#Episode 24
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marvelousbelladonna · 9 months ago
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This is my favorite image
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a-forbidden-detective · 3 months ago
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Pull yourself together, Ron!
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I love that they added this early on. I wonder what kind of tough love would Toto apply later. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
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Toto appears more confident in the anime than in the manga. He’s sure of himself now that his best friend/bf is rattled bc of his discovery.
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deathnotewiki · 4 months ago
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October 28, 2004:
The plan to arrest Kyosuke Higuchi begins at Sakura TV.
Traffic cop Yukito Shiraba is killed by the power of the Yotsuba Kira’s Death Note.
Kyosuke Higuchi is arrested and his Death Note seized. The task force is now able to see Rem.
L confirms the existence of Shinigami and the Death Note.
By touching the Death Note, Light Yagami recovers his memories of being the original Kira.
Kyosuke Higuchi is killed by the power of Light Yagami’s Death Note.
Light Yagami keeps Misa Amane’s Death Note, hiding it under his clothes in order to retain his memories.
Light Yagami returns his Death Note to Ryuk and gives up ownership.
Light Yagami explains his plan to Misa Amane and Ryuk.
(text in official English release)
Higuchi: Damn… But I can go that way…
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evildeadfan102 · 2 months ago
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I watched Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Anime Episode 24.
(Image Set 2 of 3)
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dailynichijou · 1 month ago
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Episode 24, 1:04
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tilliwriteapine · 3 months ago
C1 Ep 24 and I am having just as much as a meltdown as Percy is.
Like, I know most of this story from the animated show, but to hear it during the campaign, to be at this point right now in the story - ugh.
I love Percy so much. And I am hurting with him.
And the way Vox Machina steps up to the fucking plate -
I am here for this found family!!!
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alipeeps · 4 months ago
Episode 24
Welp, he did what they suggested. He went to see for himself.
I've said it before but it bears repeating - this kid is SUCH a good actor!
Jesus fucking christ, Wen Zongyu is the worst.
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He took a grieving child and:
manipulated him into spying against his friends and poisoning one of them:
intended from the start to use his body as a vessel for a demon;
fucking poisoned him so that he would be able to control said demon once it was in his body!!
Oooh but your little demon trapping cage didn't work on our boy Li Lun?
So... could it actually end up now that Li Lun and the gang will band together against Wen Zongyu? The enemy of my enemy and all that?
Can't Zhao Yuanzhou use his healing ability on him?
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Oh SHIT, the sword being broken affects/damages the person connected to it?
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So they NEED that second sword!! Anybody else remember that it was explicitly mentioned that TWO cloud light swords were forged? Anyone?!!
And that confirms that the reason the sword cracked this time is because of the malicious qi - every other time Zhu Yan has been stabbed with the sword, he has been in control of his qi.
However... doesn't that mean that the plan/back up plan to kill Zhu Yan if he is out of control is doomed to failure, because the uncontrolled qi will crack the sword?
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Ying Lei is so fucking under-rated... they play him for comedy so much of the time but he has genuinely been the one coming up with a lot of the solutions for things. He found how to purify the Yao Water. He worked out that Bai Jiu's blood could revive the Divine Wood. And he's thought to ask the other mountain gods about ways to save both Zhuo Yichen and Bai Jiu. He is best boy!!
Uhhhh... yeah... sliiiight problem there...
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Okay so we have a way to keep him going a bit longer... while you find the second sword, right? Right?!
Good on you Pei Sijing.
He is the best!!
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Oh damn, he survived.
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And Wen Zongyu has the gall to act pleased about it - as if he wasn't callously offering his position to Pei Sijing a matter of days ago.
"Thank you for your treatment"
"Better than I was before"
Did... did Wen Zongyu use his fucking experimental treatments on him? Is he a hybrid now?
"According to the spy" What spy? Just a generic spy keeping an eye on things... or is there another traitor in their midst?
Oh dang, that's fucked up your plans eh? Bummer. Sucks to be you.
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Oh wow, that is freaky. It's Bai Jiu... but he's dressed and hair-styled Li Lun-style.
Ohhh that doesn't sound good...
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Oh dang, his brother didn't have the right Bingyi blood to awaken the sword?!
But... but didn't we see it glowing in his (dead) hand when Zhu Yan wiped out the Demon Hunting Bureau? Or was that just the sword reacting to Zhu Yan's presence?
Ahhhh was it Zhu Yan they were going after? Probably... how many Great Demons are there after all?
Yup, it was, and the sword glowed in response to Zhu Yan's presence.
No wonder Zhuo Yichen didn't know how to use the cloud light sword properly... I'd thought it was because his dad and brother had died before they had chance to teach him... but they never could have taught him because they didn't have the power to awaken it and use it to its full potential...
Oh SHIT and he finds out about his brother's death by someone bringing him the damn sword?!! Wrapped in a blood-stained cloth. Like... harsh, dude?!!
And he dedicated his life to becoming strong enough to awaken the sword, to honor his brother...
I'm not crying, you're crying!!
His tears awakened it?
Goddamn the music in this show is just perfect...
Oh shit.
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Wtf's going on with the fish pond?
Wtf is this, that's been hiding in the fish pond all this time?!
