#vali lokason
cringyfanfictions · 10 months
I love wolves, and I love (Greek) mythology. So it's pretty much I given I love Norse mythology.
There are six wolves (that I know of) in Norse mythology, and I love them all! Even if one wasn't originally a wolf, two basically play no role, two try to snack on the sun and moon, and one gets torn apart from jaw to tail because he swallowed the ruler of the gods.
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theroleplayingedda · 8 months
A rping masterlist for vikingISH muses.
I am once again sorry to spam your @s. Tumblr breaks every time I edit this post. So sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
Norse Mythology:
@alldaddy Odin @arcanigenum Loke & Ull & multiple OCs [MultiMuse] @belcvednanna Nanna @berserkerofrealms Garmr @brknmnds Angrboða, Iðunn, Jörmungandr, Týr & Others! [MultiMuse] @bruadcr Jormungandr, Sif, Sigyn, Þrúðr Þórradóttir & Ullr Lokison | OC Leaning [MultiMuse] @chiimaera Sigyn [MultiMuse] @childrenofmythos Freyja & Hel [MultiMuse] @eclipsecrowned Fenrir, Freyja, Hel, Hnoss, Laufey, Odin, Sigyn & Utgard-Loki [MultiMuse] @exiledcrown Eir, Freyja, Narvi Lokason, Vali Lokason [MultiMuse] @gleamingcrowns Lady Sif [MultiMuse] @gulldrengur Baldr @heartsdefine Sigyn [MultiMuse] @helreginn Helreginn Lokadóttir @justicescreaming Loki, Narvi, Sigyn & occasionally Vali [MultiMuse] @kingoftheravens Angrboda, Fenrir,  Loki, Hati, Hel & Others! Including really cool OCs! [MultiMuse] @kissofthemuses Sigyn [MultiMuse] @lordsigynofvanaheim Lord Sigyn @moonhoundman Hati @mystiokinesis Bergfinnr Thrymrson @norseforces Freyja, Frigg, Loki, Odin & Thor [MultiMuse] @paracosmms Angrboda, Fenrir & Hel [MultiMuse] @runaljod Angrboða, Fenrisúlfr, Frœyjɑ, Jörð, Loki, Magni & Móði Þórsson, Óðinn & Þór [MultiMuse] @savstaroth Thor & multiple OCs! [MultiMuse] @sigynthevictorious Sigyn @starwrittenfates Sigyn [MultiMuse] @sigynoffidelity Sigyn @tessastormrp Baldr, Freyr, Loki & Tyr [MultiMuse] @valkxrie Brunnhilde @varldsormr Jörmungandr, the World Serpent | OC Leaning @yggdrasilushxrt Dvalinn
Featuring Muses from: ~ Assassin’s creed Valhalla ~ Asgard's Wrath ~ God of War
Featuring Muses from: ~ American Gods ~ How to Train Your Dragon & Dragons: The Nine Realms ~ The Almighty Johnsons ~ The Last Kingdom ~ Vikings & Vikings: Valhalla
@astridnorddottir Astrid | A Valkyrie OC @bruadcr Nora Scott | An Asgardian Berserkr @cursedwanderer Fenja | a Tree spirit, Skogsrå/Huldra @dragcnlxrd Lysander Balaur | Last of the Dragonlords @eddapoetic Havar | A fun fusion of many trickster deities (Loki, Hermes etc) [MultiMuse] @nykrose Nyk | A Näcken OC @ofholocenemuses Eska Ulfsson | a Stablemaster turned warrior with a bit of wanderlust [MultiMuse] @savstaroth Ida Fjalarsdóttir | An Ancient witch @skallagrimulfhedinn Skallagrim Ulfhedinn | A shapeshifter and the son of a blacksmith @wildserkr Victor Halvorsen | A Berserkr OC
@brokenandlonelysouls Loki [MultiMuse] @brutalage Vandal Savage @cffidelityy Sigyn @inkdreamt Sylvie [MultiMuse] @starwrittenfates Lady Sif [MultiMuse] @sigynoffidelity Sigyn @theamazingloki Loki
Discord ONLY rpers:
Up to date as of 27/05/24
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torntruth · 1 month
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
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DIANA OF THEMYSCIRA , for bruce wayne or judas iscariot.
FREYA , for vali lokason.
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murasakikagekitsune · 3 years
Vali is the god of mental health, of madness, of psychosis, of when your sense of self shatters like glass. The god of people who think they have nothing to live for, of people who wish to disappear and simultaneously blaze with fury against a world that cosigned them to death before you've even learned their last name. The god of people who want help but think they don't deserve it. The god of people who are beaten bloody and bruised by bullying, broken and mishapen beyond permanent recognition.
If Loki is the shelter for the outcasts, then Vali's the heart of the last chance saloon.
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incorrecthelaquotes · 5 years
Hela: I wasn’t that drunk.
Vali: you ran to the fireplace screaming ‘IM NOT AFRAID OF YOU SUTUR’
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sigyn-obsessed · 3 years
The town was quiet. It was something Sigyn loved about it. People lightly talked in the market, negotiating prices. The shutters brushed against the windows as the breeze blew gently. It was warm out, the sun blazing down, warming them all. The grass swaying, tickling your bare feet.
She truly enjoyed the town. It was the fresh start she needed. When she was young, people would give her the look of pity that said, ‘I’m so sorry your mother left. So tragic.’ The glares some of the soldiers would give her when mention of her father was brought up. The people who believed she was some poor, fragile little girl who never had a constant in her life. It wasn’t what Sigyn wanted anymore.
