#was actually online 😃
orangerainforest · 5 months
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thedevotionaltour · 1 year
i think i need to be alone actually maybe forever they're saying it's the sound of the summer to be alone in your own little corner and rot and be a generally miserable person to view
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orcelito · 3 months
Loving Fate/Samurai Remnant so much actually. I love all the sword fighting. The gameplay is just so fun. But there r all sorts of informational things about 1600s Japan, specifically Edo and its neighborhoods and all sorts of cultural things, both big and small, and it's just. So Fun!!!!
I've gone looking some things up online for additional information on a few things, so I've learned things from that, too!!! It's just a really fun process
#speculation nation#AND since Edo is the old name for Tokyo. well now there are a lot of names i recognize from Tokyo#like ueno and akasaka and asakusa and MORE#inokashira was mentioned at some point and i was like 🥺🥺 omg 🥺🥺 i know that place#i dont think ive actually seen it tho. ive been to a few places but ya kno#ive learned about Yoshiwara and Kan'ei-ji and Nihonbashi and MORE...#i also learned about Tsujigiri. which i feel like i vaguely knew about like conceptually.#but when they mentioned a guy was being arrested for tsujigiri i was like 'huh?' and looked it up#and. yeah that sure is something someone would be arrested for huh.#it's interesting to play as such a law-abiding ronin. he's not afraid to rough people up but he prefers to avoid killing as much as possible#a pacifist through and through... unlike his sword-happy servant lmaooo#constantly having to talk Saber back from killing people while Saber is like 'i Know 🙄🙄🙄'#there is of course a fair amount of anime bullshit in the game. especially regarding magic and rituals and such#but all the frank cultural information lines up with what ive found online#so ive come to trust that That at least has historical backing.#im holding the People Of Influence with more of a scrutinous eye. simply bc fiction and its tendency to fictionize#though Fate also has a tendency to use major historical figures in ways many things would not. from what ive learned.#so Shrug. some of these guys might just be drawn from real people.#tho theres stuff like. Zhou Yu. the chinese military general. being made into an anime twink.#it's so funny actually. and Even Still it's making me learn more bc they include historical information in everyone's bios#(once we find out who they are lol)#i dont know if im gonna try to play any other Fates games. considering theres a Lot of em#but im having a lot of fun with this one at least 😃😃😃
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texas-bbq-pringles · 8 months
the fact that my dad told me to call the police if my housemate got physical so i at least have a log of that happening 😃👍
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david-talks-sw · 29 days
Hello. You and GFFA are probably the two most reliable blogs I know when it comes to what GL actually intended with star wars and also have the most on point finger on the pulse of fandom and such without letting the discourse get to you. So I just have to ask. Where does the idea of the jedi being space cops come from in canon? Especially in more left leaning circles. Haven't they seen that there are indeed actual cops in SW? And who are portrayed like how leftists view cops?
Hey there!
Firstly, it's always an honor when someone puts me and Lumi in the same sentence 😃 been a while since I reminded people, but my blog started because I read hers (and a few others) and I was like "oh shit she makes great points!" and started doing the research on my own.
I mostly attribute my rediscovering my childhood love for the Jedi to her early meta posts. Like, you think I'm good, wait til she gets started again! So thank you, for that!
Onto the subject itself: I've seen the notion pop up in all circles. And it's not exactly wrong, it's just not entirely accurate.
You can find a large collection of George Lucas quotes here, about the Jedi's place in the Republic.
You will see that he uses varying terminology and that's what I think partially muddies the waters.
For example, early on, Lucas describes them as "police officers", but years later he says "they're not cops, they're Marshalls of the Old West" but actually "they're mafia dons" or "intergalactic therapists."
But the one that explains it best, for me, is the following:
"They're not like [the kind of] cops who catch murderers. They're warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe without resorting to violence. The Trade Federation is in dispute with Naboo, so the Jedi are ambassadors who talk both sides and convince them to resolve their differences and not go to war. If they do have to use violence, they will, but they are diplomats at the highest level. They've got the power to send the whole force of the Republic, which is 100,000 systems, so if you don't behave they can bring you up in front of the Senate. They'll cut you off at the knees, politically. They're like peace officers. As the situation develops in the Clone Wars they are recruited into the army, and they become generals. They're not generals. They don't kill people. They don't fight. They're supposed to be ambassadors." - The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020
Bottom line: yes, they're authority figures. But they're not "beat cops" chasing after robbers and criminals.
They're, first and foremost, ambassadors/negotiators/diplomats. They're police for planets and their governments, not the people of the Republic. Again:
They're peace officers.
