#capatin rex
rex's first and last time letting fives take lead on a mission
rex: alright, so what's our exit plan?
fives: uh-
rex, done: oh for kriffs- we are going to die.
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clone-anon · 1 year
First of all, you’re amazing and your stories are amazing 🥺 Can I please ask for a Rex x female reader fic?
For the 4th of July here in the USA, my family always does a big cookout of some kind! This year, I’m making a few traditional family favorite dishes for the first time. I’m a little nervous because I’ve never been in charge of 3 dishes and dessert before, but as I’m cooking today, I’m wondering how the 501st guys would react to someone (the Captain’s girlfriend 🤭) inviting them over to eat for a celebration and cooking a whole lot of good food for them. (I’m making pasta salad, potato salad, and cheeseburgers, with red/white/blue marble cake!)
Hello and thank you. I'm doing my best. I don't know what the Star Wars equivalents are of those foods, but I'm sure the boys would all love to eat up anything you make them. I hope this is something along the lines of what you were looking for.
Rex was the only clone who had been to your home. You had introduced each other to different traditions. Your traditions were more domestic than Rex's but you loved learning about his brothers and the traditions the clones had made for themselves. You were the one who suggested inviting a bunch of the 501st over to eat and celebrate the upcoming holiday. The boys had never done anything quite like that, but were very excited to learn more about you and meet your friends as well.
When Jesse, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Kix, Tup, and Dogma all arrived at the door, they looked at each other, each one unsure who should knock.
"Jesse, just knock," Fives said.
"Why do I have to do it," Jesse shot back.
"You're the one directly in front of the door," Tup replied.
"Oh nevermind I'll do it," Hardcase said with a grin as he pushed Jesse aside and knocked.
Rex opened the door and welcomed the boys through the house and out the back. A large table was set up for everyone to eat with you setting out multiple dishes to be passed. Their jaws all dropped. It was so much food and it smelled good. Not like the bland stuff they served in the mess hall.
"Boys," Rex said, "here she is." He introduced you to each of his brothers.
"You made all this for us," Kix asked.
"Yes," you said with a smile. "It's a day to celebrate with friends and family so we wanted you here."
You introduced them to some of your friends and everyone sat down. Food was passed around and Dogma and Echo were a particular help when it came to making sure the dishes were available to everyone and didn't mysteriously all end up near Jesse. The boys could not get over how much food there was and how good it tasted. They weren't eating simply to consume calories to be affective soldiers. They were eating for enjoyment and socializing. It was relaxed and fun.
Rex and the boys all helped clean up afterward too. Rex insisted if you went to all that trouble, it was the least they could do. He kissed you and thanked you for the food while you hung out with your friends. The boys all piled into the kitchen, Rex directing where leftovers should go, and Tup and Kix washing the dishes, with the others helping to wipe down the table and put the clean dishes away.
The rest of the evening included dessert and games for those who wanted to play. Hardcase and Fives got particularly competitive, but in the end Echo wiped the floor with them.
Your friends also enjoyed meeting the boys and getting to know them. They were dynamic and fun. Each had a sense of humor, even Dogma, who had loosened up in the new environment and had struck your friend's fancy. You all decided to try to get together like this more often.
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trashylosersz · 2 years
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pairing: captain rex x jedi!reader rating: 16+ (idk??) warnings: trauma talk, angst, mentions of injury, not proof read! word count: 1.5k summary: On an exhausting mission on the planet of Anaxes, You and Captain Rex finally find some time for each other, after a very long time. What starts as a love-expressing conversation, soon turns into talks about the destructive nature of the war and how it had brought nothing more than loss. a/n: I have no idea what this is I just saw a prompt and decided to write for rexy boy because he deserves all the love in the entire galaxy </3 also i'm kinda bad at writing 2nd person so please please excuse the horrible writing, also for the love of god, i can't write long things so this is kinda small, so i'm really sorry for that too.
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After what felt like an eternity, you had finally got some much needed bonding time with Rex. The mission was a risky and an important one, so both you and Rex couldn't bear to be distracted, yet when you finally got a break, you immediately rushed to find Rex.
At nights, the only thing you had in your thoughts was him. About him, his beautiful brown eyes, his calloused hands that beautifully held your own, his voice being an anchor in the darkest days, how it had pulled you out of the darkest pits, how he was the warmth that clouded you when everything felt cold. The captain of the 501st had a soft heart in a cruel, cruel world, and you often feared that it might hurt him someday.
To Rex, you meant everything. Since the first time he saw you, his mind was filled with the intoxicating thought of you, having you to himself. He knew it was wrong, you were his general, but everything you did just made him want you more and more.
Little did he know, you felt the same way towards him. It happened in a brief, quick moment when you saw him helping out civilians on a mission, and before you knew, your heart belonged to him. From that moment, you knew you loved him, with every inch of your living being.
At first, you went into his barracks to see if he was there, but were disappointed to find it empty. You asked Jesse if he had seen the captain, but even he hadn't seen him.
Searching for him became a huge task, the captain of the 501st being nowhere in sight. You asked every trooper, even Anakin and Obi-Wan, but there was no luck finding him. Almost giving up, you decided to take a stroll in the forests of the planet. Every sight there was beauty to behold, so were the creatures that wandered them.
The noise of fire crackling averted your attention, walking towards the sound, you finally found the person you were looking for.
Captain Rex sat there, helmet in his lap, looking directly into the fire in front of him. There was an aura of profound sadness that radiated through him, and you could feel it, not just because of the force, but the way his face was morphed into a deep frown.
Gently, you approached him and sat beside him on the log, and only then did he look at you, eyebrows furrowed together.
"Hey." You said softly, looking deeply into his eyes.
