#valiant anna
tribus-semitae · 3 months
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She tilts her head to the side like some overgrown puppy, was there something wrong with the police force here? Maybe they were corrupted and this nice girl didn't want her to get involved with them!
That definetly must be it!!
"Thank you so much uhmm...truth to be told I don't know much but would love to look around so ...what would you recommend for a newcomer? Ah...I'm sorry are you busy? I could buy you lunch if you want!"
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" How long was it till you turned my life to folklore? "
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wonder-vixen · 11 months
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steadypandaperson · 2 years
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anna-dreamer · 2 years
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Some fanart for @last-capy-hupping​ ‘s astounding fanfic Paying for the Poison They Sold Me, chapter 7. This is by far my favorite moment - the first step towards becoming Fingon the Valiant. Though my inner Fingon doesn’t necessarily coincide with this one, i hands down adore his coming-to-be arc. 
“Astaldo!” Arakáno cried aloud. I am not… His youngest brother interrupted his thoughts by raising a dagger and slashing off one of his own braids. “Arvo…” Findekáno hissed, but another voice interrupted him. “Astaldo!” Turukáno cried. Findekáno’s eyes widened, and his voice failed him as he watched his other brother repeat Arakáno’s gesture. “Astaldo!“ This time, it was Írissë and then Lanwion who shouted. Each of them cut off a piece of their dark hair to toss towards the Arafinwion side. “Astaldo! Astaldo! Astaldo!” His epessë, the one that Finwë had given him for a simple victory at a joust, rang out amongst the crowd. ... I must move ahead and keep caring for truth and justice over my own glory every step of the way, he thought. I must hold our people together and get us across this Ice. I cannot un-slay the slain, but I can keep more of our people from falling to Námo’s doom if I remain steadfast.
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Valiant Hearts: Coming Home (2023)
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artsycloudysleepy · 7 months
a game i loved from years back got a sequel. played it and i didn't like it at all. but my main issue with it?
they. took. away. the. option. to. pet. the. dog.
i am beyond angy >:(
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taemcains · 2 months
your love is sunlight — cainlane
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lane helps cain wash the blood off his wings and gets a thank you in return. ao3
cw: blood mentions
🎧 julia shortreed - broken wings
Pale golden light streams into Lane's shared room, falling on the soft carpet in a mosaic mirroring the elegant swirls on the balcony door. The picture of coziness it creates, along with the spread of reference books spilled like a domino of cards around her, brings her back to high school and days spent cramming for exams with the spring sunshine in North Carolina watching over her like a guardian.
The tremors of a door slamming shut on the ground floor dispel the mirage. Lane blinks hard, bringing herself back to Rotkov's eternal winter and her task, which is considerably more crucial and much more demanding than memorizing chemistry equations.
The Book and her notebook are each balanced precariously on her knees. Reference books lay further down from her, tossed away in rising frustration. Her wrist aches and her back has been steadily cramping from her abysmal posture, but she remains hunched over, picking up her trail of thought and leaving behind unnecessary memories to continue scrawling in her notebook.
Shadows pool on the floor, chasing away the imitation of home and warmth. Lane's head whips up to face the balcony, hair lashing against her back.
White obscures gold. It flashes once, painting the room cold before swerving to the back of the estate.
Real warmth bubbles up in her chest. Cain is back from his night patrol.
Lane spent all of ten minutes in the morning trying to inconspicuously grill the squad about his whereabouts before her mind grew disgusted by her pathetic state. Cain is an immortal. Whatever stalks the forest and whoever hides in the town should be, are, terrified of him. Worrying about someone who can handle himself, when she has a plethora of problems is fatuous. She resolved to put it out of her mind and surrender to the Book instead.
An hour later, huddled under every blanket and comforter looted from her room, the upholstered chair doing little to battle the cold, she muses. Why do you become so irrational when you… have someone? Her hand is unsteady, fingers trembling from the cold, but she makes a valiant effort to jot something down.
Anna shoots her the most judgmental glance she's received in her life. ‘Why are you freezing to death near the balcony when the bed is right there?’
Lane tries to shrug but she doubts the slight movement would be visible under ten layers of wool. ‘The cold will keep my mind awake. I could get a new perspective on the Book.’
Anna almost looks offended at how little thought Lane put into lying to her. She scoffs. ‘Is that what they're calling it now?’ She scowls at a distant spot in the sky, willing the extent of her disdainful glare to reach that angel wherever he is, before turning on her heel and leaving, muttering about ‘beautiful women falling for idiot men’ and ‘why do you never learn, Anna?’
Her mind doesn't linger too long on Anna, but circles him, as always, a whirlpool of memories and longings. She tried to choke down her worry along with mouthfuls of tea earlier, but it spews up with a redoubled vengeance. No matter how many times her exasperated mind reassures her of the angel's strength and safety, her heart refuses to quiet, pacing anxiously with a thump-thump-thump echoing through her very bones.
Are you satisfied? Everyone wants to know whether I even have a heart anymore but you keep it, toss it, and catch it with the dizzying speed of your changing whims. I don't miss that. But I miss you.
