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spikeclan · 2 months ago
Moon 27
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leafpoolstanblog · 10 months ago
Foxpaw is apprenticed to Primroseclaw.
Sneezecloud dies.
Mintfur “adopts” Nightkit and Breezekit.
Softkit, Harekit, Dapplekit, and Gorsekit are born to Primroseclaw and Voletooth.
Copperfur adopts Wavekit and Cypresskit. She very much misses raising abandoned litters with her wife :(
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juniper-clan · 9 months ago
Has Heron ever met her living siblings (that she remembers, at least) or is her only knowledge of them stories?
Also, can you share a bit about Longstrike's family? Unless my memory is failing me, I can't say we've learned much about them
Heronstar has no memories of her siblings. If she met them (or her father, Tommy), it was when she was a very young kit. She was not born on the ship like Longstrike was, as a trip only takes 2-3 months from England to the US, but the other members of the family were likely on different voyages around the world during her early kittenhood.
Everything she knew she learned from Lavenderstar.
And you’re correct, not much is known about Longstrike’s family.
His father was named Redbite, a big orange tabby who was very friendly with the ships crew, and was borderline their kitty pet. His mother was named Saltpearl, a brown and white molly who ended up in London from a Spanish trade ship, the San Jacinto. Saltpearls sister came aboard the HMS Juniper after fighting with their former leader and leaving the San Jacinto, and Saltpearl joined her in solidarity.
They had three kits, Wavekit, Gullkit, and Longkit. Longkit was the first born and biggest, Gullkit was the only girl and was a bit spoiled by Saltpearl, and Wavekit liked to charm the humans like his father.
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joshy-tomato · 6 months ago
I kinda made a warrior cats au centered around Furina because Warrior Cats is one of my hyper fixations and I like combining my hyperfixations together
it starts with Furina and Focalors being littermates and they're named Tidekit and Wavekit and they're just silly little kittens together for a bit
also another queen(female cats with kits for those who don't know about warrior cats terminology) has three kits but two of them are stillborn and the last one kind of freaks cats out due to her size and how she looks and it turns out that queen had kits with a bobcat and so her kits are half bobcat and the clan doesn't like that so she takes her one kit and leaves (this is a surprise tool that'll come up later)
back to Tidekit and Wavekit; Tidekit convinces Wavekit to sneak out of camp with her (kits aren't allowed to leave camp) and so they go on a little adventure. Tidekit is too caught up with all the new things around her that she doesn't notice the hawk swooping down to grab her. Wavekit does however. Wavekit pushes Tidekit out of the way, resulting in Wavekit getting taken away by the hawk and Tidekit with a notch taken out of her ear due to the hawk almost grabbing her. Tidekit then sits there, traumatized until a patrol finds her and brings her back to camp. Tidekit then grows up, becoming an apprentice and being named Tidepaw and eventually becoming a warrior and being named Tideflurry due to the fact she has white fur that continues to spread over her body, like flurries of snow causing things to turn white(yes, kitty Furina has vitiligo)
One day, Tideflurry is on her own outside of camp when a rogue she-cat attacks her. This she-cat looks quite familiar and she recognizes the she-cat as the half bobcat kit that was taken to leave with her mother. She learns the cats name as Arlecchino and the two bond and become friends, secretly meeting up with each other many times
Tideflurry ends up getting an apprentice named Stormpaw(who is Clorinde in this au) and while hunting Stormpaw catches a rabbit that was acting a bit strange and when taken back to camp and eaten by some cats they get sick and die, one of those cats being kitty Navia's dad and so the Clorivia drama happens, yippee!
eventually Stormpaw gets her warrior name and something happens which leads to Tideflurry becoming deputy(the second in command of the clan)! At first she's excited before she remembers her littermate, Wavekit and how Wavekit died saving her from the hawk. She wonders if she should really be here instead of Wavekit and so she confides in her rogue friend, Arlecchino about her insecurity.
Things happen and eventually Tideflurry and Arlecchino secretly become mates, against the warrior code which says a cat must be loyal to their clan.
