#watcha gonna do about it if i make them hold hands hmm
black-and-yellow · 2 years
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Sweet Bod
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Gross Otaku
Character: Leviathan from Obey me
Reader: Male
Word count: 3,797
Tags: degrading, humiliation, topReader, BottomLevi, teasing, slight FootJob, swearing, reader kinda of a ass
It wasn't rare for you to always find your way back into Levi's room. Most of the time you two ended up either playing video games or just watching a new series he was gushing over. You liked spending time with him, even though dealing with any of the demon brothers might be a pain, you had the same interests as the 3rd born Otaku, so it was easy for you two just to get along when he realizes you aren't just some normie trying to pretend to like his same interest. Might be one of the reasons he fell for you so easily from the start. You like the same things he did, and actually, we're into rambling about your shows with him.
But one of the things he didn't expect from you while playing online or any competitive game was to go full-on sailor on anyone who would start shit. Sure he already used to lobbies with people insulting each other and swearing, but it just hit different when it was you. A human full-on destroying other demons who would start insulting other players unprovoked. It was almost terrifying how you drag the filth into some of these guys with a few phrases and just roast them alive. Levi found it arousing, even though you were insulting and being a dig without mercy, sometimes he wanted to degrade him to the point of killing him with humiliation. But oh no, that will be way worse for him. What would his dearest friend think if they found out he was actually turned on by something like that?
A dirty Otaku who gets turned on by being called filth? Oh, he could never live past the day if it were to come. You for sure will never talk to him ever again and go for one of his brothers instead! That would be so unfair, Levi quickly brushes those thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to indulge in his fantasies, you were gonna be coming soon and he was almost done setting the table for your nightly gaming session. This time making sure that extra sodas and sweets were around as he sat up from the coshing on the floor. His computer place opposite to where yours was gonna be.
Levi was a sucker for this setup, both of you got matching PC covers and set and he just loves that you weren't far from his reach if he was to accidentally stretch his hands on the desk or his foot to brush against yours, it would be by the distance and he wouldn't get caught being weird. It was just so perfect in his little head. Already multiple scenarios were starting to reach upon his head to hear you knocking on the door. If you were to tease him or push him around, his mind always wonders about that somehow.
You quirk a brow as you open up the door. Levi standing in front of the table staring down on the light-up screen fail to notice you approach behind up. You notice the light blush on his cheeks as you stood behind him.
"watcha thinking about that got your face all pink like that?" You spoke, Levi screech as he jumps slightly at the sound of your voice. Face going Pinker as he lifted his arm up in a normal fashion to cover his face.
"Oi! W-what are you doing sneaking up to me like that?! Learn how to knock!" He blurted out as he steps back a bit. His leg hitting the table, you scoff back in return as you went around to put your PC down.
"I did, Maybe you would have heard me if you weren't spacing out like a dork" you flop down on the cushion on the floor. A groan passing your lips as you use your arms as support to look up at him.
"Oh..." He mumbled out, the pink on his face slowly calming.
"Yeah, Oh's right, Now come on and sit down I'm hype to start!" You motion a hand towards him.
He just sighs in response as he sat down. Levi's eyes glance up to you putting on your headphones as you got everything ready. You two already had planned before what games you will play and order, so far all of this was like normally scheduled game night. But still, a part of him felt embarrassed that you caught him spacing out while thinking about you. That just so uncool, Levi groans again as he started the match. Maybe he can just play this off and get in the zone when you two start playing. Ignore all about his stupid crush on you and about how close you are and how it will only take a bit for him to move his hand and- darn it Levi concentrate! He can let his fantasies of being with you ruin your relationship now.
Regardless of Leviathans inner monologue to fight back his thought, you on the other hand already notice he was shifting in his spot. You caught on time to time on this, but just brush it off as one of his anxieties tics so you put not much thought into it. Now as you two play a few rounds, everything seemed to go as normal. A few normal lobby encounters here and there. Until the last round of your match, there was this one guy just shit-talking for no reason and everyone was starting to get annoyed at this point. Levi could see your eye twitching from his spot the more this guy kept talking. Just a few more minutes and it would be over and you'll two will move on to the next game.
"You guys suck, what the fuck even is that shot dude? Crappy aim and a shit load of fuc-"
"Man shut up already, I get it, you don't have any friends and no one likes you at home. Your mom gotta deal with her shitty unemployed son living in her basement who doesn't shower. No one wants to hear how fucking pathetic your life is under all those big words buddy so how about you shut your pipe already?" You spat venom in each word as you kept on playing. Levi's eyes darted back up at you, face flushing pink quickly at your words. The guy got caught up in his words at your sudden outburst.
"man you shut the fuck up-"
"see? There you go only using curse words because your vocabulary is so limited. God you're so... pathetic, why don't you do us all a favor and stuff your mouth with one of those overuse sex toys in your room since you clearly never touch anyone before in your life" you said in a mocking tone, it was so clear against Levi's ears, he finds it unfair that you were saying all those things to some random dude and not him, his practically all those things you just said. He bit down on his lip as he shifted on his spot.
The people in the lobby commented their "ooh" and "damn" a few admitted how weirdly sexy your voice was while insulting the guy who was just mumbling cusses at you now.
"awe what's wrong? To shame to admit you're a gross stuck up who hides behind that overly big mouth of yours?" You let out a chuckle as you took the last kill of the game. "Fucking weirdo" you blurted out as you lean back while stretching your arms. Levi stares intensely at his screen. God, it was so so unfair that you talk like that right in front of him. He completely froze in his place as his eyes tried not to look down at the tent in his sweat pants.
"jeez, could you believe that guy Levi? What a pain in the ass...huh your score went down in the last few minutes" you mumble out as you took a sip from your soda. Eyes trying to look over at the Demon whose head was looking down at the screen.
"hmm-hmm" he hummed back a response. His mind was going crazy as he prayed you didn't notice. Maybe if he just didn't move you'll just ignore him or he'll turn invisible by pure luck! Yeah Levi that's a great idea. You squinted your eyes at the top of his head. Shifting in place you stretch your leg under the table to push him slightly.
"Oi, Levi you gonna talk back to me-wow!" you pull your foot back as soon as you felt the hard tent between your sock. Eyes shotting open as Levi let out a surprise screech/moan as he jolted from his spot at your sudden actions.
Both of you froze as his eyes finally met yours, his face flush bright red as you stare in disbelief as you realize what you just felt by accident. You didn't mean it though, you were just gonna push him by the leg not shove your whole foot between his legs.
" w-wait y/n I c-can ex-explain! This so uncool, it's yo-your fault I didn't I mean I was-" Levi became a stuttering mess as he got caught. Your face going blank as you glance down the table to see that he was hard. You press your lips together in a thin line. Your expression on readable made it worse for the Otaku trying to make up any poor excuse on the spot. A hummed left your throat as your foot made contact with his hard-on again, just that this time you put full pressure as his hands flew down to grab your ankle as he let out a choked whine at your sudden action.
"W-what are you doing?!" He exclaims, humiliation washing over him as he made little effort to push your foot away as he didn't dare look back up at your penetrating gaze.
"My fault? You said it was my fault? How are you popping a Boner while in the middle of our game my fault Levi?" You scoff as you place a hand under your cheek as your elbow resting on the table. Levi panted as he tried to make a fail attempt to push his foot away. Face burning with embarrassment at two heavy his breath got against his chest.
The friction was about to be his guilty pleasure as you rubbed your foot up and down. A small pathetic whine leaving Levi's mouth as you press forward into his shaft. The sound of your chuckle made his whole body shake as you took another sip of your drink.
"wow, you really are enjoying this huh? Even though you're a demon and you could easily push me off, you just letting me step on your hard-on just like that?" Your eyes glance down, his feet reaching your side of your thighs as Levi legs feet and stretch. Your hands took a hold of his ankles and pull him closer as your feet press dangerous painful against his pants. Another scoff passing your lips as you watch his back arch at your sudden action. A shaky moan passing his lips as he finally looked up to you.
"so tell me, Levi, what was it that got you like this? You thinking about your anime girls or...." He quickly averted his eyes, a hand flying over to cover his face as he shook slightly, your previous motions stopping as you figure out.
"you got turn-on by me insulting that loser?" You let out a laugh as he tried squirming away. A quiet "n-no" reaching your ears as you retreat your foot and stood up. Making your way over to tower, Levi, as you looked down at him with your hands on your pockets.
"well?" You asked quietly, your voice dropping as you could see the corner of his eyes tear up as he refuses to look at you.
"i-I'm sorry I know I'm gross, I'm just a gross Otaku-" oh there he was, his normal phrase. You crouch down his height as looked at him. He quickly shut up, he was embarrassed to a godly extent but he would be lying that this wasn't making him hornier. I mean this practically one of the many ways he imagines you would take him. Humiliating him just like this, but the fact that you just touch him was already enough to make his mind start to go hazy.
"Yeah you're right, you are a gross Otaku, one that got turn-on by me insulting some guy, or were you just imagining that would be you? Hhm Levi?" You took a hold of his chin to make him look at you, his face felt warm against your fingertip as he bites down on his lip. It was hard for you not to strip him down and take him with that look on his face. But self-control is key in this current situation, and you were determined to see how far you could get.
"y-...yes.." he whispers out. A smile grew on your face as you pulled him closer.
"you know... you're really fun to tease, I wonder how far you letting me get away with this, look how pathetic your acting for a demon..." you breathe out, your lips barely grazing his as one of your hands rubs his thigh, legs close instantly as your palm press against his boner and your fingers dig down into his covered hole. A loud whimper passing his lips as you brought him for an eager kiss.
The hand holding his chin now on the back of his head as you pulled him closer. Teeth clashing between the heated kiss as Levi's hands hold onto your shoulders. Moans passing freely from his throat as his eyes shoot open wide. Body becoming warm as your hand-kept teasing and rubbing his covered cock. He felt already weak with what was going on, everything felt like was going on so fast and rough but was crabbing more and more by the second. The taste of the sweet you were eating prior still lingers in your mouth as you lick again his lips. His jaw going slack as he opens his mouth for you. Another breathy moan left his lips as he felt your hot tongue enter his mouth. This was what Levi was dreaming about and even more.
He gripped on your shoulder as you pulled away. Now both hands stopping your assault as you force him to lay down on the cushions scatter around the floor. Moving both his legs to straddle yours as you started taking off your shirt. If it was even possible Levi's face went redder as he stares at your torso in awe, a smirk rose to your lips as you grip the edge of his shirt and jacket.
"what? Enjoying the show you gross Otaku?" This time it was your turn to let out a groan as you grinded against his groin. You were already hard with all this foreplay, your breathing was starting to hitch against your throat. Levi whined at your words, his slender fingers fumbling around to get desperately rid of his clothes. Your teasing and words already had him in state at this point and you enjoyed how easily he was crumbling to them.
A low sigh passes your lips, your hips rocking against him slowly as your eyes trail up his chest, he was slim but still fit. Both your hands trailing up his bare skin until reaching his already hardening nipples. You lean down and kiss between his chest as you grinded harder against him. Quiet moans passing his lips as he covers his face as he still peeks over to look at your actions. Embarrassment written all over his cute flustered face had you smiling slightly before trailing higher as you left a trail of kisses. A shaky moan passes his throat as you licked up, your lips meeting their way up to his earlobe and nibbling it.
"you like it when I tease you, Levi?" You asked quietly, a moan In a response made you stop grinding. You wanted to hear him say it, god you needed him to be a good boy and admit that he's gross for being turn on like this. Levi shooked his head as he gripped your shoulders, he feels the outline of your cock against his sweat pants and he felt like he was melting on the spot with how close it.
"y-yes.." he whispers out, he tried grinding his hips pathetically to make you continue.
"you like it when I call gross? Hmm? You wanted this whole time to point out how nasty you are for being an Otaku who's choices to gets stuck at home?" Your tongue swirls the back of his ear before biting it.
He arches his back as his grinding became desperate. A loud cry left him as hold into you. He couldn't control how hot his body was feeling, he felt like he was gonna burst if you didn't keep touching him.
