#v: awakening pending.
felltactic · 5 years
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      ❛   hey,   olivia.   GOOD WORK out there.   &   speaking of...   can i talk to you for a moment?   if you aren't busy?   ❜
@airabesque  ♥’d
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honorbourne · 4 years
@rexerrat​ has forseeth a starter ;;
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    “ Er... d-do correct me if I’m wrong, but you are the Gangrel I know, right? ” Say’ri hesitantly inquired while allowing her eyes to shift off towards the side. As ecstatic as she was that her boyfriend is finally here, she doesn’t want to get her hopes up, on the off chance he did happen to hail from a world where they weren’t a couple; after all, with ‘brave’ Dimitri, Claude, and Edelgard both originating from alternate  TIMELINES  where only they had won the war, it wasn’t that impossible for this Gangrel to be a different one. Still, Say’ri couldn’t help hoping that maybe, just maybe... he was the very same man she had remembered confessing to. That might be wishful thinking, though.
    “ Nay, let me rephrase that question again. ” Sure enough, Say’ri would proceed to shake her head, only to swivel her gaze around to meet his mere moments later. “ Might you recall us being lovers? ” 
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aetherit-blog · 5 years
@royalboncls  ♥’d
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      ❛   father...   ❜   how freeing to cast your mask aside!   no longer you have to hide under a different name  (you’ll never compare to the hero–king,   SILLY GIRL!   you couldn’t save your world);   your parents know who you are.   their daughter,   not a strange girl   /   foreseer.
      while you are overjoyed to be with them after all these years,   your anxieties manifest themselves stronger.   it’s a downward curve of your mouth,   worry in your eyes.   ❛   i am certain papa has said this before————   don’t be so careless.   ❜
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alhamdulillah10 · 4 years
This Life of Deception
This worldly life is like an unchaste woman, who is not satisfied with one husband. So, be satisfied with whatever Allah grants you from this worldly life.
Walking thereon is like walking in a land that is filled with beasts, and water that teams with crocodiles. That which causes delight, turns to be the source of grief. Pain is found in the midst of pleasures, and delights are derived from its sorrows.
Lusts were granted in abundance to humans, but those who believed in the unseen turned away from them, while those who follow their lusts were caused to regret.
The first category, are those, in which Allah says, “They are on (true) guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:5)
However, the other category, are those to whom Allah says, “(O you disbelievers)! Eat and enjoy yourselves (in this worldly life) for a little while. Verily, you are the Mujrimun (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.).” (Al-Mursalat, 77:46)
When the successful ones are aware of the reality of this worldly life being sure of the inferiority of its degree, they overcame their vain desires for the sake of the Hereafter. They have been awakened from their heedlessness to remember what their enemies took from them during their period of idleness.
Whenever they perceive the distant journey they must undertake, they remember their aim, so it appears easy for them. Whenever life becomes bitter, they remember this verse in which Allah says, “This is your Day which you were promised ” (AI-Anbiya’, 21:103)
Surah Al-Hadid (its title meaning, ‘the iron’) talks about the reality of the transient life of this world. Several descriptive words are used to reveal to us its true reality. After that, Allah warns us to remember that the life of this world is nothing but a “deceptive enjoyment”
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In order to see the real meanings being described by our Creator as He details to us the reality of the life of this world, it would be beneficial to ponder on the root meanings of the several Arabic words Allah has used in the above verse. All the meanings have been taken from Edward William Lane’s online Arabic-to-English Lexicon:
(i) Play, sport, game, fun, joke, prank, or jest.
(ii) Diversion, pastime, sport, or play; especially that which is frivolous or vain; that which occupies a person so as to divert him or her from that which should render him sad or solicitous/anxious/concerned.
(iii) Decoration, finery, show, pomp, or gaeity.
(iv) Glorifying or boasting (viz. to each other), praising or commending own selves for certain properties or qualities, such as enumerating or recounting the particulars of their own ancestral nobility or eminence; or their honorable deeds. Contending for superiority by reason of honors arising from memorable deeds or qualities, or from parentage or relationship, and other things relating to themselves or their ancestors; also: boasting of qualities extrinsic to themselves such as wealth, rank or station.
تَكَاثُرٌ فِى الاٌّمْوَلِ وَالاٌّوْلْـد
(v) Contending, one with another, for superiority in number of (different types of) wealth and children.
مَتَـاعُ الْغُرُور
(vi) The word مَتَـاعُ means anything useful or advantageous viz. utensils, furniture, or food, and the word الْغُرُور means that by which one is deceived; something false and vain. In other words, the life of this world is a provision that is deceptive. It can be used to achieve the best end i.e. Allah’s pleasure and an abode in Paradise in the Hereafter, but is very deceptive in and of itself.
Allah has used a total of five terms and phrases to describe to us the reality of the life of this world in the Quran. Analysis of their meanings clearly reveals that indeed, the life of this world is such that it makes a believer lose focus of the Hereafter.
Consider this – games are fun to play. They cause us to get really involved in them, whether as participants, or as onlookers. The aspect of winning versus losing, or earning more points by achieving a target, enthuses the more keen ones among us to a state of physical and mental euphoria.
When anyone is involved in a game as a participant, whether he is playing outside, or playing a computer game indoors, he is distracted perhaps from more pending matters that require his attention. For some sports enthusiasts, tearing themselves away from a game to answer a call of nature, eat a meal, or pray an obligatory prayer also becomes difficult.
Now, with this picture in mind, we can see why Allah has called the life of this world “a game.” We get so involved in the “game” itself, in its short-term goals and enjoyments, that we tend to lose focus on the importance of the Hereafter. As an example, someone might postpone performing Hajj if important events related to his career are scheduled to take place at the same time in the calendar.
Allah has next called the life of this world “لَهْوٌ” – a “diversion.” It has the potency to make a person lose focus of the goals of the Hereafter. Imagine a person driving  a car; if he or she spots something interesting on the side of the road that will “divert” him or her from driving, he or she will definitely lose focus of the road, resulting in a possible collision.
تَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُم
These words imply boasting to others, and being boasted to, as the above explanation has stated, about intangible assets of prestige and value, such as honorable lineage, awards and achievements, or righteous deeds. Anything that can cause a person to become proud in and of themselves, can be boasted about. It is important to note here, that a person’s intention makes the difference. Several people display their, awards and plaques in their drawing rooms or offices, where they receive guests. This, too, if done to establish one’s credibility in one’s profession, for example, as a practicing doctor whose patients want reassurance that they are coming to a reliable person, would not be blameworthy. However, if it is done to make oneself appear better than others, than it would be تَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُم.
It is interesting how Allah has combined two of the words He has used in this verse of Surah Al-Hadid to describe the life of this world, in another verse in the Quran: the first verse of Surah Al-Takaathur:
أَلْهَاكُمُ التَّكَاثُرُ
“The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things)“. [102:1]
Since تَّكَاثُرُ means contending to increase in numbers of tangible blessings, it is clear from this verse too, that human beings are “diverted” in this life by this, from their primary goal – which should be success in the Hereafter.
The word زِينَةٌ means beauty and decoration; anything that is instictively pleasing to look at, or beautified to attract our attention. This could include everything that falls under the umbrella of beauty e.g. scenic landscapes, lush vegetation, flowers, and waterfalls, to those things that are made beautiful; which the human heart enjoys.
Bring to mind jewelry, interior decor, architecture, branded/stylish couture, fashion, luxuries, accessories and diverse cuisines. Human beings love to create, experiment and play around with every conceivable kind of raw material provided by Allah, to transform it into something beautiful for their adornment or consumption. Yes, the life of this world definitely revolves a lot around زِينَةٌ !
Allah goes on after this, in the above verse, to elaborate the simile of this world’s life: of it being like the vegetation or herbage that grows on earth, and pleases its tiller/farmer when it reaches its lustrous, colorful peak viz. the plants or crops become strong and fully grown, bearing fruit or grain. However, after a short period of this lustre, color and vibrance, the plants eventually wither, become dry, lifeless straw, and die. The same earth that was alive with crops a while ago becomes empty and plain again; the color, leaves, fruit, grains or flowers are nowhere to be seen, as if they never existed!
That is, in reality, the same thing that happens to everyone and everything during the life of this world. The young, beautiful face becomes wrinkled and haggard; the lustrous hair becomes limp and grey; the strong bones become brittle, and strong muscles give way to weakness; the eyes lose their sight; the erect spine becomes bent. Moreover, every inanimate thing also goes into decline: the architecturally sound mansion becomes depleted and worn over the years, erosion causing its dilapidation and ruin; the clothes lose their newness, shine and glory, withering away; ‘new’ technology loses its value and becomes obsolete and unwanted; the flashy vehicle goes out of vogue and ends up in a junk yard as rubble. The list is endless.
