a gray x reader
Walking down the street heading to the guild as you're about to leave for a mission ur attention gets drawn in by an antique shop, the pastel blue and white awning the items of the shop calling through the windows. You never tend to stop over little things like cute shops but this one is basically calling ur name. As you open the door the sound of bells hits ur ears you look up to see them hanging above the door. Your eyes survey the room taking in the surroundings, a small box of vintage photos catches your attention, you make your way over to them without hesitation and look through them when a photo of a couple that looks to be on their first date makes you think back to the first time you laid eyes on gray all those years ago, yall we're so young, just meeting for the first time at the guild as kids, the bond you two formed is just as strong now, a small smile comes across your face as the next photo is a husband coming back from a mission, reminds you of the first time gray had left without you, you were so lost without him just dreaming of the day he'd come walking into the guild and how happy you were when he finally did, the long kiss you two shared made you see stars like something out of fairy tail. you skip through a few more only to stumble upon one of a couple moving into their first house making you think back not so long ago to you and Gray finally getting an apartment together and all the love and effort that got put into it in order to make it your own place, makes you wonder if that couple feel the same, only for you to be interpreted by a familiar pair of hands warping around your waist
"hi darling, watcha looking at?"
"oh.. nothing, just got distracted"
"well let us go, natus keeps complaining about his motion sickness we haven't even left for our missions yet"
you turn to give Gray a quick kiss before heading off together.
you and his story really was timeless.
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oh to be loved
a gray x reader
tw - none that i can think of
Oh, to be loved by a writer means to be loved so deeply the only thing on their mind is you using you as their muse in everything they write. To be loved by a writer means Gray finds your work when left alone, with nothing to do his eyes start to linger around your room finding your writing journal making him pick it up out of curiosity to see what his sweetheart is always working on. To be loved by a writer means he watches as all your angst work where you express your darkest emotions, he knows some of the stories as you told him the real events but then sees how they turn into fluff or how the characters start to resemble him in many ways. His eyes dart across the paper seeing how you describe characters so close to him. To be loved by a writer means he sees how you describe him as perfect in every way from his eyes to the guild mark on his arm. As you go into detail about how his love for you is the warmest feeling you've ever felt almost like a perfect spring day the smell of the outside lingering around where it was just you too and everything was so peaceful. To be loved by a writer means seeing himself described using the most poetic sentences, reading all your deep thoughts you'd never know how to express to his face so you let your pen do the talking through your work, running his hand through his dark hair trying to understand how you can view him in such a beautiful light. To love as a writer means I'll never complain if all I can write about for the rest of time is love stories involving gray, To find love as a writer is like when you reach the end of a story where the main character fought so hard and won in the end. The endless stories of yall's battles run through Gray's mind, god does this man love you. A writer finally finding love is a happy ending I'll write about forever as my lover's name echoes in my thoughts every time I go to pick up my pen. A writer in love.. the words he reads over and over happy to be his lover's muse. A writer in love is like a real-life fairytail
#xreader#fluff#fairy tail#gray x reader#fluff x reader#gray fairy tail#fluff prompts#anime#fanfic#fanfiction#fairytail x reader#gray fullbuster
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I’m not sure if take request or not but I had request idea but if u aren’t taking request it’s ok aslo are famailar with charcter Uta from one piece just wondering?
an- this lovely follower here is a creative genius so my part here is just putting everything together. I give credit where credit is due.
tw bullying.
your Face to face with the red-winged man in the void of self-destruction you made to get back him and the hero commission.. but no good fight starts at the main point let's go back a few lyrics shall we?
You stare at the white walls every day in this god-forsaken place. The lie of it being a "wonderful" training place for future heroes is bullshit. 24/7 vocal rest unless you're in training so you can't "run out of sound" whatever that means. white walls white clothes and constantly being compared to others. Ever since you got your quirk, you can't even sing or feel anything with someone slapping a muzzle-like contraption on you. at this point, you've mostly given up the only thing... well, the person that had made this bearable is the bird guy named Hawks. the adult at the hero commission swoons over him. As kids, it never got to his head but as you've gotten older it got to his head.. cocky man.. getting all this praise and you sit here looking like a lost puppy most of the time.