"y-yes! I like it, I love it when you call me gross, and I r-really need you to fuck me and put me in my place now! Please d-don't stop Y/n!" He kicks his legs as he shouted. Your eyes winded as you pulled back to look at him, tears falling down his face as his breathing became a mess. Your thumb brushing it off as you lean down to kiss all over his cheek gently as your free hand pulls his waist up to get rid of his sweats and underwear in one go. A sigh of relief passing Levi's lips as his length press against his lower stomach.
"Jeez, your so needy for my cock is makes you look pathetic Baby" you chuckled, truth be told that your heart was beating against your chest widely. You pulled down your pants, the cold air hitting your dick made you shiver slightly as you kick the clothes out of the way. Levi's hands flying over to cover his mouth as you spread his legs apart even wider.
You swallow hard, the view almost made you dizzy as his hole clench around nothing as it glistens with his wetness. A brow crock up as you press a finger inside of him slowly, it sucked you in eagerly as Levi moan loudly.
"How are you this dripping wet down here? You look like a bitch in heat or is that something Demons go through?" You bite your lip as you push another finger in with ease, pumping them fast with how eager he was taking your hand.
"h-hm, oh f-fuck, um uh ye-yes?" Levi squeaks out the answer as he holds into the cushion under him. Your fingers felt so good, he for sure felt like he was on cloud 9, he was craving so much more than your fingers but even with them, he was falling apart.
"hmm, that should be interesting when it comes heh" you press your fingers upwards, hitting his prostate with so much ease it almost amazes you how loud he screams just by that, as he threw his head back. You let out a whistle as you pulled your fingers away from his aching hole. Another whine left him at the absence of your digits, he almost came just by that.
"quit whining, If you wanted me to fuck you" you hiss out, your cock press against his dripping hole was making it twitch. Levi looked back down, eyes glossy as he lifted his legs to his chest as he holds them for you. One of your hands made it to his waist as the other hold your cock, slapping it against him before thrusting yourself halfway in without warning.
Both of you groan loudly as you stood still, he was tight no matter how much he was leaking. He was clenching down on you hard, Levi could feel his mouth water as you push the rest of your cock in his tight hole. He could feel every vein pulsating inside of him, that pre-cum was leaking out his tip. He curses loudly as you pulled back and thrust back into him. Starting with a fast speed as your hips snap against him every time.
"f-fuck your tight, you practically sucking me in" you groan loudly as you grip on his waist, the smacking sound of both your flesh hitting against each other vibrating against the whole room as Levi said your name like a mantra. It felt so good, he felt like he was going to pass out with how good you were fucking him. He didn't want anything but your cock to stuff him full.
"w-what's wrong? You little anime waifu can't fuck you as good as my cock?" You hiss out. "M-mh a-ah fuck n-no! I only want your cock, fuck I only want you to stuff me like this all the time" Levi screamed as he panted between each thrust, you were not slowing down at all. Each time thrusting into the bundle of nerves that was about to make him snap and tip over. His mouth hanging open as drool fell down and his eyes cross, God you thought it was the hottest shit ever.
"Good, good little Otaku, Be good and cum all over yourself like the gross nerd you are- fuck" you moan as you fell on top of him, you never been this riled up. Your hips never stopping once as you kept thrusting harder into his aching hole. Levi's hand made their way up to your face and kiss you roughly. Drowning each other moans as you kept abusing his poor prostate until he came over you and his stomach. A loud cry left his lips as you kept thrusting into him trying to reach climax. Your lips silencing his cries as you gave one final thrust, pressing deep into him as you cover his inside white.
Both of you panted loudly as you regain your breaths. You pulled away slowly, both of you hissing at the feeling as you rolled over next to him. Now staring into the ceiling as your brains process your previous actions as your panting quiet down. You sat up, whipping your forehead as you looked back at him. His face still flushed as you brought your hand to push his bangs off his face.
"you look gross and sweaty, let's take a shower" you blurt out leaning down to kiss his cheek before standing up. Levi covers his face once again as he rolled over.
"This...is so unfair" he breathed out.
"yeah yeah I love you too, but like seriously, we need to shower you made a mess".
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Learn to Skate - Alex Morgan x Hockey!Reader
Prompt: Alex Morgan imagine with Charlie where Alex had Charlie before her and the reader started dating but think of the reader as her other mom as well? Plus the reader plays hockey and Alex and Charlie (if couple members of the team as well) shows up to a game to support the reader , Alex and Charlie is also wearing the readers jersey (with the number 29) please?
Note: I aged Charlie a little for this one. 
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Y/N said out of nowhere while both women packed for their respective team camps.
Both women would be in Boston for the next two weeks with their national teams, Y/N for hockey and Alex for soccer. Y/N would be playing at the end of the first week, Alex at the end of the second.
“I feel like I should be concerned about that,” Alex hesitated.
“And now I feel like I should be offended your concerned.”
Alex just rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, staring at her, waiting for her to continue.
“It’s time for Charlie to learn to skate.”
“She’s only three!”
“She can stand, kind of, so she can learn to skate,” Y/N shrugged, grinning.
“First of all, she will be playing soccer before she will be playing hockey. Second, she’s only three!”
“That doesn’t count, you said three twice,” Y/N rolled her eyes, “besides, that’s the perfect time to learn. She’s young, bones are nice and pliable.”
“You are not helping your argument!” Alex looked shocked at Y/N.
“I’m kidding!” Y/N said with a laugh, “I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”
Alex just continued to watch Y/N, Y/N just looked back.
“So, you’re saying, if Charlie happened to end up with a pair of skates, she wouldn’t be allowed to break them in?”
“Alright, good talk,” Y/N nodded, slowly making her way to the bedroom door. “On an unrelated note, I’m just going to get check Charlies bag is packed for camp.”
“You were trying to sneak skates into her bag, weren’t you?” Alex questioned.
“They were a gift from my sponsor! I’ll put them in my equipment bag, when you change your mind, we can test then out.”
“When I change my mind?” Alex repeats.
“Yea, we both know you can’t say no to me and Charlie,” Y/N grinned, shooting Alex a wink as she walked out of the room.
For the next week Alex did her best to keep Y/N involved with Charlie while they both stayed at separate hotels. The couple made sure they facetimed every night, Y/N saying goodnight to Charlie before Alex would put her to bed.
“What do you have on their munchkin?” Y/N asked Charlie the night before her game.
“Jersey!” Charlie shouted into the phone, while seated on Alex’s lap. Charlie was wearing a slightly too big blue and white jersey, a large smile on her face.
“Oddly enough, a box with a couple jerseys like this was left with one of our staff today,” Alex said with a grin and faux confusion.
“Hmm, that is odd,” Y/N said coyly.
“Mama jersey!” Charlie repeated, not liking being left out of the conversation.
“That’s a cool jersey! You going to wear it to hockey tomorrow?” Y/N asked, already aware Alex would be coming her game with Charlie and a few other players.
“She wants to sleep in it,” Alex roller her eyes.
“She’s gotta ready for hockey! Right Kiddo?” Y/N teased.
“Ready for hockey!” Charlie mimicked Y/N.
“Do not encourage her! She needs to go to sleep soon,” Alex warned.
“No sleep, hockey!” Charlie argued.
“The faster you go to sleep, faster you can go to hockey Munchkin,” Y/N suggested.
Charlie scrambled off Alex’s lap to lay under her blankets.
“Looks like we are going to sleep now,” Alex laughed at her daughter pretending to be asleep, still clad in her new hockey jersey.
“Looks like it,” Y/N laughed too. “Goodnight Charlie!” Y/N spoke up for the little girl to hear.
“Night Mama!”
“There should be another jersey for her in the box, and one for you too.”
The women said goodnight, Alex needing to finish getting Charlie ready for bed before the little girl really did fall asleep.
Alex spent the next day keeping her daughter busy until it was time to go to Y/N’s hockey game in the afternoon. The little girl had slept in her jersey, refusing to take it off the next morning as well. Proudly wearing it to the team breakfast, telling all the soccer players about her Mama the hockey player. Of course, they all already had met Y/N, many planning on coming to the game in the evening as well.
“Watcha wearing the goober?” Emily asked as she ran into the banquet room.
“Mama jersey!” Charlie yelled.
“Mamas hockey jersey?” Lindsey asks.
“Yes! Gonna watch Mama play!”
“Cool! We are too!” Emily matched the girls excitement.
Charlie froze, stunned at the prospect of someone else coming with her and her Mom to be going to her Mama’s game. Lindsey scooped the girl up under her arms, pressing her above her head.
“You bet! We are leaving right now.”
The team were all spread throughout the box while the game played on the ice below. Charlie disappointed because she was too far to see which one her Mama was. Several of the soccer players taking turns keeping Charlie off the railing, preventing her from falling.
“That mama?” Charlie asked again, point to a random player on the ice again.
“You gotta look for her number goober,” Emily explained. “Look for the number like mom’s, it needs a big two and a big nine” she motioned to the back of Alex’s matching jersey.
Charlie stared at Alex’s jersey, trying to memorize what it looked like to find the matching one on the ice. She shifted her attention to the ice, focused on finding her Mama’s jersey. Her focus remaining on the ice the entire game, determined to see Y/N as much as she could.
Unlike soccer, they couldn’t make their way to the ice after the game. They were able to go to the tunnels just before the game would finish to see some of the players. Alex struggling to keep Charline in her grasp as they made their way down.
The group made it under the stands just as the game ended. Alex kept her hands on Charlies shoulders as the players made their way in.
“Mama jersey!” Charlie shouted, finally seeing the bright blue jersey with the number “29” on the back.
“Hey you! I have a jersey like that!” Y/N made her way over, still in her full equipment.
Alex finally let Charlie rush over to Y/N, who immediately took off to meet Y/N, jumping into her.
Y/N awkwardly knelt down, leaning her weight on stick as Charlie stepped to stand on the toes of her skates.
Charlie grabbed at Y/N jersey, stretching it towards her own to see that they’re the same.
Alex made her way to the pair, Y/N standing up the place a quick kiss to her lips.
“Great game babe,” Alex kissed her again.
“Did you hear us cheer mama?” Charlie asked, looking up from her stance on Y/N’s skates.
“Of course I heard you cheering Munchkin!”
Charlie lifted her feet on the skates, testing the durability. Y/N matched the motions, lifting her feet with Charlies. The little girl giggling at the action. She hopped off, kneeling down to inspect the skates closer. Cautious of the small hands at her feet, Y/N kept as still as she could.
Alex watched on as Charlie tugged at the laces and poked the hard toes.
“You guys allowed back out on the ice?”
Y/N’s head shot towards the soccer player.
“If it means what I think you mean, then yes!” Y/N said excited.
Alex just nodded.
“Hey munchkin, you want to try on your own skates?”
Charlie shot up, jumping up and down in place.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“Alright, you, lets go get some on and test them out!”
Y/N reached down to hold Charlies hand and lead her to the change room.
A few minutes later the duo came out of the change room, slowly walking along as Charlie tested the skates under her feet, Y/N walking behind holding both of her hands. Y/N having taken off most of her equipment, leaving her jersey on
Alex snapped several pictures as they waddled towards the ice.
Y/N stepped onto the ice first, turning and letting Charlie take tentative step on the ice.
Alex nervously watched from the bench as the Y/N skate backwards, pulling Charlie by her hands. Her heart swelling as she watched them skate in matching jerseys, her own still on.
Finally, the pair made their way back to the boards, Y/N lifted Charlie up to sit on the edge while she excitedly told Alex all about skating.
Lindsey and Emily both quietly taking pictures of the small family, all in matching number 29 jerseys.
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waifu-13 · 2 years
Calling it conflict
an- im back with some fluff babes. is this about a real person? yes. sorry it is fem reader. I try to be as inclusive as I can but in cases where I use songs I just follow the lyrics, im sorry. 
tw_ drugs, pet names, fast cars, just stupid rules 
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                                 { Pour another bottle to the floor, love}
Here you are lying on a random roof top, bottles pouring down to the ground below, the fluffy haired male laying next to you, you've only just met him but your connection is .hmm well get back to that one. 
                                { Pushin' for it, oh, you know I want some}
You turn your head to look at him. analyzing his lips and the blunt between  them 
“watcha looking at”? the fluffy haired boy asked he caught you staring,
“your lips” you says facing back up to the night sky.
