#S.W.A.T imagines
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“I’m not a violent person” you said.
 Street and Luca looked at each other in ‘are you kidding me look?’ Street started laughing while you looked at them with raised eyebrow and Luca trying to hide his smile.
“I’m sorry can you repeat that I swear I heard you say that you’re not a violent person” Street said while looking at you.
 “Yeah that’s what I said I’m not a violent person” you repeated.
 Luca started laughing louder now while Street looked at them a laughed to themselves in a quieter voice.
“Oh my god I swear they are trying to kill me” Luca said while holding his stomach.
You looked at them unamused “I’m not.”
Street looked at you dead in the eyes “I have a literal list to prove that you are a violent person.”
“bushh no you don’t” You said trying to walk ahead
 “Oh really?” said Street “Look at my nose” He walked faster than you then stood right in front of you.
 “You broke my nose because I opened a box that belonged to you” you rolled your eyes.
“Still not a violent person” you move around Street and kept walking.
“Oh I’m not done yet” Street followed thought while Luca was just watching the scene fold in front of his eyes.
“That time you punched me in the jaw. That other time you broke my arm oh and let’s not forget the time you pushed me down the stairs and broke my leg” Street was using his fingers to count you turned around and looked at him.
 “You knew what was coming”
Street stared at you “Oh yeah what about the time you stabbed me in the shoulder.”
You scoffed “I didn’t stab you”
Street’s eyes winded “Right I just happened to walk into the knife you were holding.”
“Yeah you did” You replied.
“and what about the time you threatened to break all Luca’s fingers because they wanted to move that stupid machine?” Street folded his arms over his chest.
“That was a warning”
 Street raised their eyebrow “what if I tell you that I will take that sword away from you?”
You got real close to Street’s face and said in a real quiet voice “Then I will break every bone in your body.”
Luca smiled “Said the nonviolent person” in a loud voice.
*gifs not mine*
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Mixed Preference - Babysitting with them
This Preference contains - Kelly Severide, Emmett Cullen, Jack Gibson, Lip Gallagher, Ian Gallagher, Angel Reyes, Jon Snow, Kai Parker, Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson, Miguel Galindo, Stefan Salvatore, Alejandro Vargas
Hey lovelies, my requests are open and my gudelines are pinne to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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Kelly Severide; ❀Kelly doesn't have a lot of experience with children. So at firt he's a little unsure and it takes him a little to warm up. ❀Kelly warms up and soon he's involved with children. He gets them engaged in an activity or he makes them a snack. ❀By the end Kelly wanders if the two of you should do it more often.
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Emmett Cullen; ❀Emmett loves it. He's a big kid himself. He's excited, he's been looknig forward to it. He's already asking if you can to do it. ❀Emmett gets involved in all of the activites. He doesn't care if he's being pulled in three or four different directions. ❀Emmett can't have childrn so babysitting is the closest he'll get. He's away with that, but he does take the opportunity when he can.
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Jack Gibson; ❀Jack likes to babysit. Although he doesn't do it often. He likes people to feel as if he's a reliable person to trust their children. ❀Jack likes to the children out. To the park or to the movies. He likes to give them a treat. ❀At the end, the children are buzzing about how much of good time they had.
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Lip Gallgher; ❀Lip has helped raise his brothers and sister. He knows ow to look after children for any period of time. ❀He's good at keeping the chilren under control. He's firm and fun. He also doesn't take any nonsense from anyone. ❀Lip's also gonnaget involved with the ids if they want him to. They want help with homework? He'll help. Want help builing some Lego's, he'll help.
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Ian Gallagher; ❀Ian's calm and reserved. He's good with children. However, you can guarentee something would happen. ❀Ian would get hurt, somehting would get burnt or there would be something. ❀However, for the most part it goes well. It's not his favourite thing to do, but he will do it if he needs to.
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Angel Reyes; ❀Doesn't get asked to babysit often if at all. People don't trust him with their children because he's unreliable. ❀It does change when they kno you're goinna be wth him. They're aware you won't let Angel get up to any mischief. ❀Angel follows your lead. He's relaxed if you are. Although he does bite back whenever a child gets smart with him. He can't help it, it's a natural response.
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Jon Snow; ❀Jon gets asked to babysit frequently. He's reliable and people can depend on him. He always makes sure the routine is kept. ❀Jon is firm but fair. He's more than happy to have a laugh and a joke, but he wants them to know he's in charge. ❀By the end of the night, Jon tells the parents, he's more than happy to babysit again. He likes babysitting even if it's a little stressful at times.
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Kai Parker; ❀Kai doesn't want to babysit. You have to drag him along. Kai would much rather be doing anything else. ❀The entire time he compains. He doesn't help because he's under protest. The children don't know what to think of him. ❀Eventually you have to persuade him by promising you'll make it up to him if he helps you out. Reluctantly he agrees.
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Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson; ❀Daniel loves to babysit. He'll do it whenever he's not busy at work. Gives him something else to focus on. Reminds him what he's fighting for. ❀Daniel makes sure the child has fun. He gets involved in any activity they want. You've seen Daniel play dress up several times. ❀When they've been put to bed, Daniel will sit on the couch with you talking about the future.
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Miguell Galindo; ❀Miguel is a little hesitant. He doesn't usually babysit. He questions why the can't hire a nanny. You roll your eyes at the statement. ❀Miguel keeps back as you take the reins the beginning. He's surpised by your natural ability Miguel wonders if you've done it before. ❀It takes Miguel the first hour to make himself comfotable. Soon he's helping out with whatever's needed.
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Stefan Salvatore; ❀Stefan's good with children. While's not eager to volunteer, he'd gladly do it with you. ❀Chilren gravitate towards Srefan because he radiates a protective and calm pressence. To the point they ask Stefan whenever they need something. ❀When bedtime arrives they ask Stefan to read them their bedtime story which he agrees to. One bedtime story turns into two.
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Alejandro Vargas; ❀Alejandro is the one who volunteers you both. He's always willing to help out his friends whenever they need him. ❀Alejandro likes to plan activitis. He likes to know every little significant details. When they need to eat, when they need to go to bed etc. ❀Alejdandro plays it cool, but he's secretly a nervous wreck. Being put in charge of children is a big responsiblity and he wouldn't want anything to go wrong.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
You: Donovan Rocker x Reader
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Donovan Rocker still looked as good as the day you left him. His hair fell in a wave across his forehead as he stood on your doorstep. His hands tucked into the pockets of his quilted jacket; his gaze locked on something across the street before he turned his full attention onto you.
“I thought we agreed not to see each other anymore.” You reminded him, your shoulder coming to rest against the doorframe.
Donovan’s gaze lowered to the ground, his boot nudging the potted plant back into alignment with the others.
“I had a close call today.” He said quietly. His Adam’s apple bobbed, swallowing hard past the emotion that rose through his chest and climbed up his throat. He hated feeling like this, so spun out, so reckless and out of control. His ribs were aching from the bullet that had impacted his vest and knocked him off his feet, already a bruise was blossoming against his skin. He’d stared at it in the mirror in the locker room, wincing as he traced his fingers over the pattern.
The events of the day span through his head, the air rushing out of his lungs as his back hit the concrete. He found himself staring at nothing but bright blue sky as agony seared through him. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, all he could think about was you.
The marks you left on his skin in vivid red lipstick as your mouth trailed over his thighs.
The sound of your whimpers in his ears as you straddled his lap, his hands holding your hips in place as he fucked you in the passenger seat of the car.
The expression on your face when he told you he loved you, despite the fact he was five years into a marriage he wished he hadn’t committed to.
“Donovan…” You began.
He shook his head, a grim smile on his face before he looked at you. You could see the depth of his feelings in those piercing blue eyes of his, the yearning, the want…
“I love you.” He said helplessly. “I’ve tried to stop, I’ve tried to ignore it, but I can’t. I love you. Today just reaffirmed that.”
“Don, this is the same mess we were in six months ago, you can’t just turn up and expect me to fall back into bed with you, it’s not fair.” You told him. “I love you too, but the situation is still the same….”
“No, it’s not.” He told you, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders. His thumb skirted over your collarbone, smoothing over the scar he knew was etched into your flesh. It made something come alive inside of you, all of your synapses firing at once as he stared into your eyes earnestly. “I’ve told Val I want a divorce. I want you and only you.”
Fan of Rocker? Don't miss a single one of his stories by adding yourself to his taglist!
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burningflamescurse · 2 years
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S.W.A.T. Team x Ex–Military!Fem!OC
Description: a Few Years Back Alisha Montgomery was a Part Of the Marines, before a Severe Injury To her Side Got her Honorably Discharged, She Landed a Job at Swat, Now A Couple Years Forward and She Finds Herself a Powerful Woman.
Chapter One: “Drop it, Now.”
The Mission was Clear, Get the Hostages Out Safe and Sound, Take Out the Two Shooters In the Building, What the Team Didn’t Know Was that their was one More Shooter, a Female.
The Team Was Ordered by Hondo To Sneak into the Building, That was Exactly what Alisha Did Before She ran into Hostiles With a Hunter’s Knife Swinging it at Alisha Wildly.
She Quickly Twisted the Man’s Wrist as He Screamed In Pain, Still Clenching the Knife Tightly in his Hand, “Drop it, Now.” She Said, Pointing her handgun at the So called Guard.
“Or I’ll Shoot.” Alisha Said, The Man Finally Dropped the Blade, Alisha Gave a Smile Before Replying, “Thank you for you’re Cooperation.”
Before She Roughly Started to HandCuff his Hands Behind his back, “Now Stay Still!” She Hissed In his ear.
