#voter interference
creature-wizard · 2 months
Why americans always think is the russians intervening and not their own country ? Like you know the cia is known to intervene in elections across the world right.
Also the main social medias are all own by right wing billionaires like elon musk.
But nahh it must be the evil russians!
Because Russian bots are a real thing, maybe?????????????? Because Russia pushed Jill Stein to split the vote???????????? Because we know damn good and well that the Russian government does, in fact, do this shit?
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odinsblog · 8 days
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending the police to the homes of people for the ‘crime’ of signing a pro-choice petition
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Isaac Menasche remembers being at the Cape Coral farmer’s market last year when someone asked him if he’d sign a petition to get Florida’s abortion amendment on the ballot.
He said yes — and he told a law enforcement officer as much when one showed up at the door of his Lee County home earlier this week.
Menasche said he was surprised when the plainclothes officer twice asked if it was really Menasche who had signed the petition. The officer said he was looking into potential petition fraud.
Though the officer was professional and courteous, Menasche, who has had little interaction with police in his life, said the encounter left him shaken.
“I'm not a person who is going out there protesting for abortion,” Menasche said. “I just felt strongly and I took the opportunity when the person asked me, to say yeah, I'll sign that petition.”
The officer's visit appears to be part of a broad - and unusual — effort by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration to inspect thousands of already verified and validated petitions for Amendment 4 in the final two months before Election Day. The amendment would overturn Florida's six-week abortion ban by proposing to protect abortion access in Florida until viability.
(continue reading)
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shy-raccoon · 9 days
If your voter registration gets purged for being a democrat reregister as no party preference or independent. Make sure you can vote in this election especially if you live in a swing state or red state.
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reality-detective · 1 month
Maricopa County 👇
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Going by the rule of law 🤔
Potentially every race was illegally recounted & it's all on video. Easy court case to win. 5 days from Canvass publishing is tomorrow 8/24 so we're asking All candidates & Voters to file Election Contests/lawsuits today.
Help Hold The Candidates Accountable.
They took our money & now it's time to really "Fight for Arizonans"
The Election Fraud & Maladministration by Maricopa MUST END now or they are in complete control of the results for Nov 5!
If the X link doesn't work 👇
Slow Progress, but it's Still Progress 🤔
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memeboud · 18 days
Gretchen Whitmer rejects polls showing Harris up 5 points against Trump in Michigan: 'It's just not true' https://www.foxnews.com/media/gretchen-whitmer-rejects-polls-showing-harris-up-5-points-against-trump-michigan-not-true
Listen to Gretchen! If we're 50 points up in the polls you still have to VOTE November 5th! You must do your part to save humanity from the plague that is trumpkin and his christofascist handlers. Vote!
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originalleftist · 2 months
WARNING: An Elon Musk PAC has created a fake voter registration site targeting voters in swing states. The site does not actually help them register to vote, but does collect their data for the Trump campaign to use in its door-to-door canvasing.
As noted in the article, this exploits a legal loophole re door to door canvasing to allow the PAC to coordinate with the Trump campaign.
Ironically, this might actually hurt Trump in a way, as its aimed at his supporters, and is collecting data from people in key swing states without actually registering them to vote. But it's still likely going to disenfranchise people but leading them to think they've registered when they have not, as well as deceiving them into handing over personal information to Musk and Trump.
Enough. Musk should be immediately indicted for fraud.
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simple-sheep · 2 months
Anyone telling you not to vote or to vote 3rd party because of Palestine do not have your best interest at heart or theirs.
I keep seeing these psyop talking points being spread around and the threat to our democracy is too great to ignore them.
Throwing away your vote won't help Palestine. Throwing away your vote will hurt them and also every single vulnerable person in America if Trump wins.
By not voting or voting 3rd party you are saying you don't care about your rights OR the rights of LGBTQA+ people, POC, disabled people, homeless people, poor people, etc.
Anyone telling you NOT to vote or to throw your vote away for a conflict a President cannot solve is a liar and only wants you to suffer. Biden can't tell another country what to do and funding is up to Congress--which still has too many reds in it anyway.
If your mortality extends to not voting because of Palestine because it makes you upset, but it DOESN'T make you upset that Trump wants to be a Christofascist dictator and strip rights from you and your neighbors then you are about as useful to Palestine as a piece if dirt is to a starving man.
Your morals are weak and you stand for nothing. Trump will wipe Palestine off the map. Biden has been arguing for a ceasefire but the far right government in Israel DENIED it because it would "hurt Trump" if they accepted it. Netanyahu WANTS Trump to win, you do get that right?
You are being played for a fool. If you actually care about people you'll vote for who ever the dem candidate is (probably Harris) and every blue senator and house rep you see running and then keep the pressure on them to keep fighting for a ceasefire deal.