 {Cause everything you do is screaming: More drugs It's kinda sad but it's awesome}
“you sure about that one?” you nod in response 
“want a hit? he offers holding the blunt out to you. you take it taking a long drag then slowly letting the smoke pour from your mouth to fade away into nothing. the blunt now passing between you two till there nothing but ash left. leaving you to think about how you got here, what decisions of the day lead you to this point at night. 
                      { Oh, we've lost it  Screeching off with no names}
flash backs from earlier today flood your mind how you went from leaning against a gas station wall with a drink in hand making small talk  to now laying next to the cutest boy you've meant. He’s not a complete Stanger you've seen him at different friends parties but now yall are actually talking on your own. 
“cmon its boring here, let me show you some real fun” he says holding his hand out for you to take it “ I didn't catch your name tho” you say in rebuttal 
“doesn't matter, now c'mon” you place your hand in his and follow him to his car getting in the passengers side. As soon as he got in the car you two were off in a flash. 
           {She said: Watch this With her hands in the rain}
Somewhere along your drive it started raining. I watch as she sticks her hand out the window to catch the raindrops on her fingers. She was gorgeous  just sitting there in the passengers side. 
     {Call it conflict, as you should And you ain't gonna stop this, stop this}        “so what's this feeling” she ask not even looking at me. i pause for a moment before answering 
“ call it conflict” I say moto toned moving my eyes from the road on to her.
                   {And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
 the both of them can feel the small spark that's formed through the small talk in this car ride to god knows where but their both enjoying their times.    
{We're pulling up to where you used to work at Well tell 'em that you're finished, yeah, you mean that}
we pull into a parking lot of my job? 
“do it, quit, c'mon, lets do some crazy shit” he says getting out of the car, I hope out following him  walking up my manger and quitting. I dont know why I picked to listen but the freedom i felt in the car ride was unreal.
                               {It's so illegal, but I like that}
Everything feels so right but so wrong i love it, I haven't felt so free with this nameless man, as were walking out of the store I stop before getting back in. 
“ your name, do I get it now?” 
“nope not yet little lady” he says with a smirk. you both get back in the car and hit the road.
  { Screeching off with no names And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out }
Which led us back here, light at night, two random liquor bottles dripping off the roof and ash laying around. but goddamn I've never seen a girl look so pretty in the moonlight. 
{Oh, we've lost it  She said, "Watch this" Call it conflict, please, call it conflict}      
“the name is matt little lady, can I catch yours now?”
“y/n.. matt a cute name it fits your face” she said it with a giggle but her face lit up. damn I swear I'm falling for a girl I just met.  I sure fucking hope she feels the same,
I watch his face as I say my name, matt is a cute name its fitting for him. fuck I think I'm falling for a guy I just met... I hope the feeling is mutual.                  
I look over to catch him look at my lips the same way i had been looking at his. so I think fuck it and lean in and kiss him.  he kisses back pulling me in closer to him making sure to keep us both stable. 
          { And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
we pull back lightly panting my body so close to his. I dont know how this will play out right now but for now lets just call it conflict. 
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fluffyskies · 3 years
This was requested by @kanene-yaaay ! :3
Ler Dark Shadow!/ Tokoyami! Lee Midoriya!
It was just a regular day at the pristine Highschool. Everyone had a freeday from training and no classes so they hung out with each other or were in their dorms. Tokoyami was in the lounge room sitting on the couch looking at his phone.
Not to far away sat Izuku with his note book and not the one where he writes all his notes. It's the one that has notes on different heros and including his classmates. Now he didn't have much on Tokoyami and his quirk so he decided to observe him quitely.
Just now Dark Shadow appeared coming out his back and leaning on Tokoyami's shoulder.
"Hey watcha doing?"
"Nothing much just looking at my phone" he shrugged" Dark Shadow just hummed and looked around. He noticed Midoriya sitting not to far away from them so he decided to take a little visit. Slowly he crept behind him and saw that he was writing something, curious he looked closer and saw that it was notes about Tokoyami?. He grinned and trapped his shoulder.
"Hm?" he turned around and his eyes went wide it took everything in him to not scream at most flinch very hard.
"O-oh hi Dark Shadow... y-you startled me" the green haired whispered
"Oops sorry~ I couldn't help but notice that you writing a little something about Tokoyami"
"A-ah yeah i-it's for class" he stuttered
"Ohhh really~?"
"Y-yep, I-im gonna go now bye!" he said quickly and he got up and left.
Dark Shadow just crossed his arms and pouted sad that broccoli left. So he slithered back over to Tokoyami who was still looking at his phone, it appears that he never took his eyes off it.
"Oh hey" he finally said turning off his phone
"Hi" he said with a sigh
"Hmm what's wrong?"
"I'm not sure but I feel as though broccoli head is hiding something" he said as he scratched his head.
"You mean Midoriya? And hiding something? he asked intrigued.
"Yep he was writing in his note book and it was about you"
"Yes I saw it with my own eyes"
Sometime went by and Tokoyami left the lounge room and headed over to Midoriya's dorm. He knocked on the door waiting for him to open assuming he was in there. In a few seconds you heard the sound of scrambling like you were trying to quickly hide something but very rushed.
You Also heard a faint I'll be there in a sec, and then the sound of the door unlocking.
"O-oh hi Tokoyami! what brings you here?"
"Hmm nothing special but a little birdy told me that your writing something about me"
"H-huh? w-what are y-you talking about?" taking a step backward.
"Oh I think you know exactly what I'm talking about" pushing the door more open. This only made Izuku giggle nervously and figet with his hands.
"Now Dark Shadow get him!" and he came out and launched at Izuku and knocked him over making him yelp.
"H-hey! what's going on??" he said concerned
Tokoyami went ahead and straddled him and grabbed his hands in one of his.
"Hey wait I wanted to tickle him!" Dark Shadow complained
Midoriya's eyes nearly popped out of his head did he hear that correctly? they're gonna tickle him?! Tokoyami sighed.
"Ok fine you can tickle too just hold his hand and I'll hold the other" he nodded in agreement. They both looked at Izuku with grins on their faces it made him want to jump out of his skin.
They started lightly scribbling on his sides making him wiggle and squirm and his breathing was getting faster.
"C-cohome on guhuys Ihihi can ehexplain!"
"Oh you will" Dark Shadow said and they both attacked his ribs next dissolving him into giggles almost immediately.
"W-waihihihihihit! i-it t-tickles!" he thrashed a bit
"Well yeah of course it would tickle" Tokoyami chuckled
"I think we step it up a notch" Dark Shadow said. Tokoyami nodded.
"Ok ready?" and they both stopped their wiggling fingers at his ribs and relocated them to his hips and set them there making him jump.
"N-no! P-plehehehese! nahat there!"
"Your already giggling how cute~" Dark Shadow cooed
Tokoyami chuckled again "Well yeah it is his worst spot" smirking down at the green haired boy. Izuku's face was red and he was already giggling in anticipation. Then without warning they both starting squeezing relentlessly at the sensitive skin. Thus making the poor giggly boy shriek and kick his legs uselessly at the carpet floor.
"EHEHEK!! N-NOHOHO! P-PLEASE NAHAHAHT THEHERE! NAHAT THERE!" shaking his head from side to side, face scrunched up.
"Are you gonna tell us what you were writing about?" Tokoyami asked as he tickled lightly. But he didn't respond well probably because he couldn't talk at all just laugh. Dark Shadow on the other hand was ruthless digging in and drilling near where the hip dips. Tears started leaking from his eyes and rolled down his flushed cheeks. His voice kinda of hoarse from laughing so much and he stopped struggling, he just lay limp on the floor.
They both stopped and waited for him to calm down which took a bit since they literally tickled him to tears. But when he finally calmed down and told what he was writing in his note book. Nervous they would get mad he squeezed his eyes shut. Instead to his surprise Tokoyami chuckled.
"You know you could of just asked me, I would of been more than willing to give you information on my quirk"
"Oh hehe thanks and sorry" he looked down at the floor. Dark Shadow scurried over to him and poked him in the side making him squeal.
"It's alright we had fun interrogating you~!"
Izuku just blushed and rubbed the side that he poked.
"Thanks you two" he gave a cheerful smile still blushing brightly.
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4kominato · 4 years
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Part I: The Older Brothers 
Part II: The Younger Brothers
A/N: Hi friends... first of all... if you thought this blog was SFW i apologize, it’s not 😃 im very much a hoe. Second, yes, I’ve been mostly posting drawings, but I also enjoy writing so I’ll be posting these kinds of reactions and scenarios every now and then, mostly for Obey Me and probably Daiya. I’m not taking requests as of now but eventually, I might so stay tuned! I was originally gonna post all together, but it was getting kinda long ;) and also I was just too excited to post after I finished Satan’s LMAO. I finished Belphie but still working on Asmo and Beel so I’ll be posting the younger bros later ^-^
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DESCRIPTION: Female MC making the brothers hard for the first time. Assume MC x Demon are in a fairly new relationship. [[NSFW below]]
(Word Count: 511)
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It’d been roughly two months since you’d first confessed to the eldest of the demon brothers, Lucifer. The two of you have since, become official, and Lucifer made it very clear to his brothers that you were now his. Considering it was still pretty early in your relationship though, the two of you hadn’t been too intimate yet, but having already been a few months, you felt that it was time for that to change.
The other week, there was a huge sale on Akuzon and you happened to stumble across a good deal on a cute lingerie set. Unable to shake the thought that it’d be a good way to test the waters with your new boyfriend, you went ahead and bought it.
“What brings you here?” Lucifer answered the door shortly after you knocked.
“Can I sleep here tonight? There was a bug in my room,” you lied, looking up at him innocently.
“Oh?” he chuckled, raising an eyebrow at you, “Shall I go and kill it for you?”
“I mean… I’m already here so there’s no need. Plus I have no idea where it went, it probably crawled somewhere,” you reasoned as you pushed past him and welcomed yourself into his room.
“Well, alright then,” he finally agreed as he shut the door, “And where exactly do you plan to sleep?”
“Um, in your bed… with you,” you smiled pleadingly, hoping he wouldn’t put up too much of a fight.
“And who gave you permission to do that?”
“Hmm… me?”
“I see you’re being bold,” he smirked, stroking his fingers through your hair, “I guess since you’re my girlfriend now, I can’t say no to that suggestion.”
“Yay! I love you,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“I love you, too,” he grinned before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours.
“Hey, Luci,” you mumbled into the kiss.
“Hm?” he hummed softly in response.
“Can I show you something?”
“Of course.”
Pulling away from him, you took a step back before beginning to unbutton your shirt. About two buttons down, you were stopped by a hand gripping your wrist and you were met with a slightly flushed, wide-eyed Lucifer.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked awkwardly whilst trying to still sound stern.
“Showing you the ‘something’ that you agreed I could show you. Do you disagree now?”
“Uh well, not exactly...”
“Don’t worry, we’re not gonna do anything. This is just an exhibition,” you teased as you proceeded against the force on your wrist to finish unbuttoning your shirt.
He gulped as you slid the garment off your shoulders and let it fall to the ground, his cheeks turning an even brighter shade of red as he drank in the sight of your lace adorned breasts. Smirking to yourself, you reapproached him and slung your arms around his neck, your thigh rubbing up against the bulge forming in his pants.
“Excited are we? I haven’t even shown you the bottom half yet.”
“It’s been a few hundred years, alright… give me a break…”
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(Word Count: 500)
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Classes at RAD were finally finishing up, and what better way to celebrate than a pool party? Diavolo had planned it, of course, inviting all the demon brothers, the other exchange students, and even their friends from the Celestial Realm.
Over the course of the semester, you took a particular liking to Mammon, and despite him denying it for the longest time, about a week before finals, he finally admitted that he liked you too. You were both looking forward to spending more time together at the pool party and having a good time now that you finally didn’t have to worry about school.
Arriving at the pool, you were immediately met with Diavolo who greeted you and welcomed you to the gathering. You saw that mostly everyone had arrived already and you were probably the last. It didn’t take you too long to spot Mammon’s silver hair and tan skin in the crowd so without hesitation, you started making your way over to him.
