#valarr targaryen
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wodania · 7 months ago
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yuh mhm im now suddenly okay with book purism bc it’s my favourite thing that’s been turned grey and boring. anyways the best targaryen era i don’t care what anyone says.
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salialenart · 28 days ago
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Valarr & Elaena Targaryen
requested on kofi by @drag0ndreamed
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duchess-of-oldtown · 7 months ago
According to the way they adapted Fire and Blood in House of the Dragon, we can probably expect some changes in Dunk and Egg:
Dunk is actually the long lost son of Daemon Blackfyre and Dornish Daenerys Targaryen (y'know because EVERYONE has to have their parents explained)
Egg will not be loyal to Dunk, he'll be a total scumbag
Maekar DID kill Baelor on purpose.
Before Baelor dies he whispers that Egg should be King and Dunk must immediately be named a Kingsguard.
Aerion will commit like one actrocity and then get a redemption arc.
Bloodraven and Bittersteel are estranged lovers (this could work) and all this is a bitter divorce
Bloodraven gets his info by selling feet pics. The trees told him that's how Alicent did it.
Shiera Seastar DOES actually eat children and bathe in blood.
Daeron the Drunken will take so much fantasy cocaine/LSD that the whole thing was actually all an acid trip
Daemon II Blackfyre will not serve cunt or camp.
The Blackfyre Rebellion? All happened in one big miscommunication Trope.
The dragons aren't dead, they're actually just finding themselves in the wilderness, you know? They're just really getting into their earthy crunch side.
Maekar Targaryen will do nothing all season. Just serve face and say offensive shit
The Dornish will be an integral part of the season. You will only know about it because of Behind the Episode.
Valarr Targaryen is a socialist and that is why they killed him off.
The mastermind behind all the Targaryen deaths? Baby Walder Frey.
Who really stole the dragon egg at Whitewalls? Time Travelling Penny in disguise.
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alienoryva · 10 months ago
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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allyriadayne · 9 months ago
There's something about maekar naming most of his children after other targs while baelor gave his own names free of any burden. something something maekar wanting glory and recognition through them something something baelor gifting autonomy to his sons under his own legacy. And in valarr's case it's interesting because he's free of an overbearing father like maekar but being baelor's son is such a heavy weight too. he's a mediocre knight, he wont be dunk's champion..... maekar saying when there's a drought and valarr's king, the smallfolk will wish for baelor and blame him.
Of course, this IS maekar projecting (fork spotted in kitchen etc) but it'd be true if valarr had ever become king. how noble baelor was, how honorable, how brave, how good. and these would be enough for someone to resent him (maekar!) but valarr kept participating in tourneys to try and become his father. and when I think about baelor just accepting nothing is ever going to change, accepting maekar's unfair stubbornness and valarr's indifference I want to screammm. he must be the good he wants to see in the world. and he dies.
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lilosdraws · 24 days ago
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Prince Valarr Targaryen
the Young Prince
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silmarillaure · 2 months ago
Alysanne calling Rhaenys “our Queen to be” and Viserys I telling Jace “one day this will be your seat, lad” and neither coming true…
Targaryen grandparents and their little doomed dark haired heirs… what if in Blood & Fire we get a moment like this between Naerys or Aemon the Dragonknight and Baelor? or Daeron II and Valarr? …unlikely but maybe even Maekar and Vaella or Duncan? …Rhaella and Rhaenys 😭
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darks1ster · 9 months ago
forever mad at grrm for creating THE baelor breakspear and having him name both his sons some banger ass names in a world where everyone and their grandma is called aegon just for all three of them to fucking DIE
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targsource · 11 months ago
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by riotarttherite on twitter
featuring: Prince Baelor (1), Lady Jena Dondarrion (2), Prince Valarr (3), Lady Kiera (4), Prince Matarys (5), Prince Rhaegel (6), Lady Alys Arryn (7), Prince Aelor (8), Princess Aelora (9), Princess Daenora (10)
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lumidef · 7 months ago
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I did the six fanart challenge!
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mairoon · 9 months ago
For the six characters fan art imma suggest Aerion Targaryen or Valarr Targaryen. can't wait for dunk and egg to show them 😩
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fruitageoforanges · 1 year ago
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my favourite heads of the dragon from dunk & egg —
baelor breakspear - honestly one of the most level-headed targs, though i suspect that’s just because he takes wholly after myriah. the moment with the war vs. tourney lances was epic for a jousting nerd like me, and his death is iconic, if disgusting and maybe not even medically possible.
prince valarr - idk, i just think he’s neat. he gets barely any page time, but what he does have is interesting, and i loved what he said to duncan after baelor’s death, because it shows how things that are good for protagonists aren’t, and shouldn’t be, always good for everyone else.
john the fiddler/daemon ii blackfyre - i have a precedent for liking dragon dreamers, so it’s unsurprising that daemon is my boy. he just wanted to be gay, fiddle (with duncan) and serve cunt, but somehow got caught up in his own rebellion. i really hope the rest of his life was spent as shiera seastar’s gay little purse-dog.