Cause otherwise you're just giving into psyop talking points and throwing EVERYONE, including Palestinians, under the bus with you.
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captainxtra · 1 day
More GOP cheating, this time in Montana:
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jangillman · 13 days
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Signs you might be dealing with a bot or troll trying to interfere with the US presidential election
Default PFP. Not everyone who has a default PFP is a bot or troll, and a few bots/trolls actually do have custom PFPs, but enough bots/trolls have default PFPs that it's always worth looking for additional signs you're dealing with a bot/troll when you see one.
(If you're a real honest-go-goodness Tumblr blogger and you have a default PFP, then I strongly recommend you change it because many people will block you on sight.)
Default colors/layout. Again, bots and trolls don't usually put a lot of effort into customizing their blogs. Some of them fiddle around with the basic settings, but they're very unlikely to upload custom graphics and put too much effort into customizing the colors. Same as above, not everyone who has a default blog theme is a bot or troll, but enough of them do that it's worth looking for other signs of suspicious activity.
Soundbitey content. Bots/trolls don't really engage with the content of the posts they interact with. They post very generic soundbitey responses, like "You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. See a therapist," "Fuck you, I'm not voting for Genocide Joe/Kamala the Cop," "America is run by lobbies. Voting is a scam," or "Republicans and Democrats both hate us, that's why I'm voting third party." Basically, if it sounds like a regurgitated line, you may be dealing with a bot or a troll.
Lack of personal content. Bot/troll blogs may have only one post, or might just have a bunch of reblogs with nothing of substances added to them. I'm going to point out here that I've also been seeing blogs do this with pro-Biden/pro-Harris content, so I'm not sure that all of these blogs are necessarily trying to interfere with the election, or if they're trying to get attention so they can try and advertise something else down the line. Some of these blogs also post or like porn, so I suspect a lot of them are actually pornbots trying to capitalize on politics.
Here's some examples of replies from bot/troll accounts:
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whodathydro is a great example of an extremely obvious bot/troll. When we go to their blog, we can see that it hasn't been customized in any way, and there's not even a single post on it.
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I've also got screencaps of one-post blogs over here that you can check out. (The first one has actually gussied up their blog a little, but it clearly hasn't been used in any way an genuine blogger would use their blog - no personal content, no engagement, nothing.)
So yeah, there ya go; if you see blogs like this they are probably trolls or bots; happy reporting and blocking!
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dicapiito · 18 days
Wonder which popular leftists are going to be exposed for taking payments from 🇷🇺 👀
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odinsblog · 9 months
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“True the Vote” is a right-wing Republican proxy group, comprised of of racist, angry and sometimes armed white people—because we are talking about the “former” confederate states of the South, where the lax gun laws are just as crazy as their judges and governors—who methodically “challenge” the votes of anyone waiting in line to vote who isn’t white and who they deem to be not voting for the Republican candidate on the ballot.
👉🏿 https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/14/true-the-vote-big-lie-election-fraud/
👉🏿 https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/true-the-vote-voter-intimidation-case-goes-to-trial-in-georgia/
👉🏿 https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/voter-testimony-intimidation-and-disenfranchisement-in-the-georgia-senate-runoffs/
👉🏿 https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/section-11b-of-the-vra-protects-voters-from-intimidation/
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lmao whoops i forgor hlelbreak healbr Hellbreak update its like hades but a ttrpg adn bad you get it heres a weapon
Harvest Scythe
A large tool, used for farming and cutting souls from their former bodies.
Harvest Scythe Actions:
Reap: Deal 2 harm to a target within Near range, move them 1 range toward you.
Fate: Requires 2 actions. Cause an enemy in Close-Beyond range to become doomed. When an enemy is doomed, they will take harm after two turns; this action deals 8 harm.
Harvest Scythe Aspects:
(Costs 1 Titan Blood) Aspect of the Reaper: your cast causes the target to be doomed for 2 harm.
(Costs 1 Titan Blood) Aspect of the Farmer: if you kill an enemy with Reap, add a d6 to that enemy's drop roll, taking the highest result.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of the Coffin: Killing an enemy with Fate will always give 10 coins as the drop.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of the Gallows: Fate only deals 2 harm, but is active until the target dies.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of Reach: Reap requires 2 actions, but can be used to all targets in a half circle within Near range.
(Costs 3 Titan Blood) Aspect of Ophilia: Increases max health by +3. Replaces the Scythe's action list with the following:
Fly: Move 1 range, dealing 2 harm to all enemies in the path.
Bless: Requires 2 actions. Causes an enemy to be doomed for 6 harm. 
the last one gives you blade wings also sorry thiis took a while and sucks i took a break from hades and ig the project just hasnt really come to mind very much especially while i'm trying to focus on another game
prev weapon (Carmine Sword)
prev update (Lord Mistress of Hell)
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