Now that our eyes have been opened to the truth about the life of this world; about how its adornments and distractions are alluring but deceptive in nature, because they divert our attention from the Hereafter and make us think that all this ‘glitter’ will last forever; when in fact, everything on this earth will turn to dust as Allah has promised, we should remember the importance of consistently reciting and reading the Quran as a daily routine, so that we are reminded of this important fact about this transitory life. That way, the reminders such as this verse, that tells us in the end about the two options we have before us – either painful torment, or the forgiveness of Allah and His pleasure – will help keep us focused on those deeds that will enable us to enjoy the truly enjoyable, beautiful, desirable, and eternal life, in shaa’ Allah — the one in the Hereafter.
Please share.
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adhyayana-v · 4 years
17 questions for 17 people!
Tagged by the loveliest lil one @student-by-day
Nickname: V- discordians, Gola, golam, goli, every other word containing 'gol' - family and childhood friends, dude - classmates(idk why they call me that lol), random words idek how to spell
Zodiac: libra ♎
Height: 169cm
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: WinX club characters (thanks to seth and ells convo)
Song stuck in my head: tri poloski (I blame ji)
Number of followers: 137
Amount of sleep: 6 hours?
Lucky numbers: idk?
Dream job: working in ISRO/DRDO or working in an industry that lets me keep learning.
Wearing: black t-shirt, black joggers, socks and accessories I never take off (bracelet, chain and ring)
Favourite song: sparkle by radwimps (awakens my inner happy self every damn time)
Favourite instrument: piano and every other instrument with keys and kalimba.
Aesthetic: equations and quotes and random shit on walls, digitally organized but messy irl, scribbled notes, messy hair, aching back, glasses, sudden godly realisation of that one numerical/proof/concept from last month, sunrise, sunsets and every part of the sky, sunglight, lamplight, sun in the eyes makes my heart go wooo. (palette: pastels and warm neutrals)
Favourite author: R. K. Narayan, Agatha Christie, Ruskin bond, G. D. Madgulkar and many more
Favourite animal noises: 5AM chirping birds(ik birds aren't animals but oh well), summer evening crickets, lazy afternoon cat meows!
Random: I have 4 subjects pending but still finished rewatching the legend of Korea s1 in one day.
Tagging: discordians and mutuals I'd like to know better! @coff-chee @physishit @depressed-student @sadcypher-rkive @the-abyss-gazed-back @architectoffreedom @stony-snark @1205am @alyssiasstudy @ani-studyblr @nebula-of-sempiternal-dreams @ghostlymaiden97 @bowieziggyfan @crispyengineers-blog @solitarystudies @appleinducedsleep
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stolenmagi · 3 years
may fuck around and flesh out verses later, idk
v. 01 ~ awakening companion primary
v. 02 ~ blight companion primary [pending further development]
v. 03 ~ hero of ferelden secondary
v. 04 ~ inquisitor by request only
v. 05 ~ order of fiery promise by request only mutuals only plotting required massive cw for this being the Bad Timeline
v. 06 ~ cult of fen’harel secondary
v. 07 ~ general fantasy/d&d by request only mutuals only plotting required will only rp with familiar muses / on familiar turf
v. 08 ~ modern mutuals only plotting required previous engagement required
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History has recorded that the Dwemer disappeared under mysterious circumstances many millennia ago. They were a resourceful people possessing wonderous technology, knowledge, and wealth, but at the pinnacle of their mastery over their world, they vanished entirely. Or did they? This is the tale of the last Dwemer who awakens to find themselves in a far different world than they left. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, Elder Scrolls Characters: Original Dwemer Character(s), Various Skyrim Characters, College of Winterhold
Ratings and warnings are subject to change.
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My dreams are filled with the sibilant sound of escaping steam, the whir of flywheels, and the rhythmic clank of metal cogs stepping through the gears one lash at a time. The constant noises are comforting in their way, like a mother’s heartbeat, echoing through the darkness of the womb.
My nightmares are different. They are filled with the horror of artificial silence, hunger and desperation, and the acrid scent of sweaty fear. The nightmares seem both immediate and distant in my mind and I do not like to dwell upon them.
I don’t know if my eyes are open or closed; darkness envelopes me in a constant state with no relief. I am neither warm nor cold. I cannot feel my body, assuming that is, that I still have one. I’m not aware of the passage of time, a blessing and a curse that I will come to understand later.
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“Carefully now. We do not know what dangers may await us.” A ball of light zoomed into the middle of the pitch-black room then hovered lazily, rising slowly toward the ceiling of the cavernous space. “We don’t need a repeat of yesterday.”
Status: Initializing…
“Understood, professor,” a male stated, nervously clearing their throat.
“Dwemer ruins are notorious riddled with traps. Wards at the ready. Phinis, a little bit more light, if you please.”
Six people, five humans and an Argonian, cautiously entered the room, their eyes darting from shadow to shadow, looking for dangers. A middle-aged man, balding and with a confident stride, came first, sending globes of light up into the air. The two younger human men, twin brothers and Nords by appearance, jostled each other as they came through the door. A Redguard woman walked cautiously next to the Argonian. An elderly looking man, grey hair and beard neatly trimmed despite the unkempt look of his robes, brought up the rear.
Several more globes of light shot into the room distributing themselves into a ring, illuminating the space with a pale blue light. Smooth stone walls gleamed with collected moisture and crystallized mineral deposits. Rays of light, weak and watery, filtered down through the fractured stone. Metal glinted in the wavering light, twinkling in and out of view as the balls of light shifted on the air currents created by steam that rose from the single piece of machinery still working.
“Remarkable, simply remarkable,” the elder stated, craning his head to look around. “These ruins are unlike any we’ve discovered previously. Carefully now.”
The room was circular in shape with only the single door they entered by. At the center of the room stood a narrow waist-high pedestal with two rows of buttons, a single button glowed with a green light. Fanning out from it by narrow metal conduits were a dozen larger tubes, circling the available space like markers on an incomplete sundial. Most tubes were dulled and broken, but one glowed like polished moonstone in the magelight.
“Never have we seen construction such as these. Remarkable.”
“Yes, Professor Tolfdir.” The younger members of the group looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the elder’s rambling. None of them had any real interest in being there but as the oldest apprentices at the college, they had the dubious honour of being farmed out for such research expeditions.
Above each tube, ominously familiar round metal hatches were pressed into the wall. They were not the usual dull gold of dwarven metal either but silver, pitted and tarnished black with age. Nonetheless, these were easily recognized by the explorers. Most were ajar and empty, their contents of sleek silver metallic spiders, lay broken and dormant on the crumbling stone floor. Several hatches remained closed despite the broken tubes, but from within one, a green gem began to glow. The gem slowly rotated within the gyroscope housing that served as the spider’s head to focus on the interlopers.
Status: Analyzing…
“Look!” one of the Nords, the nervous male, stated excitedly, “one of them is still working!” He hurried forward, tripped over one of the conduits and froze at the ominous clacking of metal on metal.
When nothing further happened, everyone gave a slow sigh of relief.
“Apprentice Rundi! Would you please restrain yourself… by the door!” The professor’s voice had slipped from its normal calm tone to something much sharper and impatient.
“Yes, professor. I’m sorry, professor.” He carefully walked back past the group, slouching his head and shoulders forward with shame. His brother shoved his shoulder as he passed, making him stagger slightly.
“Borvir! This is neither the time nor the place for roughhousing of that nature.”
“Sorry, professor.”
“Now, where were we—?” Tolfdir muttered to himself, sounding bemused, before his eyes lit up with renewed focus. “Ah, yes. It is truly remarkable to see equipment of this age still functional! You can see that even here, the walls and floor have fractured with the upheaval of the mountain at some time during the past; however, the ingenuity and redundancy of the Dwemer design has allowed the machinery to continue to function despite damages.”
“What do they do exactly?” The Redguard, Yisra, asked, cocking her head to the side as she carefully studied the steam outlet on the single working tube.
“We have no idea.” The students stopped in their tracks and turned back to look at him with an assortment of incredulous and confused looks on their faces. “We have only recently discovered two of these ruins and they significantly pre-date the oldest known ruins of Nchuand-Zel, Alftand, or Bthardamz. Those ruins do not contain these circular vaults. They are an intriguing curiosity. Perhaps it would be best to have Calcelmo join us before we proceed further.” He turned around and looked startled to find a student at the door. “Oh! Borvir…”
“Yes, professor?” Borvir replied, standing next to him.
“Oh!” Tolfdir blinked repeatedly, then realized he had confused the twins. “No, no. Rundi—please fetch Master Calcelmo from the other chamber. Tell him we have a working example.”
While they waited, the students carefully examined the silent tubes and compared them to the single working one. The tubes, slightly longer than the average Altmer and wider than a Nord, were oval in shape instead of the expected round. The surface was slightly warm to the touch, slick as polished marble in some places, pitted and rough in others with the accumulation of minerals similar to the deposits on the surrounding walls. Pairs of pipes entered and exited either end, with gauges marked with illegible figures. Only the gauges on the functional tube flickered to suggest some unknown activity within.
“This tube is open,” Borvir said sticking his fingers under the edge of what looked like a lid and lifted. A loud creak of hinges made everyone freeze in their tracks.
Status: threat assessment pending...
The gem turned yellow and its legs flexed for the first time in millennia, the joints popping with a soft hiss of steam.