More things happen and the current leader dies, which makes Tideflurry leader. She goes to receive her nine lives from Starclan(leaders have nine lives and Starclan is their ancestors) but during her leader ceremony she is given some devastating news. She was never meant to have this life. Wavekit was the one who was supposed to be standing here and that she was supposed to die from the hawk instead of her sister. Starclan refuses to give Tideflurry her nine lives and gives her a prophecy of a flood that would destroy her clan, a flood that Wavekit was supposed to save the clan from. Basically Starclan punishes Tideflurry for being there instead of her sister and this causes Tideflurry to lose all her faith in Starclan and she becomes stressed as she has to pretend she was approved by Starclan and was given her nine lives.
Tideflurry, now going by Tidestar as she pretends to be the true leader of her clan constantly seeks comfort in Arlecchino while she also desperately tries to find ways to prevent the prophecy she was given from coming true.
However, eventually the flood comes and Tidestar is devastated that she's failed her clan. That is until a she-cat rushes in to help. A fully grown Wavekit! It turns out that Wavekit was saved from the hawk, being nursed back to health by twolegs(humans) and being guided by a spirit cat to fulfill her destiny. Wavekit saves the clan from the flood and Tidestar is overjoyed at the fact her sister is alive. However, now the truth of Tidestar not being the true leader is out. Tidestar steps down, going back to being known as Tideflurry and leaves Wavekit to be the rightful leader, now becoming Wavestar. Tideflurry however says she no longer has any faith in Starclan after they punished her just for surviving and not being taken by the hawk as a kit and that she's going to leave the clan so she can fully be with her mate, Arlecchino and Wavestar let's her do this, promising that she will always be welcome in the clan should she need it.
So yeah, Furina's story x Warrior Cats with a side of Arlefuri. Yippee
~ Arlefuri Anon
I dont know much about Warrior cats, but this was an interesting read.
Also, that starclan is a fucking asshole wtf.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 1 month ago
Future kit names I’d love to see more, if at all:
Aspenkit, Finchkit, Canarykit, Maplekit, Magpiekit, Wolfkit, Bearkit, Ratkit, Torrentkit, Cypresskit, Wavekit, Grousekit, Cardinalkit, Salmonkit, Carpkit, Pikekit, Vixenkit, Yewkit, Freezekit/Frozenkit, and Crabkit.
Some great warrior names for these would be Aspenbreeze, Finchsong, Canarywing, Mapleshine, Magpietalon, Wolfstrike, Bearheart, Ratclaw, Torrentsplash, Cypressfall, Wavecrash/Wavesplash, Grousefeather, Cardinaltail, Salmonleap, Carpwhisker, Pikefang, Vixenflight, Yewberry, Freezenose, Frozenpool, and Crabclaw or Crabcrawl
These are all so good. I’m really hoping also for Hedgehogkit and Duckkit, and another use of Goosekit
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dawnfinchh · 11 months ago
i made full "canon" allegiances for the start of the apprentice's quest: link to google doc
this is a part of a little series im doing, where im making full allegiances for the first book of every arc in order. i did bramblestar's storm before this due to the large time gap between the apprentice's quest and the fourth apprentice
here is the masterpost for all the allegiances
“canon” is in quotations because a lot of this is guesswork about who logically would be around at that point in time, but aren’t listed in allegiances or mentioned in the book.
this is mainly meant to be a resource for fanworks
general stuff that’s all still same as last time:
wiki pages are linked to character’s names
med cat = cleric
characters are listed by age. where there are no concrete ages, i make my best guess
tc is the only clan without a “kit” rank as all kits in the clan have known parents, tho we are entering an era where the majority of kits of all clans are starting to have known parents! just in general there is a lot less guesswork as non-tc clans have more filled out allegiances
pretty much just the allegiances from the apprentice's quest, listed in accordance of age
grassheart - she is listed as a queen in taq's allegiances and her kits are born next book, but due to the amount of time that passes, i don't think that she would be pregnant quite yet, or at least not noticeably so
sneezecloud is FINALLY a warrior. his apprenticeship took literal years
lakeheart's kits are not listed in taq's allegiances but they are mentioned as being born in like, chapter three, so i think it's fine to list them as born
wavekit/wavepaw and cypresskit/cypresspaw - they are apprentices in thunder and shadow, so making them kits here works. they have no canon mentors
beetlewhisker is not listed bc he is dead
whiskernose is listed bc while he is not in avos allegiances, he shows up in surrounding SE and novellas, and in later arcs
pebbleshine and mistfeather - they are listed bc they are around the area. pebbleshine is tagged as (expecting kits) rather than having twig and violet listed bc i do think it's likely that she gave birth like 0.5 seconds before alderpaw found them
darktail's group is listed
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joocin-thebox · 1 year ago
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prompt list by @/marlowedobbeart :)
god this drawing, 26 cats
all ocs from this wc RP i was apart of, windclan got soooo bigggg and we only had like 2 casualties at the time
like i still remember a lot of the lore from it too and im still friends w a lot of the players :) they're like family to me
we still pretend thornclaw had a solid design when i finished it LMAO its been 3 years
family tree under cut?
