#damian priest hurt comfort
ripleylove · 3 months
Say something.
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requested by @nekosounds saying: Hoi!!! Is it okay if I request some hurt comfort? Judgement Day forget about a date they were supposed to go on with Reader because they've been so caught up with work and accidentally been ignoring them lately. But then they make it up to them? Please and thank you friend!
pairing: poly!the judgment day x fem reader.
genre: hurt/comfort,angst,fluff.
summary: being ignored by your four partners for sure wasn't great,but the last thing that made your bottled emotions free was the fact that they decided to ditch the date you have been planning since many weeks,and this really made you feel furious.
A/N: twice just get it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also got a lil too personal with this one
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With WrestleMania quickly approaching,your partners started to get really busy,but that didn't justify their awful actions.
Especially,that for sure didn't excuse the fact that your text were left on delivered and your calls often got sent in the voicemail for 2 weeks.
You didn't know if they were alive or dead,where they were and how they were,because they were "busy".
The only way you got to see them with was social networks, like Instagram or Twitter,where usually Rhea posted a story or two with your partners. All while still ignoring you,of course.
All of this started a week before the start of April,with them going on the road for the big event,WrestleMania,promising to always talk to you.
Yeah,they even promised.
And you believed it. Obviously.
But the last thing that made you lose it,was when you all had a post-WrestleMania dinner at an Italian restaurant that you had been excitedly planning since the beginning of March,and your partners knew how important it was to you.
Hell,you've been waiting for that moment for 1 month,it was obvious that you wanted to make it special. Especially after the tiring weeks of preparing for the big event,and you wanted them to feel more relaxed and serene.
Wearing a flowy and classy lilac dress,and pulling off a perfect nude lip shade,you headed to the famous italian restaurant named: "Luna Rossa".
The outside of the building was dominated by nature,tall and old trees emanating a paradise-like sensation,making the atmosphere really cozy,just how you liked it.
The sound of your high heels echoed through the corridor leading to the reception, your aura radiating confidence and goddess vibes.
"Hello,welcome to Luna Rossa. How can I help you?" The kind lady with brown eyes and red lipstick behind the reception asked.
"Hi,I have a reservation under the name Y/N Y/L/N for five people." You answered,and the last smiled widely.
"Oh,yes! Wait,let me accompany you to the table." She offered,and asked another employee to take care of the reception,leading the way to the crowded dining room,that was booming with chatter and laughs.
"Thank you so much!" You gratefully thanked her,and she brightly smiled at you,going away.
It was 8:30 p.m.,and your partners were supposed to come at 8:40 pm,so you didn't really mind the wait.
You didn't know if you wanted to address or not the problem of them ignoring you during the dinner,and you opted for opening up to them once you were home,in a more private space.
As the time of the arrival of Rhea, Dominik,Finn and Damian inched closer,you were really happy.
Not seeing them for 2 weeks,or even more,took a toll on you and your life.
The loneliness of the once ever so noisy and joyous home filled with Dominik's laugh,and the fact that all of them didn't bother to utter a word to you didn't make them being away any better.
Opening again your phone,you send a text on the groupchat you all had.
Hey,guys! I'm at the restaurant waiting. Where are u all?
delivered at 8:45 p.m.
The fact that they didn't come home even before the dinner was making you feel kind of defeated,but you didn't want to push them,since you knew their job always kept them busy, but you were confident this time,you knew (and hoped) that they would show up.
As the clock strikes 9:00 pm,you were starting to lose hope.
"Please,tell me you're going to come here,say something."
And said hope (as well as your already fragile heart) was crushed when you saw Dominik's instagram story.
It was a picture of him and Rhea laying in bed,the one in your shared house,Dominik's head laying on her chest,both of them smiling happily.
So that means they came back home and didn't tell you anything?
And,more worse,they just stood up on you and your date?
Taking your purse with you,you stood up from the empty table with teary eyes.
Going back to the reception, you see the girl from before again,her warm smile welcoming (or,well,bidding farewell) to you; but that smile didn't last long.
In fact,it dropped almost comically.
"Oh my goodness! Are you okay? Wait let me just-" She stopped talking while calling another guy,asking him (again) to watch over while she left for a bit.
"No,no. No need to leave work,I'm okay. Don't worry." You told her, but she didn't really look convinced.
She reluctantly left you alone,her left eyebrow raised,but not without giving you her number.
She was definitely going to be a great company.
With one last wave to Trisha,how she wanted to be called,you left the restaurant with a heavy heart.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
In the quiet of the night,the only sound you could hear is the jiggle of your keys,while opening the shared house door.
Expecting to see the usual darkness,you were surprised to see the lights on.
So they really came home. And knowing that,made you feel the rage rising in your heart.
Slamming the door shut,you walked with loud steps in the living room.
There you saw the four of them sprawled on the couch,cuddling each other.
On some other day you'd coo at the cuteness of this familiar and cozy scenario,but you couldn't bring yourself to feel these sensations in your heart.
Instead,you felt betrayed,hurt,and heartbroken but,at the same time,you felt angry,pathetic and fuming.
You stood there with tears in your eyes,and Damian was the first to turn around,facing you.
His face turned pale,and he stood up,alarming the others.
"So? Anything to say in your defense before I start talking?" You mockingly asked,watching each of them looking like thieves that got caught.
"Y/N,what did we do? Why are you so mad?" Dominik asked,and you were this close to just slap him right on his cheek.
"What did you do? What did you do? You have the courage to ask me this?" Your four partners were too stunned to speak,as you bursted out all your emotions that you bottled inside your heart.
"So,let me make a little list of what you did,my dear Dominik. First,you promised me that you wouldn't ignore me during the WrestleMania weeks, promise that obviously you didn't keep; Second,I've been left on delivered and had my calls go to voicemail for 2 and almost 3 whole weeks!" You counted on your fingers all the wrongdoings of your lovers,watching their faces lose color from the realization.
"And you wanna hear about the cherry on top?"
"My dear and lovely partners stood up on me on my most waited date,that I was cherishing and attending since a lot of time,since we rarely get to be together." You ironically talked,but you still weren't finished.
"And,last but not least,I discover that my partners came home after 3 weeks of no contact through a fucking instagram story!" You shouted,and Rhea's eyes widened.
"Is that enough for you,little Dominik? Or do you want to know more? 'Cause I've got a lot to say about this whole shit!" Dominik shook his head,while Finn decided to talk.
"Oh,you want me to listen? Listen to what? Your stupid excuses? Wait,let me guess. You wanted to say that you all have been busy,that you didn't have time and that you were thinking about too much things to fucking remember one date?" You interrupted him,and he was speechless,just like the others,and he stayed silent.
"That's what I thought." You rolled your eyes, "Tonight I'm taking the guest bedroom,I want to be alone. Got it?"
"We promise." Damian answered,and you snorted.
"This time make sure to actually keep it."
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
This is one of two endings: angst ending (this one) and the comfort ending (coming soon); read any ending you want! thanks to @nekosounds,this idea was developed, and I'd like to thank her a lot!!
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa @thegalacticnacho091 @judgementdaysunshine
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 month
Hi!!!!! Your writings are amazing! I wanted to ask if you would be willing to write a story based off of this last raw.
When Damian saved Rhea from Doms jump trick I thought it was super sweet and got an idea.
Could you possibly write something where Y/N is jumped back stage by Jd Mcdumbass but The terror twins catch them in the process and while Damian chases him off Rhea comforts you and helps tend to the slight injuries, then Damian comes back to also comfort.
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damian priest x reader x rhea ripley (platonic)
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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don’t touch what’s mine
you were the last og member of the judgment day and after the disaster that happened at summerslam, you stood with rhea and damian. they were your family and you didn’t want to leave them behind.
now it was you, rhea and damian against the rest of the team, and liv. words couldn’t explain how much you despised liv morgan, she wanted to be that girl but in your eyes she was just a failure.
so, when rhea told you to stay backstage because she didn’t want you to risk getting injured, you were reluctant but you did as she said.
you were nervously watching rhea destroying on the mic both live and dom, smiling at her confidence and wishing you could be like her. you’ve always admired her, her strength and her big personality, she taught you to be the person you are today and all you’ve accomplished in the past was much thanks to her.
the whole liv and dom segment was pure chaos, both trying to say the most stupid things just to upset rhea.
you laughed when damian appeared behind them. he was pissed as much as rhea was and he had every right to start his attack on dom.
but in less than a few minutes it erupted into complete anarchy. damian starting him match against carlito early and of course - winning. but the judgment day, or at least “the budget day”, how you liked to call them, couldn’t stand to see carlito lose so they began their attack on damian.
rhea came to the rescue, scaring everyone away. but your heart skipped a beat when you saw how easily finn sacrificed jd to save his own face.
“it’s not gonna work out for you finn” you whispered, softly smiling at the screen in front of you.
and while rhea and damian were happily celebrating inside the ring, you left the changing room to wait for them backstage.
your eyes met finn who was visibly upset, and maybe a little embarrassed for how his team just lost. you couldn’t help to smile and think how stupid he was to choose the wrong part of the team but your happiness didn’t last long enough because you fell on the floor when you heard liv attacking you from behind.
“should have stayed in the changing room where mom and dad want to hide you” she smirked before leaving with dom.
she didn’t hurt you that much but when a hand grabbed your hair from behind, yanking your neck even more on the ground, in that moment, you felt pain.
“you choose the wrong people to have on your side” jd smirked while he was still grabbing your hair “you should have listened to finn back at summerslam” he kept saying but you couldn’t really understand what he was saying as you were focus on your pain, his hand lifting you off the ground by your hair, your scalp was probably turning red from the strength he put into it “we could have been your new team y/n but you chose the wrong people” he laughed.
“i still have no idea why you are a part of this group, all you do is suck” he replied back, no fear of what he could have done with you as you were feeling pain from your scalp to your neck and into your shoulders.
you couldn’t see his eyes as he was manhandling you from behind but you could feel his body going rigid, getting even angrier.
“you’re all talk y/n” he said moving his hand from your head to your neck, making you yelp from the pain but you weren’t going to give up “if they care so much about you, why aren’t they here uh? if they love you so much, why are you here all alone? where are they?” he laughed into your ear, forcing his hand on your neck.
“right here dumbass” you heard damian’s voice and jd’s held on your neck got limp, as if he was scared of what damian might have done to him.
before he could get away with it, rhea attacked him from behind, making him fall on the ground “don’t fucking touch what’s mine ever again" she spat out, making him shiver.
damian grabbed him from the neck, just like how he had grabbed you earlier while rhea went to check up on you.
“let’s go mcdumb” damian called him making you chuckle. rhea took you to the changing room while damian continued his attack on jd “mom didn’t teach you that you shouldn’t hit a girl?” now jd was scared because he knew damian was bigger and stronger than him “but you touched my girl…someone who was a friend of yours before you turned your back on her too and i won’t allow you to hurt her again, clear?” he screamed in his face, making him shiver.
dom, liv, finn and carlito where nowhere to be seen so jd was all alone with priest until someone heart the screams from the corridor.
“was i clear?” damian screamed again, holding him up from his neck and making him fighting for his life.
“priest let him go” punk screamed watching the scene.
“i’m not letting him go before he apologises to y/n! he fucking hurt her! let me repeat this again dumbass, you touch her one more time and you and your little team are fucking dead, clear?” damian shouted, waiting for jd to nod his head before letting him go “coward” he whispered before reaching for the changing room where rhea took you.
punk took one last look at jd, sensing how scared he was “better not to mess up with the judgment day, and especially with y/n…just an advice from an old man” he smirked before leaving.
in the meantime you were checking yourself in the mirror while rhea grabbed some ice for you.
“it’s gonna turn purple” she whispered gently laying the ice on your skin.
“y/n, what were you doing outside of the changing room?” she wasn’t mad, she couldn’t get mad at you, you were like a sister to her but she constantly worried for you and seeing you being attacked by jd made her blood boil.
“i wanted to welcomed you after damian’s win…i wasn’t expecting them to being so mean…” you whispered.
rhea’s heart melted when she heard that you risked it all just for them “angel…that’s so sweet of you but don’t put your health at risk again because of us okay?” she softly smiled at you.
“no buts please…one thing is you going outside because you have a match, one thing is you risking your own safety because of them, and i don’t wanna risk it, please…”
you knew you couldn’t say no when she asked so nicely so you nodded.
damian joined you two back in the room and he brought something cold to drink for you “it should help…” he smiled “are you okay mariposa?”
“yeah…it’s just…it’s gonna hurt for a while…”
“your neck?” damian asked.
“my head, my neck, my shoulders…everything, i still have to get used to them being against us you know” you chuckled, wiping some tears from your face “but i’m glad you’re still here…it sucks getting affectionate to someone just to see them go” you didn’t want to cry, especially after seeing them winning on stage.
damian’s face soften at your words. he knew how important was the judgment day for you so he understood how much you’ve been suffering the past two weeks “we ain’t going nowhere mariposa and that’s a promise…”
“we will always be here y/n…we ain’t leaving you sweetheart” rhea smiled making you laugh “and it’s okay to feel betrayed, we feel it too, but please don’t keep everything inside okay? if you need to talk about it or to cry, we are here for you…”
you were glad rhea and damian were still by your side.
