be fortunate to experience more of that Cardinal energy that will help us move forward. Expect some magic and manifestation powers during this New Moon. If you want it, envision, and go for it. Venus will be in the sign of Taurus beginning on the 14th. The energy now translates to “treat yourself” and you shall during your birthday season. Venus enjoys being in this sign, so more of the good will accompany you during this time. Another interesting transit will be on the 23rd when Mars enters the sign of Cancer. It will be a frustrating transit as this planet will squaring your sign until June. Try to be patient, because Mars will have you repeating tasks if you do not work things out properly the first time. Get focused, keep going and have fun. The Full Moon in Scorpio will be on the 26th, adding some exhilarating and teary moments as you focus on letting go. Finally, the month closes with a Pluto retrograde on the 27th which is going to allow you to reevaluate your career choices for the next five months once again. Card of the month: Ace of Cups Reversed; create fearlessly.
Taurus – Your birthday season also begins middle of the month but some notable transits for you are Mercury entering the sign of Aries on the 3rd. Here you will be reflective as Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in your house of the subconscious. The New Moon on the 11th will be a great time for you to set your intentions regarding what you wish to gain and what you aspire to do in the next six months. A favorable aspect will be Venus entering your sign on the 14th. You are going to feel lucky and beautiful. Mercury and the Sun will join Venus on the 19th. You are going to be feeling more in your element once Taurus season begins on that day. Mars will enter the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, motivating you to create and produce. Socializing will not be an issue now as you can acquire more fame through social media if you put your all into it. The Scorpio Full Moon on the 26th will once again have you contemplating relationships as you look once again to those dynamics at work and your personal life. Issues relating to October 2020 might reappear demanding you to resolve them. Pluto will close the month with a retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on the 27th, making a positive aspect to your sign. More of that transformative energy will continue to follow you since Uranus is also in your sign demanding changes that will make you uncomfortable, but you can handle it. Card of the month: King of Cups; don’t be afraid of emotions or romance.
Gemini – Mars is currently in your sign making a positive aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. You are making things work and getting things done. Mercury, your ruler will be in Aries on the 3rd. This brings a positive dynamic between Mercury and Mars, which will add to your creative spirit and it will surprise you to see how much content you can produce if you keep at it. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is a good time to put your projects out there because you could get the recognition you have been dreaming of. Taurus Season begins on the 19th when Sun and Mercury move in to join Venus. During this transit, you will want to take a break from the world and recharge as you await your season’s entry next month. Mars will leave your sign and enter the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, making you work harder for the money. The focus and dedication will allow you to build up your income, just make sure not to overspend. On the 26th, the Full Moon in Scorpio is a period of evaluation when it comes to your daily routines and habits. More contemplative energy followed the next day with Pluto Retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This transits in conjunction could inspire a trip down memory lane but you will just smile and look back because you are on your way to more success. Card of the month: Queen of Pentacles; Be confident in your position of power.
Cancer – As a Cardinal sign you are probably looking for a way to feel more in control this month. Mercury enters the sign of Aries on the 3rd, allowing you to set your sights on the top and manifest greater things. It is the time to make your career dreams come true as the New Moon in Aries graces your house of career on the 11th. With this Stellium, you are on your way to making big moves and acquiring big things if you plan and get to work. A lot of heart, passion and focus will get you anywhere this year. Taurus energy will be amplified with Venus entering this sign on the 14th. This is a great time to receive praise for the work you have done and to have some fun connecting with colleagues or friends. On the 19th, we enter Taurus Season and Mercury tags along with the Sun to build on your need for socializing and the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th adds some excitement and intensity to your house of romance. There will be huge decisions to be made when Pluto goes retrograde on the 27th that will focus on your relationships. There could be people from the past returning in your life. You have the choice to embrace or let them go. Card of the month: Ace of Swords: Use your creative energy now.