The tube was empty except from some sort of mineral deposit fused to the inside bottom of the surface that he scratched at with his fingernails. “What do you suppose was in them?”
“It’s hard to say. They could have been storage tanks for fuel or food. Perhaps fermentation…”
Borvir threw his hands up into the air as his brother returned with the Altmer mage, Calcelmo. “Dwemer mead!”
Phinis shook his head and rubbed at his temples in frustration at his students’ behaviour. He wasn’t the only one as their fellow student, Yisra curled her lip in disgust. “You and your stupid mead. One day you’ll freeze to death toasting to your own stupidity.”
“Now, now… Master Calcelmo. The students have found a working example of the Dwemer devices.”
“So your student said Master Tolfdir, although I very much doubt that,” Calcelmo said as he strode into the room, shooing the students out of the way as he entered, “but I suppose I can see what you have found. Ah!” He walked around the tube that continued to emit a jet of steam with perfect mechanical timing. He walked around the adjacent tube that had been pulled open. “Fascinating. There is no outward sign of hinges or latches, and yet they can be opened. But how? There must be some mechanism—”
“What about this?” Rundi asked, running his finger over the green light on the pedestal.
“Do not push—” Phinis called as the button depressed under Rundi’s finger.
Status: unauthorized input...awaiting bypass command...
The gem started to pulse.
The room fell abruptly silent as the methodic rhythm of the device’s gears ground to a halt and the vent of steam tapered off with a waning hiss.
“How many times must you be told—"
“Of all the stupid—"
Status: eliminate threat...
The gem turned red as the weapons system activated.
A loud chime rang startling them all into silence. They had never heard such a thing before in a Dwemer ruin. It nearly drowned out the swish of the remaining hatches on the walls, opening and spilling out their mechanical eight-legged guardians.
The spiders rapidly climbed over their fallen brethren, their metal legs tapping sharply on the stone floors as they advanced. Lightning arced through the air sizzling across hastily erected barriers.
Spikes of ice exploded against the spiders sending them tumbling across the floor only to right themselves with acrobatic leaps before charging back at the mages, razor-sharp edges slashing against fabric and flesh.
“Ice doesn’t work!” Rundi screamed, tripping over his own feet as he retreated.
“Then use fire, ice-brain,” Yisri barked, blasting the spider advancing on the scrambling Nord with a fireball. The spider flipping onto its back, legs kicking, then burst apart in a shower of sparks.
“Don’t panic. Work together now,” Phinis called out as he brought his conjured sword down onto a spider.
“Remember your wards, apprentices!” Tolfdir reminded them, his own glowing blue ward crackled but held firm against a bolt of lightning.
The spiders were vastly outnumbered and quickly overpowered by the mages. The final spider staggered upright again on its remaining five legs, two of which dragged on the floor from broken joints. It snapped its single functional scissor-like front legs aggressively at the intruders before being slammed back against the wall with a glancing ball of fire.
The spider’s inner workings hissed and spun in a mindless effort to fulfill its directive. The gem pulsed with red light, weaker than before.
Status: critical failure…
It burst apart in a shower of sparks and scattered legs to collapse in a silent heap.
The mages panted with exertion, sucking in gasps of ozone scorched air, all the while glaring daggers at a now-sheepish Rundi. “Sorry.”
“And that, young man, is why we do not go pushing buttons with abandon like a skooma-raddled khaj—”
A loud crack echoed off the stones abruptly ending Calcelmo’s tirade. Wards and destruction spells bloomed as they all rapidly scanned the room for new threats. Their hands slowly lowered as nothing came at them. Indeed, even the alarm bell had fallen silent.
“Oh, it’s leaking!” Yisra exclaimed, jumping back from the previously functioning device as a gold-coloured, viscous fluid started to pour out of the tube and splashed onto her shoes. The device had become hinged like its counterparts and was rapidly losing its contents.
“Quickly now,” Calcelmo darted forward with surprising agility, holding out a flask pulled from the inner folds of his voluminous robes, “get a sample before it all runs away.”
“Ew!” she protested even as she held the glass under the slowing flow of liquid. She held her hand up and rubbed her fingers together. It felt creamy, not greasy or sticky as she had expected. She wrinkled her nose; it was still disgusting. She wiped her fingers on Borvir’s shirt.
“Well, I think there is no longer any harm in opening this the rest of the way, do you?” Tolfdir asked Calcelmo.
“No. I think what’s done is done. Let’s take a look inside.”
The lid opened smoothly after some initial resistance and more fluid spilled out to reveal the contents.
“Xarxes Backside!” Calcelmo exclaimed in an uncharacteristic display of shock.
“Is that—is that—”
They stared in stunned amazement at what appeared to be a female body, coated in the remnants of the golden liquid, lying in repose at the heart of the tube.
“A Dwemer,” Calcelmo said in awe upon finally collecting himself. “This is the find of a lifetime. All my research, my work as the pre-eminent scholar—”
The body jerked once, then again; gold fluid started to bubble at the mouth.
“It’s alive!”
“Nonsense. That’s not possible.”
Phinis gestured with his hands and each one of them in the room glowed with a red light in reaction to the life detection spell he had cast. And so, too, did the body before them.
“It’s not possible. To be alive after having slept for seven thousand years—”
The body jerked again, less violently, with another bubble of fluid rising from the mouth to burst and spill over the cheeks. The lingering red glow of the spell began to flicker.
“If we don’t do something quickly,” Phinis barked at them, “it’s not going to live for very long. It’s drowning!”
Ilas-Tei, the Argonian, jumped forward, “turn it on its side to drain the lungs. Dryskins are always drowning.”
“Yes, carefully now,” Tolfdir directed them.
“It’s softer than I expected,” Borvir said, his hands were wrapped over the hip and thigh.
“What did you expect? Metal?” Yisra asked, wrinkling her nose at the draining fluid as she held the head steady.
“Well yeah,” he said with a shrug. “Dwemer made things out of metal.”
“They made things out of metal, but they weren’t constructed of metal themselves, you frost-brain.”
“Apprentices! There that should do it. Carefully now, onto the back.” Tolfdir stood up and looked to Calcelmo. “Now what should we do?”
He waved his hand at the now breathing body. “I study ruins. I don’t know anything about caring for—” he waved his hand again, “bodies, persons. You look after it. You have healers, restoration experts at the college. If it survives, I’ll have questions. Until then, it's your responsibility,” he added as he strode out of the room.
Tolfdir scratched at his beard thoughtfully. “Well then. Suggestions?”
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formlessphan · 5 years
i was tagged by @cappuccino-howell! thank you!
i watch b99 too! jake and amy are the purest ship ever. they’re so cute and precious protect them at all cost
Rules: answer these and then tag nine people you’d like to get to know better!
Favorite color: i don’t really have one but i like pinks, blues and purples 💖💙💜
Top three favorite ships: stucky, dan and phil(?? but in the post coming out universe does that still count? idk?), lucifer and chloe decker from lucifer
Lipsticks or chapsticks: i don’t wear either all that often but lipsticks for sure cuz it’s pretty
Last movie I watched: i think it was Aladdin. v good and i cried (because ofc i did) when aladdin freed the genie. ugh i’m such a disney nerd :(
Currently reading: i literally haven’t touched an actual book in ages like i only read fanfiction now and my mum hates me for it so yeah :/ but i think the last book i left pending was Awaken by Meg Cabot
i tag: @queerformlessblob @dnps-trashcan @phanatic16 @gayiconphil @dandanfamalam @messydnp and anyone else who wants to do it! :)
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pwrestlingxpress · 6 years
Kenny Omega vs. Kazuchika Okada:  New Japan’s version of Rocky
Everyone knows about the movie Rocky, right? The movie that talks about a local boxer being given the opportunity of a lifetime when he challenges for the Heavyweight Championship?  The one movie that spanned five sequels and a spin-off with its own sequel on the way when Creed II hits theaters on November 21, 2018 (though the date could change pending on how far they’re at in filming and whether or not this date will be free of competition)?  Well, there’s been someone that I’ve been following on twitter that has been comparing the upcoming match of Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada to the Rocky saga.  Since the match was announced back on May 8th, she’s been using quotes from most of the Rocky films and some of these quotes, she’s been putting her own touch into them giving Kenny Omega more inspiration as he prepares for Osaka-Jo Hall on June 9th, 2018. To understand what I’m talking about here’s almost every quote she said and what Rocky movie they came from.  Also, I will mention what makes it her version of the quote and not that of the film where the original quote came from.  So here are all the quotes that she’s used so far for that Kenny Omega inspiration. 
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The song above is referring to Burning Heart by Survivor that was used in Rocky IV (copyrighted in 1985) when Rocky Balboa lands in the coldest part of Russia to train for Ivan Drago. The user uses the song as a way to ignite the fire within the match taking place in Osaka-Jo. 
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This quote comes from the original Rocky movie (copyrighted back in 1976) where after walking over the streets in the middle of the night, Rocky believes he can’t beat Apollo but feels like he can at least go the distance against him.  Instead of her saying that Kenny won’t be another bum from the neighborhood once that bell rings and goes the distance, she instead crowns Omega as the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion. 
