#vibes have been off since the beginning of march
suashii · 6 months
i wanna hold a matchup or drabble event bc i have been feeling so out of place on here but i will also have to wait until the end of the month bc i simply don’t have time ugh
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ripleylove · 3 months
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requested by @nekosounds saying: Hoi!!! Is it okay if I request some hurt comfort? Judgement Day forget about a date they were supposed to go on with Reader because they've been so caught up with work and accidentally been ignoring them lately. But then they make it up to them? Please and thank you friend!
pairing: poly!the judgment day x fem reader.
genre: hurt/comfort,angst,fluff.
summary: being ignored by your four partners for sure wasn't great,but the last thing that made your bottled emotions free was the fact that they decided to ditch the date you have been planning since many weeks,and this really made you feel furious.
A/N: twice just get it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also got a lil too personal with this one
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With WrestleMania quickly approaching,your partners started to get really busy,but that didn't justify their awful actions.
Especially,that for sure didn't excuse the fact that your text were left on delivered and your calls often got sent in the voicemail for 2 weeks.
You didn't know if they were alive or dead,where they were and how they were,because they were "busy".
The only way you got to see them with was social networks, like Instagram or Twitter,where usually Rhea posted a story or two with your partners. All while still ignoring you,of course.
All of this started a week before the start of April,with them going on the road for the big event,WrestleMania,promising to always talk to you.
Yeah,they even promised.
And you believed it. Obviously.
But the last thing that made you lose it,was when you all had a post-WrestleMania dinner at an Italian restaurant that you had been excitedly planning since the beginning of March,and your partners knew how important it was to you.
Hell,you've been waiting for that moment for 1 month,it was obvious that you wanted to make it special. Especially after the tiring weeks of preparing for the big event,and you wanted them to feel more relaxed and serene.
Wearing a flowy and classy lilac dress,and pulling off a perfect nude lip shade,you headed to the famous italian restaurant named: "Luna Rossa".
The outside of the building was dominated by nature,tall and old trees emanating a paradise-like sensation,making the atmosphere really cozy,just how you liked it.
The sound of your high heels echoed through the corridor leading to the reception, your aura radiating confidence and goddess vibes.
"Hello,welcome to Luna Rossa. How can I help you?" The kind lady with brown eyes and red lipstick behind the reception asked.
"Hi,I have a reservation under the name Y/N Y/L/N for five people." You answered,and the last smiled widely.
"Oh,yes! Wait,let me accompany you to the table." She offered,and asked another employee to take care of the reception,leading the way to the crowded dining room,that was booming with chatter and laughs.
"Thank you so much!" You gratefully thanked her,and she brightly smiled at you,going away.
It was 8:30 p.m.,and your partners were supposed to come at 8:40 pm,so you didn't really mind the wait.
You didn't know if you wanted to address or not the problem of them ignoring you during the dinner,and you opted for opening up to them once you were home,in a more private space.
As the time of the arrival of Rhea, Dominik,Finn and Damian inched closer,you were really happy.
Not seeing them for 2 weeks,or even more,took a toll on you and your life.
The loneliness of the once ever so noisy and joyous home filled with Dominik's laugh,and the fact that all of them didn't bother to utter a word to you didn't make them being away any better.
Opening again your phone,you send a text on the groupchat you all had.
Hey,guys! I'm at the restaurant waiting. Where are u all?
delivered at 8:45 p.m.
The fact that they didn't come home even before the dinner was making you feel kind of defeated,but you didn't want to push them,since you knew their job always kept them busy, but you were confident this time,you knew (and hoped) that they would show up.
As the clock strikes 9:00 pm,you were starting to lose hope.
"Please,tell me you're going to come here,say something."
And said hope (as well as your already fragile heart) was crushed when you saw Dominik's instagram story.
It was a picture of him and Rhea laying in bed,the one in your shared house,Dominik's head laying on her chest,both of them smiling happily.
So that means they came back home and didn't tell you anything?
And,more worse,they just stood up on you and your date?
Taking your purse with you,you stood up from the empty table with teary eyes.
Going back to the reception, you see the girl from before again,her warm smile welcoming (or,well,bidding farewell) to you; but that smile didn't last long.
In fact,it dropped almost comically.
"Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Wait let me just-" She stopped talking while calling another guy,asking him (again) to watch over while she left for a bit.
"No,no. No need to leave work,I'm okay. Don't worry." You told her, but she didn't really look convinced.
She reluctantly left you alone,her left eyebrow raised,but not without giving you her number.
She was definitely going to be a great company.
With one last wave to Trisha,how she wanted to be called,you left the restaurant with a heavy heart.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
In the quiet of the night,the only sound you could hear is the jiggle of your keys,while opening the shared house door.
Expecting to see the usual darkness,you were surprised to see the lights on.
So they really came home. And knowing that,made you feel the rage rising in your heart.
Slamming the door shut,you walked with loud steps in the living room.
There you saw the four of them sprawled on the couch,cuddling each other.
On some other day you'd coo at the cuteness of this familiar and cozy scenario,but you couldn't bring yourself to feel these sensations in your heart.
Instead,you felt betrayed,hurt,and heartbroken but,at the same time,you felt angry,pathetic and fuming.
You stood there with tears in your eyes,and Damian was the first to turn around,facing you.
His face turned pale,and he stood up,alarming the others.
"So? Anything to say in your defense before I start talking?" You mockingly asked,watching each of them looking like thieves that got caught.
"Y/N,what did we do? Why are you so mad?" Dominik asked,and you were this close to just slap him right on his cheek.
"What did you do? What did you do? You have the courage to ask me this?" Your four partners were too stunned to speak,as you bursted out all your emotions that you bottled inside your heart.
"So,let me make a little list of what you did,my dear Dominik. First,you promised me that you wouldn't ignore me during the WrestleMania weeks, promise that obviously you didn't keep; Second,I've been left on delivered and had my calls go to voicemail for 2 and almost 3 whole weeks!" You counted on your fingers all the wrongdoings of your lovers,watching their faces lose color from the realization.
"And you wanna hear about the cherry on top?"
"My dear and lovely partners stood up on me on my most waited date,that I was cherishing and attending since a lot of time,since we rarely get to be together." You ironically talked,but you still weren't finished.
"And,last but not least,I discover that my partners came home after 3 weeks of no contact through a fucking instagram story!" You shouted,and Rhea's eyes widened.
"Is that enough for you,little Dominik? Or do you want to know more? 'Cause I've got a lot to say about this whole shit!" Dominik shook his head,while Finn decided to talk.
"Oh,you want me to listen? Listen to what? Your stupid excuses? Wait,let me guess. You wanted to say that you all have been busy,that you didn't have time and that you were thinking about too much things to fucking remember one date?" You interrupted him,and he was speechless,just like the others,and he stayed silent.
"That's what I thought." You rolled your eyes, "Tonight I'm taking the guest bedroom,I want to be alone. Got it?"
"We promise." Damian answered,and you snorted.
"This time make sure to actually keep it."
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
This is one of two endings: angst ending (this one) and the comfort ending (coming soon); read any ending you want! thanks to @nekosounds,this idea was developed, and I'd like to thank her a lot!!
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa @thegalacticnacho091 @judgementdaysunshine
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frenchkisstheabyss · 11 months
୨୧ strawberry julius ୨୧
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୨୧ Pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x chubby!fem!reader x boyfriend!namjoon
୨୧ Genre: fluff, smut, rocker au/crime au combo
୨୧ Summary: The night of an event you've been stressing out about for weeks, you find stress relief in an unexpected but welcome place.
୨୧ Word Count: 2.4k-ish
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୨୧ Warnings: unprotected sex, double penetration, double creampie, anal, light choking, dirty talk, pet names, strong language (I can be a potty mouth, sry), pet names (love, baby), dom vibes if you squint, & that's all I think.
୨୧ A/N: I really wanted to mix two of my favorite au's with two of my favorite people so here we are. There's definitely gonna be a part two because my brain won't shut up about this. Anyway, I hope you like it my loves 🖤
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Punk music blares from the speakers in your living room, the distorted strumming of guitars and brutal drumming enough to shake the walls of your two story home. Playing your music as loud as you want whenever you want. One of the few perks that come with living on the edge of the city where your nearest neighbor's an elderly woman a mile down the road who never uses her hearing aid.
A hearing aid. You’ll need one any day now if you keep this up but you can’t bring yourself to care. You’re having the time of your life fresh out of the shower, dancing around in your towel while you tear your closet apart to find an outfit for the party tonight. Everything has to be perfect. Your hair. Your outfit. Your makeup. Jungkook says you’re perfect already. That everything else is just decoration.
With all the effort he put into getting your band invited to this party, your “decoration” needs to be more memorable than ever. Everyone who’s anyone on the punk scene will be there tonight. From journalists to producers to some of the women who inspired you to start a band to begin with. The pressure to make a lasting impression is insane and the precise reason you’re running on 4 hours of sleep right now. You’ve been moving non-stop since this morning, trying to outrun your doubts and insecurities.
“Love, slow down. Let me help you” Jungkook whispered in those moments he caught you burning yourself out. You don't know what you'd do without the sweetheart that he is. Digging through your top drawer you pull out a pair of fishnets, the ones he can't get enough of, and you're instantly reminded of the other side of him. Thoughts of all the filthy things you’ve done in these fishnets bring a tingle to your cheeks that spreads between your thighs like wildfire. 
“Not tonight” you say to yourself, tossing them back in, “I’ll never be able to focus.” Shaking off vivid memories of being fucked against the questionably clean mirror of a dive bar last weekend, you continue to raid your closet, carelessly making a mess that’ll be a problem for future you to deal with.
“Baby!” Jungkook shouts, stepping through the front door twirling his keys around his fingers. His heavy black combat boots hit the hardwood like the steps of a giant as he marches over to the speaker and turns the music down. “Baby! Where are you?” There’s an adorable pitter patter of feet from above before your voice sounds from the top of the stairs. “I’m here! Get everything you needed from the store?” 
His brain glitches. The store? Oh, yeah. That lie he told you about needing to run to the store for something. You never pressed him for specifics. A testament to the level of trust you have in him. Trust that hopefully won’t be shattered by the fact that he lied his ass off. He cuts his eyes at the tall man looming by the door, knowing that his presence is the only thing that’ll redeem him. 
“Uh, yeah, I did” he lies, appearing at the bottom of the stairs, “Could you come here for a second?” Without bothering to answer, you skip down the stairs, only hitting the second to last step before he has his arms around your plush figure. The towel bunches up around your waist, raising your towel just enough to allow your ass to poke out the bottom. He can’t resist brushing his fingers along the softness of your ass.
A move that reignites that tingling you felt earlier and has your lips latching onto his before he can say another word. Jungkook dives right in, shoving his hands beneath your towel to hungrily grip handfuls of your curves. There’s no time for this but he’ll make it. He has to. Something about you drowns out his reason. He’d postpone his own funeral if it meant he got to touch you one last time. 
“Does everyone who comes over get to watch or am I just special?” Namjoon teases, slamming the front door shut. Jungkook’s stomach sinks, suddenly remembering what he’d actually left the house to pick up. Yours sinks even lower. That voice. It hasn’t lived within these walls for years. Jungkook steps back, waving Joon over. “I, uh, got something extra from the store.” 
A half dozen emotions brew inside of you, none of them identifiable. You only know that your feet are glued to the ground. That your mouth is drier than it's ever been and your heart’s beating in your throat. Joon approaches you, his arms outstretched to welcome you into a hug. When you don’t budge, your pouty bottom lip the only part of you able to move, he pulls you into his arms anyway.
The strength of his hug, the love laced within it, heals something inside of you that has your vision going hazy with tears. Lifting you from the stairs, Joon brings you between him and Jungkook. They hug you from both sides the way they used to before Joon went away. 4 years in prison. Light work for washing dirty money but an eternity for your close knit trio. You haven’t laid eyes on him since that last day in court.
He’d only let Jungkook come visit, insisting that you shouldn’t be in a place like that. You lost count of the hours you spent in tears hating him for keeping you away but loving him too much for the feeling to ever stick. Your Joon didn’t belong locked away with killers and god knows who else. Everything he did, everything you did together, was to survive. He'd never hurt anyone and knowing he might be surrounded by people who would made being kept at a distance sting that much more.
There was no way you and Jungkook would’ve survived without each other. Him losing his best friend and you losing one of your loves. No matter how far your careers advanced, how nice this house was, or how much money you had tucked under the floorboards in the attic, nothing could change how incomplete you feel. How incomplete you felt.
“Ouch!” Joon cries, jumping when you pinch his side, “What was that for?” “What the fuck are you doing here?” you shout, wiping the tears from your eyes. Joon just laughs, “I still live here don’t I?” “Duh, you idiot! But you’re not supposed to—your release is months away—I thought—” You turn to Jungkook who grabs your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours before you pinch him too.
“Early release. I was gonna tell you, I just thought it’d be a fun surprise. Plus you were so freaked out about tonight. I just didn’t wanna psych you out. You mad at me?” Jungkook pouts, those brown puppy dog eyes pulling you in like they always do. “I’m not mad” you huff, rolling your eyes while leaning in to let him peck you on the cheek. Joon kisses you on the neck from behind, his large smooth hands massaging your tense shoulders.
You reach back, running your palm across his buzz cut hair, “I like the new hair. It’s kinda hot.” “Only kinda?” he asks, nipping at your neck, revenge for that pinch earlier. His hands slide down, patiently rounding your curves to reach your exposed thighs. “Stop” you giggle, a chill running up your spine, “I have to get ready.” Jungkook pulls his phone from his pocket to check the time. “We can always help you get ready” he grins, pushing his knee between your thighs to make enough space for Joon to run two fingers over your slit.
“It’s so wet down there” Joon hums, “Is that just from the shower or—.” Twisting free, you rush back up the stairs, stopping halfway up to glance back at them. “I still need to do my hair.” Jungkook shrugs, taking two steps toward you, “I’m pretty good with hair.” You swallow hard, wiping your sweaty palms on your towel. “And…and my makeup.” Joon tilts his head to see you better, “I can do that.”
Why are they like this? So annoyingly persistent. It’s not like you don’t want it. The thought had crossed your mind to have a quickie with Jungkook when you were standing in your bedroom zoning out with those fishnets in your hand. With Joon back you find yourself wanting it even more. Those feelings that overcame you are much clearer now. Passion. Love. Lust. Joy. All fighting for dominance and right now one in particular’s winning.
Look at them. They’re both so fucking handsome. And the closer they get the harder it is to ignore the voice in the back of your head telling you to give in. “Just a kiss” it whispers as Jungkook catches up to you, his lips dangerously close to yours. You close your eyes as your lips meet, his tongue snaking against yours. One kiss. Just one.
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Joon dreamt of being with you like this again. Him lying across the bed, pillows beneath him to keep him at the perfect angle to lower you into his lap. Fingers digging into the plush of your hips, he guides his length, coated in lube from base to tip, to that gorgeous ass he got a few nibbles of when you first took your towel off. “Joon…ah” you gasp, biting down on your bottom lip as the warm tip penetrates your tight hole.
Anal was never Jungkook’s thing. Seeing those cute heart shaped butt plugs you liked to wear when he had you bent over was the extent of his interest. Joon on the other hand had always been insatiable and time hasn’t changed that. “Fuck, still so tight for me” he groans out in pleasure, the tightness of your ass choking his dick the deeper he goes.
When he finally bottoms out, you fall back onto his bare chest moaning weakly, drool already leaking from the corners of your mouth. Earlier your body wouldn't even move. Now you can’t stop it from trembling, the fullness overwhelming you enough to turn your brain to soup.  Joon locks an arm around your waist, the other coming around so he can palm your breast. 
