#we back bitches
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transcendencepheonix · 3 months ago
Maybe I think your beautiful.
Just intrinsically beautiful in every way.
But maybe I've forgotten your just a man.
And maybe I'm in over my head.
But maybe I wish you would stay.
Maybe I'm tired of living this way.
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jackiemeandthispod · 9 months ago
Not Dead!
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New pod is up and should be on all good platforms soon...
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baddybaddyadardaddy · 1 month ago
barnsmut slipped my mind with all the holiday stuff going on... I think we were on Adar and the feisty southlander having just survived the volcano?
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draconabraxas · 1 year ago
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Byers & Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler Characters: Will Byers, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Will Byers-centric, Will Byers & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Friendship, Jealous Mike Wheeler, Jealous Eleven | Jane Hopper, Jealous Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Byers Family Stay in Hawkins, Post-Battle of Starcourt (Stranger Things), Siblings Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Period-Typical Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lesbian Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Gay Will Byers, Jealous Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Jealous Lucas Sinclair, a lot of jealousy in this fic, Underage Drinking, Sassy Will Byers, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Friendship, No beta we die like Barb, Dustin Henderson is Trying His Best, Will Byers Gets a Makeover, Max & Will bond over being gay & being El stans, Will Byers: sisters before misters... sorry Mike!, Joyce & Jonathan & Nancy play cupid... to the fake couple LOL, Maxine “Max” Mayfield & Will Byers Fake Date Summary:
After a humiliating homophobic verbal attack against Will, Max and Will decided that enough was enough. Being anything but straight was dangerous in a place like Hawkins, and the only way out of the spotlight was to blend in.
Will just wished that Max didn't name their plan Operation Wax.
Or, Will and Max fake date as a way to stay safe in the closet and accidentally cause a civil war within the Party.
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photofinder · 7 months ago
New Marble Hornets miniseries made me come back. I know I'm late but I'm too excited to not make a post.
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asknyoaustralia · 9 months ago
Quick! The police is about to bust you for illegal possesion of koala merch, you need to get rid of it!
Never! You'll never take me alive coppers!
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quicksilverdrabbles · 1 year ago
Hunter: *staring at an empty snare dangling from a branch* Another snare looted without a sound.
Hunter (2): How many does that make this week?
Hunter: Fifth? And it's only Middas.
Hunter (2): Wolves, I reckon.
Hunter: You’d think wolves were too stupid to go near our traps. Couldn’t be a bear either, we set repellent. Whatever it is, it's been evading all our traps.
Hunter (2): Think someone’s been taking our kills?
Hunter: Ain’t no bandits ‘round these parts.
Hunter (2): You never know. Damn vagrants are everywhere these days.
*Distant Howling*
Hunter: Well I’ll be damned, maybe it really is wolves.
Hunter (2): Hm… *looks over at the empty snare* What say we set up a different sort of trap?
Hunter: … Go on.
Hunter: This better work, for the kill we’re wasting on this.
Hunter (2): Better to waste one kill than lose every other kill in the hold to this beast. Now shut it, here it comes.
*The hunters watch as a small, solid white wolf stalks through the undergrowth, sniffing around before spotting the dead elk caught in the snare high above its head*
Hunter: A white wolf? Wait, what if it’s a Beast of Hircine?
Hunter (2): Hircine’s children make their own kills, not steal them, ye dolt.
*The wolf’s ears perk up at the sound of voices, lowering its head and staring straight into the bushes where the hunters are hiding, trying to decide if it had actually heard anything or not. After a moment, it directs its attention back to the elk, cocking its head to the side as it debates on how to get it down*
Hunter: Are we sure this is even the same wolf? It doesn’t look like it knows how to get it down.
Hunter (2): Just wait, for Gods’ sake.
*In a flash of light, the wolf disappears, replaced by a small sparrow, which flies up to the branch holding the snare. The sparrow becomes a squirrel and begins munching away at the rope*
Hunter: … Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
Hunter (2): I don’t even know what I’m seeing.