It didn’t help that the place she grew up in no longer existed anymore, thanks to the All-Father’s estranged daughter. Sigyn couldn’t say she was particularly upset when she found out. It hadn’t been her home in a long time. She was just glad everyone was okay, and offered her healing services if they ever needed it. Sigyn wondered if her mother got out, but the care disappeared when she thought of her mother’s last words to her.
“I hope you burn in Hel for what you did.” Sigyn hadn’t taken the comment personally for a very long time. She knew her mother would be there too, so they could argue then. Right now, she had better things to worry about.
She sat cross legged, the light green floral dress balled up near her ankles. Her long curly blonde hair was pulled back in a bun, keeping it out of her way as she cheered on her boys.
Hey boys. Her sons. The two best things that ever happened to her. They were almost five, which struck her. Had it been five years already? Some days it felt like a hundred years, other days it felt like yesterday. They hadn’t been in Vanaheim too long, but it was enough to have it feel like a home. If they were in Asgard she very much wouldn’t feel like this.
“Mama look what I found.” Yelled Narvi, his blonde curls stuck to his forehead. His small hands cupped a baby snake, casually slithering around his hand. Vali, his younger brother and twin, was staring with stars in his eyes at the little creature. It was likely a garter snake, they appeared quite frequently. They weren’t dangerous, the boys were just curious.
Sigyn snapped out of her thoughts at the little boys pushing the animal near her face.
“Wow! He is pretty isn’t he?” She suggested, gently tracing down it’s back. It was a beautiful emerald green, with little black and gold marks. It warmed Sigyn’s heart. It reminded her of good times. Before everything bad happened.
“Mama you aren’t afraid of snakes?” Vali muttered. He had seen his mother shriek at spiders and centipedes in their home. Surely she would be afraid of snakes.
“Actually boys, I really love snakes. I encountered some pretty cool snakes in my time.” Sigyn gently laid the snake down, watching it slither through the grass as the boys sat next to her, one on each side. Her fingers instinctively ran through their hair, pushing the sweaty strands off their forehead. Vali’s hair was much darker, with a bit of curl. They looked so much like him in their own special ways.
“Mama are you okay?” Whispered Narvi, staring intently at her. She knew they both had magic, and knew they were likely able to tell the changes in hers. She was known as an incantation fetter. Magic was bound to her in everything she did. Her decisions, her relationships, her emotions. She had to keep everything in check.
“I’m okay honey. Just thinking too much. How about we have lunch? I’ll grab some fruit and we’ll bring it outside and eat okay.” The boys excitedly nodded as they rushed towards the back door, barging in. Sigyn took a deep breath, trying to gather herself.
Before she knew it Vali arrived with an old blanket they had on their couch and laid it out while Narvi had grabbed a pitcher of juice. Sigyn came back with some fruit they had thrown together as they all ate together. Everything was silent except for the silent munching. The sun stayed strong, blaring down hard. Sigyn had adjusted them into the shade, knowing the boys overheated easily. They tended to get sunburnt easily as well. She had experimented with many lotions to perfect the salve.
After they had finished, she gently tidied up, the boys going back to their play, exploring the small bushes that lined the back of their house, making sure not to disturb the garden Sigyn spent most of her free time on, when she wasn’t working in the town’s healing ward. The boys attended regular classes, teaching the boys essentials and basic necessities. The boys were extremely intelligent, and were reading and writing on their own already. Their bedroom had a large bookcase that was getting more full everyday. If you asked Vali what he wanted, he would likely say some type of book. Narvi was a bit more adventurous, probably asking for a weapon that was too dangerous for him.
Sigyn didn’t realize that the boys had rushed in, tapping her quickly.
“Mama, someone was outside.” Sigyn's heart dropped. Has someone found them? Sigyn ushered the boys to the living area, telling them to stay there and under no circumstances to leave. She walked outside, peering around at the trees and bushes. The house wasn’t in the town, and was at least a mile away from the closest house. Sigyn felt her hands radiating, magic flowing, tensing just in case she saw something and needed to react. It wasn’t bad that she had a dagger as well to summon. Her breathing hitched, wincing when she turned a corner, ready for something to be there.
She saw a figure, their back turned to her. They were dressed in simple clothes, dark pants and a tunic with tall boots. She was afraid to stride closer, in worry that she would surprise them and they would react as a threat.
“Who are you?” She questioned, her dagger summoned, gripped in her hand until her knuckles were white. She was breathing fast, her mind worrying that someone she had previously wronged may have found her. She hadn’t wronged many, but they had friends.
They didn't turn around, instead she saw them tense. She drew closer, still wielding her dagger. “I asked a question, now answer; who are you?” She demanded.
The figure began to turn but stopped, instead placing their hands out, to show they weren’t armed. It was a swift movement, but it wasn’t enough for Sigyn. She moved closer, the dagger now held by her side. She was close enough to touch them, but she stopped. The feeling was too familiar.
The dark hair that reached their shoulders, the pale skin on their hands.
“Turn around, slowly.” She demanded, and saw their body begin to move. She was hit with familiarity as she recognized the stranger’s face.
She met his eyes first, the light emerald she had always loved. She felt her hands drop, the dagger falling flat into the dirt. Shock coursed through her. He was dead. She knew it. Thanos had snapped his neck five years ago. She remembered the day distinctly.
Three weeks later she found out she was pregnant with the twins.
She swallowed, her throat dry, and her mouth unable to form a word. She didn’t know what to say. What was there to say? So much. Too much.