Now, they can investigate and take more active "police-like" roles during their mandate, but they're not gonna be called upon to investigate a murder (unless that murder is very strange and local authorities are unable to make sense of it).
It's why, when Anakin is talking about "we'll search for the killer, Padmé" Obi-Wan is like "uuuuh... no we won't?"
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witchy-scribblings · 1 year
imagine matching with rengoku kyojuro on tinder...
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❀ tinder date kyojuro who has a long ass bio, written in all caps and with an excessive amount of exclamation marks and fire emojis, but his introduction is so sweet and endearingly to the point that you ignore the possibility of him being another weirdo.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has only uploaded three pictures of himself: a selfie featuring the most intense eyes and radiant smile you've ever seen, a shot of a table covered in various delicious-looking dishes and a full body shot of him right after a training session, displaying a very sculpted and very sweaty upper body.
❀ tinder date kyojuro whose friend, uzui, was the actual mastermind behind the idea of introducing him to online dating (and who is to blame for the addition of that third picture everyone say thank you tengen).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who isn't partial to the idea of matching for a hook-up because that's far from his style.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so pulled in by your profile when it appears that he doesn't even swipe right, he superlikes instead.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who forces himself not to stare at your swimsuit pictures because he thinks it's disrespectful, but at the same time can't stop admiring how pretty your face and smile are.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who feels so ridiculously giddy when he matches with you (even more if you had already swiped right on him before he superliked you) that he messages you immediately.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who couldn't come up with a pick-up line to save his life, so he just started with a very simple, very straightforward "HI! I'M KYOJURO! I THINK YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! 🔥🔥😃"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is admittedly bad at replying because he's generally very disconnected from his phone, but when he does answer he can engage in hours-long conversations if nothing else demands his immediate attention and, of course, if you're up for them.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who respectfully ends chats with other matches the moment he becomes hopeful and optimistic about the direction of his conversations with you, because he would never, ever ghost other people if he stopped being interested.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who has actually taken notes of the hints you drop from time to time, like preferred date types and spots, hobbies, your favorite flowers, what kind of drink you order at coffee shops...
❀ tinder date kyojuro who doesn't rush meeting you in real life because he's genuinely content just chatting with you and learning more about you, but is unmistakably excited when you decide to exchange phone numbers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is smitten with the first voice note you send him, especially because it was of you wheezing at some funny inside joke he had referenced, and he had thought you had the most stunning kettle laugh ever (he lets you know that).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who physically fist bumps the air when the topic of your actual first date together comes up, and he can't help gushing to uzui about every detail he arranges with you. "a picnic, tengen! isn't it just the most wonderful idea for a first date?"
❀ tinder date kyojuro who turns up at the park only a few minutes later than you, apologizing for making you wait with a lovely bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who is absolutely delighted (and, flankly, a little blown away) that you had prepared some homemade food for the picnic (some of which he remembers having mentioned he likes).
❀ tinder date kyojuro who hasn't even held hands with you yet, but thinks he could marry you on the spot after the first bite of your cooking; he's the literal embodiment of the saying "the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" (and yes, of course he goes "UMAI").
❀ tinder date kyojuro who loses track of time when he's with you, and visibly deflates like a scolded puppy when it gets dark because it means it's time to say goodbye. it helps, just a little, that you ask him to walk you home, and he complies without hesitation.
❀ tinder date kyojuro, whose disappointment at having to part ways with you is easily fixed when you confess that you'd love to see him again as soon as possible, and he has to actively fight the urge to squeeze the life out of you right there by your doorstep.
❀ tinder date kyojuro who deletes his tinder account as soon as he gets home because he knows it in his bones that there's no need for further searching.
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daryfromthefuture · 4 months
i have another wild au concept i need to share: bttf shifted like 40 years forward and marty and doc meet online (maybe during the covid pandemic even?)
doc has some sort of username that's just "science_guy_121" or something and he like. replies to martys instagram story at some point where marty maybe just had to tag random ass accounts for a challenge. marty didn't expect anyone to reply but doc was like "Thank you for tagging me! 😃" and marty knows just from this message that doc is OLD lmao
marty goes "yeah no prob" and doesn't think he'll talk to the guy ever again, but doc just keeps messaging him. they find out they share an interest in music and ramble about bands a lot.
the man does know about internet anonymity and doesn't say his name, but he does say how old he is at some point and marty probably should be concerned about talking to 60 year olds online at like 13/14 years old, but he really isn't since the guy is so friendly. he does ask at some point, and doc is just super confused as to why anyone would even have bad intentions and assures marty he just likes talking to people, and that topic is never brought up again
a year later or so, marty convinces doc to get discord, and that happens at like two in the morning, so doc asks what's keeping the kid awake and marty goes on to tell doc about his family situation. doc is really empathetic and grows to be martys support system, and even as an online friend, he helps marty so much, talking to him at 3 am to calm him after hearing his parents fight all night. doc also helps him with schoolwork via internet, essentially helping marty pass several classes.