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This quote comes from Rocky V in which to be honest was the worst Rocky film I’ve ever saw but that is the final version for the bootleg version is much better than the one we ended up seeing.  Anyway, this quote comes from that movie in which after losing almost everything Rocky Balboa sees his younger self and Mickey talking to which it is revealed that Mickey had been the angel all along protecting Rocky from harm. The way this person says is that she’s referring to us being the angels that have been protecting Kenny Omega all this time. 
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This whole quote/scene comes from Rocky III (1982) where after losing his manager and his world title, Rocky wanders the streets of Philadelphia and inside Mickey’s old gym is confronted by a old rival to which he must regain the “Eye of the Tiger”. The last sentence of her quote is her own inspiration as that part was not a part of the film but it is good that she keeps motivating Kenny for Osaka-Jo Hall and Kazuchika Okada. 
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This quote comes from the ending of Rocky II (1979) which still to this day is my favorite among all the Rocky movies and the spinoff.  Anyway, this is what she’s picturing Omega will be saying once he wins the IWGP Heavyweight Championship from Okada though I believe the last sentence will be him saying something to another friend of his instead of Ibushi.  Though I picture that person to be Matt, it may ultimately be SKE48 member Jurina Matsui who has become a big supporter of his work in the past year. 
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This quote also comes from Rocky II (1979) where after being in a coma giving birth to their only child, Adrian awakens and gives Rocky Balboa the courage he needs to defeat Apollo Creed by telling him to “win”.  The person who uses the quote is picturing Kota Ibushi to be saying the same thing to Kenny Omega. 
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These quotes come from Rocky IV (1985) and the bout between Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa to which Ivan believes Rocky to not be human while at the same time after the bout, Rocky notices some changes as the match continued on.  The person uses these two quotes to picture Omega saying that “people can change” while also picturing Okada apparently concluding that Kenny Omega is not human himself. 
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Another quote from Rocky IV when Apollo Creed asks Rocky Balboa to stand by his side one last time not know the consequences behind it.  This quote is used in a way in which only one time she makes Kenny Omega be “Apollo Creed” and Kota Ibushi be “Rocky Balboa” instead of having Omega as Rocky Balboa and Kazuchika Okada as Apollo Creed. 
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This last one (as of May 30, 2018) is the chorus to the song Hearts on Fire by John Cafferty that is featured in Rocky IV as the final training montage as he finishes his preparations for Ivan Drago. I’m guessing that this is her favorite training montage from the Rocky films while my favorite is down below (video is courtesy of a YouTube user in which you can watch it while it’s still up for it is unknown when it may be deleted).
So, that is all so far from the twitter user as she continues to use Rocky as an inspiration of sorts to Kenny Omega.  And with all these quotes, I have to say that the Omega-Okada rivalry is New Japan’s version of the original Rocky film and its sequels with Kenny Omega portraying Rocky Balboa and Kazuchika Okada portraying Apollo Creed.  Gedo portrays Apollo’s manager while I believe Kota Ibushi to be Mickey though he can also be the Adrian of the story.  But to me, the Adrian of the story is Matt Jackson though based on recent tweets from Omega himself, we can believe Jurina Matsui to be the Adrian of the story.  Whoever is the Adrian of the story is debatable in my opinion.  Lastly, while I’m a fan of Rocky II (1979), this person is a fan of Rocky IV which was out of all the Rocky movies, was the very first one I’ve ever seen.  Also, most of the quotes have come from Rocky IV. 
I’ll be looking at this person’s twitter handle for the next week for anymore Rocky quotes that she’ll make in her own image as we prepare for Omega-Okada IV on June 9th, 2018.  Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-Jo Hall presented by Hoken Minaoshi Honpo comes next Saturday (June 9th) at 3 AM Eastern (4 PM local) from the sold-out Osaka-Jo Hall.  The only way to watch the show is on NJPW World with Kevin Kelly and Don Callis providing English Commentary.  I’ll be watching the show with Japanese commentary while the person who uses her own wording of the quotes will be there in Osaka to watch all the action.  
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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FuRyu has opened the official website for Crystar, its newly announced action RPG developed by Gemdrops, and revealed the first official information, footage, and screenshots of the upcoming PlayStation 4 game.
Get the details and footage below.
■ Press Release Overview
The player controls a beautiful girl named Rei Hatada, who in order to “revive” her dead younger sister Mirai Hatada, makes a deal with the devil of the other world that is limbo. The story will progress as you fight the souls that drift about limbo. Also, by defeating specific enemies, “Danmatsuma Thoughts” will appear, which by “crying to purify” will develop the protagonist mentally. In accordance with that, you can obtain weapons called “Shisou,” or “Mental Armor.”
Additionally, players can summon Guardians that embody the ideologies of the characters to fight while unleashing powerful special techniques. As you progress through the story, you will be able to choose from four characters to use in battle, including Rei Hatada, and freely switch between them.
Furthermore, you can choose the Guardian’s automatic counter and guard, and even novice action game players can enjoy it with ease. It is also loaded with enemy information, a background music collection, combo system features, and more, including plenty of side elements.
■ A Crying Battle Action RPG
“Beautiful Girl x Tears”
A unique action RPG developed by a team of wonderful creators.
Scenario: Naoki Hisaya
Character Design: Riuichi
Character Design and Modeling Artist: ntny
Background Music: Sakuzyo
Development: Gemdrops
Theme Song: Nagi Yanagi
Opening Animation: Shaft
Insert Illustration: Hajime Ueda
Logo Design: Winfanworks
■ Revive Your Dead Younger Sister
Rei, a girl who got lost in the world of life after death that is limbo, and her younger sister Mirai.
The sisters, who while confused are trying to return to their original world, are attacked by an unknown creature.
In order to protect Mirai, a superpower awakens within Rei. However, unable to control her power, Rei herself ends up killing Mirai.
The devil whispers to the despairing Rei. “If you reap the souls of the dead that drift about a different world, and sacrifice the tears you shed through that suffering, I can ‘revive’ the dead Mirai.”
Rei, who makes a deal with the devil for the sake of her sister, will take the stage in a battle that puts her own life at risk.
■ Tears Make Her Stronger
In order to save her sister, Rei will come and go between the real world and the other world that is limbo, where she will fight creatures. As she risks her life in battles against the souls of the dead drifting about limbo, Rei is being chased.
Are these actions just? Can you really save your sister?
The thoughts that build up in Rei’s mind are shed as “tears,” and she continues to fight.
◆ System
Karma Follows You
The Danmatsuma, or last moments, of the fallen souls of the dead cling to and torment Rei.
Crying Makes You Stronger
Rei drowns out her feelings with tears, and turns it into power to move forward.
◆ Action
The Power Awakened by Tears
Together with her tears, the feelings that Rei is unable to suppress summon a tremendously powerful Guardian.
■ Those You Will Meet During Your Trial
Rei Hatada (voiced by Reina Kondou)
Mirai Hatada (voiced by Sayaka Senbongi)
Mephis (voiced by Shiori Izawa)
Pheles (voiced by Rika Tachibana)
Heraclitus (voiced by Jouji Nakata)
Pre-Order Bonuses
Product code to download in-game costume “One Piece (Opening Ver.)”
Special soundtrack album CD
Opening animation replica original film sheet
■ Specs
Title: Crystar
Platform: PlayStation 4
Genre: Crying Battle Action RPG
Release Date: October 18, 2018
Price: 7,980 yen (8,618 yen with tax)
Players: 1
CERO: Pending
Producer / Director: Fuyuki Hayashi (FuRyu)
Crystar will launch for PlayStation 4 on October 18 in Japan.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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patriotsnet · 4 years
Did Any Republicans Vote To Impeach
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-any-republicans-vote-to-impeach/
Did Any Republicans Vote To Impeach
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Here Are The 7 Republicans Who Voted To Convict Trump
Trump acquitted by the Senate29:52
Seven Republican senators voted to convict former President Trump on the charge of incitement to insurrection, joining Democrats to make it it a far more bipartisan vote than Mr. Trump’s first impeachment trial. But the final vote of 57-43 fell short of the 67 votes that would have been needed for conviction. 
The Republicans voting to convict were Senators Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.
Romney’s vote was all but a given, and the votes from Collins and Murkowski weren’t unexpected. Perhaps the most surprising vote came from Burr.
But something distinguishes most of the Republicans who voted to convict Mr. Trump — most of them aren’t up for reelection soon. Murkowski is the only one of the group facing reelection in 2022. Burr and Toomey aren’t running for another term.
Collins and Murkowski asked some of the most probing questions on Friday when senators had the chance to pose questions to the defense and to the House impeachment managers. 
Collins, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse also joined Democrats in voting to call witnesses Saturday, as did Repubilcan Senator Lindsey Graham. But Democrats ultimately backed off on calling witnesses. 
Several of the senators released statements explaining their decisions following the vote Saturday.