“Hi Mammon,” you said shyly, interrupting his conversation with his brothers.
“He- WHOA!” he exclaimed as he turned to look at you, his eyes wide as ever seeing you in your bikini. “Uh… hey guys, excuse me for a sec, would ya?” he said nonchalantly as he stood up and quickly dragged you away to the nearest room he could find.
“Oi! What do ya think you're wearing?!” he blurted pinning you to the door, “Or like… why aren’t you wearing more?”
“It’s a bikini, Mammon, because this is y’know, a pool party…?” you mocked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
“Grr… pool party my butt, you can’t be goin’ out there in front of all those guys wearin’ that. Especially not around Asmo, he might get all touchy, grabby y'know.”
“What about you? I’m sure you want some touchy, grabby action right now don’t you?” you teased, knowing he was just being jealous and possessive.
“Me?! No way, I ain’t nothing like Asmo, I can definitely control myself around a human.”
“Oh? But I think that predicament in your trunks say otherwise.”
“Oi! W-why’re you lookin’ down there?” he blushed, finally letting go of his grip on you as he turned his body away.
“I was just taking a peak at your body… and then my eyes kinda just… slipped,” you feigned innocence as you walked up to him, your hands stroking over his toned abs as you quickly went in for a kiss.
“You better not tell the others about this…” he said shyly, finally giving in and wrapping his arms around you, his hands going straight to your ass.
“I mean… they probably already have their suspicions considering you dragged me away… alone…”
“Shh! Calm down, babe… if we're already here, we might as well make good use of the situation, right? I know you want to.”
“Uh… I mean… I suppose… but only because we’re already here…” he agreed shyly, his cheeks still flushed as he avoided eye contact with you.
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(Word Count: 513)
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“Levi…” you whined as you laid sprawled out on his bed, “When are you gonna be done with that game?”
“Hold on… I’m almost done…” he replied, his attention still fixed on his screen.
“That’s what you said thirty minutes ago!?”
“No, I’m serious this time.”
Growing impatient, you peeled yourself off his bed and made your way towards him, sitting down right next to him on the sofa, as close as you possibly could. Leaning against him, you turned to look at him, intently gazing at him as he continued to play his game.
“Levi, why are you ignoring me?” you whispered into his ear before pressing soft kisses along his neck, wrapping  your arms around one of his and hugging it close to your body.
“I-I’m not… I’m just trying to finish this up really quick...” he stuttered, still trying his best to concentrate on his game, but now that you were all over him and distracting him, he was failing miserably.
“You are though…” you pouted at him, leaning your head against his when he refused to look at you.
As hard as he tried to ignore it, on top of you leaning on him, he couldn’t help but notice the feeling of your boobs pressing against his arm. It was embarrassing for him  to admit it, but in all honesty he had thought of you in ‘that way’ many times before, but never while you were around. After all, you were his girlfriend so he couldn’t really help it, but he didn’t wanna be making advances if you weren’t on the same page as him.
“Babe… are you okay?” you giggled, noticing his face was now as red as a tomato.
“Yeah! I’m perfectly fine!” he lied, biting his lip as he struggled to retain his focus.
You hadn’t really noticed how badly he was doing in his game until suddenly, the words ‘Game Over’ appeared in huge letters on the screen.
“Gah!” he exclaimed as he let his console fall to the ground, his hands immediately going up to cover his face as he threw his head back, “Dammit…”
As your eyes went down from the game console on the ground, then back up to Levi, you were suddenly stopped in your tracks by a noticeable tent in his pants. You could feel your face flush a little at the realization that you must’ve been the cause, but to say it wasn’t a little flattering would’ve been a lie.
“Levi…?” you started, a playful tone in your voice as an uncontrollable smirk spread across your lips. You knew it would embarrass him to point it out, but could you really pass up the opportunity to have a little fun with him? “Could this be why you lost your game?” you giggled as you gently poked at his bulge.
“EEK!” he squealed as he scrambled to find something to cover himself, avoiding eye contact with you once he did, “I-it was all your fault…”
“Oh was it? I’m sorry, Levi… want me to fix it?”
“F-fix it...??!”
*nose bleed, hyperventilates, dies*
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(Word Count: 508)
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“Satan,” you called softly, finding him sitting on one of the sofas in the library reading a book.
“Oh, hi,” he greeted with a smile, gesturing for you to sit with him, “How’d you know I was here?”
“Where else? We don’t have classes right now, but you weren’t in your room… I figured you must have your nose in a book though, and what’s the one place full of books besides your room?”
“Ah, I see. So you’re good at logical reasoning.”
“Of course, I learned from the best!” you smiled, nudging him suggestively. “Watcha reading anyways?” you asked before resting your head on his shoulder.
“Just a book about humans… it’s possible that a certain human may have sparked a deeper interest in my knowledge of them…”
“A certain human you say?! Are you talking about… Solomon?”
“Are you really making me state the obvious?” he whined as he shook his head at you.
“Alright fine, I won’t,” you giggled before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “By the end of that book, you’ll probably know more about humans than me.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well… I was never really a good student...”
“Really? You seem to be doing well in your classes here.”
“Maybe that’s because... I’ve taken a liking to demons.”
“Is that so?” Satan chuckled, putting his book down for a moment to flirt back with you.
“Mhm… or maybe a certain demon,” you smirked as you pressed your lips against his. He didn’t let the kiss last long, smiling at you lovingly as he pulled away and holding his book back up to his face, “Are you gonna let me finish reading now?”
“Hmm… we’ll see…” 
Shifting yourself slightly away from him, you positioned yourself in a way that you could rest your head in his lap. Once you’d made yourself comfortable, you looked up at him, finding that he was already looking at you, his cheeks flushing as he awkwardly broke eye contact with you and reverted his focus back to the book. You giggled at how embarrassed you were making him, continuing to gaze up at him while he read.
“Stop staring at me…” Satan stated as he shifted slightly in his seat.
“I can’t stare at my boyfriend?”
“You’re distracting me.”
“I didn’t necessarily agree to letting you finish your reading.”
“Ergh…” he growled in frustration, thinking he should just try harder to ignore you.
“By the way, your lap is becoming oddly uncomfortable,” you teased, feeling his stiffening bulge pressing up against the back of your head as you continuously squirmed around in his lap.
“Maybe you should stop moving around so much then…”
“Maybe you should stop reading.”
“Maybe you’re right,” he finally complied, quickly shutting his book and placing it on the small table in front of him, “I suppose the best way to learn about humans is from the humans themselves.”
“Are you suggesting… Solomon should give you a lesson about humans?”
“At this rate, I’ll be giving you a lesson about demons instead.”
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ais-for-alex · 3 years
Come Dance With Me:
So I don’t remember if I actually posted this one on tumblr or not (I couldn’t seem to find it but tbh I also didn’t look to hard) anyway this is a fluffy little fic I wrote awhile ago about the cubs dancing to country music and it’s one of my favorites so I’m gonna share it again. As always characters belong to @lumosinlove 🥰
Finn shivered as he tried fitting the key into his front door, somehow the cold winter air had seemed to seep into his bones while he was out running errands. His fingers fumbled with the key numb from the biting air, he knew he should have worn gloves before he left that morning but he couldn’t be bothered to actually find a pair. When he finally slotted the key in and stepped into the apartment, warmth washed over him making him sigh in relief.
“Honeys I’m home!” he called out to Leo and Logan as he slipped out of his jacket and kicked off his sneakers.
“In here,” Leo’s voice called out from the kitchen. Finn felt a smile creep onto his face, as he padded farther into the apartment. Heading towards the kitchen he could smell the delicious aroma of Leo’s cooking and hear soft music issuing from their speakers. Finn paused leaning against the kitchen doorframe a bubble of warmth bloomed in his chest as he watched Leo sway to the rhythm while stirring a pot on the stove, listening to the soft sound of him humming to the music.
Suddenly Leo glanced over his shoulder and spotted Finn watching him, he grinned before flicking the burner to low and setting his spoon aside then turned and opened his arms in a warm invitation.
Finn couldn’t help but let himself be drawn into Leos warmth his long arms wrapping around him.
“Welcome back baby,” Leo said softly pressing a kiss into his red curls, there was a deeper twang in his voice than usual, it made Finns insides squirm. “Have fun at the DMV?” he asked jokingly.
Finn shuddered lightly and pulled away from Leo a grimace on his face as he leaned back against the counter, “I swear to god I was in that line for three hours just for the lady to hand me a form to sign, at this point I am fully convinced that place is literal hell.”
Leo rolled his eyes and chuckled before turning back to the stove.
“Watcha making?” Finn asked leaning over to peer into the pot the smell making his mouth water.
“Mmm, potato soup. I know, probably not the healthiest choice but it’s freezing outside and I felt like comfort food.”
“Hey, no complaints from me it looks amazing Nutty,” Leo smirked at that and sprinkled cheese into the pot.
“Where’s Lo?” Finn asked jumping up to fully sit on the counter he reached over and snagged piece of bacon from where Leo had left them to cool.
“Hey!” Leo said swatting at his hand, “those are for the soup.”
Finn simply grinned and munched happily on the crispy piece.
“Lo said he’s spending the night at Dumo’s. Apparently Katie got sent home from school sick and wouldn’t stop crying until he came over.”
“I guess it’s just you and me tonight then,” Finn said, watching as Leo covered the pot to let it simmer.
He turned to Finn with a soft look in his baby blue eyes before walking forward and slotting himself between Finns open thighs running his hands up them appreciatively.
“I guess so,” Leo leaned forward and caught Finns Lips in a kiss so sweet he felt like he would melt into a puddle right on the counter. Finn could feel the smile on Leo’s mouth as he slid his fingers into silky blond hair pulling him in closer, his legs wrapping around Leo’s waist.
Suddenly Leo pulled away with a gasp of surprise, leaving Finn to chase his lips, “Ah! I love this song!” Leo said happily as the music shifted to the opening notes of something new. He leaned forward again and pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of Finns mouth and whispered, “Come dance with me baby?”
Finn nodded grinning and slid down from the counter, “of course I will peanut butter.”
Leo led Finn out into the open center of the kitchen and wrapped an arm around his waist pulling him in close until they were nearly pressed together, his other hand holding Finns as they began to sway together moving in circles to the music. With a sigh Finn closed his eyes and pressed his face into Leo’s neck letting him lead him around their kitchen, he could feel the gentle vibrations as Leo began softly humming to the song.
Suddenly Leo’s voice deep with the twang of his southern accent was crooning in his ear the lyrics of a love song, “There's a difference between ‘miss ya’ and ‘I miss your face’ And there's a difference in ‘what's going on?’ and ‘baby, how was your day?’ Yeah, there's a hell of a difference in saying three words or kinda just meaning two, there's a difference in ‘love ya’ and ‘I love you’ And I wanna be the difference, yeah I do.”
Finn was filled with so much love for this man he felt like his heart would burst, he simply basked in the warmth of Leos palm on his lower back pressing him close, and the feeling of his strong heartbeat against his cheek.
Logan was completely content to be tucked under Finns arm as they laughed with the crowd, cheering as James got thrown from the mechanical bull. The flashing lights nearly blinding and the music so loud if felt like it was vibrating his bones.
The team was high with adrenaline from their win against Dallas Logan could feel it buzzing through his veins along with the alcohol from his rum and coke. Everything felt warm and happy and when Finn threw his head back laughing Logan couldn’t help but press his lips to the exposed column of his throat, loving the way he could feel him swallow each sip of his drink.
Somehow despite his height Leo had disappeared into the crowd not long after the team had arrived loud and raucous in celebration. Logan glanced around searching for his tall frame but all he could see was a flood of cowboy hats and denim.
“I’ma get a new drink!” Finn yelled over the music, he held up his glass that was now only filled with ice for emphasis.
Logan nodded and let Finns arm fall from his shoulders, he instead snagged his hand and let Finn lead him through the crowd in the direction of the bar.
“What can I get y’all?” the bartender asked.
“Dark and Stormy for me, want anything Lo?”
Glancing down into his half full glass he shook his head, “Nah, I’m good.”
