#vi has one with just her
kim-ruzek · 4 months
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I love this trio so damn much <3
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arcanegifs · 1 month
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Happy Mother's Day to our Arcane Moms ♡
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greenerteacups · 3 months
thoughts on Ginny and Harry as a couple?
There are a lot of people who find their romance in HBP forced. I don't think it's forced so much as underwritten, and the books don't get the chemistry quite right (though the movies certainly don't, either). There's potential, but they just don't get enough actual scenes of substance (besides Harry thinking she's pretty or feeling jealous of Dean) for a lot of readers to buy that they're not only in love, but deeply enough in love to break up, get back together, and wind up married.
That's not to say I don't see the appeal. There's a very cool scene in Book 5 where Harry's doing a woe-is-me-Chosen-One act, and Ginny effortlessly puts him in his place about it by reminding him that she was possessed by Voldemort at eleven, which is a rare glimpse into her character and also a great synecdoche for their relationship — Ginny is a grounding presence who, like Ron and Hermione, isn't going to be awed by his past adventures because she knew him before they happened. In that respect, Ginny's probably one of the few women Harry could feasibly wind up with, because he only ever seems comfortable around people (let alone girls) who can see past the Chosen-One schtick and treat him like a normo (see: Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Luna, Hagrid). True to type, he doesn't get interested in Ginny at all until she's ditched her celebrity crush and ceased to view him as an idol, because in his heart of hearts, Harry wants to be a normal boy, and it's stressed over and over that part of what he likes about his relationship with Ginny is how normal it feels. He kind of has a horribly supercharged version the celebrity dating problem: after the Battle of Hogwarts, anyone he meets is going to know him first as Harry Potter, Chosen One, Boy Who Lived, and Actually Fucking Resurrected Messiah of the Wizarding World, which is... I mean, it's possible that there are witches out there who could get over that, but Harry's not an extroverted guy, and I'm not sure how he'd go about finding them. Ginny's the one who's been there since the beginning, doesn't need anything about him or his past explained to her, and actually likes him for who he is.
When you look at it that way, it's not surprising he married his high school girlfriend. She's one of the few people still alive who doesn't see him as a demigod.
#in general I was never one to ship harry with anybody#what I wanted for him was a long quiet life and plenty of therapy#maybe some dogs. i think harry needs dogs and deserves them#The other obvious solution ftr — though not one I think Harry would take — is for him to marry a muggle#though again. you'd run into the problem of how you explain All That#which harry doesn't like to talk about and probably would want to talk about even less as an adult#plus also: harry loves magic. like he loves it loves it#the muggle world for harry is permanently connected with the dursleys and it would take years to break that association#which I just don't think he's going to invest#Harry post-BOH is moving to Hogsmeade or wizarding London or some other magical neighborhood and staying there forever#by the way this post is not anti Harry and Ginny! no hate on the ship I've seen versions of it that are very cute#but I just think their love story needed Sauce#there are also some really interesting posts I've found in Deep Fandom crackship blogs about h/g as Harry's sublimated desire for Ron#now I don't necessarily buy that reading. I don't think Harry is in love with Ron in the original text#I do think he LOVES ron and projects that love onto the Weasleys very quickly ginny included#and I think Ron is his soulmate platonic or otherwise in every universe#so marrying Ginny has like. Implications. vis-a-vis Harry's status as a Weasley and adoptive brother[in law] of Ron#like it's a full-circle moment where he becomes officially legally a member of Ron's family#which I do believe JKR had in mind. even though that basically means ginny's wedding becomes kinda... actually... about her brother...#it's weird basically. my final verdict is I wish H/G had been written by an author who was more interested in Ginny for Ginny's sake.#greenteacup asks
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
you know what's fucking insane though???
it's only been 3 days in the mafia front fic. THREE DAYS= ~34k. (so far, we're still on day three rn)
wow i'm truly insane. three days... mein gott
(potential spoilers for this fic in tags???)