One of the Men was Handled So She Moved On Through the building, holding her Rifle up aiming at anything that Jumped, She Moved around a Corner Swiftly to Find Another Man With a Knife trying to Best her when she Obviously had a Gun In her Hands.
She Raised an Eyebrow, “Really?” She asked, before Looking over Towards the Kitchen Supplies, Dropping her Gun to hang at her Side She Grabbed a Frying Pan. Alisha Then Swung it at his hand Hitting it Causing the Man To Drop the Knife.
He Looked up Lost Before She used The Pan To Knock the Suspect out before Ultimately HandCuffing him, “Eveything Clear Alisha?” Hondo Asked Through her Comms.
“Yes Hondo, Both Suspects Have Been Subdued, all Clear.” She Said, She Leaned Back on her Knees, Allowing herself To Breathe.
And She was Soon Seen walking Out With the Two Suspects handcuffed, one had a Pretty Good Sized Red Mark on his Face Where She Hit Him with the frying Pan.
Alisha Handed them off to Other Officers Who Weren’t apart of Swat, Before Going Off with Her Team, “Easy To Take Down?” Hondo Asked Her With an Amused Smile.
“Quite Easily, Can you Believe they Both Tried to attack me With a Knife When I had a Gun?” She Huffed Out, Street Snorted at that.
“Yeah Pretty Unbelievable What Suspects Will do To get away.” Deacon Said as Well, Then Hicks Came Up to Them.
“Great Job Subduing them, Especially you Montgomery.” Hicks’ Said, Alisha Nodded Crossing her arms Over Her Chest.
“Thank you Sir, I was just Doing my Job.” She said, Hicks Nodded Before Leaving, Soon the Team Began Walking back over to the Black Betty.
Alisha Leaned against it Next to Chris, This Particular Mission often Reminded her Of When She was in the Military, With her K–9 Partner, Silo.
She Loved Military Life, It Taught her A Lot about being a Team Player and Listening to your Team Leader, But Ever Since that Shrapnel Injury to her Side, They Knew She Couldn’t Continue in The Army so she Was Requested for Swat by Hicks’ himself.
And Hicks, Well, He Became Like a Father to her, Taking her into Swat after That Injury was Obvious that Some Days She Couldn’t perform in Perfect Performance, Due to the Chronic Pain She had every Once in a While.
“Thinking about Military Life?” Chris Asked From Besides Her, “You Always Know When I am Chris.” Alisha Replied Smiling Softly at her Best friend.
“Did You Ever Get to Take Silo Home With you?” Chris asked, Alisha Nodded her Head, “Yeah, Once He was labeled as Retired my Old Commander Thought it was Best He Went home With me, The Handler Silo bonded with the Most.” Alisha Replied.
She saw Her Phone Ringing in her Hand and Held it Up to Show Chris, “Let me take this Real Quick.” She said, Chris Nodded Walking off to Talk with the Boys.
She Answered the Call, “Montgomery Speaking.” She Said Into the Phone walking Away.
“Hey Sister! Long time no see, Yeah?” Her Sister’s Voice Came onto the Phone’s Speakers, The One She Hadn’t Talked to Since She had Gotten So Upset and Angry that Alisha wanted to go into the Army.
“What do you want, Melissa?” Alisha Asked, Pretty Certain the only Times She Called anyone in the Family it was only for money or to get Out of a tight Spot.
“Oh Please, you Think i’m only Calling you for Money?” Melissa Replied into the Phone, Alisha Shook her Head, “Well That’s what Mom Told me The Other Day.” Alisha Said.
Of Course She Would Lie about It, She Always Did, She Never Told the Truth Even With Their Mom and Dad.
“So What? You Can’t Help Your Own Sister Out?” Melissa Asked, Her Voice Cracking With a Bit Of Anger, Alisha Sighed Over the Phone.
“Listen, I’m a Swat Officer, I Can’t be Giving you all of my Money, I need to Save some For Myself.” Alisha Calmly Explained to Melissa Over the Phone.
She Could Clearly hear her Scoff Over the Phone Speakers, “So What? I need Help.” Melissa Said, Of Course She Didn’t Understand, Alisha Brushed her Red Hair Out of her Face Before Becoming Stoic and Having a Firm Tone With her Screw up of a Sister.
“Look i’m Sorry But I Can’t, Bye.” Alisha Said Ending the Call before Melissa Could Say another Word before Walking back Over To her team.
“So Your Sister Didn’t Come Through, Huh?” A Man Asked Melissa, The Woman Shook her Head, “Of Course She Wouldn’t, She’s More Concerned about her Job as a Swat Officer for the LAPD.” Melissa Said, “Besides Cory, She Knows My Tricks.” She Added.
Cory’s Jaw Grew right Before He Responded, “Then, We’ll have to Hurt Some People to get What we want, and We Know Swat Hates When Innocent People Are hurt Because Of them.” Cory Said, Melissa Looked Up Waiting for Cory to Add on to What he was Saying, Because she always Knew there was More.
“And then We Hurt Her.” Cory Said, Melissa Smiled To herself Agreeing Quietly, She never Really Cared about her Family let Alone The One who left her Alone With their Strict family to join the Freaking army.
Melissa Felt Betrayed and Hurt. So She was going to Hurt Alisha Right Back.
After Getting off of the Clock From Work Alisha Decided to Go to her Parent’s House, It was Where She Still Lived Currently, Upon her Mom and Dad’s Insistence.
Alisha Used the Key She was Given to Unlock The Door and Go Inside Of the House as Her Younger Sister, in her Junior Year of Highschool, Turned On the Couch and Noticed She was Home.
“Alisha! Your Home!” She Squealed Jumping Up to Hug her Tightly, Alisha Returned the Action, “Nice to See you Again too, Mia.” Alisha Said.
Mia Let go as their Mom and Dad Came into the Living room Near the Front Door, “Oh my Dear, How was your Shift?” She Asked Giving her Eldest Daughter a Tight Hug.
“Eh, it was Fine Mom.” Alisha Replied Before also Giving her Dad a Hug, “Arrested Four Members from the Gang the Team has Been Hunting For.” She Said.
Her Dad Nodded Approvingly, “Atta Girl.” He Praised, as they all moved to the Kitchen Slash Dining Room.
“So For Dinner I was thinking Takeout?” Her Mom Prompted, “Chinese Would Be Awesome Mom.” Alisha Agreed, Mia Also Said yes.
“So Mom, Dad, has Melissa Tried Calling you for Extra Money or cash?” She asked, her Mom who had Pulled Out her Phone to Start Ordering it From an App Looked up before Answering.
“Yes, Four times today, Pleading and Begging for Money.” Her Mom Said, Alisha Sighed to herself, “She called me Five times.” Her Dad Mentioned.
Alisha Turned to Mia Raising an Eyebrow as a Silent Question, “Mia? Has Melissa Called you at all Today?” She Asked.
Mia Sighed, “Seven Times.” She Groaned, So Her Sister was Getting Desperate but Definitely Not for Herself, Maybe for Someone Else.
“Hey Mom, after Dinner I’m Gonna Head Over to my Old Place, You know the One Melissa Tried to Burn down before you sent her to Boarding School?” Alisha Said, after Placing the Orders Her Mom turned Raising an Eyebrow.
“I Just wanna Check something there Mom.” Alisha Said, Her Mom Chuckled, “I will Never Get used to you and Your Detective Mind Dear.” She Said Before Placing a Loving kiss On Alisha’s Head, “It’s fine, But Be Safe.” Her Mom added.
Mia Tugged On Alisha’s Swat Uniform Jacket, before Pulling her upstairs into Alisha’s Old Room, Alisha Was Confused Until Mia Shut the Door Closed.
“Alisha, What do I do if Someone is Threatening Me?” Mia Asked, Tugging the Sleeves of her Red Hoodie Down her arms before Looking into Alisha’s Eyes.
“Well First you Should Tell Mom and Dad If your Comfortable With it or Tell me Since I am a Police Officer working for Swat.” Alisha Said Before Moving onto the More Important Thing.
“is Someone Threatening you? More Importantly who is Threatening you Mia.” Alisha Asked Kneeling and Placing her Hands On Mia’s Shoulders.
“I Don’t Know Who he is, But He Keeps Sending me Letters in the Mail, he says His Name is Cory and that all of us including me are Gonna Pay for What we Did.” Mia Said Digging through the Drawer of Mail, In the Old one Where Alisha used to keep all her Stuff.
“Cory Huh?” Alisha Hummed to Herself, Something was going on with her Screw Up of a Sister and her Younger Sister was Receiving Weird Letters Threatening the Entire Family? On the Same Day, Something was Very Wrong.
“Listen When I go to my Old House after Dinner I’ll see if Melissa has Something to do With this Cory Person.” Alisha Promised Before their Mom Called them Down To Dinner.
Once Alisha Arrived at her Old House She Stayed in the Car For a Few Moments, Gripping the Steering Wheel Tightly, before Opening the Drivers Side Door and Stepping Out.
The Sides of the Building still Showed Rust from Where Melissa Tried to set the Entire House On fire When Alisha was Housing her Mom and Dad Along With Mia When their own House had Gotten Destroyed by a Pretty Bad Storm.
Alisha Opened the Door, Flashing a Flashlight into the Dark House, She Quickly Moved Over to Where She Thought Melissa Would Hide Anything From any Kind Of Police Official.
She Found A Entire Newspaper about Cory Makarov, a Russian Man Who Was the Leader Of the Exact Gang The D–Team was Searching for.
