#vague sonic 3 spoilers
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mus-xpart-a · 2 months ago
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they did the thing!!!!
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scoobycool9 · 2 months ago
I think Stone made those things at the mid credit scene
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butterflyscribbles · 2 months ago
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Taking shifts❤️💙🧡
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aealzx · 20 days ago
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As Sonic slammed through the enemy’s weapons Knuckles slid to a stop next to Shadow and threw his body protectively over the black hedgehog’s smaller form, a hand resting on Shadow’s head, and face turning to snarl at the soldiers. Only when significant damage had been done did Sonic skid to a stop, standing between the soldiers and Shadow with his arms spread wide, blue lightning rippling off his form. The quiet that fell over the field wasn’t complete, but it was still numbing. “Stay down, new hedgehog. I’ll keep you safe,” Knuckles spoke quietly to Shadow when he tried to push himself up despite the form over him. He smelled of blood mixed with ash, and Knuckles could hear the slight wheeze in his painfully heavy breaths. It was a simple command, but Knuckles was uncertain if the way Shadow’s form relaxed after a moment was a good thing or not. He seemed to be having trouble keeping his eyes open.
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“Mr. Wachowski. Care to enlighten me why you’re here?” Commander Walters returned the greeting. “Well, I live here,” Tom answered with a brief smile. “Green Hills is right over there, in case you weren’t aware. We’d appreciate it if the military wasn’t firing off weapons so close to town.” “A minor incident. We have it under control, and will be leaving shortly.” Sonic snorted and opened his mouth to shoot a bitter reply, but Tom stopped him with a hand. “Great! Well then, I’ll just pick up my kids, and we’ll pretend this never happened. We can tell the town you were cleaning up a rogue Eggman drone?” Tom suggested brightly. That got Commander Walters to crack a fake smile. “Ah. Yes, that should do nicely.” “Cool! Keeping it simple. I like it,” Tom breathed, clapping his hands together and turning slightly. “Honey, is kid number four safe to move?” “Four?” Commander Walters spoke in mildly confused protest. “Uhhhhh yeah. Two right here, and then two over there with Maddie makes four,” Tom returned easily, pointing to Sonic and Tails near him, and then Knuckles and Shadow as Maddie reached them. Commander Walters cleared his throat. “I’m sorry Mr. Wachowski, there seems to be a misunderstanding. Project Shadow is property of G.U.N.. I can’t allow you to take it.” “Huh,” Tom voiced, forcing a pause. “That’s strange. I thought slavery was illegal in the United States.” “You know what I mean.” “No, I actually don’t. Care to enlighten me how kidnapping a lost child and subjecting him to experimentation and indefinite imprisonment is something the government does?” Commander Walters’ expression twitched, and Tom started nodding his head. “Yeah, we figured some things out,” Tom confirmed the unspoken, possible question. It prompted Commander Walters to change tactics, shifting his shoulders and drawing a breath for a new conversation. “We’re simply containing a dangerous weapon. It’s standard procedure.” “Excuse me? The only dangerous weapon we’ve had to deal with recently was that moon slicing cannon your people built. The one that my kids stopped, because some nutcase stole it from you. Remember that?” “Didn’t he almost kill you in the process?” “Because he thought I was you!” Tom snapped. ”And seeing what you've done to him now I can see why his first reaction to seeing you was to fight!” “He's dangerous-” “He is a child!” Tom bellowed. “And if you would treat him as one, as a person, instead of a weapon he may have come to like you instead of wanting to kill you the moment he saw you! Now are you going to take my suggestion and get the hell out of here without a fuss, or are we going to have to do this the hard way?”
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“I think he passed out.” Maddie faltered for a moment, but then pushed through, somewhat reassured since they were already in the clinic. “Alright. That’s okay, bring him over here,” Maddie directed, pointing to a shallow bathing station. “We need to get him clean. Can you get his gloves and shoes off?” she gave for further instruction before turning to her three boys. “Knuckles, take your brothers to the front room and call Uncle Wade to come help watch you three.” “But I wanna help!” Sonic protested, already having been dancing around their feet staying out of the way but also trying to stay as close as he could. “I know, but this is a little more intense than I’d like you to have to deal with,” Maddie assured, running her hand over his head. “I’ll be good, I’ll listen.” “No, Sonic,” Maddie stressed. “I’m gonna have to do surgery to fix his ribs, and I don’t want any of you to see that. Okay?” Sonic’s eyes went wide, and Maddie raised her hands to steady him if needed. It was a little blunt, but she didn’t have time to keep trying to convince him. “It’ll be okay, boys. I’ll take care of it. So just be good for Wade, alright?” “I’ll watch over them, mother,” Knuckles assured, moving forward with Tails already clinging to him and putting a hand around Sonic. “Come. Let us contact our Uncle, then construct a plan to welcome Shadow home.”
