#medli rambles
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wonderful-bellies · 6 months ago
Alright I gotta test. How many of you fellow vore likers have actively imagined/daydreamed about either being in a tum or having someone in your tum?
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weepingtalecowboy · 6 months ago
Rito wind au
Fanfic prompt : the Zora in wind waker got their wings from Valoo by collecting a scale from him
So what if wind also got a scale as a form of thanks for saving the dragon
(which was a thing I actually thought would happen when I first played the game as a kid because Valoo's scale sounded like a Zelda item you could collect)
And also can get wings
The Rito would probably already consider him part of their tribe because Quill essentially adopted him already (Dad Quill is best Quill)
And when he
Saved their dragon from a monster that was tormenting and angering him
Took Medli the one rito who could understand Valoo to become a sage and reconnect with their ancient ancestor and play a duet together
And also got their dragon to help him on his quest
They definitely wanted to honor him for that
So after his adventure the Rito threw a feast and held a ceremony
And Wind got thrown off a training ledge to try flying properly
(Because if Medli who had her wings for a while already has trouble keeping in the air if the wind is not favorable then a hylian who just got wings definitely needs some training to fly)
He hangs out with komali
And then gets to hang out with his Dad (who officially took him in now)
Then linked universe happens and he doesn’t have the time anymore to practice flying
So he and the chain adventure around till they appear on dragon roost island
And he just immediately startes to hoop over the pillars with all his flying knowledge and use the grappling hook for places he can’t glide to yet
Asks for quill at the mail office and then throws himself at quill
The chain at first freaks out because he just bolts away so fast they can’t follow catch up with him
And see him with his Bird dad
And just go like
Yeah they definitely know eachother until Quill just throws him (throwing bird children helps them get enough momentum to glide farther it’s literally canon but so hilarious) and then they actually see his wings when he flies back on the ledge
Because everyone already heard from wind about two rito friends
and his really unusual wind affinity for a hylian
They just immediately think he is a rito
And only much later do they find out that he wasn’t always a Rito
Because he fits in way to naturally with them
And now they tallest of the chain throw him at people
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anadorablekiwi · 2 months ago
I have had two cups if herbal tea this evening
And i might go brew myself a third…
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coolcattime · 11 months ago
So, I think quite a lot about a Mianite crossover with my and my friends OCverse of Libris, which obviously an AU just for me but I keep thinking about it and want to ramble about it for a bit so see under the read more for just my most self indulgent au ever.
Also like feel free to ask me anything about this au (as with any of my aus) cause I like rambling ^-^
So post timeline Mianite, the group is attempting to create a stable magic source for the world, and are doing this through attempting to temporarily borrow magic from another world then figure out a more permanent solution. They know in theory that they can do this, since Sonja has been using the notes Mot used for the portal to Ruxomar, alongside her Thaumcraft knowledge to have temporarily created a rift, she just needs help keeping it open for long enough to get something magical out. Given that most of the group is interested in having magic of some kind she's gathered enough people that she believes in theory she should be able to keep the portal stable. With Martha, Wag, and Mot helping, she begins to set up the ritual. Tom and Capsize are watching off at the side since neither are particularly knowledgeable on magic, but wanted to be there regardless.
Everything seems to be going fine, if a bit slow since Sonja notes that the rift appeared faster before. However, they all know that magic is more than a little unstable in this world so they assume that the difference is just down to that. Until Tom calls for help and the four look over to see a magical glow forming around Capsize. Realising that the rift is forming on Capsize, the group panics, with Sonja, Wag, and Mot trying to stop the ritual and Martha rushing over to the two hoping that whatever domain she had over magic will be able to shift the rift off Capsize and to somewhere safe. Unfortunately neither group succeeded, the glow consuming Capsize as well as Tom and Martha, intensifying before it suddenly collapses in on itself and when it does the three have disappeared and instead there are three strangers unconscious in the dirt. Panic pretty quickly sets in, Sonja calling the others over, as they examine a stranger. A purple skinned man with horns wearing an oversized sailor's coat, a kid with messy hair, and a woman in a fancy yellow dress that looks like Capsize in the same way that most of the alts look like each other. They clearly aren't the same person, especially as she lacks any of the drowned features Capsize has since her revival, but similar enough. With no clue of where the others are gone other than the three new people, they're left hoping they wake up soon to find out where they came from.
