#watch me write all of this out and uh my fic still sucks. lol
hanzajesthanza · 2 years
i thought to make a list of "things which tell me if im reading a fanfiction or if im reading professional fiction"...
i feel like i always see "fanfiction quality" of writing joked about as being like my immortal or by describing eyes as "orbs" and other memes about cringe-worthy writing, but there doesn't seem to exist a lot of standards beyond that. it seems that fics are either categorized as trashy incomprehensible fic, or that the author should have their own publishing deal already, which isn't true. sometimes fics aren't that badly written, but could also just do with some ways to improve, but there is rarely any actual advice in trying to improve fics to engage the reader as the source material does.
disclaimers for this post:
this is not a post with the intention of putting anyone down. i'm really all of this out for the benefit of my own personal writing process. because for me, although i may be writing fanfiction, i want to write to a certain standard of quality. this post is just a list of things i'd like to be able to do in my fic.
this isn't about any author in particular, and in this list i'm also including things that i myself have done as a fanfic author
if you've read fic that includes these things, then good for you, but the majority of fanfictions which i've seen seem to immediately fall into these traps and the point of this post is to list out the mistakes i've seen so i can begin to avoid them
i know that not all fanfiction writers are intending to write to a professional standard, fanfiction by nature is a hobby and fics don't have to be written to be good, they can fulfill a personal creative desire
i don't really read fanfiction anymore but you know i've crawled through ao3 sometimes in desperation before giving up the quest
this post is one hundred percent witcher-centric, so it's literally fanfic writers VS sapkowski, so let's go.
so i'm just going to start:
i think the main thing is the author's ability to just... handle the world in which they're writing.
this means thinking from the perspective of more characters than just the ones you're writing from the perspective of or the ones in the scene. the character which the fanfic is from, if the fic is "good," usually seems to have a really complex inside world, with a lot of thoughts and considerations... but the characters they're interacting with feel like cardboard cutouts, who only interject or respond in the coversation out of the convenience of the author. they don't really have their own developed voice or personality if it's not in their perspective, or, alternatively, if they do, it's an exaggerated and one-dimensional personality that's completely unrealistic.
this means having more characters than just the ones you're writing about. the minor characters and background charactersmake the world feel alive, so they not only have appearances and names, but they also have their own professions, stories, motivations, drama... if they're in a scene, they feel like they completely "exist" in the world just as much as the main characters do, but we're just not seeing it through their eyes right now. it feels like a lot of work, and it is, because you basically have to make OCs for everyone involved. but it doesn't have to be difficult and twisted for every single background character, just do the basics. answer who are they with what is their relation to others in the scene, where are they from and what is their profession, what is their main motivation in this scene, what do they look like, and what are they called or what does the writing call them.
how to describe what a character looks like. i'm not talking paragraphs upon paragraphs of description, just be specific. "a pox-marked man with hands darkened by soot, eyes glistening from narcotic use" is ten times better than "a peasant"
edit: also sapkowski always comes up with the best character names for background characters or doesn't name them at all and just refers to them as a physical trait they have (like "pox-marked", "beanpole", "bear") so if you call your background characters some random shit like "gage" that's an immediate red flag
using specific references in lieu of being vague. for instance, having characters in the dialogue name the monarch in power by their name (e.g., "ethain" rather than "the king of cidaris").
describing the setting and locale, and distinguishing them from one another, and establishing a specific atmosphere or mood. you have to create an environment for the characters to live in. imagine if aedd gynvael was simply described as "the town". if novigrad was simply described as "the busy city." if angren was simply described as "the marshy wilderness."
but i think the biggest thing i see is lack of message.
so what's the overarching themes of the writing? is there a message beyond the in-universe implications, is there something which can be understood outside of the writing - such as family, sacrifice, or something more specific like authoritarian government, crime and punishment... essentially, what's the point? how is that achieved? is there symbolism, motifs? something needs to happen that is more than just "these two characters are in love" or "this character was sad." that's fine, but what was the meaning of that.
this relates to the author's ability to handle the world and be specific in that they need to have a good memory of what they've written and be able to weave it through the writing, creating things which reoccur or are brought up later. and that relates to the ability to plan out your writing and have a clear idea of not only what you want to happen but WHY. why do things happen. what are you saying about this, as a subject BEYOND the characters and the world involved.
which brings me to the last thing... planning.
idk how to explain this one really... but you can tell when writing was not planned out thoroughly.
i'm not talking about something more specific like plot holes or contrivances, but something like, do characters' motivations compared to what they achieve at the end of the story make sense? or do characters have to deal with the consequences of their actions (either deal with it internally through remorse or reflection, or externally through conflict with others?). (or, if they don't deal with the consequences, is there a point to that?)
there's some leeway here because stories can really go anywhere you want them to, but there's a kind of fic where the author just didn't know what they wanted to do with it in the first place and kept adding new chapters on whims. which, see disclaimers, isn't inherently a bad thing, a lot of fic is just for fun, but it isn't professional writing.
writing is really hard and good writing is even harder and takes soooo long so i think the expectation for fic writers to be prolific is a difficult thing, because if you are just churning out fic chances are it's not going to tick the boxes above. if you want to make it good it's unfortunately going to take a lot of forethought and really interpersonal soul-searching considering what your goals and ideas are as the author.
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Eddie thinks he’ll be the one to corrupt her, little does he know she’s already kinkier and more depraved than his wildest dreams.
Eddie x Bambi Masterlist
Minors DNI
I keep getting carried away with these, this is over 7000 words! I tried to balance fluffy, sweet and goofy with filthy, smutty and kinky, hopefully I pulled off the combo and it’s not too cringy lol.
@hard-candy-writing​ is to blame for this one, she put the idea in my head with this post and I just ran with it. It’s maybe not quite exactly the same as that post, but still in the same spirit. Also, check out her fics too they’re brilliant!
Contains: Perv!Eddie/Not So Innocent!Girly!Reader, Fluff, Mutual Masturbation, Corruption Kink, Unprotected Sex, Sex Toys, Bondage/Handcuffs, Mentions of Oral/Hints of Oral Fixation, Cum Eating, Dirty Talk, Honorifics/ Petnames (Sir, Bambi, Baby, Sweetheart, Princess), Collaring, Praise Kink, The Slightest Degredation/Name-calling (Slut), Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader
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You practically skip over to his table where he sits surrounded by the rest of the Hellfire Club. Eddie can’t imagine what you’d want with him as you approach him, all frills and ruffles, your hair tied into pigtails with little bows. You come to stand beside him bouncing on the balls of your feet, hands clasped together in front of you over your little, pleated snow-white skirt.
“Hi Eddie!” Your tone sweet as sugar, giving him a bright, dazzling smile.
“Uh… hi there, sweetheart. What can I do for you?” He asks, eyeing you quizzically.
“I was wondering if you’d wanna go out for milkshakes with me?” You ask shyly glancing down, toying with the charm bracelet around your wrist. What Eddie doesn’t realise though, is that your eyes end up glued to his little handcuff belt buckle as your mind races… wondering if he’d have an actual set of cuffs or if that was just part of his ‘style’.
He looks at you sceptically, “Me? You wanna go out… with me?” he points to his chest.
You look back up at him giggling, “Duh, silly that’s why I asked you.”
“Really? This isn’t some kind of joke or something?” His eyes narrow at you.
It breaks your heart to hear him say that, “Of course not, that would be horrible! I would never do that!” You insist, pouting at him.
“Alright. If you say so.” He shrugs, still can’t believe his ears.
“Ok, so I guess I’ll meet you by your van after school?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies unconvinced.
“Ok, well bye guys! See you later Eddie!” You wave to the group before bouncing away.
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He spends the whole day thinking this had to be some sort of prank, there’s no way you’d actually be waiting for him. But lo and behold there you are leaning against the side of his van at the end of the day, he watches as you bend to peer in a sidemirror, reapplying your lip-gloss and smacking your lips.
As you stand back upright you catch sight of him, grinning and waving with your arm stretched up high, calling his name excitedly. He almost has to pinch himself, he can’t believe his eyes.
“So… milkshakes, was it?” He confirms as he approaches you.
“Yes, please.” You nod hopping into his van as he holds the door open for you.
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The pair of you sit in the diner in a booth opposite one another, he orders chocolate, you order strawberry. When your milkshakes arrive, topped with whipped cream and cherries, Eddie picks his cherry off placing it beside his glass on a napkin. 
You pluck the cherry off of yours popping it between your lips, humming in delight, “Mmmh, my favourite.” Then swiping a finger through the cream and sucking it off the tip. 
Eddie gapes at you, you can’t know what you’re doing right, there’s no way, but you barely notice his reaction. You eye his cherry greedily, “You gonna eat that?” You point to it.
Eddie chokes in response, “Nope… uh, all yours.”
“Thanks.” You reply swooping in to steal it off his napkin without hesitation.
He’d never tell you, but he’d actually been saving the cherry for last.
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He soon finds that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for his little princess. All too quickly becoming your personal chauffeur anywhere you wanted to go. He’d even let you listen to all your girly pop music, just to see how happy it made you. Not that he’d ever even pretend to like it, but he tolerates it, for you.
Until one day when you suggest, “Hey, Eds. Why don’t we listen to some of your music for a change?”
And he leaps at the chance, scrambling to find one of his cassettes popping it in for you. He’s surprised to find you actually like it, as you nod along, tapping your foot to the beat.
“What’s this song, Eds?” You hum curiously.
“Oh, uh it’s called Rainbow in the Dark, it’s by Dio.”
“Oh, like on your back patch, right?” You ask eagerly.
His chest swells more than he thought possible, full of happiness, “Yep that’s right, sweetheart. Can’t believe you remember things like that.”
“Is this the sort of music your band plays?”
“Yeah, I guess kinda.” He shrugs.
“Maybe I could come see you guys play at that bar you guys perform at.” You suggest hopefully.
He shakes his head, “Oh, no, no, no sweetheart The Hideout isn’t the type of place for you and plus it’s on a school night.”
You pout in response, going to protest, “But…”
Your protests die on your lips as he offers, “But you could come to band practice… if you wanted.”
“Really? That’s perfect, thanks Eds.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t think to invite you sooner. I guess I just thought you wouldn’t be into it.”
“Of course I’m into it. You’re my boyfriend, why wouldn’t I want to support you?”
He jerks in his seat, stuttering awkwardly, “I’m your… your boyfriend?”
Your stomach drops, was it too early, you’d only been on a handful of dates, this’d be your fourth, “Oh, uh yeah… unless… unless you don’t want to be…”
“No! I mean I do… want to be your boyfriend… want you to be my girlfriend … I just… it’s… never-mind. Yeah, I’m your boyfriend.” He settles back into the seat goofy grin plastered across his face.
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When you get to your destination, he leaps out trotting around the hood of the van to open your door for you as usual, offering you his hand to help you down. You giggle and take his hand, he shuts the door behind you and you lead him away from the van, his hand still clasped in yours.
An idea strikes him all of a sudden, tugging on your hand gently and spinning you to face him. He’s blurting out, stumbling over his words, “Uhhhh, hey sweetheart, I know it’s not really your style or whatever, but uh… I want… now you’re like officially my girlfriend I want to… to give you something. Show everyone you’re mine.”
He fishes around under the collar of his shirt as he speaks. You bite your lip, without even knowing it, he’s got you pegged right from the start. You wanna be his, let everyone know it, let him claim you.
He pulls out his guitar pick necklace and twists your hand so that it faces palm up. He drops the pick into your hand, slowly lowering the chain to coil up alongside it.
He looks into your eyes nervously, hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck “You don’t have to wear it or anything if you don’t want. I can get you something better once I save a bit more money-”
You cut him off with a short kiss to his lips, before slipping the chain over your head, squealing, “No! Eddie, I love it! I’m going to wear it all the time!”
He stares down at your chest as his pick settles between your breasts, wrapped up as they are in your snug, little pink cardigan before gazing back up at you.
He breathes out a sigh of relief, she likes it, thank fucking Christ, he thinks to himself with a dopey grin. Floating back down to earth his grin fading slightly, but not disappearing, he clears his throat, “Alright, come on let’s go before we’re late for the movie.”
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He swaps positions with you now taking the lead, making sure he stands curb-side as he pulls you to walk alongside him. You tug on his arm and he pauses turning to you as you speak, “Wait… I wanna give you something too.”
You reach into your hair tugging on the end of a ribbon, you’d had wrapped around like a headband. It falls away and you bring his hand closer to you, looping it around his wrist beside the chain bracelet that’s already there and tying a bow.
He glances down, watching your nimble fingers working the soft, pink material. It stands out on his arm, a pop of colour amidst the darkness. He feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest, still can’t believe any of this is real.
He stares at his wrist for a beat, before you break him out of it, “Ok, now let’s go.”
“Yeah, sure thing Bambi.” He mumbles.
He’d started in with that nickname a little while ago, but you’re still not quite sure why. All the little nicknames he called you brought you so much joy. Every ‘baby’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘princess’… you cherished them all.
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Despite being your boyfriend now, he’d never felt like more of a perv than when he’s around you. He wants to take it slow with you, not rush you into anything you’re not comfortable with. 
However, he finds he can’t contain himself, stealing your dirty panties, peeping on you in the shower, jerking off into your lotion imagining you rubbing it into your skin the next day.
When you offer up your shower to him one day with a, ‘…why don’t you just shower here, silly. I don’t mind’, he does the same with your body wash this time. He’s surrounded by you, your scent, absolutely falling to pieces.
The smell of you clings to him for the rest of the day, can’t resist twisting his hair in front of his face, smelling your shampoo grinning stupidly. He ends up jerking off about three more times that day.
He feels conflicted about it though, he shouldn’t be thinking of you like that, cute, innocent little y/n. There’s a part of him that wants to corrupt you, give in to all his devilishly, sinful thoughts, have his way with you. But it’s wrong, so wrong and the guilt eats him up.
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It takes a while before you convince him to let you visit him at his place, he’s never been embarrassed about where he lives per se but when he compares his trailer to your perfectly, picturesque white picket fence suburbia he feels he doesn’t quite measure up. You on the other hand couldn’t care less.
“Oh, look Eds! A puppy!” You squeal pointing at the dog behind the fence trotting off to get a closer look, dirtying your white trainers in the mud without even noticing.
You bend at the waist offering your hand for the dog to sniff before scratching at its head. Your skirt rides up and flutters with a gust of wind, Eddie catches sight of the black ink at the junction of your hip, eyes bulging out of his skull, almost choking on his own tongue, “You have a tattoo?!”
“Mhmm.” You hum distractedly, fully focused on the dog in front of you.
“Can… can I see it?”
“Oh, yeah sure.” You stand turning to face him.
You scan the street for any potential witnesses, seeing none, you flip your skirt up, the little, trussed up kitten on full display beside your little lilac and white polka dot panties. Eddie chokes out a gasp, barely getting a glimpse at it before he’s rushing over to you pulling your skirt back down to cover you, “Bambi, you can’t just do that in the middle of the street!” He shrieks in a pitchy voice.
“What, why not? There’s no one here.”  You protest, his hand grips your wrist and he’s dragging you into his trailer.
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As soon as he gets you inside, he rounds on you, answering, “Anyone could see you out there, you don’t know the kinda pervs that live here!”
“Awww, you one of those pervs Eds?” You giggle.
He splutters, “What? No! Why would you think that?”
“It’s ok, I’m only teasing.” You prod at his shoulder, “Hey, uh I wanted to ask… um, can I paint your nails?” You give him your very best puppy dog eyes.
He looks down at you quizzically, “Uh, why?”
“I think it’d look hot, especially with your rings. Don’t worry I got black, got it special just for you.”
“Oh, sweetheart that’s adorable, you got it just for me?”
You nod eagerly, “Uhh huh. What do you think? Can I?”
He smirks, “You really think it’d be ‘hot’?”
“Yeah, sooo hot Eds, you have no idea.”
“Ok then. Did you wanna do it now?” He concedes.
“Yes, please!” You bounce, unable to contain your excitement and he chuckles at you.
“Come on, let’s head into my room then.”
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He leads the way and you trail along behind him, he’d tidied up his room specially for you, hiding away a few choice items he thought you shouldn’t see. You don’t notice when he stiffens a little as he realises there’s something he missed. He spots a pair of your panties, stained with his cum poking out from under his bed he surges forward kicking them further under before doing an odd twirl spreading his arms and shouting a little louder than necessary, “Well, this is it!”
You grin at him, looking around the room you announce, “It’s great Eds, very you, I like it.”
Slipping your little powder blue backpack off your shoulders, setting it down on his bed and digging through it to pull out that bottle of black nail polish. You hold it up triumphantly before sitting on the edge of his bed, waving him over, “ You got some tissues or something around, don’t wanna ruin my skirt.”
“Yeah, just a sec.” He mumbles rushing off.
You take another glance around his room, giddy with excitement, you were in his room, on his bed.
He tumbles back in clutching a box of tissues, thrusting it into your arms, “Here ya go.”
You set the box down beside you, pulling a couple out and laying them over your thigh before looking up at him, “Sit please. On the floor, just there would be good.” You spread your legs a little giving him a space to slot into in front of you.
“Oh… uh… ok I guess.” He sinks to the floor on his knees.
“Thank you.” You grin at him sickly sweet. “Now I just need your hand.”
He nods offering you one and you grip it gently, bringing it to rest on your thigh over the tissue there. His fingers tremble slightly, breath catching in his throat as you let go of his hand leaving it there to open the nail polish. 
He’s suddenly hyperaware of his position between your legs, his hand on your thigh. His thoughts drift to the panties under his bed as a blush spreads over his cheeks, down his neck and his dick swells between his legs.
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You get to work painting his nails, tongue poking out between your teeth in concentration. When you finish one hand you bring it up to your lips, blowing over his fingers gently. His eyes dart between your glossy lips and your eyes, he has to fight back a moan.
“Next please! And careful with that hand it’s not going to be completely dry yet. Don’t want it to smudge.” You instruct him.
He nods mutely, painted hand dropping to rest on the bed beside you, you grab at the other and repeat the process.
“All done!” You hum smiling at him, “Now you gotta let them dry, you can blow on ‘em too. How about we put on one of your records and just relax for a bit?” You suggest.
He nods in agreement and you extricate yourself from your spot on the bed. Moving over to his record player that you’d spotted earlier, flipping through his collection and picking out one at random you set it up. Music fills the room, through the crackly speaker and you flop back onto his bed. He remains on the floor beside you.
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You lean back sighing contentedly staring up at the ceiling when a thought occurs to you, propping yourself up on one arm you turn to him, “Hey, Eds?”
“Why do you call me ‘Bambi’ all the time?”
“Well, it’s cause you’re all cute and innocent.” He states matter-of-factly.
“But I’m not though.” You pout back at him.
“What do you mean, sweetheart?”
“‘M not innocent, don’t know why everyone thinks I am.”
“But you are.” He insists.
“I’m not, you’ll see.” You protest.
He chuckles to himself, “Ok, sweetheart, if you say so.”
“You will see, next time we’re at my place. I promise.”
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He scrambles up the trellis outside your bedroom, hoisting himself onto the roof. Just as he pops his head around to peer into your window, hand raised to knock against the glass he sees you. Completely bare… scratch that, bare except for the frilly little panties tangled around your ankle and his guitar pick bouncing around between the swell of your breasts. 
His breath catches in his throat, did you forget that you had invited him over? He can finally get a good look at that tattoo on your thigh by your hip. A fluffy kitten, paws under its chin, all knotted up in baby pink rope, a shibari design, the tail end of the rope clasped in its mouth, golden bell hanging off of it, surrounded by berries and leaves. Cute and innocent but also so very filthy at the same time, his mouth waters at the sight.
You’re sitting atop your large stuffed white tiger, Mr Stripes as he recalls from when you’d spread out all your stuffies introducing them all to him by name, one by one. 
You’re thrusting away with abandon, grinding against the tigers back, clutching at the stuffed head in front of you, your head thrown back moaning wantonly. He can hear it even through the glass, then suddenly your eyes are drawn to the window and you spot him, crouched there staring at you slack jawed. 
You hop off the tiger eyes lighting up, your panties slip away onto the floor as you bounce over to the window calling out his name. Pushing it open you pull him in with a hand scrunched into the front of his shirt. 
He stumbles through the window and you drag him over to sit on the edge of your bed. He grabs for the nearest item to shove into his crotch, hiding his raging erection.
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“Wh-what’re you doing?” He gasps.
“Eddie don’t be silly, you know what I’m doing, I was just about to cum when you got here… can I… can I keep going?”
“Bambi, I don’t think I should… we shouldn’t…”
“Please, Eds wanna finish. I want you to watch.” You pout at him
“Fuck… I… ok, yeah you can finish.”
You squeal and kiss the tip of his nose, “Thank you. Now watch, ok… and you don’t need to hide behind Miss Flopsy ya know, I already know you’re hard.”
He glances down at his lap and realises he had in fact grabbed your fluffy, floppy eared bunny, slowly removing it and placing it to the side a little awkwardly.
You hop back on top of the stuffed tiger resuming the roll of your hips and bringing one hand up to tweak at your nipple as you look directly into his eyes. He balls his hands into fists at his knees, clenching and unclenching them, swallowing harshly his Adam’s apple bobs up and down.
