#vnc 55 spoilers
good7luck · 1 year
VNC Amusement Park arc spoilers (manga ch 55(.5) / anime ep 24)
** NOT for “Misha absolutely did nothing wrong ever” fans, perhaps
** my brief theory about That Day (when Vanitas killed Luna and left Misha)
** potential spoilers **
Vanitas' (no) Apology
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On the roof, Vani gave Misha the explanation on why he killed Luna, why he wouldn’t go with Misha, etc.
After Misha left, Vani apologized to Noe for what he did yesterday.
It’s Noe’s FIRST time to hear / see some SERIOUS apology from Vani for his ACTUAL fault ever, especially compared to his forced kiss on Jeanne and his playful apology for it, for example...
That’s why Noe got surprised, confused, and even worried XD
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“Vani killed Luna! And left Misha alone!! Vani is sooo terrible--”
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“Whaaat, as if Vani did nothing wrong on That Day--”
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Of course, I do NOT mean Misha is the real culprit “simply because” Vani did not apologize to him lol I do NOT mean Vani never played any negative role at all in the tragedy on That Day, either...
However, I personally believe
it’s still very normal for a traumatized victim to want to avoid the aggressive culprit at all costs, who already caused huge damage, including some unwanted death...even if they’re family.
I’d like to elaborate more about That Day later...! Thanks for reading!!
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
HI!! same anon who asked about vnc here. i feel like your answer is enough of a go-ahead for me to be a bit more unhinged so first of all PLEASE SHARE YOUR VNC THOUGHTS. at some point. you must be the change you want to see in the world and whatnot. ive been on a skk kick but my bimonthly vnc rewatch is my sanitys single saving grace. vanitas is such a pathetic worm and he deserved to get stomped painfully into the ground /aff
also just letting you know that a second season is unlikely bc the anime adapted 55 out of 61 chapter (WHICH ON THE BRIGHT SIDE easy to catch up!!! :"D) the only time ive seen an anime get THAT close is with... bsd. which. well. sure was something. but i doubt theyd go that route with vnc
i have... alot of opinions on the ships. but its ALOT. however i will disclose that vanoe <3 SO JUST KNOW THAT IF YOU DO POST ANYTHING VNC/VANOE RELATED.... there will be at least one person (ME!!) screaming about it FHDJDJSJ
Oh it's completely a go-ahead, I'd love the chance to be deranged about them!!! Gonna stick it under a cut because it's gonna be long ahahaha~ (possible V/anitas no Carte spoilers under cut, so be warned!)
Augh I know, I mean look at this man!!!! He deserves to be wrecked in the most gorgeously affectionate painful whumpening <3 I want to bite him (and we know he'd like it LMAO)
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I adore skk and satosugu, but Vanoe will always have such a sweet place in my heart~ gah tragic beloveds (that are at times, not tragic) are my bread and butter.
Yeahhhh, I did hear about thatttt, but I'm still hopeful that after... idk... 5-6 years... we might get more.... I just!!! They can't end it like that!!!! I mean it's an ending I can live with, but god I crave so much more!!!!
Omg if you ever wanna discuss the opinions I'd be so happy to listen!!! I have some opinions about dif ships in there too (Olivier and Roland are In Love and you cannot convince me otherwise).
So I adore Vanitas like I mentioned, but um... Olivier also owns my heart. We don't get enough of him I love him- the way he gets a headache every time Roland is there???? ICONIC OF HIM <333
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He's just... he's so gorgeous. He has the aethetics that I adore, and a personality I find intriguing and fun~ Gahhh now I need to rewatch again hahahaha~
(also love Roland but in the same way I love Noe, just lil sweethearts <3 also also Chloé and Jean-Jacques <3 are so precious <3 to me and each other <3 )
Aaaand a little snippet as a 'thank you' and 'congrats' for making it to the end of this way-too-long response, here's a lil taste of what I had headcanoned for Vanoe
Vanitas: Soft, little rapid ones, 'iHh'tchiew! hiH'tchhue!' and he is so. mad about it. Will often try to stifle so no one hears them, orrrr add a yell/growl to try and unsuccessfully make them sound more 'fitting'. Truth is, they fit him better than he'd ever admit~
Noe: Harsh and (fairly) Loud, and it surprises literally everyone, Vanitas most of all (despite hearing it however many times now). Think something like, 'hHRZShh'ieh! ah'yieASHhuh!' You'd think someone this soft-spoken and sweet would have a dainty little sound, but nope~
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panvani · 3 years
VnC 55 summary
So to summarize:
Teacher shows up, Domi and Noé are, of course, shocked.