Leo – Like the other fire signs, you are going to embrace Aries season since it will make you feel quite excited. The expansive energy that this point in time will bring you is great for pursuing dreams and achievement before the summer. Mercury will enter the sign of Aries on the 3rd, so if you are in school or contemplating going back, you might feel encouraged to go with it and pick the program you are interested in pursuing. You are going to want to digest information during this transit and once the New Moon in Aries occurs on the 11th, you will feel more confident in what you envision for your future. Taurus Season begins on the 19th, which means you are going to shift gears and focus on achievement and recognition during this transit. You have the favorable energy from Venus that will allow you to shine brightly and impress either professors or bosses. When Mars enters the sign of Cancer on the 26th, you are going to want to retreat from the world and this is perfect since it will allow you to work hard on your pending projects or just find new ways to excel at work. The Pluto Retrograde will open your eyes and allow you to express yourself in ways that are going to be more beneficial in the long run. Card of the month: Six of Pentacles Reversed; Focus on yourself more.
Virgo – Aries Season might not feel like much of an inspiration to you as the intense Pisces Season’s magic continues to linger. Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, which can be an uncomfortable placement for you. You might reconnect with the past and understand your need to make changes in the future especially with the New Moon in Aries on the 11th, prompting you to let go and forgive. Venus in Taurus on the 14th initiates a period of harmony for you. The Sun and Mercury join Venus on the 19th, officially creating a stellium in Taurus. This is going to bring some answers to the questions posed during Aries Season. If you are focused on relationships this period, try to heal before entering a serious one. Taurus Season will give you the courage to face what is to come and peace of mind. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will have you traveling and communicating. Put your thoughts in writing to release tension and pain. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th will once more magnify any issues with relationships and romance. Forgive, let go and be open to love. Card of the month: Five of Wands Reversed; opt for peace not chaos.
Libra – You are going to enjoy the powerful energy that this Aries Season has in store for you. Venus and the Sun are already creating harmonious energies to your romantic life. If you are single, you might meet someone interesting during this three-week period before Taurus Season begins. Mercury will be in the sign of Aries on the 3rd, making you bolder when it comes to communicating. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th will be a great time to fall in love again with your partner. Your heart may be full of joy during this transit since there is a sextile to Jupiter, it will bring pleasure and will inspire you. This is powerful and welcoming energy you need to close out this season. Taurus Season begins on the 19th. Sun, Mercury, and Venus will provide you guidance in matters of love as well as the financial. You might have support from others now or will feel compelled to dive into the treat yourself mentality that Venus will bring since it rules your sign as well. With the Full Moon in Scorpio adding to the themes of value and self-worth, you are going to feel empowered. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th sets the tone for the changes that will need to be made for future success in work and home. Card of the month: Queen of Swords Reversed; watch your tongue.
Scorpio – You are going to work hard for what you want during this Aries Season and it will be successful especially with the New Moon in Aries on the 11th allowing you to show others who is in control and who is the boss. Your work ethic will shine as the planets in Aries form a sextile to Saturn and Jupiter during this season. Taurus Season will bring back some interesting dynamics into your relationships. You are going to evaluate what your partner has to offer beginning on the 19th when Sun and Mercury enter your house of partnerships. But thankfully, Venus is also there, adding comfort and joy to your life as well. You are able to effectively communicate while being diplomatic with friends and/or romantic partners. Single people might meet someone interesting now with striking Venusian qualities that are likely to keep you interested. A major transit will be the Full Moon in your sign on the 26th, a time where cycles are closing. You are going to learn a little more about yourself and your own capabilities. If you have felt down with all these stressful Saturn and Uranus energies, you are going to reclaim some of the control again. Pluto in Capricorn will start its retrograde motion on the 27th. Expect some changes in the way you express yourself during this transit. Card of the month: Seven of Wands Reversed; be wary of others.
Sagittarius – Fire is in the air this month which is a great change from all the Air energy that has accompanied us for the first part of the year. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd is going to make you more charming. The bold energy of Aries intensifies as the planets begin to build into a stellium in your house of romance and pleasure. On the 11th, the stellium is complete with the New Moon that will allow you to meet new people and you will experience a bit of nostalgia. You might reminisce on past relationships, as you think back to the Mars in Aries transit that happened last year. It also does not help that Mars in Gemini is bringing some transformations to the way you view relationships. After the passion and emotion of this New Moon’s energy, you are going to get more driven and focused once Venus enters Taurus on the 14th. You are ready to make your mark, and no one is going to stop you. Once Taurus season officially enters on the 19th, those plans you made earlier in the year will begin to take flight. As Mars changes signs on the 23rd, you are going to deal with a new emotional intensity you probably did not want to handle now. These transits will only help to make you stronger in the long run, so go with the flow and practice patience. More transformative energy with the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th and Pluto Retrograde on the 27th. This will be your period of reflection and understanding as you prepare for Gemini Season next month. Card of the month: Two of Wands: Be fearless with your choices.
