#violence ideation mention
dsm--v · 9 months
tw: vent, mental health discussion, bad parents, written in second person for some reason
let me set the scene for you. you, a 14 year old boy, have always struggled with people. they’re so complex and confusing and you hate most of them. you have two sisters, an older sister, the scapegoat and a younger sister, the naive one. and you. the golden child.
two mentally ill parents in the process of getting a divorce. you find yourself on your mother’s ‘side’. your father…is bad? he wasn’t involved in your life much, or so your mother tells you. you don’t remember your young childhood very well, honestly.
your mother….hm. your mother is a terribly insecure person, and was subject to some form of emotional abuser from your father, as she very frequently reminds you. she relies on you heavily. **heavily**. not just for helping with your siblings, but for…emotional support, often in the form of venting to you about your father. you have a tumultuous relationship, somewhat, at least. often very close, but it can turn harsh very quickly. your mother has few friends, and rarely leaves the house, making you one of her main forms of interaction and connection.
your father. your..father. you don’t know where to start with him, really. not like it’s a dramatic thing, you just….dont have much to say about him. apparently, he is an abusive person and a narcissist (to be clear, i am not a person who thinks ‘narc abuse’ should be a term that’s used). that’s what your mother says. and maybe he is. he probably is. but, as previously mentioned, not much of your childhood can be recalled, so you can’t be sure for yourself. he clearly favors your younger sister, and makes your mother and older sister out to be terrible people. where does that leave you? it’s subject to change. everyone always stays in those positions, but you. you fluctuate in his mind. sometimes he tries to keep you ‘on his side’ and sometimes he sees you as siding with your mother. you haven’t figured out why you were singled out. you may never.
so what is there to do? you are a mentally unhealthy teen who daydreams about violence and spends far too much of his life online and withdrawn. you want to change this, but you can’t. you just have to wait until you can leave your family, or at least distance yourself.
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swollenbabyfat · 7 months
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Quiet now children
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frothingatthemaw · 2 months
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god hopes you burn with it.
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captain-hen · 1 year
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but i always knew, that in the end, no one was coming to save me so i just prayed, and i keep praying, and praying and praying
maddie buckley + ‘sun-bleached flies’ by ethel cain
@lgbtqcreators creator challenge — typography
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ravenzeppeli · 6 months
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Stained Red |Yandere DIO x Reader Dark Lemon|
Warning: strong/violent language, threats, extreme physical violence/abuse, noncon (forced, violent), dark themes, emotional abuse, verbal abuse. MA - read with caution.
As soon as your fiancé Dio Brando entered your room, you were met with a harsh slap, causing you to fall back on your bed. You could only assume that he was upset at you, his golden eyes holding pure anger as he stared down at you with disgust and rage.
"When I give you an order you fucking listen. I told you to not go outside and you snuck out when I was asleep and you disobeyed me completely," he spoke to you harshly. His undead bare chest heaved up and down, hands balling into fists as his blond locks stood wild and untamed. "How dare you. How fucking dare you!"
You tried to push yourself off of the bed, but you were greeted by his fist crashing into your left cheek, blood spraying out of your mouth as you fell to your right hand side on the mattress. "Y-you.." Tears of pain filled your eyes as blood leaked from your mouth. A deep purple bruise formed on your cheek, his punch almost breaking your jaw.
"Don't you dare fucking move! Stay on this bed and bleed out a little.. I promise you that you'll be in a lot more pain soon." He stood close to the bed now, knees pressing against the mattress as he watched you bleed onto the white sheets, staining them red.
You lifted a shaky hand, ripping the diamond engagement ring off of your finger. You threw it at his face, the ring bouncing off of his forehead before hitting the floor. "I.. I will not marry you!" You screamed at him, taking advantage of the shock on his face as you scooted away from him, making your way down the king-sized bed.
        For the first time in your ten months of knowing Dio, this was the first time that you ever saw him shocked, frozen as he stared at you in utter disbelief. You felt his fingers wrap around your ankle, yanking you down the bed. "I'm going to hurt you.. I'm going to make you regret doing something so foolish! That was the worst thing that you've ever done."
You tried to kick him, but his reflexes were too powerful. He caught your other leg with ease, letting go of your other leg as you felt your dress rip off of your body. "No! No.. I don't want this! Get the fuck away from me!" You yelled at him, making him even angrier.
He flipped you over, forcing your back to arch as your underwear was ripped off and thrown to that side. "You're going to get punished like a whore.. you are not going to get any joy from this." Without warning you felt his hands spread apart your ass, his hard erection forcing its way into your tight asshole. "I wasn't going to punish you like this but you will not throw things at I, DIO!" He yelled at you, pushing fully inside of you as his hands smacked across your ass, leaving red handprints.
"A-ah!" You screamed out, hot tears spilling from your ass as he stretched your tight hole out forcefully. "P-please!" You screamed louder, sobbing weakly as he began to move in and out of you, a sharp pain behind every single thrust. Why was he doing this to you? Hurting you.. it wasn't love.