He says this is his first time meeting Jeanne, and his first time meeting "the Kin of the Blue Moon in this form."
Jeanne understands that the man is Domi's grandfather because Domi immediately calls out to him, and quickly figures out the man is also Noé's teacher based on how he'd described him ("a kind voice and a gentle smile") before Noé calls out to him
Misha calls him "Count" and asks him to save him, leading Noé to realize he is the person Misha had referred to before who told him that the Vampire of the Blue Moon could be revived
Vanitas asks the Shapeless One what he meant when he said this was their first time meeting "in this form" and where they would've met before
The Shapeless One then calls himself the Comte (count) de Saint Germain and asks they not mistake his name
He starts talking about a "Dreamland" and that when they wake up, they will meet again
He calls Vanitas "the human who will inherit the 'blue' of the most beautiful creature in the world," Jeanne notices that one of his eyes is the same color as Vanitas', and then he leaves.
Noé starts having a flashback to when he and Teacher first met, and that's where the chapter ends.
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lesbianbishounen · 3 years
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noe holding vanitas to his chest mochijun wants to torment me specifically
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lightgirlification · 3 years
Vanitas no Carte has ended me
I mean it already has
But this chapter eviscerated me
Let’s start with this:
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The first thing Noe does is look for Vanitas. Despite his wounds, he looks for him. And when he does there is no anger, no hate. Just two close companions that know they need to talk and sort things out. Vanitas knows Noe would come looking for him, so he stays put in the same spot where they’ve talked several times before; the rooftop. I think this shocks Noe, because this a far cry from the Vanitas who would hide away, afraid to talk about his problems or the conflicts he and Noe have. This is a Vanitas that knows he needs to talk with Noe, and will do so in order to keep their relationship alive. I’m so proud of Vanitas here.
Then I, as well as Noe, were shocked when this happened:
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Mikhail appears, and I was scared that he would lash out at them, but no. He actually is calm and WANTS to talk. Honestly, in one panel, he looks so small. He looks like the sad, lonely child that misses the family he desperately wants back.
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And Noe I think can sense this, even feeling guilt for Mikhail’s wounds. Because this is a person important to Vanitas, and he hurt them.
And here we learn what happened to Luna:
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Luna had their name stolen, and was going to turn into a bloodthirsty monster, so Vanitas had to do what he did. Luna more then likely NEVER wanted that to be put on his shoulders, but Vanitas knew he had to rather then see the person he grew to love as a parental figure become something they never wanted to be. 
And he misses them. He misses what the three of them had, and would do anything to get it back. However, we and especially Vanitas know that life doesn’t work that way.
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I believe Mikhail is offering to end Vanitas’ life, maybe so they can all be together in death.
But Vanitas, so moved by Noe’s words and Noe as a person, says this:
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“If I can choose my way to die, if I can have a wish, if I am going to be killed...
I want Noé to do it.”
This is POWERFUL. Vanitas, who couldn’t bare to make connections with anyone, now trusts Noe so much that he will entrust him with this wish. It may be a horrible wish, but for someone like Vanitas to share this with Noe, something that is between them, it speaks louder then the words he just spoke.
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And Noe cries. Because the last time someone asked for this they were ripped from his grasp. He doesn’t want to loose anymore people he cares about, people he loves, but he knows how much this wish means to Vanitas. He knows that now he will be able to at least say goodbye. And he cries.
Mikhail can’t understand. He doesn’t understand why Vanitas needs anyone else, why he would trust other people. Why Vanitas won’t just come with him and be a family again. 
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So he cries. He cries for the time they lost, the time they will never get back, and the time they’ll never have again. 
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And he says goodbye to the brother he loves, both knowing that this will be the last time they will ever speak to each other so peacefully. This honestly made me tear up, because the two of them deserve so much more then the hand they were given, yet fate pulls them apart like this.
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Then Noe and Vanitas talk. They talk like they always have, like the two we’ve all grown to love. 
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“I gave up. Making you do as I wish.”