As time went on your hatred towards your past friend and this shity place that claimed to make the "best heroes" only grew. Your dreams of being number one have died out only to be left with the goal of bringing this place down as soon as possible. Wishing to of never learned how corrupt your own dream can be. Papers on top of paperwork on you from every single experiment you've been through are stacked in the corner of your "room" which can be better described as a jail cell.
"We can't do anything with them without risking damage"
"dump them. we have the bird to use from this round of test subjects anyways" a harsh tone you hear from outside the door. We're they talking about you? Are you finally gonna get revenge-
Which brings us to now your quirk in question? Euphonious Voice. it allows you to make a virtual space for yourself or others making you the main puppetry with your own voice. downside? once your energy is out the world collapses. You still don't remember what happened on the day you were let free. Can't remember how you got a new life all you knew from the moment you woke up you had to work, so you did. training every day. practicing vocal scales. Growing strong to become a force that can't be stopped running on pure revenge. Using his stupid face and red wings as motivation for this very moment.
Face to face, limb to limb with your old friend turned enemy. You can't understand how someone who claims to stand up for peace can sit back and not speak out about the tortures of your childhoods. As darkness floods around you incasing all signs of light to form your own personal revenge world.
"yn, CUT IT OUT YOU'LL HURT EVERYONE" hawks calls out distressed trying to break your rhythm of rage
"over my dead body birdboy" your words like Venum spitting out nothing will stop you now.
You and him the only signs of any form of hero or human life in the world you've made, as tension builds in the fight he gets closer then just as hawks is about to lay what he thinks is a finally blow the end to this madness...
A large flash grows across The black relm as it grows to a different shade of black almost void like. All life seems...gone as the sounds of your songs flatten almost lost in the void of what can only be described as self-destruction but did it really end that way?
Wait..no..my..my story can't end like this..can it? Everything I worked for..just over?! All the pain? That fight? Just gone? C'mon give more to the story! give more to MY story!
The end... Or is it
#xreader#mha hawks#bnha hawks#fanfic#readermade#clifthanger#my hero academia x reader#hawks x reader#hero commission#request#my hero acedamia
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Midnight a howl x reader
tw slight cheating (youll see)
an hiii im back sorta, thank you for all the love while i was gone, i missed this so much
The town where you're from seems so tiny compared to the places you are seeing now except none of them have him, howl pendragon with his lush blond hair and blue eyes you could always get lost in but most importantly he's the one you describe as your first mature connection but as you look out of the tour bus window you think of what he actually was to you. You both had different goals in life. He had everything in order and you had bigger dreams than a simple life. His goal was to make you his wife and yours was to build a name no matter what, so you too had to depart. eventually, you found your way out... you never lost touch with howl tho.
But on nights like this were its almost midnight and your boyfreind has yet to show up for what time he said he'd be done working. You never would of guesed the reason you have a name is cause of your boyfreind but atleast you made it. Eventually he shows face
"babeeee I'm back" Your boyfriend's voice excited as if you haven't been waiting for him.
"hi. I'm going to bed" a cold response too tired to deal with shit, nights like these make you miss Howl so much knowing he'd never do this to you but knowing you can't go back, the next stop of the tour being in your home city doesn't help being hunted of the past but hey.. the show must go on.
You love your boyfriend he's sweet, good-looking, and highly talented just horrible at actually showing up.. with countless talks on being better at communication you just learn to deal with it but of course, sometimes when you know you're being slightly mistreated your heart gonna long for the only man who's treated you right.
before you know it the bus makes it to your city. you take a deep breath as you join your boyfriend in the before-show setup, helping with prep work, and making the VIP area look just right. All the fun stuff, the behind-the-scenes things you've grown accustomed to doing.
"hey babe, are we actually gonna do something after the show tonight?" you ask your bf as he's doing some last-minute prep.
"duhh everything will be wrapped up but 10:30 so I'm all yours at 11, I swear" he gives you a sweet smile
"Pinky promise?" you hold your pinky out
"Pinky promise," he says wrapping his pink around yours. leaving a kiss on your hand to sweeten the deal.
As the night goes on the show is incredible n everything goes smoothly as the time slowly creeps up no word. no word no sign of your bf. you look down at your phone only to see 11:30 pm lighting up across your phone screen.