You knew that he had been upset about the losses he had faced during the entire battle on the planet of Anaxes, but there was something else bothering him too, and you just couldn't pin-point what it was.
"Hi." He replied back, his voice lacking the usual energy and love it generally had.
The fire casted a glow on one side of his face, while the other glowed in moonlight, and you truly couldn't help but admire how pretty he looked. Around all this beauty, you realized that the most beautiful thing was the person that sat in front of you. He'd put shame to the most beautiful planets you'd ever seen, and you were sure that there was no one more beautiful than him.
"What are you thinking about?" He questioned with a look of interest on his face.
"Nothing, just how pretty you are." His face showed a quizzical expression, but he soon chuckled at your response, small giggles falling from your lips at his response, "What, it's true!" You gushed, a smile plastered on both your faces.
You took his hands in yours, placing them on your lap as the both of you sat facing each other, knees touching, "Now tell me, what were you thinking about?"
The smile dropped from his face, regret clouding his face. You gently stroked his hand with your thumb, something he had found comforting on various occasions.
"It's just, I don't know, but I can't help but wonder what good has this war brought? Since the start of the war, I-I've lost so many brother, brothers who I cared about, brothers like Fives, Echo, Tup, Dogma and so many more that I've lost count. When we were cadets, we were taught that we're fighting for the greater good, but now, I'm not so sure." He concluded with a deep sigh, eyes concentrated on his laps.
Deep down, you couldn't help but agree with what he said. Even you had the same thoughts some days ago, but brushed it off as some overthinking, one thing leading to another.
But now, when Rex said it, it felt true, somewhere in your heart. Yet, you felt that there was something else bothering him as well. He looked unsure, that he wanted to say something, still, he couldn't manage to form his thoughts into words.
"Is there something else, Rex?" You pressed on, worrying that whatever that might be in his heart might start affecting him, the burden evident through the force.
He hesitates for a bit, eyes frantically moving here and there. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You hold his hand tighter, a small re-assurance that you were there. For him.
"I've been thinking," He starts, his voice even lower than before, "All these counter strategies these separatists are using to defeat us, somewhere, I recognize them. They all are strikingly familiar to the plans me and Echo made up, and-and I know I sound absolutely mental right now, and whatever I am saying is by far the longest shot but, but I think Echo is alive, and he's being held by the Separatists." He finally looked up in your eyes, and the look in his eyes were of pure desperation.
But as he said, it was the longest shot, and as much as you wanted to believe him, it was almost impossible. You were there, you were there when Echo died in the explosion at The Citadel. There was no way he could be alive, and even if he was, he would be in no condition to tell The Separatists plans him and Rex made ages ago.
"Rex..." You didn't really know what to say. You knew how much Echo meant to him, both Echo and Fives. After Echo had, died, both Rex and Fives bonded closer to each other, and when Fives died, he almost didn't have anyone, and it was heartbreaking to see. You'd often catch him looking at a picture of him, Echo, Fives and Cody, and the sight was heartbreaking.
"Hey, hey come here." You pulled him closer, cradling his head in your hand, laying his head down on your shoulder. He slightly sobbed into your shoulder, as you stroked his back, whispering comforting words in his ears.
The both of you sat there for about another hour, doing nothing but laying out your feelings to each other. You knew, how he never could stop carrying the weight of the past, the weight of the war. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. Everything he did reminded of a time when he and his brothers were together, when they had each other.
It was late, his head resting on your shoulder, your eyes focusing on the stars that shone through the night sky.
In a quick moment, he shifted slightly, his lips lining with your neck as he gently started kissing it, a long sigh escaping your lips. He continued further on, working his way towards your jaw, nibbing on the sensitive skin, nor too hard to leave a mark neither soft enough for a moan to not fall from your lips.
His hands made themselves at home on your hips, turning you towards him as he pressed his forehead to yours, breathing heavily. You waited patiently, not wanting to ruin the moment by saying the wrong thing.
"I love you..." He sighed out, pressing his lips on yours. It was just as comforting as you remembered, the gentle way he kissed you, one of his hands coming up to cup your jaw. Stars busted through your mind, the way his lips molded into your own, as if they were made to be there. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, because you knew, that no matter what, you'd always have him by your side. He kissed you like you were the breath he couldn't catch, like without having you, he would die.
He broke away from the kiss, panting, his eyes concentrating into your own.
"I love you." You spoke, and his face broke into a lazy smile, repeating the words again, the night going on with the both of you saying the same sentence to each other again, and again, basking in each other's love, until the first ray of sunlight didn't shine on you.
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Hotwheels (assorted cars)
by Mattel
This post is going to be an assortment of Hotwheels cars that I’ve bought recently.
I don’t remember exacty when I got any of these Hot Wheels, but I figured posting them as a group would help cut down my queue by a little bit. 
Street Beasts:
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Turtoshell is a car in the form of a turtle. Yea, that’s it. 
Actually I love it; it’s such a fun car.
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You got this cyber nature turtle on wheels with the turtle shell having engine components with the flippers and the head cast in a green plastic. 
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It’s got painted one eyes, I suppose to resemble headlights. It would have been nice if they were sculpted too, but there’s already so much sculpted detail on this things I guess the headlights were a bridge too far.
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It rolls well, it looks good, and I like it.
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HW Glow Wheels:
Aero Pod
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The Aero Pod is part of the ‘Glow Wheels’ collection. It’s basically a party van moonrover. Yea, that’s it.
It’s got a lot of bright yellow/green coloring and paint effect.
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The front canopy seats three. Who knows what’s suppose to be in back.
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After exposing the Aero Pod a lamp for about 30 minutes and the wheels do glow a little bit. It’s a fun idea but personally I’m not going to play with my toy cars in the dark.
