#ver sick but had to come to school
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eunchancorner · 9 months ago
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arent-i-the-fairest · 1 year ago
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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝟐)
he takes care of you while you’re sick. (romantic)
author’s note : in addition to neige, i wrote hcs for che’nya and rollo! i love these three so much <333
crowley, crewel, and sam ver. of this prompt here!
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neige leblanche
“you really called off a photoshoot just to come take care of me? you know you didn’t have to,” you said, smiling softly. neige shook his head.
“oh, i know, i know. but i just couldn’t help myself. the thought of you being all alone while sick just makes me so sad!” he pouts, taking your hands in his. “so i had to come! now, come on and lay down. take it easy and just leave everything to me! i’ll take good care of you.”
he babies you so hard, it’s to the point you almost feel embarrassed. like, he spoons feed you and everything. but he seems no shame in it!
he also decides to take it upon himself to do all ramshackle’s housekeeping and chores for you. (househusband material, honestly.)
no matter how many times you warn him that your sickness is contagious, he can’t resist giving you little kisses throughout the day. so it was no surprise when he called saying he was sick the next day…
“don’t say you didn’t expect this to happen, neige.”
neige only let out a whine and hid his face in the fluffy pile of blankets you brought him. as much as you wanted to scold him for not listening to your warnings, seeing him in such a pitiful state made it impossible.
you’ll save the lecture for later. for now, you’ll be gentle with him, just like he was with you while you were sick.
“oh my, you’re not looking too well!” che’nya chuckles, quirking his head to the side as he looks at you. “well, don’t worry. nurse artemiy artemiyevich pinker is here to help you recover!”
you didn’t have the highest expectations when it came to his caregiving skills, but he actually does really well at taking care of you. he’s very attentive when it comes to your needs. be warned though, he will ask you if you’re feeling better like every 20 minutes just to annoy you.
he’ll exaggerate his cat behaviors to entertain you— and maybe to get you to coo over him being cute. he’ll knead blankets (or perhaps your lap if he wants to rest there instead), bump his head against you, and the like. if you had a cat toy, he’d probably play with it. all without feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment too.
“i’ve gotta ask… did you really come here to take care of me, or was this just an elaborate plan to get me to pet you?” you joked as you scratched behind che’nya’s ears.
“oh no, you’ve caught on! i just came for some pets,” he teased back, purring and leaning into your touch. “— just kidding, of course. hehe.”
you chuckle and lay your head against his chest, listening to the calming sound of his purring as you drift off to sleep.
rollo flamme
you got sick from getting hit by several spells. the perpetrators were none other than ace and deuce, whose fight you accidentally got caught in the crossfire of. (they’ve apologized to you over ten times for this..)
with all the chaos that’s been thrown your way so far, you hardly cared. this is just another tuesday at nrc for you. but you know who did care? rollo.
needless to say, he was not happy to hear of this situation. it’s only served to support his resolve of wanting to eradicate magic.
he tries to hide his anger about the context of how you got sick… and he doesn’t do a good job at it. you’ll look at him once in a while and his face will be twisted up in a scowl. or sometimes you’ll hear him muttering under his breath about “vile reckless mages…” and the like.
knowing how no-nonsense he is, you were a bit nervous about being in his care. but he ended up being a lot more gentle with you than you expected! (… he still made you study though. no falling behind in school on his watch.)
just like neige, he took it upon himself to do all the housekeeping for you. and you swear, you’ve never seen ramshackle so spotless. rollo does not play when it comes to cleanliness.
you watch in amusement as ace and deuce desperately try to convince rollo to let them enter your dorm. rollo is not even slightly swayed by their pleas, standing his ground on not letting them step foot in ramshackle.
“you two are the reason the prefect is ill in the first place. you’ve proven yourselves to be dangerous. i will not take the risk of letting you miscreants in and causing any more trouble for them.” rollo glares down at the pair, getting ready to shut the door on them. you quietly laugh at how protective he’s being.
you walk over to rollo, gently pulling him away from the door to let ace and deuce in. “come on, rollo. let them in. i’m sure they’ll be on their best behavior, especially with you here watching them like a hawk.”
rollo sighs and finally relaxes. “hmph… fine.”
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kairiscorner · 1 year ago
So I don’t know how to do requests😭
But I want to request some Oikawa or sugawara angst, like really angsty, school au! Where the reader and Oikawa or suga are is her best friend, but she also has another girl best friend, who knows that reader has feelings for them but stills goes and confesses to him even though she doesn’t like him just because she was jealous or something and like I don’t want a happy ending low-key hehehehe
I’m sorry I don’t know how to explain it honestly🥹
HELLO, ok so i hope i understood your req correctly, because MMMMMMM i also want this to hurt ... I HOPE YOU LIKE IT, AND IMMA MAKE AN OIKAWA VER JS BC 💓💓💓
“i love you... but you're not mine.”
🌼 (sugawara koushi ver.)
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you used to love how he smiled, it was like every room he entered would light up and get a little warmer, a little more comfortable; like everything felt okay now that he was here, now that he was smiling and telling everyone that what they're doing is enough. it was hard for you to feel enough on some days, it was even harder for you to cope with the fact that you saw some undesirable traits about you–and yet, sugawara never let you go one day without feeling like you're the prettiest person in the world–and to him, you really were.
"come on now..." he'd whisper to you in a soft, loving tone and extend his hands out to you–his calloused hands that always stung after a practice match, those tirelessly doting hands that never stopped to reach out to you and offer to help you, to comfort you, to be there in any time of your need. he'd crouch down to your level and look at you with the sweetest eyes you've ever seen; he takes your hands in his so gently, and he holds you.
his touch is light, though you can feel him squeezing you every now and then. the best feeling sugawara has ever experienced is that cathartic wave washing away some of the sadness, self-deprecation, loneliness, and other negative feelings or fears you've got plaguing you at the moment. "...you're perfect just the way you are." he muttered as he ran the pads of his fingers across the back of your hands. "i know it's hard, but... i'll help you learn to love yourself; i already know you're really lovable to me, to the rest of the team, once you realize how amazing you are on your own... i hope you'll never wish you were anyone else anymore, because you're already amazing as yourself." he gushed with a comforting voice.
well, that was the most sugarcoated lie you've ever been told.
how could you not wish to be anyone else... if your bestfriend beat you to confessing to him? beat you to being his partner...?
how could you not wish to be anyone else but his?
you wished this was a sick joke, that your close friend–whom you always confided in that you liked sugawara, that you enjoyed being with him, that you felt happiest with him–that you... loved sugawara–had confessed to him out of the blue, on the very day you were going to confess to him.
it seems that they beat you to it, and the worst part is...
sugawara loved them back.
you stood there by the doors of the gym, your hands empty after you unknowingly dropped the treats you made for him and the letter you wrote that had all your love for him written out in words you could never have pictured yourself writing down to anyone before–
–all to have your bestfriend steal him away from you.
when he cried tears of joy that the object of his affections reciprocated his love... you cried tears of melancholy at the boy you loved most being taken away from you right before your very eyes.
"hey... remember, you don't have to be someone else to be loved–i love you for who you are, inside and out." he reminded you with a wide, happy grin as he held your hands in his–his right wrist donning the bracelet your bestfriend–his partner–made for the two of them; they matched... and it hurt badly to think about how cute and happy he seemed with them.
sure, he loved you, you could tell that much...
...but only as a friend.
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merao-mariposa · 1 year ago
Chef Missa x Shapeshifter-Crow Phil AU.
(Just hear me out)
Missa is a single father looking to be a professional chef, moving to France to work in his idol's restaurant. He takes his daughter, takes his suitcases and moves to Paris, France to fulfill his dreams.
Phil is an ex-fighter who needs a change and get away from everything after a dramatic event (no spoiler) so when he receives an invitation from his brother in arms, Etoiles, to stay with him in France for a while he does not hesitate to accept.
His son Chayanne has trouble adjusting to his new life due to his selective mutism, fortunately Tallulah (Not tula) and Chayanne become friends at school.
Pissa basically know each other through their children.
Time skip to Tallulah finding out that Chayanne likes cooking, and it just so happens that his dad is el mejor chef del mundo! (She says) Missa starts giving cooking classes to Chayanne (it has nothing to do with him wanting to get closer to Phil, nope, absolutely not, he could never ever thought about that, he only does it because he cares about Chay//and his father)
Missa tries to play it cool and suave for Phil which leads to a lot of silly cartoon situations.
Missa and Phil get distracted by cooking, more smoke than normal starts coming out but they are so caught up in their flirting that they don't notice. Missa: Is it hotter here or is it just me?? Phil laughs, looks into his eyes, into his lips and back into his eyes, and slowly approaches, so slowly and Missa's heart almost sto- Until suddenly a blast of dry ice hits them rigth in their faces. Chayanne came back from whatever he was going to do, and found a tower of smoke! What happened!? …Neither Phil nor Missa can answer that. A bit because they are covered in dry ice and another bit because no mames, what a shame.
Jump to Missa, he's feeling homesick and unsure of his abilities. Tallulah has a fever and Missa is too worried.
The cooking classes stop for a few days.
Until a crow suddenly crosses through his window. That should scare him, his daughter is sick! And crows don't exactly prophesy health.
But he doesn't find himself able to chase away the creature that looks almost as worried as Missas feels. If crows had faces he would say that he frowns when he sees the girl. This crow seems to be really used to humans or something because he allows himself to be petted by Tallulah as if he were a cat, his feathers fluff up and rumble as if he were almost purring in his daughter's hands, her tired face lights up cuz of something that It's not the fever.
He decides to leave them alone.
Since that day the crow visits them more often almost like a family pet, he always comes and goes at night and always seems to be there when they need him most.
(Abajo esta en español, no worries my friends)
Missa es un padre soltero que busca ser chef profesional y se muda a Francia para trabajar en el restaurante de su ídolo. Toma a su hija, toma sus maletas y llega a París, Francia para cumplir su sueño.
Phil es un ex-peleador que necesita un cambio y alejarse de todo tras un susceso dramático (no spoiler) por lo que cuando recibe una invitado de su hermano de armas, Etoiles, para quedarse con el en Francia durante un tiempo no duda en aceptar.
Su hijo Chayanne tiene problemas para adaptarse al colegio y su nueva vida por su mutismo selectivo, afortunadamente Tallulah (no tula) y Chayanne se hacen amigos en la escuela.
Básicamente se conocen a través de sus hijos.