*With a quiet snap, the rope comes loose and the elk drops to the ground in a heap. The first hunter starts like he’s about to leave the bush, but the second stops him. The squirrel clambers back down the tree and resumes its original form of a wolf, grabbing a leg of the elk in its jaw and beginning to drag it away*
Hunter: *trying to jerk free of his partner’s grip* It’s getting away with our kill!
Hunter (2): *yanks him back* Wait! We don’t know what that thing is! For all we know, it could turn into a sabre cat and then we’d be in trouble.
Hunter: But-!
*As the wolf passes a tree, its form is replaced with a small, humanoid figure completely covered in furs and mud, dragging the elk through the forest slowly. Soft, fearful whispers fall from their mouth as they try to escape*
???: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…
Hunter (2): Huh? It became a kid..
Hunter: Should we grab it?
Hunter (2): Mm.. Wait here. *stands and walks out of the bush towards the child*
Hunter: What?! What about what you just-
Hunter (2): Oi, ‘scuse me-
???: *gasps, head darting up and staring at the man in fear. Bright turquoise eyes pierce through the man before she turns and darts off, abandoning the elk and disappearing behind a tree*
Hunter (2): Lass..? H-Hey wait, we’re not gonna hurt ya’!
*The hunter runs after the shifter, trying to follow as she becomes a small white mouse scrambling through the undergrowth*
Hunter: Oh, for the love of-.. Oi, Scetch! Wait up!
*The forest gives way to the valleys of The Reach as Scetch follows the mouse until she is cornered at a river’s edge*
Scetch: *out of breath, almost too tired to keep following her* Stop already! I keep saying I’m not gonna hurt ye!
*The mouse skitters in a few different directions before finally giving up and shifting back into a girl, crouched on the ground and staring up at the man in fear*
???: P-Please don’t- I’m sorry, I didn’t want to take your f-food but I don’t know how to hunt and-
Scetch: Wasn’ my food, anyways. *hunches over and tries to regain his breath* Jeez, yer a quick one.
Hunter: Scetch! *running a few yards behind, noticeably out of breath and stamina*
Scetch: Ah, Periel. Hold now, lad, we don’t want to hurt her.
Periel: Maybe you don’t! She’s been stealing our hard earned kills!
Scetch: All we were gonna do was sell ‘em. She doesn’ know how to hunt. *focuses on the girl again, jolting when he sees tears streaming down her cheeks and clearing the mud caked on her face* Gods, yer filthy. On your own, lass?
*The girl whimpers, taking a step back and shrieking when the dirt beneath her heel crumbles into the river below*
Periel: Ay, watch it! *runs forward and grabs her arm, pulling her away from the river. Her hood falls off at the motion, revealing pale blue hair and long pointed ears*
???: NO! Let me go, please!
Periel: Calm down already, for Gods’ sake!
*She freezes at his angry tone, closing her eyes tight like she’s expecting to be hit*
Scetch: *rubbing at his temples with a frustrated expression* Divines save me. Periel, let her go. *steps forward as his partner backs away, kneeling down to be eye level with the girl* Aye there, lass. Sorry for scaring you. Name’s Scetch. And yours?
???: *opens her eyes, shrinking in on herself as the man gets closer* A- *hic-* A-Aris…
Scetch: Aye, beautiful name for a beautiful lass. Live around here?
Aris: … I-I don’t know..
Scetch: Any family?
Aris: *looks down at the ground, sniffling quietly* M-Mama.. But I.. I-I don’t know.. Where she is.. She left.. A long time ago. Before winter started. S-She said she would be back before our crops died but then they died and she didn’t come back and there wasn’t any food left for me to eat so I panicked and starting thinking she might not come back-
Periel: Hey now, calm yourself, lass. Breathe.
Aris: *takes a deep breath, exhaling with a soft sob* I-I came to look for her.. But I’ve.. never been outside before.. And I don’t know where she went. A-And I was hungry.. I saw dead things in the trees, hung by ropes. I didn’t think it belonged to anyone until I saw you in the forest.. I-I’m sorry..