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Iiiiiii have a lot of scattered incoherent thoughts about Shadow getting adopted that I cannot figure out how to string together in a straight story, so I'm just doodling and writing the lil bits that pop into my head. 8 |
Something about Shadow trying to find his inhibitor rings again, but he only gets the 2 for his legs and G.U.N. finds the other 2 first, which leads to Shadow trying to steal them back but inevitably getting worn down by them and his own chaos energy beating him up. So he gives in and goes to Green Hills to find Sonic for help because "I thought that...since you wouldn't kill me… even after all I did, all I said, I thought that maybe…. maybe… you could help me"
This all took long enough that the Wachowski fam had enough time to talk things over about everything.
This also might be the 'I may have beat Shadow up a lil too much haha whoops' headspace 'cause he ended up with this list of injuries by the time the fam got him:
2 displaced broken ribs on the right (stabilized by Maddie with pins to be removed later)
broken right arm
broken left leg
injured right lung (causes wheezing mostly)
large laceration on right torso and right thigh
I'm still not sure if I want Walters to be the one there chasing Shadow or if it should be the other military lady and Walters helps stop them and let Tom and Maddie take Shadow 8 |
anyway post is getting way long so * finger guns and leaves ya'll with this *
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thebigpalooka · 2 months ago
Sonic 3 Sonic 3
I've now seen Sonic 3! Welcome back, 2/3s of my dash that I had blocked lol
Spoiler-free impressions, but still behind a cut for those who don't want to draw inferences lol:
TL;DR, Sonic 3 is wonderful and tons of fun, but Sonic 2 was probably peak for my personal taste.
As others have said, Sonic 1 was very different from the games and each movie has now shifted a bit closer in terms of action and pacing. I adored the first movie but I totally get why a lot of folks who thought it was just okay are delighted with the direction things are going. Personally, I just found things a bit rushed on a character level, which was the element that was so charming in the first, admittedly un-Sonic-gamey movie. They hit every note you would want and expect, they just hit them VERY VERY FAST and it does feel like a game where you see an emotional cutscene, the screen fades, and then you begin an action level immediately after lol. Nothing is precisely missing, but quite a lot is kind of just ... told, not really shown.
I adored Shadow, as expected, and was very happy with how they adapted SA2's story generally, but I felt he suffered some of the same problems Tails did in the previous movie, which is that there was too much ground to cover to really develop his emotional arc. It exists, but there's no meat to it, nothing to chew at all, it's a meal replacement shake, one gulp just to get a taste, second gulp, gone. Sonic, too, has a perfunctory character arc in the movie, but it's very shallow: we're told what it is, it occupies a very few minutes of screentime and then resolves in the only way it possibly could. The previous two films felt like we were really seeing things through Sonic's eyes, for the most part; that's really not the case here, and I struggle to describe whose eyes we ARE really looking through, other than Dr. Robotnik.
And that brings me to probably the aspect of the movie I enjoyed the least, even though that's going to be entirely YMMV for people on an individual basis: there was too much Jim Carrey for me, lol. Way, way too much. For obvious reasons, there's a lot of Robotnik in this movie, but it isn't just an issue of lots of screentime: this story is honestly Robotnik's story more than it is anyone else's, and that was ... kind of a bummer to me? Again, a lot of folks disliked how much the previous two movies focused on the human characters, and here, that has been drastically scaled back for everyone else, but seemingly every moment of that screentime is now occupied by Jim Carrey. And he's very good, and very funny, and I'm not even mad about it, but I do wish some of that time had gone to Shadow instead, or indeed, Sonic himself. Creating an emotional journey for a character who didn't really need one and is arguably better without it felt like a shame when it came at the expense of Shadow's story, and I found myself honestly sort of hoping for a new villain in the next movie. It feels like we're running out of juice to squeeze here.
But, end of the day, I AM still completely looking forward to another movie, now more than ever, and truthfully, I'm not sure I've ever wanted to see a Sonic movie MORE than I want to see Sonic 4, lol.