okay so Jaystar is our leader so we'll start with him
Jaystar had kits with Monarchwing, Goosepaw, Wrenpaw, Pigeonpaw, Coralpaw, and Vinepaw
Snowpatch is deputy, and his mate is Swifttail Their first litter was Hawkclaw, Sootdream, and Blueflame Their second litter was Stormkit and Frostkkit They adopted Starlingspirit from a Shadowclan queen
Sagleflame had kits with Thornclaw iirc, Fernkit, Blazekit, and Marshkit Leafpaw was taken under Sagleflame's wing but was definitely like a daughter to her
Spottedpatch was an only child, and Snowpatch's apprentice He fell in love with Blueflame but we didnt get anywhere with them since the RP fell into a statis
Hawkclaw had a crush on Sagleflame but she kept saying no bc she was wayy older than him
Sagleflame is Pinkleaf's daughter, and Sagleflame's brother Cherrythuft went to Riverclan to live with his mate Echosong
Frosttail was Swifttail's best friend, who originally had a crush on Snowpatch, but let Swifttail have him, Then she tried with Jaystar, but died before anything could happen </3
Goosepaw and Wavekit became bffs after Riverclan turned to shit bc the leadership went off the rails,
Snowflake joined Windclan because of... one of the Windclan second gens, i dont remember, but was good friends with
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wildwoodsclans · 3 months ago
Not really ordered in any specific way within clans
Redstar (he)
Skunkstripe (she)(deputy)
Lemonsneeze (she, gold's sister)
Sparrowpath(med cat)
Ashspray (he)(little meowmeow)
Wildkit (future: wildwind)
Cometkit (future: cometglow)
Mothflutter (she)
Wavekit(he)(future: wavecrash)
Breezekit (she)
Seaswoop I think
Probably more guys
Edit with more laterrr
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surfkitealliance · 4 years ago
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40 Knots in St Peter Ording 
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spikeclan · 2 months ago
Moon 32, end
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leafpoolstanblog · 1 year ago
Wavekit and Owlnose die, from yellowcough. 
Softkit immediately is made medicine cat, and given the name Softpelt. Harepaw is apprenticed to her, it’s a difficult situation. Dapplepaw, Gorsepaw, and Cypresspaw are apprenticed to Dawnstar, Feathertail, and Mossyfoot.
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goatpaste · 3 years ago
Info about melancholyspot?
Melancholyspot, as big as a cry baby as they are you would think of them as just a sad little cat you wanna feel bad for
but they were just whiney and are borderline being a cat version of a karen
they complain and nitpick about every little thing and tend to be passively judgmental on the other nursing cats way of taking care of their kits
Mely doesnt even want to be a warrior, they've been grasping for the day when a someone agreed to knock them up and get them an in with the nursery. Now that they've had their kits they have no plans to leave back to field duty for the clans
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the kits dad is Bogshadow, but their relationship was strictly business, Bog has no interest in taking on a mate and Mely really just wanted the babies.
The other Nursings worry that with Melancholyspot as their only parental unit, their going to end up like them which has everyone crossing their fingers and hoping for the best their mentors set them straight once their out of the nursery.
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sapphic-murder-cats · 4 years ago
for da hypokitz: feathertail x tawnypelt OR just a kit of monkeystar? there's not many options for a ship for her lol
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disaster-bi-leafpool · 5 years ago
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Some art of the original girls, Whitefox, Wavewatcher & Foxtail that I made for wcotw on Twitter. I love these three so much ;w;
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murkshade · 3 years ago
ummm bingo and howl mayhaps
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quiverpaw · 2 years ago
hypokits crookedstar and bluestar
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shellkit or wavekit
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