A Man’s Voice Startled Her, “So I see you found Out my Secret, Alisha.” She Turned Around quick enough to See it was Cory but not Quick Enough to Avoid Getting Shot In the Gut.
Alisha Let Out a Garbled Gasp as She Lowered her Hand down to her Lower Stomach to Feel Blood Flowing out of the Wound.
She Could See Melissa Standing Behind Cory With the Gun Aimed at Alisha’s Lower Stomach Region, Alisha Squinted her Hazel Eyes in Disbelief.
“Melissa, No...” She Mumbled Before falling to her Knees in a Severe amount Of Pain, She Felt The Blood Leaking Through her Fingers.
Luckily Alisha Hit the 911 Button on her Phone to Signal an Alarm to Swat, Specifically the D–Team that she was in trouble and in Distress.
“Come On Melissa, We Need to Set the Entire House on fire to Burn her Body so the Cops Don’t Catch us.” Cory Said, Taking Melissa by The Wrist Leading her to Where the Kitchen was.
Alisha Could only Hope her Team Would Reach her In time.
“Sorry to Call you in Like this, But It’s Urgent.” Cortez Said to the D–Team as they Finally Arrived.
“What is it Captain?” Deacon Asked, Cortez Sighed Before Holding up her Phone Showing the Officer in Distress Signal that Alisha Had Triggered.
“Alisha is in Trouble.” Cortez Said Watching as a Flurry of Emotions Passed Through Each Member Of the Team one by one.
“Well, Let’s Go.” Hondo Said.
Alisha Could Barely Hear the Sirens Going Off nearby, She had Lost So Much Blood, She Now Laid on her Side as She Breathed Shallowly.
She Heard Cory and Melissa In the Kitchen arguing about burning the House Down, “Come on Melissa, We have to Do it! Listen the Cops are almost here, Unless you wanna Get Arrested, we have to Burn the Body.” Cory Shouted at her.
Alisha Tried to Crawl Away from the Kitchen, blood Smearing and Trailing her Path from Behind her, her Gut was Pulsing with Pain.
But Soon It seemed as Swat Busted the Door in Before anyone Could Burn Anything, “Metro Swat!” Hondo Called Pointing his Gun at Both Cory and Melissa, “Drop the Lighter!” Hondo Commanded Cory.
The Others Of the Team Except For Luca And Tan Who Stayed With Hondo Pointing Their Guns at Melissa and Cory.
Street Turned Alisha Slowly Onto her back, Wincing as they all Saw the Wound, “She’s Been Shot in the Gut.” Street Murmured Out.
“Probably Been Bleeding for A While.” Deacon Finished For Him, it Looked Like Alisha Had Tried to use The Flannel She was Wearing to Tie it around the Wound To Staunch The Bleeding.
“Ambo is On it’s Way.” Chris Said, The Other Two Nodded, “We Just Have to Keep her Awake, For now.” Deacon Said.
“Don’t Worry Guys, I’m not Dead Yet.” Alisha Weakly Said From on the Floor, Both Melissa and Cory Were in Handcuffs Now in the Custody of the LAPD.
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distinguisheddingus · 6 months
I need more Street fics
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Through The Heart |5| S.W.A.T.
part 4
word count 1955
Part 5:  Not Fine
“Who are you talking to?’ Annie asked as she came up to the couch where her sister-in-law was sitting texting with one hand and the other being held by Samuel. Josie glanced up and smiled at her before glancing back at her phone. “Is it a guy?”  She was fully prepared to have to play 20 questions with her sister-in-law.
 Just like she always did. Josie was notorious for keeping almost everything private including a relationship if she ever got into one. 
“Do we know him?”
The youngest Kay sibling sucked her bottom lip between her teeth not answering. She was not quite sure if she was ready to let Annie know that she and Luca were talking a lot more and he asked her on a date. 
 And if she came clean with Annie, the first thing Annie would do was go to Deacon and it would cause another blowout fight like they had when she had her first date in high school,  and she got caught sneaking back into the house after her curfew. 
“Josie!” Annie exclaimed after she hadn’t answered. 
“I promise I will tell you everything once I see if it works out or not,” Josie answered as she slid her phone into her hoodie pocket. Annie smoothed her hand over her sister-in-law’s head. 
“I hope it does work out.”  
“Me too Annie, me too.”
“Who's the girl Luca?” Chris asked, having peered over her teammate’s shoulder and seeing a text message flash on his phone.
 “Who says I am talking to a girl?” He retorted that he hated to lie to his team, but he understood Josie's need to keep everything private for now. 
They both didn’t want to have Deacon having another blowout at Josie. Luca could count on one hand how many times he had seen Deacon Kay get mad and a majority of them had been at Josie. 
 So now keeping on the down-low was the best thing to do.
2 Weeks Later
“Sir, Commander Hicks isn’t back yet,” Josie said as she stood up from her desk, Commissioner Russell had shown up again and was raising a fuss that things were taking so long. 
Especially with finding out who was the person that had been stalking his daughter and if it was the same person who broke into not only Rebecca’s apartment but Josie’s. 
“Miss Kay, do you understand my need to have this case solved? For my daughter’s safety?”
 Josie licked her lips and put her hands on the desk, “Commissioner, I understand.” 
The rest of her comment was cut off by Rebecca, “But by acting this Dad, you are making yourself look bad. Josie is just a messenger no more no less. And if she says that we have to wait for Commander Hicks, I am sure she was going to ask us if you didn’t cut her off.”
 “Sorry Miss Kay.’ 
“Josie is fine sir.’ Josie said, forcing a smile, “If you go into the office, I will let the commander know you are here once he arrives.’  
Rebecca offered her a smile before trying to lead her father into the office and give her friend a chance to work. “What about you Josie? Couldn’t you go undercover with Rebecca?”
 “Sir, you asked that last time. And Commander Hicks and Captain Cortez explained to you that I am just a civilian and I am not trained with being a S.W.A.T officer.’ Josie answered. “Dad, drop it. Everything is going to be fine.” Rebecca said as she stepped into the office.  
There was a sudden gleam in the Commissioner’s eyes that made Josie feel uncomfortable, “Well then I will just have to use my rights as commissioner to get this taken care of.” 
He gave Josie a smile that sent shivers down her spine before he stepped into the office and shut the door.
 “Oh, Hicks isn’t going to like this at all.’  Josie muttered to herself before she settled herself in her office chair again. She knew she wanted to help Rebecca but she wasn’t so sure that going this route was the best way to handle it. The easiest thing is that she could be her friend. 
 Her phone beeped on the desk shaking her out of her thoughts. The teams were back in the motor pool and her presence was being requested. Sighing, Josie locked her computer and went towards the stairs. 
Today was already going to be a long day, she could already feel it. 
“Commander. You wanted to see me?” Josie asked once she was standing next to Hicks, her eyes going first to her brother and then to Luca. “Yes,” Hicks answered, turning to look at her. “Has the Commissioner called yet this morning?’ “Yes sir, he actually showed up about 45 minutes ago.” 
She had everyone’s attention now.
“And now he was pushing for me to go “undercover” with Rebecca, he brought it up again.” 
“What did you tell him?’ Deacon asked as he moved to stand by his sister. 
“No. That is what Commander Hicks and Cortez said last time and still stands. I am still a civilian.” Josie shrugged her shoulders, “He did say that he was going to use his “powers” as Commissioner to make it happen.” 
              “Josie, stay here with them.” Hicks ordered his anger barely contained, “Deacon, Buck, Hondo, with me.’ 
“We will handle this Jo, I promise.’ Deacon commented as he followed Buck and Hicks up the stairs
Josie nodded her head and folded her arms across her stomach and hugged herself tightly. “Hey Josie, if anyone can talk the Commissioner out of anything it will be Deacon and Buck,” Luca said as he made his way over to her and put his arm around her shoulders. 
Chris and Tan exchanged a look. There was no way that this was just Luca’s friendly way, there was something more to it. And there was definitely something in the way that Josie leaned against him for comfort and protection.
 “Let’s just hope that Buck and Deacon can work some cop magic.”
“Josie, can you and Luca come up here please?’ Jessica Cortez called down from the landing where she and Hicks’s offices were at. ‘That doesn’t sound good.’ Josie muttered she had picked up on the good and bad news characteristics of her bosses in the few short months she had been there and Captain Cortez definitely had the bad news stance about her. 
“I am sure everything is going to be okay Jo,” Chris assured her as the two headed up the stairs.
 Josie nodded her head and took a deep breath, her heart was in the pit of her stomach, she knew that her brother, Hondo, and Buck were good but there was no way they were going to talk Police Commissioner Russell out of sending her undercover. Especially with how often he had been in the office or on the phone with either her or Hicks. 
 “It will be okay Jo,” Luca muttered as he ran his hand along her lower back trying not only to comfort her but also himself.
 “I don’t think it will be Dom, but thanks for trying.” She returned as they stepped into the office, her brother was standing by Hicks’ desk with his arms folded and his jaw clenched in anger, much like when he found out that their father had hit her and she defended him. 
 Buck and Hondo were by the window torn between anger and worry, anger for Deacon and worry for Josie. 
A civilian that was just trying to change her routine up and help them out. And Hicks looked furious. More furious than any of them had ever seen him. 
 'I have to go under, don't I?’ she asked as Luca put his hand back on her lower back.
 “Yes.” Russell answered, “You are the best choice, Miss. Kay.”  
“Sir, you do understand that I am a civilian right? I have never had any sort of training.” She was panicked and terrified, not even Luca’s calming presence next to her helped. 
“I understand that but my daughter needs help and you are the best one to do.” The Commissioner said, ‘Especially since Hicks won’t let one of his officers go.’ 
