#virgo twins!!
neiveel3llson · 6 months
While hosting a game show to boost the brothers' popularity
NB MC: "-and you'll have to answer twice," *looks at Mammon with. smirk* ", easy for you Virgos."
NB Mammon: "How did they know I was a Virgo..."
*Fanfare begins*
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moonchild033 · 2 months
Indicators of Having Twin Babies 👶👣
Nowadays due to advanced medical interventions like IVF, the probability of twin babies is higher. These indicators in the vedic birth chart are for twin babies conceived naturally. Don't forget that these observations only apply to Sidereal, whole sign system based charts. If both male and female charts in a couple have more of these indicators, chances are high that they can be blessed with twins. ❤❤
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1. Mercury in 5H or with 5H lord in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces (Basically in the feminine signs).
2. Mercury in 5H or with 5H lord in Virgo/Pisces can bless the native with twin girl babies.
3. Mercury in 5H or with 5H lord in Gemini/Sagittarius can bless the native with twin boy babies.
4. Mercury in 5H along with 5H lord in the house, in the signs of Cancer/Scorpio.
5. Taurus, Aquarius ,Scorpio and Leo Ascendants have relatively higher chances in having twin babies than other ascendants if they satisfy above-said indicators too.
6. 5H and 7H lords present together in 5H in female signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces).
How to interpret charts of twin babies?👣❤
Twins at least have a few minutes difference in their birth time. There are two methods in Vedic astrology used to interpret twin charts:
Consider the third sign from the first twin's ascendant as the second twin's ascendant sign. Ex.: If the first twin is a Libra ascendant, the second twin is considered as Capricorn ascendant. They mostly have the same planet placements, so with their ascendants considered in this way, the same planet placements are analyzed and hence their interpretations can be different as the houses change due to different ascendants.
Consider the opposite sign of the first twin's ascendant as the second twin's ascendant. Ex.: If the first born twin is a Taurus ascendant, then the second born twin is considered as a Scorpio ascendant. This method is found to be more accurate by traditional astrologers.
The most important point here is that even if you have more of these indicators in the chart, the pregnancy should've commenced during the 5H lord's planetary period in your/your spouse's birth chart. 😉💙
If this pregnancy with the indicators happens during the 5H lord's major planetary period (Mahadasha) and Mercury's minor planetary period (Antardasha), the probability of having twins is higher. Also, those indicator placements should NOT be aspected or in conjunction with any malefic planets.😃💕
Note: These are just probabilities and always the whole chart must be analyzed before coming to any conclusion. 💯💫
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Feel free to comment down your thoughts/questions! 🤗
Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💅💋
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
Here's my Masterlist! 💖
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princesshair · 11 days
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happy 31st birthday niall! love you ♡
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔!
So, I’ve decided to create indepth posts about astrology; the signs/placements, planets, and houses. I have a short overview here. Everyone has a whole birth chart, here's a free site that I use and trust (don't go on co-astrology it's full of stereotypes and misinformation.)
Find the first lesson here. 
Second Lesson: 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒 🌙
Your Moon sign represents the deepest, most inner side of ourselves. It’s our inner world and it is very uncommon to see that side of someone. That’s why as a child you may show those traits more than when you’re an adult - as you age, you can hide that side of yourself. 
Our Moon aspect is how we show comfort, how we display emotions and who we are when we are alone. It's our instincts, how we react to situations, our sense of security. The Moon is linked to the mother and child, it represents our inner mother and our inner child.
  So, unlike the signs in their Sun placement - they are a bit different in your Moon sign. 
Moon in Fire signs: Attention, adventures, a partner or friends who care as much as you do
Moon in Earth signs: Work, routine, stability
Moon in Air signs: Intellectual stimulation, new things, social interaction
Moon in Water signs: Alone time, caretaking
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑚
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With an Aries Moon, this means that the planet, Mars, rules your inner self. It means you’re direct, quick to action, impulsive, and bold. You may tend to be impatient. Nothing is done quick enough. They make for fiercely protective parents and impassioned activists. 
Gets bored easily 
Emotional issues take precedence
Take things very personally, and they deal with problems by facing them right away
Moon in Aries folk experience difficult childhoods
Never have to ask them how they feel - they’ll let you know clearly and sometimes ... eractically. 
The difference between an Aries Sun and an Aries Moon is that Moon in Aries will rebel just for the sake of it. They’re a lot more active and have a desire to have new experiences. An Aries Sun is much more restrained in their expressions and emotions. 
𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙
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With a Taurus Moon, they feel with their senses and are pretty much rooted in their ways. Those with this moon placement typically have a stereotypical homemaker kind of mother figure. It should be noted that Taurus Moon’s are usually not the gambling type, they prefer to protect themselves and their finances by being overly cautious. 
Generally very romantic
Once they have made a commitment, they’re persevering
They make great teachers
Often the mediators of a group
The difference between a Taurus Sun and a Taurus Moon is that there’s a soft, graceful, and refined quality to the Taurus Moon that isn't seen in the Taurus Sun, who embodies the archetype of the Bull much more readily. 
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑠
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With a Gemini Moon, a person is witty, open-minded and highly imaginative. Generally, they have a million and one projects going. With a finger in every pie, they have a desire to keep on creating; since they have so many ideas. The mother in the lives of those with a Gemini moon is usually childlike or stunted in some way that makes her more of an older sister than a traditional mother.
Nervousness and worry are common traits 
In their families, Lunar Geminis often take on the role of organizing get-togethers
They are at their best when they have plenty of things to do beyond routine
This placement almost always have a way with words
The difference between a Gemini Sun and a Gemini Moon is that the Sun is more sociable, and has a want to be around others. While the latter (just as intellectual) cares about what is underneath. 
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑏
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With a Cancer Moon, they seek out security and familiarity in all they do. This aspect remembers a lot; like walking libraries. Not ones for small talk, or in other words, ‘surface-level interactions’, this placement prefer deeper connections and therefore the company of only their inner circle. 
Moon in Cancer suggests a mother or maternal figure that experienced extreme and ever-changing emotions. The moon in Cancer child learned early to adapt to these shifting emotional energies and developed the desire to make it better through their own efforts. 
The Moon is “at home” in the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the natural ruler of the sign.
Nostalgic; they over idealize the past
They feel valuable when they are able to assist
The difference between a Cancer Sun and a Cancer Moon is that the Cancer energy is shown more readily in Cancer Moons’. This is due to the planet being in the sign that it rules. A person will have exaggerated traits of nurturing, caring, intuitive etc. 
𝐋𝐞𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑜𝑛
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With a Leo Moon, they have a natural charisma without the need of being loud. They feel most at home in the company of greatness and finery. The mother figure for those with natal moon in Leo is a kind of grande dame who either failed to give her striving children the attention they needed or was overbearing and a bit of a “Dance Mom,” pushing them towards success in the hopes the shine of it would lend them some spotlight.
Although they are romantic, giving and kind, there’s a bit of an “all press is good press” mentality to those with this moon
Sometimes they just need some encouragement
Very proud, and they are rarely happy to follow orders
The difference between a Leo Sun and a Leo Moon is that the Sun placement is much more outgoing, flamboyant and in need of the spotlight. Another way of looking at it is that the male lion is the Leo Sun and the female lion is the Leo Moon. 
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
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With a Virgo Moon, they feel most content when they’ve straightened out all the details of everyday life. Their key trait is being a worrier, normally striving for order, cleanliness, service to others and efficiency. The maternal figure was likely traditional with a scoured kitchen floor and the pervasive energy of wanting more from her children than they were able to deliver.
Virgo curiosity shows up big time with this position of the Moon
Plagued by perfection
Feelings get in the way of work, so they would prefer to repress them
The difference between a Virgo Sun and a Virgo Moon is that the Virgo Sun wants to be the stereotypical Virgo but fails to meet them. While a Virgo Moon cannot do anything but those stereotypes (or traits, if you prefer that term). Hence, the sun sign strives to exhibit its qualities, it often falls short. The moon, on the other hand, can't help but exhibit the full force of its sign.
𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
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With a Libra Moon, you’re very alluring and attractive. You’re quite flirtacious, and feel the most safe when you’re wanted. Although, you can be highly flexible, you’re also very indecisive. There’s this belief that Libra Moons have that what is good must be beautiful and what is beautiful must be good
They feel safe and secure when they are in a partnership
Big people-pleasers 
Strive for validation
Gracious? Yes. Direct? Never.
The difference between a Libra Sun and a Libra Moon is that Libra Suns have the desire for big social groups, while Libra Moons are more interested in focusing on one romantic relationship. Another big difference is that Libra Moons have an innate need for fairness and charm more so than the Suns, but they rarely display it. 
𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
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With a Scorpio Moon, you are love someone who will challenge you so that you may understand yourself better. In other words, you like when those that are trustworthy come to you with honesty. Hence, Scorpio Moons seek out emotional intensity. 
The maternal figure for those with this placement was likely an unwilling mother who suffered her own heavy losses and serious sorrows. Though she may have cared for her child, the child sensed and internalized being somehow unwanted.
Have a strong fear of betrayal
They are unlikely to forget a kindness or forgive an insult
Scorpio Moons want all or nothing
The difference between a Scorpio Sun and a Scorpio Moon is that while the former wants to come across as powerful, the latter needs to know they are.  As well as this, Scorpio Moons are more guarded in their self-expression than the Scorpio Sun. So, people aren’t usually aware that Scorpio Moons desire such power. 
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟
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With a Sagittarius Moon, you have an inner restlessness and a grand desire for independence. This aspect wants to discover the boundaries between the known and the undiscovered. 
The mother for this moon was likely a lifelong learner who sought enlightenment in spite of — and because of — trying life conditions. So important was self-discovery to this momma that she may have been somewhat absent mentally or physically.
They have a need for personal freedom and space
Natural storytellers
There’s a bit of a teacher in this placement, and definitely a helpful spirit
No matter the incident, trauma or horrific event, Sag Moons seek the silver lining
The difference between a Sagittarius Sun and a Sagittarius Moon is that Sag Sun’s are into philosophizing about the meanings of life, while Sag Moons want to go out and experience the meaning of life. They want to find out for themselves, rather than read and talk about it. 
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑡
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With a Capricorn Moon, this aspect is often seen as unfeeling, however, they have big emotions just like every other sign. But they hate letting people see that side of themselves. Not much for taking risks in life, Lunar Capricorns look for safety and security in most everything they do. They desire to build something of enduring value.
The mother in the lives of those with natal moon in Capricorn was a bit of a perfectionist with little patience for the learning through failure modality of children. As a result, people with this placement develop adult sensibilities and self-discipline very early on.
Being useful and productive are basic needs for Cap Moons
They have a hard time asking for help or human tenderness as they were raised not to expect it
Need to feel worthwhile in the real world
The difference between a Capricorn Sun and a Capricorn Moon is that even though they both strive for prominence, Cap Suns aren’t shy about showing it. They’re open and forthcoming. Comparatively, Cap Moons are more guarded and cautious in their expressions. 
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟-𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑟
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With an Aquarius Moon, they tend to make brilliant friends, allies and activists. They make a point of never leaving anyone out, and will fight for the rights of others. They crusade for equality. This aspect is the domain of oddballs and anarchists.
The mother figure related to this lunar placement was a combination of erratic flakiness and progressive thinking. She likely fared better with teenagers she could talk to rather then-toddlers she was responsible for.
They are lifetime students of human nature
Unpredictable yet charming 
They are intellectuals who want to dismantle harmful or limiting social structures
The difference between an Aquarius Sun and an Aquarius Moon is most obvious when they’re confronted with an emotional person; Aquarius Moons tend to shun the emotion and avoids it at all costs. Aqua Moons will provide a wise solution, while Aqua Suns are still awkward with emotional people - they are more likely to relate emotionally. Show empathy and/or sympathy. 
𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝘩
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With a Pisces Moon, they are often seen as ‘dreamy’ or ... ‘spaced out,’ however, they are much mre intune with the world around them then people realise. People often perceive this aspect to be weak, though they don’t undertand that it is acceptance, rather than weakness. 
The mother for those with this moon was one of two extreme archetypes: either a martyr/saint who did all for all, or a wounded bird that required a certain degree of caretaking from her own children.
They desire to nurture and to be nurtured 
Pisces Moons put themselves in the role of rescuer
They can easily feel the emotions and trauma of others
The difference between a Pisces Sun and a Pisces Moon is that the latter doesn’t wear their stereotypes like Pisces Suns do. Pisces Moons are less obvious, yet it’s deeper and more powerful. 
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melaninpov · 1 year
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Jonathan Majors Men’s Health Cover Shoot
Happy 34th Birthday!!!! It’s VIRGO szn!!!
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
ATEEZ Mingi Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinions and observations. Not a professional. May change later.