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Retro Racers:
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The GT-Scorcher is a green race car. Yea it looks pretty cool, and it kind of reminds me of the Autobot Wheeljack.
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The Scorcher has a lot of advertisements all over the car, and even the ‘Hotwheels’ brand on the spoiler.
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Ultra Hots:
‘87 Buick Regal GNX
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The Buick Regal, for me, is a reminder of the 80′s. My dad had a car like this, and when I saw this I kind of had to get it. 
This burgundy with some orange stripes painted on it.
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The wheels are a little to silly for me; Hot Wheels has been using those types of wheels since the 90′s I think. I guess if it ain’t broke...
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HW Screen Time:
X-34 Landspeeder
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Luke Skywalker’s landspeeder from the first Star Wars movie.
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This thing’s got a lot of molded detail, and paint deco isn’t too bad either.
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No driver for the landspeeder, but that’s par for the course for HotWheels cars.
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It’s got 4 wheels, and it rolls okay on a smooth surface.
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Character Cars:
Captain Rex
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These Character Cars are pretty fun too, and I had to get Captain Rex from the Clone Wars series. 
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The Capatin Rex vehicle is an SUV which has the look of the clone captain’s helmet.
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It’s got a molded Republic symbol on the back covering the spare tire.
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Notches from all the battle droid it’s destroyed...at least I so. Would suck if it was little old ladies...
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You see some molded detailed guns on the sides of the SUV.
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The Captain Rex car is really cool, it rolls well, and generally looks cool. 
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1936 Ford Coupe
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The Matchbox Ford is the only outlier of the group considering it isn’t a Hotwheels product.
I don’t have too much to say about it other than it’s a classic car from a bygone era, and it looks great.
It rolls well, looks sharp, that’s about it.
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They don’t make cars like this anymore.
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Final Thoughts:
There’s something about toy cars that just brings out the little kid in me. These are all pretty fun, 
Each one of these is fun in different ways, but I have to say my favorite has to be the 86 Buick Regal, since as a kid my parents had one. What can I say, I’m an 80′s kid at heart.  
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kaminocasey · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us Part 3A
A/N: Okay so because I'm indecisive af, I've decided to write two alternative endings. I'm calling this 3A and one will be 3B and the other 3C. So, be on the lookout! <3
Summary: You make a choice.
Pairing: Hunter x Reader, Rex x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst
WC: 1.3K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3A Part 3 B Part 3C
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After getting the chips out… 
“Copy that. I’ll meet you at the rendezvous by the next rotation.” Rex speaks into his comm.
“I figured you weren’t out of the fight just yet.” Hunter smirks.
Hunter knows that this is what they were born to do but the thought of finally settling down somewhere, or even just to lay low, with you, Omega, and the batch sounds almost too good to be true. You deserve a break from fighting and war and constantly being on the run. 
“I spent my life fighting for the Republic. Can’t stop now.” Rex shrugs.
“The Republic’s gone, Rex.” Hunter sighs, with furrowed brows. 
“Ah, not all of it. We’re here. Others are out there, too.” He tells him, looking out at the sea of forgotten and abandoned ships and then up the sky before returning his gaze back to Hunter. “Your squad’s skills would be a tremendous asset.” 
“Things aren’t like before. Our priorities have shifted.” Hunter tells him. 
“You mean yours have.” Rex guesses, knowing he’s referring to you. 
“She deserves better. Her and Omega both do.” Hunter looks at him.
“So, you love her, huh?” Rex looks out at the ship graveyard, remembering their conversation from earlier.
Hunter nods. “I do.”
“I can’t give up on her.” He tells the sergeant. 
“Neither can I.” Hunter tells him. 
You pace back and forth between the bunks, anxiously clenching and unclenching your hands. Big decisions have never been your strong suit. Decision making in general has never come easy to you. That’s why you became a medic. You know exactly what works best and in which order. 
If you choose Rex… you get your life with him back, right? You can settle down and find that farm he promised you. If you choose Hunter, you get the whole Batch. The family you never had. Right?
There’s a knock on the metal wall and you look in the doorway, finding Hunter standing there, leaning against the wall. You can hear Omega and Wrecker goofing around behind him in the cockpit and Echo telling them to settle down. 
“Hey.” You sigh.
“Hey.” He nods, smiling sympathetically. 
You sit down on the bottom bunk, Hunter’s actually, with a sigh. Hunter waits for you to tell him to come in or to go away. He always waits for you to make the first move. Which is something you really appreciate about him. 
When you and Rex were together, he always made the first move. You didn’t even have to think about it. You find your mind drifting off when Hunter’s voice pulls you back in and you look back up at him.
“Hm?” You respond. 
“Do you want some space or is it okay if I sit with you?” He asks you.
“Sit.” You smile.
He pushes himself off the wall and comes and sits on Tech’s bunk across from you. You pull your legs up and rest your chin on your knees, wrapping your arms around them, looking at Hunter. 
“I wanted to wait for a better time to tell you this… but I’m completely in love with you.” He looks at you so softly, you know he absolutely means it. 
“It’s not fair.” You murmur. 
“No, it’s not. But I want you to know that know matter what, all I want is for you to be happy. I’d love more than anything to be the one who makes you happy, but whatever you decide is okay.”
You smile softly at him. “Thank you.” 
He nods. “Of course. If you’re worried about losing all of us… don’t be. We’ll still be around. No matter if you and Rex decide to keep fighting, I’m sure we’ll cross paths again.” 
“What do you mean? Keep fighting?” You put your feet to the ground, tilting your head in confusion.
“Rex is still trying to fight for the Republic. We just don’t think that that’s our path right now, you know?” Hunter tells you.
Rex promised that you’d settle down on a farm, get married, and have kids. Has he changed his mind? The Empire clearly has the numbers against whatever is left of the Republic. Why would he want to keep fighting?