You moan and whine grinding into the fuzz beneath you, when an idea springs to your mind, “Edddiieee… can you take your cock out for me, please? Wanna watch you touching yourself when I cum.”
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He splutters and chokes at your words, hesitating before he responds, despite everything in him screaming to do exactly what you just asked for, “Are you sure? Like really, really sure?”
You pout at him, “Yes Eds, I told you I’m not as innocent as everyone thinks I am, ok. Please I want this.”
“And you’re not just doing this to prove a point right? I don’t want you doing anything you’ll regret.”
“No, Eddie please just let me watch you, let me give you a show.”
His hands fumble at his belt as he breaths out heavily, “Jesus Christ Bambi, where is all this coming from?”
“Hurry up Eds, need to see you, ‘m so close.”
He hurriedly pulls his cock free of its confines, his wet tip glistens and you gasp at the sight, “Yes Eddie, thank you.”
His hand glides up and down his length with ease, precum already bubbling up at the head adding to the slick shlucking sound that is produced as he fists his cock desperately, he’s almost embarrassed at how close he is already.
You moan encouragingly, “Such a pretty cock, look how pink it is… and shiny. Just wanna suck on it. Bet it’s sweet like a lolly, will you let me taste it?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… I’m gonna cum… you gonna cum with me Bambi?”
“God yes! Eddiiieee…” You wail as your hips move to match his pace, the dam inside you breaking and giving way to your body wracking orgasm. Your head thrown back, eyes rolling into your skull, hands digging into the stuffed toy beneath you in a vicelike grip as you ride it out.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans coating his fist in his release as it sprays all over the blush pink duvet on the bed. He falls back limply, eyes drooping, gasping as he tries to catch his breath.
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You pant, chest heaving, as you look at his messy hand still clasped around his cock. You slide off the stuffed toy inching closer to him, you grasp his wrist pulling his hand up to your face. His eyes snap open, looking at you curiously. You lick away his thick, white cream, your tongue laving over each digit, paying extra special attention to his ring-clad fingers. He lets out a guttural moan and you suck his pointer finger all the way into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
He pulls his hand away, gasping “Stop, stop. What are you doing?”
His reaction stings, an awful feeling settling in your belly… you’d done it again, gone too far. Tears well up in your eyes, and you blubber, “S-s-sorry…”
The urge to comfort you overtakes all else and he’s scooping you into his lap, completely forgetting that you’re totally naked, that he’s still got his pants rolled down, cock out. He pulls you against his chest, you press your face into the crook of his neck, shoulders shaking as he rubs your back soothingly.
“Hey, no, no, don’t cry. I should have stopped it sooner. You were too far gone, I should have known better.”
All at once he becomes acutely aware of your wet, puffy folds on top of him, his dick swelling in response… Oh god, no not now, not like this, not when she’s so distraught and crying… fuck… that’s it, he’s done for, he thinks.
“No, I’m sorry… I-I…”You whimper.
“Bambi, talk to me. Tell me how I can make it better.”
“Wh-what…?” You look up at him blinking away tears, “You’re… you’re not mad at me? You don’t think I’m gross?”
“What?! Why on earth would I think that?”
You can’t hold back the weepy tirade, and he lets you blubber on, “W-well my… my last boyfriend he… he couldn’t handle the stuff I was into either… he called me a freak, said he never wanted to see me again… an-and I tried to take it slow, hold back with you.”
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You take a big, shaky breath before continuing, “Didn’t wanna scare you o-off too… cause I really, really like you Eds… b-but you’ve barely even tried to touch me li-like that and we’ve been dating for weeks now… I was going crazy, I just had to do something.”
He holds up a hand huffing angrily, “Hold up. First of all, what do you mean ‘scare me off’, who said I can’t handle this? That was hot as fuck. And second of all, who the fuck was that creep, there has got to be something seriously wrong with him… if he-he…”
You cut him off squeezing his shoulder, “Eddie, it’s ok, it’s fine forget about him. Please, tell me why you stopped me. Why do you think we should have stopped sooner?”
“Come on Bambi, why do you think? Look at you always so cute and innocent. I shouldn’t corrupt you like that… I shouldn’t be dragging you down with me like this… turning you into some pervert.”
“Eddie, enough with the ‘cute and innocent’ stuff… and I can feel that, by the way. The way your dick twitched when you talked about ‘corrupting’ me…” You grind down on him and he whimpers hanging his head in shame.
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be, this is what I wanted, ok. Wait. Wait here a minute let me show you what I really mean.” You slide out of his grip trotting off into your walk-in wardrobe.
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You emerge carrying what you had affectionately dubbed the treasure chest, a moderately sized wooden box that you’d covered in stickers. You’d been dying to do a little show and tell with him, just like you had with all your stuffies. Again, in the interest of not scaring him off you’d held off, but now seemed a good a time as any to really make your point.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“More toys.” You grin at him.
“I thought you showed me all your toys, told me all their names and everything.”
“Yeah, I did show you all those toys, but I didn’t tell you everything about them. Let’s start there, ok? So, you saw me riding Mr. Stripes. He’s one of the best for that, firm but soft and fuzzy. Perfectly shaped cushion to sit on, something to grab on to, it’s like he was made for it.”
“Fuck, yeah saw the way you were bucking against him.” You notice his hand twitching, making slight moves towards his fat dick resting between his thighs.
You nod towards his crotch, “You can keep touching yourself if you want.”
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“God, sweetheart I don’t know if I can take much more of this. My poor little heart might just give out. How did you keep all of this hidden away for so long?”
“Told ya didn’t wanna scare you off, I care about you too much Eds. Anyway, Mr. Stripes was my favourite stuffie for a long time, but then you gave me my little Eddie Bear.”
He gasps, hand drifting towards his cock gripping it lazily, “Yeah, uhh huh. I remember Eddie Bear.”
He recalls the day he’d gifted that to you, he’d cut a small hole into the bear and fucked it ‘til he came deep inside. Stitching it up carefully afterwards so you’d never notice.
“And when you did, he smelled just like… you. And then I rode him so much, over and over, just thinking of you. So many times, ‘til he didn’t smell like you anymore. I was a bit sad about that, though.” You lament.
He groans, a rumbling sound deep from his chest, as he continues stroking his throbbing cock, thumbing at the tip, “Yeah, what else? Tell me more, Bambi.”
“Well, sometimes I like to make all the other stuffies watch while I ride one of them, but the really fun toys are in here…” You hold up the chest.
“What’s in there sweetheart, you gonna show me like you did with all your other toys?”
You nod eagerly, placing the box on the bed and take a seat in front of it cross-legged, he chuckles at you, “Um these ones don’t really have names… except one. That one is my absolute favourite! Do you want me to show you that one first?”
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart.” His hand drops to fondle his balls for a moment as you continue.
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You swing back the lid of the box on its hinges, holding so it blocks his view of everything inside, “Ok, so I call this my little treasure chest…”
“That’s cute, Bambi, I like that.” He remarks as you shuffle around the box in search of a particular item.
“Ok get ready, this one is called Mr. Flopsy…”
He grins at you, but that falters and his hand moves to squeeze the base of his cock firmly, eyes widening as you pull out a six-inch, translucent pink, sparkly rabbit vibrator, it’s almost the same circumference around as it is long. It’s not the most intimidating one in your collection but it is one of your favourites.
He inhales sharply before groaning out, “God fucking damn! That is not what I was expecting when you said ‘toys’. Jesus H Christ Bambi if you asked me yesterday, I wouldn’t have even thought you knew what one of those was!”
“Well, I do mister, so now do you believe I’m not just little Miss Innocent?”
He nods and hums in a strained way, “Uh huh, yep mm hmm.”
“So, see Mr. Flopsy is my favourite cause he’s all pink and sparkly and look a little bunny… that’s why I call him Mr. Flopsy.” You flick the ears on the toy and Eddie groans in response, just the thought of where those little ears have been drives him wild.
“He might not be the biggest in the collection, but he makes up for it in every other way.”
He resumes stroking along his length, whining, “Please can I see you use Mr. Flopsy?”
“Yeah, you really wanna?” You smile up at him sweetly, eyes lighting up.
“Fuck, absolutely sweetheart. You gonna do it for me?”
“Yes, but not now, there’s still a whole lot more to show you first.”
“Can’t we do that some other time?”
“Nope.” You reply cheekily.
“Ugh, do we have to go one by one though? Can’t you just dump it all out?” He groans frustratedly.
“Ok, I guess… for you, but you’ll have to help me pack up later.” You concede, tipping over the chest and letting everything tumble out.
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Piles of rope and collars and nipple clamps and chains and dildos and fuzzy handcuffs, and more, in all shades of pastel colours cascade over the bed. He drops his slick, leaky cock, wiping his hand off along the duvet before rummaging through the pile in front of him. His cock bobs up and down in his lap desperate for attention.
“Oh, this is so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. Who knew you were such a kinky, little…” He pauses abruptly, you can tell he’s holding back.
“Go on Eds, call me dirty names, tell me I’m a kinky, little slut… is that what you were going to say? ‘Cause I’ll be your little slut, all yours, just for you. I’ll be your little present all wrapped up in bows, let you tie me up, split me open on your cock…”
He cuts you off pulling you in by the back of your neck, his lips colliding with your own over the paraphernalia laying beneath you. You break apart breathlessly, whining “Need you Eds, please…”
He rushes to strip off his clothing, tossing his jeans clear across the room in his haste. He glances down into the items scattered before him, in search of something…
“You gonna tie me up?” You ask hopefully.
“Sorry, Bambi not this time…” he spots what he was looking for, “…but I will be using these… if that’s ok?” He holds up a pink, fluffy pair of handcuffs, dangling them off a finger.
“Oh, that is more than ok Eddie.”
“I’m going to guess you’re familiar with the traffic light system, right?”
You nod proudly, “Uh huh, sure am.”
“Good, we’ll use that for now, ok?”
“Ok, Eddie, all green from me.” You offer him your wrists without him even asking.
“Oh, what a good girl you are, but first I’m going to need you to make some room on the bed. Just scoop all of that back into its box and set it on the floor, we can deal with it later…” 
You nod mutely and do as you’re told while he continues, “… and you can tell me all about every little thing in there while we do. Your stuffies can stay and watch the show though.” He smirks at you.
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Once the bed is clear, you kneel in the centre, resting back on your heels, all your stuffies and flowery, fluffy pillows propped up behind you. You look up at him through your long lashes waiting with baited breath for his next move. He cups your cheek, caressing it with a thumb, “You wanna be my good girl, my good little slut?”
“Y-yes please. Can I… can I call you ‘sir’?”
“Oh, Bambi so precious, so cute… yes, you may call me ‘sir’.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Anything for you princess. Now, how would you like to be cuffed… hands behind your back or to your bed frame?”
“To the bed, please.” You scoot back closer to the head of the bed, bringing your knees to your chest and squishing up against the toys and pillows.
“Such good manners. Did your mummy and daddy teach you that? Are they home now?” Coming up beside you he guides your hands one at a time, first closing a fluffy cuff around one wrist, then looping it through the bed frame and cuffing the other hand.
You shake your head, sinking down into the mattress your legs falling open, “Nuh uh, they’ve gone out. Won’t be home for hours.”
He moves to rest between your spread legs, humming in your ear, a finger brushing stray wisps of hair away from your face. “Hmmm, that’s strange why did you tell me to come in through the backyard then? Why’d you ask me not to use the door?”
“‘Cause… ‘cause I wanted you to catch me, thought maybe if you did…” You trail off distracted by his breath heating the side of your face.
Drawing back slightly he questions, “What did you think sweetheart? Did you think I wouldn’t be able to control myself? That I’d just take you right there as soon as I saw you?”
“Maybe… something a little like that.” You admit shyly.
“Well, aren’t you lucky then, that worked out quite nicely for you, didn’t it? I think it was very naughty though, don’t you?” He teases with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“I think someone needs to be… punished.” He proceeds cautiously.
“No, sir please I’ll be good. I’m your good girl remember.”
He gives you a slightly concerned look, “Colour?”
You grin back at him, “Green, sir.”
He runs a hand over your thigh, you shiver in response squeezing your legs together around him, “Ok, I have an idea… maybe more of a fun punishment. How’s that?”
“O-ok.” You agree shakily.
He continues “Well, since you decided to tease me with Mr. Flopsy, how about I use him on you… but you’re not allowed to cum.”
You pout, “Aww, that’s not fair.”
“Ah, ah, thought you said you were going to be my good girl?” He tuts at you, “The next time you cum I want that tight little pussy wrapped around my cock. Want you to get it all wet and sloppy for me.”
“I-I can do that for you.” You assure him breathily.
“I know, just wait right there for me while I find Mr. Flopsy.” He leans over the edge of the bed and riffles through the ‘treasure chest’.
You giggle, jiggling the cuffs around your wrist, “I can’t go anywhere Eds.”
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“Ha got it!” He pulls out the toy holding it up proudly, before fiddling with the buttons on its base.
You’re practically shivering with anticipation as he cycles through the settings getting familiar with it. When he finds the button that makes the shaft thrust back and forth, with a gasp his head snaps to you, “I didn’t know it did that!”
You smirk at him, “Yeah, it’s good, isn’t it?”
“Why, don’t we see just how good it is, sweetheart?” He turns off the vibrations and the thrusting tip before making his way back to you. He trails the toy over your body slowly, lingering when he brings it up between your breasts alongside his guitar pick.
He looks up into your eyes, his pupils blown wide with lust, “Why don’t you start by getting Mr. Flopsy all nice and wet for me with your mouth?”
You nod in agreement and he holds the toy against your lips, they part. You lick up and down the shaft, letting your drool dribble all over it before wrapping your lips around the tip giving it a suck.
He groans in response as you try to take more of the shaft into your mouth. He pulls the toy away, “I think that’s enough now, are you still trying to tease me? Still being a naughty girl?”
You shake your head, “No just… just like having something to suck on. It feels good for me too… really like sucking on dick… ‘s like a little treat, like a lollipop, but better.”
“Fuuuuck, baby we are going to have to explore that a whole lot more soon-”
You interrupt him eagerly adding, “Balls! I like balls too! Wanna worship every inch of you Eds.”
A strangled groan escapes his lips, he grits his teeth, “God you really are gonna give me a heart attack ya know.”
“How’re… how’re you doing Eds?” You ask, checking in with him too.
“Oh, I’m green. I’m so fucking green I’m an emerald, ‘bout as hard as one too.”
You giggle at the comparison, “Well, come on let’s get to my… funishment then.”
“Oh, little princess thinks she can give orders now. Well, you’ll soon learn to be careful what you ask for, sweetheart.”
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He takes the slobbery toy and runs it through your folds, prodding at your clit a few times before turning it on. The vibrations start out gentle as he continues his motions, slowly he begins easing the toy into your slick entrance. You gasp at the intrusion, sighing as he eases it in further and further. The little rabbit ears press into your clit and he starts the vibrations on those to.
“Oh, Eddie feels so good.” You whine.
“Remember no cumming on your toy this time.” He warns.
“I promise Eds, I’ll be good.”
He groans along with you and increases the intensity of the vibrations, “Let me know when you’re close ok?”
“Yes, sir,”
He gives an experimental thrust with the toy gauging your reaction, your wrists pull on their restraints and you moan. He ups the intensity yet again before remembering the thrusting feature, he pushes the toy all the way in and you feel your wetness flood around it.
He starts the thrusting action of the toy then waves his hands around grinning, “Look Bambi, no hands.” 
Your giggle turns into a broken moan as he increases the speed of the thrusting toy inside you. His hands moving to cup your breasts, kneading them and rolling your nipples between his fingers.
Your hips begin to raise off the mattress, attempting to match the movements of the toy buzzing away inside you. You gasp, “Please, sir… please, please, please. I’m so close…”
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And then all at once all sensation is gone, ripped away from you right at the precipice as he removes the toy. You whine at the loss, hips still bucking away in search of more.
“Oh, I know, I know…” He coos down at you, pressing your hips back down into the mattress.
“Fuck… Eddie, please I need you. Please fuck me.”
“If only I knew what a little slut you really were, we could’ve been doing this ages ago, you know that right?” He switches off the toy and licks it clean of your juices before dropping it down on the bed beside you.
You whimper beneath him, “Yes, sir I know. ‘m sorry I made you wait. Please I need you now, we can make up for all the lost time.”
“Oh, my pretty little princess, we will be making up for it…” he growls before guiding his slick cock into your wet heat. He slams in all at once. The toy is nothing compared to him and his impressive length, but the preparation and all your arousal is enough to have him sliding in with ease.
He rests there for a moment gazing down at you, before checking in breathlessly, “You… hmmm… you good down there?”
You look up at him nodding, “… mhmmmm… perfect Eds, green.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs before he’s pulling his hips back and slamming into you once more. “Don’t… don’t know if I’ll be able to last long… ya got no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He manages to pant out. Head hanging forward his hair flopping into his face as he braces himself with his hands on the bed frame by your own.
“I-I think I have some idea… hey, Eds?”
“Yeah, sweetheart? You still good?”
“Yep, just… hngh… just… can you cum inside me, please?”
His hips stutter and he groans, “God fucking damn, you really are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
You look up at him desperate and needy, “Please, sir. Please, wan’ it nice and deep.”
“Fuuuuck… shit yeah, yeah gonna cum soon. Gonna give it all to you.”
You strain at the cuffs in a pathetic attempt to grab a hold of something… tug on his long hair that dangles in his face, crumple the sheets, squeeze your stuffies, a pillow… anything. Instead, you wrap your legs around him, drawing him in deeper mewling desperately with each thrust.
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“Are you close?” He pants above you.
“So close Eds, so close… you gonna cum with me when I soak that perfect cock of yours?”
He lets out the most hopeless, pathetic whine, “God… fuck… yes, yes, yes…”
He grabs the discarded vibrator turning it on and pressing it into your clit sending you into orbit, you pulse around him rhythmically, gushing all over his length with a scream and call out his name.
It doesn’t take long for him either, the feeling of you clamping down around him, the added vibrations from the toy. He unloads into you with a cry of his own. The feel of his warm, thick cum painting your walls only prolongs the sensation for you. When he slides his dick out, your combined fluids dribble out, running between your cheeks and pooling on the bed beneath you.
He’s still holding the toy against you as you tremble with aftershocks, “S-stop, ‘m sensitive Eds, please.” You gasp out.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” He grins sheepishly, removing the toy, turning it off and tossing it aside.
He hooks a finger into the chain linking your cuffs, “Keys?”
“Bedside table. Top drawer. They’re pink.”
“Of course they are.” He chuckles and leans over to retrieve the keys.
He undoes the restraints and rubs at your wrists soothingly before scooping you up into his arms and manoeuvring you to lay against his chest.
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His fingers trail along the chain draped over your neck, settling on the guitar pick, toying with it, “So, you kept this on, huh?”
“Yeah, uh it’s… it’s kinda like a collar in a way, but… more. More personal. More special. Been wearing it more than my actual collars now. More than any pretty little ribbon too.”
He gives it a gentle tug and you whine in response.
“You like wearing it, like it’s your own little special collar showing everyone who you belong to?”
“Yes Eds, God yes.” You breath out, pausing for a beat before asking hopefully, “What about you, do you still have the ribbon I gave you?”
“I could never part with my lady’s favour.” He declares, spinning the bracelet around his wrist to show the chain side where he’d woven the ribbon through the links.
You reach down running your fingertips over it, overwhelmed by your emotions, it has you blurting out, “I love you, Eddie.”
He sighs, “I love you too.”
“Do you think after we clean up, we can go for milkshakes?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart... with whipped cream and extra cherries too.”
You squeal in delight, “Thank you, Eddie! Best boyfriend ever!”
He pulls you in for a lingering kiss, before pulling away whispering, “Alright, then better get up if we’re gonna get to the diner.”
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homestylehughes · 2 months
ride the wave
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pairing(s): trevor zegras x fem!reader
summary: Trevor and yn try thigh riding for the first time.
warning(s): smut 18+. thigh riding, oral fem!receiving, use of pet names, dirty talk.
wc: 1k
an: hi loves!!! today I give you my first full Trevor fic, ANDDD its smut. I haven't written smut in awhile... might be a little rusty so I'm sorry in advance. I was sitting at my desk thinking, what would be a good idea for a Trevor fic be and the first thing I thought of was thigh riding LOL. thigh riding is sooo trevor. this was such a treat to write, I hope you all enjoy! more coming veryyy soon! also!! my inbox is open if you'd like to shoot me, any ideas for new things! okay I'm done yapping I promise. I hope you all are doing well, much love always <3
You weren't sure how you ended up in this position but you weren't complaining, your body slung over Trevor's, his mouth moving hot against yours. Trevor, inviting you over for a movie date, the two of you sitting on the couch in an attempt to watch the movie that was on the screen. 
Trevor made it hard to focus when his hand started moving higher and higher on your thigh, his fingers wrapping round the soft skin on your thigh. Before you know it, he's moving you quickly on to his lap, his mouth closing over yours. 
“Fuck, i missed you so much” trevor moans against your lips, instead of responding you kiss him harder. 
Trevors hands squeeze your hips as you start to roll yourself against his middle. feeling his cock grow harder below you, urges you to speed up your movement. Moaning into his mouth from the feeling of his covered cock, hitting your core perfectly. 