"fuck it" You grab your phone and walk off the bus in tears, calling the only person you know who will come get you. searching for howls contact pressing dail
"..yn? it's late is everything okay? are you in trouble?" howls a concerned voice rushing through the phone
" yeah.. um... I'm in town.. can you come to get me please?" you managed to spit out in your upset state
"WAIT REALLY? But yeah of course hun ill be there send me an address. ill be there as soon as possible". you send him an address sitting on a curb waiting for him to show up hoping no one from your boyfriend's team shows up.
After about 20 minutes of waiting you see headlights pull up beside where you're sitting and a familiar voice chimes through the window.
"WAIT DON'T GET IN" Howl rushes out of the car hugging you... shit, he smells so good.. like wood and fruit.. somethings never change. he lets go of you opening the passenger-side door for you to get in.
The car ride back to his place was full of laughter, catching up and some tears.. howl is in disbelief at how your bf can just abandon you after promising to show. He shows you some projects he's done, and you are so proud of him seeing how far he's come in his career path going into his place you look around seeing it is exactly how you remember, him having to duck when he walks in, the wall of pictures that you told him to start, you walk over to it looking at each photo.
"you still have one's of us, we were so young. look at that" you say with a slight sadness in your tone
"Well yeah... it's a memory wall and it's not like we hate each other. we just didn't work out.." you nod in agreeance, the silence is broken by your phone ringing.
"you wanna get that,?" howl says nodding toward your phone,
"no, I know who it is, and it's the last person I wanna talk to right now, let's watch a movie or something..." Changing from the subject at hand. he agrees as you two make your way to the couch sitting down close to each other as you both pick a movie together. After some time of watching the movie howl looks over leans in and kisses you. you pull back.
"Howl.. hun you know I have a boyfriend. I stupidly love him. "
"i-i know I'm sorry just old habits.. also yn he's sorta a dickbag yn.."
"I know howl, I sometimes miss u but we weren't made for this timeline, hopefully, the next one ill love you again...ill get going" You get up from the couch closing the door leaving howl.
Rain, he wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain He wanted a bride I was making my own name Chasing that fame He stayed the same
All of me change Like midnight
#angst fanfic#angst#angst fic#howls moving castle fic#howl x reader#howls moving castle#howl pendragon#fanfiction#xreader#howl angst
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Sweet dreams L x F!reader
an -- this account is 2 years old today. thank you to all my followers, im so thankful for the support, so heres my thank u in the form of some L teasing, also im working on an awesome request to,
twNfsw themes
Your kiss being his favorite treat, something so sweet yet something he can never get enough of. Something he can always indulge in. L treats used to help keep him up, yet you his favorite treat tires him out in all the good ways, he didn't quite understand the feeling at first or how to make a move but he’s sooo glad he figured it out. Your sweetness hitting his sweet tooth in all the good ways as he dips his head between your legs licking up everything he can, your hand in his hair begging him for more. and who is he to deny what his sweetheart wants? how he wishes he can stay here forever feeling you come closer and closer to breaking, your legs lightly squeezing his head. There's one thing he loves more then how sweet you are, that being all the sounds you make for him. every little moan, whine, whimper you make him is music is ears. He knows he did his job as your legs let go of his head, he comes up kissing you.
“you did so good as always, sweetheart” L Says leaving one more kiss on your lips
maybe his sugar addiction wasnt so bad after all.
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one more chance,
A Chrollo x reader angst fluff
an im sorrry for the lack of context ive been busy with work,
Staring at your lit up screen, you and Chrollos texted pulled up, no nicknames seen in any of the recent texted, but god how you prayed for one more chance. He was something you've never had before and damn was he addicting, worst then any drug. The way he spoke just captivated you he could say anything and you'd be drunk on his words. What was worst was when he needed to comfort you, you could almost get high off the way he knew what to say and do. Between how perfect he was to cuddle or how Ready he was to drop almost anything for you if you needed. Your emotions have never felt so safe with someone. It never felt like he was trying to break his way into your heart but he just had the key and was taking his time turning it making sure you were okay every step of the way. Then one day the universe or that fucking cursed god took him away from you, his past came back for him harder then ever. Leaving you alone trying to battle getting over his addicting self, no sustenance has gotten you higher then he did. As the weeks passed between no text..no calls you decide to confront him with the messy truth of the situation. If only you were prepared to lose him. What made him even more perfect to you was he didn't even realize how incredible he was. All you want is one more chance, one more chance to call him, one more chance to hear his pets names for you, one more chance to mess with his hair while he lays in your arms, one more chance to show him your new stuff animal's, one more chance to be as happy as your first date with him or in general.