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August 9th, 1999
Incheon, South Korea
4 pm. Not sure if exactly 4 or if there are minutes missing
☀️♌️🌙♋️ ⬆️♐️
These placements seem solid:
Leo sun in 8th - This placement is an interesting one, at least to me. Sun and 8th kind of contrast each other; Sun wants to shine, especially Leo sun being filled with bright energy, yet when placed in 8th it kind of darkens its shine. Mingi is likely a lot more serious and mellow in private, quite internalized. There's a lot of changes and transformation to his character throughout his life (which doesn't surprise me - ik he said he thought a lot about himself, his character and what he truly wanted when he was on hiatus).
Venus Virgo is also in 8th - This placement craves for deep intense bonds and can be easily jealous and possessive. He also has a Venus square Pluto, which adds more to the intense loyalty and possessiveness. Venus Virgo is already incredibly picky with who they choose to have as company (due to high standards), but once their trust and love is gained, they become very loyal and want to take care of their loved ones. Especially as a Leo too - Mingi really gives a lot of effort and care into people he truly cares about. This definitely explains his "moral loyalty" to Yunho lol.
Cancer moon in 7th - Cancer moon is gentle and emotional, often sentimental. Moon in 7th likes to be around company - being around people makes him feel happy. They long for deep emotional connections. They don't really like to do things alone, they often like to do things in groups or with a person they're very close with. This placement reminded me of how Mingi said he planned to do everything with Yunho since high school...
Uranus in 2nd - An odd relationship with finances...? Uranus is unpredictable and constantly changing, 2nd house is materialism and finances so Mingi may care about money a lot some days, while not caring much other days. Working an unconventional job (being an idol isn't the most traditional route)...From what I've read so far though, I don't really think he prioritizes money that highly. We all love money, but Mingi seems to prioritize connections and bonds much much higher than materialism. I wonder if affects his self worth as well since 2nd house also deals with self worth.
Jupiter in 4th - Usually indicates a positive and warm family and home. And if not, Mingi will try to build his own comfortable family and home.
Chiron in 11th - A wound concerning friendships and groups. A hint of loneliness here. Misunderstandings. I'm not sure how much Mingi has spoken about past friendships or other friendships in general (thanks to my bad memory lmao), but it would explain why he is especially attached to Yunho. Mingi's friends would leave him during lunch since he ate slow (which is kinda rude ngl that has always bothered me lol unless Mingi told them it was ok then fine), but Yunho always went out of his way to sit with him. In WANTEEZ ep 30, when they were sharing a few trainee stories, they talked about how Mingi was unintentionally a bit mean to the other members (e.g Yeo saying Mingi didn't bother to speak to him first, San still remembering the very blunt statement by Mingi about his dancing)
North node in 8th - It seems like Mingi should learn to ask for help in life. Maybe he has gone through a lot of heavy things alone. Sharing is the key lesson of this placement - sharing his concerns and troubles, sharing his heavy feelings, sharing love and care, even sharing physical things... He doesn't have to carry his burdens alone.
Sagittarius rising - Like all Sagittarius, Mingi longs for freedom in his life. He does not like to be tied down; he just wants to do what he wants and be himself without holding back. Wants to live honestly and happily.
Fixed Grand square - this pattern often presents many challenges in life. His is formed by squares of the fixed signs, which could indicate feeling stuck often. He may deal with a lot of persistent issues that he feels can not fix no matter how much he tries. He could be stuck with bad habits that can be hard to break out of.
I'm not so sure about these placements:
These are at 4 pm exact.
Any other time btwn 4-5 pm moves the planets into the previous house. E.g mars at 4 pm is in 11th, mars at 4:30 or so is in 10th.
Scorpio Mars in 11th - Mars in 11th gains energy from friendships, often good at networking, and is very supportive of others. It is also about workong hard for achievements and goals, which Mingi does care about.
Saturn in 5th - Reserved self expression, may want to focus on building useful and helpful skills rather than play around all the time. There are some delays to some of the themes of 5h.
Cancer Mercury in 8th - This is a very private placement. Cancer mercury already keeps things to themselves and mercury in 8th is the same. He may only open up if he truly feels he can trust a person 100%. Likes to dig deep into things.