"Begging isn't going to make me stop or go easier on you.. that ring was expensive, and you throw it in my face?" He questioned, disbelief thick in his tone as he wrapped his hands around your waist, fingernails digging into your side as he moved at a rapid pace, ignoring your cries of pain. "I dare you to try and fight back.. you can even use your stand. I fucking dare you to try you bitch."
He was taunting you.. he knew damn well that you nor your stand could fight him off. Slap sounds filled the air as he slammed himself in and out of your tight hole - you didn't feel an ounce of pleasure. All you felt was pain and a deep heartbreak.. you thought that he was going to change.
Instead of fighting back like he dared you, you pressed your face into fur soft mattress, muffling your screams as you felt blood running down your legs as his nails cut into your flesh. His nails were as sharp as knives, drawing blood from you easily.
"Come on.. fight me you little bitch. I bet this is so painful and embarrassing but you're big and bad, right? Stop me," he taunted you even further, rolling his hips as he pressed your body fully onto the bed, removing his fingernails from your sides. "See? You'll never be able to fight me. From the moment I laid eyes on you.. I claimed you. You are my property."
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," you cried out, voice muffled. Pain shot through your body as he moved faster, each stroke more painful than the last. "I'm sorry.. I promise.. just please," you didn't even know what you were saying. You just wanted the pain to go away.. that's all you wanted.
"I promise that the next time you cross me, this will seem like child's play. Let this happen again and I'll beat you to a pulp and then fuck all three of your holes for hours. I'll tie you to the bed and torture you," his voice was low, warning as he gave you three more painful thrusts before cuming deep inside of your anus.
You felt something press into your anus, plugging up the tight hole and assuring that his cum wouldn't leak out of you. Your cheeks and ass held sore.. blood still pouring from your hips and staining your legs with deep red. You felt so disgusting and you were so embarrassed.. you were never going to forget this day. You fucking hated him.
"That was your last warning.. keep my cum inside of your ass for the rest of the night as a reminder. I'm going to go run you a bath because you're filthy but don't expect special treatment tonight. You don't deserve to be kissed or cuddled." He walked away, heading to the bathroom and leaving you a sobbing mess.
You sat in the bathtub, red staining the water as tears filled your eyes, rolling down your bruised cheeks. You disobeyed him again.. you upset him, and he attacked you. So easily did he hurt you, and you couldn't stand it anymore. So badly, did you now want to escape his evil grasp, knowing that despite how much you love him, he'll never change.
You felt his cold golden eyes peering at you as he sat across from you on the toilet seat. He didn't take his eyes off of you, and you wished that he did.. you wished that he would just leave you alone. Why you? Out of everyone that DIO has encountered, why did he pick you to be his? You now feel like the unluckiness woman in the entire universe.
"Why must you always upset me? Why do you always force me to hurt you?" His voice called out, tone filled with thick anger. "You have no choice in the matter of staying with me. You are my property, and you will marry me and spend eternity with me."
You brought your knees up to your chest, burying your face in your knees as sobs escaped your lips. These sobs weren't low. They were loud and pained as your body shook in the warm water. You couldn't contain yourself in this moment.. your tears couldn't be silent because you were truly hurt - you finally cracked. He finally broke you.. and it hurt so fucking bad because you thought that he changed.
You felt his cool hand appear on your back, and you flinched away, "Please don't.. please don't hurt me anymore! Please," you cried out, voice cracking at the end as you held yourself tighter. "Just.. kill me. Please k-kill me," you said in a shaky voice. Death was terrifying, but it would end the pain.. you wouldn't have to spend an eternity in fear.
His hand stayed frozen, an unsettling silence filling the air as you felt his eyes peering down at you. "Despite what you may think of me, I would never kill you, so don't you ever ask me to again," his voice dropped to a whisper, warning you. "If you act obedient that I wouldn't have to hurt you. You did this to yourself."
"You.. you beat me, and you force me.. you.. you," you shook your head, tears filling your cloud of vision. You couldn't do this.. arguing with him will make things worse, and having to say these painful truths aloud was breaking you into even more pieces.
"When you disobey me and disrespect me, then you will suffer the consequences. As your man, it is my right to be in control of you. The sooner you fully accept that, the less that I have to hurt you." Oddly enough, his voice was now soft and soothing. He was like a switch, switching from one emotion to the next when it came to you. It was terrifying. "If you want to go outside, then I will go with you when the sun sets."
The hot water was now turning warm. All of the blood was now clean off of your sore body, but you couldn't get up. You were in so much pain that you didn't want to move, knowing that moving would make things worse. "Okay," you whispered, just accepting your defeat. You had no more fight left in you.
You blinked, shock filling your eyes as you felt the bed beneath your nude body, water still dripping off of your body as you sat on the edge of the bed, soaking freshly changed sheets. You don't understand Dio's stand a single bit, but you knew that he could move you without you knowing.