So TL;DR 2: go see Sonic 3 at once and draw lots of fanarts and write lots of fanfics. It hits pretty much all the right notes, it just hits a few of them too loud and misses a few of the spaces between.
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goldenunicornmaster · 2 months ago
My sister and I went to see Sonic 3 and I almost ruined her experience.
She was crying after a shadow and sonic moment, which I did NOT notice as I excitingly tapped her arm because Live and Learn started playing.
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pyro-madder · 2 months ago
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placing my bet on sonic 4
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opossum-cult · 2 months ago
satbk fans actually won with sonic movie 3 btw. extremely mild spoilers below
so after the fakeout race in the beginning sonic reaches a wooden goalpost
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which is what is used in satbk. but then when sonic reaches the party, he misreads the ‘b-earth-day’ sign as ‘be arthur day’ and at first i thought lol silly movie sonic not being able to read and then i remebered
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halfmaskshadow · 2 months ago
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Art that i think is perfectly fine :)
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sleepy-crocuta · 1 year ago
spoilers sonic 3 guys
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Decided to draw over one of the storyboards
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reyislikesotired · 2 months ago
sonic 3 spoilers fyi ig-
anyways now that those people are gone
au where everything is mostly the same, only that shadow, after that explosion, gets transported to miraland and then has to help nikki in her whimsical adventure of getting miracle outfits cause one of them should be able to get him home and idk along the way he learns about friendship or smth
he and momo become nikki's bodyguards, if anyone even DARED to look at her wrong, well, :)
shadow sees giovanni and the two just stare before having this deep understanding of eo, shadow still punches him later on
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pixiestickers · 2 months ago
I am not in the sonic fandom but will never not delight in the squeals I hear from my fellow moviegoers as they watch a mid-credits scene.
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deegeemin · 1 year ago
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I'd love to talk about some neato things I got to draw in the comic! Spoiler warning for some contents below! If you haven't read anything yet, come back after reading the comic!
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Let's start off with the cover thumbnails! I was more inclined to do A since it wouldn't spoil the big surprise Orbot and Cubot had in store! Otherwise I probably would've gone with B or D! It has that bombastic party sort of feel that I think would've been super fitting!
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Here, Eggman is temporarily staying at one of his many bases throughout the world after the collapse of his Eggperial city! This base is inspired by Industria from Future Boy Conan and a bit of Eggmanland!
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He also sure loves his chicken and fries!
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A little beachside balcony in Green hill! I felt like we generally don't get structures there as much so I thought it'd be a nice addition!
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The design on the floor is the stage from the JP Sonic X intro! It gets covered up by snow after but still neat to include!
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Look at this magnificent cast of characters! I wanted to use the poses that each pair had when they were first seen together! I'd considered giving Big his winning animation pose from SA1 but alas no space haha!
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Cubot's taped on eye brow gag was one I suggested and it's a reference to the same gag from FLCL!
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Lil sonic team logo Iasmin asked for! Sonic sure knows to appreciate himself! Good on him.
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And here's a sonic 3 wreath and the SA2 lock on reticle from the mechs!
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Amy and cream's spread of delicious looking food beautifully rendered by the coloring god Reggie! I wanted to include all their items from the Official Sonic the Hedgehog Cookbook! So if you want to make them yourself, YOU CAN! (except for uhh the experiment on another panel. you guys can figure out what's in that yourselves haha)
Also made sure to list all the pages you can find the recipes!
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This is one of my fav gags that Iasmin wrote in!! Can you all guess what this is meant to vaguely resemble?
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Quick round of character refs from Eggman's screen going in order from left to right! [Conductor's wife and Conductor, Barry and Gadget, Early Conductor design, Early Barry design (his outside eye markings are white tho), My uh Sonicsona lol]
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Mecha Sonic mark 3? Yep Iasmin wanted him to be there and so there he shall be!! Hopefully we get to see him again!
I remember seeing the story Iasmin made and it really felt like it could be something you'd see in a sonic anime episode if it were made nowadays. I drew the comic with some influence from Sonic X because of that. I think the most telling detail fans might notice is the constant 3 spines for Sonic.
but YEAH another absolutely wonderful comic I got to work on! See ya'll on another issue!