Congressional Opposition To Impeachment
A number of prominent Republicans rejected calls for impeachment, including House SpeakerJohn Boehner, and Sen. John McCain. McCain said impeachment would be a distraction from the 2014 election, and that if “we regain control of the United States Senate we can be far more effective than an effort to impeach the president, which has no chance of succeeding.” Rep. Blake Farenthold said that impeachment would be “an exercise in futility.”
Trump Calls For ‘no Violence’ As Congress Moves To Impeach Him For Role In Riot
This time, there will be more. Some Republican senators have called on Trump to resign, and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he is undecided at this point.
Trump’s impeachment won’t lead to his removal — even if he is convicted — because of the timeline. The Senate is adjourned until Tuesday. The next day, Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president. But there’s another penalty the Constitution allows for as a result of a Senate conviction that could be appealing to some Republican senators — banning Trump from holding “office” again.
While there is some debate as to the definition of “office” in the Constitution and whether that would apply to running for president or even Congress, that kind of public rebuke would send a strong message — that Republicans are ready to move on from Trumpism.
United States V Nixon Ruling
In a much-anticipated landmark ruling on July 24, 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered President Nixon to release all White House tapes, not just selected transcripts, pertinent to the Watergate investigation. The unanimous ruling in United States v. Nixon found that the president of the United States does not possess an absolute, unqualified executive privilege to withhold information. Writing for the court, Chief JusticeWarren Burger stated:
We conclude that when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
A short while after the decision was made public, Nixon issued a statement saying that, while “disappointed in the result, I respect and accept the court’s decision, and I have instructed Mr. St. Clair to take whatever measures are necessary to comply with that decision in all respects.” The president was at the Western White House in California at the time, where he remained through July 28.
Impeachment By House Of Representatives
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On December 11, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee agreed to send three articles of impeachment to the full House for consideration. The vote on two articles, grand jury and obstruction of justice, was 21–17, both along party lines. On the third, perjury in the Paula Jones case, the committee voted 20–18, with Republican Lindsey Graham joining with Democrats, in order to give President Clinton “the legal benefit of the doubt”. The next day, December 12, the committee agreed to send a fourth and final article, for abuse of power, to the full House by a 21–17 vote, again, along party lines.
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice . The two other articles were rejected, the count of perjury in the Jones case and abuse of power . Clinton thus became the second U.S. president to be impeached; the first, Andrew Johnson, was impeached in 1868. The only other previous U.S. president to be the subject of formal House impeachment proceedings was Richard Nixon in 1973–74. The Judiciary Committee agreed to a resolution containing three articles of impeachment in July 1974, but resigned from office soon thereafter, before the House took up the resolution.
Richard M Burr Of North Carolina
Mr. , 65, a senator since 2005, is not seeking re-election in 2022. Despite holding Mr. Trump immediately responsible for the Capitol riot, he had voted against moving forward with the impeachment trial, and his decision to convict came as a surprise.
“As I said on Jan. 6, the president bears responsibility for these tragic events,” Mr. Burr said in a statement on Saturday. “The evidence is compelling that President Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection against a coequal branch of government and that the charge rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Therefore, I have voted to convict.”
Republican Groups Censure Party Lawmakers Who Voted To Impeach Convict Trump
Kinzinger said 11 family members sent him a handwritten two-page note that started, “Oh my, what a disappointment you are to us and to God!” The letter accused him of working with “the devil’s army,” which it said included Democrats and the “fake news media.” “We thought you were ‘smart’ enough to see how the left is brainwashing many ‘so called good people’ including yourself” and other Republicans. “You have even fallen for their socialism ideals! So, so sad!” “It is now most embarrassing to us that we are related to you,” the family members wrote. “You have embarrassed the Kinzinger family name.” Kinzinger said the family members suffered from “brainwashing” at conservative churches. “I hold nothing against them,’’ he said, “but I have zero desire or feel the need to reach out and repair that. That is 100% on them to reach out and repair, and quite honestly, I don’t care if they do or not.” Kinzinger said he knows his vote against Trump could imperil his political career but that he “couldn’t live with myself” if “the one time I was called to do a really tough duty, I didn’t do it.” 
Here Are All Of The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump
Ten members of the GOP joined with Democrats in the vote.
President Donald Trump impeached for ‘incitement of insurrection’
The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump — making him the only president in American history to be impeached twice.
Unlike his first impeachment in 2019, 10 Republicans joined Democrats to charge Trump for the “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a final vote of 232-197.
Some Republicans may have feared for their own safety if they voted for impeachment, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of those who voted against Trump, said. Kinzinger told ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast that some members of his party are likely holding back from voting for impeachment due to fear of highlighting their own participation in supporting the president’s false claims of election fraud.
Democrat Jason Crow, of Colorado, relayed similar thoughts in an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday morning.
“I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears talking to me and saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment,” he said.
Here is a list of the 10 Republicans who took a stance against Trump:
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.“It’s not going to be some ‘Kumbaya moment’ on the floor — it’s going to be an awakening by the American people to hold their leaders accountable to their rhetoric,”
Raskin Compares Trumps Actions On January 6 To Lighting A Fire In Closing Argument
Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen, meanwhile, insisted his client did nothing wrong and maintained he was the victim of vengeful Democrats and a biased news media. He called the impeachment proceedings a “charade from beginning to end.”
While he often seemed angry during his presentation, van der Veen was delighted by the acquittal. Reporters saw him fist bump a fellow member of Trump’s legal team afterward and exclaim, “We’re going to Disney World!”
McConnell, who’d rebuffed Democratic efforts to start the trial while Trump was still in office, had condemned Trump’s conduct after the riot and said he’d keep an open mind about voting to convict — something he’d ruled out entirely during Trump’s first impeachment trial last year.
After voting to acquit, McConnell blasted Trump for his “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and squarely laid the blame for the riot at Trump’s door in what amounted to an endorsement of many of the arguments laid out by House impeachment managers.
“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day,” McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor.
“The Constitution makes perfectly clear that Presidential criminal misconduct while in office can be prosecuted after the President has left office, which in my view alleviates the otherwise troubling ‘January exception’ argument raised by the House,” he wrote.
Andrew Johnson: Impeached In 1868
The 1868 impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. 
Johnson was elected as Abraham Lincoln’s vice president in 1864. The toughest decision facing Lincoln’s second term was how to reestablish ties with the Confederate states now that the Civil War was over. Lincoln’s plan for favored leniency while so-called “Radical Republicans” in his party wanted to punish Southern politicians and extend full civil rights to freed slaves.
Lincoln was only 42 days into his second term, leaving Johnson in charge of Reconstruction. He immediately clashed with the Radical Republicans in Congress, calling for pardons for Confederate leaders and vetoing political rights for freedmen. In 1867, Congress retaliated by passing the Tenure of Office Act, which barred the president from replacing members of his cabinet without Senate approval.
Believing the law to be unconstitutional, Johnson went ahead and fired his Secretary of War, an ally of the Radical Republicans in Congress. Johnson’s political enemies responded by drafting and passing 11 articles of impeachment in the House.
“Sir, the bloody and untilled fields of the ten unreconstructed States, the unsheeted ghosts of the two thousand murdered negroes in Texas, cry for the punishment of Andrew Johnson,” wrote the abolitionist Republican Representative William D. Kelley from Pennsylvania.
READ MORE: 150 Years Ago, a President Could Be Impeached for Firing a Cabinet Member
Rep Jaime Herrera Beutler
While Beutler admitted that she did not vote for Trump in 2016, she did back the president for a second term in 2020.
On Tuesday, the congresswoman she would vote to impeach, saying: “The President’s offenses, in my reading of the Constitution, were impeachable based on the indisputable evidence we already have.”
“I understand the argument that the best course is not to further inflame the country or alienate Republican voters,” she added. “But I am a Republican voter… I see that my own party will be best served when those among us choose truth.”
Here Are All The House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump:
Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming’s At-Large Congressional District.
Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington’s 3rd District.
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio’s 16th District.
Rep. John Katko of New York’s 24th District.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois’s 16th District.
Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan’s 3rd District.
Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington’s 4th District.
Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina’s 7th District.
Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan’s 6th District.
Rep. David Valadao of California’s 21st District.
Articles Referred To Senate
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Article I, charging Clinton with perjury, alleged in part that:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth before a federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following:
the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate government employee;
prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a federal civil rights action brought against him;
prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a federal judge in that civil rights action; and
his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.
Article II, charging Clinton with obstruction of justice alleged in part that:
Clinton was defended by Cheryl Mills. Clinton’s counsel staff included Charles Ruff, David E. Kendall, Dale Bumpers, Bruce Lindsey, Nicole Seligman, Lanny A. Breuer and Gregory B. Craig.
‘a Win Is A Win’: Trump’s Defense Team Makes Remarks After Senate Votes To Acquit
Despite the acquittal, President Joe Biden said in a statement that “substance of the charge” against Trump is “not in dispute.”