Capricorn – Get ready to feel fired up during the month of April as your focus shifts from the career field to the home. This is your month to make changes that make you feel more comfortable and to bring a nice peaceful energy to your home. Connecting with family will be huge this month as things begin to get more exciting when Mercury is in the sign of Aries on the 3rd, allowing you to reconnect with traditions and the past. With Venus and the Sun already in the same sign, things will amplify with the New Moon on the 11th, bringing you to focus on changes for the future as well as the successes that have allowed you to triumph for so long. Venus will be in the sign of Taurus beginning on the 14th, so if your romantic life felt a little boring, now is the time to meet new people and begin to feel desirable as this planet makes a trine to your sign. Sun and Mercury enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th, adding more flare and creative energy into your life. Your focus will gradually move from work to romance once Mars enters Cancer on the 23rd. Get ready to attract more emotional people that will provide some interesting perspectives to you. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th has you feeling more sociable, so this is a good time to reconnect with friends or just trim your social circles a bit. The month closes with Pluto, the lone planet in your sign will begin its retrograde motion on the 27th. More transformations ahead. Card of the month: Ace of Pentacles: Financial success awaits.
Aquarius – A big year for you and this month is going to bring lighthearted energy. With the Aries stellium forming, the way you communicate will be audacious and filled with courage. For the creatives, this energy will be inspirational and allow you to be more driven. You are going to have a wonderful time connecting with friends and family. Venus in Taurus on the 14th is going to be a favorable transit especially in the home front. This could be bringing more of a need to make aesthetic changes as you want to bring your ideas to life and renovation might make you feel emotionally satisfied. On the 19th, the Sun and Mercury will also join Venus. This Taurus season will be jam packed and a little stressful since the Venusian planets will be facing off with Saturn, but you can handle it. With Jupiter still in your sign you will be able to overcome and handle any obstacles that are in your way. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th will make an opposition to Uranus. If you are feeling an itch to make changes, think things carefully. This is a transit that asks you to go with the flow and continue working towards what you want in the future. The month ends with a Pluto Retrograde on the 27th. While this can feel intense, it will not compare to what you faced last year with the Capricorn Stellium. You now have guidance and personal experience to handle it. Your power will be known after it. Card of the month: Ten of Cups is a reminder to seek your happily ever after.
Pisces – You are going to do a lot and reevaluate yourself during this Aries Season. Mercury in Aries on the 3rd brings you a sign regarding the way you manage finances. Do the research, be patient and try not to overspend with Venus and the Sun currently in the same sign. The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is going to get down to the gritty parts and will have you doing some more inner work. You are going to think about relationships as well with Venus adding bits of nostalgia. On the 14th, Venus will be in Taurus and the themes will move to connecting and socializing. You will reunite with people or just meet new folks during this Taurus Season which officially begins on the 19th. Mars will be moving in the sign of Cancer on the 23rd which can bring excitement, romance, and drama. Try not to be too dramatic during this transit as Mars tends to make us all a little more passionate. In Cancer it is likely to make us all emotional. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a breath of fresh air for you, and it will happen on the 26th. A Cycle will close, and you are going to feel a weight begin to lift off your shoulders. The opposition this Moon has to Uranus might bring some highs and lows, but you are going to feel enlightened after it. The Pluto Retrograde on the 27th adds a little flare to your relationships yet again. People from the past might return or you might see big changes in your social groups. Card of the month: Strength; you are courageous and powerful.
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dutchforstrangers · 4 years ago
Digimon Astrology Journey - 'Head first' buddies: Koushiro & Taichi
So I’m back with some headcanon Digimon Astrology and I’m diving into it head first! Something fierce leader Taichi would do, however he needs his loyal ‘brains’ there with him and that will be Koushiro. Where Koushiro is a thinker, analytical in every way due to his pragmatic Sun and Rising, Taichi is one of action due to his Moon and Rising (and Mars!). However don’t underestimate them, they have some serious airy energy going on, making them vocal, diplomatic and charming in their own individual ways.