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spacedlexi · 1 year
trying to keep all my clemviminnie thoughts contained until i get to episode 3 but
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its hard
#telltale was CRAZY for this btw!! the drama of it all ALWAYS gets me#violet blaming herself for her gf/minnies death. clem helps her open up again. starts dating clem. finds out minnie is still alive?#saved violet telling clem she has nothing to worry about and she'll fight minnie if she has to to keep clem and her loved ones safe#kidnapped violet getting brain poisoned by minnie into turning against clem after feeling betrayed and abandoned by her#saved vi shooting minnie to save clem!!!!!!!!! but cant leave minnie behind because she already left her once and she cant do it again#vi begging minnie to stop trying to fucking kill them but shes too far gone. the 3 of them fight to the DEATH!!!#now add all that to the parallels and dark mirrors going on between clem and minnie in the A plot like the tension is off the charts#plus the parallels you can draw between clem and vi but those are less “you are my dark mirror” and more “we are the same i understand you”#HOW are the girlies not still talking about this#you know what i partially blame myself i dont talk about it enough either. i forget how many things ive left in my wips folder sometimes#UGH its all so good violets route just ads so much Flavor to the clem/minnie plotline its Delicious i couldnt imagine it Not being there#i neeeeeeeed to draw them fighting and being gay and maybe bloody even#if u cant tell i really want to get back to that wip i posted a few weeks ago but im Trying to Restrain Myself#i love forcing myself to take things slow sometimes really makes the brain shift into overdrive#twdg#violentine#it speaks
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maegalkarven · 3 months
A future fic carcass I'll write when I write (after I finish 9 ungoing fics)
King Viserys dies at the wedding celebration of his daughter, Crown Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
No one else does.
I am a firm believer Otto and Viserys are the rot on the face of the House of the Dragon and without these two everything would be fine-ish.
Unfortunately, we need Vissy T for his kids to be born, so Viserys dies soon after Aemond is conceived. Sorry, Daeron, not this time.
Joffrey doesn't die because he doesn't manage to provoke Criston before the king dies.
Rhaenyra overrules his father's decision and marries Harwin Strong.
Their son Jacaerys Targaryen is the heir to the throne, Lucerys Targaryen is the heir to Harrenhal.
Daemon marries Laena and lives at Dragonstone (Rhaenyra grants him that), their firstborn is the heir of Driftmark.
Laenor joins the Queensguard and is sent to Dragonstone to protect Prince Daemon (ha) and his future heirs.
Criston Cole becomes the Commander of City Watch while still retaining his white cloak (what? He did it in canon, can do it here).
Rhaenyra removes Tyland Lannister as the master of ships and appoints Corlys Velaryon (back).
When Baela and Rhaena are born, it is decided to betroth Prince Aegon and Lady Baela, making him future lord-consort of Driftmark (and successfully removing him out of succession of the iron throne).
When Jace is born, his and Helaena's betrothal is announced.
Baelon is born without an issue and the royal family meets at the celebration on Dragonstone, where Aemond claims Cannibal and loses an eye in the process.
(Kinslayer, everyone. It fits).
Afterwards Luke is sent as a ward to Harrenhal with his father. A huge ass scene ensures there Luke clings to Aemond and refuses to go.
Aegon makes a greasy comment and gets punched.
Both Aegon and Baela are sent as wards to Driftmark.
Lucerys still leaves.
Harrenhal doesn't burn bc even if Larys kills Harwin and Luke, there's still Lyonel and Joffrey in the equation. Lyonel keeps serving Queen Rhaenyra as her Hand.
Years later the royal family meets at the wedding celebration of Baela and Aegon, where Luke and Aemond behave very much like Rhaenyra and Daemon at Rhaenyra's not happened wedding.
Rhaenyra and Alicent clutch at their pearls, Rhaenyra suggests father died because of seeing something like that.
Daemon asks if she implies they killed Viserys, then asks where is Baelon.