“Does that feel good, baby?” he asks you, pulling his mouth away from yours, now moving his lips down your neck and chest. Kissing and sucking your exposed skin, like it's calling his name. 
“Uh huh” you manage to get out. The feeling of Trevor's hot mouth on your skin, with the roll of your hips against his, has your head spinning. 
“Look at you, all speechless and needy” 
“Fuck trevor” you moan as his hips hit a senstive spot, causing your whole body to shiver.
“Need more, baby?” he asks, looking at you with wide lust filled eyes. Holding your hips still you're unable to move them. 
“Can we try something?” he asks, before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“Strip for me” Trevor says sternally, his voice sending a wave of heat through your body as you quickly stand up. 
Quickly pulling off your shirt and bra, tossing them on the floor beside you. Doing the same with your underwear and jeans. Leaving you completely bare in front of him. Trevors eyes dance over you like you're the prey and he’s the predator, waiting for the right moment to attack. 
“So beautiful and all mine” he says, his hands reaching out to wrap at your waist, moving you to stand in between his legs. 
“What are we doing?” you quitey ask, waiting for Trevor's next move.
“You'll see baby” he says sweetly, as he pulls you down to rest snuggly around his right thigh. 
Your core coming in contact with his warm yet cool thigh, casts goosebumps all over your body. 
“Move your hips on my thigh, baby. Take what you need” 
You look up at Trevor confusingly, you know what he's asking you to do but you don't know how. 
“Want me to help, baby?” 
“Yes, please” 
“Of course, always so sweet for me” he says, moving his hands to your waist again, as he begins to rock your hips back and forth against his thigh. 
A gasp leaves your mouth as your clit comes in contact with the soft, hard mussel of his thigh. Your body is craving more, you need more. Your hips start moving to their own accord now, as you start pushing down harder, moving your hips quicker to reach your high.
“Fuck, baby. You should see yourself right now, looking all fucked out on my thigh” Trevors dirty words only add to the building heat in your core. 
“Fuck” you moan out, at the feeling of your pussy sliding against his thigh. 
“Thats it baby take what you need, fuck” trevor says from above you, ducking his head down to your chest as he takes your left nipple into his mouth, while his other hand pinches and twists the other. 
“Fuck please dont stop, trevor please” you gasp, the feeling of trevors mouth on your breasts and the intense feeling of your pussy against his thigh is enough to cause you to crash out. The pleasure seems to be all too much, but it feels so good for you to want to stop. 
The movement of your hips begins to speed up, you can feel the dam in your body begin to break as Trevor moves his hands back to your waist. Pushing your body down, harder against him as you try and chase your high.
“Right there Trevor” you moan, your head dropping into his exposed neck, your eyes squeezing shut as you feel yourself fall apart against his thigh. 
Your mouth is hanging open, but no words are coming out. Your body shakes against trevors, as you come from your high. 
The only sound filling the room is the sound of both you and Trevor's breaths, as you lay against him trying to catch your breaths. Pulling your face from his neck, sitting back to look at him. Your eyes meet, trevors wide ones, as you stare at each other for a few moments before trevors pull you in a hot messy kiss. 
You can feel his hands sliding under your thighs as he picks you up, holding you against his body as he begins to walk out of the living room.
“Trevor where are we going” you ask pulling away from his kiss
“Bedroom. I need to fuck you. Is that okay?” he says, just as he kicks open his bedroom door, tossing you on the bed gentility.
“What are you waiting for?” you say, look up at trevor, whos already moving towards on you on bed, his arms caging you in as he looks down at you. 
“Just you wait, you won't be leaving his bed for the rest of the night” he smirks at you, before capturing your lips once again. 
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pyramid-of-starrs · 10 months
hongjoong getting at us mad because we hung out with a different kpop boy group nsfw ?😭idk it came to me because of how atinys make the joke of hongjoong hating how we stan other groups-
Only look at me
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Jealous mean Dom Hongjoong x Afab reader
Summary: You get caught by Hongjoong coming back to your home from a late night concert and he has to remind you who's fan you're supposed to be.
Genre: Angst and Smut
Warnings: Acts of possessiveness, begging, kinda toxic but like not really lol
Smut warnings: Rough sex, use of sex toys, oral sex (M recieving), gagging, choking, friends with benefits, mentions of punishment, punishment sex, use of consentual force (Y/N have a preestablished agreement), Mean dom Hongjoong, slapping, cum eating, throat fucking, condom sex, Sir kink??, pain kink??, Humilitation??, Degrading??
A/N: Idk what it is about Hongjoong but like, every fic I write about him he's getting his dick sucked, idk he just deserves that.
Minors dni
You walked into your loft around 3 am, you dropped your clear tote bag, and took off your shoes, the living room was dark, you turned on the light and were startled to see your best friend Hongjoong sitting on your couch with his leg folded over the other and his arms crossed.
"Jesus fucking Christ Hongjoong you scared the hell out of me, why are you just sitting in my house in the damn dark?!" You yelled, still shaken up while holding your fast-beating chest.
"You're coming home late." was all he replied, you didn't ask why he was here again because Hongjoong often randomly appeared at your house every since he got the spare key in case of emergencies.
"Yeah, I was out with my friends."
"Doing what?" He tilted his head slightly. "I'm your friend, your best friend to be exact, why didn't I know about this friend outing?"
"Uh- well, ya know it was... um... preplanned." You scratched your head then tried to slyly slide your clear tote bag behind you.
"That's not your normal purse, why the sudden change?" He questioned.
"Oh um, the place we went to searches bags so I figured I'd save myself the hassle, haha." You awkwardly giggled as you felt yourself caving under pressure.
"You still haven't told me where this place is Y/N." The look in his eyes were like daggers.
"Fine... me and some friends went to the Stray Kids concert tonight." you cracked.
"Oh! How fun! but it's" He checks his Apple watch. "3:47 am Y/N, in all my years of doing concerts I've never known them to end that late." He said sarcastically.
"Well...um." You stuttered and he rolled his eyes.
"Spit it out Y/N"
"Chan saw us in the crowd and remembered me from when you introduced us and he invited us out for drinks and food-"
"Ooooh drinks AND food, well damn you have had a full night huh?" The sarcasm was very evident.
"Hongjoong don't be like that."
"Like what? I just thought you said that you didn't need to see any other group besides Ateez since we are the best. Yet here you are."
"My friend bought the tickets." you sigh.
"And what did you do while you were out for food and drinks until 3 am." His eyes narrowed.
You stood there in silence choosing not to answer and avoid all eye contact.
"Come here Y/N." he stood up.
You walked over to him slowly then stood in front of him.
"Get on your knees." You stood there now listening for a moment. "Now!" You chose not to prolong it since he was already clearly mad, you got down and kneeled on both your knees on the cold hardwood floor, luckily you had on knee highs so it wasn't too bad. Hongjoong got closer to you and stood above you as he looked down on you with his arms folded you looked at him with pleading eyes hoping he would take a little mercy on you. "Get to it Y/N." you knew you were royally fucked. Though you two were only "friends" you and Hongjoong had a few established understandings, one of them being that you couldn't enjoy any other group except Ateez or he could punish you in any way he saw fit. At first, it was things like pinches or forehead flicks but then the punishments started to become things like standing in front of him with your clothes off or letting him edge you for hours on end. You weren't complaining, sometimes you would purposely get caught with another group's albums or merch so that he could punish you.
You started to undo his pants and zipper while trying to maintain eye contact, you pulled his hands down then his briefs to reveal his half-hardened dick.
"I'm sorry Jongie." you said still trying to get out of the punishment, he grabbed the base of his dick and the back of your head and shoved his cock down your throat causing you to gasp audibly, he held his dick there as it pulsed in your mouth.
"I don't want to fucking hear it." He had no remorse for you as he started to fuck your throat, you could feel his dick getting harder and harder as it became harder to breathe from your mouth the deeper he would go. "You shouldn't have done it if you were going to be sorry, now you have to pay the price." He lectured you as you continued to gag on his length while his hips never stopped, his thighs hit your chin, that's just how deep he was going.
"I won't do it again." was muffled from your very occupied mouth and it just irritated him more, he sped up the pace he was going, your throat was already sore from the screaming but him fucking it made it worse, the sting from your punishment was exhilarating.
He kept his grip on your hair with one hand then moved his other hand to your nose as he clamped it closed, cutting off your only airway left to use. "You promise you won't do it again?" he asked. You gagged more as you started to choke from your lack of air, he didn't care, he kept moving his hips to fuck his dick in and out of your throbbing throat. You nodded to his question and he released your nose, you thought you were in the clear until he cocked his hand back a bit and delivered a smack on your cheek, you whimpered around his cock and he returned his fingers to your nose to pinch it closed again. "I can't hear you." he said in a mocking tone. You muffled out a yes that was barely understandable as mascara tears started to run down your face, he released your nose once again and you started to take large breaths through it, he once again smacked your sensitive cheek, the sting was amazing.
"I said do you fucking promise?" He said as he pulled his dick from your mouth and looked down at you with a slightly scary face while he angled your head up to make sure you two made eye contact.
"Yes, I promise." You cried out, and he smiled.
"Good job, stick your tongue out." You opened your mouth wide then stuck your tongue out, he placed the tip of his dick on your tongue and stroked himself a few times before the hot ropes of his cum started to cover your tongue. "Now swallow all of it." You closed your mouth and swallowed every drop of his cum, even licking your lip gloss-covered lips to get the remaining off, you showed him your tongue to get his stamp of approval. "Strip and go to the bedroom, but crawl since you like to bark for other men like a horny little bitch in heat."
"Yes sir." You nodded then reached for your shirt to pull it off while he watched you slowly get naked to tease him, you stood there naked before getting on your hands and knees and crawling down the hall to your bedroom, Hongjoong watched you as he followed behind you, his eyes watching you made you wetter. Your slick spread all over your core and thighs, watching was making Hongjoong eager to drill you, once you reached the bed you sat on your knees waiting on his next command.
"On the bed dog."  he commanded, you got on top of the bed, sitting on your knees once again. "Lay on your back with your knees up." you laid back and bent your knees, Hongjoong removed the remainder of his clothes but walked over to the nightstand to get something out of the top drawer, before you could look over to see what he had he climbed on top on you and positioned himself between your legs, he ripped open a condom and you whined. "Shut up, cheater sluts like you don't get to get fucked raw." He didn't waste time and lined his tip up with your sex and put it in. You moaned as he pushed deeper into you, he held the back of your legs and you could feel him holding something hard as he kept a consistent pace inside of you.
"It feels so good Joongie." you moaned.
"Wanna feel even better baby?" He asked with a devious smirk on his face, though you didn't trust him you still nodded your head and closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling, you suddenly heard a loud buzzing sound and as soon as your eyes fluttered back open you saw Hongjoong was placing your vibrating egg right on your clit. By reflex your legs tried to snap closed and you yelped Hongjoong smiled watching you squirm about.
"Fuck, fuck, what, it's too much-" you yelled, he started to go faster while drawing circles on your clit with the egg and biting his bottom lip.
"Aw is that how you were screaming at your little concert?" Curse words and incoherent pleas fell from your lips as he pushed the egg further onto your clit, your head was all the way into the pillow. "What? You can't talk now huh? Spending all that time talking and laughing with them that you're too tired to talk?" He thrust harshly, the tip of his dick hitting your spot hard repeatedly, your fingers began to curl, and you could hear him laughing at you.
"Fuck Joong, Fuck." Was all you could say before your body started to shake, your eyes rolled back as you gripped the sheets hard, your pussy tightened around Hongjoong as liquid erupted out of you, Hongjoong smiled as he looked over the mess he made of you but he needed to push you more, punish you even further. Before you could catch your breath or get cleaned up Hongjoong turned the egg up to full speed and pushed it back onto your clit, you loudly moaned at the sudden fast pace vibrations on your already sensitive nub.
"Please- please, please, please, no more, no more." you pleaded you could hardly catch your breath, especially with his dick still inside you. He started to roll his hips into you until he was full-on fucking you again, you were fucked out and overstimulated as your clit began to ring, you placed one hand on his stomach and he shot daggers at you once again.
"Take your fucking hand away Y/N." He said in a stern and deep voice, you lowered your hand and sat there and took it, the sensation of his dick and the egg was overwhelming but felt amazing. "If you want me to stop, beg for my forgiveness."
"Pleeeease nghhh~ Please I'm so-rry, please, sorry fuck-" You fumbled out, he pressed harder and fucked you deeper by leaning closer, you gripped his back and pulled him closer while your nails dug into him.
"Louder." His thrusting began to get more aggressive as he pounded into you deeply while holding the egg sloppily.
"Please, please, I'm sorry, please forgive me Hongjoong, I'll only look at you forever, fuck everyone else!" You yelled into his ear, and you once again squirted on him and the bed, your tight abused pussy squeezing Hongjoongs dick and this time earning his cum that filled the condom, he cursed as he pulled out and turned the toy off. He rolled and took a seat on the side of the bed to return everything to your night stand then got up to walk to the bathroom to throw the condom away.
You were stuck in your position for a second, as your body came down from your high you slowly started to sit up in the bed. "It's not fair! You know I like it when you fill me up." You could hear the bath faucet turning on before he walked back in.
"Then stop being bad, that's the only time you will get rewards." he leaned over to give you a peck on the cheek before helping you out of bed so he could walk you to the bathroom so you two could take a bath together, he always acts so sweet after being a demon. You went in first to pee then swung the door open when you were done.
"I wasn't being bad, I was going to a free concert... then getting free food and drinks after." You mumbled the last part to not rub salt in his wound.
"Well it wasn't free since you had to pay the price with me." you rolled your eyes, he got in first then you got in after him, the hot water soothed your tense body and burned the new scratches on Hongjoong's back.
"Jeez talking like that like I belong to you Joong."
"You do, you belong to me and only me, so only cheer and look at me... and I guess all of Ateez... but I better be your bias!"
You chuckled at him. "Yes sir"
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
All I Want for Christmas Is You
● Pairing: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
● Summary: You and Patrick need to get ready for the upcoming Christmas party, but suddenly your preparation turns out into something spicy.
● Warnings: 18+/ NSFW as always! │fluff (kinda), teasing, nipple play, body worship, finger sucking, sensual blowjob with titjob & handjob, fingering, biting and marking, sweet dirty talk, heavy daddy kink, praise kink, sassy reader vs sassy Patrick, cum play & swallowing (a lot of cum coz that's me lol), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, pet names.
● Wordcount: 3.4k
● A/N: This is gonna be my final fic for this year, I hope you like it! 👉👈 P.S. When I came here 3 months ago I didn't expect my writing to get any attention! I want to thank everyone who supports me-it means a lot, and I love you all!💕
● Useful links: │Main Masterlist│ │My fav AP Christmas edit│
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The Christmas frenzy was in full swing as there were only a few days left before the most magical day of the year. Pierce & Pierce was organizing its annual Christmas Party, and you were lucky to be a part of this “joyous occasion”. But to be honest–you were not happy about it at all, as you didn’t like to be surrounded by self-absorbed Wall Street yuppies for a long time. Unfortunately, you had no choice but to accept Patrick’s invite as you knew how important this event was for him–for his ego to be specific.
“(Y/N), how long are you going to sit out there?” Bateman’s irritated voice resounded through the bathroom door as you were sitting in the tub, trying to relax.
“Uh… Just a few minutes!” 
Suddenly, you heard the door open as he came in, grumping even louder: “Few minutes was almost an hour ago!” “What?”
“Stop pretending, Sweetie,” Patrick nearly growled, frowning all the time as he was drilling your back with his angry gaze. “It’s almost 3 p.m. and you haven’t even tried on any of your new dresses! What are you even thinking?!”
Damn, he seemed to be furious–you thought, turning around to see him standing near the door, with a scowl on his face and his shirt sleeves rolled up. “Okay! I’m almost done.”
“Just so you know–we need to be at Paul Allen’s house in 4 hours.”
“I remember! You don’t have to repeat it all the time, better give me a towel please,” you asked him, extending your hand. “And who is Paul Allen, anyway?”
“Oh… You don’t need that information,” Patrick stated sternly, wrapping a white towel around your body. “Just trust me it’s a very important event.”
Smiling, you let him gently pull you out of the bath, enjoying each second of being trapped in his muscular arms. “But why?” pleased with yourself for being so bratty, you didn’t even touch the floor when you felt a harsh slap on your ass. That itching sensation made you flinch in his hands as you howled unhappily: “T-that was completely unnecessary..”
“I don’t agree,” he placed you on the ground in front of the sink, turning away from you as he was about to leave. “Sometimes, I think you may even like it. That’s why you behave like a brat, dont’cha?”
“Who knows?” You chuckled in return before you leaned on the sink, arching your back and slightly swaying your hips.
Hiding his hands into the pockets of his elegant pants, Patrick couldn't help but let out a gasp while his eyes were ravenously traveling around your pretty shape; the picture of you, standing so seductively in front of him, expelled all his current thoughts as he couldn't even make a move.
“(Y/N)...” He called out your name in a suddenly raspy voice.
“Mmmhm?” You rejoined and looked at him while rubbing a body lotion over your cleavage. “Patrick, what is it?”
“Relax, Princess,” he murmured softly, watching your hands sliding against your wet skin. “Just wanted to say–how beautiful you are.”
After these words, Bateman gave you his most cocky smile before he pushed off from the wall, disappearing into his bright bedroom.
For a moment, you stood still, feeling your heart flutter from his unexpected but sweet compliment. Not that he didn’t say such things at all, but Patrick was that type of man who liked to be praised rather than to praise someone else. Wrapped in your thoughts, you came back to your skin routine as the clock was ticking and you still had so many things to finish.
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You eventually finished your routine and left the bathroom to collect the dresses you needed to try on, which were carefully sitting on racks in his bedroom.
“Oh Gosh…” you looked over them, gliding a hand across the expensive fabric of one dress. “How am I supposed to make a choice?” 
You heard his sassy chuckle behind your back and then, his hot breath brushed against your neck as he was about to press a gentle kiss. Snorting discreetly, you allowed him to encircle your waist and press against his firm frame; this innocent physical contact coaxed a muffled moan to fall from your parted lips, especially when Patrick rolled his hips against your ass to make you feel his rock-like hardness.
“You’re not gonna make it easier, right?” you tried to laugh it off, sensing his kisses going lower by the second. “Damn, these dresses must cost a fortune.”
Suddenly, Patrick stopped his assault on your neck and after leaving a sensual hickey on your shoulder, he whispered: “You don’t need to think about it. How many times did I tell you?” he squeezed your buttocks, pulling you tighter to his chest. “Are you going to start trying them on?”
“Uh-huh,” you muttered, playing with the collar of his shirt to tease him. “But first, I need to take care of this big problem in your pants,” in confirmation of your words, you palmed his hard groin, not losing eye contact even for a second and watching his lips curl into a voiceless moan. “Don’t you think?”
“Princess…” Bateman growled, holding you closer as he pushed himself into your palm.
“That means ‘yes’, I suppose?”
Hot and bothered, Patrick gave you a stare full of lust before he snuggled into your neck to leave a tangible bite on your soft skin and whispered: “That can mean whatever you want, baby.”
“Mm-mh, Daddy….” You whined into his ear as you started to grind against his hard bulge, feeling the growing need inside your womb along with the slickness between your legs. 
The way you called him, closing your eyes as you were about to lose yourself right here and right now–encouraged him to lift you like a feather and moved towards his bed, kissing your face, neck, and cleavage wherever he could, while his brawny hands were exploring your mouth-watering hips. 
Thrilled, Patrick sat on the edge of his big bed, his hands still worshiping all your pretty curves as he couldn't get enough of your body–that was literally beyond his power. Gently, you pushed him to lean on his elbows as you were about to undo his belt and his pants. Burning with impatience, Bateman looked down at you with how your hands were working on freeing his painfully hard cock, and then, he let out a muffled groan when your wet tongue finally contacted his hot flesh. 
“Arghhk-keep going, girl,” Patrick snarled in a low voice, throwing his head back from the way your lips were playing with his blushing tip, licking off all his pre-cum from it. “You look like a sexy little angel with your mouth wrapped around me like this…”
Each word he said–every single one, was awakening something crazy inside of your gut as he was the only one who could appeal to your primal instincts and free your mind completely.
“I love how you taste, Daddy…” you mewled, taking a quick break. “Do you want to cum on my boobies?”
Innocently, you looked at him from under your lashes whilst your hands were undoing a white robe you were wearing, and then Bateman had to bite his lower lip from the open sight of your exposed breasts as his mouth was uncontrollably watering. 
“I wanna taste these little sweet peaks of yours,” Patrick stated as he sat up with no delay, pushing his heated face against your tits and latching his mouth around your tight nipple.”
“A-awww! Mmmp-please, take both of them,” whining, you tilted your head and arched your back to make him more comfortable before your loud moan echoed in your head as he did what you were asking for. “Y-you’re going to make me… Pass out with p-pleasure… aaa-aahhh.”
Shaking like a leaf, you were briskly stroking his dick and running your fingers through his now fluffy hair with your other hand; the feeling Patrick was giving to you, suckling both of your nipples with his large palms encircled around your sensitive boobs, made you see stars and your legs got weak, so you had to lean against him for support.
