#wash the fucking dishes.
swagging-back-to · 5 months
i will never apologize bc cast irons are GENUINELY FUCKING DISGUSTING. yall are fucking GROSS
"oh nonmnonono dont use soap dont wash it dont wash it omg dont literally get the bacteria off you have to leave it on for flavor"
do you hear yourself. you are so gross. i am forever judging you. all of you. fucking NASTY.
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bumblebeebats · 2 months
As much as i love Dungeon Meshi, i do think that given Ryoko Kui's attention to realistic worldbuilding there ought to be a companion series called Dishes Meshi where they spend 2hrs washing and drying and packing away. Alll the goddamnfuck dishes they just made
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powerfulkicks · 28 days
so many tips for budgeting/being frugal are just twice as hard when you have a disability
"meal plan!" idk if i'll be feeling well enough to cook every day so it's hard to plan for what to eat
"cook in advance!" i can't cook meals for a whole week at once and plus i can't count on that because again idk if ill feel okay to cook at the same time every week
"use cloth napkins and towels!" those need to be washed and folded, i already have trouble doing my laundry
"delivery is expensive, always shop in person!" going to the grocery store can wipe me out for the day.
"base your food shopping on whats on sale that week!" one, allergies are a thing and some people don't have that luxury, two, that's a lot that you have to prep for and that takes energy.
"DIY!" takes time and energy. maybe i could do it by myself but would it be worth all the time i need to take to recover?
i mean none of these are bad ideas or trying to exclude people. most of it is cutting out conveniences. but for disabled people, something that's a convenience for someone can be a necessity to others
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sentientsky · 8 days
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hello harlan how does it feel to hold my still-beating heart in your hands
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moghedien · 6 months
ok but as a white person who grew up in a rice eating culture (Cajun), hearing other white people who didn’t grow up eating rice often talk about rice is sometimes the most maddening/insane experience
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greenbirdtrash · 2 months
i wonder.
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saturncoyote · 6 months
Normally when i draw fanart of something it is 100% propaganda and i fully endorse people checking it out, but every single time i see someone add a tag to my WC art that says something along the lines of "i should read Warrior Cats sometimes !" i am immediatelly filled with the most horrific type of dread you could ever imagine
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nudibutch · 3 months
i was finally able to have the house to myself for a bit today... brought all my dirty dishes out of my room and was able to tidy up a little bit without feeling weird
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dicks-o-clok · 9 months
"A mechanite cries." Fuck you, Austin. Just gonna rip our hearts out like that??? Fuckin step on em too, while you're at it. A mechanite isnt the only one crying. Fuck
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Vincent Price - The Bat (1959)
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creaturefeaster · 8 months
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favorite pictures taken from the last few days
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gaym3bo1 · 11 months
wishing sand and nick the healthiest chillest bestest friendship on the whole show
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oak23 · 6 months
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Thinking about the fact I had to do this amount of dishes for about 2 years straight and no one else living there thinking it might have added to my growing resentment and exhaustion.
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mokeonn · 8 months
One of my favorite things about being in my early 20s is that I'm starting to understand that I can use things not for their intended purpose. When you're growing up, you get told what an object is and what its intended purpose is, and as a kid/teen, I just accepted all of it at face value. As a young adult it's finally clicking that I can simply do things a different way if it makes me happier. Sure, I was taught that you stand to take a shower, but there's nothing stopping me from just sitting if I don't feel like it, ya know? I might have always had my medication in the kitchen, but if I'm no longer remembering to take it, I can just move it somewhere where I can remember. You don't have to specifically store all food in the kitchen, you can have a little snack cart or snack station in another room.
The downside to finding out the various ways you can use objects is that you develop habits that would probably go on an r/relationships post where everyone says you're a little freak.
#simon says#i just developed a new habit (it's too tmi to put here) and I just know that it's some weird shit#it works and it makes me feel better so I'm gonna keep doing it#but it's some shit that would end up viral where everyone would go 'yo op you should break up with them thats weird' 😔#i was just thinking about this though because every week or so I learn that I can just do what I want#because there's no fucking object use police I can do what I want#i HIGHLY suggest getting into this habit. if you find something annoying or frustrating you can just do it differently#'I hate washing the dishes because my legs hurt from standing for so long' you can bring a chair and sit or you can break it up into chunks#like on the one hand I'm learning this because I have autism and a plethora of other mental disorders#and it's FINALLY clicking that I can self accommodate whenever and however I so please#I'm just sorta learning that if doing something makes me feel better/happy/gets the job done to do that thing#even if it requires using an object in an odd way#hell there's even some little things I've been playing with#for example: my whole life we sorta just lifted blinds only about halfway up#just sorta how we did it ya know#well recently I decided I wanted more natural light in the sunroom/my office so I wouldn't have to turn on the lamp#and I lifted the blinds all the way up to the very top#and honestly?? it fucking rules. the room looks nicer; i get natural light; i can see the forest out back and it's quite calming and nice#like for ages I just never thought about doing that because it just never occurred to me that I could#i just always put blinds about halfway up because that's about how high blinds do in my household#another little one I learned is that I can just... wash my hair#sometimes when I get too depressed or if my body doesn't need a shower but my hair is greasy#I just shove my head under the bathtub facet and wash my hair#it's just a small thing but for years if my hair needed to be washed I would just take a full shower#now I just fix my greasy hair. bc greasy hair is a huge ick for me but sometimes my body is still clean or im too tired to fully shower#like there's nothing stopping me from doing that and it doesn't hurt anyone. it's just a way of bathing that I wasn't taught#but yeah those are some recent examples of me learning I can just... do stuff differently#the free will is kicking in babes and it has decided I love finding ways to use things differently#it's why im doing a bg3 run where I just press loot all no matter what and use whatever I can in odd ways#anyways I might delete this later might not who knows
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rusquared · 11 days
i never kin kdj but i get close to it whenever im exiting the fog of a gripping fictional series. you really do open your eyes and the real world is waiting for you and you don't want that. if i could hide in the snowfield forever, would i?
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literaphobe · 2 years
having adhd means every time you leave your room to perform a task you accidentally complete three completely different tasks instead before finally doing the intended task. and what that means is you do a side quest task, go back to your room, realize you fucked up, leave your room again, only to find another random cool side quest task you wanna do first AGAIN. SURELY this time you’ll remember to do the ACTUAL task you need to do after. rinse and repeat
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