Noe just looks absolutely adorable help this boy has too muCH POWER-
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“Yes...I also won’t change... Vanitas. Let’s go.”
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Noe asked in the beginning ‘What is love?”
This is love Noe. What you feel for Vanitas, what Vanitas feels for you, what the two of you would do for each other despite everything that’s happened. You reaching your hand out, to be the sun when he is surrounded by rain clouds. Talking, bickering, laughing with each other, and being by his side.
That is love.
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retracexcviii · 3 years
There is it
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
a somewhat coherent breakdown of VnC 55 (part 1): The Teacher
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VnC 55 is a short chapter.
But holy shit, so much happens in it. We get so much information and the art is so pretty and I’m very very scared and I Need To Know More and when is January again.
So much stuff happens in this chapter that while I was writing this breakdown I realized I was going to have to split it into two parts just for my own sanity (and also for readability reasons). Part 1 will primarily focus on the Teacher, and then we’ll get into the other characters, along with a few predictions for upcoming chapters, in Part 2.
Before we start, three warnings! : 1) this post contains many spoilers for vnc chapter 55; 2) i will refer to the teacher as “teacher” and “comte” interchangeably during this post; annnnd 3) this post is very long. even for me. i… the teacher is my new Ruthven and the fact that his story intertwines with Luna’s makes my already meager ability to control my rambling even worse.
With that, let’s jump into the wild world of…
Mur— I mean, The Teacher
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Let’s start by breaking down our first Teacher Fun Fact: his face reveal. The Teacher’s left eye is copper sulphate blue, the same color as Vanitas’s. His right eye is some unspecified other color but (judging from the fact that the way his eyes are colored matches up pretty much perfectly with Human! Murr’s eyes in the volume 8 cat cafe omake) is very very likely to be magenta/ purple.
This isn’t quiiiiite confirmation yet, but the matching eye colors plus the Teacher’s line about meeting Vanitas in a different form makes it incredibly likely that the Teacher is indeed Murr. And this. Uh. I. /stares at various panels of Murr eating cat food, playing with cat toys, cuddling up to Amelia, and having a crush on a cat./ I will once again generously refer to him as a method actor.
Of course, there’s always a chance that this could be a red herring and Murr is a separate entity from the Teacher in some way, but there’s a lot of evidence pointing to them being one and the same.
The Teacher and Names
The next massive piece of information we get on the Teacher is the name he’s currently going by— the Comte de Saint Germain. After some very brief googling, it turns out the Comte de Saint Germain was a philosopher and adventurer who lived during the 18th century. And this guy was an oddball. Nobody truly knows who he was or where he came from (although there are various theories going around). The Comte constantly lied about his true identity, switching names and personas at the drop of a hat. He made absolutely insane claims about himself, one of which was that he was multiple centuries old; and had strong ties to alchemy, stating he could melt diamonds and create gemstones. Despite his constant lying, people frequently found themselves drawn to the Comte, and thought he was fascinating rather than just a run of the mill charlatan (pun somewhat intended).
And that? That name sounds kinda perfect for the Teacher. Nobody knows where he came from, he changes his name and form at the drop of the hat, he’s centuries old, and he has strong ties to alchemy.
It follows to ask, though— in the universe of VnC, did the Teacher meet the Comte, find him interesting, and take on his name after he died? Or was he actually running around as the Comte throughout the 1700s, just a version of him reimagined as a vampire (similar to the characters we meet in the Gévaudan arc)? If the latter is the case, he’s likely been using this name for over a century by 1889, when VnC is set— does he cycle through a specific set of names/ identities?
Another odd thing to note is that so far, all of the names Teacher has used haven’t really been…. names. “Grandfather” and “Teacher” aren’t really names, they’re more like titles, and “Comte” just means “count”.
And wait. That’s weird too. Didn’t the Teacher already turn down the title of “count” and give it to his kid, Count de Sade? Why would he toss his own title away only to name himself “count” again later?
I think this is an indication of yet another detail on Teacher we see displayed throughout this chapter— he has a Thing with names. I don’t quite know what to call it— a preoccupation? An obsession? Either way, there is absolutely something going on with the Teacher and names.