“okay…it just…i wished they weren’t so dumb to throw everything away but it will pass…thanks for being here” you wiped more tears away but your hand was gently replaced with damian’s one.
he was gently stroking your cheek “i promise you that we’ll never leave, but as rhea said, if something bothers you, let it out okay?”
“i will, i promise…but next monday i wanna kick jd’s ass with you guys, please…it will make me feel better”
“oh don’t use this method on me love” rhea joked, knowing she couldn’t say no when you said that something was making you feel good “but we will let you on stage with us, right damian?”
“absolutely, and i will help you kick his ass” he laughed.
“can we go back to the hotel room now? i feel like i need a hot shower and at least ten hours of sleep” you asked making them chuckle.
“let’s go princess…i’ll help ya to put some lotion of your neck and shoulders after you’re all clean…” rhea smiled.
“yes please…i feel like my whole body is on fire right now…” you said, your hand moving to massage your neck.
“we will take care of you i promise” damian smiled “and then i’ll take care of jd dumb fucking ass” he whispered only for rhea to hear.
you didn’t know what to expect but while you were in the shower, relaxing yourself, you heard some noises coming from the corridor.
you heard jd screaming apologies for you, making you laugh. knowing that rhea and damian were behind all of this, you relaxed a little more, knowing that no matter what happened, you would always have each other’s backs.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 10 months
Hey, if you take requests, can you write Damian Priest x pregnant fem! Reader with the prompts: "mcDonald's is open, wanna go get some chicken nuggets?" "it's 3 in the morning." "and?" "let's go." and 23. "you seem like you want ice cream."?
McDonalds? At 3 AM?
• Damian Priest x pregnant fem! Reader
I hope you love it! 😊❤️
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Laying in bed with my head on Damian's shoulder and my baby belly kinda laying on him, I feel the baby kick and try to hold in my groan. Damian is sleeping with his arm around my neck. The baby kicks again and I slightly groan out loud because it was harder than the first one. Damian moves a little bit and I bite my lip trying to be quiet. He moves his head over to lay on top of mine.
"Babygirl, what's wrong?"
"The baby is kicking me really hard."
He slowly takes his arm out from behind my head and lays a fluffy pillow down for my head. He moves down and starts kissing my tummy. I roll onto my back to kinda get comfortable. He starts rubbing my tummy and I look down at him smiling.
"Baby boy, why are you hurting your mommy?"
I giggle and Damian looks up at me. He starts kissing my tummy again and the baby kicks him straight in his cheek. I giggle looking at him.
"Hey little man. Take it easy."
Damian crawls up and lays down next to me. I put my hand on his chest.
"Hey babe. Can we go get food? I'm so hungry."
He looks at me with a puzzled look on his face and looks at his watch.
"It is 3 in the morning."
"McDonalds is open, wanna go get chicken nuggets?"
"Again, it's 3 in the morning."
He sighs looking at me. I look at him with a big smile on my face.
"Let's go."
He sits up and puts a white tank top on and some sweatpants. I grab one of his sweatshirts and put it on along with some sweatpants as well. He helps me down the stairs and to the car. He opens the passenger side door and helps me inside. He closes the door, runs over to the driver's side and gets in starting the car. We head off to McDonald's.
We are waiting in a small line and I am looking at the sign with all the ice cream choices on it. Damian looks over at me.
"You sure you want chicken nuggets baby?"
"Yes I want chicken nuggets. Why?"
He points to the ice cream sign I was staring at.
"You seem like you want ice cream."
I smile really big and he let's out a little laugh.
"You can get both baby. Gotta keep you and the baby boy happy!"
He puts his hand on my thigh and pulls up to the speaker.
"Extra fudge on the sundae please!"
"Of course baby."
He orders the food and pulls up to the window paying for the food. The lady hands him my fudge sundae first with a spoon. I take it from him and start eating it. He takes the big bag of food from her and heads home. I continue eating my sundae while he drives.
Pulling into the driveway, Damian looks over at me eating the last bit of fudge from the container.
"You ate all of it? Man, I wanted some."
I look over at him with the spoon in my mouth. He laughs, leans over and kisses my cheek. He gets out, walks around the car and opens the door for me. I slowly get out holding onto his hand also holding the bag of food. We walk inside and over to the living room setting the bag down on the coffee table. I slowly try to sit down on the couch. Damian comes over and holds my hands helping me sit down. He sits down next to me grabbing the bag of food and the TV remote.
"Anything you want to watch baby?"
"You can put on a movie please and thank you."
"Of course babygirl."
He turns on a movie for us to watch and I grab the chicken nuggets out of the bag. I grab the BBQ sauce and open it. I start eating and lay my head on Damian's shoulder. He moves and puts his arm around me putting his hand on my tummy rubbing it. I start falling asleep with the chicken nuggets on my lap.
Damian looks down at me smiling. He slowly moves the chicken nuggets off of my lap and puts them on the table. He grabs a blanket and puts it over me making sure not to wake me up. He gets comfortable on the couch cuddling me and he begins to fall asleep as well......
The End
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myluvrrhea · 7 months
Hi, can you write a drabble about damian x rhea x reader where she was having insomnia due to time zone changes and stays up all night looking at the beach and rhea is the one who notices her
Let the light in
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Pairings - Poly!Rhea Ripley , Damain Priest c Reader
Warnings - Kinda Angsty, Overprotective Rhea , Fluff at the end
Word count - 0.5k
You lied awake in your bed , trying to find some comfort in the pillows around you. You tried thinking about them as Rhea and Damian. It may have beens stupid , but you felt like you needed them to sleep. And with them out on tour, you fekt like you couldn’t never call asleep. Atleast by yourself.
You needed a distraction from the loneliness. So , you decided on going to the place that made you the calmest. The beach. It was 4:56am . The sun should be rising at this time. And you felt like this would help distract you. You knew Damian and Rhea would be worried if you told them about it , so you just didn’t. Although you hated lying to them , you felt like they wouldn’t let you go, not at this time of the day.
You got into your car as you turned on your music. With the window rolled down, you felt the breeze and the breeze in your hair. You felt as if the night couldn’t get better. Finally arriving to the beach , you parked your car as you go out and locked it. From afar you could see the waves hit the tide as breeze rushed through the air, making you shiver as you walked closer to the beach.
As you sat down on the sand, you put your knees to your face as you felt yourself calming when looking at the waves. You looked up at the sky , seeing the sun coming into view. You walked closer to the water , letting it run through your hands as you picked up a seashell. You felt calm , almost sleepy. You felt yourself yawn as you heart your name being called. 
Turning your head to the direction of the yelling , you saw Rhea calling for you. Wait did she come here early? You thought to yourself. You checked your phone , realizing that time had gone faster than you imagined. You watched her walk closer to you as you began to stand up.
“Why are you put here do you know how early im the morning it is? You should be asleep by now,” as she continued to ramble you felt the embarrassment creep up on you. You knew she was worried for you , but she didn’t have to be like this. You thought to yourself.
“You cant just go somewhere without telling us , what if you could’ve gotten hurt huh? What would we have done?” She suddenly realized the hurt and guilt look painted on your face.
“Look , you know how much I care about your safety right? I cant have you leaving without telling me or Damian. I just want to know you’re safe,” She grabbed your face as she spoke , placing a kiss on your lips after she stoped talking.
“Okay , Rhea,” you replied a giggle escaping your lips.
“Now let’s go, Damian missed you. Cant leave him waiting can we?” She replied as she grabbed your hand , leading you to the car.
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madhatterbri · 1 day
Mistake | D.P.
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Summary: Reader and Damian are dating, but onscreen they are enemies. At Bash in Berlin, reader teams up with Finn and JD against Damian, Rhea, and Jey. During the match, reader distracts Jey by jumping into his arms and rubbing her nose against his. This action makes Damian incredibly jealous
Author's Note: No part 2. There has been too much fluff lately. 😂
Requested by: Anonymous
Damian Priest Masterlist
Taglist: @theworldofotps @smallestsnarkestgirl @mrsarcherofinfamy @brideofinfamy @miss-kuki-nz @terrortwinunicorn @magicalbuttertarts
It was challenging working against Damian Priest onscreen while dating him offscreen. There were so many times that Y/N wanted to intervene and help him and Rhea. She always managed to keep it professional and never cross the line. All was going well until Bash in Berlin.
Y/N was scheduled for a match. She was excited since this was her first major match in a different country. The butterflies in her stomach were on overdrive that day. Damian did his best to distract her. Finally, their match was up next.
The terror twins and Jey were made to look strong. The crowd loved to see them winning. A couple of times, Finn, JD, and Y/N were able to get a few minutes of momentum. Yet the momentum would quickly shift back to the terror twins and Jey.
"They are killing us out there," JD commented. He was breathing heavily.
Finn agreed. "We need a distraction,"
Y/N pursed her lips and looked around. She stopped the moment her eyes locked on Jey. "Take care of Damian. I have Jey covered,"
The female wrestler slowly walked over to Jey. Her hands behind her back. Mister Main Event immediately took notice. He had a cocky smirk on his lips. "Can I help you?"
"You just look really good today," she commented and rubbed his muscular arm. Y/N giggled and rubbed his other arm. She raised her hands up to his neck. Her fingers rubbed his tan flesh slowly.
"You know you don't look bad yourself," he commented. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped. He caught her to avoid her from falling on the ground. She grabbed his cheeks so he couldn't move his face away. Her nose rubbed against his. More giggles came out of her body.
Jey dropped her immediately when he saw Damian came over. The archer of infamy was furious. He started to yell at Jey.
"She came up to me, man!" Jey defended. He put his hands in the air and backed away.
Damian turned his sights to Y/N. His face was red from anger, but his eyes looked hurt. She bit her lip, knowing that she had taken this too far. Any woman that did that to him would be dead.
"You took it too far," he told her simply. When she went to apologize, he blew her off.
The match ended a few minutes after that. Her boyfriend and his friends were the victors. Finn and JD tried to comfort her as they walked backstage. She waited around for Damian.
When he appeared, he sighed loudly. "What were you doing out there?"
"I took it too far. I'm sorry. We needed a distraction and-,"
"And you thought throwing yourself to Jey Uso was the best answer?" He asked. "If you do that in front of me how do I know you aren't doing anything behind my back?"
Y/N's mouth dropped open in shock. Tears sprung to her eyes. "Damian, it was just a mistake. I would never intentionally hurt you,"
"Hey, everything okay back here?" Rhea asked.
Damian shook his head. The ex campeon was embarrassed and hurt. He took a deep breath and rubbed his face. "I don't know if I can trust you ever again. I'm done with this conversation,"
Before Y/N could talk sense into him, he walked away from her. Rhea immediately wrapped her arms around her. Y/N buried her face in Rhea's shoulder and cried. Her friend rubbed her back and tried to soothe her. Mami insisted that everything was going to be okay.
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dmysterioblog · 8 months
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Paring: Rhea Ripley x fem!reader (established), Charlotte Flair x fem!reader (eventual)
Summary: You lost your NXT Championship to Lyra while Rhea was gone and she was not happy. When you didn’t succeed at getting it back she and the rest of TJD left you. You found comfort in someone else who also helped get your revenge.
Warnings; ansgt, light choking, smut
Word Count: 5.3k
A/n: The reader is technically Dominik and her father is Carlito but it’s not mentioned.
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“1…2…3! Here’s your winner! And new NXT women’s champion, Lyra Valkyria!” You dragged yourself out of the ring to sit against the steel steps, hugging your knee. You panted through your gritted in pain. You had just lost your title to Lyra. You fought as hard as you could but you still lost.
Rhea was not going to be happy when she came back. What were you going to do? Now she’s going to think you couldn’t handle business on your own. You slowly got up and limped backstage. The ref tried to help you but you just pushed her away saying you could walk on your own.
Once you were backstage you went straight to your locker room. You sat in front of your dresser, looking at yourself before slamming your fists on it out of anger. Why didn’t you kick out? You took a deep breath before you started taking off your makeup and tried to relax. Maybe she would take it easy on you. At that moment your phone’s screen lit up with a message notification from Damian:
‘You did good out there. Don’t stress too much about it, alight?’
You smiled before replying and heading out to your hotel.
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Monday Night Raw
You took a deep breath and hid your hands in your pocket so no one would notice how badly they were shaking. Only you and Damian walked out since Finn was out, injured from the brawl that happened last Monday. Slowly, you made your way into the ring, Damian looking more confident than you did. You took off Rhea’s belt from around your waist and gave it to her, your hands still shaking.
“Now we all know the judgment day has no leader, correct?” she began, “But each of us has our own responsibility,” she looked directly at you, “So, what happens? Mami gets taken out for two weeks by Nia Jax and all of a sudden everything starts falling apart. Because mami is the one who makes the game plans but when I left I gave someone else that responsibility and they disappointed me.”