When you land back on Ord Mantell, Rex is already there, waiting for you outside of his ship. Omega and Wrecker excitedly go down the street to get their traditional Mantell Mix. Tech and Echo start walking toward Cid’s, chatting about needing a drink. You tell Hunter to go ahead and that you’ll catch up with him later. He knows you need to talk to Rex. 
“Is it true? You’re planning on fighting for some Republic that doesn’t even exist anymore?” You ask him when you approach him. 
The question has clearly caught him off guard. He remembers what he promised you.
“Times have changed, mesh’la… I’m sorry.” He offers. 
You shake your head. “You promised we’d settle down and get married… have kids.” 
He sighs. “I know I did. Like I said…”
You interrupt him. “So what… you want me to go off and fight this losing battle against the Empire with you?”
He rubs the back of his neck and that’s how you know he hasn’t thought this far ahead. He just wants you with him. Is that enough now, though? You don’t think you could be happy, off fighting a losing battle against the Empire. That’s not how you want to spend your days. 
“There are more of us out there.” He tries to tell you.
“I can’t… I’m tired, Rex.” You tell him, softly and apologetically.
He looks away, like he’s trying to think of the right thing to say. Except there is no right thing to say. Whatever you decide, it’s going to hurt someone you care about. 
“I… understand.” He murmurs.
You can tell he was hoping this conversation would have gone in a completely different direction. One where you would throw care to the wind and join whatever group he’s a part of now. But that’s unrealistic and you’re tired of fighting. 
“You’re sure this is what you want?” He looks at you softly and your heart starts to hurt all over again. “To stay with him?” He nods in the direction of Cid’s bar. 
“Them.” You correct him. “To stay with them.”
He chuckles humorlessly. “The kid really won you over, huh?” 
“Omega is really sweet.” You smile fondly. 
He nods. “She’s lucky to have you to look up to. Hunter’s lucky, too.” 
You sigh. “Hunter is-”
“I get it. He’ll do anything to make you happy. Something I just can’t do anymore.” He nods.
He’s not saying it to be hurtful. He knows that you need some sort of stability now. And while doing jobs for Cid may not always be the safest, it still gives you a sense of schedule and stability. Rex knows that. 
“I hate goodbyes.” You whisper as you feel the lump in your throat start to form.
“Then, we won’t say goodbye.” He pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly. 
“This feels like one.” The tears start to sting your eyes again, threatening to form.
He chuckles. “We’ll call it a ‘see you later’ then.”
“Deal.” You sigh. 
He kisses you on the head before pulling away. You look at each other one last time before you decide you don’t want to watch him leave. You start walking to the street that Cid’s is on, allowing the tears to fall for only a moment. 
When you reach the bar, you stand outside for a minute, breathing evenly as you will the tears away. You wipe your eyes and then wipe your hands on your pants.
With one last breath, you enter the bar, walking over to Hunter and placing a hand on his shoulder. He smiles softly at you, understanding. 
“Where’s Rex?” Omega asks you.
“Rex is gone. He’s got a mission of his own that doesn’t involve us.” You smile at her. 
Echo hands you a cup and you rest against the bar with Hunter’s arm around you as you watch Omega and Tech try to teach Wrecker how to play Dejarik. Everything feels right finally.
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid
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or-te-ka-ra · 3 years
Me the first few minutes when the bad batch find cut lawquane:
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Me after I see them both and they later include Omega in their ball game:
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Also, cut mentioned the kaminoans clone with a purpose. What could omega's true purpose be...
And here come the theorists:
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minniethemoocherda · 3 years
Sins of the Past (Chapter 6)
Summery:   A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. This chapter is set directly after the prologue, as it is decided what will happen to Omega now that she has been recused from Nala Se.
Yesterday, Hunter hadn't even known he'd had a little sister. Now, he was sat at a police station, said sister in his arms. She was curled up in his lap where he sat on one of the hard plastic chairs that lined the wall. He would have called the room they were currently sitting in a waiting room, if it weren’t for the obviously one-sided window along one of the walls.
Down the old wooden corridor, Nala could be heard screeching as Dogma lead her towards the cells.
In an instant, Wrecker had blocked the door with his large frame whilst Tech started rambling about the history of the police force. Hunter held Omega close as she tried to burry herself against his chest to block out the noise. He wrapped his arms around her even tighter, as though trying to shield her from the world.
"Here," Echo said, holding out a steaming cup of hot chocolate he had gotten from the drinks machine in the corner of the room.
Omega gave the cup a suspicious sniff.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Hot chocolate. It will help you relax."
That apparently had been the wrong thing to say. As soon as those words left Echo’s mouth, Omega’s eyes widened with fear, staring at the mug as though it was an attempt to poison her. Even though Hunter knew Echo had meant no harm, he pushed the drink away, putting his forearm between Omega and the cup.
Thankfully Echo didn't appeared offended, instead his brow creased in concern.
There was a tense minute of silence. Hunter gently rubbed his hand along Omega’s back. Over her shoulder, he shared worried looks with his brothers. Asides from Echo, they had all grown up with Nala Se. They knew why you might not trust a drink from her.
It was broken when Tech started rummaging around in his oversized backpack. He triumphantly held up an old biscuit bar that Hunter forced him to carry in case he got so caught up in whatever his mind was currently working on and forgot to eat.
"This is a biscuit." Tech told Omega, holding out the sugary snack. He ripped off the wrapper and broke it in half, placing one half in his mouth. Once he had swallowed it, he held out the other end to Omega.
"See, it's perfectly safe."