Please skip to the end for OC descriptions - I was going to put them here but they became very long info dumps so I thought putting them after everything else would let things flow better
At the same time as these events, on Libris, a small group of adventurers catching up with each other are interrupted by their employer, Atlanta, deciding to show them all why they've been summoned to what seems like a pretty normal hill. The three groups made up off Idric Ba'lor, Medli, and Altair Delphine; Katherine Delaney and Leontine O'Dora; and Orla Waspchild have all previously met, but don't travel together and are all as confused as each other when they're shown the valley below and its covered in an odd purple ooze. Atlanta explains that the stuff appeared in a small patch a few weeks ago, and since has spread to cover what it currently does though they are now using their powers to contain it at the current level. They have no idea what kind of ooze it is, but that it appears to have some sort of hive mind aspect. Either way, they want the group to figure out what the stuff is and hopefully a way to get rid of it - or at the very least a permanent containment method.
Going to the edge for a closer look, so of them confirm that none of them have seen or heard of any slime or ooze that works like this. Leontine notes that it works like a couple of dungeon molds but that none of them would be able to grow on the surface to this extent. She also notes that the mushrooms don't like the ooze, which everyone takes as a bad sign.
Medli presents the idea that the ooze might have come out of a crossing point, from one of the other planes of Libris. So possibly if they can figure out which plane, they'll be able to figure out weaknesses. This is seen as the best idea any of them have, but the difficulty would come that to confirm they'd need to get to the centre of the ooze to the original patch which would almost certainly be incredibly dangerous. During the discussion of if exploring in the ooze is necessary right now, Orla runs ahead with a call that she'll come back if she dies.
Everyone gives chase, ending up having to fight their way through as monsters appear seemingly summoned by the ooze. While they aren't too hard to fight back, they quickly have to rely on Altair's divination to track Orla as she ends up teleporting rapidly ahead when one of the creatures tries to hit her. During the chase, Katherine begins glowing, a fact that none of them think anything of as it seems like a pretty harmless surge effect. That is until they finally catch up to Orla. Idric grabs hold of her and makes a couple of jokes while telling her not to run off again. Then the glow begins to intensify and Katherine panicked calls for the others as it feels like she's being pulled by something.
The group jumps into action. Altair and Medli attempt to counter whatever spell is latching onto Katherine with no success. Orla, Idric, and Leontine rush over to try and help her - Orla and Idric reaching her as the glow appears to almost consume her. Leontine is only a step away when she's knocked back as the glow rapidly shrinks in on itself, their friends nowhere to be seen, seemingly replaced with three unconscious strangers. A zombie in a suit, a human woman with lilac hair, and a woman they assume is half sea elf and looks enough like Katherine that Altair wonders out loud if they're related. Medli and Leontine both panic in different ways. Medli quickly mutters under her breath all the reasons that her friends are actually fine, while Leontine freezes in place, the mushrooms spreading around her both through the ground and as spores.
Altair, realising that they need to regroup, grabs one of the unconscious people and manages to snap Medli out of her panicking to grab the other two. Medli is extremely hesitant to leave Leontine, but can't get through the mushrooms to try and calm her down, calling for her doesn't seem to be working. She reluctantly grabs the other two unconscious people, and joins Altair to be teleported back to Atlanta, having that whoever they are, they’ll know what just happened to their friends and that Leontine will be okay in the meantime.
(OC descriptions;
Atlanta - An androgynous individual that runs a secretive organisation that could, if one was looking for something to call it, be called a magic guild. Their powers primarily focus on the manipulation of space.