You lowered your head thinking she was referring to you until she said Damian’s name and turned in his direction.
“I go, and you can’t handle the job,” she continues, “After the brawl last week, Finn is out injured. You can't even compete tonight against Jey because you are not medically cleared. And what else happens Priest? Y/n lost her NXT women’s title to Lyra because you weren’t out there to help as I told you to.” At that, you lifted your head and looked at him. He was supposed to be there to help and chose not to?
“And now we have a Cody and Jey problem, you wanna know why? Because they don’t fear us, Priest. They can see the tension. They don’t see us as a threat. And because of that, they are going to try and take the tag team titles from you and Finn. And what are you gonna do about it, huh? You can’t do anything.” You could feel the tension between them from where you were standing.
“With all due respect Rhea,” it was Damian’s turn to speak, “You’re not saying anything I don't already know. I know that Cody and Jey are coming for the titles, but when push comes to shove…I’ll push harder. You know, the way I see it, I have my titles. I have my contract. I don’t want to point fingers or start anything but…Mami, where’s Y/n’s title?”
He looked directly at you with no remorse. You looked back at him with a hurt look on your face. Why would he do this to you? He’s supposed to be your family. Rhea turned to look at you. Her gaze filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. You couldn't hold eye contact for long and lowered your head once again.
“Y/n, I’m your Mami, right? What does that make you? That makes you my babygirl. So tomorrow night, at NXT, you have a rematch against Lyra Valkyria. You’re welcome,” she lifted your face with her finger, “But if you don’t come home to me with that championship…then don’t bother coming home.”
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. Your eyes watered but you were able to keep the tears at bay. You gulped and simply nodded at her statement. You all then got out the ring and walked backstage. When you did Rhea left to handle other things and you turned towards Damian.
“Why would you do that?” You asked.
“Do what?”
“Throw me under the bus! We are supposed to be family!”
“Listen, you were the one who lost their title, not me.”
“Only because you weren’t there to help.”
“I shouldn’t have to help you Y/n. And if I do have to help you, then maybe you shouldn’t be champion.”
“What about all the hits I took for you and Finn to help you win those titles?” you questioned while pointing at the belts around his waist.
“...” he said nothing and walked off. You roughly ran your hand through your hair before storming into the judgment day’s locker room. You slammed the door behind you, the anger and frustration boiling inside you. You took deep breaths, trying to calm down when someone walked in. JD McDonagh.
“Wow, are you okay?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it, now what do you want?”
“Okay um, I was looking for Rhea and Damian.”
Right when you were about to speak, both Rhea and Damian came in arguing but once they saw you and JD they stopped.
“¿Qué hace este tipo aquí?” Damian asked with anger in his voice.
“Damian, calm down, I asked him to be here,” Rhea looked at JD, “Tell him your plan.”
“Alright, we know Kevin doesn’t like or trust Jey. How do you think he’ll react to him and Cody going for the Tag Titles that he and Sami couldn’t get back? We need to play mind games here. If we make them stop trusting each other then we’ll have a soft spot to go for. We divide and then we conquer.”
“What do you think Damian,” Rhea looked at him.
“I don’t know, I’ll think about it.” He walked out once again.
“Y/n, Lyra is having a backstage interview, you know what to do.” She gave you a cold look and you just gave a firm nod and walked out, she followed suit. You eventually found Lyra and called her name.
“Lyra! If I were you, I wouldn’t get too comfortable with that belt because come tomorrow, I’m taking back what is rightfully mine.” You snarled.
“And she’s not going alone,” Rhea said, doing the little wave she always does.
“Yeah? We’ll see about that. See you tomorrow.” That was all Lyra said before she left. You were going to make your way back to the locker room until Rhea grabbed you by the neck and slammed you against the wall.
“You better win tomorrow, understand?”
“Sí mami,” you gasped out. She let go of you and walked off and you followed a few seconds after catching your breath.
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You were moments away to walk out for your match against Lyra at the main event. The crowd roared with anticipation as you took a deep breath and adjusted your gear, mentally preparing for the match ahead. You needed to win.
“Are you ready, Mami?”
“Yes, let’s go.” She followed you out. Your music started blaring as well as the boos and the cheers for you. You looked at Rhea, she raised her eyebrow, and you gave her a firm nod. You stared down Lyra as you slid into the ring and she did the same.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall, is for the NXT Women’s Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, she is Y/n L/n!” you raised your arms, taking in the cheers and the boos, “And her opponent, she is the NXT Women's Champion, Lyra Valkyria!” Lyra raised the belt and the whole arena burst into cheers. It made you jealous. You missed those cheers before tuning heel. She gave the belt to the ref and you opened the ropes for Rhea but before she stepped through them, she grabbed a hold of your jaw.
“Don’t disappoint me again.”
“I won’t. I promise mami.” She finally stepped out and the bell rang.
You and Lyra circled the ring before you made the first move. You went for a clothesline but she dodged it. She took the opportunity to dropkick you from behind and go for the cover but you were able to kick out. You both went into an exchange of hits until you finally took her down. You dragged her closer to the ring post, climbed to the top rope, and went for a frog splash but Lyra brought her knees to her chest and took you out.
The match had been going on for a while. You were getting exhausted as well as Lyra but you both kept kicking out. You were climbing to the top rope when Lyra came from behind, powerbombed you, and went for the cover.
“1...2…3! Here’s your winner! And still the NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria!”
No, no, no, no!
This can’t be happening.
You sat up and looked for Rhea and found her walking backstage, without you. You crawled to the ropes and called her name.
“Rhea! Rhea, please!” She paused for a second then turned towards the ring, only to give you a disapproving look, and finally disappeared backstage, leaving you behind. You could feel the tears beginning to form but you didn’t dare let them out.
“Maybe you should have listened to your father when he told you that the judgment day was bad news,” Lyra said from behind you. Your look of sadness soon turned into rage when you turned to look at her.
“This is all your fault.”
“This had nothing to do with m-” before she could finish the sentence you jumped on top of her and started throwing punches.
“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU I WOULD STILL ME CHAMPION AND RHEA WOULD STILL BE HERE!” You kept throwing punch after punch until you were finally pulled away from her by three refs. You stared at her getting up before shrugging off the ref’s hands and walked out of the arena. You didn’t bother going to the locker rooms.
When you got to your car the first thing you did was text Rhea and the rest of the judgment day. When you got no response you decided to call.
Straight to voicemail.
You sighed in defeat and decided to just drive back to your hotel and wait until the morning.
When you woke up in the morning you reached for Rhea’s warmth but when your hand didn’t feel her, the memories of the events that took place the night before came back.
You lost.
You lost against Lyra.
…And Rhea left you.
You quickly reached for your phone and called Rhea’s number once again.
“Please leave your message for-”
“Fuck.” You tried calling the others, even JD, but they didn’t answer either.
You felt lost. You realized how much you relied on her and without her you felt so lost. You didn’t know what to do.
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Monday Night Raw
You stormed out of your locker room once you were informed that the JD was in the building. They had ghosted you all week and you were going to confront them.
“Rhea!” You yelled from the other side of that hall when you saw Rhea talking to who looked like Cora Jade. When she saw how angry you were she excused herself and left you and Rhea alone.
“What do you want?” Rhea growled.
“What do I want? You and the rest of judgment day ghosted me all week.”
“What did I tell you was gonna happen if you didn’t win the NXT Women’s Championship back? Hm?”
“Y-you can’t be serious.”
“I am very serious. You aren’t strong enough to be in judgment day anymore.”
“Not strong enough? What about all the things I’ve done for you, Damian, and Finn! That doesn’t matter anymore?”
“No.” You felt true anger when she said that. The words that came out of your mouth next were out of pure rage.
“I want a match. Against you.” She began to laugh maniacally.
“You want a match against me?” she chuckled, “You can’t even beat Lyra, what makes you think you can beat me?”
“I don’t care, I want it. Tonight.” She shook her head, looked you up and down before speaking again.
“Fine, I’ll talk to Pearce. See you in the ring babygirl,” she mocked before walking away. You hadn’t noticed but a couple tears had escaped your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
“This is my brutality!” Rhea’s music blasted through the arena. She walked down the aisle while Sam introduced her.
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing The Judgment Day, she is the Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!”
After she got in the ring your music hit. You walked out into the arena and locked eyes with her.
“And her opponent, Y/n L/n!”
When you got in the ring you gave her a death glare and she returned it. The bell rang and you two started circling the ring before launching at each other. Out of nowhere, she picked you up and slammed you into the mat. You got up quickly and ran towards her only for her to move out the way. You turned and got all up in her face before slapping her across the face. Usually her opponent would be terrified after doing something like that but not you. You were too upset to care.
You wanted revenge.
“You think you can just slap me-”
You slapped her again.
“Yes. Yes I do-” she wrapped her hand around your neck and began to squeeze but you managed to break free, delivering a swift kick to her midsection. While she was getting up you delivered a dropkick and went for the cover.
“1…2-” she kicked out.
You took a moment to breathe before putting her in a headlock only for her to break free and head butting you. You backwards on the mat and she went for the cover but you kicked out at two. She grabbed your face harshly before she spoke.
“You think you’re at my level? Huh?” She spat out. You pushed her away and got up. You glared back at her, the fire in your eyes reflecting your determination. She only smirked in your direction running at you. You duked and tried to go after her leg but she was quicker than you and moved out the way.
While you were getting up she delivered a dropkick taking you out and going for the cover only for you to kick out at the last second. This infuriated her. She picked you up, positioned you for riptide and slammed your body full force on the mat.
“Here’s your winner, the Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!” She pushed your body away before snatching her title from the ref and lifting it up high. You started to drag yourself toward a corner of the right but before you could reach it you felt yourself being dragged back to the middle of the ring. Rhea flipped you onto your back and lifted your head up by your hair.
“You are nothing without me. Nothing,” she said with venom in her voice. You felt the tears coming out at her words.
“Rhea let her go, the match is over.” The ref yelled. She slammed your head against the mat before getting up and finally leaving the ring.
“Are you okay?” asked the ref. You just nodded before getting up and walking backstage. You headed straight to Adam’s office. You knew if you stayed on raw any longer it I’ll be a death sentence. You walked into his office without bothering to knock.
“Adam, I need to move to smackdown.”
“I think that’s the best option but you are going to have to talk to Nick before we make it official, okay?” you nodded before walking out and heading towards your locker room.
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Friday Night Smackdown
You stood outside of Nick’s office. You took a deep breath before knocking. You waited a few seconds before you heard him say ‘come in’. You quickly opened the door and walked in.
“Y/n, good to see you. Adam told me you would come by.”
“It’s good to see you too.” you smiled politely.
Please, take a seat,” he said while pointing at the chair in front of his desk and you gladly took a seat.
“I’m guessing this has to do with what happened on monday?”
“Yeah, I wanted to ask if I was able to move to smackdown? We all know what would happen if I stay on raw.”
“Yeah, I think I have an idea of what would happen. Well I have good news and bad news.”
“Go on,” you sighed.
“I would love to have you here but as you know, when Jey moved to raw, a superstar from raw had to be drafted to smackdown. Therefore if you want to move here, you’re going to have to find a superstar that would be willing to switch with you. Preferably a woman,” you nodded along, “If you can find someone by the end of the night, I will have a contract ready for you next week.”
“Okay, thank you so much Nick.” You outstretched your hand.
“Thank you,” he smiled lightly and shook your hand. You smiled back and excused yourself out. You started to think of all the female superstars on smackdown who would be willing to switch with you. Bianca has her storyline with Iyo Sky, Mitchin is with the OC, Damage Ctrl is…Damage Ctrl, and…Shotzi! You could ask Shotzi. You started walking to her locker room until a voice stopped you.
“Look at what the cat dragged in. Where’s Judgment Day? Matter of fact, where’s Rhea?” You took a deep breath before turning toward them.
“Charlotte, please, I don't need this right now.”
“I told you this would happen. Everyone did. Why didn’t you take my offer when you had the chance?”
“Tell me.” she walked closer to you.
“...I wanted to believe that they actually wanted me and that they weren’t using me,” a tear fell down your cheek, “That i was enough for once…”
“It’s okay to be scared, Rhea, having seconds thoughts about choosing me-”
“Queeny, queeny- can I call you that?” you cut Charlotte off, “You know what? Nevermind, sweetheart. I’m not gonna let you run down mami, my queen.”
“Look at you taking orders like a good little niña,” she smirked as you made your way into the ring, “Sweetie, why don’t you be a good girl and get Rhea for me, hm?” You wouldn't admit it to anyone but her comment made you blush a bit.
“I-” before you could get another word out, Rhea's music hit. You found it strange because that wasn’t the plan. You were supposed to keep talking smack to Charlotte but you guessed it was a last minute change. You noticed that Rhea looked furious making her way to the ring.
