#wants to be a martyr even more
incredibly niche thought but i think if you took the narrator stanleyparable to a performance of Hadestown he would cry. i think road to hell (reprise) would make him break down completely. I think it would be revelatory i think he would come out of it shivering shaking like a chihuahua and start frantically writing a 50,000 word stanley x narrator orpheus and eurydice au on his phone
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sysig · 8 months
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Light and darkness, but mostly darkness (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. Mercyplates! :D Yaaay#Unaligned made its way onto my Handplates playlist So quickly - it's such a Gaster song to me!#His connection to Toriel's riddle and his regrets and wanting to constantly go back on his decisions - positive and negative!#And depending on how you want to read it his relationship with Toriel as adoptive family as well - and definitely ''Will I create a martyr''#That's you Gaster! It's you!#And that's not even mentioning how the bros fit in heck and gosh#Would definitely recommend - Unaligned by Natewantstobattle (for the 50th time recommending a NWTB song lol - they're good!)#Mercyplates! :D Yay!!#Sans and Gaster wearing father/son matching turtlenecks lol everyone is happy abou t this haha#It would be an interesting divergence from Papyrus defaulting to dark shirts to feel grown up :0#Gaster was here first! It's a very teen thing to do haha#''My uncool dad and copying my really cool style'' while Gaster provided him with all his clothes from his own closet lol#Silly one of Gaster reacting to being punched in the face a la Mercyplates haha - you deserve more than that!#/There's/ the misery shower :) Have a nice guilty shower why don't you really ruminate on everything#Privately rattling his bones away from where anyone can hear over the white noise of the water falling#And finally a smoking smoke-goop post-void Gaster :)#I actually wasn't sure if I wanted that one to be voidy Mercyplates Gaster or not but I eventually decided on just regular classic void#Darkness everywhere! Inside and out! Soul dipped in it - outside reflects it
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adhderall · 10 days
well as you can see besides being ugly as all fuck I'm also extremely bitter so that doesn't help at all in making me appealing. but it also comes with the territory you see, being treated as a hideous freak of nature for your whole life kind of does things to your psyche.
also going into shit in the tags as an extreeeemely jaded individual who's been on every side of the discourse and KNOWS it all VERY PERSONALLY so I know many people will find all sorts of different reasons to hate me (if they want ig) because I'm ~politically homeless~ at this point because I'm sick and tired of everything but whatever
(also fuck I ran out of space in the tags so another post maybe idk. )
#so. i get why people are against children transitioning i really do. and i have my own nuanced complicated feelings about it#but honestly. im beginning to believe id be more well-adjusted by now even if just a bit if i had started larping as male by 15.#would it fix all of my problems? no. but it would make a lot of things in my life much smoother and easier.#but i was sooo deep into raddie/gc shit that i had this fucking. complex about not wanting to troon because its ~cheating~#and 'omg all the butches are leaving!!1 butch flight i cant be one of them!!!1'#'i MUST be a good example for all the young girls!!!1' a weird sort of almost martyr-like complex if you will.#but as i get older im like... honestly man fuuuuccckkkkk this.#barely anybody expects straight or even bi women to abstain from dating men forever For the Good of Womankind#its not seen as Expected but rather Exceptional and Wow Amazing if you do.#and anyone who Expects it is seen as a ~crazy extremist~#meanwhile lesbians and especially HSTS are almost fucking Expected to sacrifice themselves for the ~greater good~#and ngl other lesbiams perpetuate this shit too.#oh you CANT transition even if you feel it'll make your life easier because because because#[arguments that would really only apply to OSA females transitioning]#[strawman] [misinterpreted stats] [unverified reddit posts]#and if all else fails 'think of how the very act of doing so will HURT ALL OF WOMANKIND'#no fucking wonder dysphoric lesbians develop an fucking insane martyr complex and start to treat hrt/transitioning like its fucking crack#'ill give into the temptation if i see a happy trans person ohh nooo so nobody should be allowed to troon'#like thats not fucking normal! you realize thats NOT FUCKING NORMAL right?#youre acting like a deranged christian who is so afraid of sinning by wrongthink#and disclaimer no. i dont inherently hate being female or a lesbian but with the way i am physically and mentally#i would have/have had a Much easier time integrating into society as a ~man~. just because of how i am physically and mentally.#now i wont say internalized homophobia/etc. NEVER has anything to do with transition or etc. but im gonna be real#for HSTS (which are extremely rare in the first place) thats often only a very small part of it at most.#its often more about making our lives easier and integrating better without having to completely remold our entire personalities.#thats the reality.#would we not transition if society have patriarchy/gender roles/sexism? perhaps. i wont deny that possibility.#the fact of the matter is however#that it wont be happening any time soon. so we just want our lives to be easier.#'oh but youre lying to yourself' not necessarily. i dont have a ~gender identity~ and im well aware of myself and my situation.