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arezk · 11 months ago
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dear grrm maybe it's time for some lore
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nobodysuspectsthebutterfly · 7 months ago
how do you feel about j*nsas stealing and appropriating your theory Frankenstein style? I know I’d be pissed but on the other hand it’s funny because it’s still their strongest “argument” haha
It makes me laugh, honestly. Especially the way many shippers -- who have evidently never read The Hedge Knight -- place so much importance on the Ashford Tourney, the Ashford fair maid, and the Targaryen champion! Like, Lord's Ashford's daughter is so significant, she doesn't even have a name. And the whole thing with Valarr Targaryen was that he was a pretty awful jouster, and only held onto the position as the fair maid's champion out of nepotism, because nobody good actually challenged him. (Though his cousin Aerion threatened to, before deciding to bully someone else.)
And the most significant point, that Valarr didn't come out of nowhere, defeat all the other champions, and crown the girl queen of love and beauty -- lol, not in the slightest, he was a champion from the start, and the way the tourney was set up was that at the end of the third day, whoever were the final five champions would either choose to keep Ashford's daughter as the QOLAB or select somebody else to be. And either way, that never happened, since during the first night Dunk and Aerion had their altercation, Dunk never saw who any of the champions were on the second day because he was in prison, and the third day the fair maid/champion tourney was canceled and they held his Trial of Seven instead. There was no queen of love and beauty at the end of the story!
Like, this tourney does not compare in significance to, say, the Tourney of Harrenhal. Historically, the fair maid means nothing, the Ashford Tourney is only remembered for the Trial of Seven that ended with Baelor's death. And I only happened to think it was a bit of a funny coincidence that four of the first day's champions matched Sansa's suitors (that's how you know it was taken from me despite claims of independent creation, it was known as "the Fifth Suitor theory") and thought it might be an even more funny coincidence if Aegon ended up pursuing Sansa as a bride after (or in the process of) claiming the throne, which was a common bit of speculation in 2012 after Aegon was revealed to be alive (presumably) in 2011's ADWD. And the whole point I had was how futile said champions were in the face of Dunk's actions, and well, *cough*.
But it was always just a crack theory, a silly coincidence. That they've imbued it with such significance, well, um. Good for them I guess. It's certainly less worse than pointing to Sansa Stark daughter of Rickon and her half-uncle Jonnel -- when most likely that was a forced marriage to steal an inheritance like the uncles of Alys Karstark attempted with her, and Jonnel had no children with either Sansa or his second wife, died, and two successive brothers became Lord of Winterfell before the youngest had any children to succeed him. That is not a historical model you want to follow, I'm sorry.
BTW, this post of mine also getting appropriated by jonsas also makes me laugh (2 for 2 lol my god), because the point of that parallel was that Jon is indeed a hero from the songs -- since again, in 2011 immediately post-ADWD there was a fandom reaction pushing Aegon up as the actual PTWP and such. (Well. The ones who didn't decide Victarion was Azor Ahai lol sigh.) And that Sansa's words were the foreshadowing ones, I thought was significant, again in response to fandom decreeing her unimportant. It was not to make Jon specifically Sansa's hero or lover or anything where is that implied I have no idea oh shippers oh fandom sigh sigh sigh 😂😅
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wulfhalls · 7 months ago
they keep announcing people for akotsk that aren't valarr targaryen like we would care about people other than valarr targaryen. we dont. where is my e girl king valarr targaryen I need to see my e girl king valarr targaryen RN
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allyriadayne · 9 months ago
rereading the beginning of the hedge knight and i'm soooo interested in the differences in parenting between baelor and maekar.
we first meet maekar's sons daeron and egg. one too drunk and the other wanting to run away then we meet baelor's son valarr, a knight with good enough ability to ride in a tourney and this is what their parents have to say about them
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baelor is understanding of his family. trying to make a compromise because he was /born/ of the compromise between the targaryen and martell. valarr obviously doesn't have baelor's ability with the lance (and the question of the competitors throwing the competition is another) but he's good enough and seems to enjoy at least the pageantry.
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to maekar baelor's soft because he tells him he "should never have commanded [daeron] to enter the lists". maekar is not a person who like to be tell what to do, and what's more he believes his sons are extensions of himself. his sons are going to be perfect and defeat baelor's son if it kills them. it's not the first time daeron has disappeared, per baelor's words and we can guess why! maekar's expectations weight him down. the anvil never yields to anything!
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baelor tells maekar "daeron is your blood and mine" in the excerpts at the beginning, seeking to make his brother understand his own son for what he is (and that he makes the comparison between daeron, aerys and rhaegel is so so interesting! maekar's own frustrations with his brothers later projected to daeron?).
later baelor once again express the same sentiment "they are blood of his blood" but with completely different meaning. /his/ blood, not /your and mine/. maekar's blood, his family, is different than the others, TO MAEKAR. they need to be better, faster, stronger, to stand out. he sees his family with the same fourth brotherism pov he feels. the inferiority syndrome to the max.
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...and this inferiority is what makes him push daeron to enter the trial as well, considering he very well knows how inept his son is at this seeing he knows daeron's habits of whoring and drinking. maekar doesn't understand other people besides himself, he's half fooled by aerion's good boy facade and thinks daeron is fine and he only needs pushing.
in contrast, while baelor seems sad to dunk when he comes out to fight for him he comes with valarr's armor. this is mere speculation but i want to think baelor thought valarr would offer himself to fight for dunk's cause. baelor clearly supports it and he must think his son does as well. but from what we've seen about valarr, he's mediocre at best and has no great interest in great deeds, if he were he would train harder and probably be as good as baelor. but he is not! he accepts valarr won't change his mind just as he accepts maekar won't either. so baelor must wear valarr's tighter armor and be the good he wants to see in the world.
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