     He stood in front of you, soft white towel drying your body gently. He patted the towel on every inch of your body, ignoring the embarrassed blush that appeared on your lips as he dried your breast. "Don't make me hurt you as badly as I hurt you today ever again.. just listen to me to the best of your ability and communicate with me."
"I'm scared to talk to you," you said in a low tone, hanging your head in shame as he dry patted your back. Your fear of Dio was so strong sometimes that you're afraid that you'll die of fright. Do people die of fright?
"I'm not going to hit you if you ask me for something. As your future husband, I am your provider, and it is my job to provide for you," he said softly, towel dropping to your womanhood as he spread your legs, patting the area gently. He was being extra careful, not wanting to cause you anymore pain.
Did he not realize that you were never going to forgive him deep down? You felt deep resentment at even his soft touch, fighting the urge to flinch away from him. "Okay," you repeated, feeling as if that was now going to be your go-to word for now on. You didn't know what else to say, but you knew that you were ashamed that you couldn't just leave him and escape his abusive grasps.
"I love you. I truly do love you, and I want you by my side for eternity." He finished drying you, tossing the towel casually to the side as he slipped a silk red nightgown over your head. "Tell me that you love me back."
"I love you too," you said softly, gently pulling away from him as you crawled weakly into bed. You rested your head on the fluffy pillow, feeling much too weak to pull the covers over your body. Your eyes met his soft one.. the life in your eyes was gone, and you could tell that he could notice.
The silk sheets were pulled over your body. "I'll be back before the sun rises. Vanilla Ice is currently on high alert, so don't do anything foolish." His eyes lingered over yours, tall form towering over the best and casting his dark shadow over you. "See you soon.. I will miss you."
You blinked once, and he was gone.. his dark shadow that towered over you, vanishing with you. A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you slowly turned to your more comfortable side, a pained groan escaping your lips as pain shot through your entire body. You let your eyes close, welcoming sleep as swiftly as you could in hopes or waking up in less pain tomorrow. You hoped tomorrow would be a better day, but the hope that Dio Brando would turn into a good man completely left your mind.. you were never going to see him the same again.
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sys-confessions · 4 months
Wording this like an AITA post because it’s how we process written content that has traumatised us.
Tw: abelism, talks of extreme violence, thoughts of unaliving, talk of hospitalisation and blood
Am I the asshole for wanting to beat up a “friend”?
I, W (personal protector) have recently been watching a situation play out with a “friend” D (singlet). D has spent the past three months demonising us as a system, she has fakeclaimed us *behind our back* and has tried to get our other friend (T, system) to stop being friends with us by saying horrible things (we will not be sharing as we are still processing).
Recently D has started to exhibit some very abelist behaviours and beliefs towards us and T. We have Tourette’s syndrome (we being us and T) and some of our tics happen to be quite loud. We (as in our system) also have some punching tics. And D has started to glare at us and roll her eyes whenever we tic.
Now we suspect that she is doing this due to another friend of hers (J, singlet) as his boyfriend (Z, system) and his friend (S, singlet) has tics and tourettes respectively. J does not believe we are a system, that we have tourettes or that we are autistic.
The more I have watched this happen the more I have realised that these things have been making the system as a whole very suicidal. And because of this I am also seeing lots of us very angry.
In the past few weeks I have had thoughts of fucking decking her, punching her so hard her nose breaks and she bleeds. Or that she has to be hospitalised so she cannot hurt us or T.
So I approach you. Am I the asshole?
(This post is rhetorical. I do not want to know if I am the asshole)
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skygent · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Hug It Out Prompts
Today at work I got to thinking about expanding my Hug It Out fics to other fandoms aside from Amphibia and Owl House and decided to start drafting up some ideas! These are all rough concepts right now and could change as they are refined. In case you don’t know, Hug It Out is a series of fics I have meant to be hurt/comfort fics for you! No matter what you may be going through. Some of them are interconnected in their own continuities but they are all meant to stand on their own.
Spoilers for all released Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss content as of 8/11/2024. Emily: Fallen One day while out and about, you discover that the seraphim Emily has fallen into Hell in the aftermath of The Show Must Go On. Acting quickly, you take Emily back to the Hazbin Hotel and try to help her adjust to her new surroundings and come to terms with being cast out of Heaven. Vaggie: Phantom Pain CW: Blood, Panic/Anxiety Attack, PTSD, Death and intense scenes of violence and peril One night at the Hazbin Hotel, you have a PTSD induced panic attack when memories of the night of your death come flooding back. Thankfully, your friend Vaggie is close by and dealing with these kind of episodes is an all too familiar experience for her Beelzebub: Slow Down While planning her next big party, Bee struggles with her self image as the fun party girl who is always in a good mood as the pressure of being helping her friend's escape from their day to day stressors starts to get to her. Verosika: Every Note A reader x Verosika continuity. You are upstart musician who has managed to enter a relationship with Hell's most famous pop star: Verosika Mayday. One quiet night after Apology Tour, you two have a talk about your shared passion for music and the healing power of creating art not just for yourselves, but others. Charlie and Vaggie: Better Off CW: Self-Harm, Blood, Suicide Attempt/Ideation One night, you decide that your parents; Charlie and Vaggie would be better off without you. Thankfully, before your attempt succeeds your parents find out what's going on and stop you, comfort you and start making plans to get you the help that you need. I am open to requests regarding characters and subjects you’d like to see, just let me know! My inbox is open! (I have a lot more time to actually answer now too!)