“Missed you” he whispers, rocking beneath you at a pace slow enough for his and your sanity. Your hand skims his forearm, nails digging in when he does a slight bounce to mess with you. He’s definitely put on some weight while he was away. Whatever they were feeding him, whatever weights he was lifting, you approve because he’s stronger than you ever knew him to be and you’re loving it.
“You sure you can take both of us?” Jungkook taunts, shifting his weight on the bed to hover between your legs. He places a hand on your knee, dipping two fingers into your core. He's achingly hard, twitching, leaking precum on the blankets at the sight of how wet you are. Your pussy glistens so beautifully, your walls clenching around his fingers while Joon fucks your other hole. Jungkook awaits your answer but he’s only met with your needy moans and cries.
“You have to say something, baby” he says, his thumb strumming your clit, “Tell me what you want.” The hand on your knee comes around your neck, his hold on you firm yet gentle. Joon slows his movements, offering you a second—and only that—to get your thoughts together. “Come on, you can do it. Tell us what you want.” Jungkook’s fingers are still working inside of you, mercilessly milking your g-spot.
“I…I can take it” you whine, forcing the words from your throat, “Fill me up. Please. Want it so bad. So bad.” “That’s my girl” Jungkook smiles, popping his fingers out of you. You watch as he strokes himself, using your arousal as lubricant. Joon’s hips begin to move again, leaving you pulsing in two places at once. Your clit stiffens as Jungkook rubs his tip between the silken folds of your warmth, sinking into you without warning. 
They take turns thrusting into you, one then the other, making sure you feel every arch and defining vein along their shafts. This perfect dance of pleasure and overstimulation has you crying out, tears leaking from watery eyes. Incoherent moans flow out into the ether and it’s not just you, it's them too. You can’t get enough of it, rotating your hips as best you can to pull the dirtiest noises out of them. Joon pulls your head back to kiss you and the moment you break for air Jungkook’s kissing you too, suspending you in a constant state of breathlessness. 
You’ve forgotten all about the party, your worries reduced to nothing by the ecstasy of this unexpected reunion. There’s nowhere else you want to be but here between the men you love, tension winding in your belly. You whine something between Joon’s lips and they just know what it is. Letting go of your throat, Jungkook slips his hand between your waist and his, rubbing your clit to push you over the edge. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” you scream, ears ringing as juices stream from your core, making the sound of your bodies snapping together even sharper. 
You feel weightless, disembodied, floating above yourself, jerked back to reality only by the pressure of Joon coming inside of you. You hold his hand, pressing down onto him as you kiss him over your shoulder. At the same time you’re tugging at Jungkook’s hair, keeping him flush against you. “Harder” he begs, his thrusts growing sloppier the harder you pull. One final tug has him unraveling, another wave of warmth filling you just as the other fades away.
The energy in the room gradually comes down, heavy panting turning to light breaths as you cuddle beside each other, your sweat slicked bodies still tangled together. “Still need help with your hair?” Jungkook asks, lovingly petting your head. Joon peeks over to find you sleeping more peacefully than you have in years. He kisses you on the forehead, pulling the blanket over you. “I don’t think so.”
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Addams Family Steddie Part 5
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
The fact that we're on part five is wild to me
Anyway, here's the wedding! It's probably the longest part so far lol
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Wedding planning was, unsurprisingly, a stressful process. Planning for a wedding only two weeks before the event was even more stressful. Thankfully, Steve wasn't planning alone; he was in charge of finalizing the guest list, sending invitations, and catering while Eddie was in charge of floral arrangements, music, and decorations for the ceremony.
Steve had felt the division of labor wasn't fair, but Eddie insisted he'd be able to do everything himself.
And Eddie had been right. He'd kept the cemetery just creepy enough to still feel right while decorating it with flowers and ribbons and surprisingly comfortable chairs considering they look like they're made of bones. Everything leads up to an altar right on their shared cemetery plot, where Eddie's Cousin Itt is standing in front of their tombstone to officiate the wedding.
It's all very nice, and Eddie did a wonderful job of setting everything up, but Steve can hardly appreciate it right now. He's too nervous. Not about marrying Eddie; no, he's excited and over the moon for that. He's nervous about meeting Eddie's family, his stomach upheaving over the idea that one of them may not like him.
"You're worrying over nothing," Eddie whispers, his lips brushing against Steve's earlobe before playfully tugging on it with his teeth. He wraps an arm around Steve's waist, the reassuring weight helping him feel grounded. "They're gonna love you."
"Your cousin has been glaring at me since she saw me," Steve whispers back, turning to look at Eddie and letting their noses brush.
"That's just Wednesday. She glares at everyone."
"Does she always glare at people like she's planning five ways to cook them for dinner?"
"Only the ones she likes."
Steve snorts, taking a deep breath and letting his head drop onto Eddie's shoulder. "What would she do if she didn't like me?" he asks, glancing down at the bouquet in his hands. The rose stems have been clipped of their flowers, leaving only the thorns and white lilies.
"She'd kill you," Eddie says bluntly.
"What, no torture?"
"She only tortures the people she loves."
"Oh," Steve says, glancing at the pale man next to Wednesday, "that's why her partner looks like that."
Before Eddie can start cracking up, the sun begins to set and El begins playing the piano, a low and haunting version of the wedding march. "You ready, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, his smile matching Steve's in love and joy and sheer excitement.
"Of course," Steve replies, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before letting Eddie lead him down the aisle. The left side of the aisle is filled with people who give off the exact same vibe as Eddie: mysterious, kooky, and altogether ooky. Wayne is standing on Eddie's side of the altar, looking two seconds away from tears of joy. On the right side of the aisle, Dustin (a black velvet pillow holding two rings in his lap) and his friends are filling the seats, along with Jonathan (an old friend from high school, sort of; it's complicated), his partner Argyle, and Nancy (Steve's ex-girlfriend from high school, part of the reason his friendship with Jonathan is complicated, and now making eyes at Robin). Robin is standing on Steve's side of the altar, practically buzzing in her dark green pantsuit.
When they get to the altar, standing almost perfectly centered on their plot, Eddie can barely put any distance between them. Steve is the one who has to smile at him reassuringly while taking a small step back, keeping a tight hold on Eddie's hand. Eddie squeezes tightly enough that Steve is almost worried about bone fractures, but Eddie wouldn't do anything so fun in front of others.
Steve glances at Cousin Itt when he starts speaking, his words unintelligible, high-pitched noises that Steve is somehow able to follow. They're the general officiant stuff: dearly beloved, marrying two men, joining them in unholy and downright sacrilegious matrimony. Honestly, Steve ends up blocking it out at some point, too busy getting lost in Eddie's eyes.
He looks handsome in his black suit with blood-red accents, his fingers uncharacteristically devoid of all rings except the engaged-to-be-engaged ring from Steve. When Steve had asked, Eddie grinned at him and said he didn't want anything to distract him from the ring Steve was about to give him. His hair is pushed out of his face, too, just barely tamed into something the humidity will destroy after about two more minutes. Strands are already falling back into his eyes. Steve likes it, though, and he reaches up to gently tuck one of the strands behind Eddie's ear.
Eddie catches his hand, bringing Steve's palm to his lips and playfully biting. "Stevie," he says, and Steve suddenly realizes they've somehow gotten to the vows when he wasn't paying attention, "I would kill for you. I would die for you. I would live for you. You haunt my dreams and bless my nightmares. Your voice is music to my ears, a symphony of love and passion to which my heart beats. Sweetheart, you will have my undying love for the rest of eternity and whatever may come after. Ask anything of me, and I will do it without question. I would wear pastels for you. I would dive into a rainbow ball pit. Darling, I would drive kids to scout meetings in a minivan for you. There is no truer happiness to me so long as you smile and say you love me."
Somehow, Eddie manages to go the entire time without a single tear shedding, but Steve isn't nearly as lucky. His eyes watered from the moment Eddie called him Stevie, and tears would be staining his collar if Eddie weren't wiping them away with his thumbs before they could fall. "You're so romantic," he mumbles, unable to help a short laugh at himself.
"What can I say? You're inspiring," Eddie replies, winking playfully.
Cousin Itt says something more and then looks up at Steve, bending forward slightly to indicate that it's his turn to recite vows. Steve takes a deep breath, steadying himself and gathering his thoughts. "When you first knocked on my door, I wasn't sure what to think of you, Eddie Munson," Steve says, reaching up and placing his hand over the one Eddie has on his cheek. "But you romanced me, completely swept me off my feet, and helped me feel more comfortable showing love in a way that feels right. Every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love all over again. When we're together, the entire world fades away. My love for you is as unwavering as the tides, as all-consuming as a black hole that would swallow the universe."
From the crowd, Steve can just barely hear a man's voice saying, "Tish, they're almost as romantic as us."
"Oh, Gomez, you always do love competition," a woman responds.
Steve has to keep himself from laughing, suddenly looking forward to meeting Gomez and Morticia.
Eddie notices his barely contained smile and nearly buzzes with the want to kiss it. He glances at Cousin Itt, jerking his head in Dustin's direction and raising his eyebrows. Cousin Itt garbles a response, something that sounds like a scolding but is quickly followed by a slight bow toward Dustin nonetheless.
Dustin jumps up and walks over to them, holding up the pillow. As Cousin Itt starts his version of exchanging the rings, Eddie picks one up. The band is an inky black with tiny, multi-colored gems scattered across the top like stars. Inside the band, Eddie's name is engraved in red. "Now, you'll always have me with you," Eddie says, grinning at Steve as he slips the ring onto his finger, nestling it against the engagement ring.
It's a snug fit, just tight enough for Steve to know it's there and wonder if it's impossible to take off. It's perfect.
Steve picks up the identical ring with his own name engraved on the inner band. "And you'll always have me with you, too," Steve replies, sliding the ring to rest against his engaged-to-be-engaged ring.
What follows is Dustin quickly retreating and Robin yanking away his bouquet while Cousin Itt bows slightly to the both of them and happily squeaks out one last sentence. Steve barely braces himself for Eddie pulling him close, spinning him into a dip, and kissing him breathless. Steve can't help laughing into the kiss as he wraps his arms around Eddie's neck, brushing his tongue along Eddie's lips and tasting cyanide punch still lingering behind his teeth.
Wolf whistles (Robin and a few of Eddie's cousins), cheers (Wayne and the rest of Eddie's family), and exaggerated exclamations of disgust (Dustin and his friends) surround them as Eddie bites his bottom lip before breaking the kiss. Steve grins at him, playfully tugging on a lock of Eddie's hair as he asks, "You gonna let me up, handsome?"
"You could poison me and I'd only hold you tighter, sweetheart," Eddie tells him.
Eddie grins and pulls Steve out of the dip, keeping him close as he turns to the crowd with a happy smile. "Okay, everyone," he says, his hand dropping down to Steve's lower back, "the reception is over by the Sheffield Mausoleum. Stevie and I will be joining you shortly."
Steve reaches out for Eddie's left hand as the crowd rises and disperses towards a mausoleum behind the altar. The wedding ring pairs nicely with the engaged-to-be-engaged ring, and the gems on both reflect the last, soft rays of the setting sun and the lamps hung all around them so guests can still see in the dark.
The only one who hangs back is Dustin, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Eddie notices him and gently pulls his hand from Steve's so he can hold an arm out. Dustin lights up and barrels straight into them. "You're, like, my brother now!" Dustin says, looking up at Eddie with stars in his eyes.
"Gee, was I not doing a good enough job?" Steve asks.
Dustin snorts, poking Steve's ribs as he pulls away. "Sorry, man, you're just not as cool as Eddie."
"Woah, woah," Eddie says, maliciously ruffling Dustin's hair, "that's my husband you're talking about. I won't tolerate a single bad word about him."
"Oh, gross, you're gonna be even worse now," Dustin whines, slapping Eddie's hand away.
Steve can't help laughing, about to make a similar joke about brutalizing his husband only to be interrupted by a familiar and dreadful voice coming from his left.
Every muscle in Steve stiffens, his entire body becoming straight as a board against his will, and he sees the exact same thing happen to Dustin. He doesn't want to, but Steve still forces himself to lean forward so he can see around Eddie.
There are two people standing right on the border between the green grass with clean tombstones and the stubborn weeds and vines climbing up worn stone. Both are middle-aged; the woman has blonde hair perfectly curled to frame her face and brown eyes, and the man has dark brown hair carefully styled with just barely too much gel and dull green eyes.
Steve feels his palms grow clammy as a spike of white-hot anxiety shoots up his spine. He glances at Dustin, reassuringly pats his shoulder, and pushes him closer to Eddie. His husband (he should be feeling much happier when referring to Eddie as such, and the fact that he doesn't fills him with anger and frustration equal to the anxiety caused by the man and woman) clearly has questions but doesn't say anything. Eddie just places a hand on Dustin's shoulder, the same spot Steve patted.
Steve takes a deep breath and turns, plastering on a smile so fake that it makes his stomach churn. "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" he asks, walking over to the two but staying on the brown and ancient side of the grass.
His mother raises a single, perfect eyebrow at him. "We received news of the wedding from our secretary," she says.
"Honestly, Steven, what else are we supposed to do when our eldest son gets married?" his father asks. And for a brief moment, Steve thinks they'll be supportive. Maybe they'll pull out a small but thoughtful wedding gift and mingle with the rest of the guests. He's wrong, of course, but it was a nice delusion while it lasted. "Of course, we had to come and stop you from getting married to this Munson character."
His mother huffs softly, her fingers twitching like she's about to reach for a cigarette even though she claimed to stop smoking years ago. "It seems we're a little too late for that, though. No matter. We're friends with a judge, so come along, Steven, we'll get this marriage voided before morning."
Honestly, Steve is surprised Eddie managed to go so long without inserting himself. The moment his mother threatened to void the marriage, however, Eddie definitely isn't able to hold himself back any longer. He steps forward, wraps an arm around Steve's waist, and asks, "So sorry, but who are you, and why are you intruding on our wedding?"
The sheer offense on their faces almost makes Steve feel better as he places a hand on Eddie's chest right over his heart. And he says almost because the offense is quickly followed by his mother saying, "We are Steven's parents, and you are about two seconds from legal action."
Eddie actually laughs in her face, and Steve feels the tension drain from him at the sound. "Please, go ahead. We Munsons love a good court battle. They've yet to make any charges stick, you know," Eddie says, his grin nearly feral and sending a thrill from Steve's scalp down to his toes.
He grips Eddie's shirt, gaining his attention and flashing a suggestive smile. "Eds," Steve whispers, briefly forgetting about his parents and the rest of the world, "what charges?"
That feral grin somehow widens, bringing Steve's attention to the too-sharp canines that he wants to drag his tongue against until it bleeds. "Would you like the list in chronological or alphabetical order, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, leaning close until their lips are just barely touching.
Steve licks his lips, tongue brushing against Eddie's teasingly, and watches as Eddie's eyes darken into something hungry and insatiable and terrifying and thrilling.
"Oh, gross, seriously?!" Dustin cries from behind them, throwing his hands in the air. "Save it for the honeymoon."
That seems to break Steve's parents out of whatever stupor had overtaken them. "Steven!" his father warns, voice low and threatening and utterly laughable. "Step away from him this instant. Is this the kind of example you've been setting for Dustin? We promised his parents to raise him properly when we took him in."
Oh. That's the card they're going to pull now. Steve sighs, whispers, "Later," to Eddie, and turns to look at his parents. Eddie buries his head in Steve's neck, teeth playfully brushing against his skin despite the audience. "One, he's my husband," Steve says, raising a finger for each item that follows the first, "Two, any example I set will be far better than the one set by your absence. Three, I suggest you leave before you find yourself stuck in this cemetery indefinitely."
