#villain luigi
mushyushy · 7 months
"Have I always looked this... tired?"
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Love how the shading and texturing turned out on this bad boy on god
(Havent written a single sentence for Chapter 4 of my bowuigi fic that the art pertains to bro omfg)
Edit: (Since people are asking, fic is The Villain I Appear To Be on AO3)
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rejectedanimexp · 5 months
New part to Phantom thieves au
Edit: this is part 5 by the way
Lil’ P’s Obsession?; Luigi is an “angel”
Peasley hummed ‘Daisy Daisy’ as he gathered powerups in the darklands for his next heist. Sure, he could gather them in the Mushroom Kingdom, but that would lead to Mario wanting to know why he was gathering them in the first place. Besides, there were tons of rare and unique powerups here!
So trespassing on King Boo’s lands it is. Maybe he’d run into one of Luigi’s villains. That would be fun.
Peasley has just another powerup into the basket on his cloud that was already overfilled when a voice pipes up from above in a nearby tree.
“Why are you humming that creepy tune?”
Peasley abruptly stops humming and looks up to see a wannabe jester on a tree branch.
“Its a nursery rhyme and its catchy. It's not my fault movies like A Space Odyssey made it creepier. Now, London Bridges is a creepy tune to hum.” Peasley sassed back.
Dimentio raised an eyebrow behind his mask. He was pretty sure this was one of Luigi’s friends yet the guy didnt even seem concerned that he was near him.
“You… you do know who I am, right?” Dimentio asked just to double check that this was the green guy that hung around Luigi.
“Yeah, you're the demented jester dude that Red Mustache Man still whines about. Nice job getting under his skin by the way. His ‘holier than you’ attitude really grates my nerves.” Peasley laughed.
“Red.. mustashe man? You mean Mario?” Dimentio chuckled.
“Marco, Marice. Whatever his name is. I only learn the names of people who matter. Red Luigi is not worth the effort of learning a name.” Peasley dismissed with a wave of his hand.
Dimentio floats down closer to him. “What brings a hero wannabe like you to a villain’s territory?”
“Eh, Collecting powerups without Red Luigi poking his nose into my business. That guy is such a party pooper and wouldn’t mind his own business if I did this back in the Mushroom kingdom. And if I did it back in the Bean kingdom, my Mother would ground me or something. So, collecting them where Red dude wouldn't check is my best bet.” Peasley frowned. “Besides, I’m not letting Luigi upstage me in annoying his brother, so I need powerups to annoy Red Man while I break as many laws as possible. Maybe I’ll crash one of his hero parties. I don’t know. I just like annoying him. It's fun and it cures my boredom. And who said anything about being a hero? You save your kingdom one time and everyone thinks you want to be some superhero. Please. No thanks.”
“The hero wants to rebel, how cute.” Dimentio pulls out a dagger only for Peasley to roll his eyes and pull out two of his own.
“Did you know, you should always have 22 knives on you at all times? You never know when you need them. And at least half of them need to be poison-tipped. I wanted to have more on my but Luigi and Daisy limited my spending on them because it was starting to raise suspicion on me.” Peasley piped up cheerfully.
“Slow or fast-moving poison?” Dimentio asked, slightly intrigued.
“Both.” Peasley beamed. “Depends on the situation. Do I need to silence someone or do I need them to suffer?”
“You’re awfully violent for someone hailed as a heroic Prince.” Dimentio snorted.
“Well, maybe I’m tired of being labeled as some idiotic hero wannabe by everyone. Nobody sees me for anything but the try-hard hero wannabe and it's annoying.” Peasley clenched his fists. “So when Luigi snapped and decided to take advantage of people underestimating him, I decided to follow suit. Figured I might as well take advantage of it as well.”
“This isnt some game for little boys to play you know. Villianly is a serious profession and-”
Dimentio is cut off by a pouting Peasley who throws his dagger art him.
“Fiesty, huh?” Dimentio mused as he looked at the ornate dagger that embedded the tree next to his head.