“Even those opposed to the conviction, like Senate Minority Leader McConnell, believe Donald Trump was guilty of a ‘disgraceful dereliction of duty’ and ‘practically and morally responsible for provoking’ the violence unleashed on the Capitol,” Biden’s statement read in part.
The president added that “this sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile. That it must always be defended. That we must be ever vigilant. That violence and extremism has no place in America. And that each of us has a duty and responsibility as Americans, and especially as leaders, to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called Saturday’s vote “the largest and most bipartisan vote in any impeachment trial in history,” but noted it wasn’t enough to secure a conviction.
The trial “was about choosing country over Donald Trump, and 43 Republican members chose Trump. They chose Trump. It should be a weight on their conscience today, and it shall be a weight on their conscience in the future,” he said in a speech on the Senate floor.
With control of the Senate split 50-50, the House managers always had an uphill battle when it came to convincing enough Republicans to cross party lines and convict a former president who is still very popular with a large part of the GOP base.
Early Calls For Impeachment
During the opening months of the 93rd Congress, multiple calling for a presidential impeachment inquiry were introduced in the House and referred to its Judiciary Committee. The committee began an examination of the charges under its general investigative authority. In February 1973, the House approved a resolution providing additional investigative authority that did not specifically mention impeachment.
The first resolution to directly call for President Nixon’s impeachment was introduced on July 31, 1973, by Robert Drinan. His resolution, which did not contain specific charges, was made in response to Nixon’s clandestine authorization of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as his actions relative to the growing Watergate scandal. The resolution was effectively ignored by leaders of both parties. House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill later said,
Morally, Drinan had a good case. But politically, he damn near blew it. For if Drinan’s resolution had come up for a vote at the time he filed it, it would have been overwhelmingly defeated—by something like 400 to 20. After that, with most of the members already on record as having voted once against impeachment, it would have been extremely difficult to get them to change their minds later on.
The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Donald Trump
Ten House Republicans joined every Democrat in voting yes, in the most bipartisan impeachment in US history
Ten Republican members of the US House of Representatives voted to impeach Donald Trump over the deadly insurrection at the Capitol, making it the most bipartisan presidential impeachment in US history.
The break with the president stood in sharp contrast to the unanimous support for Trump among House when he was first impeached by Democrats in 2019.
Read more
All Democrats who voted supported impeachment, while 197 Republicans voted no.
The Republican votes made it a historic moment. In comparison, five Democrats voted to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998.
How the Senate will fall on Trump’s second impeachment trial vote remains to be seen. Two-thirds of the 100-member body are required to convict a president, meaning 17 Republicans would have to join to render a guilty verdict. So far only a small number of Republican senators have indicated an openness to convicting the president in a senate trial, which is now set to begin after Biden’s inauguration. Mitch McConnell, the top-ranking Republican in the Senate, indicated to colleagues that he is undecided on how he would vote.
Below are the Republicans who voted for impeachment in the House of Representatives:
Patrick J Toomey Of Pennsylvania
Mr. Toomey, 59, a senator since 2011, is not seeking re-election in 2022. He had denounced Mr. Trump’s conduct; in a statement on Saturday, he said had decided during the trial that the former president deserved to be found guilty.
“I listened to the arguments on both sides,” Mr. Toomey said, “and I thought the arguments in favor of conviction were much stronger.”
Second Impeachment Of Donald Trump
Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump
Second impeachment of Donald Trump The House of Representatives votes to adopt the article of impeachment Accused January 13, 2021  ?–? February 13, 2021  Acquitted by the U.S. Senate Charges Voting in the U.S. Senate Accusation
Protesters gathered outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021 Background
The second impeachment of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, occurred on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired. It was the fourth impeachment of a U.S. president, and the second for after his first impeachment in December 2019. Ten representatives voted for the second impeachment, the most pro-impeachment votes ever from a president’s party. This was also the first presidential impeachment in which all majority members voted unanimously for impeachment.
Invoking The 25th Amendment
25th Amendment
On the evening of January 6, CBS News reported that Cabinet members were discussing invoking the 25th Amendment. The ten Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, led by U.S. Representative David Cicilline, sent a letter to Pence to “emphatically urge” him to invoke the 25th Amendment and declare Trump “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”, claiming that he incited and condoned the riots. For invocation, Pence and at least eight Cabinet members, forming a simple majority, would have to consent. Additionally, if challenged by Trump, the second invocation would maintain Pence as acting president, subject to a vote of approval in both houses of Congress, with a two-thirds supermajority necessary in each chamber to sustain. However, Congress would not have needed to act before January 20 for Pence to remain acting president until Biden was inaugurated, per the timeline described in Section 4.
On the same day, the House of Representatives voted to call for Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. The resolution passed with 223 in favor, 205 against, and 5 not voting; Adam Kinzinger was the only Republican to join a unified Democratic Caucus.
Article Of Impeachment Introduced
has original text related to this article:Article of Impeachment against Donald J. Trump
On January 11, 2021, U.S. Representatives David Cicilline, along with Jamie Raskin and Ted Lieu, introduced an article of impeachment against Trump, charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection” in urging his supporters to march on the Capitol building. The article contended that Trump made several statements that “encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action” that interfered with Congress’ constitutional duty to certify the election. It argued that by his actions, Trump “threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government,” doing so in a way that rendered him “a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution” if he were allowed to complete his term. By the time it was introduced, 218 of the 222 House Democrats had signed on as cosponsors, assuring its passage. Trump was impeached in a vote on January 13, 2021; ten Republicans, including House Republican Conference chairwoman Liz Cheney, joined all of the Democrats in supporting the article.
President’s Constitutional Duty To Faithfully Execute The Laws
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On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing formally titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws”, which some participants and observers viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings. Asked if the hearing was about impeachment, the committee chairman responded that it was not, adding, “I didn’t mention impeachment nor did any of the witnesses in response to my questions at the Judiciary Committee hearing.” Contrary to his claims however, a witness did mention impeachment rather blatantly. Partisan Georgetown University law professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz said, “A check on executive lawlessness is impeachment” as he accused Obama of “claim the right of the king to essentially stand above the law.”
Efforts To Impeach Barack Obama
This article is part of a series about
During Barack Obama‘s as President of the United States from 2009 to 2017, certain members of Congress, as well as Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich, stated that Obama had engaged in activity and that he might face attempts to remove him from office. Rationales offered for possible impeachment ranged from Obama allowing people to use bathrooms based on their gender identity, to the 2012 Benghazi attack, to Obama’s enforcement of immigration laws, and false claims that he was born outside the United States.
Multiple surveys of U.S. public opinion found that a near of Americans rejected the idea of impeaching Obama, though a bit more than a simple majority of Republicans did support such efforts. For example, found in July 2014 that 57% of Republicans supported impeachment, but in general, 65% of American adults, disagreed with impeachment with only 33% supporting such efforts.
Overview Of Impeachment Process
See also: Impeachment of federal officials
The United States Congress has the constitutional authority to impeach and remove a federal official from office—including the president—if he or she has committed an impeachable offense. Impeaching and removing an official has two stages. First, articles of impeachment against the official must be passed by a majority vote of the U.S. House of Representatives. Then, a trial is conducted in the United States Senate potentially leading to the conviction and removal of the official.
In most impeachment trials, the vice president presides over the trial. However, in impeachment trials of the president, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presides. In order to remove the person from office, two-thirds of senators that are present to vote must vote to convict on the articles of impeachment.
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honorbourne · 5 years
@freiheitxdrang​ has forseeth a starter ;;
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     “ There you are, sir Caspar. ” Say’ri soon strode over with brisk steps before ceasing to an eventual halt before him. “ I wished to bid you mercy. Had it not been for you deflecting that blow yesterday, an arrow would have struck me from behind and I might have perished; therefore, I owe you my life, ” she states. Naturally, she was referring to the recent skirmish they had  RETURNED  from. Why, after a sniper had shot their arrow towards her spine, Caspar had been quick to intercept it, with his armor being hard enough to let it just bounce off.
      Since he had quickly rushed off afterwards, however, she couldn’t bring herself to thank him... until now, that is. Little by little, she soon lowers her chin and earnestly meets his gaze. “ Prithee, is there aught I could do to repay you? ” came Say’ri’s eventual query.
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aetherit-blog · 5 years
@exalted--zealotry  ♥’d
      oh,   how a young heart is aching!   to leave these grounds you grew up in,   where many a memory repeat in the mind’s eye   /   turn your back to your parents   (shaken,   BUT ALIVE,   WHICH IS ALL THAT MATTERS).   not for the first or last time.   logic   &   reason argue its necessity,   yet———   hmm?   you catch something in the corner of your eye.
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      WHATEVER A REPRIMAND is on your tongue dies upon finding it’s not your very young father.   ❛   who...   who are you?   ❜
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majornelson · 6 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale + Spring Add-On Sale
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 16 April 2018.