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rinofwater · 2 months
Hah, so uh how to explain to my parents that I have reconsidered wanting to move back to the wannabe fascist state after all
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andersdotters · 10 months
Hi! I recently found your blogs, and can I just say how much I love your character analyses? Your portrayal of each character is always so in depth to the point where I can even picture them acting and speaking the same in game! I'm so impressed and I seriously don't know how you connect to each and every one of them so perfectly :O
If I may ask, what does your research and character profile process look like? As someone interested in writing, I hope to be as skilled as you with analysing characters (and writing plots and writing in general--) one day :) Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I know I'll enjoy the story you come up with next!
Aww thank you so much!! Honestly sometimes I worry that my analyses won't be to everyone's tastes, so I'm very glad you think that they're good! I feel the same way about my writing because I know they're not the most romantic, so it's a relief to know you like it. ;v; <3 I have a lot to say about your questions though, so I'm going to put it under a readmore. It's an uh... infodump HAHA
When it comes to research, what it basically comes down to is reading everything. Read the character's lore, read their voice lines. Read what other characters have to say about them. Even talking to every NPC you see in the hopes that they'll talk about a character helps out a lot too HAHA. I also recommend going back to old events when doing research too. Reread them. Listen to the voice actor's portrayal of them. Read everything you can.
This is take three of trying to explain my character analysis process, but I'm going to give up and just explain to you the main logic that governs it. Basically what it boils down to is: we are not unique. Humans are not unique. What do I mean by this? People that are certain ways--for example, they have a low self-esteem, consistently overwork themselves, they want children when they get older, etc--they will typically share common characteristics. When you know the defining characteristics of each trait, you can potentially apply that trait to everyone you know that displays those characteristics.
For example, people that constantly overwork themselves typically have unhealthily high levels of perceived responsibility, typically with a self-deprecative trait that they don't deserve to be happy and rest. People that are very showy tend to care a lot about what people think of them. People that are extremely close to their families typically lose the ability to function properly without them.
If you know people that are like the examples above, you know that these observations are pretty accurate. And these examples represent pretty common types of people as well. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. Nobody is unique. And because of that, you can apply these observations to characters because characters are meant to be human. Example one is Kaveh. Example two is Itto. And example 3 is Lyney. Now you've gotten a deeper dive into their psyche.
The way you become better at character analysis is by broadening your internal library of traits and their defining characteristics. This involves three steps: observation, drawing connections between observations, and fine tuning these connections by applying them to other people.
These steps are easy to understand, but let me go a bit more into step one. Observations come in two categories: physical observations and intuitive observations. Physical observations encompass things they physically do. Intuitive observations are larger statements that can't be tied to just a single physical observation. For example, physical observations may be that they don't go out much, they don't talk much in groups but do one-on-one, they wear bright colors, they're rude, etc. Intuitive observations are more: they seem to be uncomfortable around children, they act like they're scared to contact first, they're always on the move, etc.
The second step involves drawing lines between observations and trying to deduce meaning. For example, [they end their sentences using a rising intonation] + [they ask me my opinion a lot] = [this person cares about not sounding rude or unwelcoming]. Or, [they have a low self-esteem] + [they care about being seen as morally good] + [they engage in fandom] = [I probably should not tell this person I think Dottore and his penchant for human experimentation is hot].