She saw his eyes follow her form, looking her over. She wondered if he recognized her, since both were still in silence. This wasn’t real. He wasn’t real.
She reached out, clasping his chest, feeling the heartbeat underneath. Her eyes flooded, heating her face as they fell. She felt him move closer before she grasped onto him, tightly hugging him. She felt his arms wrap around, almost desperately, unlike he had ever before. She was holding so tightly, feeling his hand grasped in her golden hair. She didn’t want to pull away, for worry that he would just disappear. He pulled back, looking into the blue that had made him feel safe such a time ago.
Her hands wandered to his face, rubbing the tears from his eyes. It felt like before, when they were young and nothing had happened. Like the trauma, and pain, and tragedy hadn’t hit. She pulled him close again, her hands running through his hair. It was longer than ever before. She was so used to his short hair, and how it slightly used to curl and how he hated it. Sigyn would plead with him to leave it alone. She had always loved his curls.
As they pulled back, his hands found hers, gently stroking them. Both were too in shock to say anything.
“Sigyn?” She heard him whisper. All she could do was nod. They stood alone.
“Is this really happening?” She saw him nod his head. Reason didn’t matter anymore. He was here. After all this time he was here. Was he really here? “Is this a trick? Because I miss you and my emotions are messing with me?”
He brushed the hair out of her eyes before closing the space between them. There was no desperation anymore. It wasn’t hard or brash, it was soft and calm, something she hadn’t felt for some time.
“It’s real Sig. It’s not a trick. I’m here.” Sigyn hadn’t felt this happy for some time. Probably since her sons were born.
“Come in.” She led him towards the doors, ushering him inside, where he sat at the small table in the kitchen. She began fixing him a cup of tea. She walked over, gently rubbing his back, scared to finish the conversation.
“Lo, we need to ta-”
“Mama, is everything okay?” Sigyn paused, looking at the two little boys standing in the doorway, confused at the stranger sitting at the table. Loki looked over, his expression hard to read. Everything stopped.
“Everything is okay babies.” Narvi moved towards her, Vali followed closely behind. They hid behind her, looking over at the strange man. It took Loki a second to process the two little boys. They were small, smaller than the average child their age. How old are they? Their face shape was similar, but one had dark black hair and the other golden blonde. It slightly reminded him of Thor and him as a child, but somehow this felt different. The boys held onto each other, staring wearily at him. Sigyn knelt down to them, gently grasping their shoulders.
“Boys, can you please go into the living room? I’m fine, I promise. I just need a moment.” She saw the boys linger, Vali’s small fingers playing with her dress. She saw Narvi receive the signal, and gently took Vali’s hand, leading him towards the living room through the door. Sigyn felt herself sigh. She had played this moment in her mind so many times, the boys meeting their father. It never went this way. Nothing ever went according to plan for them though.
“Loki, before-”
“Who are they?” Sigyn closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. She took a seat at the chair across from him.
“They’re my sons.” She muttered. She read his face, seeing shock. Before she could say anything else she heard him.
“I guess you have a type.” Sigyn stopped, shocked. He read the confusion on her face.
“Their dark hair, pale skin. I always knew you liked men with dark features.” Sigyn sighed, feeling the pent up magic crawling to the surface.
“I always knew you liked to lie, but I never thought you couldn’t tell when others lied.” There was silence between them. “A few weeks after Thanos, I found out.”
“You moved on fast.” Sigyn couldn’t hide it anymore. He was doing this to anger her, to get a rise out of her.
“Are you serious? Loki, I lost the only person I ever loved, that I ever felt loved by. The man that I married and had planned a future with but no! He had to go after the strongest creature in the world with a puny dagger!” She felt her voice crack. She thought the mourning had ended a long time ago, but it had all been brought back. She wiped her eyes, hoping the boys didn’t hear the yelling. They would be worried. They were protective of her, even though they were so little. She was the only thing they had besides each other. Sigyn read the silence and continued.
“Do you remember when we were first married? We went to the turning of the season festival in the outskirts of Asgard? We talked about having kids when the little boys came up to us and you were so good with them. Do you remember the names you adored?”
There was silence for a second and Sigyn was about to interject when she heard him whisper. “Narvi and Vali. We never came up with a name for a girl because we both believed we would never have one. You always joked that there were too many women in your family for another.”
“Their names are Narvi and Vali. After the names their father chose.” It was quiet when she heard the pieces click together. She turned her head, looking into the living room, noticing the boys on the floor playing with some small blocks her father had made them. When their powers acted up they were freeze-proof so they could never be broken.
She felt his presence behind her, a hand on the low of her back.
“They’re mine?” She felt a cry come out before turning around.
“Of course they’re yours. I found out I was pregnant three weeks after Thanos defeated the Avengers. I came to Vanaheim when I heard my family had relocated here after Asgard’s fall.”
“Do they know-”
“They know who their father is. I’ve told them stories about you to them when they ask. I told them that even though you didn’t know them, you loved them. I told them stories about when we were courting, and that you had done bad things because of a bad man. That they were jotun. They know everything and it never changed anything.” She gently rubbed his cheek. “They love you the same no matter what. They aren’t Thor and you. They are your sons and they deserve to meet their father.” She saw him nod before she walked into the living room, watching the boys play, but it seemed wrong. The way they were playing was almost robotic? Sigyn sighed before muttering how much they were like their father. She quickly walked into the kitchen before taking a deep breath, Loki watching her.
“Boys, I know that you aren’t in the living room. Please show yourself. I’m not going to be mad.” Sigyn felt a shift in magic and looked in the corner to find the two boys crouched, listening in on the conversation. Sigyn sighed as she walked over to the boys.