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//It's also in the tags but to reiterate, major warning for a written description of Pokémon death below the cut. It's not particularly graphic or bloody, but it's written as somebody standing from a distance would see it and with heavy emotional weight afterwards, so do be aware.
[Video after video...
As Reshiram stumbles across the ground, sending Pokémon scattering with each move and attacking with Dragon Pulse those that move too swiftly, Cross focuses not on the two Zor leading the giant dragon's movements with illusions away from the population, and instead towards Vision, whose heels squelch in the rain-dampened earth as she pushes past just about every other combatant to seize Colress by the lapels of his lab jacket. He doesn't do much to resist with his usable hand as she sets into reaming the man out.
"You! You and I both know this isn't how things were supposed to go at all, you sorry excuse for a whelp of a man! We agreed on the Moor of Icirrus! So why are we here, and why am I fighting my brother?! Can you not follow the simplest of directions?! The simplest of boundaries?! Or are you forgetting who the person who controls the Dragon of Truth is here?! Besides, if this keeps going, we're all going to--to die, with how this thing is rampaging! So end this madness already!"
Colress, oddly smug for someone who could have his face kicked in at any given moment, replies in an even tone. "I had told you that Lostlorn Forest was by far the best location to amplify the emotions of those fighting, and thus produce the best data. That includes your own, of course. Even if you are the one who wields Reshiram... right now, Reshiram's will is fully its own. Something you can only accomplish with my help. So even so, I can't let you sabotage my experiment. For both of our sakes. My apologies, Lady Vision."
The half-Zorua sneers at Colress, pulling at his lapels one more time as she roughly tosses his weight to the ground, hard enough to leave skids in the mud. "Watch your temper..." Colress warns sternly as Vision turns to Reshiram. The dragon's steely blue eyes were already locked onto Vision's position. It seemed more enraged by the incessant noise than the skittering creatures Vanilla and Wolfgang had conjured.
"And you! You've been here since that day, you should understand exactly why--!" She slips into snarling at the Reshiram, voice intensifying as she becomes more and more incensed, her screams breaking into an outraged cry at the end. Cross moves closer to Vanilla and Wolfgang, capturing their glimpses at each other, their faces softening as something hits them. Maybe even sympathy.
What Cross is more interested in, though, is the Reshiram's looming posture as Vision continues to rant, its wings rearing upwards and upwards until in a clean motion--
A scream pierces the air, the same in pitch and tone as Vanilla's, as Reshiram seizes Vision in its claws and readies its wings as if to take to the sky, flapping heavily, shaking the nuisance in its confusion. Nobody moves an inch, save Wolfgang, who Vanilla catches by his arm. The microphone picks up a soft "Please," but the wolf shakes his head and snarls in response. Vanilla nods reluctantly. She begins focusing her power, scars glowing red through her clothing. Wolfgang rushes for the dragon's shank, leaping in the air to claw into the dragon's fur as its feet leave the earth and it rapidly ascends.
Reshiram thrashes as the Zoroark claws its way up its body and across the dragon's wing, but Wolfgang's battle-bonded claws hold even when shaken high in the air. Even when his crest finally breaks into energy. It's inaudible, but Wolfgang snarls something at Vision. Her mouth moves as Wolfgang pries her arm from Reshiram's claw, then her body. Below, Dolly the Darmanitan holds out her arms, watching for the soundless cue. And then the girl falls, for what feels like an eternity, until she meets Dolly's arms. They both buckle under the inertia of a 30-foot drop, but Dolly pulls her arm out from under Vision soon enough to give a triumphant thumbs-up to Wolfgang. He roars back.
At the signal, Vanilla reaches out her hand, stretching from it a chilling deep purple aura of malice that wraps itself around Reshiram's leg and tugs it to the ground as hard as she can muster. They scream in effort, their voice cracking with the pressure as they brace their body backwards, but the dragon rears upwards harder as Wolfgang readies a Shadow Claw and is thrown off balance. His remaining claw slips. Vanilla releases the dragon. He reaches for his brother instead. So does Reshiram, grabbing the Zoroark with the sharp talons on its feet. Before Vanilla can reach again, the dragon toys with its prey, tossing Wolfgang above its own head as he snarls something at the top of his voice and just a little further, just reach a little further--
There's a deafening crunch.
Reshiram holds something in its mouth. Something unmoving. It lands gracefully. As if its head had never been clearer. It drops the thing casually. Preens its wings. The thing has the shape of Wolfgang, but it doesn't move.