Finn turned back to relay the info to the bartender, while Logan let his gaze wander over the crowd once again.
“Hey, have you seen Nut at all tonight?” he asked Finn.
“Hmm, he said he was going to the bathroom back when we first got here. Haven’t seen him since,” Finn replied taking his cocktail from the bartender. However, Logan didn’t hear him because his eyes had locked on to a tall figure.
“Lo?” Finn asked following his gaze then letting out a gasp at the sight. Leo had fallen into formation with a massive group of people all following the same steps to the music booming through the bar. Somewhere along the way Leo had acquired a cowboy hat that had blue turquoise stones on it, the smile on his face was wide and bright and made like he was laughing, the flashing lights turned his pale skin blue and pink. Logan watched transfixed as he danced thumbs tucked into his pockets not missing a step.
Suddenly Leos eyes found him standing at the bar with Finn watching and his smile turned sultry as he rolled his body to the beat seemingly putting on a show for his boys. Once the song ended Logan lost sight of Leo in the crowd once more. That is until he felt strong arms wrap around him the heat of Leos body pressed flush against his back.
“Did you like watching me, Tremz?” Leo whispered against the shell of his ear making Logan shiver in his arms, the twang of his accent more prominent than normal.
“Nice hat, Nutter Butter,” Finn said with a smirk leaning forward to catch Leo’s lips in a kiss over Logan’s shoulder. Logan could feel Leo still swaying to the beat of the music his body moving with him almost involuntarily.
“Thanks baby,” he said with a grin when Finn finally pulled away. The music had shifted to something slow and Logan could feel his body relaxing further into Leos arms letting him move him with the rhythm. “Come dance with me, Lo?” he asked leaning down to press a soft kiss behind his ear.
“Oui,” he said sighing at the feel of his lips, “yeah, let’s go.”
Finn grinned watching as they made their way onto the dancefloor amongst the other swaying couples.
Leo chuckled when rather than taking his hand Logan simply wrapped both his arms around Leo’s waist letting the taller man lead them around the floor in circles. Logan sighed and buried his face against Leo’s chest. The two seemed to get lost in the movements, lost in the warmth of each other’s arms, in the lights, in the music until Leo cupped a hand against Logan’s jaw tilting his face upwards to look at him.
Logan’s breath caught at the sight of Leos eyes darker in the dim lighting only the flashing blue and pink casting them in color.
“Don't matter where we've been. No, there ain't no better view. Then you in my arms with my eyes on you. With my eyes on you.” The lyrics fell from his lip only a moment before Leo pressed them against Logan’s.
Leo could hear the music pouring from their apartment before he even reached the door, the floor seemed to be vibrating with the bass and in all honesty, he had no idea how someone hadn’t complained about it yet. Slipping through the door Leo kicked off his shoes and plopped the grocery bags he was carrying down on the counter, leaving them to search for the source of the loud music.
The moment he stepped into the living room Leo nearly choked on his laugh at the sight of Finn and Logan. As the music continued to spill from the speakers Logan was passionately lip-syncing into the handle of a broom while Finn was rocking air guitar a dust rag clutched in one hand, he watched as they jammed out to the loud music his face pulling into a bright grin. Somehow neither of them noticed as he slipped into the room that is until he turned the music down just a bit.
“Nutty!” Finn shouted throwing his arms open wide and wrapping him in a tight hug.
Leo kissed his cheek, “what are you guys doing,” he asked amused.
“Well, we were trying to clean,” Logan said gesturing widely with his broom, “but apparently you’ve been holding out on us. Why is your country music so catchy? And why can’t I stop listening to it?”
Leo cackled at his words, “it’s all part of my nefarious plan.”
“What nefarious plan?” Finn asked incredulously.
“Oh wouldn’t you like to know,” Leo smirked.
“Plan or not,” Logan said turning the dial to turn the music back up, “this music slaps! Come dance with us Nutty!” Logan shouted with a grin holding his hands out for Leo to take.
Leo rolled his eyes but smiled and took his hand pulling Logan into a spin, Leo could Feel Finns hands on his hips as they moved to the beat. The three of them moved together limbs tangling as they stumbled around their apartment spinning and twisting to the booming music. They laughed at how absurd they must look but basked in how perfect the moment was anyway.
Leo pulled each of them in for a kiss letting his love pour into each of them through his smile and his lips. As the next song on the playlist began reverberating through their home Leo threw his head back and let the words fall from his lips, “If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be. Baby, just let it be. If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be. Baby, just let it be.”
Leo had every intention of simply letting life be, and if he spent the rest of it just dancing with the men currently pressed on either side of him he was pretty sure that would be as close to perfect as life would ever get.
Read on AO3
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travesty-majesty · 4 years
Romantic, Right?
(Oneshot i wrote for my ao3! Enjoy ^^’)
Shuichi thought that, by 22, he'd at least have an ok job, a loving partner... I don't know, just something to say he'd made it. But here he was, at the age of 22, 11:30pm on a college night, sitting in the park, thinking about his crush. His stupid crush. 
There was this kid in his law class, one of his friends. Kokichi Ouma, claims he's gonna be the president one day. Not even of Japan though, Russia. Doesn't Shuichi just know how to pick 'em? 
His other friends don't like Kokichi much, either. He tends to make annoying jokes, lies like it's second nature. The others find him annoying, but Shuichi just thinks it's... endearing? Yeah, I suppose that's it. So here he was. 
Before he knew it, he felt something on his face. Water. Rain. "Oh... great." He muttered. He'd admit; he wasn't entirely sure how to get back from there. He had planned on using his phone on the way back, but he couldn't pull it out in the pouring rain. 
He sighed, adjusting his hat so it covered more of his face. 'Wish me luck.' He thought. Not like anyone could hear him, but y'know. 
Before he stood up, though, he realised he couldn't feel the rain anymore. He raised his head, realising he could still see the rain falling. 
"Jeez, Saihara! Who woulda thought you'd be here this late at night? Especially in the pouring rain!" 
He looked up, and realised an umbrella was being held above his head. Checkered print, like a chess board. He then realised who was holding the umbrella, and despite the cold, his face flushed. 
"O-oh, hey Kokichi." 
"Heya, Shu! Watcha doing out here?" Kokichi sat down beside him, handing him the umbrella.
"Here, you're taller than me. Hold it for the both of us, k?" 
"Ah, s-sure." He held it up above them both, his elbow almost resting on Kokichi's shoulder. They hadn't sat this close before. Sure, they sat beside each other in class, but they were practically resting on each other... 
Wow, Shuichi was really blushing now, wasn't he? 
"So, you still haven't my question! Were you actually doing something, or just plotting a murder?" 
"Wha- why would I be doing that?!" 
"Nobody plans a murder out loud." 
"I- no, I wasn't doing that. I was just... thinking." 
"About murder?" 
Kokichi huffed. "I dunno about you, Saihara-chan, but I can tell when someone is lying to me!" 
Shuichi's breath hitched at the nickname. 
"So, you should really tell me the truth, y'know? I'm gonna keep asking 'til you do!" 
Shuichi sighed, covering his face with one hand. "Just... someone." 
"Oooh! Does Shuichi have a cruuuush~?" 
"I- m-maybe." 
"Woow! Very bold of you to tell me, the supreme liar that!" 
"You would've kept asking if I didn't!" 
"Yep, you got me!" He giggled, stretching. "Soo, who is it, hmm?" 
"I-I can't tell you that." 
"Awww, c'mon! You've got me curious now!" 
"Too bad, Kokichi. I-I just can't." Shuichi said. If Kokichi knew how he felt... he'd be mortified. 
Kokichi looked up at him, locking his purple eyes with Shuichi's own. "Y'know, Saihara, I'm really good at keeping secrets. There's a lot you don't know about me, y'know? That's 'cause I'm so good at it!" He said, before looking away, watching the rain fall as he continued. 
"That being said, if you tell me, I won't tell anyone. Unless you cross my family gang! Then I'll expose you to the entire world! ...or, maybe that's a lie." He finished, looking back up at Shuichi. This time, he didn't look away.
They stayed like that for a minute, just looking at each other. Eventually, Shuichi spoke again. 
"Thanks, Kokichi... but, you'd make fun of me. No fault of your own, really, it's just... it's ridiculous." 
"Try me! I've heard some funny shit since starting at this college, so I'm sure your crush isn't that funny." 
"Ah... you'd be surprised." 
"Would I? Really? I'm a very surprising person, maybe you'll be surprised at my lack of surprise! Wouldn't that be a surprise?" 
"I- you're confusing me." 
"Pfft!" Kokichi laughed. Once he'd finished, he reached up and put his hand on the umbrella handle, on top of Shuichi's. 
"C'mon, Shu. Just tell me already." 
He sounded a lot more sincere that time, Shuichi noted. 
'If I just tell him, he can reject me, and I can get over it and focus on... my education, or something.' 
It was a poor excuse he was trying to make to himself, but it'd have to do if he wanted any peace of mind. 
"Swear you won't laugh?" 
"No promises." He chuckled. That's Kokichi. 
"Ok, well..." 
3 years. 
Crazy, huh? 
It had been 3 whole years today since Shuichi had told him he liked him. 
Naturally, Kokichi was a bit surprised. He had imagined Shuichi would like someone Akamatsu or Momota, not him! 
Kokichi had responded by tossing the umbrella aside and kissing Shuichi. A kiss in the rain. 
Romantic, right? 
Yeah, it was.
A year later, Shuichi had gotten accepted into the police force, like he'd always wanted. Kokichi was still studying, still determined to become president. At this point though, he'd given up on Russia, so anywhere would do. 
They had moved in together after Shuichi finished school. They rented an apartment together, and although he wouldn't admit it, he had to leave most of the housekeeping to his Shumai. He usually made it worse. 
Six months ago, Kokichi decided that he wasn't too young to get married, and hoped Shuichi felt the same. 
Six months ago, he'd bought that ring. 
Five months ago, Shuichi went in for his first mission on the force. 
Five months ago was also his last mission on the force. 
Four months ago was the funeral. 
Now here he was, sitting beside Shuichi's grave. 
 He knew it was that stupid gangster's fault for shooting him, but Kokichi still felt responsible. Like it was his fault. 
So here he sat, crying silently beside his grave. 
Romantic, right? 
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Meet The Girls
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This is an introduction fic to the OC “female virtuosos” that @fumiko-matsubara​ and I made here. I have no self-control and just had to write these girls. Senritsu and Setsuna belong to Fumiko UwU. Satomi and Shiori are mine. And Sachiko is canon!
“Will you stop that already?!” Senritsu Harukawa snapped, closing her compact mirror shut and glaring at the girl right next to her. “I’m trying to concentrate here.”
Sachiko Ookura raised an eyebrow, pausing her feet-tapping. She leaned back into her seat, crossing her arms. “Oh, my bad. Sorry to stop you from concentrating on your lip-glossing. Yeah, that’s so important. I should’ve known better,” She sighed sarcastically.
Senritsu glared at her as she tossed the lip gloss tube back into her bag. “Maybe if you decided to wear it once in a while...”
“Oh, no. We’ve been through this, Sen. I’m perfectly fine with colored chapstick, or lipstick if I’m dressing up.”
Senritsu pouted, earning an eye-roll from Sachiko. 
The two girls couldn’t be anymore different from each other, despite being such close friends. 
Sachiko was the embodiment of “girl crush,” her natural coolness far surpassing even Hiroto Maehara. She carried herself effortlessly, and was the star ace of the renowned Girl’s Soccer Team at Kunugigaoka. She had a mouth that moved even faster than her feet, witty and able to charm everyone.
She also had one of the highest numbers of past dates and boyfriends at their school. 
Senritsu, on the other hand, was spoiled, girly and prissy. Her long dark hair was curled perfectly everyday and cascaded down her back like a princess from storybooks. Her eyes were wide and watery, contrasting her hot-headed temper and attitude.
She never shut up about all the fancy, luscious, advantages she got in life. Her dad was the founder of a popular tea company, and she loved bragging about that as well.
Their friendship was an atypical one, for sure. But honestly, the entire friend group of the five of them was...unconventional.
