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draconli · 11 months ago
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year ago
After 146 days, the Writer's Strike has ended with a resounding success. Throughout constant attempts by the studios to threaten, gaslight, and otherwise divide the WGA, union members stood strong and kept fast in their demands. The result is a historic win guaranteeing not only pay increases and residual guarantees, but some of the first serious restrictions on the use of AI in a major industry.
This win is going to have a ripple effect not only throughout Hollywood but in all industries threatened by AI and wage reduction. Studio executives tried to insist that job replacement through AI is inevitable and wage increases for staff members is not financially viable. By refusing to give in for almost five long months, the writer's showed all of the US and frankly the world that that isn't true.
Organizing works. Unions work. Collective bargaining how we bring about a better future for ourselves and the next generation, and the WGA proved that today. Congratulations, Writer's Guild of America. #WGAstrong!!!
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sophies-junkyard · 8 months ago
I’m in the South. I’ve got ears to the ground. Republicans are SWEATING at the prospect of Kamala being nominated. They’re not sure Trump can beat her.
Let’s prove them right.
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marvelsmostwanted · 6 months ago
Today in 🍂✨October surprises✨🍂
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• Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Secretary of Labor Julie Su quietly assisted in winning labor rights for dockworkers, ending a strike that could have had catastrophic economic consequences. (10-4-24)
• In Springfield, Ohio, where Haitian migrants have been blamed for the disappearance of local animals with Trump claiming “‘migrants are walking off’ with geese in the town” and “they’re eating the dogs” - a lie also promoted by JD Vance, Ohio’s own sitting Senator, with no evidence - it turns out that the missing geese were actually the victims of a 64-year-old white man who was hunting illegally. (10-3-24)
• A Trump-appointed federal judge blocked Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan again after another judge reinstated it earlier this week. (10-3-24)
• Republicans and crazy Facebook uncles everywhere have spent this week spreading disinformation about the FEMA response to Hurricane Helene, including AI photos of Trump standing in floodwater and wild claims that Biden is sending money to undocumented immigrants. In reality, the Biden-Harris administration has provided substantial emergency assistance and both Biden and Harris have visited the region. Meanwhile, it turns out that Trump was the one who redirected money from disaster relief to send to ICE during his presidency. Shocker. (10-4-24)
• Seriously, though, Trump is not who you want to call in an emergency. Before allowing disaster relief to reach victims of wildfires in California, then-president Trump forced aides to show him an electoral map to see if he had voters there. He evidently intended to withhold the aid if he found out it was going to mostly Democratic voters. This would be a career-ending scandal in any other political era but alas, we are living in this one. (10-3-24)
• Finally, far-right extremist and Oklahoma superintendent of schools Ryan Walters intends to put Bibles in public schools, which is already disturbing, but in a stunning display of corruption, the only ones that meet his specifications are the so-called “Trump Bibles” that include the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. They go for $60 apiece and Trump gets fees from each one. (10-4-24)
No, wait, I’m going to say that one again:
In Oklahoma, taxpayers’ money will be used to put Trump Bibles in public schools. Their money will go directly to Trump. Not a joke!!! Not an exaggeration!!!
…Surely the voters who are still undecided are lying, right?? Right?!
30 days until Election Day.
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Go to vote.org for a sample ballot, early voting dates, and more. Seriously, we have to win.
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leupagus · 20 days ago
Tuesday's House Budget Vote and what you may not have heard about
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I'm reposting this from a reblog of a really great post about the work that Representatives Mullin and Pettersen did in voting against the GOP budget on February 25th, because I don't want to detract from that message.
Instead, I want to talk about the larger implications of H. Con. Res. 14 itself, and why the Democrats risked so much (in Mullin's and Pettersen's cases, actual harm) in order to show up for this vote.
The vote in question is starting the first of quite a few votes for the upcoming GOP budget; it's not a done deal by any means, this was just the vote to get it started, so to speak. But it was still a very, very, VERY important vote, because not only would failure be catastrophic, but so would a win that just barely squeaked by.
And this one squeaked like a fucking mouse in Murray's Cheese Shop.