Peasley just smiled that innocent smile he had perfected. “I have no idea what you mean, good sir. I’m just a normal upright citizen. I totally don’t plan to be an inconvenience and menace to society.”
“You are a gremlin,” Dimentio concludes.
Peasley’s eyes light up. “You really think so? I tried to perfect my perfect innocent child smile to throw people off. Luigi likes to joke that im a demon spawn.”
Dimentio felt slightly uncomfortable by the look Peasley was giving him. He felt like Peasley was staring at him like a new shiny toy and it was unnerving. “Yeah… sure. You seem really annoying.”
Peasley claps his hands together as he smiles widely. “I like you. You’re so cool. What kind of dagger was that that you pulled out earlier? Is it true that you can easily defeat Red Man? How many knives do you have on you? What's your favorite knife or dagger? Why do you wear that mask all the time?”
Dimentio sweatdropped. He definitely felt uncomfortable now. He should have stayed in King Boo’s Mansion.
“You’re the coolest villain ever, Dimentio-senpai.” Peasley gushed which made Dimentio regret ever getting up today.
Later that Day with Luigi
Luigi sighed as he let the loud casino noises around him blur into white noise. Ever since Waluigi disappeared (aka died), Luigi had to take over some of his shifts at Waluigi’s casino.
Strangely, it is still running even after its owner has gone missing. Just Luigi’s luck he supposed.
Luigi mainly ruins the bar and deals cards. Let it be known Luigi takes his job very seriously. That being said, he also takes his rivalry with the 3 purple nuisances seriously. 
So you can imagine his reaction to overhearing Wario of all people making fun of the three villains about how pathetic they are to lose to a weakling like Luigi. 
He rightfully got passive-aggressive of course.
Luigi hummed as he shook the drink and tossed the shaker into the air. As much as he was clumsy at times, he was rather skilled at making any kind of drink no matter how complicated it got when shaking the drink shaker.
Luigi poured the drink over ice and handed it to the random customer before sighing as he whipped the shaker clean.
His attention was soon drawn to what seemed to be King Boo, Dimentio, and Antasma. They seemed to be arguing with Wario. Luigi told his coworker to cover for him before he silently made his way over to them.
Luigi caught the tell end of Wario’s teasing. 
“You guys call yourselves villains? Don't make me laugh. You guys cant even defeat Luigi and he’s the most pathetic person on the planet. He guy is afraid of his own shadow… yet you guys lose to him? You’re jokes.”
Luigi felt something rather dark bubble up inside of him as he clenched his fists. 
How dare he. HOW DARE HE! His fights with them were not something to laugh at. 
Green lightning cracks around Luigi’s fists as thunder is heard outside despite it not raining.
Dimentio, who knew about the Thunderhand powers due to Mr. L, noticed Luigi first. Dimentio knew something was about to go down.
Luigi cleared his throat as he held a tight smile that screamed murder. Wario turns around to see Luigi with an unusual look on his face.
“I heard you were talking shit about me?” Luigi hissed.
Just then more green lightning strikes outside, hitting Wario’s car. Wario looks over to see through the windows to check for storms only to see his car was on fire.
“Oh, talk about bad luck. I hope that strange lightning doesn't hit your house.” Luigi said sweetly as faint green lightning cackled around his hand.
“You little shit-” Wario goes to attack Luigi, only for Luigi to swiftly sidestep him.
“Dear me, you sir must of had a little too much to drink. You don't think I had anything to do with the unnatural weather do you?” Luigi spoke loudly in a fake innocent tone.
People all around look over to see the angry guy in yellow trying to attack the innocent and wimpy younger brother of Mario. They all saw how Wario tried to blame Luigi for the lightning. No one believed him and a group of people were mad that he would attack defenseless Luigi when he wasn't doing anything.
Within a matter of seconds, customers were trying to drag the irate Wario away from Luigi who had fake tears and an amazing act of fear going on.
“By Wario! I hope you get well from your anger issues soon.” Luigi called out with fake innocence just to sell the point that he was the victim.
Meanwhile with Mario
Mario sighed as he scouted the library for any clues that the two villains might have left behind. He knows Peach’s guards found nothing but it couldn't hurt to double-check just to be sure.