Admitting that she missed him was apparently the last straw for her mind, who was jeering at this display of yearning. Lane leapt to her feet, yanked around by the strings of her rational mind that was hard at work to erase this maudlin moment from her day. She climbed into bed, pulled the required materials to herself like a shield and lost herself in the arcane, her mind alight and awake, ready to beat her heart into submission.
Now she allows herself to exhale a shameful ‘I missed you’ to the knowing shadows of her room and let relief unfurl through her bloodstream like a ribbon.
All the romance novels and movies she'd gorged herself on in her teenage years with the relished humiliation of crawling back to an unfaithful lover, had painted love in pink, soft and bloodless. But for Lane, love is a violent intrusion, spinning her mind and heart out of control. If she'd known she would feel so foolish, she would've accumulated more experience, to chart cumulative data and predict the best response in any situation. But Cain's not like anyone she's ever met. He's not like anyone at all.
Plotting Cain would be an impossible task as he shifts a little every time she sees him, a kaleidoscope that never shows the same pattern twice. But won't he let her try? To map his impossibilities across a lifetime like counting stars in the night sky, the only futile task she wants to squander away her time on with the languidness of summer days slipping away.
Contrary to his own impossibility, he seems to have her entirely mapped out, tracing the rivers of her veins with his fingertips and the ridges of her spine with his eyes. She didn't have to ask. Cain understood her, like he once promised, and her working style which he condensed aptly as ‘You wouldn't look up from the Book unless there's a second apocalypse.’ So his wings blinked at her, sending her a sign.
Was he counting on her being able to glimpse the maelstrom of riddles behind every guileless movement of his? Delivered with a susurration of his wings, an order, a request, or the gentle luring of a lover: Come find me.
His wishes are clear, but Lane hesitates, out of her own warring desires. Her heart is almost halfway out the door, straining to settle sleepily against his voice, but her feet remain planted to the floor, roots extending through wood, bypassing time and space, sprouting out of her father's office.
Wood polish. Expensive leather. An angular man leaning over her seven-year-old self. ‘Please do not bother me when I'm working, Lane. Go see to your mother.’ Which was perhaps the greatest condemnation of all, her own father who could not see her mother's umbilical cord strangling her lovingly around her neck, a tie she could never rid of even two decades later.
The memory fractures. Warmth beckons her from the fissure and she follows as if ensorcelled. The press of a thigh to her own. The specter of fingers through her hair. The fracture widens. The tickling of feathers against the small of her back. Her father's office and her younger self preserved in contrition are swallowed into the dark.
The last fragments of the memory are brushed away by an ambrette voice that lifts her and carries her back to the body of her present self, gently setting her down in reality. Tendrils of him and his essence are already curled around her, sweetpea flowers budding around her neck, watching over her when he can't.
Glimpses of him in her memories don't appease her. Lately, even his fleeting touches, light enough to absolve him of intention, do nothing to sate the hunger roiling in her. Come find me.
Guided, or rather, misguided, by the reckless abandon that entangles with desire, Lane crosses the room and doesn't let herself hesitate to wrench the door open. Her eyes hone in on the ornate door at the far end of the hallway, quiet and anodyne.
The estate is still, the history of those hallowed halls, almost a physical presence draped heavy over her shoulders, watching as Lane's hushed footsteps ghost over the floor. She knows her efforts are in vain; he must've heard the click of her door opening, but it felt sacrilegious to stomp over in an estate teeming with revenants.
She comes to a standstill outside his door, heart awake and thrashing. He could probably hear it through the wood, no barrier fortified to the aching of her heart to be a plaything in his hands again. But he waits, lets her settle on going to him or turning away.
She knocks lightly.
‘Come in.’ His voice, smooth and even, with the barest drops of an emotion she couldn't identify, sends a trickle of reassurance down her chest.
Ominous that the creaking of the door is, when Lane peers inside, gingerly stepping past the threshold like an inexperienced thief, Cain is whole and unhurt, lips curving up as salve to her twinging unease. Her heart finally rests.
As relief streams through her blood, her eyes cascade down his figure intently. Silvery fabric molds to his skin, translucent where pearls of water trickle from the damp ends of his hair. Black slacks cling enticingly to his thighs, every slight shift flaunting the statuesque lines of his body. His wings flare, serrated edges silhouetted by daylight, a personal sunset.
Her eyes widen. Cain, who was watching her riveted gaze with a touch of satisfaction pulling up the corner of his mouth, interjected smoothly. ‘It's not mine. A spawn was found close to city lines.’
‘Is that what you were busy with all morning?’ She asks, alarm fading into distraction. Blood lashed against white wings, macabre and ethereal. Offsetting, Lane thinks, no, enhancing temptation, disoriented by her own strange desires.
‘Yes.’ His voice dips, softness melting it. ‘Were you alone for long?’
‘No,’ she answers absentmindedly, eyes transfixed to the startlingly intimate sight of his bare feet. Unarmoured like this, without the chainmail of his condescending sneer and paradoxical words, he seems closer than ever. Like she would only need to reach out for her fingertips to graze soft skin and sculpted muscle, obscured to the rest by shadows and secrets.