“Baby, we just started…” Batman exhaled lustfully, burying his face in the hollow between your breasts, and then he continued his ministrations by taking them into his mouth one by one. “Mmm-hm, can’t get enough of these delicious boobs.”
“Pat… Patty, I love your mouth so much…” Whimpering, you wrapped your both hands around his head, pushing your fingers through his messy brown hair.
“And that’s all?” he paused and looked up at you, as you were sitting on his lap, burning his skin with your body heat. “You only like my mouth?”
His unhappy expression almost made you laugh–so grumpy and cute at the same time; you couldn't help but pinch his right cheek before you kissed his lips to shush his upcoming outrage. 
“Oh, Daddy… How silly sometimes you can be!” You murmured, tracing a finger against his soft lips.
“Don’t test my kindness, little one…”
“Believe me or not, but I want to test something else…”
With a light but demanding push on his chest, you compelled him to rest on his elbows again, while you got down on your knees. First, you let yourself enjoy the feeling of his tight muscles, gliding your hands all around his perfect torso and paying extra attention to the notable vein under his navel by pressing a wet kiss on it, and then you leaned over to his groin, leaving behind a trail of sloppy pecks. Huffing, Bateman leaned up a bit to see you playing with his fully erected cock; you were swirling your tongue around his tip before you placed his dick between your breasts, rubbing them against it–this scene forced a loud groan to erupt from his mouth as he fell back on the bed, sensing himself on the verge of self-control.
“Fuck… P-Princes…” he cursed and pressed a hand to his forehead, as the friction your boobs were making felt mind-blowing. “Don’t work too hard, doll… I still need to… To f-fuck you.”
“Whatever you say, Daddy.” You gave him a cunning smirk before you took his swollen tip into your mouth as you kept brushing your tits against his hard length, squeezing them to make the physical contact even more intense. 
Consumed by passion, you were moaning around his hot flesh, bobbing your head up and down at a quick pace and leaving him no chance but to close his eyes from overwhelming bliss and then, Patrick had to cling to his knee as he was watching his thick cock sliding between your juicy boobies. 
“Damn, I’mma cum if you don’t stop… A-aggh, b-baby…” He muffled through his gritted teeth as he was so close to reaching his high. 
Swiping his swollen tip with your tongue, you looked at him to tease him even more: “We both know you don’t want me to stop, do you, Daddy?”
With that said, you suddenly change your strategy of making him lose his mind, as you let go of your breasts to palm his heavy sac and massage them while your swollen lips were slipping along his full length. Drooling like a fucking fountain, you allowed his disk to thrust deep inside your mouth–you could feel it with the back of your throat; that harsh stretching sensation caused your eyes to water and your hands to claw at his legs. 
Meanwhile, Patrick was about to go into full feral mode, chasing his release as if his life depended on it. “What a bratty needy girl…” groaning, Bateman grabbed a handful of your hair as he was about to combust from the inflaming lust. “Ahh… Are you gonna drain every drop of cum out of me?”
“Mmm-hm, yes!” nearly sobbing, you sped up your actions and looked into his dark eyes, rubbing his cock and balls at the same time. “Cum for me, Daddy… Cover me with your cream!”
With a guttural loud sound, Patrick squeezed his hands into fists as the level of stimulation was at its peak, coaxing his thick shaft to throb into your grip and paint your boobs white. Tilting your head, you arched your back, letting his hot seed spread all over your clavicle and run down between your breasts.
Breathing heavily, Bateman removed his slightly wet traces from his face–little drops of sweat were flowing off his tense forehead. “Mmm-my sugar Princess… Made Daddy feel so good…” Patrick crooned as he smirked, patting your head and watching you licking his hot cum off your fingers. 
“I enjoyed every second,” you nuzzled against his large palm when he stroked your face before you got up a bit to press your fingers to his lips which were coated with his warm liquid. “However, I didn’t expect you to let us spend our precious time on things like this...”
Without breaking eye contact, Bateman took your soaked digits into his mouth, sucking them and letting out a moan of pleasure that sent an avalanche of goosebumps down your spine. “Well, for such things–I can always find any time… But, baby, please don’t tell me you’re gonna spend another hour in the bathroom?”
Grinning, you caught his lips with yours and that was more than a kiss, as the taste of your different liquids mixed, induced you both to tremble and gasp. “Sorry, Daddy… But I need to have a shower, if only you have something interesting to offer instead…”
Humming to himself, Patrick nodded and pulled you closer to plant a painful hickey on your neck. “You think you’re bold enough to play with me like that, little one? Why do I even need to suggest something when I can simply have my way with you?”
The moment Bateman suddenly squashed your buttocks, a pitiful wail fell from your plump lips and that only spurred him to tighten his grip on you but then; Patrick turned you around, with your back pressed against his bare chest, your legs resting on his wide-open knees. When he touched the thin fabric of your underwear, a loud whimper resonated against the walls of his white bedroom as you couldn't control how your body was reacting to his every move.
“A-awww... Pat-mmmhm.” Wrapping your hand around his neck, you moaned into his ear when he moved your wet panties to the side and slipped a finger into your needy pussy. 
Watching you quivering in his arms, Bateman sat more comfortably on the edge of his bed, opening you up even more whilst he was peppering small kisses along your cheekbone. “I don’t think you’ll need them anymore…”
With that said, he ripped off your underwear before he added one more finger, sending you almost over the edge with how he was stimulating your most sensitive spot.  
“Your fingers… You have such l-long… Fingers,” resting your head on his broad shoulder you let him finger fuck you as deep as he wanted to. “Can I cum… P-please?”
“Please, who?”
“Please… D-Daddy…”
“Mmmhm,” he mumbled in a raspy voice, watching your eyes roll to the back of your head as you were about to burn out like a match right into his arms, because the pleasure became simply unbearable. “You just need a firm hand to know your place... Dont’cha, baby?”
Shivering, you nodded so vigorously in response as right now you were in desperate need of his “hand” as your inner muscles began to spasm around his skillful digits; your toes were curling erratically and your peaks became so tight you thought they would explode, not to mention when Patrick pinched one of them, rolling it between his fingers.
“Aa-aah, mm-my… G-god,” your miserable attempts to pronounce something ended up being cut off by his hot mouth as Bateman was kissing you hungrily, consuming your tongue whilst his fingers were twisting inside you, extending your vivid orgasm. “P-Patrick… Aww-www…”
Ruined and conquered, you gave him an innocently begging glance and he read it right away: “I know baby, I know…”
Encircling your waist, Patrick pressed his forehead against yours as he continued his sweet attack on your overstimulated cleft, stretching your inner channel as he would not let you rest even for a second. 
It didn't take long for you to cum again–his experienced fingers knew their job too well; you had no chance from the very beginning. Fidgeting around his knees, you had to cling to one of them from how your body was shaking, your ravenous moans were all that Bateman could hear at that moment as he was gently kissing your neck, holding your waist to keep you in one place. 
“Such a good girl for Daddy,” after you went limp into his powerful arms, he slipped his fingers out of your bruised pussy. Copying your previous move, he pushed his digits into your mouth to clean them up, and then he locked his lips on yours and it seemed like you were so far away from returning from your high. “This is the best gift for Christmas I could ever dream of…”
Lost, you were feeling yourself so light-headed that you couldn't even acknowledge what Bateman had just said–he could not know it, probably that’s why he chose exactly this moment to tell you such frank words–but that was another story.
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Within hours, you were almost done with your look for the upcoming evening and the only thing you had left to do was clasp a golden necklace, which Patrick had gifted you specifically for this event. Finishing the last details of your makeup, you winked at your reflection in the mirror and left the bathroom after that.
When you entered his living room, you saw him, standing near his vast collection of musical tapes as he seemed to look for something. Mesmerized by his marvelous appearance, you stayed behind and admired how insanely beautiful this man was: starting with his perfect side profile and ending with his delicious ass, goddamn–you let out a sigh full of adoration when you heard his velvet voice: “Look who’s here,” he chuckled, looking over you from head to toe and grinning happily. “(Y/N), you look sensational.”
A bit embarrassed, you smiled with your eyes, coming closer to ask him for help: “Can you please assist me with this clasp?” You turned around beside him, exposing your neck for better access.
Gently, Patrick did what you asked, not forgetting to press a soft kiss against the mark on your skin he’d left some moments ago; it was barely visible, but not for him.
Heart-warmed, you turned around and nuzzled your nose against his before saying: “Much appreciated.”
“You’re welcome, Princess,” Patrick replied, strolling away to pick up his Rolex watch from the coffee table. “I hope that was the last thing you had to finish, cause we need to leave out right now, if we don’t want to be late… But it seems like we will be late, anyway.”
Amused, you were watching him going back and forth, fixing his elegant Valentino suit–only now, you noticed Bateman chose the tie to tone your dress, and that just finished you.
A bit later, when you were standing near the door to his apartment, Patrick helped you to put on your coat when you suddenly asked him a cocky question: “So, are you going to tell me more about the guy who’s hosting this party? Why him?”
First, you heard his tired sigh but then he responded: “It was a decision of my colleagues,” he wore his black leather gloves and continued. “Why are you even asking?”
“Just want to know more about the man who triggers you.” You expressed with no hidden meaning, opening the door and looking back at him. 
“What did you just say?” He rejoined in a suddenly stern voice.
“What?” A bit confused, you look into his furious eyes, not understanding what was wrong with your words.
“Mmm, we'll leave that for later.” Patrick declared, wrapping his hand around your waist while he was locking the door.
“I said something I shouldn't have?”
“You’ll contemplate on all these matters after the party,” he said suspiciously with a hint of danger. “Well, if your brain will still have its ability to function after the things that I plan to do with you. And Merry Christmas, by the way.”
Swallowing hard, you looked at the reflection in an elevator door, spotting the devilish smirk on Bateman’s face. “M-Merry Christmas to you too,” you took a sharp breath, feeling the uprising thrill in your chest. “Patrick…”
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thecapricunt1616 · 6 months
Blue Lotus - SxC Fic - Chapter 3
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♡ Summary: Carmy actually has allowed himself FRIENDS?? Also- he gets to have like.. a normal day with Syd somewhat, outside of work, hanging out with people who aren't in any way involved w/ the restaurant.
♡ W/C: 6,919
♡ Posted Date: 04/08/2024
♡ A/N: Hayo ;D Here is C3 of Blue Lotus!!! I am v much like Carmy & got a alot of amusement AND enjoyment writing this chapter, so that makes my brain tell me I took it too OOC & I haaate writing these 2 OOC. So if its OOC I'm sorry, but at least it's funny LOL. The story Shayna tells is lightly based on Euphoria But the college version - so if you've seen it that's why it feels a little familiar - if you haven't seen it its a same vibe except high school so the father is much, much more disgusting. But I looove writing Shayna so much, I have friends like her & they are always the personalities to make you laugh until youre sore the next day - & Syd & Carmy deserves a friend like that so I gave them one! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy <3 As per usual this fic is inspired by Tucson that can be read here It was written by my lovely friend @gingergofastboatsmojito please be sure to read that one before you read Blue Lotus, also do give Ginger a follow!!!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Talks of ; a near physical assault, blood, sex, transphobia/outing, self inflicted wounds, actually contains; smoking cigarettes/weed, drinking alcohol, vomiting, swearing
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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“Hey! Im Sydney- sure! We were uh…we were gonna cook- do you wanna join? I just got back from the store” she got up, shaking her hand. 
“Totally -  my god this necklace! Where did you get it?” Shayna asked, leaning in and looking at the pendant “and you smell so good, lavender?” She said. 
“I thrifted it! I love thrifting. Carm does too- does it so much he has to keep extra jeans in his oven.. oh! And yeah this perfume it’s inside. I’ll show it to you” Syd replied happily. 
“Your oven?” Jesse asked Carm 
“Yeah uh.. not enough space- um Syd these are my…” he trails off 
“Friends. Were his friends- therapy friends I guess. I mean I hope he holds his word and texts me when we get out of here” Shayna nudged Carm’s shoulder gently. 
He cleared his throat “yeah- uh-my friends. Shayna and Jesse.” He said shyly. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you guys, have you ever had deer? They sell it at the grocery store here, harder to get in Chicago. I figured we’d try this recipe I thought up a while ago” she opened the door to the cabin and Jesse and Shana went inside making themselves at home right away. 
This wasn’t the first time they’d hung out, they would do this a few times a week before dinner and then sit and eat together before going back to their respective cabins for the night. 
“Never had deer before - aren’t you guys like super chefs or-“ Jesse is interrupted by Shayna’s whining 
“Carmen you still haven’t asked for a wifi box?!” She asked annoyed, putting her phone back in the pocket of her cargo jeans.  
“No I haven’t because I don’t need one I’m not addicted to Instagram or whatever the fuck” Carmy said, taking the door for Syd and she headed in, him following suit. 
“Oh yeah I forgot Carmy the little old man who likes to hide away from the online world- you look like you take fire Instagram pictures, how do you deal with that loser all the time?” She asked Syd jokingly, leaning against the counter and watching as she pulled various ingredients from the fridge. 
Syd laughed a bit, a big smile on her face as she moved around looking through various cabinets. “I do…um- Chef-“ she said and he sat up from where he was leaning against the kitchen doorframe 
“Where do you need me?” He asked her 
“Onions medium dice if you can manage the knives here suck” she took out one of the small knives they kept for him in the drawer and set it on the cutting board as she began to pick the rosemary, putting the sprigs in a bowl. 
“What the fuck is that” Shayna picked up a mortar with a deep black goop at the bottom. 
“Juniper berries…found a juniper tree when I was hanging outside. Made sure it’s the right kind so don’t be worried” Syd said and Carmen couldn’t help the small smile that curled his lips. 
“You found a juniper, and you just.. remembered this recipe?” Carmen asked, chopping the onions as skillfully as if he hadn’t been out of the kitchen a single day. 
“Thats hot” Shayna says “you’re hot as hell bitch! Oh my god! You just saw a tree and were like ‘let me make up this super cute berry deer coquette dish’ ” she said, causing Syd, her, and Jesse to crack up, but Carmen was lost. 
“The fuck is a coquette?” He asked, causing Syd to laugh harder when Shayna said between giggles 
“I told you! He’s so old!!!” She squeaked, leaning against the counter and wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. 
“Coquette is like… Marina and the Diamonds on Vinyl, pink bow, fairy princess, Sydney in the woods picking juniper berries aesthetic it’s like..a vibe.” Shayna explained.
“Oh my god- it’s a girl thing carm it’s like. I dunno- like pink frilly shit and like- Lacy shit?” Jesse tried to explain. 
Carm raised his brows, scraping the now cut onions into a bowl. “So Syd picking berries what does that have to do with- what did you say- pink bows?” Carm questioned and Shayna rolls her eyes. 
“It’s the vibe Carmen, the vibe. Ugh you are no fun I can already tell Sydney is the fun one. What music do you listen to?” Shayna sat up next to Syd on the counter as she dusted the board with flour and started to cut the meat into chunks. 
“I listen to…well- a lot. My mom loved R&B so I still listen to that but mostly 90s stuff that makes me think of her, I love SZA, HER, Jhené Aiko, oh Kali Uchis! Khelani of course… frank ocean is so fire I really like his stuff too..yeah just a lot of stuff.” She explained. 
Carm sat there digesting every word she said, it wasn’t unusual for him to do that. He tried tucking the unfamiliar names in the back of his mind so he could look them up or ask Shayna what she knew about them later. 
“Oh my god- we have to chill sometime!! Do you smoke?” Shay asked hopefully and Syd looked at Carm for a moment before her eyes flickered back to Shayna. 
“I do. But…not when I’m working. Because it fucks up my taste and smell..but I am on vacation so…” she said with a small shrug and a smile. 
“Dude! Oh my god Jesse cmon I need to go back to my cabin” she got down off the counter “I’ll be right back” she said and they headed out being sure to close the door behind them. 
“They’re fucking?” Syd asked and Carmen laughed a bit 
“No- no. Where’d you get that?” He asked, beginning to peel the carrots over the garbage can. 
“Why did he go with her? Aren’t the cabins all right here?” She asked. 
Carmen looked up at her for a moment “oh- yeah. They are. Shay has somethin about being alone. Somethin about her childhood- she came here because she said it’s like…the good version of where her dad sent her. Whatever that means. But she can’t be out and about alone it freaks her out. I guess she went to some… wilderness camp? She went on about it in one of our sessions. They were…they were fucked up.” He said, putting the now peeled carrot down on the cutting board and starting on the next. 
“Shit.” She said, putting the cast iron on the burner, starting the flame with the lighter that she’d found on the counter. “Like…so they left her in the middle of nowhere or something?” She asked and Carmy shrugged. 
“Kinda like that. She said that they like…would hike all day. And then at night they’d have to pitch their own tents. They took their shoes at night so they wouldn’t try and run. They’d like- send pictures back to their family- and if they didn’t smile they’d get in trouble. Pretty fuckin…sadistic shit t’do to a kid. Dunno how her dad thought it would change her ways - she said she went because their views on religion didn’t align…” he explained 
“Wow…” she said, after a long beat of silence “she’s like..I wouldn’t have expected her to be so friendly after that. I wouldn’t be” she said, salting down the meat. 
“Yeah Shayna is…a character. For sure. But she’s really sweet, and has a huge heart even though she loves to bitch people out. She’d cut someone if they tried to fuck with me, though. One of the newcomers showed me that” he chuckled, shaking his head a bit. 
“What happened?” She asked
“So we were at lunch, and before that day we just..sat at the same table but didn’t really talk. She talked, but I would mostly listen. And um, this new dude. Justin? I think? Total fuckhead. Guys a tank too, like fuckin’ 6’2? No joke. But uh he was like basically screaming at his table, talkin’ so fuckin’ loud, so I looked over- and he met my eyes and just went off hes like ‘you got a problem little man? What the fuck is up with you, you got a staring problem?’ And Shayna- you should have seen her!” He laughs at the memory. 
“What’d she do?” Syd asks curiously. 
“Oh, she picked up her mashed potatoes- like - a fist full of mashed potatoes Syd- bare handed- and screeeamed at him ‘YOU WANNA FUCK WITH HIM COCKSUCKER?! WHY DON’T YOU COME FUCK WITH A BITCH THAT CAN ACTUALLY LOOK YOU IN THE EYE, SCAREDY MOTHERFUCKER!’  then whipped it at the dude. It hit him right in the face- eeeeveryone was dying we were all cracking the fuck up. I haven't seen him again after that, thankfully, but then she just looked at me and asked me for my plastic knife so she could get the potatoes from under those huge nails she wears and went to wash her hands like nothing happened.” He explained. 
Syd laughs and Carm follows suit. “Wow. Well I guess I shouldn’t worry about you after all- you found a temporary big sister, you should keep her around. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who would pelt another in the face with mashed potatoes for me” she snorts a laugh, setting the meat in the pan. 
“I would. Without a shadow of a doubt, when Marcus was yelling at you I wanted to fuckin knock him out with a pan-“ he stopped himself and she looked over at him, the only sound now filling the room being the sizzling of venison on cast iron and the tick of the wall clock. 
She blinked a few times, unsure what to say before the memory of the drawing came back to her. 
Just say it now. Why else would he want to hit one of his employees with a pan if not for feelings he hasn’t made me aware of?
She’d thought to herself. 
But Carmen on the other hand was thanking god that Shayna and Jesse came back, boisterous as ever- 
“Pookiesss We come bearing gifts” Shayna drops a bag on the table, as well as a pink speaker that was playing some Spanish music Carmen hadn’t ever heard before. 
“You listen to Bad Bunny?” Syd asks as she turns around. 
“YOU Listen to bad bunny?” Jesse asks and Syd smiles big 
“Who doesn’t listen to Bad Bunny?” Syd laughed “he’s like- literally I think the most listened to Spotify artist or something? Top 3?!” 
“Who is bad bunny?” Carmen asks as he cut the carrots into matchsticks. 
“You need to train your dogs better, Sydney” Shayna teased, taking shooters of grey goose out of her tote bag and putting them in the freezer. 
Syd laughs so hard she snorts, covering up her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. “You are fucking insane” she said 
Carmen smiled big, looking over at Syd. “Chef, did you just snort?” He teased smugly and set his knife down, leaning against the counter next to her, smirking. 
“I did- because your friend thinks you’re my bitch” she teased, turning back to the meat and flipping each cube carefully with the metal tongs that were next to her on the counter. 
Carmen’s mouth drops and his cheeks go scarlett, Shayna snorts a laugh, sitting at the table casually, legs crossed as she picked the stems and seeds off buds of weed, while Jesse howls with laughter. “Fuuuck-“ he shakes his head with amusement “wow. I uh…” he snorts a laugh “I get you Carmen. Get you better now” he said. 
“Okay- fuck you shayna” Carmen shook his head, unable to contain his smile. He’d never heard Syd laugh so hard before and witnessing it made him feel on fire. 
“Sorry I can tell who wears the pants it’s a natural talent of mine” she shrugged, “Jess come do this” she slid the little container of picked apart buds over to the spot next to her and he sits next to her at the table. 
“So you guys aren’t..like you’ve not known eachother before this?” Syd asks them. 
“Oh! No we did actually. Jess and I met at this program when we were 14, restart. It was a pure chance though that we come here at the same time.” She said and got up, washing her hands in the kitchen sink of the sticky resin. 