in early 2025, doc leaks that he's building something really cool and that he'd love to show marty his new invention, to which marty goes "damn, i wanna come see. may i ask which city u live close to" and doc replies with "Oh, I believe San Francisco seems adjacent enough." marty cannot believe this and texts "NO WAY, SAME HERE".
doc: That's quite the coincidence! Well, I might as well say I live in a small town called Hill Valley.
marty: WHAT
doc: Yeah, I'd assume you've never heard of it. 😂
marty: NO NO
and that's how marty finds out he's been talking to the "crazy doc brown" the ENTIRE TIME lol
the two can, without any trouble, meet in person, and the first thing marty does when getting to the garage is apologize profusely for still laughing about the rumors about doc while texting him online about how kind he was at the same time. doc forgives him, and that's how they basically start spending time together in person. marty's screen time goes down significantly, but he's actually so goddamn happy about having a friend like that and will defend doc with his life.
yeah that's kinda it. also a bit of a homage to all the awesome people i have met on the internet. love you guys <3
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nightcolorz · 1 month
why do so many online high functioning autistic ppl treat the desire to treat autism medically if it’s abliest or bad like 💀 autism is not a gender identity or smth it’s not offensive to say my quality of life would be improved if I got rid of or medicated for this literal disability that prevents me from functioning or being happy 😃 the trivializing of this actual disorder into “hehe it gives me my fun personality and unique quirks and love for cartoons” has been the actual death of me bcus when I’m giving myself head injuries constantly bcus of the severity of meltdowns and I can’t hold a job or have a social interaction without screaming and crying for several hours the online community I have to turn to is like “I can’t believe some evil ppl out there say autism is negatively affecting their life and they wish there was a medical treatment that would help get rid of it 😨😰 what horrible monsters….don’t they know autism gives me my love of online fandom and cats?…..why do they hate me” liek omg kys
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wretcheddoll · 2 months
Tiktok really is as much of a cesspool of weird Marius antis misinterpreting everything he does in the least charitable way possible as twitter is... Next up, more people insisting that the relationships he had with the boys he apprenticed had to be creepy cause he's suuch a creepy pedo creep...
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Why do they want him to have a harem of young boys so bad?? 😭
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So I responded…
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Again they want him to have a harem soooo bad… Also grooming just means having any kind of relationship with minors I guess...
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He was a master teaching and apprenticing school aged boys?? Can the man not have a career!? 😭 Also implying I must be a weirdo who needs to “heal” okay… Like I wasn’t even talking about Armand or Pandora. But I will defend him on that front as well lmao
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I didn't even know how to respond to this... What do you mean exclusively young beautiful boys?? 😭 They were just boys!! THEY WANT HIM TO HAVE A HAREM OF BOYS SOOOO FUCKING BADLY LIKE?? Also, if he had somehow apprenticed girls (not rlly a thing at the time but whatever) these people would doubly be calling him creepy for no reason, like my man really can't win with these people.
Armand "thinks" he was in love with him lmao. Wait no!! Don't actually take what Armand has said in his own damn book as his emotional truth, just project your own feelings onto him of what you think he SHOULD feel about his relationship with Marius, that's how to interpret media right?!😃
Marius should really hire me as his defense lawyer, I would make daddy soooo proud😋😋
Anyway, idk why I like arguing with Marius antis, I'm just a chronically online little guy with too much time on my hands, in the trenches for daddy and idk I just like to argue about blorbos, I mean no ill will to anyone here.
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alltimefail · 25 days
For those who don’t know, people mailed Tabasco to the studio to help save Rowell and letters and socks to help save Reaper.
Interestingly, a person can buy mini detective-style magnifying glasses on Amazon for cheap. Which can then be mailed to Netflix. 😃
I actually knew about this, and I 100% encourage sending mail to Netflix that is themed around our show (or simply just no-frills letters as well). I've already sent two letters myself, and I plan on sending out two more on the 12th!
That said, try to refrain from sending anything glass or any food products as those could unintentionally harm someone. @savethedeadboys actually made an entire page on their website, go follow them and read this because it is SUPER helpful!
@deadboyagency also has an entire infographic on sending letters that I recommend checking out!