Appeased, he turns to the side, pushing back his drenched sleeves around his elbow. Only then does the room start to come together in snatches. Clothes strewn across the carpeted floor, his jacket a bloodied heap by the balcony, transponder thrown on the bedside table. A basin with murky water seated on the dresser, a rag dangling haphazardly from it. Precise to him, messy to others. Not unlike the owner himself, she thinks.
Satisfied with her appraisal, she peeks over at him. Leaning over the basin, rag coiled loosely around his hand, he looks half sunken in a dream. Only the rustling of his wings betray his restlessness.
Her spine is yanked straight by a part of her, a phantom cerebrum spawned to gauge and dissect every shift in his body and every quirk of his mouth. Cain would never allow himself to be so absent. Her heart screeches with alarm, and her mind reluctantly allows the theatrics, admitting the oddness of his behavior.
‘Cain?’ she calls quietly.
Regret follows almost immediately. At the most inopportune moment, she realizes she has no idea how to proceed when he responds. Cain has always taken care of her in his own absurd way, the experience irksome even as the memory fills her empty soul with sunlight. But Lane could hardly care for herself, much less an immortal.
His lashes flutter, moth wings skimming his skin as he blinks out of his daze. ‘Sorry, I was lost in thought.’ His eyes clear, latches clicking shut inside him. ‘I should clean my wings.’ They flick, avouching his words. ‘Not exactly the amorous activity you were envisioning, I'm sure.’
Her eyes narrow but they cannot lance metal. He meets her scouring gaze with calculated repose. His shoulders sink, memories imploding within, then return to their usual assured set, dust settling in the span of a blink.
Only a second, but it's enough for Lane to pry at the chips in his marmoreal mask. She sighs softly as slivers of his bare face come into view. He's… tired. So, so tired. Abandoned by heaven, shunned by earth, untouchable on his altar of divinity. Angel, priest, soldier. Beautiful as a statue, but who dares to touch him? Who can he hold?
Sensing the weight of her thoughts, he straightens imperceptibly, shuttering off any weakness.
Even now, after hurting and helping and licking their wounds, they still hesitate, circling each other like sharks scenting blood, the instinct to hurt before getting hurt honed and layered like second skin, excruciating to rip off. But they can't keep holding onto an infected limb that devours the rest of the body. Years of violent instinct wars with a fragile, blossoming ache.
The words spill out of her lips, noxious blood evanescing, her first breath without her own violence pressing down on her sweet and fresh. ‘Let me help.’
His eyes snap back to hers and lock their gazes. Narrowed, assessing, wary, they're as entrancing as ever. He sighs, the same side emerging victorious in him. ‘I'll give you a chance to back out. I'm warning you now that your arms will ache for the next week.’
‘I won't come complaining to you,’ she says dryly, the secret curve of his mouth sending a flurry of warmth through her.
He follows her lead, effortlessly carrying the basin to an empty spot in the center of the room, sunlight casting the illusion of warmth on the rug. He sets it down and folds himself into a cross-legged posture, somehow elegant even while sitting on the floor.
Lane follows suit, kneeling behind him on the plush carpet. She ties her hair back into a loose knot and pulls back her sleeves, goosebumps arising on her exposed skin immediately. She shivers, body noting the frigidity of his room while she herself is enraptured by the angel.
This close to him, the diaphanous material of his shirt coyly divulges flashes of his body. The slope of his shoulder blade. A channel down his lower back. The sylphlike curve of his waist. Lane exhales slowly, expelling the need to touch him and trace his skin. The intoxicating heat radiating off him doesn't abate the desire to drape herself over his back and see what he'd do.
‘Having second thoughts? Maybe your delicate arms hurt already?’
She rolls her eyes, abruptly breaking through for air. The same person who tenderly drowns her in the thick, languid ocean of desire also hauls her out of it with his infuriating quips.
He slides the basin over to her in reparation.
Experimentally dipping her fingers into the basin, she sighs with relief at the lukewarm water. She dunks the rag in, drenches it, and pauses, water dripping rhythmically onto the floor, lapped up by the carpet. How sensitive are his wings? She remembers the library incident with a quivering in her stomach, the idea of her touch making him still heady more than any wine or pomegranate juice. How hard can she use the rag on them?
His voice is glazed with amusement. ‘This feels familiar. Now is the time to ask me if I'm gloating.’
That settles it. ‘Why should I when I know the answer?’ she replies as she presses the rag to the base of his wing agonizingly gently. He jerks, the beginnings of a low gasp escaping past his teeth before he quiets, wings flaring.
Lane bites her lip to rein in a smirk, throat going dry at the noise and where else she'd like to hear it, again and again.
‘Have it your way, then. Is this payback for that time in the library?’ he retorts, shoulders unnaturally tense.
‘What do you mean?’ she says lightly, carefully moving the rag from the base to the top. His wings rustle and flick, but settle quietly.
A light laugh floats through the air, melding seamlessly with this impossible afternoon.