These deals will expire at 10:00 am UTC on Tuesday April 17th 2018
     Xbox One Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Burnout Paradise Remastered* Xbox One X Enhanced 25% DWG Styx: Master of Shadows* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Trove Fast Fortune* Add-On 25% DWG F1 2017* Xbox One X Enhanced 70% DWG DiRT 4* Xbox One Game 70% DWG WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship* Xbox One X Enhanced 60% DWG Outcast – Second Contact* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Aven Colony* Xbox One Game 50% DWG DiRT Rally* Xbox One Game 80% DWG F1 2016* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Kill The Bad Guy* Xbox One Game 45% DWG Kingdom Come: Deliverance* Xbox One X Enhanced 17% DWG NeuroVoider* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Overcooked: Gourmet Edition* Xbox One Game 67% DWG Pankapu* Xbox One Game 35% DWG Rugby 18* Xbox One X Enhanced 60% DWG Splasher* Xbox One Game 35% DWG The Escapists: Supermax Edition* Xbox One Game 75% DWG WRC 6 FIA World Rally Championship* Xbox One Game 80% DWG WRC Collection FIA World Rally Championship* Xbox One X Enhanced 60% DWG X-Morph: Defense* Xbox One Game 33% DWG Assassin’s Creed Origins – Season Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Call of Duty: WWII – Season Pass Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Middle-earth: Shadow of War – Expansion Pass Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Middle-earth: Shadow of War Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Destiny 2 – Expansion Pass Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale ARK: Survival Evolved Season Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale 7 Days to Die – Action Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 7 Days to Die – The Detention Squad Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 7 Days to Die – The Walking Dead Skin Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 7 Days to Die – The Walking Dead Skin Pack 2 Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 7 Days to Die – The Walking Dead Skin Pack Bundle Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Bombshells Skins Pack Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Carnage a Trois Skins Pack Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Firing Squad Skins Pack Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Johnny Gat Agent Pack Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Lazarus Agent Pack Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Legal Action Pending DLC – Day One Edition Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Legal Action Pending DLC – Digital Edition Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Legal Action Pending DLC – Retail Edition Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Agents of Mayhem – Safeword Agent Pack Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 1,680 G1C Add-On 10% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 20,800 G1C Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 3,052 G1C Add-On 10% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 400 G1C Add-On 10% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 4,600 G1C Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 816 G1C Add-On 10% Spring Add-On Sale APB Reloaded – 9,600 G1C Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale ARK: Aberration Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale ARK: Scorched Earth Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Season Pass Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Season Pass Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Batman: Arkham Knight – Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Batman: The Enemy Within – Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Battle Ages – Town of Gems (550) Add-On 80% Spring Add-On Sale Battle Islands – Bag of Gold (550) Add-On 80% Spring Add-On Sale Battle Islands:  Commanders – Exclusive Battle Over Berlin Bundle Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield 1 Heroes of the Great War Bundle Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield 1 Shortcut Kit: Ultimate Bundle Add-On 35% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield 4 Premium Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield 4 Ultimate Shortcut Bundle Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield Hardline Premium Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Shortcut Bundle Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale 13,000 Call of Duty: Black Ops III Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 9,500 Call of Duty: Black Ops III Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Cities: Skylines – Snowfall Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Cities: Skylines – Season Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Dead by Daylight: A Nightmare on Elm Street Chapter Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dead by Daylight: Head Case Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dead by Daylight: Leatherface Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dead by Daylight: The SAW Chapter Add-On 33% Spring Add-On Sale Dead by Daylight: The Halloween Chapter Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dead Rising 4 Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Season Pass Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer Add-On 35% Spring Add-On Sale DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 – Extra Pack 1 Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 – Extra Pack 2 Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 – Extra Pack Set Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Euro Fishing: Foundry Dock Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Euro Fishing: Le Lac d’Or Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Euro Fishing: Manor Farm Lake Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Euro Fishing: Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Evolve Hunting Season 1 Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Evolve Hunting Season 2 Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Automatron Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Far Harbor Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Nuka-World Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4 Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Far Cry 4 Season Pass Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Forza Horizon 3 Complete Add-Ons Collection Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale For Honor Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 4 – Run the Jewels Airdrop Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 4 – Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Gems of War – Sir Gwayne Starter Pack Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – Ghost War Pass Add-On 33% Spring Add-On Sale Ghost Recon Wildlands – Deluxe Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Ghost Recon Wildlands – Fallen Ghosts Add-On 33% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands: Narco Road Add-On 33% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: The Arbiter Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Colony Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Commander Jerome Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Icons of War Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Kinsano Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Operation: Spearbreaker Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Seasons Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Sergeant Johnson Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Serina & Spearbreaker Bundle Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: Serina Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Halo Wars 2: YapYap THE DESTROYER Leader Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale HAWKEN – Starter Pack Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – Aftermath Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – The Combat Stimulant Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – The Guerilla Care Package Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – Liberty Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – The Revolutionary Spirit Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – The Voice Of Freedom Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution – Wing Skull Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Homefront: The Revolution Expansion Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Injustice 2 – Ultimate Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Carmageddon: Max Damage – Iron Hawk Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 13,000 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 9,500 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Killing Floor 2 Cardboard Knight Uniform Bundle Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Killing Floor 2 Commando Chicken Bundle Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Killing Floor 2 Horzine Mark 7 Suit Bundle Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Killing Floor 2 Horzine Supply Crate Key Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Season Pass Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale LEGO Batman 3 Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Season Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Little Nightmares Secrets of The Maw Expansion Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Lords of the Fallen – Complete Edition Bundle Add-On 80% Spring Add-On Sale Madden NFL 18 Ultimate Team Starter Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mafia III Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Avenging Army Costume Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Black Panther Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Black Widow Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Character Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Cosmic Crusaders Costume Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Monster Hunter Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Mystic Masters Costume Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Premium Costume Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Sigma Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Stone Seekers Costume Pack Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Venom Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – Winter Soldier Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite – World Warriors Costume Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mighty No. 9 – Ray Expansion Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mighty No. 9 – Retro Hero Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Adventure Pass (Additional Episodes 6-8) Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass Deluxe (Episodes 2-8) Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Mortal Kombat – Kombat Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mortal Kombat – Kombat Pack 2 Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 13,000 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 9,500 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Call of Duty: MWR Variety Map Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition Pack Add-On 35% Spring Add-On Sale Neverwinter: Epic Edition Pack Add-On 35% Spring Add-On Sale Neverwinter: Starter Edition Pack Add-On 35% Spring Add-On Sale 500 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 1000 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 2000 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale 5300 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale 11000 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale 23000 Neverwinter Zen Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 500 Zen Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 1000 Zen Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 2000 Zen Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 5300 Zen Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 11000 Zen Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Star Trek Online: 23000 Zen Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Outlast Whistleblower Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale PAYDAY 2 – CRIMEWAVE EDITION – THE BIG SCORE DLC Bundle! Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale PAYDAY 2 – CRIMEWAVE EDITION – THE BIG SCORE Game Bundle Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Phantom Dust – Multiplayer Content Pack Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Portal Knights – Bibot Box Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Portal Knights – Emoji Box Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Portal Knights – Lobot Box Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Project CARS 2 Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Prominence Poker – Made Bundle Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale Resident Evil 0 Complete Costume Pack Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Banned Footage Vol 1 Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Banned Footage Vol 2 Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard End of Zoe Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Resident Evil Revelations 2 Costume pack Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “(Sittin’ on the) Dock of the Bay (Take 2)” – Otis Redding Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Black Sunshine” – White Zombie Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Blue Sky” – The Allman Brothers Band Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “China Cat Sunflower” – The Grateful Dead Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Free and Easy (Down the Road I Go)” – Dierks Bentley Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Free Bird” – Lynyrd Skynyrd Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Hella Good” – No Doubt Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Island in the Sun” – Weezer Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Listen to the Music” – The Doobie Brothers Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “No Rain” – Blind Melon Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Rain Is a Good Thing” – Luke Bryan Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – Rock Band Rivals Expansion Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Scarlet Begonias” – The Grateful Dead Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Sundial” – Wolfmother Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Sweater Weather” – The Neighbourhood Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “The Sign” – Ace of Base Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Three Little Birds” – Bob Marley and the Wailers Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “Thunder” – Imagine Dragons Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Rock Band 4 – “You Make My Dreams” – Hall & Oates Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale Middle-earth: Shadow of War Story Expansion Pass Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale South Park: The Fractured but Whole – SEASON PASS Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Steep  Road to the Olympics Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale STEEP Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale TEKKEN 7 – Season Pass Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale Carmageddon: Max Damage -Tez Eagle Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Titanfall 2: Prime Titan Bundle Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s The Division Last Stand Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s The Division Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s The Division Survival Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Only Traitor Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Bundle Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 City Living Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Vampires Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Tom Clancy’s The Division Underground Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Trove – Double Dragon Pack Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Trove – Mega Menagerie Pack Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Trove Eclipse Pack Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Watch Dogs2 Human Conditions Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Watch Dogs2 – No Compromise Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Watch_Dogs2 – Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale WATCH_DOGS Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale 13,000 Call of Duty: WWII Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale 9,500 Call of Duty: WWII Points Add-On 15% Spring Add-On Sale XCOM 2 Reinforcement Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Add-On 25% Spring Add-On Sale Raiders of the Broken Planet – Alien Myths Campaign Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Raiders of the Broken Planet – Alien Myths Bundle Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