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These boys are so different, yet work together very well. They just have a hard time… talking to others or each other about… the complicated, personal specific stuff feelings. Must be the stars, right?
It’s been a while, but you can read back all things Astrology (basics, background, etc.) in previous posts Part 1 | Part 2. Furthermore, exploring Taichi and Koushiro’s birth charts is part 2 of this series, you can read the exploration of Sora and Mimi’s birth charts here.
The important stuff
Koushiro Izumi, August 26th 1989 (around 05.30AM)
Sun: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Moon: Gemini (air-mutable)
Rising: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Taichi Yagami, October 15th 1988 (around 5PM)
Sun: Libra (air-cardinal)
Moon: Sagittarius (fire-mutable)
Rising: Aries (fire-cardinal)
Warning: IT’S VERY LONG! I’m sorry in advance…
A little disclaimer before I start rambling: These are headcanons! Their given birthdays are not canon at all, but just me having fun combining my love for Digimon and my love for Astrology. It can be highly self-indulging, but maybe you can find some truth in it as well! If you want to know how I calculated their birthdays, read my previous posts as stated above. I use these birthdays in my own fanfiction, but feel free to use them as well. Some credit in the form of a reblog, like or mention of these posts and/or my Tumblr would be highly appreciated! See something you want to discuss? I love to learn and talk! As said these are my headcanons, but I’m not afraid to change my mind or to defend what I have if necessary.
Everything charts and the why under read more!
Koushiro Izumi - August 26th 1989
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Assigning the Virgo Sun to this boy was the first thing I did, because I myself am convinced Koushiro Izumi is the embodiment of a true Virgo. I could be wrong, as I did not study Astrology and am a simple hobbyist, but everything I read about Virgos always lead me back to this particular maroon headed anime dork for years now. Hence why I gave him the same Sun and Rising sign, because Koushiro is who he is. Anyway, let me try to convince you.
For starters, here are a few (or actually all the) things about Virgos in general, for both Sun and Rising. Virgos are bright, practical, pragmatic, orderly, respectful, critical, perfectionists, security driven, communicative, tidy, nervous, detail-oriented… Can I stop already? Okay, now pick one of the above and tell me it’s not fitting for Koushiro.
Hm, I know. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Maybe his tidiness is questionable depending on the situation… But the guy is orderly and the chaos only exists in times when his perfectionism takes over. The nervous part from the Virgo can be seen in shyness or even being obedient. All of that makes Koushiro a dedicated friend who would do anything in his power to make everything work for you. Danger is that he will efface himself, thinking he’s not worth as much as the others. This is what happens in Adventure episode 28 right after he solved the card riddle. On the top left corner either the Agumon or the Gomamon is right, but he doesn’t know which one and he apologizes, which is not necessary at all, with: “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” which is such a Virgo Sun/Rising thing to say..! The Virgo dynamic is alive and kicking.
It’s even more alive and kicking in his other strong Virgo placements: Mercury and Mars. With Mercury in Virgo, Mercury is in it’s sign of its rulership, making it a strong placement. And precisely that planet is the planet of thoughts and knowledge! The combination of his Sun, Rising, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes him be, engage, think and act like a true Virgo. Detail-oriented, thoughtful, respectful, orderly, practical and curious!
The hardest part for his birthday calculation was his Moon placement. The Moon is all about emotions, needs, wants, behavior, responds, et cetera. I first gave him a Capricorn Moon, but my boyfriend is such a Cap Moon and it didn’t fit the bill for Koushiro in my opinion. So I read and searched and eventually came to the conclusion it had to be an Air sign Moon, simply for the fact that our boy Koushiro is the bearer of the crest of Knowledge and Air signs can be seen as the intellectual ones of the Zodiac! Eventually I went for the Gemini Moon and I’m going to explain why exactly.