Salto de tiempo a que Tallulah se entere de que a Chayanne le gusta cocinar, y da la casualidad de que su papá es el mejor chef del mundo! (Dice ella) Missa empieza darle clases de cocina a Chayanne (no tiene nada que ver que quiera acercarse a su padre, nop, en definitiva y absolutamente nunca pensó en eso, solo lo hace porque le cae bien el niño //y su padre)
Missa trata de jugarlo cool y suave para Phil lo que lleva a un montón de situaciones tontas de caricatura. Missa y Phil se distraen cocinando, empieza salir más humo de lo normal pero ellos están tan atrapados en su coqueteo que no se dan cuenta. Missa: hace más calor aquí o soy solo yo? Phil se ríe, lo mira a los ojo, a los labios y devuelta a los ojos, y se va acercando lentamente, tan lento y el corazón de Missa casi se detien- Hasta que una ráfaga de hielo seco los golpea de lleno en la cara. Chayanne regresó de lo que sea que fue a hacer, volvió y encontró una enorme torre de humo! Qué pasó?! …Ni Phil ni Missa pueden responder a eso. Un poco porque están cubiertos de hielo seco y otro poco porque no mames que vergüenza.
Salto a Missa, tiempo despues, se siente nostálgico e inseguro de sus habilidades, para peor Tallulah tiene fiebre y Missa está demasiado preocupado.
Las clases de cocina paran durante algunos dias.
Hasta que un cuervo se mete por su ventana. Eso debería asustarlo, su hija está enferma! Y los cuervos no profetizan la salud exactamente.
Pero no se encuentra a si mismo capaz de echar a la criatura que se ve casi tan preocupado como el, si los cuervos tuvieran cara diría que tiene el ceño fruncido cuando ve a la niña. Este cuervo parece estar realmente acostumbrado a los humanos o algo así porque se deja acariciar por Tallulah como si fuera un gato, sus plumas se esponjan y retumba como si casi ronroneara y la cara cansada de su hija se ilumina por algo no es la fiebre.
Decide dejarlos solos.
Desde ese día el cuervo los visita más a menudo casi como una mascota de la familia, siempre va y viene por la noche y siempre aparece estar cuando mas lo necesitan.
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sirwadewilsonfromimgur · 3 months ago
Deadpool and Wolverine KCAU Christmas Special
Part 2
Authors note: This part of the story has been broken up into chapters to make it an easier read and more manageable for me... fair warning, this is 2065. It's an adult Dr. James Wilson story which as you may or may not know, unless you've read my other stuff, is a Marvel and House MD crosover-vers... So come play with me in my sandbox.
New Jersey Earth-10005
Christmas time 2065
Chapter 1
It was the week before Christmas, Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital dosn't stop working for holidays. James was already having a shit day as he walked in to his office... his friend Gregory house was behind his desk, likely waiting for him or hiding from someone. You never really knew... he was on the phone with someone.
I know right, its crazy how... oh, he just walked in.
Who are you on the phone with?
Your sister Ellie, fun gal. We were just discussing your high-school years. She called for you, but I was already here so I took the call for you...
God damn it! Give me the phone...
Hello James, your friend Greg is hilarious, I hope no one ever pays me to kill him...
Why do you always say creepy shit like that, Ellie. Can't anyone in this damn family have a normal phone conversation?
Oh, we sound a little testy today. I'll cut to the chaise... Dad wants all of us home for Christmas this year. Including you and Laura. He wants to do a whole thing... your presence... is not optional thos year. I'll see you on Monday.
Ellie thats fucking ridiculous.
I am busy. People don't stop getting sick just because it's December. I'm a doctor. i can't just take a week off without notice... I know that's a hard concept since you decided to make it your vocation to put people in hospitals or worse.
Or worse cost extra, but that's besides the point...We all make choices, little brother.
The question is, are you prepared to deal with the consequences...
You can get in the jet dad will 100% send on Monday, fly home for the week willingly
Deal with Laura when she comes to collect you along with her entourage of Xmen... I'm sure the hospital staff will love that.
I don't think they're in the business of kidnapping doctors. Laura wouldn't do that even for dad.
Well, I would... and I'll bring all my favorite armed thugs to help... Or I suppose we could do christmas in New Jersey. As long as we're all together. Right?
Eleanor... you're a bitch.
Love you too, James... oh... and don't be surprised if dad hasn't already called that Cuddy Lady...
My Boss!
You know dad, I told him you'd tell me you're busy... so he was likely proactive. She is either terrified or the proud recipient of some large donation oooor "porque no los dos" as Laura would say.
James hung up the phone. He knew Ellie was serious, when Wade Wilson set his mind to it, he was focused and rarely didn't achieve his goals... a admirable trait. Until a gang of paramilitary goons show up to kidnap you so you don't miss traditional christmas eve lasagna.
-Cut to Wilson in Cuddys office-
He'd explained to her the situation... and she was well aware of the consequences. Wilson's relationship with his father was almost as crazy as his relationship with House...
She recalled a time before she was Dean of medicine. When Wade found out Wilson had received a mediocre review... he'd used his considerable influence and threats of violence to have the accreditation board threaten to pull certification from the hospital until it was remedied...
that's actually how she got the position. The previous dean was regularly harassed any time he felt Wilson was slighted, and finally, he couldn't take it anymore and retired early... to Wilsons credit, he had no idea this was going on until Cuddy took the job. the previous dean was probably threatened into silence on the subject, too...
Cuddy was never one to be bullied and had come clean with James about all of his father's antics shortly after taking the position. Wade Wilson was dangerous, but she'd be damned if she'd let a mercenary tell her how to run a hospital
Wilson quickly put a stop to this behavior and added that Cuddy was a friend knowing that bare minimum his dad would be less threatening to one of "Kittens" friends.
She agreed to give him the week off despite late notice and the myriad of other HR and staffing problems associated with being short a doctor on one condition... he had to take Greg with him... she didn't have the time or patience to Deal with the illustrious Dr House without Wilson to help her.
By the time he'd gotten back to his office house hadn't really moved much... sitting behind Wilson's desk playing on his phone...
Don't you have a patient or something to attend to?
Actually, no... none worth my time anyway... Forman and the cute australian one can handle what is obviously subclinical measles with a secondary flu infection... vaccinate your kids... idiots.
Well, since you're not busy, I guess you'd be ok leaving early with me and packing for a trip... I'd like you to come to Kansas city with me for Christmas...
Kinda short notice to book a flight. he said suspiciously
it'll be a direct flight, Private... no TSA and probably a bottle of Dom Pérignon. he said this in a tone of playful temptation.
I thought you were Jewish?
On paper I am... I converted for Bonnie when we got married, House... you were there at the wedding... I told you this.
like I keep track of your current brand of imaginary friend that closely... I do remember that marriage ending because despite converting to Judaism, you couldn't get a grasp on the Seventh Commandment in particular
Ok, ouch.
That leads me to my next question. What makes you think I want to go with you to your weird families christmas?
Because if you don't... unless you get an interesting case soon, Cuddy said you'd be scheduled 12 hour shifts in the clinic every day next week.
Damn it...
I suppose I will go with you to the middle of bum fuck and flyover and enjoy a country christmas on the ranch with you... not like I have a choice, besides I've never really had the chance to get to know your parents. I drank so much at the last wedding. The only thing I remember of them is one of them wore a red mask... and the other looked like an angry Calvin Kline model.
Kansas City is an actual metropolitan. My parents live in a high rise, not on a ranch... and dad... can be kind of shy in large groups of people he doesn't know.
Well, since im not allowed to be unsupervised, there are worse places to be in December... like the clinic, holiday ailments are the worst. At least one person has an ornament shoved up their ass... But it beats the hell out of spending the holidays with my parents. You're lucky, really. My dad was a Marine constantly moving... or abandoning me with my grandmother.
Oh, are we playing this game? I was raised by a mentally unstable warlord with a gun fetish and his Victorian era husband the worlds grummpiest teddy bear who has knives in his hands and PTSD from the American Civil War.... and a grandmother who did more drugs than every member of the Rolling stones combined, and she liked to tell me wildly inappropriate stories... usually about my dad's banging, or how she was a sultry honey pot when she worked for MI6.
well, my grandmother beat me..
Jesus fine, you win.
on that note, Johns Hopkins didn't exactly have a good mutant biology program... if they're both genetically you parents shouldn't you *waves his hands in the air making mock magical gestures* have some power
I'm pretty sure my mutant ability is loving and tolerating reprobates and assholes.
It takes one to know one, James...
Our story ends here for now... the boys go home and pack for a week in Kansas City.
Wade had indeed arranged for a car to pick them up and take them to a private air strip where a Gulfstream G700 was waiting for them
Trust me, it gets old quick.
Link to Chapter 3
Silly photo shop for fun.
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jenn2sec · 12 days ago
English vers.
Based On My Dreams Series (MAIN LINE):
❝ Healing Trip ❞
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start - thursday20022025
couple - bigbang(you decide who) x fem!reader
chapters summary - after your strong resistance against the abuse from your boyfriend's (now ex) family, you were suspended from school for a year, so what will you do during that forced break? of course, take a direct flight to korea to heal! lets see how lucky you will be with bigbang-boys!
note - chaotic, bad words, side characters, this post won't feature bigbang, but read on and make your choice at the end!, funny, quantum multiverse, alcohol
caption section - after reviewing and organizing more ideas for the plot, i decided to officially develop the Based On My Dreams Series into a long-form fanfic (when i say long, i mean it will have a more structured storyline). y/n is in the late twenties and about to enter their thirties, a third-year student majoring in film scriptwriting.
We’re always open to feedback and ideas to make the story better!
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[ Before I could make sense of everything, my feet were already standing on his grave. ]
After reviewing the entire script draft for the short film, you sent it to senior H/n. Just thinking about it made you frustrated—why did you have to do his work for him? This was supposed to be his graduation project! Your head felt as hot as a furnace, yet you still had to sit in the library after your morning classes, rushing to finish his “problem.”
“That jerk…” you mumbled, slamming your laptop shut before quickly stacking up your books into a neat pile and dragging yourself out of the library.
Time flew by, and you were already close to completing your second semester of your third year in university. Just one more semester and another year, and you’d finally have that bachelor’s degree in your hands. Lost in your feverish state, you found yourself daydreaming about internships—completely unaware that the so-called "talented" senior you had just cursed was now striding towards you with an air of arrogance.
