#vegane Vitamine
nyancrimew · 5 months
there are exactly three types of Mili songs:
this song means literally nothing and we made up a nonsense language specifically for this purpose
i met a vegan once and this made me so angry i had to write this vent song about it
robot otherkin mommy kink
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Wanted to share my health haul with y’all. ❤️
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velvetedantler · 2 years
you can't love & respect animals if you refuse to acknowledge their nature. "vegan cat" owners can't love their pets while denying them their most basic nutritional requirement. it totally violates the idea of caring for animals.
this "vegan cat" owner i found just absolutely baffles me, not to mention all her cats have the greasiest fur ive ever seen.
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Facebook groups are not reputable sources for dietary information.... not to mention she runs a chicken rescue that uses the whole "rescued from a slaughterhouse truck" story & throw away eggs because it's apparently dehumanizing to feed the hens their own eggs ?? there's no such thing as waste in nature, chickens eat their own eggs for a reason!!
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also this is just me being petty but i honestly think crate training pet cats ("pant-based" cats??) is cruel. i understand it's necessity at shelters, but pet cats need space to roam to have good welfare. they need to roam, explore, and encounter novel objects which they can't do in a crate!!
i have 6 cats and none of them have issues with food aggression as they're all fed enough & fed on their own perches in the same room
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josiebelladonna · 2 days
my mom’s blood clots were caused by a raised level of homocysteine, which is an amino acid that just naturally builds up in your body from biological processes, but too high of levels can cause heart trouble and blood problems including clots. too high of levels are (usually) caused by a deficiency of b vitamins; your body breaks homocysteine down and makes use of it that way. my mom has never had the best diet, nor has she really been that much of a meat-eater despite how much she likes my cooking.
my stepdad’s mom had a melanoma on her back that metastasized and killed her in like a month. she was a vegan—outside of supplements, you get your b vitamins primarily from animal products, namely meat, eggs, and anything dairy based.
now, i’m not saying that everyone who’s a vegan is going to be prone to skin cancer or blood diseases because some people take it way better than others (nor am i saying that veganism isn’t healthy because some of the best things i’ve eaten and made were vegan), but i won’t hold my breath for anyone who tries to tell me that veganism is a cure-all for all the world’s problems because it’s not. if anything, expect to hear, down the line, about all these “enlightened” people who went vegan or vegetarian (especially later in life, like it’s one thing when you became vegan because you didn’t like the taste of meat when you were a young kid) to start having problems with their skin or blood—or their bones as your b vitamins help preserve your bones about as much as calcium.
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timmurleyart · 8 months
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I love pomegranates! ❤️😋🔴🌞☀️
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Vitamin C!!!
Did you know that ascorbic acid is actually synthetic vitamin C? What’s more, it is usually GMO vitamin C, which means it was derived from GMO corn.
If you are learning this for the first time, it can be a rather shocking realization as almost all vitamin C supplements on the market use ascorbic acid.
Even more disturbing, ascorbic acid is frequently marketed as natural vitamin C and added to organic foods as a natural preservative. Truly natural forms of vitamin C and synthetic ascorbic acid seem to be used interchangeably.
NEARLY ALL juices and fruit products are loaded up with ascorbic acid, even many organic, healthfood store versions. It seems that if a product is labeled “high in Vitamin C”, consumers buy more of it.
A lot of folks are being fooled by these misleading semantics. There is a growing body of evidence that those consuming high doses of ascorbic acid should have reason to worry.
Three Studies Suggest Caution with High Dose Ascorbic Acid
The Winter 2009 edition of Wise Traditions cites 3 studies which give pause about large doses of vitamin C. The first study (from the Jun 15, 2001 issue of Science) showed that “synthetic vitamin C may contribute to the formation of genotoxins that can lead to cancer”.
A second study presented to the American Heart Association showed a link between consumption of only 500mg of vitamin C per day and a greater propensity toward thickening of the arteries (Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2000).
Even more recently, athletes taking 1000mg of vitamin C per day showed reduced endurance capacity from interference with antioxidant enzymes (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Jan 2008).
This information should give pause to anyone who is actively taking synthetic vitamin C supplements such as those Emergen-C packets that are available everywhere, from pharmacies and health food stores to even gas stations!
Supplements like these are NOT boosting immunity and are NOT good for you!
Synthetic vitamins such as ascorbic acid act more like drugs in the body rather than whole food nutrients with all the available co-factors. Taking any synthetic vitamin can cause imbalances in the body and should be avoided.
Another worrisome and popular trend is the recommendation of some alternative health professionals to do a “vitamin C flush” during illness. This therapy (if you can call it that) calls for large doses of ascorbic acid until the onset of diarrhea. This approach to regaining wellness has never made any sense to me. Now, with more studies indicating the danger of high doses of vitamin C, caution seems well founded.
Fan of Linus Pauling? Consider This ….
If you are a fan of Linus Pauling who popularized the notion of huge doses of Vitamin C for the common cold in the 1970’s, consider this. GMO Vitamin C did not exist when Pauling was conducting his studies. GMO derived Vitamin C is what most people are unwittingly taking today!
What’s more, the studies indicating the danger of high doses of vitamin C over long periods of time had not been done yet. They were conducted long after Pauling died in 1994.
What about High Dose, Intravenous Ascorbic Acid?