The malice returns to Vanilla's core. They stand, eyes wide, for seconds or eternities. The thing doesn't move. She stumbles and nearly collapses on her first step. She keeps stumbling as Amadeus rushes over to the thing, some unspoken barrier broken. It doesn't move. Amadeus whines low and hurt and shakes the thing as Vanilla manages to lower himself towards the ground without collapsing. The thing doesn't move. Not to get up, not to mumble something into the dirt, not to breathe. But the thing is, without a doubt, Wolfgang.
Vanilla just kneels. Breathes. Waiting. Even when Amadeus lays her head on her auncle's lap, curling herself into the smallest shape she can muster. Even when Tula rushes over to confirm, as a trauma nurse, what was already known. Even when she tries to meet their eyes, leaning low, but can't. "...I'm... so sorry." They squeeze her hand so tight it hurts when she rests next to them.
Vanilla turns and blinks at the Swords as they approach. He takes in enough to shoo them off with his free hand. He stands roughly when Vision approaches with timid steps. Apologetic. Horrified, from the look on her face. Reliving something. She touches her fur collar again. Amadeus stands to steady her relative, but Vanilla keeps going, speeding until she full-force charges her counterpart, toppling them both to the ground. They draw their blade to Vision's throat wordlessly as Cross readjusts to capture the scene.
"...Do it. You know how I feel, correct? There's no life for me. After this."
His sword hand wavers like it can't decide where the blade's home is. There's a forceful intake of breath as their eyes water, the silence deafening.
Until Reshiram decides there's too much of it, its tail blazing to life. Vanilla glances up, back at Vision, and sighs as she weakly pushes off the ground.
"...But there is. You're going to help me. You say you want justice so badly... then start with yourself. Right your wrongs. And I'll do the same."
The video saves.]
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undersaarthal · 7 months
TW : sexual assault, suicidal ideation, psychosis. A very personal story--I've never seen my story told, so I'm telling it. If you were feeling as alone as I am, I hope you find comfort in shared understanding. <3
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vocaloidsongpoll · 7 months
do you like this vocaloid song?
(composed by Pepoyo)
submitted by @raaaamen! thank you so much!!!
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naturalist-doctor · 9 months
winston lore post; studies on antidepressants and how i taught myself to die
tw [ death, mental illness, descriptions of blood and gore, suicide and suicidal ideation, guns. ]
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Dr. Corvus toiled on the floor. His skull cracked and folded under his skin. Masses of flesh waltzed and crawled loudly begging for help, knowing there was a better way. But Winston is a stubborn man, who dared not to listen.
His abdomen crawled with life--something that wasn't him, something hopeful and naive and loud. He cried out to it, something about how he’d tried every antidepressant and drug and chore and it never worked. The pharmacy and the oils and the stars lied to him, how he couldn’t be cured. A life lived in eternity is a life which he sees no hope in. Not like this. Not like Corvus.
Every cough drew up more bile, decayed crawling remains of morning coffee, beady silver swimming and refusing to bond to the blackened blood draining down the man’s chin and throat and core. He grabbed the lump in his muscles and pulled and tugged and fought and it did not come loose. He didn’t want to live, but he is the plaything of whatever cruel deity lies above. Whoever granted him his birth--one truth--but refuses to grant him one more--his death. He collapses, hitting the hardwood and being forced out of whatever contortion he tried to maintain. He didn’t remember how it felt anyway.
Doktor Corvus was a desperate man ever since that day when he walked home from his studies and put a bullet to his head and his heart, stubbornly, loudly, defiantly beat in his chest despite his brains on the wall and his skull glistening like glass. Broken like glass. And he looked up from his state on the floor, denied death as the poison tore through his body and ran thick in his veins, and he saw a man. Tall, like him. Brown-haired, like him. His messy hair flowed around the cavern in his face where a heart beat, loudly, almost as if he was hearing it in his own head.
The man vanished into Hyde’s mind, and suddenly, he felt different: like his body wasn’t his, and that he wanted to live.
Hyde sat across the counter as Cattie mindlessly chatted with him, the doctor sipping on some fancy coffee. He lamented on how the attempts to clear his veins of the silvery medicine Jekyll had fed Winston when he was whole, and by extent, the masked naturalist, were unsuccessful. But he wasn’t the one searching for a way out of living. He was searching for a way out of living as a passenger in a train, a way to rid Jekyll of this body. 
After all, that man took no issue with throwing his birth given name away, so why should Hyde let him keep it?