One could say Gemini is the bearer of Knowledge just as much as Koushiro is. Gemini LOVE to know things! They are naturally curious and are great communicators, when it comes to knowledge (pun warning if you’ve seen the reboot: they love to bring joy to their knowledge). Gemini tend to be a bit superficial when it comes to having and sharing knowledge and of course we know that’s not the case with our Koushiro here, due to his many Virgo placements, making him more observant and inward. What the Gemini Moon DOES to him is making this boy very talkative! He likes to spill what’s on his mind, he likes to share what he thinks, he likes to ramble and rant. It’s something we see him doing in Tri a lot, especially that one scene in Reunion part 3 (episode 3) where he keeps on rambling about all the strange events and he misses the first part of the conversation between the other DigiDestineds (about the news and Jyou’s ‘girlfriend’ poor guy no one believes him). Koushiro misses the conversation because a) his Gemini Moon likes to ramble and keep rambling, and b) because his Virgo placements can make him a bit unaware of his surroundings quite the time…
That’s not a bad thing per se, Koushiro is just very much focused on his work and d e t a i l s, which is a VERY Virgo-ish trait. But lets not forget that his priority is to help others with that knowledge and that the combination of his Virgo placements with his Gemini Moon makes him a great mentor. Brings me to his role throughout the entirety of Adventure 02: The Mentor. You’re welcome.
Another Gemini Moon thingy is rudeness. Now we know Koushiro is the most polite person out of ALL DD’s, always using honorifics, even saying Hikari-san instead of Hikari-chan, because Koushiro IS respect. But Koushiro is not afraid to tell you what’s at stake in times of ‘danger’, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. There are a few examples for that in Adventure, Adventure 02 and in Tri, but I’d like to refer to one of my favorite moments in whole Digimon Adventure history. Because Koushiro x rudeness brings me back to Diaboromon strikes back when he’s obviously so done with everyone, then Mimi enters the scene and he doesn’t even care. In the English dub she literally says “How rude”. Ooooohhh Koushiro, you little rude demon… It’s not the biggest proof it’s a simple one and my personal favorite.
All of the talkativeness and rudeness is something we mostly see Koushiro doing when he’s most comfortable. So we won’t see him being all talkative all the time -sharing more than just plain, superficial knowledge and instead more personal helpful knowledge- with everyone, but we do see him being talkative and speaking up to certain characters he’s most comfortable with. Now name one boy he’s very talkative to compared with literally all the other characters… You know what? Scroll down.
Last thing and then I’ll stop rambling about this beautiful and lovely nerd. His Venus, planet of values (and love…) is in Libra. What does that mean? Well, I’ve seen quite some fans type Koushiro as a bi-sexual, or something in that direction. Or even better a ‘disaster bi-sexual’. I already agreed on that, but when I saw this birth chart… IT’S (HEAD)CANON! Seriously, Libra is the zodiac sign of doubt, decision making (or actually no decision making, but I’ll get there with the next boy) and relationships and if you have your Venus placed in Libra you’re doomed to be a disaster when it comes to making decisions in your love life both romantically and platonically! Venus in Libra creates the desire for a good and loving relationships, but Koushiro’s Virgo Sun/Rising makes him more shy, his Virgo Mars makes him hold back. Once again, the Virgo Sun/Rising-Libra Venus dynamic lets him efface himself in relationships, thinking they have nothing to offer, but they have!! And so Koushiro gets left behind with his unresolved feelings… the boy has a hard time in love, let’s give him all a hug!
Taichi Yagami - October 15th 1988
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The protagonist. Okay, let me compare this goggle headed protagonist to another goggle headed protagonist outside the Digimon franchise: Naruto. This is probably more interesting to people who have watched and know Naruto, so you can skip the part. To me Naruto is the classical protagonist type; bold, adventurous, playful, (a little) obnoxious at some times, hot headed… These are traits we easily assign to fire signs in the zodiac, especially Aries. So I would immediately give Naruto the Aries Sun placement. However, when we see Naruto grow up, his behavior and the way he speaks and leads grows up with him as well. That’s only natural. And based on those changes I wouldn’t necessarily give Naruto the Aries Sun placements, although the Aries placement or another fire placement is very likely to be present in his chart.
Now I could go even further, explain the development from child to adult through Jung’s theory about cognitive functions, but that’s incredibly complicated and a looooong stretch I won’t be making here today. In short, Jung’s development theory is interesting, because it shows how we first see the obvious traits in a child which are the traits the child engages (Rising sign) the world with before it develops the other functions showing the person’s true identity (Sun sign). So we could say we first see someone’s Rising sign more clearly before the Sun comes shining through. Like with Naruto. And the same could be for Taichi in the case of this headcanon.