Lastly, if you want an additional idea, @pippin-katz made a post that suggested sending a bear charm in various forms, and I especially liked the origami bear idea because it's great symbolism from the show that wouldn't cost any money (most people have scrap paper lying around). Plus paper additions won't take special postage to include in an envelope with your letters.
As a rule of thumb with whatever you choose to send: be kind and don't endanger any innocent worker who had nothing to do with this decision. We want to be loud and definitely annoy the fuck out of them, but we can do that safely and succinctly!
Netflix 5808 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA
This is very important - make sure you're sending your letters and/or packages to the correct address!
Thank you for coming by my inbox today my lovely friend! Let's bring our boys home!! Keep streaming and keep screaming online!
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trashogram · 27 days
Sharing my comments, opinions, pet peeves and random thought on the Weaboo-boo short:
•Some grown ass woman that died and went to Hell really did send an imp hitman after another woman they didn't know at all just because years ago she supported some fictional couple online. Sounds like... someone we know
•Why some random anime merchandise Emberlynn happened to be wearing was powerful enough to repel a real demon? Why is it magical in the first place? Seems like a huge plot hole left there
•What could Emberlynn have done to deserve being sent to Hell?
•How come once in Hell she inmediatly found where Blitzø is? I know this is mostly a joke, I just like to complain
•I think Emberlynn has grounds to be a really good character. There's countless examples of characters that start being intensely annoying and grow to be amazing and beloved. I already like her more than so many of the main cast (though that's not hard because they are so unlikeable). Also she looks cool in her information file, like someome you can become friends with. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
Heya 👋 Thanks for sharing!
Yeah I get what you mean by someone we know. I’m just wondering if she’s aware and actually making fun of herself or she’s laughing about it like she’s not done needlessly awful things for fandom nonsense too 👀
Maybe I’m just to exasperated at this point but the dumb anime merch actually having power against demons is eh for me. Blitzø didn’t need to make mouth love to the Asmodean crystal this time around either so 🤷‍♀️ the writers just don’t care .
I think Emberlynn actually said she saw the I.M.P. billboard and found Blitzø that way? Idk why she’s in hell — the creators of HB probably think she deserves it just for being cringe horny.
Emberlynn could be a really fun character if they gave her depth! But they haven’t even spared Millie some depth and she’s part of the main cast 😃 Still I agree I do like her (and I will until she returns and does something unforgivable like ship Stolitz, then she will lose me forever).
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smiths-fan--13 · 1 month
im so scared do ppl actually see australians the way they do online... 😃😃
guys what r ur favourite australian thoughts/conspiracies
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Can I request Matt with a cosplayer s/o? I can totally see them doing cosplay couples such as Link and Zelda, David and Lucy, Zhongli and Tartaglia, Jean and Lisa... And please could It be fluff (and maybe something spicy If you want)? Thank you!! 🩷
PLZ IM SO WEAK FOR THIS REQUEST OML !!! Thank you for this 🙏🏻 also sorrrryyyyy this took me literally forever to get to. ENJOY~
Cosplay Couple 🧡
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This dweeb would for sure be the one to bring all the ideas to you. I could see him running up to you, practically shaking from excitement as he takes a deep breath then tells you his thoughts.
“Link and Zelda, hm? That sounds fun but Link is canonically shorter than Zelda sooo…”
If you’re shorter than him, he’s immediately like “HELL YEAH!!! ILL BE THE PRINCESS. IM GONNA WEAR A DRESS!”
If you’re taller than him, he immediately gets flirty. “Oooh~ I can’t wait to see you dressed up like a princess. You’re gonna be so freaking adorbs.”
Honestly he gives zero fucks about gender roles and stuff like that. If he wants to dress as a female character, he will. And he won’t do some gender bent version of it, he’s going full out girly girl.
But he likes dressing as male and other gendered characters too. He just likes to cosplay his fav characters and sometimes his favs are girls. 🤷🏻 whatevs
Will absolutely take you to comicon or any other fun convention. He’d be running around like a kid in a candy store with $100.
Might even get too excited. Like running into people, tripping and falling type excited. You may have to hold his hand or put him on one of those money backpack leash things for kids lmao
Will also beg you like a million times to take pics of him with any cosplayers that he thinks are really cool and well done.
Fucking cutie dork is like ✌🏻😃 in every pic
Also asks several different people at different times throughout the day to take pics of you two together and when he looks back at the photos, he smiles all big.
At some point, he’ll drag you off to a private corner or to a single stall bathroom or even back to the car to dishevel your costume a bit with gentle groping and touches as you guys sloppily make out.
Probably messes up your hair, wig, makeup. Maybe all three. You might have to tell him to chill out cuz he’ll totally try to take you back home for some quality time together right now.