Laena replies Baelon is playing knights with Joffrey.
Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong (no) have three more children, Aegon, Viserys and Visenya, all silver-haired like their mother (her uncle).
Laena is fine with it, they have a poly. Laena doesn't have more children because Baelon's birth was a ghasty one.
Baelon claims the Grey Ghost.
Otto is never called back to the capital because (suprise!) Rhaenyra didn't rush to kill her 3 y.o brother or the other one who was born after Viserys' death. Instead she marries Aegon off so he's no threat.
Aemond eventually joins the Queensguard and is appointed to the future lord of Harenhall.
Lucerys refuses to marry and appoints his brother Viserys as his heir, who marries Visenya. They have a very good life in Harrenhal.
The reason Luke skips over Joffrey is because Joffrey is always at the sea (with Baelon), and Aegon the Younger is bethrothed to Baela and Aegon the Elder' firstborn, Laena.
Everyone lives happily ever after, Otto gets to be the head of the house Hightower after he successfully plots against his own kin, since his blood is secured on the throne, if in unconventional for him way.
He once tried to manipulate Aegon, but was cut off sharply by Rhaenys and Corlys, who kind of adopted the boy as theirs.
Aegon enjoys wandering about Essos very much, he, of course, whores around, but he and Baela have an agreement. One of Baela's children is born from Alyn of Hull, but no one is any wiser, since everyone just thinks the child looks like her.
Jacaerys and Helaena have three kids, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and then Maelor.
Jaehaera is oldest and so is the heir.
Oh, and Rhaena is happily married to Corwyn Cobray. They have a daughter, Rhaenys.
#hotd#hotd au#queen rhaenyra#hotd fanfic#fuck viserys#i will write it one day bc i have such a vivid image of the scenes such as: viserys' death. rhaenyra overruling her father's decision#explaining it and trying to mediate it so Corlys wouldn't start another war#'i thought it was in the tradition for the king or queen to marry their hand's child'#the greens' FACES at that#rhaenyra gathering Laenor and his entire fam and suggesting queensguard#“but then he won't be able to wed a woman. have a family-”#-exactly *Rhaenyra and Laenor lock gases. she nods. he nods.* -i accept#Aemond just fucking WANDERING AWAY TO CLAIM THE SCARIEST ASS DRAGON THAT IS THERE#the total panic then Laenor finds him and brings back with EYE LESS. (he almost got to the castle but fainted mid way)#corlys trying to push for baelon as the heir and laena&rhaenys being: “NO”#the unspoken kinship in the house of whoring around. Harwin being like “i support my wife's wrongs” and loving egg vis and visenya as his#NO ONE KNOWING THEY'RE NOT HIS. LIKE LEGIT THEY COULD BE HIS OR HARWIN'S. EVEN RHARNYRA DOESN'T KNOW#aegon living his best life as a sailor and explorer#Aemond looking at Laenor and being like “i can do that too”#laenor living THE BEST LIFE by his sis and her husband/his friend's side. and Joffrey is ALIVE#criston eventually getting over himself and accepting that Rhaenyra indeed couldn't run away with him#like imagine if they run away and then vissy t died#whoops i guess#also i just realized i accidentally made it so that Harrenhal is eventually ruled not by Strongs but Daemon's kids#lmao i guess#They are Targaryens (tm) your honor#the amount of dragons they're about to have...like harrenhal has 4 just with luke aemond and visx2#Dragonstone has 3 even if all kids scatter about#cobrays have 2 (Rhaena's and her daughters)#driftmark has at least 3 and then Laena is born and its 4
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
at some point i am going to have to force even to go back and deal with donna & tentoo & rose & all and everything they ran away from. and that will probably involve them losing tentoo’s chameleon arch watch by giving it back to its rightful owner, whether she chooses to open it or not. and that is. not going to be a very fun or stable time for them.