To tackle his birth chart and big three, I’ll be starting with explaining his Rising Sign before his Sun sign. And the Rising sign I assigned him is Aries Rising.
Like I said above, Aries is bold, adventurous, playful and above all: courageous. Especially the Aries Rising placement which is more courageous than its Aries Sun counterpart. Aries are born leaders, can be extremely competitive, are somewhat restless and desperately need to move. In Taichi’s case with the above birth chart, that urge to move is magnified by his Aries Mars placement. The dynamic of his Aries Rising and Aries Mars makes Taichi a mover, an adventurer, and incredibly determined. This could be both positively, always wanting the best (especially for yourself, as Aries is a pretty selfish sign), and a tad negatively, always going and going and going. In the Adventure series this could be the reason why he makes Greymon dark-evolve, because he wants things too bad and too fast. Aries are hot headed and can grow impatient if things don’t go the way they want. And the Aries Rising and Mars dynamic makes Taichi a very physical guy. Mix that with the impatience and he is not afraid to pick fights and use his fists.
All of this can make Taichi a very stormy and reckless boy (boundaries? What’s that?), but also a fearless leader. The exuberance, the impatience and restlessness comes back in his Sagittarius Moon placement as well. This Sag Moon in combination with his strong Aries placements in Rising and Mars makes Taichi a sportive, physical, optimistic and forward leader that is incredibly courageous and adventurous, which could make him a bit ‘superficial’ as a protagonist. But the Sag Moon also deepens and strengthens his leader skills.
Sagittarius is a sign pictured by a centaur with an arrow and bow. The centaur’s horse legs make the Sag want to move and be free, but the arrow aims in a clear direction and aiming takes knowledge and focus. Sagittarius thus is an adventurous fella, but also a philosopher. Taichi’s Sag Moon placement makes him a pro in seeing the bigger picture and connecting dots next to his never ending energy. He will make sure we’re going in the right direction by overlooking the whole situation. So we absolutely shouldn’t forget Taichi is a true strategist! He sees, understands what’s at stake in a situation, connects the dots, comes with a strategy and like a true leader knows his team and can place everyone in his right spot to get through the toughest of situations (once again referring to Taichi asking Koushiro to pick the cards in Adventure episode 28). Speaking about a great leader, gosh, Taichi, you’re truly amazing! <3
However, it’s his Aries Rising and Mars that often make him act before he thinks, preferably alone (Taichi is a teamplayer, but the selfish and reckless Aries in him makes him act alone. And the sum of teamplayer + acting alone = self-sacrifice mode… which happens ALL THE DAMN TIME). Or actually makes him act while thinking without doing a short reflection beforehand. Seriously, I’m convinced that this reflection in advance could have saved him a lot of trouble throughout Digimon Adventure. Let’s blame it on (t)his (headcanon) birth chart…
Also, all of the above vouches for Taichi having an amazing intellect, but the guys needs to be challenged… Hence why he’s always staring out of the window during classes in Tri, daydreaming away to where the adventure is. He feels trapped, needs to be outside and should use his intelligence for things he finds important (like saving the digital world, soccer and saving friends and the world). The daydreaming could also be his Libra Mercury who can make Taichi lose his focus and could make him lazy. Luckily Taichi has a very active Aries Mars in opposite aspect from his Libra Mercury that neutralizes that lazy and dreamy Libra Mercury.
Okay, back to topic. Now you maybe think: But if Taichi is good in knowing where to go, being the fearless leader, also an intellect who has the knowledge to aim straight and shoot… then WHY is he so lost, down and in doubt in Tri and so unknowing of his future in Kizuna…??!! I have an answer to that. And that answer is his Libra Sun.
I know I know, this is a very VERY unpopular Sun sign to give this goggle leader, but please hear me out. For starters, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and if we believe the 02’s epilogue what’s Taichi’s job? Right, a diplomat. We also know he studies something like political sciences in Kizuna (which I think is AMAZING and vouches even more for Taichi’s intellect! Politics is a tough study…) and to make it in the political field you really do need diplomacy and charms.