#hxh#hxh fanfic#hxh chrollo#hxh agust#hunter x hunter#chrollo hxh#chrollo x reader#chrollo lucilfer#chrollo oneshot#chrollo x you#hunter x hunter fanfic
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Need him like water
yn- sorry for dipping I've had a lot going on,
tw- pet names, making out,
The feeling of needing him like water hit as soon as he locked lips with yours. The way his body was pressed up against yours, your legs around his waist. What was supposed to be a simple sweet innocent kiss has turned into one of your hands in his white hair and Gojo pulling you onto his lap trying to keep your bodies as close as possible. Not daring to break apart treating each others bodies as if its air, his hands placed firmly on your thighs, your other hand messing with the buttons of his white button-down You both pull back to catch your breath chest moving up and down.
“so~ where did that come from”? Gojo cockily ask as if he didn't know.
“somewhere now lose the shirt keeping you away from me” you pout in response
“someone's needy aren't they” he pauses kissing your forehand “ but anything for you darling” he swiftly finishes undoing the buttons from where you left off once his shirt is tossed aside he takes your off pulling your back close to him locking lips once again, both parties just trying to figure out how to pull the other person keeping no space between each other. Hands switching between being in his hair to moving around his neck, any place to switch them to match his hands slipping all over. From roaming up your thigh to your waist, one moving to your throat.
When all is said and done tonight all you know is you need his body like water which happens to match his blue eyes.
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Calling it conflict
an- im back with some fluff babes. is this about a real person? yes. sorry it is fem reader. I try to be as inclusive as I can but in cases where I use songs I just follow the lyrics, im sorry.
tw_ drugs, pet names, fast cars, just stupid rules
{ Pour another bottle to the floor, love}
Here you are lying on a random roof top, bottles pouring down to the ground below, the fluffy haired male laying next to you, you've only just met him but your connection is .hmm well get back to that one.
{ Pushin' for it, oh, you know I want some}
You turn your head to look at him. analyzing his lips and the blunt between them
“watcha looking at”? the fluffy haired boy asked he caught you staring,
“your lips” you says facing back up to the night sky.
{Cause everything you do is screaming: More drugs It's kinda sad but it's awesome}
“you sure about that one?” you nod in response
“want a hit? he offers holding the blunt out to you. you take it taking a long drag then slowly letting the smoke pour from your mouth to fade away into nothing. the blunt now passing between you two till there nothing but ash left. leaving you to think about how you got here, what decisions of the day lead you to this point at night.
{ Oh, we've lost it Screeching off with no names}
flash backs from earlier today flood your mind how you went from leaning against a gas station wall with a drink in hand making small talk to now laying next to the cutest boy you've meant. He’s not a complete Stanger you've seen him at different friends parties but now yall are actually talking on your own.
“cmon its boring here, let me show you some real fun” he says holding his hand out for you to take it “ I didn't catch your name tho” you say in rebuttal
“doesn't matter, now c'mon” you place your hand in his and follow him to his car getting in the passengers side. As soon as he got in the car you two were off in a flash.
{She said: Watch this With her hands in the rain}
Somewhere along your drive it started raining. I watch as she sticks her hand out the window to catch the raindrops on her fingers. She was gorgeous just sitting there in the passengers side.
{Call it conflict, as you should And you ain't gonna stop this, stop this} “so what's this feeling” she ask not even looking at me. i pause for a moment before answering
“ call it conflict” I say moto toned moving my eyes from the road on to her.
{And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
the both of them can feel the small spark that's formed through the small talk in this car ride to god knows where but their both enjoying their times.
{We're pulling up to where you used to work at Well tell 'em that you're finished, yeah, you mean that}
we pull into a parking lot of my job?
“do it, quit, c'mon, lets do some crazy shit” he says getting out of the car, I hope out following him walking up my manger and quitting. I dont know why I picked to listen but the freedom i felt in the car ride was unreal.
{It's so illegal, but I like that}
Everything feels so right but so wrong i love it, I haven't felt so free with this nameless man, as were walking out of the store I stop before getting back in.
“ your name, do I get it now?”