“That’s so cool - where are you from?” Syd asked her as she takes the bowl of onions from next to Carm at the island, their hands brushing for a moment which caused Carmen to nearly cut himself because his focus was completely lost at her touch. 
“Were from LA. Aren’t you from Chicago? Why are you here? I mean- like it’s great you’re great I’m glad to have a sane member of society around, it’s refreshing when you’re only around only psychos, you know? But uh..” she laughed a bit when Syd got started “you must be…pretty close friends” she looked at Carm for a moment before looking back at her. 
Carmen suddenly felt something akin to anger sitting low in his chest. And it had to do with Shayna. He likes Shayna, so he wasn’t sure what was going on. But, Jesse saw the switch in Carmen- and read it right away as jealousy. 
“Uh…” Syd clears her throat nervously, suddenly not knowing what to say. 
“Like what is it? Jess? We went to restart in Wisconsin so Chicago? How far is that?” She asks. 
Jesse gave her the cut it out eyes, but Shayna hadn’t been able to play matchmaker in weeks, she was gonna push these two together the same way she made her Barbie’s kiss when she was a kid. 
“I’ll guess like - 1800 miles. Soooo- oh! And don’t you have that restaurant?” She asked and Syd nods. 
“Mmhmm we run it together. It’s fine though it’s being held down, I finally got my new Sous trained and his sister is working a lot lately she wants to get everything all together before she has her baby so…” she rambled on, trying to pull out any reason that made it sound like she was unneeded there - even though that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
“Right. I’m gonna go smoke would you like to come? I’m sure your…” she looks back at Carmen for a moment before looking back at Sydney “partner can hold this down until we get back?” She asked and looked at Carmen again, raising her brows. 
“Yeah- yeah Syd go. Go ahead go relax - got this chef.” He nods and went over to the stove, squeezing past her in the tight space, his hand brushing her waist momentarily as he did so. 
“Okay- okay sure” Syd nodded, following Shayna outside. She walked quietly for a few moments, lighting the joint and taking a drag before handing it over to Syd. 
They were about 30 feet from the house, Syd was taking a deep drag of the joint - savoring the taste since she couldn’t do it often, when Shayna said 
“You need to fuck eachothers brains out so he can go the fuck home. That- or tell him it’ll never happen so he can stay here for however long it takes him to break down and move on” 
Sydney choked on the smoke in her throat, quickly handing the burning joint back to Shayna and coughing into her arm. 
Shayna laughs before taking another drag, patting Sydney’s back sympathetically. “Sorry- people have told me I’m too blunt but I’d rather hear the truth so I give it to people straight” she said simply. 
“Dude! What if he heard you! Shhh!” Sydney said once she caught her breath. 
“Oh please! No! He didn’t! And if he did- he’d be leaned halfway out the door trying to hear the answer because he’s dying to know! You know he has the hots for you- please- don’t play stupid, girl” She rolled her eyes, handing the joint back over. 
“What - no- he’s- we’re business partners” Syd replied, shaking her head and taking a short drag. “He doesn’t. He’s just sick and clinging to me he’s - he’s depressed and I’m violating HIPAA or whatever by saying that but it’s honest! I’m not his type” She passed it back over to Shayna. 
She took it, laughing at her HIPAA comment “Chefs aren’t bound to HIPAA regulations, but nonetheless- I’ll be honest for you, since you can’t be honest with yourself. You flew here because you want to fuck him. There’s no other explanation- no not even just fuck- you love the guy. Why else would you fly across the country to be with him? Especially when he’s due home in 11 days. No dick is that great, especially attached to a guy on that many psych meds.” She said and took a long drag. 
Sydney’s heart began racing 100 miles an hour. She stopped walking, leaning against the fence, feeling like all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. She imagined this is how Carmy felt when Stardust threw him off. 
“Are you- what in the Hozier Adele ass fuck. You didn’t know? Or - realize- the L word? That you love him?” Shayna said, taking another drag of the joint. 
Sydney stared at the forest ahead, resting her hand on her forehead, shaking her head. “Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck.” She swallowed hard. “Um-uh I- I feel sick? I feel- I’m gonna throw up.” Syd said, standing up and quickly walking over to the large oak tree at the end of the rows of cabins, hurling up the remainders of her lunch which was just a McDonald’s burger she’d gotten on her way back from the grocery store. 
“Jesus Christ. It’s you too? What are you waiting for?” Shay followed after her, rubbing her back gently  
“What do you mean-“ She’s interrupted by a gag she couldn’t hold back. “Fuck. What do you mean what’s me too?” She asked, coughing and spitting the bile taste in her mouth on the ground before leaning against the tree to catch her breath. 
“Like- you and him both don’t even realize you’re in love. It’s weird as fuck. It’s usually one person chasing - but you guys are secretly chasing eachother? But also at the same time trying I dunno. One of you has to make a move though” she said, leaning on the tree next to Syd. 
“What if he’s just sick? What if he’s clinging to me because he’s sick and…and I’m like manipulating him” she asked nervously 
“Ahh yes because you are manipulating a grown man into not breathing when he sees you? You can do that? Can you teach me? Except I’ll use it to kill creeps” she nudged Syds shoulder, finally earning a smile back out of her. 
“He doesn’t do that…” she looked at the ground sheepishly
“When we get back, I’m gonna count out loud because the oblivious fuck hears no one when you’re around, and watch he won’t be breathing. I swear it’s like the first thing I noticed looks like a fuckin fish out of water.” She said and finished the joint, stomping it out with her shoe. “Shall we put my experiment to the test?” She asks and Syd rolls her eyes. 
“I wanna see what’s going on with the food let’s go” she smiled a bit, heading back with Shayna to the cabin.  
It only took them 4 minutes back, Shayna walks in first and Carm’s head pops up from his conversation with Jesse at the counter, and as soon as Syd pops in behind her- Shayna quietly starts whispering “one…two…three…four..-OW!” She squeaks as Syd kicks her ankle just enough to hurt. 
That was enough to break Carm out of his trance “hey- hey- how was your walk, y’okay? You look…I dunno” he came up to her, feeling Syds cheek with the back of his hand “y’flushed…” he said and she pulled away from his touch, feeling embarrassed. 
“I’m fine” she said, walking back to the stove and making sure the meat was okay. “What did you do with the beef stock?” She asked, looking over the counter. 
Carmy swallowed thickly “uh- sorry, sorry. Here” he went to where he put it in the cabinet and handed it to her. “We…we good?” he asked quietly. 
“We’re good. Get the juniper berries please.” She said without meeting his gaze and opened the stock, pouring some in the pan. 
Shayna giggles and Carm looks back at where she and Jesse were sat at the table, Jesse making a circle with his thumb and forefinger and thrusting his other finger in and out of it, alluding to their sexual tension lacing the room. 
“Oh you are children.” Carmen grumbles, grabbing a beer from the fridge and rolling his eyes “want one- dipshit? Cabin check is tomorrow they all need to be gone” he said and Jesse nodded with a smug smile. 
“You love your crazy camp besties pookie!!! Don’t play games cause your cool chef friend is around” Shayna said, getting up and going to the freezer, taking out 2 shots. 
“Syd?” She asked and Sydney turns around, looking at the shots in her hand. 
“Uh- why not. Sure. Just one” she said, taking one of them and cracking it open. 
“Cheers” Shayna says, clinking her shooter with Syds 
“To?” Syd asked. 
“New beginnings” Shayna said simply before tilting her head back and swallowing the shot in one gulp.
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“That was the best fucking food I’ve ever eaten. Have you guys ever been told you should open a restaurant?” Jesse teased, helping Carmen clear the empty dishes from table. 
“Wow you really should pursue stand up, Jess” Carmy said with a small smile, collecting the 4 disposable cups they used for wine and throwing them away. 
“You know who would fuckin love her Carm?” Syd motions to Shayna 
“Who?” He mused, rolling up his sleeves and starting the hot water on the sink. 
“Richie. They’d be menaces together but they’d be best friends!” Syd laughs a bit and Carmen gasps 
“Richie!!! Yes! They would- but- Oh my god how is he? I literally- fuck. I’m so shitty I haven’t even really…like been thinkin about everyone back home other then like you and I- I guess sugar” Carmen said. 
Jesse and Shayna gave eachother a ‘we’ll discuss this romcom fuckshow later’ look, before giggling amongst themselves. 
“He’s- he’s Richie. He’s never gonna let me stabbing him go. Every time I tell him to do something he’s like ‘right away chef wouldn’t wanna get stabbed’ - he’s scaring the new hires, carm!” She giggled in the way that made his heart flutter like butterflies were smacking it with their wings. “And he keeps calling me cousin by mistake!! It’s getting ..really weird” she shook her head, sitting down at the table. 
“You stabbed a motherfucker?” Shayna asked impressed. 
Carmen laughed a bit “on accident” he told her 
“Doesn’t mean it didn’t feel good he was grating my last nerve that day. But I mean…he’s okay so I’m not that bad for thinking it” she smiled and Carmen laughed, scrubbing the plates with the sponge. 
“I would have stabbed this motherfucker but I just did one better and made everyone afraid to fuck with me. Everyone thinks this was a result of my attempt but it’s not.” Shayna showed off a long scar on her forearm, partially covered by a large dragon tattoo. 
“You did that to yourself?” Syd asked, slightly impressed but mostly a little scared, her finger gently rubbing up the raised scar. 
“Mmhmm. In college. I went to this party, this guy-“ she shook her head with a small, mischievous smile. “So he comes in the kitchen, he’s acting like a fucking bull so of course I’m staring at the weirdo, right? He looks at me- and he goes what the fuck are you looking at, bitch. And I was new, so I didn’t know it was his house. So I was like I’m looking at some meathead loosing his temper like a toddler, what the fuck are you looking at. And he just asks me who I am- and…” she sits back “I didn’t know anyone? Like…I went there to meet people. So I was like oh I’m Shayna and he just starts screaming ‘who the fuck is Shayna, does anyone at this party know a fucking Shayna?’ And he was like in my face. So I told him I was like I’m not trying to start anything here I’m minding my business back up and he goes ‘no one that looks like you is minding their own business’ and then he- he told me he knew what I was.” She said and shrugged.
 “ And that I just wanted attention. And that he would give me the attention I was looking for. And then? He told everyone in the kitchen that someone better speak for me or he was gonna fuck me up.- so, I grabbed a knife from the counter, and he backed up like a pussy and was like ‘I’m kidding! I’m kidding it’s a joke I’m fucking with you!’ And I asked him if he wanted to hurt me, and he kept saying no - even though I knew he was getting ready to kick the shit out of me, probably worse. So I slit my arm, and bled on him. Then I left. And no one ever tried to out me there again.” She said and sipped her beer. 
“You’re gay?” Sydney asked curiously. 
“Yeah but that’s- Jesus Christ these Chicagoans” she said, and her and Jesse started laughing. 
“What? What’s funny?” Syd sat up. 
“she’s-“ Carmen starts
“AHT!” Shayna tisks “no, Carmen, we got to make fun of you for a month now we get to make fun of her until she figures it out. I think you’re smarter though, socially speaking” She said and Carmen gives her the finger, causing her to laugh. 
“Oh- ohhhh! Wow! I wonder how he thought he could tell” Syd said and Carmen looks back at her. 
“Really?! How did you figure it out so fast?!” He asked her 
Syd laughs “oh because it’s the 2020’s and if someone says they were outed and it’s not about being gay, there’s only one other thing to out” she said and Carm huffs, annoyed with his own pitfalls of refusing to make friends his first 30 years. 
“Yeah how would he know? I didn’t know” Carm asked her and she smiled big, looking at Jesse. 
“It was fucked. Up. What you did. But if you wanna tell them? Gooo ahead.” He said with a smile, drying the dishes as Carm washed and rinsed them. 
Shayna laughs excitedly, sitting up and pushing her long blonde hair back. “Okay, so. I end up finding out who this guy is, right? And apparently…his dad who was the football coach was like- DL- into trans girls- “ Carm interrupts 
“What does that mean?” He asked her 
“DL? Down low, like- they fuck us in private” she explained and Carmen scrunched his brows in confusion 
“Why?” He asked and Shayna looked at him confused. 
“Because…they think it’s gay?” She said like it was obvious, but to Carmen, it wasn’t. 
“But… Y’re a girl. So how would it be gay?” He asked 
“I’ll give you a ‘how humans interact with eachother’ lesson later, Carmen, for now it’s story time” she teased.
 “Anyway-“ she continued “so I find this out, because I look up his name on Facebook - see his dad tagged, and I fly to Grindr- because I swore I literally saw him there. Turns out I had. So I send him a chat, we hit it off, I go fuck him-“ she said, Syd starts laughing, Carm turns around with wide jaw eyes and a dropped jaw. 
“Like- oh I fuuuuucked that man. Multiple times. He didn’t fuck me- let me say that again for your cis ears to have it sink in, I fucked- this man’s father” she said - Carmen’s jaw drops further, and Jesse was howling with laughter at Syd and Carmys shocked expressions. 
“No- no- Shayna- hold on I need a cigarette - Jesse take this shit over” Carmen pulls open the front door, pushing up the glass on the screen door, grabbed his beer and cigarettes from the counter, and sat next to Syd at the table. “Okay keep goin- I’ve never heard this much-“ he shook his head in amusement 
“Tea? I know- it gets better!” Shayna laughs. 
Carmen smirked, shaking his head and taking out a cigarette lighting it between his lips and taking a drag. “So you fucked this man’s dad.” Carmen couldn’t help but laugh at how insane the words sounded coming from his mouth- and Sydney followed suit, head falling back and eyes squeezing shut, Carmen’s heart quickened at the adorable sight, having the urge to reach out and grab her soft, delicate hand that was just a few inches from his own on the tabletop. 
“Oh my god- were taking them with us back to chicago- I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this” Syd said, stealing his beer from next to him and taking a sip. 
The action made Carmen’s heart skip a beat. The fact that she was comfortable drinking out of something his lips had already touched, it drove him wild. They had tried food off of the same spoon at work just so they didn’t have to go through the hassle of washing two, but this felt…different. More intimate. 
“Did you- I’m sorry- did you want one?” He asked “I didn’t think you liked beer - I thought you said you like wine more” he said and she shook her head. 
“We can share…right?” She asked, a bit shyly. She wasn’t sure what made her do it, maybe it was because her white claw had been long forgotten and now was luke warm on the kitchen counter, or maybe it was the few extra shots she’d been convinced into taking earlier that was causing her to take the chat with Shayna to heart. 
“Yeah- course, always.” He nodded a bit. Unnoticed by Syd and Carmy, Jesse and Shayna give eachother another ‘we’re gonna talk about this romcom shit later’ look before Shayna clears her throat. 
“So- yes Carmen, I fucked this man’s father. And multiple times. He was married- I didn’t fully know that though before you both look at me shitty- he didn’t say that -“ Jesse cuts her off 
“Ohhhh- oh! No!!” He laughs “no- the real story- is that she saw a ring but didn’t ask about it - you may now continue” he said, turning back to the sink and rinsing the last of the dishes. 
Carm snorts a laugh “evil. That is evil the man’s marriage! Shayna!” He took a drag of his cigarette and she rolled her eyes. 
“It was already on the rocks- let me finish! You fucks! So then- I recorded it, and I held onto it- just in case. But. Get this- one of my girlfriends on campus? Guess who she ran into on Grindr?” She asks and Carm and Syd both lean in slightly, and Shayna can’t help but notice the way they were already so in sync. 
“The fucking guy from the party” she said and Syd gasps, Carmen cracks up. 
“He’s his fathers spitting image. Thats it. That’s why- that’s why he said that to you. He knows about you or whatever? Because he loves girls like you and is also a pussy.” Syd said and Carm hums in agreement. 
“Exactly! Exactly. So…I had her tell him to meet her in the park- but…” she smirks and Sydney covers her mouth preemptively, knowing whatever was going to say next was going to be off the wall. 
“I was there too- fucking his dad! And oops! he saw us! And I asked him if we should check and see who’s bigger- he dropped out of school the same week- and the dad resigned” she said and took another casual sip of her beer with a proud smirk.
Carmen sits there, dumbfounded, looking to Sydney who when she saw the look on his face cracked up. “Your face-“ she said, causing him to start laughing as well. 
“Shay-“ he looks at her, wiping tears that were gathering in the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard. “Shayna what the fuck” he managed to get out before laughing again, shaking his head. “You are a person that I won’t ever, ever get on your shit list if I can help it” he said, looking over quickly when Syd coughs from laughing so hard 
“Woah- arms up, arms up” he tells her and goes to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and coming back quickly, opening the cap and handing it to her. She took a large sip. 
“Thank you- sorry- fuck you Shayna you’re gonna kill us both I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh this hard” she said and Shayna smiled 
“Well, that’s a good thing. this guys got a problem with having the dead inside look- at least before you got here” she nudged Carm with her elbow. 
He realized he was still stood, hand protectively on the back of Syds chair looking down at her as if she was the only one in the room. 
“Isn’t that why we’re all here?” Jesse countered, sitting in the empty chair next to Shayna 
“I’m very alive inside- I just get too manic and start destroying my life because it’s something to do” she said and finished off her beer. “I’m already on probation cmon I need to go to my cabin and you aren’t allowed to have fun without me” she told Jesse, standing up and grabbing her bag and speaker. “Nice to meet you, Sydney. And Remember our chat hot stuff” she said as she put her bag on her shoulder. 
“Yeah- we’ll probably run into each other again, I leave Sunday night.” She said, and Carmen’s heart soars. 
He wasn’t sure why, he just thought maybe she’d just fly in for one night to see how he was and then leave the next day, but the fact she was staying a whole other day and a half- and they would be alone. 
“Sick! Okay well we’ll link up tomorrow then, have a goodnight guys - and remember wrap it before you tap it, shortstack!” Shayna said as her and Jesse shut the door behind them and head off. 
Carmen blushed pink, shaking his head. “She’s a hack, but she’s a very nice hack” Carm said, rubbing over his face embarrassedly. 
“They’re super cool Carm. She’s..really fuckin out there but-“ she shrugged looking at the clock. “Oh- shit. Fuck- it is late, I don’t want you to get in trouble” she said, standing up and grabbing her coat off the back of her chair. 
“You- you aren’t um…staying?” He asked and got up, grabbing her backpack she’d brought with her from the kitchen table and bringing it over. 
“Oh well all of my- stuff..” she trailed off, eyes locked on his. They stayed there silent for a moment, and his heart started pounding in his chest so hard he could feel it in his stomach. 
“Uh-“ he started and nervously bit the inside of his lip, he’d been doing that a lot tonight. He was holding his tongue, he always did around her. He didn’t understand it, because unless she was around it was like a part of his brain switched off, and he didn’t have access to speech in the same capacity as when she was near. 
“I- so…I think um- I-“ he stops himself, grabbing his shoulder nervously and averting her gaze. His throat suddenly felt tight, this was it. He either said something, or he let her leave and he stayed up all night thinking about what he should have said when she leaves. 
“Did you draw me?” Sydney asks suddenly. 
Carmen feels his stomach doing flips, his palms got sweaty and all of the color drained from his face. “I-“ he crossed his arm over his chest, tightly gripping his hoodie. He suddenly felt as if he could be sick, “I’m sorry?” It came out sounding like a question. 
Sydney felt insane “you- when-“ she smiled nervously “oh god- Jesus- I- it must be the-“
Carmen cut her off before she could say what would shut his entire course of action that he was trying to lay out down fully before he could attempt to put it into motion. “I meant- I meant I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. Syd. That’s how I meant it. I - you remind me of home.” He said, not breaking her gaze. “And I need a little bit of that, here.” He said softly. 
Syd just nods, holding on to the chair for stability. She wasn’t sure if this conversation was really happening or if she was in some insane dream. She could hardly believe Carmen was expressing himself to her, in a way other then anger or fear. 
“I..I draw you a lot.” He admits, running a nervous hand through his hair. “We do uh- art..art therapy. A few hours every day” 
“Can I…see them? If…if that’s okay?” She questioned. 
The color came back to Carmen’s face full force, he had to be sure whichever sketchbooks he would show her had none of the explicit themed drawings. “Uh- sure. Sure…gimme a sec- I’ll um” he headed to the bedroom, opening the desk drawer and grabbing the bigger sketchbook he usually took to art therapy, the safest one since the therapist would come and look at whatever the patients were working on.  
He quickly flicked through it to make sure, before heading back out to the living room where Syd had sat on the couch when he went to retrieve the sketchbook. “I’m- sorry…sorry if this is like. Weird-“ he said, feeling suddenly Insecure about his hobby that was the reprieve that got him through any of the sleepless nights he had here. 
“No- no its..it’s sweet Carm, can I?” She asked, grabbing the sketchbook in his lap, their hands brushing lightly. He felt that familiar fire in his chest, and nods with a hum of agreement. 
She opened it, eyebrows raising in surprise “they aren’t like-“ he started 
“This is incredible-“ she cut him off and leaned over him, turning on the lamp at his side to get a better look at the portrait he had committed to memory of her smiling. He nearly shivered when her curls brushed his cheek, the smell of the perfume on her neck mixed with the familiar scent of her causing goosebumps to appear over his flesh. 