Omega tentatively reached out a hand that had previously been clutching tight to Hunter’s sweatshirt. She studied it for a moment before she took a bite. Hunter watched as her eyes lit up in awe before she waffled the whole thing down. Tech handed her another. Again, she practically inhaled it with the hunger of someone who had never eaten real food before. Hunter forced himself to not shake in anger as he knew that there was a possibility that might be true.
A few minutes later, Rex appeared in the would be waiting room. When Hunter had opened that letter, one of the first things he had done was call Rex. Hunter had been tempted to break into Nala Se's house right there and then, but the rational part of his brain knew that it would be in Omega's best interest to have a police witness to the situation. Plus, if Rex hadn't been there, Hunter wasn't sure what he would have done to his so called mother.
Behind Rex followed Kix. Another half-brother and certified doctor. They entered through a door next to the window. By the well hidden shake of their fists, Hunter didn’t doubt that they had seen the whole thing.
"I know these last few hours have been a lot to process," Rex said gently, coming to a kneel in front of Omega who retreated back into her shell against Hunter’s chest. "But your health and safety is our top priority. Which is why I need our brother Kix here, to check that you are alright."
"Hello," Kix smiled, with a little wave, always the best besides manner of their brothers.
"Are you a doctor?" Omega asked, sneaking a cautious look from Hunters chest.
"I am."
"My Mother is a doctor." Omega said.
"So I've been told." Kix said noncommittedly and Hunter knew he was biting back saying something bad about Nala. "Normally, I would ask to talk to a patient alone but given the circumstances, if you want somebody to stay with you then I can make an exception."
Omega immediately turned to Hunter, her wide brown eyes glancing up at him pleadingly. Hunter couldn’t help but melt at her expression. He looked around at his brothers, making sure to meet each of them in the eye, promising that he would take care of her. They each nodded before reluctantly following Rex out of the room.
Once they were gone, Kix focused back on Omega.
“Can you open your mouth for me?” He asked.
Obediently, Omega opened wide. She put up no fuss as he checked her eyes, chest and knew reflexes, following the doctor’s further instructions with a resigned acceptance that Hunter recognised from his childhood of tests.
“Now, I just need to roll your sleeve up so I can take a blood sample.” Kix said. Omega nodded, not even flinching as the needle went in. Despite her lack of pain, her free hand clung tightly around Hunter’s in a death grip.
Just as Kix finished taking the sample, the doctor was about to pull her sleeve down again, when he noticed something.
“Omega, would you mind rolling your sleeve up a little higher for me.”
After a moment of hesitation, Omega rolled up the rest of her sleeve. Near the top of her arm, where one would normally get an injection, was a large bruise filled with angry pinpricks of red.
Hunter focused all his energy on holding Omega’s shaking hand. Hunter couldn’t trust himself to speak. He knew that nothing he could say would help Omega right now.
He watched as Kix took a deep breath.
“Omega, I’m sorry but I need to take a photo of your arm.”
Hunter had no idea how Kix could sound so calm. If Hunter opened his mouth he was going to start screaming.
Omega sat still, looking away as Kix took a photo. Once it was done, she hastily pulled her sleeve back down.
“Thank you.” Kix told her. “You’re being very brave.”
Omega’s head moved in an aborted attempt at a nod before her face went unnaturally pale. That was the only warning Hunter got before she threw up.
With the quick reflexes on someone who’d had years of experience, Kix managed to grab a nearby trash can and shove it underneath her. Unfortunately, not before a significant amount of it had gotten all over Hunter’s sweater.
But he barely noticed. All his focus was on Omega, patting her gently on the back until there was nothing left for her to heave up. Although, it didn’t escape his notice and he doubt it had escaped Kix’s either, that there appeared to be very little food thrown up, as though there was nothing in her stomach but bile.
Kix gently moved the trash can aside.
“Alright, we’ll take a quick break. I’ve got what I need for now. Hunter why don’t you get yourself cleaned up.”
Hunter never wanted to leave the girl’s side again. But the rational part of him knew that refusing would be him just being stubborn for no reason. Besides, Omega wouldn’t be able to cradle into him for comfort if he was covered in sick.
“I’ll be back soon.” Hunter told her with what he hoped was a reassuring smile. He gently lifted her from his lap to the seat next to them. Omega clung to the part of sweatshirt she’d still been holding on to. But after a moment, she let go.
Once Hunter reached the doorway, he gave her one more reassuring look over his shoulder. The girl was hunched over, staring into the depths of the bucket. Kix was still with her, talking to her without requiring answers out of respect for her silence. Hunter knew that she was in good hands.
He walked down the old corridors, following the signs to the public toilets. Thankfully, the men’s’ appeared to be empty.
Hunter dunked the bottom his shirt in the sink, in a desperate attempt to rid it of most of the excess puke.
As he tried to scrub the more stubborn bits off, he felt his mind wonder.
Hunter hadn't spoken to Nala Se since he was ten years old. The last time he had seen her being in a court room when it was ruled that Ninety-Nine would be granted full custody.
She had tried to reach out ever since. At first her emails, letters and phone calls constant, as though that court ruling had meant nothing. As though she was still their mother. As though she had no idea how much they had come to hate her.
But Nala Se was a smart women. She must have figured out that they wanted nothing to do with her and eventually her attempt to contact them stopped.
What would have happened if Hunter had replied to those letters? Would he have learned of Omega’s existence earlier? Been able to save her before things had gotten this bad? Stopped any of the abuse happening at-
Hunter cut off his thoughts when he realised he'd been scrubbing so hard he'd ripped a hole through the fabric of his thin sweatshirt.
He sighed. He knew that there was no use debating what if and what might have beens. What mattered most right now was being there for Omega, so that she could have the future she deserved.
He shrugged off his sweatshirt, glad he'd decided to wear a t-shirt underneath. He splashed his face with some cold water before heading out.