 “With good reason,” Luca muttered just loud enough for Josie to hear. 
“Commissioner, if you go wait in my office with your daughter, we will come to you with a plan here shortly.’ Cortez spoke up wanting to defuse the situation before it got too bad. 
“Come on Dad, let’s let them talk.’ Rebecca said before she pulled her father out of the office and across the hallway to Cortez’s office.
** “All I wanted to do was be her friend, she needed a friend and now I have to put my life on the line?” Josie asked once the door was shut, ‘for just trying to be a friend? What the hell?’ 
 “You aren’t going to be doing this alone.” Cortez started as Deacon moved from the side of the desk to his sister’s side.
 “We are going to have the team shadowing you and Chris is going to be floating around so you aren’t fully alone.’
 “And if having me with her causes this psycho to grab us?” 
“Then we will be right there to help you out Jos.’ Buck commented, “You are family and we aren’t going to let anyone harm our family.”  
“Okay.” Josie agreed after a few minutes, “If it will give the commissioner peace of mind and if it will stop him from harassing the office every day then I will do it. That way at least you can get some actual work done.”  “You are a good kid, Josie,” Hicks said, his anger lowering. She nodded her head and dropped her eyes.  It didn’t feel like she was a good kid at this point, her being that got her into this position. “Josie we are going to do everything to make sure this doesn’t go sideways.” Deacon promised as he pulled her into a hug, “Have I ever steered you wrong before?”  “No.” “And I won’t now.” 
“We are going to have Josie move in with Rebecca.” Cortez started, “And we are going to send Officer Alonso with her to help them get the apartment wired for surveillance.” 
“So now that I am making Miss Kay help my daughter, you can free an officer? That's beautiful.” Commissioner Russell sarcastically said with a shrug of his shoulders. “We are only allowing the officer to help her to get things set up. That’s it. After that Josie will be on her own with Rebecca.” The Capitan said folding her arms, “And that’s how it will be until she gives the call word for help.’ 
“What do you mean she has a new roommate?” Henry Rogers shouted several hours later, “She was living alone!” 
“I know that dear.” Samantha Nicholas commented holding her hands up in the air, ‘That’s just what I saw when I walked past the apartment, it’s that dark-haired chick and she had  a couple of friends with her.’ 
“Jesus,” Henry muttered as he ran his hand through his hair. “What should we do?” She questioned as she leaned against the wall folding her arms.
 “That I will work on, right now I need you to get information on this new girl and see exactly how she knows Rebecca.” Samantha nodded her head, she had seen the dark haired girl on campus a few times before usually in business casual clothes and with Rebecca. And it was only for less than an hour. It shouldn’t be too hard to do. 
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str6ngled · 1 year
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erenjaegerwifee · 16 days
Your Excuse To See Me
Request by: @twilightlover2007
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x Fem!Reader
Summary: Deacon's case takes him to your bookshop.
Warnings: none, fluff,
Word Count: 2.4k
Disclaimer: all my characters are aged-up! If this makes you uncomfortable please do not interact with my account or any of my notes.
Main M.List | Deacon M.List
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“Hey deac” Luca spoke up as Deacon entered the locker rooms. “Morning guys” he replied greeting the rest of the team. “Tan was just telling us about how Bonnie is jealous” Chris spoke up while they all got ready for their shift. “Bonnie is not jealous; I’m telling you guys she isn’t like that” Tan tries to defend. “What happened that everyone things she jealous?” Deacon asked.  
“Last night we went on a date and when we were walking to our apartment in the hallway this girl was getting harassed by this idiot and I helped her out. After he left, she told us she just moved in and it happen to come up she also spoke Cantonese. I happen to mention it was so rare to find another person who speaks it by coincidence and after that Bonnie’s mood has been off. She won’t talk, she’s basically doing everything she can to avoid making eye contact with me.”  
Deacon hisses feigning pain when he hears the story, “hate to break it to you man but that’s jealousy. I can’t believe you can’t wrap your head around this, she is jealous because that woman who speaks your language probably shares your religion and values growing up in a Chinese American home is now living next door to you. She feels less than now that she has someone to compare herself to.”  
Tan took a second to process his words before he finally understands how it all went wrong, he never even thought Bonnie would think like that. “How are you still single? You should have girls falling at your feet” Tan jokes.  
“Jokes on you bro, he does” Street says making everyone laugh as they walk out of the locker room to meet Hondo. Before much words can be exchanged, Hicks walks in with a case assigned to the team. “20-David, we’ve been handed over a case, apparently the financial crimes and the narcotics division can’t solve it and they want us to wrap up this up. Also, we have intel the man doing the money laundering are armed and dangerous.” 
Hicks goes on to explain the details of the case to the team, saying a man who supposedly goes by the name Authur Lopez has been moving money around through other people’s business. He also may be using them as a stash house. The problem is no one can seem to figure out which business he is using to clean his money. “They know he’s dealing but they can’t prove it, we need to find the proof to bring this guy in” 
“We may have a lead though, detective Chase that was previous the lead on this case said he found Auther has an old high school girlfriend who recently moved to town, we aren’t sure if they have had any contact but it’s worth checking out, she might know somewhere he might hide” Hicks finishes up letting the team take the case. Street and Tan both start researching your home and workplace addresses and they found something. 
“She owned a bookshop, just opened a couple months ago, around the same time we caught wind of Authur and around the time she moved into town, her business could be the one she’s using, she sells books, it can be a good cover if her business gets traffic, and judging by the location I think she’d be doing well.” Street says as he pulls up the location of your shop on the screen for the team to see.  
“I found her home address, it’s an apartment complex about 3 blocked from the shop.” Chris says and pulls the location for them to see. “Okay Street, Tan with me we’ll check out her apartment. Luca, Chris and Deacon you can check out her shop she might be there, she what she knows if she’s willing to talk.” Honda hands out their assignments and everyone jumps in a car their destination.   
When Deacon, Chris and Luca arrive at the bookshop they walk in and don’t immediately see anyone around. They walk a little deeper into the shop and you step out from one of the isles the shop isn’t so big that someone can hide, unless they are in the back room. “Hi there, is there something I can help you with?” you say in a sweet voice.  
At the sound of your voice Deacon whips his head, he stutters a bit when he sees you for the first time. Your hair fell curly down your back, you wore jeans that fit your hips but flared down over your ankles with cute brown sandals, you wore a gorgeous floral top that complimented your skin tone so perfectly. “Hi, Ms. Y/n? I’m Sergeant Kay, this is officers Alonso and Luca, we are here to ask you a few questions.”  
You look up at the handsome sergeant standing in front of you and your brain almost lags. “Sure, happy to help” you smile at him clasping your hands together. You gesture to the chairs and small sofas scattered around the room for them to sit and you do the same. “Ms. Y/n, we believe a man you know has been involved in some illegal activity and we wanted to know if you had any information you could share” the girl who’s name you learned was Chris spoke up. 
“Who?’ you asked her, “The name Auther Lopez ring a bell?” Luca asked you. Authur Lopez, you were never able to look at men the same after him, he was your high school sweetheart. You were going to marry him. That was until you found out he was dealing in high school and left him. “A couple months ago he found my shop, said he was keeping tabs on me and asked if I would consider giving him a job. Auther and I dated in high school, I broke up with him when I found out he was dealing, not only that but he was on them. I’m not sure what I never asked. When I hired him, he promised he was clean and so I agreed. Actually, his shift is meant to start in about 10 minutes, he has to come here.” 
“What is he involved in?” You asked them directly your question to no one in particular. “We believe he dealing again, or maybe he never stopped who knows. We need to bring him in a find the location of his stash house before he can distribute his product.” Luca spoke to you.  
“You’re welcome to wait here until he shows then, I had no idea he was still dealing” Luca made a call to someone while Chris asked to look around the shop and you agreed. Deacon didn’t move though, he sat right there in front of you the whole time. “Are you back together?” his voice was quite as he spoke but you heard him, “No, I’m not interested in starting things back up with him, he has done nothing but disappoint me, I only gave him the job because he said he needed it and he was getting clean.” you matched him tone while you looked at him. 
He was so pretty you could barely take your eyes off him, if you weren’t looking at his chest printing out in the tight SWAT t-shirt you were looking at his chocolate brown eyes, if not that, the you have never seen a man look so good with a beard and that usually wasn’t something you’d go for, the hints of grey just did something to your brain.  
Deacon wasn’t any different, he was too busy staring at you to realize you were staring back, he admired the way your curls look so full but not frizzy at the same time, the way he so easily got lost in your beautiful eyes, and let’s not talk about your figure, he has never seen anyone look so beautiful before.  
“So, Sergeant Kay-” 
“Deacon, call me Deacon” 
“Deacon, you’re a SWAT sergeant what is that like?” you smile when you ask him. He was confused for a quick second how did you know he was in SWAT? Until he remembered he was working, he was dressed in uniform. “It’s good, I like it, it’s dangerous and it’s a lot of work but it pays off in the end. So, books?” he returned the question.  
“Yea, I've always been a reader” you giggle as you continue, “It’s very calming to read, takes my mind off things when I’m stressed, a way to pretend you’re someone else.” 
“How could you want to be someone else?” his tone was breathy, it had a hint of a chuckle in it, it made you blush. It was so easy to get caught up in him you forgot all about what he was here for. Luca walked back into the shop; the noise of the chimes pulled you back to reality. He was met with the sight of you and deacon staring at each other with flirtatious smiles and cleared his throat to get your attention. 