They are thin, have a buzz cut, and have the tendency to float everywhere due to the fact that they are missing both their legs (though they do have a wheelchair for when they're fatigued). Notable clothing is a light coat with a structured petticoat bottom
Idric Ba'lor - A young tiefling man that is a merchant and ship captain by trade but is also an experienced adventurer. A violinist bard, his powers are focused around the manipulation of music to create magic, with his “college” (less literal than some bards as he's self taught) focuses on literally enthralling performances that can charm people to his will. Despite his young age could very well be regarded as one of the most talented bards on Libris.
A tall purple skinned tiefling with one of his two horns, a broken stump. He has messy white hair and a tail he will use to gesture with and hold things. Notable clothing include an oversized blue sailor's coat embroidered with constellations and his own missing horn, bejewelled and turned into a necklace with cord.
Medli - A teenage water genasi who is Idric's best friend who has been travelling as a member of his crew since running away from her college/home when her situation there turned from terrible to life currently in danger. Another bard and violinist, she similarly creates magic through music, though her college on manipulation through fear. She was less than keen on these ideas and now that she's left has been studying magic on her own terms to the point of having expertise in arcane theory. A pacifist, Medli tends to use learned spells to heal or otherwise support her companions during combat and when left to her own devices will try to figure out non violent ways to solve encounters.
A blue skinned water genasi with patches of scales around her skin and long blue hair. She’s only just shorter than average height, but all her friends are so much taller than her so she looks extremely short in comparison. Notable clothing is a green blanket typically tied around her waist, featuring a sun on one side and a moon on the other, it’s embroidered with the same style as constellations as Idric’s coat.
Altair Delphine - A teenage aasimar divination wizard who is generally incredibly stressed. They met Medli during a time where they briefly transferred to her school, and met again after she had joined Idric’s crew. Altair has also joined Idric’s crew, though is also employed by Atlanta as an apprentice, a role Altair did not ask for but admittedly Atlanta expects very little and pays a lot so they go along with it. As a divinator, their magic focuses on reading people’s futures, thoughts, and locating people and objects. They cast spells by using tarot as a focus.
They are lanky with long lilac hair tied back into a thick braid. Their eyes and many patches of their skin appear to be made from stained glass, the parts of their skin directly around these patches being blue compared to their otherwise human skin tone. Notable clothing is a tailcoat with the sleeves cut off.
Katherine Delaney - A half-elf woman from a noble family. She can be incredibly anxious due to a previous adventure gone wrong, though she does her best to protect though that she cares about. A wild magic sorcerer, Katherine has the potential for incredibly powerful magic, and a certain amount of manipulation over her own luck. However, her magic is incredibly unstable and when casting she always has the chance of a surge of magic escaping her and causing unintentional effects.
A thin, bronzed-skinned half-elven woman of average height, Katherine is covered in freckles and has long curly brown hair. Notable clothing include a fine yellow dress that has no business being travelling clothes, and two necklaces on golden chains, one with a moon pendant and one with a blue crystal containing liquid.
Leontine O'Dora - An amnesic elven woman with a symbiotic relationship with sentient mushrooms. Originally hired by Katherine’s family to be her bodyguard, Leontine tracked her down when she had run away and the two have since started dating. Leontine is a spore druid, an exceptionally deadly fighter with her quarterstaff and the necrotic powers of the mushrooms, creating mushroom infested zombies of those she defeats when she needs extra help in a fight.
An usually tall elven woman with pale skin and short curly ginger hair. The mushrooms sit in her hair and will often appear on her skin like accessories. Notable clothing is a purple dress with a thick collar of feathers.