“nope not yet little lady” he says with a smirk. you both get back in the car and hit the road.
{ Screeching off with no names And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out }
Which led us back here, light at night, two random liquor bottles dripping off the roof and ash laying around. but goddamn I've never seen a girl look so pretty in the moonlight.
{Oh, we've lost it She said, "Watch this" Call it conflict, please, call it conflict}
“the name is matt little lady, can I catch yours now?”
“y/n.. matt a cute name it fits your face” she said it with a giggle but her face lit up. damn I swear I'm falling for a girl I just met. I sure fucking hope she feels the same,
I watch his face as I say my name, matt is a cute name its fitting for him. fuck I think I'm falling for a guy I just met... I hope the feeling is mutual.
I look over to catch him look at my lips the same way i had been looking at his. so I think fuck it and lean in and kiss him. he kisses back pulling me in closer to him making sure to keep us both stable.
{ And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
we pull back lightly panting my body so close to his. I dont know how this will play out right now but for now lets just call it conflict.
#deathnote#deathnote x reader#matt death note x reader#matt death note#x reader#x yn#x female reader#death note x readers#deathnote x yn#fluff
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Hi can I request some stuff with Uta?
I want to request an inch tall reader being Uta's tiny pet. They/them pronouns. Story takes place in Uta's apartment above the studio. Have fun! Oh all is consensual btw!!
an I love the size kink, here's the best way I could think to make everything sorta work, thank you for understanding how long it took, I honestly had something else planned I just dont the mindset for that idea rn.
tw- pet name, degradation, pet play, size kinks, just some kinkyshit choking, being called pet, master kink
It all started a few months ago when your boss sent you undercover to keep eyes on a ghoul. if only you knew how poorly it would of turned out. If only you knew to of run.. but deep down you feel other wise.
" wake up whore" his cold voice rings into the room you decide to test the waters see how long you can "sleep" before he does something.
"OI" his iced voice rings again, so you decided to look up only to see his figure looming over the cage he kept you in so you wouldn't run off even you could run where would you go? You know the door to the studio is locked. And in all honesty your small figure cramped in the cage with him over you slightly turned you on , Just your luck that Uta caught on.
“ tsktsktsk your getting turned on from this whore? I wont do shit till you answer that question” his arms crossed against his chest he’s glaring down at you as you try to buy the courage to actually answer that question.
“y-yes” speaking in almost a whisper but just loud enough for Uta’s glare to grow more intents
“ yes who? last I checked that was a fucking question”
“yes master “ a pleased look now plastered on tattooed males face
“ good pet, now ill open this cage you'll get out then suck me off. got it? you quickly nod eager to help him in that way. Uta bends down unlocking the cage watching as you crawl out, he moves to the edge of his bed, snapping pointing at the ground in front of him you crawl over to him sliding your hands up his thighs to his pants undoing them pulling out his dick you quickly look up at him as you slowly work your mouth around his tip lightly sucking it, his big hand making its way to your small neck slightly choking you
“dont tease you fucking pet,” the words almost hissed out of his mouth, not enough to startled you but just enough to make you work your way down showing every inch of his dick some love before properly sucking on it. The way you worked your mouth around Uta member drove him crazy. In this moment you both forgot how you got here. Uta moves his hand up to your hair lightly gripping it pushing your head down father,
“f-fuck im close little one, swallow it all got it?” he says with a groan, you look up at him wiggling your ass in response. You stick your tongue out working it underneath , watching as his body tenens up before he cums in your mouth. Your eyes locking with his as you swallow slowly pulling off his dick,
“good pet, now come lets relax” he shifts back onto the bed as you curled up next him. Leaving kisses on your forehead
“you did so good for me baby, now rest up little one”.
who knew a bad mission could land up so well....
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wish you were sober
kakashi angst.
an- lolz didnt mean to be depressed then dip anygays here more angst btw Kakashi is based off a real person in this situation not how I perceive Kakashi, I know yall like my writing for how I do a good job at doing things based off the character , anyways for every relog I may get a minute of their time :)
tw- mentions of alcohol. fighting,
This again, a constant loop of lovely days now mixed with the smell of alcohol on his breath. The words he manages to say in full sentences is just lies at this point, you nod simply knowing the out come of it all. not remembering an sober days of him or if anything he says is alcohol endured lies
"all yours this weekend okay?" Kakashi says mid slur
"ok" you coldly respond, please as If he meant it this time. he said it before what will change.