“Hey, y/n! Come here for a sec.” He waved a hand at you like an impatient boss calling over an employee just to scold them. Just great. You had only insulted him in your head a moment ago, and now he had appeared like a summoned ghost. With a deep sigh, you bit your lip and walked over.
"I really appreciate your help, but you should really reconsider $#%&—" He kept rambling, his words buzzing in your ears like an annoying fly. What was this? Was he actually complaining about a script that he got for free?
You were too stunned to speak. The only reason you put up with this lunatic was because he was your boyfriend’s older brother and the son of the head professor of your department.
Let’s see… He was the son of the department head but was still drowning in over ten failed courses, barely hanging onto his chance to graduate. And ever since you had visited your boyfriend’s house and discovered that both of you were in the same screenwriting major, more than half of his overdue assignments had magically ended up in your lap. Call you stupid if you guys want—at first, you thought dating someone from the same school would be nice. His mother was a well-respected professor, and surely his older brother must be talented too, right? Wrong. And now, your so-called “future brother-in-law” was acting like he was the professor and you were the clueless student, lecturing you in the middle of campus with no regard for your dignity.
"I am sorry, but I’m really exhausted. Can’t you see the fever patch on my foreh—" You weakly protested, carefully choosing your words to avoid bruising his ego, but H/n immediately cut you off, clicking his tongue and placing his hands on his hips.
"Y/n, if you’re going to do something, do it properly. You can’t use being sick as an excuse to hand in a script full of plot holes!"
You froze. Your face went blank, as if someone had just smacked you over the head with a hammer. You could only stare at this shameless man in disbelief.
"Hey, are y—" Just as you were about to snap back, your younger boyfriend suddenly appeared from afar, grinning as he approached. Without hesitation, he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek.
"What are you two doing out here?"
Seeing your boyfriend felt like spotting a lifeline in the middle of an ocean. You turned around, ready to whine about your suffering, but before you could even speak, the brat jumped back in horror, shoving you away a few steps.
"Wait, you’re sick?! Hey, hey, don’t get me infected! I have an internship next week!" He hurriedly pulled a mask out of his pocket and put it on, while his brother scolded him for overreacting.
And then, just like that, he kept going. Your dear senior resumed his endless criticism of your script, delivering yet another long-winded lecture about character development and scene construction.
A childish boyfriend. A useless, arrogant brother-in-law. And you—sick to the point of collapse, with a very solid pile of books in your hands.
Yes. With a rage-induced fever clouding your mind like a drunken haze, you didn’t hesitate. You hurled the entire stack of books at that senior’s face, then grabbed the thickest one and jabbed it straight at your stupid boyfriend, who is gaping.
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"That damn bastards….my gosh how can I know I’d break the library window! It’s all their fault! Huhuhu—" You wailed into your phone, sobbing so hard that your eyes were practically swelling shut.
On the other end of the call, your online best friend sighed. "So… what about your ‘future mother-in-law’?"
The mere mention of that woman made you cry even louder. "That witch! She only acted nice because she saw me as her eldest son’s academic lifeline! But the moment I broke their noses today, she went insane and demanded that the school expel me! Huhuhu—!"
Your friend let out a long, tired sigh. "So let me get this straight… You got suspended for a whole year just for assault and property damage? That’s kind of harsh. I’d say one semester at most." You sniffled. "No, no. Before that, I went to the academic office and reported that entire damn family—especially that bastard H/n—for forcing me to do his coursework."
"WHAT?!" Your friend shrieked in shock before bursting into laughter. Meanwhile, you grinned victoriously.
"Serves those assholes right."
You don't mind graduating a year late, you're a pretty good student after all—it's basically a gap year. But that asshole? His record's been erased. And his mom? Suspended for a whole semester. Ha!
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"Why do you keep listening to those gay dudes all the time?"
A slipper flew straight toward the speaker—unfortunately, it missed. You've heard this comment enough times to no longer take it to heart, but you still had to put up some kind of resistance. Your older brother kicked your slipper further away—specifically, out onto the porch—before lazily walking over to the fridge to find something to snack on.
Meanwhile, you sat idly on the sofa, listening to your favorite music: K-pop.
It had been a long time since you last had the chance to relax like this. Ever since you got involved with that damn family, even your holidays were spent helping H/n.
So now, being able to unwind felt a bit unfamiliar. You started feeling like you had rested too much—your hands and feet were itching to do something.
"If you're so free, why don't you go out or get a job? Doesn't staying home bore you?" your brother asked, plopping down on the couch with a bag of snacks. He grabbed the remote and switched the TV to some streamer’s YouTube channel.
"HEY!" You grabbed your other slipper and threw it straight at his face—this time, it hit. After a brief scuffle, both of you lazily slumped back onto the couch.
"Getting a part-time job doesn’t sound too bad—"
Suddenly, your phone rang. It was your online best friend calling.
And with just one phone call, your plan to get a job turned into a healing trip abroad.
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The room you rented was in an apartment complex located deep within a neighborhood already slated for redevelopment. Despite this, quite a few people still lived here. Most people—including your online best friend—found the place too cramped and bustling, but you actually liked it. Having lived with your parents and brother your whole life, you never had the chance to "coexist" with strangers like this. So even though you felt a bit uneasy, you valued this experience—it was something worth having!
Your online best friend picked you up from the airport and helped you find a short-term rental. (You had decided to stay for an extended period, given that you had an entire year of free time.) After finishing the move-in process, she immediately switched into tour guide mode and took you on an adventure through Seoul.
This was only the second time you two had met in real life—the first being when she visited your country for a trip. Now, it was your turn to visit hers. Twice was more than enough to erase any awkwardness. The two of you went all out, exploring every corner, from delicious street food to fun entertainment spots.
“Lucky for you, you know enough Korean to communicate, right?” she asked, biting into a strawberry tanghulu—the popular sugar-coated fruit snack often seen in TikTok dance videos. You nodded slightly, using your own candy stick to poke at the hardened sugar stuck on your molars before replying.
“Just a little. I’m definitely not fluent enough to compete with the locals.” You joked, recalling how, during your first meeting, she had been too flustered to even speak English properly.
Both of you had made an effort to learn each other’s native languages, but for the most part, you still communicated in English for convenience, occasionally throwing in phrases from the second language. So naturally, she reacted quickly to your teasing:
"야! 놀리지 마!! (Ya! Don’t tease me!!)”
She laughed awkwardly at her own outburst, making both of you burst into laughter. Your attention was then quickly stolen by a brightly lit bar nearby.
“Hey, I didn’t know Aven Star had a branch in Korea,” you remarked.
“Of course they do! They even invite artists over all the time. Wanna go in? Who knows, maybe you’ll run into one of your ‘husbands,’” she teased, nudging your shoulder.
You were about to agree instantly, but one glance at your outfit made you hesitate. “I can’t. I look like a complete mess right now.”
“Excuse me?! Stop acting like a pick-me girl! You look amazing, so get in there and have fun!”
Well, if that damn family knew you were out here vacationing and enjoying yourself, they’d be fuming. Just the thought of it made you relax a little more and confidently step inside.
The moment you entered, your ears were greeted by remixes of old-but-gold US-UK songs, refreshed with an upbeat twist that made them even catchier. The dim, flickering lights were adjusted just right—not harsh on the eyes—but the place was packed. That was typical for this bar. You never went bar-hopping much during your school days, but if you did, Aven Star was always your go-to. It was surreal that your favorite club had somehow followed you across the world, making your healing trip feel even more complete.
You quickly let yourself soak in the atmosphere while waiting for your best friend, who was busy flirting with the bartender (and ordering more drinks for both of you). The tension in your body gradually melted away, your shoulders feeling lighter by the second. It was hard to believe this trip was already working wonders—on just the first day.
Then, out of nowhere, a cold liquid spilled down the back of your neck, soaking your entire back. A sharp shiver ran up your spine, triggering an instant wave of shock and discomfort that shot straight to your brain, making you yelp. Luckily, the bar was noisy enough to drown out your outburst.
Spinning around, you searched for the culprit—and found yourself facing a guy dressed in a breezy, casual outfit. His face was undeniably Korean, but he wasn’t bad-looking at all. In fact, when combined with his overall aura, he looked…pretty cool!
His expression, however, was hilarious. Though the dim lighting made it hard to see clearly, his wide eyes, hand-over-mouth reaction, and panicked mumbling made it obvious he was apologizing and checking if you were okay.
You were in too good of a mood to get mad. You were about to say something, but then you spotted your best friend scanning the crowd for you. With no time to linger, you flashed the guy a quick grin, leaned in slightly, and said a few words before slipping through the dancing crowd to rejoin your friend.
| If You Choose to Say Something Playful.
| If You Choose to Say Something Reassuring. [comingsoon]
F i x a r a w S o f t e n
to speed things up and because my english isn’t really that good, i decided to use a translation tool to help with the language switch. a bigbangxreader fanfic operating on the quantum multiverse theory, why not?!
every choice you make leads you to a different person, opening up distinct storylines, what do you think?!
hope you all understand and enjoy ♡
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justwritedreams · 2 years ago
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Baekhyun Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
Sigh ok hear me out
There's so much I want to talk about him 🤧
I think he would find out about the pregnancy even before his s/o but he would be confused like is that what I'm thinking or is it just my imagination?
I mean, he has experience with his nephews so it's not an unexplored area for him.
Like have you seen his smile when he's with children? 
But I think he wouldn't say anything because he doesn't want to put pressure on his s/o.
But even if he already expected it, the moment she announced it, oh boy he would be so shocked!
I imagine the two together, alone, watching a movie or just talking sitting on the couch.
And she feels uncontrollably nauseous and she pulls away from him so quickly and runs to the bathroom 
He just watches her run with a confused face like
“What... what happened?”
He goes after her because he is very worried
And he helps her hold her hair so it doesn't get dirty and he even strokes the back of her neck, trying to make her feel better 😩
And when she finishes and wipes her mouth, with him stroking her hair he asks what happened
And she replies in a low voice that she's pregnant 
He's like 😳
She tries to explain that she had a bunch of tests last week and didn't tell anything because she was scared but 
Se just hugs her so tight she's probably going to gasp for air.
And he starts to cry like a baby!
Out of emotion, of course, he is so happy that the only thing he can say is thank you a million times.
And that leads me to think that this man will be the most protective father in the whole word
He's the type who won't let his s/o do any kind of physical exertion at all.
