#star wars fives
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louvao · 3 months ago
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Well... to bad Fives
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vikushat · 1 month ago
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Still trying something… and again with Fives 💕 also it was great to draw his helmet yay
And as you wish @cloneflo99 I tag you and say huuugeeee thank you to your support every time 🥹🥺❤️
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ser-ott · 19 days ago
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excellent use of free will if I say so myself
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131-vr · 5 months ago
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Random weird drawing of the day.
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satellitesketchbook · 6 months ago
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Fives in hydrangeas 🤍🩶💙
Hydrangeas are like the hardest flowers to draw traditionally I swear
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denimscotch · 9 months ago
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Poking at it as I feel like it… (I couldn’t bring myself to draw Fives bald, I’m sorry)
Fives is pointing out that Fox misspelled something (he didn’t,) Fox is entirely finished.
Bonus of floating Fives:
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kraftykelpie · 7 months ago
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5ives ever in our hearts
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eobe · 5 months ago
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Davijaan „Odd Ball“ appreciation! Did you notice this badass pilot got a cameo in The Clone Wars season 6 episode 3 during the Fives arc and in his short scene this poor hero instantly got roughed up by Fives on his escape from the Kaminoans? 👀 You can recognize him by the helmet markings.
He fought in several battles in key position as starfighter pilot like in the first battle of Geonosis, the battle of Teth, Umbara, Cato Neimoidia, Coruscant and Utapau and in my opinion he‘s one of the underrated clones!
And does anybody knows why he got the callsign ‚Odd Ball‘? I headcanon him as insecure, rough and calm nice guy who doesn‘t have an easy time with his brothers mocking him! I think he deserves some love and look at him in this nice pilot design! ✨😎
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple
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welcometo79s · 6 months ago
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some clones in casual clothes in an au where everyone lives and gets to have rights. ♡
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leenathegreengirl · 2 months ago
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Kiss me hard before you go…
(A Flashback)
💙Tag List💙
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream @rex-targaryen @freesia-writes @justanotherdikutsimp @aknightreaderr
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intricatechaosofyou · 3 months ago
Can This Be a Real Thing, Can It?
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Pairing: Fives x f!reader
Fandom: The Clone Wars; Star Wars
Summary: During a rotation on a snowy planet, Fives’ blanket cocoon is infiltrated. Turns out, it’s the newest mechanic who wants to show him something beautiful and convince him the cold isn’t that bad after all.
Using the prompt: “Want‬‭ to‬‭ see‬‭ something‬‭ amazing?”‬‭ (reader takes clone to see Aurora Borealis)
Also, the title is a Taylor Swift reference!
Warnings: n/a
Author’s note: I had the pleasure of writing for @urfriendlyneighbornightfury. I think this is the second fic I’ve written for you, but I hope you enjoy this one! Your prompt made me think of Snow on the Beach by Taylor Swift! Happy holidays and I hope your end of 2024 is fantastic! And of course, thank you to @ghostofskywalker / @cloneficgiftexchange for hosting this exchange! Second annual life day exchange in the books!
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Fives hated the snow just as much as Anakin. After being created on Kamino and suffering through endless rotations of nothing but rain, the clone hated any kind of precipitation but especially the cold kind.
His brothers, namely Hardcase and Jesse, found a childlike wonder in the snow. Kix and Echo, on the other hand, saw it as a perfect opportunity to catch up on some reading on the holopad. No matter what their fancy was, the white powder never failed to bring a grin to the faces of the 501st. Except for Fives.
While his other brothers in the 501st enjoyed snowball fights and warm beverages they hardly ever indulged in on their few hours of downtime, Fives uncharacteristically preferred to stay in their bunks, buried under the thin regiment blankets and a frown on his face.
So when you had asked Rex where the Arc trooper was, you were confused when he laughed at you like you were left out of a huge secret.
“He’s where he always is when we’re on these planets,” Rex said, a husky laugh bubbling out of him.
“What do you mean?”
“Fives hates the cold,” Jesse chimed in.
You tilted your head, brows furrowing at the information. This was news to you. Sure, you hadn’t been with General Skywalker and the 501st for long, but it this was common knowledge, why didn’t anyone tell you?
“He hates the cold?”
Jesse and Rex nodded, glancing at each other like they were exchanging a secret. And you hated not being in on it.
Fives had been a longtime friend crush and the fact everyone seemed to know about his distaste for the cold except you left a bitter taste in your mouth—worse than the one the rations gave you.