     Xbox 360 Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Alien Rage* Games On Demand 80% DWG GRID 2* Backward Compatible 75% DWG GRID Autosport* Games On Demand 75% DWG Alien Breed 2: Assault * Games On Demand 75% DWG Rise of the Tomb Raider Season Pass Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale BioShock Infinite Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Far Cry 4 Season Pass Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed IV Season Pass Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Borderlands 2 Season Pass Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion – Shivering Isles Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 3: Omega Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Season Pass Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed III The Infamy Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed III The Betrayal Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Assassin’s Creed III The Redemption Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Call of Duty: Black Ops II Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Borderlands: The Pre-sequel Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Dragon Age: Origins – Leliana’s Song Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dragon Age: Origins – Witch Hunt Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dead Space 2: Severed Add-On 100% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: Apex Arkhunter Bundle Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: Evolved Arkhunter Bundle Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: Gold Edition Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: Hunter Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: Recruit Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Defiance: VBI Ultimate Pack Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale Dogfight 1942 Fire Over Africa Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Dogfight 1942 Russia Under Siege Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 3: Broken Steel Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 3: Operation: Anchorage Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 3: Point Lookout Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout 3: The Pitt Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout: New Vegas – Dead Money Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout: New Vegas – Honest Hearts Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout: New Vegas – Lonesome Road Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Fallout: New Vegas – Old World Blues Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale FAR CRY 4 – Valley of the Yetis Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale FAR CRY 4 Hurk Deluxe Pack Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale FAR CRY 4 Escape from Durgesh Prison Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Grand Theft Auto IV:  The Lost and Damned Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – Lancer Complete Launch Collection Skin Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Max Payne 3 Rockstar Pass Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 2: Arrival Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 2: Kasumi – Stolen Memory Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 2: Overlord Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 3: Citadel (1 of 2) Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 3: From Ashes Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mass Effect 3: Leviathan Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mighty No. 9 – Ray Expansion Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Mighty No. 9 – Retro Hero Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Adventure Pass (Additional Episodes 6-8) Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass Deluxe (Episodes 2-8) Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two – Season Pass Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion – Knights of the Nine Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – RAAM’s Shadow: Pack 2 Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Pack Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Resident Evil 0 Complete Costumes Pack Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – Retro Lancer Launch Collection Weapon Skin Set Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Rise of the Tomb Raider: Endurance Mode Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale ROTTR: Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch Add-On 67% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – Shotguns Launch Collection Weapon Skin Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Sleeping Dogs – The Year of the Snake Add-On 85% Spring Add-On Sale State of Decay: Breakdown Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale State of Decay: Lifeline Add-On 75% Spring Add-On Sale The Walking Dead: 400 Days Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale The Walking Dead: Michonne – Season Pass (Episodes 2-3) Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass Add-On 60% Spring Add-On Sale Watch_Dogs Season Pass Add-On 70% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – Weapon Skin Collection – Launch Collection Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale Gears of War 3 – Weapon Skin Gun Pack – Hammerburst Add-On 50% Spring Add-On Sale World of Tanks – HMH AMX 13 57 Add-On 20% Spring Add-On Sale World of Tanks – Lycan T71 Add-On 10% Spring Add-On Sale World of Tanks – Verzila KV-4K & T-127 Add-On 30% Spring Add-On Sale WWE 2K17 Season Pass Add-On 40% Spring Add-On Sale
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2HoI7GC
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jupitermelichios · 7 years
Character meme
This was written originally for the Teen Titans, but would work just as well for any superhero team. Feel free to use it for any character you like!
Extraordinary circumstances form
Congratulations on being accepted onto the team. For your own safety and comfort, before participating in any missions, please complete this form in full and return it to us.
1. In the event of your serious injury or death, please give the names and contact numbers of anyone you wish us to contact: _____________________________
2. Please nominate a teammate to act as your medical proxy is cases of extreme emergency: ________________________________
3. Please nominate a person to act as your medical proxy in all other cases: ___________________________________
4. In the event of your being physically and mentally de-aged into a child, please nominate someone to act your your guardian: __________________________________
5. In the event of your being physically de-aged into a child physically only, please nominate someone to act as your guardian in public: __________________________________
6. Please nominate a teammate to engage in any borderline sexual or psuedo sexual intimacy in cases of emergency (e.g. kissing to awaken you from a magical coma, or to avert suspicion while undercover): _______________________________________________
7. If you are exposed to a truth serum how would you prefer we proceed:
Keep you away from the general public and supervillains, but otherwise proceed as normal
Keep you away from all sentient beings and monitor my vitals only
Keep you away from the following people (plus the general public and supervillains) only:
8. In the event of a sex-pollen situation, your preferred course of action would be:
Lock everyone in separate rooms until the effects wear off
Lock you in a separate room, but everyone else can do what they like
Lock you up with the following person or people (pending their express consent):
9. In the event that sexual intimacy is necessary for your survival and you are not considered able to give consent, please list below your preferred option:
Let me die
Put me into cryostasis/ the negative zone/ some other coma-like state until a cure can be found (time allowing)
Someone sex me up, I’m not fussy and I don’t want to die
I give prior consent to sexual intimacy, under the above-described circumstances, with the following members of the team (please list team-mates in order of preference):
I   ___________________________________________
II  ___________________________________________
III ___________________________________________
IV ___________________________________________
V  ___________________________________________
10. In the event of being dosed with hallucinogens or other non-toxic mind-altering substances (excluding those situations already described above) how would you prefer we proceed:
Leave me entirely alone (excepting monitoring my vitals)
Deliver me to this address where I will be cared for:
Let me run loose in the tower and film everything I do so we can laugh about it later
Let me run loose, but ensure I don’t come into contact with the following people:
     5. Leave me in the care of one or more of the following specific people:
11. In the event of me doing something potentially disturbing or traumatising which I do not remember afterwards I would like you to:
Never tell me, destroy all record of it, swear any witnesses to secrecy
Leave me alone to view the footage/read written witness accounts
Show me the footage/relate eyewitness accounts with the team present to provide moral support
Give me the content warnings and let me decide at the time
12. In the event of me doing something embarrassing or hilarious which I do not remember afterwards, I would like you to:
Never tell me, destroy all record of it, swear any witnesses to secrecy
Leave me alone to view the footage/read written witness accounts
Show me the footage/relate eyewitness accounts with the team present to provide moral support
Immediately upload it to social media and tag me in it
Give me the content warnings and let me decide at the time
13. I have severe or debilitating fears of the following things (please include everything, not only things you think we’re likely to encounter as a team - we’ve have to fight both evil clowns and the certain knowledge of our own deaths before, so it pays to cover all bases):
14. I am likely to non-standard reactions which could potentially distract myself and my team-mates (arousal, violent rage, unexpected shapeshifting, panic attacks etc) in the presence of the following stimuli:
I hereby agree that this information will be shared with my team-mates as deemed necessary by the senior members of the team. I understand that it is my duty to keep these records updated, and that any disturbing or dangerous situations resulting from out of date information are my own damn fault.
Signed: __________________________________________________
22 notes · View notes
bluemagic-girl · 5 years
90 Day Fiancé’s Jay Smith Released From ICE Custody After 4 Weeks
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UPDATE: After greater than 4 weeks in ICE custody, Jay Smith was launched from a detention heart in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, a number of retailers report. An Instagram video posted by Smith’s obvious girlfriend exhibits the 90 Day Fiancé star leaving the ability and greeting the girl with a hug.In response to Jay’s current authorized drama, his ex and former co-star Ashley Martson tells E! Information in an announcement, “I am unsure if it is karma, extra like a impolite awakening. Hopefully he discovered to be respectful to his taste of the day any more.”______ Jay Smith isn’t giving up on his dream of changing into a U.S. citizen.The 90 Day Fiancé star has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser in an effort to rent an legal professional who might help prepare his launch from an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention heart. His buddy, who began the account on his behalf, explains, “Jay has not acquired his share of the cash for being exploited on this television present and we’re asking assist to acquire him a lawyer.”Furthermore, it appears Jay “fears” that if he’s deported to Jamaica, his life could also be in danger. “He’s now seen as a traitor who has turned his again on his folks and they’ll assume he has cash since he was in America and on an American TV present in order that retains him at a repeatedly excessive menace for his security if he’s returned residence,” his buddy claims.
An ICE official confirms, “On Feb. 4, 2019, he was arrested by ICE’s Enforcement and Elimination Operations York for immigration violations and he was positioned into elimination proceedings. As we speak, July three, Smith was encountered at Cumberland County Jail after he was arrested on native expenses. Pursuant to a detainer ICE officers lodged with the ability, Smith was launched to ICE custody pending immigration proceedings.”
It seems that Jay is being provided little to no assist by his estranged spouse, Ashley Martson. On the GoFundMe’s record of supporters, it exhibits that somebody going by the identify of Ashley Martson donated $5 to the trigger, nevertheless it’s unclear if it was the fact star.
Ashley and Jay went their separate methods in April, after the mother-of-two filed for divorce for the second time. She initially filed in January, however appeared to have a change of coronary heart when Smith rushed to her aspect when she was admitted to the hospital for issues from Lupus. On the time, Jay mentioned, “We’ve our variations however so long as I’ve life I’ll by no means allow you to sit alone and endure. I really like you and nothing will ever change that.”(This story was initially printed Friday, July 5, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. PST)
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