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bumblehoneybee · 11 days ago
Post-Nuclear - Chapter Two
Inspired by Counting Stars Amongst Weeds by @/wearywheats Contains Sonic 3 spoilers, so read with caution Previous
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Death is darkness, silent and still. Shadow knows what this limbo is, and it is not death. It is not still, rumbling and loud, with pain that echoes through his limbs. With time, however, it does soothe itself. He feels himself grow warm, wrapped in a softness he hasn't felt in. . . years.
When his eyes peel open, Shadow reconsiders his stance, wondering if this room of soft blues and yellows is actually heaven. But no, the one person he wants to meet most isn't there, isn't snoozing alongside him in the little bed, so he knows it's not that.
But if not, then what is this place?
It takes more effort than Shadow would prefer, but he sits up. His entire body is alight with burns, all wrapped in bandages, making him feel stiff and too tight. His head pounds with each movement, sharp and confined to his left temple.
His fingers brush the wound that lies there, wincing at it throbs from barely being touched. That's going to slow things down significantly, and depending on the situation Shadow finds himself in, he'll need all the speed he can get.
The wooden floors are chilly beneath his bare feet. A brief spike of (fear, panic) shock bolts up his spine, knowing his air shoes are somewhere out of his reach. Before he can find his balance enough to charge the door, however, a strange noise pierces the air.
Across the floor, sprawled out upon a fluffed up cushion, lies an animal Shadow has never seen before. He can vaguely recognize its features, ivory fur and a dark nose, as being dog-like. It's asleep, eyes shut but still moving beneath the lids, as it's limbs twitch and flail.
Dreaming. Maria mentioned it before, about dogs dreaming of chasing things in their sleep. She even teased him, mentioning some dream of chasing hedgehogs like him. He was confident no dog could catch him, though, and Maria would laugh. . .
Shadow can't shake his head, so he adverts his eyes and tries not to think on the past too much. It's still a tender, raw wound on his soul, one that needs time to scab over before he goes prodding at it more.
Turning to the door once more, Shadow pads over, moving slow. His ears twitch, listening for the sounds of other people, but what he finds is there's soft music floating through the home. Faintly, under the music, he can also hear the sound of metal on metal.
The door creaks as it opens, hinges rusted. Shadow curses the builder and the owner for keeping the house in such poor condition, but luckily, none of the noises stop. Unnoticed, Shadow creeps down the hall, to where the living room appears to be.
The music is louder now, upbeat and quick. Alongside the music, Shadow can smell food. His stomach clenches a little, despite how he should be above such things.
Moving closer to the kitchen, Shadow peers around the corner of the hall wall, finding the person responsible for his new state. They stand at the stove, waving a spatula around as they sing to themselves, half under their breath to not drown out the music playing from somewhere nearby.
Shadow eases closer, flexing his hands, and once he nears the fridge, he can start to make out the words they're saying.
"I found a weird guy and he fell from the sky and I don't know if he's gonna make it through the night." They sing, swaying side to side, the music not matching their tempo. "Though I guess technically he already made it through the night cause it's morning now and I am making eggs to fry."
Shadow's eyes narrow. They're singing about. . . him?
With a squeak of foot on floor, the human spins around, pan held out to deposit the egg to a plate. Instead, they make eye contact with Shadow and freeze on the spot.
Egg splatters across the floor, followed by the smash of a hot pan and the howls of a woken animal. Shadow jerks back, head roaring with pain. He's weakened, but as he focuses inward, on energy swirling within, something stutters.
Instead of teleporting elsewhere, Shadow ends up six feet in the air, crashing down onto something cushioned. He bounces off what he can now tell is a couch, his back smacking onto a rug.
"My god!" The human shouts over the barking of their dog. "No! Kermit! No, fuck off, you goblin dog!" Shadow struggles to put his arms beneath him as his head protests any sort of movement. He tries to bare teeth when the human comes scurrying back, but his inability to open his eyes makes it not as effective. "Okay, okay!"
"Leave." Shadow hisses, but the human doesn't move. Instead, they lower to the floor, keeping distance but inching closer. Their palms face him, a sign of no intended harm, but Shadow doesn't trust it for a minute. "Now!"
The bark doesn't do it's duty besides a flinch. "No." The human shakes their head, brows knit together. "You're half dead. I'm not letting you get all the way there. Your head hurts, right? I've got pain meds and stuff to put on your burns."
Shadow bites at the hands that reach for him. He smacks away the little pills and kicks the water from the human's hands. They stare at him, face blank and unnerving. Shadow bares his teeth again.