Lil’ P and Lady D seemed to have stolen a magic book and crystal according to Princess Peach. What they needed with those ancient items was anyone’s guess. But Mario knew that villains make mistakes. He just needed to find it.
He will bring down Mr. L and his two sidekicks if it's the last thing he does. 
To Be continued…
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Okay... so our main cast of allies and enemies are electricity/outlet themed
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And... if I'm reading into this correctly... Mario and Luigi, through the power of brotherly love combined with a sort of physical contact in the right circumstances, generated a power great enough to open a dimensional worm-hole
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With that in mind...
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I find the red & green wire sticking out of the top of the main villain's head to be kinda troubling.
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jelly-fish-wishes · 3 months
What’s with the recent trend of Bleck and Dimentio coded villains?
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evil weegee.
idea where luigi becomes evil one way or another (i’m into the idea of it being a wish-turned-curse-situation) and mario and bowser have to team up to figure out wtf happened and to stop luigi from causing mass destruction.
bowuigi bonus: relationship is pre-established meaning luigi is ruling koopa kingdom alongside bowser. perhaps luigi is self-conscious and feels like he isn’t seen as a leader, leading luigi to make a well-intentioned wish to be taken more seriously. the wish is warped and turns into a curse, turning him into a wicked ruler that takes over koopa kingdom, and his subordinates follow him out of fear rather than respect, when deep down respect is really all he wanted. it starts internally by luigi kinda turning against bowser (confusing the hell out of the poor guy) and just gets worse from there. bowser’s dismayed because both his husband and his kingdom have been yoinked away from him, so he begrudgingly has to team up with mario and peach and whoever else to get everything back.🤠
i kinda wanna write a whole fic now but i honestly am not as well-versed in mario lore as i used to be and haven’t played any of the games in years 😭😭 but ngl drawing evil luigi was fun. low key been in love with luigi since i was 8 years old so it was quite cathartic for me
EDIT: guys i know Mr L exists 😩 i knew of him when i drew this but not exactly who he was/what he did. but i still wanna try to make my own thing here/try to differentiate them LOL. there can be multiple flavors of evil right
flats under the cut because i’m not entirely happy with how the lighting turned out 😩
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lunareel · 13 days
Im wondering, is the chaos heart relevant for Luigi for you? With or without dimentio, he can interact with it? I mean, that will turn Luigi into a god so...
Not sure if this question is for SPM specifically, or more aimed towards the Phantom au, so just in case I'll give an answer for both.
In general sense I think the chaos heart is semi relevant to Luigi, more so in that he's a good host for it, but that's where the relevancy ends for me. I think anyone could use it or even become its host and transform, it just varies person to person of how compatible they would be with the heart. So he could interact with the heart with or without Dimentio, but I also think anyone could interact or even fuse with the heart if they wanted too.
For the Phantom, the heart is incredibly relevant to Luigi (its part of the reason why I showcased a stained glass picture of a version of it in the very first page of the prologue). He can interact with it without Dimentio.
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I don't want to give a lot of spoilers, but in terms of relevance the Chaos Heart is the main driving force of the story (specifically the conflict Man vs Nature and could fall into Man vs Self if you're looking for types of conflict). I'm not going to say more on that as I don't want to give away the details.
However, I do feel like I need to throw out this now that Dimentio is not going to be that important for the overall story. What I have written is that he is only going to appear for the Super chapter and no where else. I just want to focus on different things and story beats.
Anyhow I hope that answers your question! ^ _ ^
Also here's a little bonus of what the stained glass looks like without the eye blink effect:
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Finally- FINALLY saw the movie and oml I am also absolute mush! I need to see it again and again and again just to completely comprehend this rollercoaster of a movie <3 what a beautiful mess it was- now to indulge in even more fanart and fanfics >:)
Couldn't have said it better myself, friend!
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iloveacronix · 3 months
Small tiny sketches of my favorite boomer and zoomer except they're dressed up as different Mario power ups. I feel like Acronix would love the acorn power up because he gets to fly and glide(thats it, thats what he loves), Krux likes the fire plant because- "Back in my days, the fire plant was the only power-up in Super Mario Bros."