“I got it from here. Now go backstage and wait for me there.” was the only thing she said before getting in Charlotte’s face. You only looked between them hesitantly before walking out. You watched the rest of the interaction backstage. You were glad nothing bad happened, you didn’t want for things to get too out of control. You knew how long Rhea had been waiting for this moment, to finally beat her biggest enemy. You didn’t want for her to ruin it by letting her anger get the best of her. After they finished the promo they were brought backstage separately. Rhea barged into your locker room fuming.
“What the hell was that out there?! Huh?!”
“What are you talking about, mami? I was doing what you asked–” You were cut off mid sentence by a sharp pain against your cheek.
“I told you to distract her not to whore yourself out and flirt with her!”
“I-I’m sorry mami,” you said while gripping onto your burning cheek.
“Good. I’m going to get some fresh air, we leave in ten,” and she walked out. You let some tears spill but you quickly wiped them away. You brought upon yourself. You shouldn’t have flirted with Charlotte. You looked in the mirror and made sure there was no bruise on your face before walking outside to Rhea’s car.
“Y/n,” You heard your name being called from behind you. You turned only to come face-to-face with Charlotte once again, “Where are you going so fast?” she asked with a smug look on her face. You started to panic a bit. You didn’t want to risk being seen with her and for someone to tell Rhea.
“Charlotte, I can't be seen with you so please, just leave me alone.” She took notice of your redden cheek and her expression changed to a look of concern.
“Did she do that?” she tried to touch your cheek but you quickly stopped her.
“That’s none of your business.”
“You know it will only get worse, right? She's gonna get tired of you as well as the rest of Judgment Day and they’re gonna leave you hanging.”
“No, they won’t.” Charlotte sighed.
“Why don’t you join me? Hm? I’ll give you everything you want and more. I would treat you so much better than she ever will.” You only looked at her, contemplating her offer but out of the corner of your eye you saw Cathy talking to someone. If she saw you talking to Charlotte, she would definitely tell Rhea.
“I-I’ve gotta go,” and you walked off.
End of Flashback
Charlotte's expression softened slightly as she listened to you, and she hesitated before speaking.
“You were and still are enough, okay? You don’t need Rhea or the Judgment Day to tell you that. C’mere, sweetheart.” She opened her arms. You looked at her for a second before letting yourself get enveloped in her arms. It felt nice to be comforted and not scolded for once. After a few seconds, you pulled away.
“I’m guessing you were talking to Nick about switching brands?” she asked to which you nodded, “What did he say?”
“He said he would love to have me here but that I need to find someone who would be willing to switch with me because of the draft.”
“Hmm, did you have someone in mind?”
“I was heading towards Shotzi’s locker room since she’s the only person I could think of.”
“I’ll go with you, I’m sure she’ll agree.” She smiled at you sweetly before taking a kind of your hand and leading you to Shotzi’s room. You knocked on her door and a few seconds later she opened the door. She smiled At Charlotte but that quickly faded when she saw you.
“What’s is she doing here?”
“Shotzi, please, just hear her out-”
“No! You know what her and the rest of the Judgment Day did to me so I don’t care about whatever you have to say.”
“I’m so sorry about what I did-” you tried to reason with her but she slammed the door in your face. This was your last chance and now it is over. You fell on your knees and a pained sob escaped your lips.
“My father was right. I should have stayed in his shadow-”
“Hey, hey don’t say that,” she knelt down next to you and wrapped her arms around you, “You are much more than just your father’s shadow. Look at what you accomplished. You became the NXT Women’s Champion.”
“I lost it to Lyra-”
“Only after you gave her a hell of a fight.” You leaned your head against her chest.
“Thank you, Charlotte.”
“You don’t have to thank me, alright? Come on. I have a plan.”
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It’s been over a month since you were kicked out of Judgment Day. Since Shotzi didn’t switch with you, Charlotte suggested you take a break from all the chaos. She made a deal with you. If you helped her, she would help you get your revenge. In the month you were out she trained you. You learned new moves and techniques and you were thankful for her. She was the only person to pick you up after Rhea let you down.
Tonight was Crown Jewel. Charlotte had challenged Rhea for her title to which she accepted. In her words she would ‘show who the new queen is’. This was all part of the plan.
You were now helping Charlotte get ready for her match. She was wearing purple gear. You helped her zip up her top before she turned to look at herself in the mirror.
“You look stunning.” You whispered.
“Thank you, princess. You look beautiful as well.” Your cheeks burned at the compliment. She turned towards you and cupped your face.
“You remember the plan right?” You nodded in response.
“Good. This is going to be our night.” She was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“You’re up in 5.” Someone called from outside the door.
“It’s showtime.” You helped her put on her robe before walking out towards gorilla.
The match had taken many turns. Both Charlotte and Rhea giving it their everything. At this point the superstars were exhausted but neither gave up. Charlotte had just thrown Rhea out of the ring and was now distracting the ref by acting injured.
This was it.
You put your hood on and ran out through the crowd. You jumped over the barricade and delivered a big boot to Rhea as she was getting up. The crowd went crazy. Carefully not to get noticed by the ref you dragged her body to the announce table. You cleared it before turning towards Rhea and grabbing a hold of her face.
“I am more than I would have ever been with you.” You picked up her body and riptide her through the table before throwing her back in the ring. Charlotte got up on the rope and did a moonsault and went for the cover.
“Here’s your winner! And the new Women’s World Champion, Charlotte Flair!” You slid into the ring and jumped on her out of joy. She caught you while raising the belt in the air with her other arm. You got off of her and that’s when you finally took your hood off to reveal yourself to the arena. The crowd went wild with cheers. You looked at Charlotte with a big smile on your face before kissing her. She placed an arm around your waist and the other around your head to deepen the kiss.
“How dare you!” Rhea yelled from behind you. You turned and knelt down to her.
“How dare I? You brought this upon yourself. You treated me like garbage and threw me out the moment I was no use to you. Lucky for me, Charlotte was there to pick me right up.” You turned towards Charlotte once again and gave her one last kiss before the two of you walked backstage.
You and Charlotte stumbled into her locker room. She kept kissing you all the way inside until you both fell on the couch. You started giggling and soon she was as well.
“We did it, baby. And soon you’re going to take that title from Iyo.”
“You think I can do it?”
“I know you will.” She leaned in to peck your lips before kissing down your jaw to your neck. Soon she found your sweet spot and started licking and sucking.
“Hmm, Charlotte-” you moaned.
“That’s not my name, sweetheart,” she whispered.
“That’s right, good girl.” She continued going down your neck to your collarbone then to the top of your breast. Her hands reached to your back where the clip of your top was.
“Can I take this off, baby?” You nodded in response. She leaned in to kiss you while slowly taking off your top. She threw it somewhere in the room before she started groping your breast. You moaned against her lips as you arched your back.
“Please mommy-”
“What is it, baby? What do you want?”
“More what? You gotta tell me what you want or I’ll stop,” you whined and tried to hide your face but she didn’t let you, “Come on princess, you can do it.”
“…fuck me, please, mommy.”
“That’s my girl.” She moved down your body and started taking off your shorts along with your underwear. She placed one of your legs over her shoulder and started to kiss her way down to your dripping core. Right when she got to your pussy she stopped once again. You looked down at her and finally she licked down your pussy. You tossed your head back in pleasure. Your moans and pants being the only sound in the room.
“Mommy-” you tried to grind your hips against her face but she pushed them back down. Soon her fingers joined the fun. Her mouth focused on your clit while two of her fingers thrusted into your dripping core. Your hand moved down to grip onto her hair while the other moved towards your mouth to try and keep your moans at bay. When Charlotte noticed, she took her free hand and held on to yours.
“Let those pretty sounds out for me, baby. Don’t hold back.”
“But- fuck…what if someone hears?” You stuttered out.
“Let them.”
“Hmph-” your grip on her hair got stronger as you felt yourself get to the edge, “M-mommy…Im close-”
“I know, baby, I know. Let go for me,” she cooed. Your legs began to shake around her head and your grip on her hand tightened.You went over the edge with a loud moan, arching your back in the process. You rode out your high and soon your body went limp. You closed your eyes, taking a moment to breath until you felt Charlotte pepper kisses all over your face making you giggle.
“Can you look at me, princess?” she asked while gently cupping your face. You blinked your eyes open and looked into her icy blue eyes.
“I am so proud of you, Y/n.” Those words brought tears into your eyes. No one had ever said that to you, not even your dad. You tried to look away but she didn’t let you, “Hey, don't hide from me. You're allowed to cry.”
“I just- no one’s ever been proud of me-”
“Well I am. And I will forever be so proud of you,” she leaned in as you kissed your lips. You put your arms around her neck to deepen the kiss. The kiss was sweet and slow, not like any kiss you’ve had before. Eventually you pulled away and she rested her forehead against yours.
“How about we shower and head home to celebrate.”
“I thought we were already celebrating?”
“Oh, sweetheart, I'm not even halfway done with you.”
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Taglist: @sassginaswanmills @riptideripley @eepyslut @blessrhea @mexxs-blog @domripley
291 notes · View notes
Session 0 - Damian Priest x Tattoo Artist
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Part 1 of 6
Rating: T
Beta Reader: @jstarr86
“Trust me Dam, she’s the best at what she does. It doesn’t hurt that I’d trust her with my life. You’ve been going on about finally getting that back piece, there’s no one better.” Rhea practically herded him towards what looked like an absolute hole in the wall, his nerves judged it based on first appearance.
“Most of my art was done by her, I’ve been meaning to introduce Dom as well. You got first dibs of course.” She paused at the door giving him a single raised brow, “You do trust me, don’t you Damian?”
Cornered he let out a sigh, it doesn’t hurt to at least take a look to appease her. 
“Fine, after you.” 
A bell above the door could just barely be heard over the heavy rock that beat like a pulse within the confines of the lobby. Framed detailed tattoo sketches hung upon the walls, behind the front desk were a collection of awards and licenses to prove this place was legit. Folders full of premade basic bitch designs sat on the coffee table by comfortable leather chairs, Rhea pressed a button at the front. No sound could be heard but in a span of seconds a young woman came out from the back.
“How can I- Oh! Shit! Rhea! Hey girl! Why didn’t you give me a heads up that you were coming?” Priest looked up from one of the framed pieces he was admiring. Apparently the new arrival hadn’t noticed him from the angle he was standing, not something he was used to given his size. He took a moment to admire the person before him…
Purple faux hawk with an under-fade, full tattoo sleeves on both arms, legs, and back, several piercings both visible and one not, brilliant blue eyes with some intense metallic goth eye makeup and a stunning smile. A pair of fake leather leggings with lace ups on the outside of the legs, a fishnet crop top under a Beetlejuice tank top, tying it all together was a basic durable black dog collar and a pair of Demonia knee length boots.Unlike the blonde Barbie she was finishing up, Rhea’s friend wasn’t stick skinny. She was probably a good size 9 or 10, there was some plump flesh but it appeared to have some sturdy muscle underneath. A full pair of breasts accentuated beautifully with the fishnet, and hips perfect to dig fingers into.
“I brought a friend that I thought you might like meeting, he’s been talking about wanting a new big tat for awhile now. So I told him there's only one person I’d trust with that.” After a moment the girl turned to look at him, there was immediate recognition as well as shock across her features. It was brief and fleeting before putting up a friendly facade.
It took Rhea slapping on the bicep to smack Damian back present, realizing he’d been staring at the artist long after the gal she’d been working on had left happily. Meaning he had given her an intense resting bitch for a good minute now. Incredibly embarrassed Priest offered a hand which she accepted with an impressive firm hand shake.
“You can call me Minnie, only people I like get to use that.” Rhea playful shoulder checked her with a warm smile,
“It’s short for Minerva, her parents were from Athens originally”
“So your namesake is a Goddess of War, seems fitting.” Bright sky blue eyes flicked up from the sketchbook she’d grabbed to start jotting ideas from him. And without pause blossomed like a Sunflower, taking note of the dimple on her right cheek. 
“Best make sure you never get on my bad side, Rhea has some great stories of me chasing off her exes prior to Wrestling. I’m only five years older than her, not to mention like 5 inches shorter even without those elevator shoes she stomps around in.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed that at all. Both of you still don’t have me beat.”
“Well you clearly discovered immortality in high school, because you haven't aged a bit.”
Rhea perched herself on the spare stool in the room, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she watched the two getting comfortable with their back and forth.
“What she neglected to mention is the three times she chased them off with a metal bat wrapped in barbed wire and nails welded to it.”
“Jokes on you, I still sleep with that bat beside my bed. Safety first and all that fun stuff. Safer than a machete, I’d rather not accidentally stab myself in my sleep.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” The Aussie grins before giving Minnie a cheeky wink.
“Why do I feel like I got led into a trap?” She wrinkled her nose at Damian before opening the sketchbook before her.
“You have nothing to worry about Butterscotch, I take my art very seriously. Now let’s start discussing what you’re looking to get and where. I’ll let you know now, that while I’m sure you’re likely VERY blessed… I don’t do anything where I gotta see dick or vag.”