As he was walking back along the corridor, Rex peaked his head out from the room next to the one they'd been in earlier. He motioned with a quick nod of his blonde head. Hunter followed him inside.
He discovered that they were in the room next to the previous one. Through this side of the one sided window, he could see that Omega was still there, now watching a video Tech was showing her on his phone whilst Echo gently stroked her hair. Thankfully, the colour had returned to her face and the corners of her lips were turned up in the semblance of a smile at whatever Tech was showing her.
Crosshair and Wrecker were in the room with him along with Rex, Dogma and Kix. Kix waved Hunter over to the desk in the corner. On it, the doctor had open a computer the photo he had taken earlier. Hunter felt his blood rise again, along with his brothers who hadn’t seen the picture in person.
"As you’ve probably noticed, here's little visible physical abuse besides a couple of raises from needle injections.” Kix stated before switched the screen to show a chart of symbols and numbers that Hunter didn’t pretend to know the meanings of. “Now the testing system at the station is pretty basic. Usually only used to find traces of whatever narcotics people are into these days when they don’t want to piss in a cup. I’ll need to do more advanced tests in a hospital, but essentially her blood filled with drugs bo child her age should access too. Hell, that most adults shouldn’t either. Her body is basically a walking test tube."
A tense silence overcame the room. Hunter could feel his brother’s rage simmering over to a boiling point.
"Let me at her.” Wrecker said, pounding his fists for emphasis.
"You'll have to get in line” Crosshair hissed.
Thankfully Dogma blocked the doorway before they could leave the room. Hunter himself was in no rush to stop them.
"Shit,” Rex breathed, “I knew there was a reason you guys had been taken away from Nala but I didn't realise it was this bad."
That’s because it hadn’t. What Nala Se had done to them in their youth had been terrible too. It was undeniably child and medical abuse. But still, nothing she had done to them had been as bad as what she appeared to have done to Omega. Perhaps it was because back then, Nala’s twisted experiments had been split between the four of them, where as with Omega, they had all been focused on her. Hunter could feel that earlier guilt rear its ugly head again.
“Alright, I’ve seen more than enough.” Rex said. "Omega is not going back into the custody of that woman. We'll need to get a social worker involved and eventually find a more permanent solution, but for now she’ll need to stay with someone else. Usually it would be her oldest known family member. Do you know who or where her father is?"
Hunter gave Rex an incredulous look. Hunter supposed that professionally his brother had to ask but with her familiar dark eyes, broad nose and golden brown skin, it was pretty obvious.
“The last time I saw Jango I told him to fuck off.” Hunter confessed.
Kix snorted. "I’m glad somebody did. As far as I know, nobody's heard head nor tail from Jango since Tup and Dogma here turned eighteen."
Rex sighed. “Well, if we can’t contact Jango, then the Koon triplets are technically the oldest out of all of us. But Bly's already get his hands full with Numa. And with Wolffe's PTSD and Gregor's TBI, unfortunately no judge would be likely to grant them custody. Cody would be next-“
“Wait!” Dogma interrupted, before pulling an official looking handbook from his pocket. “It says here that full-siblings get precedent over half-siblings in situations like this.”
Hunter watched him point out a particular page to Rex.
“Dogma’s right.” Rex nodded before turning his attention to Hunter. “Ok then, Hunter I'm granting you emergency custody of Omega. If that's alright with you?"
Hunter was stunned. If he was being honest with himself, a part of him had always wanted a child. Someone to teach and love and cherish in all the ways Nala never had. But he’s also known that he’s never had the funds or resources to do so, let alone a person to raise them with. Plus, he knew first hand that the world could be a cruel place. It wouldn’t be fair to bring a child into that.
However, none that mattered now. That choice had been taken from him in the form of a little girl, who needed her family. Hunter knew that it didn’t have to fall to him. There would be other people out there, whose entire lives and jobs where to take care of children like Omega. Not that Hunter trusted anyone else to do so with the love and attention the girl needed. He trusted himself to do the best he could. He just hoped that would be enough.
Hunter glanced back at Crosshair and Wrecker, because this responsibility wouldn’t just rest on him. If Omega came to live with him, she would be living with all of them too. But in his brother’s eyes, he found only determination and a fierce sense of loyalty towards the girl they had already excepted as their little sister.
Hunter turned back to Rex, his mind made up.
And with one simple word, Hunter knew his life would be forever changed.
Rex smiled at him. Hunter looked away in embarrassment. It felt weird to be on the receiving end of an older sibling’s pride for once.
Hunter walked through the door to the waiting room. As soon as Omega spotted him, she jumped off Echo’s lap. She rushed over to him, barrelling him into a hug. Hunter, wrapped his arms around her, clutching her body as it started to shake with tears.
“I’m… I’m so sorry!” Omega sobbed into his shirt. “I didn’t mean to throw up on you! I understand if… if you want to send me back.”
Hunter felt his heart clench, but he refused to let it break. Gently, he removed his arms so that he could kneel in front of her. He cupped her chin, wiping away his tears with his thumb so that she could look him in the eye.
"You will never go back there. I promise."
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soclonely · 4 years
Rex: what's all the commotion about?
Echo: CAPTAIN I demand that Hardcase be arrested!
Rex, confused: What for?