Eddie huffs softly against his neck, and Dustin moves closer to Steve's side, grabbing his sleeve tightly. "You haven't raised me at all," Dustin tells them, his voice prickly and indicative of the hackles that would be raised if he had any.
"That is enough," Steve's mother snaps, effectively shutting up her own husband as she takes a single step forward. It's the first one she's taken since they started speaking, but she still avoids stepping over the line made by the grass. "Steven, if you insist on this...mistake, we'll simply have no choice but to cut you off. We'll also have to take Dustin since you clearly aren't the good influence you promised to be."
Steve should probably be angry. In fact, he is, but that anger is overshadowed by the undeniable urge to laugh in her face. Which he does. Loudly. "I haven't used your money for myself in ages," Steve tells her, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the house, "In fact, it's all gone toward house payments and bills. So, sure, take the house. Eddie and I will get a new place with an even bigger room for Dustin who, by the way, is going fucking nowhere."
"Oh, I love it when you curse," Eddie murmurs, kissing a line up Steve's neck to just below his earlobe.
Despite himself, Steve grins a little. And then Dustin tugs on his sleeve, gaining his attention before saying, "I really don't want to go with them."
"You won't," Steve promises, continuing before either of his parents can say anything, "because you're sixteen. I'll make sure the custody case drags itself long enough for you to turn eighteen, and then they won't have any say over you."
"That would be very expensive, Steven," his father says, taking on a gentler tone like he's suddenly trying to play the good cop to his wife's bad cop. "I don't think you realize that supporting yourself won't be easy."
This, apparently, is what truly offends Eddie. He finally pulls away from Steve's neck, narrowing his eyes as a cold wind suddenly picks up. "Stevie won't have to support himself because I'll support him. You missed the beautiful and hauntingly romantic vows we just spoke, but Stevie won't be wanting for anything as long as I'm around. And that extends to the people he considers family."
As he speaks, the lamps around them seem to change, casting ghostly shadows over the cemetery. Something whispers in the wind, voice drawling and unintelligible but still threatening. An overbearing pressure begins to cast itself over the area, sparing Steve and Dustin but pressing down relentlessly on their parents. "Now," Eddie says, "unless you've suddenly become interested in the local real estate, I suggest you leave."
"Are you threatening us?" Steve's mother asks.
"Not at all," Eddie replies, his voice low and dark and that honeymoon can't start soon enough, actually. "I'm making a promise."
The wind shifts and howls, kicking up loose dirt and weeds and swirling around Steve's parents. Their faces drain, becoming increasingly pale, and Steve's mother looks ready to try speaking again only for his father to place a hand on her shoulder. At least he's smart enough to know when they've lost.
Steve watches them retreat, the wind following them until they've left the cemetery, and then turns to Eddie. "You look so beautiful when you threaten people," he says, grabbing Eddie's collar and yanking him down into a searing kiss that his husband happily returns.
It doesn't last long before Dustin interrupts, literally shoving himself between the two. "They won't come back, right?" he asks.
"Well, they might," Steve says, reassuringly messing up Dustin's hair, "but they won't be taking you anywhere."
"Yep, you're stuck with us," Eddie adds, picking up Dustin and throwing him over his left shoulder. He grins as Dustin squeaks. "Now, let's go party."
Steve snorts and grabs Eddie's right hand, leaving his left free to hold Dustin, as they walk towards the reception. Now that he's paying attention, he can hear the band playing and laughter-filled conversations filling the silence of the cemetery. He can also smell a whiff of something delicious, his stomach suddenly growling as he realizes how hungry he is.
Thankfully, a plate is shoved into his hand the moment they reach the outskirts of the crowd by a short man with greased-back hair, a wild glint in his eyes, and a cigar hanging from his lips. Next to him, a hand on his shoulder, is a tall and pale woman with blood-red lips and a knowing smile. "There you two are," the man says, removing the cigar as Eddie drops Dustin to the ground and shoves him towards the crowd. "Took you long enough."
Dustin sticks his tongue out at Eddie before running off, leaving them in the dust to join his friends. Steve shakes his head at the kid as Eddie smiles brightly at the two. "There was some trash to take care of," Eddie says, shrugging as he steals a roll from the plate in Steve's hand.
"I assume it's been properly disposed of?" the woman asks, an eyebrow rising slowly.
Eddie shrugs, holding the roll up to Steve's lips so he can take a bite. "For now. Might need to make good on a few promises, though," he says, biting off a piece after Steve.
The man laughs, clapping a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Just let us know if you need any help, old man," he says, his grin wide and his eyes excited, "I always did love a good hunt."
Steve swallows the bread in his mouth and smiles at the two, finally getting an idea of who they are. "Gomez and Morticia, right?" he asks, his guess confirmed by Gomez's widening grin and Morticia's approving nod. "I've heard a lot about you. Thanks for the cutting from Cleopatra, by the way. Nix has been a great addition to the family."
Morticia straightens slightly (Steve didn't even realize that was possible). "You've named her Nix," she says, nodding once, "Fitting. How's her health?"
"She's gotten big enough to need three pounds of meat per week."
"How wonderful. She's almost matured. You've been taking very good care of her, then."
"Tish does love her plants," Gomez says, placing an arm around her waist and pulling her close in a familiar gesture. Maybe it runs in the family. "She grows the thorniest rose stems, you know."
Steve is about to respond when Eddie lights up, clearly seeing something that Steve doesn't. "Well, Stevie is haunting on the piano, not to mention how well he can swing a bat," he says, his chest puffing out slightly.
"Impressive! Tish is a killer at knitting and keeps her needles incredibly sharp."
"I remember she knit Pubert's onesies," Eddie says, and Steve swears he can hear a young man groan in the distance. "Stevie makes wonderful traps. I never see them coming until I'm hanging from the air and losing my breath."
Ah. Steve suddenly gets it. He looks at Morticia, silently asking if this is common, and her amused smile says it is. "Steve, walk with me while our husbands play together," she says, holding out her hand.
Steve nods and presses a quick kiss to Eddie's cheek before pulling away and offering Morticia his arm. She leads him around the crowd, staying on the outskirts. "I'd like to officially welcome you to the family," she says, his voice steady and reassuring and lingering. "You seem to fit in quite well."
"Oh, uh, thanks," Steve says, feeling that anxiety from before starting to churn in his stomach again. At least it distracts his stomach from the hunger. "This isn't, like, a threatening thing, right?"
"Would you like it to be?"
"Not particularly."
"Then, no. Not for now, at least. I don't see you requiring any threats, though. Everything I've heard about you tells me that you'll have no trouble adjusting to the Munson family and its Addams relatives. Just know that we watch out for our own, dear, and we gladly feast on those who would subdue us for we are always hungry."
Steve nods, finding that this aligns well with everything he's seen from Eddie, Wayne, and El. "I've always wanted a big family," he admits.
Morticia smiles at him, and it feels warm despite her initially cold demeanor. "And now you have one," she says, looking up and waving to someone in the crowd. "Speaking of, I'd like you to meet my children."
Three young adults slip out from the crowd, two boys and one girl. Steve already knows them, and he smiles, the expression only returned by the boys. "Wednesday, Pugsley, and Pubert, right? It's nice to meet you."
"We'll see about that," Wednesday replies, her voice dry and devoid of any inflection.
Pugsley, meanwhile, smiles brightly and claps Steve's shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Steve! Welcome to the family. How do you feel about explosives?"
"Good for some jobs, but lacking subtlety for others."
"I told you," Pubert says, shoving Pugsley aside to stand in front of Steve instead. "What about daggers?"
"Easy to hide but too subtle for some messages."
Pubert frowns slightly at this response but doesn't argue. Wednesday, meanwhile, stares at Steve for a few intense seconds before saying, "What are you afraid of?"
"Eddie being out of sight," Steve replies, not even needing to think of an answer. He glances over to where they left Eddie and Gomez, happy to see his husband is still there. Though, the two seem to have engaged in a sword fight at some point.
"How sickening," Wednesday says.
Steve looks back at her and grins. "Don't be jealous, Wednesday. I'm sure your partner feels the same," he says playfully.
She tenses slightly, seemingly unused to this kind of backtalk, but quickly relaxes. "You're interesting. I'll be keeping in touch." And with that, she turns on her heel and walks back into the crowd.
"Aw, man, she still has my kidney," Pubert says, quickly chasing after her. Pugsley shrugs, looking like he'd rather not be left out, and quickly follows Pubert after waving goodbye to Steve and Morticia.
"They like you," Morticia says, sounding pleased. "You should come visit us after your honeymoon. Where are you planning to go?"
"Paris and Rome. I want to see the catacombs in Paris, and Eddie wants to visit this museum in Rome where all the decorations are made with the bones of monks."
"Oh, how romantic," Morticia says, glancing to the side as the sound of swords crossing grows louder. She waits a few more seconds before saying, her voice staying the same volume as always, "Gomez."
The fight immediately stops, and Gomez seemingly materializes next to Morticia. He takes her hand, pressing kisses along her knuckles and up her arm. "Yes, cara mia?" he asks.
"How long has it been since we danced?"
"Hours," Gomez replies, grinning brightly as he pulls Morticia away and to the dancefloor.
Eddie appears next, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist from behind. "Stevie," he whispers, breath tickling the back of Steve's neck. "We haven't danced, either."
Steve snorts, places his plate on the nearest chair, and turns in Eddie's arms. "Well, lead the way."
With an excited glint in his eyes, Eddie drags Steve to the dancefloor as the band begins to play the waltz. A few other couples have begun dancing together, but they all make room as Eddie leads Steve to the very middle of the floor. He pulls Steve close, one hand on the small of his back and the other holding one of Steve's hands. Their fingers interlock, and Steve lets Eddie lead him around the dancefloor in graceful spins and flourishes.
"So," Eddie says, his voice quiet but immensely clear to Steve as the rest of the world fades away, "other than that brief interruption, how did you like the ceremony?"
"It was beautiful," Steve replies, sliding the hand on Eddie's shoulder to wrap around his neck and playfully tug on a lock of hair. "We should get married again."
"How does next month sound?"
"I was thinking of a wedding in Paris and one in Rome. Just for us, nobody else, with ancient bones as our witness."
"You say the most romantic things," Eddie says, his voice slightly dreamy. "I love you."
The waltz comes to an end as he says this, and Eddie leans down to kiss Steve as they continue dancing through the break in music. Steve smiles, letting his eyes slip shut and trusting Eddie to make sure he won't fall or trip on anything, and pushes his tongue past Eddie's lips.
"I love you, too," Steve whispers when the kiss breaks long enough to allow words. He's barely finished speaking when Eddie pulls him back in, drowning Steve in love and passion and promises of later.
Steve finds he doesn't mind the idea of never surfacing again so long as Eddie's lips never leave his own.
Tag List
(Tumblr has a limit, so I couldn't get everyone who's requested a tag, but I did try to get as many as I could)
@estrellami-1, @justforthedead89, @starman-jpg, @abstractnaturaldisaster, @sugartin, @ashwagandalf, @xjessicafaithx, @somegirlsomewhere, @imjust-that-shy, @blaqcats-fics, @littlebluejane, @xoxoladyclara, @halfadoginatank
@pjoneedstherapy, @nocturnalgayboi, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @justforthedead89, @gothwifehotchner, @elizbaehth, @angels-dressed-in-blood, @imfinereallyy, @oile-loves-sharks, @carlprocastinator1000, @stxrcrossed186, @spider-boygirl, @epiclazershark, @7shrewsinatrenchcoat
@perfectlymellowthing, @just-a-tiny-void, @nburkhardt, @nailbatandfreak, @sunfloweringstories, @vampireinthesun, @novelnovella, @bookworm0690, @bestwifehaver, @goosesister, @phantomcat94, @martinskis-lydias, @ghostofyourvampiregf, @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring
@nerdsconquerall, @dontslayfay, @potato-of-the-lord, @suikatto, @deliriousmom, @code-switcher, @lizard-dyk3, @anonymousbandgirl
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my arranged marriage au - nct recs! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers💝
requested by anon (i literally went through 44 pages of my svt tag and i dont think i’ve read any skz arranged marriage aus, so for now, its just nct..)
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Before I Go || @yutaholic​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (doyoung x reader)
↳ The day has come for you to marry Doyoung and life as a princess is not what you expected. Your new husband is distant and there is trouble stirring within the monarchy. Now more than ever, you are determined to kindle a romance with the prince, but you soon learn that your marriage will be put to the test in ways you could never have imagined.
Binding Bonds || @jaedore​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ Being the daughter of a top fashion brand, an arranged marriage isn’t what you’d expect coming out of your mother’s mouth. Especially when she says that it’s with Jung Jaehyun, the son of the CEO who owns one of the biggest trading companies. Of course he’s a heartthrob, a ladies’ man, and prince in the media, but in reality, he’s a royal pain in the ass. Your patience, emotions, and sanity is tested when you’re forced to share a life together. Will it crumble to the ground of the empire you’ve build or will there be a change of heart?
Coming Home || @cupofjae​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (yuta x reader, smau)
↳ an arranged marriage between two of the most powerful families drives a son away from the only home he has ever known. however, two long years past in success until his past comes knocking on his door, literally.
Lucky Number Seven || @paintmebare​🔞💔✅💯💯💯 (johnny x reader)
↳ When your less than lovely cousin makes a jab at you, you finally snap and tell her that you're dating her ex-boyfriend (even though you haven't spoken since high school). Johnny agrees to play the role of your boyfriend, though the longer you pretend to be in love, the more you realize you might actually be crushing on him.
MOON RIVER || @ppangjae​​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ Your mother warned you of many boys. She’s warned you of the immature ones, the players, and even the fools and cowards. But man, she has never warned you of guys like Jeong Jaehyun, the President’s son, who seems to be falling in love with you with every passing day even though he’s already engaged to someone he’s been set up to marry.
***Seeds of Pomegranates || @/anashins​​​​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (jaehyun x reader)
↳ (this was also included in my feb-march nct fic recs, so please do head over to that post! this isnt under the arranged marriage type of au, but it gives off the vibes of it to me!)
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Anon Request || @alluringjae​🔞💔✅ (jeno x reader)
↳ Anon: “ hi dear for the birth months special can you do this as angsty as you can. angst “ you weren’t there...why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!” and “All I wanted was a happy ending.” + prompt ‘As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you’ THANKYOUUU
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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haunted-xander · 9 months
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Hsr age headcanons except I also explain my reasonings bc I read everyones lore to get it more accurate.
(Also, a few things to note that will be relevant to my explainations: Some of these I'm not 100% certain of the age groups I put them in here, so some might not be as specific. Blade will be considered his age prior to being mara-struck for the sake of this post. Imbibitor Lunae is a stand in for Dan Feng.)
Let's begin, shall we?
Child (6-12)
Hook: I believe she's around 7-8. She's very obviously a kid, but I don't think she's like, a toddler or anything. She's smart enought to pull the clever little tricks she does, and has enough awareness to understand some harder topics (like Fersman's declining health and the reality of her birth parent's deaths).
Clara: I originally figured she was around 14 or so, but since one of her stories claim she's of similar age to Hook, and one of Hook's stories has her note Clara is a few years older than her, I think I'd put her around 11-12. Maaaaaybe 10, but that feels a bit too young for her.
Early to mid teens (13-17)
Arlan: Probably around 17 or so. We know he's younger than Asta, who met him when he was a kid and offered him a job for her family, and she also mentions that she took him in during her companion mission. Herta also says in her voice line about him that he's probably one of the "exceptionally gifted" kids Asta gave money to.