Speaker Johnson has been waffling on putting this to a vote because there were several outspoken GOP members who talked a big game about opposing it. Usually this doesn't matter, since most bills get some bipartisanship, but at present the House is in GOP hands with only a three-member margin of error, with two seats vacant (note: those two vacancies are FL 1 and 6, which are holding their special elections on April 1 — lol — and which are EXTREMELY unlikely to flip but hey miracles happen! Donate or phonebank if you'd like!). And Democratic representatives have been voting in a bloc against...well pretty much everything the GOP's been pushing through since Trump took office. Not only that, but this budget is legit unpopular with a number of Republicans, so much so that Johnson pulled the vote at first on Tuesday because he knew it would fail if the GOP members who'd threatened to vote against it actually went through with it. What he needed was to either convince them all to fall in line, or resort to cheating.
So he did both!
He and Trump strongarmed all but one of the GOP holdouts into voting yes (Congressman Massie is in many ways a turd in a toilet, and his reasons for voting no were bad, but he did stick to his guns, I'll give him that). Reports of Trump actually screaming at one of the (female, naturally) GOP holdouts are...well, unsurprising, but that's how panicked they were about getting this bill started. Usually the Whip does this work, but Tom Emmer's been laughably bad at it and so they had to get Trump to actually do some work. Which is itself sort of astonishing. But even then, they weren't sure they could get it done.
Which leads us to part two of Johnson's plan: blatant cheating. During Pelosi's last session as Speaker, she allowed for proxy voting in light of COVID and, you know, the general state of things, but the second the GOP got back the gavel they nixed it right in the bud. This puts the Dems at a disadvantage right now because at least three of them are out for medical reasons — Mullin and Pettersen, as well as Congressman Raúl Grijalva who's fighting cancer at present. (He was the only Democrat who couldn't get to the floor for this vote, fwiw, and anyone who insists he should've can suck my left tit.)
So Johnson adjourned the House for the evening, sending everyone home, but told the GOP members to stay and then tried to rush through the vote before the Dems realized what was happening. His hope was that enough Dems would be caught flat-footed/not see the recall notice/be asleep watching Taskmaster (whoops that was me) by the time they got the message to get back to the floor. That way he could lose the holdouts but still pass the budget onto the next phase.
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However! While Nancy Pelosi no longer rules the Democratic caucus with her iron fist and fabulous coats, my man Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries learned quite a lot from her (and is pretty fucking genius himself). Not only did he and the other House leadership expect this kind of chicanery from Johnson, they had planned on it.
Because here's the thing: Mullin and Pettersen didn't get on a plane at the last minute on Tuesday; they'd gotten to DC on Monday, without telling anyone they were in town. They actually hid from the GOP members all day Tuesday in order to lull Johnson into thinking he had more of a margin than he did; if the GOP holdouts really had voted against the budget, then it would've failed. Which would have been a biiiiiiig problem for Johnson and Trump.
As it is, it's still a biiiiiiig problem for Johnson and Trump, because now they know just how razor-thin their margin is. More importantly, they also now know that the Dems will fuck with them just as much (if not more) as they will fuck with Dems. Congress (and the USA in general) has operated for years on the assumption that Democrats operate in good faith, while taking it for granted that of course the GOP ratfuck as much as humanly possible.
This moment is a chilling one for the GOP; they can't assume anymore that Dems will play fair or fight clean. Which seems like a very small thing in the larger picture right now, I know, and I also know that people would love for their Democratic representatives and senators to be more vocal and angry in public ways. I get that!
But this move on Tuesday night? Is actually going to have far bigger consequences than any meme or viral video or clever soundbite from a politician. Democrats are no longer playing by the rules that the GOP's ignored for years (if not decades); they're playing by the GOP's own rules, and they just might win.
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fictionadventurer · 10 months ago
Stories referenced:
Pentecost: Acts 2:15
Peter and John escape prison: Acts 5: 21-26
Peter escapes prison: Acts 12: 1-16
Paul and Barnabas worshipped: Acts 14: 11-18
Paul's fatal preaching: Acts 20: 7-12
Paul's rules-lawyering: Acts 26: 30-32
Paul's snakebite: Acts 28: 1-6
Paul turning his enemies against each other: Acts 23: 6-10
Philip's teleportation: Acts 8:39
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tiredofthehumanlife · 4 months ago
The Republican counties get counted first. This isn't indicative of the winner.
The Republican counties get counted first. This isn't indicative of the winner.
The Republican counties get counted first. This isn't indicative of the winner.
The Republican counties get counted first. This isn't indicative of the winner.
The Republican counties get counted first. This isn't indicative of the winner.
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destielmemenews · 5 months ago
2024 Presidential Election Results
A single, frequently updating post that will have the result of each state, in alphabetical order, as they come in. Check in often for updates!