Pluto in 12th - Overly self critical, some sense of shame on certain parts of himself
Overall, Mingi seems like such an all or nothing person. Ride or die fr. He wanna intertwine his soul with someone. Issues with loneliness...Lots of self revelation and transformation, questioning and improving his character...He is a lot more intense than I thought he would be...I figured he had some sort of Scorpio energy to him though and that's due to the 8th house placements. I almost guessed Scorpio rising for him once actually lol.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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Instagram: vandacapriolo
Happy birthday greetings from TheRealMafalda™️
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gracebethartacc · 8 months
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been brainstorming other stars specifically asters technically guardians/the wishing ground keepers? Liked the idea they were based on zodiacs and then my friend helped with coming up with ideas where their animal or theme plays into some kind of Disney movie or character 👀?
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jamethinks · 8 days
I think I mentioned a few decades ago my hcs for the kids signs and just as a refresher, it’s
Ewen - January Capricorn
Anya - March 8 Pisces
Emile - May 4 Taurus
Becky - June Gemini
Damian - August Virgo
We know Anya is actually 5 and therefore was born the following year making her the youngest but she lied about her birthday which means everyone believes she’s actually 6 and was born that year which means she’s the 2nd oldest and a grand total of 5 months older than Damian.
Furthermore, statistically most people are born in late summer and fall with few being born in winter. Which implies that Anya is likely amongst the oldest of her grade.
Breaking news: local dumbass is the one of the oldest.
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Tell me about the celestial spirits in your rewrite, are you going to rework the magic?
rewrite stuff ⬇️
The Silver Spirit keys are the beings born of the Celestial Spirit world. There are hundreds of Spirits for each constellation, each with their own key. They only have one life, and if a Silver Key spirit dies, they will become part of their constellation and their key will turn to dust
The Zodiac were all once like the Silver Keys, but were granted 12 lives. Once a Zodiac Key passes for the 12th time, they are reincarnated. It used to be that the most powerful Silver Key would take their place, but as wizards started to become more powerful, soon, wizards started to outclass Silver Keys. You can read more on it here! If you read this and leave a comment saying you came from this post, I’ll write a drabble of your choosing!
Onto specific spirits!
Aries ♈️
Aries is the second youngest of the Zodiac at this point. She practices wool magic, and part of that is that she can change the physical properties of the wool she handles. For example, she can make the wool solid, liquid, or a gas. She’s at the most powerful during the Aries season in the Human World. Given she is a Fire Sign, she can also use fire magic, though it’s not as powerful as most human fire wizards. She uses a shepard’s staff as a weapon if she requires one, and she can use it to aide her magic.
For the longest time, Aries was a very submissive and shy spirit, and she let her key holders do whatever they wanted to her. This changed after Leo stood up to Karen and subsequently got her killed by Angel, Aries took it upon herself to make sure none of her other friends would suffer because of her weakness. By the time we meet her in canon, Aries is much more outgoing and outspoken to her Key Holder, and very protective of her Silver Keys.
While Leo was gone, she became the “Queen of the Zodiac” and that stuck even after he came back, making her the head of the Zodiac.
Her human name was Mary, and she became the Aries Spirit in the year X272
Taurus ♉️
Taurus uses his Labrys, but he can also use Earth magic. Think Thor with his hammer, that’s kind of what Taurus’s earth magic is like, he needs his Labrys. His Earth magic is very rudimentary, and he can create earthquakes.
He’s not a creepy towards Lucy, he’s very respectful and gentle with her. He wears blue overalls and has a very subtle southern accent.
His human name was Garrett, and he doesn’t remember the year he became the Bull Spirit.
Gemini ♊️
I really like the Eclipse designs for them, so that’s how they look in my rewrite
Being very young human twins, under the age of 10, they are considered lucky to not remember their human lives
The other Zodiac are very protective of them because they’re very easily influenced
They still use Copy/Transformation magic, but they can also use flight magic
Gemi’s human name was Castor, and Mimi’s human name was Aura
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Cancer ♋️
Cancer takes on more of a swordsman appearance than a hairdresser, using one of his blades as a sword, but he can combine them to make big scissors. He picked up hair dressing while serving under Layla and Lucy, though.
His water magic is basically non-existent, but he is considered the most skilled swordsman in the Celestial world
He’s got six arms that he can fold away and can also turn into crab legs.
His human name was Abyl.
Leo ♌️
Leo has feline ears and a tail because i said so.
Leo is the youngest of the zodiac. He became the Lion spirit in the year X344. His human name was Loke.
Leo used Ring magic as a human, which he then translated into Regulus when he became the Leo spirit. He can use Regulus without his rings, and he can use it throughout his whole body, but it’s stronger when channeled through an item.