“I don’t know if I should be offended that you remember the gap in my teeth so well. Because I know for a fact you aren’t on Instagram” she said. He smiled, rolling his eyes slightly 
“It’s one of your nicest qualities” he shrugged a bit. 
“Oh one of them? Are there many?” She smiled, flipping the page.
“I think the question should be if you have any flaws” he said, and her eyes flicked back to his. 
They were now sitting so close that their faces were less then a foot apart. “I think we both know that’s bullshit.” She said 
“To you maybe” his eyes flickered to her lips momentarily. 
“I always catch you doing that” she teased, smiling a bit. 
“Doing what?” He asked, his eyes meeting hers again. 
“I dunno…staring at me..like..” she looks at his lips for a long moment before meeting his gaze once again. 
“Why do you think?” He asked quietly. 
“There are alot of things I can’t seem to figure out about you…Carmy” she said just above a whisper. 
“Well what do you want to know. I’m uh…trying to be more open.” He said equally as soft. 
“Do you know why I really came here?” She asked 
“Because you saw the fuckin drawing, somehow.” He smiled a bit. 
“Yes” she chuckled “but- it just..it kinda confirmed something for me I dunno- I just wanted to come check if maybe-“ 
She’s interrupted by his lips on hers, she was surprised at first, but of course didn’t pull away. He cupped her cheek gently, his thumb rubbing over her supple skin. 
The way their lips moved together was natural, like they’d done this already a thousand times in a hundred lives. His nose gently nudges hers and she wraps her fingers in his dirty blonde curls, tugging gently how she’d fantasized so many times. 
He slid his tongue over her plump bottom lip, humming softly when she opened her mouth at the contact. His hands were nearly shaking. His entire body felt like it was exploding with tiny fireworks underneath his skin. 
The air between them both felt as if it was crackling with electricity. As if the universe was humming in approval that they had finally accepted their bond. 
Sydney had never felt anything so right. She felt as if every stress in her life evaporated, as if her and Carmy were the only 2 people in the world. She felt like she was glowing from the inside out.  “T’make sure I wanted t’do that…right?” He said softly when she pulled away. 
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡♡♡ ⋙
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willalove75 · 1 year
Hii! I just wanted to start off by saying I LOVE your fics! Mainly your Rebecca ones :D (I’ve read all of them like more than once lol) They just hit all the feels 🥹 however I was wondering if I could request a Sofia Marchetti one..? (If you still write for her that is)
I’ve moved back into my “Sex education” phase and literally CANNOT find any other pieces of writing for her character!
I was thinking of like reader and Sofia go to see Jackson in the school musical- Romeo and Juliette- and we all know how that went.. anyways I was thinking, while watching, reader and Sofia get a little ✨hot and bothered✨ if you will, and decided to have a fun night after when they go home and Jackson leaves for a cast party or smth
Sorry if this is like random!- it’s just been stuck in my head and I suck at writing things like this. You don’t have to write it if u don’t want to! And I hope I’m making sense about the musical- it’s the one in season 2
Anyways thank you again for all of your lovely Rebecca fics!! and sorry this is like way too long!! 😬
~M <3
AW thank you SO much!!! I was SO surprised when I realized that there literally weren't any Sofia Marchetti fics! But I am more than happy to fill in the gaps😉😂
The latest (and final😭) season premiered the other day and what better way to celebrate than with a new Sofia fic?!
Thank you so much for your request!!💕
Warnings: Smuttttyyyyy
18+ Only. Minors DNI.
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After you and Sofia walk into the house when you return from Jackson's school play Sofia heads straight into the kitchen and pops open a bottle of wine.
"So, that was, uh, interesting." You say. "But Jackson did an incredible job!"
"Interesting is certainly one thing to say about it." Sofia says with a chuckle as she beings her wine glass to her lips and takes a sip. "He did do a wonderful job, I'm so proud of him."
"You should be!"
"But if he comes home from that cast party drunk I'm grounding him until the day he turns 18." She deadpans.
You laugh and playfully roll your eyes at her as you pour yourself a glass.
"You think I'm kidding."
"I know you're not, that's why I'm laughing."
"Love, it's not funny!"
"I know, I know. Listen, he's a kid, as long as he's responsible, let him have a little fun. He's a good kid, you know that."
"I don't want to have this conversation anymore so I'm changing the subject. Anyway," Sofia says, rolling her eyes at you. "I can't believe you squealed so loud when that, dick-thing touched you." She says with a smirk.
"I wasn't expecting it to! And I definitely wasn't expecting it to be a penis! Plus you squealed too!"
"I did not-"
"Sofia Marchetti do not lie to me!" You say as you laugh.
"Well I certainly wasn't expecting the kids to have dick fingers and vagina heads."
"Yeah that was definitely a different take on Shakespeare. But it did get me thinking."
Sofia smirks at you and you narrow your eyes at her.
"And what did it get you thinking about?" You ask, quirking an eyebrow at her.
She slowly walks up to you and cages you in against the countertop.
"I think it's better if I show you, rather than tell you." She says, taking your wine glass from your hand and placing it on the counter.
Before you can respond she hoists you up onto the countertop and you let out a squeal. Her hand dives between your legs, under your skirt and she begins rubbing circles over your underwear. Your squeal quickly turns into a moan.
Her fingers find your clit and she rubs small circles over it and you throw your head back and moan. The moment you do her lips latch on to your exposed neck and she begins to kiss and suck as she continues her ministrations.
"Oh fuck, Sofia." You moan.
"You're so wet for me already baby." She says into your skin.
Sofia pulls your soaked underwear down your legs and tosses them somewhere onto the kitchen floor. Kneeling on the ground, she kisses her way up the inside of your thighs. Purposefully passing over your heat, she moves to your other thigh and plants kisses into your skin. You tangle your fingers into her hair and try to guide her to where you need her most.
"What is it, love? What do you want?"
Her green eyes flick up to yours as she continues to kiss your thighs. Your brows knit together and your lips part as you beg.
"Please Sof, please."
Without breaking eye contact Sofia flattens her tongue against your dripping pussy and slowly licks up.
"Oh fuck!" You say as you throw your head back.
She laps at it a few times before flicking her tongue against your clit. Your hips buck into her mouth and she grabs your hips and pulls you to the edge of the counter, her nails digging into your skin.
Her tongue glides up and down across your folds and she circles and sucks at your clit. Your fingers are buried into her hair as you cry out louder and louder.
"Oh fuck, right there!" You cry as she sucks on your clit again.
She starts licking and sucking your clit and you whimper.
"Sofia, oh fuck, you're so fucking good."
"You taste delicious my love." She hums into you making your eyes roll back again.
You start to clench around nothing, desperately wishing she would fill you up. And as if she read your mind, Sofia slides two fingers deep into your pussy. As she curls into your walls you buck your hips against her, thrusting her fingers deep into that spot that makes you see stars.
"Fuck! Yes baby right there yes!"
Sofia sucks and flicks over your clit a little harder, your bundle of nerves becoming over-sensitive and you whine. Her fingers curl into that spot again and you feel an orgasm beginning to build.
Looking down you meet Sofia's eyes once more. Her emerald green eyes are now dark with lust, her pupils are completely blown. She thrusts her fingers in and out faster, her motions accompanied by the most pornographic wet noises you've ever heard. You roll your hips in time with her thrusts and you push her face deeper into you.
As she continues to fuck you, you feel her tongue circle around your clit a few times before she sucks on it again, causing you to cry out. She continues that pattern as she pushes you closer and closer to the edge. The peak of your orgasm is coming fast and you pull at her hair and cry out.
"Fuck yes, just like that baby. I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me fucking cum!"
A few thrusts and sucks later Sofia throws you over the edge and into a state of pure pleasure and bliss. You throw your head back, arch your back, and cry out her name as she fucks you through your orgasm. She thrusts against the pressure your walls are creating as they clench down around her and you swear you see stars.
As the final wave of your orgasm ripples through your body Sofia slows down and pulls her fingers out of you. Not a second goes by before her mouth envelopes your soaked core and you feel her tongue gliding over your wet folds. She moans into you as if she's tasting the most delicious meal she's ever had and you run your fingers through her hair.
When she finishes licking every drop of your arousal from between your legs she leaves a few kisses on the inside of your thighs, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and pulls you in for a kiss.
You can taste yourself on her tongue and you moan into her mouth as you do. Sofia wraps your legs around her waist and she lifts you off the counter and carries you into the living room.
She sits down on the couch with you in her lap and her fingers tangle into your hair as she passionately kisses you. Your hands find her breasts and you grab them over her shirt and massage them. Sofia moans into your mouth and you break the kiss to pull her shirt over her head, tossing it aside.
Your lips find hers once more and you reach around her back to unhook her bra and slide the straps down her shoulders. When they're finally free, you palm both of her breasts and roll her hardening nipples between your fingers. Sofia kisses you harder in response and she bites your lower lip. As she pulls away she pulls your shirt off and takes off your bra. Her lips latch onto one of your nipples as she pinches the other one. Her tongue circles your hardening flesh and she sucks on it before moving over to the other one, giving it the same attention.
Standing up, you pull your skirt off and Sofia stands and slides her pants and drenched underwear down her long legs and kicks them away. She pulls you in for another passionate kiss and whispers in your ear when she breaks the kiss.
"I want to ride that pretty little face of yours."
As you let out a moan, Sofia guides you down to the floor and places one of her knees on either side of your head. She tangles her fingers in your hair and lowers herself onto your mouth. The second your tongue makes contact with her soaked pussy you moan into her. The vibrations causing Sofia to moan in return. Your tongue immediately gets to work and you start lapping at her folds and clit. Sofia grinds her hips down onto your face and your hands grab hold of her hips.
"Just like that, good girl." She purrs.
Flattening your tongue against her heat, you drag her hips slowly but firmly against your tongue. When you get to her clit you hold her hips still and suck on it. Sofia cries out and her hips buck against your hold. Digging your nails into her soft skin you hold her tight while you suck and flick your tongue across her clit over and over. Her juices begin to drip down your chin and you shove your tongue deep into her core.
"Oh fuck!" She cries out as the throws her head back.
Sofia grinds down onto you as she rocks her hips against your tongue. Rolling it deep into her, she lets out a filthy moan and your fingers begin to circle her clit.
"Oh yes, fuck right there!"
You pull her hips down onto your tongue more and you thrust it in and out of her as your fingers quicken their pace. Sofia's breath hitches in her chest and her eyes roll to the back of her head. With another roll of your tongue she lets out another moan and you feel her velvety walls begin to clench down around you.
With a curl of your tongue you feel the soft, spongy spot deep in her and you prod at it.
"Oh god, oh fuck yes!" Sofia cries.
Knowing you found her favorite spot you keep your tongue there and continue to lick and caress it while you continue to rub her clit.
"Oh god baby, I'm gonna cum- fuck!!"
As she speaks you apply more pressure to her clit and slide your tongue out and back into her pussy, hitting that spot once more. Sofia's legs tremble above you and you see her neck and chest turning a deep shade of red.
Reaching up with your free hand, you pinch one of her nipples and roll it between your fingers. You rub her clit faster and fuck her with your tongue harder and she starts to come undone over you.
Her moans grow louder and higher pitched as her body begins to shake. Her pussy walls clench down hard around your tongue and she cries out. You feel her walls relax as she cums hard into your mouth. Releasing her nipple, you caress her thigh and slow your fingers on her clit as she cries out, bucking her hips into your face harder.
After a few almost violent shudders, Sofia collapses forward onto the couch cushion and you pull your tongue out of her soaked core. She whimpers as you lick her clean and when you're satisfied you slide out from between her legs.
Sitting up, you get up on your knees and turn to wrap your arms around her waist. She hums as you embrace her and you leave wet kisses across her back and shoulders.
Sofia climbs onto the couch and sits while you kneel at her feet. She cups your face and pulls you in for a slow, loving kiss.
"You are incredible." She whispers against your lips.
"Not more incredible than you are, my love."
Sofia kisses you again and pulls you onto the couch as she lays back. You lay on top of her and she pulls a blanket over the two of you and runs her fingers through your hair. She lets out a sigh as you kiss her neck and she holds you tight.
"Should we go get cleaned up?" You ask.
"Not right now, I just want to be with you for a little bit."
"Okay, my love." You say as you snuggle into her.
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magic-lee-me · 10 months
Writer's Block
~While I've written t-word fics for myself, this is my first t-word fic on Tumblr. It's just a fun exercise for writing... although it was hard for me to get through lol I usually get so flustered that I end up not finishing them.
I'm not too worried about making this perfect. I just wanted to get something out to share that I made :) Hope you enjoy!!~
A and B walk into the kitchen as I bang my head on the countertop. "You're still stuck on that chapter?" B asks before grabbing a box of raspberries from the fridge.
“I. Can't. Think. Of. Anything." I fight the urge to smash my face on the keyboard.
"You'll get through it easy peasy, lemon squeezy," A says before grabbing a plate of pork belly. The two of them make their way to the fluffy couch in the living room.
I wish I could watch the movie with them instead... How hard is it to add foreshadowing to the stupid chapter?
"Okay," I mutter to myself. I reread the last couple of paragraphs to refresh my mind. So the main character has to say something stupid so the supporting characters can kick off the plot. Alright. I can do this.
I delete the letter. I tap a couple more keys, but I frown and smash the backspace button. After a few minutes of blank staring, I manage to complete a few sentences.
Which all suck.
Growling, I slam the laptop shut and bury my face in my arms on top. "I'm the worst writer in the world."
B sighs. "Take a break already. You've been at that same piece for over a week."
"Sure, why don't I just give up on this already? I'm already a failure."
"No, you're not!" A says.
"Don't make me laugh."
I wallow in the silence until B finally speaks up, "Maybe the two of us could help you with your funk."
"What, are you both miracle workers for writer's - hey!" Someone wraps their arms around my torso from behind and pulls me off the bar stool. I nearly knock it over flailing my legs around until B snatches them.
"Got 'em!" B cheers.
"To the living room!" A says.
As much as I try to glare at them, my mouth stretches into a smile at the silliness. They maneuver their way into the living room, setting me down on the carpet. "Whew, thanks - wait." My pulse quickens when A pulls my arms over my head and pins them to the floor with their knees. My eyes widen when B yanks off my shoes and sits on my shins.
I tug at my arms, but my hoodie inches up my belly. I wiggle my feet, but my socks start bunching around my heels.
They have me trapped. Too well. "W...What's going on?"
"You've been in that writer's funk for too long," B says, leaning closer and smirking.
"So, we decided to help you," A adds, booping my nose.
I gulp. "What...what exactly are you gonna do?"
"That's the best part." B's smirk turns devilish. "You're going to narrate a story of what we do to you."
"And we have the perfect prompt for you." A flutters their fingers against my ears.
"Hey!" I squeak, scrunching my shoulders.
"Consider that a prologue."
Oh. Crap.
"And you keep going," B continues, "until the very. End. Of the story."
Already, I'm laughing from nerves. "Uh, hehe, we really don't have to do this, right?"
"And have you thinking you're a failure?" B taps their fingers on the carpet, dangerously close to my exposed sides. I shudder and giggle. "Not a chance, buddy."
"Aw, you're already laughing," A coos. "And we haven't even done anything yet."
I curl my toes. "Come on! That's not fair! It's not my fault I thought B was gonna dig into my sides and - EEEHEEHEEhahaha!" I wiggle under the rapidly poking fingers. Ugh, I can't block the attacks!
"You mean like this?" B asks in a cruelly innocent voice.
"Yes! YEHEHES! Hahaha stop!" The tingles remain even after B's hands pull away, leaving me gasping.
B grins mischievously. "You're already out of breath after that? However are you going to get through this story?"
All I can do is whine.
"So..." A bends down and boops my nose. "What's my turn like?"
I already giggle at the thought. "Do I have to tell?"
"Well, you're supposed to show." A smirks wickedly. "But we can do that for you."
I gulp. "Well...you can start with...my ribs." I flinch when A's fingertips lightly spider up and down my rib cage.
"I start here, do I?" A's voice lilts in my ear. "So that means I can go...here?"
Laughter bursts out as the spidering gets faster and goes across my bare belly! "Nohoho NOOHOOHOHOOHAHAHA!"
"But that's what you told us," B said, "so A is showing you how it goes."
"Hahaha switch, swihihihitch!"
A stops, but B traces my kneecaps. I can't kick B off, despite how much I'm wriggling. "That's not - eek! - what I meheheheant."
"You said to switch, yes?"
Ugh, if I could just swipe that smirk off B's face... "I didn't mehean trahahacihihing!"
"Why didn't you say so?" B's fingertips trail over my knee and squeeze the top. After a few pinches, they trace down my knees and squeeze under!
I yelp, then melt into giggles.
"Aww, look how blushy you are," B says.
A grins. "The two methods are working!"
"I just - hahaha - wanted one kihihind! Not two! Hahaha!" I can't shake B off my legs.
"Hey, I'm just showing you. You're the one telling." Extra pinches. "Not my fault if you leave out certain details."
The two of them gasp. B pulls their hands away, letting me gather my senses. "Did you just tell me to shut up?" they say in a melodramatic tone.
"How rude!" A pouts, placing a hand on their chest. "We're only trying to help our little friend with their funk."
"Just for that..."
I don't like their smug faces. I don't...
I shriek when A digs into my sides and B flutters at my heels. "The characters take over the story and attack the author!"
"H-Hey, wahahait!" I'm utterly stuck. I can't even wriggle side-to-side to escape the rib counting! "Nohohoho! Hehehelp!"
"Sorry, buddy," A says, plunging into my pits. "But we need to make sure you have plenty of inspiration for writing." The hoodie fabric does nothing to keep my sensitive spots safe.
"I do! I dohohoho! Hahahaha!"
I gasp as cold air hits my soles. B tugs off the rest of my socks before lightly scratching at my toes. "EEEP! Hahahaha nohoho!"
"This is what you get for telling me to shut up." B grins down at me.
My cheeks hurt from smiling. "Okay okahahahahay! I'm sohohorry heeheehee!"
"Are you though?"
I can't talk anymore. I'm laughing too much.
Finally, they stop. I cough as I catch my breath. "You two...are...the worst."
"But you had fun, right?" B's hands are still on my toes as a silent threat. "And you got some inspiration to finish that stupid chapter."
I nod.
"There we go!" A says with one more poke to my belly. "Now you won't feel like a failure."
"Can...can I get...water?"
A and B help me sit up and guide me to the couch to rest. B pours me a cup of water as A lets me lay against their shoulder. "Once you get a hold of yourself," they said, "you can get back to writing."
"Just remember," B adds. "If you ever get into another funk, we're gonna have to do this all over again."
I instinctively flinch and bury my face in my hands. But...maybe this method of dealing with writer's block isn't so bad.
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thatonepikminperson · 3 months
Alright, I'm revamping this intro post, let's god damn go baby
Hi welcome to this blog, it's gonna be Pikmin focused because why not. The posts will range from art to text posts to posts about the game because I can. hehe haha.
I have two other blogs, btw
@thatonepikminperson: HEY THAT'S THIS BLOG WHAT? A blog about and for Pikmin. Just Pikmin. ONLY PIKMIN
@thatonepikminpersonsreblogblog: A blog for reblogging stuff.
@pikminpersonslifeupdates: A blog for life updates ft. ME! Watch me complain about stuff and talk about random things, here!
Some tags you might like here are
#pikmin : All Pikmin things are in this tag
#mixed wraith au : Yes I have one of those, which is just fun side project
#ao3 / #fanfic : Oh yeah, and I'm a writer. I'm the author of Between the Ground and the Stars series, along with Over and Over again, until SOMETHING Breaks. If you want to check them out, these two tags will take you there. (Account name is the same as this blogs name)
#art : A tag for art lets go baby
#pikmin 4 : I mainly do Pikmin 4 art, and posts, be aware
#ask : Just in case I get an ask, it will be tagged with this. Yippee, interaction with people!
#reblog : If I do reblogs on this account (which is rare) then they will have this tag!
#clip : For any videos that I have
#gaming : for well, gaming related posts
#Again and Again Until Someone Changes / AAUSC : Yeah so I have a comic based off of my Over and Over Until SOMETHING Breaks fic, where it's just stuff that 100% happened before the breaking of the time loop.
#birthday posts : Any time it’s September 7th, this shall get some new posts
Uh, other things about me:
I'm very not serious, if you can't tell
I don't like to be called my name on the internet, it's just a bit too weird for me, so you can call me PikminPerson, or something like that. Also She/her.
I am dogshit at English. It's my first language, but I'm still dogshit at it. Please excuse any spelling errors, I suck at writing words sometimes and don't notice.
I do have a reddit account (That I'd like to not share), but I just want all of the crazy people of Pikmin know, I have witnessed the war crimes that happen on the Pikmin sub reddit. I have been here since I believe a while before the Whiptongue Bulborb war (The first one). I wasn't there for the birth of the we are farmers image, but I did watch One Winged Pikmin be born into this world. Along with Fiddlebert. And Twerking Olimar at Times New Square. Hot damn I love this community sometimes
You can ask me things about Pikmin, or other series that I like,
Which are Splatoon, Hollow Knight, Tomodachi Life, Slime Rancher, Hatsune Miku Project Diva, Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage, and Deltarune (There's more that I'm forgetting, but these are the big ones)
Favorite game is probably 4, 3 is a close one tho (My order from fav to least fav: Pikmin 4, Pikmin 3/Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin 1, Pikmin 2, Pikmin Bloom (if that counts lol), That One Nintendo Land Pikmin Game, and Hey, Pikmin!) (2 isn't a bad game, it's just not my cup of tea. The music slaps tho)
Yes I have played Hey, Pikmin! and while it's not a good Pikmin game, it's a pretty decent game (You get me? Like, it's a decent game with a pretty good concept, the formula just doesn't work in the Pikmin series.)