Lynx: She's much younger than Gepard and Serval, obviously, but she's also probably around the same age as Pela (who is confirmed to be 16) given how close they are and how they interact. Her companion mission also largely revolves around her trying to escape her older siblings protectiveness, which I feel is relatable to a lot of teens lol.
Late teen (18-19)
Silver Wolf: Tbh I don't have any solid justification for this, mostly just vibes. She's definitely younger than Kafka, but other than that I don't really have much to go off of. Probably 19, but I could see her maybe being early 20s too.
Guinaifen: I'm not completely sure about this one tbh. She's definitely a teenager, she says she's close to but not yet an adult to Bailu after we chase her and the Heliobus possessing her. She's also very close friends with Sushang, (who is confirmed to be around 16-17) so it makes sense for Gui to be a similar age too. The thing that's tripping me up is that one of her stories says she spent all her teenage years on the planet she lived on prior to coming to the Luofu, which would make her 19 at minimum. It could also just be exaggerating, or not counting 18 & 19 as teen years (that one seems unlikely though).
Young adult (20+)
Trailblazer: Well, obviously, Trailblazer is actually like a few months old at most seeing as we start the game by being "born" but, ya know. They're treated as an adult by everyone around them, not to mention they're clearly meant to be around the same age as March and Dan Heng, who are also depicted as adults (Dan Heng has been seen drinking in official art, for example). I think maybe like, around 20-22 would fit.
March: There's what I mentioned previously of course (being close in age to Trailblazer and Dan Heng), but the whole "girls like me/my age all like this and this" thing is a very typical mindset of late teens & very young adults. The way she talks about taking pictures of food in one of her stories also sound very much like how a young adult would explain it lolol. Like Trailblazer, probably around 20-22. Tbh I'm not sure how to explain my reasoning when basing it off of her behaviour without it sounding like I'm saying all girls her age do this, I'm not 😅 but it is common enough I feel like it adds to her feeling that age, ya know?
Asta: As mentioned with Arlan, we know she's notably older than him. I would say her position on the space station means she has a decent amount of life experience for her to do it so well, but this is Hoyoverse and anyone can do anything regardless of age, so that doesn't really work lol. That said, she clearly has had the position for a long time, so even if she wasn't an adult when she started, she definitely should be now. Probably around 23-24.
Bronya: She's been in the Silvermane Guards for long enough to be well-known and trusted for her skills, and with how easily she took up the position of Supreme Guardian, she has a lot of public faith and trust as well. She needs to have been serving for a good amount of years, to get all that. That said, I do think she started young, so I'd put her at around early-to-mid 20s. probably around 23-24 like Asta.
Seele: Canonicly around the same age as Bronya, so probably about 23-24 again.
Luka: Not much concrete to go off of, but he's probably around the same age as Seele given their interactions. He's also obviously an adult, or Hook would've dropped the 'honourary' part and just make him a proper Mole lolol. Around 23-24 again.
Topaz: In her voice line about Bronya she says they're around the same age. March also notes that she's pretty young for an executive, and her character stories explain that she started working for the IPC at a VERY young age. Probably around 23-24 yet again.
Adult (30+)
Sampo: He's a notorious scammer who's being doing his work in Belobog for a long enough time to become notorious, so him being in his 30s seems likely. I don't have any other reasoning besides that, really. probably around mid 30s, like 35-36 or something.
Himeko: She had already finished college when she found the express, so she was already an adult then. It's been many years since then, so she's definitely not some young 20-something year old lolol. probably mid-to-late 30s, like 37-38 or the like.
Gepard: Mid-to-late 30s. He's younger than Serval, so he's below 40 (not that I really thought he was middle-aged anyway) and he's probably older than Bronya, as in one of her stories he comforts her after the first death to happen under her leadership, clearly having already gotten used to it. Also, apparently he has a bachelor's degree? (According to the fandom wiki's trivia section). Anyway. Around 37-38 probably.
Luocha: I couldn't really find anything that indicates anything in particular, so I'm just gonna say he's mid 30s based off of vibes alone. Like 35-36 or something.
Kafka: Her age is only ever stated as "unknown" and, like Luocha, I couldn't find anything that indicates anything in particular. So I'm just gonna say she's mid-to-late 30s like Himeko and call it a day. 37-38.
Argenti: His character stories show a variety of different scenes throughout his journey as a Kmight of Beauty, so he has experienced a great deal. Mid 30s, probably. Like 35-36. I don't have much else to go off of.
Middle aged and beyond (40+)
Herta: We know she's like, really old. Like really really old. I don't know exactly HOW old, but old. I think she's still within a human lifespan though, so maybe like 70-80 or something. Physically speaking though, she herself states that her current puppet body looks "70% like I did as a child" so. Yeah. Baby grandma.
Natasha: She raised Seele and was the main caretaker at the orphanage she grew up in, so she ain't exactly young (despite what hyvs aversion to portraying older people properly will tell you). Probably late 40s to early 50s. 49-50 maybe.
Serval: Canonicaly the same age as Cocolia, who raised Bronya for most of her life. Bronya also recognizes Serval as Cocolia's old friend from when she was a child. Mid-to-late 40 probably. 45-46 maybe.
Blade: Yingxing is refered to as 'middle-aged' in-game at around the time it all went down, and he's shown with visible aging and with grayed hair (that is, assuming Blade's current black hair is his natural haircolor?). Probably late 40s, like 48-49 or something.
Canon age
Pela: 16, as stated by Lynx in her & Lynx's companion mission. People have pointed out that this is a plot hole due to other information we have about Pela, but 1) the only thing that goes against this is the claim she was a founding member of Serval's band, which I can 100% believe is either a mistranslation or a case of a writer not cross-referencing properly. (also, I don't remember where this is ever claimed in-game, so if anyone can point me to it I'd appreciate it.) And 2) her being a teen makes more sense with how she's written, imo, so I don't really care if it's actually a plot hole.
Sushang: One of her stories says she's "around 16 to 17 years old". Obviously, this isn't her REAL age since she's a Xianzhou native, but it is the age she is equivalent to for a short-life species.
Welt: 80+. He arrived in the hsr universe at the time of APHO, which takes place in 2025. Since Welt was born in 1947, this would make him 78. While we don't know exactly how long he's been here, he seems to have been here a quite a while, so, 80+ it is.
Long-life species
(equivalent to) Child (6-12)
Bailu: She's been described as a child many, many times, including by herself (multiple times). Although she's probably older than she looks, as both she and several others remark that she has trouble growing bigger for some unknown reason. I'd say maybe around 10-11.
(equivalent to) Early to mid teen (13-17)
Qingque: She reads to me like a 14 year old being forced to take up a summer job by her parents because 'you need to get experience so you can get a job easier when you're older!'. Actually I think that's literally what's going on except summer jobs don't exist on the Luofu so now she has a full-time job at 14 years old. Yeah I don't actually have anything else to go off of other than the level of control her parents have over her life.
Yanqing: His character stories say he is 1) not yet of age (so below 18) and 2) a teenager. Very simple. Not sure why people are arguing about his age so much when it literally says right there in the game that he is a teenage boy. Probably 15.
Huohuo: Honestly not much to go off of. Probably around 14, based solely on vibes.
(equivalent to) Young adult (20+)
Dan Heng: Depicted as a young adult of similar age to Trailblazer and March, as mentioned previously. Pretty simple. That said, I do want to note that one of Blade's stories describe him as a teen. But, based on the way it's written, this seems to be Blade's first encounter with him, so it's probably not accurate to Dan Heng's current age.
Tingyun: Her stories describe her as pretty young, but the way she carried herself and the sort of businesses she did makes me think she was at least 20. Like 20-21 probably.
Fu Xuan: Once again, not much concrete to go off of. Her stories give me the impression she joined the divination comission rather young, and I think she's been the master diviner for quite a while now. Maybe early 20s, like 22-23 or something.
(equivalent to) Adult (30+)
Dan Feng: We don't really know how old Dan Feng was when everything went down other than that he was older than Dan Heng is currently. I'd put him in mid 30s, solely on vibes. I mean, he got engaged and quite literally made a child, so I'd say 30 fits. Ignoring the fact neither of those things have much to do with his age at all. 34-35 maybe.
Hanya: Honestly I have no clue and her stories just confused me. She has the vibes of a 30-something year old so I put her here. My view on her age will probably change once Xueyi is out if only bc I might be able to figure Xueyi's age out better and Hanya would then be somewhere under that.
(equivalent to) Middle aged and beyond (40+)
Jing Yuan: Listen. He's seen shit. He has lived a long ass time. And it's canon he basically raised Yanqing, he's a dad ya'll. probably early-to-mid 40s, like 44-45 maybe. I don't know.
Yukong: She's old. Like actually old. Technically much younger than Jing Yuan, but since foxians lifespans are shorter than other long-life species, she's equivalent to a lot older than he is. She's 249 and foxians live up to 300. She's OLD. I'd say she's like 70 or something.
Jingliu: Also old. She's like, 2000 years old or something, she's a grandma. Probably equivalent to up to 80-something. Except she looks 30 bc Mara. And also long-life species don't actually age past a certain point, so she physically is not capable of looking above 30.
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's masterlist
❒ Reading order: 1. Chaeri's recovery | 2. Calvin Klein with Jk | 3. HS concert
❒ genre: Angst
❒ words: 2.5k+
❒ summary: In which Harry Styles' post-concert doesn't go as planned for Chaeri, as Jungkook has something to tell her
❒ warnings: swearing; heated argument;
❒ pairing: Jungkook x 8thmember!OC
❒ notes: I'd have much to say about what I wrote. First of all, it was very difficult. Chaeri has this very annoying way about her in which she uses anger to hide other emotions, and I did not find it easy to write. Usually I don't expose myself much, for those who read my blog know that I didn't plan yet an ending of this story, but I think Jungkook is not in the wrong this time. Chaeri has sent him some unclear signals, plus she has completely distanced herself from him. In one way I understand his point of view.
Credits to media owners!
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March 20, 2023
Chaeri bubbled with joy as she left the concert arena, greeting fans on her way out.
Concerts always put her in a cheerful mood, especially when it was Harry Styles performing, and having the chance to meet him backstage had made it an even better experience. For two hours, she felt like a normal friend hanging out with Yoongi and Namjoon rather than a celebrity herself.
When the concert paused halfway, Taehyung, who was nearby with Jungkook and a friend of theirs, asked her to tag along for a bite after the show. She accepted the offer, knowing that Yoongi and Namjoon would head home straight away once it was all over.
Though it didn't take her long to catch up with the two guys, she had to wait for the personnel managing the event to have most of the onlookers removed and organized so that all the celebrities could leave without being mobbed.
Chaeri waved to both of them as she drew near, her face aching from the long smile it had been wearing since the night started. "It was stunning" she exclaimed.
Wrapping Taehyung in an all-encompassing hug, she beamed with happiness "Harry was so nice to agree to take a picture only with me! I can't believe it's already finished"
She diverted her attention from Taehyung to give Jungkook a warm welcome too.
Harry Styles had put her in such a great mood, she wasn't going to let the bad vibes from their last encounter while on the set of the Calvin Klein photoshoot ruin her night.
So, she gave him a hug, albeit briefer than Taehyung, and then touched his arm gently, asking "Did you have a good time?"
Jungkook nodded, his voice muffled by the mask he had not yet taken off his face. "Yes," he said "there's not many who can put on a show quite like Harry Styles"
Chaeri gave his arm an affectionate pat in reply to his comment. "Well said!"
"Did she just turned in fangirl mode?" Taehyung teased her playfully, and she stuck out her tongue in response.
"Aren't we all a bit of a fangirl for him?"
Once they were in the car and out of sight, Tae maneuvered himself from the backseat to the front, taking care to not bump into them with his long legs. He then took a seat next to the driver
"What the hell are you doing?" Chaeri inquired, avoiding the near-miss of a kick that the boy almost gave her as he scrambled to get into the front seat
Taehyung leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief, pleased with himself for achieving the task. He spun around to face the two people he had just brought together. "I'm giving you both the chance to clear the air."
"What? There's nothing to talk about"
"Stop it," Taehyung replied sternly to her. "Every time we're all together, it's incredibly awkward because of you two. I don't know how you avoided it tonight. This has to end. Make peace."
With those words, he shut the divider between the back and front seats of the car, providing them with some privacy.
Chaeri had her mouth slightly open in amazement and was beginning to get nervous. She also knew that the broken rapport between her and Jungkook was a source of stress for the whole group, yet was that really the night and was that really the way to discuss it?
Jungkook shifted in his seat, his gaze fixed on Chaeri. "I'm sorry," he said "Don't take it out on him, I was the one who asked him to tell you to come in the car with us and give us some privacy. I needed to talk to you"
"I really can't believe you two pulled me into this little game"
Taehyung's words echoed through the divider, making Chaeri jump. "No one is playing games," he had his gaze focused on her reflected eyes in the driving mirror "You two have been avoiding each other for weeks, and it's not healthy for the group dynamic. Clear the air, talk it out."
She tapped her knuckles against the divider and asked, "Don't you remember you said we'd have some privacy?"
"My apologies," he replied. The boy in the front seat had now tucked his head down, out of sight. He was trying to be invisible.
Jungkook glanced down at his hands, where an array of silver rings glinted in the light. His fingers nervously twisted them around and around as he spoke, his gaze fixated on the shining metal "Before anything else," he began, "I want to apologize for what happened last time. I should have respected your boundaries... But I don't regret saying what I said." 
A heavy silence filled the air as she stared at him, her lips parting slightly before closing again. After a long pause, she finally muttered "Jungkook, please. Let's not talk about this again” 
The car had been driving for several minutes, thus taking away any hope of escape from that conversation she did not want to face. She made a mental note to kill Taehyung once that day was over.
"No,I refuse to delay this conversation any longer”
Well, from better to better.
Crossing her arms, she turned away from him, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I'm not going to hear what you have to say” she had to warm her voice first, to make it come out as if she didn't care what he had to say to her
Jungkook's emotions were now clear on his face: lips slightly pursed, eyes narrowed, and a jaw clenched tight in an effort to stay composed.
Damn stubborn girl
It typically took a lot to shake him up, anger or irritate him in any way. He was used to having his patience pushed by disrespectful people, and he considered himself quite logical and thoughtful. But it took all the willpower in him to utter the right words without starting an argument; that was the goal, after all - discussing without fighting.
He paused and took in a breath before continuing "Remember when you promised that you'd always hear me out? Has that changed too since then? What is left of us? I'm not talking about our..relationship. But of who we were for each other before all this”
Chaeri's stomach was in knots. She had been dreading this conversation for weeks and didn't want it to take place with an audience. Taehyung must have sensed her apprehension, as he cranked up the volume of the car radio. A song by Harry Styles came on - what a strange coincidence.
"I remember," The memory of them sitting on the steps of the old BigHit's building, much less tall than now- or at least Jungkook -, came vividly to her mind, along with the promise they had made each other to always remain close. It felt like a lifetime had gone by since then. ”But things have changed. We can't go back to the way things were before” Uttering those words felt like an inferno in her throat. She never wanted to say them aloud, yet there they were, hanging heavily in the air.
Jungkook felt something break inside his mind at the sound of those words, wishing he had been able to keep his composure and not let his anger get the better of him.
"You don't even try! You avoid me like a plague! You were already distancing yourself from me before the accident, and now it's worse. When we were living together in the dorms while you were healing, though, it was almost like things were back to normal; like my Chaeri had returned. At least my friend" 
"Why won't you understand that we can never be fucking friends!” Her voice grew louder than she anticipated. It was her fury that prevented her from forming the words in her head before they came out of her mouth.