Like, carry shopping bags or even put on socks when it's colder when the belly is considerably big
"I can do this you know" "You can't make an effort, imagine if the baby is accidentally born when you crouch"
And the purest father in the world too!
I think he's going to handle his s/o’s morning sickness very well
Just like the mood swing
But the day that his child will be born, I imagine him completely nervous
And it will be even worse if the baby comes early 🤣
Will definitely cry more than the baby in childbirth
But it will be worth it when he holds the baby in his arms and realizes how small he is 😭
And he will look with the biggest smile like "it's my son"
Oh yeah and I definitely see him as a father of boys. 3 to be exact
He will teach his children everything he can
From simpler things like saying daddy
Even dancing since childhood
Don't you think he won't teach his children? He will, and he will definitely buy those father-son clothes!
And he will say with great pride that he taught
Even if the moment the child says daddy he is crying too much 🤣
He's going to be a worried father, any toothache or flu he's going to want to watch his son 24/7
He's going to be as devoted to his family as he is to anything that's dear to him, and I think family is the most important thing to him
As I said, the fact that he has nephews puts him in a comfortable position
Because he already has experience and will make him closer to his children
No, but just imagine him walking with the kids, taking them to school, sleeping with them at night in his bed because I know he's going to refuse to take the kids to their room 😭😭😭
And what else can I say? LET ME BE THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN JONGIN i'm kidding chanyeol
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jutdwae-archives · 1 year ago
Bsf!SKZ Members when they take care of you while you're sick (Maknae Line)
pairings: bsf!maknae line x gn!reader
genre: fluff fluff fluff/comfort
word count: 649
mentions: being sick (coughing, sneezing), mentions of implied throwing up in I.N's section (please lmk if i've missed anything!)
hyung line ver. | maknae line ver.
this art of fiction is not meant to portray the members in real life.
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idc what you say, he will definitely make you as a blanket burrito
i just get those vibes from him
you guys would be playing nintendo and would bet who becomes a blanket burrito
he won so that's how you ended up as one
but then he'd hear a sneeze and a groan from you
one look and he rushes to your side to check your temperature
you feel cold but to him you feel hot... keeps you in the blanket burrito tho
brings you a cold washcloth to place on your forehead to calm down the fever and gives you some medicine
when it's time to eat he orders some comfort food by order i mean got lee know to make it and act as uber delivery
how you found out was when han slipped out "leeknow hyung makes the best comfort food"
big eyes and stuffed cheeks as you heard that
gave him a slight smack on the shoulder to reprimand him for asking lee know to make the food
by night he carries you up to your room and offers cuddles and studio ghilbi movies to watch
probably started singing a lullaby to push you over the edge to fall asleep
you both fall asleep watching the movie due to your previous activites letting it run in the background
you guys wake up to another movie you both like but at the sad part..
lets just say it was an emotional morning
the definition of sunshine
this man as soon as he finds out you're sick
he's baking some desserts, aromas of brownies and cookies filling the air
he'd also bring you some food to soothe the itchiness of your throat
would have searched up 'what are ways to get rid of sickness'
as he'd be baking he would chop up some onions to put in your room (if your filipino you'd know the reasoning behind this)
would quite literally come to check up on you every 5 mins
give you medicine and same with han would have a cold washcloth on your forehead to calm you down
he finds you sleeping the next time he checks up on you
so he goes to play LoL (we all know what happens when felix plays LoL)
you wake up after hearing felix shout
"Lixxxxx, it's just a gamee"
apologises that he woke you up but then goes on a tangent about how it's not just a game
would also provide amazing cuddles like chan
this man has such a soothing voice like han's
i swear the aussie line should be named the cuddle line atp
ngl it's so hard to read seungmo and how he would take care of you
i feel like it'd be another case of lee know caring for you
he would give you the basic treatment tho
food, medicine, rest, check ups
probably drag you out of your room to get some vitamin D
and for him to practice his baseball techniques
would try and cook you pancakes
we all know what happened in that ep of puppycat school 😭
but yeah i can't make out seungmin AT ALL - i apologise 😔
i can't read i.n either 😭
he'd also give the basic treatment
i feel like he'd be the type to hold your hair back if you throw up
maybe take you out on a walk to get vitamin D
only for you to become his personal photographer
gotta get pics for the gram yk
but for your efforts as you kept sneezing and coughing he would treat you to some street 어묵국 (fish cake soup)
would perform 'hug me' on the piano for you
that leads you to want cuddles from him
he'll decline but come around and let you cuddle him as he just lays there like a stick 😭
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A/N: heyyyy!! so i finally finished the maknae line.. i wasn't expecting to post it today but i had nothing else to do so yeah
hope you like this little drabble my friend gave me the idea to write this
!please reblog just to support me in my future works :)!
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syoul · 1 year ago
(the unserious but also equally as serious ver.) not proofread but this might get deleted later anyways lmfao
warnings: mentions of food, child neglect, manipulation, swearing. lmk if anything else.
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ISEUL: cuddle bug first, idol and songwriter second. the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; knows manipulation and performs it well. too soft for the liking of others however, and is often stuck between the conflicts of not being enough of a man. born to slay, forced to nay. another tale of time wasted at a company who wouldn’t even look his way for a mere minute lmfao. could’ve debuted on two separate occasions but the higher ups said “nope!” and well. here he is now. people pleaser #1; was born to puppet strings and will continue to be tied to them until he decides to cut them off, even if he thinks he already did. 
OLIVER: born to “Rawr XD”, forced to “Grrr Bark Bark Alpha male-core”. haunted by the wolf that lurks in his family’s past. protective to the point where he can be overbearing—depends highly on the situation—but would lay his life down for this little “family” they have going on. outcasted for most of his childhood and trainee days; school messed him up a lot. my bad. but fuck them, there’s no way any of that can reach him now. right? 
SEOJUN: tired #1. the stone pillar with no visible cracks until you knock a hand against it to find it hollow. the product of absent parents and being a witness to their favouritism for his older brother. despite that, the two of them are extremely close. simultaneously needs a lifetime supply of coffee and to be cut off from caffeine entirely. the glue of the group and is the main one to set his foot down. will not stand for any injustice and is a little too venomous when it comes to protecting his group; sometimes his defence turns into more of an attack, but what’s the difference when the group is the main topic? is sick and tired of the doubt and comparison, even more than seven. he’s just better at hiding it. 
MARS: the sanest one by technicality but doesn’t seem like it. someone who tries so hard to be loved and is constantly searching in all the wrong places. touch starved and really just needs a good hug and to be told he’s doing amazingly. the exuberant one who puts himself out there because he’ll do anything to have this group survive. sm 100% regrets letting him go; he was willing to do whatever they wanted of him if it meant his efforts were recognized even a little bit. it’s funny because he loves dancing and is damn good at it but the old management didn't want to classify him as a dancer so they wrote him for every position except for dancer. 
KJ: tired #2. punishes himself for a childhood he had no control over; nothing was his fault but in some ways, it was. literally a wet cat caught in the rain. looks nice enough to help out but might bite and hiss if you try to give him an umbrella. is overly cautious when it comes to being shown kindness; please don’t mind the side eyes and the calculating glare, he’s trying to accept it as such i swear. has like. has 2-3 close friends outside of the group and really doesn’t plan on making more unless you’re really persistent. doesn’t look all too threatening but you better watch out if you get him mad; that’s a whole territory no one has seen before. venom in his words is his main weapon and he’s damn good with it too. 
RYO: can do no wrong in everyone’s eyes. the nicest out of the entire group and also the most forgiving. the willing dog counterpart to oliver’s feral wolf like nature. people pleaser #2 and would show his belly without a second thought. stupidly trusting, but not naive. if that makes any sense. the second punisher. carries a guilt so deep, you’d have to remove his heart to get it out of his system. none of it was his fault; they told him otherwise. 
SEVEN: angsty babygirl coded. a pack of fireworks if they were shaped into a human; he’s not dangerous compared to dynamite when he blows, but it stings nonetheless. at least he’s pretty though. will play nice until you decide to stop. but like, his definition of playing nice when it comes to people he’s wary of is batting them around with his claws slightly out. or ig in this case, spikes out bc um he’s so hedgehog coded to me. or orange cat. both work. he’s just prickly. the second best facade next to seojun; his is just a little bit more crackable if you know where to push. 
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years ago
𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖!
Sorry this is like, a month overdue but sickness decided to pay me a visit so I just felt too miserable to write so uhm yeah,March ver a Valentine's day fic,this is also lowkey self indulgent sorry not sorry
Fandom:The disastrous life of saiki k
Characters: Kusuo Saik
Author: Mod Betty
Warning/tags:platonic,reader's sexuality is not mentioned,Saiki talks telepathically to the reader,kinda goofy ngl it's saiki k we're talking about
Reader is gender neutral 
Word count :1,256 words
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    Valentine's day,the day where high-schoolers go heart-eyed for everyone they see,chocolates,red and pink cards filled with hearts…the teenage dream,but it isn't so lovey dovey ,why? Simple.Rejection. The utter despair when your crush doesn't share your feelings of love and affection, truly sad but not Saiki's problem. He didn't understand the Valentine's craze,all his friends seemed to disagree, all fantasizing about their dream partner giving them the sweet box of heart chocolates.Well almost all his friends, the exception was you.You often shared his feelings when it came to stuff like this,you hated it as much as he did.You knew of his problem of girls fawning over him and he knew how you also had a similar issue,classmates not getting your hints about not liking them in that way and they're surprised when you are forced to reject them in person because they were too blind to see you weren't interested.It was a pain for the both of you,the unwanted attention was honestly tiring and with the holiday all about love coming tomorrow you both knew your days will be just awful. So during a class where you didn't feel like paying attention to,you heard Saiki's voice in your head 'Got any ideas for tomorrow?' He asks trying to figure out how both of you can escape from it 'Nope,just thinking about it is giving me a headache' you respond ,this wasn't the first time you both talked telepathically, it was easier and it wouldn't cause attention or rumors about you two dating or something. 'Guess we'll somehow have to leave the situations if we can't avoid them' Saiki said ,pondering on any escape plans that wouldn't involve him directly using his powers such as teleporting in front of them 'Just like the stuff you pulled on Chiyo?' You tease ,turning to him to see his face,annoyed at your comment 'Don't remind me' is all he said.