“So where is he?” You asked.
Another pointed look was exchanged between the two clones before Jesse answered you. “Check his barracks. Probably under the pile of blankets.”
You nodded and gave a nod to the two men before setting off on your mission to find Fives.
And lo and behold, when the door to his barracks slid open there was a pile of blankets on his bed.
A soft smile found its way onto your face and a warmth spread in your chest despite the cold of the base.
“Well, doesn’t this look comfy?” You questioned in an exaggerated voice as you stepped into the room. “I could take a nap in this big pile of blankets.”
You watched, but there wasn’t a movement from the pile so you continued your ploit.
Faking a yawn, you stretched out before unceremoniously flopping right onto the pile of blankets and heard it scream.
“Gah! Hey, get off!”
You laughed as the pile of blankets squirmed underneath you, and as the fuzzy blue one on top was pulled back, you finally saw the face of the man you were searching for, his characteristic goatee and tattoo making you grin.
“Gotcha,” you grinned.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
Your reply was simply a little shrug. “I was looking for you and a little Captain told me that I might find you here.”
An uncharacteristic groan came from Fives. Usually he was the most cheerful person in the room, but at the moment, he was even grumpier than General Windu.
“Why the frown? You’re grumpier than a wampa.”
Another groan echoed through the room. “Didn’t Rex tell you? I-“
“Hate the cold, yes, yes,” you interrupted. “But c'mon, don’t you want to see something amazing?”
Fives simply huffed and pulled the blankets over his head again, nearly knocking you off his little cocoon in the process.
“Fivessss,” you whined, getting up and standing next to his bunk. “You’ll love it! Please?”
Fives was stubborn but you weren’t going down without a fight. With a swift tug, you pulled the pile of blankets off of him.
The man gasped and reached out to try to grab the fuzzy garments back, but you dragged them out of his reach.
“Nuh-uh. C’mon, Fives. Let me show you something!”
With a groan, Fives ran his hand over his face. “Then I get the blankets back?”
You nodded, teasingly waving the blankets in your hand.
“Fine,” Fives agreed begrudgingly. “Let me grab my coat.”
You grinned victoriously, tossing the blankets back in the bed as Fives gathered his coat and gloves.
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself,” Fives scolded.
You simply laughed and grabbed his arm, tugging him out of the barracks and towards the bay doors.
“I’m not gonna like this,” Fives protested as you neared the snowy entrance.
“You’re gonna love it.”
“I doubt it,” he mumbled under his breath as you finally pulled him outside into the cold night.
Your breath froze in the air as you exhaled, making your eyes light up in excitement. Keeping a tight grip on Fives’ arm, you brought him to a nearby hill, ignoring his protests and complaints.
“Look,” you instructed, nodding to the sky.
With slight reluctance, Fives looked out to the horizon, and he gasped.
The sky was lit up in brilliant green and blues and purples. The colors merged together and swirled across in effortless waves that entranced the clone.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, scared to speak as if the sparkling colors and twinkling stars in front of him would suddenly vanish.
“What- what is it?”
“The aurora borealis. It’s caused by something or other with the atmosphere,” you whispered, eyes fixated on Fives as he stared at the sky.
“It’s beautiful, cyare, absolutely beautiful.”
A swell of pride filled your chest. “I knew you’d like it.”
“Thank you.”
“Cold isn’t so bad anymore, is it?”
And for the first time that night, a small chuckle left Fives’ mouth and he felt like himself again. “No, not at all.”
With a smile, you wrapped your arm around the man’s middle and leaned into him as you stared at the sky, the cold forgotten for a single moment the two of you got to share.
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vikushat · 9 days ago
Time for Fives 🫦
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skeletoonz-official · 1 year ago
Krell: If you were one of my men, I’d have you shot.
Fives: If I were one of your men I’d shoot myself
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131-vr · 7 months ago
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Silly drawing coming back enjoy.
Can someone PLEASE put some music in this and tag me, I couldn't choose one.
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brightsunsmeanshello · 4 months ago
*Rex pouring a can of gas into Fives’ speeder as Fives watches with puppy-dog eyes so he doesn’t get in trouble*
Rex: Where are you going after this, Fives?
Fives: The barracks.
Rex: No, you’re going to the fucking gas station.
Fives: Oh yeah.
Original video:
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betyoudidntcatchthat · 1 year ago
the way fives spends the rest of the arc looking over his shoulder and looking back at the citadel as if echo might appear again
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