Priest momentarily choked on his saliva while Rhea guffawed in glee. A quick side eye glare at her smothered the sound to a quiet chuckle. Something about her felt like she was messing with the poor Puerto Rican man, akin to a cat staring directly at their owner while pushing a glass of water off the counter playfully.
“You’ve already got plenty of gorgeous pieces on that flawless flesh. What are you thinking of doing?”
No hesitation he pulled his t-shirt up and over while turning to show the empty expanse of his back. Her breath caught audibly, eyes briefly went wide glancing at Ripley wildly. The female wrestler grinned like the Cheshire Cat, watching each interaction with fascination. Plans coming to fruition.
The tattooer bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to focus on what he was actually saying. Once locked in, Minnie began to sketch up fluidly upon paper, at one point he was leaning over her shoulder admiring the work of a talented creative. Bringing his vision to life on the crisp white paper, each description rumbled like incoming thunder located in the man’s voice box. Thank god for hyperfocus cuz lord only knows this was gonna be a genuine challenge for her self-control. All she wanted to do was trace those tattoos on him with her tongue. She had to shake her head to focus back in again, hands working on autopilot, taking in his words with each glide of charcoal across parchment. 
When he finished describing it she looked back up at him with a friendly smile,
“How big are you thinking of making it? So I know what to prepare for, as well as how many sessions to schedule in advance.” He tilted his head in thought momentarily before answering,
“Ideally I’d like it to cover a majority of my back.” She nodded in agreement,
“Alright, I’ve got the sketch started. I'll email you three different versions and you let me know what you like and what you don’t. And if there's aspects you like in one and want to add it to another one, just let me know. This is your tattoo on your skin, I want you to love it decades from now. How’s that sound?”  Damian was genuinely impressed with her professionalism, even as he controls the strong desire to flirt with her. This was a time to behave, she was Rhea’s best friend, and thus not someone to attempt to make any moves towards. 
“That sounds great to me, thanks.” Her smile was so sweet it could have made him diabetic just looking at it. 
“Great. Oh and Rhea, let me know when you want to come in and do those matching ghost tattoos with Dom.” 
“No rush, he’s busy planning his wedding right now so it’s gonna be a bit.”
“Sounds good to me. Now unfortunately I do have another client coming in twenty minutes so I gotta start prepping.” She pulled a business card from her bra, handing it over to Damian,
“My email and personal number is on there in case you think of something you want to add to the tat.Sound good?” Minnie gave a bashful little smile, and it made something deep in his chest want to say something incredibly forward. Rhea snagged him by the elbow, grinning like a cat that caught the canary. 
A nod of thanks was all he got out before being ushered back out, quicker than able to verbalize his appreciation. Ripley called back loudly,
“Thanks love! I’ll make sure he remembers to check his email regularly.” As if he didn’t already do that for work contacts to begin with. Once back in the car Priest gave his companion a look of utter suspicion, he could tell that she had ulterior motives. Nothing vicious or cruel, but she’d tried to set him up on a couple dates in the past, none that worked out. He’s focused on work, most women didn’t appreciate not being number one in his life. It’s been a string of disappointments, to where he bluntly asked Rhea to stop playing cupid. 
“This better not be an attempt at matchmaking again-” She cut him off with a sigh,
“I’ve long accepted that the ball is in your court from now on. I really truly just wanted you to go to an artist I’d trust my life with. She’s a good one, professional, talented, she spent twenty years as an apprentice before taking on her own clients. To top it off, she’s loyal, fun, and could use more genuine friends other than me. Can you blame me for that?” Her tone of voice was honest, after how much time they’d spent together, he could easily tell when she was bullshitting. Damian nodded to her as a show of acceptance to what she was saying. Her attention locked on the drive back to her place, Buddy was gonna get some sparring practice in with the other man. 
His gaze trailed a spot in the distance, trying to keep that woman out of his thoughts… failing miserably. She had such a lovely face, and all the art on display was impressive to be sure. The name Minerva fit her perfectly, especially with how protective she was of the Australian wrestler. It was endearing how she was barely 5’3 and was ready to take on the world to keep her 5’7 well-muscled friend safe. He hadn’t noticed the small smile that spread across his features, but Ripley sure took note of it. Keeping her features stoic while internally she was so pleased with herself. 
She pulled into the driveway where her man was waiting, he waved as they got out of the car. Buddy smiled at them, 
“I’m guessing it went well? Minnie is great at what she does. Rhea doesn’t like to share her with people, so it’s a hell of a compliment she brought you.” She gave him a quick kiss before heading into the house calling back,
“Play nice boys don’t forget the Terror Twins have some matches coming up.”
Damian shook his head w a huff before following the ginger towards their personal gym. Somehow he still had a sneaking suspicion that Rhea was playing a long game now instead of all the quick fruitless dates in the past… The image of Minerva slid by again, and for once… he might be okay with that.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Can’t breathe || Rhea Ripley x Reader x Damian Priest
Summary: Damian and Rhea get home to find you mid breakdown, struggling to breathe
Warnings: Emotional distress, reader accidentally hurts herself with her nails
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As Rhea and Damian step through the front door, their faces quickly shift from anticipation to concern as they find you in distress. Tears stream down your face, your breathing labored and uneven, indicating the depths of your emotional turmoil.
Without hesitation, Damian moves swiftly, taking a seat behind you. He gently tips your head back, allowing it to rest against his sturdy shoulder. His strong arms wrap around you, holding you close, while his other hand rests on your forehead to ensure your airway remains open.
Feeling the support and security of Damian's embrace, your breathing begins to regulate, albeit still shaky. The panic that had consumed you slowly subsides, allowing you to find some semblance of calmness.
Rhea kneels in front of you, her eyes filled with concern and determination. Her fingers gently trace the cuts on your legs, caused by your sharp nails digging into them, assessing their severity. With a soft voice, she reassures you, "You're okay now, love. We're here for you."
Using a damp cloth, Rhea tenderly cleans the wounds, taking extra care to soothe your pain and discomfort. Her touch is gentle, her presence a comforting balm that begins to ease your troubled mind.
As Damian continues to hold you, his voice breaks through the haze of your tears. "Breathe, love. Inhale slowly, let the air fill your lungs. Exhale, letting go of the tension. You're doing great."
His words of encouragement guide your breathing, helping you regain control over the overwhelming emotions that had overtaken you. The rhythm of his heartbeat against your back acts as a steady cadence, grounding you in the present moment.
Rhea finishes tending to your wounds, her hands resting on your knees, providing a gentle touch of reassurance. "We're here for you, every step of the way. You don't have to face this alone."
The weight of their support and understanding envelops you, offering solace and comfort during this difficult time. Their unwavering presence reminds you that you are loved, cherished, and protected.
As your tears subside, replaced by a sense of gratitude and relief, you find solace in the embrace of your two partners. With Rhea tending to your physical wounds and Damian anchoring you with his soothing presence, you begin to heal, both physically and emotionally.
In this shared moment of vulnerability and care, the bonds between the three of you deepen. The strength of your connection serves as a lifeline, pulling you through the darkest of times and reminding you that you are never alone.
With Rhea and Damian by your side, offering their unwavering support, you find the courage to face your struggles head-on, knowing that you have an unbreakable foundation of love and understanding. Together, you navigate the complexities of life, weathering storms and finding solace in the embrace of one another
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pandorasfavorite · 1 year
Oceans apart
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Take your eyes off of me so I can leave.
How am I supposed to walk away when he’s looking at me with so much regret. He regrets leaving me but he doesn’t regret leaving his family. Dominik Mysterio gave up on Rey Mysterio, meaning he gave up on me. We have been together for 4 years now, how could he just up and leave?
Nothing broke me like the love of my life leaving me to join The Judgment Day; right into the arms of Rhea, another woman. I knew something was bothering him by the twitching of his lips when his father would talk or how he would avoid touching me. When I would ask what was wrong Dominik would get irritated and pull away. For a week I questioned his mood... I thought to myself that maybe he would feel better... that he would eventually open up to me. But after I kept pushing and pushing and pushing he pulled even further away.
Now my Dominik is standing in the middle of the ring staring me down after he actively betrayed his father. MY Dominik is looking at me with something I can't decipher and Rhea is behind him smug. Rhea Ripley is standing behind the love of my life holding on his shoulder while looking at me as if she won the lottery. When all she really did was rip away my happiness.
Rey breaks Dominiks stare from me and tries to convince him again to stop this madness, but Dominik furiously refuses. Dominik spits out the pain that his father caused him all of his life right into his face. Rey looks wounded: wounded at the fact that his firstborn is expressing such pain. My hands start to shake in nervousness and I almost forget that I'm on live TV, I almost forget that people are watching my life is falling apart.
Rey tries one more time and brings Dominik's attention to me, "Look at your girlfriend son. This is hurting her". I can only look at him in silence and he can only look at me with remorse. A quick tear falls down my face and I'm quick to wipe it away but Dominik knows. He always knows I watch his face drop in sadness, he's itching to comfort me. I know him, I know it. Rhea visibly tightens her grip on his shoulder and whispers something into his ear.
I can't love you in the dark. It feels like we're oceans apart.
Dominik forcefully looks away from me and back to his father. And I can finally walk away. I can get out of this arena and go home, cry into my pillow for days on end, and pray I will be able to feel something after. I wipe my cheeks again and walk out not trying to listen to them argue anymore. I'm not paying attention to the booing of fans or the yelling of my name to come back and face the situation. The panic in my chest is restricting me of all my options. Damian Priest and Finn Balor somehow magically appear in front of me: it's possible I just didn't notice. I run into Damians chest and I look up, eyes glassy and full of fear for Dominik.
"Where are you going?" Damian asks with his eyebrows raised in question. The nerve these people have, 'I'm leaving I can't watch this anymore" I scoff and push past him. The yells of my name mixed in with others is like an echo compared to my intrusive thoughts. My thoughts and memories of Dominik and I living life like it was a movie. Now the love of my life is gone and I can't fully come to terms with it. I break out into a sob before I can make it to backstage, I cover my mouth with my hand with the other holding my stomach. I double over just a little full of pain from the strength of my sobs.
The chanting of my name rings out so much louder and it's diminished from an echo to a roar of sympathy. I try to quickly pull myself together and move my feet but they feel like they're cemented to the floor.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 month
Don’t break my heart part 4 with reader and drew finally kissing ❤️🤭
part one, part two, part three
damian priest x reader (platonic), rhea ripley x reader (platonic), the judgment day x reader (platonic), drew mcintyre x reader
‼️ angst, comfort, liv morgan as a warning, some fluff, family issues, a lot of family issues, crying and panicking , mention of sexual things but nothing happened (yet) - part 5 will be sadder and general worse‼️
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated
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don’t break my heart - part 4
it’s been a week since your first “date” with drew and you couldn’t lie if you said you didn’t like him. you probably developed a crush for the man but you tried to keep it as private as possible, fearing rhea or damian would find out, or, worse, fearing that drew would find out.
in the same week you’ve been texting more and more, talking about the silliest things. he even changed his work schedule just to train with you - and rhea and damian.
he didn’t mind them as long as they weren’t keeping you away from him. in this week he got to realise how much they cared for you and even if he wouldn’t hurt you, after you’ve been through, he knew that they still would be over protective with you.
you started talking with drew more and more about private and personal things. you didn’t fully open up to him, especially not via text, but somehow he understood that apart from damian and rhea, you were completely alone.
he felt for you.
you were a nice person to hang out with and he couldn’t understand why the other girls didn’t want to befriend you.
rhea and damian knew something was going on with you. they weren’t stupid, they knew something was going on between you and drew but they didn’t know how to bring up the situation because they didn’t want to upset you.
after rhea saw drew kissing your cheek from the hotel window, she knew she should have done something but at the same time she knew that if she intervened in something that didn’t belong to her, you would have gotten mad, and losing you too wasn’t an option.
so she talked about the whole situation with damian and they both agreed to talk with you after raw ended.
while driving to the arena, damian and rhea kept exchanging glances, noticing how happier you were. they knew it was because you were going to see drew and they hated that he was the reason of your happiness.
“i can’t wait for kicking some asses” you said smiling, making both of the adults laugh.
“yeah, i really can’t wait for my fight against carlito…he’s been a real pain in the ass these past weeks” damian added.
“what about liv? just the sound of her voice irritates me” rhea smirked making you chuckle.
you were extremely excited that you were going back on stage. you didn’t have any match yet but you were there to support damian ringside with rhea. you knew that finn or jd would have done something to make damian lose and you couldn’t allow that.
“how much do i have to get ready?” you asked rhea, watching the clock on your phone.
“about an hour…don’t be late” she winked at you, knowing that you were always ready on time and she was the one who was always late.
while moving to your changing room, your eyes met drew who waved at you smiling. you waved back, smiling at him.
you felt like a teenager in love and you hated yourself for that. you’ve never had an actual teenage crush, all the boys you liked, never liked you back and so you had no idea of what to do with drew, without talking about the age gap between the two of you.
you wished you could talk to rhea or damian about this but if you told them you had a crush for drew, they would probably kick your ass too.
while finishing getting ready, you smiled seeing a text from drew popping up on your screen.
can’t wait to see you kick finn’s ass out there! be careful <3 see you after the show!
he wanted to see you?
he wanted to see you!