        So the day has arrived,both you and Saiki were a tad bit nervous, hoping there wouldn't be too many suitors for each,it's not like they're Teruhashi or some harem anime.But as they stepped on the school premise they get ready for their "avoid all nuisances at all costs" mission to begin.
    First period was…rough… to say the least.You definitely weren't expecting chocolates and flowers on your desk already,at least not this many anyway.You definitely knew they were watching you,waiting for your reaction.You pretended to not see them,and when you blocked the view of the chocolates,they were gone! The suitors looked away for just a second and it's gone!? Did they accidentally place it on the wrong desk!? Surely not they could've sworn they placed it on your desk.Said flowers and chocolates ended up on Teruhashi's pile,there were so many anyway,one extra wouldn't be noticed 'Thanks for the help' you say in your mind,hoping Saiki could hear you through the noise of other people's thoughts 'Don't thank me yet,this has only just begun' He responded staring at his empty desk,he got lucky,he was quiet,never talking to people so his classmates didn't really notice him as much as people noticed you since you at least talked when interacting. 
         Saiki has heard that one of the girl's wants to confess to him later today.He immediately went straight to you,telepathically of course to let you know of the situation so you can make a plan to get him out of the conversation. Surely enough after the second period,the girl came to him.She seemed nervous, biting her bottom lip,cheeks already red.Saiki was already feeling awkward being there,he just wanted to leave. "Uhm Saiki I w-was wondering if you could be my-" before she could finish her sentence you ran up to them, after panting from running you look at Saiki "Hey Saiki a teacher is asking you come to their ,something about wanting to talk about a grade" you lied,hoping your performance was believable. Saiki nodded before heading in to the supposed teacher when in reality it was just his next class ,thankfully this girl wasn't from his class so there wouldn't be any awkward moments. The girl sighed in defeat looking at the floor as she walked away,you had to admit you did feel bad for her but eh that's what rejection does to a person. You watch her go to whatever she was headed before heading towards your own destination. 
      Lunchtime was pretty tame,most people being focused on eating rather than confessing, besides no one would risk getting rejected in front of the whole school in the middle of the cafeteria.  However this peace wouldn't last for much longer. So far it was all clear,the next class went smoothly without any instances. However when you decided to go outside for some fresh air,that peace was ruined.Someone you didn't even recognise came up to you smiling before saying "well since it's Valentine's day I feel like it's only right I say this ____ I've admired you since I first saw you,you were like an angel that has come from the sky,your beauty is something that could rival anyone else" they began to say,not showing signs of being finished.Saiki wasn't nearby so you began to worry when suddenly you welp a gust of wind suddenly appear out on nowhere and somehow ,the handkerchief from your pocket flew out causing you to turn around and watch it fly into the distance "uhm sorry but I gotta go get this,see you later" you say as you ran for the now practically flying handkerchief till you reached a secluded area only to see a certain pink haired boy." So it was you" you say,knowing that it wasn't windy at all today,he simply shrugged acting like he had no involvement.'Looks like it's 2 encounters with you and one for me' He says "don't jinx it because I'm not sure how to save you this time" you joked before checking to see if the area is clear before both of you walked back in the school. 
           The day ended and both of you thought it was finally over,you both went to your lockers to put your shoes away when suddenly two people walked up,some towards saiki and the other towards you,shoot! How were you two supposed to get out of this!?You both were nervous, preparing yourself for doom then you both heard a voice "Saiki! ____" it was Toritsuka! Seeing as you two were probably friends with the medium,they slowly backed away,apologizing before walking away.Oh Toritsuka you miracle of a man you are! You saved both of them."uhm what's up with your faces,looks like you just got out of a tight situation" he asks,confused look on his face "because we did" you signed astou changed your shoes,Saiki following suit.The three of you went home,Toritsuka teasing Saiki about he's a playboy for getting all the girls despite him indirectly rejecting all of them. Eventually you get home and both of you flop on your beds. You look up at the ceiling of your room sighing,before smiling "I owe Kusuo a coffee jelly" you think to yourself, not knowing the same boy is thinking the same about you."I owe ____ a coffee jelly".
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tainsan · 1 year ago
YES I DEF THINK THAT TOO!! im just rlly bad at spelling and meant jongho might just use ur name/a shortened ver 😞 yeosang would DEF use ur name but like in the nerdiest way im sorry. hes just a little dorky if that makes sense! i 🫶🏻 nerds tho
on the contrary wooyoung would use the cringiest nicknames ever whether ur there or not. 'my little sugarplum cupcake' 'my honey booboo bear' hed start saying into recipes atp like 'my 1/4 cup of sugar with five large marshmallows!!' thanks man. how sweet!
IM SOO EXCITED!! i need fluff rn these past few chapters have hit me like a train and i am SICK and TIRED of their shenanigans. just kiss it out! i will not sue promise maybe just scream a little 🤗 this fic has everything i love AND an amazing incredible spectacular funny kind author
yeah its not terrible until you have to do it ☹️ its a workout esp when ppl keep messing up 👿👿👿 i think im the side kick here tbh! us against the world though 🤞🏻(and misfit atz. ik yk what theyre gonna do and how theyll improve but IIII dont so until then.. they better sleep with one eye open)
hopefully ur mental health is good or i will uh. fight ur brain! 🤺 and i hope ur inside and safe now 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ok thats my super duper long message for now 😎 thank u for listening and sorry for the wall of text. i WILL be back🐺
ME TOO I’m terrible at spelling bc I’m dyslexic😭 auto correct and grammarly are my saviours omg
OKAY I feel like Jongho would be too shy to call you a nickname at the start of the relationship but when he gets fully comfortable he will use babe and baby. Yeosang is such a nerd I love him. I have a thing for nerdy boys (seonghwa and Yeosang have me in a chokehold) (everytime I see seonghwa geek over Star Wars and Lego I will go feral)
NO BC YOU HAVE A POINT😭😭 wooyoung would 100% be using all the cringey weird petnames UNIRONICALLY. Bro woukd come up to you and be like “what’s up my pookie bear” dead serious and won’t understand why you are laughing at the name💀 LDKAOAOA 1/4 CUP OF SUGAR HAD ME ON THE FLOOR. But cupcake and muffin are defo gonna stick bc he thinks you’re the sweetest person alive!!!!
The past few chapters have been HEAVY and I’m so happy to be finally releasing some chapters which I know everyone has been waiting for😭. YOURE FLATTERING ME STOP ILY I’m happy you like the story and also me 🥹
I can’t understand :(( when I was in high school we did Matilda the musical and I was one of the kids in the back 😭😭 my teachers loved the fact that I have a history in gymnastics so they made me flip around and do tricks off a mini trampoline. And OMG THE LEAD FOR MATILDA WAS SO BAD IT WASNT EVEN FUNNY idk who casted but she couldn’t sing or dance or act😭 we did so so so many retakes and every retake I had to be flipping around and I was so done by the end of it
We can both me main characters 🤭 us against the world bae🫶 yeah yeah I have no idea what they are going to do we are both in the blind….🤫
I’d love for you to fight my brain it’s a mess but I’m improving slowly. the last few months have been super super tough for me so I hope that I will get out of this period. But I’ll be fine !!!
You better be back 🐺AWOOOO
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aboutbirds · 9 months ago
If this uncertain age in which we dwell Were really as dark as I hear sages tell, And I convinced that they were really sages, I should not curse myself with it to hell, But leaving not the chair I long have sat in, I should betake me back ten thousand pages To the world’s undebatably dark ages, And getting up my medieval Latin, Seek converse common cause and brotherhood (By all that's liberal—I should, I should) With the poets who could calmly take the fate Of being born at once too early and late, And for those reasons kept from being great, Yet singing but Dione in the wood And ver aspergit terram floribus They slowly led old Latin verse to rhyme And to forget the ancient lengths of time, And so began the modern world for us.
I'd say, O Master of the Palace School, You were not Charles' nor anybody's fool: Tell me as pedagogue to pedagogue, You did not know that since King Charles did rule You had no chance but to be minor, did you? Your light was spent perhaps as in a fog That at once kept you burning low and hid you. The age may very well have been to blame For your not having won to Virgil's fame. But no one ever heard you make the claim. You would not think you knew enough to judge The age when full upon you. That’s my point. We have today and I could call their name Who know exactly what is out of joint To make their verse and their excuses lame. They've tried to grasp with too much social fact Too large a situation. You and I Would be afraid if we should comprehend And get outside of too much bad statistics Our muscles never could again contract: We never could recover human shape, But must live lives out mentally agape, Or die of philosophical distention. That's how we feel—and we're no special mystics.
We can't appraise the time in which we act But for the folly of it, let's pretend We know enough to know it for adverse. One more millennium's about to end. Let's celebrate the event, my distant friend, In publicly disputing which is worse, The present age or your age. You and I As schoolmen of repute should qualify To wage a fine scholastical contention As to whose age deserves the lower mark, Or should I say the higher one, for dark. I can just hear the way you make it go: There's always something to be sorry for, A sordid peace or an outrageous war. Yes, yes, of course. We have the same convention. The groundwork of all faith is human woe. It was well worth preliminary mention. There's nothing but injustice to be had, No choice is left a poet, you might add, But how to take the curse, tragic or comic. It was well worth preliminary mention. But let’s go on to where our cases part, If part they do. Let me propose a start. (We're rivals in the badness of our case, Remember, and must keep a solemn face.) Space ails us moderns: we are sick with space. Its contemplations makes us out as small As a brief epidemic of microbes That in a good glass may be seen to crawl The patina of this the least of globes. But have we there the advantage after all? You were belittled into vilest worms God hardly tolerated with his feet; Which comes to the same thing in different terms. We both are the belittled human race, One as compared with God and one with space. I had thought ours the more profound disgrace; But doubtless this was only my conceit. The cloister and the observatory saint Take comfort in about the same complaint. So science and religion really meet.
I can just about hear you call your Palace class: Come learn the Latin Eheu for alas. You may not want to use it and you may. O paladins, the lesson for today Is how to be unhappy yet polite. And at the summons Roland, Olivier, And every sheepish paladin and peer, Being already more than proved in fight, Sits down in school to try if he can write Like Horace in the true Horatian vein, Yet like a Christian disciplined to bend His mind to thinking always of the end. Memento mori and obey the Lord. Art and religion love the somber chord. Earth's a hard place in which to save the soul, And could it be brought under state control, So automatically we all were saved, Its separateness from Heaven could be waived; It might as well at once be kingdom-come. (Perhaps it will be next millennium.)