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riverthylacine · 5 months
MASSIVE CW: Vent, suicide mentioned, Drug and alcohol addiction, Caffiene addiction, Accidental Overdose, child abuse mentioned, mental health neglect, medical malpractice, mental hospitalization, police brutality, prison mentioned, AND THIS IS A VERY POLITICAL POST (FAR LEFTISM (I am a anarchocommunist)) PLEASE ASK ME TO ADD MORE CW IF NEEDED,
It really bothers me how I will never relate to or feel nostalgic to late 2000s to early 2010s post about elementary school.. I see picture of the inside of buses, school activities, and all of that, I can’t relate to any of it.. I didn’t go to elementary school and I only did 2 months of 7th grade and 1 week as a freshman and 1 fucking day as a sophomore, the rest of my schooling was at alternative schools that sucked and homeschooling which I can’t remember most of it cause at the time I was still actively being abused, I see my three youngest siblings and how they are still in school, how they got to learn and have friends, and I have none of that.. my two older siblings also have been to and completed high school, I have nothing.. I was too autistic and weird and mentally Ill to have done anything, I had been hospitalized twice and fucking spent my whole summer of 2018 (my last year in my home state) in a fucking residential program that said they were duel diagnosis BUT THEY ONLY FOCUSED ON THE KIDS THERE THAT HAD DRUG AND ALCHOL ADDICTIONS AND THEY COMPLETELY IGNORED MY CAFFEINE ADDICTION AND DOWNPLAYED IT SO MUCH THAT I GAVE UP ON QUITING they had FORCED me go to NA, MA, and AA meetings WHEN I DIDNT HAVE TO GO and they ignored my mental health, I LITERALLY HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER SINCE I WAS FUCKING 4 YEARS OLD AND IT TOOK 17 FUCKING YEARS TO GET A DIAGNOSIS CAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO DIAGNOSE A CHILD AND CAUSE OF THAT I WASNT ON ANTIPSYCHOTICS INTIL I WAS FUCKING 18!!!!! I WAS IN CONSTANT PSYCHOSIS AND I WAS PARANOID ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND I COULDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! AND MY AUTISM AND ADHD WERE NEGLECTED CAUSE MY PARENT WERE TOO FOCUSED ON MY MENTAL ILLNESS AND MY TWO BROTHERS WHO WERE DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM EARLY ON!!! I WAS DIAGNOSED AT 12 AND THEY DIDNT TELL ME INTIL I WAS 15!!!! I WAS CONSTANTLY DRINKING ENERGY DRINKS SO MANY IN A FUCKING DAY THAT I FUCKING OVERDOSED AND WAS UP FOR 3 WHOLE FUCKING DAYS AND MY MOM STILL DIDNT TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL AND I WAS DOING ALL THAT TO SELF MEDICATE MY ADHD AND I DIDNT GET PUT ONTO STIMULENTS INTIL I WAS 18 AND THEN MY PSYCH TOOK ME OFF CAUSE I DIDNT DO WHAT SHE TOLD ME TO AND I SPENT MONTHS TRYING TO GET A NEW PSYCHIATRIST AND WHEN I DID SHE PUT ME BACK ON THEM WITH NO STIPULATIONS CAUSE ITS FUCKED UP TO DO THAT!!!!AND I MISSED THE LAST 4 APPOINTMENTS WITH HER CAUSE THEY ARE ONLINE ONLY APPOINTMENTS AND I HAVE MEMORY FUCKNG ISSUES CAUSE OF LONG FUCKING COVID SO NOW IVE RUN OUT OF MY FUCKING RITALIN AND I HAVE TO SELF MEDICATE WITH ENERGY DRINKS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY BUT I HAVE A FUCKING HEART CONDITION AND SO NOW MY HEART RATE IS HIGHER THAN AVERAGE (USUALLY ITS 100 AND NOW ITS BEEN AROUND 150) CAUSE I DONT HAVE PROPER STIMULENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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corviddoll · 16 days
TW : blood, abuse, and sui ideation (past) self - victim blaming, *Vent*
My ex abused me... I genuinely believe it was my fault. I'd never in a million years think that about anyone else, but I knew better, and I still just let it happen. I could've fought back. I had people who would've listened if I'd told them. And truly, they never meant to hurt me. They were blinded by their own ongoing trauma.
I was already depressed, but that's not even why. It wasn't even the fact that I loved them. I just tried to get them to understand for so long that any attempt to make things better started to sound like a way to get hurt even worse. Having to choke the word no back down starts to hurt worse than just letting it burn inside the pit of your stomach. It's not their fault they didn't know better.
It always felt like being hollowed out and filled back with lead. Near the end, they made me bleed, so much that I had to give up on getting it to stop and make a makeshift pad out of toilet paper in the school bathroom. That experience led me to consider my options to be breaking up with them or ending my own life, catching myself thinking that was the reason I finally left them. Even then, it took me a couple of months to do it, I was so scared of what they'd to to themselve or me.
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serickswrites · 1 year
Idea : whumpee who is always joyous and kind to others despite never receiving kindness themselves
Hello @lockedwith-care that is a great idea! Please enjoy! And please ask for anything you would like to see written or more of!