“I assume you heard what we were talking about.” Muttered Sigyn as she knelt down to their level. The boys nodded as she thought of what to say next, but they beat her to it.
“So papa’s okay?” Sigyn stopped and looked at Vali, shocked he had made the first comment. He was a generally quiet kid, and really only opened up to Narvi and Sigyn. Having Loki just a few feet away made Sigyn think he would be hidden and drawn away.
“Yeah, papa’s okay.” Sigyn brushed the hair out of Vali’s eyes. It was getting almost as long as his father’s.
“So that’s our papa?” Questioned Narvi, looking over at Loki from the corner of his eye. It caught Loki off guard, seeing his eyes on such a small little being. It made him swell with immense pride he didn’t know he had. It made him think of his mother. Sigyn nodded and gestured to Loki to take the reins. The boys moved slowly towards him, and Loki knelt down to look the boys in the eyes. He saw Vali tilt his head a bit.
“You look like me.” Loki smirked, and was almost unsure whether to touch them. He was afraid. Here they were, years later, and he was a stranger to his own children. It made him feel guilty. Truly, he had been searching for Sigyn for years, but the fact that she had been raising two boys alone made his guilt rise.
“You don’t look like me.” Narvi muttered. “Mama says I act like you though.”
Loki laughed. He had remembered his mother made a comment when he was young, warning him that he would be in trouble if he had a child that behaved like him. He was sure it was to encourage him not to misbehave. He felt his mother probably smiling and the fact that there were two made him smirk even more. It took a second for them to approach him, and it was seconds later that he was hugging them, holding onto them tight, never letting them go again. What was stranger though was that the boys were holding on tight, like they had saved it up for him.
“I love you two so much.” He whispered, afraid to let go of them, that they may disappear or be taken away, his hands running through their hair, Narvi’s light blonde and Vali’s pitch black. Looking at them you couldn’t tell they were twins.
“They’ve been saving this for you.” Muttered Sigyn, rubbing his shoulder as he sat the boys on his knee, giving each a kiss on the forehead. Sigyn rubbed Loki’s back as she looked up intently at him.
“I promise you all, I am never leaving again. I promise you three.” He pressed his forehead against Sigyn’s, holding onto them tightly. Nothing would take them away. Not now, not ever. He had fought to see her again. He traveled across the galaxy to look into Sigyn’s comforting eyes, and nothing would take that away. He had two beautiful children whom he had missed out on. He wouldn’t be Odin. Never. He would be there for them through anything. He was going to be not a father, but a dad. Someone who cared for them and looked out for them and played with them.
Loki was a dad, and he had never felt happier.
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skaldish · 2 years
Hi Zan! How are you? I'm the multiple runes for one deity anon, if you remember me? I've got another question for you, if you don't mind, two in fact - one about one of your previous posts, and one about romantic relationships with deities.
This one's about you saying Lokesenna is satire, rather than a tragedy - I understand the importance of using different cultural interpretations, and it's basically Loki roasting the Æsir, so Snorri might have used hyperbolic language - all hallmarks of humourous satire, but isn't the killing of Baldr\Loki's punishment\ the "brainwashing" of Vali Lokason (pardon the anchronism, but I find very hard to believe that Val would maim Narfi of His own free will) considered part of Lokesenna? Isn't the coerced murder of a young man, by His twin, tragic? Or are they separate?
(Sorry Zan, but I'll be busy soon - I'll send my second question afterwards. Is that okay?)
Here's the thing about the Norse stories—they're allegorical. They represent relationships between gods, people, and the world, as opposed to representing actual literal events.
There are the mountains, and then there are the stories people tell about the mountains. Same goes with gods.
Loki's binding appears in many places. It appears in the Icelandic Poetic Edda, in Snorri's Icelandic Edda, and in Saxo's Danish Gesta Danorum. This suggests it was a very widespread motif, old enough to be passed word-of-mouth across Scandinavia. Yet the story has a number of important variations.
First of all, Loki doesn't kill Baldr in Gesta Danorum, and he actually never appears in Saxo's version of Baldr's Dream. We don't know why he's bound in a cave in a pit of snakes, only that he is, and Sigyn's presence is never mentioned. The Poetic Edda also mentions Loki's binding, but if I remember correctly Loki is bound specifically for being a shit in Lokasenna and not specifically for killing Baldr. Baldr is already dead during Loki's flyting.
In actuality, Snorri is the only one who connects Loki's binding with Baldr's death. We would have probably seen this connection made in other regions and sources beyond Snorri if it was widespread, which suggests Snorri may have made this one up for the sake of story continuity.
(Flyting was something of a "low artform" of sorts, a kind of insult-game the average person would play with other people to demonstrate wit and humor. Lokasenna uses bleak-sounding concepts as a prop for humor in the same way Cards Against Humanity uses bleak-sounding concepts as a prop for humor. However, we understand Cards Against Humanity as humorous because we have the context of our language and our time to inform us of this. Lokasenna was originally the same way.)
I can't really speak definitively of Vali and Narfi because there's not a whole lot written on them. I know the number of sons Loki and Sigyn are said to have ranges from one to two, but Snorri is the only one that talks about one being turned into a wolf to consume the other. I'm wondering if this is a motif imported from another mythology, like greek or roman, but I have no idea honestly.
I would say yes, that in itself is tragic, because that was Snorri's intention. But the whole arc of Baldr's Death/Lokasenna/etc. is not exactly the hard canon Snorri is portraying.