“The others arrested Authur on his way here, they have him in custody. Hondo said meet back at HQ” Chris moves out with Luca and Deacon was about to follow them, “Wait!” you stopped him resting you hand on his arm to stop him from walking. You ran into one of the isles and grabbed a book off the shelf, “Here, an excuse for you to come back that isn’t work related. Now you can go” you smiled at him sweetly and he chuckled at your sweet gesture. “I’ll take you up on that.”  
Deacon walked out the bookshop with a wide grin in his face and he sees Chris and Luca waiting for him with matching grins, seems Luca had filled Chris in and they both clocked the book he didn’t walk in there with. “Ouu someone’s got a crush” Chris said in a sing song tone.  
A few days later the case was wrapped up and Deacon was sitting on a comfortable chair in the SWAT main room with his legs propped up as he read the book you gave him. He isn’t you paid attention to the book you handed in when you grabbed it but it was an interesting book.  
He has been teased non-stop by the team since they all heard about what happened, no one can see him sitting with that book in his hand without saying something about you. They even went as far as to make a bookmark with your face on it and stick it in his book so every time he opened it, he would see you. It was entertaining the say the least but now that the book was in his hand and finished, he felt nervous to see you again, this time he had no motive to hide behind other than he just wanted to see your pretty face again. 
“Hey Deac, we’re gonna hit up Luca’s food truck, do you wanna come with?” Chris asked Deacon as she packed up her things at the end of the shift. “I’d love to but, I have to swing by the bookshop and return this book y/n gave me” He waited patiently for the teasing and right on cue, “You going ask her out?” Chris was grinning like a school girl.  
“I want to, I will, I’m gonna...maybe”  
“Sergeant Kay is nervous? There is a first for everything. But seriously all jokes aside, I saw the way you looked at each other. She will say yes, no need to doubt yourself” Chris smiled at him and punched his shoulder as they walk out of the locker room.  
Deacon rushed to his car saying a quick goodbye to the team and driving to the bookshop before you closed. He opened the door and say you writing something sitting on a high chair behind the desk. “Hey” he said with a small smile.  
You look up from your book and smiled when you saw him, “You came back” you said matching his smile as it grew larger, “I guess my excuse to come see you worked, great book by the way, never thought I’d be into enemies to lovers but apparently I am” he chuckled and put the book down on the desk. 
“I’m glad you liked it; I wasn’t sure you were the type” you giggled. There was a moment of silence between you. A moment where you just stared at each other, admiring. “I have to close up the shop now, it was really nice of you to come back Deacon, it was nice to see you” Deacon smiled at your words knowing exactly how you feel.  
“It was nice to see you too.... hey do you want to join me for some dinner? I know a great food truck not far from here, we could swing by and get something” you wanted to burst with happiness, you didn’t think he had it in him to ask you out but he did.  
“Of course I’ll go with you, let me just grab my purse and lock up” you smiled you sweet smile at him and you giddily ran to the back room to get your stuff, hearing him laugh at your antics.  
When he opened the car door for you at the food truck you smiled and took a big inhale. He watched you fall in love with the smell of the food and you walked right up to the menu, “I don’t know what to get” you said to him, “Order for me”  
Deacon was about to speak when he heard his name being called out, his team was still here. He turned his head in sync with yours and watched a bunch of people walk up to you both. You instinctively stepped closer to Deacon but you quickly recognized Chris and Luca from earlier in the week.  
“I see you asked her out” Chris said. 
“I can’t believe it took him so long” another boy said who introduced himself as Jim Street 
“Oh, give him a break, it’s been a week” their team leader spoke up, Hondo. Their comments made you blush and you hid your face with your hands giggling. Deacon put his arm around your shoulder to shield you from the teasing while they laughed at the situation wholeheartedly. You're so happy Sergeant Kay came to your bookshop.  
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🔹I hope you all enjoyed reading! I’d love for anyone to Reblog my work, Like and Comment so it can be shared! I’ve been wanting to write for Deacon for a while and I’m finally starting!
🔹On another note. Deacon is hot as fuck. And I want to write him in a nsfw kind of way. Eventually not atm I’d like some feedback on how you would feel after reading my work.
@twilightlover2007 @fluentmoviequoter @just-a-girl-who-wrytes @spnshortcake
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gemstone-roses · 1 year
I'll help you forget
David 'deacon' Kay x reader
Summary: reader has had a bad day, all reader wants is deacon.
Alright I'm sorry its a little sad at the beginning but it's worth it I promise.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, minors be fucking gone from this place! Smut, teasing, praise kink, comfort sex. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it ffs)
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"hondo told me you had a rough shift". Deacon shuts his locker gently, walking over to you, he places his arm around your waist, a friendly gesture he's done many times before.
You flinch slightly, you've had such a terrible, awful day even being touched in a comforting way fills you with rage.
"Yeah, um, I'll see you at home deac" you send him a pathetic attempt at a smile that does not reach your eyes, before shifting out of his embrace.
You shared a house with Luca, and since deacon got divorced, him too.
Having him around was like an extra boost of happiness, he was so kind, and also happened to be extremely pleasing to look at.
Deacon frowned slightly, he'd never seen you be affected by a shift this bad before, all he wanted to do was take away your sad, take away whatever pain you were in.
Getting back home, you decide to get straight in the shower, as soon as the water hits your aching muscles, you let the tears you've been holding back flow.
You don't hear the front door shut due to the noise of the shower.
Thinking no ones home yet, you exit the shower in a shirt you pinched from luca one day.
"You've been crying" a deep voice says
"Jesus deac!" He startled you, and your nerves are already frayed.
Deacon walks over to where you stood, concern etched in his features.
"I didn't mean to startle you" he says softly, reaching out to touch your elbow.
"It's alright" you whisper
"You gonna tell me what's wrong honey?" He brings his hand up to your shoulder, squeezing it slightly.
"M fine" you sigh, closing your eyes and turning your face away from him, you cannot do this right now!
"look at me sweetheart" he grasps your chin so gently, wrapping his other arm around your waist,he doesn't let go as he stares into you, you can see how much he cares for you.
The sadness in your eyes staring back at him breaks his heart a little.
A tear runs down your face, you tried to hold it back but the way he's holding you right now pushes you over the edge.
He swipes it away with his thumb, he pulls you in closer to him.
"Deac" its barely audible, but he hears it, the crack in your voice.
Deacon leans into you, catching your lips in the softest kiss.
He pulls away far too early, his brows furrow as he studies your face, a silent question, checking your okay with this.
You respond by initiating this kiss this time, wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him into you, deacon presses his lips harder into yours, causing you to let out a moan. You feel deacon smirk as he's kissing you. He runs his hand down your spine slowly, the action sends heat straight to your core.
Deacon breaks the kiss again, leaning his forehead on yours
"I have wanted to do that for a very long time" he breathes, keeping his hands on your hips.
"I have wanted you to do that for a very long time" you smile back at him.
"You still feeling sad honey?" His deep voice comforts you, as well as making your pussy throb.
He takes your silence as a yes.
You worry your lip with your teeth
"Hey, it's okay" he assures you.
"Maybe if you kiss me again I'll feel better" you mumble.
"You want me to make you feel better sweetheart?" He's slightly breathless, eyes slightly hooded, pupils blown wide.
"Yeah" you whine.
Deacon takes your hand as he leads you to his room.
Pulling you into his room and over to the bed, he kisses you once more before pushing slightly for you to lie down. He places his hands on your thighs as you hit the mattress, meaning your legs dangle over the side of the bed.
Deacon positions himself in between your legs, moving his hands to slowly rub the inside of your thighs, he sees your breath hitch.
"Relax honey" he says before inching his hands closer to your core.
He swipes his thumb across your clothed core, making you whimper.
"Your soaking" he moans before crouching down and placing a feather light kiss to your pussy.
He hooks his fingers in the band of your underwear, and stops.
"Deac please" you cry.
"I need you to say it honey, c'mon, use your words"
You huff.
"I want you"
"Good girl" he praises as he finally removes your panties.
"Fuck" you moan at his words, your positively dripping now, and he hasn't even touched you.
Deacon places an open mouthed kiss to the top of your pussy, pushing a finger into you at the same time. You clench around his finger and deacon let's out a small groan.
He pumps his finger in and out of you while his tongue circles your clit slowly.
"Fuck deac" you whisper, he speeds up slightly at your words, adding another finger he archs them, reaching that spot inside you.
"Mm deac I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me honey" he says, mouth still on your clit, he feels your walls clench around his fingers, your eyes roll back as your orgasm washes over you.
He continues to pump his fingers in and out while you come down from your high.
"That was incredible" he breathes, removing his fingers from your dripping hole and bringing them up to lazily circle your clit.
"What is it sweetheart?"
"Fuck me, david" you say, sitting up to look him in the eye.
Deacons eyes darken slightly, he reaches for his belt, keeping his eyes on you as he strips.
"Lie back honey, head on the pillow" he says, freeing his hard cock from his boxers.
You scramble up the bed, waiting for him.
Deacon pumps his cock a few times before climbing on the bed to sit in between your legs.
"This is in my way" he says, gripping your shirt.
"Don't rip it! It's lucas!" You say
"He won't mind" deacon smirks, before ripping it off and throwing it to the side.
"You, are stunning" he whispers, placing a kiss to your lips before lining his cock up with your entrance.
You turn your head, shy, at his compliments.
"Don't hide from me honey" he grips your chin and turns your face back to look at him.
He pushes into you slowly, moaning as your pussy grips his cock.
"Jesus you feel so good" he whines as he bottoms out.
You whimper at the feeling of him inside you.
"You okay sweetheart?" He asks
"Yeah" you assure him.
"Take a deep breath honey"
He doesent move until you do.