The door suddenly flew open, slamming against the wall and alarming both of them. Shiori Kanemoto skipped inside, carrying a thick stack of papers under one arm. “I’m here!”
“Jeez, Shiori, what the hell?” Sachiko grumbled. “That scared me.”
Shiori paused, looking at it with newfound confusion as if she had never considered that. “Oh, oops. Guess I don’t know my own strength.” She shrugged, taking a seat besides them.
 Sachiko rolled her eyes. Girl, I know you’ve never worked out a day in your life. Strength, my ass.
“You almost broke the door!” Senritsu added.
Shiori smirked. “I’m sure you and your dad could pay to repair it if I did.”
Sachiko snorted while Senritsu dropped her head down onto her desk, muttering under her breath, “I give up.”
Shiori hummed to herself as she nonchalantly flipped through her papers. She was quite the anomaly. At first glance, she looked harmless with her pink hair, petite figure, and doll-like face. 
She was not harmless though. 
She was apart of the School Newspaper, and made it her mission in life to get information on everyone. She was involved in blackmailing, caught the most popular boys cheating on their girlfriends, exposed liars, bullies...
Nothing went on in Kunugigaoka without Shiori knowing.
“God, can you be anymore obnoxious?” A haughty voice voice chimed in, and the girls looked up to see an unimpressed Setsuna Kurokawa walking in.
She flipped her hair and scowled at Shiori. “No one else but you would enter a room so annoyingly and not even apologize.”
Shiori looked unfazed. “Sorry,” She said, not sounding like it at all.
Setsuna’s eyes narrowed, but she let it go, choosing to sit beside Sachiko. 
She was quite the imposing figure, with her top-notch grades and role as the President of the Gardening Club. Setsuna was a major perfectionist who could be a good leader, if it weren’t for her proud exterior. 
She was bossy, looked down on most people, and really would only listen to one student at their school. The same person all four girls would follow without a question-
“Where the hell is Satomi?” Sachiko sighed, tilting her head back tiredly. “These meetings are always her ideas!”
Senritsu shoved her, but it hardly hurt. She wasn’t exactly an athlete. “They’re our ideas! We’ve been doing these since First Year.”
“Yeah, but she did come up with them,” Sachiko argued.
Setsuna huffed. “We’re both late since Mr Council President wanted a meeting with all of Class A after lessons. And now Satomi is meeting with the other drama students.”
“Oh?” Shiori asked, raising an eyebrow. “What was it about?”
Setsuna crossed her legs with a grimace. “You know, the usual ‘Let’s work hard, succeed, and be elites.’ That spiel.”
“Hmm...” Of course.
“Hey, Shiori?” Sachiko suddenly questioned. “Watcha got there?” She frowned slightly at the stack of papers in front of the girl.
“Oh, just some articles I’ve gotta proofread,” She replied absentmindedly.
Senritsu wrinkled her nose. “Did you downgrade or something? Since when do you proofread other’s works?”
Shiori scoffed. “No way. I’m just doing this to bide my time before I start something new. I found some pretty interesting stuff.”
There was a pause as the others stared at her. “Well?” Senritsu demanded, her eyes lighting up. “Spill!”
Shiori smirked, resting her chin on her palms. “So...there’s something sketchy going on at the mountain...”
“The Class E Mountain?”
“Yep. Apparently, some students caught people in suits walking up with a bunch of massive briefcases. And they supposedly looked like government agents.”
Sachiko raised her hands. “Woah, hold up. I’m sorry, but that sounds totally made up.”
“But I heard it from four different students!” Shiori retorted.
“Yes, but why would something go on with 3-E?” Disgust was heavy in Setsuna’s tone.
“Who knows!” Shiori admitted, a smile tugging on her lips. “But it won’t hurt to try and find out, right?”
The girls looked wary. “I don’t know, Shiori. It sounds like it’ll just be a waste of time,” Sachiko said.
“Yeah, no need to spend a single breath of air worrying about something related to 3-E, of all things,” Senritsu added scathingly.
Shiori groaned. “You’re right, but I don’t know. Call it a sixth sense or whatever, but I just feel like I should go.”
“Don’t.” The girls snapped up at the sound of a new voice joining their conversation. It was light, airy, and husky, and belonged to the last person they’d been waiting on.
Satomi Miyake strolled in, an unimpressed look on her face. Her dark curls and makeup still looked perfect, despite it now being the end of the day. She held her head up high, distaste in her eyes as she approached her friends.
“Don’t even give a thought about 3-E. They’re probably just sitting and playing in the dirt,” she said carelessly. “They’re supposed to be putting extra effort into their studies...why would anything exciting happen with them?”
The girls laughed in agreement. Shiori looked down, deciding to just give up. “Yeah, you’re right,” she admitted with a crooked smile.
Satomi dropped her bag down on a desk. “Of course I am.”
She stood tall already at 168 cm, but was even taller with her expensive designer heels. Even without that height, Satomi Miyake looked down on almost everyone, from her spot at the top of the food chain.
She was the star actress of the drama club, having gotten a lead role several different times. Most of the boys at Kunugigaoka would do anything for her. She was popular for her beauty, fashion, good grades, charisma...
And her cutthroat attitude. Anyone who tried to get in the way of her position at the top...well, their junior high experience got ruined. Satomi always found a way to keep people in place. And it was with the help of the four other girls she called friends.
“Hm, ‘don’t worry about 3-E’ you say?” Setsuna asked with a smirk. “I’d like to hear you repeat that next time I catch you staring at Sugino at an assembly.”
Satomi scowled, tossing a pencil at her, while the other girls “oohed” in interest. “I was not, but whatever. Believe what you want.”
“Okamoto said you were.”
“Why are you listening to him?!”
Senritsu cackled. “You’re getting off-subject! You were staring at Sugino!”
“I thought that whole thing was done and over with,” Shiori asked slyly, edging closer to the growing-flustered Satomi.
“It was never a thing!” She argued. “We were just...friends.” The last word was a soft mumble that was barely heard.
“Sorry, say that again?” Sachiko asked in mock seriousness, placing her hand near her ear as she scooted closer. “Didn’t quite catch that.”
“Me neither,” Setsuna chimed in innocently.
Satomi cleared her throat and jumped up, standing before the girls. “Anyways, we’re meeting here partly for fun, but mostly so I can remind you of some important things.”
The other four sat up straighter, watching her with mixed curiosity and apprehension.
“We’re in the 3rd year now. This is the last time we have together before our graduation and high school starts.”
She began pacing the room while the girls looked down slightly. “I know none of us want the next months to be filled with stress, exams, worry, any of that. We can handle academics on top of establishing our place at the highest spot in this school,” she spoke confidently, flashing them a smile.
She stopped, standing closer to their desks. “This is our year, dammit,” she declared. “It has to be the best. And nothing is gonna take it away from us.”
“Yeah!” The girls cheered, exchanging looks of triumph with each other.
“We should make a bucket list and everything,” Sachiko suggested.
“Yes!” Senritsu agreed, twirling her curls. “We should go skiing again.”
“And that beach resort we wanted to go to last year!” Shiori chimed in.
Satomi smiled casually, tucking her hair back in before she picked up her bag. “We can do whatever we want,” she stated decisively. “Now who wants to get manicures and bubble tea?”
This was going to be the best year of their Junior High experience.
Everything was going to be perfect.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 5 years
It Takes a Village, Chapter 2/12
Now the rest of the egos get to find out what happened to Yan! Hopefully they take the news better than Dark did lmao
Tags: @tired-eldritchhorror @peribloke (ask to be tagged!)
Chapter 1
Read on AO3!
By the time Dark teleports to the meeting room, the other egos have just finished arriving. His aura shrouds around Yandere, keeping him obscured. Even Dark has to admit that Bim and Wilford had the right idea by explaining the situation before showing him Yandere, and Dark knows that if the others saw Yandere first, instant pandemonium would ensue.
“What’s going on, Dark?” Silver Shepherd asks, a note of concern in his voice.
“More importantly, watcha got there?” Ed Edgar asks, pointing at the swirl of black smoke concealing the bundle in Dark’s arms.
Yandere is quiet right now, apparently satisfied with the attention Dark gave him earlier. Only Dark can see him sitting contentedly in his arms, somehow perfectly fine with the black smoke surrounding him and blocking his vision of everything but Dark. Even as a baby, he still seems very much the same old Yandere.
“We currently have…” Dark explains, “…a very strange situation to deal with.”
“Don’t we always?” Dr. Iplier quips.
“What did Wilford do this time?” Google asks.
“What? Me??” Wilford asks dramatically.
“Yes, you,” Google says, “Every strange situation that happens around here is at least partly your fault, and you’ve been sitting here since before we showed up looking like you have a big secret you want to tell.”
“Well, all of that is true, yes,” Wilford concedes.
“It was Wilford,” Dark says, “And Bim as well. They were apparently having a…‘magic-off’.”
The meeting room fills with a quiet chorus of agreement, and Dark can hear snippets of “mm-hmm” and “I should’ve guessed” and other such statements floating around the room.
“You and your magic-offs,” Dr. Iplier sighs, “You two are gonna kill somebody one of these days.” He pauses. “That is, if that’s not already what we’re here to talk about.”
“Am I really the only one who didn’t know about those?” Dark mutters.
“…Dark asks, annoyed both with himself and the group at large,” The Host chimes in, narrating just loud enough to be heard, “It occurs to him that the Host is relatively omniscient and therefore may already know the answer to his question. That assumption is true.” The Host smiles. “Dark’s original statement is also true.”
“Continue on that path, Host,” Dark growls, “And you can join Wilford and Bim in the punishment they’re getting for what they’ve done.”
“What have they done?” Silver asks.
“According to them,” Dark explains, “One of their magic blasts went out of control. Yandereplier was in the studio with them, and the blast hit him.”
“What??” Dr. Iplier asks, now serious. “What happened to him? Is he okay??”
“He appears well,” Dark says, “But he’s been…altered.”
“Geez, Dark,” Wilford huffs, “And you yelled at me for not getting to the point.”
“Is that what your aura’s covering up?” Google asks, peering at the black orb more closely.
“The Host, due to his narrative abilities, already knows that Googleplier is correct,” Host says, “In fact, he may or may not already know exactly what Dark’s aura is concealing, and may or may not accidentally reveal what that is if Dark does not explain it himself in a timely manner.”
“That’s strike two, Host,” Dark says, voice low and tight, “I’d strongly advise against getting to strike three.”
Host stops his narration, and the other egos quiet, all appropriately unnerved by the threat.
“As I was saying,” Dark continues, “Wilford and Bim have accidentally turned Yandere…into a baby.”
No amount of decorum could make that sentence any less ridiculous.
While the others are silent in a moment of shock, Dark unveils his aura from Yandere, giving everyone a perfect view of the baby in his arms. Yandere turns to look at everyone else now that he can see them, staring at the table of people with big, curious eyes. His eyes quickly land on Dr. Iplier, and his little face lights up.
“Dada! Dada!” he exclaims, pointing at Dr. Iplier with one hand and excitedly waving the other.
The first one to react to the display is Dr. Iplier, who, after staring at Yandere with an indecipherable expression, slowly lowers his head until his forehead is resting on the conference table.
“Uh, Doc?” asks Silver, clearly concerned.
“I’m sorry,” Dr. Iplier says, muffled by the table, “I’m dying.”
The Host snickers.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Dr. Iplier mumbles without looking up.
“The Host isn’t,” Host replies, still chuckling.
“What are you doing?” Google asks with some disdain.
“I’m trying to process how adorable Yandere is right now,” Dr. Iplier answers, “Let me live.”
“How’d you guys even do this??” Silver asks Wilford and Bim, jaw dropped.
“No idea!” Wilford says brightly.
“If we did we’d have changed him back already,” Bim adds, “But we don’t, so…”
“…We have to wait for the spell to wear off on its own,” Dark finishes.
There’s another moment of quiet as everyone looks at Yandere, who has gone back to observing the room, and starts to contemplate what it will be like having a baby in Ego, Inc. for the foreseeable future.
“…You know,” Ed Edgar begins, “I could–”
“Absolutely not,” Dr. Iplier says immediately, sitting back up in an instant to glare at Ed.