#this part is v vague and fuzzy because i want to watch the rest of 12 & 13 and finish the doctor/donna specials before i set anything in#stone about it. but i think i need to rearrange some things in the timeline here vis a vis when the doctor is also forced to go back and#deal with his baggage.#i dont think 14 exists in even’s universe for this reason. and for the reason of tentoo kind of taking on his role? the human part of the#doctor who can stay with donna & with rose.#she’s also trans to me because i love trans!tentoo. her name is johanna. i think it’s pretty. i make a singular exception to my rule of#never changing characters names when i trans them.#but i think. what im getting at here is that this cant be a happy ending. not so cleanly. its more bittersweet.#like i think this version of the story. what i have so far. donna does remember. (tentoo doesn’t but that’s because she’s become her own#person. the doctor is who she came from but she isn’t just the doctor anymore.) and rose knows her doctor is out there and loves her but#she has her wife at home.#and even. oh even. you can’t hold onto a heart that’s not yours forever. you have to give it back.#this. i think. is a moment of respite and recovery for the doctor. and a really really low point for even. however this works out.#its not perfect but there’s kindness in it. and there’s a home to go back to. if they can bear it. both of them.#but like i said. this is all preliminary based on what i might play around with here. and how watching more of the show changes my ideas.#but i think. whatever revelations come in 13’s arc. i think in even’s universe they have to come after donna. i’ll find a way to make it#work.#but mostly right now the important thing is forcing even to give up the watch because why would i let them have one single comfort object <3#dw oc
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dismas-n-dismay · 5 months
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Lightcannon and arcane tumblr rate my Zaun family interactions now
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mantisgodsdomain · 8 months
28 vi and elizant 1
(for this ask game)
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]?
That is... a very good question! For Vi, former queens fall into the area of "vague politics", we think - not something that especially affects her, but something that matters to other people and thus that she may have to present opinions on should she run into A Person Who Cares About That Shit.
For the Elizants especially, it's Ant Kingdom Politics - though with the groups she hangs out with, it's likely that she's heard some very different takes on her from different groups. The Hive and its historical diplomatic relations plus the relatively recent change of queens mean that for the majority of Bees, Elizant 1 is known as a peaceful, benevolent ruler and preferred to the current Elizant, but for her less legal ties in the Tavern and, most likely, Black Market, she's likely to be more of a hot topic.
On one hand, she was a benevolent ruler who made great strides in diplomacy and keeping other bugs from Simply Going To War. On the other hand, her benevolence wasn't equally extended to all bugs, and the fact that Elizant The Second opens the borders to bugs of all kinds in the intro implies that they were not previously open to all bugs - and considering how crime most often comes from people who don't get their needs met through other venues, and groups discriminated against previously are prone to Continuing To Be Discriminated Against, it's very, veeeery likely that at least a few of the bugs present spaces that accomodate Extremely Illegal Dealings both A) were around to experience the previous queen's policies and B) likely have some VERY strong opinions about them that they're willing to share with the class when anyone talks about the old queen.
...which is to say, of course: Vi has very little in the way of personal opinion about Elizant 1, because she's got little reason to care about dead queens of her own volition and Elizant 1 isn't someone she would've had to look into to know about current policies and how they're likely to change, but she's probably used to hearing any mention of Elizant 1 rapidly devolving into a bunch of criminals yelling at each other over dead people's policies that don't even apply anymore and thus will attempt to avoid the topic of her if necessary.
She's a queen who died. Vi herself thinks very little about her. History's never exactly been her forte. Other people have opinions about her, and her job is to either seem like she Nebulously Agrees or stay extremely neutral on the issue. Or, if she's still stuck as a worker at the hive and feeling particularly cantankerous, inform whoever's talking about her that she's a dumb queen and it's a good thing she died before running off, though it would be in a "disagreeing with people on an issue because you're in a shit mood and want to yell about things" way rather than anything actually opinion-related.
