female|★|nonsexual vore enjoyer|★|16 yrs old|★|NSFW/KINK DNI PLZ|★|am a autistic creature
Last active 2 hours ago
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Thegoldshotgun requested me to draw this
#nonsexual vore#sfw vore#swwh#nsx vore#vorarefixation#tcfw vore#too crazy for work#swallowed whole#e a/t
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Favorite overused vore trope?
(Mine is the pred accidentally eats their friend lol. Its very very overused, but damn is it still good.)
Preds eating random people because they're hungry, and not elaborating further. Also they mention how tasty they were

NSFW/KINK DNI i'm a miner
#vore asks#sfw vore#nonsexual vore#nsx vore#swwh#vorarefixation#swallowed whole#tcfw vore#too crazy for work
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Toma tu univers
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Would you swallow a nixel?

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Peak spotted

Have a very quick F4ust doodle cause my paper got dirty from the last drawing and it’s 3 am
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Whatever. Go my doodles
Featuring @c-cookie2 and @dav8530
#sfw vore#nonsexual vore#nonsexual vore community#swwh#extreme cuddling#nsx vore#vorarefixation#swallowed whole#tcfw vore#too crazy for work
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Yall missed me? Well i'm sooooo back, with a new weird sona design!!!!
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oh and btw i made exposed thread of kingsusiepen on X just incase if kingsusiepen is pissed at me
Hmm i looked at it, i recommend you 2 things
1. Since KSP stopped drawing minors in fetish vore art, then you should try to find newer drawings where she either uploads underage fetish vore art anyways or ages up a underage character for that. You used older drawings where she had no shame in uploading until someone pointed it out, then she took it all down and said she wouldn't post that anymore. DO KEEP the school shooting Texas drawing, she turned an awful event into fetish slop and tried to keep it with saying she aged up the character 'till she later deleted it from the backlash she got.
2. The "Vore out of fanbases full of minors" isn't really a problem. If you keep the main tags out of a fandom (and any fandom cuz obviously not everyone will like seeing that type of stuff) then it's ok, + spoiling it so it's more careful. What's not ok is making fetish vore art out of a game/character made by a minor, spru.nk.i is a really good example for that.
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th anon again. oh ok I get it. still this drama is way out of hand. she isn't a great person but that does not make her a pedophile this did NOT need a huge callout. touch grass pls
I just went outside, soooo...
Also remember that she posted a drawing and this was the title
She might have stopped drawing kids in vore fetish scenarios, but we don't know if she stopped feeling this way about kids, fictional or not
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wtf does tally hall have to do with drawing nsfw of minors? /genq
The thing is that KingSusiePen24, after being exposed for drawing fetish art of minors, she switched to drawing the Tally Hall band members, which is also bad since they're real people. She says that they're practically characters but it's not 100% true, those so-called characters still represent the band members.
It's such a weird move too cuz she went from one problematic thing to another lol
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Here again, i found out, thanks by a deviantart user called 1TRzTRz2, that KSP haves a Baraag account that's centered in reposting NSFW drawings. It's been created in 2020, meaning that if KSP is 17 (turning 18 this year), then she was 13 when she created it. Wtf...
Here is an image of her account as proof, so you don't have to search it up and accidentally see all the NSFW drawings on the page
Also she made a vore drawing out of a school shooting in Texas

(Screenshot is not mine)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.deviantart.com/kingsusiepen24/art/School-Voring-917202513&ved=2ahUKEwiylN-9_saLAxXbK7kGHcNHCPoQFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Z4VLuNW3E_v0psvvq6kkR (it's deleted but you can still see the description where it clearly says she drew it out of that event)
Weird ass drawings she made, underneath this cut
Also this might be useless but she loooves suicide baiting
Can we create callouts on KingSusiePen?
she just sent a disgusting drawing to someone(who is a fan of a fetish game called Ch4ng3d)
she also groomed someone else into making a disgusting drawing of Doris and Rosie from Caillou
she did Big Nate dirty
please give me image evidence, I’m sick of her getting away with this nasty shit
— coming from an ex-fan of her
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You should 100% watch dragon pilot! Its a rlly good vore centered anime!
I did see some clips from that anime, it's good but i noticed there's sexual undertones in it, such as the camera being focused on the girl's ass and boobs and dirty comments. Those things make me iffy but i guess those scenes are there because it's a 16+ anime (even though some people say it's also available for 13+ teens). Maybe i'll watch it, and if those scenes appear i'll skip them
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it’s really, like extremely rare for when i get aroused to vore (only when like, they have no clothes or something) to me, its a really cool concept and it could possibly be used for things like worldbuilding in games or shows, like for example the corpse of minos in ultrakill
Fr! Vore can be cool if you view it in a creative way and not just someone swallowing someone. In fact, there's a lot of fantasy games that use vore without it being sexual. Dunno about the other genres tho XD
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