What about high dose, intravenous ascorbic acid for the very ill? Note that the vitamin C for IV use is almost always derived from GMO corn as well as being extremely high dose and synthetic ascorbic acid only.
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gruenwild · 1 day
Salatbowl zum lunch
Roh, vegan, gluten- und zuckerfrei, sowie "wild"
Saladbowl for lunch
Raw, vegan, gluten- and sugarfree, as well as "wild"
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Unser heutiges lunch mit den allerersten selbstgezogenen Sprossen.
Es gibt zahlreiche Firmen die Samen für die Sprossenzucht anbieten. Ich kaufe am liebsten bei Microgreens ein. Sie haben ein großes Sortiment und das ganze Zubehör, wie Gläser, Grow Grow Nuts, Kokoserde Pellets, etc.
Diese leicht scharfe Mischung besteht aus aus Mungbohnen, roten Radieschen, roten Linsen, Rettich und nennt sich "SalatMix"
Today's lunch with the very first home-grown sprouts.
There are numerous companies that offer seeds for growing sprouts. I prefer to buy from Microgreens. They have a large range and all the accessories, such as jars, grow nuts, coco soil pellets, etc.
This slightly spicy mixture consists of mung beans, red and white radishes, red lentils and is called “SalatMix” (salad mix)
Rezept für die "wilde" Sauce
Nachdem ich so gerne Salat esse, mache ich immer gleich ca. 500 ml
3 TL mittelscharfen Senf
Apfelessig und Olivenöl im Verhältnis 1:2
ein Schuss Birnendicksaft
1-2 EL geschälte Hanfsamen
1-2 TL Algenflocken
1-2 Zehen Knoblauch
ganz viele frische gemischte Kräuter, wie z. B.
Petersilie, Blätter und Blüten der Kapuzinerkresse, Bohnenkraut, Estragon, Liebstöckl, Spitzwegerich, Salbei, Löwenzahn und Sauerampfer
eine Prise gutes Steinsalz
so viel gefiltertes Wasser bis die gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist.
Recipe for the “wild” sauce
As I love eating salad so much, I always make about 500 ml
3 tsp medium-hot mustard
apple cider vinegar and olive oil in a ratio of 1:2
a dash of pear syrup
1-2 tbsp peeled hemp seeds
1-2 tsp seaweed flakes
1-2 cloves of garlic
lots of fresh mixed herbs, such as
parsley, nasturtium leaves and flowers, savory, tarragon, lovage, ribwort, sage, dandelion and sorrel
a pinch of good rock salt
as much filtered water until the desired consistency is achieved.
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So ein Mittagessen ist ein wahrer Energielieferant. Reich an Proteinen, Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und Mineralstoffen, sowie Antioxidantien.
A lunch like this is a real source of energy. Rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements and minerals, as well as antioxidants.
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deusinabsentiaa · 5 months
I got some of those Ghost electrolyte drink packets and y'alllll the Red Berry Sour Patch Kid flavor is so good 😍 I suck at drinking water and staying hydrated and this has been getting me to increase my water intake and I've been staying way more hydrated! I really want to try the Blue Raspberry Sour Patch Kid flavor next 😍
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hellovegans · 1 month
Fuel your vitality and sharpen your brain with B12's superpowers… . . #vegan #veganfood #vegansofig #veganrecipes #vegandinner #veganlife #veganlifestyle #veganfoodshare #veganism #comingsoon #food #lifestyle #sustainability #animalcruelty #savetheplanet #indiasfirst #hellovegans #comingsooninjaipur #comingsooninindia #vegantea #healthbenifit #goodlife #healthyfood
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
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I love men who look like they have a vitamin D deficiency despite spending all day out in the sun
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natureshealthremedy · 2 months
NEW: Find Antioxidants in 300+ Foods
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Check out our NEW online tool to find the amount of antioxidants in 300+ food items.
Our ORAC Food Database is so easy to use with a scrollable tab and search bar.
Visit >>https://bit.ly/ORAC-Food-Database and see for yourself just how useful (and fun!) this amazing tool is to use.
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corbinite · 2 years
Reminder that the vitamin d in milk is added in, milk is not an essential part of the human diet. It can be an efficient way of delivering nutrients (mainly calories) when other ways are not available, but it isn't something that humans inherently need past infancy
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devoted1989 · 1 year
vegan vitamin d
The vegan diet contains little - if any - vitamin D, so fortified foods or supplements are essential.
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Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is the vegan form of vitamin D.
If you haven’t been able to get ergocalciferol, you can still get sufficient amounts of vitamin D from the sun. Harvard Medical School suggests that under the right circumstances, 10 to 15 minutes of sun - without sunscreen - on the arms and legs a few times a week can provide most people with an adequate level of vitamin D.
People with darker skin will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D.
More information on vegan vitamin D and precautions for sun exposure may be found here:
Image found on Pinterest - no source.
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timmurleyart · 7 months
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Sweet sumo oranges. 🍊🍊😋🧡🧡
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foodwithrecipes · 4 months
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Cucumber Tomato Drink Recipe. Composed of about 95% water, cucumbers are excellent for keeping you hydrated. Tomatoes also have a high water content, Read full recipe
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randomwelshdude · 7 months
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Being healthy👀 #veganfriendly
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