Echo: For holding me down and forcing me to drink orange juice
Rex: Well that doesn't sound to bad-
Rex:ARREST THIS MAN, NOW! Jail! 1000 years
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Can I request 26 from the intimacy prompts with Rex? :)
26 - play fighting ------------------------- Captain Rex x Gender Neutral Reader ------------------------- You're walking through the halls of the barracks to get to your quarters, eyes firmly focused on the datapad in front of you, not noticing the sound of footsteps coming up behind you. - It was Rex; he knew you weren't paying attention, this was something you often did when you were focused on your datapad. - Pressing the button for the door to your quarters you enter, before you have a chance to set foot inside hands touch your shoulders making you jump. With a loud scream, you turn around to face the culprit, "REX!" You shouted, making his eyes go wide with fear, hands raising up to admit defeat. Holding the datapad firmly in your hands you lift it up and delicately hit him on the top of the head, his eyes closed in anticipation, letting out a small laugh as the device made contact with his head. When you pulled it down past his face, you notice the smile that was now present, curled up slightly on the one corner. You turned around, walking just a few steps away from him before he grabbed your waist, hands slowly moving around your body to tickle you. "Did you think you could get away that easily?" He smirked as he grabbed the datapad from you, holding it up above you and just out of reach. "Hey give it back I need to finish that report," you huffed trying to get it from him. He turned slightly and walked back - you in hot pursuit of your datapad, almost swiping it from him but just barely missing it. 
"Come on!" Your face turned into a pout as you waited for a moment to strike. His legs hit the bed frame, shifting his focus to look at what he just hit. Taking advantage of this, you crashed into him. Knocking him onto the bed, you pinned him down and reached for the datapad. To your dismay, he easily overpowered you and pushed you onto your back, trying his best to scramble back onto his feet, but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "Give me the datapad," you said, trying to hold him down with one arm as your other one reached out for the device. With a smirk on his face, he drops the datapad onto the bed, swinging his arm around to tickle you. Between laughs and short breaths, you attempted to get words out, only managing to squeak out his name. - Using your knee you're able to push him on his side, now it was your turn to get back at him, tickling him between his armor plates, getting your fingers in just the right spots to make him squirm. He tries to stop you, but as your fingers slide in to tickle his side, his arm instinctively moved to the side. -- Using his wit, he devises a plan. Grabbing the covers, he pulls it up and around you, moving the attention of your hands to remove the covers instead of tickling him. He slides back towards the headboard of the bed. As you pulled the covers off you saw him reaching for the pillow. Quickly jumping forward, you grabbed it from him and hit him with it, knocking him onto his side. Pushing him over, you carefully sit on top of him, your legs on either side of him as your hands pushed against his shoulders. 
"I win," you giggled as you bit your lower lip to cover the smile that was forming.
"I concede," he said, lifting his hands in defeat before running his fingers along your arms, sending a cold shiver down your spine. Leaning down you kiss him on the forehead, moving your hands to cup his face, — his hands mimic yours, resting gently on your cheeks as your lips lingered against his skin. "Now I'm going to finish that report, you go to the refresher and get yourself clean up," you say getting off of him, grabbing the datapad from the end of the bed as you walked to your small desk. As he walks toward the refresher you hear his footsteps stop, turning your head to see why he begins to talk, "I'm assuming by clean up you also mean I should take off my armor." “Yes,” Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you try to ignore his words so you can focus on the datapad in your hands.
"Then are you sure you don't want to join me, cyar'ika?" He teased unclipping a part of his armor. Furrowing your brows, you turn to your desk, grabbing a pen from it and throwing it at him. The pen might have missed, but he got your point and with a smile and salute he disappeared into the refresher. You let out a small laugh at his response before turning your attention to your report.
———————– Sign up for my Taglist:  @leias-left-hair-bun​  @ahsokatano-thetogruta
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shouldntcryoverit · 4 years
the art of discordance
captain rex x jedi fic
taglist -> @pinkiemme @alwayssleepingforreal @mackstrut @writer1
warnings - injuries (shot) blood but no detailed depictions :)
The thought of Rex’s hands on her hips refused to leave her mind; the pressure still remaining. A fluttering in her stomach was a constant reminder of the growing tension between the two. Jaida couldn’t deny how clouded her mind would become whenever he was around; it was entirely useless, and yet impossible to rid herself of.
A plan was conceived as the low hum of light electrics filled the ground with a buzz. Rex’s mind wandered thoughtlessly. They had decided their best option was to steal a ship, and fly back to coruscant before doing anything that could stoke a war. In truth, it was the first thing that had been able to agree on that night. They didn’t argue, didn’t even bicker - but there was something aggravating about it all.
“it’s night now, if we’re gonna try and get as far as we can, now’s our best shot”
“the hanger’s in the centre of town, we ought to storm it, sneak our way in and fight to a ship” Jaida folded her arms around her chest. Her voice was hushed, an unconscious decision brought on by how silent the night really was.
The pair managed to make it into town, avoiding most major settlements and drifting along the outskirts. Even from their distance hiding along a row of market stalls, they could hear the methodically thump of droid armour pacing; it mixing with the fresh scent of rain and produce that laced the air.
Jaida stepped forward first, forearm outstretched to discard the front guards without a sound. She managed, knocking them both down and crushing them with a flick and a fist. Rex nodded, and worked on the door panels, while his jedi stood guard.
The woosh of the door opening was a signal for Reyes to relieve herself of her position, and she moved in front of Rex; skirting around corners to check for unfriendlies.
It was clear, though that small victory was overlooked despite its possible suspiciousness.
“quick, come on” Jaida smiled, visually enjoying the chase.
Rex took charge and moved in front of her, his pistols readily held. He led to a second entrance, and allowed Jaida to take watch while he tried to open the door.
“i can’t jig it” he groaned
“move then” Jaida sheathed her weapon and took residence at the panel, using a hip to push him out the way. Rex was baffled for a minute as she pulled at wires, finally choosing one and ripping it between her teeth. The door clunked half way open, and Rex turned his head the way he always did when he was irked by something. Jaida loved it.
“i could’ve done that a lot cleaner”
“who said it had to be pretty?” Jaida countered with a fired smirk, bending under the half opened door and pushing it upwards.
