#deathnote x yn
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bakugokemkatsuki · 1 year ago
Light Yagami x Reader
**Genre: Angst to Fluff **Happish ending **Key: Y/N- Your Name Talking; Sayu, You, Light **Background: Your childhood friends **Reader is GN **Word Count: 545
Light Yagami, he was tall, smart, funny, and a total gentleman. At least that’s how he presented himself. He was most any girl’s ideal guy. I mean from his gentle laugh and kind eyes to his sweet gestures like bringing your favorite snack. How could you not fall for him? You’ve known the Yagami’s for years, and you never would have thought you’d actually fall for him. Your mom’s used to joke that you two would end up together, but you never took them seriously. Well, that was your mistake because before you realized it you were falling. You fell fast and hard. You started to notice things you never did before. You ended up pushing him away completely thinking it would help. It didn’t and then you found out about Misa. Lights girlfriend… His sister told you about her one day while you were over helping her with a project. You felt yourself break inside. Of course, Light didn’t feel the same. He deserves someone like Misa, beautiful and perfect in every way you weren’t.
“Hey Y/N. Long time no see” Light was just getting home. You couldn’t even find it in you to reply. You wanted to break down and cry just hearing his voice. Light having known you forever could tell something was wrong. “Hey Sayu, can I borrow Y/N for a while?” “Sure. I have plans with some friends anyways. Thanks for your help see you later Y/N!” And with that Sayu was out the door. “Y/N come. Let’s go to my room.” You reluctantly followed Light up to his room. Once inside you both sat in silence. You were looking anywhere but him and trying to stay calm. “Y/N look at me. Please.” You begrudgingly obliged to look at Light for the first time since he got home. “What’s wrong?” You stayed silent not sure you could speak without crying. Light came over and sat next to you on his bed. He took your hand in his and asked again, “What’s wrong”. That was the last straw you couldn’t stop the tears. “Sayu… she… she told me about Misa…I know I shouldn’t be upset I have no right to be jealous… but I am…because Light…I love you…” Light didn’t say anything at first but instead pulled you into a hug. “Y/N… I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.” Pulling back from the hug and wiping your tears you reply confused, “What do you mean? But Misa?” “Sayu was wrong, Misa is just some girl who is obsessed with me. The feelings are NOT reciprocated.” “Really?” “Yes, you’re the only one for me.” Before you could say more Light pulled you in for a kiss. It was better than you ever imagined. As you pulled away Light was quick to ask another question. “Is that why you stopped coming over and started avoiding me?” “…Yes… Sorry…” “Y/N, never do that again okay? I love you and ONLY you.” “I love you too.” You two decided to keep it just between you for a while (Lights idea of course, so he could use Misa though you didn’t know this). You were just happy to finally be together. If only you knew the whole truth and what was to come later.
**Authors Note: While writing a lot of lights lines I could hear ryuk laughing and commenting in my head like "you're the only one for me huh? pretty smooth" *laughs*
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waifu-13 · 3 years ago
Calling it conflict
an- im back with some fluff babes. is this about a real person? yes. sorry it is fem reader. I try to be as inclusive as I can but in cases where I use songs I just follow the lyrics, im sorry. 
tw_ drugs, pet names, fast cars, just stupid rules 
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                                 { Pour another bottle to the floor, love}
Here you are lying on a random roof top, bottles pouring down to the ground below, the fluffy haired male laying next to you, you've only just met him but your connection is .hmm well get back to that one. 
                                { Pushin' for it, oh, you know I want some}
You turn your head to look at him. analyzing his lips and the blunt between  them 
“watcha looking at”? the fluffy haired boy asked he caught you staring,
“your lips” you says facing back up to the night sky.
 {Cause everything you do is screaming: More drugs It's kinda sad but it's awesome}
“you sure about that one?” you nod in response 
“want a hit? he offers holding the blunt out to you. you take it taking a long drag then slowly letting the smoke pour from your mouth to fade away into nothing. the blunt now passing between you two till there nothing but ash left. leaving you to think about how you got here, what decisions of the day lead you to this point at night. 