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lokadottr · 2 years
full name.  torvi lokadottir. pronunciation. ‘torʋi nicknames. princess. height.  5′7″. age. verse dependent, usually between 22 & 35. zodiac. libra. languages. english. old norse. norwegian. french. vanir. jotun. dwarven. latin.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. hair colour.  black. eye colour.  blue. skin tone. pale. body type. lean. slight curves after having children.  accent. similar to swedish. dominant hand. right. posture. straight. very proper. tattoos. many, including a raven on her thigh and a peach on her butt. most noticeable features. long black hair. CHILDHOOD. place of birth. vanaheim. hometown. n/a. manner of birth. natural. first words. narvi. ( ari )  siblings.  narvi lokason. vali lokason. half siblings.  parents. sigyn iwaldidottir. loki laufeyson. ADULT LIFE. occupation. stay at home wife/mother. part time language tutor.  close friends. astrid. magni. amelia. cel. ella. relationship status. dating or married. financial status. rich. driver’s license. somehow. criminal record. no.  SEX & ROMANCE. sexual orientation. demisexual. romantic orientation.  heteromantic. preferred emotional role. n/a. preferred sexual role. submissive. libido. high. turn ons. being ordered around. being manhandled. shows of strength. shows of affection.  turn offs. d@ddy kinks.   love language. physical affection. acts of service. relationship tendencies. serious relationships. previously non-emotional attachments. MISCELLANEOUS. character’s theme song. honey by halsey. hobbies to pass the time. reading. mental illnesses. none. left or right brained. left-brained. fears. failure. being alone.
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wolfoftheironwood · 3 years
Please note In most verses Fenrir has the ability to shift between his wolf form and ‘human’ one
“Then is fulfilled Hlín's second sorrow, when Óðinn goes to fight with the wolf”
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Name: Fenrir Lokason Other Names: Fen, Hróðvitnir, Fenrisúlfur, Fenris-wolf Titles: The Great Wolf, King of the Iron Wood Age: 1000+ years old but appears thirty-five to forty (will play older/younger if requested) Gender: Male Sex: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual & a switch Alignment: Neutral Good Family: - Loki (father) -Angrboða (mother) - Sleipnir (older sibling) - Hel, Jörmungandr, Narfi, Vali (younger siblings) - Hati & Skoll (twin sons) The eldest child of Loki and Angrboða, he was born and raised in Járnviðr with Jörmungandr and Hel. Once the gods found that these three children were being brought up in the land of Jötunheimr, and when the gods "traced prophecies that from these siblings great mischief and disaster would arise for them" the gods expected a lot of trouble from the three children, partially due to the nature of the mother of the children, yet worse so due to the nature of their father so were all taken. Odin threw Jörmungandr into "that deep sea that lies round all lands", and then threw Hel into Niflheim, and bestowed upon her authority over nine worlds.
Physical: Eye Colour: Black Hair: Shoulder length black and silver hair, slightly curly and usually at least partly tied back. Fur: Black with silver fur around his muzzle and ears, completely black when young Skin: Tanned and covered in various scars and tattoos Build: Muscular burly build Height: 6ft9 in 'human' form. 15ft+ tall in wolf form (still growing)
First born son of Loki and Angrboða, born and raised in the Iron wood with Jörmungandr and Hel
Family were separated when he was only a few years old and he was taken to Asgard where they attempted to bind him
After managing to escape Fenrir now roams the realms in hiding from Odin and the rest of the Aesir so they won't bind him again
It was after escaping Asgard he learnt how to shift his form into his 'human' one which gives him a bit more anonymity
He has few fears, but being tied up/restrained in any way is a major hard no for him
Has basic level seiðr, mainly in altering his appearance from wolf to man
Is incredibly protective of his family and friends to the point of sacrificing himself for them
Suffers from chronic back pain
Is a remarkable hunter in any form
Favoured weapons are bow and arrow or sword but prefers to fight in his wolf form
Advanced healing, speed and incredible strength.
Absolute Mama's boy
His favourite colour is red ❤️
Hobbies and skills include reading (favours smutty romances), logic games (e.g. chess) as he likes to be mentally stimulated and blacksmithing/wood crafting
Right handed
Verses: Myth: Fenrir is still free and unbound, he knows what the Aesir wish to do and is 'on the run' from them and as a result does not easily trust people. He hops between realms and learnt how to alter his form to try and remain undetected. Modern: Various, please message if you're interested!
Mythology overview:
Considered as one of the greatest enemies of the Æsir, Fenrir was foretold to kill the god Odin during the events of Ragnarök so the gods bound him and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr
He was chained multiple times, but broke them off with a simple shake. In the end, the gods went to the dwarves for their help. They made a rope called Gleipnir, containing the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the sound of a cat's footfall, the sinews of a bear, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird, all of which were impossible items to obtain. This weak-looking rope was offered to Fenrir and, suspecting it to be a trick, he asked for a god to place his arm in the wolf's mouth. The God of Courage, Týr, volunteered. When Fenrir was bound, he couldn't shake off the chain and bit off Týr's hand in revenge. Then the gods thrust a sword into his mouth. Its hilt touched the lower jaw and its point the upper one; by means of it the jaws of the wolf were spread apart and the wolf gagged. Fenrir "howled horribly," saliva ran from his mouth, and this saliva formed the river Ván. There Fenrir will lie until Ragnarök
FC: Ryan Corr
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sigynthevictorious · 4 years
I do not write Narfi and Vali as twins so please keep this in mind and I write Vali pre-Ragnarok/Loki's punishment but will write post if discussed
“I am my father’s son, his shadow weighs a tonne”
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Name: Vali Lokason (Vah-lee)
Other names: Valka (in female form)
Titles: God of Wrongdoing, Prince of Asgard & Jotunheim (some verses)
Age: 800+ years but appears around 18-21 (will play older/younger if requested)
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: He/She/Them (depending on presentation and mood)
Sexuality: Pansexual/Questioning, (preference for men) & a sub
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Loki (father)
Sigyn (mother)
Narfi (older brother)
Sleipnir, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel (older half-siblings)
The youngest son of Loki and his wife Sigyn (and the youngest of all Loki’s children), he was raised on Asgard with his mother and older brother Narfi.