Typically the logic goes: [physical observation] + [physical observation] = [intuitive observation]. [physical observation] + [intuitive observation] = [mid-tier intuitive observation]. [intuitive observation] + [intuitive observation] = [top tier intuitive observation].
But it does not end at step two. Step three basically tests to see if your observation from step two is valid or not. When you apply your observation from step two to a multitude of people, you're able to fine tune your observation to make it more generalized and more accurate. Maybe you realize that not everyone that ends their sentences in a rising intonation is necessarily polite, but it's more of a cultural thing. Maybe you see that having low self-esteem isn't always a symptom of having a high moral code. Test, revise, then test again. The higher the tier of your observation, the greater the chance it has of being wrong.
When I analyze characters, I go through my mental library and see which traits and characteristics I've catalogued before. And for things that don't have an exact match, I try to find ones that shares at least a few things in common that may follow the same logic. For example, I don't know anyone like Zhongli. However, I do have a friend that's very outgoing, but you can have a full on conversation with them and leave not knowing anything about them. Can I apply the logic of my friend to someone like Zhongli?
I will say this and I will say this again. People are not unique. Everyone is a copy of someone else in some way. When you treat the characters as if you were analysing any other normal human being, you can quite easily draw conclusions from what they have in common with people you know and have seen.
Anyway, this is so long I am so sorry. Hopefully I didn't completely bowl you over with information. OTL
#interactions#anon#another thing i want to say is like....#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations#if you've ever read my analyses of kaveh they're uhhh.... not the nicest (tho idk if i only posted them on my personal...)#in order to become aware of flaws of characters you need to be able to accept the flaws objectively in others#if someone is mean then say they're mean. if they have a martyr complex then say they have a martyr complex#don't be afraid of being objective. that only hurts the process#some people think that it's not nice to give attention to the flaws of people you love#in my opinion that's complete bull#when you are aware of a person's flaws you understand them better and they become easier to forgive#you can rightfully say#'yes you may have flaws but knowing them makes me love you even more'#you get me?#also what helps is sharing your analyses with others and have them help you to refine your observations#also don't be afraid to observe and draw conclusions in general#sometimes you may feel you're invading a person's privacy#and uh..... to that....... um...#you have to decide what matters more to you. getting better at analysis or giving someone their privacy HAHA#by this i don't mean like... be a stalker or anything#but i think the biggest thing to actually remember the most is that....#CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION#just because a character shares all the traits a pattern you've seen in real life doesn't mean that's their issue#take everything EVERYTHING you deduce with a grain of salt#this is ESPECIALLY so when you are analyzing real people#no matter how accurate you think you may be you are not an empath nor are you a mind reader or god#do NOT act upon your deductions or think you know what's best for people from them#in the end analysis is purely theoretical so like... don't take yourself too seriously and have fun uwu
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gemglyph · 7 months
This is kind of freaky if it’s in any way acknowledged but I had an interesting thought. Sun is Hylia reborn as a mortal. She unlocked her memories as Hylia through the course of her journey in Skyward Sword. It also came with awakening her powers.
But what if there were some of her gifts that she had used previously, unintentionally of course, when she was much younger or in extreme distress.
I was thinking about a couple different authors who have Sky’s biological parents range from simply neglectful to downright hellish. And thinking about what a baby Hylia could do if she found out her best friend suffered so much in silence and the adults didn’t know.
And then those parents disappear. Sky is taken in by the entirety of Skyloft. The academy instructors are kind to him, her father is kind to him, anyone not those two who were supposed to be his parents…
I have thoughts. (I have thoughts often….)
Loftwings are Divine Beings blessed to people from Hylia. They are also referred to as “Guardian Birds”. I personally think they are the Other Half of Skyloftians’ Souls.
In reference to Martyr specifically, Sky’s Mom saw him as a blessing, and his Father saw him as a curse. It’s directly stated like that in story.
Sky’s Mom died when he was young and after that his Father made sure that he truly felt like the curse his Father believed him to be. That is.. Until Sky’s Father’s Loftwing handled the situation.
(I promise this is all relevant to what I’m about to say… and this got very long sooooo… more under the cut!)