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aquilamage · 1 year
I don’t have anywhere to go with it but I’m very compelled by the idea of Vi lying about her age to the explorer’s association
#in a universe where eetl's line about not allowing children is more of an actual Thing#normally I tend to think of her as being 17 but for this she's like sixteen and a half. maybe like three quarters. because its funnier#(and I always think about her looking young for her age but that's extra true in this case. because it's exaggerated with her pretending to#be older)#she uses fake id stuff she got from someone in the underground tavern#also have thoughts on that getting 'revealed'#although one of them is an au where muse is around and the very first time she has a moment alone with vi she's like anyway how drastically#are you lying about your age. deadpan. because they're similar enough that she can just Tell#I suppose leif might also suspect her at some point but it wouldn't be as immediate#(this is more of a separate post thought but sometimes I have feelings about the comparison drawn between them)#(I don't personally vibe with the idea of leif and or kabbu being (like) vi's parent but I do think leif has moments where he looks at vi#and is like. sees in her someone that could be a version of his and muse's kid. and emotional)#but anyway back to the other relevant thought. which is that Vi doesn't bring up the age thing until they get to her birthday#(which. the one on her id may or may not match her real one idk)#and leif or kabbu remarks on her being nineteen oh wow can't believe it. and she's like *awkward inhale* /yeah/.....#an aquila original#bug fables#vi bug fables
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boimgfrog · 1 month
I like drawing my ocs honestly...if no one else got me I know cute boy in a skirt, Hannah Montana kpop idol, beat-em-up bisexual butch, and SoundCloud rapper got me...yes they are all in love and dating
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mantisgodsaus · 1 year
New blog moment /pos
Hello! I am here to formally request you may or may not tell me more about this selkieverse. Is it an au where everyone is a selkie (or at least, some bugs are)? Do they just turn into aquatic like bugs instead of actual seals? If actual seals, do you have species picked out for the selkie characters yet? How does it work? Are they even selkies at all? Once more, you don't have to answer if its information you'd like to withold but as local marine biology (mostly seals and jellyfish though) nerd I must know if this may be an au that is like. Right up my alley.
Oh boy, we can answer questions! Technically, we've had this blog for a bit, we just... haven't been using it (we are afflicted with a chronic need to illustrate our worldbuilding and we just Haven't Been Drawing recently).
Not everyone is a selkie, but some bugs are - actual species varies! They're seals, or other assorted... vertebrates, mostly. "Selkie", here, is less referring specifically to seals and more referring to the general category of Bugs With Bonus Pelt. We've got actual species picked out for the selkie characters, but we do want to keep a few under wraps - of the few we can reveal, Leif is a ribbon seal, Mothiva is a leopard seal, Cenn is a yellow-bellied water snake, and Vi... well, her pelt was an ermine.
In terms of how it works - selkies are, more or less, bugs that come in two... pieces, or with two forms. It's genetic, though it can very much skip generations and occasionally appears to manifest from nowhere - generally, you have a few main strains of selkie in an area, maybe with a scattering of other species around. Seals are by far the most common around both Bugaria and The North, and the gene's most common in moths (as far as anyone knows), though it can appear in other species - and, as previously mentioned, sometimes you just get a kid who's a selkie without any previous selkie relatives.
A selkie's pelt isn't present upon hatching, but manifests later - generally either when they metamorphose, in the case of bugs like moths and butterflies, or during one of their first few instars on bugs who do That. It is, functionally, a part of them - a selkie cannot be separated from their pelt for too long, though they can wander farther from it with age and practice, and trying to keep away from it causes fun side effects (like organ failure, and feeling like you're being physically peeled out of your shell, and death).
The pelt itself is, as is typical with selkies, a pelt - seal, or snake, or ermine, or whatever else someone might be. Looks like you'd expect a seal pelt to be - although a selkie's pelt contains a few more bones. Generally, you've got a skull, spine, and ribcage, but it's not uncommon to have a few other bones - they shape the skin, more or less. As is standard, once the skin is donned, they gain the form of their pelt, but the selkie has some control over it - as well as some control over how the pelt moves.