“I wasn’t gonna say to sell ‘im!!” Ed cries.
“Yes you were, Ed,” Silver says, resigned but not unkind.
“Okay, well, I was,” Ed admits, “But look, if y’all think about–”
“We are not selling Yandere,” Dark snaps, “We are taking care of him until this spell wears off.”
“What ‘we’?” asks Google. “Yandere is young and dependent but he is clearly not a newborn. He hardly needs a dozen people to take care of him.”
“That’s true, but Dark has a point,” Dr. Iplier puts in, “This building isn’t exactly baby-proof. We all need to take responsibility for our living spaces and make them safe for Yandere. He may be a baby, but he might be able to walk and run. And babies are fast. If there’s a room he wants to get into or a shelf he wants to climb, he’ll be there in the blink of an eye.” He shakes his head. “He’s so much more fragile like this. He may still be a figment, but this isn’t the form the fans know. If he gets hurt, or God forbid, killed, who knows how long it’d take him to come back from it, if he ever came back from it at all?”
A sobering silence settles over the room.
“Way to kill the mood, Doc,” Wilford mutters, “We could’ve just enjoyed having a cute baby around, but noooooo.”
“Hey, I’m plenty happy to have a cute baby around,” Dr. Iplier replies, “But babies aren’t all smiles and rainbows.” He grins wryly. “They mostly are, though.”
“I suppose this means you can be the one who cares for Yandere directly?” Dark suggests.
“Of course,” Dr. Ipleir answers, “He’s already my son; I would've suggested it if you hadn't.”
“Then please, take him,” Dark says, holding him out, “He moves too much.”
He’s also heavier than Dark imagined a baby would be, and is starting to make his arms hurt, but Dark isn’t about to admit that.
Dr. Iplier stands and leans over the table to take Yandere, who giggles happily as he realizes who he’s being handed to. Dr. Iplier’s eyes turn soft as he holds Yandere close.
“Hello there,” he murmurs, sitting back down and setting Yandere on his lap.
“Dada!” says Yandere, all smiles.
“Yes, I’m Dada,” Dr. Iplier replies, unable to help smiling back, “And you’re Yan.” He gently taps the tip of Yandere’s nose.
“Ahn!” Yandere exclaims.
“Yes!” Dr. Iplier praises, kissing Yandere’s forehead, “Good job, Yan.”
Yandere squeals, then begins bouncing in Dr. Iplier’s lap.
“Giss ‘gain! Giss ‘gain!” Yandere shouts.
“Alright, alright,” Dr. Iplier laughs, giving Yandere more kisses.
The others watch with varying degrees of charmed stares, except Dark, who is absolutely not even a little bit jealous.
From there, the meeting moves on, discussing how best to babyproof the building and where to get supplies. Despite starting the conversation, Dr. Iplier doesn’t contribute much. Instead, he holds Yandere on his lap, talking to him softly and pointing to each ego, asking for their name.
“Whooooo’s that?”
“Good job! Whooooo’s…that?”
“Close enough! Whooooo’s…that?”
“Oh, wow. Great job, kiddo, I wasn’t expecting you to get one completely right.”
Yandere smiles, clearly proud of himself.
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Aizawa Shouta x daughter!reader (Bring your child to work day)
Summary: Aizawa brings his five year old daughter to UA. Everyone cant handle the cuteness ---------------------------------- "(Name), stop spinning the chair." Your fun came to a halt as your father, Aizawa, stop the office chair from spinning. He bend down to your level and adjust your cute pink dress and fix your (hair color) hair. Your mother was away to attend a meeting for 3 days and there was no one to take care of you while your father is away, so he brought you to Yuuei with him. "She's so cute!~" Midnight cooed as she oogle at you from the other side, her own cubicle. A skeleton man, Toshinori, who's cubicle is right next to Aizawa's, handed you a lolipop. You eye the sweet swirl of yellow and orange in delight. Squealing, you took the sweet treat gladly and pop it in your mouth. Your father's coworkers sure like to pamper you. On your father's desk are more treats all his coworkers gave you. A granola bar from Blood King, a small cupcake from Midnight (who ran all the way to the cafeteria just to buy something to give you), an apple from Sniper, a strawberry juice box from Cementoss, and a big chocolate bunny from your uncle Hizashi. You hum a tune while you wiggle your dangling legs as Aizawa now stood stacking papers neatly on his desk. You watch him ready his things like everyone else, them glancing at the wall clock or their watches every few minutes. The school bell rang and one by one, the teachers walk out of the office, holding the books and papers they need. Aizawa kiss the top of your head and lightly pinch your cheeks "I'll be gone in an hour. Just stay here, play some games i installed in the computer for you, and if you need anything-" he points at the blonde cockatoo hair like man "-just ask Present Mic." You nod your head, cheeks puffed from all the sucking on the lolipop in your mouth "okay." He left along with the other teachers, leaving you alone with uncle Mic. Silence fill the room, spare the sound of Mic typing rapidly on his computer. You turned to your father's computer, already open for you, and look at the games he placed. Solitare, Miku Dress Up Game, Little Bratz Fish Pet Shop, Cake Mania, and Jewel Blitz. "Ey, watcha doin'?" Mic went over to you. He pull a chair to him and sat beside you. "I'm gonna play games." "Hmm? Which one?" "I dunno." "How about this one?" He points at the Cake Mania. "Let's see how many cakes you can get it right." Mic cheered you on as you play, using his radio host attitude and pretending as if he is on his radio show right now, talking about your gaming skill. You suddenly came to a stop, missing a cake. "Ey, (Name)? What's wrong?" You face him, legs crossed tight "I gotta pee!" His mouth formed an 'o' shape. He returned to his signature grin and stood up "Okay then." He place his hands under your pits and hoist you up, carrying you with your arms on his shoulder while his right arm serve as a seat for you and support and his left supporting your back. He carried you all the way to the restrooms, telling you a short story about one of his students mocking a fellow class and ended up embarassing himself by tripping over nothing and falling face first on the floor infront of everyone. "All right, here we are" he place you down in front of the girl's rest room "go on in and do your business. I'll be waiting here outside." You went in and he waited, back against the wall and arms tuck in his pockets. At the corner of his eye he spot two familiar figures walking up the stairs. He grin and went to them, waving his arms "Hey Ectoplasm! Midnight! Wazzup!?" "I'm telling you, she's SO cute!--- oh! Hi Mic!" Midnight paused her conversation with Ectoplasm as Mic aproached "I was just telling Ecto here about Eraserhead's little angel." Mic hook his arm around Ectoplasm's shoulders "We have already gave offerings to the little goddess. You will be smite with if you fail to give a gift." Ectoplasm shook his head "I'm afraid i will scare the little one. I'm not good with children and my looks aren't child friendly either." "Naaaaw~ you!? Don't be silly~ you toothed handsome de--" "Mic. Please stop. You're making me uncomfortable." You walk out of the girl's restroom and saw that Uncle Mic is busy chatting. You twist your hips back and forth as you glance around, looking for something interesting. You spot a door at the right hallway, a white sign hung above it '1-E'. You remember your father pointing you the room he teaches in when he showed you around the campus '1-A'. You then walk along the hallway, small feet stumbling a bit from time to time until you found the room you were looking for '1-A'. You can hear the faint sound of people talking inside. You opened the sliding door enough for you to get in. Silence fill the room as everyone stare at you. Aizawa could feel the stress building in as yet another bicker between Bakugo and Midoriya insues during class. He just wants to get it over with and plea for the lunch bell to ring. Hair floating, he activated his quirk and aim it at the blond boy "Bakugo. Sit down before I send you to Principal Nedzu. Midoriya, don't provoke him." The green haired boy sputtered "b-but I d-didn't even do anything!" The door slide open a bit and everyone turn their attention to the person at the door. A litte girl, about five years old, wearing a pink dress and black doll shoes stood there, her eyes scanning them and stop at their sensei. Iida stood up, arms flailing "what's a child doing here!? Are you lost!? Sir! Please give me permission to send her to Principal Nedzu to assist in finding her parent or guardian!" Your face lit up at the dishelved man "daddy!" "WHAT!?" The whole class gawk as you run towards the stressed man, your arms outstreached for a hug. Aizawa bend down and scoop you up into his arms "(Name), what are doing here? You're supposed to stay in the teacher's office while I teach." You burried you face on his chest "But I miss you already!" The class turned an uproar. Kaminari hung his jaw "You a daddy!?" You turn your head to them and gave out a cute smile "hello!~" The entire class 'awwed' except from Takoyami, Todoroki, and Bakugo. Uraraka stretch her arms out at your direction, making grabby hands "May I hold her? Please, sensei!" "No." He said flatly, still cradling you on his arms. The class continues to bombard him with questions. "Are you married?" "How old is she?" "What's her quirk? Is it the same as yours?" "Is it Bring Your Brat to Work Day?" "Why did you bring her to work, sensei?" He sighs and gave in to their questions "Yes, I'm married. This is my daughter, (Name), she is only five years old and she got my quirk. No, i brought her here to work with me because my wife is away and i don't have anyone to look after her while i'm gone." The class calmed down after having their questions answered. He look down at you "Mic is suppose to look after you. Where is he?" "OH MY GOD! (NAME)! WHERE ARE YOU!?" a inhumanely loud voice boomed across the hallways and into the room, windows crack at the harsh sound wave. 'That idiot.' Mic came skidding into the room looking frantic "Eraserhead! I lost--oh." He sigh in relief in seeing you cradled by your father. Midnight's head popped in "You found her yet, Mic?" She let out a squeal and strode in the classroom to you, pushing Mic out of the way "Oh (Name)~ Don't go wandering around like that, you had us worried~" she lightly pinch your cheeks as she cooed at you. Mic pick you up from Aizawa's arms and brought you to his "heheh…sorry about that." Aizawa pinch the bridge of his nose "Bring her back to the teachers office and keep a closer eye out for her. She's fast." "Right. Will do." With you in his arms, Mic and Midnight exit the room. "Bye daddy." You waved at him before the close shut. Silence once again filled the room. Kaminari leaned his head back to Kirishima and whispered "90% of that must come from the mother." "Kaminari, be quiet. Everyone, open your books to page 35." -------outside------ Mic held you out to Ectoplasm, your face just inches away from his "Do you have time to spare to our lord and savior (Name)?"