Hylia and Sun… I don’t quite see them as the same person. I have a few reasons for this. One of which is… personality. Which is SHOWN to us in Skyward Sword during That Scene. Where Sun is leaning into Hylia and how DISTANT she was from everything. Not uncaring, not unloving, but I felt like she was… a little cold…
My thoughts on Hylia is that her behavior is like Fi. Not too cold, certainly not uncaring, and very straight to the point. Very literal. Analytical. We must remember that Goddesses and the Divine are not always able to be fully comprehended by people… and we must remember that even when something bad happens.. that it might have been the lesser of two evils.
Hylia is known as the Goddess of Time, and I personally like to also equate her to being the Goddess of the Sun. Which is how people, mortals, tell the time of day. She has the ability to literally reverse time. As well as Seal- (crying as I just now realized I never made the Hylia and Demise post)-
IF WE GO TO JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY, one of the Goddess interpretations that Hylia is based off of was not originally a Goddess, she was tempered into a Goddess. Thus limiting her abilities. The being Demise is based off of is described as Other. Originally Hylia was also like that. Hylia was also Other. With the potential to become more powerful than the Gods and Goddesses the Golden Goddesses are based off of. In an interpretation of the story, the Omnipotent Goddesses didn’t want to potentially be overpowered by the Light Other, and thus tempered her growth into becoming the Sun Goddess. (I do not know if the Golden Goddesses in the Legend of Zelda are like that or not, just interesting historical facts and other tales. I also remember NONE of the names of anyone and I’d find the story if I had the chance but I currently do not)
(Does anyone want to talk about the fact that the primordial forms of the Goddesses are Dragons——)
Hylia is everything that the Light touches, she is Light itself, and Demise is everything else. Two sides of the same coin. Light against Darkness. Time against an omnipresent being.
NOW- Her mortal reincarnation. Sun… Sunlight
Sun is very stubborn! Stubborn and outwardly protective. Willing to throw hands with anyone and anything. Promise you. Promise you she’d be ready to throw hands with ANYONE for Sky. (Sky would do the same for her). She’s almost, if not outright, impatient. And I’m like 85% certain she might have a little bit of a temper. She has the capacity for jealousy (as seen with her wishing she had that same connection with her loftwing that Sky has). As well as extremely impulsive behaviors.
Sun is the mortal reincarnation of Hylia, the Goddess of Time (The Sun Goddess), who has Sight Beyond and has LAYER after LAYER of failsafes specifically to make sure Demise ends up Sealed away. Hylia, who was kind enough to make sure that her Chosen Hero was not without company. Hylia granted Fi. A friend for a journey who would be able to answer all of her Hero’s questions. The questions of someone who has not been on the Surface ever before. Who has never been in this kind of Danger before.
Sun can absolutely cast low levels magic or something. Hylia would not be able to RISK something like that. Not after such meticulous planning.
However… What you certainly don’t want is a Baby with the ability for Divine Smite and/or to Seal. Which is why her powers were not fully unlocked until the events of Skyward Sword
That does not stop a baby from having a smile that almost lights up an entire room (metaphorically or literally is up to you). Or an otherworldly presence. It doesn’t stop her from dreaming of things that Babies, children, MORTALS should not know. It doesn’t stop her from having a connection with Loftwings- who are Divine Beings/Divine Guardians/Protectors that HYLIA blessed the Skyloftians with. Hylia left her people with blessings… And then her mortal self. Who has a heart who longs for Love, Justice, and Fairness.
The Loftwings listen to Sun. She has the Soul of their Goddess. Everyone on Skyloft knows her. Who wouldn’t recognize Divinity?
Who doesn’t want to bathe in Sunlight?