"That's it, good" he says before thrusting into you slowly.
"I got you" deacon whispers. He keeps the place slow.
"You feel so good deac" you moan.
You clench around his cock as he thrusts into you.
Deacon whimpers as your walls flutter around him.
"Deac I'm gonna cum" you whine, closing your eyes.
"No, look at me, that's it, look at me when you cum honey" he thrusts into you hard.
" cum around my cock" he moans as his own orgasm approaches, his words making you release around him.
You feel his cock tighten inside you as his orgasm takes him.
He pulls out to lie next to you, one hand draped over your stomach.
"Feel better?" He asks
"Oh yes" you smile.
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When will I come up with a name for this? Only time will tell....
PART 7. <3
The next morning Nikki woke up in the arms of the man she loved. Their night together was everything Nikki had dreamed of and more. 
“Good morning, beautiful.” David said, his voice still heavy with sleep, when he realized his lady was awake. 
“Mmm, good morning, baby.” She moaned and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. 
“Would you like to take a shower with me?”
“Is shower sex involved?” Nikki asked with a chuckle. 
“One hundred percent yes.” 
After their first night together Nikki wasn’t sure if she could physically endure anymore orgasms, but she would love to bring David to another one and it still felt amazing in the process. She followed David into the shower once he had gotten the water hot. He pulled her into his embrace as the water ran down their intertwined bodies. After a few moments, David pulled Nikki from his chest, turned her around and began make sure her hair was wet and ready for shampoo. He grabbed her shampoo, squirted some into his hand and began working it through her hair, massaging it into her scalp. After her hair was soaped up, he took the time to wash his own hair and beard while Nikki cleaned her face with face wash. Once Nikki rinsed her face, David washed his hair and beard, then turned Nikki again so he could work the shampoo out of her hair. Nikki stood with her arms folded in front of her, enjoying the intimacy she was sharing with David. Nikki put conditioner in her hair while David put her body wash on her loufa. She turned around to face him and kissed his cheek as he began washing her chest. 
“I love you, David Kay.” 
David paused washing Nikki’s body and looked at her with a smile, “I love you more than anything, baby… and I will never get tired
of hearing you say it.” 
Nikki rinsed after David washed her, only to have to wash again once David was finished with her. She loved making him feel so good. 
The couple was on the way to grab lunch once they finished in the shower and got dressed. David’s hand was holding Nikki’s on the center console. 
“So, one thing that I completely forgot about last night… we didn’t use a condom and we didn’t talk about me pulling out…” David said.
Nikki could sense the hesitation in his voice. 
“My birth control is in my arm…” She said, “It stays there. I haven’t had a period in years and I’ve spent 31 years in this body, I know ovulation aches and pains and I also haven’t had those in years. I’m not concerned, but if you are, I don’t mind condoms.”
“No, baby, I was just asking. I don’t want to scare you off, nor am I trying to have the ‘I’m ready for kids when you are.’ Talk, but there are worse things in this world than making a baby with someone you love.” 
Nikki grew distant for a moment and Deacon was worried he might have scared her by being too forward. His worry multiplied when he saw tears threatening to spill from her eyes. The couple sat in silence until he noticed her breathing pattern change – attempting to calm herself without falling apart.  
“Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t -“
“No, David, it’s not you…” Nikki said. Deacon squeezed her hand. She sniffed. 
“There was one part of the story I left out when I told you about the attack from my ex.” She suddenly became petrified of telling her lover the truth. She was terrified that he would lose all trust in her and worst of all – she was scared she would lose him.
“What’s that, love?” His voice was soft… comforting. 
“The reason that he attacked me that day was because he found out I was pregnant… despite raping me on multiple occasions, he was insistent that he didn’t want children. I had to agree with him. No child should have been born into that environment. I hid my pregnancy for 23 weeks - that’s why I was trying to leave. Until he found the sonogram pictures in my car. When he cut me that day, he missed my uterus, but my blood loss killed my baby.”
The tears spilled from her eyes as she thought back on feeling her baby move and watching her belly grow. Her baby would always be a part of her. Deacon had no words for his girl. He immediately pulled into the next parking lot, got out, and took Nikki into his arms as she sobbed. He was surprised that she had kept this from him after telling him the first part of her story, but he made conscious efforts to put himself in her shoes. Regardless, he couldn’t be mad at her – not with her falling apart in his arms like this. 
“He took so much from me, David.” She cried in between breaths.
“I know, I know, baby.” Deacon tried to console her as he rubbed her hair. He kissed her head.
Nikki thought she had gotten over this…. But again, maybe she hadn’t. 
Deacon was slightly bothered that Nikki had left out such a huge part of that story, but after seeing how much it still affected her, he decided to let it go.  
“Her name was going to be Dakota…” Nikki said, her voice weak with surrender. 
“I know she would have been just as beautiful as you, darling. There’s not a doubt in my mind she’s watching down over you, so very proud of the woman you are.” 
Deacon held his love in his arms until she indicated she was ready to resume their day. Once they were in his truck on their way to food again, Nikki began apologizing. She hadn’t meant to unload on David like she had and part of her felt guilty for not disclosing this information beforehand, but now she understood why her mind chose to suppress it. 
“Sweetheart, please don’t ever apologize for feeling the way you feel. I’m here to love you through it all.” Deacon kissed the back of her hand. 
Nikki knew Deacon had questions and she was more than willing to answer, so she began. 
“I guess that’s why I never got into another relationship after Jason - my ex. I knew the heartache I experienced every single day knowing what a horrible dad my baby was going to have and I knew that in order to protect her, it would mean leaving… and leaving killed her.” Nikki felt nauseated at finally voicing these thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but she continued. “I’ve never met anyone that even came close to what a husband and father should be in my opinion. I always refused to put myself or any innocent lives in that danger again. It ate away at me for so long and clearly it still bothers me, but I’ve come a long, long way since then.
“I want to have children one day, with the right person and David, you are my person. I don’t necessarily want children right now, but you give me such a security… you are home to me, David. That’s why last night, I didn’t care what happened in the aftermath of it all. I still don’t. My birth control does a pretty effective job, and one day, when we decide it’s time to have children, I can get it removed, but until then, I’m not die hard on all preventative measures.”
“Nikki, whatever makes you feel at ease is what I am willing to do for you… no matter what that means.” David looked longingly into Nikki’s eyes as he parked in the restaurant parking lot. He leaned across the console, pulling Nikki in for a kiss. Her lips still tasted salty from her earlier tears and it crushed him. 
Several days later at work, Hondo walked in on Deacon searching for Jason Matthews. 
“Who’s that?” Hondo inquired. 
“Nikki’s ex-husband…” Deacon said, lost in concentration as he read the prick’s rap sheet. 
“Yeah, man.” 
“You didn’t tell me she came with all of that baggage… does she still talk to him?”
Hondo’s words struck a nerve in Deacon and he found himself slightly irritated at his teammate. He opened the window that held Matthews’ obituary and slid the laptop Hondo’s way. Hondo’s eyebrows furrowed as he read the article that detailed how the man lost his life. 
“Holy… fucking… shit…” Hondo looked up at Deacon, “I’m so sorry, man.” 
Deacon took the laptop back and scrolled through several mugshots. Most of them were from his marriage to Nikki. 
“She was pregnant too…”
This caught Hondo off guard and Deacon could tell by puzzled expression on the man’s face. 
“That’s what started it all. He raped her, found out she was pregnant halfway through the pregnancy, didn’t want the kid, so tried to kill the kid himself by gutting her. Nikki shot him in the head, but lost so much blood it killed her baby… Her baby girl.” 
Hondo had no words.
“Yeah, I was just as surprised as you are. But you’d never be able to tell it, brother. She’s had to do even more work on herself than I have.” 
“She’s a fighter,” Hondo agreed. “So does she want kids later on?”
Deacon nodded. “She’s on birth control now, but that’s all we use.”
“And how do you feel about that?” 
Deacon appreciated how Hondo always cared about his situation, but ultimately cared the most about him as his SWAT family member. 
“Honestly? She could tell me she’s pregnant right now and I would be just as happy as if it were something we were planning. I’m not scared of it, man.” 
“You know,” Hondo grinned, “You’re gonna marry that girl one day.” 
Deacon chuckled. “You are absolutely right. 
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Mixed Preference - How they hug?
This Preference contains - Daryl Dixon, Rudolofo "Rudy" Farra, Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson, Alex Mason, Lip Gallagher, Billy Loomis, Juan "Juice" Ortiz, Stefan Salvatore, Damian Priest, Angel Reyes, Negan, Remus Lupin, Tyler Lockwood, Steve Harrington, Eddie Diaz, Kai Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Dean Miller, Miguel Galindo, The Joker
Hey lovelies my requests are open! My guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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Daryl Dixon; Daryl holds you tightly. Daryl is not naturally affectionate so when he hugs you he means it. He holds you tightly because you are one of the most important people to him. He fears losing you, so whenever you've been away fro meach other for a period of time Daryl always holds you like he's holding on for dear life.
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Rudolofo "Rudy" Farra; Rudy would twirl you around before pulling you in a hug. He loves listening to your giggle when he pulls you back toward him. He always wants to hear your laughter. Hugs with Rudy are lways fun and light-hearted. You always feel warmth and loved.
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Daniel "Hondo" Harrelson; Daniel's always wrapping his arm around you from behind. He likes the little jump as you're stared. Daniel loves drawing you close. Daniel loves the way you relax into his touch as you two enjoy the moment.
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Alex Mason; Alex loves drawing you into a hug by your belt loops. It's cheeky and flirty as he circles his arms around you waist when your close enough. Alex holds you tightly while gently swaying you side to side.