I have cried when playing every Pikmin game, some when I was a child. I did cry at both the Pikmin 3, and Pikmin 4 credits. Shut up, it was wonderful dude
I still almost tear up at the Pikmin 3 credits. Dude that shit is sad for some reason idk why
I also did cry at the trailer for Pikmin 3 Deluxe and both of Pikmin 4's. I love this series if you can't tell.
My favorite type is Yellow, if you can't tell
And finally, I have beaten Pikmin 3 so many times on the Wii U, I got so bored that I did a 1 type of fruit a day challenge. I did it. I lived. It was funny as hell. I have made that game beg for mercy and the Plasm Wraith has become my play thing. (I love 3 so much lmao)
Anyway, enjoy your stay at the insanity inn, mints are on the left.
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Sooo I finally got to read the Simon fic, and it was so good! You made me warm up to him more and understand him a little better. It was a nice way to save him too, I like that the protagonist isn't this perfect individual, they get jealous, a lil bit stalky, which quite honestly is very relatable and realistic. Couple questions:
Do you think there's a character that is beyond saving? Denham, Willy, Dave from Heavy (lol jk) Is there hope for everyone?
Do you plan on writing for characters that have died and if so, will you come up with a way to bring them back or have the story take place before the death or alternate universe?
Every time I get love for my fics with one of the lesser loved characters my heart grows three sizes and I want everyone to know this Q//w//Q This answer got long so I'm putting it behind a cut, I've never gotten to answer something like this before other than my Simon one from yesterday so this was a lot of fun to think about! 💗
Going into writing readers I honestly thought I'd just be writing me over and over, but as I do more of them I'm so glad that it's easy to fit someone different into whatever role the character needs them to be, which is so different from my usual stuff since I'm very used to fitting the plot around purely existing characters, or my own ocs, and getting to write up someone new who can mesh with these guys while also having that bit of me and what I hope are bits of the people who read them is so incredibly refreshing and a constant challenge I welcome 😊
I feel like some are beyond saving, but only because I have a horrible fear of getting attacked for wanting to find a way to save the unsaveable just because I'm into villains and think they're hot lmao
It's a challenge for sure, but I don't see myself being able to do any villain redemptions for Denham or Willy or even Realtor Dave since they're so surface level evil and love the hell outta it (even though my villain-lovin ass can probably still give them fully fledged proper backstories oop), unlike Simon or Kyle Slade or Logan Reeves, who all have short parts and did very bad things but also have peeks into how they got there, and I can always work with that.
I love doing deep dives and finding out how a character in the present got to where they are, figure out where they can go when they miss that One Event that made them a villain, and doing it with DD's roles has been so much fun since he loves playing rounded out characters and is always adding so much to them so they're not Just Evil, even if we get a few who're exactly that just for funsies hehe
This is why Gensan is such an interesting character to me despite The Big Flaw, because I see him get reduced to only that when there's a ton that made him that way. I'll never ship with him, the super rare character I don't since DD lures me in that easily, but I can't hate him either, and that's just the honest truth because he's so much more than Uh Oh Plot Twist because DD's such an amazing writer. This movie and Animals stuck with me the most after I watched them, I was just thinking about them for like a solid week afterwards, constantly turning over what I'd just seen in my mind whenever I stopped thinking of other things and putting those early pieces together so I could see why he reacted that way, or did what he did, and I'd love to try and watch it again soon and catch all the stuff I missed the first time.
And then there's Cam, who just really fuckin sucks lmao he's the absolute worst, 0 stars, kick to the balls, what an asshole 😂
As for characters who died, of course! Two of my biggest loves are Abner and Wojchek, and I'm also madly in love with Bob now as well, so they'll all have fully fledged fixits with my selfship sona Addy as I get back to all her plots, Abner first and foremost oh my god my heart I love him so much he needs to be alive and happy forever 😭
Outside of her, yes absolutely I'll find ways to save them for my readers, their canon endings will not stop me QwQ A lot of them don't deserve their ends with or without redemptions if they're a villain (looking at you Dwight you maniac I love you), and definitely not if they're good people who're just in the wrong place at the wrong time like Lonny or Lester or Coco now that I've finally watched BR2049. I'll probably mostly stick to saving them before their deaths rather than bringing them back or delving into aus (apart from the starting au of having the reader in their lives lol) since those kinda ideas can get away from me fast and start series, and I wanna save all the big series for my boys the Three River Phoenixes and all of Addy's plots~
This is where I'd love to get more requests, since I'm still mainly writing for who I love, so getting that random challenge to fix or save someone evil or who died before any real character of theirs was established would be hard but I know I'd have a lot of fun with them 😊💗
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aspiring-artist-em · 1 year
get to know better tag
thank you @achilleslikespeas!! you're so so amazing omg- anyhoo
three ships: wolfstar, ineffable husbands (someone pls talk to me about good omens I literally can NOT rn), drarry
first ship: drarry, it’s a tried and true ship for me, ive been shipping it since I was like, a child  (literally flashback to me at like, 7 years old telling my mom that harry and Draco should get over each other and buy a castle and live together forever as a happy couple (parents were not happy that their daughter was saying this (they were homophobic( (im now gay and still shipping it so suck it, ig)))
last song: I would love to lie and say its something cool like “killer queen” or “lady stardust” bc I listen to those a lot, but once again, I would be lying and my actual last song that I listened to was “no hands (ft. Roscoe dash and wale)”, yk, the frat party song, I like to play it while writing angst
last movie: Harry Potter? idk what one, I like to put the tv on while I do stuff like budget money and write fanfic and draw, so honestly idk, it was probably the chamber of secrets, that and poa are my all time favs 
currently reading: ur mom LMAO (im so sorry) no, what im reading is smut, and also like, a good omens fic about Crowley’s fall (witness the fall) bc im trying to forget about season 2′s ending. im also reading away childish things (again) bc like, that's one of my fav drarry fics of all time. if we’re talking about marauders fics, it was probably her body is a temple down in the frozen food aisle  by achilleslikespeas, both for my emotional masochistic enjoyment and bc I wanted to draw a scene in the story (go read it now pls, its really good, Claude is really good a writing and im freaking out bc I wanna draw a scene from every single one of their fics I- like go-to horror dead dove fics for me I reccomend Claude and for smut I go to moonie), if we’re talking books books, Ive been reading yellowface and I am a cat which so far, are really really good, but also like, im really bad at reading so like, I haven't actually touched them in a week LMAO
currently watching: good omens, its playing on my tv in the background both because I love it and also because Neil said if u stream it enough amazon will see how valuable it is (with the strike and everything) and like, actually be willing to negotiate, essentially, help out the strike, go watch gay celestial beings 
last thing i wrote: 'Til Death Do Us Part, and Even Then, I'll Do My Best to Stay With You, its a dead dove fic centering around grief and denial, uh, 2 chapters in lol
currently writing: I have like, a million wips and no motivation to write rn so lets dive into them lol
1) chapter 3 of do death do us part, very sad, like, maybe 3 sentences in?
2) the next part of my lesbian wolf star series, its the one right before the trail one, so like, part 10 is gonna be another chapter centering more around Sirius’s memories and part 11 is gonna be the trial, I have like, 2 separate things ive written for it and I need to decide where I want it to go tbh
3) smut, gay wolf star, frat hazing blow or blow smut. sirius is on his knees and almost throws up but he doesn't and its lowkey like actually non con but its also frat hazing, like, idk how to explain the vibes but sirius is referred to as a dog and a filthy animal and degraded and he's sucking remus’s dick on coke and im like 2k words in and like, running out of ways to describe a cock lol (its also hard to bc like, I don't have a dick and my textbooks are no help sometimes) but he is also called the “pike puppy” and like, I think im smart for that and also its really filthy ngl, not a happy ending?
4) a short fluff fic to make up for the angst I put my readers through, im like 200 words in
5) au kinda thing, inspired by don't worry darling and like a TikTok that I saw (and now people are commenting on me commenting if I can write the idea and asking for the fic name and like, Im 500 words in? pls I need time), the idea is that Dumbledore has everyone under imperio or a potion to get them on his side to fight for him, lily’s pov, I really like it so far, uhh im like 500 words in I think?
so yeah, when I get inspiration im gonna write everything all at once lol, probably when my body isn't trying to kill me lmao or im at work
tagging: @spookymoonie @pinklume @wxlfstxrisbest @spindrifters @siriuslystargazing @siriusly-sapphic @green-lights-33
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
You really said that you don't have any plans of writing any other series and then dropped this ✨masterpiece✨ (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
also can I be 🕊️ anon?
Hope yall don't mind me responding to these in one go. Also please note my anon tagging is terrible but I do remember all my anons! I think I'll probably do this batch format moving forward? I SUCK at conversations through the inbox but also a) don't want to be rude 😅 and b) clog up people's dash.
+ Tip - filter 'ramen asks' tags in your settings if you're just here for the fics.
Non fic-request asks answered: 7 (you might want to check if your asks are here anons!)
🕊️ anon! Thank you for reading! You are being much too kind. I really had no plans to write anything long and uh... the nthis happened. It's ALWAYS good to have a healthy dose of skepticism though haha. I. I just. Idk how I feel about my longer fics at all but I'm glad you're enjoying them!
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Anon?! Ah that's so sweet to say and I'm glad my fics are accessible for you!I don't struggle so much with focusing, but there are some formats and fonts that I really find difficult to read. Give me a shout especially with regards to format/font side if things ever deviate with my writing and I'll try to correct it!
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Goo brainrot anon, you know who you are with your exquisite taste 🫶
And on my other response that Goo brings out our feral sides, and imo also has the most feral simps... Would be hilarious to watch you guys in a cagematch for Goo's affection. And you KNOW he would love that. 2A style.
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I'm sorry this is actually our sweet Ying's/@mymxnfgh hc which you can read here. I don't want to just steam roll ahead with her idea especially if she reads HTF! Hope you understand.
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Babe, I'm completely with you. I wrote this about Eli but really to go on about WTF is happening with his character and plot. Fuck 5A man.
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Answering this like... a month late but we're still waiting lol. YES THE ADIDAS SAMBAS! I saw the theory too. I'm not 100% sure if Jake fits but I will just take whatever crumbs of my No.1 green flag PTJ will give!
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Anon I am so so sorry for my super late response. Have you watched the PTJ video from a while ago where he talks about Samuel's charming chest? I think you may like that.
Anon, your opinion on Vasco is perfectly valid AND CORRECT. Altho our lil cinnamonroll is at least getting a personality lately so I can't be too mad.
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suddenrundown · 9 months
@leverage-ot3 tagged me in this ask game! (thaaaaanks :D)
Star Sign(s): *meme voice* you guys got more than one star sign? i just know im a pisces lol
Favorite Holidays: I think probably thanksgiving
Last Meal: i had a frozen pizza a little bit ago. 'twas pretty good.
Current Favorite Musician: good ol' carly rae jepsen. what a queen.
Last Music Listened To: looking at spotify it was crj lol (specifically cut to the feeling) but i was listening to my 2023 wrapped playlist which is not made up of all carly rae jepsen, if you can believe lol. but she is there quite a bit!
Last Movie Watched: I watched Rye Lane with my roommate! I didn't get to finish it cuz i needed to go to bed since I had to get up early for work the next morning, but I'm gonna go back to it! it's very good :D
Last TV Show Watched: Fully sitting down and watching something? Our flag means death, I think?? I feel like I must have watched something since that ended but I can't think of anything. I did skip around a few scenes from specific leverage episodes for writing reasons, but that probably doesn't count lol
Last Book/Fic Finished: Officially the last actual book i read was the lies of lock lamora. Haven't read anything since because I quit the book club i was in (did you know you can just leave things? if it sucks hit da bricks) but that was a good book. last fic was how do we turn on the light which is a aziraphale/crowley fic by moonyinpisces on ao3. its super good (if you like go you should read it!!)
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: Ancillary Justice (also for that book club).
Currently Reading: I'm not currently reading any books but I am reading that aforementioned go fic!
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Lol i googled if there was such a thing as a window opener and what that looked like. I wouldn't call that research but I don't have a better answer!
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: I think the time I got @faorism invested in my heartsong au and then they made a whole fic for it. faor is truly a treasure in the leverage fandom. also the response i got when writing as whole as we could be was overwhelmingly lovely <3
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: uh. well. i kinda wish we could get the fandom we had for leverage back?? i understand why the people that left it did and totally support it, but i miss the community and the different corners of it. i think people obv still post about and create things for leverage but not to the extent that we had before. such is life though!
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: i think i could probably give the same answer for this as the last question, honestly. in some ways its nice to be small though :) OH maybe the toby daye series?? idk if there is much of a fandom for it and i just dont know about it lol that is quite possible.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: good lord. come back and haunt me. im fucking trying out here dude! im trying so hard lol
ok i shall tag some people but if you see this and dont see yourself tagged and think "i wanna play too!" well consider yourself tagged, whether we are mutuals or not. and if you are tagged directly, no pressure at all <3
@cloysterbell @shinybulbasaur @faorism @miss-interpretations @applejuiz @majesticartax @romansmartini @wizardrights @imusthavebecomesomething
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
I'm glad you have a sense of humor or at least realized that the killed a man question was supposed to be funny.
Lemme preface this by saying some of your questions about me I'm happy to answer, but others I'd like to leave until after the reveal if you'd still like them then. Gotta try and make it hard to identify me if you let curiosity get the better you.
Jongdae is a sweet man and deserves the world, I'm so happy for him getting the family he's wanted. Hopefully, we'll get a new album from him eventually. Did you have a favourite of his songs? Or a favourite bit of his from an exo song?
I do game a bit, although I've never played mass effect or far cry, I stick with the final fantasy and legend of Zelda franchises. Though assassin creed did catch my eye during the ff15 crossover event and I briefly contemplated playing it. I get the finding some semblance of peace actually...final fantasy 15 has a fishing option too though I'm more likely to pop that in and follow the storyline as I wander the world rather than fish. Same goes for Zelda really, I'm more of a start the game over and revisit the world and actions through the story line sort of person.
Problems are a valid creation lol. But gif making? That's a labour of love as far as I'm concerned, I've seen what goes into making gifs and gif makers have all of my respect for the work they do. Same goes for fic writers, fanartists, etc theres so much that goes into producing fan content and its amazing what people do for the things they enjoy.
What sort of things do you write? I'm afraid I haven't familiarized myself with your work. Do you have a favourite genre to write for? What about reading while we're talking about it?
Speaking of reading I squealed so loudly when I read the words gunslinger!!! That is one of my most favorite series ever in the history of ever. Please tell me you've read all of them. Lie if you must lol. Really though, "The man in black fled west across the desert and the gunslinger followed" is an epic opening line and it gives me chills even just typing it out. And don't get me started on when Jake told Roland "Go then, there are other worlds than these." And then purposefully fell. One act that sent Roland on his path to further redemption. The whole series is a masterpiece truly.
You said horror and scifi....I'm not much for horror, but some sci-fi I can do. I generally stick with fantasy and comedy and dramas tbh when I consume media. But there are a few notable exceptions namely the three star franchises...Stargate, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Also Doctor Who...not that my brain equates the doctor with sci-fi lol. Though some are more familiar to me than others. What sort of sci-fi are you into?
Uh most watched YouTube? Well my go to channels are nate the hoof guy and north of the border. I tend to stick them on as background noise since they're easy to follow along with without having to actually pay attention. I do listen to music sometimes when I create though when i do its whatever helps me concentrate best at that moment. Sometimes it's something wordless so I can just immerse myself in whatever I'm working on, or it's a certain song on repeat that I can fade into if that makes sense.
Best part of fandom is its people tbh. As for what I like to create....edits, moodboards, fic, eventually I'd like to try my hand at videos and sound mixing there's a few mash-ups on YouTube that are so cool. I also like to create food, and I love to fingerpaint. I absolutely suck at it but it's fun and messy and a great way to relax, I highly recommend it!
Speaking of creating, I'm not sure what I'll have the time for gift creation wise so how about you give me a few suggestions for themes for the edits or the moodboards, ( I can also do icons/headers/lockscreens) and maybe what you'd be looking for in a fic? Au?, type(angst,fluff,slice of life etc)? member?, that sort of thing.
Now for a a few new questions.... do you have any blog recommendations on here? People you enjoy interacting with or content creators whose work you enjoy. How about exo fanarts or artists? Do you enjoy those? Do you have any favorites?
I like to think I have a sense of humour!
hehe, I can respect that. I promise I won't search for you prematurely but feel free to ignore any/all questions you don't wish to answer!
Jongdae does indeed deserve the world! he's so lucky, too, to be blessed with not just one child but two! My favourite song of his is definitely Good Night! So, so beautiful T_T and definitely one of my favourite songs of all time.
oh heck yeah!! FF and LOZ! I have a FF on my shelf to play but haven't gotten around to it (I have many brand new games on my shelf that still need to be unwrapped, I'm so behind >.<). I don't have a Switch so I haven't played BotW but it sure does look fantastic. I think my last LOZ game was... A Link to the Past on GBA... no, nevermind, I just checked and I had Phantom Hourglass too. But my favourite was Wind Waker on GameCube!!
I'm hoping they remaster the first AC! To me, in my personal opinion, not confirmed (I'm just hoping!!) they kinda hinted that maybe they would?? at Ubisoft Connect this year! so I'm really hoping!! because I never actually finished it T_T I got pretty much to the end, too. Le sigh. I'm so close! But I lost my original save files on one of my earlier consoles >.<
I'm hesitant to replay older games because everyone is doing remasters or remakes these days! I bought the DLC for the Mass Effect games a few months before the remaster was announced with all the DLC included lmfao
I started playing FC6 again the other night (never finished it, oops) and my first achievement of the night was for catching fish so I think it's safe to say I'm obsessed with that mechanic haaaa.
I get that! I like to replay games for the story, too. Sometimes I even lower the difficulty if I'm in a mood to experience the story rather than the gameplay. That way I can finish it quicker! And I won't do 100% completion runs (like checking every planet in ME).
Playing through your favourite games is self-care! -- me, who is spending all my time gaming lately instead of being on here and responding to you in a timely manner (sorry!!).
It really is! I always knew it was hard to do but my God, I didn't realise the true extent of it. GIF creators are amazing. And you're so write!! Anyone making fan content is perfect, talented, and lovely. So wonderful, truly.
That's fine and also please DO NOT feel like you have to! You needn't read any of my fics!
I mainly write... well, I was going to say smut and yandere but my fluff masterlist is the longest so I definitely sneak those in quite often. My favourite genres to write for are the same as the ones I read! I know some people don't like to mix business with pleasure, but I love writing horror and sci-fi! Though I will admit I haven't written space-based sci-fi yet. And if a book or fic is sci-fi or horror, I will try it out. If it's a sci-fi horror or just based in space?? I WILL read it there and then!
OH HELL YES!! Another Dark Tower fan!! Dude, it's freaking PERFECT! You even quoted my favourite line T_T While it does have one of the best opening lines in the history of ever, Jake's "Go then, there are other worlds than these" really just punches me in the gut every time I think about it!! King really outdid himself with that series, my God. The Gunslinger will probably always be my favourite but I'm enjoying every book so far!
But, ahem, I'm still on the fourth book! I miss Blaine the Train T_T he was so much fun! I'm currently finishing Paolini's To Sleep In A Sea of Stars and then I will be go back to listening to Wizard and Glass!
Yes, I love me so good horror! I used to be, hmm, opposed to horror films because every year my birthday was overshadowed with Halloween (lol, don't judge me, I'm opening up here), but now I love them (and Halloween) so much!! And sci-fi... to vaguely quote Markiplier, "I'd sign up on a mission to space even if I knew 100% I would die".
I also don't really think of Doctor Who as sci-fi even though it is! haha, funny. I love the original 6 Star Wars films! I named my kitty cat after Anakin! I haven't watched the new ones yet tho. And, haha, I watched the original Star Trek series after watching the new films. So great, so classic!! I named a kitty cat after Cumberbatch's Khan, too. I never watched much Stargate aside from the original film.
I enjoy any sci-fi that is based in space! Interstellar is my favourite film right now~ and it used to be Avatar which is getting its second film soon!! I told myself I don't even like Avatar that much anymore and then watched the trailer and BOOM obsessed once more haha!
I don't know Nate the Hoof Guy or North of the Border. What type of content do they make? If I had to pick individual channels I like then I would go with Slogo and Markiplier (gaming) and Nick Crowley and Watcher (horror/paranormal investigations/stories etc).
What kind of music do you listen to when you create? Do you have any specific songs/playlists rn? and yes, that makes perfect sense! I like to repeat / loop music when I write, too.