Orla Waspchild - A nine year old human with a black and white moral compass expected of a child her age. Orla was raised by her military leader parents, stationed on a blockage around an island in the middle of a particularly deep lake. One night she learnt of something terrible her parents were doing, attempted to flee the ship, and ended up falling overboard. She called out for help, and when none came from the boat, she called out to the waters themselves for help. She hit the water, and turned to lightning striking across the water until she reached the shore. That night Orla learnt of her uncanny ability to not die. Whether Orla should die, a magical effect happens and she doesn't.
A small child with messy hair and tanned skin. Notable fashion is a necklace formed of a ribbon with a bell with the ringer taken out as the pendant.)
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skyward-floored · 11 months ago
So yes it’s annoying I have no way to get the hyrule warriors dlc on the wiiu but also it’s reeeeally funny that due to free updates I can play as Medli. Who without any dlc, is the only toon character in the entire game.
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corntort · 2 years ago
i wqs talking to ten abt this earlier today but i love the idea of muzix's resting heartbeats matching the average bpm of their genre. or in theyre stimming/moving idly they hardly notice they are compelled to move to the beat. and if not paying attention they sync up ATTACKS to the beat if they get into a fight and have to actively oppose the urge to just follow the rhythm. everything they do being intrinsically tied to their genre is COOL
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flaskuwu · 11 months ago
I'm sure it's already been done before but cowboy Ganondorf soon. 🦭
I was thinking about drawing more Zelda characters as animal crossing villagers too.
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
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wonderful-bellies · 6 months ago
What I have learned from that previous post is that everyone in this community does in fact imagine themselves in vorey scenarios and that's beautiful dammit
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turbofanatic · 11 months ago
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Hyrule's resting bitch face champion for three decades and counting.
@scopophobia-polaris asked for some more details on this silly guy and I needed to post the redesign of his scars so I'm gonna ramble!
General "rules" I am using for the Bad Moon AU:
-You cannot change the future. If you saw the future, it happens. Maybe not to you, but it happens. Time travel either involves splitting timelines, temporal loops (see the song of storms), or two extremely similar timelines that collapse together (a dumb child goes to the past to plant beans). What does this mean for Termina? OH GOD OH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TINY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
-If you turn into something, you will never entirely turn back.
-Two opposing wishes on the Tri Force will really fuck things up. Also, it happened. Bad Moon is about dealing with the fallout.
Tiny has a series of magic scars from his various transformations. Most of them are benign or beneficial due to Farore's blessing and the Fierce Deity's Mask's intervention, but not all. Believe it or not, this is me nerfing him, because I'm getting rid of all the Terminian masks except for the FD's mask, which gets broken.
-From the Deku mask he has ivy vines. Most are centered along his spine. He uses them to hold stuff. If he sleeps in fertile soil they will grow into the ground and he leaves weird plants that are sort of beholden to him all over the place. Gross. Anyways, remember how the Hero's Shade is covered in ivy? The "missing" eye is also more or less a Deku scrub's pitlike eye now, granting him low-light but otherwise mediocre vision in that eye.
-From the Goron mask he is disturbingly strong now. Most of Farore's blessed are pretty strong to begin with and now he's got Darmani's strength on top of that. His teeth are continuously growing and need to be worn down by grinding them on each other (because he's missing a tooth from that facial scar those teeth are maloccluded and grow all weird). It's definitely inspired by wrathful deity artwork though. He's also extremely resistant to heat. He got the white hair and scales on his shoulders/knees/elbows from Darmani too. Guess what part of his magic scarring the Hero of Twilight inherits!
-From the Zora mask he has some extremely strong scales on his forearms that can be used to defend himself. He can also make nasty electrical shocks, is very resistant to electrocution, is an extremely good swimmer (nowhere near as good as Mikau though), and can hold his breath for twenty minutes easily. His toes are webbed too.
-From the Giant's mask his height just kinda varies. His "true" height is over seven feet tall but it can vary between about 6"/15cm in either direction. He has some control over this but it's more related to his sense of security. He's at his smallest when he's the most insecure but like, that's still 6'10"/208 cm so he's still way too big. Lucky for him the magic also affects his clothes/armor but it takes some time so he just makes/buys things on the larger end and waits for them to shrink to his current size. The effect goes away when removed from his body. Is this so I don't have to be consistent? Yes.