“nowww nigh my dear” he leans in to kiss your forehead to which you move out of the way leaving him confused
“goodnight Kakashi” you respond shutting down the conversation for the night
and as the days come and go, Sunday night arrives you were right, he forgot or simply didn't care. As he walks in you look at him and walk into a different room locking the door. After a few minutes you hear a faint knocking on the door
“babe please I'm sorry, here next weekend I swear this time ill be all yours now please open the door” his voice faint through the door
“sure you mean it, now goodnight. you could of let me know you got busy” you didn't open the door, to hurt to face him. you just wanted alittle bit of his time which he didn't seem to understand or care enough about your feelings. Going to bed upset and in a different space then him.
Once again the days pass with some slightly regular conversation happening between you two but just like last time you watch Saturday come and go then Sunday nigh hits and you get a text
“sorry babe, I know you wanted to do something today, Tuesday we’ll do something” you doubt this, you doubted all of it from the start but for once you wished you wrong, you hoped he actually meant what he said but all the doubt you have you still wait for Tuesday.
Monday finishes then Tuesday morning arrives and you wait...and wait, then send text and your left on seen.. he didn't care enough to tell you anything. As midnight hits you hear a knock on the door. you get up to open it only to see the gray haired man standing in the doorway.
‘no, go away” not even wanting to hear a pitiful excuse for him
“hey no, listen please? “
“yk what? sure tell me how you kept fucking up please fucking tell me what's more important to you then following through. or even fucking caring to tell me what's keeping you away? “ slightly raising your voice trying to breakdown, he lost the right to see you so vulnerable
“ dear you know I'm busy, I'm sorry. I know you've been lonely, c'mon one more chance?’‘ he leans against the doorframe. does this man really think he’s in the place to keep asking for favors?
“why do you think your in the place to ask me for anything? yeah I've been fucking lonely and hurt. just fucking go. ill pack your shit. it will be by door in the morning . don text me, call me, anything. now step back please” Kakashi steps back trying to process what just happened, you close the door and turn off your phone. He wasn't worth the pain he kept putting your heart through the countless nights you cried yourself to sleep. the countless “ you did this to your ex tho” comments after mentioning the problem,. All the times you put your feelings second to be there for him or the time he put your pain second to ask to borrow money. You did what you needed... from now on its you first.
Honestly you always let me down
And I know we're not just hanging out
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And what the hell are we.
an- guess whos emotional over a guy again? me i am. guess whos using kakashi to write out her feelings? me againnn
tw- mentions of drinking,
"Stop. You only like me when your drunk." The words like venom come out of their mouth but their eyes tell a different story as pain lingers in them, leaving Kakashi stunned.. only when he's drunk? they really thinks that? Is he that different.
" what do you mean?" The gray haired sensei ask. they said it, they needed to explain it.
"it's self explanatory. You only care and make promises while drunk, you don't even bat an eye at me while sober Kakashi" only while drunk? He can't get that sentence out of his mind. Did he pain them that much? they always joined him when he drank, sometimes he'd forget but c'mon..it's not that bad right?
" what do you still not understand?, Why can't you like me while sober to?" their voice holding anger, their eyes still telling the tail of hurt. their heart loved him so much but their relationship is unspoken for.
"darling.." his voice trails off unable to know what to say. If drunk words are sober thoughts then why is it only when drunk can they mean the world to him but sober he doesn't remember promising it to them.
"darling what? Answer me damnit" he's just as confused as they are, the emotions running while in both their minds for different reasons.
In theirs, they just wants to know what's so wrong with them his mind has to be foggy in order to love them fully , and why for the love of God he can't stay true to his word when sober.
In his, he's just wondering how different he acts when drunk, he was sober in this moment but his mind reminds fogged not knowing exactly what to say or do.
"i-i.. I'm sorry darling" the only weak words he can say, he meant every bit of it.
"sure you are.." is what they says but deep down they believes him. Kakashi pulls them in for a hug and they doesn't fight it cuz all they needs is to be in his arms.
"I love you, you know that right?" He says leaving a light kiss on their forehead,
" mhm.." lanced with some doubts in it... maybe he meant it this time. but i love you cant fix everything, it cant mend holes left from broken promises and it cant wipe the tears from your eyes.