But these are universals, not confined To any one time, place, or human kind. We're either nothing or a God's regret. As ever when philosophers are met, No matter where they stoutly mean to get, Nor what particulars they reason from, They are philosophers, and from old habit They end up in the universal Whole As unoriginal as any rabbit.
One age is like another for the soul. I'm telling you. You haven't said a thing, Unless I put it in your mouth to say. I'm having the whole argument my way— But in your favor—please to tell your King— In having granted you all ages shine With equal darkness, yours as dark as mine, I'm liberal. You, you aristocrat, Won't know exactly what I mean by that. I mean so altruistically moral I never take my own side in a quarrel. I'd lay my hand on his hand on his staff Lean back and have my confidential laugh, And tell him I had read his Epitaph.
It sent me to the graves the other day. The only other there was far away Across the landscape with a watering pot At his devotions in a special plot. And he was there resuscitating flowers (Make no mistake about its being bones); But I was only there to read the stones To see what on the whole they had to say About how long a man may think to live, Which is becoming my concern of late. And very wide the choice they seemed to give; The ages ranging all the way from hours To months and years and many many years. One man had lived one hundred years and eight. But though we all may be inclined to wait And follow some development of state, Or see what comes of science and invention, There is a limit to our time extension. We all are doomed to broken-off careers, And so's the nation, so's the total race. The earth itself is liable to the fate Of meaninglessly being broken off. (And hence so many literary tears At which my inclination is to scoff.) I may have wept that any should have died Or missed their chance, or not have been their best, Or been their riches, fame, or love denied; On me as much as any is the jest. I take my incompleteness with the rest. God bless himself can no one else be blessed.
I hold your doctrine of Memento Mori. And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world.
Robert Frost, "The Lesson for Today"
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kaleschmidt · 9 months ago
TKP Dungeon Meshi AU
okay so this started out as just me wanting to draw Kale + laios together but now. It's a whole damn au in my head and now i must make it everyone's problem forever. i'm keeping this relatively free of spoilers for both tkp + dunmeshi unless asked otherwise soo.. rambles under cut!
so first of all. um. i don't have all of the tkp chars. sorry guys. specifically, charon + percy are the ones i'm having the most trouble thinking of. they're supposed to be ANDROIDS... i can't figure what would be a good equivalent of that. otherwise if they had to be an actual species, i think they'd probably both be elves- maybe part of the canaries? i also like the thought of kobold percy
january. cmon. she's halfling. okay. half-stealing this from quentin but also it just makes sense. 🤏. i was thinking of tammi as a gnome at first but i can't lie. i think ogre tammi would be so wonderous and cool. or kobold... hm. hard choices
mena.. i think mena is just a normal tallman. "what's vinnie" don't worry about vinnie. okay. he's. normal. normal. (said unconvincingly). lulu i'm debating between full or half-elf because she MIGHT be of nobility
SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT SVEN??? SORRY KING. i think they would be a gnome though. i think he'd use a bit of magic to help him around but it's not something they use often i.e. in regards to the spirits being treated kindly with favor. you get it
some of these choices aren't really permanent choices so if i think about it more or get some input they might change in the future..
okay. now. the main guys. the main 6. so! for reasons i still have yet to come up with yet, the main 6 teamed up together as a dungeon-travelling team! i think they bump into the touden group at least once ^_^ . there's not an exact leader, but aster n naomi kinda co-lead! they fill in each others faults through their leadership (aster being too harsh with their leadership + naomi being too soft with hers). chazz volunteered for leadership and was prominently shut down </3. they hate a bitch.
now okay let me split the main 6 out.
so first of all. their name in the au would be asterisk begonia! only friends can call them just by aster. they're an elf. They taught themself some magic, with the rest being from their school, before they dropped out for reasons they are NOT going into. they're pretty much the mage of the group, but they've been teaching the group some basic spells on the occassion that something happens to them because they'd rather DIE than have the whole team fucking flunk. chazz refuses. aster is going to kill it.
not a really important detail but also kinda is. ver staff has a big ass bow on it. this is important i lied. i think its sweets
i. have no idea where she comes from. i KNOW the kennedys would most likely come from the northern, but that's all. sorry naomi of ???. anyways she's half halfling + half-dwarf, leaning dwarf. Due to being half halfling she has some magic bone in her but she still gets mana sickness easily. she uses a big ass hammer tho so it's fine forever ^_^!! I feel like she'd be studying dwarf tech in order to modify the team's weapons somehow (not exactly blacksmithing but also kinda? the steampunkness of it all ig)
i havent really come up with all of how dayshift would go in this au so. Dont worry too much about it. also some stuff is spoilers. so. next ramble maybe.
ohhh god. who let that bitch be a halfling. god. fuck. shit. its full name is chazzsaw. no one knows its last name and NEVER WILL!!! yknow thinking about the hair colors n such in dunmeshi, most of them are pretty naturally colored arent they... minus some elves' white hair. so basically we're getting nongenta chazz. scary.
so chazz i've been vaguely bouncing around. first of all she's bunking with darrell! before the two of them joined the main 6, the two of them often went into dungeon parties together. not all of them were good, though- whether chazz was getting used as bait or people were ganging up on darrell. basically the main 6 is one of the best groups the two of them have ended up in. chazz, much like in canon, often conflicts with aster and although he jokes about using magic to be a funny little goofster, he has no interest in actually using magic. She'll do just fine with her halfling shenanigans!
chazz is one char i thought about interacting with the canon chars.. i feel conflicted about how she'd feel about laios. on one hand i can see her hearing about the touden group's monster grub shit and being like "shiiiit. we need that. aster what the fuck are you TEACHING us you should be teaching us HOW TO MAKE A GOOD ASS MEAL OUTTA THOSE MONSTERS" but at the same time . i think chazz would be reminded of phil in some capacity. DAMN YOU BLONDE MAphil isn't blonde in this au technically but he's still blonde in spirit so. yea. also he'd be half-tallman half-halfling i think. that's all the thought he's getting
FUCK I FORGOT CHAZZ'S ROLE. OOOOPPS. um. chazz is like? the thief? rogue? chazz has small daggers that it keeps on its person at least. its got no interest in helping with traps physically but sure lets throw this huge ass rock there <3. i think he'd find chilchuck funny and have like a little respect for him but if she had to be in a team with him she might bite his head off (exaggeration
DARRELL!!!! he's the resident normie of the group. the tallman. like i mentioned in chazz's section, he and chazz used to join random dungeon groups! his parents don't really approve of it and told him that he could always just come back home and work for them but!!!! he's very adamant that he can help make a living! also his parents don't like chazz and chazz would have nowhere to go if he were to leave :[... so darrell's really keen on making it big with the main 6
something i've been spinning around since i started writing this... hear me out. darrell with the bow and arrow. okay. I think he'd still have a melee weapon if he were to run out of ammo (good ol sword?) but otherwise vi's more comfortable with ranged combat. chazz likes to act like target practice and darrell's screaming and sobbing (EXAGGERATION.)
psichael my best friend psichael my bff psichael. i miss nem. fuck. (NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS SECTION?????????) anyways. chazz still names nem but whether or not ne still ends up with the name "psike" is debatable. DON'T LET CHAZZ COOK 🔥🔥🔥🔥 anyways other than that. psike is half-elf half-tallman, with eir mom being a tallman! don't. worry about nis dad. okay. anyways! before the main 6, psike was often this mysterious, hooded figure that randomly appeared in dungeons. ne primarily appeared to groups/people that were in places where no one would be able to find them + were on the verge of death/dead. people would recall being revived/healed with no evidence of who did it, with some reporting catching a glimpse of their savior before the savior disappeared. sometimes psike would help via actively attacking, but this was very rare. tbh this might've been how ne and chazz met
anyways! psike is pretty good with magic- especially healing + resurrection magic. knows some ancient magic too... ofc, psike has nis limits, but it's pretty high. In combat, Psike tries to be quick on nis feet but sometimes just. shuts down, so ne's usually on the sidelines, where ne doesn't have to fully deal with the combat, but can still help. if there's someone who wouldn't be terribly picky about eating monsters, i think it would be psike
KALE. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. (BEATING THE FLOOR SO INTENSELY IT CAVES IN) hmm yes. i'm normal now. (affirmation). i'd love to talk about him in detail but. he's so spoilerpilled. i hope he explodes into 5 million flames. SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT. okay anyways. we'll settle for the nonspoilered version and if the people want the rampant spoilery ramble then they can ask...
so! kale! :)! kale! my friend kale. kale. my friend kale. i think about how he possibly ran into aster n naomi... maybe at a tavern or smth? i can see him being like "hoho ! i will gladly join anyone's dungeon group for free ^_^!!!! all these people are so nice and will not betray my trust in any way!" and naomi is like "aster we need to save that poor strange guy". then again maybe like in his debut, it's just naomi who's at the tavern and hears kale's thing and is like "oh they're not going to survive the winter......." and then convinces aster to let kale join permanently, after a few adventures??
oh something important. kale is ALWAYS clad in armor. never takes that shit off. he's sleeping oh so comfortably in his heavy ass armor <3! also the armor is wolf-themed it's important you guys know this until i get to draw him up. No one knows what race he is and kale tends to steer off the topic somehow. he's too tall to be an average tallman, but he couldn't be an ogre either... huh. not too related but his and psike's relationship is A Bit Abysmal. Psike tends to avoid dealing with him 1 on 1 a lot
kale's the other guy i think about regarding canon relationships! he'd find laios SUUUCCCHHH a joy. they're frolicking in the hills together. the thing is. kensuke doesn't seem to like kale... what a shame!
OH OH SOMETHING EXTRA IMPORTANT I FORGOT TO MENTION. part of me feels like kale's name wouldn't be kale in here. haven't decided what it would be, if that's the case tho.
anywyas. thats all. its almost 3 am rn enjoy + feel free to ask questions!
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 2 years ago
Persona Thoughts Part. 3
I watched a Very supercut ver. I don't have a PSVita or old PlayStation and my computer can't handle an emulator. The only max links I saw were Aigis, Yukari, Pharos and SEES. I will buy Portable sometime in the future.
I've seen a bit of 3 (S links {Girls}, Makoto). I don't like his personality, but we'll see if he gets better.
I've also seen the first bit of 3P and I have to say I don't care that P doesn't have cut scenes.
I love his old MP3 Player.
