#usa mask
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EDIT: This post is gaining traction, so I think it's important to show you this:
Please go check your voter's registration and tell everyone you know to do the same! I've heard some states are purging voter's regitration, so please go check!
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I’m sure you felt very oppressed when 10,000 Native American soldiers and 600,000 African Americans all marched into Korea under the American flag and joined the white soldiers in the mass murder and destruction of Korea.
There were Asian Americans in the American army as well, around 200 of them died but it should have been all.
All American soldiers should come home in body bags ❤️
Most of my “angst” IS directed at white people. My exactly ONE post about African Americans was to point out that despite African Americans being oppressed within the United States you guys still benefit from US imperialism and have, at times, gleefully taken part in it. My post was about the fact that “anti racist” African Americans often flex that they brought fried chicken to Korea during the Korean War, when they should be ashamed about their ancestors being apart of the colonial army that murdered millions of Koreans.
I promise you it mattered very little to Koreans whether or not the US soldier who raped and then killed them was white, black, native or a fellow asian. And it matters very little to me.
Your bombs still kill us, I don’t care what colour the hand was that laid them, it went home to a country draped in American flags. I just hope that flag was draped over their casket.
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weareravershq · 1 month
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Have you played MASKS : A New Generation ?
By Brendan Conway
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Young superheroes grow into their powers and the paragons they will one day become, while grappling with villains, adult pro heroes, and the tribulations of young adult life.
A Powered by the Apocalypse game
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moonlightsdreaming · 10 months
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Sailor Moon Crystal Act 36 | Chibi-Usa Says Goodbye to Hotaru
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lcdyserenity · 1 year
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Chibiusa in S, Super S and Sailor Stars DVD covers
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manako-no-yami · 7 months
au where harvey is a masked vigilante by night and mike is...mike. and constantly needs saving, it seems.
harvey's masked vigilante name is taken from the movie The Spirit (2008) that gabriel macht starred in. i have not seen this movie, and this is not meant to be a crossover/spirit au, i just borrowed the name.
"You just don't know how to stay out of trouble, do you?" Spirit says. But his voice sounds… fond. Mike is cradled in his arms, pressed flush against him, and he's looking directly into his eyes, which is why he sees it.
Without thinking, Mike reaches out to touch Spirit's face, his hand landing on his cheek, cupping the firm curve of his jaw, thumb brushing his lips, fingertip tracing the edge of the mask.
"…I know you," he says.
"Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty well-known around these parts, so I'd hope you would," Spirit chuckles.
"No, I…" Mike's heartbeat flutters in his ears, taking flight. "Your eyes. They crinkle a little, at the corners, right here." He places his finger there, and Spirit blinks, eyelashes brushing up against Mike's skin. "It's exactly the same as when we're in the office. You always do that when…"
When you're looking at me.
Mike swallows, mouth suddenly dry. "Harvey," he whispers. "Harvey, it's you, isn't it?"
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uglygreenjacket · 2 years
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killrisma · 3 months
I memed a bit about the current state of American politics along with the assassination attempt yesterday, but I gotta clarify that I don’t condone this sorta violence in general. Even from a purely logical standpoint, it would not be a good thing if Donald Trump was fatally injured, it would cause civil unrest that might as well lead to an all out civil war. I don’t like Trump, nor do I like Biden, but being turned into a martyr would not be good for anyone.
We already have so much distrust amongst ourselves and a nationally broadcasted assassination of a presidential candidate via sniper would make things 100 times worse. I understand that you all are scared, I’m terrified, but don’t act irrationally due to said fear. If you do want to positively change things, start organizing at a local level. Protest for equal rights, to stop the Genocide, to put limits on pollution and help the environment, etc. Volunteer with food banks, left leaning political parties, libraries, LGBTQ+ resource centers, homeless shelters, etc. Donate (if you are financially able) to families in Gaza, to bail and legal expenses for black and brown folks, to crisis relief centers, etc. If you are ambitious and charismatic enough you can even run for local government.
I know that our generation often fantasizes about a revolution, but a revolution means bloodshed, a revolution means destruction, a revolution means that our most vulnerable (disabled, elderly, children, physically or mentally ill, etc) will die. A revolution means that your neighbors, your friends, your family, you could die.
Even after the dust has settled and the fight is “won” (I put it in quotes because how can you consider millions dead to be a victory) there will be a power struggle. In times of crisis, dictators rise to power. When people have no security in their lives, they will grapple onto anyone who can give them any sort of hope. Even if hypothetically the leader/s are great and kind, you will still have to deal with the fallout (metaphorically and literally). If nuclear weapons get used (or even a reactor meltdown at a power plant) then the surrounding areas will be irradiated for millennia to come. If the weaponry is more old school bombs and guns, you’ll still have to rebuild. The survivors will need places to live, they will need to eat, they will need to access medical care. None of this is an easy task. And I don’t believe that the majority of the folks online who are calling for a war actually knows what war entails, or at least wouldn’t be able to handle it in reality.
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dailytuxedomask · 1 year
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nando161mando · 26 days
Trump proposed bombing Mexico and it somehow wasn’t a big story
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vizthedatum · 1 month
The new 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine (USA) is out. It might not be free after this month for uninsured adults (?), and it may not account for further trending variants, BUT YOU SHOULD STILL GET IT.
Hi, y'all! I published a new Substack article because:
The updated COVID-19 vaccine for the 2024-2025 season is now available as of August 22, 2024.
And I have thoughts!
An excerpt from this article:
"The CDC advises that all adults receive this vaccine. The CDC recommends that everyone over six months of age receive this updated vaccine, regardless of previous vaccination status, unless they have contracted COVID-19 in the last three months.
This new vaccine will _allegedly_ remain covered under the no-cost vaccination program, the Bridge Access Program, until the end of next week. (I say “allegedly” because I don’t know.)
But you should call your pharmacy and check!
(I personally booked a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at my local CVS for August 28, 2024. I called the pharmacist earlier today to see if it would be covered under my insurance (UPMC Health Plan provided by my employer, University of Pittsburgh) or the Bridge Access Program). They told me the shipment has yet to arrive at their location, but they think it will be before my appointment and will be covered by either one. However, they can only definitively tell me once they get the shipment.)"
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Slayer - Dead Skin Mask
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moonlightsdreaming · 2 years
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Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
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With the unfortunate ongoing #pandemic 😷 situation m 2024 as #Covid gets wiser fighting for survival as each new variant causes more severe disease 🦠 not to mention the importance of avoiding #longcovid, this Gothic Barbie says it all rn 🖤 Stay a big Novid to COVID! #MaskUp
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rrrauschen · 22 days
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Brian De Palma, {1996} Mission Impossible
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