“what are we?” the uncertainty in your voice when you ask makes it more clear to Kakashi that his drunk state does say more then sober him
“we are..hm..here make it easy. I'm yours and your mine but not dating” he kisses your head again.
“now lets rest okay?” you nod, defended by how he answers almost everything so perfectly..
laying with him feels nice, but your thoughts of the fight can ruin things. but what the hell are we?
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three words
an- levi fluff was the request and you shall receive , yall im also working on a very longggg fanfic imma get out soon
tw- pet name
Caption Levi sat at his desk drinking tea while reviewing plans, things had slowed down just enough for some work to be done when suddenly his door opened. He didn't pay full mind to it only peering over from the top of the paper he was holding but as soon as he saw you in the doorway his full attention was brought to you
“something wrong love? “ you nod at the question, Levi moves the papers to the side
“come then, sit have some tea with me, i could use a break and who better to spend it with then you” he waves you over getting up and pulling another chair up to his desk for you. You make you way over sitting across from the caption.
“what happened?” he’s quick to the point as he pours you a cup of tea. his voice isn't cold just worried.
“ well..um I just kinda missed you, you’ve been locked in here for almost a week, you haven't even come to bed. you only leave to clean” Levi lets out a sigh.. you were right though he was to focused on his work. He pats your head
‘Oh my dear I'm sorry, come on let me make it up to you', the small captain got up, holding his hand out to you, you take it and you both make your way to your shared bedroom. As you arrive at the room he opens the door you allowing you to walk in first
“go laydown ill be there in a second” with that he walks off for a minute only to come back dresses in a way you haven't see in a while.. causal attire.
Levi lays down next to you he pulls your head to his chest kissing your forehead.
“try and sleep Levi” you mutter out closing your eyes enjoying the warmth of body, something you had missed
“shhh I will” he calmly says gently rubbing your back. he can still feel you tensed. As much as he worked, he hopes you still know how much he cares for you,
“ I love you dear” he blurt outs, the first time he had said it first or at all but you just needed to hear that to relax
“ I love you to Levi” you look up kissing his cheek.
the words I love you something he never though he’d say and mean it in full, but this moment of you being so close and trusting him so much makes the words i love you feel more then right. He just hopes you can stay like this all night without him needing to be pulled away
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Hey lol it’s been a while since I’ve sent a request so I thought I’d send one your way!
Could you do 1A for Uta with she/he pronouns, where reader is having trouble with their mental health and Uta comforts them? If your not comfortable with that then just comfort is fine!! Kinda like an angst to fluff?
an- thank you for waiting, im so sorry its taken so long
tw- mentions of bad mental health
As the rain falls you compare the weather to you mental state. dark, gloomy, and no one likes it, the raindrops roll down the window like how the tears roll down your cheek and just as dark bad stormy days hit, good sunny ones sometimes follow you look at uta as he takes over you describing yourself using bad words
“your smiles can be compared to the sun on the goods, my muse i adore everything about you please dont let stormy days make you like any less of yourself” he takes your hands out of his lap holding them in his, then suddenly an idea hits him
He stands up picking you up dragging you out of the room then out the front door into the rain gently placing you down.
“ but even rain has beauty you just gotta find the good in those days to” he twirls you around placing a kiss on the tip of your nose, he places his hand on your cheek leaving a light kiss on your lips
“ im always here if you need, i love you my muse” uta pulls you in holding you close to him as the rain falls around you two,
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sunshower thoughts kakashi x reader
an- i love using my actual emtions in fanfics, anywayss.
tw- lmk?
when they can't sleep at night they think about him, their lover, the way his hands slide up and down their bare back. How when they look up at him soft kisses are shared and how intimacy is so much more then just sex. It's the moment's they long for when he's away, the moments where smalls smiles are shared in between kisses and when his bed seems more like home then any place you've ever lived because he's there. Or how your head in his lap while he's doing other things is nice cause he understands all you long for is to be near someone as much as possible, and over his dead body will that someone not be him. He wants you just as much as you want him but it doesn't matter how much your hearts long for each other a relationship isn't just possible. But your little agreement fills that void just enough to make looking at him not hurt. Love you something he said he doesn't say often but the moment your to in your head about your place in his life his utters the words he said he wouldn't say often, he says he loves you. But sometimes the no relationship thing hurts more then the Thorns of the past the ones you refused to ever share again but he made it so easy to spill a little of the emotion you've been holding.