Taichi is an absolute charmer, in my eyes at least. I mean, look at his 02 self! He’s such a smooth charmer in every way… The way he sends off Sora to Yamato while acting all cool and collected, phew, that requires some serious smoothness. And still we often see Taichi depicted as a down and broody boy besides his energetic and bold (sometimes indifferent…) character, especially after Tri. That too could be due to a Libra Sun placement.
Like Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur, Libra is depicted by scales and those scales are all about harmony, balance and justice. Libra is the opposite of Aries in the zodiac, but also about weighing opposites in the sigh itself. When we look at the Aries/Libra opposite placement: where Aries can be quite selfish, Libra as an opposite is the people’s pleaser. Where Aries is reckless and impatient, Libra is thoughtful and patient and one could say that an Aries acts where a Libra waits. Where Aries makes the impulsive decisions, Libra keeps deliberating leading into constant doubt and confusion. And how do we see Taichi in Tri? Ah yes, in doubt and confused.
A Libra Sun desperately wants to bring peace and harmony, driven by justice, in a diplomatic way. Libra Suns are deep thinkers which can make them very doubtful, making them spiraling down into a hole of overthinking and doubts. The Libra Sun-Sag Moon dynamic makes this all even more deep and almost philosophical in a way there will always be more and more questions, but never answers because Libra simply can’t make choices. All while being solution-oriented!
As Taichi grows up from a middle schooler to a high schooler, it’s that doubt coming from the Libra Sun that kicks Taichi hard. It conflicts with his carefree and bold Aries Rising nature and as that Libra Sun comes shining through, we see Taichi becoming more cautious and reserved compared to his younger self. The guy has a strong inner dialogue always looking for the best solutions to please everyone and bring harmony (I wanted to say ‘balance to the world’, yes to all the avatar the last airbender cameos) to the people and world(s in case of the digital world) around him he so desperately wants to protect. This is what we see happening in Tri, where he can’t choose what’s the right thing… Most of the time that inner dialogue is hidden behind his Aries Rising (and Aries Mars and Sag Moon).
So under that tough and courageous Aries Rising demeanor (remember that a Rising sign is all about engaging and how you come across to others) is a very soft, sweet, friendly and overall smart Libra Sun boy who has troubles expressing himself because the boy is in conflict with himself (which we see in the Dark Master’s arc in Adventure where he expresses his concerns towards his sister to Koushiro… it’s so hard for Taichi to let it all out, even when he needs it badly). It’s so sad, he’s such a complicated character, but that’s also one of the most beautiful things about Taichi. He’s layered af. He could be the best listener (Koushiro’s feels this, that’s why Koushiro can talk so open and freely to Taichi, because Taichi lets him thank you Libra Sun) if it weren’t for his strong fire placements opposite from his airy Sun sign. But give the boy time and space and he can show you his charms in a way no one else owns those charms.
So Taichi’s Libra Sun is hidden away most of the time due to his strong Aries placements. Usually his Rising and Sun sign being in opposite aspect from each other, should neutralize the placements, but Taichi’s Aries Mars placement makes the Aries Rising overrule the Libra Sun. Still, we shouldn’t forget Taichi is a softy with a big heart. He just needs the right people around him to get his charm on and Taichi definitely has some great people collected in his life who can help him think and make decisions.
A few things I want to point out before I stop rambling, because this analysis is already WAY too long.
Taichi’s midheaven in Capricorn in combination with his Libra Sun and Aries Rising makes him very ambitious on the intellectual side! Directly aiming for the UN and quickly climbing up the promotion ladder (and being successful like a true Cap, let’s not forget that).
His Mars was in transition from Pisces to Aries during his birth. Which means his Aries Mars is highly influenced by Pisces which could also explain why he spirals down as Pisces Mars has a lot of stormy energy on the emotional side (whereas Aries Mars has stormy energy on the physical side). When this emotional energy comes out negative, it can lead to mental health problems (!!! TRI DEPRESSED!TAICHI), especially when close friends and family (can you feel it coming? The whole Hikari-trauma is a thing) are involved.