                      { Oh, we've lost it  Screeching off with no names}
flash backs from earlier today flood your mind how you went from leaning against a gas station wall with a drink in hand making small talk  to now laying next to the cutest boy you've meant. He’s not a complete Stanger you've seen him at different friends parties but now yall are actually talking on your own. 
“cmon its boring here, let me show you some real fun” he says holding his hand out for you to take it “ I didn't catch your name tho” you say in rebuttal 
“doesn't matter, now c'mon” you place your hand in his and follow him to his car getting in the passengers side. As soon as he got in the car you two were off in a flash. 
           {She said: Watch this With her hands in the rain}
Somewhere along your drive it started raining. I watch as she sticks her hand out the window to catch the raindrops on her fingers. She was gorgeous  just sitting there in the passengers side. 
     {Call it conflict, as you should And you ain't gonna stop this, stop this}        “so what's this feeling” she ask not even looking at me. i pause for a moment before answering 
“ call it conflict” I say moto toned moving my eyes from the road on to her.
                   {And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
 the both of them can feel the small spark that's formed through the small talk in this car ride to god knows where but their both enjoying their times.    
{We're pulling up to where you used to work at Well tell 'em that you're finished, yeah, you mean that}
we pull into a parking lot of my job? 
“do it, quit, c'mon, lets do some crazy shit” he says getting out of the car, I hope out following him  walking up my manger and quitting. I dont know why I picked to listen but the freedom i felt in the car ride was unreal.
                               {It's so illegal, but I like that}
Everything feels so right but so wrong i love it, I haven't felt so free with this nameless man, as were walking out of the store I stop before getting back in. 
“ your name, do I get it now?” 
“nope not yet little lady” he says with a smirk. you both get back in the car and hit the road.
  { Screeching off with no names And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out }
Which led us back here, light at night, two random liquor bottles dripping off the roof and ash laying around. but goddamn I've never seen a girl look so pretty in the moonlight. 
{Oh, we've lost it  She said, "Watch this" Call it conflict, please, call it conflict}      
“the name is matt little lady, can I catch yours now?”
“y/n.. matt a cute name it fits your face” she said it with a giggle but her face lit up. damn I swear I'm falling for a girl I just met.  I sure fucking hope she feels the same,
I watch his face as I say my name, matt is a cute name its fitting for him. fuck I think I'm falling for a guy I just met... I hope the feeling is mutual.                  
I look over to catch him look at my lips the same way i had been looking at his. so I think fuck it and lean in and kiss him.  he kisses back pulling me in closer to him making sure to keep us both stable. 
          { And you keep on falling, baby, figure it out}
we pull back lightly panting my body so close to his. I dont know how this will play out right now but for now lets just call it conflict. 
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𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚢 𝙼𝚎 (𝙻 𝙻𝚊𝚠𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚝 𝚡 𝙶𝙽! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Quick summary:  You worked alongside with L on the Kira case since the very beginning, being one of L’s first friends he’s ever truly had. It was an understatement to say that you and him had a connection. Another understatement to say the two of you were attached to the other. He trusted you with everything. But yet...perhaps he trusted you a bit too much. That’s really saying something being the most intelligent detective in the world, and yet, a simple, but smart, person like you could gain his trust, and steal a part of him, and make him feel unimaginable pain when he realizes the truth about you.
But he had the same affect on you, didn’t he?
Reader Key: (Y/N) = Your Name (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color (Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color
Warnings: Death, Angst, and mentions of abuse during childhood. If you’re uncomfortable with the subject of abuse, I recommend you don’t read this.
This imagine was inspired by the song Stand By Me by Ben E. King
     L's clothes and dark hair were drenched as the rain poured down on him, but he didn't seem to care. He looked to be absorbed in his own universe, gazing above himself and feeling the water droplets on his skin as he drowned out all sounds around himself. You remained silent, watching as he stood there, unaware of your presence beneath the building, your sparkling yet dull (Y/E/C) eyes staring at him.