"hey love, you okay"? Kakashi voice rings through the room.
You think for a moment before answering
"I'm okay babe" things aren't to bad, the light sun showers always past but you can't ever get him back if you end things,
#kakashi fanfiction#kakashi#kakashi x reader#kakashi fluff#naturo fanfics#x reader fluff#fluff#x yn#kakashi x yn
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soft hours toji x reader
an- listen I know he’s a killer but its canon there a soft side to him, and I love playing on small soft sides shown in characters like him,
An- HAPPY ONE YEAR TO MY ACCOUNT, I'm so happy y'all have given me a platform to keep writing for one year, thank you to all my followers and may we make it another year.
tw- lmk
Resting on his bare chest is how almost every morning starts your small hand resting on him made Toji look at you in awe. He questions how a one night stand turned into a soft morning route. On days were you woke up before him you’d always go sneak out of the room and make something to eat for the both of you He always enjoys seeing you in his shirt in the morning, how much he loved seeing you in it a memory he savors every time. But on days like this Toji is worried he’ll wake you up if he moves you off of him so he just admires your sleeping figure or tries to sleep more. Tho on mornings like these were falling back asleep seems impossible he just holds you closer. Seeing how peaceful you look in your sleep makes Toji fall alittle harder and question what exactly you see in him. It makes him look at every wrong path he took and how it made him land up here. Though I guess the answer doesn't matter much to him especially with soft hours like these he's able to understand one thing and it's that he'll hold you close forever.
#xreader#x reader comfort#xreadercomfort#x reader#comfort#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji x reader#toji fushiguro#toji x#toji x y/n#toji headcanons#toji fluff#toji imagine#x reader fluff#one year anniversary
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Stop doing this UTA x READER
an- I love all the wonderful comments i get about my fics, I'm so glad I gave the Tokyo Ghoul fandom a safe place for fanfics, this was a request
tw- implied ed, implied SH, please don't try to read this if any of these triggers you my loves I have other fanfics,
'What the hell were you thinking?!" the tone in Uta's voice lacked anger but held fear. The book in his hand full of your secrets full of everything you kept to yourself. Full of unhealthy habits, full of stories people can never imagine.
He places the book down making his way over to you holding you close to him, it wasn't a hug.. just him holding you. His hand rubbing your back.
"it's okay let it all out my muse, I won't get mad at you, just please speak to me okay?" he tried to hide the worry in his voice but you still heard it his arms around you holding you in more of a protective way.
" Don't worry, I'm never letting you go ill help you through this, now my muse lets go out do whatever you want then come home and make a plan to get you through this okay?" he steps back a little cupping your face to look up at him.
That man loved you and wanted to watch you get better he'd do anything even if it meant distracting you a little.
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sea day naps zoro x reader
an- edior is a zoro simp so , also happy birthday to this boi
an- if I know I have some request to do please be patient, me and editor both work a lot
tw- lmk
You walked out of your cabin space and made your way to the deck of the Going Mary, looking for a certain swordsmen, only to find him napping like usual.
You looked at the green harried male for a minute before deciding what to do... your quest for him wasn't very important, you simply wanted his attention but he just looks so peaceful in his slumber.
Walking back to the cabin you grabbed a blanket, hopefully big enough for the both of you. You headed back to Zoro placing the blanket on him before snuggling up next him and resting your head on his toned arms - it was more comfortable then you would of thought.
After sometime you fell asleep, your head fell on his chest as you rested. When Zoro finally woke up he’s quick to notice you joined him. He leaves a gentle kiss on your forehead careful to not move much as to not wake you.
“Happy birthday moss ball head.”
You mumble out half awake. Zoro sighs while shaking his head a little at your comment.
“Thank you sleepyhead.”
You couldn't see it but a small smile had formed on the green haired swords men’s face. This was the best way he could of spent his birthday.
#one piece#one piece zoro#One Piece Fanfiction#zoro#roronoa zoro#Pirate Hunter Zoro#zoro fanfic#happybirthday zoro#x reader fluff#fluff#FLUFF FANFIC#zoro x reader#zoro x you#zoro x y/n#zoro fluff#one piece x reader
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