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Of course it is. And of course it's been at the bottom of the fish pond for fucking generations. Where else would you keep it?!
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Oh it can repair everything can it?
WHY do they just fucking stand there and let it happen?!!
Oh Zhu Yan did react! Hallelujah!
He sure did.
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Did what? You are in this situation because of your own actions! It was literally YOUR plan to break the baize token, get unsealed, and then take over Bai Jiu's body because you knew your own body would burn up!
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Okay wtf why did the stone suddenly break?
Can this show please stop giving us a teensy glimpse of hope and then ripping it away from us again?!!
Honestly the stone's a bit shit if all it takes to crumble it is the merest touch of demonic energy?
And what the fuck is this now? There was blood at the centre of the stone? Is it the famous Bingyi blood?
And it's gone zooming into Zhuo Yichen? Whose eyes have gone blue like in the flashbacks to his ancestor?
Oh damn... did I hear that right? The demon Ying Long agreed to die at Bingyi's hand... for the greater good?
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Ying Lei be like:
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Ahhh my poor precious baby mountain god! He's too too good!
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Way to be a downer, Zhu Yan.
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So it wasn't Bingyi blood? It was demon blood? Unless...?
Because Ying Long sacrificed himself to save the world. Sound familiar, anyone?
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Ho hoooooo! Yes indeedy, Zhuo Yichen's ancestor was also a demon... and the famous Bingyi blood is - demon blood! (So I guess maybe it was Bingyi blood inside the stone after all?)
And members of Zhuo Yichen's family were only strong enough to activate the cloud light sword if they had enough demon Bingyi bloodline in them, I guess? And Zhuo Yichen does... which is probably also why he kept dreaming about turning into a demon, I am guessing?
Ohhhhh and we finally get an explanation of how come Zhuo Yichen let Ao Yin get away if he wasn't being controlled by Li Lun!!
He wasn't controlled... he was shocked (mind you, why on earth he would believe a demon's word on that, enough to be shocked to a standstill by it and let them escape?)
So the Great Demon Bingyi was turned human...
And he lived in seclusion... and his descendants...
SO... he wasn't all THAT secluded then eh? 😂
It allows them to choose? So he gets to choose if he remains human or becomes demon? But what do you want to bet he will end up in a situation where becoming demon is the only option to save everyone, so he'll do it?
Oh mind you, no, doesn't sound like there is any choice...
Oh holy shit, is there ANY good news for us, Zhu Yan?!!
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So now Zhuo Yichen is condemned to death on 2 fronts - the broken sword AND the Bingyi demon blood.
How the fuck are Chongwu spies able to so easily sneak right into the core of Demon Hunting Bureau to eavesdrop? Do you people have ANY fucking security at all?
You said it girl!
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Well DUH, of course he's bloody disappeared while you idiots were chitchatting!!
Oh dang...
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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 😭😭
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Aww bless her, she has understood the meaning behind his words...
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Oh shit!
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AAaaaahhhh! You end it THERE?!!
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seekers-who-are-lovers · 11 months ago
I honestly cried watching these scenes unfold.
You know the hoary dictum, “don’t judge the book by its cover”? I judged Lakan harshly (I am still reading the light novel …) and wasn’t aware of his past with Fengxian. The revelation leading to this made me see him in a new light.
As soon as he proposed to her that they play Go by placing the two stones on her palm, Fengxian’s face lightened up. Their way to say “I love you. I miss you so much.” Playing board games, their language of love.
Meimei suddenly broke down lamenting that it was all too late as Fengxian was sick and all of it couldn’t turn back the lost time. My heart sank. But also went full because Maomao’s parents found each other again despite the long years of not seeing each other and patching up the misunderstanding between them. Somehow, judging by the route the anime is taking us, it will probably be different from both the manga and/or the novel.
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221bnassau · 6 months ago
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Those smiles... they should have kissed at least once.
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hesitantsorrows · 4 months ago
It's so interesting whenever John says stuff like this because rereading you know he's just projecting his own self hatred onto other people who act the same way he did
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(obviously reading it for the first time, you just see John as acting righteous and just - without knowing he was once the bully, his words don't hit as hard)
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icy-watch · 4 months ago
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Everyone: Looking cool and ready to kick but
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marvelousbelladonna · 9 months ago
Baby Omar thought he was getting a treat 🥺
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a-forbidden-detective · 3 months ago
Tiger Dan clapping his hands to hinder Ron’s mental breakdown is an add-on courtesy of the anime crew. In the manga, Lily’s accusation has rattled him, but there isn’t a full-blown incident where he’d break down. It comes later when he and Toto find the picture frame.
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But in these frames we can see that Ron is struggling to maintain his composure to halt the onslaught of memories flooding his brain.
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If not for Tiger Dan clapping his hands to control the situation, hence declaring that Ron is innocent until proven guilty using his lawyerly know-how, Ron would break right there and then in spite of Toto vehemently defending his best friend from Lily’s hurtful words.
What could that be?
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weepingwonderlandharmony · 8 months ago
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Wang Xing Yue as Xiao Heng / Duke Su in "The Double" (2024)
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evildeadfan102 · 2 months ago
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I watched Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Anime Episode 24.
(Image Set 3 of 3)
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dailynichijou · 7 months ago
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Episode 24, 12:27
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