-He turns into a puppy in the War of Eras when he's ten and Zant uses the twilight as a weapon. Specifically an epicyon puppy! A 100lb/45kg puppy! Medli will ride him! I just want to draw the biggest puppy in the world. He can still turn into the big ancient wolf, and thankfully it doesn't do too much to him (unlike Twilink) but his jaw attaches waaay further back than it ought to and he can open his mouth to a scary degree. It's probably influencing those big fangs too. Combined with the Goron bite strength and... yeah.
I'll probably change things because I'm just playing around with him, so don't be surprised when I do!
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ask-karlachbear · 1 year ago
"So I heard through the grapevines that Mama K is deciding to be a bit of a matchmaker, huh~?" Daniel teases, giving the Tiefling a playful nudge, "Haven't been able to work up the courage to confess to Dammon yet, and so you've decided to meddle in othe people's love life, huh~?" The wolfish grin told her that all his jabbing was in good fun, with only the kind of devilish scheming that a someone could have about their siblings. "I jest: though...I do have to say, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about your thoughts on me and one of our companions~"
((OMG, LYNN~!!! Congrats on hitting 100+ Followers~!!! So excited for you for hitting that firsr milestone! Since you're doing the Matchmaker special event as celebration, I'd figured I'd join in and give my congrats Cx Besides, I always love having an excuse to ramble about my characters xDDD
I figured doing Daniel would be a good one, since I've thrown him out your way before, and you've probably seen a little bit of what he is like from some of the other Bg3 blogs. Because all his info might be a bit much to write all down here, I have a bit about him on this post!
Congrats once again, and blessings to your growth and happiness~! -Medly))
"EHI EHI, no need to call me out so loudly" She laughed loudly. "Though I'm trying do to it right, you know?" She elbows him playfully.
"Anyways this might be counterproductive for me, but I see you'd work well with Dammon. He's a lovely, charming, caring, resourceful, talented, resilient, generous, coragious, loyal, reliable, honest, genuine, considerate, passionate.... you got it, right?
(THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEETNESS, I APPRECIATE THIS SO MUCH, AND SORRY FOR THE SHORT ANSWER BUT AS YOU SEE KARLACH IS GONE LISTING THINGS ABOUT DAMMON AHAH.. Also I loved your post about Daniel, he has such a interesting story i *chef kiss* thank u again and sending u back a big hug<3)
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mystmoon · 1 year ago
Ofc as soon as I get home I realise I forgot stuff, this is what I get for trying to write fast in the break room at work rather than waiting for my shift to be over >.<
Basically I feel I did not fully explain Komali and Medli and if you're wanting to set something on Dragon Roost post WW those two are probably going to want to be involved.
I'll start with who you meet first which is Prince Komali, his father the chief asks if you can look in on him since Komali has taken his grandmother's death hard and hidden in his room refusing to leave even though he is due a visit to Valoo to get his wings. More importantly for you, he is holed up with the goddess pearl that you need because your boat said so. He refuses to leave or give you it or even talk to you until you get a letter from his dad where he will talk to you to complain that his dad just doesn't get how sad he is and to get angry at you for claiming you can calm Valoo. He makes a great first impression!
