#washing dishes is a thing.
swagging-back-to · 5 months
i will never apologize bc cast irons are GENUINELY FUCKING DISGUSTING. yall are fucking GROSS
"oh nonmnonono dont use soap dont wash it dont wash it omg dont literally get the bacteria off you have to leave it on for flavor"
do you hear yourself. you are so gross. i am forever judging you. all of you. fucking NASTY.
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nothingbizzare · 5 months
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Doodles I made in class hehe
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violent138 · 3 months
Bruce is just hanging out at Clark's place, and watches Clark as the alien busily fixes his sink. Bruce has definitely slept rough, travelled all over the place with minimal resources and trained in some of the worst conditions, but he's never had to do any of this.
Simple things like maintaining a flat, paying rent, arguing with a landlord, buying groceries, decorating a house, these aren't really a part of his life at all. When he catches Bruce staring, Clark defensively declares he likes making the repairs himself, and Bruce replies that he's just fascinated by all the components that make up Clark's life.
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powerfulkicks · 28 days
so many tips for budgeting/being frugal are just twice as hard when you have a disability
"meal plan!" idk if i'll be feeling well enough to cook every day so it's hard to plan for what to eat
"cook in advance!" i can't cook meals for a whole week at once and plus i can't count on that because again idk if ill feel okay to cook at the same time every week
"use cloth napkins and towels!" those need to be washed and folded, i already have trouble doing my laundry
"delivery is expensive, always shop in person!" going to the grocery store can wipe me out for the day.
"base your food shopping on whats on sale that week!" one, allergies are a thing and some people don't have that luxury, two, that's a lot that you have to prep for and that takes energy.
"DIY!" takes time and energy. maybe i could do it by myself but would it be worth all the time i need to take to recover?
i mean none of these are bad ideas or trying to exclude people. most of it is cutting out conveniences. but for disabled people, something that's a convenience for someone can be a necessity to others
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bellhopping · 2 months
something I don't talk about enough is that hello can not only enter desktops, but also individual programs if they're open. in software this mostly allows her to play around with ui elements, but in video games she can turn into a full gameified version of herself!
so, this lets me pose to you a concept: hello scug :3
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khihi · 4 months
list of things JO have caused controversies over so far:
weak salt
bolognaise risotto
where does the washing machine go
how do you eat kiwis
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leslie057 · 6 months
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dont u just love to put her in situations <3
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months
I imagine Norman singing Bohemian rhapsody but only from the line "Mamaaa! Just killed the man!.."
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Do you consider any of your skeles to be neurodivergent? And if so, what flavor of neurospicy are they?
As someone who thought they were neurotypical until very recently (guess who was probably autistic this whole time) I'm always hesitant to put neurodivergent labels on my boys, simply because I don't want to end up misrepresenting a really serious issue. I've always believed that my characters are open to individual interpretation, and if you look at one of them and see yourself/your own neurodivergency reflected in them, the last thing you need is me clumsily rolling in and going UHMMM ACTUALLY THEY HAVE [insert completely incorrect view on mental illness] SORRY.
If you look at one of my skeles, and you see a particular neurodivergency that speaks to you, it's canon. Everyone's individual interpretation is canon. That's my rules. I'm definitely interested to see what people think!
That being said, if we're looking at my individual interpretation of my boys, I do have some thoughts.
Sans: I think we can all agree this man is depressed. There's no argument there. But as someone with two siblings and a parent that have ADHD I also see a lot of inattentive ADHD reflected in him. Though his ability to read people has made him pretty good at masking his main issues, others can't help but peek through- the executive dysfunction when it comes to "basic" chores and tasks that don't interest him, hyperfocusing on a particular subject and working himself into exhaustion on his 'projects'.
Red: To me, Red has anxiety. Anyone would after living in his world- his Pap probably does too. But since weakness cannot be tolerated, his anxiousness manifests as a more acceptable outlet in the form of aggression. Even when he's with people he trusts, he finds it hard to ever completely relax, constantly restless an 'on edge'. As soon as any of his fears begin to manifest, if he can't escape, he lashes out in seemingly over-the-top manners.
Skull: PTSD is a big one. And his relationship with food isn't exactly... stellar. But also given my sudden closeness to the subject of autism Skull does seem to fit an oddly large number of those criteria. Desiring safety in mundane routine above all else, getting upset if the routines are broken. Struggles with/fears social situations, loud spaces are overwhelming, he can come across as blunt and uncaring. Unless it's his loved ones he despises being touched- and when it is his loved ones he has difficulty registering what is and isn't 'normal' and displays his affection in ways that can seem bizarre and frightening in their intensity if you don't know him.
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Kol: Klaus is washing the dishes and I just heard him say “Who do you work for? Who’s your contact?” while repeatedly pushing a glass under water.
Elijah: At least he’s having fun.
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dimsilver · 7 days
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cult-of-lilith · 1 month
What do you think is more incestuous: t4t fauxcest OR whatever the fuck "boy moms" have got going on?
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sergle · 8 months
Goddd one thing I PERSONALLY really like about Ebay specifically is that the sellers are always so NICE. Like they’re all (mostly, at least for the kind of stuff I order) just random people trying to get rid of old stuff and they’re always so nice about like questions and asking to see diff angles of the product etc. I have yet to encounter an Ebay seller that I didn’t like immediately. Like Etsy shops without the Customer Service vibe. Just random ppl trying to sell you stuff out of their garage or whatever and it’s great!!
I HAVE THE SAME EXPERIENCE specifically when I'm buying used clothes-- it'll be some seller who is like. very clearly some 60 year old mom hocking the clothes her kids don't wear anymore. And it'll show up in a flower print mailer with a note written with a ballpoint pen saying thank you lmao
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otherworldworldy · 3 months
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Drawing my feelings ^^;;
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lukasdoodles · 3 months
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@mariaddity i havent gotten to draw ada n bud yet but Julia and Hog cooking...i think theyd burn the house down someone help them pls
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roitaminnah · 1 year
um. literally about to fall asleep and then i remembered this idea i sketched out the other day and jumped out of bed in a cold sweat to look at it again
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