Cain stays quiet as she works her way through the large expanse, occasionally trembling as she grazes certain spots. She makes mental notes of them, for future reference. Or for leverage.
Her nose wrinkles as she nears the tip of his wing. Spawn gore clumps to the feathers, a sickly sweet smell emanating from the blood.
Cain almost whirls around at her first cough. ‘I'll deal with the rest. You've done enough.’
She waves him off. Before she could think it over again, her hand cups his shoulder, turning him away. A tremor goes through her at her boldness, the heat of his muscle and bone against her fingers warming her entire arm.
‘You reek,’ she says airily, only to douse the incalescence of his gaze, burning her more than his skin as she touched him like she had the right to.
‘Who came to whose room?’
A gradual undoing, Lane watches as her own hands cast magic, turning back time, water swilling blood from his wings, leaching them pure and white.
She retraces her path, returning to the base of his wings where stubborn flecks of blood linger on the feathers. Faltering for just a second, she discards the rag. Her fingers, a gentler heir, glide over the plumage, outsing sanguine settlers.
Cain arches like a cat, allowing himself a muffled moan before rebounding, curving into her. A shuddering breath is the only movement she shows. His back barely brushes her front, the faint contact sparking a riot in her head, one side chanting lean in close, closer, the other pull away I can't breathe anymore.
As the sun drops lower into the sky, in tandem he sinks lower onto her, the silky strands of his hair chilling her chin, the weight of his body warm and comforting. His initial wariness washed away with the blood, he's as cozy and relaxed as a housecat dozing in a patch of sunlight.
Disappointment unfurls petals inside her chest as the last of the blood is wiped away, wings gleaming in the sunlight. Enveloped by him, his body, his scent; sweet and faintly musky, entirely him with the effect it had of wanting to fall headlong into his lies, time has no meaning. The world waiting with ravenous jaws holds no importance when he's quiet and boneless in her arms.
‘Cain?’ she whispers, unsure if he's awake.
Her toes curl into the carpet. His usual liquid smooth voice has been rendered low and thick, drowsiness dipping his tone.
She hesitates. Is it worth jolting him from his place against her—as it should be, her heart croons— for her selfish desire of wanting to look at him?
Ironically, it's her indecision that awakens him, alertness seeping back in. He slips out of her hold, a gentle thief escaping into the night, and turns to face her. ‘What is it?’ he asks, traces of worry playing in his voice.
I wish I could look at you when I want to without searching for an excuse. I wish you would keep being near to me. I want you to keep seeing me.
‘Nothing,’ she bites out, frustrated with herself, eyes catching on an anomaly in the blinding purity of snow. ‘There's dried blood crusted in your hair.’
He sighs, mindlessly patting his hair, completely missing the spot.
‘Let me,’ she interrupts quietly, pieces falling into place, desire breathing her wishes to life.
He eyes her curiously. Whatever he finds makes his mouth twitch and obediently lower his head, submitting to the ministrations of her fingers. A thrill fires through her like an arrow. She quite likes the idea of him bowed and hazy-eyed in front of her.
Her fingers ease into silken strands, white and gold playing on her skin. They trail unwillingly, longing to linger and straighten the wisps hanging over his eyes for him. She flicks the rusty flakes off, careful to not tug at the strands.
Hyperaware of every steady inhale and exhale of his, her own breathing wavers, growing shallow. She attempts to veer her attention back to his hair, instead of the proximity of her chest to his face, when his arm curves around her waist, long fingers splaying out, burning her from rib to hip.
Before she could steady herself to this, him, his thumb traces the jut of her rib. All coherent thought dissipates. Heat whirls up her insides. His fingers trail teasingly over the curve of her waist before stilling on her hip, and she wishes with sudden, fervent clarity that he would play on her skin. Be so familiar to him that he would reach for her to ease his restlessness, her hipbone echoing his music, instead of an undeserving slab of wood.
‘Your knees must hurt. Sit.’ He sounds from below her, words almost breathed into her throat. His voice lowers, a surrender just between them. ‘I can bow down for you.’
She lowers her eyes to his. A misstep. Hazy from sleep, sharp in the corners, sunlight sands down his usual jagged gaze and wicked smirk, turning him into a visage of heaven. Angelic, she thinks for the first time since she awoke to him, both at the rift and at the estate.
Cain has always been inhumanely beautiful from the moment she saw him glowing like an impossible mirage amidst blood and snow, but his beauty is almost unbearable now that she's seen the planes of that same untouchable face contort in anger, slacken in tiredness, soften in fondness. Every feature has been slashed into her mind since their first meeting, but he's a mystery she'll never tire of. She studies each detail with the same fascination as the first time.
Gold clings to every lash with the devotion of the sea returning to sand. Dawn rises in his eyes, the only place where she looks forward to sunrise. Cheekbones like cliffs, sweetpea pink lips. Twin moles wink at her from below his eye and cheek, a taunt mirrored in his eyes: What will you do now?
He tilts his head up, her hand that lay forgotten in his hair sliding down like rain. Brow bone, cheekbone, till the base of her palm curves against his jaw.
She's holding his face in her hand. What will you do now?