God, I fucking hate Pharos! Are you supposed to like him? Because he's just a fucking creep. Also signing rando contracts/pieces of paper without reading and or consulting a lawyer. I know it's to put your name in but; it feels like if it wasn't a game thing. You might get bad end if you signed.
I know some of the story (more the big picture, less details).
Does Yukari think she can summon her Persona right in the dorms? Wait, would that work? Also, she was going to pull a gun (albeit a non-shooty one) on a random guy? Jumpy much. Why were the lights off? I guess Yukari's this games "scared of ghosts" person.
Gotta be cool to ride a monorail to school. What's with the teacher's 80s hair and outfit? She looks more at home in 1/2 than 3.
So, Dumbledore is your principal? How much of a part does he play?
Also going from 5 where people think you're going to stab them to "oh, look at the new kid. They look cool"! Is very jarring.
Did a dude who doesn't even know you ask if Yukari had a boyfriend? How about he grow some balls and ask her himself?
Also, how did the teacher know who was talking? Does he have all the names of every class memorized? *rolls eyes* He should mind his own business, Dumbledore ain't saying nothing anyone needs to know.
Oh my God, what is with the facial cut ins?
Also, Junpei looks like the local pervert.
Yukari isn't as bad as I thought.
What is that mad/confident portrait of Akihiko?
I don't trust Ikutsuki. (I also hate spelling his name). He just seems untrustworthy. He's also old Igor. Why does Ikutsuki look like Katsuya?
Major privacy violation I hope Japan is not that lassiez faire about spying on children. What was he going to do if you turned into a coffin?
Does this game have a dictionary, or do they like highlight keywords for no reason?
Can someone make a mod that takes every Pharos scene and replaces him with Elizabeth and also edits out the voice lines? I'd rather see her.
It feels like you had a strange dream... Fuck it, school time.
The highlighted words cause weird spacing issues.
Do you get sleep when you get dragged into the Velvet Room? My HC is that you get no sleep. Does he sleep in his uniform?
Hardcore shadow crawling up the side of the building while holding 6! Knives. No wonder Yukari had trouble summoning her Persona. I would too if I shot myself point blank in the head.
Ikutsuki was ready to serve your ass up on a silver platter. Cool entrance, go coffin boy. I love how Orpheus bashes shadows with his harp.
Ah, the velvet elevator. Or, as I call it, motion sickness. Why does Igor say Orpheus was the one who headed your call? The text makes it sound like there is a random pool and you got whatever was picked
Yeah coma!
A cat!
Is that monk smoking a cigar?
Ikutsuki telling you everything right after you wake up from a coma
The creep is in your room Why?
I wish we could've seen Junpei's awakening.
Yeah, you get to break into your school. I think we're 3 games too early for breaking and entering.
I think your whole team should be able to come into the velvet room. It keeps your teammates from looking at you weird.
Is that blood on the floor?
You portal back?
I don't like the old S Link rank up thing.
For some I want to fast forward through the dialoge, even through I haven't seen this game.
Buying weapons from the police feels wrong. Like I hope I'm not buying evidence.
A. That is one big bed you have and B. You need creep be gone so Pharos can't get in.
Elizebeth gives the fountain 1 mil yen?
I like your coat. It's a mix of the shape of Akechi's coat and the dark colour of Shujin's uniform.
I love how there's blood stains everything.
Man, you're short.
Just what I need time limits *rolls eyes*.
Nice suggestive pose.
How the fuck do you know how to stop a train.
I think Ikutsuki's jokes make more sense in Japanese.
5 has it easy, only 3 days of selecting answers, 2-3 questions and 4 days of tests.
I like Yukari's flared sleeves.
I love how the creep hasn't told you his name, yet he stills breaks into your room.
Yukari could be a leader if she needed.
Did he just headbutt him? What is with that group of people?
So, we're breaking into the school? I hope the school doesn't have a morgue.
I like Fuuka.
Mitsuru learns about teenage boys.
So, we have pale moon hippie man, man who belongs in the first soul hackers and victorian lady, going around killing people?
That is a giant vat of soup. You took Elizabeth back to the Velvet room and went to puke.
That carpet is ugly.
Why does Ikutsuki speak so slow?
Nice eyepatch.
Is Yukari wearing jean shorts?
Doesn't Mitsuru own normal shoes?
I don't think it's easy to walk on the sand in those nice shoes.
Is it ever explained why Aigis wants your ass?
I hope Aigis is waterproof.
The Fool ranks us fast.
My man just walked in a circle.
Aigis is a cat.
Aigis looks like she has hooves.
Oh, I see soul hacker dude and hippie are nobodys and need something to make them feel special.
Summer classes that's only if you fail school.
Elizabeth's going bankrupt the Velvet room.
What the fuck is that jungle gym? It looks more like a torture device.
No wonder Igor's bald, he has to deal with Elizabeth.
Akihiko's saying that a dog has more balls than Shinjiro does 🤣🤣. I love him.
Mitsuru could just text instead of coming to your door.
Ken's going to get us killed.
Koromaru wants to go to school.
Yukari's the jealous girlfriend in this game.
The teacher does not get paid enough to deal with this.
Shinjiro is going to get us killed too.
Is that blood in that fountain?
They're making the students clean up?
Are you even needed, since everybody evloves their Personas on their own?
That thing looks like something out of Silent Hill.
Does the 5 enemies per battle rule apply?
You can't target up? What do Personas only target straight?
I glad Mitusru's rich.
Ikutsuki's better in Japanese. Is he dead?
Is Chidori 3's Akechi?
Why is everyone's voice acting kinda flat? Except for Akihiko, Junpei, Aigis, creepy cult dude and Ryoji.
I like how Ryoji hits on anything that moves.
I like Ryoji, then again maybe I just have a thing for guys in suspenders.
I feel bad for Soul Hackers dude.
Akihiko sounds like he's asking for directions.
Nyx is creepy. After seeing Nyx, I'll never complain about Maruki again. I take 2 shit phases, 1 normal phase, 1 scripted phase and fist-fighting your therapist over 20! Phases.
Movie 4- So, is that bridge gone now?
Hot takes-
Junpei kinda sucks. Like hate Yosuke and Ryuji all you want. I'd rather have both of them. I do like him and Chidori.
Yukari's kinda a bitch at times.
Makoto is better in Japanese and the movies.
Ikusuki's a fucking creep and I hope he's dead.
Koromaru is best boy.
Shinji is boring. Like you don't get enough time to get attached to him. Yeah, it's sad he dies but past that *shrugs*. Honestly, Akihiko's reaction to his death was way sadder.
As the story goes on it gets boring. (Towards the end).
Outside of the movies and when you sacrifice yourself it doesn't seem like anybody really cares about you. (Minus Yukari).
I hate those armbands. They just make you stick out, which is not good if you're trying to keep your "club" a secret.
Cult leader was a creep.
I like how you shoot yourself in the head. It's very metal/badass.
Fav charcters- Akihiko, Aigis, Koromaru (Not surpringly two are my fav paths in Arena).
I liked the movies better than the game.
I've never seen a group of people care less about each other. They're like work colleagues, not friends.
0 notes
white-poppie · 2 years ago
Thorns and Parchments
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Character: Kuroo x Reader Genre:  (Academic Rivals to lovers AU) , College AU, ANGST to comfort Warnings: crying, comparing, self-esteem issues, stress WC: 1.5k Writer:@white-poppie
~ Synopsis: Shrouded by rivalry and bickering, you might have accidentally let the darkness eat the light, you are spiralling and the pressure from others is not helping. And now you are completely emotionally undone in front of your rival
A/N: I am so proud of this one!!
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You clenched your teeth as you stared at the raven-head who remained as stoic as ever. The corners of his lips were slightly upturned like a dark marrow, it was pliant but diabolic at the same time. It wasn't even intended towards you, he wasn't even looking at you and yet you felt so much malice in the chiselled face that stared at his own achievements.
It was infuriating to see how humble he acted around others, but around you always carried that shit eating grin.
He made you furious. You who had always been the perfect little student, hardworking, diligent. While he looked like a down-to-earth nerd who was naturally gifted. He was the devil in disguise. While you worked day and night only to lose to him, he was winning nonchalantly, without any effort.
You hadn't noticed a classmate sneaking to see your report card, a wolfish whistle snapped you to reality, they were holding your report and chuckling ver so menacingly, you gulped and snatched it from their hands.
"Damn, a C?" they laughed earning a few shocked gasps, but mostly concerned eyes.
Kuroo Tetsuro had won again.
Your eyes peered to look at him, his brows furrowed, but his expression was still as unreadable.
"You are here again", the librarian sighed, pushing her glasses on her nose, "at this point, only two people come here."
You smiled apologetically and sat at your favourite seat.
She arranged the old decaying books withered by time, the last time someone might have used them must have been years, "it's sad how people don't come to libraries anymore."
You hummed in agreement and took your books out, keeping a hand on your head, you crammed at the books. Reading and re-reading the same line again, you were boiling with anger and despair. The words blur into incomprehensible voids. Your lip trembled and you looked up to see the librarian's desk empty, probably gone for a phone call.
No, it was just you and your spiralling thoughts. Whatever you did it was never enough. You were in an elite school, the best class and were getting the top grades. You could easily soar through your future, but why were you so obsessed with beating that man?
Your eyes blurred as you realised your books had teardrops on them. Running your hands through your hair and gripping the strands, harshly, chest heaving up and down with desperation.
Unfortunately, Kuroo had heard your wails and whimpers, he bit his lip and contemplated what to do.
He was supposed to feel a sick sort of accomplishment at your undone state, yet he couldn't help but feel his heart sting with bitterness.
Pity, he thought. There was no other explanation for his feelings. He could've easily chosen to take advantage of your vulnerable state; sure he was morally grey, but he still had some morality, and so he decided to leave, without his presence being known.
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The next few days, Kuroo couldn't help but stare at your wilting face and nervous tactics. He was confused, needless to say.
Even his slight provocations and nitpicking dead not even bring a slight twitch of muscle on your face.
Kuroo hated how you were not reacting to anything, nose buried in the textbook and not even hearing when the teacher said the partners for the project
"Kuroo Tetsuro and Y/N L/N." The silence that followed in the class was deafening.
Tetsu was quick to approach you after class.
"Y/N," he called simply. You lifted your head to look at him, a forlorn frown making its way on your face.
"What?" you scowled. Kuroo rubbed his temples at looked at you dead in the eye
"As much as I hate this, we kinda have to work together," he huffed, "library after school."