His rings can take many forms, and he even likes to use brass knuckles sometimes.
His fire magic isn’t really fire magic, but more of a fire hazard. He can light his tail on fire, as well as his hair if he’s in a tight spot, which will likely make an attacker let up.
Virgo ♍️
Virgo isn’t a maid in my rewrite
Her magic is the same as in the original
She’s a shapeshifter and is also, the only spirit with a gender bias. A man could never reincarnate into the Virgo spirit, but if Virgo wanted too, she could appear as a man.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Rosemary.
Libra ♎️
Gravity Magic is a sub category of Air magic, so she can use Air magic just as well, making her very hard to escape from.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Vidya.
Scorpio ♏️
Scorpio’s tail is actually a scorpio’s tail, but it has armor around it that gives the appearance of a cannon.
He uses sand magic like in canon, but he can also use water magic.
Scorpio is not dating Aquarius.
His human name was Ezio.
Sagittarius ♐️
Also like his Eclipse design better than the canon one, so he’s a centaur
His fire magic translates into fire arrows that he can summon and fire without his bow, but it’s easier to aim with the bow.
His human name was Phillip
Capricorn ♑️
Capricorn is the second eldest of the Zodiac.
Capricorn still practices his Human Subordination Magic, but he can also use Earth magic. It’s quite a deadly combination if your magic suddenly stops working and he then smacks you with a big ass rock.
For the longest time, he’s looked down on his Key Holders, but that changed when he met Layla Heartfilia, and again when he met Lucy
His human name has been forgotten
Aquarius ♒️
She’s the oldest of the Zodiac and is rumored to be the original Aquarius
She’s actually the original Ophiuchus, but was punished by the Zodiac King for meddling in human affairs and going to earth without permission
Her constellation was destroyed and she was passed over to the Aquarius constellation despite knowing Air magic instead of water magic
She quickly learned Water magic and uses Air magic for her urn, which she uses to store and transfer all the water stored in it
Pisces ♓️
The mother of the Pisces set has been around a long time, but her son was born and became the Pisces spirit not long before Aries took the mantle
The mother (Eta) was originally partnered with her brother, but he lost all his lives shortly before her son (Omicron) was born
He became the second Pisces, but he was originally half human because Eta had a relationship with one of her old Key Holders
Both practices water magic
Omicron was named after his late uncle and has always had that name
Eta’s human name was Calypso
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aesthetic astrology: capricorn sun; virgo moon; taurus rising; aquarius mercury; capricorn venus; pisces mars
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neiveel3llson · 4 months
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I'm act so sick of my life rn
anyways expect a fic later😍
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Whaogh did you guys see the new Emblems...... so cool...
LMFAO this wasn't meant to be an April Fools thing, but it might be funny. I am just always rotating them in my brain...
Also it took me WAY too long to design the bracelet, and like. Idk if it's even good LMFAO, but the thoughts behind it were two wings, Askr motifs (ofc), opalite gemstone that resembles how orbs look, and two sapphires one blue one pink (REALIZING. I'VE MADE AN ERROR. I got zodiacs and birthstones mixed up. Oh well. Well at least it looks nice!) (<- Also sidenote all that info is based in the fanon August 30th bday for them lmfao!)
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princesshair · 1 year
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happy 30th birthday niall! love you ♡
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atorionsbelt · 1 year
not to be an astrology blog but i think it’s time we acknowledge the true source of jamie tartt’s allure and natural babygirlism, phil dunster is a pisces moon
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miss555star · 1 year
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TWIN FLAME INDICATORS LILITH/VENUS/JUNO in synastry, birth chart, composite. this is me & my 🧿twins🧿 alignment it is PRONOUNCED with lilith in libra & our libra energy period. lilith has everything to do with your CORE/your RAW SELF. who you really are without fear or shame & the fact that we share this so strongly being in the same sign & degree made so much since for me🥹 our juno's are also in libra & share juno in libra in composite as well as our sun, venus & our lilith. these synchronicities are strong & play an important role in our journey. [reminder everyone's soul mission/journey is different] our mission is to help each other live through these energies to help us be our most authentic selves & we find so much security with each other to do that. that 29° speaks of this also being our lesson, it is a fated journey. he is a scorpio sun & I am a virgo sun. look for some synchronicities between your twin & your chart they will be different for everybody but understand they will show up & show out! does anyone share heavy placements with their twin?
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