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gffa · 8 months ago
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Star Wars planets Source: Nexus of Power, Knights of Fate, Collapse of the Republic, Rise of the Separatists [Fantasy Flight Games]
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cj-kenobi · 7 months ago
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Day 4 of @codywanweek! Today is the red string of fate!
Link to the fic here!
Other days 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
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eobe · 5 months ago
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Davijaan „Odd Ball“ appreciation! Did you notice this badass pilot got a cameo in The Clone Wars season 6 episode 3 during the Fives arc and in his short scene this poor hero instantly got roughed up by Fives on his escape from the Kaminoans? 👀 You can recognize him by the helmet markings.
He fought in several battles in key position as starfighter pilot like in the first battle of Geonosis, the battle of Teth, Umbara, Cato Neimoidia, Coruscant and Utapau and in my opinion he‘s one of the underrated clones!
And does anybody knows why he got the callsign ‚Odd Ball‘? I headcanon him as insecure, rough and calm nice guy who doesn‘t have an easy time with his brothers mocking him! I think he deserves some love and look at him in this nice pilot design! ✨😎
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple
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cawsceries · 1 year ago
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sunrise on utapau
and the background! the moons are not the most accurate but i had fun and that’s the important part :)
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coline7373 · 10 months ago
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« Cody… why? »
I often end up with different versions of the same work and cant let go of one or the other so, here.
Have both.
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samasmith23 · 7 months ago
Why Revenge of the Sith remains my personal favorite Star Wars movie
I think one of the main reasons I have such a fondness for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith in particular amongst the entire saga (controversial opinion I know, but ROTS is my personal favorite Star Wars film period...) is because of the experience I had with this movie as a kid growing up!
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This film came out in 2005 when I still would have been in the 3rd Grade, and I had already grown up loving the Star Wars franchise, watching the unaltered VHS copies of the Original Trilogy, as well as Episodes I & II on DVD constantly as a child. So when I started seeing tons of trailers and promotions for Episode III popping up, you'd better believe that I was incredibly huped about this film! I still remember seeing the initial teaser trailer for Revenge of the Sith when I first saw Pixar's The Incredibles back in 2004, and you'd better believe that little kid me was excited as all heck!
I personally remember the build-up and anticipation for Episode III being wild back in the day, since not only was this being promoted as the "final entry in the Star Wars saga" since George Lucas stated his intentions to not make an Episode VII at the time (hindsight can be funny sometimes... lol!), but this would be the film that finally answered the question of how exactly Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader! Episode III was also promoted as the darkest film in the entire franchise since it was the first to ever receive a PG-13 rating (all the previous movies were rated PG here in the US…). Heck, I remember the PG-13 rating causing a lot of caution and concern among both parents and teachers, since not only did one of my teachers state that my 3rd Grade class was "too young to watch Star Wars Episode III," but when my Dad and I finally saw in cinemas, he calmed my Mom down by telling her he would cover my eyes if any scene got overly violent. Fortunately, my Dad did not end up not having to shield my eyes... although funnily enough he almost did so during the scene when Anakin ignited his lightsaber in front of the younglings before it immediately cut away (so their deaths occurred offscreen...). It wasn't until I was much older that I later learned that the primary reason Episode III was given the PG-13 rating was that in addition to Lucas’ personal recommendation due to the film’s darker tone, the rating was specifically aimed at the immolation scene on Mustafar when Anakin is burned alive by the lava after losing his duel with Obi-Wan.
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When I finally saw Revenge of the Sith in theaters in May of 2005, to say that I was completely blown away by the film would be a massive understatement! Not only was I completely immersed in the sheer epic scale of the space and lightsaber duels, but the aesthetics of the planets like Utapau & Mustafar, as well as creatures & droids like General Grievous, captured my imagination to entirely new levels that surpassed even the previous Star Wars films. Heck, General Grievous in particular was a character that I became completely obsessed with as a kid in a similar manner to how countless other Star Wars fans are completely enamored by Boba Fett (both for his badass character design, as well as his status as a Jedi-killing cyborg who wields 4 lightsabers simultaneously while also foreshadowing Anakin's similar future transformation into a being "more machine than man")!
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However, the elements of Revenge of the Sith that especially captivated my young mind in the theater were the portrayal of Anakin Skywalker's turn to the Dark Side, as well as Chancellor Palpatine's rise to power as the Emperor. Before the movie's release, I would constantly speculate about what exactly would cause Anakin to become Darth Vader (little kid me came up with wild theories such as him being mind-controlled into being evil via Sith lightning or some such bullcrap... lol!) and the revelation that Anakin turned to the Dark Side primarily out of fear of his wife Padmé dying at childbirth was certainly not what I was expecting back then. At the same time though, this plot point made perfect sense to me and I couldn't help but be engrossed in the whole Greek/Shakespearean tragedy portrayal of Anakin's descent into darkness being motivated primarily out of love. Additionally, as I continued to rewatch Revenge of the Sith on DVD and Blu-Ray as I grew older, I began noticing more of Anakin's growing frustration and distrust with the Jedi council, and how it heavily correlated with the political themes about the corruption of democracy and the rise of fascism (which makes both the Order 66 montage and Padmé’s line, “So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause,” hit even harder)! Furthermore, Palpatine himself made for such a phenomenal main antagonist & master manipulator, with scenes such as him telling Anakin the legend of Darth Plagueis story at the Coruscant opera house as well as his reveal as Darth Sidious being particularly chilling standouts for me!