🟦Harris: 226
🟥Trump: 312
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Alabama - 🟥Trump
Alaska - 🟥Trump
Arizona - 🟥Trump
Arkansas - 🟥Trump
California - 🟦Harris
Colorado - 🟦Harris
Connecticut - 🟦Harris
Delaware - 🟦Harris
Florida - 🟥Trump
Georgia - 🟥Trump
Hawaii - 🟦Harris
Idaho - 🟥Trump
Illinois - 🟦Harris
Indiana - 🟥Trump
Iowa - 🟥Trump
Kansas - 🟥Trump
Kentucky - 🟥Trump
Louisiana - 🟥Trump
Maine - 🟦Harris (district 1)(at large) 🟥Trump (district 2)
Maryland - 🟦Harris
Massachusetts - 🟦Harris
Michigan - 🟥Trump
Minnesota - 🟦Harris
Mississippi - 🟥Trump
Missouri - 🟥Trump
Montana - 🟥Trump
Nebraska - 🟥Trump (district 1 and 3) 🟦Harris (district 2)
Nevada - 🟥Trump
New Hampshire - 🟦Harris
New Jersey - 🟦Harris
New Mexico - 🟦Harris
New York - 🟦Harris
North Carolina - 🟥Trump
North Dakota - 🟥Trump
Ohio - 🟥Trump
Oklahoma - 🟥Trump
Oregon - 🟦Harris
Pennsylvania - 🟥Trump
Rhode Island - 🟦Harris
South Carolina - 🟥Trump
South Dakota - 🟥Trump
Tennessee - 🟥Trump
Texas - 🟥Trump
Utah - 🟥Trump
Vermont - 🟦Harris
Virginia - 🟦Harris
Washington - 🟦Harris
Washington, D.C. - 🟦Harris
West Virginia - 🟥Trump
Wisconsin - 🟥Trump
Wyoming - 🟥Trump
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months ago
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Jim Kirk 🤝 Chris Pike "I don't know how to read Star Fleet regulations when it comes to my First Officer"
Star Trek SNW S1E3 Ghosts of Illyria / / Star Trek TOS S2E1 Amok Time
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sainz100 · 4 months ago
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Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen in Tokyo ahead of the 2016 Japanese GP | x
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adreamthatsworthkeeping · 5 months ago
As one of the dozens of people worldwide that live in a country that's not America, please vote and make sure the world isn't dominate by the orange dictator again.
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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angee1011 · 8 months ago
Been thinking about the absolute ridiculousness of our current presidential election cycle and how it must look to the rest of the world.
Oh, you mean the guy y’all impeached and who incited an insurrection is running again…..?
The same guy who is now a convicted felon and has like a million other pending cases against him is ALLOWED to run again……?
Mhm. Yep. I know.
Mmmm yeah, he wasn’t polling great and donors wanted him gone.
Yeah, idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ it is what it is, yah know
Anyway. I can’t wait for this whole circus to be done and over with. It’s been absolutely joke.
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dinosaurwithablog · 16 days ago
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We, the people, should listen to Abe. Let's protect our Constitution... let's protect our country... let's protect our people... let's protect our rights... let's stand by our allies... let's do the right thing... let's get rid of those who pervert our Constitution... let's do it now, shall we?
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fictionadventurer · 4 days ago
I love Chesterton best when I dive into a piece of his writing and the words just dance. He's playing with sounds and words and sentences, so it's poetry and music and also just a guy saying whatever pops into his head, and it doesn't even matter if it makes sense because it's so much fun to read. There's pure joy in words and ideas and arguments that underlies everything, such an overflowing sense of humor, so you feel that it doesn't matter if you disagree because what he loves is the conversation. Pure delight. There's just nothing else like it in literature.
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etherealdany · 1 year ago
Don’t like him for obvious reasons, but one things on my mind…
I’ve noticed a lot of people calling Noah schnapp a bad actor, and don’t get me wrong I dislike the guy more than anything but like, did we all watch season 2 of ST? Like I hate how he’s misrepresenting Judaism but I always thought he was a good actor, like I heard apparently in season 1 when he auditioned he had to do season 2 scenes cause they’re obviously a lot more challenging (at the time I thought he was robbed of an Emmy) but now it seems to be common consensus he’s a bad actor? Like don’t get me wrong I hate the guy but shouldn’t we hate him for things he’s actually done?
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