Vali is close to all in his family, he is not as bothered about his heritage as Narfi is. Instead taking it in his stride. However, having spent so long trying live up to his father’s expectations Vali sometimes struggles with his own identity, feeling like he is not his own person or a valid member of the family.
Eye Colour: Green
Hair: Auburn/ginger, short and curly
Skin: White, lightly freckled. Due to being part Jotun he has Jotnar like skin lines covering his back and part of the front of his chest which look like scars but are smooth to the touch. Modern AU’s they appear as light coloured birthmarks. 
Build: Slim, toned. Ecto-mesomorph
Height: 6ft
Physically and mentally, Vali is unmistakeably Loki’s son. He is naturally gifted with magic and enjoys travelling the realms. 
He is outspoken and doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. He is the life of any party and can usually be found causing some kind of trouble.
Highly skilled with a variety of magic.
Vali freely and frequently experiments with both his gender expression and sexuality
As the youngest in the family he has always had the security of his older siblings and quickly found he could get away with much more than they ever could. He pushes the rules and was an unruly child, something that he never grew out of. Vali is a true free-spirit and does not like to be put in a box.
He is easily distracted, hyperactive, can quickly become over stimulated and suffer sensory overloads, but if often fairly good at grounding himself. 
Prone to alcohol and substance abuse, especially in modern verses. 
Vali is a quick fighter if needed, he would rather use magic but is skilled with a dagger. Prefers close combat fighting styles but would rather remain peaceful.
Doesn’t like killing and will avoid it at all costs, he would rather disarm and subdue any opponents or not fight at all. 
Vali follows a vegetarian diet simply because he doesn’t like the taste nor texture of meat. But he will eat meat if he has to, it is simply a preference rather than a lifestyle.
Advanced healing, speed and strength. 
His biggest, and possibly only, fear is hospitals/doctors/healers of any kind. This is due to him being a fairly sickly child due to being born prematurely so has always associated the profession with pain and/or being taken away from his family
That being said he is also afraid of thunderstorms due to the loud sudden noises
His favourite colour is yellow 💛
He is left handed
The biggest mama's boy you'll ever meet
His favourite animal is a cat
Modern: Vali studies classical and modern linguistics at university, eventually working as a translator in a museum once he graduates. He is heavily medicated for ADHD, OCD, depression and anxiety though he often ‘self-medicates’ with alcohol and less legal medications. He loves music and can often be found singing and playing his guitar or a piano. 
Valka - If you are interested in writing with Valka please let me know as I have numerous settings and versions for her. 
FC: Joshua Bassett
Valka FC: Larsen Thompson
Vali inspired playlist
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theroleplayingedda · 9 months
A rping masterlist for vikingISH muses.
I am once again sorry to spam your @s. Tumblr will not let me edit the post to update it.
Norse Mythology:
@alldaddy Odin @arcanigenum Loke & Ull & multiple OCs [MultiMuse] @astridnorddottir Astrid | A Valkyrie OC @belcvednanna Nanna @berserkerofrealms Garmr @brknmnds Angrboða & Jörmungandr [MultiMuse] @brokenandlonelysouls Fenrir Lokison & Sleipnir Lokison [MultiMuse] @bruadcr Jormungandr, Sif, Sigyn, Þrúðr Þórradóttir & Ullr Lokison | Kinda OC? [MultiMuse] @chiimaera Sigyn [MultiMuse] @eclipsecrowned Fenrir, Freyja, Hel, Hnoss, Laufey, Odin, Sigyn & Utgard-Loki [MultiMuse] @exiledcrown Eir, Freyja, Narvi Lokason, Vali Lokason [MultiMuse] @eddapoetic Havar | A fun fusion of many trickster deities (Loki, Hermes etc) [MultiMuse] @fidelitygoddess Sigyn @gleamingcrowns Lady Sif [MultiMuse] @gulldrengur Baldr @heartsdefine Sigyn [MultiMuse] @helreginn Helreginn Lokadóttir @justicescreaming Loki, Narvi, Sigyn & occasionally Vali [MultiMuse] @kingoftheravens Angrboda, Fenrir,  Loki, Hati, Hel, Jormungandr & Skoll [MultiMuse] @kissofthemuses Freyja, Sigyn & Liv Gunnarsdottir Gunnarson | A Vampire OC [MultiMuse] @lordsigynofvanaheim Lord Sigyn @mistressesandmastersofmythos Freyja, Hel & Odin [MultiMuse] @moonhoundman Hati @mystiokinesis Bergfinnr Thrymrson @norseforces Freyja, Frigg, Loki, Odin & Thor [MultiMuse] @nykrose Nyk | A Näcken OC @paracosmms Angrboda, Fenrir & Hel [MultiMuse] @runaljod Angrboða, Fenrisúlfr, Frœyjɑ, Jörð, Loki, Magni & Móði Þórsson, Óðinn & Þór [MultiMuse] @savstaroth Thor & multiple OCs including Ida Fjalarsdóttir | A Witch [MultiMuse] @sigynthevictorious Sigyn @starwrittenfates Sigyn [MultiMuse] @tessastormrp Baldr, Freyr, Loki & Tyr [MultiMuse] @valkxrie Brunnhilde @varldsormr Jormungandr @wildserkr Victor Halvorsen | A Berserkr OC @yggdrasilushxrt Dvalinn