     “Ryuzaki? What are you doing out here?” You called out to him, wiping your forehead of the tiny droplets of rain that dripped down from the ceiling. “It’s pouring out here. You’re gonna get yourself sick!”
     L slowly turned his head in your direction, looking at you in the eyes, before he lifted a hand to his ear, indicating he couldn’t hear you. You called out again, “I said what are you doing out here!? You’re going to get sick!”
     L simply stared at you for a few moments, giving off a smile, leaning forward more. He clearly still couldn’t hear you. You sighed before hesitantly walking into the rain, your feet splashing gently in the puddles on the ground before you reached him. You took a step in front of him, crossing your arms, rubbing them up in down in a pointless attempt to keep yourself warm in the chill of the rain and cool air. 
     “L,” you stated lowly, “What are you doing out here in these weather conditions? Again, you’ll get sick.”
     “The bells are ringing more loudly today..” He muttered, making you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion.
     “What do you mean?” You questioned, now standing beside him.
     “Soon,” L said, turning his face slowly to you, your eyes locking together, “me and you will be going our separate ways, (Y/N)..”
     All you could do in that moment was stare at him. You have been working on Light’s side the entire case. I mean, you had to repay him somehow after he saved you from your own father. Your father was an abusive man, and he murdered your mother in front of your eyes, and almost got away with it. But Light served him justice and killed him off by another inmate bashing his head in with a metal bar in prison, just like you asked. 
     But during that time, all you felt was anger and hate, even resentment to your mother for being weak and not protecting you from that man all those years, and she died a debilitated woman. All Light asked from you in return was that you helped him create a better world, and he promised you’d become the princess/prince/other ruler of the new world, other than him and Misa. You three would rule supreme and everyone would bow down at your feet, criminals and all evil begging for mercy and forgiveness.
     During that time, you smiled at the image. You and your two best friends ruling the world, you three being absolutely unstoppable. So, he had you go along with the plan, and your role was simple and easy. Get closer and build a connection with Ryuzaki, mainly known as, L. That’s exactly what you did. You pretended to be on his side, just as Light and Misa did, yours having more significance, since you were the one who made the deepest connection, delivering Light every piece of information that L had told you.
     Starting with calming chess matches, talking about all sorts of things, going out to shopping places, him not wanting any clothes or wanting to try anything on, him simply pointing out clothing he believed you’d look best in. Moving into slipping out at night after persuading him to take a short break from the case, going to candy shops, and even going into a small gas station, buying slushies of every flavor, drinking them until the two of you had a brain freeze.
     One night, after buying three slushies each, blue raspberry, cherry, and coca cola, you went to the ceiling of the main base, looking out at the stars, as you realized you were already betraying your own mindset...
Your Flashback...       
     “..And that’s how I met Light in middle school.” You concluded your story, slurping on your blue raspberry slushie, swinging your feet from the edge of the rooftop, staring up at the stars, the moon being your only source of light for you and L.
     “Hm..” L hummed, sitting in his usual position, running a hand in his hair. “It must be nice to have a friend for a long period of time like that.”
     You nodded with a small smile. “Yeah, it is nice. Especially when they’re real and true. Sometimes that’s rare in this world.”
     It was only solitude between the two of you for a few minutes, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. More of a calming and sweet silence. “Tell me (Y/N),” L began, “this might sound a bit personal, and I apologize in advance, you don’t need to answer of course..”
     You turned your head in his direction, raising a brow, curious on what he wanted to ask. “Yes?”
     “Have you ever been in love?” He asked point-blank. 
     You remained silent for a few moments, the sudden feeling of your heart beginning to beat quicker, the feelings of a stone plopping in your stomach releasing butterflies burst inside you. “I...I don’t think so.” Was all you could mutter.
     “I get this...feeling, (Y/N)..” L mumbled, his face turning towards you, his dark eyes now soft, as he slowly slipped his hand in your direction, moving a strand of (Y/H/C) hair out of your face. “That I’ve never felt with anyone else before and I don’t know how to explain it..” 