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kohakhearts · 10 months
hey that pokemon 2000 gifset + your jn dub analysis made me think about the pokemon 2000 dub - I've only seen it subbed once (compared to the hundred times I watched it dubbed as a child) so I could be misremembering, but didn't the dub completely change the themes of the movie with the chosen one ash thing?
i actually haven’t watched the sub nearly as many as times as the dub either :p but i have read extensively about this topic bc it’s personally my favourite pokemon movie and yes! the first and second pokemon movies are both victim to this (like mewtwo’s epic speech we all love so much at the end of the first movie…being a complete fabrication by the dub team :p you gotta give those writers credit - they were VERY good at what they did), largely i’m guessing due to cultural values and expectations. since they were trying to sell the anime to an american audience, not a japanese one.
tangentially, i will say i also think that’s the root of this like…subtle distinction some people have between the characters “ash” and “satoshi.” i don’t differentiate them in any big way myself because fundamentally they still are very much the same, but it is true that in japanese, ash has somewhat different mannerisms and responds differently to events at times, especially in the early anime when it was so much easier to get away with making big changes for…a big assortment of reasons haha.
in THIS movie in particular, some of those things are like…well. the prophecy is probably the most obvious change. the dub team rewrote it to include the chosen one reference, which works great because of the word play on ash’s name. in japanese, it just says “an exceptional trainer will appear to help calm the wrath of the gods.” ash’s response to this is more mild trepidation than outright fear. he doesn’t hesitate like he does in the dub. and tbh? both reactions make perfect sense for his character in my opinion.
in japanese, his concern is more "do you really think i can fit that role?" this...tracks pretty well with his character development by this point. like yeah he said he could win the indigo league, but he's also thinking about dropping out after gary loses; it's that little grain of insecurity he has, which he's normally good at covering up with arrogance (a lot of which is also very genuine, don't get me wrong). but he sees the opportunity to help and he takes it. that's just...what ash does.
in english, though, the prophecy is pretty clearly about him. there's no one else it could be. it has to be him. and he...doesn't like that? that scares him. which, fair. anyone would be terrified by being singled out like that. it's also so much...not ash's thing, even at this point in the series. his character development is about embracing having to work hard to do well. to keep trying until you get it right, no matter how many times you get it wrong. the idea of being a "chosen one" completely robs him of his ability to be so single-minded about what he wants his destiny to be that it manifests as pre-determined; it just...pre-determines it for him, if that makes sense. lol.
the thesis of the japanese version of the film is that no one person or pokemon can stand on their own. everyone needs help. it's about harmonizing with each other and with nature. about letting others help you, and helping them in turn. the english version rewrites that into a story about power and destiny. the title alone says it all, right? it's called "the power of one" - no reference to lugia, no reference to the birds. in japan, the title is about the revelation (or "birth") of lugia.
westerners love a good chosen one story, so this was a really good choice by the dub team in that respect. i mean, it's a narrative that's stuck really well. fandom loves chosen one ash! in general, western fanbases are really into this narrative. it's everywhere. and there's a lot that goes into that, culturally, and especially religiously, historically, etc. so at the end of the day, i don't think the change is so much about conflicting ideas about collectivism and individualism. it's more about goals and ideals, on a personal level.
let me say again for the 273456784th time, i love that they resolved ash's story by having him realize that the goal he's really been striving for all this time is to meet and befriend pokemon. to learn from them. to earn their trust. it's like...he did the thing that everyone else thought represented his goal, maybe even himself included, only to realize that his dream was never about the end of it anyway. it was about everything he learnt and everyone he met along the way. (i also suspect nobody writing in 1997 knew that that would be the ultimate resolution, either. but it makes sense in the entire context. it's kind of a nice irony, even. to only figure it out after writing the story :p)
and i think this little distinction is important to that goal! it's his whole character! which is why even though i too love chosen one characters, i don't necessarily think of ash as one. because even if he is, his whole Thing is that he wants to try. a lot of the chosen one narrative is about characters being reluctant to be used for a "greater good," or about them collapsing under that pressure. ash doesn't really have that. he does what he thinks is right because he...thinks it's right. sometimes, sure, others have to push him into it a bit, but usually they're actually pushing the other way - it's too dangerous, you're going to get hurt, etc. and to me, i don't know - thinking of times he's died, or nearly died, and some legendary or mythical pokemon has saved him at the last minute...i don't think that has to mean he's special in a cosmic sort of way. i think it just means he's special to them. that he did something for them, or for someone else they had come to care for (thinking manaphy responding to may's emotions, not just to the fact that ash was drowning, or in mpm ash convincing latios to trust him because of their mutual desire to save latias, etc.), and so they want to help him. which is completely opposite to the typical chosen one narrative, i think? because he doesn't do those things out of obligation...he does them because he thinks he can become a better trainer by doing them, and he wants to do that. and well. he did do that.
anyway my tl;dr here is YES they changed the theme a lot haha, but i find it fun that they also changed the characters’ responses to that theme. funnily that’s…kind of also what fanfiction writers do all the time, lmao, but that’s a whole other conversation.