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Close ups!!
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"Wowzers." *No reaction* (I was so close to coloring his hat red instead of white💀)
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And a bonus Acronix🌟👏
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skulls-soul · 1 year
A little bit of a Bowuigi/Booigi promt 
Racing competition in where Luigi is riding a motorcycle but his helmet  hide his face and the motorcycle doesn’t have his classic colors on sense his usual is in the shops 
So Bowser and/or king boo have no idea who Luigi is just that this mysterious motorcycle person is hot as fuck and cool as fuck
Once they finally found out who it is, they’re more surprised about the fact that it brought them more joy like “ oh my stars it’s a Luigi… why am I blushing more?!?!”
(bonus, if you thought of this as a king boo and Bowser instead of king, boo or Bowser, imagine they’re both low-key gushing to each other about the mysterious motorcycle person
When they both find out, it’s Luigi, they bully the other for crushing on him, even though they themselves are blushing as bright as the lava in Bowser’s kingdom )
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istadris · 1 year
Since Mario and Luigi have no parents in the mushroom kingdom, anyone meaning to marry Luigi would probably have to get Marios’ blessing as he’s the closest relative available. So a Villain/Luigi proposal would probably go:
Villain: Mario, look, we’ve had some rough times, huh? But do I have your permission to have your brothers hand in-
Mario: NO.
Villain, getting ready to kidnap Luigi anyway: And I TRIED to be nice about it!
I like your idea very much, Anon, and I'm cackling at the idea of villains grovelling at Mario's feet to obtain his blessing while the latter is Very Grumpy about this whole matter and gets FLUDD ready to hose down some hoes.
But. Hear me out.
The Wa-bros hearing about this situation and seizing the opportunity to : 1) Mess with Mario & Luigi 2) Make some quick cash
By claiming to be also Luigi's close relatives and thus the guys to """convince""" (AKA bribe with lotsa money) if you want to ask for Luigi's hand.
Waluigi : "Of course we're related, look at our moustaches and overalls! We're like the twins' twins! " Villain, narrowing their eyes at Wario picking his nose before shrugging: "you know what, works for me, beggars can't be choosers "
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Ok but hear me out:
Charlie Day putting on this kind of performance for Mr L
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mushyushy · 8 months
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rejectedanimexp · 5 months
im back to working on my luigi tumblr story from like last year. (expect the next part by tomorrow).
might upload it to ao3 after making the next part.
(antics au might be turned into a fanfic at some point because gacha life takes way too much time and space. I got like 5 seasons planned out for that au)
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pianokantzart · 15 days
How do you imagine Wario and Waluigi being introduced in the Mario movieverse?
Running from the cops.
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Waluigi is clutching a trophy while Wario has a big bag of cash slung over his shoulder, and they're loudly arguing with each other about whose at fault for their current predicament. It can be quickly surmised that they cheated in some sort of competition, and when their scheme fell apart they decided to just steal the award and the cash prize and make a run for it.
They eventually escape, but amidst the high-octane japes of the chase they lose the trophy and the cash. As a result the two are on the verge of strangling each other once they're finally safe in Wario's hideout.
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Wario starts trying to plan their next move. Waluigi desperately wants to bail on this entire stupid "partnership," but Wario reminds him that they're both in too deep at this point, and as much as he would like to never see Waluigi's ugly mug again they they need to watch each others' backs until this whole mess blows over.
"What we're needin' are aliases," Wario muses while his partner sulks in the corner, turning on an old staticky TV to news coverage of their cheating-scheme-turned-heist. "Somethin' friendly an' unassuming, somethin' people are gonna' trust on instinct."
"In other news, The Super Mario Brothers– a pluming / hero duo from The Mushroom Kingdom– prevented disaster today when some of Bowser's remaining troops..."
Wario's attention is steadily drawn to the TV, where Mario and Luigi are shown waving to a surrounding crowd. Wario looks at his and Waluigi's reflection in dirty window, then back at the TV. The similarities are not lost on him, and he smiles a sly smile.