Jungkook's jaw dropped as his eyes widened in shock. He felt the tell-tale thumping of an accelerated pulse against his ribs, as if it was trying to escape his chest
"I will always care about you, no matter what happens. You'll always be family to me, but I can't be friends with you anymore - that's all there is to it”
Chaeri's voice was firm and unwavering but her eyes are were filled with sadness and her lips quivered slightly as she spoke. Her hands clasped together tightly in her lap, her knuckles white from the strain.
"That's all there is to it!? Are you fucking serious?"
Jungkook's voice had risen, the intensity of his emotions coloring his words.
They were both going too far with their words, causing pain to one another.
Taehyung quickly turned down the volume of the radio, sensing the tension in the car. He had hoped for a peaceful resolution, but it seemed like things were only escalating.
"Listen," he interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "I think it's best if we all calm down. Emotions are running high right now, and we're not going to get anywhere like this."
Chaeri ignored him completely but leaned over to inform the driver to stop because she wanted to get out
"Is that how you want to solve the problem? By getting out of the car?” Jungkook was incredulous
"I don't want to hear from any of you anymore" Chaeri spat back
"We're on the highway Chaeri, where the fuck do you think you're getting off"
"At a goddamn truck stop, can I pee in peace for fuck's sake?" 
Jungkook observed as she opened the vehicle's door and stepped onto the shoulder of the highway once the car had come to a halt. Her form was tiny and vulnerable in the darkness, and he felt an overwhelming urge to go after her.
"I'm gonna go talk to her" he said to Taehyung, who nodded in agreement and stopped the driver who was about to get out of the car to follow both of them
"Chaeri! Just stop for a second”
Chaeri’s small frame and her strides cast a determined silhouette in the night. Her blond hair swished around her shoulders and fluttered in the wind as she continued walking, unfazed by Jungkook's pleas.
"No, you know what I'm going to do? I'll head into that store, use the restroom, and then enjoy the dinner you said you'd buy me - by myself."
"Why are you so stubborn?!" His voice rose in frustration
Chaeri stopped mid-stride and spun around, her face flushing bright red with anger. She glowered at him, "You used to appreciate my stubbornness!"
Jungkook’s eyes were focused yet there was a hint of exhaustion around the edges. The light from the passing cars illuminated the determination on his face "I still do," he said. "But not when it's at the expense of us" 
She drew closer to him, her heart pounding in her chest. She cleared her throat and spoke quietly, “Us? You say it as if we were still an 'us'”
Was she really taking out on him all the bitterness she felt toward her own agency for what it had put her through? As soon as the fog of her fury cleared, she knew she'd regret how she was treating him. But in that moment, it was still overshadowed by her blazing anger.
"And you say this as if it was up to me!" Jungkook's voice was rising with frustration, he cast a furtive glance around the empty parking lot of the truck stop, double-checking that no one was within earshot. "I could not decide anything about this relationship. I know I said that we had to move on, I remember the night I said that.. But I ... I can't stand it. I tried, but I can't"
Jungkook took a step closer to her, his hands outstretched as if to pull her into an embrace. "I don't want to move on," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to let go of what we had"
Chaeri backed away, her eyes fixed on the tips of her shoes as she hugged herself tightly to keep out the chill and contain what she was feeling; whether it be was positive or negative 
"Whenever we're together, it seems to bring out the worst in us" 
The umpteenth realization that she gave the worst of herself every time she was with him made her sick. 
BigHit had been their downfall since they were first caught together - one continuous downward spiral until the crash in 2022. 
"It's like gasoline and fire; we bring out the worst in each other" She repeated at the end.
Jungkook took a step back, his hands falling to his sides. He understood what Chaeri was saying; since the break up they had been like a time bomb when they were together, ready to go off at any moment.
"It was not our fault" 
"I know, but it still happened. It didn't...work. We tried. We thought we could do it but in the end they won” She tried her best to keep her voice emotionless
"If I didn't know you-if I didn't know you, your indifference would make me think you never loved me!" Jungkook his voice hoarse with emotion
"Don't you dare say anything like that!" Chaeri's voice wavered, and she fought back tears. She took a step closer to him, looking up into his eyes "You know that's not true! "
"I don't understand why you're so determined to push me away" Jungkook said, his voice shaking. "I'll get over it if you.. love someone else now, but I cannot bear the thought of losing you as someone in my life" Those words on the tongue tasted like poison.
"We cannot be friends. Not the way we have been" she said, her gaze lowered to the ground, understanding this was the best decision for both of them.
"Why not!?"
"Because our love consumed me! Because every fucking time I see you, it feels like I'm stuck in the past. Every time I'm with you, you fucking idiot, I question myself about-" she couldn't dare to finish the sentence.
The tears that streamed down her face as she spoke were like a raging river, unstoppable. Her hands trembled and her voice was ragged, yet full of passion and emotion. He watched her with remorse, knowing he shared in the blame for the way things had disintegrated around them. She continued to scream out her frustrations, her words echoing off in the empty park
She sniffled and wiped her wet cheeks with one hand "The time spent together while I was recovering from my injury made me realize that it's best for us to keep some distance"
"Is it better because you don't have to deal with your feelings that way?"
Their faces were suddenly illuminated by dazzling lights, causing them to look as white as ghosts. Abruptly, they both turned in the same direction and noticed a pair of paparazzi - the distance too far to hear their conversation luckily -
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taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @ycuvi | @bts-dream
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virgil-my-emo-son · 6 months
Lavender and Rosemary
Dukeceit Week 2024 Day 3, Cats!
Dukeceit Week 2024 is run by @imnotgrimimjustagrumpyreaper ! Also tagging @dukeceitweek ! Day three!!!
This one is a bit heavier than yesterday, trigger warning, Remus is just coming out of a hypomanic episode. Nothing serious has happened except for him impulsively jumping in a river which I imagine to be the Ohio River because I grew up by the Ohio River and it scares me lol. Remus's experiences are heavily based on my own experiences with hypomania.
However it is still quite fluffy, more hurt comfort than anything focused on the actual hypomanic experience! Their dynamic is once again very heavily inspired by TMDORG by Grim!
Remus hit Janus’s doorbell and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, hyper aware of the water dripping off of him and pooling by his feet.
Janus opened the door and looked him up and down. “It’s March.”
“You went swimming?”
Remus shrugged. “Yeah.”
Janus opened the door. “Come in.”
Remus came in. He’d never actually been to Janus’s apartment. While they’d been hanging out in the same small circle of six people since high school, Remus had never been as close with Janus as he had with the others.
Which is exactly why he’d tracked him down on the Find My iPhone app.
Remus had already made a promise in some manner or another to all their other friends that he’d tell them if he was having a hypomanic episode, no matter how brief. And he was scared to tell them that it had been four days, four days that he hadn’t talked to them, and he was finally beginning to crash.
Remus had been so immersed in his thoughts that didn’t even realize Janus had walked out of the room until he was walking back in with a towel and a matching fluffy robe.
“Here.” Janus held them out to him.
“Thanks.” Remus gave a small smile, then glanced around for the bathroom.
“That way.” Janus motioned his head to the left. Remus nodded and walked over to the door, which did indeed lead to a bathroom.
“Do you mind if I take a shower?”
“Not at all.” Janus offered a small smile.
“Thank you, Jan.”
“Of course.”
As Remus stood under the water he’d turned on so hot it was nearly burning his skin, he was thinking about what he’d say to Janus when he went back out. He ran through a few things in his mind before he decided he didn’t like any of them and that he’d just vibe it.
He looked for a moment at Janus’s assortment of colorful bottles on the corner ledge. He saw at least three which looked like some version of body wash, so he opened the top of each one and smelled them. He decided on a rosemary and lavender scented gel in an appropriately purple bottle.
He closed his eyes as he tilted his head back into the water, letting it wash the bubbles off his skin.
Remus slipped on the robe once he’d dried off. It was deep grey and soft, with a small snake emblem embroidered on the left breast.
Janus raised his eyebrows when Remus walked back out. “You look like a cooked lobster.”
“Do I?” Remus waggled his own eyebrows. “Good enough to eat?”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Sure.” He patted the couch beside him. “Sit.”
Remus climbed over the arm of the couch to sit where Janus had indicated, hugging his knees against his chest.
Remus fixed him with a suspicious look. “Why should I?”
“Because I made you hot chocolate, and I’ll only give it to you if you open up and tell me what’s going on.”
Remus sighed, eyeing the black mug in Janus’s hand. He made a grabbing motion, and Janus handed it to him as he let his feet fall to the floor. He held it between his palms, looking down at the mini marshmallows.
“I had an episode. That’s why I was all wet, I had this impulsive thought to jump in the river.”
“The river?” Janus’s eyes widened. “The river’s gross. How did you not get eaten by a giant catfish or something?”
Remus shrugged. “Beats me. The water was so cold, though… it kinda snapped me out of my head. I was like, ‘what am I doing?’ Usually, I don’t have those sorta self-aware moments, but today… I guess it was just different.”
Janus only nodded, encouraging Remus to continue, so Remus continued.
“I don’t know, I told everyone I’d tell them if I needed anything, or if I got manic, or I suppose hypomanic. And I didn’t. And I was worried they’d get all mad at me, so I figured I’d go to the one person I hadn’t made that deal with.”
Janus nodded again. “I see. I’m really glad you came, Remus.” He gave a gentle smile. “I’m glad a catfish didn’t get you.”
Remus laughed. “I am too, Janus.”
“Do you want to talk more, or do you want to do something else?”
Remus considered for a moment. “I’m really tired… can I just have a pillow or something for the couch?”
“My bed’s a queen.” Janus tilted his head. “That’s definitely big enough for two.”
“Jan, I don’t want to encroach—”
“You’re not encroaching. I’m offering.”
Remus examined his face for a moment, looking for a hint of hesitation he couldn’t find. “Then, yes. I accept your offer.”
Janus smiled. “Come on.”
Remus trailed behind him into his bedroom, which was neat and tidy and yellow and black. It looked exactly like what Remus expected Janus’s bedroom to look like.
“Here, let me get you a T-shirt and some shorts, and I’ll brush my teeth, and we can get to sleep.”
Remus changed in the bedroom as Janus was in the bathroom. It all felt so domestic, getting changed from a robe into pajamas. Getting ready to sleep in a bed together.
Remus felt like he could get used to this.
Janus walked back in, pulling his long hair back into a ponytail and looking past him to the bed. “Get out of there, Python.”
Remus turned to see a dark grey cat leap off the bed, looking at him with wide yellow eyes before disappearing.
“Python? Like the snake?”
“Like the programming language.” Janus grinned. “You know I’m a STEM guy.”
“God, you are such a nerd.” Remus pulled back the grey striped comforter, getting into the left side of the bed while Janus climbed into the right.
“Can… how do you want to do this?” Janus asked.
“Um… I…” Remus swallowed. “Do you mind holding my hand?”
“All night?”
“You don’t have to.”
Janus’s hand found his, warm, stable, comforting. “Anything that will make you feel better.”
“Thank you.” Remus whispered as Janus’s other hand clicked off the bedside table light.
“Of course, Remus.” Janus whispered back into the darkness. “Do I smell… did you use my body wash? The lavender rosemary?”
“I did. I hope that’s—”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Janus squeezed his hand. “I don’t mind. Just was wondering.”
“Okay.” Remus squeezed back. “You always smell nice, I wanted to smell nice, too.”
“I smell nice, do I?”
“You do.” Remus scooted infinitesimally closer to him.
“Mm. Thank you.” Janus hummed, and Remus could’ve sworn he shifted a bit towards him, too.
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phxntomhives · 5 months
"The parade of battlers" analysis
Hopefully my wrong takes will trigger someone and you all will get a decent analysis
Eng lyrics because I don't know japanese are from the official music video! Also warning, English isn't my mother tongue.
Lost in an unacceptable tragedy
An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes
Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and
Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back
Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit
All I want to do is lead a beautiful life
But why can't you hear
Me telling you not to stumble
Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle
Say bye bye to mundane concepts
See how the compensated formless stand imposingly
Their presence is a sight to behold
Rip apart, drag and reveal
Throw away all inferiorities
Even the raw emotions of cursing someone
Take them in like an offering
Just skilled at pretending to be human
Searching for those other than monsters
Like the blue shimmer of
A star of the first magnitude
Far from having enough faith
This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat
Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots
Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now
Everything in this world, there isn't much
Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections
To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld
Though we have prayed and knelt down
Our prayers have been cremated
And ignored with a "So what?"
So kind
A colorless encounter, pupils of glass
Thought they may shatter to pieces,
You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"
You give the finger as you spew poison and let it all out
Scorched, boiling and trembling
A blazing fire from the past still smolders
That remorse still within me
I'll burn and retaliate in full
There is no such thing as eternity, so
There is no ending until all turns to ash
Then why not play
With fire in a refined manner?
No more need for empty rhetorics
Such hollow, scathing criticism
Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing
The parade of the lonely ones has just begun
There's no love, no love, there's no love there
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth
There's just one, just one
In this world, just one person, one person
Question fanatically and
Live the shit out of this world
Yana, dear, are you sure this is the intro for the Weston college arc??? And not the blue cult??? LIKE, REALLY REALLY SURE??? My comprehension of text can be lacking in more than one way and I just followed the vibe but... I don't think I am that wrong on some points? You are seeing it too, right?
I feel like the song has a mix of present, past and future along with different POVs and I hope I have been able to separate them well.
The colors are just to show the lyrics and i changed it because pretty.
What I can actually connect to Weston Arc
"Then why not play with fire in a refined manner? / No more need for empty rhetorics Such hollow, scathing criticism. / Burn this ceaseless stone-throwing" Which could very much be related to O!Ciel's pyromaniac episode lol. He didn't forget
"The parade of the lonely ones has just begun" : at this point the "parade of the lonely" could very much be the parade of the bizzare dolls considering the amount of reference there is to them. And it would be nice considering in this case the sentence is right after the stone-throwing Purple house, since the students were "transfered" in the there.
If the previous point is correct then also here, we are talking of the bizzare dolls: "This utterly ridiculous destiny won't retreat / Fill the air with the echo of the marching boots / Let the parade of the lonely ones begin now". I guess the "echo of the marching boots" could be the sound the dolls made before getting free during the midnight tea party? As for why they don't retreat well, we have seen they aren't exactly rational for now.
"Scorched, boiling and trembling / A blazing fire from the past still smolders / That remorse still within me /I'll burn and retaliate in full": this could be a description of what O!Ciel is feeling in general. His determination coming from everything that happened is still going strong.
Onestly, these are the only thing I can see strictly related to the present and this arc in particular lol. Everything else goes deeper.
Memories of the past
This part will likely make the least sense, because I am still sobbing over the whole past ok.
"Lost in an unacceptable tragedy Even now, still mourn for days gone by, never to come back": We all know the past. The safest bet is that O!Ciel is mourning, but is he? He never had the time to mourn, he moved immediately to revenge and working for the queen. So either this is just to hit us in the feeling, or maybe it's my favourite victim of this analysis: Undertaker. Could it be him? Possibly, but this being O!Ciel breaks my heart more. I am excluing R!Ciel because at the moment of Weston arc his version should not be that complex. And Sebastian is Sebastian.
"Staking my life, spitting blood and vomit /All I want to do is lead a beautiful life / But why can't you hear / Me telling you not to stumble": I feel like this either O!Ciel talking to himself, admitting that he would like to just be happy but still forcing himself to be strong and act to revenge his family. Or, high on copium, the first part is O!Ciel's wishes and the second part is O!CIel using the R!Ciel allucination make himself stronger (I doubt it, but it adds to the sadness).