     “L..I..” You whispered, as you realized your faces were a mere three inches apart, as your eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips, the feeling of wanting to press your lips against his clouded your brain.
     L looked down to your lips before he blinked and pulled away. “What do you feel for me, (Y/N)?” He whispered, looking down at the distance from the roof to the ground, the sound of cars passing by every now and again.
     “L..” You began, the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears, and right as you looked at him, he looked at you, you both not even realizing you were both leaning in, your eyes beginning to flutter.
     You both pulled away quickly from the other as soon as the door to the main building swung open, revealing the two people to be Misa and Light. “(Y/N)! Ryuzaki! We’ve been looking for you guys for almost thirty minutes now! Where have you two been?” Misa exclaimed, rushing over to the two of you, grabbing you and hoisting you up.
     She engulfed you in a tight hug, continuing to ramble. “We thought you two decided to run off and have a night out without us? How could you be so rude!” Misa slightly giggled, before pulling away, seeing Light walk towards you guys, standing next to L.
     “We just wondered where the two of you snuck off to when we didn’t see you in the main headquarters.” Light explained, glancing at you with a we need to talk look.
     You nodded slowly at Light, turning to L. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ryuzaki. Goodnight.”
     You shoved your hands in the pockets of your jeans, walking away from the three into the building. As soon as the door shut behind you, you walked down the hall, and saw a nearby closet. You entered inside, it being filled with folders and computer cords, and you sat in the corner after shutting the door quietly behind you. 
     You stared at the floor, the feelings bursting out of you, sudden steams of tears coming down your cheeks, falling onto the palms of your hands. You let out small hiccups and sniffs, your throat suddenly becoming tight as your hands shook. “No..not now, not him, please..” You whimpered helplessly, as the feelings took a hold of your heart.
     You loved him. You loved L. You’ve known that well in your mind for a little bit of time now, but at this moment, it seemed this was the time you had come to terms with it. You covered your face, your chest heaving with the sobs that released themselves, you, no matter how much you tried, you couldn’t control. 
     All the memories of it all, swarming back to you. Late night slushies, chess games with stupid conversations, sweet shop hang-out days, shopping days, and the say where you played Stand By Me by Ben E. King in the kitchen of your apartment, teaching L how to dance just for the heck of it. Which led to the first time of you seeing him smile, looking into your eyes.
     The night he sat with you, holding your hand when you had a flashback of your father’s abuse. It was one of the worst panic attacks you had in your life, and he was the one who stayed with you, taking your hand, and fed you his sweets, telling you calming and reassuring things that made your heart melt that day.
     All that suddenly hit you. Hit you hard. Later that night, Misa made tea for you, Light, and herself, and you all sat in your living room apartment, Light telling both you and Misa that in just a week, L would be dead. Hearing those words and Light’s entire plan, and how he simply smiled and laughed maniacally at it made you shudder. In the past, you had the same smirk he had, but now, it was just forced..
End Of Flashback... 
     After a small conversation in the rain, L and you made your way back inside headquarters, drying yourselves off with towels. You took a seat on the steps, drying your hair as L stood next to you. You sighed, leaning your head back, closing your eyes, and you heard him kneel down behind you. Suddenly, you felt his hands rub and squeeze your shoulders, making you jolt slightly and look up at him. “What are you doing?”
     “Relax, I’m actually quite good at this.” He said, as gently squeezed your shoulders. “You’re stressed about something, I can tell..”
     The stone dropped in your stomach once again.
     “You’ve been tense all day long, and you look like you haven’t slept in a few days, and I’m quite worried for your well-being, (Y/N).” L said gently, as you stared in front of you, biting your lip to control the tears that formed in your eyes, knowing Light’s plan was already in motion.
     “So, allow me to release some of this weight on your shoulders.” L spoke calmly and gently, making your heart beat quicker. To you, he sounded almost like an angel.