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Lip Gallagher; Whenever you hug Lip, he enjoys slipping his hand into your back pocket. It's an excuse to cop a feel, to drag you as close as he can. Hugging Lip like this always ends up with you two kissing. Sometimes the lazy pecks other times its more passionate depending on your mood.
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Billy Loomis; Billy will cradle your head when he gives you a hug. He doesn't care for anyone on this earth except you. When he holds you close, he's trying to protect from the dangers he knows lurks in the shadows. Billy will do anything to keep you out of harms way.
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Juan "Juice" Ortiz; Juan loves giving you long hugs. He loves standing or even sitting with you and holding you in his arms. Juan finds it comforting to have you in his arms. To feel close. He dos this specfically if he's had a bad day and he needs to know you're close. It melts everything away.
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Stefan Salvatore; Stefan is gentle when he hugs you. He's worried about hurting you with his strength difference. He's always tender with his touch. Whenever he hugs you it reminds him how precious you are to him.
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Damian Priest; Damian loves to give you bear hugs. He's always coming up behind you wrapping his arms around you. He pulls you back towards him while he presses a kiss to the curve of your neck. It gives him the opportunity to whisper something in your ear.
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Angel Reyes; Angel loves to hug you while you're sitting in his lap. He enjoys beng close to you. The two of you have the opportunit to sit and talk. He can hold you as tight or as lose as he wants. He can kiss you. Angel will always drag you onto his lap to hug you whenever possible.
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Negan; Negan prefers to hold you by the waist. Whenever he hugs you, he kns your safe and protected. Negan is also fond of physical touch sometimes he'll find an excuse to give you a hug just to be close to you.
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Remus Lupin; Remus love to bury his head into your neck whenever he hugs you. Hugs with Remus are always intimate. You two are always comforted by each other. Hugs with Remus are always warm and welcoming and comforting.
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Tyler Lockwood; Tyler pulls you into a hug. He always grab hold of your hand to tug you towards him. He likes to do this whatever you're walking away. He likes to pull you back toward him for one last hug.
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Steve Harrington; Steve loves to rest his head ontop of yours whenever he gives you a hug. He loves the feel of your head on his chest, while he can presses kisses to your hairline.
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Eddie Diaz; Eddie loves to hug you around the waist. His arms circle around you while you rest your arms on his shoulders. Sometimes he'll rest his head ontop of yours as you two get lost in one another.
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Kai Parker; Kai likes to wrap his arms around you from behind. He likes to hold you close and gentle sway you side while he talks to you while he's holding you. It's an excuse to spend time with you after a long day.
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Pietro Maximoff; Pietro loves to give you bear hugs as tight as possible. When he hugs you, Pietro wants you to feel as close to him as possible. He enjoys hugging you because it brings him comfort. They can convey messages only meant for you both.
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Dean Miller; When Dean hugs you, he likes to hold you closer to his chest. He likes being able to rest his head ontop of yours. He likes this embrace because its comforting to have you in his arms while feelings like he's shield ing you away from the rest of the world.
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Miguel Galindo; Miguel likes to wrap his arms around your waist. He enjoys the intimacy of the hold. It's a hold no-one else gets. He also likes to press a kiss to your check.
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The Joker; Joker loves to pull you closer by the belt loops, to drag you towards him so he can hug you. He enjoys when you resis him even if you're doing it for his benefit.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Kinktober Day 2: Spanking (Rodrigo Sanchez x Reader)
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You looked so fucking sinful, on your knees in the centre of Sanchez’s bed, face pressed down into the sheets and that sexy ass of yours up in the air. Your skin was already glowing pink from each one of those fierce smacks he had rained down on those pert cheeks. Your wrists bound behind your back with a black silk tie Sanchez had procured. He’d forced a red ball gag between your lips, stretching them around the sphere, salvia escaping from around the edges of your mouth.
You were soaking wet; moisture glistening in the light from the lamp on the nightstand as your thighs rubbed together, trying to garner some friction.
His hand came down on you again, striking hard and fast. The ball gag muffled the sound of your scream as he shushed you, fingertips gripping the cheek tight enough to leave bruises.
“If you hadn’t mouthed off sweetheart, I wouldn’t have to punish you like this.” He chided you, reminding you of your earlier indiscretion at S.W.A.T. HQ. You knew you were in for it when you saw the expression on his face, but you just had to push all of his buttons.
His fingers drifted between your legs, stroking over your slick folds before he teased around the rim of your needly cavern. He sought out your clit rubbing slow, tenuous circles over that sensitive nub. Ecstasy rushed through your body like a fever, drowning out everything but the sensation of his skilled digits getting you off.
“I would have had you coming all night, on my dick, on my tongue…” He told you, withdrawing his fingers. “Instead, I have to do this.”
The air rushed out of your lungs as he spanked you again, the burst of pain mingling with the sudden pleasure as two of his fingers slipped inside of you. You clenched around him, fucking them for the briefest minute until he withdrew. You whined around the gag, arching your hips in an attempt to reclaim them.
“You’re such a needy little slut.” He murmured.
You heard the bite of his trousers being unzipped. Anticipation coursed through your sensitive skin at the rustle of fabric being drawn down over bare skin.
You’d been at this for hours, Sanchez keeping you hanging on the fucking edge. He’d spanked you within an inch of your life before teasing you all over again with deviant fingers and a wicked tongue.
He lined his cock up with that sweet pussy, the grip on your hips hard enough to leave bruises as he rubbed the head of it across your slick folds. You felt delirious, desperate for him to fill you. He arched his hips just slightly, enough for just the tip to slip inside.
“Fuck yourself with it.”
You tried, you really did but the angle was all wrong and you could only move just enough to fuck the thick head. You grunted in frustration, straining against the bonds but finding no give. You writhed and squirmed and begged through the gag but Sanchez was merciless. He stood perfectly still, watching you fall apart with a wicked smile on his face.
“Not good enough sweetheart.” He tutted, his fingers gripping the space between your wrists where the silk tie bound them. He yanked you back by it, forcing you to take his entire cock in one quick, violent motion.
You let out a cry behind the ball gag. He loved that stifled sound, loved how powerless you were underneath him, how he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. He looked down at that pussy gripping him so tightly he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. His hand smoothed over the redness of your skin, gripping it fiercely before he spanked you again. Your pussy clenched around his dick, tearing a sound from his mouth that sounded feral.
You tried to buck your hips, to fuck yourself on his cock. When he spanked you again you got the message. You were his fuck toy. You would get what only he gave you. You tried to make yourself completely still, tried not to move a muscle but your body betrayed you. Your pussy constricting around his cock.
“You take my cock so fucking well.” He told you, watching the apples of your cheeks flush red.
How the fuck you managed to look so innocent with a ball gag in your mouth and his cock buried deep in you he had no clue. He loved corrupting you, making you his whore, taking you apart piece by piece. You were panting now, thighs trembling, chest heaving.
When Sanchez began to move it was in long punishing strokes, that made your body feel like it was being eaten up by an inferno. He set a brutal pace, hitting that gratifying spot inside of you over and over again until you were sobbing. That furious heat was clambering inside of you, licking at your insides until it consumed you entirely, your synapses exploding like a thousand tiny stars.
He had you at the edge. All it would take was one more thrust, one sweep of his fingertips on your clit. He could tell how badly you wanted it, how much you needed him to give it to you.
You sobbed when he pulled out and it was fucking music to his ears. He gripped his dick in his calloused palm and began to jerk off at the sight of you so desperate for him, so needy. Your pussy still glistening, beckoning for him to finish inside of you. If he did that it would mean the game was over and he wasn’t ready for that, not yet.
He bellowed as he came, painted your ass with streaks of hot white. Heat splattered across your cheeks as that savage sound tore from his throat.
“You look like such a fucking whore.” He told you, milking his cock and smearing it across that sweet fucking pussy. He pushed inside of you just once so he could watch the final drops drip out of your deprived hole.
His eyes flickered up to your face. He knew you were pleading for mercy, but he also knew you relied on his relentlessness. Trusted him to leave you a wrecked mess in his sheets, devoid of all those insidious thoughts that filled your head. This was the only way you could truly let go, to feel like a person again after a day like today.
“Not yet sweetheart.” He told you, his voice almost tender as he watched his cum leak from your pussy. “I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson.”
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
S.W.A.T, The Letter, Dominique Luca
Word Count:  1.2k
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, mentions of being blown up/bombs, mention of tortured victims.
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If you’re reading this letter, then you know something happened to me. 
And not a good something. 
I know I always told you that if I handed you papers, it would be because we’d be signing for a place on the beach and then following that up by making some beautiful blonde babies that would undoubtedly be future SWAT.  But I’m sorry if you ever have to read this one.
So, I’ll tell you in this everything that I always wanted to say…even if I couldn’t really voice it in the right ways. 
You’re the only person I ever want to finish a Call of Duty campaign with. 
You’re the one I want to wake up to in the morning…even if it’s at three am because you read that the waves are going to be amazing by five but be trash the rest of the day. 
You’re the only woman I ever wanted to give up being a bachelor for. 
I know that there is a matching letter in your locker, and that it’s addressed to me…but god, the only thing that scares me in this world is that one day I’ll have to read it. 
You’re amazing.
And fearless. 
And I know that I will never love another woman, and have never loved another woman, as much as I love you. 
You are my everything.
“Hey there…” Luca nearly jumped out of his spot at the island.  The pencil cracked in half due to the tension that he’d been putting on it.  The brunette smiled and him, hiding a little laugh behind her hand, “wh-what was that Dominique?”