"Rip apart, drag and reveal / Throw away all inferiorities /Even the raw emotions of cursing someone /Take them in like an offering": I got the epiphany after several times of reading this and yes it's about revenge hatred yadda yadda yadda. But what if, in particular, it's related to the moment when O!Ciel summoned Sebastian? I think it's the only time I remember "offering" being mentioned/relevant in the manga. O!Ciel is throwing everything away for revenge, assuming a new identity. So this could be either O!Ciel talking to himself during that desperate time. Or, just to hurt myself more, him allucinating again a conversation with R!Ciel where R!Ciel is the one that is saying all this. I will go cry now, brb.
"Everything in this world, there isn't much /Difference between the atrocious or noble as you think / Though we have prayed and knelt down / Our prayers have been cremated /And ignored with a "So what?" " : God, this section is killing me. Memories of when the twins were captured, For them and all the other children, it was an atrocious experience, while the nobles were truly thinking they were in the right, that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. They believed to be noble enough to be above everything and ignored absolutely everything in regards to the children.
Undertarker is not being subtle. Like at all.
Somewhere up in the sky, someone is making selections/To ensure the cycle of birth and passing is upheld: here I am conflicted. Undertaker is sure making selections when he is creating the bizzare dolls "you get to be revived. you don't". But at the same time he is not uphelding anything. He is doing the opposite infact. Unless this is supposed to just describe the Shinigami's role to show how Undertaker is going in the opposite direction.
There's just one, just one/In this world, just one person, one person/Question fanatically and/Live the shit out of this world: we only really see two characters question stuff: O!Ciel with the murder of his family and Undertaker with the Cinematic record ways of working. Now, i don't really see O!Ciel "question fanatically" and "live the shit out of this world", while we can debate about how "fanatically" he is searching for the culprits, how are you telling me he is living his best life? He is surronded by trauma, has to go on a mission for the queen every other day, has to live as his dead twin and in this specific arc he has to act all cutesy and adorable when he hates it. He is far from any best life I am more surprised he didn't become histerical yet honestly. The one that IS living his best life is Undertaker (well... more or less). In the Weston Arc he did say he was enjoying being the headmaster. Plus he could make some more esperiments on Derek&co which, on top of that, were mostly successful! Do you know how much serotonin a succesful experiment gives you? A LOT. TRUST ME.
Bizzare Dolls (BD for short because I am lazy)
Well, ofc they are the protagonist of the animation, they are everywhere in the song too.
"An unfading warmth quivers blue in the depth of my eyes / Stifling impurities leave keloid scars and": Are the BD warm? Idk, but I don't think so? A body is warm when the blood is running because the heart is pumping it. Do BD have a working heart tho? I doubt the original version do, but what about the new and improved versions? Agares could have probably be our best bet but he always wore gloves (even when he was alive) so we don't really know.
Warmth aside, what I am quite confident IS a reference to the BD is the keloid scars. I did a reseach and a keloid scar is a "scar keeps growing and becomes bigger than the original wound. They are developed after a skin injury". The scars we have seen are O!Ciel's scar from when they marked him, or the BD's "surgery" scars?
Ofc it could be just metaphorical about the trauma just keep on growing in O!Ciel. Maybe it's more this one but again, I am take things directly
"Love turning on its head, fiction caught in a tangle/Say bye bye to mundane concepts/See how the compensated formless stand imposingly/Their presence is a sight to behold": cambridge dictionary say that "turn something on its head means to cause something to be the opposite of what it was before". Apparently, there are many things that are the opposite of love, depending on your source: hatred, fear, indifference. I think in this case, since we are talking of the BD, we can use indifference. They aren't moved by real emotions at this moment (Weston arc) and even later, they are probably fake emotions based on fake memories (from the orphanage children but I will not elaborate, other theories have done it better). Fear could also work since well, most people are rightfully terrified of them. Being far away from mundane concepts? I would say they fill this box. And they sure are a sight to behold, nothing against it. What confuses me is the "compensated formless" I don't have any idea of what it could mean
"Just skilled at pretending to be human / Searching for those other than monsters + Like the blue shimmer of / A star of the first magnitude / Far from having enough faith": We are looking at the current arcs here in the first lines. The one skilled at pretending to be human and searching for things is Sebastian (it can't be O!Ciel because he isn't pretending to be human). What he is searching is the headmaster, that we know being Undertaker and it ends up bringing with him, again, the BD. In particular, it specifically mentions R!Ciel. You know what is the name of the biggest star of first magnitude that is currently known? Yeah, you are correct, it's Sirius. And we have known Ciel is Sirius for a while now. As to why the star does not have lot's of faith, do I have to remind you "Dear God, why are you smiling?".
"So kind /A colorless encounter, pupils of glass /Thought they may shatter to pieces,/ You laugh your head off, saying, "you must be kidding"": Listen, I have seen a couple of people mentioning "oh it's a reference to monochrome no kiss". But I don't think that's the case, not completely at least. I think this is a parallel of O!Ciel and Sebastian's meeting to R!Ciel and Undertaker. First because one of the people involved is laughing, and Sebastian smirks but has never really laughed out loud, the one that spends his time laughing is Undertaker. Second is the pupils of glass that can shatter to pieces. I wonder if it means that R!Ciel could be using glass balls for his eyes? When we have seen his not-completed form they look pretty empty and they are made of soft tissue, so maybe Undertaker changed the "real eyes" with glass? Idk. The shattering could also indicate the fragility of the BD that are still far from perfect.
There is no such thing as eternity, so /There is no ending until all turns to ash this made me scream Undertaker's BD because we know he needs a full budy for the creation of his dolls and bringing back to life his loved ones. And we know he can't bring back Vincent because his body was too ruined by the fire. So fire IS the only ending in which a person can just die with no possible interference from a Shinigami with resurrection intent.
Tragedy twins
I had no idea of these lines other than, it just fits the vibes. Until I remembered how much Yana likes to mirror the twins.
There's no love, no love, there's no love there: this one is R!Ciel singing. Undertaker may have started to work on the BD out of grief for his loved ones, but it feels like it turned into an obsession.
There's nothing, there's nothing, there's no truth: let's add some angst because this one was not enough. O!Ciel never gets to discover the truth behind the murder of his family before he dies. Maybe we, as readers, can see it. Maybe from Sebastian's eyes. But yeah, we don't have a guarantee that O!Ciel will ever know anything, he could just die with Sebastian being unable to prevent it (either because it happened due to a Shinigami, or maybe an angel or god knows what).
But of course, we can also swap them! O!Ciel was so confident people wouldn't have liked him coming back alive and so started the whole identity swap, so he could still feel like the love he is receiving now is fake, since it's built on a lie. While R!Ciel's truth could now be either the murder or the family again, or the fact that he isn't "real" now. He is a BD, his action and thoughts are based on memories that are likely not his own. He has become a fake, a lie. "There is no truth" because that is a BD similar to him, and not necessary him.
I am exhausted I haven't thought about something this much since my thesis. Yes some of them are quite the stretch, hopefully I will trigger a smart person and finally we get a good analysis. Meanwhile you have to deal with me. Feel free to add your opinions pls, I love hearing theories.
PSA: I have formatted this half on computer and half of phone so idk how weird the formatting is I will check again tomorrow, now I'm tired of rereading it.
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springdandelixn · 2 years
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Hello, My Lovely Spring Rolls!
To celebrate such milestones in my personal (birthday! woot woot!) and tumblr (500 followers!) life, I will be hosting my first-ever (and hopefully the beginning of more) sleepover for all of us to enjoy!
I've only been actively posting my stories on this site since October 2022 and truthfully, you guys have been such a blast and I cannot thank you enough for the support and love you continuously give.
With that being said, I hope you would join me in this sleepover and make more memories together!
For this sleepover, we will be having 2 events; 1) Writing Challenge, and 2) Fic Requests.
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🌻This challenge is only open to 18+. Minors, please DNI.
🌻The theme for this challenge is, you guessed it, SPRING! Not only is it on my tumblr name but it's my favorite season of all time. I know we are still far away from it but oh well.
🌻The sleepover will start on January 31st and end on March 31st (though my birthday is on the 7th of March huehue) No late submissions, please.
🌻This challenge is open to all genres BUT (and it's a big one) if you've been hanging around me for a while, you know what my preferences are—angst, smut, and dark.
🌻All tropes are allowed—Mafia, A/B/O, enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, even step-cest if that's your vibe.
🌻Characters must ONLY be from the following fandom:
Game of Thrones - Jorah Mormont, Petyr Baelish or Jaime Lannister
MCU/Marvel - Vision, Loki, Thor, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner or Logan Howlett
DCU - Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne
Sebastian Stan Characters - Lee Bodecker or Steve Kemp
Chris Evans Characters - Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Andy Barber, Jake Jensen or Ari Levinson
Tom Hiddleston Characters - Jonathan Pine, James Conrad or Thomas Sharpe
Miscellaneous - Joel Miller (The Last of Us - Either Pedro Pascal or the video game character) or Samuel Drake (Uncharted)
🌻Reader insert only, no OFCs or ships. Sorry.
🌻Entries must be new and original. I will not allow any entries that are part of an ongoing series. If it is, make sure that it can be read as a stand-alone piece.
🌻There is no word limit but do make sure to add the Keep Reading line after 500 words.
🌻Please use the tag #rolling into spring writing challenge when posting your work and tag me in it. If I haven't reblogged it or given a comment within 24 hours after you've posted, shoot me a message.
🌻No Underage, Beastiality, Incest, Monster(??) and Water Sports.
🌻A prompt list will be provided for this challenge but it is not mandatory to use them. You can use them as a guide to help you kickstart your work. The most important thing is that your story has the element of Spring in it.
🌻I reserve the right to not read or interact with your work if it makes me uncomfortable or if you didn't abide by the rules. Warnings are a MUST and should be written appropriately.
🌻Any questions that you may have, my DMs are open. You can also join my discord server to engage with others and bounce off ideas with one another.
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🌻Rules of the writing challenge pretty much apply here as well.
🌻I will be providing a dialogue prompt list for you to choose from. You can also suggest a trope or give me a brief description of your request.
🌻Please use this form when requesting a fic. Just so as not to crowd my ask box.
🌻Fics will only be written with dark themes. (sorrynotsorry)
Now that the ground rules have been laid, all that's left to do is to have fun! And I look forward to your requests as well as what you'll come up with for this event! Make me squirm and gimme hay fever! (okno) haha
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Writing Challenge Prompts
Fic Request Prompts
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
week of march 19, 2023
aries: don't panic but do brace yourself for some turbulence. it's an unavoidable part of life, right? so this week, aries season and the equinox kick things off followed by a new moon in your sign too. later on there is also significant chiron activity. but of course the real kicker for everyone is pluto changing signs. for you, this is in your 11th house and while it has global ramifications all over, it has particularly strong social consequences for you especially.
taurus: mere hours after the ingress of pluto into aquarius there is a taurus moon. so over the next couple *decades* (although you're a pro at taking things slow) you'll be working, like it or not, on career and legacy stuff. but just here at the beginning, you get a good start with that exalted moon. see if you can find a way to really make it count.
gemini: quicksilver mutable folks like you are going to, at least in some ways, love all the changes coming to pass around now. it started with saturn. this week has pluto into fellow airy aquarius, which actually will (mostly) be fruitful for you, and then mars out of your sign and into cancer at last! this is a really great time to make your education lead to tangible financial payoff.
cancerians: pluto in aquarius lasts years - decades - but starts this week in your 8th house. the lessons and, perhaps, demolitions involve debts and taxes as well as your intimate connections. closer to home, mars arrives in your sign after his recent seemly endless stay in gemini. stand up for yourself without sacrificing your principles.
leo: the start of aries season and an aries full moon are quite auspicious for you. at the same time, the arrival of pluto in your 7th house probably feels less fortunate. it will be there for a long time to come. it doesn't mean that relationship hardships will last the duration of the long transit but it does mean that weak structures and foundations are not going to survive.
virgo: don't freak out but pluto in aquarius can start out feeling like a sort of existential crisis. your routines will likely be upended, or if you are stubbornly holding on to them they *need* to be altered. let go or be dragged. a new era is on its way in.
libra: pluto into aquarius means big things for creativity and romance in your life over the next many years. perhaps even something about children (you're having them? you're *not* having them? you already have them and they do something crazy?) but it doesn't bring any end to your relationships as a whole. big aries season vibes incoming see to that.
scorpio: pluto is heading for your home life, the very foundataion of your chart (he is the god of tearing down foundations to rebuild new ones.) and mars is heading straight for your spiritual and academic sector. can you take a spiritually grounded approach to keeping your home base a sanctuary rather than allowing it to be reduced to rubble (metaphorically i hope...)?
sagittarius: the start of aries season along with a very fresh and fragrant aries new moon lights up your creative and romantic fires. at the same time you have an affinity with aquarius energy unlike anything most people can imagine. so pluto in aquarius? if you're reading this most likely you've already had him trample through your own sign early in your life. you know what he's capable of and how to respect his presence. he appreciates your candid nature. just don't talk too much trash.
capricorn: the equinox IS a big deal but you know what's an even bigger deal? pluto finally scoots himself off that last critical degree of your sign. he's been with you since 2008. it feels like he's been at 29 degrees for a hundred years. his movement into aquarius will most assuredly affect you materially and yet, pluto is also greatly associated with wealth. assuming you're still on his good side after all these years...
aquarius: hopefully you got any unplutonic behaviors under control before now. pluto is now your closest, er, friend. ideally you *do* make friends, because this is not an energy you want to fight against. you won't win. pluto does have many good qualities so really lean into those these next twenty-or-so years! embrace your inner persephone at this time. your pomegranate seeds are getting eaten one way or another. might as well have a good time.
pisces: more than perhaps any other sign, you can view the new pluto era as more of a background subconscious affair. there's little for you to *do* about it on a personal scale, although it will play out quite vividly societally. this week what you really feel is a vibrant, even lustful surge of new life, stirring with the equinox, especially if you are in the northern hemisphere getting the first vernal breath of spring. for everyone and especially you, it is a time of mini-reincarnation.
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elithilanor · 2 years
A Healer’s Touch, An Herbalist’s Kindness P1
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Concept: See above
Request for: @sotwk​ This one is a bit more from Haldir’s perspective than OFC and honestly I found it a little more difficult to write, so I hope this is to your liking! I decided to split this up into sections just because a) it was getting long and b) really different vibes were going on between the initial meetings and the later visits/excuses to see each other. So here’s the initial meeting! This one’s a little angsty, but it’s mostly up from here, promise!
We’re probably looking at another 3-5 parts depending on flow. So strap in for the ride lol. Yes, there’s also definitely a writing shift because I was testing new styles, but decided it has its time and place. Hope you don’t mind!
Tags: way pre-relationship Haldir x OFC (healer/herbalist and future wife); emotional hurt/comfort; emotional whump! Haldir poor guy, he’s really going through it it’s been a rough season for the wardens out there!; angst
TWs: injury and light blood descriptions; anxiety and panic attacks; some situational self-loathing
“Círan, you cannot be serious!” Haldir exclaims as he struggles against the other elf’s hold preventing him from marching back into surgery.
“You would leave my brother in the hands of an apprentice with this?” His voice is tight in outrage.
“Chief Marchwarden!” Círan snaps. “She may be recent to us here in The Golden Wood, but not to her skills. Chief Marchwarden,” their voice then softens, “Haldir, please. Rúmil is in good hands with her. She recognized the symptoms as soon as the rider came and has been preparing the whole hours since. Please, let us work.”