“oh my…he wants to see me!” you almost screamed like a baby.
“y/n! ten minutes!” one of the managers screamed from outside the room and woke you up from your little dream.
you weren’t supposed be on the ring until rhea finished her promo so you waited backstage, watching her from a screen. she was showing confidence, something you’ve always admired from her. she was showing the world who was in charge and definitely weren’t dom or liv.
but then liv started talking about how she took everything from rhea. not only the title but how she took dom and the rest of the team from her. how she replaced her in the family she thought she had found and you could see hurt in rhea’s eyes but she was trying her best to not break.
you, on other hand, were deeply hurt from her words and a tear fell from your eyes. you couldn’t understand how someone could be so cruel. you couldn’t understand how finn and dom were siding with her. you couldn’t even understand why dom was treating rhea that way, he always loved to be her puppy so making her feel guilty after she’s the reason he became who he is today, it just wasn’t right.
damian was capable of bringing a smile into your face when he appeared from behind and started attacking dom.
“finally” you whispered getting ready to go in the arena.
just a few minutes later and damian’s match against carlito began. it was an easy match for damian and you knew that he would have won easily but when you saw jd ready to attack him you couldn’t stay back.
rhea held you, whispering that it wasn’t time yet.
“i just wanna delete his existence from the face of the earth” you whispered making her laugh.
“let damian win and then we can go” she said.
after a few minutes damian won his match and was in that exact moment that jd attacked him, making you even more angry “okay, go…” rhea looked at you with such pride in her eyes. she watched you run into the arena and began your attack on jd, trying to separate him from damian.
the crowd screamed of happiness when they saw you.
just a few seconds after and liv was attacking you from behind “wrong team y/n” she whispered. her words only made you laugh.
with a quick move you were able to free yourself and to pin her down, making her yelp from pain.
“wrong person to attack, you bitch” you whispered.
she was surprised at how fierce you were feeling tonight “you know, with this temper, you would fit perfectly with me and the guys” she whispered making sure no one heard.
“in your dreams” you said while blocking her arms down.
the moment rhea came to stage, dom was quick to shove you apart to save liv. so you stayed there, watching with damian how terrified everyone was of rhea.
out of nowhere, finn tried some moves but he was about to get hit by damian when he moved apart and sacrificed jd to get that hit.
“what a coward” you screamed into his face making the whole crowd chant with you. as a result of their cowardice, you, damian and rhea were happily celebrating inside the ring.
both for damian’s victory and for your ability to face the team, you were happily getting backstage. damian in the middle with you and rhea on his side, his arms around your waist while the crowd happily cheered for you.
once backstage you couldn’t contain your happiness “oh my! that was amazing damian!” he happily hugged you when he saw how excited you were.
moments like these were rare so they cherished every single moment when you were happy.
“i’m going to take a quick shower and change…uhm…if you want to go back to the hotel i will see you there” you smiled, trying to avoid that topic.
rhea understood what you meant and even if she wanted, she couldn’t hold you back.
“okay, be careful” she said in a serious tone “and don’t hesitate to call if something happens okay? even if you need a ride back”
“okay, i will, thank you” you said happily before coming back to your changing room. you were quick to take a shower and change in some clean clothes cause you didn’t want to lose drew segment.
seeing him on the screen always made you feel butterflies in your stomach. his confidence, his voice while speaking on the mic, his personality and charisma, that you were kinda shocked to see how different he was with you, almost embarrassed to messed things up.
“ouch!” you almost screamed when you saw punk hitting him with his belt. you knew there were going to be bruises and you were kinda worried for him. you knew he had much worse but still, punk probably went too far.
you took a protein bar out of your bag and happily eat it while watching the rest of the show when you heard his voice through the corridors “funking punk!” he screamed.
that made you laugh.
you reached for your door, wanting to see if he was doing okay when you stopped in front of his changing room. he was trying to see the damage left by punk while looking in the mirror.
“need help with some lotion?” you softly asked. his face soften when he saw you standing in front of his door.
“can you take a picture first?” he asked and you nodded.
he made sure to show the bracelet he stole from punk “you’re being petty” you joked while taking the picture.
“i’m the worst, kid” he laughed. you handed him his phone back and he thanked you.
you saw he was looking for some wipes to clean the blood off but you moved first and took a sanitary wipe from the bag you had on your shoulder “here, this should help…” you handed him the wipe but he turned his back on you, hinting that he wanted you to clean him “are you sure? i don’t wanna hurt you”
“you have feathery hands, trust me, you won’t hurt me more than punk did…” he laughed, convincing you.
you moved cautiously, don’t wanting to hurt him, you cleaned the blood that came from the bruises before gently applying some oil on his skin. he swore he could get used to your touch. kind and gentle, definitely not what he was used to.
“and we are all done…” your voice came out as a whisper. standing so close to drew while he was half naked was completely different from having date lunch with him or texting him.
he turned back to face you again and maybe, just maybe, you were a little too close. the height difference between the two of you was crazy, your eyes were fixed on his chest, too shy to watch him in the eyes as you felt them on you.
“too shy kid?” he said smirking when you lifted your head up.
“i’m not a kid…” you whispered back, making him chuckle.
“you are my kid though…” his hand gently lifted your chin up so you couldn’t escape from his gaze “i could stay like this forever” he whispered.
yes, definitely different from the past week where you’ve been texting nonstop.
“really?” his statement took you back and you wondered if he really wanted to stay like that forever.
“really. you’re so kind and beautiful, and it pains me that people don’t see you the way i do…” his hand gently stroking your cheek “i like you y/n…yes, maybe all of this was unexpected and i definitely wasn’t expecting to fall in love with the judgment day’s protégé but here i am…i really, really like you” his accent made everything even hotter.
you weren’t good with words. especially not when you were still getting to know him well and even if you knew you liked him too, you had no idea of how to tell him so you simply acted of gesture.
you brought his face down so your lips could meet his but he was stronger so he lifted your body up from your waist so now you were the one on your toes, your hands behind his neck while you were still kissing him.
it was a soft yet passionate kiss. something you’ve been wanting for years. you felt all the emotions exploding in your stomach.
drew’s hands moved from your waist to hold your back and your neck, while his lips were still moving upon your soft ones.
your hand went involuntarily into his hair tugging them. he almost moaned into your mouth but when you opened your eyes and saw his look, you thought you might have hurt him “sorry…”
“don’t apologise love, tug on them all you want” he said smiling against your lips.
“can we do that again?” you said trying to catch your breath.
“absolutely” he said before capturing your lips again. this time he was fighting for dominance, gently biting your lower lip, making you smile into the kiss. his hands wished they could touch everywhere on your body but he didn’t want to scare you away, he still was a gentleman so he kept moving them from your neck to your waist and from your waist to your neck even if he wanted to feel the skin under your jumper.
once you both needed to catch your breath, your eyes met and there was like an unspoken rule between the two of you.
you wanted him as much as he wanted you. both sexually, physically and mentally. there was a connection between you two.
“drew?” your side voice woke him up from his trance.
“do you really want this? want…me?” you were hesitant as you didn’t know how actually felt feeling wanted.
“as long as you want me y/n…” he replied.
“i want you drew…i want this and i want to get to know you but…but i feel like once you know the real me, you’re gonna leave…” you didn’t wanna sound weak but there was a lot going on in your life and you didn’t want to open up to someone who might leave, not again “drew…my head’s a mess and i don’t wanna scare you away”
drew’s heart broke when he heard how scared you were of opening up to him “y/n, love, i promise you, i’m here to stay…whatever you might tell me, won’t scare me away, i’m here for you”
you couldn’t find words to thank him enough so you simply hugged him, trying not to mess with his back “let me put on a clean t-shirt and then i’ll drive us both to the hotel” he smiled and you nodded.
once he was ready, you both went into his rental and drove back to the hotel. he complimented your presence inside the arena, telling you how much confidence you were gaining.
“will you ever get back that bracelet to punk?” you asked laughing.
“probably not” he said making you laugh even more.
once parked outside of the hotel he helped you with your bags and put them on the floor.
“which room are you in?” he asked.
“uhm…405, you?”
“320…different floors…well, love, let me take you to your room so i can proper kiss you goodnight” he said, making you blush “oh so you are shy now?”
“i’m not shy…”
“right…” he chuckled, calling the elevator while still carrying his and your own bags.
once inside, he gently moved your bags from the floor to the table on your left and took his time in admiring you underneath the moonlight “you are so pretty” he whispered making you blush even harder.
his hands moved some of the hair that laid in front of your face and his thumb gently caressed your lips “goodnight y/n” his lips captured your lips one last time before he went back to his room.
you couldn’t really fully register what just happened but in less than two hours drew confessed to you, kissed you, told you that he was gonna stick by your side and let you take care of him.
maybe life wasn’t so bad at all - you thought but then you remembered that you left the remote at the reception to let them fix it as it wasn’t working this morning, so you would have to go and get it from them.
“hello, i’m here for the tv remote please…” you smiled at the lady who was working at the reception. she kindly gave you the remote back but before you could go back to your room, a very irritating voice caught your attention.
“y/n” liv morgan happily called your name.
“liv…” you weren’t in the mood for talking.
“can we please talk? just for a minute?” she asked but you quickly said no and turned your back to her “well, that’s sad…you know, you could have your own spot with us…we could be your new family…it’s not gonna take long before rhea and dam abandon you like your own biological family did” she laughed.
how did she know that?
“how do you?”
“how do i know?” she interrupted you “finn told me…finn told me everything” she smirked “he told me about your family, about how they kicked you out when you were only eighteen, how you had no place to go, how lonely you felt…” tears were forming in your eyes but you didn’t want to cry in front of her “i know you’re still in therapy due to all the things your family put you through….i had no idea they tried to reach out when you got famous, pretty sure not even damian and rhea know…” she kept smiling knowing she was breaking you apart “finn practically told me how much of a crybaby you are…how you needed damian or rhea everytime you were feeling down, finn told me about all the times you bothered him with your own stupid problems…trust me y/n, if your family abandoned you, if the judgment day abandoned you, it’s just a matter of time before rhea and damian abandon you too…” she said before going away.
leaving you there, alone, with tears in your eyes and a mind who couldn’t be trusted.
never thought this would be a series but i can’t wait for part 5 cause is gonna be really really angst and i promise you rhea and damian will be more present
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Damian x Reader where he takes care of depressed reader
I'm Here - Damian Priest x GN! Reader
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SUMMARY : damian comforts you through depression
GENRE : fluff , hurt-comfort
A/N : i made this gender neutral because reader's gender wasn't specified in the request
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There's no way your life can get more awful than it already is: you're laying in your and Damian's shared bed; tissues all over your night table, your side of the bed and on the floor by your side; you have no strenght to get up even to walk in the kitchen and get a glass of water for your dry throat.
You just woke up from a three or four hours nap because you had no energy to sit at the desk in your office room and get your paperwork done first. Now you're even more stressed due to the fact you procrastinated and you gotta lift your ass from the bed and get in your office to get the work you haven't done yet all done.
The worst part is Damian isn't home, he went out to run errands because in the deep of his heart, he noticed you had no energy to do that, so he left you a sweet note in the kitchen that says: "Hey, babe. This morning you looked so tired, besides I didn't want to wake you up so early, sleeping beauty. I went to run errands for you, so you can rest a bit more. Love you. - Damian".
How sweet of him, you though. Even though he couldn't properly show affection and love to you, you know Damian secretly is your personal giant teddy bear.
In the meantime you're waiting for his return, somehow you manage to find the energy to go to your office and begin the paperwork you left behind all day. You look at the clock hanging on the wall in front of your desk, it was 7:00 P.M already. You sigh and you grab your pen, beginning to sign the first piece of the pile of paperwork that have been sitting on your desk for a long time.
Your eyes often shut while scrolling through the lines of your papers, your signs even look different from each other, making focus on whatever you're agreeing with impossibile. The urge to go back to bed to continue your nap is stronger than you are.
Suddenly, the twist of the knob of the main door brings you back to reality. Damian just came back from running errands for you. He puts the groceries bags on the kitchen counter, before he looks around looking for you. "Babe... Babe, where are you?"
"Over here, love." You shout from your office, your tone painted with slight annoyance. He smiles and walks in your office to find you almost having a mental breakdown in front of the pile of papers that in the meantime grew taller.
"Hey, babe. What's up? You look tired." Is his first though when he sees you with your brand new pair of eyebags, your head laying on the desk in a desperate mood. "I can't take this anymore!" Your heart bursts and you burst in a fit of tears, knocked out by all the paperwork you have to do because you don't want your boss to yell the exact same shit he yelled at you already twice when you didn't deliver it in time.