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Chapter 55 shows us that Ruthven’s line way back in Chapter 19– “if anyone calls him by the wrong name, he beats them within an inch of their life on the spot…”— was absolutely not an exaggeration. The Teacher’s grin turns from cheery to absolutely horrifying when Vanitas refers to him as “Shapeless One”, and he threateningly tells Vanitas to not get it wrong the next time.
The Teacher, despite insisting Vanitas call him by the right name, seems to completely refuse to use Vanitas’s name— as a matter of fact, throughout this whole chapter, he never actually refers to another character by their own name. He calls Noé and Dominique “mes chatons”, refers to Jeanne as “hellfire witch”, and calls Vanitas “kin of the blue moon” and “heir to ‘blue’” [more on that second one later].
This insistence on not using anyone else’s name starts to paint a lot of the Teacher’s previous actions in a very different light. In chapter 14, Ruthven says that the Teacher “hated even saying [his] name”, to the point of crossing Ruthven’s name out of every book in his castle. Ruthven seems to take this as a sign of the Teacher hating him, but what if this is just normal behavior for our dear buddy Comte? We do see the Teacher occasionally call Noé “Noé”, but whenever he refers to someone by their actual name he seems to almost always speak in a possessive sense— “my dear Louis”, “my darling grandchildren”. His cute pet name for Domi and Noé is similarly possessive— “mes chatons”, my kittens. The Teacher seems to have an intense preoccupation with naming others— and not allowing others to name him.
This is (I think) why the Teacher refused to accept a title and then contrarily chose to include that same exact title as part of his current name. If the Teacher had accepted a title, that would mean someone else was allowed to “name” him— and to the Teacher, that’s completely unacceptable. But if the Teacher is the one who chooses that title, he’s the one naming himself, and that’s ok.
Weirdly, the Teacher only applies this rule to himself and doesn’t extend the same courtesy to anybody else— he’s furious when anyone refers to him by a name someone else gave him, “shapeless one”, but proceeds to almost exclusively refer to others by names he (or someone else) made up for them. “Hellfire Witch”, “Kin of the Blue Moon”, and “Shapeless One” are all quite similar, as they’re all sort of colloquial street names for Jeanne, Vanitas, and the Teacher, but for some reason the Teacher has massive objections to one and is totally fine with using the other two.
Why might this be?
My first thought is that it could be some kind of power/ respect thing. The Teacher sees calling someone their proper name as a sign of respect, and since he seems to solipsistically see himself as above others, he refuses to allow other characters to disrespect him while constantly disrespecting them. But that doesn’t seem quite right to me. The Teacher refers to Noé by his name during the chapter 9 flashback— why would he call Noé “Noé” and then call Luna (whom he seems to like a lot) “Blue”?
Maybe it’s something to do with the Teacher seeing others as possessions/ not quite the same as him? Maybe he sees others as inherently below him, as sentient items he can control? But that feels a bit off too… hmm….
Unfortunately, I can’t really think of another explanation for the Teacher’s preoccupation with names at the moment. I’m sure I’ll have more theories in the future, but for now I think I’m gonna have to leave it as a very weird character quirk we’ll likely learn more about in the future.
With that…. /cracks knuckles/… let’s get into that whole “Blue” thing.
The Teacher and Luna
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First and foremost! Comte here might be a very bad horrifying manipulative murderer who psychologically tortures all of our beloved protagonists on the daily, but his take here is based as fuck. Luna is 100% the most beautiful being in this world and I love them and if the Teacher manages to actually bring them back from the dead I will be very very happy (even though they will probably Not Be) and Luna is super pretty and I could talk about how pretty they are for multiple days—
So. There’s definitely something going on with Luna and the Teacher.
Ever since the very first chapter of VnC, the Teacher has shown a strong interest in the Blue Moon. He grins widely when a young Noé tells him that he thinks the blue moon is beautiful, even reaching over to pat his shoulder in a way that seems almost proud. He laughs delightedly when he sees Noé cheerfully tell Domi she shouldn’t be scared of the blue moon. All of the Teacher’s experiments seem to revolve around either Luna or Faustina (who, according to Noé, looks very similar to Luna. ngl I don’t see it but if Noé says so it’s probably relevant).
And, oddly enough, Luna, Faustina, and Comte all have a preoccupation with names.
Let’s put Faustina/Naenia and her interest in hunting for true names aside for now, and just focus on Luna and Comte.