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While some of those more complex themes went over my head as a 3rd grader, Revenge of the Sith was probably one of my earliest exposures to darker forms of storytelling dealing with flawed characters & complex themes. Elements that I now actively search for in my consumption of media, ranging to films, comics, TV, and video games. Additionally, as a child these aforementioned elements made me rewatch Episodes I & II with an even greater appreciation and attention to Anakin’s gradual downfall and Palpatine’s manipulations which all culminated in Episode III. As a kid, I used to primarily focus on the action scenes in Star Wars films above all else, but as an adult elements such as the corruption of bureaucracy with the Jedi Order, the downfall of democracy & the rise of fascism with the Old Republic's devolving into the Galactic Empire, and the Shakespearean tragedy of Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader are the elements of the Prequels that continue with stick with me!
It's for this reason that despite whatever flaws Revenge of the Sith might have along with the rest of the Prequel Trilogy, it honestly still remains my personal favorite Star Wars film in the entire saga, followed closely by both Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi (which means that my Top 3 Star Wars films include one from each trilogy! Lol!)! And for the longest time I thought that Episode III would have been the ONLY Star Wars movie I'd ever get the chance to see in theaters... thank goodness I was wrong with the release of the Sequel Trilogy a decade later! Still though... I will forever cherish that initial hype of Revenge of the Sith as my first-ever theatrical Star Wars experience!
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pileofsith · 1 year ago
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Part Eleven - Boy Page 1/8
Munch munch yum crunch. Note: text in angle brackets is speech in Utapaun language. The comic is also available here on AO3.
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Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
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go-see-a-starwar · 2 years ago
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bluntblade · 6 months ago
The question from Andor S1 I most need answering: that Utapauan monk cudgel. Is it for the cudgelling of monks or cudgelling by monks?
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inquisitorius-sin-bin · 1 year ago
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Sketch- Utapau'an Dragons
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@oh-three @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @keebeees @stardustbee @askthewhiteboard @dukeoftheblackstar @aftergloom @dathomirdumpsterfire
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yourmumsc0ck · 1 year ago
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Dua was just a grey forehead away from whispering "tenth level... thousands of battle droids"
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sithstirring · 2 years ago
For an Imperial piece of armor, the Grand Inquisitor’s has an awful lot of Pau’an styling.
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There’s the peaked motif found in Pau’an dress, on everything: his pauldrons, neck collar, bracers, and leg plates. The high protective collar couldn’t be only a personal choice, it seems essential that their longer necks are protected. Then there’s the pinstriping on every surface of the armor, evocative of the traditional, ribbed Pau’an robes and of course, their skin.
For example here’s Tion Medon, a high ranking Pau’an official:
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Could the Grand Inquisitor have been so partial to his species’ culture that he styled his armor after it? It wouldn’t seem like he spent much time on his home planet before being inducted into the Jedi Order. Even the Inquisitor’s Temple Guard armor wasn’t much like his later Imperial suit. Could he be affected by his past life more than he appears? That always made him a deep character for me; his cruel, efficient exterior but subversive and morally grey inclinations.
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Maybe it was just the SW Rebels’ creative team trying to make him look distinctly Pau’an. Or, it may be like if someone grew up in Texas, they’d probably still be wearing lots of blue jeans even if they moved to another country. Either way, it’s an awesome suit of armor and nod to Utapau.
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oh-three · 1 year ago
@inquisitorius-sin-bin @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius Pau'an model sideview 👀👀
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 10 months ago
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NOTE: Part 1 of 2 sets of film/movie stills on this "Revenge of the Fifth" May 2024.
FILM: "STAR WARS: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith"
DIRECTOR: George Lucas
VISUAL FX: Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)
YEAR: 2005
DARREN REA: "So you've finally finished the Star Wars saga. Are you glad it's all over?"
GEORGE LUCAS: "It's nice to know that it is all complete. You know that feeling you get when you're in the middle of a project? You always feel worried that something's going to go wrong, or that you're never going to get it finished? That's the way I've felt for about 20 years now, so it's really great to have all of the episodes complete, and to have the entire story told in a way that I'm very happy about."
Sources: https://film-grab.com/2020/07/13/star-wars-episode-iii-revenge-of-the-sith, Lucasfilm, Filmaffinity, Movie Frames, 3 Brothers Film, Pinterest, various, etc...
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arrowmaker15 · 1 year ago
Senator Sejan at the beginning of Star Wars: Survivor isn't an antagonist. I don't see him that way. While yes, he's on the wrong side, he had a reason for being there. His meddling, if he hadn't gotten Utapau connected to the Empire, what would the Empire have done to fix that? The planet would be gone or made into slaves. Morally? Yeah, bad guy. But in the long term? He saved lives. He did what he had to, and I can't hate him for it. He's in the middle. He did something bad for a good reason. He did what he had to, doesn't mean he likes it.
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lazinesswrites · 1 year ago
50 Ways to Leave Your Empire for Wip Wednesday!
Here you go - some angsty Cody! It'll get better
He wonders, now, if he ever actually did earn that loyalty, if either of them did, or if his brothers were all just programmed to follow orders. He doesn’t know if that’s even possible, to program people, though if anyone could figure out how, it’s probably the Kaminoans. And what other explanation could there be, for—for what happened on Utapau?
Find the rules and titles for this week's WIP Wednesday ask game here.
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