The thing about selkie pelts is that, as they're a part of the selkie, they're functionally "alive" - an extension of the self, an extra limb. Technically, anyone can don a selkie pelt and take on the form of whatever creature they are, but it'll be... strange. Uncanny. They aren't the selkie, and this isn't their form - they're just wearing their skin. Unlike on the selkie themself, the bones aren't going to merge to them properly, they're just going to stick in there, wearing away at their shell until they eventually take it off. A pelt only retains its transformative properties while the selkie it belongs to is alive - once they bite it, it becomes just a piece of leather, though with selkie skin being the only real option as far as skins go, it's still pretty damn valuable dead.
If a selkie's pelt is destroyed, the selkie dies. Likewise, if a selkie dies, the pelt becomes inert. It's a bit like holding a vital organ in your hand - and if the selkie and the pelt are taken too far apart, the connection is severed and the selkie will die even if no damage is dealt to either them or their pelt.
As is standard for selkie mythology, having a selkie's pelt gives you some measure of control over them. Specific degree of control varies, largely based on the selkie - though all selkies can be commanded while you're actively holding their pelt, if they'll keep following that command once you've put it down is a whole 'nother ball park. If you had Leif's pelt in hand and told him to do something, he'd keep doing it even if you put that pelt down later, but if you tried the same with Vi (again, while she had it) she'd stop the second you put it down. With Mothiva, just possessing the pelt is enough - you don't need direct contact, you just need to have it. The effect's at least partially psychosomatic - while it's a direct compulsion with direct contact, anything past that is largely based on if the selkie thinks you should be able to tell them what to do.
The selkie form itself is fairly standard as creatures of its species go, albeit downsized for bug scale. They're around the size they'd normally be relative to a human, relative to an average bug (using an ant as your Standard Human works, here). A selkie is, functionally, both their bug species and their pelt species - behaviors in one form will affect the other, and vice versa. Generally, this'll manifest most noticeably in either tics or diet - a craving for raw fish, an odd sense of territorialism, an impulse to drag dead things to your dumb, bad-at-hunting teammate. It does, however, vary - and a good chunk of selkies do try to keep the fact that they're selkies hidden, especially if they might have reason to fear a stolen pelt.
...this is a whole lot of rambling on Selkie Magic Mechanics and not a whole lot of marine biology, uhh. Hope this helps sketch out the general mechanics for ya! We're always glad to talk about Cool AUs!
#selkieverse#bf aus#selkieverse leif#selkieverse mothiva#selkieverse cenn#selkieverse vi#niko-jpeg#fun fact with standard seal pelts youll cut the flippers and the head off since they don't tan well#a selkie pelt keeps all the bits! its more or less the full skin of the beast including bits thatre just plain impractical to tan normally#also yes fish is a Thing You Can eat its just. not generally a good idea to hunt it as the fish are still Fish Size#leif has the ribbon seal air sac in both forms#mothiva would fucking eat him if she had a chance however she is smaller than him in moth form and he just#entirely lacks any form of self preservation instinct#muze and todd are also selkies but they keep it quiet for dont want their pelts fucking stolen reasons#leif is currently not aware hes a selkie in the first place and hes old enough of one that he has. a Very wide range on his pelt#pelt in question has been hanging up over the fireplace in muze's house ever since an. incident. with grandma muse#they never had the heart to get rid of it. she was Very certain her husband was alive in her old age#you know how it is. a bug gets old and their mind starts to go... always a pity#it does still feel like that pelt is... watching#and it has changed appearance a bit... but who's looking at those old photos anyways?#(leifs pelt has slowly changed color from dark rusty brown to a dark steely blue over the past. century)#(his pelt is not dead but it is Dormant. unfortunately he currently has no fucking clue its even his pelt unfortunately hes stupid)#(also the whole cordyceps thing did scramble his memory access a bit)
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galakaz · 3 months
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spacedlexi · 8 months