For a while now, I’ve been kinda lowkey wondering if these two character act as foils for each other. They’re both parental figures to our dual protagonists and they’re both exceptionally powerful to the point of being legends in and of themselves. Luna is initially seen as dangerous and cruel, but seems to have been a truly kind and cheerful person. The Teacher, meanwhile, seems to act kind and cheerful but is actually incredibly dangerous and cruel beneath that exterior.
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This change in readers’ perception of the Teacher and Luna follows a similar timeframe— in chapter 1 we’re introduced to the Teacher as benevolent and Vanitas of the Blue Moon as evil, we slowly learn more about both parties and how their true natures don’t line up with these initial impressions, and then during the exposition universalle arc we finally get to see both of them as they truly are/ once were for the first time.
The Names Thing just further solidifies Comte and Luna as foils for me.
They both seem to have started out nameless/ without a name they were satisfied with. Comte frequently refuses to refer to others by the names they prefer; while Luna immediately calls people by whatever they want to be called, referring to Mikhail as “Misha” when he tells them the nickname. Comte insists on not accepting any name someone else gives him, to the point of turning down a title only to give himself that title years later as part of one of his names. Luna, meanwhile, seems to accept any name they’re given— “Vanitas”, “Vampire of the Blue Moon”, “Father”. The name Luna ultimately finds satisfying and chooses to keep is a name someone else accidentally gave them.
This now brings us back to that same question from before. Why do these specific characters have such an interest in names? Why are their approaches to names so completely different? Is it something to do with respect? With how one sees themselves in relation to others? With the very first line of the manga, where the Teacher tells Noé that his “true name” is his very being?
If I was gonna pull a wild guess out of a hat, my current guess would be that Luna and the Teacher don’t actually have true names. Maybe Comte is indeed exactly what he’s called by other vampires— a shapeless being, without a true name or known nature. Maybe this is why the two of them are so closely tied to the concept of names— they’re both searching for a metaphorical formula that shapes who they are. Maybe this is why Comte is so upset by the name “shapeless one”, maybe this is why Luna tries on any name others give them.
But that’s just a theory, a manga theory!! Let’s drag my levitating theorist self back on to solid ground and talk a lil more about the Teacher and Luna and what’s going on between them. (*winks in shipper*)
SO. We’ve established that Comte has some sort of connection with Luna. It’s very possible he gave his current form one blue eye just because he liked the color, but considering he also gave Murr this type of heterochromia, I can’t help but feel like it goes deeper than that. I think there’s a very real possibility that Luna and the Teacher have met before, and may have even worked together at some point.
Firstly, there’s the fact that the Teacher’s obsession with Luna feels like it goes a liiiiittle bit beyond the scope of “oh I saw this really pretty vampire from afar one day so I decided to spend the rest of my life studying them and working to bring them back from the dead”. Assuming his line in Chapter 55 is about Luna and not just him… liking the color blue… or talking about some other entity, it sounds like he probably spent a nonzero amount of time with Luna at some point in the past.
For a little while now I’ve had a running theory that the Teacher was the one who gave Moreau the Books of Vanitas, along with Luna’s blood. Comte and Luna working together in the past could explain why he managed to acquire those items. In a chapter 51 flashback, Luna states that they once tried to find out what they truly were, but now deeply regret it. Could they potentially be referring to a time when they worked together with Comte?
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With that, I think we can start piecing some puzzle pieces together about Luna and Comte and their past relationship. They likely worked together at some point, but Luna came to regret doing so. Luna never seems to have mentioned Comte to their adoptive kids, but the Teacher often told Noé the story of Vanitas of the Blue Moon and praised him when he said the blue moon was pretty. Luna died, and now the Teacher is trying to revive them.
Suffice to say, Comte seems absolutely infatuated with Luna.
The question is… does he actually feel any love or attachment to them? Or does he just want to possess them?
This is where we once again return to that delightful running theme throughout this post— names. Comte refers to Luna as “Blue”, probably a nickname stemming from “Vanitas of the Blue Moon”. But Comte’s probably been stalking Luna for a long while, watching them from afar while they traveled with the boys— does he really not know about their new chosen name? Not to mention, even if he doesn’t know about the name “Luna” for some reason, why does he have to be contrary and call them “Blue” rather than the usual “Vanitas”?