When you leave, Medli is in the Chief's room and will ask you to help her get to Valoo. As I said, she's the new attendant now that Komali's grandmother is dead, and feels like its her fault that Valoo is kicking off and Komali can't get his wings. You help her get up there, then when you get up to Valoo, she is trapped in a cage and you need to defeat some moblins to free her. She gives you the grappling hook in thanks for this and presumably goes back down to talk to Komali because you don't see them again until you have defeated the boss and the end of dungeon teleports you back to the dock of Dragon Roost where both of them come find you, Komali apologises and gives you the pearl since you have inspired him to be brave and Medli translates Valoo thanking you. After this you don't see them until you take on Ganondorf for the second time and Komali and Quill rescue Link and Tetra from the forbidden fortress while Valoo torches the place (Komali having got his wings between then and now)
You don't see them again until you return to Dragon Roost looking for the Sage of Earth which is Medli. You awaken this in her through wind waker ghost magic and she says that you both should just leave now without a fuss whilst watching Komali flying which. You get the feeling she thinks Komali is now grown up enough to not need her, I think she is supposed to be older than Komali and Link but she's the same height as both of them so the arts type makes it a bit hard to tell. You take her through the Earth dungeon which is *the worst* since its full of redeads and poes and she and the old Zora ghost sage power up the master sword and you leave her there to pray whilst you go to do the rest of the game which :/ the later part of wind waker has a habit of putting characters in cupboards under the sea to pray. You last see them at the very end of the game when you and Tetra resurface from Hyrule having killed Ganondorf, Komali is there to greet you and has Tetra's boat and crew with him, and you see Medli on the boat with the other sage and your sister.
Sorry for the ramble, but these two are probably the two rito that get the most fan love and the ones apart from Quill most likely to seek Link out if he's on Dragon Roost so thought it worth the explain.
Who can info dump on Dragon Roost Island from Wind Walker for me? And possibly a volcano…?
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keykidpilipili · 2 years ago
Me having a nice evening: -w-
My brain: Pete and Maleficent are a Sorceress and Knight duo
Me: ಠ_ಠ
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joculatrixster · 2 years ago
Ur old pfp died in the war
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randomwriteronline · 3 years ago
(part 1)
“Please - Skull Kid, can you- Fae-doll!”
The child stills their excited bouncing.
“Please don’t move so much,” Hyrule asks -- no, begs them. “I can’t do the basting if you keep jumping around like that.”
“Why not?” they ask.
He fights to hold the still somewhat separate glove pieces together on their little arm: “Because I don’t want to stab you with the needle while I do it.”
“Oh, I won’t feel it,” Skull Kid assures him.
“I’d rather not take any chances.” the traveler replies.
The imp hums unhappily (though a bit too dramatically to sell the emotion as real), tenses the little scrawny legs and finally sits back down, not moving another muscle. The healer huffs, a little smile breaking the concentration of his face, and focuses on the waves the rough thread draws on the underside of the fabric as the thin metal tool pierces it before emerging again. He gets the first of the gloves ready in about ten minutes, fifteen if he’s being slow; as the child flaps it experimentally, he moves to the other one, beginning to work its left side.
He’s not even halfway to the wrist that the arm flies upwards, escaping his gentle grip, and in an infinitesimal moment of panic he nearly sews right through it.
“Skull Kid!” he reprimands, “I said don’t move!”
The child remains blissfully deaf to his words: “It’s the wrong side up,” they say innocently, grazing the fabric. “Did you know it’s the wrong side up? The glove is inside out like this.”
Hyrule catches their wrist again in an attempt to keep steady: “I do know that,” he replies.
“Why did you do it then? It’s inside out, this way.”
“Because this way, when I turn it back on the right side, it hides the stitching. You didn’t notice that on your old gloves?”
Skull Kid shakes their head. “I don’t think they had stitching.”
“Really? Where did you find them?”
They shrug.
“Did you make them?” tries then the traveler. Again, they don’t seem to know. He furrows his brow: “Then what? Were you born with them?”
“Maybe,” they concede, not sounding even remotely joking or bothered by their own statement.
“Maybe.” the healer repeats.
Except he sounds on the verge of a breakdown.
The imp’s free fingers rub on their palm, against the pleasant texture of the finished glove: “I don’t know. I wasn’t really born I think, but I don’t really remember not having them. Or losing them. I think they were burnt. Or maybe they withered and vanished away, like the other Skull Kids. I wasn’t paying attention when the gloves stopped being there so I don’t really know.”