Her eyes hesitatingly find his again. The same eyes that speared into her being, trying to unravel her before she could undo him, that held and kept all his secrets, now betray him and look at her with undisguised tenderness. His gaze is the only mirror she can stand to look at herself anymore, her callousness and apathy smoothed over by his affection.
She loops her free arm around his neck, feeling his shoulders tense in surprise. In no reality will she come out of this unscathed. But would it be worth being hurt by these same hands that hold so gently?
Her eyes flit to his lips. Oh, but it would be worth being condemned to hell by this mouth. His lips part, luring her in before the din of doors slamming and a chorus of intermingling voices shatters their retreat.
Lane is off the floor and three feet away from him before he could even blink. His tenderness ripples into a scowl. His eyes glint a lurid red as he rises to his feet.
‘I should go,’ she says hastily, impatient to curse every member of the squad and then pore over every second of this afternoon before it dissipates like a dream.
‘And where are you rushing off to?’ he asks, notes of ire lurking in his voice.
She raises an eyebrow. ‘My room. I don't think the General will be pleased about me spending quality time with you instead of working.’
His mouth curls in derision. ‘If Dmitry's concern is incompetence, you're the least of his problems.’
His tone gives her pause. The second she tilts her head, his cool nonchalance snaps back into place, clicking shut with the finality of a lock.
‘I'll get going,’ she echoes before her heart could rope her into some foolish scheme. ‘Will you go to sleep now?’
‘Yes.’ He pauses, eyes sliding to her, lingering on her exposed collarbone. His voice lowers, softens, a snake coiling around flesh and she feels his words like he whispered them onto her skin. ‘Will you miss this opening?’
Her heart jolts. He can't possibly be…?
‘To watch me sleep again.’ He tilts his head innocuously, the effect offset by his growing smirk. ‘What were you thinking?’
Entirely unhelpfully, her mind bestows her with a visual. She thinks of him asleep, cheek pillowed by his arm, lashes casting needle-thin shadows, his ever-furrowed brows relaxed and a physical burn flares to life under her ribs.
She knits her brow in irritation, saving face too late, hastening to leave. The Cain who curved into her like the moon, who she'd christened angelic had fallen asleep, dreaming in some crevice of his mind. The one who stands in front of her, challenge highlighted in every plane of his face, is familiar, familiar and dangerous, familiar in a sense that she could hardly guess his next thought.
Just as her hand wraps around the door handle, she senses his searing presence behind her. Her body reacts instinctively, gearing up. Cain sends all of her emergency responses into overdrive, fight, flight, and fight speeding and crashing at the junction of her mind. All thoughts come to a screeching halt, leaving only expectant silence, air thrumming with possibilities. A discordant note or a lilting melody?
His fingers curl around her wrist, a gossamer touch. He lowers his head while raising her wrist, night falling as the moon rises to meet as a sunset, as a kiss. His cool breath snakes across her skin, travelling the course set by her veins, the faint brushes of his lips blissful torture.
A marionette in his hands, he angles her wrist to his mouth, setting the stage. The first act: the bite of his teeth against her pulse.
Her shoulders seize and she bites her lip, the blooming pain-pleasure shoving a gasp back inside her mouth. He presses, so gently, an invisible divot to savor and linger over at night, an ephemeral mark of him on her skin.
Can he feel her hand trembling? Her knees will give out if he continues.
In answer, in tender defiance, he scrapes his teeth across her pulse point, shrapnel and velvet, mouth feverishly hot, teeth deliciously sharp. Her spine jerks, pulled by his strings, aching to lean against his body. A low noise escapes her before she could haul it inside.
He halts, knowing when to coax with hardly a look, pulling her along to freefall into desire, another line they can never uncross, and when to let her be. He presses a full kiss to soothe her skin, before the curtain falls with a delicate graze of his lips over the faded cut on her palm.
He pulls back and she blinks as the world rushes in, both the celebrated principal actress and the dazed, breathless audience. He lowers her wrist gently, fingers falling away like the night. ‘Thank you,’ he says quietly with no trace of the smugness she was expecting.
She could hardly remember what she replied or how she stole away into the hallway. Half her mind still trembling in that room with him, the other half lazily waking up from a pleasant dream, she muses as she stumbles to her room.
The weight of the emptiness in her soul is always lurking, always ready to drag her into nothingness. Being around others only seems to chip away the remnants of her soul clinging to her insides; their strained laughter, easy anger and human hope shattered mirror shards reflecting the humanity long gouged out of her. You are not like us. Each irregular mosaic amplified till the message was deafening. You are not like us!
But as she stood in the hallway, vision golden with dust motes swirling around in a lazy waltz in the ballroom of sunlight, her soul is… silent. Not clamoring in its depleted state, begging to find its stolen half and fill it up. Cain's mere presence lifts this particular veil of half death, making her heart pumping in lazy disinterest startle awake, having to work overtime to make up for her lungs slacking.
Though she was the one who wished to lighten his burden today, it seemed he was imbuing her with his own life force with every touch. A thirst for life, and just not survival, gasped for air within her, only to see him again, to touch him again and make him tremble.
