#vore related
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wonderful-bellies · 7 months ago
Alright I gotta test. How many of you fellow vore likers have actively imagined/daydreamed about either being in a tum or having someone in your tum?
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willingcannibalvictim · 10 months ago
i think we should normalize using vore in ways other than just protective. like, vore or just cannibalism in general not used as a metaphor for intimacy, but instead as a way to scare the ever-loving shit out of people. we should have more of that.
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peoplerepellent2000 · 8 months ago
I love when bots pretend to be real ppl
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NSFW/KINK DNI im a miner
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miniaturemallow · 3 months ago
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Ur goth GF has been acting real strange after putting that weird artifact on her alter
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gulpingthingsdown · 8 months ago
You know if Lamu can canonically chomp off people’s head’s of various sizes and eat them in one bite, it’s not too ridiculous to imagine him being physically capable of nomming multiple people vore-wise
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sindumpster · 7 months ago
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Actually painted this over a month ago, but forgot to post due to life things. Style and painting experiment thing.
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dzamie · 2 years ago
protip: don't do this
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(ID in alt)
The correct response to "hey, I don't want minors around my personal collection of stuff I jack off to" is, at worst, "how about when I turn 18" and ideally a simple "gotcha, sorry for the misunderstanding." It is NOT, under any circumstances, "you are incorrect about the nature of your sexual fetish. There will now be a minor perusing your porn collection."
And look. I'm not gonna pretend minors aren't "allowed" to like vore - hell, I'm pretty sure I wrote my first vorefic at 16, and was getting off to vore way back in middle school. But, fuck, I at least knew better than to let people know that a minor was in the porn section. Don't interact, and if for some reason you feel you really want to, at least have the common decency to lie about it!
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I'm past caring if minors follow other vore blogs; I ain't their guardian, they ain't my responsibility.
Also, even if you could convince me that "sfw kink" is anything but an oxymoron (spoiler alert: you can't), @hungry-blue-dragon still has 2 posts with visibly erect penises and 1 talking about cockvore within the 15 most recent posts. My vore blog is not a 16+ space. Give yourself a couple years.
Anyway, this is all a settled matter: I remembered how to block someone from a sideblog, so the person who I sent that ask to is now unable to follow my vore blog.
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askbloatedbellyblog · 2 months ago
I know it’s been long time, but do you have 3rd part of your story “Tsukiyama Tummy Troubles” in plans ? Recently had finished reading previous parts, and it’s very cool one ! Wonder how it’ll go eventually !
It has been a long time, gosh. I'm very glad you like it. I really should get back to it. if you haven't noticed by now I'm very bad at sequels or things with chapters. Though it's more a time and creative sync issue.
I'm currently stuck on a Jack Twisted Wonderland piece, after that I'm not sure what to do. I have a lot I'd like to do but also life is sucking out all my creativity.
I do have a plan of how it would go eventually, so if you'd like to know I can just say or hope I get back to it.
The one thing that is bringing me back to Tsukiyama though is watching another show that has another person craving to eat another one like Tsukiyama, and also is about as much of a disaster. I'm not sure if they should never meet or if they would get along great, or just fight over eating the same things.
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willingcannibalvictim · 10 months ago
Sarge: YOUVE CAPTURED DONUT?! diabolical…what are you doing with him?!
Caboose with an oddly Donut shaped stomach: don’t worry, he’s resting…comfortably.
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peoplerepellent2000 · 11 months ago
Look at this awesome fish
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panvnsleake · 10 months ago
oooo yippe object noms! :>
øßJÊct shØω vore is so epic because you get to have fun with the textures and colors and all of that. sleeping bag? make their stomach the entirety of their insides. stress ball? make their innards really. like. bouncy.
i just think there's so much room for innovation when you have an øßJÊct shØω character in vore,,,
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gulpingthingsdown · 9 months ago
I saw you like DCA/TSAMS. Not sure if you are interested in vore content with them but if you are; I recommend Daycare Treats by Mango or things by Hungry Trashlord or Sephypsycologist on Ao3. (Mango and Sephy also have some nsfw content but it's marked and easily avoidable) Sephy also has a vore tumblr. The other two might as well but not sure.