Well, them coming into existence fully clothed wouldn’t be the weirdest thing about them, nor their wardrobe changing as it pleases without them even realizing it; so Hyrule can easily entertain both ideas and save himself a headache from trying to figure what exactly happened.
(He completely ignores the ‘technically not born’ part because very frankly he lacks the time, will and insanity necessary to unpack any of its implications.)
He manages to get past the wrist, beginning the basting along the forearm, and soon enough he’ll get to the proper part. The sharp mouth clacks close after a yawn; little fingers wriggle, ball up in fists, and then relax again.
“I think I missed them,” Skull Kid muses. “My gloves. Like my beak.”
“I didn’t know you had a beak.”
“I had feathers too, but no wings. Sea’s friend Medli has a beak and feathers and wings because she’s a Rito.”
“He’s friend with a Rito?” Hyrule interrupts his work to ask, dumbfounded, because he remembers very well that’s a second name of the Fokka, and as far as he can tell from his adventures a large hostile avian-person isn’t exactly what he would consider friend material.
But Skull Kid just nods: “She’s very nice,” they say, “She plays songs.”
Huh. Guess the sailor has a way to win over a murder chicken barreling towards him at high speeds. The more you know.
Truth be told, it had taken them a little before actually even just cutting the fabric. Not having any actual design in mind beyond “no sleeves” made for problems like not knowing how much cloth they would have needed and how much they could have left behind without the risk of mangling the whole thing into oblivion, making everybody’s efforts eventually useless.
In the end, through surprisingly civil discussions, they settle on cutting a pair of squares with holes for the arms and see where that took them from there.
Legend flaps them and smooths them over with his hands, then stops. He looks upon them for a few minutes, and finally from his mouth comes a meek, mortified: “Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?” the captain perks up.
The younger man hides his face in his hands: “I measured it wrong,” he whispers as if that was the worst crime one could have possibly commited. “It’s too long.”
“Oh, we can work with that! It would be a bigger problem if it was too short,” Warriors reassures him. “How much excess is there?”
The other holds up his fingers to show him.
“Hm... How much would that be in terms of Skull Kid length?”
“About eye-height.”
The soldier processes the information with a small lag.
“About what-height.”
Legend’s face completely disappears behind his arms: “I measured it wrong on both sides,” his quiet wail comes out muffled from its shield of skin and fabric, “First I included their legs in the measurements, and then I somehow cut the arms holes too low.”
Ok. That could be a big problem. Could.
Warriors checks the damage himself to see if he can do anything, brain-gears turning to figure out a solution. The idea of a scarf comes back to him - it could be a safe way to solve the conondrum without cutting away too much, but how... Meanwhile the veteran has curled upon the ground and begun giving long yowling sobs.
“I’m an idiot,” he howls inconsolably, “A mindless cretin. I messed it two times. In a row. And I didn’t notice it until it was all ruined.”
“Come on, don’t beat yourself up - it’s still salvageable...”
“Who makes two errors like that and doesn’t notice?! I must have not even been thinking for something this stiupid to happen! I shut off my damned head when I should have been paying attention and now it’s-!”
“What if...” the captain interrupts him. Words fail him for a moment: “Scarf shirt.”
The laments stop immediately.
Legend rises from the depths of his despairing self-deprecation to look up at him like he’s absolutely insane.
“Listen to me. It’s a scarf,” Warriors explains, “But it comes with the shirt. It’s stuck to it. Like... A really, really tall collar, but warm, and not open on the front or the back or anywhere else, and also not really stuck to the body? A little larger. We can make the actual collar loose enough and it should work.”
The veteran digests the halphazardly exposed information slowly, with a face that tells of uncertain understanding and wild confusion.
“We would still need to cut the excess on both sides,” he argues.
“Not necessarily. And! Even if we did, the waste would only be half the amount.”
Legend waits in silence for a moment.