The corner of her mouth twitches as she turns the handle.
She has to find a way to get him back for that kiss.
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
LILY HI ITS ME STAR!!! HOW ARE YOU I LOVE U AND WISH U ALL THE BEST MUAH MUAH!! also: perhaps smth a little naughty at 11:36 PM with lab partner!wonwoo 👀👀
tags: college!au, inexperienced!wonwoo x f!reader, nerd!wonwoo, experienced!yn, oral (m!receiving)
wonwoo has never liked chemistry.
the periodic table looks like a colorful placemat and a titration might as well be a long winded recipe for a terrible cocktail. (although the ones at the delta tau delta chemistry themed party were good. they served them in little beakers, and wonwoo thought those were quite cute. that was also the party where he met you.)
speaking of you—unlike chemistry, wonwoo does, however, like you a great deal.
which makes chemistry much more tolerable because you are his lab partner.
on the first day of lab, when they had asked the class to pair up, you walked over to him, and wonwoo almost melted right into the ground.
"you're the only one here i know," you whispered, waiting for him to lean down to your height. he did, and you smelled like cherries. "we talked at the delt party. wonwoo, right?"
"yes, i'm wonwoo," he had said, words tripping and tumbling off of his tongue like he was learning to speak for the first time.
it was no better at the party, except he was drunk and you were drunker, and you had made the grave mistake of asking him what classes he was taking. two mike's hard lemonades and a battery acid vodka shot later, his dumb ass was still talking about emily dickinson, and you, somehow, were standing there in those mile-high heels, listening as if he was the most interesting guy at the party.
i think she's totally into you, mingyu had said, in that loud, spitty cadence he has when he's 90% beer.
don't be ridiculous.
but then you had asked wonwoo to walk you to your dorm, and you took the long way, winding right through campus.
he doesn't dream often, but he thinks the one he had that night was red and smelled like your lip gloss.
now, he thanks god for the miracle that is you in an oversized hoodie and shorts in his room past sundown.
granted, you're there to work on the last lab report of the term, and he had seen you just two nights ago at the kappa party, but wonwoo thinks he likes this version of you best. (that night, you had tried to break in your new heels. he ended up holding onto them, and you ended up holding onto him on the drunken stumble home. whether it was for support or for something else, wonwoo doesn't know, but he wishes he wore something different than the ratty polo from the back of his closet.)
"thanks for all your help," you say, closing your lab notebook. "i don't know how you're so good at all of this."
"i'm not," he laughs. he hands you your pencil case with the sailor moon charm, the one you were so proud to show him when he mentioned he watched anime. "it was all you."
you wave him off and bend down to put your things in your bag.
wonwoo tries his best to avert his eyes. he really does.
it's a valiant effort. there's a book out of order on his shelf (anna karenina, tolstoy). he really should have put that gundam figure away before you came over.
and your ass is perfect, but that doesn't really surprise him because he doesn't think there is a single thing wrong with you.
"you know," you start, still rifling around in your bag. "i heard something real interesting from mingyu the other day."
wonwoo changes the backlight color of his keyboard. it does not make him calmer. instead he feels all the peely leather on his gaming chair poke through his sweats and he tries not to think about the little birthmark you have on the back of your thigh.
"he told me that..." you stand straight and turn to face him. there's a fresh coat of gloss on your lips, like a magic trick. "you have a crush on me."
wonwoo doesn't know what to say. he likes to think before he speaks but now you're walking towards him and thinking isn't really an option anymore.
not good. he didn't think he was that obvious but he's no liar.
"fine, i'll start." you're standing right in front of him now, and he thinks the gulp he takes is audible. "i like you."
he watches your lips form around the words, glittery and confident, and if he wasn't doomed before, he certainly is now.
his near perfect gpa is doing jack shit to help him understand why someone like you, gorgeous and funny and smart and popular, would ever take a second look at the gangly boy in the glasses.
but you are—in fact, you're staring with an intensity that makes him afraid you can actually see right through all the clothes he's got on.
"i—" come on, wonwoo thinks. they're the words he wanted to tell you outside your dorm building three weeks ago when you said you didn't know anyone quite like him. "i like you too. a lot."
the first thing he learns is that you're forward, and he likes that.
the second thing he learns is that your lip gloss tastes like cherry.
your mouth is hot and soft on his. he thinks he died and went to heaven, and then you're kissing him again, catching his bottom lip between your teeth so he whines into your mouth.
the last time he tried kissing was during senior prom. his date stood on her tiptoes and he accidentally bumped his nose into hers and missed her mouth and the whole thing was a disaster.
and yet now, wonwoo feels like he's melted right into your hands. you lead and his body just knows how to follow.
"you're shy, huh?" you murmur, pulling back to look at him. "that's so cute."
he doesn't quite know what he looks like but his glasses are slipping down his nose and he feels the menthol sting of your lips all over his. there has never been this much blood in his cheeks but that doesn't quite make sense to him because he feels all of it going straight to his dick.