I doubt Luna minded this name, just like they didn’t mind “Vanitas” or “Father”, but it starts to raise red flags in my brain when it comes out of the mouth of the guy who constantly refuses to call others by their actual names and frequently refers to people in a possessive sense. It could be an affectionate nickname, but it could also be yet another sort of power/ respect/ possession thing. He also doesn’t refer to Luna as a person or a being or a vampire, he calls them the most beautiful “creature” in the world. It’s sus. It’s all very sus.
In addition to this! Even if Comte truly does feel something resembling “love” for Luna, there’s another interesting little knot to this tangled sort of love. Comte’s actions towards Luna feel remarkably and amusingly similar to the way his protégée acts around Luna’s adoptive kid.
(We’ve seen something else like this before, haven’t we? A protégée taking on a lot of the qualities of the vampire that raised them?)
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Throughout VnC, Noé and Vanitas both have a bad habit of sacrificing themselves to save each other without putting any thought into how this will affect the other party. In Vanitas’s case, this is largely driven by his own self hatred and belief that he is inferior to or worth less than others.
And in Noé’s case, this is primarily driven by selfishness.
Noé is a selfish character. He loves Vanitas (whether this is platonic or romantic is largely irrelevant to this post so take it either way), and he doesn’t want Vanitas to get hurt. Seeing Vanitas upset makes Noé angry. And since Noé is selfish, if he has to do something to protect Vanitas that goes against what Vanitas wants (@/ slashing Mikhail in the previous chapter), he will do it. “I will never set you free” is, in context, a very moving statement, but looking at the line itself on its lonesome it’s practically scary.
I think, just like Jean-Jacques’s jealousy was learned from Chloé, Noé’s selfishness is something he learned from Comte.
With this I think we can start to parse out a little bit of what’s going on with Comte and Luna. I highly doubt Luna wants to be brought back from the dead— especially not if that process involves Comte manipulating and torturing a group of innocent randos and Luna’s adoptive kids. But Comte wants to bring Luna back anyways, and he’ll do whatever he needs to do to make it happen— because Comte, like Noé, is selfish.
a few more assorted notes
This is the section for fun observations that don’t really fit anywhere else in this meta!
Firstly, the Teacher seems to have to reveal his true “face” in order to manipulate the world formula. The image of his eyes changing color as he slips out of his ordinary form and into his monstrous one is horrifying and I love it, as is his insane amount of power— he seems to literally tear open a portal in the world and walk through it, something on a completely different scale from what we’ve seen so far in the manga.
Interestingly, though, the tendrils surrounding Teacher’s eldritch horror form look completely different from the ones we saw back in chapter 9. They’re actually eerily similar to Ruthven’s black flames, which is… very concerning, but I’m convincing myself it’s just something he taught himself how to do and not an indication of anything else nope nope nope noep—
I do indeed have more things to say about the Teacher, but!!! Those thoughts will be left for part two of this post. With that I think we’ve finally reached…
not the end! (but in conclusion,)
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It’s Christmas Eve. I just spent the past three hours losing my mind over a manga character.
I have no regrets.
If you made it this far, holy shit thank you so much for reading this post. Please take everything here with a massive grain of salt— this is all just my interpretation of the manga so far and will likely be proven completely wrong as we learn more about Comte and Luna in the future. If you’d like, please tune in for Part 2, coming soon to a vnc tag near you (hopefully I can get it written today but uhh…. hmm…. various preexisting conditions may get in the way of that), which will include my thoughts on Vanitas, Noé, and basically any part of the chapter I didn’t go over in this post (including, rather upsettingly, yet more Teacher).
Thanks again for reading, and happy holidays!
update: here’s a link to part 2..!
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neversetyoufree · 3 years
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MochiJun is at it again with the historical references!
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squidokja · 3 years
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Gonna kiss mochijun's mind
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chikinan · 3 years
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grelleswife · 3 years
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The face of a man who absolutely, under NO circumstances, should be allowed anywhere near vulnerable children. 😤
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good7luck · 1 year
VNC latest chapter 58 spoilers!
MJ Sensei, probably: Why so stressed over The Backstory?? You already watched some of it in the anime! Don’t you remember...? :’)))
(more under the cut)
Astolfo’s backstory in the anime episode 18 = S2 ep 6:
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Some: The anime staff arbitrarily put Astolfo’s made-up anime-original backstory that did not exist in the original manga Gevaudan arc! Bad anime!!