He tilts his head, honestly impressed: “So when you remember to put your brains back in your thick skull you do actually have good and sensible ideas.”
The captain flips him off; he is (lovingly) flipped off himself.
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shinimout · 1 year ago
Oh you’ve really opened pandora’s box with this one buddy—
BUT YES, I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING. Good luck understanding any of my ramblings
First and foremost,, i’ll share that the funniest thing is that Vaati initially wasn’t going to be a character in ode to love & lament. I happened to need another villain, and was considering bringing a sorcerer to the mix,, when Vaati came to mind and I decided the gremlin was the perfect addition. And despite being a last-minute addition, he was the third villain to get designed (after only Shadow and Ghirahim). Once his design was done I took a look at it and thought “haha he looks like he could be Ganon’s concubine.” Followed immediately by “WAIT WHAT IF—”
That idea was paired with a decision to not put Vaati on the same level as the other villains. Seeing as he’s been a stand-alone antagonist and actually has the ability to kill Zelda, dropping him in the same block as characters like Ghirahim and Volga felt a little ehhhhh.
The combination of the two slowly evolved to what we have now: Vaati and Ganon being nearly on the same level and decimating Hyrule together as the world’s most feared power-couple.
THANK YOU FOR SPECIFICALLY ASKING ABOUT HIS ARMS!!! This is a trait that I gave the Minish- based on the type of magic they use, they get markings on their arms themed to their respective element. So Vaati, a wind mage, has wispy, blue markings.
It’s because of how these markings present that he’s exiled. Vaati has a knack for dark magic from a young age, but is warned by Ezlo not to use it. But during a conflict between the Minish and the humans, Vaati uses dark magic to protect his home. But it’s hard to be discreet about using forbidden magic when your arms visibly change when you do. As a result he’s shunned and forced into exile.
Shortly after, he stumbles through the Gerudo desert and meets Ganon,,
Ganon’s reaction to Vaati is exactly like the little Gerudo girls in totk,, struck with the “a boy!” surprise, he brings Vaati back with him to Gerudo Town. Rules are broken and Vaati is allowed to stay as a “unique exception.”
Fast-forward several hundred years and due to issues regarding sexism and racism they’ve laid 3 sieges on Hyrule Castle, defeated each time by a different Hero of Time and Zelda.
What starts off as a morally-sound attempt at revolution at the first siege eventually gets lost in the hate towards Hyrule as a concept. While Ganon retains more of a semblance to an actual goal and desire to topple Hyrule’s social and political constructs -albeit overpowered by his hatred- Vaati is just here to see the world burn at this point.
After their 3rd siege, Ganon is banished to the Sacred Realm (because the dark realm failed last time) and Vaati is sealed away by the Master Sword.
Ganon ends up getting the Triforce, it splits bla bla bla,,, NOW ONTO THE SAGES I WILL EXPLAIN MY DECISION—
I used windwaker’s sages, making Makar and Medli the sages of Farore and Nayru respectively. But then there’s no sage of Din?
And what better candidate than Vaati? Whose desire for power may as well outweigh Ganon’s? Who at this point has the single goal of pure chaos? But will still stop at nothing to see Ganon’s visions realized?
Plus I now had the excuse to add the symbol of Din to Vaati’s markings and that’s a win no matter how you look at it hghfhfijk
I’ll also go into the malice concepts, since they’re here! These were concept designs for Vaati’s phases in the final battle
In botw/totk the ability to create malice and gloom is generally reserved for Ganon,, but in to ode to love & lament I made it so that the creation and use of both is credited to Demise.
Because of this, Ganon -as the reincarnation of Demise- has the ability to create gloom. And Vaati, the more vindictive of the two, inherits the ability to produce malice when he becomes a demon.
It’s also thanks to the abilities being able to use malice gives him that Vaati is able to create Shadow!
k that’s all I can think of right now gjegdyrgf
In conclusion I love them very much, so thank you for asking me to talk about them~
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can you tell who my favorite is
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