"So help me god I will get the baby syringe and squirt the liquid medicine down your throat." They say on a rasp of barely contained rage.
"I dare you to try." Shadow scoffs.
He blames it on his injured state that they're able to pin him and squirt the liquid into his mouth in a move so quick he knows it can't be their first time. Seeing how the dog, Kermit, cowers and whines in sympathy when Shadow gags, they must be used to pinning down fast things. He hates them for it, but as they merely retreat to the kitchen and bring him tea, eggs, water, toast, and such, he wonders if they're trying to garner a favor, or worse, use him for something.
Still, as the pain in his head wanes, he cautiously allow their hands on him.
Shadow keeps careful watch as they little hands unfurl the bandages wrapped around his wounds and burns. They're talking to him, half chattering about the creams and such they're using, and half rambling about any other thing. Still, their touch on the blistered skin of his arms and legs is gentle, a ghost's touch of cool cream applied before wrapped in new, clean bandages.
"Not much of a talker?" The human says, hands flourishing at the bow they tied his last bandages into. Shadow glowers. "Alright, alright. Can you make it to the couch? I'll put the TV on."
The couch sinks under his weight, a throw pillow tucked into the arm for him to lean back against. Exhaustion weighs heavy on his limbs, head tipping back as the last aches slowly fade into a weak throb. His eyes are too tired to focus, so he merely listens to the various noises the TV makes.
It's irritating. He doesn't want to watch the news, nor whatever movie you try to put on.
"La Ultima Passion." He grumbles aloud.
The human, you, turn and look at him, a brow cocked. "Novelas, huh? Whatever you want, king."
Shadow huffs. ". . . Shadow."
A smile twitches at your face. "Nice to meet ya, Shadow. Why'd you blow up the moon?"
He fakes being asleep, and the sound of your snickering sends him off towards true unconsciousness.
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mama-qwerty · 2 months ago
Sonic 3 Review
Okay guys, I'm still gonna do some breakdowns of scenes and characters (feel free to keep sending in asks if you have something specific you want my take on), but wanted to get my thoughts on the movie out there.
Keep in mind that I came into Sonic through the movies, and have never played or watched any cut scenes from the older games. I have no idea the actual plot and specific details of any of them, just a vague "this happened in some game or another" in the broadest of senses.
So I didn't come into Sonic 3 with any preconceived ideas about what should be in it regarding Shadow's story. The movieverse is a separate universe (as are all Sonic media, in my mind), so even if there were some things that were different, I took them in correlation with what's been established, or what can be done under the rules and physics of the movie's world building.
Obviously spoilers ahead:
All in all, I found the movie fun, and it told a good story with good characterizations. The action started quickly and kept steady through most of it. We had an exciting introduction to Shadow at the very beginning, when he woke up and chose violence, and it was a good way to start things off.
Yeah, it was a little goofy in some parts, but this is a movie made to appeal to children, so Jeff and Co. couldn't go all into the angst for the whole thing. There were some parts I would have done differently, or omitted entirely, but if you look at the more weird parts of the movie as kind of along the same lines as Boom (especially for the dance number in the laser hallway) you can roll with it.
There were many moments that tugged at your heartstrings, and a few very powerful moments that I've already talked about. There is a much more emotional impact in this one that was missing from the first two, as our boys struggle with their actions and how they affect others. They were all handled very well, with each having a good role to play in the story.
The climax was great, and it was exciting to see Sonic and Shadow working together.
As I said, all in all, a really fun ride and my whole family enjoyed it a lot.
That said, let's look at a few of the points that I see some complaining about, and my take on them.
Not Enough Wachowski Family Moments
Okay, this one I will kinda agree with. We got a teeny peek into their dynamic is a family at the beginning, right before Rockwell showed up to whisk the boys away to clean up their mess. It would have been nice to see them all interacting more, to see how Knux and Tails have fit into this dynamic.
Devil's Advocate - There's only so much screen time available, and we know they're a family. We don't need to be bludgeoned over the head with fluffy scenes of the boys doing chores and having group hugs and all that. It would have slowed the narrative, and in the end, all that would not further reinforce the idea that they've come together as a family any more than their camping trip and celebration for Sonic's "B-Earth-day" already established.
Shadow's Origin Change
In the movieverse, Gerald claims that Shadow came to Earth encased in a meteorite. His energy readings were off the scale, so they took him to a facility to study him. He was not originally created by Gerald, and was simply an alien come to Earth and then taken to be studied.