Sensei: You thought lol *throws chapter 58*
Astolfo’s backstory:
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Also some: Sensei’s bonus manga for expensive BD/DVD is solely for BD/DVD buyers, so they’re all nothing canon / trustable but just some silly fanservice for mere joke and tasteless queerbait!!!
Sensei: Excuse me? Why do you think I got mentally and physically exhausted after the anime and so had to take a long long break =_= *throws chapter 58*
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To be fair, there are some differences between the anime ep 18 and the manga ch 58 (FROM Astolfo getting the knife from his father TO the vampire calling him foolish). I remember Sensei? uploaded some of her rough sketches for the anime script, but I cannot go dig and find the link myself right now, sorry!
About the bonus manga for BD/DVD - I remember there were some page(s?) that Astolfo tells Olivier about his new vampire “friend” and Olivier recalls young Roland and himself. Which is now explicitly connected to the manga ch 58 (NOT the same drawings, I think?), where Olivier confesses he knew about Astolfo’s secret vampire “friend” but failed to see the danger because of his childhood memory with Roland. (Please do NOT ask me where to read the bonus manga, I myself have no idea!)
I thought Sensei told the anime staff beforehand about her full plans for the unfinished (at that time) Amusement Park arc and only it (which was already quite insane speed tbh asdfg). NOW I see she told them even further (than Noe/Vani roof scene in ch 55(!)) - more details about Astolfo’s parents and vampire “friend” in ch 58. No wonder she was SOOO busy over the anime...
It’s also clear that she already has her plans ready for future plots, at least by some level :’))) I saw some worry about the possibility that she might “run out of plot ideas” and so give up on continuing her own VNC, but honestly it’s the last thing to worry about in regards to VNC and Sensei, oops XD I mean, please don’t underestimate her (and her works, including the bonus created by her) XDD
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rinarin-karimel · 3 years
Noe's Reaction to the Master's Appearance in Chapter 55
Most say that Noe is shocked, but in my opinion he also starts to get wildly angry
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At first, his fangs are not visible, but when he recalls everything that happened to them during the night with the permission of the Teacher, and especially how Vanitas was not himself, and then completely collapsed, his fangs again show what it means, that Noe's eyes have turned red and he is probably angry.
Conclusion: even if Noe is shocked, he is quite capable of getting angry with the teacher, as soon as he found out about his deeds, despite the fact that he is his benefactor, because he endangered his loved ones (domi too).
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anonymcitrine · 2 years
!!!VNC SPOILER !!! I guess
So we know that Teacher has one blue eye, but not just any blue. Astermite blue, like Vanitas as confirmed by Jeanne in the manga. However nobody mentioned the color of his other eye
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But as we can see, it's purple. Just like Noé!
Which isn't really surprising as most people was leaning towards that. BUT.NOW.WE.KNOW.FOR.SURE!!!
And somehow it's still shocking! To me at least
And my question is WHAT.DOES.THIS.MEAN????
Also he said he met Vanitas before in another form? Is that Murr? Is he Murr or is Murr more like a device he can see them through?
And shouldn't Murr rise suspicion for Vanitas and Noé now that they have seen they both have the heterocromia ??
And why and how does he have those eyes? Are they each one from Noé and Luna?
I dont know if Vampires can rewrite themselves to grow out a body part of sorts tho.. and Noé does have two eyes
I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Wonder how they will choose to end the anime. And how much will be cut out
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what-de-sade · 3 years
Teacher how many more children are you going to traumatise were Louis and Domi not enough
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lightgirlification · 3 years
Spoilers for VNC 55
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WHAT THE F--K?!?!?!
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Okay 1. Sir, you should not be ANYWHERE near children.
And 2. Are we going to get more Noe backstory? Is Noe going to have more trauma? Is he gonna suffer nightmares from being knocked out??? PLEASE MOCHIZUKI THE BOY HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH QAQ
Though it would be made much better if Vanitas takes care of him :...3 I NEED THESE TWO TO TALK OKAY??? Though personally I think the main 4 as a WHOLE need to talk...
Also Murr? I love you, but you looking MIGHTY sus right now...
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