#clone tooper tup
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welcometo79s · 6 months ago
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some clones in casual clothes in an au where everyone lives and gets to have rights. ♡
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tentakelspektakel · 6 months ago
AAAA thank you so much!!!💖✨️
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older sketches and requests !!! art dump :^)
Tags: @decembermidnight @peggy7447 @lonewolflupe @dystopicjumpsuit @ghostymarni @riderofblackdragons @welcometo79s
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phantom-of-the-501st · 2 years ago
Sometimes I think about the headcanon that someone made saying that Tup's name is short for Tupperware and it makes me irrationally happy
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soclonely · 4 years ago
Yee-Haw: Rex, Fives, Dogma, Hardcase, Boost/sinker, Hunter
Not Yee-Haw: Echo, Jesse, Tup, Coric, Waxer/boil, Tech
Yee-Haw, but with rhinestones: Kix, Bly, 99, Wolffe, Wrecker
Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome: Cody
Backhills Moonshine Hermit: Crosshair
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soclonely · 5 years ago
Clones at the Grocery Store
Cody- Preorders and doesn’t even get out of the car. He’s a marshal commander after all.  Rex- Heads straight to the deli where the premade stuff is. Its quick, convenient, and sometimes the pasta salad is bomb. Echo- Buying a cart full of microwave meals from the frozen section(quick skillet meals and hungry mans) secretly has a few kid cuisine tucked under them. Fives- Cart full of lunchables and uncrustables Jesse- The person that eats the produce he has in his cart as he is grocery shopping. Few grapes here and there while he finds his spaghettios Kix- Meticulously uses the entire container of wipes at the front to wipe down the shopping cart before filling it with water and protein bars Tup-behaves because if he gets through all the shopping patiently Dogma will let him pick out his favorite cereal Dogma- Complete grocery list, meal plan, and map of the store to quickly and efficient complete objective Hardcase- basically cleans out the whole energy drink and candy section. Proves one can in fact live on redbull and gummy worms Coric- typical grocery shopping, but makes a stop in the pharmacy section. 75% of his grocery receipt is bandaids and medicine Hunter- Spends a lot of time at the butchers counter criticizing the cuts of meat  Wrecker- protein powder and spaghetti sauce Tech- mainly organic and gluten free. Also meat free. and flavor free. Lots of laxatives. My dude has issues Crosshair- Scotch, frozen burritos, and onion rings.
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soclonely · 4 years ago
Life Day Moments- Small Acts
What is Life Day? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.
Part 11/11 for Christmas Day: Small Acts ————————————–
A green old Jedi Master sits on his chair as he watches the younglings in the room chatter and laugh between one another, the future of the Jedi Order. 
“Master Yoda look what we can do!“ an excited young Rhodian girl laughs, as she and her playmate push a ball between the two of them with the Force. 
“Very good.“ he smiles, nodding as they gleefully run off to play some more
Somewhere in a hangar of a ship in a far away system, The men of the 104th are sitting around a crate as they touch up the paints of their armor, chatting amongst one another.
“Gentleman,“ a voice cheerfully says from behind them. “I thought you would be needing some more of these!“ They turn to see General Plo and their commander with a few more brushes. “Is there by chance room for two more in this little get together?“
The men smile and scoot over, making room for the two new additions. 
Aayla looks over at Bly as they wrap up their debriefing. “Oh! I did not realize it was so late!” she says. “We must have missed dinner. I apologize commander.” 
“No worries General.“ Bly says, smiling as he pulled out a small container. “I planned ahead this time. Shall I offer you some of the finest dining options the GAR has to offer?“ 
The two of them laugh as they dig into their late night meal. 
Ahsoka fights the urge to push the button of the lift as she watches Master Windu run toward it. “Just in time Master.” she mumbles as he steps on. 
“Thank you Ahsoka. I am running a bit late. I appreciate you holding the lift for me.“ he says, granting her one of his rare small smiles. 
Ahsoka can’t help but return the smile. Its the little things, right?
Tup walks over to Dogma’s bunk, pressing a tray of cookies under his nose. “Here! Take one.” He offers the other trooper. “I saw you eying them in the cafe when that nice waitress gave them to us. All you have to do is ask.”
“Well I-,“ Dogma starts, but he shuts his mouth and takes one, muttering a quick thank you before biting into it. 
“You don’t have to do that you know?“ Kix says, looking over his datapad as Jesse folds some of the spare blankets for the empty Medbay beds. “I was going to get to it.“
“Ah shut up Kix.” Jesse said, rolling his eyes and grinning. “I’m not doing anything important right now. And besides, the quicker YOU get done in here, the quicker we can head to 79s for a round or two.“
Dex steps out of the back of the dinner with a small saucer of blue milk. “Hey little guy, you still out here?” He mutters. 
A frail tooka pops out from behind the trash compactor, giving the Diner owner a pleasant meow before darting between his legs, rubbing against him. Dex chuckles “Yeah I brought you the usual pal.” he sets the dish down in front of the Tooka who gives him another meow of thanks before taking a few licks. “You’re welcome!” he responds, heading back into the Diner. 
“Here you go!“ 99 says happily, as he finishes wiping off one of the growth jars in the room. “I noticed yours had a few streaks, so I decided to clean it up for you, just in case.“ He laughs as he puts his rag away.”Although you really can’t see much yet.. But don’t worry! Soon you will be-uh out of there and seeing all of your brothers here on Kamino! And not too long after that, you will see a galaxy full of new planets, people, and animals.“ He smiles softly at the child in the jar. “Don’t worry, you’ll be out of there soon. 99 will be right here to greet ya when you are ready!“
“E-excuse me, sir?“ The little girl says as Hardcase walks by. “H-Hi. I wanted to give you this!“ she holds out a small blue flower.
Hardcase grins, gently taking the flower from the shy little girl.“Well thank you! You know, blue is my favorite color.“ he winks and puts the flower behind his ear, causing the little girl to giggle. “How do I look?“
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tentakelspektakel · 6 months ago
you did so great hun!!!!😩👌💖 thinking about your echo all the time😭
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some clones in casual clothes in an au where everyone lives and gets to have rights. ♡
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tentakelspektakel · 6 months ago
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older sketches and requests !!! art dump :^)
Tags: @decembermidnight @peggy7447 @lonewolflupe @dystopicjumpsuit @ghostymarni @riderofblackdragons @welcometo79s
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