Devil's Advocate - I have no opinion regarding this change, as the movieverse is different from any other media. They've already altered backstories where they needed, to make things at least somewhat 'realistic' and allow the boys to exist in 'our' world without major complications of Sonic just running around as a child fighting Eggman, and Knuckles being the last of his kind and having thousands of years separating him from his closest ancestors. (Not to mention the size change of the Master Emerald - having one the size of a VW Beetle would have been a little hard to hide or cart around.)
Having Shadow arrive kinda like Stitch is fitting in this version of the Sonic verse, as going into a lengthy explanation of how Gerald could manage to create a space hedgehog from scratch, when Angel Island may or may not exist, would have pushed suspension of disbelief a little much.
Maria's Not Sick
I thought the whole "Gerald takes her with him everywhere" thing for Maria seemed a bit flimsy, especially since she wasn't sick and in need of him to find a cure for her. They were in a super high security facility and there's this girl who's just allowed to wander freely simply because she's the granddaughter of the lead scientist?
I would have liked to see more of the reasoning behind her being there. And more of Maria and Shadow's relationship, especially from Shadow's side.
Devil's Advocate - Despite my comments above, I actually liked that they didn't make Maria's defining factor be her illness. She was a character in her own right, and befriended Shadow out of her own kindness, and not simply because he was created to cure her, and thus they were kinda forced to be together. She reached out immediately, and essentially kidnapped him from his tests to show him how to have fun. She showed him kindness, not because he was supposed to be her 'cure', but because she saw this little boy, all alone, and treated as a thing by the scientists, and took it upon herself to show him that he was more than that.
Too Much Gerald and Eggman Screentime
I will admit that sometimes it did seem like they were focusing a little too much on the Robotniks. We were subjected to a montage of Eggman living out little moments of childhood 'milestones' with Gerald, and that aforementioned dance number in the hallway was reminiscent of the dance battle in the second movie. Kinda silly.
Devil's Advocate - I think these scenes were to delve a little into Ivo's character a bit. It was established in the first one that he was an orphan, and through the second it reinforced the idea that he thought he didn't need anyone. He pushed people away, built his walls, and hid behind his bots. But now that he's faced with an actual blood relative, who seems to want him around, all those walls came down and we saw the hurt little boy within Ivo. This only made it hurt all the more when Gerald turned on him. And damnit, I actually felt bad for Ivo in that moment.
The Master Emerald/Chaos Emeralds
There is some confusion as to how these things worked. At the end of the 2nd movie, Sonic very distinctly sent all the chaos emeralds away. Knuckles reformed the Master Emerald without them. But in this movie, Sonic went Super with the Master Emerald, and somehow the chaos emeralds were still within it.
Devil's Advocate - Yeah, I got nothin'. 😆 Not sure if there was a deleted scene explaining that or something, but it seemed a pretty glaring continuity error.
But, whatevs. We go with it. 'Cause dis is how we roll.
And as an aside WHY DO YOU HATE WADE, JEFF??? Seriously, there were so many other ways to handle that scene, and you did THAT to him?? UUUGGGGHGGHGHGHGHh
Sonic Didn't Call Tom and Maddie "Dad and Mom"
Okay, yeah, I agree with this one. He called Tom 'Dad' at the end of the 2nd, meaning he finally accepted them as his parents. They call themselves a family. And yes, I will accept that he may slip back into their names during lighter times, when it's an emotional scene, he should call them "Mom and Dad". Such as in the cave and when Tom was hurt.
Devil's Advocate - Yeah, no, I can't argue with this. You can't have him call Tom 'Dad' in the last movie and then never touch on that again. The boys didn't even call each other 'brothers', for crying out loud! The perfect place to do that would have been the cornfield, and it was still 'friends'. THEY ARE BROTHERS YOUR HONOR AND TOM AND MADDIE ARE THEIR PARENTS
I'm not saying the movie was 100% perfect. There were things I found silly, or unnecessary. Things I would have done differently.
But taking a step back and looking at the full picture, and not just the individual brush strokes, it was entertaining, fun, and had more than a few moments that I found really powerful, much more than either of the previous ones did.
I'm excited to see where they go in the next one. Things are really ramping up.
Check out my other Sonic 3 analysis posts
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i-tripped-on-a-rock · 2 months ago
Sonic and shadow fanart- a very small part of something I’m cooking up >:3
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