"you're perfect," is what the primordial ooze in wonwoo's brain manages to put together.
you kiss him again, and when he remembers to relax his lips enough, you're slipping your tongue in and letting him suck, and you moan.
wonwoo swears he could have blown his load right there and then—when it came to you, it really didn't take much, and now he's wondering what your skin tastes like, craving the cherry of your cunt.
your hand on his chest, sharp nails and glittery rings, trails down nice and slow. it feels like he's on fire. it's a wonderful distraction from the sensation of your teeth on the pretty, taut skin over his collarbone, but then you're biting and licking and he feels his balls get so tight and heavy in his pants he might just cry.
and then your hand comes to rest on his lap, right over his hardness, and wonwoo's about to protest—no, no, sorry, i don't mean to have a boner! i've never been kissed like that before in my life!—until you drop to your knees, right in between his parted thighs.
"has anyone ever touched you like this?" you say, voice low, dizzying. "anyone ever made you feel good?"
he shakes his head no, a new, sudden wave of desire climbing his bones.
mussed hair and swollen lips, you look more beautiful than anyone wonwoo's ever seen in his entire life. he doesn't know what he did in a past life to earn this but he must have saved the world.
"p-please," he says, but it's somewhere between a moan and a gasp because you're palming him through his sweats, the sensation foreign, thrilling.
"patience," you tease, and he would be morbidly embarrassed at the spot of precum on his pants if you weren't already thumbing at it yourself.
once you take his cock out of his sweats, he knows he's losing whatever battle he was fighting. he sees how your hand looks so little around it, and it's his nth struggle to make sure he doesn't just cum in your face. maybe another day, if he's so lucky.
"i-i might cum really fast," he confesses, because he doesn't know how to really say he's never gotten a blowjob before.
"good," you answer. unlike him, somehow you always know exactly what to say.
the third thing wonwoo learns that day is that he's fully, wholly, entirely obsessed with your mouth. with your slick bottom lip, with your tongue, and now with the way he sees your gloss-smeared mouth wrap taut around his cockhead.
wonwoo can never return to watching porn again. there is simply no one quite like you.
"f-fuck," he pants, the feeling overtaking him all at once. "feels so good, mouth's so good—"
one look at your eyes, big and watery and good for him, and he feels his cock twitch in your mouth. and then you start moving; you take him all the way to the base and then some. he feels your tiny little throat close around him, and the groan he lets out is nothing short of pornographic. he never thought he was that big, but seeing your eyes well up and your mascara get all dewy as you gag around him is doing something crazy to his brain.
it doesn't take long for you to fall into an easy rhythm. you're figuring him out so fast, and that would scare him if it didn't feel so good. your tongue's on his veins, the underside of his cockhead, and he's already gripping the armrests of his chair with white knuckles.
you sink down again and swallow around his length, let your throat do all the work, and wonwoo throws his head back, chest heaving. his eyes flutter shut, and the fluorescent ceiling light phases in and out of vision as you give him what could possibly be the best head you've ever given someone in your whole life.
"gonna cum s-soon," wonwoo manages. "you're so fucking hot."
it's either a moan or a whimper that comes out of you when he says that, and he thanks his lucky stars he has the wherewithal to put that information in his back pocket. he doesn't know when or how but his plan is to return the favor to you in full. and if that involves a copious amount of praise, he's all the better prepared because he has no shortage of nice things to say about you.
you take him once, twice to the base and wonwoo feels all the heat in his balls and his belly and then he's cumming, more and harder than he ever thought possible. he almost thinks it's like a piece of his soul was taken from him.
"d-don't have to swallow," he says, but you do, every last fucking drop until it's dribbling from your perfect mouth, and wonwoo is now fully convinced you are a real life goddess.
i'm an addict in the making, he thinks, but then you smile at him with those eyes, and he doesn't think that's such a bad thing.
he searches for the right words to say, something cool, experienced. it's a constant effort to be that guy for you because he's still not really sure why any of this happened.
"stop thinking so hard," you say, coughing once, then wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "i can see your wheels turning."
how you can read him so easily is beyond him. he wonders if you knew he was in love with you the second he laid eyes on you at the delta tau party.
where are my manners, wonwoo then remembers, and the post-nut clarity possesses him to brush the hair out of your eyes and help you up from your position on the ground.
"i like you. i don't care how experienced you are."
he hears you, and he believes you. instead of arguing, he cups your tear-streaked face in his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe your cheeks.
"plus, i think i'm a pretty good teacher."
you smile, and wonwoo has the confidence to kiss you back, for real this time.
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tribus-semitae · 4 months
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"I will not keep warning you, yield your weapons and let us pass through! " a calm commanding voice left the young woman clad in armor she gripped her great sword as she kept it pointed to the leader of the bandits that suddenly ambushed her group. The two elderly merchants, a man, and a woman, were standing behind her as if she as the wall that would protect them
Which she did promise to do, but being a novice knight she was still not as experienced. She did make them a promise, however, to protect them through this path, and she was willing to do her best to keep it.