American Gods:
@brknmnds Technology Boy @cursedwanderer @helreginn
God of War:
@cryptiique Angrboda, Atreus (Loki), Freyr & Heimdall [MultiMuse] @deficd Kratos [MultiMuse] @fidelitygoddess Sigyn @helreginn Hel [But AU because she don’t exist yet] @missallanea Freya & Sif [MultiMuse] @stardustedstories Atreus (Loki), Faye (Laufey), Freyr, Mimir, Odin, Thor & others [MultiMuse]
How to Train Your Dragon & Dragons: The Nine Realms
@acourtcfmuses Astrid Hofferson @adskilt Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III @ancestryfound Tom Kullersen @baldrengr Hiccup & Toothless [MultiMuse] @deficd Valka [MultiMuse] @dragetunge Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III @haseti Eret son of Eret [Sideblog] @scouts-thingsandrps Astrid, Dagur, Fishlegs, Heather, Hiccup, Inkeri, Ruffnut, Snotlout, Thyra & Tuffnut [MultiMuse] @starsweepers Ruffnut [MultiMuse] @storyhaven Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III [MultiMuse] @tournesolette Hiccup Haddock [MultiMuse] @vendettavalor Bewilderbeast, Cloudjumper, Light Fury & Toothless @warraigoe Astrid Hofferson [MultiMuse]
OCs I feel should be here but I can’t figure out where to place???
@cursedwanderer Fenja a Tree spirit, skogsrå/huldra @dragcnlxrd Lysander Balaur - Last of the Dragonlords @ofholocenemuses Eska Ulfsson a Stablemaster turned warrior with a bit of wanderlust [MultiMuse] @skallagrimulfhedinn Skallagrim Ulfhedinn A shapeshifter and the son of a blacksmith @scgugio Renora Luciana Alvarez
The Almighty Johnsons: (My fave NZ tv show!!!!)
@melodicwitchlight Hel [MultiMuse]
The Last Kingdom:
@all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone Aethelflaed, Brida, Finan, Gisela, Sihtric Kjartansson & many OCs! [MultiMuse] @bebbanburged Uhtred @entangledmuses Eadith & lots of OCs with TLK verses! [MultiMuse] @fantasywritten Beocca, Edward & Leofric [MultiMuse] @ladybebbanburg Ædgyth of Wessex (OC?), Æthelflæd, Alfred, Brida, Eadith, Finan, Gisela Hathacanutesdottir, Iseult of Cornwalum, Mildrith, Sigtryggr Ivarsson, Skade, Stiorra Uhtredsdottir, Thyra Ragnarsdottir, Uhtred & Others! [MultiMuse] @kingalfrcd King Alfred @ofprevioustimes Aethelflaed, Brida, Eadith, Gisela, Iseult & others! [MultiMuse] @ragnaarson Ædgyth, Ælswith, Æthelstan, Aldhelm, Alfred, Edward, Finan, Gisela, Sigtryggr Ivarsson, Sihtric Kjartansson, Stiorra Uhtredsdottir, Uhtred & many OCs! [MultiMuse][Sideblog] @tessastormrp Sihtric [MultiMuse]
Vikings & Vikings: Valhalla:
@all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone Aslaug, Canute, Emma, Freydis, Freydis Eriksdottir, Godwin, Gunnhild, Hvitserk Ragnarsson, Ivar the Boneless, Lagertha, Leif Eriksson, Rollo Sigurdsson, Snaefrid & many OCs! [MultiMuse] @brknmnds Ivar, Sigurd & Hvitserk [MultiMuse] @crowsandmurder Bjorn Ironside & Ragnar Lothbrok [MultiMuse] @deficdGyda Ragnarsdottir, Ragnar Lodbrok & OCs including Hilda Ragnarsdottir, Sindre Ísleifsson& Solveig Ísleifsdottir! [MultiMuse] @entangledmuses Anma, Katia & Lagertha & lots of OCs with Viking verses! [MultiMuse] @ladybebbanburg Aslaug Sigurdsdottir, Freydis Eriksdotter , Gyda Ragnarsdóttir, Helga, Lagertha, Torvi & others! [MultiMuse] @melodicwitchlight Aslaug, Floki, Thorunn & Siggy [MultiMuse] @ofprevioustimes Aslaug, Lagertha, Siggy & others! [MultiMuse] @pleinsdemuses Astrid, Emma of Normandy, Gunnhild, Lagertha Lothbrok & Torvi [MultiMuse][Sideblog] @tessastormrp Harald Finehair & Ubbe (GETS HIS VERY OWN TRIGGER WARNING!) Ragnarson [MultiMuse]
@brokenandlonelysouls Loki [MultiMuse] @brutalage Vandal Savage @cffidelityy Sigyn @fidelitygoddess Sigyn @inkdreamt Sylvie [MultiMuse] @starwrittenfates Sigyn [MultiMuse] @theamazingloki Loki
Discord ONLY rpers:
Up to date as of 13/01/2024
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
The Timeline That Never Was
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WEfhxy
by bighonkymommymilkers
Sigyn's timeline — her home — is destroyed. Obliterated. Her children, Váli and Narfi, have been stolen from her. Her Loki is dead. Sigyn may be the goddess of nurturing, but Hel hath no fury like a goddess scorned.