His Libra Sun makes him in need of a group of friends and he loves being surrounded by them! Though he doesn’t like to admit that due to his Aries Rising. Taichi is such a conflicted boy…
An end note on these two boys: A heart to heart/hard friendship with a lot of mutual understanding and support <3
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bearingwater · 4 years ago
Aquarius Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year
This year, try to let your guard down a bit. Being vulnerable is actually a strength.
Welcome to 2021, Aquarius, and congrats on surviving 2020. Despite your aloof nature, your emotions run deep, and the stress of the pandemic has taken a toll on you. As an intellectual air sign, you used your brain try to stay busy rather than sink into despair. You may have found yourself busy organizing virtual family get-togethers or anti-racism fundraisers. While both are honorable tasks, you must be exhausted. It's likely that you may be in need of a little care and attention yourself these days. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, Aquarius, and if you want attention, you're going to have to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable and ask for support. Your task for 2021 is to break down your walls, as well as to learn to put yourself first.
Your season begins on January 19, giving you no excuse not to start celebrating yourself early in the year. Remind your friends and family that it's your birthday, but let them do the work. When Aquarians aren't trying to help others, they may give in to isolation, and separate themselves rather than deal with what's going on in the world. None of that is going to fly this year, as the planets are lining up to give you much-deserved recognition.
Your ruling planet, independent Uranus, will be in Taurus all year and your 4th House of Home and Family. The planet squares off with responsible Saturn, your sign, Aquarius, in your 1st House of Self, on February 17, again on June 14, and finally on December 24. This transit only happens every 22 and a half years, and fittingly, marks periods of time where conservative politics clash with more progressive and radical ideas. So what does that mean for you?
An Aquarian trope is that you can become so concerned about your community that you forget to pay attention to your inner circle. The water bearer may create a fundraiser or share their personal artwork on social media but forget to text back friends and lovers. While this can sometimes be true, there's another part to you that's overlooked. Often, the person you neglect the most isn't your partner or best friend, but yourself. This year asks you to start a self-care regimen that will help bolster you so that you can properly step into the spotlight. Professionally and creatively, this means stepping away from behind-the-scenes work and becoming brave enough to put your name and face out there. You deserve the attention!
Due to pandemic-related travel restrictions, many of us have opted out of seeing our family for the holidays, even if our loved ones might not have agreed with our assessments of risk. As your 1st House of Self clashes with your 4th House of Home, 2021 also asks you to set up firmer boundaries with your family, both blood and chosen. Practice clearly stating your needs and using your backbone so that you don't back down.
There are three Mercury retrogrades this year for you to take note of. The first is in your sign from January 30 to February 20. The second is in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, and finally, the last is in Libra from September 27 to October 18. While the first cycle in your sign may be the most intense personally, circle all of these dates, as communication mishaps occur and could get in the way of your task to establish boundaries. We hear a lot about exes returning during Mercury retrograde, but friends, family, and other folks you've previously cut ties with may also resurface and try to throw you off course. Don't let them.
Lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius, and in your 1st House of Self, for most of the year, bestowing you with gifts. It can sometimes be harder for you to accept love than criticism, Aquarius, but remind yourself that you deserve it. With generous Jupiter in your sign, opportunities for work and money come your way. It would be a sin not to snatch them up in this economy. The healing planet briefly leaves your sign and enters Pisces in your 11th House of Friends from May 13 to July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on December 28. During this time, you may notice shifts in your social circle, but don't let these changes scare you. They are the result of erecting healthy boundaries; the universe wants you to have the best friends possible.
There is a lunar eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, a lunar eclipse on November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on December 4, also in Sagittarius. Circle all of these dates in your calendar, Aquarius, as eclipses can bring drama and unexpected news. That's not always a bad thing. In particular, the solar eclipse in Gemini and your 5th House of Pleasure on June 10 may bring a new lover, or if you're already partnered, exciting relationship news. Some Aquarians may get engaged around this date.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance goes retrograde in Capricorn and your 12th House of the Unconscious on December 19. When this planet reverses its path, it can be harder to express ourselves romantically. The House of Unconscious can also indicate a retreat. If you need to heal from heartbreak, remember to take your time, and ask for space if you need to. However, be careful of hiding from the world (and crushes and romantic partners). Remember Aquarius: In 2021, your rightful place is centerstage. Enjoy the spotlight and see you next year.
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