Scetch: *exchanges a glance with Periel before looking back at Aris* No harm done, lass. Most prey we catch in those snares was to sell, anyways. We ain’t going hungry for that.
Aris: S-Sell..?
Periel: You’ve never been outside at all, you said?
Aris: N-Not outside the grove where me and Mama lived.. And I.. d-don’t remember how to get back.
Periel: Well that’s a problem, innit.
Scetch: Sure is. *looks up at the dusk sky, noting the sun dipping low to the west* How ‘bout this, lass. We’re goin’ to Helgen in few days’ time. We can ask around for your mother there.
Aris: H… Helgen? *looks between the two hunters nervously* Will.. there be Nords there?
Scetch: Nords?
Aris: Mama says.. Nords are dangerous. Kill everything they don’t like.
Periel: Hah! Depending on the Hold, she’s not wrong.
Scetch: There’ll be Nords. But they ain’t much the killing type. We’ll keep ye safe.
Aris: *frowns* … You promise?
Periel: *chuckles, reaching forward and ruffling her hair gently* We promise.
Scetch: Let’s get back to camp before it gets too
dark. We’ll get some proper food in ye, lass.
Aris: O-Okay..! *stands straight, adjusting her hood back over her head* I’ve only eaten leeks for months.
Periel: Egh, sounds horrible. How ‘bout some’a my famous beef stew?
Scetch: It’s hardly edible, much less famous.
Periel: You just have poor taste! It’s impossible for a Breton to make bad food!
Scetch: Keep tellin’ yerself that.
Aris: *walking between the two hunters as they bicker on the way back to their camp, her gaze darting between the two depending on who was speaking. Her gloved hands fidget nervously in front of her*
Periel: Oh, and by the way… *turns his gaze down towards Aris* I don’t mean to be rude, kid, but what sort of elf are you? I had you figured for a Wood Elf until I saw your hair.
Aris: O-Oh, um… *she reaches up and pulls her hood further over her head* I’m not allowed to say. Mama says people don’t like us.
Scetch: High Elf?
Aris: No..
Periel: Dark Elf?
Aris: No..?
Scetch: Well that’s all the elves I know in Skyrim.
Unless you’re a Maormer. Although it’s typically Maormer that hate everyone else, from what I know. *laughs, patting her hooded head* Alright, keep yer secrets. Is that why yer covered in mud?
Aris: K-Kind of.. The mud makes it easier to hide.. Things see me easier without it.
Periel: Figures. Your hair alone is as bright as the stars.
Aris: Mm…
Scetch: Ah, well, let’s keep moving. Get some food in ye before we figure out what to do next, yeah?
Aris: … Okay.
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solosikoasgf · 2 years ago
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lunarflare64 · 11 months ago
Us: thank gods we're jumping between fandoms less
Our dormant headmates who like BNHA: lol
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year ago
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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eggisonchan · 1 year ago
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guess I'm figuring out how to post on this site again?
Meet Yahiko and Tobuime, NPCs my partner wrote, and let me help bring to life :) characterizing Tobuime and writing little blurbs of her slow, measured anger towards the union and her adherence to tradition means I now have tobuime brainrot so we might see more of her real soon
They're married and I love them but SPOILER yahiko is so dead now after the one-shot they were featured in. Sadge
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vohtaro · 5 months ago
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achilles’ breaks are a serious matter. bitch. | in which patroclus is rather protective of achilles’ break time and continues his crass manner with zagreus and also calls him a bitch because he can
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sometimes i stalk fancy bakery instagram and
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 13 days ago
“What if superman was evil?” “what if batman was evil?” What if they were really nice and smiled at kids and always saved the day and were best friends?
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scurvyboy · 26 days ago
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mabel relativity falls love of my life
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theghooligan · 8 months ago
daemon and all the ghosts of harrenhall living it up every night:
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