A re-imagining of the Loki Series if the MCU gave more fucks about Norse mythology.
(Inspired by Nanihoo's fanart of a re-imagined Sigyn and Loki in the MCU.)
Words: 854, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Loki (TV 2021), Norse Religion & Lore, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Sigyn (Marvel), Mobius M. Mobius, Narfi Lokason, Narfi (Norse Religion & Lore), Vali (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Angrboða | Angerboda/Loki/Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki/Sigyn, Loki & Sleipnir (Norse Religion & Lore), Loki & Mobius M. Mobius, Loki & Loki's Children (Marvel), Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir & Loki (Norse Religion & Lore), Narfi Lokason & Váli Lokason, Loki/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Butchering of Norse Mythology, BAMF Sigyn (Marvel), Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Not Canon Compliant, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Odin Hate Club, I was unsatisfied with the Loki series and this is the result, Sorry Not Sorry, Not Beta Read, my absolute shit sense of humor, i'm so sorry for the math jokes blame sal khan, I'm riding the high from my dream about snails, I had like ten snails, Imagine my surprise when I woke up and BAM no snails, I was utterly heartbroken and my snail-ridden angst shall drive this story further, Loki is a horse fucker, Or I guess technically the horse fucked him...?, Oh my god wait do I have to tag mpreg, NO NO NO NO, Implied Mpreg, i hate this fucking timeline
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WEfhxy
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murasakikagekitsune · 3 years
Marvel (TV’s) Loki: Hold Nothing Sacred
Unpopular Opinion: The Sacred Timeline should have followed Old Norse mythology canon. Excluding civil religion and pop culture pagans, nothing is sacred about the MCU’s canon lore (especially since the character of Loki was built upon a bastardised depiction of the Norse God of the same name.) Loki’s family (bar Narfi and Vali) could’ve been the fixed points of the timeline and the divergent event could have been the fact that the Gods still imprison Loki, but somehow Vali and Narfi survive - in the Lokean community, the basis of belief for Narfi and Vali is 90% UPG and 10% The Incident (and even then, there’s some debate as to whether or not Vali Lokason exists as a separate person from Vali Odinson, which is rather ironic given that I have UPG surrounding Him having DDNOS-1b.) This means that Vali (alongside His alters, none of whom share the original name - even the “singlet front” doesn’t like it;  it seems that They all agreed to give me it for ease of recognition - probably something to do with Their pre-Incident name’s disambiguation) and Narfi already are the Variants of this timeline: apart from a few consistencies, there’s too many variables to consider with regards to Their personal chronology.
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strandedinmidgard · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Narfi and Vali Lokason
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ao3-spideypool · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L02Fb1
by Wolfloner
Wade with a knife was a sight to behold. He didn’t waste a single movement, and every cut was quick, precise… And in any other setting, lethal. Which probably should have bothered Peter, at least a little. Instead, he just found himself as fascinated as he’d been when watching Wade with the air rifle.
He had a problem.
Peter and Wade finally meet Vali properly. They also have a fun double date with Ned and MJ. And then Peter admits to having a competency kink. :3
Words: 10217, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Series: Part 32 of Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Deadpool - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Váli Lokason (Norse Religion & Lore), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: date, Amusement Parks, Meeting the Parents, (sort of), Ned Leeds is a Good Bro, Michelle Jones Is a Good Bro, Protective Michelle Jones, Sensation Play, Knifeplay, Kink Negotiation, Consensual Kink, Safe Sane and Consensual, Masturbation, detective pikachu cameo, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Light Dom/sub, Switch Wade Wilson, switch peter parker, like they switch mid scene, because of course they do, Competency Kink, Mentions of Cancer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2L02Fb1
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ao3feed-snape · 6 years
Archangel's Heir
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AcICkn
by ThirteenRedVampireBites
That fateful Hallowe'en Night, James and Lily Potter call to the only Beings who could possibly help. The arrival of those Beings changes everything.
Words: 4602, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supernatural, Norse Religion & Lore, Hellenistic Religion & Lore, Ancient Roman Religion & Lore, Ancient Egyptian Religion
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Gabriel (Supernatural), Loki (Marvel), Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Fenrisúlfr | Fenrir (Norse Religion & Lore), Sleipnir (Norse Religion & Lore), Hel | Hela (Norse Religion & Lore), Narfi Lokason, Vali Lokason - Character, Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Pyriel, Ἑρμης | Hermes (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Hecate | Hekate (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Thanatos (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Hestia (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Anubis (Ancient Egyptian), Death (Supernatural)
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Sirius Black & James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Severus Snape/Undisclosed, Gabriel (Supernatural) & Harry Potter, Loki (Marvel) & Harry Potter, Gabriel (Supernatural) & Loki (Marvel), Gabriel (Supernatural) & Loki's Kids, Loki (Marvel) & Loki's Kids, Death & Harry Potter, Hela & Death (Marvel), Hecate/Hermes (Percy Jackson), Gabriel/Lucifer (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), Pregnant Loki, Pyriel is Gabriel's Daughter, Magical Pregnancy, Moving Portrait, Rites & Rituals, Adoption, harry is adopted, Desi Potter Family (Harry Potter), Multilingual, Master of Death Harry Potter, Seer Harry Potter, Nephil Harry Potter, Halfling Harry Potter, Canonical Character Death, Godfather Sirius Black, Godfather Severus Snape, Protective Siblings
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2AcICkn
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