me collecting every vague line about minnie to piece together what kind of person she really was pre-delta
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#when marlons about to kill clem and he tries to sway vi by asking her what minnie would do#1) so fucked of him#but 2) what WOULD she want her to do in that situation?? shoot clem???#like did pre delta minnie already have some questionable ideas about the best way to keep the peace?#like she Does end up killing her sister and tries to get the rest of them kidnapped bc she sees submitting to the delta as the safer option#i know shes Fucked Up post delta but like howd we get here... whats the root of this. to be willing to murder your twin sister...#so like what is he insinuating here?? and it almost makes vi step down??#and clems the one who has to fully convince her to save her#vi convinced by clem to stand up for what she believes is right :) and to not just stand down and let shit happen#vi feeling like she failed the twins by not asking questions about what happened to them and is not gonna let it happen to clem and aj#leading to vi taking on a leadership role bc SOMEONE has to be a voice of reason around here#minnies reaction to hearing violets in charge is SO telling. she doesnt believe it and shes BITING about it too#the tension the resentment the insult the quick turn from 'im so glad youre alive' to 'fuck you too' was their relationship always likethis#violet doesnt even fight back just hunches into herself and takes it#what does it mean what does it all mean#this is why i go silly mode when i think about minnie and esp her relationship w violet like there are so many pieces to this puzzle#minnie killed the version of herself ericsons recognized when she killed sophie and there was no coming back from that#but how much of what we see in minnie post delta was always in there somewhere? to keep them safe by any means necessary?#or keep herself safe? like marlon. who DID want to keep them all safe but feared for his own safety above all else? protection his excuse#'if you just do what they say you can live.be rewarded. just like i am' those are the words of a girl who killed her sister to save herself#and like when its Too Late for her she wants to take tenn down with her too so like....theres a lot of selfishness in her actions#the fact you dont hear that line in the louis route is craaazy to me its says SO MUCH ABOUT HER CHARACTER#i need to stop thinking so hard about this but i Cant every time i think about minnie i go down this rabbit hole#twdg#it speaks#im supposed to be working on hw...........
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
You know what. Despite it being against my doctor's orders I think I should rewatch Jane Howell's Wars of the Roses tetralogy
#the extent to which i enjoy shakespeare's history plays is condemnable.#especially the henry vi plays. ppl talk about those plays like they're the lowest thing shakespeare ever wrote#can't say i agree with that at all tbh. they're messy yes but they're GREAT#they are riotously entertaining and the conflicts are very engaging.#I JUST LIKE IT WHEN THEY KILL EACH OTHER WITH SWORDS!!!#SWORDS!!! SWORDS!!!!! KILLING!!!!!!! HEADS ON PIKES!!!!!!!!#like that's good old fashion entertainment to be honest. i can totally picture myself as an elizabethan commoner#losing my absolute marbles watching one of these in london#tales from diana#jane howell has so much power over me#i am so obsessed w her having directed the wars of the roses tetralogy AND titus andronicus.#some of the most patriarchal plays in shakespeare's oeuvre or at least the least-discussed-by-feminists.#im not really sure why when it comes to the wars of the roses plays tho. the female characters are so fascinating to me#joan of arc. margaret of anjou. anne neville. elizabeth woodville#altho i guess in terms of the real history those women tend not to be discussed as much as the men around them#(excluding joan of arc whose image is often stripped of historical context)#but shakespeare's treatment of them is well well well worth discussing more. idk#maybe it's just the problem of ppl's degradation of those plays! idk idk#me why me i can never be accused of not loving the wars of the roses tetralogy enough#me diana britneyshakespeare tumblr's no. 1 wars of the roses tetralogy stan#i also love circus (2008) most of all of britney's albums. im ok disagreeing w other ppl's fan favorites
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myname-isnia · 6 months
What's that one quote that goes like "I had a dream of my mother with the love of her life and no children. It was the happiest I've ever seen her", because... yeah
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