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
Okay so like, Stella mentioned that she thought there was a compilation of whenever usopp said “sanji-kun” and out of curiosity I tried doing a little search of it and I kept getting results about nami saying “sanji-kun” which was annoying. Then I saw a Reddit post that apparently was like “why did nami give up on Sanji immediately when he beat up Luffy?” (This referring to of course whole cake island) and just auauururrughhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Aaaahhhhgghrrgh!!!!!
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poebrey · 1 year
gonna write a whole thing someday about how characters of color who clearly have a history of trauma or mental health issues aren’t given consideration or acknowledgement in the fandom imagination
#this is first and foremost about yennefer being canonically suicidal and it being never brought up in fandom#but people can talk about how they think she’s a bitch just fine like we’re all stuck in 2005#but also applies to like just about every character of color who has a prominent role in sci/fi fantasy genre space#because they sure get made to suffer a lot by these writers but in the white imagination that’s not noteworthy at all?#but also Scott McCall#who deadass attempted suicide on screen in one ep?#suicide tw#which I have moved on from teen wolf but it for very obvious reasons another great example#or Michael Burnham who canonically had a fucked up childhood that gave her a lifelong martyr complex#but if you ask who clearly has ptsd on the show it’s not her because it needs to get spelled out even though she is the main character?#Or even Culber; they bonded once over how they both died!#but we don’t do that with white boy side characters 5-7#they try to hate crime someone on screen and people are making shit up to justify before whatever media it is finishes airing#we talk about diversity in media#but one of the catch 22s is that more diverse media tends to be genre media#because that’s allowed to push boundaries#but as a fan of color you have to mentally prepare yourself for witnessing trauma every time#meanwhile the silly no stakes fun shows get majority white or entirely white casts every time#so you get this fun thing where if you’re white and want a fun escape you get a buffet of laughs#and if you’re a person of color at best you *dont* get to see yourself die on screen#anyways this has been a middle of the night that no one should be taking seriously#*rant#gotta make sure everything referencing tw isn’t in the first 5 tags or I might wake up to a whole essay crying in the inbox
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
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About to fall asleep and then I had overwhelming brain worms thinking again about Maera getting found stumbling towards the inquisition camp in the snow after Haven and like that’s emotional enough in the video game but like make the inquisition a collective Daughter Figure and ohohoho anguish *diabolical hand rubbing*
I’ll probably draw this digitally bc I have ideas for how to push the pose and drawing a snow storm sounds fun
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tsukihigui · 10 months
deleted my twitter app (not account) bc i really can’t handle the intense no-nuance high-stakes takes right now. not that here is all that much better but it’s definitely less of a time sink
#i just.#ok.#i just think if ur gonna go scorched earth on prioritizing high minded ideals over outcomes ur not actually as morally pure as u think u r#and I also think if ur gonna do that u gotta say with ur CHEST the collateral damage you’ll sign onto#both by abstaining from concrete action now and by destroying infrastructure in the name of a brighter future#im not even gonna tell you ur wrong. but i want you to say who u think is worth sacrificing#i have awful news for you the folks who don’t make it thru the revolution are very rarely the rich and healthy and connected#it’s gonna be folks who are desperate enough to fight and folks who can’t handle more instability.#poor folks. sick folks. disabled folks. disenfranchised folks. unhoused folks.#you think you can build a functioning mutual aid network from scratch during a revolution serving tens of millions?#i know it’s a nice thought that the failures of US welfare programs are Just Capitalism. and that’s a huge chunk#but it’s also because IT IS DIFFICULT. and that’s WITH billions of dollars and a chokehold on the global supply chain#im not saying any of the options are good. but when u call for revolution u gotta acknowledge ur stealing from today for tomorrow#and look hard at the folks who stand to lose the most. say you’re fine with martyring them - whether or not they agree#I’ve got myself all worked up now and i wanna post about it. to maybe share some god damn perspective.#things are bad! things are not good. unsustainable trends abound. but wow for all ur whining online#about how everyone needs to know EVERYTHING about ALL ISSUES in EVERY CONFLICT or else you are EVIL#ur missing the forest for the trees my dude. takes are easy - policy is hard#get fucked. don’t get people killed.