"Hold on, I think I got an idea."
(Note: Neither Wario nor Waluigi refer to each other by name during this entire sequence, so it's implied the names we currently know them as are part of their alias.
They also don't have their copycat-outfits on or the backward L / W emblems. Instead, Wario is in his biker outfit while Waluigi's wears what he had on in Mario Golf : Super Rush.)
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formalmess · 8 months
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evil gloating
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graveyardzhift · 1 year
since i’m actually thinking about it today, i’m gonna talk about my very not-canon-compliant fake Mario & Luigi fangame
it’s viewed better on pc but im not stopping you
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yea i know what you’re thinking and i PROMISE THERE IS A REASON FOR MAGICALLY BRINGING BACK ALL OF THE VILLAINS (it’s also because i miss them but there is a legit reason)
here’s where it gets long, so if you hate reading:
TL;DR, Alien kingdom is destroyed except for the king (King Galivus), his daughter (Princess Europa) and the royal advisor (Obriel). Galivus is separated from the two and doesn’t actually know they’re alive. The king speedruns thru like 4 stages of grief but he can’t accept this so he wants to rebuild his entire kingdom DIRECTLY on top of the Mushroom Kingdom.
oh and he’s only there in the first place because to rebuild his kingdom he needs dark energy and magic which he gets from reanimating the previous m&l villains since their souls are a potent source of dark magic. he promises them a new and better world (and a second chance at fighting the Mario Bros.) but in the end he’s only going to use them for their power to get back his family and his subjects and then discard them
bowser is the only one that isnt coerced into king galivus’ bullshit so he the bros team up with the princess of voidspell to stop her dad from destroying the world yadda yadda
yeah, that was the tldr now get ready for the big guns (longer and more detailed version)
King Galivus (new guy beside Fawful in the image) was once the noble king of a distant kingdom out in space, the Voidspell Kingdom. That is, until it was destroyed by a rogue Starswallower; colossal space wyrms closely related to Blarggs that are thought of as deities across the galaxy. Galivus was thought to be the only survivor, and so he reluctantly fled through a portal before he could be caught in the falling debris. This coincidentally led him all the way across space to— you guessed it— the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Before he arrived, Galivus rashly decided that he would bring back his fallen kingdom at any cost. For that, he would need a tremendous amount of dark energy. Which is why he headed directly to the Mushroom Kingdom— he had picked up on such a powerful energy signal, and a dark one at that. It was clear, this was the place to rebuild. The energy signal is actually remnants of Mario’s past foes, Cackletta, Fawful, The Shroob Princesses, and Antasma. Their very souls are brewing with dark energy, a perfect source of power. With all this magic combined, it would be enough to rebuild the entirety of Voidspell AND bring back Galivus’ loved ones.
So, he does the sensible thing, and uses his Twisted Staff to revive each villain. Some are reluctant to go along with his scheme, and others are ecstatic to be alive/in working order again and will gladly go along with Galivus’ plan. In exchange for their cooperation, he promises a nice little spot for them in his new world… and another chance at exacting their revenge on the Mario Bros.
What Galivus wasn’t aware of, was that there were two other survivors; the royal advisor and the princess of Voidspell, Galivus’ own daughter. They had escaped to the Mushroom Kingdom in a separate portal, out of Galivus’ reach. The queen and the rest of the castle’s inhabitants had been lost, but with Princess Europa alive, there was a chance at bringing Galivus back down to earth and stopping his selfish acts. She and the royal advisor, Obriel, seek out Mario and Luigi to help stop Galivus from destroying the Mushroom kingdom, its neighboring countries, and possibly the entire planet.
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Also, Queen Jaydes certainly isn’t happy about Cackletta (and the rest of the villains, but mostly her cuz she’s died like two times now) being let off the hook so easily. Her and the bean witch definitely still have beef with each other.
There’s probably a lot that I missed or haven’t written down yet, but that’s most of it!! If you’ve taken the time to read all that, i love you <3 HAHAHA
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