Damian figures out the situation. "Babe, you should definitely take a break. I have the feeling you've been working for hours by now." He puts his hand on your shoulder, before starting to give you a massage. "I know, but my boss-"
"You don't have to care about that jackass right now. Let's talk about you." He picks you up bridal style from the chair to take you to the living room and sit you on the couch. "Babe, seriously, you've been looking... depressed these past few days-"
"I know!" You accidentally yell at him. "Sorry..." You apology as you immediantly realize you just yelled at your boyfriend, though he doesn't look mad. "It's okay." He kisses the top of your had, then runs his fingers through your hair.
Damian then promises he will talk to your boss tomorrow to convince him to give you a week off to recover from how you've been feeling lately and to spend some time with your giant teddy bear who's been away for Raw with The Judgement Day for two weeks.
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Mixed Preference - How they hug?
This Preference contains - Daryl Dixon, Rudolofo "Rudy" Farra, Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson, Alex Mason, Lip Gallagher, Billy Loomis, Juan "Juice" Ortiz, Stefan Salvatore, Damian Priest, Angel Reyes, Negan, Remus Lupin, Tyler Lockwood, Steve Harrington, Eddie Diaz, Kai Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Dean Miller, Miguel Galindo, The Joker
Hey lovelies my requests are open! My guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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Daryl Dixon; Daryl holds you tightly. Daryl is not naturally affectionate so when he hugs you he means it. He holds you tightly because you are one of the most important people to him. He fears losing you, so whenever you've been away fro meach other for a period of time Daryl always holds you like he's holding on for dear life.
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Rudolofo "Rudy" Farra; Rudy would twirl you around before pulling you in a hug. He loves listening to your giggle when he pulls you back toward him. He always wants to hear your laughter. Hugs with Rudy are lways fun and light-hearted. You always feel warmth and loved.
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Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson; Daniel's always wrapping his arm around you from behind. He likes the little jump as you're stared. Daniel loves drawing you close. Daniel loves the way you relax into his touch as you two enjoy the moment.
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Alex Mason; Alex loves drawing you into a hug by your belt loops. It's cheeky and flirty as he circles his arms around you waist when your close enough. Alex holds you tightly while gently swaying you side to side.
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Lip Gallagher; Whenever you hug Lip, he enjoys slipping his hand into your back pocket. It's an excuse to cop a feel, to drag you as close as he can. Hugging Lip like this always ends up with you two kissing. Sometimes the lazy pecks other times its more passionate depending on your mood.
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Billy Loomis; Billy will cradle your head when he gives you a hug. He doesn't care for anyone on this earth except you. When he holds you close, he's trying to protect from the dangers he knows lurks in the shadows. Billy will do anything to keep you out of harms way.
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Juan "Juice" Ortiz; Juan loves giving you long hugs. He loves standing or even sitting with you and holding you in his arms. Juan finds it comforting to have you in his arms. To feel close. He dos this specfically if he's had a bad day and he needs to know you're close. It melts everything away.
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Stefan Salvatore; Stefan is gentle when he hugs you. He's worried about hurting you with his strength difference. He's always tender with his touch. Whenever he hugs you it reminds him how precious you are to him.
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Damian Priest; Damian loves to give you bear hugs. He's always coming up behind you wrapping his arms around you. He pulls you back towards him while he presses a kiss to the curve of your neck. It gives him the opportunity to whisper something in your ear.
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Angel Reyes; Angel loves to hug you while you're sitting in his lap. He enjoys beng close to you. The two of you have the opportunit to sit and talk. He can hold you as tight or as lose as he wants. He can kiss you. Angel will always drag you onto his lap to hug you whenever possible.
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Negan; Negan prefers to hold you by the waist. Whenever he hugs you, he kns your safe and protected. Negan is also fond of physical touch sometimes he'll find an excuse to give you a hug just to be close to you.
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Remus Lupin; Remus love to bury his head into your neck whenever he hugs you. Hugs with Remus are always intimate. You two are always comforted by each other. Hugs with Remus are always warm and welcoming and comforting.
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Tyler Lockwood; Tyler pulls you into a hug. He always grab hold of your hand to tug you towards him. He likes to do this whatever you're walking away. He likes to pull you back toward him for one last hug.
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Steve Harrington; Steve loves to rest his head ontop of yours whenever he gives you a hug. He loves the feel of your head on his chest, while he can presses kisses to your hairline.
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Eddie Diaz; Eddie loves to hug you around the waist. His arms circle around you while you rest your arms on his shoulders. Sometimes he'll rest his head ontop of yours as you two get lost in one another.
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Kai Parker; Kai likes to wrap his arms around you from behind. He likes to hold you close and gentle sway you side while he talks to you while he's holding you. It's an excuse to spend time with you after a long day.
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Pietro Maximoff; Pietro loves to give you bear hugs as tight as possible. When he hugs you, Pietro wants you to feel as close to him as possible. He enjoys hugging you because it brings him comfort. They can convey messages only meant for you both.
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Dean Miller; When Dean hugs you, he likes to hold you closer to his chest. He likes being able to rest his head ontop of yours. He likes this embrace because its comforting to have you in his arms while feelings like he's shield ing you away from the rest of the world.
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Miguel Galindo; Miguel likes to wrap his arms around your waist. He enjoys the intimacy of the hold. It's a hold no-one else gets. He also likes to press a kiss to your check.
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The Joker; Joker loves to pull you closer by the belt loops, to drag you towards him so he can hug you. He enjoys when you resis him even if you're doing it for his benefit.
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madhatterbri · 10 months
Damian Priest Fics
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All Fell Down - Y/N was in a relationship with Finn Balor. She starts getting closer with Damian Priest. He gets injured, and Finn finds out about their relationship.
Business - You and Damian cut a promo after he allows JD to take a beating.
All Fell Down Part 2 - The fallout costs Damian and Y/N their relationship. Part 3
Telephone - You and your love end up having phone sex because they’re a part on Valentine’s Day.
Brotherly Love - Reader is Drew's sister, and she is dating Damian Priest. He promised her that he wouldn't cash in on her brother and well.
Lucky - Summary: Can you please write a Damian Priest X Fem Reader Fluff Story?! Anything Comforting is okay
Rise and Fall - Fem!reader is Rhea’s protégé & after Rhea gives up her title due to injury, the reader decides to get that title back to Judgment Day w/o telling the group. The group is shocked when the reader comes out with her new look & wins the title. Damian/Reader becomes close while Rhea sees her as a threat that needs to be taken out.
My Girl - Can you please write something smutty/flirty with Damian Priest and Fem Reader where both are part of the Judgment Day and they constantly flirt with each other, after an successful Monday Night RAW they are out to celebrate and again Reader and Damian are constantly flirting and teasing each other which causes the rest of the Judgment Day Crew to leave them alone, Damian and Reader stand up to go back to his room where they have passionate sex and spending the night together in the morning after they lay in bed cuddling and Damian asks her to be his girl because the last night shouldn't be and one night stand.
Bet - Summary: A She’s All That AU where Damian accepts a bet that he can make fem!reader, who is a jobber or someone stuck at catering into a women’s champion. Thanx :)
Te Perdiste Mi Amor - Summary: Unspoken feelings hurt Damian and Y/N.
You - Reader is jealous of the attention Damian is getting since he became champion and talks to him about it. Smut. 18+.
Betrayed Me -
Summary: Can I prompt Fem!Reader is the one working with Liv. The last straw was when The Judgment Day got involved in her match against Becky & she lost her chance of holding gold. Liv promised something Rhea never did, and that was going after the Women’s tag titles. Reader also points out that TJD was already falling apart before Rhea got hurt & it was easy to make it look like everyone but her was working with Liv. The only thing that hurt the reader was that she had to betray her crush, Damian, but she had to put herself first for once.
Deal - May i prompt - TJD have a Liv Morgan problem but for obvious reasons can't go after her, however, Damain knows someone that can take care of her. Fem!reader is a member of Uncle Howdy's faction & has shown interest in El Campeon & is willing to help but Uncle Howdy isn't going to let Priest use her without a price & that price is an opportunity for the title. Please? Part 2 | Part 3
Challenges - Summary: If I may request - Liv holds a celebration for herself in the ring & calls out Dom to join her but instead it’s Fem!Reader (ex member of TJD who still has a soft spot for Dom & feelings for Damian). She calls out the lack of open challenges since Liv’s been champion & Liv should focus on finding a challenger rather than a “daddy”. Liv thinks the reader is jealous & hits a nerve when she brings up Damian..then all hell breaks loose. Thank you.
Business Deals -
Summary: Damian Priest x reader request, please?? 😀. Instead of Rhea being out with an injury, it was Damian, but his relationship with the reader isn't toxic like Rhea and Dom's. Reader is in a relationship with Damian and a member of the judgment day. However, when Damian gets injured, Y/N gets sick of Rhea's controlling ways and decides to do business with Braun Strowman behind their backs. On the night that reader finally turns on TJD and attacks Rhea, Damian returns and confronts her. You can pick a happy or sad ending, and btw, the reader didn't cheat on Damian.
Consequences -
Summary: Can I request: Something snaps in Fem!reader. After proving she has earned a title shot, reader loses against Liv Morgan because of Dom’s “help” & unlike Becky & Zelina; reader grabs a nearby bat & goes after him. TJD guides Dom away while Priest talks the reader down. Priest assures that Dom will face consequences & leaves. Reader isn’t waiting & finds that the clubhouse is unprotected & uses her bat to destroy everything, including the gifts that Liv bought for Daddy.
Part 2
Switching Sides -
Ulterior Motives -
I Had Some Help -
Unconditionally -
Hay Rides
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merrhea39 · 9 months
binging everything judgment day pt 5
Raw 9/5/22 Edge starts off with a promo and his is pissed at Dom and Rey tries to calm him down. Rhea finally has her updated theme with the singer. And she comes out with Dom. Dom does not look comfortable yet. Lol I love the Eddie’s son chants. Dom is mean mugging this whole time lol. 
Rey has a backstage interview where he says he’ll never put his hands on Dom and that one didn’t quite age so well. Rey also challenges Damian or Finn. 
Rey vs. Damian(w). Damian big boots the shit out of Rey lol. Obviously when Rey starts taking control Judgment Day comes out and Finn is wearing the bandana here lol. Lots and lots of panning to Dom. HOLY SHIT THAT CLOTHESLINE FROM DAMIAN WAS WICKED. Damian wins partially because of Dom. Rhea cuts a post match promo and she is so papi. 
Raw 9/12/22 Ok the show starts with Seth Rollins with a promo and riddle attacks him before he has a match with TJD. And heel seth clears face seth easily. Shot game take a shot every time they say bro in this promo.
Riddle vs. Finn(w). Why did people even like that fucker Matt? Damian interfers and distracts riddle and balor takes advantage. Riddle screaming “my neck!” is giving “MY HOLE!”. Rey attacks Damian giving Riddle a chance to win but then seth distracts Riddle and Balor takes advantage and wins.
Dom cuts that promo you know the one. Fuck rhea… she makes me…
Rey confronts Dom backstage, Dom just ignores Rey the whole time. 
Rey confronts Edge but Edge is not having Rey’s shit right now lmao. 
Edge(W) vs. Dom. More of a beat down than a match in the early goings but because of Rhea Dom takes advantage. Rey interferes he doesn’t want Edge to hurt Dom. Edge wins via dq because Finn attacks him. Then dom beats the fuck out of edges leg. 
Raw 9/19/22 Rey has a backstage interview, and Rey is like ‘pwease come back to me dom but the others are dickbags’ and then riddle shows up and is like ‘bro lets tag together bro… bro bro weed bro i beat my wife and kids.” 
Judgment day come out together and I think I have the same harness as rhea is wearing here. Pre-match promo from the Judgment Day, Damian has an evil ass laugh. Dom is already being booed by the crowd here. They take that cute ass ‘family photo’ I love them. This great moment is interrupted by ‘Mr. ThisGuyTouchedMeInTheAirport’ Matt Riddle. 
Riddle + Rey vs. Finn + Damian(w). Why was Riddle over? Rhea screams lol. RHEA HURTS A MAN! Rhea suplexes riddle. TJD wins off of an interference from seth rollins and a distraction from Dom. 
Raw 9/26/22. I’m starting with a rey interview backstage where he talks about Dominik, and it’s all him saying he loves him and stuff lmao.
The Judgment day has an interview backstage where Finn mentions he wants AJ in the Judgment Day. Also Damian just roasts the fuck out of Matt Riddle the whole time then evil laughs.
Sami and AJ Styles have a match against eachother where sami wins and after Judgment day comes out to talk to him but I can’t help but laugh that Dom gets scared by the pyro here. Finn tries to recruit AJ with a ‘too sweet’ AJ flips him off and damian has the reaction image of all time. TJD start beating AJ a ton but then spares him from the chair. 
Priest vs. Riddle(w). Damian lookin fine here ngl. As much as I hate Riddle him and Damian have a fuck ton of chemistry in the ring. That also means they’ll fuck eachother up. Love matches like this. STOP GIVING ME SO MANY CLOSE UPS I’LL GO FERAL! Lots of kickouts. Riddle wins via rollup on Damian. After the match TJD beats up riddle but then Edge saves riddle and then turns into william afton I guess. Edge challenges Finn to an I quit match. 