If yall are more into the ‘cosplay for a video and post it online but don’t leave the house’ thing, he’s totally fine with that too.
He wouldn’t care if no one even saw your cosplays but each other bc either way, it’s a lot of fun and he loves the quality time spent with you.
Always asks you to help with the makeup part of any cosplay. I couldn’t see him being very good with makeup so he’s gonna rely on you.
Also he sucks bc you’ll take hours to get into your cosplay, trying to perfect your look and Matt will ruin it all with his big, grabby hands and his soft, slobbery lips within minutes.
But god forbid you wreck his cosplay from being all handsy and kissy, he’ll pout about it for the rest of the day.
“Aawwww, (Y/N)!!! No! Why?! I looked so goooddddd, ugh!”
Back to the ‘fuck gender roles’ thing…Matt would find you so fucking hot cute in any cosplay, regardless of your gender or the characters’ gender.
If you are a fem who wants to dress as a masc character, he’s like 😍🥵
If you are a masc who wants to dress as a fem character, he’s like 😳🥰
If you’re anything in between or non binary or whatever, he doesn’t care. He vibes with you soooo heavy so your looks or your sexuality or your gender identity don’t bother him. If anything, your unique sense of yourself makes him adore you even more.
ALSO ALSO same goes with height, weight, skin color. If you wanna cosplay a character that actually looks nothing like you, is way taller than you or way thinner than you, he’s there to help you get it as accurate as you can
Tells you at least 100 times that it’s just dress up and doesn’t have to be perfect
But also tells you you’re always perfect in the same breath
He’ll support you in any way no matter what.
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odd-theartist · 2 months
here's idea for u
Mr puzzles has a super strength to lift building
like this?
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i didn’t knownif u wanted og puzzles or an au (or if this ask was actually for me, i tend to have many doubts online)
buttt thank you for the idea! And i might redraw when i get beter drawing skills 😃👍
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brian-in-finance · 5 months
Hey there! Do you know if Cait is doing panels, Q&A and Meet & Greet, because on Starfury's website only lists her for Saturday and just photos & autographs.
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Thanks for the message, Anon. 😃
Short answer: No, I don’t know.
Best guess: At the very least she would do a Guest Talk and Q&A Session.
Long answer: We already knew she would be attending Saturday only.
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Brian’s post 16 May 2024
Saturday’s schedule includes Photo Sessions in the morning, Guest Talks and Q&A Sessions, starting around lunchtime, Autograph Sessions in the afternoon, and a Party in the evening. (Fan Meets are scattered throughout the day.) Fans receive an actual schedule when they register at the event.
We know she’s attending photo and autograph sessions.
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The Highlanders Online Store
Again, I imagine she would do a Guest Talk and Q&A Session. Depending on the timing and format, she might do Fan Meets. I’m not the best person to ask about cons. Never been, never plan to be. Crowds and I aren’t on speaking terms.
I find the Starfury Conventions website itself to be lacking. As of a few minutes ago the only guests listed for The Highlanders 7 are David Berry, Sophie Skelton, Ed Speleers, and Richard Rankin, as well as ?TBA. Missing are Caitríona (duh), Charles Vandervaart, John Bell, and Steven Cree. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I recommend you check in regularly with Balfe.Nation and OutlanderOnline on Instagram. Those accounts do a great job of keeping Outlander fans up to date on various goings on.
Remember… the first major difference between a business convention and a fandom convention is that fandom doesn’t bother with the pretenses. They’re just there to have a good time. The second difference is the dress code - the ensembles at a fan convention tend to be considerably more novel. — Harry Dresden, Proven Guilty
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> go out to coffee with my dad
> his main way of being is Lawyer who can Afford Things™️ (a cabin, organic food, etc)
> smalltalk is going well enough
> I ask him what restaurants he wishes he lived closer to
> he names a restaurant I've never heard of in my life (which is apparently in his city?)
> I look it up on Google
> he mentions he's doing dinner with S. tonight and he "might do something fun, like bowling!" And I'm like. Ah. I will probably not be available for that
> restaurant price point on Google is $100+
> Me: "Oh, I'll look at the menu, in case [Dad] takes me there eventually :) for like, a special occasion :)"
> the restaurant website: "Oh, we're artisan and don't have a menu online :) the dishes price point is like, $6–32 :)"
> [Anni.brain is broken]
> My dad: "Oh, maybe you and S. and I could go there tonight! 😃"
> [Anni.brain is broken]
> the actual thing I said: "Oh, um, actually, I'm busy tonight, uh, N and I are doing like, a lot of decluttering this weekend"
> My dad: "Oh, yeah, there's always something!"
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