Warnings: degradation, emotional abuse, mention of suicidal ideation, physical abuse, bruises, burns, domestic violence
Whumpee pulled the sleeves of their sweater lower, making sure the cigarette burns on their forearms weren't visible. They checked their make up in the bathroom mirror. Whumpee had spent a good portion of their morning trying to cover up the bruises on their face and their black eye. It looked like the make up was holding up. They sighed, their bone-weary exhaustion filling them along with the unspeakable sadness.
Whumpee was trapped with Whumper. Every time Whumpee plucked up the courage to try and leave, Whumper would threaten to kill themself and Whumpee felt guilty and would stay. Would stay despite how much Whumper hit them. Would stay despite how Whumper would extinguish their cigarettes on Whumpee's arm. And would stay despite wanting desperately to be free.
"You are mine forever, Whumpee. You're not going anywhere. Who would want a stupid, ugly slut like you?" Whumper had sneered that morning before slamming the door closed.
Whumpee had taken a moment to cry because Whumper was right. No one would want them. They were trapped. Forever. After allowing themself a five minute pity party, Whumpee knew they had to get up and get ready for work.
As Whumpee washed their hands, shaking the image of their perfectly made up face from their mirror, they plastered on their best customer service smile. "No one will ever know," they muttered as they left the bathroom.
"Whumpee! What took you so long, we're swamped!" Coworker shouted as Whumpee returned.
"Sorry, Coworker, won't happen again." Whumpee's smile dropped a little as they ducked their head.
"It better not, get your butt up here now!"
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loopspoop · 3 months
>:3c Chapter 21 and things are getting dire for our favorite thief! What will his partners do?
TW: torture, electrocution, burn mention, violence, vague suicidal mention, major gore mention
Lupin wasn’t sure how long he had been alone for. Scientists had moved him to a dark room so long ago..there was no light or outside noise..he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face. Part of him preferred this over his last experience, but part of him despised the issues the sensory deprivation aspects of the room caused.
Hallucinations had actually started to plague him, ironically. Faceless apparitions and voices from the darkness. More often than not, it was Mad, though sometimes it was his partners, and he was unsure if that was a positive or a negative considering they weren’t actually here. He refused to believe Alarie had actually managed to kill them..but the darkness and hallucinations made sleeping difficult, which made keeping track of the time passing just as difficult.
Sighing, Lupin laid across the floor. Or walls? Ceiling? The space was infinite and he couldn’t tell up from down. When the door creaked open, he was almost certain it was a hallucination until he was jerked up and shoved out the door.
“Easy-!” Lupin snipped, glaring back at the scientist. These nerds were rough…
“Shut the fuck up!” The scientist jabbed a taser into Lupin’s back roughly.
Crying out, Lupin fell onto the ground, writhing and gasping through the pain. Bastard! He grit his teeth, cringing at the unmistakable feeling of the skin around the cybernetics in his back burning.
“Did I say you could lie down?! Get the hell up!” A well aimed kick met Lupin firmly in his ribs.
Wheezing, Lupin shakily made his way to his feet. He would get out of here..he would make it out of here somehow. Walking down a series of long hallways, Lupin was eventually forced through a set of double doors.
He wasn’t sure whether he should scream or try to run.
Cages upon cages lined the walls or hung from thick chains suspended from the ceiling. Inside were other…Lupins? Clones? They had to be. He knew cloning technology was something big wig rich guys liked to mess with..seemed that these guys hadn’t perfected it and weren’t super close.
Eyes wide, Lupin covered his mouth with his hand silently. There were so many…and they were horribly deformed. Hands for feet, lacking eyes, jaws, other limbs. Some with extra limbs, extra heads, or some that seemingly came out normal but were torn apart to try new cybernetics…which struck an uncomfortable cord with him.
The worst were the ones in the back of the room. Skinless figures and figures that barely had anything left. Broken creatures crying out into the sterile air of the lab for help that they never knew and that would never come. Some were dead, dying, and seemly freshly made due to the amount of energy they had. It seemed that nobody had been made entirely whole.
Fighting back the very strong urge to throw up, Lupin bit the inside of his lip as he was forced forward. Don’t look at them. Just don’t look at them. He could see Alarie at one of the cages, having a dead clone dragged away to God knows where.
“Ah, Lupin! Good to see you! How has solitary treated you?” Alarie smirked, sauntering over to him smugly.
“Well, if you really want to know, I think you could do a lot more to make it darker.” Lupin smiled back, firmly meeting his gaze as defiantly as he could.
Alarie glared, motioning to a few nearby scientists before stepping away. The scientists quickly rushed Lupin, dragging the struggling thief over to the nearest wall and chaining him there by his wrists.
“You never really know when to shut up, do you?” Alarie stepped forward, raising an eyebrow as he cupped Lupin’s cheek.
Lupin tensed, narrowing his eyes as he glared Alarie down. “Just like you never really know how much of a jackass you look like when you act cocky.”
Alarie narrowed his eyes, pulling out another taser as he pressed the prongs into Lupin’s exposed cybernetics on his arm. Screaming out, Lupin threw his head back and struggled against the chains, trying to find some way to get away from the burning electrical shocks.