Wow! You're a jack of all trades! that's so cool T_T edits and moodboards require such skill and talent and an eye for design. I also want to try out audio mixing. I make youtube videos occasionally so it would be fun to learn! You cook?? omg, you really are so !!! you know??? I can't cook, like, at all. Finger painting...? I think I'd be too OCD to do it T_T I freak out a little when my hands get dirty haha. I've been better about it lately but I had an episode the other day--- why am I talking about this? lol, I always ramble T_T
No worries at all~ don't stress yourself out over the gift. It's not a big deal! For edits and moodboards, my go-to request is always Jongdae and thunderstorms! For fics... I don't read for Jongdae but if it's platonic then I would! or a Baekhyun fic~ Anything genre wise except angst and MCD.
Honestly, anything you come up with will be perfect! <3
Blog recommendations... I'm assuming EXO-Ls?
@merinaart does the most amazing artwork ever! my favourite artist on the site tbh! @mel-loves-all is one of the sweetest people ever and she used to host this event! @myeoning-call makes some really amazing content, too! and she was my first giftee <3 and @your-sophie18 is my new friend, oml, love her + she tags me in cool things about EXO <3 such a real one. Then I can't forget my lovely @achenlove who made me the cutest little Chen drawing last year T_T I still cherish it!
oh,.. I kinda included the CCs I like to interact with ^ up there. I don't really interact with people that aren't moots very often, and when I do it's just to reblog and leave feedback on fics. I'm not very outgoing like that! hmm... how about you tell me some CCs you like and I'll check them out? or blog recs in general!
Hope you're well and sorry again for the delay! sometimes I just... eh, it doesn't matter. Always have some kind of excuse.
Sending you love and wishing you the best! <3
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Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Pairing - Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Word Count - 2.7k
Content Warning - swearing, masturbation, oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex, daddy kink
Synopsis - The reader pleasures herself to the thought of Daniel Ricciardo, who is hell-bent on proving that he is better in real life than in any of her fantasies.
Author’s Note - I had two fics in mind; a super fluffy, wholesome one, and this one. The horny bitch that resides within me definitely won this day. This is probably my last smutty fic for the next few days as I’m going away with the fam and don’t fancy writing porn in the same room as them lol. Enjoy!
Inspired by the song Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco
You look up at the ceiling and sigh, finding it almost impossible to sleep with the constant bass of the music outside making the entire hotel room shake. Normally, several cocktails in the hotel bar and a cheeky cigarette out on the balcony is enough to knock you out until the next morning, but you were distracted. You couldn’t help but think of the way you’d been touched tonight, the sensation of his hand on the small of your back as he squeezed past, the grip on your arm as he led you to the dance floor, and the eventual caress of your hips as you had swayed to the music together. Your hands weave their way through the sheets, resting on your hips to attempt to replicate the sensation. It wasn’t the same. You craved his touch. All of it. More of it.
Your hands made their way down towards your panties, lifting the fabric of your nightgown to gently brush your throbbing flesh beneath the lace. You caress yourself through the material, exhaling a few breathy moans as your finger circles your clit. You promised yourself you’d never do this, never touch yourself while thinking of him. It would only make your obsession with him deepen, and your desire intensify in a way that would surely drive you insane just to be around him. But you couldn’t sleep, and you needed release, and the only thoughts in your desperate brain were of him.
You push the sheets away and slide your fingers beneath the dripping wet lace, running your fingers through your damp folds, teasing your cunt. You lay your head back and close your eyes, filling your mind with the filthiest thoughts you could possibly think. His hands sliding your panties down to your ankles, pushing you against the wall and aggressively taking you there and then, filling you up with his thick cock. You groan with pleasure as you imagine him filling your mouth with his fingers, sucking and biting on them as he thrusts into you. “Fuck!” You moan, as you push your fingers inside of you, curling them against your sweet spot. You imagine yourself riding his thigh, the friction of your clit against his tattooed skin, his hands tangled in your sweaty hair as he watches your face fill with ecstasy.
You feel your orgasm creeping up on you as you thrust your fingers deeper, imagining them to belong to someone else, as your phone begins to vibrate on the table beside you. You sigh and sit up, removing your fingers from your pussy, now achingly close to your completion, as you look at the caller ID - Daniel. “Fuck.” You say, sighing slightly as you make the move to answer your phone, “hey, what’s up?” You ask “(Y/n)” He says, and you feel your hole tighten in response as your orgasm rips through you. You fight against it, but the pleasure rushing through your body causes you to whimper into the phone, a moan escaping your lips that you’re just too distracted to censor. You’re immediately stolen from the moment as you realised just what had happened. Daniel Ricciardo had just listened to you cum through the fucking phone. “Occupied, are we?” He asks, his smirk almost audible in his voice. “Fuck, no, I uh…” You stutter, your head still spinning. “So, who’s the lucky fella?” He asks. “No one, I wasn’t doing anything.” You say unconvincingly. “Sure.” He laughs. Asshole. “I’m alone, I promise, now why did you call me? It’s literally 2am.” You ask, tugging the discarded bedsheets around your still quivering form. “Couldn’t sleep. Bored. Needed a distraction and fucking hell did I manage to find one.” He says, chuckling slightly. “Shut up.” You say, a deep blush rising in your cheeks. “Tell me, do you always answer the phone like that?” He questions, and you wince. “I don’t make a habit of it, no.” You say, laughing awkwardly to ease your own feeling of tension. “I hope you were thinking of me.” He says, and you grip the sheets beside you in frustration, letting out a silent scream. “No, I wasn’t thinking of you, Ricciardo.” You lie “Are you sure? Only you came as soon as you heard the sound of my voice.” He says, a dark tone in his voice. “Unfortunate timing, I’m afraid.” You lie again, and you slap your forehead with your hand. “So if I was to come to your room right now and offer to make you come so hard you can’t help but scream my name this time, you’d say no?” He asks, and your mouth drops open, unable to speak. You stay silent, unsure of what to say. “I’ll take that as a yes then. Leave the door unlocked and get dressed in something sexy. I want you ass up on that bed by the time I get there, babygirl.” He says, and you gulp, lost for words. He hangs up and you drop the phone beside you on the bed. You lie there for a moment, staring at the ceiling, just trying to process exactly what the fuck had just happened.
You glance over at the clock, 2:23am, still wide awake and filled with anticipation at just what might be coming your way. Shakily, you stand from the bed, walking to the door and unlocking it. You glance at yourself in the mirror, your eyeliner still lingering around your eyes in smudged dark circles, just a hint of red lipstick staining your plump lips. You take this opportunity to re-apply the lip product he had once complimented, and adjust your bra, praising yourself for choosing the one matching underwear set you owned when you had dressed for the evening. You throw yourself onto the bed, ruffling your hair and arching your back into the position he had precisely requested, your nightdress riding up to reveal the frilly lace of your red panties. You hear the handle being turned and take a deep breath, thoughts running through your mind at a million miles an hour.
“Aren’t you a good girl?” He says as he enters the room, locking the door behind him. “Only when I want to be.” You reply, turning your head to get a glimpse of him. “You’d better be good for me, or I’ll have to punish you.” He responds, laying a firm slap on your ass from behind, causing your to flinch. “But what if I like to be punished?” You ask, a sultry tone to your voice. He responds with another slap to your ass, your soft skin stinging from the contact. “Then I’ll have to punish you harder.” He responds, grabbing your hips and swiftly pulling you towards him, his fingers immediately finding your dripping core. He begins to rub your clit in small circles, teasing you through your panties. “Now tell me what you were fantasising about as you fingered yourself.” You push back into his touch, your core aching for more contact with his fingers. “I was thinking about you. What I wanted you to do to me.” You moan, your voice weak from pleasure. “And what do you want me to do, babygirl?” He responds, his fingers pushing your panties to the side, making contact with your wet folds for the first time. “I wanted you to fuck me, hard against the wall. Make me scream.” You say, pushing back against his touch. “What else, babygirl?” He asks, his spare hand migrating up from your hip to your chest, diving into your bra and playing with the sensitive bud of your nipple. “I want you to choke me. Make me gag.” You manage to say, your heart beating out of your chest with desire. “I can do all of those things, babygirl, and I promise you, I’ll be even better than you could possibly imagine.” “Cocky bastard.” You chuckle, and his hand jumps from your breast to your throat, squeezing gently. You moan at the contact and he laughs. He pulls you upright, his hand on your throat making you gasp for air, so you’re kneeling before him on the bed. He places a kiss on your shoulder and removes his hands from your body which immediately misses his touch. You turn around and watch as he sucks each of his fingers clean. “You taste so fucking good, babygirl.” He says, the use of the pet name making your walls clench in response. “What do you taste like, daddy?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “Ask nicely, babygirl, and you’ll find out.” He responds, already in the process of unfastening his trousers. “Can I suck your cock, daddy, please?” You ask, your cherry-red lips parted slightly. “Since you asked so nicely.” He responds, releasing his dick from the constraints of his underwear. You gasp at the sight of it, you had imagined it to be big but he had somehow surpassed your expectations. A very good sign for the night yet to come.
You run your hand along his length, allowing your other hand to take his bare hip, squeezing it gently. You use your tongue to gently play with the tip as your hand begins to to gently alternate between strokes against the top and the bottom of his shaft. “No teasing, babygirl.” He commands, returning his hand to your throat, tangling the other in your hair. “Sorry, daddy.” You speak against his tip, allowing your lipstick to transfer against it. You take him in your mouth, the tip reaching your tonsils as you gag against him. He grunts at the contact, his hips bucking into you, causing him to graze the back of your throat. You start to suck him off, taking slow movements at first, returning your hand to the base of his shaft to gently caress his balls. “Fuck, babygirl, you’re so good at this.” He groans, pulling your hair to bring you closer to him. A string of breathy moans and quiet curse words leave his mouth, arousing you even more as you feel your juices begin to run down your thighs. You gag every time he hits the back of your throat, his own thrusts pushing himself deeper and deeper as he fucks your mouth. You look up at him, his sweat-filled hair clinging to his face, his cheeks red and eyes dark. He was somehow even more gorgeous like this, especially knowing that you were the one to make him this way. This was a sight just for you, no one else, and it made your core ache just thinking about it.
He pulls his cock out of your mouth, now covered in your red lipstick. “What a mess you’ve made, babygirl.” He says, withdrawing his touch from your body once again. “Don’t worry, daddy, I’ll clean you up.” You say, leaning forward, using your tongue to remove every trace of the cosmetic from his shaft. “What a good girl you are.” He says, using his hand to caress your face and neck. “Will you fuck me, please, daddy?” You ask, a sense of desperation in your voice. “Tell me why. Why do you want me to fuck you?” He asks, gripping your chin and pulling your head up towards him. “I want you to fill me up with your cock, daddy, and I want you to cum inside me.” You beg, your eyes wide with want. “On the bed or against the wall, babygirl?” He asks, and you sit up on your knees, reaching your arms around his neck. “Against the wall, please daddy.” You respond, pulling yourself up from the bed, placing your jelly-like legs on the floor. You take a few seductive steps forward, pushing him back against the wall. “Don’t forget who’s in charge here, babygirl. I think I might have to punish you for that.” He says, spanking you again on you already tender asscheek. “I’m sorry, daddy, I just want you so badly.” You respond, offering him a sexy smile. “It’s okay babygirl.” He says, tearing his shirt from his body before grabbing you by the ass and lifting you up, pushing you forcefully against the wall. You wrap your legs around him and pull him close to steady yourself. The cold sensation of the wall against your back, and the warmth of Daniel’s chest against yours overwhelms your senses, making your body tremble.
The tip of Daniel’s cock presses against your wet cunt, and you wish your panties had already been removed, the lace preventing him from caressing your entrance. He pushes the material to the side and presses into you, causing your eyes to roll back in your head as he fills you up with his thick shaft. “Fuck.” You manage to choke out, his tip grazing your cervix as he bottoms out within you. “You okay, babygirl.” He asks, adjusting his grip on your body, moving up to your neck, looping one hand around your neck and the other around your throat. You nod, unable to speak in the moment, and he squeezes your throat, causing a moan to escape your lips. “Is this what you wanted? When you were fucking yourself with your fingers?” “Yes, daddy.” You say, your head dropping back against the wall with a bang. He begins to fuck into you, the aggressive motion of his thrusts causing your head to hit against the wall with every movement.
You moan loudly as he hits your sweet spot and he chuckles, connecting his lips with your own in a sinful kiss. He explores your mouth with his tongue, tasting himself on you and smearing your lipstick even further across your face and onto his own. He pulls away, examining the mess he had made. “I always liked that colour on you, babygirl.” He says between moans. “I wear it always, for you daddy.” You say in a dirty voice, your lips sore and puffy and messed up from the kiss. “I want you to wear it every day from now on, babygirl.” He says, his thrusts into you becoming sloppier as he feels his release coming closer and closer. “Yes, daddy.” You whisper in his ear, eliciting a deep guttural moan from him in response. “Fuck, I’m close.” He says, focusing his movements on achieving his own orgasm. You bury your head into his neck and nip gently at the exposed flesh with your teeth, sucking and biting your own perfect mark on his body. He hits your sweet spot again and you throw your head back against the wall, a filthy moan falling from your lips. He trails his hand down your body from your neck to your pussy, caressing your clit with his finger. You moan his name into his neck, repeating it over and over until you feel your orgasm wash over you, the electric sensation rippling throughout your body. The tightening of your walls against his cock brings about his own undoing, as he fills you up with his seed. You feel his legs begin to shake as he cums, and push him down against the couch beside you, straddling him against the cold leather.
You cuddle into him, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your head in his neck, seeking to be as close to him as possible as the two of you catch your breath. “Did I live up to your fantasies, babygirl?” He asks, dropping his head against yours. “Fuck, daddy, you were better than anything I could have dreamed.” You say into him, and you feel his smile against your cheek. In that moment, you feel your tiredness catching up with you, your eyes becoming heavy and almost impossible to re-open with every blink. You fall asleep in his arms, his cock still buried deep within you, and he pulls you close, before closing his own eyes and letting his head rest gently against the arm of the couch.
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zealoushound · 3 years
Those Thighs Though...
Summary: Seeing him in his MuscleTech gear, you can’t resist Henry. Or his thighs.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader
Word Count: 1265
Warnings: RPF, thigh kink, thigh riding, brief descriptions of bodily fluids, dom!reader, sub!henry, orgasm denial, bratty moments, slight exhibitionism
A/N: @cavillsthighs post inspired allllll of this. I don’t own Henry Cavill, still hurts no matter how many times I write it I don’t own muscletech or the pic used here. I stole it from Tori lol.
Disclaimer: FEEL FREE TO REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THE STORY! Writers live off reblogs! Do not copy any portion of my material to claim as your own. Do not repost my work, or any portions of my work on any site and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.
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You’re waiting for Henry to get changed before the photo shoot in MuscleTech’s makeshift dressing room.
It’s not a huge room, but it has a cozy setup. Bathroom to the left of the mini fridge and table. Television on the wall in front of the couch you currently occupy. Inspirational workout photos on the walls and fitness magazines on the table in the middle of the room.
Playing on your phone you hear Henry come in but pay him no mind as you hear the photographer call out, “Just change into this, and meet us in the gym in 20.”
“Ok!” He answers, closing the door behind him. As he walks by you he playfully slaps the bottom of your foot off the pillow it was resting on.
“Hey!” You whine, annoyed with him messing up your concentration.
“Look alive, beautiful.” He smiles at you going into the bathroom with his clothes. You smile back as you shake your head.
“What are you changing into?”
“Ah. Shorts and a tank?” He doesn’t bother shutting the door so you lean to sneak a peek.
“I see London. I see France. I see Henry’s underpants!” You taunt.
He laughs heartily causing you to laugh with him. A few moments later he’s changed and ready to go but still has 15 minutes to kill.
“Gimme some room.” He paws at your foot again. You groan, moving to let him sit. Then you see what he’s wearing.
Black tank. Short black shorts. His curls were particularly unruly today. His muscles were bulging in all the right places, taking over your entire being.
The uncontrollable noise that escaped you must have been louder than you thought because he looked at you, eyebrows raised, cocking his head to the side.
Your immediate thought was ‘mine’. A primal urge took over you. You were feral.
“Sit.” You commanded. Your breathing had gotten shallow and it was all you could do to keep from baring your teeth to your poor unsuspecting boyfriend.
“What?” That smirk on his face said he had heard you, but he was tempting you.
Your eyes widened, your nostrils flaring. “Henry. Sit down. Now.” Your heart was racing, your body was on fire. Shit, you’re kinda glad you missed the morning portion of the shoot. He wouldn’t have survived this long.
“Make me.” He smirked. Oh, you cocky little shit.
You get up, crossing the short distance to him. He doesn’t put up a fight, he wants you just as bad. You reach down to feel him though the thin fabric of his shorts. He’s about halfway there but getting harder with each pull across his clothed member.
His eyes fluttered. “You wanna cum? Good boys get to cum. Now sit. Your ass. Down, Henry.” You wanted him so damn bad that you put your hands on his shoulders and shoved him down onto the couch.
He grunted softly as the wind left his lungs. He stared as you worked your leggings off and shucked off your shirt, leaving you in nothing but your bra. You needed to feel his hands on your bare skin.
His hands reached to pull you on top of his lap. “No. You wanna be a brat? Now you get to wait.” He lets out a low growl that you feel deep in your soaked core. “Hold that thought.” You say before climbing onto his thigh.
He pulls the leg of his shorts up towards his hip giving you more access to his thigh.
“You wanna cum?” He doesn’t speak, just grunts and nods a meek yes to your question. You chuckle softly, “mmm”.
You moan as you rock yourself against his hard muscles. Gripping his shoulder you start to thrust yourself against him. Henry’s huge hands tugged on your bra, threatening to break it in half.
It wouldn’t be the first bra he’d torn or broken. He loves seeing your breasts, no matter the cost. He cups them, squeezing them in his huge paws and swipes his tongue in between. Roughly he sucks your nipple into his mouth. Letting go, his other hand grips your ass, coaxing you to go faster.
He flexes his thigh underneath you. “Ah, Henry. I’m so close.” Your body jolts at his actions as your clit glides across his hard flesh. He waits for just the right time to do it again.
When you're panting, gripping tighter on his biceps he knows you’re right on the edge. He keeps waiting. He knows you need just a little push. He loves watching you. Loves seeing you like this, your wetness spreading over his leg. More and more and more as you cum.
Your mouth is open. Your hips are rolling over and over, faster and faster. Head tilted back, eyes shut tightly, frustration on your brow. This will get him back in your good graces. He knows it.
He flexes.
Once. The risk of getting caught by god knows who all those people are, right outside your door, the thought of them hearing you. “Oh God!”
Twice. The way he makes you feel so fucking wild, and his damn thighs! You can never last long riding them. “Fuck!”
Boom!! You see stars on the third. “God! Henry! Yes!! Oh!” You cum so hard for him. Digging your nails into arms you hope you don’t leave a mark, but ‘fuck it’, you thought, ‘this is mine!’ You shout his name over and over as your hips stutter and quake with pleasure.
You lay across his chest feeling your heart wanting to beat free from its confines, panting hard as you come down from your high. You raise up and place a kiss on his neck.
Getting up you fix yourself back inside your bra, grab your shirt and walk into the bathroom. Coming back out you toss him a towel. Pulling your leggings on as he cleans himself up you hear a soft knock at the door.
“Um. Mr. Cavill,” poor guy definitely just heard all of that yet still had to do his job and fetch your boyfriend. “They’re, uh, they’re ready for you. Sir.”
Henry was staring at you. He didn’t speak a word. He stood, readjusting himself to make his prominent member less... noticeable.
Still saying nothing he strode up to you. His thumb grazed your cheek just below your eye. Bringing his finger down he tipped your chin up so your lips met in a gentle kiss. Your heart skipped. He leaned back.
“Tonight?” He was asking in a way that didn’t quite reveal his true intentions. He was really asking if you would be so kind as to let him make up for his mistake. Make his journey over to the gym slightly less painful.
“Tonight.” You generously answered. He smiled. He flung open the door to the dressing room and you saw the little man that had come to collect MuscleTechs biggest spokesman. He was short, a little on the smaller side. He was kind of cute, in an adorable kind of way. He wore wire rimmed glasses and reminded you of a younger Rick Moranis.
You smiled at him. He adjusted his glasses and stood a little straighter as he smiled back.
Henry walked past him, smile no longer in place. He was about to take all that frustration out in this photo shoot.
“Not unless you wanna be walking funny, lad.” You laughed at how scared the poor guy looked as he looked away, not realizing what Henry meant was having to force his colossal cock underneath the waistband of his shorts.
Tag list: (As always if you want on or off please let me know!)
@littlefreya @foodieforthoughts @wendimydarling @nuggsmum @captainsy-cookiemonster @summersong69 @oddduckthatgirl @winter2112rose @ysmmsy @christhickevans @ladycavillry @mary-ann84 @twhstuckylover @cavills-little-princess @luclittlepond @beck07990 @eldarwen333 @littlebirdofrivia @themaskismyface @enchantedbytomandhenry @supermamabear123 @diegos-butt @atomicsoulcollecto @alexakeyloveloki @kebabgirl67 @cynic-spirit @cavillsthighs @janenyfl @pixie88 @sillyrabbit81 @littlewrenofrivia @viking-raider
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