Haldir bites his tongue as he watches the unknown elleth briskly cut open the dressing he’d wrapped himself around the jagged wound on his brother’s chest and side and begin flushing it with an alternating mix of clean water and a pungent brew of dark herbs, only some of which he recognized. He can just see her tilt his brother’s head back and produce a vial before the doors swing shut, cutting off his field of vision. 
Haldir takes a shaky breath then reluctantly nods before forcing himself to step back and off to the side. He clenches his jaw and sits in the chair provided by Círan before the healer goes back to assisting with the work ahead.
Haldir, The Lady’s voice sounds clear in his head, startling him from his worry. Celeborn tells me the patrols have destroyed the orc holdout responsible and are bringing in the poisoned blades to the healers for inspection. Expect them within the hour. I have already let Nestál know, as well. How is Rúmil fairing?
Haldir closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before responding, willing away some of the adrenaline and underlying panic in his system.
No worse than before we set off, my Lady. The new healer apparently has seen something similar before and she’s taken the lead in his healing. He says, a touch sardonically.
Ah, slight amusement and warmth filters through their óswanë link. Yes, I imagine she has. She pauses before adding.
Haldir, rest. Let the healers take care of Rúmil. Orophin is on his way in from the Northwest outpost, as well. You take care of our people well, let them help you. Take this time to be with your brothers, we’ll hold steady until your return.
Haldir flounders for what to say and his hands clutch at his own over cloak now torn in three separate places and soaked through with his brother’s blood. He wants to argue but knows he can’t. There is nothing for him to argue against.
Of course, my Lady. Thank you.
Be at peace, Chief Marchwarden. Today has been a dark day, but all will be well. She soothes before withdrawing from his mind.
Haldir sighs and begins to compile a list of all the reports he’d need to complete and patrol routes they’d need to revise. He rubs his temples and settles in the chair for the long vigil he knew he’d have ahead of him.
“Marchwarden?” A soft voice breaks into his thoughts over which paths they could secret into the mountain sides above Moria. 
Haldir jolts back into awareness as the elleth caring for Rúmil steps into his line of sight, worry flooding his system. He goes to stand but she waves her hand at at him.
“Is he-?”
She smiles softly, her eyes tired. “As long as your brother makes it through the night - and there’s every indication that he will, just a precaution - then he’ll be fine. It will be a delayed healing process due to the venom, but we all are certain he’ll make a full recovery.”
The relief Haldir feels makes him weak in the knees and in hindsight, he’s incredibly glad that she let him stay seated. He now feels guilty in more ways than one, too. He clears his throat.
“Círan says you’ve encountered this before?”
“Ah, yes.” She looks grim. “Spider venom.”
Haldir blinks in shock, wondering if the new but not-new-to-them apprentice realized how ridiculous she sounded. “You must be mistaken. The Children of Ungoliant are not here in such a way; they’re regional to Mirkwood.”
“Yes, Marchwarden, I’m aware.” She bites out then releases a breath, running a hand through her tresses, messing the already loose braid down her back. “I did my herbalism and first aid training in Imladris, but my mother is from the Greenwood.” Haldir raises an eyebrow at the emphasis feeling as if he would smirk at her if he had the energy left in him.
“I’ve spent much of my life there assisting their healers with the reactions to venom. Its fortunate I’ve learned to always carry vials of antivenin on me or else we’d have to dispatch riders to Lord Thranduil for supply and it likely would be too late for your brother.”
Haldir feels a shiver run up his spine, wiping away his slight amusement.
“You must understand that just because you have no spiders means little. Orcs join forces with them and can coat their blades in the poison; it’s very common in the Greenwood and surrounding areas such as Dale. I’m just surprised. I’ve never heard of the practice extending past the forest’s borders. Nonetheless, Nestal is informing Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel while Círan and I monitor Rúmil. I’ve already made contact with Lord Thranduil to inform him and request additional antivenin be sourced and sent here to Lórien and to Imladris lest they head that way, as well. Orc sightings have been also steadily increasing along the road paths, as I’m sure we’re all aware.”
“Sauron.” Haldir curses. “It seems everyday his range increases and the grief he brings to all lands intermingles with the love already there to be found.”
A smile touches her lips briefly, “Yes, the bastard.” Haldir startles at her bluntness and stares at her.
“Ah, apologies. We have a tendency to be more informal in the healing halls.” The ellyth clears her throat and gestures towards the recovery wing. “I’ve set up a cot near Rúmil for you along with a stand and a couple other things you may need for the evening. Given the availability at the moment, I’ve also set up another space for hm. I believe Lady Galadriel said you had another brother?” She questioned and moved closer to the door, indicating him to follow her.
“Yes, our younger brother Orophin.” Haldir responds, gathering his things.
“Will he be needing medical treatment, as well? I can alert Círan and Nestál.”
“No,” Haldir replies as he stands and moves towards her. “He’s been at post in Nanduhirion.”
She nods at his answer, but looks as if she was parsing out a riddle in her mind’s eye.
“Near the Doors of Moria in the Northwest. Rúmil and I were attacked near the main borders above Cerin Amroth closer to the Northeast.” Haldir says, a touch impatiently, as they move into the next room.
She mutters something from behind him, but Haldir doesn’t hear her as clearly as his training should have him. Instead, he stares at his brother’s form lying prone in a healer’s bed, chest rewound in fresh bandages and a thick, acrid poultice the color of decaying moss and leaves laid over-top every inch. Rúmil was paler than perhaps his first several months out of their mother’s womb and despite his sleeping state for the last several hours, his eyes were sunken in his face and ringed in darkness. Almost as if Rúmil had already met the Death the healers had been trying to prevent.
“-warden. Haldir!” A voice gets louder in his ringing ears and a hand tightens on his arm. He looks down at the short ellyth standing concernedly at his side. He towers over her, he realizes. She’s on the shorter side for an elf. He wonders if she has any Mannish blood in her line.
“Haldir.” She says again. He’s unsure if he hears her as much as sees her lips form his name. She smiles a little as she catches his eye, but the crease between her eyebrows gives her worry away. “Can you understand what I’m saying?”
It takes him a moment but he nods.
“Your brother is doing very well given the situation and with no complications, should pull through just fine. He just needs rest and treatment every few hours. Nod again if you understand me.” He nods. Despite his initial annoyance with her presence, her voice is incredibly soothing to listen to. Something about her is soothing to him. Perhaps her healer’s training.
“Haldir, breathe. In. Out. Can you do that for me?” He forces a stuttering and shallow breath into his lungs.
“Good,” she soothes, “again.” He feels warm at the nape of his neck and repeats the action at her guidance. His sight clears at the edges, bringing him back into awareness with his body. He hadn’t realized how out of focus he was or how close he was to loosing consciousness.
He hadn’t realized a lot of things today. Some Marchwarden he was. Some brother he was, Haldir thought bitterly, tightness rising in his chest again. 
He feels a slight pressure and absentmindedly looks down at the hand on his arm pulling him towards his brother. The ellyth gently guides him to sit on the made cot next to Rúmil‘s and sets his things down on a stool nearby before pouring an already steeped, hot cup of tisane from a full-brewed pot.
She presses the mug of tisane into his hands and Haldir clutches it as if were a lifeline she had thrown out into his drowning hand in the fast-moving waters of the Celebrant instead.
“Drink, Marchwarden. It will help, I promise.” She says gently and he’s suddenly reminded of what she said earlier: I’ve set up a cot near Rúmil for you along with a stand and a couple other things you may need for the evening.
He looks around the space as he sips on the tea provided, scalding his tongue in the process. Tea; mugs; a heated water pitcher, basin, and rags; his bag; pillows and a cot with warm linens made for the cool nights; a reading candle and his brother’s condition report nearby if he wishes to update himself on Rúmil’s progress; and a small platter of fruits, cheeses, bread, and a jar of honey.
A couple of other things, Haldir thinks incredulously. This ellyth had gone far beyond any duties in providing for a family member of an injured patient, Chief Marchwarden or not. Especially one who had been treating her and her healing skills as callously as he had been thus far.
“Marchwarden?” She asks, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Chief Marchwarden of the Northern Boundary.” Haldir can’t help but snap back out of instinct. He immediately regrets his words and goes to apologize, but finds his ability with words too, have finally escaped him.
It’s been a gruesome day and a longer month and an even more grueling several years. He’s not sure he could say the words he wants to express even if he could think of them in the first place.
“Well, then, Chief Marchwarden of the Northern Boundary.” The ellyth states sharply, then pauses and eventually sighs.
Somehow, she still sounds kind when she begins again, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check on your brother’s progress and change his bandages. Círan will do hourly rounds until then. In the meantime, I suggest you get some rest. It will be a long night.”
She’s quiet for a moment before she shakes her head slightly and smiles tightly at him then speaks as she runs her eyes over Rúmil. “Please alert us if there’s any serious changes with your brother. Goodnight.”
The ellyth briskly walks out the back set of doors in the room, deeper into the healing halls.
Haldir sighs and sets his empty mug down, rubbing his hands harshly over his face before laying down and staring at the panels in the ceiling.
Just another tally against himself today, Haldir thinks. He can’t even gather himself to be civil with the elf tasked with more than adequately saving his brother’s life after he couldn’t do it himself.
He’s tired, he realizes. A deep, bone-aching tired that lends itself to tides pulling him out to sea.
In the morning, he’ll see what he can do to mend his transgressions from today, he thinks, brain slower to map out possible plans of action than normally.
His yawn cracks his jaw and his eyelids begin to droop of their own accord.
The tisane, he belatedly registers. Made of valerian root, lavender, and rose hips.
Haldir snorts and grins as he begins to drift to sleep. Clever minx.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Pistol
Character Malcolm Mclaren
Couple Malcolm X Reader
Rating Smut Af
Concept Secret Play Time
Smut Sex toys/semi-nonconcentual/ vibrators/ remote controlled vibrators/ uncontrolled pleasure/ fingering/ nudity/ panties
I hummed my little tune to myself as I counted the stock that lined the shelves making notes on my pad of how many of each item we had and subsequently how many we would need for the weeks to come, all while doing our best to avoid him completely. He sat behind the counter magazine in hand looking at the items for the shop displays every so often his dark eyes would reach me, in his leather pants, dark green variation of the cowboy dance shirt, his jacket on the other stool, I ignored him and continued with my work fixing some items when I felt a sudden jolt of vibration begin inside my panties inches from my clit enough to make me squeal putting a hand over my mouth as I shot around to see him smirking widely with the remote in hand "aw so cute" he Cooes leaning his chin in his hand and his elbow on the counter as he turned it off again
"You promised you wouldn't be at work."
"Come on, it's too tempting" 
"Give it!"
"Ah ah ah. I get it for twenty-four hours that was our deal kitty. If you can't keep to our agreement I'll have to take back my side of the deal" he warns 
"Fine just not here."
"We'll see about that" He smirked continuing with his magazine 
I continued with my work doing my best not to think about the possibility and I jumped in shock trying not to scream as the vibration started up again now even higher than before “Malcolm!”
"What? Nothing to do with me" he says 
"Turn it off!"
"Make me kitty"
"Fine." He sighed turning it off "Boring" 
I got on with my work for a while until it started up again, I shot him a glare across the shop and his response to my murderous glare was to blow me a kiss “You dirty, manipulative little-” I began marching over to the counter but the moment I got close to him he turned it to full making me stop short trying desperately not to give away the wave of pleasure through my face 
“What was that?” he smirked evilly clearly very much enjoying this but all I could force out in response was a whine “Speak up now,” he says 
“Turn. it. Off.” I demanded 
“Say the magic word”
“...Please” I sighed and he turned it off 
“Good kitty” He smirked fixing my hair for me “There’s always one way to make sure it won’t happen” he smirked glancing down at my skirt
“No.” I pouted going back to stocking I know what he wants’s but I’m not doing it, he always wants me to do it when I stock as its a lot of going up ladders, behind over to reach boxes and such like and my skirt had already been adjusted by him four times since I started my shift and not once had it been adjusted downward 
“Then I get to play with my remote control” 
“You are a sick little-” I began but he turned it up again “ahhhhh!”
“Awwww you’re so cute when you make noise”
“Turn it off I’m trying to get work done!”
“As am I”
“Uhhhh fine!” I knew I couldn’t let it continue much longer I’d cum if it didn’t stop soon and for one that would be a mess, and two I didn’t want to give him that sort of satisfaction as it would only boost his ego for the next week so, he perked up at my words and watched eagerly as I slipped off my lace panties from under my skirt the little vibe still going crazy, he turned it off and opened his hand expectantly I simply rolled my eyes and handed them over he took the vibe out shoving it in the pocket of his jacket making a point to stretch and play with the lace openly at the counter as if my panties where merchandise he inspected intently the bell on the door went as some customers came in so I just continued my work making sure to keep my skirt as low as I could he quickly balled up my panties keeping them in his hand as they walked around looking at some things but ultimately leaving a few moments later 
“Ummmmm hello kitty” He smirked 
I rolled my eyes grabbing the back of my skirt to tug it down where clearly me grabbing those shirts and taking them across the room had made it raise up and thus he could see me “Shut up Malcolm. You're a little perv you know that?”
“I know.  You’re just too cute” He says coming across the shop and pinching my bare ass 
“Oww!” I complained turning to face him so he couldn’t get at my ass again 
“Ohh come on, we both know your ass takes way more … ill-treatment than that” he growled nibbling and kissing my neck like a hungry vampire pushing me against the wall and immediately shoving his hand up my skirt to stroke me “Humm such a cute little kitty, all pouty at me for tormenting her, Maybe if this didn’t look so fuckable all the time I wouldn’t have to torment you.” he smirked slipping a finger or two inside me 
“Malcolm- enough” 
“Fine, I don’t want you making a mess all over the floor like last time” he smirked removing his hand “But remember you need to see me at the end of your shift”
“For what?” 
“You’ll need these back won’t you” He smirked showing he still had my lace panties in his other hand giving them a little kiss before he pulled the top hem of his tight leather pants stuffing my panties down the front of his pants clearly adjusting them so his erection could rub against them “You’ll have to come get them, at the end of your shift” he winked before heading into the back to make himself a coffee 
“And if I don’t?” I asked before he headed behind the curtain which made him stop and smirk more turning back to me and crossing his arms across his chest 
“Then we both know I’m corning you in the alley and taking advantage of your lack of panties, so either way I’ll see you later kitty” he smirked blowing me a kiss before heading into the back room. 
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herearedragons · 9 months
3, 5, 6, 13, 23 from the video game asks! :)
Thanks for the ask!
video game questions
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
the first Pillars of Eternity game (as evident by how much I've been posting about it) is still great and I 100% recommend it, it is darker fantasy than Dragon Age and there are a couple of Yikes Moments close to the beginning, but you WILL love at least one of your party members and the writing is pretty great. also a lot of its soundtrack was used in season 2 of Critical Role, and there is significant vibe/theme overlap, so if you enjoyed that season you'll probably like something about POE1 (also there are a lot of voices from the cr cast in the game itself. Matt Mercer notoriously voices two(2) of your best friends party members)
Dragon Age: Origins! The OG. The reason I'm even on this website. I had a pretty major reset when I realized that I accidentally locked myself out of Zevran's romance and now I have to do the Sacred Ashes quest again, but once I get through it things will get fun again. I've had a lot of fun writing Kyana meta based on this playthrough earlier this year, and I'm sure I'll have more things to say when I GET OUT OF THAT TEMPLE
I started playing The Sims 4 between writing sessions during NaNo. I made an off-brand Evelyn and another household based on two very old OCs, and I was really invested in them for a while (to the point of considering making fanart of the second household). I stopped playing at some point, but I think that, like Stardew Valley, this is going to be a fun thing to come back to every once in a while.