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lillaxtrigger · 7 years
The ghostly maid Fever trip
In Trevor's bedroom, Trevor was laying on his bed. But he wasen't looking so good. Even though he was under the covers, he was shivering like crazyand his skin looked flushed, and he was groaning in misery as a doctor examined him. After taking his tempature, the doctor came out of the room and closed the door. Jewely and Barly were waiting on the other side. "How is he doctor. Is he going to pull through?" Jewely said. "He just has a simple feaver. He's going to be fine. Just four days in bed and he'll be fine." the doctor said. "Four days!? Nonononono. Trevor has an important meeting with the chairmen in two. He needs to feel better by then." Barly said. "I don't know what to tell you. All he needs is rest and relaxation and he'll get better on his own. My bill." the doctor said as he handed Jewely his bill, then walked off. "Trevor can't miss this meeting! What are we gonna do!?" Barly said. "Let the poor boy rest. You heard the doctor. He needs this rest." Jewely said. "Not an option. The chairmen are coming. Do you know how hard it is to reschedule with them. We need to find some way to speedup his recovery. Maybe there's something online that can help.". "Alright. But in the meantime, you have to get the chairmen to reschedule the meeting. Make them if you have to.". Jewely was on the computer trying to understand how it works. She tried pressing several keys, but nothing happened. "Hey Jewels. What's" someone said. Jewely looked behind her and saw Pike. "Oh, Bonjour Pike. I'm just trying to find something on what's called an internet. But it seems that no matter what button I press, nothing happens. I don't know what's wrong.". "Let me see." Pike said. Jewely moved to let the boy use the PC. "Alright, watcha wanting to look up?" Pike asked. "How do you get rid of a fever?". "A fever? I didn't know ghosts could get fevers.". "It's not me. It's Trevor. He has a terrible fever. Barly needs him better for a meeting with the chairmen.". "Alright. Let me see what the internet says.". Pike quickly looked up ways to cure a fever. "It's says to just rest, eat regular food, drink water and take a bath." Pike said. "So we're on the right track. It's just like the doctor said." Jewely said. Barly rushed inside, saying: "Jewely!...Jewely!". "Bonjour, Barly. Did you talk to the chairmen?". "I did. But they wouldn't budge. They said that if they reschedule, it would have to be for several months. Have you found a way to reduce the fever?". "It just says everthing that the doctor told us. I think we should just listen to him.". "Did you not hear me? The chairmen are coming and there is no way to stop them.". Jewely and Barely started to argue amongst one another. "What about medicine?" Pike chimed in. "What?" Jewely said. "What about medication? Could that help Trevor get through his fever faster?". "Medicine. Of course." Barly said. "But where can we get some?". Jewely said. "There's a drug store across town. I could go, but I'm underaged." Pike said. "Perfect! Pike, you take Jewely with you to the pharmacy so she can buy something that can speed up Trevors recovery. She's old enough. I mean look at her, she's practically dead." Barly said. "Ah ha ha ha. Funny." Jewely said sarcastically. Pike and Jewely went on their way. Out of the mansion and into the city streets. "So, how far is this pharmacy from the manor?" Jewely said. "From my expirience. 4 miles in walking distance. Come to think of it, why don't we go back and take a car. It'll be way faster." Pike said. "Well, I can't drive, can you?". "Wait, so you're telling that after all your time of being a ghost, you haven't learned how to drive?". "Why would I learn how to drive, when I can flyyyyy." Jewely said, then flew around in a circle with glee. "Erm, No. Sorry Jewely. I can't fly.". "That's okay. I can carry you.". "No, you don't understand. I can't fly. I have severe aviophobia and areophobia. A crippling fear of fly and heights.". "Quelle? But I've seen you on the 2nd story and roof of the mansion. You didn't look scared then." Jewely as she descended. "2 story buildings I can handle. Maybe 3. But any higher and I start to panic." "Well, why are you so afraid of heights?". "I don't know. Maybe it's something about potentially falling to the hard ground and becoming nothing but a blood splattered corpse across the pavement just makes me quake in my shoe and fills me madning dread!...Something along the lines of that." Pike explained. "Oh Pike. There's nothing to be afraid of. Flying is a truly wonderful expirience. The feeling of your soul souring the skies as you look upon the beautiful sunset. It's a truly magnificent site to behold.". "I don't care how pretty it is. I'd rather watch a sunset from the nice, stable, comfortable ground. We'll just go on foot." Pike said, then continued forward. "C'est dommage." Jewely said. As they walked along the streets, they passed along a book store. A certain book that was displayed in the window caught the maids attention. "What if we take the bus?...Nah, too many people cramed into one vechical. What about a taxi?...We couldn't go far. I only have like thirty bucks on me. Maybe the subway...I don't know. What do you think, Jewels?" Pike said. He looked behind him and saw Jewely, looking in the book store window with such tenderness in her eyes. Pike approached Jewely and said: "Hey Jewels, everything okay?". "Pike. Look at that." Jewely said. "A book?". "Not just any book. It's the book that I grew up with. Evelina. I remember when this book came out. I was just a young teenage girl. This book was the only solace I had while fighting off small pox. I can't believe after all these years, it's still in circlation. I'd do anything, just to read it once more." Jewely said. "Hmm, It's only 5 bucks. But we better buy Trevor's medicine first. If I have enough left, I'll buy it for you.". "Oh, Je vous remercie. Monsieur Pike. Quickly, we must rush to the pharmacy, Hâte postée!". Jewely and Pike hurried along the streets. Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching from the distance. After a long trek across the city, they finally made it to the pharmacy. Before they entered, Pike suddenly stopped and said: "Hold it! I just realized something. You don't have an ID.". "What is an ID?". Jewely asked. "It's a card that tells people who you are.". "Why do I need a card to tell people who I am?". "Well it's for them to tell weather you're lying or not. Just saying who you are isn't enough in this day and age. And you can't exactly get an ID.". Pike said. "Why not?". "Well firstly, it would take a lot of boring, paperwork to get one. Secondly, dead people have no use for an ID." Jewely's face started to show hints of sterness at Pike's remark. "W-What I- What I mean is that normally, dead people can't use ID's. But even though you're an obvious exeption. How would you think any other people would react if they saw you.". Jewely sighed and said: "Well, if I can't get my own ID, then I'm guess I'm going to have to burrow someone elses.". "Jewely, that- Y-You can't do that." Pike said. "Why not?". Jewely said. "Because it is literally illegel to use someone elses ID.". "We'll see about that." she said. Jewely flew up to see if their was someone she could possess that looked like they had an ID on them. Finally, she saw a well dressed man, alone on the restruant parking lot nearby. He was about to get in his car, when Jewely quickly took control of him. She quickly walked across the street and said to Pike: "Is it still illegel?". "Erm...I'm not sure. I guess it technically isn't. Does he even have an ID card?". "I don't know. Let's see.". Jewely pulled out the mans wallet from his pocket and took out a card. "Is this an ID card?" she said as she showed it to Pike. The boy took the card and said "Yes! It is! It says that this name is...Supremacy Natrov? What kind of name is that?" Pike put the card in his wallet and handed the wallet to Jewely, saying: "Here, take my wallet. Use it to purchase the medicine.". "Why can't I use this mans wallet?". "Well don't really want to use this guys money. We're already streaching the law far enough as is. Also it would look suspicious if pulled out two wallets.". "Alright. I'll be right out." Jewely said as she when in. "Just act normal." Pike said. Jewely walked inside the pharmacy. The inside looked rather nice. Stuff other then medication was on the shelves. They ranged from food, makeup, toys, and other goods. She saw the medicine on the shelves. Jewely looked around, but didn't know what to buy. She saw someone behind the counter and asked "Excuse me. Do you have anything that can cure a fever?" "Yeah. How bad is the fever?" the receptionist said. "Well, I'm not sure how bad it is, but I need to get rid of it as fast as possible. Do you have anything that can help me?" "Let me what we got.". The clerk walked around the shelves and picked out a box labeled "Antibiotics". He walked back and said "This might help. They should cure fevers fast. But only take one, these antibiotics are really strong. Take more then that could be very bad for you." "Thank you very much. How much would that be, Bien Monsieur?". "About 20 buck. I also need to see a form of ID." "Of course." Jewely said. She pulled out Pike's wallet and took out 20 dollars, plus the ID card. "Here you go. My ID card that is completly mine, and not someone elses.". "Al...right." the clerk said, then saw the ID card. "Supremacy Natrov?". "Um...It's a Russian name...Look, I didn't ask for it. Get off back." Jewely said. She took the medicine and her ID and said: "Thank you." as she walked off. The clerk pulled out a phone and began to dail the police. Jewely came out of the store and handed the antibiotics and his wallet to Pike, who then said: "Alright! Quick, let's get back to the mansion.". Jewely came out of the man and started to follow the boy. PIke suddenly stopped and said: "Oh! Nearly forgot.". He pulled out Natrov's ID and hand it to him while still coming to, saying to him: "Here, sir. You dropped this.". "Uhh...Wha?" Natrov said. Pike bolted out of the pharmacy parking lot, hearing the sounds of sirens nearby. After a while, Pike and Jewely were strolling back home. "That went off better than I expected." Jewely said. "I don't know. You could have sounded a bit less conspicious in there." Pike said. "Well I'm sorry that my act wasn't primé enough for you. But I'm sure that your experience in acting was far better than mine. How many years of acting class did you take?". "How many did you take?". Jewely didn't respond and only gave silence. Shortly after, Jewely noticed someone was following them. She whispered into Pike ear: "Pike, someone's been following us for the last 5 blocks.". "Yeah, I noticed. Just lay low for a while and keep an eye on me from a distance.". Jewley vanished in thin air, leaveing the boy all alone. The boy lead found himself in an empty street. Pike turned looked around and said: "Alright, come on out. I know you've been following me for the past 15 blocks. No use hiding." to try and get the pursuers to show themselves, but no one came out. He saw that a tree nearby was rustling oh so slightly. Pike picked up an empty bottle and chucked it at the tree. A familiar looking boy fell out of the tree and ran off. "That looked like one of...oh...Come out Greg! I know you're never without your goons.". Pike looked at a figure that was behind him and confirmed that it was indeed Greg, Pike's school bully. "If it ain't pikestick. What are you doing on my turf?" he said. "This isn't 'your turf' Greg. It's nobodies turf. In fact what kind of turf would this even be? It's an abandoned street." Pike said. "It's turf enough...Whatcha got in the bag?" Greg said as his goons approached his side. Pike put the bag to his side and said: "It's just medicine. My mom told me to pick it up for her.". "Medicine? What kind?" Greg said. "Antibiotics. Why do you ask?". "Sounds like you really need that medicine. Hand it over.". "Absoultly not! My mom needs these to get over her fever. I'm not handing you anything.". "Are you sure about that?" Greg said with a smirk. The bully's henchman came up front. "I bet you wouldn't be so tough without your cronies surrounding you. Why don't you fight me, mono y mono?" Pike said as he backed up. "Well, you know what they say about friendship being power and all that junk.". "I don't think they meant to use your friends to bully people. And are these guys really your friends?". "Well duh. We do stuff all the time together. Taking money, shoving kids in lockers, and beat people up. Like you. Get em!". Pike bolted away from the mob. Greg and his goons gave chase. The boy tried to lose the crowd by taking sharp turn after sharp turn, corner after corner. Even trying to hide in whatever he could. Be it trash cans, in crowds, or behind walls, but they always seems to spot him. Finally, Pike ran through an alleyway and into a dead end. He looked around to see if there was anything he could use to get out, but it was just brick wall after brick wall. The boy could hear the mob approaching. He was starting to panic. Suddenly, a familiar voice behind him that said: "Bonjour, Pike." made him jump. He looked behind him and saw Jewely. "Oh thank god, Jewely. You gotta get me out of here." Pike said. "Bien sûr. But you might not like how I can get you out." "I don't care! Just do it!". "Okay. Now I need you to close your eyes for me." Pike shut his eyes tight and waited for whatever the ghostly maid would do. Greg and his goons made to the end of the alley. They looked around, but no one was there. "I thought you said he was back here? But there's no where to hide." Greg said. "I could have sworn he went back here." one of the boys said. "Did he climb up the brick wall?" another questions. "Ahhg, you idiots! You let him get away!". "Calm down Greg. Will get him next time" one said as he put his hand on Greg shoulder to comfort him. But Greg brushed him aside and walked off. His gang followed suit. Pike was keeping his eyes shut tight. "You can open your eyes now." Jewely said. The boy slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was flying in the air. Jewely was holding on to him by his arms. He saw the gorgous sunset upon the horizon, shining on the buildings in the distance. "Wow...this is so beautiful...So calming. Why was I so afriad of this?" Pike said. He looked down on the city streets below, seeing that he was far above the ground. "Oh yeah." Pike said with a calming smile, then immediatly paniced, screaming: "Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Put me down! Oh, Please put me down!" Jewely slowly descended. Pike pulled it together when his feet touched the ground. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Jewely said. "I will admit. For a moment, it felt nice. The wind in your face, the site of sky, it felt calming. Then I was reminded of my morality, and that I could plummet to my painful demise.". "Oh don't worry Pike. If you did fall, you'd only feel pain for a split second beofre you'd die.". "Gee, thanks for the comforting worlds. I think I've done enough flying for one day. Let just walk back.". Pike and Jewely were strolling back to the manor, when Pike suddenly stopped in his tracks. Jewely turned around and asked "What's wrong, Pike?". "Don't you want that book?" he responded. The maid looked at the building they were in front of and saw the same bookstore they were once at. "Oh! Yes, of course. I nearly forgot after all the action today. Both the maid and Pike went inside the store to purchase Jewely's childhood book. After they came out, Pike asked her:"So I did some research on that book. And you said that it came out when you were a teen, right?". "Oui." Jewely responded. "It came out around the 1700's. Jewely, how old are you?". "Oh, Pike. You should never ask a lady her age. It's impolite.".
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