     He began to hum the song you both declared as yours, Stand By Me, while giving you the massage. You closed your eyes, before slowly bringing your hand up to his that was on your shoulder, gently placing it on top of his. He stopped his humming and his movements. “Did I hurt you? My apologies.”
     “No, you didn’t.” You said, tilting your head to see him behind you. “But L, there’s something I need to tell you..I-I need to tell you now.” Your voice cracked slightly, but you kept it together.
     “Yes, (Y/N)?” L muttered as you fully turned to face him, his eyes never leaving yours.
     “L, I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this sooner..” You laughed slightly, refusing to meet his gaze. You knew if you did, you’d completely lose it. “But L, I lo-”
     You were cut off by L’s finger on your lips, indicating for you to be quiet. Then, his finger was replaced by his lips. They gently pressed against yours, softly and it was long-awaited on both sides. You felt a tear slide down your cheek, as you cupped his cheeks, playing with the wet strands of his hair as he cradled the back of your neck.
     After a bit, you both pulled away, looking into the other’s eyes. “The bells...” L whispered, “They’ve gotten louder...”
Small Time Skip...
     “L-Light, please, I-” You pleaded to Light, grabbing the collar of his shirt, whispering as the panic grew in the room, everyone beginning to freak out, including L as Watari had suffered a heart attack while on the line with L.
     Light looked at you with a scowl on his face, taking your hands off him. “(Y/N),” he began but his eyes moved to behind you, watching at L slowly fell from his chair.
     You turned in the direction of his gaze, and like in slow motion, your vision was covered in red, as you watched as he almost reached the floor. You jumped forward, catching him in your arms. You two locked eyes one final time.
     You looked in his eyes, as you took his hand in yours, tears brimming your eyes as you knew the truth all too well, and you knew he did as well. His eyes widened at the realization, his grip on your hand beginning to loosen. As his eyes began to close, a single tear fell from his eye, Light giving off his sadistic smirk behind you.
     Just then, at that very moment, you knew L was gone. The final thoughts he had was the realization of your betrayal. The truth. It all hit him. Hit him hard. You were always one Kira’s side. And now, even when you held him, all the moments before, it was all according to Light’s plan. All of it and you followed him even when your heart beckoned you to not. And because of that, L died in your arms. All Light asked of you was for him to use you for his own sick plans.
     While, all L asked of you, was to stand by him.
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bakugokemkatsuki · 1 year ago
L (Death Note) x (GN) Reader:
**Word Count: 324 **Genre: FLuff/ Crack **Note: L kind of OOC?, in this in public L goes by Ryusaki and you call him Ryu for short
Your boyfriend was anything but normal. You knew that going into this relationship. One thing that came with dating someone like L was that your dates were always anything but normal. For one you almost never go out on dates in public. Dates usually consisted of hanging out in the apartment watching movies and eating cake or other sweets. The few times you guys did end up going out on public dates they almost always ended badly and today was no different. L was paranoid about people knowing who he was, after all many people probably want him dead though many others would praise him for his work. He was always extremely cautious and jumpy when you two were out. The outings usually never lasted more than an hour or two before L freaked and Watari would have to come get you guys. Today you two were out on a walk enjoying nature when L sneezed. A man nearby walked over to offer him a tissue when L flipped this man over his shoulder and the guy landed hard on his back. “Ryu why did you just flip this poor man?” you ask as you help the guy up. “It was just self-defense.” “Ryu… he was JUST handing you a tissue.” “It could have concealed a weapon… or better yet it could have been covered in chloroform.” “Or hear me out… it was just a NORMAL tissue.” After the mini argument you bowed apologizing to the guy and decided it was time to go back home. “I prefer our in-home dates anyways.” “Me too Ryu… Me too.” You couldn’t help but smile as you headed home, he really was special and he was all yours. Your dates and honestly most of your relationship may not be normal but you were okay with that because you love L exactly as he is.
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bakugokemkatsuki · 1 year ago
Death Note Masterlist:
L Dates x (GN) Reader😊🤪
Light Yagami
Light Yagami X (GN) Reader 💔to😊
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