(the first answer was already very long so I'm putting the rest under the cut)
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to
I played the demo for GLITCHED: The RPG a couple of years ago and it's been on my Steam wishlist even since. I don't actually know what's going on with the game (I think it was announced that it would come out in 2023 and then it didn't?), but I really hope that it will come out eventually because the demo is A Lot of my favorite things packed into one game. Like, honestly, even if the game won't be out for a while, I think that the demo itself is a really fun experience.
also, despite everything surrounding Dreadwolf, I'm definitely looking forward to it! though somewhat concerned about actually running the game because I Do Not Think my laptop will be able to handle it.
6. A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to
.........I mean, this is very much a Dragon Age blog. DA:O was one of my first RPGs (Skyrim was the other) and Here We Are all those years later
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
I haven't actually played it yet, but Challenging A Queen from Stray Gods. I'm definitely going to play it, though, because this is another game that looks like it was made personally For Me. and this song absolutely rules (my favorite version is the first one they played in this video)
23. A “Wow” moment of awe
...technically I didn't play this one either, but I watched a full playthrough of Wandersong on youtube, and the final song sequence I can't really talk about without spoiling everything was. very. Emotional(TM)
also for a more somber kind of awe, I really like the ambience in Emprise du Lion in DA:I and the White March DLC's entire deal in Pillars of Eternity. in both cases the environment made me just kind of pause for a second and take it all in (actually, adding to the song thing, the Abydon's Shell soundtrack from The White March is haunting)
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drebur123 · 2 years
Promptober: Day 8
The Corn Maze | CC!Quackity X Gn!Reader
Prompt: "Corn maze"
(wc: 621)
"Alex-" I protest as he drags me into the field of corn. "What if we get lost?" I've never been in a corn maze before and would have had no intent to any time soon if it weren't for Alex— my best friend.
Alex and I met at a party, right around this time of the year. It was a pre-Halloween party, and we were both invited by the same guy. "We're not going to get lost. Worse comes worse, we call for help. Surly they put cameras in the maze."
"Where do you think they put said cameras?"
"On the leaves of the corn? I don't know, but what I do know is we aren't going to get lost. I went here last year and here I am." He states proudly. "Exactly. Still in the field." He rolls his eyes. "I was out at one point and came back."
"That's the joke Big Q." Crossing his arms across his chest, he stops pulling me behind him and slows down to a normal walking pace. "I think you have a problem with corn." Alex says in a blunt tone. I look over at his, squinting in a confused fashion.
"No, I-" "Nah. I think you have a problem with corn," He interjects, adding a small giggle at the end. "Whatever. Did you get a picture of the map?" I ask, having seen the small paper in the corner of the paying booth. 
I probably should have got a picture myself, looking back, but I assumed Alex already did. "Nope," He simply replies, making the first right turn. I think he forgot that was an option for a bit. 
"What do you mean 'nope'?! Now what are we supposed to do?" Alex links his arm with mine. "I made a mental map. If you didn't know, I'm a professional at stuff like this." He claims. "When have you ever shown yourself worthy of that title?" I quiz, almost tripping over a rock. 
"Fair enough." The corn stalks tower up, only slightly taller than Alex. With every step taken the naturally discarded or pulled off and discarded leaves crunch. The only thing that would set off an even eerier vibe is if it was cloudy.
The sun is out sending a warm feeling that seemingly spreads across the whole world, like butter on toast. It's been like this since March, with occasional rain. Enough to make it humid for a few days, then it goes back to normal.
We walk for another twenty minutes, not making much conversation. Nor progress.  Alex starts humming a tune underneath his breath. "What are you singing?" I ask out of boredom. 
"It's corn! A big lump and knobs." He begins, falling silent again. "It's a big lump with knobs," I correct. "With knobs. Whatever... I think we may be lost." I quiet a laugh, "I told you." 
Alex and I wander around until we begin hearing civilization. "Lisen," Alex says, stopping in the middle of a step. It sounds like children laughing. "Do I hear that, or is it just my ears?" I ask. "I think we're almost there." 
Alex takes off into the stalks of green, almost leaving me in the dust. I follow after him, just barely keeping up. Eventually, after what seems like forever, we find the exit. The experience was average, though we probably would have got more out of it if we wouldn't have cheated.
 It wasn't our fault someone else decided to tare through the stalks. We took advantage of the little cheats and yet we still came in later than most maze participants do. Perhaps someone who works there did that to throw us off more. 
Who knows?  
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summonerscenarios · 2 years
How about whoever you feel like hcs to someone they don't recognize being touchy feely with Mc? But it turns out Mc does know the person and doesn't really mind. Cause in Tomte's event theres this part where Aegir shows up/spots mc/goes up and hugs them/rests still holding them. And Toji's reaction is to go up/yank mc out of Aegir's grasp/then says he'll call the police if he doesn't keep his hands to himself. Before Aegir and Mc confirm that they actually know eachother/that mc is infact vibing
Ooooo I haven't seen this event but the image of Toji threatening to call the police on Aegir is kinda of hilarious sdfgfd with that being said tho I tried to pick a varied bunch with this lot so I hope that they're an alright pick~!
Hakumen’s never been one to so easily share, especially when it comes to you. She wants to monopolize her time with you, and makes no attempts to hide that fact - it’s one of the first things you’ve learnt about her since the first encounter at the casino. Another thing you’ve learned is that she loves to show off, to make extravagant displays both to impress and make a blatant expression of her wealth and power. It’s because of this that being invited to Roppongi’s social events becomes such a frequent occurrence. You’re used to the invitation by now, you know the rigmarole well enough, but the events themselves sometimes prove to be overwhelming so you tend to stick close to the foxy hostess of such events whenever you’re inevitably dragged to the next venue. Sometimes you wonder if that’s her plan all along, as Hakumen’s proud to flaunt having you on her arm to the other patrons, making a particular note to gloat about her plus one in the presence of people who are sure to spread the fact around like wildfire (you can practically hear the chaos this is going to stir among the other Roppongi bigwigs.)
There’s no saying when she loses track of you, but it doesn’t take long for you to have disappeared when she takes her eyes off of you. One moment she’s exchanging pleasantries with some fickle little thing brave enough to approach her at the event, and the next her arm feels suspiciously light, and, sure enough, you’re nowhere to be seen once she’s glanced to her side. Just like that Hakumen’s attention goes from the party to you; you’d be a fool to assume that her top priority wouldn’t be to look for her dear lord once you’ve slipped out of her line of sight. She commands every single one of her servers to look for you as they work, bristling with every second that you aren’t located at this dauntingly large venue, and the other guests are beginning to feel the flames of her impatience when word finally reaches her that you’ve been located. 
She’s already preparing the teasing/scolding comments that she’s going to say to you for wandering off when she marches across the venue, guests and staff practically scrambling to part the crowd and clear a path. Among the throngs of guests the vulpine therian eventually finds you - and the person that’s got their hands all over you. They’ve got their head on your shoulder and arms looped around you in a firm embrace so casual and intimate that has her fur prickling at the mere sight. It’s bad enough to tolerate the likes of Ophion and Lucifuge doting on you, as they’ve done plenty of times in the past; but for a stranger to have the audacity to attempt such a thing? At her event? 
Any people nearby are smart enough to steer clear as the fox approaches. She’s about ready to roast this stranger to kingdom come when you turn your head, apparently sensing her approach, and with a smile wriggle your way out of the stranger’s grip. “Yo, Hakumen!” You grin, gesturing beside you “Guess who found a familiar face! Have you two met?” That’s enough to halt Hakumen in her tracks, clicking her tongue as she carefully curbs the biting remark that had been coming. Oh. So you’ve found a friend. They must be someone you’re close with, as even as you talk they’ve still got their hands on you, fingers resting on your sides albeit in a loose grip. Bold - and foolish.
Hakumen feigns a smile, but the hostility is rolling off of her in waves as she changes her gait, now sauntering over to join your side. “No, I don’t believe we have~” she responds cooly, and no sooner is she within reach do you feel her hands loop around your shoulders, effectively steering your focus back onto her as she takes a step back, pulling you towards her and away from your friend. Her tone feigns a mock somberness as she solidifies your new position against her chest. “To think you’d leave my side and go wandering off without introducing me to your little friend - I was ever so worried you’d slipped away again my liege.”
She makes sure that the exchange ends as swiftly as possible; Hakumen doesn’t even give your friend the chance to get another hug goodbye in before you’re veered off elsewhere with the excuse of introducing you to some new friends, or showing you the latest grandiose display that she’s spared no expense on. After all, what good host would allow their liege to waste away in some corner with the same old company bothering them when she’s willing to dote on you for an entire evening - you’re the only one lucky enough to be granted a privilege! Even saying this she still gives your friend one last scathing look over her shoulder no longer making attempts at pleasantries as she steers you away from them, memorizing their face. She’s not worried about potential competition since no one holds a candle to her presence, but that doesn’t stop her from keeping an eye out just in case this friend of your has any ulterior motives.
As a teacher, Triton gets some pride in seeing his students off for the day and ensuring that they’re safely on their way home for the day. That mostly includes making sure that kids aren’t dashing through the halls and getting hurt or making sure that they’re following the rules while they’re still on school grounds as he sees them all off. You’re long used to it by now since 9 times out of 10 you’re the last one out of the class, pausing to wish the teacher a good evening as you heft your things into your arms and slip past him to head towards the stairs like you always do. 
He watches you go for a moment, making sure that you and the other students milling about are all right; once he’s satisfied that everything's fine he turns back to the classroom ready to close it up for the evening ready for the final sweep of the school. That is until he hears a yelp and the sudden thud of something hitting the floor. Just as swiftly Triton backtracks to the classroom door and pokes his head out of the classroom again, fully prepared to break up whatever tomfoolery is going on when he sees exactly what’s going on in the hallway. It’s only a brief glimpse, but that’s all it takes - there’s a flash of a hand on your hip and another covering your eyes as someone he’s never seen before presses up behind you. He can hear the “guess who! This stranger exclaims, but it doesn’t register because Triton damn near pulls the door off of its hinges in his haste to rush to your aid.
All Triton needs to know is that they’re not a student he knows and they’ve got their hands all over you for him to come barging in - there’s not going to be any inappropriate goings on on his watch! No-one's going to do anything untoward one of his students right in front of him without him barging in to their aid - what kind of teacher would he be to let this stand? His bellow of “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” is loud enough that you swear you can hear your ears ringing as you look up to see the teacher storming over to you, and neither you nor your companion have the time to move or say anything before he closes in. No sooner have they touched you, this person’s being yanked away by a very protective teacher, with as much distance made between you as possible as Triton announces his presence, grip firm on this newcomer’s shoulders and your own as he physically steps between you and this stranger…only they’re not a stranger.
You’re just as confused as your friend, even more so when Triton asks if you’re unharmed, glancing between your teacher and your equally baffled companion. Clearly you’re fine? Maybe Mr.Triton just thinks that your friend was being a bit too rough? But then he starts berating your friend on grabbing people out of the blue and how they need to learn consent and good manners - how dare they try to accost you so brazenly with no remorse! Just what did they think they were trying to pull!
It clicks then what he’s getting at, and you and your friend share a panicked ‘oh no’ look when the mutual lightbulb goes off. You’re sure Mr. Triton’s already forming the stranger danger talk in his head without even clicking on to what’s actually happening, and wanting to avoid another one of his lectures more than anything you step in, grabbing onto his shoulder and urging him to step back and look at you as you blurt out “It’s okay, it’s okay - I know them, they’re a friend, Mr. Triton! Everything’s fine!” You have to repeat it a few more times before you’re finally able to get the words to sink in, and it's almost kind of funny how quiet he gets once he hears what you’re actually saying.
There’s an awkward pause that follows as Triton blanks, looking between you and the person still trying to wriggle out of his grip when your words sink in. He coughs out a muttered “I-I see…so that’s what’s going on, o-of course.” and lets your friend go, missing the collective sigh of relief the two of you let out once the situation’s been diffused. Thankfully, things calm down a lot with the initial panic out of the way, and it’s easy to realize that Triton stepped in as a concerned teacher who was worried for his student.That doesn’t mean that you and your friend are getting away without a firm reminder about appropriate public greetings before he finally sends you on your way however, the ‘coming from a place of concern’ angle firmly planted in the crux of this impromptu lesson.
The Hero/Yuji
Yuji’s still relatively new to this Tokyo, and while its relatively familiar stomping grounds for him, there’s no one that’s here from his homeworld; the only people that he knows in this world when he first arrives are a select few, with you included in that small list. That might be the driving reason behind why you’ve wound up becoming his impromptu guide around Tokyo and all of its sights; that and perhaps he feels the most comfortable around you, the person who acted as a literal other half when your worlds had unexpectedly collided. Regardless of the motive, Yuji was so excited when he asked and you were more than happy to agree, finding it ironic that you’d be doing what you never got the chance to do when you first got here. There’s plenty of things that are familiar about this place, and Yuji’s got the advantage of having plenty of memories left over from his homeworld to find his way around, so it really hasn’t taken long at all for him to get used to being here, so the big focus when the two of you hang out is less seeing the sights and more finding ways to have fun and make new friends. 
Speaking of friends, with how many people you’ve met since coming to Tokyo, you thought that maybe some new friends were just the thing Yuji needed to really start settling in. That’s what had spurred you into making a call to a friend to come along during one of your hangouts, hoping to introduce the two. At the time your biggest worry was that they wouldn’t hit it off and not get along; they had a lot in common and Yuji seemed to be very affable towards everyone else that you’d introduced him to before, so as far as you were concerned there was very little to worry about. You’d never considered warning Yuji about how clingy and excitable your friend could be, regardless of the new company..
Maybe you should have, as it would have saved the commotion that followed when said friend actually arrived.
The pair of you have stopped for a break, milling around aimlessly to kill some time while you finish off your respective drinks and snacks. It’s easy to relax and lose track of time, especially when he’s retelling stories about his time as a hero in another world and all of the crazy things that went down since you’d been gone, so you can’t really blame yourself for not realizing what time it is until it’s too late. The pinging of your messages had gone unnoticed, a warning of what was to come before it happens. You hear someone shout your name, but that’s about the only warning that you get before a shadow darts across the road and makes a b-line for you, sweeping you up into the air in one swift motion.
Getting scooped off of your feet mid-conversation isn’t your ideal view of an appropriate greeting, but you’ve had worse first introductions. That doesn’t stop you from almost elbowing your poor friend in the face in your shock as you go up into the air with a yelp, shouting loud enough to gain more than a few confused glances from the other people milling about as they pass by. They’re laughing, clearly amused at having caught you so thoroughly off guard, so much so that your friend doesn’t seem to notice not only the attention of others around you, but they completely miss the person who darts forward to come to your rescue - Yuji.
Yuji is always ready to act recklessly for his friends, it’s probably the reason why you two get along so well (and why you’re both considered the problem child in your respective groups). So once he sees you getting pulled up into someone’s arms he acts without really thinking about the fact that you two could know each other, darting forward with a shout of your name upon seeing the panicked look on your face and jumping into the fray without a second's hesitation to help you out. His only real focus is getting them to let you go, and it works!...right up until it sends all three of you crashing to the floor in a pile of limbs that draws even more attention to the spectacle. 
Chaos ensues, and it takes a good few seconds of wrestling your way out of the pileup you’ve gotten stuck between before everyone’s back on their feet and can frantically fill Yuji and your new friend in on what's really going on. Things calm down considerably after that, namely because you mentioned that you didn’t mind the touchiness in the slightest. Yuji’s no better in terms of being more on the touchy feely side with people, as his friends will all attest to, so once he knows you’re chill with it he’s got no problems and warms up to your friend just as quickly exactly as you’d hoped. 
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