I’ve actually read Daycare Treats, but not the other one
thanks for the recommendation! :)
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wonderful-bellies · 1 year ago
Same anon here, I also love protective preds!!! Just carrying around someone they care about in there belly, even if it’s a pain to walk around with a big belly!!! Aaaa! It’s so cute!!! — 🪨 anon
Agreed!! There's something so sweet about a pred protecting their prey inside their own body. Hidden and safe. Idk the affection there is just so good
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jontheketeld · 1 year ago
This is all I'm donating to Eka's Portal Bashing Day
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willingcannibalvictim · 10 months ago
RvB vore headcanons: Blood Gulch Chronicles Edition
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-old man
-would eat blues as a way to establish dominance
-might also do that with his own team for similar reasons
-rants to prey about “the good ole days where milk was a nickel” and WAR
-tries to get all spooky scary when pred but just doesn’t land it
-unlikely/unwilling prey. makes him feel like less of a leader
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(i actually have some good headcanons for this one with evidence to back it up)
-a CHRONIC insomniac
-skinny queen, amazing prey
-due to his cyborgness, he has robot organs, meaning robo stomach (air conditioning yesss)
-also has oil saliva (which is a little gross but hey)
-noms grif most often out of the reds
-due to his (headcanonical) insomnia, he often can’t get to sleep easily, but finds that grif nomming him calms him down and helps him sleep better
-checks up on prey like every 10 minutes bc he’s just a nervous little guy :3
-speaking of grif…
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-chronic eepy
-mmmm chubby pred my beloved oooo yesss <333
-tends to nom Simmons either bc a) he can’t sleep or b) idk man bros hungry
-sometimes engages in accidental vore bc, once again, chronic eepy
-rubs tum to comfort/calm prey down, especially if unwilling
-weight in his stomach knocks this man out in like 2 seconds
-when prey, also falls asleep within 2 seconds. like he could get nommed for protection purposes after running away from some guy trying to kill him and just loses all the adrenaline immediately.
-extreme cuddling fan <3
-chubby pred = soft and warm tum.
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-amazeballz :O
-gets flustered pretty easily, this goes for being pred or prey
-ONLY and i mean ONLY noms when ppl ask. doesn’t nom unwilling prey for a few reasons
-1) prey kick which he is REALLY sensitive to and 2) feels really ashamed when prey gets really scared and doesn’t know they’re safe
-enjoys tum rubs from prey. calms him down.
-similar to Simmons, checks on prey a bit too often
-sees vore as a really intimate thing so he gets really fluster when nommed and his words get all shaky and auwuquwuq
-just a little guy :3
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-doesn’t mind prey that’s unwilling and puts up a fight
-he’s had to deal with kick before if yk what i mean 😏
-he’s a lover, not a fighter, and doesn’t enjoy the idea of holding prey in his tum for periods of time that they’re uncomfortable with
-occasionally gets bit cocky when nomming prey, to prey’s annoyance
-he’s a bit of a jerk but overall harmless
-as prey, firmly believes the superior answer is hands first like a little fucking bitch
-if unwillingly nommed, he fights a bit but gets a bit tired after like 5 seconds
-just a little guy
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-the most tsundere middle aged man in the entire world
-usually unwilling prey. that man is NOT going down without a fight
-denies any allegations of enjoying being nommed (he’s a LIAR! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!)
-noms prey for two reasons mostly 1) prey won’t shut up 2) protective purposes
-epsilon church? now that’s a whole other story i’m not going to get into here
-also denies nomming prey for any purpose other than those two reasons (once again, FUCKING LIAR!!!)
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-he’s such a silly little goobernut i have so many hc for him. holy moly
-100% noms other to protect them
-pretty much everyone on the blue team is half his height, so nomming them is pretty easy
-rants to unwilling prey about things they like in an attempt to calm them down
-tbh he does a lot of things for unwilling prey in an attempt to calm them down
-does it work? sometimes!
-slightly hums to prey and rubs tum for comfort
-actually the most teddy bear of a pred ever conceived.
-noms Church mostly despite his protests. Church settles down after a while and gets used to it.
-he’s just a little guy 🥺
-out of the blues, his tums actually REALLY soft and comfortable. it’s like laying on a giant pillow that is alive and moving and encased all around u.
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-holy shit she is a BITCH
-unwilling prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!! willing prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE AS WELL!!!
-she will not take shit from anybody
-100% pred all the time
-similar to Sarge, uses vore as a way to establish dominance in a group
-if she noms you and she KNOWS you prior to nomming, my dear that is a sign of utter and complete respect and intimacy
-if prey is unwilling and kicking/screaming, can and will punch her stomach to get the point across of “shut up, will ya?”
-also uses vore for protection of her colleagues (aka blues)
-“this place is full of mean ladies!”
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-yooooo doctor
-stomach fluids have healing properties, something he greatly takes advantage of
-really cares about prey he’s nomming and, like many others, noms for protection
-noms after battle or fight to aid wounded prey (this includes nomming multiple prey at once. i see u tooo)
-however, doesn’t nom the reds or blues together unless they know each other and are on good terms. they will have a “GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!” moment. that isn’t very comfortable for all parties
-enjoys vore as a prey because it makes him feel safe and protected. huge extreme cuddling fan.
-stomach is warm, but in a way where it’s comfortable and won’t make prey overheat
-out of the reds and blues, other than grif and caboose, his tum is probably the most comfortable.
-tummy rubs? tummy rubs ooooo ^^
and that’s all for now! i’ll do one later with the freelancers we see in rvb (dead or alive)
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fatwolfpup · 9 months ago
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