After saying that he left, no further explanation and you were left helpless to follow him either way. Even if you wanted to study in peace or just relax, your plans were shattered like a child's dream.
You walked into the library with heavy steps. The ever-considerate Kuroo had chosen a seat in the far corner so that your discussion wont be against the library's rules.
You scraped the chair and sat with a plop, Kuroo finally closed the book he was so occupied in. 'No longer Human by Dazai Osamu'
"Let's start," he said simply, just before handing the book to you he leaned closer to you, and you could feel your heart rushing to your ear, "as much as I hate this, I will absolutely not let you ruin my report, just know that if I go down I am dragging you down with me."
With that, he redacted confidently, and sat on his chair, back to the book as if nothing had happened while your heart was beating like crazy.
You took a deep breath and started your research, but those all-nighters were taking a toll; your mind was wandering off and didn't even realize you were staring.
A few moments pass before Kuroo slammed the book and looked at you with the gaze of a cougar, "what is going on with you these days?"
"What do you mean?" you feign innocence.
"Well you haven't been talking or eating properly these days, you don't retort to my comments and you don't have that...challenging look in your eyes," he huffs.
You cuss out annoyedly, ignoring the spurge of nervousness spreading in your lower belly like the plague.
“I’m sick of everyone thinking you’re better than me, "you mutter silently.
You stand up and slam your hand on the desk, grateful that there was no one els except you two, " I’ve always been compared to you. Why can’t you be as smart as Kuroo? Kuroo could do this easy peasy. Why can’t you just be Kuroo?”
Tears line your eyes and Kuroo flinched at your raw emotions pouring out.
"I am not you!" you cry, "I don't want to be you. I want to be smarter and better than you!"
Your hands are shaking at this point.
"You're scared, aren't you?" He asks, his gaze never once leaving your hands.
"How do you know that? you ask, suddenly taken aback.
"I notice a lot of things about you," he sighs and reaches across the table, holding you shaking hands in his warm and sturdier ones.
A faint blush makes it way on you when you realize how warm they are and how nice they feel.
"Don't...don't you hate me?" you stutter out.
"Hate is a strong word," he says matter of factly, tugging you closer by your arm until you are face to face with him, "I dislike losing and like how you are competitive, I like how you are so incredibly smart and it's not like 1 grade will ruin your entire life."
"I don't hate you," his gaze softens, "quite the opposite actually."
You bite your lips and look away.
"It's killing me, the way you are tormenting yourself because of me. I should feel happy, but I feel helpless, it's almost as if I have-" he stops and looks into your eyes, wide and dilated.
You complete his sentence, "taken a liking to you."
His gaze lowers to your lips only for a flickering moment, "perhaps," he says bitterly, "you plague my mind like a vice."
"Do you reckon I have been chaste of these feelings?" you breathe out, "it feels so wrong, immoral even, I am supposed to be better than you, reach my way to the top, destroying all weaknesses."
You gasp out breathlessly, "why did you have to become my weakness?"
His lips captured you like a bird in a cage, it was conflicting because you were technically still enemies, but god did it feel good sin!
His movements were skilful and calculated like a potter, you did feel like clay under his lingering touches. He had you under his reign, he could mould you into whatever imaginable.
But his kiss was fiery in a way like a catharsis like he had been holding himself back for too long. Depraved and hungry like a hyena with an insatiable hunger for his prey, and that was you.
Within seconds you two realized what you had gotten yourself into, and the blaze of rivalry reignited to cloud the onslaught of the blossoming flowers of affection. You two were after all alike.
"You have made me sick," you growl out as you both pull away. All the little affection in his eyes seems to have melted life frost, "be the antidote too then."
"Didn't you forget that one quote from your favourite book, "he chuckles, "If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't also be the cure"
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⤷‧₊˚ HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!) 
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TAGS: @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro, @denkis111, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp, @innerpurple, @sakinotfound, @oikawatoorupdf, , @juanasspirit, @renster05
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villainous-thorn · 3 years ago
Drabble #3
Only Villain was dumb enough to get themselves captured, dumb and stupidly amazing and strong and perfect, but mostly dumb. Even with their slick tongue and clever remarks, they were still dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. Maybe if RightHand repeated that enough he would actually believe it.
Unfortunately, RightHand was also dumb for breaking into Other Villain’s headquarters deep in the bowels of a hostile town to break the Villain out. Who the hell takes hostages anymore anyway? Other Villain was so boring and old school, more like a mobster with super powers that they rarely used. After about two days of planning, RightHand deemed his plan ready.
The back door to the brick building housing the main HQ burst open, two figures bolted away with lightning speed into the dark, dank alleyways.
“That was stupid and dangerous, I dunno know if I should yell at ya or kiss ya!” Villain chided RightHand as the two dashed from the scene.
“Stupid and dangerous? I thought that was how you liked it?” RightHand bit sarcastically.
Villain huffed dramatically, “You’re lucky that’s all I’m gonna say, Righty.”
“And you’re lucky I saved your ass!” He shot back.
“Oh, look, I’m all teary eyed with gratitude.” Villain teased, wiping a fake tear from their eye. “Anythin’ else you have to say?”
RightHand rolled his eyes, “You’ll be in a different type of trouble as soon as we get outta here, dumbass.”
“You’re lucky I’m even coming with you and not waiting for SuperVillain to come get me.” The Villain bristled, not truly meaning what they said.
“It’s kinda my job to keep you alive!” He reminded them, unfortunately. Lately it was increasingly more difficult to do so, Villain found themselves in trouble more often than ever before. With a quick wit and biting satire they knew how to infuriate others beyond comparison. RightHand took a sharp turn down an adjoining alley, yanking the Villain with him roughly. The duo made it halfway down the street when RightHand finally got a response from the other.
“I know.” Villain slowed and they doubled over, chest heaving. RightHand stopped on his heels as he realized his partner wasn’t next to him, and looked behind him. They didn’t have time for a breather, they had to keep going, the enemy was right on their tails. The subordinate could normally run for much longer than this, and their breathing was incredibly fast, it was starting to worry their associate.
“Villain?” RightHand asked, “Are you okay?” Villain shifted uneasily, trying to catch their breath, “I don’t know. I don’t feel right.” They were struggling to stand, leaning against a brick wall, they took a few deep breaths through their nose.
RightHand was more than concerned but they needed more information, “Whaddaya mean?”
Villain was able to calm themself down enough to speak. “I dunno, Righty. I just don’t feel good. I feel… sick. And I’m so tired. Lethargic.”
Sensitive and trained ears picked up on “Physically, yeah?” RightHand trailed off, cocking his brow, worry etching into his face.
“Physically- Wait… Oh fuck. They gave me a meal an hour er so ago, you don’t think it was-?” Villain cringed, fear overtaking them. Poisoning, that would be an issue, especially if it took effect right then, arguably the worst possible time.
RightHand kept his demeanor cool and calm, trying to focus as his mind hamster wheeled. He looked the other in the eye as he spoke, “Hey, either way we’re gonna get outta here and get you to the lair. Now. Can you still run?”
Villain’s muscles were rapidly relaxing against their will, they couldn’t flex their knees well at all. “Mmmn, I don’t think so, not by myself. My legs... RightHand-” The criminal pleaded, pure terror in their eyes.
RightHand could hear commotion behind them, they didn’t have much time until Villain’s captors caught up with them. “Fuck.” He muttered, wrapping his partner’s arm around his shoulder and forcing both of them forward. Most of the Villain’s weight fell on him as they dashed through the alley.
“Geez, ya ain’t very light, Villain.” RightHand commented to deflect his anxiety, he had no idea what would happen if they were caught. Well, he did know, he just didn’t want to think about it.
The two pressed forward as fast as they could, the criminal whimpered and clutched their rescuer as tight as their fingers could. RightHand could barely hear the noise over the thrumming of his heartbeat in his ears as they reached the end of the alleyway, a barbed wire fence blocking them in.
RightHand silently cursed himself, he must’ve got turned around and taken a wrong turn. He growled, as Villain leaned more of their weight onto him. This was not going according to plan. RightHand leaned his partner on the side of one of the buildings that lined the alley. He quickly extended his razor sharp claws, slashing an opening in the fence for them.
He grabbed his partner again who was almost limp in his arms, clearly on the verge of losing consciousness. “Tha wass kinna hot, m’prezziff-” Villain mumbled groggily.
RightHand squeezed them through the opening he created, one block to the car and they would be safe. He ran as fast as his legs could carry the both of them, he was glad no one was out this time of night, people living in that neighborhood knew better.
The RightHand’s eyes lit up as the vehicle came into view but as he came closer the edge of the building revealed lackeys surrounding it making him skid to a stop and curse under his breath. He thought he had parked far enough away to avoid suspicion but clearly they took notice of a new vehicle and connected the dots.
RightHand turned around frantically and ran to cross the street where Other Villain’s henchmen couldn’t see him, his eyes widened as he picked up the sound of a car approaching behind them, he swore he heard Villain mumble something incoherent.
He pulled both of them onto the enclosed porch of a building, hiding them. The Villain threw as much of a fuss as they could, lazily slapping their associate to get his attention. “Righhhhhh- ryeeeee-” Annoyed, their associate interrupted, “Just shut up for two seconds, there’s a car.” He whispered, covering his partner’s mouth with a hand and pinning them both to the wall.
RightHand heard the car stop a few feet before the stoop, just out of sight but close enough that he knew it was meant to be heard, he swallowed a lump in his throat. They were dead meat. He heard a door thud closed and then the clicking of heels on pavement.
Suddenly he felt something hot and wet on his hand and turned, disgusted, to Villain, retracting his hand and wiping it on his clothes. While he was distracted the Villain used what they had left of their strength to lurch toward the outside of the porch, falling to the ground unconscious and giving away their position.
RightHand held his breath as the clicking got closer, and then he saw a heeled shoe nudge at his partner’s limp hand, “You guys are in so much troubleeeee.” The voice sang mockingly and RightHand felt a wave of relief wash over him as Supervillain’s Sidekick walked into view.
“C’mon, get that idiot in the car.” The henchman commanded coldly. RightHand grinned as he picked Villain up and hoisted them over his shoulder again, making their way to the car.
This was also written months ago for OCs, I just changed the names and added a few things. I know this one was a bit different from my usual, but I hope it’s enjoyable (and understandable) nonetheless! <3
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