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martyrbat · 2 years
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Embalming: History, Theory, and Practice, Sixth Edition
[TEXT ID: As we yearned for physical connection with the ones we love, we also longed to be present with the ones we had lost.]
#hiii sorry back on my ‘wow ransom cant be normal about death OR studying without thinking of silly little comic characters’ bullshit </33#bruce & jason#at risk of repeating myself but again !!! bruce isolating and drawing back into himself after his death !! not having that outside#connection! alfred sure but them talking on jason was what led to him running away! he knows alfred would suggest taking time off and the#fear if being told it IS his fault as he blames himself! and alfred is mourning as well ! he has to be the strong one!#how can he be expected to save a city and other men's sons when he couldn't even save his own?#blaming himself and wanting to curl up and die with him! thinking how HE introduced jason to this lifestyle and it should of been him dead#instead of a child ! HIS child!! but knowing theres always more people to save and how youre the only one keeping THEIR world from ending#like how yours feels like it is! that you have to save these people and doing it in his honour when you should be doing it WITH him.#and then that isolation and not even telling dick !#this is the second time bruce wayne cradled the corpse of his dead family and had to rise up from the ground instead of joining them.#blaming himself (zorro for parents/guilt complex & introducing jason to vigilantism) yet again#brb gotta rb that post lee had about the cycle of being a martyr and understanding his parents decisions in a new haunted way#i love being incoherent about very normal topics i promise guys really#cryptcites
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God I wish I could latch onto better media instead of sinking my teeth into Blizz-“absolute scumbag company”-ard for my 2 dragons who are absolutely going to get thrown behind the curtain the second the expansion is over until the writers need their props again. I don’t know how long they’ll be in there, but I don’t know what’s worse, them collecting dust of wasted potential in writers room storage or them being bent into roles they don’t fit into again.
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
me: if i fly into this city for Christmas it’s (minimum) $200 more expensive than if I fly into other city (an hour further away)
mom, who is the entire reason we have to pay overpriced flights to the midwest multiple times a year and specifically for Xmas: idk that’s not super convenient....can you coordinate with your sister (flying from another city with a different airline) to make pickup easier
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walterdecourceys · 1 year
i'm taking the word "culture" away from christians until they learn what it means. stop saying """"the culture""""" when you just mean leftists on twitter you're not achieving anything
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padfootastic · 2 years
Hey @padfootastic what do ya think bout Dumbledore?
I like that man sometimes, like I cried while reading his death...
His actions were sometimes justifiable.. Sometimes downright stupid..
But I don't think I'd ever understand his motives behind not even trying to talk to Sirius.. Like he's such an interesting character so it's quite hard to hate him(for me)
But whenever I read about Sirius either in canon of in fics.. I despise every freakin person who took part in making Sirius' life a literal hell!
So a sickle for your thoughts?
hi hi! i’ve talked about it a bit in this lil bingo and this ask but generally speaking, when it comes to most characters—i dislike them purely on the principle of them not lifting a single finger to help sirius lmao dumbledore, mcgonagall, and all ministry officials r on mt shit lost exactly for this (along w actually believing sirius could betray james)
when it comes to dumbledore, in general, tho? i like to think of him as a manipulative grandmaster that hides behind this…affable grandfatherly figure wearing kooky clothes & offering candy. he collects people and doesn’t hesitate to use them whenever needed. no he’s not fraid of bending rules/ethics to get what he wants. he’s very much ‘sacrifice a few to save everyone else’ and we can debate the morality of that all day long & never come to a conclusion, i think.
to some extent, i get it too—war isn’t exactly won with kindness and morals and that greyness rly is what makes him an interesting character but yah. i can see why he’s a controversial character lol
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