Raw 10/3/22. MY HOMETOWN!!! Judgment day starts off raw. Dom Dom finally seems more comfy with Rhea and TJD. The Judgment Day cut a little pre-match promo. Rhea really wore a suit in my hometown and I wasn’t there damn. LOL I love dom dom so much. During this promo Finn fucks up and he says “I was so mad I accidentally said last night.” Aj interrupts TJD.
Styles + Mysterio vs Finn + Damian(w). The match starts off with a brawl. Damian takes a nut shot but the ref doesn’t do anything, FIRE THE CORRUPT ANTI-TJD REFS! Rhea pulls Rey off the apron lol. Dom distracts Rey and then Rhea flattens him and now Rey is out of the match and Finn stomps AJ to win. After the match AJ gets mad at Rey and pushes him. And after that TJD attacks AJ. Edge has a little promo where he tries to be ‘real’ or whatever and he says he won’t quit.
Extreme Rules 10/8/22. Only one Judgment day match makes me sad.
Balor(w) vs Edge. (I quit match) The crowd is pretty dead for this match. Finn pulls edge into the apron and it's kinda funny I won't lie. So Finn has edge by the commentary table and there’s this guy screaming ‘you suck’ at Finn and then Finn slams edges head into the table over and over and after every time he does that the guy yells ‘you still suck!’. They fight in the crowd for a bit. Rhea handcuffs edge to the top rope lol. Rey comes to save Edge. Rey gets fucked up by Dom lol. Beth comes out to save edge and she has a kendo stick and Rhea gets in the ring with Beth and the crowd goes nuts. Poor Dom takes a nut shot from Edge. Mami knocks out Beth with brass knucks and then Priest chokeslams Edge which allows Finn to stomp on Edge 3 times. But Edge doesn’t say I quit. Rhea threatens to conchairto Beth and this finally makes edge say I quit but Rhea hits Beth with the chair anyways.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Can I have Damian Priest x Fem reader x Dominik Mysterio where the reader shows up to dom's house badly beaten after being jumped so him and damian take care of her and it leads to quiet confessions and gentle pleas, basically angst and emotion and hurt and comfort, and it’s DELICIOUS-- 🥺
Whispers || Damian Priest x Reader x Dominik Mysterio
Summary: You show up bloodied and battered at Dom's house. He and Damian take care of you.
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Your heart pounds in your chest as you stumble up to Dom's front door, bloodied and battered. Every step feels heavy, and you can't help the tears that mix with the rain on your face. The pain is throbbing, and the realization that you need help is all-consuming.
You hesitate for a moment before knocking, your trembling hand making a soft sound against the door. When Damian opens it, his eyes widen in shock and worry as he takes in your state. His strong arms quickly reach out to steady you, and the relief you feel at his presence is palpable.
"Dios mío, what happened?" he exclaims, his voice laced with concern. He guides you inside, his touch gentle yet reassuring. The sound of his voice feels like a lifeline, pulling you back from the brink of despair.
Before you can respond, the sound of hurried footsteps approaches, and Dom rushes in from the kitchen. His eyes widen when he sees you, his hands immediately reaching for you as well. The sight of his worried expression and the way his fingers brush against your skin sends a shiver down your spine.
"Hey, hey, Mija, what happened?" Dom's voice is a mix of anger and worry, and he leads you to the kitchen where they can better tend to your injuries.
As they gently clean the blood from your face and offer you a change of clothes, their touch is gentle and soothing. Their concerned whispers fill the air, intertwining with the sound of rain against the windows. They talk to you, their voices a comforting lullaby that eases the ache in your body and soul.
In the midst of the chaos, their hands on you, their words of love, the atmosphere is charged with emotion. The moment hangs heavy with unspoken truths and unexpressed feelings.
Finally, as your wounds are tended to and the pain subsides, they exchange a glance that speaks volumes. Dom's hand finds yours, and Damian's fingers brush against your cheek, wiping away the last traces of blood.
"Querida, we love you," Dom's voice is soft, earnest, his gaze unwavering as he holds your hand.
Damian's eyes are filled with a similar intensity, his thumb brushing across your lips, careful around the swelling. "You mean so much to us. Your safety, your well-being, it's everything."
Tears well in your eyes once again, but this time they're not just from pain. They're tears of gratitude, of overwhelming emotions that leave you breathless. Their confession, their concern, it's more than you ever expected.
You meet their gazes with a shaky smile, your heart full to the brim. "I love you both too," you manage to say through the raw emotions, your voice breaking and mending all at once.
In that moment, as they hold you close, as they mend not just your physical wounds but the scars on your heart, you know that you're not alone. With Dom and Damian by your side, you're stronger than you ever thought possible.
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purplegirl20 · 2 years
Valentine Breakdown
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me)
Summary: I had a mental mental breakdown, thinking Damian Priest forget about me on Valentine's Day.
Warning: SMUT (18+) Hurt and Comfort
Tagging:@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @babiidee28 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield
Note: I hope you enjoy this short story and Happy Valentine's Day.
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February 14th:
It was a chilly Valentine's evening. I finally returned home after a long day of doing deliveries and dropping off people around town.
Shaynell:(sighs) What a day today. Being a cupid that bring booze and food around town is hard. But at least I got generous tip.
I chuckled and look at my phone to see any texts. I saw a recent text from Edge.
Edge:(texts) Hey my little boston cream. Happy valentine's day.
Shaynell:(Texts) Aw. Sprinkles. Thank you. I miss you.
Edge:(texts) I miss you too, boston cream. I gotta go. I have a hot date with Beth.
Shaynell:(texts) Have fun. See you later.
Edge:(texts) You too. Be safe.
I quickly pick put my phone away.
Shaynell:(sighs) I wish Damian was here on Valentine's with me. I bet he's having fun with the judgment day instead of his own girlfriend.
I went to the kitchen to grabs something to eat. I went to the kitchen pantry and grabs a bag of hershey kisses.
Shaynell:(sighs) At least I have some chocolate with me as comfort.
I sat on the couch and turns on the tv to kill time.
(phone ringing)
I look over my phone and saw Damian's name on the screen and quickly pick the phone.
Shaynell: Hello?
Damian: Hey, my little chocolate cake.
Shaynell: Oh Damian. How are you?
Damian: I'm good. I want to say Happy Valentine day to my little chocolate cake.
Shaynell:(blush) Aw. Damian. I miss you.
Damian: I miss you too, Mija. Are you busy?
Shaynell: No. I got home.
Damian: Ok. I have a favor to ask you?
Shaynell:(sighs) Ok. What is it?
Damian: They're a package coming towards your address. It say it will be come in 20 mins.
Shaynell:(sighs) Fine.
Damian: Thank you mija. You're the best.
He quickly hangs up the phone.
Shaynell:(growls) Great. While he's having fun with them, I'm a alone dealing with THIS!
Tears starts flowing down on my cheeks.
Shaynell:(crying) It isn't fair! Does he loves the judgement day more than me? Am I the afterthought to him? I'm not the important to him?
I slump down on the floor and covered my face as I sobbed.
Shaynell:(sobbing) It not fair! It not fair! Everyone is getting love and attention but me! I'm supposed to be happy on Valentine! NOT CRYING!
As I was having a breakdown, I heard a knock at the door.
Shaynell:(crying) Great. Just great! I have to deal with this Bullshit.
I went to the door to get the package.
Shaynell: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT???????
"Mija. Is that how you treat your want Bunuelos?"
I look up to find Damian, holding a huge bouquet of purple roses with a box of chocolate.
Shaynell:(gasp) Damian!
Tears starts flowing down once again.
Shaynell:(crying) I'm sorry.
Damian: Mija! What wrong? Why are you crying?
Shaynell:(crying) I'm sorry for snapping at you! I thought you forget about me and hang out with them instead.
Damian: Mija. I'll never forget about you.
He took my hand and took me inside of my house. We sat on the couch and he hold me tight as comfort
Damian: Shh, Shh, Shh. Buñuelo is here to comfort his princessa
Shaynell:(sniffling) I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just angry and sad that I haven't seen you since Royal rumble and you were having fun and I was alone.
Damian: Shh, Shh, Shh. Don't cry. Today's your special day.
He rubs my back and kiss me on the forehead for comfort.
Damian: Mija. You know how much I miss you? Every time that I stay in my hotel room, I always look at pictures of you, waiting to hold you and kiss you.
Shaynell:(blushing) Buñuelo...
Damian chuckled in amusement and kiss me on the lips, making me blush.
Damian:(chuckling) How about we have some fun together?
He took my hand and took me to my bedroom. He quickly push on top of my bed and pinned me. I look up and saw him with a devious smirk.
Damian: I know you were sad, but that doesn't excuse you for snapping at your Papi. You must be punished.
Shaynell:(smirks) Punish me, Papi.
He chuckled at my reaction and starts passionately kissing me.
Shaynell and Damian:(moaning)
Shaynell:(moaning) Damian.
Damian:(chuckling) Moan for me. It turns me on.
He smirks and starts kissing and biting my neck, making me giggle and whimpering.
Shaynell:(whimpering) Damian...
He then slides his hand into my jeans and starts rubbing my clothed clit.
Shaynell:(squeaks) Ah!
Damian: Aw. your clit is sensitive for me. Tell me. Do you miss my hand, pleasing your sensitive clit?
Shaynell:(squeaks) Yes.
Damian: Do you miss me doing this?
He then spreads my pussy lips, and inserts his thick finger inside me.
Shaynell:(moans) Oh God.
Damian:(chuckling) Such a horny little? You miss my touch so much?
Shaynell:(squeaks) Yes! I do! I do!
Damian: Good.
He then removes my jeans and panties, exposing my now wet pussy in front of me.
Damian: It look like chocolate isn't the only sweet thing in the house.
He smirks and quickly goes down on me, making me gasp and moan.
Shaynell:(moans) Oh God.
Damian: Hold your legs up. NOW!
I quickly follows his command and hold my legs up as he continue eating me out. I continue to whimper and moan as his tongue pleasure my pussy.
Shaynell:(moans) OH GOD! OH GOD!
Damian:(chuckling) You nectar is so sweet for Papi.
Shaynell:(whimpering) Papi....
He then moves away from me, causing me to whine.
Shaynell:(Whines) No.
I was quickly silenced by his passionate kiss.
Damian:(whispering) Callate la boca, mija.
He then unzips his pants, freeing his now veiny cock from its leather prison.
Damian:(chuckling) You like?
I silently nods my head.
Damian:(smirks) Why don't you be a good girl and suck me?
I get on my knee and starts slurping down on his sausage.
Damian:(grunts) Oh Mija. I miss that tongue around my dick.
I continue bobbing my head up and down as I starts slurping his cock.
Damian:(grunts) OH GOD!
Shaynell:(chuckling) You like that?
Damian:(moans) Of course I do.
I smile and continue licking and sucking him.
Damian:(grunts) I can't take it anymore! I want you inside me!
He quickly grabs me and throw me back in bed. He then grabs a condom from the nightstand to get him strapped.
Shaynell: Don't make me wait.
Damian: I won't.
He get himself strapped and get on top of me. He position himself and slowly insert the tip inside me.
Shaynell:(moans) Bunuelos.
Damian: You feel so good around my cock.
Shaynell:(moans) Oh Damian.
I wraps my legs around my body as he slowly inserts his cock inside me. He continue thrusting me, making me gasp and moan.
Shaynell:(moans) OH DAMIAN! I miss your cock!
Damian:(grunts) And I miss fucking that sweet pussy of yours.
He continue kissing my lips, getting lost in our sexual bliss. I was getting lost in carnal pleasure, my body starts to tense up and felt a intense convulsion.
Shaynell:(gasp) I'm gonna cum!
Damian:(grunts) Me too!
He keep fucking my pussy until he pulls out and cum inside the condom.
Shaynell: No fair. You cummed first!
He smirks and starts rubbing my clit, causing my clit to twitch.
Shaynell:(whining) Let me cum! PLEASE LET ME CUM!
He continue rubbing my clit until I tense up again.
Shaynell: OH GOD! I'm going to cum! I'm going to-AHHHH!!!!
I cummed all over his fingers, coating in my clear, thick essence. I plopped down on the bed and catch my breath.
Damian:(chuckling) You feel better?
Shaynell:(yawns) Yes.
Damian: Good.
He smiles and wraps his arm around me and hold me tight.
Damian: Papi loves you. No matter what.
Shaynell: Bunuelos.
Damian: And Mija?
Shaynell: Yea.
He quickly grabs my face to make me look him in the eyes.
Damian: If you ever curse at me again, I will fuck you so hard, you will be in a wheelchair for month. Do you understand?
Shaynell: Yes!
Damian:(chuckling) Good girl.
He smashed his lips against mine.
Damian: Now let's share that box of chocolate together to end the night.
Shaynell:(smiles) I would like that.
We spend the rest of the night, eating chocolate in bed.
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