The two walked into a more open area, knees bent to stay low and weapons in outstretched hands. Jaida was focusing on the two tunnels, specifically which one they should go down, and only noticed the shift in presence when it neared closer. Rex’s shoulders jerked at the slight sound etching the corner of the hallway. He reacted instantly, grabbing Jaida’s hand with him as he ducked into a ventilation shaft.
“hey!“ she tried, eyeing how he’d whisked her away as if she weighed as much as air. Truthfully she had no problems with it at all.
“shh” Rex was overly conscious of the possible enemy, but also incredibly thankful for his helmet in that moment, which was hiding his rapidly reddening cheeks.
Jaida stayed quiet for a moment, but huffed.
“come one” with fiery eyes and a wide grin, she clasped his hand and dragged the captain up with her. His apprehension was right, three senators with a droid company were entering the hanger.
“Go!” Rex yelled, firing at the slightly confused arsenal.
Jaida followed suit and jumped in front, deflecting the first few shots.
“Kark it” she muttered. The jedi force pushed the senators away, locking them behind a door, and sprung at the droids opposing them.
Rex found himself relieved of targets in a matter of seconds, Jaida standing in the midst of a pile of deconstructed droids.
“that worked too” He joked breathily.
“heh” she flexed her hand around her lightsaber, but her head turned quickly at a new sound. “ack, incoming”
She grabbed him on her way to the exit, finally having decided which tunnel to go down. They weren’t alone this time, and their footsteps were mimicked by another wave of droids.
Nonetheless, they rounded a corner and were faced with a choice of three ships. Now, with the droids behind them, Jaida was almost out of options. Her face contorted at their reinforced armour and doubling numbers.
“get..on one!” she shouted over the sound of gunfire - finding herself worn out by the amount of droids and the lack of cover or space. Rex did as she had asked and moved to power up the nearest ship. With each step he took he fired another shot, but relented to start the engine.
“Come on we need to go!” Jaida’s commlink spat out his words. She hated to retreat like this, but she had no choice. Deflecting two or three more blasts she turned and backed up onto the closing hatch.
As she reached the cockpit, her lightsaber felt heavy in her hand, and her breath felt jaded.
The jedi leant forward over Rex’s chair to punch the ignition to life. The ship activated, and they left the hangar in what certainly wouldn’t be classed as a smooth exit.
Jaida let go of the lever, and slumped over his shoulder, breathing heavily.
“this is Capatin Rex, does anyone copy?” Rex’s words were clear, yet Jaida could hardly hear them over the sound of the blood rushing through her ears. It was when she sat down on the chair beside him that she realised she couldn’t hear the usual sound of the engines either.
“Rex, this is Skywalker...” it was distant yet near. Her breathing became the only thing in her mind, especially how shallow it had become.
“Rex” she managed “i- uh, i think i got shot” but her scentence trailed off just as she felt his hands reaching for her bleeding side.
Luckily it didn’t take long for them to reach Coruscant; the journey mostly taken up by Rex trying to keep Jaida awake. He tried to ignore how much of her blood was still caked on his hands even as she gave heavy lidded smiles at his comments. As the ship docked into the hanger Anakin and Obi-wan were shocked to see their captain run out in reddened armour, panicked and with wavering focus. Kix had batted him out of the way quickly enough, and he was able to finally exhale the breath he’d been holding ever since.
Cody found the captain after hearing about the mission while partaking in a visit to the medbay. His excuse was a fractured thumb - something Rex was bound to quiz him on, or guess the cause being his inadvertent tendency to punch, rather than to shoot.
“Captain, you’re not usually this quiet” their was a hint of a smile in Cody’s voice as he stood beside his younger brother.
“i’m fine if that’s what you’re asking, Commander”
“suppose that was quite a mission you got yourself into. Oh and I heard about what happened - she’s going to be fine” The hint grew even stronger as Rex’s jaw flinched at her mention, then relaxed once more. “your general that is”
“uh- good” Rex countered hastily, arms still crossed behind his back and not turing to look at his superior. The tone of his voice matched the same one he’d been using ever since they were cadets, and Cody had accused him of something. Cody remained silent without a smug grin and oh how it annoyed Rex.
“i wasn’t worried”
“I never said you were”
Rex turned his head, jaw firmly set.
“Shut up”
The Commander grinned, and clapped the Captain on the back before leaving to continue with his own duties. Rex hated that. Rex hated the fact that he was worried, and very much so.
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soclonely · 4 years
Clones at the Grocery Store
Cody- Preorders and doesn’t even get out of the car. He’s a marshal commander after all.  Rex- Heads straight to the deli where the premade stuff is. Its quick, convenient, and sometimes the pasta salad is bomb. Echo- Buying a cart full of microwave meals from the frozen section(quick skillet meals and hungry mans) secretly has a few kid cuisine tucked under them. Fives- Cart full of lunchables and uncrustables Jesse- The person that eats the produce he has in his cart as he is grocery shopping. Few grapes here and there while he finds his spaghettios Kix- Meticulously uses the entire container of wipes at the front to wipe down the shopping cart before filling it with water and protein bars Tup-behaves because if he gets through all the shopping patiently Dogma will let him pick out his favorite cereal Dogma- Complete grocery list, meal plan, and map of the store to quickly and efficient complete objective Hardcase- basically cleans out the whole energy drink and candy section. Proves one can in fact live on redbull and gummy worms Coric- typical grocery shopping, but makes a stop in the pharmacy section. 75% of his grocery receipt is bandaids and medicine Hunter- Spends a lot of time at the butchers counter criticizing the cuts of meat  Wrecker- protein powder and spaghetti sauce Tech- mainly organic and gluten free. Also meat free. and flavor free. Lots of laxatives. My dude has issues Crosshair- Scotch, frozen burritos, and onion rings.
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