“No-nothing!” he said quickly, as though he was trying to shield the woman that he loved from the superstitious act, “what are you doing?”
“That doesn’t look like ‘nothing,’ Dominique…” she said slowly, taking a few steps forward until she was firmly in the grub room. Her chin tilted up and she noticed the hardened letters on the envelope beside the piece of paper.  She added up everything in her head, and her eyes met with that of her boyfriend’s, “Dominique…”
“I-I saw your letter in the top of your locker the other day when we were leaving!” he admitted, stuttering over the admission, “I-I’ve been thinking about writing you one for months…but I-I couldn’t-I didn’t want to think-“
She took a few more steps forward, and he stopped speaking when her hand reached out and stroked his forearm, “Luca…stop…you don’t have to explain it…”
He felt the tears lining his eyes; his emotions feeling like too much all piling on as he looked from between her and the paper, “i-I wanted to…”
“It’s okay…”
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I’m writing this letter to you on our four-month anniversary together.  And trust me when I say I hope I’m not writing this in vain.  It would suck if we split, and I had this letter in my locker until the end of time…because we both know how well I do when it comes to cleaning up.
But I wanted to write this. 
I love you.
There’s no other way to say it…no way to get around it. 
I know we’re both terrified of commitment, but somehow, both of us have made it this far into a relationship.  And I don’t want to hold it back anymore. 
I always remember you making jokes about how you’ll never get married, but lately, I haven’t heard you saying that.  Instead, all I hear you telling me is that if you ever hand me papers, they won’t be for anything other than signing for a place on the beach. 
And then you always say we’ll be as close to marriage as either one of us could stand because we’ll follow it up with some blonde swat babies…but lets be honest. 
I’m Asian. 
We’re never having blonde children. 
But they will have my kickass genetics…and yours too I guess…so they’ll be as close to perfect as humanly possible. 
I want you to know something more though.  All jokes aside, if you’re reading this, then something happened to me. 
And I wish that it didn’t…but it did.
But I wouldn’t change a second of what we have.  I wouldn’t change a second of who I am.  Because it’s what makes us work so well.  I’m only sad by the thought that we won’t get to live up to those promises we made each other.  Sad that we won’t be able to catch waves in the early morning…making love under the stars…going to Koreatown and arguing over who has the best bulgogi…for the record it’s me…when I’m making it in our place…
As you would say, ‘we’re both honorary Koreans at heart.’  All joking aside, I have to say it again.  Dominique…
I love you. 
Never forget me. 
“You okay, Luca?”
Luca sniffled, a tear sliding down his cheek and onto the aged paper.  He tried to nod his head, but all that came out was a choked sounding sob.  Hondo went to step forward, but Buck held his arm out, stopping him. 
“I had a ring…” Luca admitted tearfully after a few minutes of silence.  He dropped the paper, his hand reaching into his pocket as he shakily tried to pull the box from his tactical pants, “I-I told myself that I was going to propose when she got back from the mission today, but-“
He couldn’t finish his sentence.  He broke down, sobbing against the velvet box that he’d shakily managed to show the guys. 
Deac felt his heart wrenching in his chest. 
The man who acted more like a frat boy had wanted to settle down with a fellow SWAT officer from another team, but in the instant of one mission, his dreams had evaporated.  She’d played hero had had attempted to get to a victim and save them before the building exploded.
Deac thought about his own letter that he had sitting in his own locker in case something were to happen to him.  His pregnant wife would be alone. 
He felt tears building up behind his own eyes.
“Sh-she was going to take on the job of Captain,” he sniffled once more “she was just talking to Cortez about it this morning.  We-we were talking about getting our little place on the beach and she’d be behind a desk.  We’d have it on easy street while she popped out a whole litter of baby Luca’s.”
“We’re sorry for your loss, Luca…” the commander of their group, Buck Spivey commented as he gave the young man a sad look, “Nguyen was a great commander…first female SWAT officer and team leader…was set to be the first captain.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he sobbed, looking up at his teammates and friends, “why did she stay in the building?”
“The vic was crucified to the wall,” Spivey admitted, “she was trying to get him down…told the rest of her guys to evacuate the building!  But you know her…she’d never leave a soul behind if she could help it.”
“I was going to marry her!” he cried, dropping the velvety box to the ground as he began sobbing into his hands, “we were supposed to have a future together.”
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a-very-cute-snake · 1 year
Shoutout to all the stuff I knit while watching the most emotionally devastating episodes of my shows(tm). Those knitting projects were there for it all
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Through The Heart|4| S.W.A.T.
part 3
Part 4:  Help in all the wrong places. 
Two Months later
Josie sighed as she walked up the stairs to her apartment, it had been a long day and an even longer workweek. Police Commissioner Randall had been in Hicks’s office every day for a couple of hours on end trying to get Hicks to give a member of the SWAT team to go with his daughter to school, she had a stalker and things were getting worse. The commander however couldn’t have one of his people go to the college just to watch one girl.
 They had too many cases popping up. Where even Josie had been taken out into the field and was used as bait. 
 Commissioner Randall had even gone as far as to suggest that  Josie, who was a civilian and went to the same school as his daughter Rebecca, go undercover and help out. 
And it was flatly refused, by Hicks and Cortez on the two simple facts that one she was a civilian, and two they had promised Deacon that they would never put her into harm's way. And three, Buck, Luca, Hondo, Tan, and Chris would have thrown a fit. 
The thing was though that she wanted to help, she wanted to be of use and not be someone that just did office work.
 It was the Kay curse. 
She was shaking out of her thoughts when she came to a complete stop in front of her apartment door. The door was open and she could see her coffee table upside down and the couch laying on its back. “What the hell happened here?” She muttered as she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. Her eyes were still on the destroyed living room, she called the first person on her recently dialed calls. 
“Hey Jos, what’s up?”   He asked after the first ring
“Luca! Someone broke into my apartment.” She answered in a rush, her hand that held her keys going to her chest, trying to slow down her rapidly beating heart.  
“Are you inside?”  She could hear his truck turning around. 
“No, I just came up the stairs and saw the door open and the stuff in the living room knocked over.”  
“I am on my way. Call your brother.” 
“On it,” she muttered before hanging up and scrolling down a few calls to Deacon’s name. She was in shock that this happened, she had heard stories of people’s homes getting broken into and getting hurt if they were. 
She just thought that it would never happen to her, the apartment complex she lived in was in a relatively safe neighborhood and a majority of her neighbors were nice and they all looked after each other. 
Just in case something like this was to happen.
“Hey, kid.’ Luca said as he came up the stairs quickly, “You good?” Josie nodded her head and looked up at him, “A little shaken up but I will be okay.”  
Luca squeezed her shoulder, “Stay out here, I will be out soon.” He pulled out his gun and walked into the apartment.
 Josie peered in after him and then turned to lean against the railing. “Jos, you okay?” Deacon asked as he, Buck, Hondo, Tan, and Chris climbed the stairs. 
“Yeah, I am good, I saw the front door open and stayed out here.’ “Good, Luca already here?” Hondo asked, causing the youngest Kay to nod her head. “He was the first one on my call list.”
 Deacon turned to look at his sister but stopped when Buck put his hand on his shoulder, it was a good thing that Josie and Luca were forming a friendship, and maybe in a romance, Luca needed someone to get him to settle down, and who else then Josie Kay?   
He wouldn’t say it out where Deacon could hear but there was a bet going on between the other David squads when Josie and Luca would get together. 
The older Kay sibling nodded his head once and stepped into the apartment, calling out to Luca. Chris stepped over to Josie and put her hand on her shoulder. 
“Luca huh?” “We are just friends, Chris. Don’t worry about it.” 
 “I am not worried about you two being friends J, I am more worried if you two become more than friends and he ends up hurting you.’  Josie nodded and hugged herself, she had thought of that, but she didn’t want to focus on it because it wasn’t going to be worth it to get herself all riled up and get too far into her head about things.  
Especially a possible relationship. The one thing that she never had. 
Luca and Deacon with a bag of her clothes in his hands came out of the apartment. “I have to stay with you and Annie?” She asked. 
“Yes, we think this is a part of the break-in spree that has been happening near campus.’ He answered.
 “Have you noticed anything different at school?” Buck asked as Tan started filling in the officers that showed up about what happened. 
“No, I get laser focus when I am at school. I usually don’t notice anything. Is this the same person that possibly broke into Rebecca Randall’s apartment?’  
After meeting Rebecca on one of the days that she was in the office with her father, the two girls started forming a friendship and the younger girl had filled in on everything that was happening.  
“We think it could be related.” Buck answered, “Have you been talking to Rebecca?” ‘I thought she needed a friend so we had lunch on Tuesday and Thursday when I am on campus.”
 “Josie,” Deacon warned with a sigh, they were all figuring this would end up happening. 
 “David, what’s so wrong with me wanting to help her? Isn’t that what you do every day with SWAT?” She returned, folding her arms under her chest. 
 “Hey. Deac, it’s okay.” Luca said, putting his hand on his shoulder. “Everything will be just fine.’ 
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imaginingyourfandom · 2 years
having an anxiety attack - dominique Luca (s.w.a.t)
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You didn’t often have anxiety attacks
When you did have them, you usually kept it to yourself
You had your own strategies to get through one
But sometimes that didn’t work and Luca hated seeing you in pain
He would hold you as you struggled to breathe and get out your words
He would talk you through it and make jokes to make you laugh
Get you a glass of water afterwards
You would explain to him what set off the anxiety attack and he would listen to you patiently
He would ask how he could support you in the future
You would kiss and hug him for being so understanding
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