“Consider this your first lesson in building a super weapon, Lupin. In order to conquer the world, your weapon needs to be able to endure anything. For now, we can work on your endurance to pain.” Alarie smiled, moving the prongs to Lupin’s side.
“GAH-AH! S-STOP-!!” Lupin screamed, body twitching and arching in futile attempts to get away.
“Music to my ears! However, we won’t stop until you can withstand it properly!” Alarie grabbed Lupin by the hair, jabbing the prongs into the cybernetics around Lupin’s eye.
Wailing, Lupin threw his head back as his eyes rolled back and his vision went spotty. He was dying, God he was dying! His skull was breaking all over again!
“Ah, ah! Don’t go so soon, Lupin! This was just starting to get fun!”
Water was dumped on his head and his vision managed to slowly come back as he choked past the water to get air. He could smell and feel his skin burning around the metal, the water making it more uncomfortable. Panting, Lupin looked at Alarie as he narrowed his eyes.
“I-Is that…the best…you’ve got..?” Lupin managed between breaths, water dripping down his face mixing with blood from his burns.
“Seems we haven’t broken that rebellious streak just yet. We can work on that too.” Alarie shook his head, slamming the taser prongs back down onto Lupin’s cybernetics as the thief began to scream again.
It had to have been days. The only thing giving him some indication to the passage of time now was the burns on his body. These guys might not be Mad, but they had the same M.O., so it didn’t surprise him that they hadn’t been treating his burns. He ‘needed to learn to battle even infections’ apparently. The wounds were warm and painful and he couldn’t handle them himself with the lack of materials and all encompassing darkness in his room.
The door was thrown open again and Lupin sighed. He figured it was another round of electrocutions to add to his ‘training’ but..it was something else.
Turning quickly, Lupin’s eyes widened. Jigen..it was Jigen! Jigen had come for him! Standing as quickly as he could manage, Lupin stumbled to the door and fell into the gunman’s waiting arms. It was him! He came for him!
“Come on, we need to hurry!” Jigen grabbed him around the middle and took off down the hall with him, making several twists and turns.
“I..I almost thought you weren’t coming, I-“ Lupin bit his lip, laughing weakly as he tried to keep pace with him.
“Oh, Lupin…” Jigen stopped, grabbing a nearby doorknob as the thief looked at him anxiously.
“You really are an idiot to believe that anyone would be coming for you.”
Crying out as he was shoved into the room, Lupin looked back quickly. Alarie smirked, ripping off the mask and hat as he looked down at the thief. It wasn’t Jigen…it had never been Jigen, and Lupin could feel his heart breaking.
“It really is pathetic. You caused them so much trouble, they’re dead, after all, and you just expect them to come for you? Even if they were alive, why would they? You aren’t even human anymore. Nobody would want some monstrous weapon as a partner, let alone their boss.” Alarie laughed, shutting the door as he pressed a few buttons on a control panel outside.
Lupin bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed, blinking rapidly as he teared up. They really weren’t going to come then.. they were gone and if they weren’t then they weren’t going to come for him. It had been too long…it had been far too long for him to rationally justify, even if he wasn’t sure how much time had passed. They weren’t going to come for him.
Cold air quickly began to fill the room as Lupin moved himself into a corner silently. It was another lesson then. Don’t expect help..and building endurance low temperatures. He wasn’t sure how long he would last here..he didn’t think he cared too much anymore about trying to last anyway…
Jigen looked the map over silently, tapping his foot as he finished off his fifth cigarette of the hour. “Couple more hours and we’ll be in Caen.”
Fujiko nodded, holding the steering wheel of their latest stolen vehicle firmly. “Any idea of our plan yet back there?” She glanced in the rear view.
“We’re working on it.” Zenigata looked through some paperwork quietly.
He had procured a lot of materials on the specific syndicate from some underground intel sources and was using them to make ours a rough idea of a plan. Goemon was sitting beside him, looking over a map of the building. There were several areas where they could be keeping Lupin…
“We need to make sure we get in and out and then get the hell outta there. As far as we can go and then some.” Jigen frowned, glaring out the window.
There was an unspoken understanding within the car that they would have to find a way to get rid of these people without the help of the police. Nobody was safe outside of their gang and therefore they would have to snatch Lupin back and get off radar until they could find a permanent solution. They had already wasted time trying to get materials and a car and a plan..and it made them feel terrible. Hopefully they got there soon enough to find Lupin relatively unharmed…
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touch-starved-lurker · 2 months
i’m here to confess.
i hope that my abuser dies. and i think that makes me bad, because i want to do it myself.
🫂no, i wouldn't say that makes you bad at all. they're hurting you so bad and you want it to stop. and they're hurting you, and humans tend to have a thing for revenge. it'd be legally inadvisable, but i get where you're coming from, anon. you're okay, i promise. i love you and i hope the pain gets easier to bear soon. <3
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