The bandits did laugh since naturally, they outnumbered her, even if she did take down a few men, there would be more coming. Leader being a tall man with a nasty look in his eyes and messy black hair hidden beneath a headband pointed his own blade to her. "Come now girli ya fancy words and arms are saying ya ain't see much of the world! Ya really think ya can just hold us all off by yourself? " he added with a cackle few other bandits joined in the laughter.
The paladin did smile in response, a bit nervous, but she did not show any fear. "I suppose we will have to see that in a bit my friend "
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"The great lion came back, but Susan never forgot that they had killed him. What certainty was there to be found if even gods could die? He came back, but surely nothing happens the same way twice."
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likehandlingroses · 8 months
I just feel like. If/when Anna and Bates leave Downton. Or Baxter and Molesley. Or Daisy finally goes to the farm full time.
There will not be the same level of handwringing re: their *Downton family* like there is with Thomas.
And it does feel like he is supposed to be content with relationships with people who all have. Families and homes they absolutely prioritize above him. And it’s only his desire for romance or a home of his own that is characterized as regressive or oh-so typical of stories to prioritize THAT kind of thing (when in fact it is actually incredibly transgressive and valiant of him to believe in that and take steps to live the life he wants).
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eleanorwolfson · 11 days
Rosewood Readathon Day 15!!
Chapter 46
- I would have simply tripped and fallen down the stairs if I had to make a grand entrance as a princess for the first time
- It’s so funny, rereading book 1 is really reminding me why I was so obsessed with Jamie x Lottie in the beginning. “As your princess, I order you to dance with me.” ????? Are you kidding me??
- But no Ellie x Lottie solos every time. “Our princess is here” Jamie that’s Lottie’s PRINCE CHARMING ELLIE WOLF
Chapter 47
- Do you guys think Maradova is LGBT+ friendly?? Because it’s funny to imagine everyone clutching their pearls watching the princess dance with another girl but I don’t think the king and queen would allow it if they were homophobic lol
- It’s actually crazy how Lottie would even ask Ellie if she’s ever been with a boy. For so many reasons. Like how have you not figured out that she’s a lesbian? It’s kind of impressive that she doesn’t know somehow. And also when would she have dated someone Lottie?? The only boy her age she knew up until Rosewood Hall is Jamie.
- I always pictured Lottie falling into Edmund as the scene in Frozen where Hans catches Anna at the ball; lots of parallels between Edmund and Hans
- Edmund is described as having icy blue eyes here but in the etiquette class scene his eyes are described as hazel
Chapter 48
- It’s so sad that this is Lottie’s first kiss :(
- He is literally Prince Hans monologuing rn I can’t
- I don’t really necessarily want screen adaptation of RWCH but I would pay good money to see Ellie punch Edmund’s nose in 4K.
Chapter 49
- Edmund calling Ellie a commoner is so funny because I just would love to imagine his face when watching Ellie reveal herself as the princess on TV like oh my god. The girl who broke my nose.
- Jamie is better than me because I wouldn’t have fixed the nose I’d let him keep bleeding out. I’d ditch him first because seeing that much blood might just make me faint but nevertheless
- JAMIE DOES NAWWWT CARE AT ALL IM DEAD “the dress was an accident!!!” “I know.”
- “She didn’t need a valiant prince: she already had two” don’t make me cry now. Because I know it’s supposed to be symbolic but Jamie is LITERALLY A PRINCE
- But why is no one suspicious about Saskia bringing “loads of spare dresses” . Why would she have that. She’s not even wearing a dress and Lottie doesn’t know she’s Ani’s partizan at this point
- This reveal is so dramatic I don’t remember it being this dramatic omg!! The tea!! The poison tea!!!!
Allllmost done with book 1!!! I promise I will get caught up soon!!!
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Milestone Monday
On this day, March 6 in 1836. after a thirteen-day siege by an army of 3,000 Mexican troops, the 187 Texas volunteers defending the Alamo, including frontiersman Davy Crockett and colonel Jim Bowie, were killed and the fort was captured. This milestone event remains one of the seminal cultural touchstones of the American mythic identity; an historical event, but romanticized as a symbol of American heroism and exceptionalism in the pursuit of freedom, never mind that the holding of the compound and the settlement of San Antonio was an act of Texan imperialist expansion.
There are other items we could have used to commemorate this milestone, but we chose the comic book Walt Disney’s Davy Crockett at the Alamo, published by Dell Publishing Company in 1955, because it reflects the ongoing jingoistic pride in standing against those who would halt American determinism. This Disneyfication of the historical record is based on the final segment of Walt Disney Pictures’ 1955 film Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier, starring Fess Parker as Davy Crockett (as pictured on the comic book’s cover).
The comic ends with, “’Remember the Alamo!” became the battle cry for the Texans, and violent opposition was aroused against the invader.” It is of course arguable who the invader is here. Also, “Although the Alamo did fall to Santa Anna’s overwhelming forces, the story of the brave and valiant stand by the men of the Alamo spread far and wide. It became an inspiration to freedom-loving people everywhere . . .” As usual during this period, the issue also includes the seal of Dell’s “Pledge to Parents” that “it contains only clean and wholesome juvenile entertainment . . . you can be sure it contains only good fun.”
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